Data - 2023 - 2024

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Item Description Unit Rate Actual 5% 10%

1 2 L-0059 Axe Mazdoor Day 608.00 608.00 638.40 668.80

2 4 L-0014 Blacksmith - I Class Day 769.00 769.00 807.45 845.90

3 4A L-0060 Blacksmith - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

4 5 Boat Mazdoor Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

5 8 L-0061 Bullocks pair with driver (with bandy) Day 1204.00 1204.00 1264.20 1324.40

6 8A L-0062 Bullocks single with driver (with bandy) Day 866.00 866.00 909.30 952.60

7 11 L-0016 Carpenter - I Class Day 976.00 976.00 1024.80 1073.60

8 12 L-0063 Carpenter - II Class Day 932.00 932.00 978.60 1025.20

9 13 Caulker Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

10 15 L-0017 Cleaner - First Grade Day 519.00 519.00 544.95 570.90

11 15A L-0065 Cleaner - Second Grade Day 513.00 513.00 538.65 564.30

12 18 Ferry Mazdoor Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

13 19 L-0018 Fitter - I Class Day 881.00 881.00 925.05 969.10

14 19A L-0067 Fitter - II Class Day 856.00 856.00 898.80 941.60


15 20 L-0019 Fitter (Pipe Laying / Bar bending) I Class Day 866.00 866.00 909.30 952.60

16 20A L-0068 Fitter (Pipe Laying / Bar bending) II Class Day 839.00 839.00 880.95 922.90

17 21 L-0020 Floor Polisher Day 769.00 769.00 807.45 845.90

18 22 L-0069 Gardener Day 608.00 608.00 638.40 668.80

19 25 L-0021 Hammer Mazdoor Day 618.00 618.00 648.90 679.80

20 26 Head Mazdoor for Well Sinking Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

21 27 L-0023 Driver (Light Duty) Day 769.00 769.00 807.45 845.90

22 27A L-0024 Driver (Heavy Duty) Day 820.00 820.00 861.00 902.00

23 28 L-0070 Jumper Mazdoor Day 608.00 608.00 638.40 668.80

24 36 L-0025 Maistry, Road Inspector & Work Inspector Day 740.00 740.00 777.00 814.00

Maistry, Road Inspector &

25 36A L-0026 Day 820.00 820.00 861.00 902.00
Work Inspector (Degree Holder)

26 37 L-0029 Mason for Brick Work - I Class Day 999.00 999.00 1048.95 1098.90
27 37A L-0071 Mason for Brick Work - II Class Day 932.00 932.00 978.60 1025.20

28 38 L-0031 Mason for Stone Work - I Class Day 999.00 999.00 1048.95 1098.90

29 38A L-0071 Mason for Stone Work - II Class Day 932.00 932.00 978.60 1025.20

30 39A L-0073 Mazdoor - I Class Day 651.00 651.00 683.55 716.10

31 39B L-0098 Mazdoor - II Class Day 534.00 534.00 560.70 587.40

32 39C L-0074 Head Mazdoor Day 674.00 674.00 707.70 741.40

33 40 L-0033 Mechanic - I Class Day 769.00 769.00 807.45 845.90

34 40A L-0075 Mechanic - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

35 42 Mopla - I Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

36 42A Mopla - II Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

37 43 Navagonies or Javali Man - I Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

38 44 L-0036 Painter / Varnisher - I Class Day 797.00 797.00 836.85 876.70

39 44A L-0077 Painter / Varnisher - II Class Day 772.00 772.00 810.60 849.20

40 46 L-0037 Pile Driver Day 708.00 708.00 743.40 778.80

41 47 L-0038 Plumber - I Class Day 866.00 866.00 909.30 952.60

42 47A L-0078 Plumber - II Class Day 839.00 839.00 880.95 922.90

43 48 L-0079 Pump Driver Day 674.00 674.00 707.70 741.40

44 52 L-0039 Sawyer Day 708.00 708.00 743.40 778.80

45 54 L-0040 Smith - I Class Day 766.00 766.00 804.30 842.60

46 54A L-0080 Smith - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

47 55 L-0102 Sprayer Mazdoor (for bitumen, tar etc.,) Day 817.00 817.00 857.85 898.70

48 56 L-0041 Stone Cutter - I Class Day 766.00 766.00 804.30 842.60

49 56A L-0081 Stone Cutter - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

50 58 L-0042 Syrang - I Class Day 766.00 766.00 804.30 842.60

51 58A L-0082 Syrang - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

52 60 L-0083 Thatcher Day 644.00 644.00 676.20 708.40

53 62 L-0043 Tinker - I Class Day 618.00 618.00 648.90 679.80

54 62A L-0084 Tinker - II Class Day 608.00 608.00 638.40 668.80

55 63 L-0044 Turner - I Class Day 708.00 708.00 743.40 778.80

56 63A L-0085 Turner - II Class Day 674.00 674.00 707.70 741.40

57 64 L-0045 Time Keeper - I Class Day 766.00 766.00 804.30 842.60

58 64A L-0086 Time Keeper - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80
59 67 L-0046 Welder / Bracer - I Class Day 766.00 766.00 804.30 842.60

60 67A L-0087 Welder / Bracer - II Class Day 738.00 738.00 774.90 811.80

61 68 Well Diver for removing silt-I Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

62 68A Well Diver for removing silt-II Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

63 69 Well Sinker - I Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

64 69A Well Sinker - II Class Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00

Well Sinking Diver working with Helmet
65 70 Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00
(above two metres depth of water)

66 72 L-0050 Wodder Day 644.00 644.00 676.20 708.40


67 76A L-0001 Technical Assistant-Grade-I (B.E. Passed) Day 1216.00 1216.00 1276.80 1337.60

Technical Assistant-Grade-II
68 76B L-0002 (Diploma in Engineering Passed / B.E. Failed / Day 1096.00 1096.00 1150.80 1205.60
Degree in Geology for Ground water works)
Technical Assistant-Grade-III
69 76C L-0003 (Diploma in Engineering Failed / Day 926.00 926.00 972.30 1018.60
I.T.I (civil) Passed

70 76D L-0004 Cinema Operator (I.T.I. Passed) Day 763.00 763.00 801.15 839.30

71 76E L-0008 B.Sc., (Agriculture) Passed Day 1096.00 1096.00 1150.80 1205.60

Laboratory Assistant-Grade-I
72 77A L-0005 Day 926.00 926.00 972.30 1018.60
(Post Graduate in Science)

Laboratory Assistant-Grade-II
73 77B L-0006 (Degree in Science / Day 849.00 849.00 891.45 933.90
Degree in Geology for Ground water)

Laboratory Assistant-Grade-III
74 77C L-0007 Day 763.00 763.00 801.15 839.30
(With Degree Qualifiacation to work as works clerk)

75 78A L-0090 Mazdoor employed for Geological maping Day 652.00 652.00 684.60 717.20

Mazdoor employed for Pitting, Trenching, Sampling and

76 78B L-0091 Day 652.00 652.00 684.60 717.20
Drilling works

77 78C L-0092 Mazdoor employed for Geophysical investigation works Day 652.00 652.00 684.60 717.20

78 78D L-0093 Head Mazdoor to Supervise exploratory works Day 688.00 688.00 722.40 756.80
79 79 L-0094 Mixer Operator (including concrete mixer) Day 708.00 708.00 743.40 778.80

80 80 L-0095 Mixer Driver Day 674.00 674.00 707.70 741.40

81 81 L-0051 Compressor Operator Day 677.00 677.00 710.85 744.70

Computer Operator-Grade-I
82 89A L-0009 [B.E. (Computer Science) / Day 1216.00 1216.00 1276.80 1337.60
M.Sc., (Computer Science)]

Computer Operator-Grade-II
83 89B L-0010 [B.Sc. (Computer Science) / Day 1096.00 1096.00 1150.80 1205.60
Diploma in Computer Science]

Irrigation Community Organaiser - Grade-I

84 90A [B.E. (Agri) Passed / B.Sc. (Agri) Passed / Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00
P.G. (Geology) & Rural Development]

Irrigation Community Organaiser - Grade-II

85 90B [B.E. (Agri) Failed / B.Sc. (Agri) Failed / Day Deleted Deleted 0.00 0.00
Diploma in Agri. Passed]
86 95 L-0099 Bitumen Heatmaster Operator Day 851.00 851.00 893.55 936.10

87 96 L-0100 Bitumen Raker Man Day 851.00 851.00 893.55 936.10

88 97 L-0052 Geological Assistant Day 947.00 947.00 994.35 1041.70

89 98 L-0053 Stone & Crusher Operator Day 677.00 677.00 710.85 744.70

90 99 L-0096 Heavy Mazdoor Day 708.00 708.00 743.40 778.80

Electrical Workers 0.00

91 100 L-0013 Wireman Grade-I / Electrician Grade-I Day 826.00 826.00 867.30 908.60

92 101 L-0054 Wireman Grade-II / Electrician Grade-II Day 820.00 820.00 861.00 902.00

93 102 L-0097 Electrical Helper Day 644.00 644.00 676.20 708.40

94 103 L-0055 Lift Operator Day 740.00 740.00 777.00 814.00

95 104 L-0056 Laboratory Attendant Day 551.00 551.00 578.55 606.10

96 105 L-0057 Sound Service Operator Day 618.00 618.00 648.90 679.80
97 106 L-0058 Electrical Maistry Day 947.00 947.00 994.35 1041.70


Name of Material Unit Rate
1 M-0197 Water proofing compound Kg 42.70

2 M-0198 Mild Steel Flats of all sizes 47.00 Kg 52.10

3 M-0199 Mild Steel Square Rods of all sizes 47.00 Kg 52.10

4 First Quality Design Ceramic tiles of All colours

i M-0200 305 mm x 305 mm x 6 mm Each 49.00

ii M-0201 200 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm Each 21.50

iii M-0202 200 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm Each 11.60

5 First Quality Plain ceramic tiles of all colours

i M-0203 305 mm x 305 mm x 6 mm Each 35.15

ii M-0204 200 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm Each 15.70

iii M-0205 200 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm Each 8.00

10 First quality White glazed tiles

i M-0211 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm Each 8.30

ii M-0212 100 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm Each 7.25

11 First quality colour glazed tiles

i M-0213 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm Each 9.65

ii M-0214 100 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm Each 8.30

12 First quality colour glazed tiles with printed design

i M-0215 150 mm x 150 mm x 6 mm Each 11.40

ii M-0216 100 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm Each 10.25

24 M-0230 White Cement Kg 22.60

25 M-0231 Colour Cement (White cement mixed with colouring Kg 27.25


26 M-0232 Multi-colour marble chips of all Grades / Sizes Bag 91.10

27 White Marble slab (Adanga) 18 mm to 20 mm thick

i M-0233 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above sq.m. 1403.00

ii M-0234 2'0'' x 2.0" or 2'0" x 1'0" or 1'0" x 1'0" sq.m. 700.00

28 Granite tiles - (Superfine polished with Machine cut edges)

of size 2'0" x 1'0" or 1'0" x 1'0" or 1'0" x 0'6", of 10 mm

a M-0235 Jet Black sq.m. 886.00

b M-0236 Ruby Red, Raw Silk sq.m. 793.00

c M-0237 Sinthetic Grey, Paradise and Similar varieties. sq.m. 749.00

29 Granite slabs (Super fine polished with machine cut edges)

of sizes 4'x2' and above 18mm to 20mm thick.

a M-0238 Jet Black sq.m. 1737.00

b M-0239 Ruby Red, Raw Silk sq.m. 1626.00

c M-0240 Sinthetic Grey, Paradise and Similar varieties. sq.m. 1462.00

34 M-0248 Polished shahabad stone slabs of 20 mm thick with machine c sq.m. 318.00

35 M-0249 Polished shahabad stone slabs 20 mm thick with machine cut sq.m. 376.00

36 M-0250 Polished Rajasthan Kota stone slabs of 20 mm thick with mac sq.m. 484.00

37 M-0251 Polished Rajasthan Kota stone slabs of 20 mm thick with mach sq.m. 550.00

38 Dolphur stone slabs - semi polished with machine cut edges of all sizes

a M-0252 40 mm thick sq.m. 420.00

b M-0253 20 mm thick sq.m. 381.00

41 M-0256 Aluminium strips of size 40 mm wide x 1.5 mm thick RM 36.60

42 M-0257 Brass strips of size 40 mm wide x 1.5 mm thick RM 69.15

43 M-0258 Glass strips of size 40 mm wide and 4 mm thick RM 15.65

44 M-0259 Marblex Tiles 3 mm thick sq.m. 696.00

45 M-0260 Red Oxide - Superior quality for floor finish Kg 145.20

46 M-0261 Decorative pressed tiles of 12 mm thick of all sizes and shap sq.m. 1075.00

47 M-0262 Exterior Emulsion Paint - Water based primer (Liquid) Litre 151.30

48 M-0263 Alkali Resistant Distemper Primer Litre 135.60

49 M-0264 Sandtex matt Litre 158.00

50 M-0265 Vinaratex or equivalent Textured coat sq.m. 203.90

51 M-0266 Best Lac Polish / French Polish Litre 264.10

52 M-0267 Varnish Litre 271.20

53 M-0268 Cotton Waste Kg 10.40

54 M-0269 Cement based Hydraulically pressed Anti skid tiles (pattern sq.m. 525.00
design) - 20 mm thick

55 M-0270 Marble Powder Kg 4.54

56 Polishing Stone

i M-0271 Rough Each 67.00

ii M-0272 Medium Each 89.50

iii M-0273 Fine / Nice Each 102.70

57 M-0274 Oxalic Acid Kg 38.75

58 M-0275 Tupentine Litre 23.70

59 M-0276 Mansion polish 400 gram 149.15

60 M-0277 Poly Sulphide Kg 177.00

61 M-0278 Primer for expansion joints Kg 152.20

62 M-0279 Filler material sq.m. 145.20

63 M-0280 Bond Breaker RM 3.73

65 M-0282 PVC Water Bar 150mm wide with singel bulb RM 299.80

66 M-0283 Plain G.I. sheet 0.8mm thick (22 Gauge) sq.m. 364.60

67 M-0284 Phil Plug Each 5.05

68 G.I. Screws
i M-0285 30mm x 6mm Each 1.28

ii M-0286 19mm x 6mm Each 0.81

69 M-0287 G.I. Limpet / Cup Washers Each 1.89

70 M-0288 Bitumen washers 15mm dia Each 1.13

71 M-0289 Asbestos Cement pipe - 100mm dia 3 RM 144.10

72 M-0290 A.C. shoe - 100mm dia Each 45.70

73 M-0291 A.C. Bend - 100mm dia Each 52.30

74 M-0292 A.C. Cylindrical Cowl - 100mm dia Each 78.45

75 M-0293 C.I. Brackets for A.C. pipe 100mm dia Each 20.05
76 M-0294 C.I. Grating - 100mm dia Each 32.10

77 M-0295 Asbestos cement fully corrugated sheet - 6mm thick sq.m. 189.65

78 Asbestos cement plain sheet

i M-0296 6mm thick sq.m. 170.15

ii M-0297 4mm thick sq.m. 117.85

80 M-0299 Asbestos cement adjustable ridges Pair 196.45

81 M-0300 G.I. "J" or "L" Bolts with nuts 6mm Dia Each 3.91

82 M-0301 Steel - special extruded sections for steel windows and Kg 69.60
ventilators conforming to I.S.S. 7452 / 1990 including
Fabrication charges
83 CRCA pressed steel Box section 18 Gauge or 1.25mm thick
for Door frames including providing holes and fixing
wooden blocks for fixing furniture and fittings

a M-0302 With one coat of Red oxide priming coat. RM 360.00

b M-0303 With powder coated primer RM 383.80

84 Aluminium extruded sections (for Doors, windows,

ventilartors, partitions, false ceiling etc.) including charges
for Anodising for 15 micron thickness -

a M-0304 Natural colour matt finish. Kg 325.00

b M-0305 With powder coating of any colours. Kg 347.70

85 M-0306 Alumninum Extruded Box Section for Staircase Hand Rails Kg 390.90
including charges for Adnodising for 15 micron thickness -
Natural colour matt finish

86 M-0307 Rubber beading for aluminium glazed doors RM 38.25

87 M-0308 Rubber beading for aluminium glazed windows. RM 29.05

88 M-0309 PVC / Woollen felt for aluminium doors 6mm thick RM 7.95

89 M-0310 Pivot for Aluminium Door Set 160.70

90 M-0311 Hydraulic Door closer of various sizes of approved quality Each 1008.00
using Aluminium Extruded section body tubular type
universal hydraulic door closer with double speed
adjustment like HARDWYN (make) 'GAZEL' (or) equivalent
(with ISI Monogram)

91 M-0312 Hydraulic Floor springs of various sizes double acton Each 2095.00
hydraulic floor sping of approved quality, brand,
manufacture asper BIS standards for doors including cost
of cutting floors as required, embedding in to floors and
Stainles Steel Cover plates with Aluminium Pivet and single
piece M.S. sheet outer box with side plate etc., capaple of
taking upto 130 Kg. weight from door shutter, like
HARDWYN make (U-32) or its euivalent with ISI

92 M-0313 Lock for Aluminium doors Each 284.50

93 M-0314 Lock for Aluminium sliding windows Each 71.10

94 M-0315 Aluminium Grill of standard pattern (diamond shape) - 10mm t sq.m. 2079.00

95 M-0316 Aluminium Grill of standard pattern (diamond shape) - 6mm thi sq.m. 1679.00

96 M-0317 Bolts and Nuts 10mm dia for false ceiling Each 5.65

97 M-0318 Rawl Plugs for false ceiling Each 9.50

98 M-0319 PVC Roller for sliding windows Each 14.60

99 M-0320 Synthetic Resin - Fevicol or equivalent (Phenol Formal Dehi Kg 199.75

101 Butt Hinges with nylon washers of various sizes. Length and width (with required screws).

a M-0328 125mm x 30mm Each 89.60

b M-0329 100mm x 30mm Each 71.90

c M-0330 75mm x 30mm Each 49.35

d M-0331 50mm x 30mm Each 39.85

103 Tower Bolts of various lengths and diameter (with required screws)

a M-0336 400mm long and 12mm dia Each 169.60

b M-0337 300mm long and 12mm dia Each 130.50

c M-0338 250mm long and 12mm dia Each 97.85

d M-0339 200mm long and 12mm dia Each 82.25

e M-0340 150mm long and 12mm dia Each 64.80

f M-0341 100mm long and 10mm dia Each 57.00

g M-0342 75mm long and 10mm dia Each 39.70

105 Aldrops of following lengths and diameter with required screws, bolts and nuts.

a M-0349 300mm long and 16mm dia Each 209.90

b M-0350 250mm long and 16mm dia Each 181.00

c M-0351 200mm long and 16mm dia Each 122.50

d M-0352 200mm long and 12mm dia Each 101.60

107 Handles "D" type of various sizes with required screws

a M-0357 200mm long Each 64.25

b M-0358 150mm long Each 57.65

c M-0359 100mm long Each 35.30

108 Ornamental handles of various sizes with required screws

a M-0360 200mm long Each 165.80

b M-0361 150mm long Each 110.40

c M-0362 100mm long Each 60.90

110 M-0366 Aluminium door stopper with rubber bush with required scre Each 49.55

111 M-0367 Rubber bush - 40 mm dia and 60 mm long with required scr Each 23.10

112 Mortice Lock-(Godrej or equivalent) with required screws with 3 Keys

a M-0368 With night latch Each 540.00

b M-0369 Without night latch Each 400.00

c M-0370 Wire nails Kg 64.00

113 Teakwood beading

a M-0371 15mm x 12mm RM 15.45

b M-0372 35mm x 12mm RM 39.00

114 Teakwood Beading (ordinary)

a M-0373 30mm x 12mm RM 32.50
b M-0374 25mm x 12mm RM 26.05
115 Teakwood beading - Ornamental / design
a M-0375 40mm x 12mm RM 91.50
b M-0376 40mm x 15mm RM 104.80
c M-0377 25mm x 12mm RM 71.70
d M-0378 15mm x 12mm RM 49.15
116 M-0379 Medium Desity Fibre (MDF) Board - Exterior Grade, Both sq.m. 2180.00
117 M-0380 sides
Mediumpre-lamiated including
Density Fibre (MDF) external lipping with
Board - exterior kiln- dried
Grade Both sq.m. 1050.00
soft wood
sides 35mm thick
pre-laminated, 12mm thick

118 MDF Board exterior Grade - Plain including external lipping

with kiln dried soft wood

i M-0381 35mm thick sq.m. 1777.00

ii M-0382 30mm thick sq.m. 1641.00
119 Medium density fibre (MDF) Board 12 mm thick Exterior grade - with melamine finish.

a M-0383 One side melamine finish sq.m. 1111.00

b M-0384 Both sides melamine finish sq.m. 1251.00
120 Medium density fibre (MDF) board - Exterior grade - Plain - With teak wook external lipping alround

a M-0385 35mm thick sq.m. 1914.00

b M-0386 30mm thick sq.m. 1698.00
121 M-0387 Solid core Flush shutters with Teak ply on both side with te sq.m. 2255.00

122 M-0388 Solid core Flush shutters with Teak ply on one side and comm sq.m. 1982.00

123 M-0389 Solid core Flush shutters with commercial ply on both side w sq.m. 1698.00

125 Solid PVC door shutters using 19 Gauge 19mm MS square

tubes for styles and outer frames. 15mm MS square tubes
for top, lock and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be
covered with 5mm thick solid PVC sheets. Shutter using
5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall rigidly fixed
in position including necessary furniture and fittings. The
over all size of styles shall be 50mm x 30mm. The over all
size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mm x
30mm. The over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm,
with suitable rabate for housing the shutter.

a M-0391 Solid panel PVC door with frame sq.m. 3325.00

b M-0392 Solid panel PVC door without frame sq.m. 2800.00
127a M-0394 FRP door Sutter with FRP door frames made out of FRP Sheets sq.m. 3996.00
b M-0395 Excluding door frames sq.m. 3069.00
128a M-0396 PVC panelled door shutters hollow type - 200 mm x 20 mm pane
sq.m. 2135.00
b M-0397 Excluding door frames sq.m. 1803.00
129 M-0398 RCC door frame of 100mm x 65mm cross sectional size with ne RM 279.70

130 M-0399 Stainless Steel (Salem Stainless Steel) Door Frame (Box Sect RM 918.00

131 M-0400 Stainless Steel (Salem Stainless Steel) Door Frame (Box Sec RM 1241.00

132 Supplying and erecting pull and push type rolling shutter with ISI make of approved size and section using 18 GI sheet. The shutter sha


a M-0401 Manually operated (up to 8 m2 area) sq.m. 2171.00

b M-0402 Gear operated type (from 8 m2 to 12 m2 area) sq.m. 2419.00
c M-0403 Electrically operated type (exceeding 12m2 area) sq.m. 2626.00
a M-0404 Manually operated (up to 8 m2 area) sq.m. 2213.00
b M-0405 Gear operated (from 8 m2 to 12 m2 area) sq.m. 2492.00
c M-0406 Electrically operated (exceeding 12m2 area) sq.m. 2770.00
133 M-0407 Barbed Wire - 10 Gauge - Two ply and four pronged (Galvan 1 Kg or 62.10
6 RM

134 M-0408 Chain link - 2" x 2" using 10 Gauge Galvanised Iron Wire (of sq.m. 160.25

135 M-0409 Pin Headed / Fluted / Figured Glass 3mm thick sq.m. 226.60

136 M-0410 Plain Glass - 4mm thick sq.m. 306.90

137 M-0411 Plain Sheet Glass - 5.5mm thick sq.m. 362.50
138 Metal screws (for Aluminium Doors, windows etc.)

i M-0412 75mm x 8mm Each 2.21

ii M-0413 38mm x 6mm Each 1.54
iii M-0414 19mm x 8mm Each 1.08
iv M-0415 19mm x 6mm Each 0.81
139 M-0416 Cement paint (First quality) Kg 49.85
140 M-0417 Oil Bound Distemper Kg 73.80
141 M-0418 Acrylic Distermper Kg 85.20
142 M-0419 Primer for Plastic Emulsion paint Litre 147.50
143 M-0420 Plastic Emulsion paint (First quality) Litre 295.60
144 M-0421 Wood Primer Litre 147.50
145 M-0422 Synthetic Enamel paint for Wood work Litre 238.90
146 M-0423 Red Oxide primer for Iron work Litre 136.90
147 M-0424 Synthetic Enamel paint for Iron work Litre 227.60
154 G.I. Pipes "B" Class **
i M-0433 65 mm dia RM 244.40
ii M-0434 50 mm Dia RM 209.00
iii M-0435 40 mm Dia RM 163.00
iv M-0436 32 mm Dia RM 151.40
v M-0437 25 mm Dia RM 128.00
vi M-0438 20 mm Dia RM 98.60
vii M-0439 15 mm Dia RM 69.80
155 G.I.Specials
A Union
i M-0440 50 mm Dia Each 266.30
ii M-0441 40 mm Dia Each 197.50
iii M-0442 32 mm Dia Each 127.50
iv M-0443 25 mm Dia Each 98.60
v M-0444 20 mm Dia Each 69.80
vi M-0445 15 mm Dia Each 58.10
B G.I. Elbow
i M-0446 50 mm Dia Each 128.00
ii M-0447 40 mm Dia Each 98.60
iii M-0448 32 mm Dia Each 87.00
iv M-0449 25 mm Dia Each 58.10
v M-0450 20 mm Dia Each 25.40
vi M-0451 15 mm Dia Each 15.90
C G.I. Bend
i M-0452 50 mm Dia Each 116.30
ii M-0453 40 mm Dia Each 87.00
iii M-0454 32 mm Dia Each 69.80
iv M-0455 25 mm Dia Each 52.00
v M-0456 20 mm Dia Each 23.20
vi M-0457 15 mm Dia Each 13.60
i M-0458 50 mm Dia Each 139.80
ii M-0459 40 mm Dia Each 110.20
iii M-0460 32 mm Dia Each 98.60
iv M-0461 25 mm Dia Each 81.40
v M-0462 20 mm Dia (30.00) Each 34.70
vi M-0463 15 mm Dia Each 28.60
i M-0464 50 mm Dia Each 69.80
ii M-0465 40 mm Dia Each 58.10
iii M-0466 32 mm Dia Each 46.50
iv M-0467 25 mm Dia Each 28.60
v M-0468 20 mm Dia Each 15.90
vi M-0469 15 mm Dia Each 13.60
i M-0470 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 93.20
ii M-0471 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 69.80
iii M-0472 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 52.00
iv M-0473 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 28.60
v M-0474 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 20.30
vi M-0475 40 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 52.00
vii M-0476 32 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 40.40
i M-0477 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 110.20
ii M-0478 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 93.20
iii M-0479 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 69.80
iv M-0480 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 52.00
v M-0481 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 40.40
vi M-0482 40 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 72.70
vii M-0483 32 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 57.60
i M-0484 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 139.80
ii M-0485 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 116.30
iii M-0486 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 98.60
iv M-0487 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 75.30
v M-0488 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 69.80
vi M-0489 40 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 104.70
vii M-0490 32 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 81.40
i M-0491 50 mm Dia Each 87.00
ii M-0492 40 mm Dia Each 69.80
iii M-0493 32 mm Dia Each 58.10
iv M-0494 25 mm Dia Each 43.70
v M-0495 20 mm Dia Each 34.70
vi M-0496 15 mm Dia Each 23.20
156 Gun Metal Gate Valve (Heavy Duty)
i M-0497 65 mm dia Each 1523.00
ii M-0498 50 mm Dia Each 1241.00
iii M-0499 40 mm Dia Each 977.00
iv M-0500 32 mm Dia Each 760.00
v M-0501 25 mm Dia Each 592.00
vi M-0502 20 mm Dia Each 350.00
Note: Gate Valves should be used only in devlivery line to
OHT scour pipe in OHT (for cleaning of OHT) where
pressure pumping is involved. In all other cases only wheel
valve should be used.

157 Gun Metal Wheel Valve (Heavy Duty)

i M-0503 40 mm Dia Each 652.00
ii M-0504 32 mm Dia Each 513.00
iii M-0505 25 mm Dia Each 351.00
iv M-0506 20 mm Dia Each 241.00
v M-0507 15 mm Dia Each 169.00
158 M-0508 Brass chromium plated screw down Tap 15 / 12mm Dia Each 206.00
(Heavy Type)

162 M-0512 Chromium plated stop cock 15mm Dia Each 151.30

159 M-0509 Brass chromium plateed pillar Tap (Heavy type)-15/12mm Each 269.00

163 M-0513 Brass chromium plated shower Rose - 100mm Dia Each 194.60

167 M-0517 Wooden plug, clamp and screws Set 12.20

168 M-0518 Shellac 100 gram 18.45
177 M-0527 Thread Ball Each 3.60
180 Oriya Type Indian Water closet 580mm x 440mm with "P"
or "S" Trap

i M-0530 White Set 1201.00

ii M-0531 Colour Set 1534.00
181 European Water closet with "P" or "S" Trap with Double
Flapped seat and seat cover with Brass Hinges and 10 litre
capacity PVC low level flushing tank with all internal fittings

i M-0532 White Set 3090.00

ii M-0533 Colour Set 3484.00
182 European water closet with "P" or "S" Trap with Double
falpped seat and seat cover with Brass Hinges and 12.5
litre capacity porcelin low level flushing tank with all
internal fittings

i M-0534 White Set 4353.00

ii M-0535 Colour Set 5241.00
188 Wash Hand Basin of size 550mm x 400mm with all
i accessories
M-0544 White such
without as cast iron brackets, 32mm dia C.P.
pedastal Set 1672.00
waste coupling, rubber plug and chain, 32mm dia 'B' Class
ii M-0545 White with pipe,
G.I. waste pedastal
15mm dia G.M. wheel valve, 15mm dia Set 2012.00
iii M-0546 Colour without pedastal Set 2239.00
iv M-0547 Colour with pedastal Set 2477.00
189 M-0548 White Porcelin Sink of size 600mm x 450mm x 200mm Set 2147.00
with 32mm dia 'B' Class G.I. waste water pipe and 32mm
dia C.P. waste coupling.

190 M-0549 Cuddapah Slab Sink of size 600mm x 450mm x 200mm Set 769.00
with 32mm dia 'B' Class G.I. waste water pipe & 32mm dia
C.P. waste coupling.

191 M-0550 Cuddapah Slab Sink of size 600mm x 600mm x 200mm Set 1020.00
with 32mm dia 'B' Class G.I. waste water pipe & 32mm dia
C.P. waste coupling.
193 Lipped Mouth Porcelin Flat Back Urinal with all accessories
such as 32mm dia Bell mouth PVC connection, 15mm dia
G.M. wheel value, 15mm dia 'B' Class G.I. waste water
pipe, 15mm dia nylon connection, 15 mm dia brass nipple

i M-0553 White Set 940.00

ii M-0554 Colour Set 1075.00
199 Porcelin soap dish of size 150mm x 150mm x 50mm

i M-0560 White Each 196.20

ii M-0561 Colour Each 268.80
200 M-0562 Brass chromium plated soap tray of size 150mm x 100mm Each 165.10

201 M-0563 Brass chromium plated towel rail 60cm long and 20mm dia Set 269.00
with brackets

203 M-0565 Anodised Aluminium Towel Rail 60cm long and 20mm dia Set 145.15
with Brackets.

204 PVC / Fibre Glass framed 5.5mm thick mirror, shelf type
with Hard Board Backing

i M-0566 600mm x 450mm Each 494.70

ii M-0567 500mm x 400mm Each 398.30
206 M-0569 Stone ware gully trap of size 150mm x 100m with cast Iron Each 170.35
Double Gratings

207 Cast Iron Nahini / Floor Trap with stainless Steel

i M-0570 100mm x 75mm Each 276.90
ii M-0571 75mm x 50mm Each 216.90
208 PVC Nahini / Floor Trap with PVC Grating
i M-0572 100mm x 75mm Each 178.00
ii M-0573 75mm x 50mm Each 156.00
209 First Quality cast Iron pipe *
i M-0574 150mm Dia RM 994.00
ii M-0575 100mm Dia RM 599.00
iii M-0576 75mm Dia RM 478.00
iv M-0577 50mm Dia RM 339.00
210 First Quality cast Iron Specials *
A Plain Bend
i M-0578 150mm Dia Each 538.00
ii M-0579 100mm Dia Each 262.00
iii M-0580 75mm Dia Each 202.00
iv M-0581 50mm Dia Each 154.00
B Bend with Door
i M-0582 150mm Dia Each 623.00
ii M-0583 100mm Dia Each 315.00
iii M-0584 75mm Dia Each 262.00
iv M-0585 50mm Dia Each 208.00
C Plain TEE
i M-0586 150mm Dia Each 1078.00
ii M-0587 100mm Dia Each 478.00
iii M-0588 75mm Dia Each 327.00
iv M-0589 50mm Dia Each 225.00
D TEE with Door
i M-0590 150mm Dia Each 1139.00
ii M-0591 100mm Dia Each 551.00
iii M-0592 75mm Dia Each 382.00
iv M-0593 50mm Dia Each 273.00
E "Y" Junction with Door (single)
i M-0594 150mm Dia Each 1197.00
ii M-0595 100mm Dia Each 599.00
iii M-0596 75mm Dia Each 418.00
iv M-0597 50mm Dia Each 298.00
F "Y" Junction with Door (Double)
i M-0598 150mm Dia Each 1320.00
ii M-0599 100mm Dia Each 670.00
iii M-0600 75mm Dia Each 502.00
i M-0601 150mm Dia Each 327.00
ii M-0602 100mm Dia Each 196.00
iii M-0603 75mm Dia Each 131.00
iv M-0604 50mm Dia Each 101.00
211 Stone Ware Pipe
i M-0605 150mm Dia Each 102.00
ii M-0606 100mm Dia Each 63.40
212 Stone ware specials
A Stone ware TEE
i M-0607 150mm Dia Each 166.15
ii M-0608 100mm Dia Each 128.00
B Stone Ware Bend
i M-0609 150mm Dia Each 140.65
ii M-0610 100mm Dia Each 101.60
C Stone ware "Y" Junction
i M-0611 150mm Dia Each 171.30
ii M-0612 100mm Dia Each 127.55
213 M-0613 Spun Yarn Kg 13.10
214 M-0614 Hemp Yarn Kg 11.80
215 M-0615 Gunny Tape / Kithan sq.m. 11.80
216 M-0616 Tar Kg 41.10
217 M-0617 Bitumen Felt 15 mm thick pad sq.m. 234.30
218 Supplying, fabricating, erecting and fixing Hilux (or)
equivalent board false ceiling upto a ceiling height of 4.5m
from floor level.

a M-0618 Using Hilux board plain sheets (10mm thick) sq.m. 972.00
b M-0619 Using perforated sheets (10mm thick) sq.m. 994.00
219 Supplying and laying Glass wool for insulation including
necessary packing materials.

a M-0620 Using 50mm thick Glass wool sq.m. 392.60

b M-0621 Using 25mm thick Glass wool sq.m. 209.00




1 PVC Pipes 4 kg. per cm2 4 kg. per

a M-0860 50 mm Dia RM 64.75 64.75
b M-0861 63 mm Dia RM 93.75 93.75
c M-0862 75 mm Dia RM 130.40 130.40
d M-0863 90 mm Dia RM 152.00 152.00
e M-0864 100 mm Dia 177.50 177.50
e M-0865 110 mm Dia RM 203.10 203.10
f M-0866 160 mm Dia RM 419.70 419.70



1 PVC Pipes 6 kg. per 6 kg. per

cm2 cm2
a M-0867 50 mm Dia RM 101.40 101.40
b M-0868 63 mm Dia RM 137.30 137.30
c M-0869 75 mm Dia RM 195.50 195.50
d M-0870 90 mm Dia RM 232.30 232.30
e M-0871 100 mm Dia 268.50 268.50
f M-0872 110 mm Dia RM 304.90 304.90
g M-0873 160 mm Dia RM 595.00 595.00

PVC ITEMS FINOLEX (OR) EQUIVALANT 10 kg. per cm2 10 kg. per

1 PVC Pipes
a M-0874 15 mm Dia RM 17.10 17.10
b M-0875 20 mm Dia RM 25.30 25.30
c M-0876 25 mm Dia RM 43.25 43.25
d M-0877 32 mm Dia RM 64.75 64.75
e M-0878 40 mm Dia RM 101.40 101.40
f M-0879 50 mm Dia RM 151.90 151.90
Note (1) For Rainwater down fall pipe works, only PVC Pipe of
working Pressure of 4 kg. per shall be adopted.

(2) For Sanitary arrangement items of works, only PVC

Pipe of working Pressure of 6 kg. per shall be

(3) For Water Supply arrangement items of works, only

PVC Pipe of working Pressure of 10 kg. per shall
be adopted.

391 PVC Specials for water supply arrangements

A Coupler 10 kg. per cm2

a M-0880 15 mm Dia Each 4.05 4.05

b M-0881 20 mm Dia Each 4.70 4.70
c M-0882 25 mm Dia Each 5.55 5.55
d M-0883 32 mm Dia Each 7.00 7.00
e M-0884 40 mm Dia Each 10.50 10.50
f M-0885 50 mm Dia Each 14.25 14.25
B Elbow
a M-0886 15 mm Dia Each 6.15 6.15
b M-0887 20 mm Dia Each 7.00 7.00
c M-0888 25 mm Dia Each 9.95 9.95
d M-0889 32 mm Dia Each 14.25 14.25
e M-0890 40 mm Dia Each 20.15 20.15
f M-0891 50 mm Dia Each 28.75 28.75
a M-0892 15 mm Dia Each 7.00 7.00
b M-0893 20 mm Dia Each 8.50 8.50
c M-0894 25 mm Dia Each 11.30 11.30
d M-0895 32 mm Dia Each 17.10 17.10
e M-0896 40 mm Dia Each 22.90 22.90
f M-0897 50 mm Dia Each 36.00 36.00
D Tee
a M-0898 15 mm Dia Each 8.50 8.50
b M-0899 20 mm Dia Each 9.95 9.95
c M-0900 25 mm Dia Each 14.25 14.25
d M-0901 32 mm Dia Each 17.20 17.20
e M-0902 40 mm Dia Each 28.75 28.75
f M-0903 50 mm Dia Each 43.25 43.25
E End Cap
a M-0904 15 mm Dia Each 4.05 4.05
b M-0905 20 mm Dia Each 5.55 5.55
c M-0906 25 mm Dia Each 7.00 7.00
d M-0907 32 mm Dia Each 8.50 8.50
e M-0908 40 mm Dia Each 13.30 13.30
f M-0909 50 mm Dia Each 18.55 18.55
F Reducer
a M-0910 20 mm x 15 mm Each 5.55 5.55
b M-0911 25 mm x 20 mm Each 6.15 6.15
c M-0912 32 mm x 25 mm Each 9.95 9.95
d M-0913 40 mm x 32 mm Each 13.30 13.30
e M-0914 50 mm x 40 mm Each 22.90 22.90
G Reducer Tee
a M-0915 20 mm x 15 mm Each 8.50 8.50
b M-0916 25 mm x 20 mm Each 9.95 9.95
c M-0917 32 mm x 25 mm Each 14.25 14.25
d M-0918 40 mm x 32 mm Each 17.20 17.20
e M-0919 50 mm x 40 mm Each 28.75 28.75
H Reducer Elbow
a M-0920 20 mm x 15 mm Each 7.00 7.00
b M-0921 25 mm x 20 mm Each 8.50 8.50
c M-0922 32 mm x 25 mm Each 11.30 11.30
d M-0923 40 mm x 32 mm Each 14.25 14.25
e M-0924 50 mm x 40 mm Each 21.50 21.50
I Jet Nipple
a M-0925 25 mm Dia Each 18.55 18.55
b M-0926 32 mm Dia Each 24.25 24.25
J PVC Door Bend 10 kg. per cm2
a M-0927 15mm Dia Each 7.00
b M-0928 20mm Dia Each 8.50
c M-0929 25mm Dia Each 11.30
d M-0930 32mm Dia Each 17.10
e M-0931 40mm Dia Each 22.95
f M-0932 50mm Dia Each 33.35
K PVC Door Tee
a M-0933 15mm Dia Each 8.50
b M-0934 20mm Dia Each 9.95
c M-0935 25mm Dia Each 14.25
d M-0936 32mm Dia Each 17.20
e M-0937 40mm Dia Each 28.55
f M-0938 50mm Dia Each 32.40

A Elbow
a M-0939 75 mm Each 75.90 75.90 M-0988
b M-0940 90 mm Each 97.30 97.30 M-0989
c M-0941 110 mm Each 118.00 118.00 M-0990
d M-0942 160 mm Each 131.90 131.90 M-0991
B Door Elbow
a M-0943 75 mm Each 97.30 97.30 M-0992
b M-0944 90 mm Each 125.20 125.20 M-0993
c M-0945 110 mm Each 153.00 153.00 M-0994
d M-0946 160 mm Each 181.00 181.00 M-0995
C Tee
a M-0947 75 mm Each 104.10 104.10 M-0996
b M-0948 90 mm Each 131.90 131.90 M-0997
c M-0949 110 mm Each 173.70 173.70 M-0998
d M-0950 160 mm Each 195.20 195.20 M-0999
D Tee with Door (Single)
a M-0951 75 mm Each 131.90 131.90 M-1000
b M-0952 90 mm Each 159.90 159.90 M-1001
c M-0953 110 mm Each 201.70 201.70 M-1002
d M-0954 160 mm Each 243.60 243.60 M-1003
E Tee with Door (Double)
a M-0955 75 mm Each 166.90 166.90 M-1004
b M-0956 90 mm Each 229.60 229.60 M-1005
c M-0957 110 mm Each 278.90 278.90 M-1006
d M-0958 160 mm Each 319.70 319.70 M-1007
F Bend
a M-0959 75 mm Each 83.40 83.40 M-1008
b M-0960 90 mm Each 104.10 104.10 M-1009
c M-0961 110 mm Each 125.20 125.20 M-1010
d M-0962 160 mm Each 139.10 139.10 M-1011
G "Y"
a M-0963 75 mm Each 111.40 111.40 M-1012
b M-0964 90 mm Each 139.10 139.10 M-1013
c M-0965 110 mm Each 181.10 181.10 M-1014
d M-0966 160 mm Each 201.70 201.70 M-1015
H "Y" with Door (single)
a M-0967 75 mm Each 131.90 131.90 M-1016
b M-0968 90 mm Each 167.20 167.20 M-1017
c M-0969 110 mm Each 223.10 223.10 M-1018
d M-0970 160 mm Each 256.30 256.30 M-1019
I "Y" with Door (Double)
a M-0971 75 mm Each 181.00 181.00 M-1020
b M-0972 90 mm Each 243.30 243.30 M-1021
c M-0973 110 mm Each 292.70 292.70 M-1022
d M-0974 160 mm Each 353.90 353.90 M-1023
J Double Tee with Door (Single)
a M-0975 75 mm Each 229.30 229.30 M-1024
b M-0976 90 mm Each 263.30 263.30 M-1025
c M-0977 110 mm Each 311.60 311.60 M-1026
d M-0978 160 mm Each 348.00 348.00 M-1027
K Double "Y" with Door (single)
a M-0979 75 mm Each 250.40 250.40 M-1028
b M-0980 90 mm Each 278.60 278.60 M-1029
c M-0981 110 mm Each 318.60 318.60 M-1030
d M-0982 160 mm Each 389.20 389.20 M-1031
L Reducer
a M-0983 75 mm x 63 mm Each 76.00 76.00 M -1032
b M-0984 110 mm x 63 mm Each 97.30 97.30 M-1033
c M-0985 110 mm x 75 mm Each 111.40 111.40 M-1034
d M-0986 110 mm x 90 mm Each 125.10 125.10 M-1035
f M-0987 160 mm x 110 mm Each 146.00 146.00 M-1036
M Shoe
a 110 mm dia Each -- -- M-1037
b 160 mm dia Each -- -- M-1038
N Vent Cowl
a M-1039 50 mm dia Each -- --
b M-1040 75 mm dia Each -- --
c M-1041 110 mm dia Each -- --
A Special Blue Pipes for Bore Well
a M-1042 110 mm dia RM -- --
b M-1043 125 mm dia RM -- --
c M-1044 140 mm dia RM -- --
d M-1045 160 mm dia RM -- --
B Special Blue Slotted Pipes for Bore Wells

a M-1046 110 mm dia RM -- --

b M-1047 125 mm dia RM -- --
c M-1048 140 mm dia RM -- --
d M-1049 160 mm dia RM -- --
C End Cap for Bore Well
a M-1050 110 mm dia Each -- --
b M-1051 125 mm dia Each -- --
c M-1052 140 mm dia Each -- --
d M-1053 160 mm dia Each -- --
D HDPE PIPES FOR SUB-MERSIBLE PUMP IN BORE WELL Class-5 1 MPa or 10 kg. / cm2 pressure)
a M-1054 20 mm dia RM -- --
b M-1055 25 mm dia RM -- --
c M-1056 32 mm dia RM -- --
d M-1057 40 mm dia RM -- --
e M-1058 50 mm dia RM -- --
160 M-0510 PVC screw down tap heavy type 20 mm dia Each 93.40 93.40
161 M-0511 PVC screw down tap heavy type 15 mm dia Each 72.40 72.40
169 M-0519 PVC Adhesive (solution) 100 gm 36.00 36.00
183 PVC low level flushing tank with all internal fittings - (wall mounting type)

a M-0536 White - 10 litre capacity Set 995.00 995.00

b M-0537 White - 7.5 litre capacity Set 760.00 760.00
c M-0538 Colour - 10 litre capacity Set 1127.00 1127.00
d M-0539 Colour - 7.5 litre capacity Set 895.00 895.00
184 M-0540 PVC Water Tank Litre 10.05 10.05
NEW ITEMS (2017-2018)
412 UPVC Pipe (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) UPVC used for residential and home applications, water pressure in residential areas do not

a M-1073 15 mm Dia RM 42.60 42.60

b M-1074 20 mm Dia RM 61.20 61.20
c M-1075 25 mm Dia RM 88.80 88.80
d M-1076 32 mm Dia RM 120.50 120.50
e M-1077 40 mm Dia RM 133.70 133.70
f M-1078 50 mm Dia RM 184.20 184.20
g M-1079 65 mm Dia RM 273.90 273.90
h M-1080 80 mm Dia RM 350.30 350.30
i M-1081 100 mm Dia RM 459.80 459.80
j M-1082 150 mm Dia RM 767.80 767.80
413 UPVC Pipe (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) UPVC used for commercial applications operate and designed to handle higher water pressu

a M-1083 15 mm Dia RM 53.50 53.50

b M-1084 20 mm Dia RM 75.60 75.60
c M-1085 25 mm Dia RM 107.40 107.40
d M-1086 32 mm Dia RM 148.10 148.10
e M-1087 40 mm Dia RM 182.20 182.20
f M-1088 50 mm Dia RM 248.10 248.10
g M-1089 65 mm Dia RM 353.80 353.80
h M-1090 80 mm Dia RM 509.10 509.10
i M-1091 100 mm Dia RM 754.90 754.90
j M-1092 150 mm Dia RM 1260.00 1260.00
414 CPVC (Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride) Pipe (Higher pressure rating with higher pipe thickness) Standard Dimension Ratio-11

a M-1093 15 mm Dia RM 77.50 77.50

b M-1094 20 mm Dia RM 117.60 117.60
c M-1095 25 mm Dia RM 183.40 183.40
d M-1096 32 mm Dia RM 273.90 273.90
e M-1097 40 mm Dia RM 301.00 301.00
f M-1098 50 mm Dia RM 328.00 328.00
g M-1099 65 mm Dia RM 356.20 356.20
h M-1100 80 mm Dia RM 446.20 446.20
i M-1101 100 mm Dia RM 682.00 682.00
j M-1102 150 mm Dia RM 997.00 997.00
415 CPVC (Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride) Pipe (Lesser pressure rating with lesser pipe thickness) Standard Dimension Ratio-13.50

a M-1103 15 mm Dia RM 67.90 67.90

b M-1104 20 mm Dia RM 107.80 107.80
c M-1105 25 mm Dia RM 156.50 156.50
d M-1106 32 mm Dia RM 237.50 237.50
e M-1107 40 mm Dia RM 262.10 262.10
f M-1108 50 mm Dia RM 285.60 285.60
g M-1109 65 mm Dia RM 309.20 309.20
h M-1110 80 mm Dia RM 330.70 330.70
i M-1111 100 mm Dia RM 498.70 498.70
j M-1112 150 mm Dia RM 735.00 735.00

416 UPVC Specials

I Elbow
a M-1113 50 mm Dia Each 87.80
b M-1114 40 mm Dia Each 58.40
c M-1115 32 mm Dia Each 43.80
d M-1116 25 mm Dia Each 29.10
e M-1117 20 mm Dia Each 17.90
f M-1118 15 mm Dia Each 11.90
II Tee
a M-1119 50 mm Dia Each 121.80
b M-1120 40 mm Dia Each 75.60
c M-1121 32 mm Dia Each 57.00
d M-1122 25 mm Dia Each 38.50
e M-1123 20 mm Dia Each 22.20
f M-1124 15 mm Dia Each 15.80
a M-1125 15mm Dia Each 33.00
b M-1126 20mm Dia Each 41.20
c M-1127 25 mm Dia Each 66.20
d M-1128 32 mm Dia Each 89.40
e M-1129 40 mm Dia Each 132.60

f M-1130 50mm Dia Each 282.20

IV Bend
a M-1131 50mm dia Each 82.30
b M-1132 40mm dia Each 58.80
c M-1133 32mm dia Each 41.10
d M-1134 25mm dia Each 32.80
e M-1135 20mm dia Each 23.50
V Coupler
a M-1136 50mm dia Each 71.00
b M-1137 40mm dia Each 51.60
c M-1138 32mm dia Each 41.60
d M-1139 25mm dia Each 32.70
e M-1140 20mm dia Each 22.70
f M-1141 15mm dia Each 17.80
a M-1142 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 60.00
b M-1143 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 38.50
c M-1144 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 27.90
d M-1145 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 16.90
e M-1146 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 12.40
a M-1147 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 117.10
b M-1148 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 80.50
c M-1149 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 58.40
d M-1150 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 38.30
e M-1151 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 31.70
a M-1152 50 mm x 40 mm Dia Each 134.00
b M-1153 40 mm x 32 mm Dia Each 89.40
c M-1154 32 mm x 25 mm Dia Each 64.70
d M-1155 25 mm x 20 mm Dia Each 38.50
e M-1156 20 mm x 15 mm Dia Each 30.70
a M-1157 50 mm Dia Each 188.10
b M-1158 40 mm Dia Each 124.90
c M-1159 32 mm Dia Each 81.60
d M-1160 25 mm Dia Each 58.40
e M-1161 20mm dia Each 30.80
f M-1162 15mm dia Each 22.30

417 CPVC Specials

I Elbow
a M-1163 50 mm Dia Each 367.50
b M-1164 40 mm Dia Each 178.50
c M-1165 32 mm Dia Each 107.40
d M-1166 25 mm Dia Each 50.50
e M-1167 20 mm Dia Each 23.90
f M-1168 15 mm Dia Each 20.70
II Tee
a M-1169 50 mm Dia Each 463.00
b M-1170 40 mm Dia Each 245.70
c M-1171 32 mm Dia Each 137.20
d M-1172 25 mm Dia Each 60.90
e M-1173 20 mm Dia Each 39.20
f M-1174 15 mm Dia Each 27.90
III Bend
a M-1175 25mm dia Each 47.00
b M-1176 20mm dia Each 37.50
c M-1177 15mm dia Each 29.40
a M-1178 50 mm Dia Each 252.60
b M-1179 40 mm Dia Each 121.00
c M-1180 32 mm Dia Each 65.90
d M-1181 25 mm Dia Each 32.70
e M-1182 20 mm Dia Each 19.10
f M-1183 15 mm Dia Each 15.90
a M-1184 50 mm Dia Each 666.00
b M-1185 40 mm Dia Each 369.00
c M-1186 32 mm Dia Each 223.40
d M-1187 25 mm Dia Each 138.70
e M-1188 20 mm Dia Each 109.90
f M-1189 15 mm Dia Each 70.50
a M-1190 50 mm Dia Each 441.00
b M-1191 40 mm Dia Each 279.80
c M-1192 32 mm Dia Each 191.60
d M-1193 25 mm Dia Each 122.70
e M-1194 20 mm Dia Each 80.90
f M-1195 15 mm Dia Each 73.70

242 M-0645 Hire charges for polishing machinery Day 228.60
243 M-0646 Electricity charges Unit 11.90
156 Vertified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mm sq.m. DELETED
17 M-0221 Pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles of 20mm thick sq.m. 653.00

236 M-0638 Teak wood plug Each 1.08

237 M-0639 Teak wood plug (50 x 50 x 100mm) Each 5.40
239 Welding charges
a M-0641 50mm Each 2.11
b M-0642 40mm Each 1.64
240 M-0643 Add for painting / tarring for Hex Nipple Each 2.82
232 M-0634 Brass Screws (30 x 6mm) Each 2.41
233 M-0635 Brass Screws (75 x 10mm) Each 4.88
230 M-0632 CI Brackets for fixing the sink Set 107.90
229 M-0631 Squatting Urinal Set 454.50
238 M-0640 Manhole Cover 60 x 60cm (heavy duty) with frame Each 1864.00

234 M-0636 Special clamp, teak wood plugs and screws Set 21.60

235 M-0637 PVC clamp, teak wood plugs and screws Set 8.50

13 M-0217 Colour designed glazed tiles 300 x 200 x 6mm Each 30.80

231 M-0633 Swan Neck Tap Each 252.50

241 M-0644 Labour charges for fixing cuddapah slab to cup-board sqm 45.95 45.95 48.25 50.55

New item (2017-18)

Labour charges for Fixing aluminium doors, windows and

159 W-0158 sq.m. 732.00 732.00 768.60 805.20

14 M-0218 Stainfree Nano polished Vertified tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm sq.m. 658.00

15 M-0219 Double charged Vertified tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm sq.m. 982.00

16 M-0220 Double charged Vertified tiles 800 x 800 x 10mm sq.m. 1253.00

Joint free Rectified Glazed Ceramic Flooring tiles 305 x 305

6 M-0206 Each 57.80
x 8mm
Supplying and fixing in position White / Colour Glazed Model

244 M-0647 Each 5073.00

Supplying and fixing in position White / Colour Special Delux
Model Glazed Cascade Type Parryware / Hindware /
Equivalent Wall Mounted European Water Closet of best quality
and approved make with 100mm “P” or “S” trap connecting
with CI pipe of 100mm dia / PVC pipe of 110mm dia, double
flapped rigid PVC black seat and seat cover with CP brass hinges
including cost of white cement, cement for packing, spun yarn,
teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., including supplying and
fixing 10 litres capacity PVC / 12.5 litres capacity porcelin low
level flushing tank with a pair of CI brackets, etc., complete with
all fittings, such as, 15mm brass ball valve with polythene float
with brass handle, union coupling connected by means of 40mm
white PVC flush hand using indian adopter joint including all
internal fittings, such as, 15mm bras connections, 15mm GM
wheel valve, 15mm brass nipple (2 Nos.), 15mm nylon
connection, TW plugs, screws and also giving necessary
connection to the PVC pipe and painting the CI brackets with 2
coats of approved paint over one coat of red oxide primer,
245 M-0648 dismantling the masonry and re-doing the dismantled masonry to Each 5888.00 *
original condition, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The EWC and flushing tank with all accessories
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
works) with 10 litres capacity flushing tank with all internal dual
flush fittings with normal seat cover
Wall Fitting

246 M-0649 Vinyl Flooring 2mm thick sq.m. 552.00

Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails
for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of
1.60mm thick at required locations to a height of 900mm from
finished floor level welded to 38mm dia
Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as vertical at
900mm centre with 2 Nos. of 25mm dia intermediate horizontal
stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in between. The vertical pipe
248 M-0651 has to be welded to the 100 X 100 X 6mm MS base plate encased sq.m. 5536.00
in the base concrete. The rate is inclusive of the charges for
cutting, bending, welding, grinding, polishing, conveyance,
electrical charges, etc. complete

249 M-0652 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel Hand rails RM 1843.00
for staircase near wet riser using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless
250 Steel Mould
M-0653 PVC pipe ofCI
1.60mm thick
steps for will be provided with tubular supports
sump Each 230.20
made of 304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 25mm dia of

251 Vertical blinds

a M-0654 Oridinary sq.m. 922.00

b M-0655 Premium sq.m. 1383.00

252 M-0656 Stainless Steel Health Faucet Each 1013.00

253 M-0657 High Density fibre (HDF) board sq.m. 2210.00

254 M-0658 Providing and fixing of Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) 4 sided sq.m. 4836.00
255 having 50 the
M-0659 Designing x 25Semi
x 1.50mm frame
Unitised work vertical
Structural Glazingand horizontals
System out
with open sq.m. 4841.00
of specially
groove jointdesigned extruded
as per design sections
intent, withstand
preparation winddrawings
of shop pressure
256 of 180 Kg/sq.m
for approval,
Bitumen padsupply, fabricate, erect as per approved shop and
and fabricated fixed at all level elevation
drawings at all floor levels and all floor heights including
a M-0660 12mm thick sq.m. 479.00

b M-0661 20mm thick sq.m. 719.00

Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Window (Airtight Model) with Grill
Providing and fixing for Pre-Painted GI Window fabricated from
roll formed sections made of Galvanized Iron Color Coated /
Powder Coated (Base steel as per IS 513 „D‟ quality, galvanized
as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 GSM / sqm.) with total coated
thickness of 0.6mm. Coated Sections should be with Primer Coat
of Epoxy Primer of 5-7 microns thick, finished paint with a
polyester paint of 12-16 microns thich and back coated with alkyd
backer of 5-7 microns or powder coated with pure polyester
powder upto 50-60 microns thick. Sections for shutter shuld be of
46 x 46mm and external frame should be of 46 x 52mm. Section
for glass beading should be of 18 x 25mm and centre mullion
should be of 46 x 70mm. The frame and shutter sections should
be cut to length and miter joined with corner bracket made of
glass filled Nylon.Mullion Section should be joined with Frame /
Mullion using Nylon Mullion Cap Ethyl Propylene Diamine
Monomer (EPDM) Gasket should be used all around glass in
190 shutter between frame and galzed shutter and both sides of sq.m. DELETED
fixed glass. Handle made of high grade Aluminum Powder coated
and with nylon receiver–1 each shutter. Friction hinge-1 set for
each shutter. Glass shutter and fixing glass portions should be
provided with a Acrylic Sheet of minimum 6mm thickness.
Windows should be provided with grill made of 10mm
square. MS Bars welded at 4” intervals centre to centre,
5mm x 12mm MS flat. Total grill unit should be powder coated
and fixed to window frame with Rivets. The above frame should
be fixed to brick / concrete masonry by using nylon self-
expanding caps and driving MS electroplated
80mm long screws into the caps through frames. The Pre-
Painted Galanized Iron Window should be got approved from the
Executive Engineer before use on work
UPVC Window
Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl
Chloride) Windows of casement type (open) from the
profile the size of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and
shutter profile are reinforcement with GI/1mm 125GSM
and 100% corrosion free, the profiles are multi chambered
sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black
colour) covered with over all the edges of frame and
shutter the shutter will be provided with Espag multi power
point locks and also it operates as handle. The corners and
joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations free pin
headed plain or brown colour glass 4mm thick should be
provided to the shutter and it should not allow leakage of
water even at most ranging storms and should have key
lockable action, security protective hinges, strong locking
269 M-0674 systems and as per size for arresting noise and energy sq.m. 7482.00
loss. The connecting mechanism between sash and
outer frame that enables opening of the window. The
window should be fixed to the wall with 100% packing with
screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The
window should be got approved from the Executive
Engineer before use on work
UPVC Ventilator
Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl
Chloride) Louvered Ventilators of from the profile the size
of outer frame 60mm x 58mm and shutter profile size of
60 x 78mm both profiles are reinforced with GI/1mm
125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profile are multi
chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM
rubber (black colour) covered with all over the edges of
frame and shutter. The corners and joints should be welded
270 M-0675 sq.m. 8106.00
and cleaned. Radiations pin headed glass 4mm thick
should be provided in the louvers. The window should be
fixed to the wall with 100% packing with screws and silicon
packing all round the frames. The ventilator should be
got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on
Providing factory made pre-laminated FPVC (Formed
Polyvinyl Chloride) Door Frame of the size 105 x 40mm
witha wall thickness of 10mm made out of extruded rigid
FPVC profile mitre joined with 6 Nos. of 5mm long screw.
The door frame shall be fixed to the wall by using 80mm
long screws through the frame with the help of PVC
fasteners of 3 Nos. to be provided for each vertical
member, GI stiffeners of ('U' channel of size 29 x 9, 1mm,
271 M-0676 150mm long) - 3 Nos. at hinge point, frame reinforcement RM 530.00
of ('U' GI channel of size 46 x 22 x 0.6mm), bottom tie rod
of ('U' GI channel size of 15 x 15 x 1mm), etc., complete
complying with the standard specification. The door frame
should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before
use on work
ABS DOOR Specification:
Providing and fixing of ABS (Acrolynitrile Butadiene Styrene)
Door using factory made plain FPVC (Foamed Polyvinyl Chloride)
door frame of the size 105 x 40mm with a wall thickness of
10mm made out of extruded rigid FPVC profile mitre joined with
10 Nos. of 50mm long screw. The door frame shall be fixed to
the wall by using 80mm long screws through the frame with the
help of PVC fasteners to be provided for each vertical member,
stiffeners of („U‟ Channel of size 29 x 9 x 1mm, 150mm long) 3
Nos. at hinge point, frame reinforcement of („U‟ GI Channel of
size 46 x 22 x 0.06mm), bottom tie rod of („U‟ GI Channel size
of 15 x 15 x 1mm), the ABS Shutter of 35mm thick factory made
plain pre-laminated. ABS (Acrolynitrile Butadiene Styrene) door
shutter moulded in different designs, consisting of all round
Frame made out of water proof solid foam PVC bar of size
20x32mm, reinforced by 32 x 32mm - 2 Nos. for vertical made
out of LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber), core material of 32mm
thick high density craft paper honey comb board, sandwiched on
272 both sides with pre-laminated ABS sheet thickness of 1.5mm.
PVC edge banding of size 0.45mm on the vertical sides.
Hardware made out of ball bearing butterfly hinges - 3 Nos.
for each shutter and ISI make SS round lock complete, including
cost of Materials, conveyance and all other incidental charges and
labour charges for fixing the Door neatly etc., complete complying
with the standard specification. The door shutter and frame
should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use
on work

a M-0677 Plain pre laminated door sq.m. 5946.00

b M-0678 Design pre laminated door sq.m. 6273.00

18 Rubber moulded Hydraulic pressed paver block

a M-0222 83mm thick sq.m. 552.00

b M-0223 63mm thick sq.m. 459.00

19 TAMIN paver block of size - supply at site

a M-0224 60mm thick Sqft 51.50

b M-0225 80mm thick Sqft 61.60

7 Solar refelective ceramic tiles of size

a M-0207 305 x 305 x 7mm thick Sqm 506.00

b M-0208 305 x 240 x 6mm thick Sqm 418.00

Aerated auto claved cellur concrete block 60 x 20 x 10- DELETED

197 Each

274 M-0685 Plasticizer/ super plasticizer kg 43.20

NEW LABOURS FOR HERITAGE WORKS (2018-2019) Actual 5% 10%

36B L-0027 Skilled Mason Class - I for Heritage Work Day 1409.00 1409.00 1479.45 1549.90

36C L-0028 Skilled Mason Class - II for Heritage Work Day 1232.00 1232.00 1293.60 1355.20


37A L-0030 Skilled Sthapati Brick Mason for Heritage Work Day 1761.00 1761.00 1849.05 1937.10


38A L-0032 Skilled Sthapati Stone Mason for Heritage Work Day 1761.00 1761.00 1849.05 1937.10

NEW ITEMS (2018-2019)

Fine polished steel grey granite slab 1200mm x 600mm,

29d M-0241 Sqm. 1512.00
16mm to 18mm thick

Fine polished Blue Pearl granite slab 1200mm x 600mm,

29e M-0242 Sqm. 7571.00
16mm to 18mm thick

Flammed steel grey granite slab 1200mm x 600mm, 16mm

30 M-0243 Sqm. 1832.00
to 18mm thick

Flammed Ruby granite slab 1200mm x 600mm, 16mm to

31 M-0244 Sqm. 1946.00
18mm thick
NEW ITEMS (2018-2019)

Making through holes in Plain or Reinforced Cement

275 Concrete with Diamond Core Drilling System by using
BOSCH power tools of following diamete - Depth per cm

a M-0686 100mm Each 324.00

b M-0687 150mm Each 432.00

c M-0688 200mm Each 484.00

8 M-0209 Dadooing Ceramic Tiles of size 300mm x 450mm x8mm Each 62.40

9 M-0210 Dadooing Ceramic Tiles of size 300mm x 600mm x10mm Each 92.70
Supplying and Installing Metal False Ceiling using Fire
Rretardant Galvanized Steel Sheet Plain lay in tile size
600mm x 600mm, 0.5mm thick, powder coated onexternal
surface and shall have flange on all four sides to rest on
the exposed grids. The system to give 600mm x 600mm
centre to centre 'T'. The 'T' shall be not be dipped GI Tee
Section 3600mm long main Tee. 24mm wide and cross Tee
panels are formed by running main runner of 'T' section of
size 30mm x 24mm powder coated at bottom at intervals
with powder coating at bottom. Necessary provision of inter
locking of 'T' section are made at required intervals not
exceeding 1200mm. The main runners are suspended from
the ceiling by means of 4mm dia. GI rods fixed to the
ceiling using anchor fasteners of 50mm x 8mm size with
nylon inset and hooked to the main rubbers using clips. The
last hangers at end of each rubber should not be greater
276 M-0689 than 600mm from the adjacent wall. The last panel shall be Sqm. 3151.00
placed at the side wall using edge profile 'L' Angle of size
20mm x 20mm and fixed to the side wall the false ceiling
should be fixed of same level and should present a neat
Providing and fixing of 1.2mm thick Lead Lining Door for X-
Ray Rooms, Scanning Rooms with Mild Steel Door Frames
105mm x 57mm X 18 G and 12 G x 50mm Shutter made
of GI with PWG finish and honey wool insulations with SS
101mm x 75mm x 3mm SS 304 Ball Bearings Butt Hinges,
Mortice Sash Lock ML 100A,
50mm BS, 85mm centre, CL 207 : Key & Knob 70mm, 5
292 M-0711 Pin Cylinder with Handle SS Finish (Dorma Make), Heavy Sqm. 14059.00
Duty Door Closer, Frames fixed wih walls using Mortice
Sash Lock ML 100A, 50mm BS, 85mm centre
CL207: Key & Knob 70mm, 5 Pin Cylinder with Handle SS
Finish (Dorma Make) all neccesary accessories and fittings
as per the required and as per the approval for the
Department Officer
Sqm. 13000.00
Post Tensioning Work:
Design and execution of post tensioning work, including
decoiling, the strands, cutting to the required lengths,
supplying, laying of HT strands sheathing (GI corrugated
ducts 0.3mm thick) jointing with couplers and inserting the
strands, profiling, fixing liveend anchorages, including
supply of stressing anchorages, suitable for 5-5 & 5-4
tendons, grout vents, making dead end anchorages,
including flowering the strands, fixing tendon support bars,
supervising the fixing of antibursting reinforcement,
stressing the cables, end trimming, grouting the cables,
with cement slurry, mixed with admixtures with required
tools, plants, and machineries, and consumables etc.
(Shuttering, concreting & reinforcement steel shall be paid
293 M-0712 Sqm. 199775.00
under respective items) at all heights including all leads,
lifts, coordination, with the post- tensioning agency,
preparation of drawings, obtaining approval from the
Employer / Architect etc. Rate to include providing water,
power, cement and admixture for grouting,packing of
sheathing and anchorages blockings, filling of recess
pockets after stressing using grouts (cement slurry mixed
with approved admixtures) including providing access to
post tensioning at all heights including all leads, lifts etc.,
all complete and as approved and as directed by the
Employer Architect but excluding shuttering, concreting &
reinforcement steel which shall be payable under
items separately.
Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position factory made
Stainless Steel Flush Door Shutter 35mm thick using SS
304 Grade 1.6 mm thick, Stainless Sheets on both sides
(Equivalent to IS 6911-04 Cr. 19, Ni 9) minimum 8-8.5%
nickel and 18% chromium sourced from original stainless
steel manufacturer with view panel size 30mm x 45mm
made up of 6mm thick clear toughened glass fitted with
double side adhesive tape and finished with dowconing
294 M-0713 silicon sealant, floor pring for each shutter, consealed Sqm. 37743.00
tower bolt, suitable stainless steel locking arrangement and
other necessary furniture fittings of approved quality. The
vertical styles and other frame members and cross
stiffeners shall be of same quality stainless steel box
section of suitable size and thickness with proper core
material as prescribed by the Departmental Officers

280 English Brass Letters

a M-0694 25cm (10”) Each 918.00

b M-0695 37cm (15”) Each 1296.00

284 M-0703 Emblem (15”) Each 12975.00

295 Manhole Cover SFRC

a M-0714 600mm x 600mm Each 2701.00

b M-0715 750mm x 750mm Each 2971.00

c M-0716 900mm x 900mm Each 3244.00

296 M-0717 Incinerator for Ladies Bathroom (For School Works) Each 34570.00

297 M-0718 Polycarbonate Sheet 6mm thick Sqm. 648.00

148 M-0425 Melamine Polish Sqm. 648.00

Supplying and erecting in position of following liters
capacity Industrial Model Reverse Osmosis Water-cum-
Purifier to deliver Potable Water with World Health
Organisation (WHO) Standards with following
(a) MS Skid - 1 No.
(b) Media 11054 No. Vessel with 20 nb Multiport
Valve (with Media Pubble and Fine Sand and
Activated Carbon Filling) set
(c) Feed Pump 0.50 HP – 1 No.
(d) Vertical Pump 2-9, 2.00 HP / Single Phase – 1 No.
299 (e) Membrane 40 x 40 filmtech (or) equilaents /
Osmonic (USA) - 1 No. and Membrane Pressure
Vessel 40 x 40 -1 No. & Pressure Gauge - 2 Nos.
(f) Flow Meter - 1 No. 20” Filter with Housing - 1 No.
Low Pressure Switch - 1 No.,
Level Switch - 1 No. &
Necessary CPVC Pipes and Fittings.
The system shall be provide with Two Panel Control
System with necessary Stainless Valves and Fittings
and Float Control etc. The rate should be inclusive of all
civil works, wherever necessary to install the
System in position and intact

M-0720 50 lit set 40320.00

M-0721 250 lit set 108000.00

M-0722 500 lit set 226200.00

M-0723 1000 lit set 376700.00

M-0724 2000 lit set 519000.00

NEW ITEMS (2019-2020)

Tactile Paver Type of New Tek BT Yellow Colour Ceramic

20 M-0226 Tiles of size 305 X 305 X 15mm for Vision Impairment Sqm. 2040.00

Providing and Filling the tile joint with epoxy grout with
following specification:
Surface preparation including cleaning the joint to be free
from dust and loose particles. Providing masking tape on
21 M-0227 Sqm. 438.00
either side of the tile joint edges and providing sealing the
tile gap with epoxy tile joint grout and finishing neatly and
as directed by the departmental officers. The rate inclusive
of cost of materials and labour, etc. complete.


a M-0245 SINGLE NOSING RM 195.70

b M-0246 DOUBLE NOSING RM 370.25

39 M-0254 PVC Trims (Beading) RM 95.40

40 M-0255 Terracota Jally of size 20 X 20 X 0.75mm Each 38.95

Providing Cup-board Shutter using termite / water proof
plywood of 19mm thick over which laminated sheet of
0.8mm thick fixed inside the shutter and 1mm thick fixed
in the outside of the shutter using fevicol along with
124 M-0390 necessary furniture fittings, such as, hydralic hinges, tower Sqm. 5047.00
bolt, handles, multi purpose locks etc., as directed by the
Departmental Officers. The design pattern, water proof
plywood, laminate sheet and other materials should be got
approved from the Executive Engineer befoe use on work.

126 M-0393 Supplying and fixing of PVC Sliding Door with Roller Sqm. 3562.00

149 M-0426 Exterior Emulsion Paint Litre 303.80

Painting the wall with Texture Finish Paint including labour

150 M-0427 Sqm. 412.00
140 Providing Wall Putty including labour charges Sqm.

153 M-0432 300mm dia RCC Hume Pipe RM 2250.00

164 M-0514 CP Wall Mixture Tap 3 in 1 system with Hand Showers Each 4146.00

165 M-0515 CP Two Way Bib Cock with Health Faucet Each 2060.00

166 M-0516 CP Shower Arm with Overhead Shower Rose Each 1181.00
178 M-0528 CP Heavy Duty Bottle Trap 32mm Each 1105.00

179 M-0529 CP Angle Cock Tap Each 776.00

185 M-0541 SS Elbow Action Tap of size 15mm Each 1545.00

186 M-0542 SS Heavy Duty Long Body Tap 15mm Each 1545.00

187 M-0543 SS Swan Neck Tap Each 1030.00

Supplying and fixing of SS Sink of size 1200 x 550 x

194 M-0555 Each 18540.00

Supplying and fixing of Granite Sink of size 600 x 600 x

195 M-0556 Each 4141.00

Supplying and fixing of Ornamental Type White Glazed

196 M-0557 Each 3553.00
Porcelain Corner 'L' Type Wash Hand Basin of size 350mm

Supplying and fixing of Oval Shape Wash Hand Basin of

197 M-0558 Each 2899.00
size 560 x 450mm

Supplying and fixing of White Glazed Porcelain Oval Shape

198 M-0559 Each 10060.00
Special Type Urinal of size 382 x 398 x 601mm

202 M-0564 SS Towel Rack 600mm long with lower Hanger Each 1545.00

205 M-0568 Special Type Mirror of size 1000 x 780mm Each 2575.00
Providing Polymer Coating (Water Proof Coating) for
sunken Portion of toilet with following specification and the
surface shall be cleaned to remove all dust, foreign,
matters lose materials or any other deposits of
contamination by rubbing with wire brush.
Slurry: Dry blend and polymer liquid blend shall be mixed
into the desired ratio as per recommendation of the
223 M-0625 supplier. The mix shall be stirred throughly until no bubbles Sqm. 329.00
remain in the mix. Any lumps found in mix shall be
Apply first coat of polymer modified cementitious slurry by
brush on wet cleaned surface. After drying, second coat
shall be applied on the first coat as directed by the
departmental officers etc. The rate inclusive of cost of
materials and labour, etc., complete.

224 M-0626 Providing Cornice Work for Gyp Board False Ceiling RM 190.40

8mm thick Calcium Silicate Board Designed and Perforated

225 M-0627 Sqm. 1545.00
for False Ceiling

226 M-0628 Termite Proof / Water Proof Plywood 19mm thick Sqm. 1339.00

227 M-0629 Laminated Sheet 0.8mm thick (inside) Sqm. 246.40

228 M-0630 Laminated Sheet 1mm thick (outside) Sqm. 412.00

Vitrified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mm Sqm. Deleted

257 M-0662 Providing Strong Room Door for Sub-Treasuries Each 298750.00
Pre-painted Galvanized Iron Windows (Air Tight Model) with
Grill and Glass:
Providing and fixing Ajanta Cave Model Window fabricated
from roll formed sections made of galvanized steel colour
coated / powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513 'D'
quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams /
sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.60mm.
Paint specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick finish paintd with
a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coated
with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Sections for shutter should be of
46 x 46mm and external frame should be of 46 x 52mm.
Section for glass beading should be of 18 x 25mm and
centre mullion should be of 46 x 70mm.
Fixing details: The frame and shutter sections should be cut
to length and mitre joined with corner bracket made of
CRCA electro plated. Mullion section should be joined with
frame / mullion using nylon mullion cap. Ethyl Propylene
258 M-0663 Sqm. 5508.00
Diamine Monomer (EPDM) Gasket should be used all
around glass in shutter between frame and glazed shutter
and both sides of fixed glass.....
Accessories: Handle made of high grade aluminium powder
coated and with nylon receiver. Gaskets made of Ethyl
Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM). Corner brackets
made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. Mullion caps made of
glass filled nylon.
Glass: Glass shutter and fixing glass portion should be
provided with a glass of 5mm plain float glass.
Grill: Windows should be provided with grill made of 10mm
square MS bars welded to 12mm x 5mm flat at 4"
intervals. Total grill unit should be power coated and fixed
to window frame with screws.
The above frame should be fixed to brick / concrete
masonry by using nylon self-expanding caps and driving
MS electro plated 80mm long screws into the caps through
Pre-painted Galvanized Iron Windows (Semi Air Tight
Model) with Grill and Glass:
Providing and fixing Eco 3000 Series Window fabricated
from roll formed sections made of galvanized steel colour
coated / powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513 'D'
quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams /
sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint Specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Sections for frame should be of 48
x 50mm, section for glazed shutter frame should be 47 x
20mm and section for fixed glass bead should be of 12 x
Fixing details: The frame and shutter frame sections should
be cut to length and mitre joined with polypropylene corner
259 M-0664 Sqm. 5151.00
bracket. Mullion section should be joined with frame /
mullion using nylon mullion cap. Ethyl Propylene Diamine
Monomer (EPDM) Gasket should be used all around glass in
Accessories: Each glazed shutter should be provided with
SS pivot hinges-1 set, Polypropylene handle-1 No. with
receiver and aluminium peg stay powder coated-1 No.
Glass: Glass shutter and fixing glass portion should be
provided with a glass of 4mm Pinhead Glass.
Grill: Windows should be provided with grill made of 10mm
square MS bars welded to 12mm x 5mm flat at 4"
intervals. Total grill unit should be power coated and fixed
to window frame with screws.
Window Frame should be fixed to brick masonry / concrete
masonry by using Nylon self-expanding caps and driving
MS electroplated 80mm long screws into the caps through
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Windows with Glass, Grill & Fly
Providing and fixing Windows from roll formed sections
made of galvanized steel powder coated (Base steel as per
IS 513 'D' quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of
120 grams / sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint Specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Section for frame should be of
72mm x 55mm, section for mullion should be of 72mm x
50mm, section for shutter frame should be of 47mm x
20mm, section of fixed glass bead should be of 12mm x
12mm and section for fly mesh shutter frame should be of
40mm x 20mm.
Fixing details: Section for frame, glazed shutters and mesh
shutters should be cut to length and mitre joined with
260 M-0665 polypropylene corner brackets, mullion section should be Sqm. 6790.00
joined with frame / mullion using mullion cap... Ethyl
Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM) Gasket should be
used all around glass in shutter and fixed glass. Spoon
profile should be used around Fly mesh to fix mesh in mesh
Accessories: Each glazed shutter and mesh shutter should
be Provided with SS pivot hinges - 1set, Polypropylene
handle - 1 No. with receiver and aluminium powder coated
peg stay - 1 No. for glazed
Glass: Glass shutter and fixed glass portion should be
provided with a glass of 4mm pinhead glass.
Mesh: Mesh shutter should be provided with grill made of
10mm square MS bars welded to 5mm x 12mm flat at 4"
intervals. Total grill unit should be powder coated and fixed
to window frame with screws.
Window frame should be fixed to brick / concrete masonry
by using nylon self-expanding caps and driving MS electro
plated 80mm long screws into the caps through frames.
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Two Track Sliding Window:
Providing and fixing pre-painted two track, two panel
sliding sytem fabricated from roll formed sections made of
galvanized steel powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513
'D' quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams
/ sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12.16 microns thick and back
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Section for frame two track should
261 M-0666 be of 59mm x 44mm, section for shutter should be of Sqm. 4940.00
35mm x 49mm for window, section for euro groove should
be of 25mm x 24mm and for lap strip should be 30mm x
Fixing details: The frame and shutter sections should be cut
to length, joined with corner brackets made of glass filled
nylon. Ethyl Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM) Gasket
should be used all around glass.
Accessories: Corner brackets made of glass filled nylon
gasket made of Ethyl Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM).
Locking system should be of single pin locking for windows.
Single wheel rollers for windows should be Provided.
Glass: Glass shutter and fixed glass portion should be
provided with a glass of 4mm pinhead glass.
Window frame should be fixed to brick / concrete masonry
by using nylon self-expanding caps and driving MS electro
plated 80mm long screws into the caps through frames.
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Three Track Sliding Windows:
Providing and fixing pre-painted three track, three panel
sliding system fabricated from roll formed sections made of
galvanized steel colour coated (Base steel as per IS 513 'D'
quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams /
sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Section for outer frame three track
should be of 92mm x 44mm, section for shutter should be
of 35mm x49mm for window, section for euro groove
should be of 25mm x 24mm and for lap strip should be
30mm x 41mm.
Fixing details: The frame and shutter sections should be cut
262 M-0667 to length, joined with corner brackets made of glass filled Sqm. 5460.00
nylon. Ethyl Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM) Gasket
should be used all around glass.
Accessories: Corner brackets made of glass filled nylon.
Gasket made of Ethyl Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM).
Locking system should be of single pin locking for
windows. Single wheel rollers for windows should be
Glass: Glass shutter and fixed glass portion should be
provided with a glass of 4mm pinhead glass.
Window frame should be fixed to brick / concrete masonry
by using nylon self-expanding caps and driving MS electro
plated 80mm long screws into the caps through frames.
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Fixed Louvered Ventilators
with Glass and Grill:
Providing and fixing louvered ventilator fabricated from roll
formed sections made of galvanized steel colour coated /
powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513 'D' quality,
galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams / sqm.)
with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint Specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: The section for external frame
should be of 57mm x 33mm.
Fixing details: The section should be cut to length, joined
with profile to profile component.
Accessories: Glass holding flanges made of glass filled
263 M-0668 nylon. Sqm. 4940.00
Glass: Louvers should be provided with 4mm pinhead
Grill: Ventilator should be provided with grill made of
10mm Square MS bars to 12mm x 5mm flat at 4" intervals.
Total grill unit should be powder coated and fixed to
ventilator frame with screws.
The above frames should be fixed to brick / concrete
masonry walls and floor by means of self-expanding
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Door Frame:
Providing and fixing door frames from sections made of
galvanized steel powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513
'D' quality, galvanized as per IS 217 with zinc of 120 grams
/ sqm.). The factory made section should be with a powder
coating of pure polyester powder of 50-60 microns thick
with total coated thickness of 1.25mm. Size of door frame
section should be of 105 x 60mm with a rebate of 37mm to
accommodate 35mm thick door shutter. The frame section
should have groove to insert gasket. 2 tie rods of 10mm
tor steel to be provided at bottom. Provision for aldrop,
264 M-0669 mortise lock to be made in the section as section should be Rm 595.00
cut to length, and joined by way of welding.
Note: 1.25mm thick (Total coated thickness tolerance as
per IS 513)
Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron windows (Air Tight Model) with
Acrylic sheet & Grill:
Providing and fixing Ajanta Cave Model window fabricated
from roll formed sections made of galvanized steel colour
coated / powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513 'D'
quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams /
sqm.) with total coated thickness of 0.6mm.
Paint specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 thick, finish painted with a
polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coated
with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
Dimensions of sections: Sections for shutter should be of
46 x 46mm and external frame shoule be of 46 x 52mm.
Section for glass beading should be of 18 x 25mm and
centre mullion should be 46 x 70mm.
Fixing details: The frame and shutter sections shoule be cut
265 M-0670 to length and mitre joined with corner bracket made of Sqm. 5870.00
CRCA electro plated. Mullion section should be joined with
frame / mullion using nylon mullion cap. Ethyl Propylene
Diamine Monomer (EPDM) Gasket should be used all
around glass in shutter, between frame and glazed shutter
and both sides of fixed glass.....
Accessories: Handle made of high grade Aluminium Powder
coated and with nylon receiver. Gaskets made of Ethyl
Propylene Diamine Monomer (EPDM). Corner brackets
made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. Mullion caps made of
glass filled nylon.
Glass: Glass shutter and fixing glass portions should be
provided with a glass of 6mm acrylic sheet.
Grill: Windows should be provided with grill made of 10mm
square MS bars welded to 12mm x 5mm flat at 4"
intervals. Total grill unit should be powder coated and fixed
to window frame with rivet. The above frame should be
fixed to brick / concrete masonry by using nylon self-
expanding caps and driving MS electro plated 80mm long
screws into the caps through frames.
Structural Glazing:
Providing and fixing structural glazing fabricated from roll
formed sections made of galvanized steel colour coated
(Base steel as per IS 513 of 'D' quality, galvanized as per
IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams / sqm.) with total coated
thickness of 0.72mm. The glass holding section made of
304 grade SS of 0.6mm thick. Galvanized steel sections are
to be used as stiffeners inside the colour coated steel /
powder coated sections as per the design requirement.
Design calculations are made to suit wind pressures as
given in IS 875.
Paint Specifications: Primer coat with epoxy primer of 5-7
microns thick, finish painted with a polyester paint of 12-16
microns thick and back coated with alkyd backer of 5-7
266 M-0671 microns or powder coated with pure polyester powder upto Sqm. 5870.00
50-60 microns thick.
Dimensions: The section should be of 37 x 53mm for frame
vertical, 37 x 53mm for frame horizontal section and
section for reinforcement should be of 31 x 55mm. glass
holding section should be of 37 x 37mm for top and bottom
grids in between should be of 37 x 18mm.........
Accessories: Brackets made of CRCA powder coated /
electro plated should be used to fix vertical at top and
bottom and vertical to slab as per site requirement.
Polyurethane brackets should be used to connect horizontal
section to vertical sections.
Silicone: Natural cure, with good UV resistance to be used.
The above frame should be fixed to brick / concrete
masonry by using nylon self-expanding cap and driving MS
electro plated 80mm long screws into the caps through
Glass: 5mm reflective Saint Gobain OR equivalent.

Pre-painted Galvanized Iron Fixed Louvered Ventilators

with Glass, Mesh and Grill:
Providing and fixing louvered ventilator fabricated from roll
formed sections made of galvanized steel colour coated /
powder coated (Base steel as per IS 513 of 'D' quality,
Galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 grams / sqm.)
with total coated thickness of 0.58mm.
Paint specification: Coated sections should be with primer
coat of epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted
with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and black
coated with alkyd backer of 5-7 microns.
267 M-0672 Dimensions of section: The section for external frame Sqm. 5250.00
should be of 57 x 33mm.
Fixing details: The section should be cut to length and
joined with profile to profile component.
Accessories: Glass holding flanges made of glass filled
Glass: Louvers should be provided with 4 mm thick pinhead
Mesh: Mesh should be provided with a SS 32 gauge fly
mesh of 304 grades with 144 holes per squre Inch.
Grill: Ventilator should be provided with grill made of
10mm square MS bars welded to 12mm x 5mm flat at 4"
intervals. Total grill unit should be powder coated and fixed
to window frame with screws.
The above frames should be fixed to concrete / masonry
walls and floor by means of self expanding screws.

Providing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Door:

Providing and fixing casement doors fabricated from un-
plasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) sections.
Profiles: The profiles should be three chamber system
which provides high insulation properties with outer frame
60mm x 55mm with an outer wall thickness of 2.4mm. The
window unit should be designed with all corner joints
mitred and fusion welded. Windows should be steel
reinforced with 25 x 24 x 25mm steel reinforcement with a
268 M-0673 Sqm. 8313.00
thickness of 1mm to have dimensional stability. The sash
should be of 60 x 102mm. The mullion should be of 60 x
74mm. The profiles should have co-extruded seals.
Hardware: All the hardware like friction stays, handles
should be screwed with self tapping screws. The handles,
locks should be designed so that they cannot be released
from outside.
Glazing: The window system should be glazed with 5mm
plain float glass / 6mm bison lam.

Installation: The profiles should be cut to length and

welded 45 degrees. The window should be desinged such
that the water drainage does not pass through the
reinforcement chamber. The window system should be
fixed directly to the plastered brick wall using self
expanding nylon plug and driving ms electroplated screws
into plug.
270 Autoclaved Cellular Aerated Concrete Blocks

a M-0679 600mm x 200mm x 100mm Each 45.80

b M-0680 600mm x 200mm x 150mm Each 68.65

c M-0681 600mm x 200mm x 200mm Each 91.60

d M-0682 600mm x 200mm x 225mm Each 103.50

e M-0683 Self Curing AAC Joint Mortar 40 Kg / bag 612.00

f M-0684 Ready Mix Plaster for Rendering 50 Kg / bag 303.00

Aerated Auto Claved Cellular Concrete Block 60cm x 20cm

252 Each Deleted
x 10-30cm

277 M-0690 Supplying and fixing of SS Wall Cladding Sqm. 12875.00

278 M-0691 Supplying and fixing of SS False Ceiling Sqm. 7726.00

Supplying and Fixing of Aluminium Dye Cast Letters of

approved size and colour. The colour treatment process is
279 achieved with MRF colour coat and then the processed
coloured layer is set into the kiln for the heat treatment
process for the following sizes.
a M-0692 Aluminium Dye Cast Letters 9" size Each 1179.00

b M-0693 Aluminium Dye Cast Letters 6" size Each 748.00

Providing Wall Panelling using one side teak wood sheet

with melamine polishing with following specification. The
frame using aluminium tubular section of size 50mm x
25mm x 2mm thick fixing horizontally and vertically in
position with wall at interval of 0.60m in both directions,
fixing water proof plywood of 12mm thick over the
aluminium frame work with necessary screws. One side
285 M-0704 teak wood sheet of 3.5mm thick will be fixed over the sqm. 6070.00
plywood using fevicol and finishing with melamine polishing
and the rate inclusive of conveyance to site and labour
charges and as directed by the Departmental Officers. The
design pattern, water proof plywood, OST sheet and other
materials to be used shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer concerned before use on work etc.,

286 M-0705 Providing and fixing Acoustic wall Panelling (equivalent ot sqm 8615.00
Armstrong ) Install
Installation: in channelled
aluminiumwood works
box perforated
section panels
(provided by of
287 width
M-0706 others)192mm,
of thickness
section 50mm of
x 15mm
25mm and
or aslength of
Supplying and fixing the Wall Panelling with the following2400mm
by the sqm 5406.00
or as per required
Medical Gasfixing by
horizontally and vertically in positionof
Arrangements Departmental
the solid wall Engineer
horizontally made
using ofa
screws and plugs at spacing of 600mm centre
wall. Fixing the water proof ply wood 9mm thick board to centre.
over the country wood planks. Over the ply wood OST
300 Medial Gas Copper Pipeline arrangement to hang on the
10mm of OD
socket type connection
0.90mm thick copper installation
pipe of seamless
a M-0725 cleaned and degreased non aresenical phosphorous gas RM 374.80
copper pipe line with saddles complete with brazing work
15mm OD 0.90mm thick copper pipe
b M-0726 RM 544.90
22mm OD 0.90mm thick copper pipe
c M-0727 RM 911.40

28mm OD 0.90mm thick copper pipe

d M-0728 RM 1125.00

42mm OD 1.20mm thick copper pipe

e M-0729 RM 2439.00

54mm OD 1.20mm thick copper pipe

f M-0730 RM 3048.00

301 M-0731 Gas Outlet Points: (Self sealing type - Single / DIN outlet Each 1394.00
303 M-0733 Oxygen
pipe) with 'S' typearrangement
Manifold bracket made of up of copper
2 banks x 12and the out
cylinder Each 198450.00
305 let
M-0735 each of wing
Nitrous non-interchangeable
Oxide for other
semi automatic gas.
Arrangements 2The
ofpanel outlet
banks points
3 Cylinder Each 112650.00
306 are brazed
Brass wing, with2Valve
Isolation brass bracket
No., oulet
automatic with
suitable for self
the sealing
copper valve
brass heavy
pipe and
15mm IO x
contact beregulator
of not
Isolation 2 Nos.,
2 Valve
lubricated with
outlet90 suitable
degree adopter,
turn flexible
lever heavy
ball SS
a M-0736 of
duty IOX regulator
reputed 2 Nos. with
make, connected suitable
in line with adopter, flexible
medical gas pipeSS Each 1446.00
line system by using suitable size brass valve adopter
22mm Isolation Valve
b M-0737 Each 2199.00

28mm Isolation Valve

c M-0738 Each 2521.00

42mm Isolation Valve

d M-0739 Each 4633.00

307 M-0740 Theatre Vaccum Unit: The unit should comprise of two Each 12800.00
308 M-0741 reusable
Flow 2000ml
Meter made shatter resistant
up of Brass with bottle.
made up of
Flow Each 1629.00
309 M-0742 ply carbonate
Ward should be
Vaccum material
Unit with and fullyboth
Gauge autoclavable
mounted andat
on134a degree
should be Each 1950.00
310 M-0743 centigrade,
collection gas
of have
capacity a
600 ml regulator
and control
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a with
wall instant
bracket for Each 481600.00 change spec
312 M-0745 litres per
Supply, miniute.
it on the It
to Intersoil
installation should
wall. The meet strict
Rand Receprocating
, testing permission
and commissioningshould be
Air Cooled
of andmade
Type Each 505900.00 change spec
of unbreadkable
(10HP + 5HP)
Compressed polycarbonate
Air System Vaccum materials
Pump which
as perOil
of Reciprocating is Air
Free fully auto
provsiions. belt driven type air compressor with following
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MS
fabricated Vertical Mounted Type 1000 liters capacity
Vaccum Receiver with inlet and outlet and drain holes
314 M-0747 provided suitable to operate with vaccum pump etc as Each 104620.00
directed by the Departmental Officers.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MS

fabricated Vertical Mounted Type 1000 liters capacity
Compressed Air Receiver with inlet and outlet and drain
315 M-0748 holes provided suitable to operate with vaccum pump etc Each 104620.00
as directed by the Departmental Officers.

316 M-0749 Single Arm Pendent Mounted on Ceiling Height as directed Each 173140.00
317 M-0750 by
Bedthe Departmental
Head Panel of size Officers. All items
1m, length, are0-0.30cm
height MS Powder and Each 19509.00
318 M-0751 coated.ofThe
Supplying, cost includes
4".fabricating andcost
The aluminium of slotted
fixing all coated
carriers with the Each 176.30
319 M-0752 charges, dismantling
Supplying colour
and and
of re-doing
The carriers
Cylinder 46 masonry
points of
Litre "D" to
be original
Type Air
of 1GI
Empty Each 17218.00
No. Vaccum
sheet of 16G
Supplying 1with
and with
of double
fixing The electrical
Cylinder ofwith
46 Litre socket
"D" 300with
is Type
and xas switch
per IS
and are
Seamless toMedical
be spaced
12827/1989 at 50
Oxygen cm /1987
7396 centre
Cylinder toValve
with The
and etc.,
as per IS
320 M-0753 complete
Code and
& ISO with
7396 standard
/1987 specification.
Specification etc., Each 17218.00
complete and complying with standard specification.

321 M-0754 Supplying, fabricating and fixing Oxygen Boyles Kit for Each 1950.00
322 M-0755 Supplying,
Operation Theatre withand
fabricating following specification
fixing Nitrous Oxide:Boyles
The Boyles
Kit Each 1950.00
Kit Hose
for is made
Operation of silicon
Theatre with and of white
following colour as epr
specification : The
Boyles and
Kitsuitable made Anti-Corrosive
is adoptor offixed onand
silicon Treatment
higher end of
of white for
ground MS pipe having one cost of anti-corrosive
epr standard suitable adoptor fixed on higher end of hose metal
323 primer, one layer of asphalt tar tape wound over the MS
pipe as per standard methods as per standard specification
a M-0756 100mm dia by the Departmental Officers.
as directed RM 407.00

b Supply,dia
M-0757 80mm erection, testing commissioning of 80mm dia RM 290.80
Heavy Duty Foot Valve including necessary MS flange of
324 M-0758 table'E' gaskets, bolts & nuts, etc., installed as end of Each 15165.00
80mm dia suction pipeline at sump as per the standard
method and as directed by the Departmental Officers.
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of cast iron
body and gun metal or stainless steel Internal Not Return
Valve of size of 80mm dia to control one way flow of water
Supply and laying of following sizes of Armoured Aluminium
to be installed pump room at delivery line and near
Cables for electrical motor, control panel, pressure switch,
overhead tank at terrace level near to jockey pump and
jockey motor etc., The rate inclusive of all incidental
325 M-0759 motor including necessary MS flange of table 'E' gaskets, Each 12248.00
charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled
326 bolts & nuts etc., as per IS 5312 including conveyance, all
portions to its original condition wherever found necessary,
incidental charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the
etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed
a M-0760 dismantled
3 core 95 armoured
portions aluminium
to its original cablewherever found
condition RM 582.70
by the Departmental Officers Make: POLYCAB/ PARACON /
necessary etc., complete as per standard specification and
as directed by the Departmental Officers.
b M-0761 4 core 16 armoured aluminium cable RM 250.60

c M-0762 4 core 10 armoured aluminium cable RM 204.00

d M-0763 2 core 1.5 armoured multi strand aluminium cable RM 157.40

e M-0764 3 core 10 armoured aluminium cable RM 204.00

f M-0765 10 core armoured aluminium cable RM 460.60

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Micro
Supply, based Conventional
Installation, testing and 12commissioning
Zone Fire Alarm of Control
g M-0766 2 core 2.5 armoured aluminium cable RM 180.70
Panel having
Processor the Conventional
based rating of 24 volt DC power
4 Zone supply,
Fire Alarm Control
Supply,having230/24 volt
the rating
Installation, SMPS unit,
of 24and
testing 2 Nos. of 12
DC power volt,
of 7 AH
327 M-0767 Each 89740.00
Conventional Smoke Detector suitably mounted onfixing
consisting batteries,
230/24 suitably
volt SMPS mounted
unit, 2 on
of using
12 volt, 7 AH
329 M-0769 Each 52430.00
with like
MS batteries,screws,
junction box plug,
suitably clamps
/ falsemouned and
on wall
ceiling using etc., as
fixing per
330 M-0770 Each 2448.00
llike methods
screws, like
plug, and as
clamps, directed
plug, as by
etc., the
perand Departmental
etc., as
standard per
and methods
as directed by and as directed by Officers,
the Departmental the Departmental
Supply, / installation,
Apollo Equivalent) testing and commissioning of Manual
Call Point (MCP) providing on wall using fixing accessories
331 M-0771 like screws, plug, clamps and etc., as per standard Mtr 1864.00
methods and as directed by the Departmental Officers,
(Make: Ravel / Equivalent)
Supply and erection of Double Leaves Fire Rated Door with
Frame havinginstallation, testing and
the dimension commissioning
of 1800mm x 700mm of with
Electronic Hooter
following specifications. / Sounder providing on wall using fixing
332 M-0772 accessories
A.Door Frame like1.6mm:
plug, clamps 120 andGSM etc., as per make
branded Each 1807.00
standard methods and as directed by the Departmental
b.Door (Make:
1mm: Ravel / Equivalent)
Galvanized 120 GSM branded make JSW
c.Shutter Thickness: 46mm
d.Honeycomb: In-fill
Supply and
Supply, layingtesting
erection, of FRLSand PVC insulated 2 core 1.5
e.Glue Macroplast UR-7221 commissioning of Fire fighting
Electrical CopperPanel Cableofon15ceilingHP, 415V,/ wall50 using Rating
fixing Wall
f.Door Hinges:
Supply, installation,4" x 3" x 3mm,
testing andDouble Ball:HZ
commissioning Make of Assa
333 M-0773 accessories
Mounted Typelikefabricated
screws, plug, using clamps
CRCA and etc.,
sheet, as per
hinged Each 116.50
Abloy Yale
Engine BallMain
Driven bearing FireButt
testing andHinges
Pump Grade
suitable for SS304of fire
automatic - Finish
Supply andmethods
door,fixingdust ofand
and as
Water directed
CO by with
Stored the Departmental
Pressure Type 9all
operation Monoblock
and consisting
Supply, erection, Motor
testing of and Pumpset
following of 1100
and complete
of fire in at 45
litres capacity Fire Extinguisher as per new IS 15683
head with
as Monoblock Standard
develop 3.5kg Arm/ Finish:Silver
required. Motor Pumpset of 900 LPM at 40and
to at the highest
a. 63Amps,
complete with4 Pole MCB - Incomer, 6 Amps, 2pressure
Pole MCB for
334 M-0774
A. Set:
End suction,
metres head tocontrol
Dead top Lock
develop valve,
discharge make
3.5kg gun
both /30mmetal
centrifugal keycap,
at jet
the atorthe
heighestcast time
and Each 6999.00
gauge, Circuit
operation - 1 set
sticker, discharges hose, wall
335 M-0775
fire fighting
body bronze emergency
hydrant impeller
pointTo tobe confirmed
make 30m by
stainless client
water atmounting
jet with
the time of Each 84170.00
b. R, Y, Bsafety
bracket, Phase Indication
clip, etc., as Lamp, VoltbyMeter (0-500) V),
j. Mounting
15KW / 20HP
fire fighting of
seal door:
rated Brick
to ensure
emergency a directed
phase mounted
circumstances, 414 volts, Departmental
pressure50 HZ,
coupled 2880
of 3.5kg/
336 M-0776 Ammeter (0-50 A), Volt Meter Selector Switch -RAL
1 set Each 255200.00
k. Powder
15KW /at20HPCoating
highest motor
rated and: three
the pump
farthest coated
phase 414in
outlet as standard
cast iron50body,
volts, HZ, flow paint
2880 of
338 M-0778 c. 32 Amps Power(60 Contactor with 230 V Coil, 14 - 23 Amps Each 154700.00
rpm of PO
LPM at Red
electrical 70mgland
motor head to conforming
the 90)
pump Microns
with to ISsize
cast 1520.
iron of 100mm
body, bronze dia,
339 M-0779 Over
l.SingleLoad Relay
Point Panic - 1Bar set(2 Horizontal): Make Assa Abloy Each 91560.00
b. 68 BHP,
impeller, size of
rope 80
gland RPMmm dia, including
packaging, cooled thesize
suction costofof100mm
radiator, foundation
diesel dia,
YaleSingle Phase Preventer - 1 No.
or conforming
delivery anti-vibration
size of 80 mm mounting,
to relevant
dia, BS &rain
including IS
the safety
cost ofhood and
m. Dead Lock Lampwith for
both Motor
side ON/OFF/TRIP - 1 Abloy
set Yale or
Auto complete
Supply, as testing
erection, directed
mechanism, by key:
and Make
the Departmental
volts/24 Assa
commissioning safety Officers.
Fire starting
f. AUTO / MANUAL Selector Switch, ON/OFF Push Button -
etc., Kirloskar
Application like self
Horizontal KDS
motor, by + the
Centrifugal or Equivalent)
dyanamo, solenoid
Type Pump Rated switches
1 set. Panel 200 x 300mm 2 Hrs. Fire Glass Schott Pyran
2280 LPMKirloskar
at 70 metres KDS 2050 head +with
or Equivalent)
Electrical Motor of 60 HP
withAdd on Block, Terminal Block, Power Wiring, Control
340 M-0780 c.
of 110
415 litres
volt 3capacity
phase connectiondiesel tankcompletemountedwith overbase stand plate Each 472390.00
0.Rated Connectors,
Glass Schott Cable
Pyran Lugs,
with Slotted
Frame Cable Cover.
and using
accessories 25mm
(Make: xKirloskar
25mm xor6mm size MS angle
Equivalent). The rate
The aboveBolt
p.Anchor panelwith mounted on wall using anchor fasterners
inclusive with
of levelEndcaps
necessary indicator,
vibration, inlet
bad port, outlet port,
mounting etc., as drain
The aboveplugs, incoming
assembly and outgoing
mounted on cable connection
concrete or brickafter walland
port and diesel
standard method return line port
as directed by and
the fuel pre-filter,
Departmental Officers.
all works carried
including out
the costKirloskar as per standard
of cutting, chipping,methods
concreteand as
filter etc (Make: / Equivalent)
plastering, by the Departmental Officers,
d. Exhaust scaffolding
system having all other
flexible conveyance as per 100mm
metallic mufier, standard
341 M-0781 Each 1264700.00
dia MS heavy and as pipe directed
extended by the
1m, outside pump Officers. house
duly insulated with 50mm thick glass wool with 1mm thick
aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer with
necessary MS support arrangements from wall or ceiling as
per site condition .....
e. Dash board consisting the instruments like temperature
gauge, galvano type DC Ammeter, lubricant oil pressure
gauge, ignition switch, emergency stop and all other
protection equipment as per specification, stop selenied for
auto stop in the event of fault with audio indications,
painted with post office red colour etc., as directed.
f. 12V/ 24 V storage battery, maintenance free tape, 180
AH rating, MS fabricated common base plate, coupling
guard, foundation bolts etc., as directed.
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning Mono Block
type Fire fighting Pressurisation Pump of 180 LPM 110
metres head at 10 HP with suitable base frame incluidng
342 M-0782 Supply,
necessary erection
vibration testing
bad and commissioning
mounting of Fire fighting
etc., including Each 230800.00
2 way Fire Brigade
conveying, fixing and Inlet with necessary
incidental charges,gun metal
etc., 63mm
complete as
per non-return spring shutter
standard specification andarrangements
as directed byso that to
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Diesel
control one way
Departmental flow at(Make:
Officers the time of emergency
Kirloskar water
/ Equivalent)
Engine Pump Main Control Panel & Jockey Pump including
supply by fire and rescue service fire engine entry including
343 M-0783 necessary auto cut-in, cut-off and manual operations, Each 13975.00
conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary scaffolding
344 M-0784 battery charger switch arrangements, voltmeter, ammeter Each 133980.00
and re-doing the dismantled protions to its original
and running indication siren provision, wall mounting type
condition wherever found necessary, etc., complete as per
Supplyas and
per laying
the standard
of 4 and method
core and as directed copper
by the
standard specification as10directed armoured
by the Departmental
cable for(Make: Officers.
wiring to the Terrace Pump Motor with runs
of 14 SWG TC wire for earthing, providing in wall with
345 M-0785 RM 646.80
suitable size GI Clamps, screws, wooden plug, end
termination by using suitable size cable glands, copper
sockets and laying of directed
2 core 1.5 by armoured copper
Supply, and etc., tesing
erection, as the Departmental
and commissioning of Fire Officers.
cable for control wiring to the Terrace Pump Motor with
Application direct on line main control panel to control
runs of 14the
Servicing SWG TC wiresizes
following for earthing,
cast iron providing
body Sluice in Valves
wall withby
346 M-0786 electrical Terrace Pump Motor of 3.75KW / 5HP rated 415 RM 157.00
suitable size GI
disconnecting clamps,
from hydrantscrews,
line, wooden
end the
347 M-0787 volts / 50 Hz 3 phase, 2880 RPM including necessary auto/ Each 60060.00
internal by using
shutter, suitable
replacing valvesize cable glands,
seating, checkingcopper
348 manual operations, over head relay, selector, switches
sockets and
operating etc.,lubricating
lever, as directedfor bymiving
the Departmental Officers.
parts, reconnecting
Supply and fixingvoltmeter
of Fire and ammeter
fighting provision,
application oblique etc.,
with hudrant
Supply, systemofas
installation perfighting
Fire standard methods 180
Application and degree
a M-0788 80mm
steelthe Departmental Officers. Each 1632.00
directed by
swinging theHydrant
type, hose
Valve of size 63mm dia with oblique
reel drumOfficers.
with 20mm dia braided
type instantaneous coupling wht rotating wheel to open
Supply, and fixinghosein30position
metresof long,
Fire so as to extend
fighting to
and close the valve including MS flange of table 'E' bolts &
b M-0789 necessary
65mm dia distance by self rolling spindle
Hose of 63mm dia of 15 metres length binded by coppper wheel including Each 1399.00
nuts with washer as per IS 5290 at ring main around the
wire with 63mm20 mmdia diastainless
ball valve andmale
steel openand andfemale
close spray
building and wet riser inside the building including
349 M-0790 nozzie, warm clip,
instantaneous etc., asspecial
fire fighting per thecoupling
per IS of901nay
as Each 11596.00
conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary scaffolding
350 M-0791 reputed make
directed by theatDepartmental
every floor nearer to hydrant
Officers. Near everyvalve,
hydrant Each 15650.00
and re-doing the dismantled portions to its original
351 M-0792 including
points conveyance,
including all incidental
conveyance, charges,
all incidental necessary
charges, Each 10345.00
condition wherever found necessary etc complete as per
necessary and re-doiing andthe dismantled
re-doing portions toportions
the dismantled its
standard specification and as directed by the Departmental
to condition
its original wherever
condition found necessary.,
whererver found necessary etc complete
as per standard
complete as per specification and as directed
standard specification and asby the
directed by
the Departmental Officers. Make:
Officers. OMEX
Supply, and fixing in position of Fire fighting Application
63mm dia stainless steel short length Branch Pipe with
hexagonal type spray nozzie of 15mm (or) 20mm jet bore.
Near every hydrant points including conveyance, all
352 M-0793 incidental charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the Each 3825.00
Supply of Fire
fighting to Application
its original condition
MS Hose Box
to keep
Supply necessary
two fixing
and numberetc complete
of hoses
nominal boreand
1 no.
typepipe with
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of following
and ashaving
sprinkler directedproper
bulb 68 by
C Departmental
pendent door with
type OMEX
MS 'C' Class Heavy Duty Pipe as per IS 1239 to withstand a
KARTARopen / LIFEkey,
painted / SAFE
white /
GI coller for each sprinkler bulb, mounted in MS Post
developing pressure of 10kg / including necessary
Office Red.
pipe ling Near
using every hydrant
suitable size MS points including
threaded coupling, thread,
353 M-0794 fittings like MS flange of table 'E' elbows, reducers, Each 8922.00
conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary
shellac etc., as per standard mehtods and including scaffolding
gaskets, bolt, nuts wth washerr & joints as per standard
354 M-0795 and re-doing all
conveyance, theincidental
dismantled portions
charges, to its original
necessary scaffolding Each 523.90
method of arc welding, including one coat of metal primer
355 condition
and whererver
re-doing found necessary
the dismantled portions etc complete
to its original as per
and two coat of Post Officer Red painting including
standard specification
condition whererver found and necessary
as directedetc
the Departmental
as per
conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary scaffolding
a M-0796 Officers.
250mm dia
standard Make: OMEX /and
specification KARTAR / LIFE by
as directed GUARD / SAFE
the Departmental RM 6415.00
and re-doing the dismantled portions to its original
GUARD / Make:
condition whererver found necessary etc complete as per
b M-0797 standard
200mm dia specification and as directed by the Departmental RM 4782.00

c M-0798 150mm dia RM 3439.00

d M-0799 100mm dia RM 2390.00

e M-0800 80mm dia RM 1865.00

f M-0801 65mm dia RM 1573.00

g M-0802 50mm dia RM 932.00

h M-0803 40mm dia RM 699.00

i Wrapping
M-0804 25mm dia and Coating Anti-Corrosive Treatment for the RM 582.70
following under ground MS pipe having one coat of anti-
356 corrosive metal primer, one layer of asphalt tar tape wound
over the MS Pipe as per standard methods as per standard
a M-0805 Supply,
200mm erection
dia and testing
specification as directed by the Departmental
and commissioning Officers.
of following RM 523.90
sizes of Heavy Duty Foot Valve including all accessories,
such as MS flange of table 'E' gaskets, bolts & nuts etc.,
b M-0806 150mm dia RM 466.20
installed at end of 150/200mm dia suction pipe line at
sump i including conveyance, all incidental charges,
necessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions
to its original condition whererver found necessary etc
a M-0807 200mm dia Each 36150.00
complete as per standard specification and as directed by
the Departmental Officers. Make: NORMEX / KARTAR /
150mm erection,
Supply, dia testing and commissioning of cast iron Each 27990.00
body and bronze internal non-rising spindle sluice valve of
sizes at required places to control the flow of water
c M-0809 100mm dia Each 17495.00
including necessary MS flange of table 'E' gaskets, bolts &
nuts including conveyance, all incidental charges,
necessary scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions
to its original condition whererver found necessary etc
a M-0810 250mm dia Each 67659.00
complete as per standard specification and as directed by
the Departmental Officers. Make: NORMEX / KARTAR /
200mm dia Each 43739.00

c M-0812 150mm dia Each 25779.00

d M-0813 100mm dia Each 17371.00

e M-0814 80mm dia Each 12820.00

Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Cast iron
and Gun metal or stainless steel internal Non return valve
of following sizes to control one way flow of water to be
f M-0815 installed
65mm dia pump room at delivery line and near overhead Each 9682.00
tank at terrace level near to jockey pump and motor
359 including necessary MS flange of table 'E' gaskets, bolts &
nuts etc., as per IS 5312 including conveyance, all
a M-0816 200mm dia
incidental charges, necessary scaffolding and re-doing the Each 53775.00
dismantled portions to its original condition whererver
found necessary etc complete as per standard specification
b M-0817 150mm dia
and as directed by the Departmental Officers. Each 31496.00
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Gun metal
Gate Valve of size 50mm dia size including necessary MS
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Gun Metal
c M-0818 flange
100mmofdia table 'E' gaskets, bolts & nuts etc., installed at Each 13063.00
Non - Return Valve of size 50mm dia including necessary
pump house delivery line for the purpose of priming water
MS flange of table 'E' gaskets, bolts & nuts etc., installed at
360 M-0819 to suction line including conveyance, all incidental charges, Each 5890.00
Supply house delivery
laying line for the
of following purpose
size of of priming to
361 M-0820 necessary
Priming Tank mountedand re-doing
with theArmoured
the supporting dismantled portions
arrangement Each 5715.00
Aluminiumline so that
Supply and /providing
Copper to control
1000 for
Cables one
litres way including
electrical Priming
motor, Tank
362 M-0821 to its original
fabricated condition
using MS angle whererver found necessary
for the height of 3 metresetcfrom Each 10498.00
panel, up
pressure fixing
of PVC. and incidental
switch, charges
jockey motor etc., etc., complete as
363 M-0822 complete
the as perinlet,
floor level, standard
outlet,specification andallasincidental
and drain arrangements directed by
inside Each 15747.00
per standard
charges, specification
necessary and as
scaffolding directed
and re-doing bythe
364 Departmental
the fire fighting pump Officers.
room,Make: LEADER
as directed by /the
portions to its Officers. Make: LEADER/EQUIVALENT.
original condition whererver found necessary
Departmental Officers.
etc complete as per standard specification and as directed
a M-0823 3 core 185 armoured aluminium cable RM 1749.00
by the Departmental Officers. Make: POLYCAB /PARACON /
b M-0824 3 core 10 armoured copper cable RM 780.00

c M-0825 10 core 2.5 armoured copper cable RM 699.00

Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Pressure
(ii) erection, testing and commissioning of suitable
Gauge arrangements
with 0 to 14kg. Range with GIofEarth
reputed Platemakeincluding
d M-0826 2 core
a. 2.5
Main Fire
Pump ofarmoured
reputed make copperlinecable
indfoss or Donfoss RM 233.00
Supplying, and salt milling
valve, with necessary
installation, threadand
testing MSexcavation
coupling fixed
commissioning in all at
soils and
of Fire
400 necessary
A depth
TPN Panel
SDFU in valves,
with Pump couplings,
House etc., connected with
to full
Fighting pipe as
Electrical mayin beHRC
read the HP fully
construction, re-
365 M-0827 electrical
(i) Incomer
automatic main
starter control panel andwith
setup at proper Each 6999.00
floor the including
mounted of /foundation
delta starter
conveyance, over
all excavated
using incidental load
CRCA sheet,
charges,as per ,
366 M-0828 differential
a. 1
digital No. 600A
ammeterso as
TP to
with auto
built- start and
in HRC
selectorauto stop the
switch and electrical
suitable Each 3616.00
the standard
compartmentalised specifcation
scaffolding withand and aslockable
hinged directed by the
the dismantled
door dust portions
367 M-0829 motor,
b. 1 jockey motro including conveyance, all incidental Each 6065.00
CTs, itsset
of 600
original A, 4 bar
proof, condition
type aluminium
bus bar,
inter connection
necessary 50
having switch
369 M-0831 charges,
AC supply
complete necessary
with all scaffoldingand
accessories andinternal
re-doing the dismantled
wiring required Each 612100.00
gears andas per standard
accessories specification
mounting and aswiring,
and internal directed by
c. to its operaton,
original condition whererver for found necessary
for No. (0-500A)
terminals, numberings,
Officers. ammeter
with selector
H-GURU ISI switch
metering/ protections
MAKE /&and
etc complete
OFF operation as- per
1 standard specification and as directed
indications complete in all respect suitable for operation on
by Jockey
b. 1the
Pump digital Officers. Make:with
voltmeter DONFOSS
selector/ switch and
415 volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply with enclosure
125 / SDFU
fuses with suitable HP fully
protection class IP 54 and mounted with the followings.
e. 3 Nos. phase
automatic starter/ indication lamp with
delta starter LED overtype with
load toggle
current with control fuses. phasing preventer complete
type single
with all accessories and internal wiring required for
automatic opertion, selector switch for auto / manual
operation - 1 No.
c. Diesel Engine Control comprising of :
1. Auto / manual selector switch and 3 attempt starting
device, timers and relays as required, push buttons, start /
stop in manual mode.
2. Indication lamp for high/ low lubircant oil pressure, high
water termperature and engine ON indication.
3. Battery erection
charger testing
suitable and forcommissioning
12V/ 24 V DC ofwith
Eletric Motor
Driven Fire Pumpset suitable for automatic
and tickle selector switch, 0-15V/0-30V DC volt meter, operation and
20A DC ammeter of following .
A. 1 No.
4. All horizontal
standard relayssplit
and casing centrifugal
accessories type fire pum
for automatic
Supply, of delivering
operation of diesel engine. 4550
testing LPM
and against a
commissioningtotal head of 110
of Diesel
5. The above combined panel mounted over MS channelper
Engine so
Drivenas to ensure
Main Fire a miniimum
Pump pressure
suitable for of
operationat the
fabricated and fartherst
frame consisting topofmost
with cement hydrant
concrete and / complete
outlet with
platform, allin pum
connection works carried out as per standard methodsparts
respects of
as cast iron
required. to grad FG 200, IS 210-1978 and and
A. 1 impeller,
including shaft sleeve,
No. horizontal
conveying, split
fixing bearing
casing ring etc.,
and centrifugal
incidental of non
charges,fire etc.,
capable as per either
delivering like specifiction
standard brone, brass
LPM against aortotal
and gun
as metalofand
directed 110
metres, stanless
so as to steel.
the Departmental Officers. a minimum pressure of 3.5kg. per
b. 1 No. at suqirrel cage induction
the fartherst top most motor hydrant of/175 HO,,
outlet 415
with pump
Volt, 3 of
casing phase
cast 50iron Hztorating,
grade conforming to IS 325-1978
FG 200, IS 210-1978 with
and parts
like "F" insulation, totally bearing
shaft sleeve, enclosed, IP etc.,
ring 55 for onenclosure
non - fan
370 M-0832 Each 962100.00
cooled type
corrosive conforming
metal either like to bronze,
or gun clause
metalofand IS
371 M-0833 Each 1445800.00
shaft synchronous
stainless steel. speed of 2900 RPM.
c. Common bed
b. 190 HP, 1500 RPM waterplate fabricated with
cooled MSradiator,
with channel diesel
/ Cast
iron type for assembling the pump and
engine conforming to relevant BS & IS standard complete. motro flexible
coupling between
c.Auto starting the pump 12
mechanism, andvolts
the motor
/ 24 voltswihteletric
guard forequipment
starting protectionlike - 1 self
No. motor, dynamo, solenoid
d. Makingetc.
switches cement concrete foundation suitable for the
d. 110 pumpset including
litres capacity diesel vibration isolationover
tank mounted padsstand
fabricated foundation
25mmbolts, x 25mm brackets,
x 6mmclamp
size MSfixtures,
grouting etc.,
providing withIn accordance
level indicator,with inletthe manufacture's
port, outlet port, design
and as
port andper standard
diesel return methods
line portand andincluding conveying,
fuel pre-filter, after
filter and incidiental charges, etc., complete as per
standard specification and as directed by the
Departmentaql Officers.
e.Exhaust system having flexible metallic mufler, 100mm
dia MS heavy pipe extended upto 1m ouside pump house
duly insulated with 50mm thick glass wool wth 1mm thick
aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer with
necessary MS support arrangements from wall or ceiling as
per site condition.
f. Dash board consisting the instruments like Temperature
Gauge, Galvano Type DC Ammeter, Lubricant Oil Pressure
Gauge, Ignition Switch, Emergency stop and all other
protection equipment as per specification, stop soleneid for
auto stop in the event of fault wtih audio indications,
painted with Post Office Red Colour etc.,as required.
g. 12V /24V storage battery, maintenance free tape, 180
AH rating, MS fabricated common base plate, coupling
Supplyu, installation
guard, foundation testing
bolts etc.,and commissioning of Diesel
as required.
Engine Driventhe
h. Postioning Main Fire engine
diesel Pump suitable for pump
driven fire automatic
operation and consisting
cement concrete foundationof followings complete
using suitable in all
size anti-
vibration as required.
mounting arrangement.
All 1works
No. horizontal split casing, centrifugal
including conveying type fire pump
fixing and incidental charges
capable of delivering
etc., complete as per 4550 LPM specification
standard against a total
andhead of 110
as directed
metres, so as to ensure
by the Departmental a minimum
Officers. Make:pressure
KIRLOSKAR of 3.5kg.
? per at the fartherst top most hydrant / outlet with pump
casing of cast iron to grade FG 200, IS 210-1978 and parts
like impeller, shaft sleeve, bearing ring etc., on non -
corrosive metal either like bronze, brass or gun metal and
372 M-0834 Each 1334500.00
shaft of stainless steel.
b. 100 BHP, 1500 RPM water cooled with radiator, diesel
engine conforming to relevant BS & IS standard complete.
c.Auto starting mechanism, 12 volts / 24 volts eletric
starting equipment like self motor, dynamo, solenoid
switches etc.
d. 110 litres capacity diesel tank mounted over stand
fabricated using 25mm x 25mm x 6mm size MS angle
providing with level indicator, inlet port, outlet port, drain
port and diesel return line port and fuel pre-filter, after
filter etc..............
e.Exhaust system having flexible metallic mufler, 100mm
dia MS heavy pipe extended upto 1m ouside pump house
duly insulated with 50mm thick glass wool wth 1mm thick
aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer with
necessary MS support arrangements from wall or ceiling as
per site condition.
f. Dash board consisting the instruments like Temperature
Gauge, Galvano Type DC Ammeter, Lubricant Oil Pressure
Gauge, Ignition Switch, Emergency stop and all other
protection equipment as per specification, stop soleneid for
auto stop in the event of fault wtih audio indications,
painted with Post Office Red Colour etc.,as required.
g. 12V /24V storage battery, maintenance free tape, 180
AH rating, MS fabricated common base plate, coupling
guard, foundation bolts etc., as required.
h. Postioning the diesel engine driven fire pump over
cement concrete foundation using suitable size anti-
vibration mounting arrangement.
All works including conveying , fixing and incidental charges
etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed
by the Departmental Officers. Make: KIRLOSKAR ?
Supplym erection, testing and commissioning of 180 LPM,
70 metres, Head Pressurization Pump with 10 HP electrical
motor of Kirloskar make with suitable base frame incluidng
382 M-0844 necessary vibration bad mounting etc.,m including Each 118900.00
conveying, fixing and incidental charges, etc., complete as
Supply , erection testing and commissioning of Fire Fighting
per standard specification and as directed by the
4 Way Fire Brigade inlet with necessary gun metal 63mm
Departmental Officers. Make : KIRLOSKAR / EQUIVALENT.
dia non return
Supply, erection,spring shutter
testing arrangements, of
and commissioning so Air
Valve 20mm waydiaflowsoatasthe
to time
releaseof emergency water dia
airlock in 100mm
MS pipebyatfire
most rescue service
wet riser, fire engine
ncluding entry ncluding
conveyance, all
383 M-0845 Each 16914.00
incidental all incidental
charges, charges,
necessary necessary
scaffolding scaffolding
and re-doing the
384 M-0846 Each 1690.00
and re-doing
dismantled the dismantled
portions portions
to its original to its original
condition whererver
found fixing pipe
necessary supports
etc found
complete from
as /specification
etc complete
standard wallasorper
and from roof
as directed slab
by theand to suit various dia
as directedOfficers.
Departmental ofMake: made
by the Departmental
out of GI / MS
Officers. Make:
KARTAR/ adjustable rods threaded
EQUIVALENT. for a sufficient
385 length to adjust the height of support along with clamping
arrangement for holding pipes of anchor fastening,
arrangement design of hanger and should confirm with

a M-0847 100mm dia Each 325.50

b M-0848 80mm dia Each 313.90

c M-0849 50mm
Supply diaand fixing of stored pressure ABC (Mono Each 290.80
Ammonium Phospate) Powder Type Fire Extinguisher of 6
Supply and ketp fixinginCarbon-di-Oxide
position of Trolley GasMounted
Type 2 kg.Watercapacity
kg. capacity as per IS 15683 with pressure gauge,
d Fire
M-0850 Stored
40mm Extinguisher
Pressure Type as per50New
litresIS:15683., complete
capacity Fire with as
Extinguisher Each 162.70
Supply andhose
positionnozzie, wall mounting
of Trolley Mounted tYPE bracket,
per IS: valve,
completehosewith with horn,
control wallgun
valve, mounting
metal cap,
safety clip etc., ncluding conveyance, all incidental
386 M-0851 KG. Carbon-di-Oxide Fire Extinguisher as per IS 15683,
bracket, safety
pressure gauge,clip etc., ncluding
operation sticker,conveyance,
discharge hose,all incidental Each 5248.00
complete necessary
with control scaffolding
valve, gun and re-doing
metal the dismantled
cap, pressure
387 M-0852 mounting
charges, necessary
trolley with scaffolding and re-doing
moving wheel, the etc.,
safety clip dismantled Each 8748.00
portions to its original
gauge, operation condition
sticker, whererver
discharge found necessary
hose, mounting trolley
388 portions to
M-0853 ncluding its original all
conveyance, condition
charges,found necessary
necessary Each 24485.00
withcomplete as per safety
moving wheel, standard clipspecification
etc., ncludingand as directed
389 etc complete
M-0854 scaffolding andasre-doing
per standard specification
the dismantled and astodirected
portions its Each 33828.00
by the Departmental
all incidental charges,Officers.
necessary Make: EXCELLENT/
scaffolding SAFETY
and re-doing
by the Departmental
original Officers.
condition whererver Make:
necessary / SAFETY
etc complete
the dismantled portions to its original condition whererver
as per ?standard
EQUIVALENT.specification and as directed by the
found necessary etc complete as per standard specification
Departmental Officers. Make: EXCELENT/SAFETY FIRST /
and as directed by the Departmental Officers. Make:
Servicing the SS Hydrant Valves by disconnecting from pipe
line, dismantling, checking the operation of rorating
spindle, replacing rubber 'O' ring of valve seating ,
390 M-0855 replacing rubber gasket of 80mm dia OD x 65mm dia ID, Each 1690.00
repaking the 5/8" x 21/2" bolt, nut, washers, re-connecting
with hydrant system as per standard methods and as
Servicing the First Aid Hose Reel Drum assembly by
directed by the Departmental Officers.
Servicing from hydrant
the following sizesline, replacing
of cast shutSluice
iron body off nozzie,
by clip, lubricating
disconnecting from the rotating
hydrant line,assembly, replacing
dismantling, inspecting
391 M-0856 Each 4082.00
the dia, 30
internal metresreplacing
shutter, long rubber
valve hose, re-connecting
seating, checking with
hydrant system
operating, lever,as per standard
lubricating methods
for moving and as
parts, re-directed
by the Departmental
connecting Officers.
with hydrant system, as per standard methods
a M-0857 150mm dia Each 3148.00
Supplyas directed
and fixingbyinthe Departmental
position of 12 Volt Officers.
180 AH Lead Acid,
Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) batteries with connecting
b M-0858 leads,
100mm lugs
diaterminal post, etc., as per standard methods Each 2098.00
and ncluding conveyance, all incidental charges, necessary
393 M-0859 scaffolding and re-doing the dismantled portions to its Each 29163.00
original condition whererver found necessary etc complete
as perItems
standard specification and as directed by the
Departmental Officers. Make: EXCELENT/SAFETY FIRST /
398 M-1059 1.0 HP Jet Pump Set Each 9012.00

399 M-1060 1.5 HP Jet Pump Set Each 15450.00

400 M-1061 2.0 HP Jet Pump Set Each 13920.00

401 M-1062 3.0 HP Jet Pump Set Each 25755.00

402 M-1063 1.0 HP Monoblock Pump Each 8160.00

403 M-1064 2.0 HP Monoblock Pump Each 12240.00

404 M-1065 5.0 HP Monoblock Pump Each 35700.00

405 M-1066 2.0 HP Submergible Pump Each 15450.00

406 M-1067 3.0 HP Submergible Pump Each 35490.00

407 M-1068 5.0 HP Submergible Pump Each 52520.00

408 M-1069 7.5 HP Submersible Pump Each 84130.00

409 M-1070 10.0 HP Submersible Pump Each 102000.00

410 M-1071 3 Phase Panel Board including labour charges Each 13390.00

411 M-1072 Nylon Rope for Bore-well RM 61.80


Rates of Materials / Geogrids

Bi-Axial Extruded GeoGrids of Minimum Tensile Strength
15KN/m in the longitudinal
Bi-Axial Extruded GeoGrids and transverse
of Minimum direction
Tensile Strength
Bi-Axial in the longitudinal
GeoGrids and transverse
of Minimum direction
Tensile Strength
Bi-Axial in the longitudinal
GeoGrids and transverse
of Minimum direction
Tensile Strength
40KN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction
Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED
5 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

6 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

7 Sqm.
Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED
8 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

9 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

10 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

11 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

12 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

13 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

14 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

15 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

16 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

17 Sqm.

Synthetic Geogrid having Ultimate Tensile Strength DELETED

18 Sqm.

Geosynthetic Drainage
Synthetic Geogrid with
having Two Filtering
Ultimate Non-woven
Tensile Strength DELETED
19 Sqm.
1200KN/m having a "W" Configuration as longitudinal
parallel channels. Minimum thickness to be 7.2mm, with
Drainage Composite
two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven
20 Geotextiles of minimum thickness of 0.75mm having pores sqm. DELETED
of 150 micron and tensile strength of 8.0 KN/m and having
plane flow capacity of 2.1L/(m.s) at hydraulic gradient of
1.0 & 20 kpa pressure, tensile strength of 18kN/m with
mass per unit area of 740 gsm.
Geosynthetic Drainage Composite having thermobonding a
draining core - HDPE geonet comprises of two sets of
parallel overlayed ribs integrally connected to have a
rhomboidal shape with a polyethylene film and nonwoven
21 Geotextiles having mass per unit area 130g/m2 and tensile Sqm. DELETED
kN/m having in plane flow cpacity of 0.7
L/(ms) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kPa pressure and
tensile and laying
A.Geosynthetics Woven
of -13.5 kN/mGeotextiles
Geotextiles with mass per of unit
Type-Iareaon of
830 prepared
gsm. andsubgrade
Providing laying Woven as theGeotextiles
separator cum of reinforcement
on thenecessary
Providingprepared overlap
and laying Wovenas per drawing
as Geotextiles
the and
separator of as
cum per Type-III
on the prepared
Providing 702with
and laying necessary
needleas overlap as
the separator
punched per drawing
and mechanically and
as per MORTH
Providing Non-WovenSpecification
and laying necessary 702
needle overlap
punched as per
of Type-I
and drawing and
as per MORTH
Providing Non-WovenSpecification
and laying high 702 fibres
needle punched on the
of Type-II
and prepared
bonded for separation
from high
Non-Woven as per MORTH
Geotextiles fibres Specification
of Type-IIIthe prepared 702
subgrade for separation
manufactured from high as per MORTH
quality fibres Specification
on the prepared 702
Supplying and laying of HDPE Geomembrane 750 micron
thickness for
of separation
smooth as per MORTH Specification 702
Supplying and
B. Geosynthetics laying - surfaces
of HDPEon
Geomembranes both sides / only
Geomembrane 1000 one face
textured. The
micron thickness
Supplying width
and laying of
of smoothgeomembrane
of HDPE surfaces roll shall
on both 1500
Geomembrane not be less
sides / only
7 than
micron 4.5m
one face a easilyof
thickness accessible
The location
width surfaces
smooth of including
on topshall
both sides and
/ onlynot Sqm. DELETED
8 bottom
one less with
facethan all
aThe and
easily lifts
width manpower
of and machinery,
geomembrane including
roll shalltop
not Sqm. DELETED
9 materials
be bottom
less labour
than with
4.5m etc., complete
alla leads
easily and andmanpower
accessible aslocation
directed andby the top
including Sqm. DELETED
and bottom and
machinery, laying
with ashigh
all leads strength
etc., flexible Geogrids
manpower andand701
as directed
by as soil reinforcement
the Engineer-in-Charge
machinery, materials /basal
labourasetc., reinforcement
per complete
MORTH as per
and as directed 701
MORTH 3100 and IRC 113, as
by the Engineer-in-Charge madeper of high tenacity
MORTH polyester
Specification 701
10 core with polyethylene coating with Minimum Long Term
Design Strength (LTDS) of more than 50% of Ultimate DELETED
a Ultimate Tensile Strength -100kN/m Sqm.
Tensile Strength at 30 degree celsius corresponding to
12% strain. DELETED
b Ultimate Tensile Strength -150kN/m Sqm.
c Ultimate Tensile Strength -200kN/m Sqm.
d Ultimate Tensile Strength -250kN/m Sqm.
e Ultimate Tensile Strength -300kN/m Sqm.
f Ultimate Tensile Strength -350kN/m Sqm.
g Ultimate Tensile Strength -400kN/m Sqm.
h Ultimate Tensile Strength -500kN/m Sqm.
i Ultimate Tensile Strength -600kN/m Sqm.
j Ultimate Tensile Strength -700kN/m Sqm.
k Ultimate Tensile Strength -800kN/m Sqm.
l Ultimate Tensile Strength -900kN/m Sqm.
m Ultimate Tensile Strength -1000kN/m Sqm.
n Ultimate Tensile
Supplying Strength
and laying -1100kN/m
of Bi-Axial Extruded High Modulus Sqm.
Supplying and Geogrids conforming
laying of Bi-Axial to MORTH
Extruded High Modulus
o Ultimate Tensile
Supplying Strength
and Geogrids
laying -1200kN/m
of Bi-Axial reinforcement
Extruded having
High Modulus Sqm.
minimum Tensile
Supplying forStrength
and Geogrids
laying 15 Extruded
of Bi-Axial kN/m in High
to MORTH the longitudinal
reinforcement having
and transverse
PolypropyleneTensile direction,
Geogrids with20
base/sub-base 5 kN/m
conforming kN/m to and 7 kN/m
in the
MORTH tensile
minimum at
Tensile and
for 5% strain
Strength 30
base/sub-base respectively
Providing and laying Fibreglass Geogrids of Tensiletensile
transverse direction, with 7 kN/m
kN/m and
in in
reinforcement the
Providing at
transverse and
- 2%
and50kN/m transverse
laying 5%
Strength direction,
with 40
Fibreglass kN/m junction
10.5 kN/m
Geogrids in and
of efficiency
21 kN/mfibre
quality not
14 less than 95% and with 38mm x 38mm mesh opening. Sqm. DELETED
glass transverse
Strengthstrands and
-and transverse
at 2%
100kN/m coatedand direction,
with strain
14 kN/m
a polymer junction
and 28
kN/min the
bitumen not
15 Supplying laying of manugactured
drainage from
composite high
for usequality
behind Sqm. DELETED
less than
fibre glass 95% and
reinforcement and
strands with
atto2% 38mm
and coated x 38mm
5% strain
with mesh
polymer opening.
pavements in of
modified not
16 walls, between two different fills, alongside-drains of road, Sqm. DELETED
layer than
asphalt 95%
of over and
bentonite and with
distressed x 38mm
between mesh
two opening.
nonwoven not
bitumen asand
below concrete laying
lining of
reinforcement of grid
canals as Gepcomposite
etc. per
overlay consisting
flexible forof a
layer than
pavements 95%
D.Geosynthetic and and
708 with 38mm
asphalt over
Clay Liners x 38mm
distressed mesh
gridwith opening.
(GCL)bonding a draining as per
planar drainage, realized by thermo
tensile strength
MORTH in longitudinal
Specification punched direction
708 Geotextiles andwith
4200 g/me
core in extruded monofilaments with two filtering
17 bentonite
tensile content. The width ofdirection
GCL roll and shall3000
not be less Sqm.
nonwoven Geotextiles that may also be working asg/me
strength in longitudinal DELETED
18 than 4.55m
bentonite at easily
content. Theaccessible
width of location
GCL roll including
shall not topless
be and Sqm. DELETED
separation or protecting layers. The draining three
than 5m with
at all leads
easily and liftslocation
accessible manpower and machinery
including top and
dimensional core will have a "W" confiquration as
bottom with Composite
all etc complete
leads and as directed
and lifts manpower by Engineer-
and machinery
longitudinal parallel channels. Minimum thickness to be
in-Charge labour
materials as per etcMORTH Specificatio
complete and as 700
directed by Engineer-
7.2mm, with two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene
19 in-Charge Sqm. DELETED
nonwoven as per MORTH
Geotextiles Specificatio
of minimum 700
thickness of 0.75mm
characteristic opening size (0.90) of 110 micron and tensile
strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as separation or
protecting layer, Geocomposite having in plane flow
capacity of 2.1 L/(m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20
kPa pressure and tensile strength of 18 kN/m with mass
per unit area of 740 gsm, supplied in the form of roll for
easy transportation to site work as per detailed
specification all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-

Supplying and laying of drainage composite for use behind

walls, between two different fills, alongside-drains of road,
below concrete lining of canals etc. having thermo bonding
a draining core - HDPE geonet comprises of two sets of
parallel overlayed ribs integrally connected to have a
rhomboidal shape with a polyethylene film and a novwoven
Geotextiles having mass per unit area 130 gsm and tensile
20 strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as separation or Sqm.
protecting layer, Geocomposite having in plane flow
capacity of 0.7L/(m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kPa
pressure and tensile strength of 13.5 kN/m, with mass per
unit area of 830 gsm, at easily accessible location including
top and bottom, with all leads and lifts, materials,
manpower and machinery, materials, labour etc. complete
Providing and making Gabion structure with Mechanically
and as directed
Providing by Engineer-in-Charge
and making Gabion structure with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire Mesh
Woven Double
Providing TwistedGabion
and making Hexagonal Shaped
structure withWire Mesh
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MORTH Clause 2500,
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire Mesh2500,
Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MORTH Clause
of required size, Mesh Type 10 x 12 (D=100mm with
of required
Gabion Boxes size,
as Mesh
per ISType 10 x 12 (D=100mm
16014:2018, SP 116:2018 with
VI Gabion of +(or) - 2%) Zinc Coated, Mesh Wire
required size, Mesh Type 10 x 12 (D=100mm with Wire
of +(or) - 2%) Zinc + PVC Coated, Mesh
diameter 3.0 mm, mechanically edged / selvedged with
21 diameter 2.7/3.7mm,
tolerance of +(or) - 2%) mechanically
Zinc + 10% edged/ selvedged
Aluminium with+
Alloy cum DELETED
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have miniumum
22 partitions
PVC at every
Coated, Mesh1m interval
Wire and 2.7/3.7mm,
diameter shall have minimum
(ID/OD),10 cum DELETED
10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular
23 numbers of openings
mechanically per meter with
edged/ selvedged of mesh perpendicular
partitions at every to1m cum DELETED
to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2mm, supplied
twist, tying
interval andwithshalllacing
have wire of diameter
minimum 2.2/3.2mm
10 numbers of openings
@3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with
per meter supplied
of mesh@3% ANNESURE
by weightto
perpendicular -IX
of Gabion
twist, boxes,
tying withfilled
least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as
with boulders OF
of diameter LABOUR,
with RATES
least dimension
2.2/3.2mm OF
200mm, AND
as per
supplied @3% by
per direction of Engineer-in-Charge
weight OFall WORKS
boxes,as filled
per directions FOR TEMPLE
of Engineer-in-
with boulders WORKS
with least
dimension of 200mm, as per drawing, all complete as per
directions Engineer-in-Charge
A Ornamental Brick Work

1 L-0108 Sthapathy -I Class (Marking) Day 1673.00

2 L-0109 Silpi- I Class Day 1409.00

3 L-0110 Silpi- II Class Day 1286.00

4 L-0111 Assistant Silpi Day 918.00

B Panchavarnam Work

5 L-0112 Artist Painter -I Class Day 1253.00

6 L-0113 Artist Painter -II Class Day 1057.00

7 L-0114 Assistant Painter Day 661.00

C Sudhai Work

8 L-0115 Silpi for Vigraham Day 1673.00

9 L-0116 Silpi for Ornamental Varagam Day 1409.00

D Wood Work

10 L-0117 Vigraha Sthapathy Day 1673.00

11 L-0118 Sthapathy -I Class Day 1673.00

12 L-0119 Sthapathy -II Class Day 1421.00

13 L-0120 Silpi - I Class Day 1409.00

14 L-0121 Silpi - II Class Day 1286.00

15 L-0122 Sthapathy Assistant Day 1286.00

E Ornamental Stone Work

16 L-0123 Sthapathy -I Class (Marking) Day 1673.00

17 L-0124 Sthapathy -II Class (Supervisor Sthapathy) Day 1497.00

18 L-0125 Silpi - I Class Day 1409.00

19 L-0126 Silpi - II Class Day 1286.00

20 L-0127 Smith - I Class Day 1409.00

21 L-0128 Smith - II Class Day 1286.00

22 L-0129 Assistant Silpi Day 918.00

Supply ofPattern Ornamental
high quality BurmaDoors
Teak with
woodhigh quality
meant Burma
for the
Teak wood
purpose with 2" minimum
of making to 7"
the following maximum thick
Temple Chariot Ornamental Works consisting of
Ornamental frames, 2" thick to 5" thick Kamala (Flower
a M-2258 Architectural Embellishments like, Peetas, Padmas, Pillars, cum 309800.00 **
Planks), Creeper, Birds, Animal Figures, Sculptures, etc.
b M-2259 Pilasters, Bodhikas, Kapotams, Koodu, Sikaram and other cum 324800.00 **
Backside 1" thick to 3" plank including necessary carving,
Ornamental Cornice works and also necessary Creepers,
Kodimaram (Dwajasthambam)
shaping , wastage, etc., as per Stem 9" toplan
approved 18" and
dia upto 30
c M-2260 Kamalams, Animal, Bird figures and Sculptures. cum 339800.00 **
feet height

Temple Pattern Ornamental Doors with high quality Teak

2 Supply of Teakwood for making the following items.
wood (country) with 2" minimum to 7" maximum thick
Ornamental frames, 2" thick to 5" thick Kamala (Flower
a M-2261 cum 199000.00 **
Planks), Creeper, Birds, Animal Figures, Sculptures, etc.
BacksideChariot Beams,
1" thick to 3" Temple Woodennecessary
plank including Uttarams carving,
b M-2262 cum 213021.00 **
minimum 9" thick toetc.,
shaping , wastage, 18" as per approved plan and design.

Kodimaram (Dwajasthambam) Stem 9" to 18" dia upto 30

c M-2263 cum 213021.00 **
feet height

Temple Pattern
Supply of Ornamental
Country Wood for Doors
the high quality
following items
Country woodWood
using Vengai with 2" minimum to 7" maximum thick
Ornamental frames, 2" thick to 5" thick kamala (Flower
a M-2264 cum 120700.00 **
Planks), Creeper, Birds, Animal Figures, Sculptures, etc.
Backside 1" thick to 3" plank including necessary carving,
shaping , wastage, etc., as per approved plan and design.
Kodimaram (Dwajasthambam) Stem 9" to 18" dia upto 30
b M-2265 cum 135700.00 **
feet height

Temple Chariot Beams, Temple Wooden Uttarams with

c M-2266 cum 150700.00 **
minimum 9" thick.

Supply of Country Wood for making the following items

using Illuppai Wood

Temple Chariot Beams, Temple Wooden Uttarams with

a M-2267 cum 95270.00 **
minimum of 9"
to 18"Wood
thick.for making the following items
using Atthi Wood.
Temple God and Goddess Vahanams of required shape and
a M-2268 size with ornamental
Scantling features.
upto 40cm dia cum 31500.00 **

b M-2269 Scantling upto 40cm dia cum 45348.00 **

Supply of Country Wood for Temple wood work plank 9" to

6 M-2270 cum 45348.00 **
15" width and frames upto 6" thick.

Supply of Country Wood for making the following items

using Mavili Wood upto 40cm dia

Temple God and Goddess Vahanams of required shape and

a M-2271 cum 45348.00 **
size with ornamental features.
Supply of cut stone for carrying out Garpagraham,
8 Arthamandapam, Maha Mandapam, Thirumathil and other
Temple Structures up to 10 feet length
a M-2272 Thirumathi (Compound wall) cum 12400.00 **

b M-2273 Pillar (Column) cum 14000.00 **

c M-2274 Uthiram (Beam) cum 14000.00 **

d M-2275 Pavukkal (Ceiling Stone) cum 14000.00 **

e Flooring cum Deleted *

f M-2276 Nilaikal (Door Frame) cum 14000.00 **

Supply of cut stone for carrying out Garpagraham,

Arthamandapam, Maha Mandapam, Thirumathil and other
Temple Structures above 10 feet length upto 14 feet

a M-2277 Pillar (Column) cum 16800.00 **

b M-2278 Uthiram (Beam) cum 16800.00 **

c M-2279 Pavukkal (Ceiling Stone) cum 16800.00 **

d M-2280 Nilaikal (Door

Scaffolding Frame)
charges for Vimanams and Gopurams with cum 16800.00 **
casurina posts coconut or palm trees wherever necessary
for main, form work and providing with net lawn /PVC
1 mesh coverings, providing ladder arrangements, country
wood plank for working, inspection etc. complete, hire
a W-0210 Vimanam / Gopuram upto 15' - 0' height Sqm. 257.00
charges only for erection, maintenance and removing the
same on completion of the work.
b W-0211 Vimanam / Gopuram upto 25' - 0' height Sqm. 344.40

c W-0212 Gopurams upto 50' - 0' height Sqm. 439.70

d W-0213 Gopurams upto 75' - 0' height Sqm. 550.50

e W-0214 Gopurams upto 100' - 0' height Sqm. 660.20

f W-0215 Gopurams upto 150' - 0' height Sqm. 807.50

Labour Charges for Old Stone Removing:
Chitranvanam, Padma Jagati, Adhistanam, Kandam,
Pattiyal, Jagati, Kumudagam, Aswapadam, Sthamaba,
2 W-0216 Sthambam, Kalasam, Thadi, Kudam, Palagai, Sqm. 1575.00
Veerakandam, Bodhiyal, Uthiram, Kambu, Eludham,
Kabothagam, Viyalam, Koodu, Ullvari, Pavukkal, Thun,
Flooring, Nilaikal, Bodhiyal Thani, Uthiram.

Labour Charges for Old Stone Removing:

3 W-0217 cum 5169.00
Thanithun, Uthiram, Bodhiyal

Labour Charges for Old Stone Fixing:

4 Labour Charges
W-0218 Chitranvanam, Padmafor Old Stone
Jagati, Fixing: Kandam,
Adhistanam, Sqm. 2364.00
Pattiyal, Jagati,Sthamaba,
Kumudagam. Sthambam, Kalasam, Thadi,
Kudam, Palagai, Veerakandam, Bodhiyal, Uthiram, Kambu,
5 W-0219 Sqm. 3152.00
Eludham, Kabothagam,
Supplying and installation Viyalam,
of STRIP Koodu,
JOINT Thun,confirming
Flooring, Nilaikal, -X
to specifications Thani,
for road and
works in the 40mm NEWwide ITEMS FOR HIGHWAYS
expansion gap provided in
Supplying and fixing GI 300mm wide PVC
SPOUTS 100mm dia
between decks over piers and in between deck and dirt wall
as per in the
GOI 20mmSD/205
drawing expansionwith gap provided
grating in between
arrangements at
1 W-0220 over abutment with fatigue tested structural steel section RM 12710.00
top as over
shown piers
in theanddrawing
in between and deck
100mm anddia dirtdrainage
wall over
2 W-0221 at the nosing and anchorage assembly, including labour, RM 594.00
spout as shown
Supplying and in
atleast the drawing
300mm including
beyond cost and
the width
bottom of of deck
3 W-0222 equipment
Supplying andfixing
and fixing
incidental PAPER
of ELASTOMERIC forfor full
BEARINGthe jointsas and Each 2271.00
slab as
seating shown
of of
deck expansion
in the
slab joints
and including
including cost shalimar
and and
4 W-0223 Supply
shown in
theall Class RCC
drawing as Pipe
per cost
and 2600 to
conveyance MORTto&to
ofIS H Sqm. 100.00 *
joint sealant
458/2003 etc.,
including complete.
for iron
csot pipe pipes
as ainand flatswork
finished and fixing
position and
5 specification
W-0224 work (V Revision)
site, labour for fixing the bearing in position and all 1.61
them in position
all other incidental etc., complete
charges, etc, as per
testing cl 2705
charges of MORT & H
6 other incidental charges etc., complete as per section 2000
specification (V Revision)
loading, unloading, transport and delivery in good
of MORT & H specification (V Revision)
a W-0225 condition
1200mm dia at work site etc., complete as directed by the RM 5686.00
Departmental Officers, as per standard specificaitons.
b W-0226 1000mm dia RM 3888.00

c W-0227 900mm
Hoistingdiaand fixing of NP3 Class RCC Pipe and Collars RM 3474.00
in proper gradient including all labour charges and all
other incidental charges etc., complete as directed by the
a W-0228 Departmental
1200mm dia Officers, as per standard specifications. RM 256.00
b W-0229 1000mm dia RM 242.00

c W-0230 900mm dia RM 210.00

1 H-0077 Power Roller / Road Roller Each 985.00

2 H-0078 Tipper 10 Tonnes Each 1307.00

3 H-0079 Loader Each 1452.00

4 H-0080 Paver Finisher Each 2940.00

5 H-0081 Vibrator Roller 8-10 Tonne Each 6531.00

6 H-0082 Mini Hot Mix Plant 6/10 Each 2022.00

7 H-0083 Water Sprinkler Each 1383.00

8 H-0084 Wet Mix Plant 75 Ton Capacity Each 10767.00

9 H-0085 Electrical Generating Set 125 KVA Each 6188.00

10 H-0086 Water Tan 6 KL Capacity (GSB) Each 2395.00

11 H-0087 Motor Grader 110 JP Each 16152.00

12 H-0088 Tractor - Rotovator Each 3382.00

13 H-0089 Water Tanker (WMM) Each 1028.00

14 H-0090 Base Mix Plant (Pug Mill) Each 8037.00

15 H-0091 Central Hot Mix Plant Each 11604.00

16 H-0092 Bitumen Boiler Each 247.00

17 H-0093 Tractor with Dozer Each 5376.00

18 H-0094 JCB Each 6272.00

19 H-0095 Dewatering Pump with Engine Each 2103.00

20 H-0096 Ajax Self Loading Concrete Mixer Each 8960.00

Pumping charges of concrete including hire charges of
1 H-0097 cum 244.00
pump, piping work and accessories etc.
2 H-0098 Carriage of concrete by Transit Mixer Km/cum 34.60

3 H-0099 Cutting Saw Machine Day 1572.00

4 H-0100 Concrete Joint cutting Machine Day 1048.00

Air Compressor 250 cfm, with two leads for Pneumatic
5 H-0101 Day 1864.00
6 H-0102 Excavation of diaphragm wall by Mechanical Grab Day 1515.00

7 H-0103 Hire and running charges of Bentonite Pump Day 4078.00

8 H-0104 Hire and running charges of Crane 20 Tonne capacity Day 8155.00

9 H-0105 Hire and running charges of Crane 40 Tonne capacity Day 9320.00

10 H-0106 Hire and running charges of Crane 80 Tonne capacity Day 17480.00
New Items for 2020-2021

50 Kgs/
22 M-0228 SRC Cement (Sulphate Resistant Cement) 311.00
50 Kgs/
23 M-0229 Slag Cement 279.00

79 M-0298 Supplying and fixing Shade Net (Green Net) for under constru sqm 67.25

102 Brass Hinges

a M-0332 125mm x 30mm Each 214.10

b M-0333 100mm x 30mm Each 183.60

c M-0334 75mm x 30mm Each 152.60

d M-0335 50mm x 30mm Each 127.45

104 Brass Tower Bolts

a M-0343 400mm x 12mm Each 1020.00

b M-0344 300mm x 12mm Each 764.00

c M-0345 200mm x 12mm Each 540.00

d M-0346 150mm x 12mm Each 408.00

e M-0347 100mm x 10mm Each 326.00

f M-0348 75mm x 10mm Each 204.00

106 Brass Aldrops

a M-0353 300mm x 16mm Each 968.00

b M-0354 250mm x 16mm Each 836.00

c M-0355 200mm x 16mm Each 714.00

d M-0356 200mm x 12mm Each 510.00

109 Brass Ornamental Handles

a M-0363 200mm Each 396.90

b M-0364 150mm Each 254.50

c M-0365 100mm Each 182.80

151 M-0428 White Wall Putty Powder Kg. 27.45

152a M-0429 Sand Paper (Water Proof Abrasive Sheet) Each 10.20

152b M-0430 8" Putty Blade Dozen 122.30

152c M-0431 6" Putty Blade Dozen 91.80

170 M-0520 UPVC Adhesive 100Gram 84.80

171 M-0521 CPVC Adhesive 100Gram 116.50

172 M-0522 Vajjram for Heritage works Kg. 78.45

192 Stainless Steel Sink

a M-0551 600mm x 600mm x 200mm Each 9180.00

b M-0552 600mm x 450mm x 200mm Each 7140.00

220 M-0622 Supply and installationi of Anutone (or) Equivalent Brand o sqm 1734.00
221 M-0623 Supply and installationi of Anutone (or) Equivalent Brand o sqm 968.00
222 M-0624 Supply of laying of Anutone (or) Equivalent Brand of Acousti sqm 428.00
288 M-0707 Supplying and installation of Anutone/ Topakustiks / Idea Te sqm. 5508.00
289 M-0708 Supplying and installation of anutone / Woodfit / Saint Gobi sqm. 5304.00
290 M-0709 Supply and installation of Anutone / Tectum / Heradesign / E sqm. 4998.00
291 M-0710 Supply and installation of Anutone / Hera Design / Tectum / sqm. 3366.00
281 Tamil Brass Letters
a M-0696 25cm Each 1682.00
b M-0697 20cm Each 1274.00
c M-0698 15cm Each 2040.00

NEW ITEMS -2021-2022

33 M-0247 Grooving the Granite Slab RM 303.00
64 M-0281 Bentonite Powder for construction quality Kg 6.05

100 Steel Door/Window fittings

a M-0321 200mm length Hold fast Each 168.00
b M-0322 300mm Hinges (Heavy Duty) Each 117.60
c M-0323 250mm length Tower Bolt Each 128.80
d M-0324 250 x 16mm Aldrop Each 235.30
e M-0325 200mm MS Handles (Heavy Duty) Each 84.00
f M-0326 Window Stay Each 156.90
g M-0327 Stopper and Handle Each 145.70

247 M-0650 Supplying and laying wooden flooring at site 8mm thick of a sqm 3545.00

282 English Stainless Steel Letters

a M-0699 60cm (24") Each 3434.00
b M-0700 25cm (10") Each 1464.00

283 Tamil Stainless Steel Letters

a M-0701 60cm (24") Each 3656.00
b M-0702 25cm (10") Each 1818.00

298 M-0719 Galvalume Colour Sheet of size 0.47mm Sqm 434.00

Medical Gas Arrangements
302 M-0732 DIN / BS Standard Outlet Points with from loading, inner con Each 4620.00
304 M-0734 Oxygen manifold arrangements of 2 blanks x 20 cylinder Each 382200.00
each wing with semi automatic control panel which includes
contact gauge 2 Nos., outlet pressure gauge, brass heavy
duty IO x regulator 2 Nos. with suitable adopter, flexible SS
Hose. Manifold shall be of a construction and of a pressure
in accordance with IS 1282-1989. Emergency alarms with
illuminating display for low/ high pipeline pressure and
malfunctioning of system.
1) Manifold top frame with provision for connecting 12
cylinders on right bank and 12 cylinders on left bank with
high pressure interconnecting copper tubing, silver brazing,
non return valve, fasterners and cylinder support middle
angle frame for claping 2 x 12 cylinders and related
fasterners. The O2 manifold should with stand a pressure
of 140kg / CM2. The installation is commissioned after
testing as per standards and painted as per International
Code and as directed by the Departmental Officers as per
IS Code 12827/ 1989 & ISO 7396 / 1987 Specification.
311 M-0744 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Each 638400.00
equivalent to Ingersoll Rand Reciprocating Air Cooled Type
(15HP) Rating Vaccum Pump as per following provisions.
As per IS 12827/1987 & ISO 7396 / 1987 Specification
a) Vaccum Pump - 15 HP - 1 No.
b) Electric Motor - 15 HP - 1 No.
c) DOL Starter with OLR - 1 No.
d) Vaccum Switch - 1 No.
e) Vaccum Gauge - 1 No.
f) Control Frame with Fittings - 1 No.
g) Suction Scrubber - 1No.
h) V-Belts - 1 No.
i) GI & Ms Fittings - 1 No.
j) Brass Fittings - 1 No.
k) Exhaust Silencer - 1 No.
l) Base Frame for Motor and Vaccum Pump-1set
m)Pilot Line with Fittings - 1 set
Vaccum Room & Air Compressor Room Inside

313 M-0746 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Each 824200.00

Fire FightingAirArrangements
System of Reciprocating Oil Free Air
328 Compressor Belt Driven
M-0768 Supply, Installation Typeand
, testing 15 HP Air Compressor
commissioning with Pro
of Micro Each 76650.00
following provisions.

337 M-0777 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of fire fightin Each 65820.00
368 M-0830 Supplying, erection, testing and commissioning of Fire Each 88410.00 change spec
373 Fighting Installation,
M-0835 Supply, Electrical Control Panel
testing and of 10HP, 415V, of
commissioning 50Hz,
Diesel Each 1207500.00
rating Wall
Engine Mounted
Driven Type
Main Fire fabricated
Pump using
suitable CRCA sheet,
for automatic
hinged lockable
operation door, dust
and consisting of and vermincomplete
followings proof with
respects as required.
e.Exhaust system having flexible metallic mufler, 100mm
dia MS heavy pipe extended upto 1m outside pump house
duly insulated with 50mm thick glass wool with 1mm thick
aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer with
necessary MS support arrangements from wall or ceiling as
per site condition.
f. Dash board consisting of the instruments like
Temperature Gauge, Galvano Type DC Ammeter, Lubricant
Oill Pressure Gauge, Ignition Switch, Emergency Stop and
all other pretection equipments as per specification, stop
soleneid for auto stop in the event of fault with audio
indications, painted with Post Office Red Colour etc., as
g.12V.24V, storage battery, maintenance free tape, 180AH
rating, MS fabricated common base plate, coupling guard,
foundation bolts, etc., as required.
h.Positioning the Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump over
cement concrete foundation using suitable size anti
vibration mounting arrangements.
The works including conveying, fixing and incidental
charges, etc., completed as per standard specification and
as directed by the Departmental Officers. (Make:

374 M-0836 Supplyt, erection, testing and commissioning of Fire Fightin Each 613500.00
375 M-0837 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Diesel Each 947700.00
Engine Driven Main Fire Pump suitable for automatic
operation and consisting of followings complete in all
respects as required.
e.Exhaust system having flexible metallic mufler, 100mm
dia MS heavy pipe extended upto 1m outside pump house
duly insulated with 50mm thick glass wool with 1mm thick
aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer with
necessary MS support arrangements from wall or ceiling as
per site condition.
f. Dash board consisting of the instruments like
Temperature Gauge, Galvano Type DC Ammeter, Lubricant
Oill Pressure Gauge, Ignition Switch, Emergency Stop and
all other pretection equipments as per specification, stop
soleneid for auto stop in the event of fault with audio
indications, painted with Post Office Red Colour etc., as
g.12V.24V, storage battery, maintenance free tape, 180AH
rating, MS fabricated common base plate, coupling guard,
foundation bolts, etc., as required.
h.Positioning the Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump over
cement concrete foundation using suitable size anti
vibration mounting arrangements.
All works including conveying, fixing and incidental charges,
etc., completed as per standard specification and as
directed by the Departmental Officers. (Make:

376 M-0838 Supplyt, erection, testing and commissioning of Fire Fightin Each 293000.00
377 M-0839 Supply, Installing, testing and commissioning of Stainless S Each 2562.00
378 M-0840 Supply, Installing, testing and commissioning of Stainless S Each 1890.00
379 M-0841 Supplying and installing of approved type Rosette Plates (Re Each 241.50
380 M-0842 Supply and kept in position of 9 litres campacity Fire Bucket Each 5827.00
381 M-0843 Supply and fixing in position of Fire Fighting Duct Window h Each 58380.00
[ New Items - 2022 -2023]
96A L-0101 Mini Hot Mix Plant Operator Day 851.00
55A L-0103 Guniting Gun Operator Day 775.00
39A L-0104 Head Mazdoor Day 758.00
39A L-0105 Guniting Plant Operator Day 743.00
39A L-0106 Mazdoor - I Day 736.00
39B L-0107 Mazdoor - II Day 597.00
New Items for Heritage Works
173 M-0523 Palm Jagger for Heritage Works Kg. 280.00
174 M-0524 Galnut for Heritage Works Kg. 120.00
175 M-0525 Oakum for Heritage Works Kg. 120.00
176 M-0526 Soap Stoen Powder for Heritage Works Kg. 175.00


1 W-0272 Fabrication and Manufacturing of Solid Precast Concrete cum. 17589.00
Element in M-40 Grade Concrete (cement content 440
kgs.) with provisions of shear keys, connecting loops,
dowel tubes and proper lifting accessories for walls, beams,
slabs, stairs, column etc, of various thickness, shape and
size of differenct concrete grades manufactured in
Controlled Factory Environment with approved
methodology including moulds (Pallet system, tilits form,
table moulds, staircase moulds, facade mould, etc.),
mixing, transporting and placing of concrete, vibrating,
curing, finishing, making necessary cutout/holes of
required sizes for services, yard handling & stacking all
complete as per IS 11447:1985 and as per approved shop
drawings and design mix as per the direction of Engineer-
in-charge (Cost of reinforcement, mechanical, electrical and
plumbing inserts will be paid separately.)
Note:Excess/less cement over the specified cement content
used as per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately.)

2 Fabrication and Manufacturing of Pre-stressed Hollow Core

a Slab in M-50
W-0273 100mm thick Grade
Core Slab(cement content 460 kgs.) RM 1114.00
Hollow area 25 to 30%) of different thickness & modular
b W-0274 150mm thick Hollow
width 1200mm Core Slab
in Controlled Factory Environment with RM 1573.00

c W-0275 200mm thick Hollow Core Slab RM 1911.00

d W-0276 250mm thick Hollow Core Slab RM 2340.00

e W-0277 300mm thick Hollow Core Slab RM 2768.00

f W-0278 350mm thick Hollow Core Slab RM 3197.00

g W-0279 400mm thick Hollow Core Slab RM 3625.00

3 W-0280 Providing and Laying in position Pre-stressing Steel Strands Kg. 156.65
(Low Relaxation) on hollow core bed by using mechanical
pulling arrangement like Rabbit/ Bed Master including all
accessories for atressing and destressing operations as per
approved make conforming to IS1343 and grade FY-1860
etc., complete as per drawings and direction of Engineer-

4 Transportation of Precast Elements by Flat Bed Trailor

(Double. Triple Axle 40 feet length with proper accessories
like 'A' Frame etc.) from factory, including the cost of
loading, unloading and stacking at site with the help of
required capacity Cranes.

a W-0281 Upto 5 Kilometre MT 250.20

b W-0282 For every additional 5 Kilometre or part of thereof MT 77.00
5 Erection and Installation of Precast/ Pre-stressed Concrete
I Elements
Upto 20.00in correct
metre and final position with proper line level
a W-0283 Pre-Stressed Hollow Coreall
and plumb at site makin arrangements
Slab upto 200mm (i.e Cranes,
thickness sqm. 139.85
Push-Pull Jacks and all other Tools & Plants for lifting,
b W-0284 Pre-Stressed Hollow Core Slab above 200mm upto 400mm sqm. 241.30
c W-0285 Solid Concrete Wall Elements cum. 1794.00
II 20.00 metre to 30.00 metre height
a W-0286 Pre-Stressed Hollow Core Slab upto 200mm thickness sqm. 194.25
b W-0287 Pre-Stressed Hollow Core Slab above 200mm upto 400mm sqm. 303.95
c W-0288 Solid Concrete Wall Elements cum. 2246.00
III 30.00 metre to 40.00 metre height
a W-0289 Pre-Stressed Hollow Core Slab upto 200mm thickness sqm. 244.40
b W-0290 Pre-Stressed Hollow Core Slab above 200mm upto 400mm sqm. 303.90
c W-0291 Solid Concrete Wall Elements cum. 2664.00
6 W-0292 Providing and Applying weather proof sealant on outer RM 114.00
joints of approved make confirming to IS and directed by
7 Providing & Laying of levelling shim pads required sizes (5
x 5cm to 10 x 10cm) of PVC / Rubber to adjust level of
bearing surface of supporting members as per the direction
of Engineer-in Charge.
a W-0293 2mm thick Each 19.10
b W-0294 5mm thick Each 24.10
c W-0295 10mm thick Each 34.10
8 W-0296 Providing & Grouting of Dowel Tubes/ Shear keys/ Joints of Kg. 58.95
Precast Members with M-60 Grade cementitious grout
(Non-Shrink) of approved make by suitable means (Free
flowing / pump), curing etc., complete as per directions of
Engineer-in-charge. (The payment shall be made on the
basis of actual weight of approved grout injected.)


Sch. Sl. Schedule

Sl. No. Description Unit Rate
Item No. No. Item No.

M-0001 Cement MT 6040.00

M-0002 Steel MT 58000.00


1 Second Class Table Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks 1 1 W-0001

1 a M-0003 9" x 41/2" x 3" 1000 Nos. 7887.00 2 2 W-0002

2 b M-0004 9" x 43/8" x 23/4" 1000 Nos. 7585.00 3 3 W-0003

2 Second Class Ground Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks 4 4 W-0004

3 a M-0005 9" x 41/2" x 3" 1000 Nos. 6795.00 5 5 W-0005

4 b M-0006 9" x 43/8" x 23/4" 1000 Nos. 6595.00 6 9

3 Third Class Country Brick Kiln Burnt 7 9C W-0007

5 a M-0007 83/4" x 41/4" x 23/4" 1000 Nos. 5709.00 8 9D W-0008

6 b M-0008 83/4" x 41/4" x 21/4" 1000 Nos. 4489.00

7 c M-0009 83/4" x 41/4" x 2" 1000 Nos. 4299.00 9

3A Fly Ash Bricks 10 10 W-0009

8 a M-0010 230 x 110 x 70mm 1000 Nos. 6595.00 11 11 W-0010

b M-0011 230 x 110 x 75mm 1000 Nos. 6795.00

4 Specially moulded country brick for well steining 12 11A W-0011

9 a M-0012 83/4" x 41/4" x 2" 1000 Nos. 2526.00 13 11B W-0012

10 b M-0013 Perforated bricks 19 x 9 x 9cm 1000 Nos. 3854.00 14 12 W-0013

11 c M-0014 Terrace bricks 15 x 7.5 x 2.5cm 1000 Nos. 989.00 15 13 W-0014

8 Flat Tiles 16 14 W-0015

12 a M-0020 15cm x 15cm x 12mm 1000 Nos. 8087.00 17 15 W-0016

13 b M-0021 15cm x 15cm x 20mm 1000 Nos. 9604.00 18 16 W-0017

10 Brick Jelly 19 17 W-0018

14 a M-0022 40mm size cu.m. 705.00 20 18

15 b M-0023 20mm size cu.m. 786.00 21 19

11 Pressed Tiles 22 20 W-0021

16 a M-0024 20 x 20 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 11356.00 23 22 W-0022

17 b M-0025 23 x 23 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 16106.00 24 23 W-0023

12 Pan Tiles 25 24 W-0024

18 a M-0026 23cm x 8cm x 1.7cm 1000 Nos. 441.35 26 25 W-0025

19 b M-0027 16.5cm x 8cm x 1.7cm 1000 Nos. 363.30 27 26 W-0026

13 Best Mangalore Tiles 28 27 W-0027

20 a M-0028 I Class'A' 1000 Nos. 10594.00 29 28 W-0028

21 b M-0029 Class 'AA' 1000 Nos. 10807.00 30 29 W-0029

22 c M-0030 Best Mangalore Ridge Tiles 1000 Nos. 31007.00 31 32

23 d M-0031 Best Mangalore Ceiling Tiles 1000 Nos. 6514.00 32 33

24 e M-0032 Best Mangalore Glass Roofing Tiles Each 304.00 33 34

25 f M-0033 Best Mangalore Ventilating Tiles (Single) Each 45.45 34 36 W-0033

26 g M-0034 Best Mangalore Ventilating Tiles (Double) Each 57.55 35 37 W-0034

23A Mosaic Flooring Tiles (Grey) 36 38 W-0035

27 a M-0035 Mosaic (Grey) Tile 25 x 25 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 11907.00 37 38A W-0036

28 b M-0036 Mosaic (Grey) Tile 20 x 20 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 7605.00 38 38B W-0037

23C Mosaic (other Colour) 39 38C W-0038

29 a M-0037 Mosaic (other colour) Tile 25 x 25 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 16432.00 40 38D W-0039

30 b M-0038 Mosaic (other colour) Tile 20 x 20 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 9696.00 41 38E W-0040

31 c M-0038 Mosaic (Green) Tile 20 x 20 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 11907.00 42 38F W-0041

32 d M-0039 Mosaic (Green) Tile 25 x 25 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 18674.00 43 38G W-0042

33 24 M-0040 Mosaic Chequered tile Grey colour size 25 x 25 x 2cm 1000 Nos. 14948.00


38 27 M-0045 Rough stone for masonry works (Hard Granite) cu.m. 449.40 45 39A

39 28 Rough stone for revetment works cu.m. 378.00 46 40A

40 29 Jeddy size for Revetment (Hard Granite) cu.m. 416.00 47 42A

41 29a M-0048 Cut stone pillar of size 0.15 x 0.15 x 2.1m Each 165.60 48 42B

42 30 From boulders without blasting for revetment cu.m. 111.00 49 44

43 30a M-0050 From boulders without blasting for masonry cu.m. 147.45 50 46

44 32 M-0051 Course Rubble stone for masonry works cu.m. 358.50 51 46A

45 33 M-0052 Course Rubble stone for Arch works cu.m. 388.80 52 47

46 33 (A) I Chisel dressed stone 70cm x 30cm x 29cm Each 172.00 53 48

47 II Chisel dressed stone 37cm x 30cm x 29cm Each 155.00 54 49

48 (B) Hammer dressed stone 37cm x 30cm x 29cm Each 120.00

49 34 Cutstone fully dressed to size on all faces cu.m. 6256.00 55 49

50 35 Cut stone Roughly dressed cu.m. 4305.00 56 50 W-0055

51 36 M-0058 Ashlar arch stone fully dressed to size all faces cu.m. 4893.00 57 50A W-0056

52 38 M-0059 Flooring stone SS Size (Not less than 10cm thick) cu.m. 356.50 58 50B

Stone slab for culvert (3 faces one line dressed) Above

53 39 a cu.m. 4532.00 59 50C
Stone slab for culvert (3 faces one line dressed) Upto
54 b cu.m. 4119.00 60 50D

55 40 W-0061 Stone slab for culvert (3 faces two line dressed) cu.m. 5047.00 61 61

56 41 For Lintel coping (3 faces two line dressed) cu.m. 5047.00 62 62 W-0061

57 42 M-0064 Bond Stones cu.m. 648.40 63 67 W-0062

58 43 a Kilometre stone 1.65 x 0.45 x 0.15m Each 431.00 64 67A W-0063

59 44 a Hecta metre stone 0.9x0.1x0.1m Each 120.00 65 72 W-0064

60 b Hecta metre stone 0.75x0.23x0.1m Each 220.00 66 76 W-0065

61 c Hecta metre stone 0.9x0.15x0.15m Each 216.00 67 77 W-0066

Demarcation Stone (two line dressed for top 30 cm)

62 45 a Each 89.80 68 78
75 x 15 x 15 cm

Demarcation Stone (two line dressed for top 30 cm)

63 b Each 115.00 69 78A
90 x 23 x 23 cm

Demarcation Stone (two line dressed for top 30 cm)

64 c Each 107.00 70 79
76 x 23 x 23 cm

Demarcation Stone (two line dressed for top 30 cm)

65 d Each 97.90 71 A
90 x 15 x 15 cm

66 e DemarcationStone with letter cut 75 x 15 x 15cm Each 120.00 72 B

67 f Edge Stone 45 x 15 x 15 cm Each 54.50 73 80

T.R.S. Bench mark stone the exposed surface neatly

68 g(i) dressed to a height of 15cm including cutting letters Each 138.00 74 81
15 x 15 x 60cm
T.R.S. Bench mark stone the exposed surface neatly
69 g(ii) dressed to a height of 15cm including cutting letters Each 99.80 75 82A
10 x 10 x 25cm

Guard Stone (Two line dressed for 45 cm) 23cm dia

70 46 a Each 159.00 76 84 W-0074
1.0m long

Guard Stone (Top 0.7m chisel dressed and 0.50m

71 b bottom roughly dressed) 0.23 x 0.23 x 1.20m long. Each 170.00 77 85 W-0075
Two line dressed top 45cm) 23cm dia 1.0m long

Guard Stone (Top 0.7m chisel dressed and 0.50m

72 c bottom roughly dressed) 0.23 x 0.23 x 0.90m long. Each 159.00
Two line dressed top 45 cm) 23cm dia 0.90m long

Guard Stone (Top 0.7m chisel dressed and 0.50m

73 d bottom roughly dressed) 0.15 x. 0.15 x 0.90m long. Each 111.00 78 86 W-0076
Two line dressed top 45 cm) 23cm dia 0.90m long

74 e Guard Stone 23 cm dia 0.90cm long Each 81.80 79 88 W-0077

Hard Broken Granite Stone Jelly (I.S.S.) Machine

48 80 89 W-0078
crushed / Hand broken
75 I M-0082 HBGS Jelly 90 mm size cu.m. 457.70 81 90 W-0079

76 ii M-0083 HBGS Jelly 80 mm size cu.m. 512.50 82 90A W-0080

77 iii M-0084 HBGS Jelly 63 mm size cu.m. 591.70 83 91 W-0081

78 iv M-0085 HBGS Jelly 50 mm size cu.m. 687.00 84 92A

79 v M-0086 HBGS Jelly 40 mm size cu.m. 1069.80 85 92B

80 vi M-0087 HBGS Jelly 25 mm size cu.m. 919.00 86 92C

81 vii M-0088 HBGS Jelly 20 mm size cu.m. 1489.00

82 viii M-0089 HBGS Jelly 12 mm size cu.m. 1382.00 87 1 W-0085

83 ix M-0090 HBGS Jelly 10 mm size cu.m. 1016.00 88 1a W-0086

84 x M-0091 HBGS Jelly 6 mm size cu.m. 687.00 89 2

85 xi M-0092 HBGS Jelly 3 mm size cu.m. 618.00 a a W-0087

49 A Broken Stone from surface stone & boulders b b W-0088

I Broken Stone from surface stone & boulders 40mm size cu.m. 90 3 W-0089

ii Broken Stone from surface stone & boulders 50mm size cu.m.

iii Broken Stone from surface stone & boulders 60mm size cu.m. A

iv Broken Stone from surface stone & boulders 75mm size cu.m. 91 1 W-0090

86 49 b Quartz metal 92 2 W-0091

a I M-0107 Quartz metal 50 mm cu.m. 97.75 B

b ii M-0108 Quartz metal 40 mm cu.m. 98.75 93 1 W-0092

87 51 Soft Broken Stone 94 2 W-0093

a I Soft Broken Stone 63mm size cu.m. 72.70

b ii Soft Broken Stone 40mm size cu.m. 81.80 A

88 52 M-0115 Laterite 40 to 75mm size cu.m. 97.75 95 1 W-0094

89 53 M-0116 Kankar 40 to 75mm size cu.m. 97.75 96 2 W-0095

90 54 M-0117 Soling stones unblasted 15cm cube cu.m. 114.10 97 3 W-0096

91 54a M-0118 Soling stones blasted 15cm cube cu.m. 185.80 B

92 57 M-0119 Gravel cu.m. 222.70 98 1 W-0097

93 57A M-0120 Well Gravel cu.m. 166.50 99 2 W-0098

94 57B M-0121 Screened Kankar Gravel cu.m. 121.90 100 3 W-0099

95 58 M-0122 Quarry Rubbish cu.m. 96.65

96 58A M-0123 Stone Dust cu.m. 123.70 101 1 W-0100

97 58B M-0124 Pond Ash (wet / dry) cu.m. 95.65 102 2 W-0101

100 59 M-0127 Sand for Mortar *

As per G.O. Ms. No.4 Public
works (I.Spl.2) Dept.,
101 60 M-0128 Sand for Filling * dt:06.01.2022. 103 156 A
102 62 M-0129 Clay for Puddle & Masonry cu.m. 37.35 104 156B

103 63 (I) M-0130 Cuddapah Slab 50mm Thick sq.m. 425.00 105 156C

104 ii M-0131 Cuddapah Slab 38 / 40mm Thick sq.m. 408.00 106 156D

105 iii M-0132 Cuddapah Slab 20 / 30mm Thick sq.m. 376.70 107 156E

C LIME 108 156F

106 66 M-0133 Shell lime (Slaked & Screened) cu.m. 1348.00 109 156G

107 67 M-0134 Freshly Slaked & Screened Burnt Lime Stone cu.m. 993.00 110 156H

108 68 M-0135 Stone Lime or Lime Metal cu.m. 85.60 111 156 I

D.Timber and Roofing Materials **

110 71 M-0138 TW Scantlings (over 3m for joist and rafters) - Malabar cu.m. 116600.00 112 318 W-0102

TW Scantlings (for Tie beams and principal rafters) -

111 72 M-0139 cu.m. 114700.00 113 319 W-0103

TW Scantlings (over 2m & below 3m in length) -

112 73 M-0140 cu.m. 111600.00 114 320 W-0104
113 74 M-0141 TW Scantling (below 2m in length) - Malabar cu.m. 99400.00 115 321 W-0105

114 75 (I) M-0142 TW Planks (Over 45cm wide & 12mm Thick) cu.m. 123100.00

115 ii M-0143 TW Planks (30 - 45cm wide & 12mm Thick) cu.m. 114300.00 116 338 W-0106

116 iii M-0144 TW Planks (30 - 45cm wide & 12 - 25mm Thick) cu.m. 107000.00 117 339 W-0107

117 iv M-0145 TW Planks (30 - 45cm wide & 25 - 40mm Thick) cu.m. 102600.00

118 v M-0146 TW Planks (15 - 30cm wide & 12mm Thick) cu.m. 99900.00 118 357 W-0108

119 vi M-0147 TW Scantling (15 - 30cm wide & 12-25mm Thick) cu.m. 95000.00 119 357A W-0109

120 vii M-0148 TW Planks (15 - 30cm wide & 25- 40mm Thick) cu.m. 93100.00 120 357B W-0110

121 viii M0149 TW Planks (Upto 15cm wide & 12mm Thick) cu.m. 91300.00 121 357C W-0111

122 ix M-0150 TW Planks (Upto 15cm wide & 12-25mm Thick) cu.m. 91300.00 122 357 D W-0112

123 xiii M-0151 TW Planks (Upto 15cm wide & 25-40mm Thick) cu.m. 86200.00 123 357 E W-0113
76 Teak wood Reepers ** 124 357 F W-0114

125 I M-0153 TW Reepers 50 x 25mm RM 76.00

126 ii M-0154 TW Reepers 50 x 12mm RM 61.00 125 369 B

77 Country Wood Scantling ** 126 369 B(i)

127 I M-0155 CW Scantling (upto 4m in length) cu.m. 34300.00 127 (ii)

128 ii M-0156 CW Scantling (over 4m in length) cu.m. 36200.00 128 (iii)

CW Scantling (for tie beams & Principal rafters for

129 77A M-0157 cu.m. 36200.00

130 77B M-0158 Jack wood Scantlings (upto 4 m) cu.m. 37900.00 129 375A

131 77D M-0159 Silver oak Scantlings cu.m. 15500.00 130 375B

78 Country Wood Planks** 131 378A

132 I M-0160 CW Planks (upto 30cm wide-40mm thick) cu.m. 39400.00 132 378B
133 ii M-0161 CW Planks (upto 30cm wide-25mm thick) cu.m. 39400.00

134 iii M-0162 CW Planks (over 30cm wide-40mm thick) cu.m. 39400.00 133 1 W-0123

135 iv M-0163 CW Planks (over 30cm wide-25mm thick) cu.m. 39400.00 134 W-0124

136 78A M-0164 JW Planks (25mm-40mm thick) cu.m. 41300.00 135 2 W-0125

137 78B M-0165 Silver Oak Plank (40mm thick) cu.m. 17600.00 136 W-0126

138 78C M-0166 Bluegum Plank cu.m. 18100.00 137 3 W-0127

79 Country Wood Reepers 138 W-0128

139 i M-0167 CW Reepers (50 x 25mm) RM 34.60 139 4 W-0129

140 ii M-0168 CW Reepers (50 x 12mm) RM 24.90 140 W-0130

141 80 M-0169 Mango plank cu.m. 16700.00 141 5 W-0131

142 81 M-0170 Palmyrah rafter (50 - 60mm wide & 125mm depth) RM 49.50 142 W-0132

143 a M-0171 Palmyrah Leaves 100 Nos. 255.00 143 6 W-0133

144 b M-0172 Palmyrah Leaves (Labour for cutting) 100 Nos. 40.20 144 W-0134

90 Casurina poles 145 7 W-0135

145 a M-0173 Casurina poles 13cm - 15cm dia RM 33.00 146 W-0136

146 b M-0174 Casurina poles 10cm - 13cm dia RM 25.20 147 8 W-0137

147 c M-0175 Casurina poles 8cm - 10cm dia RM 19.20 148 W-0138
148 d M-0176 Casurina poles 5cm - 8cm dia RM 17.50 149 9 W-0139

90.1 Eucalyptus Poles * 150 W-0140

149 a M-0177 13cm to 15cm dia RM 33.00

150 b M-0178 10cm to 13cm dia RM 23.60 151 1 W-0141

151 c M-0179 8cm to 10cm dia RM 19.20 152 2 W-0142

152 d M-180 5cm to 8cm dia RM 16.40 153 3 W-0143

153 e M-0181 below 5cm RM 15.00 154 4 W-0144

154 90.2 M-0182 Eucalyptus Bullies 4cm to 5cm dia and cross ties RM 12.00 155 6 W-0145

155 91 M-0183 Casurina Bullies 4cm - 5cm dia and cross ties RM 13.50 156 7 W-0146
156 92 M-0184 Bamboo Large (10cm dia and above) RM 12.00 157 8 W-0147

157 93 M-0185 Bamboo (7.5cm - 10cm dia) RM 10.60 158 11 W-0148

E. Metal and Iron Items 159 12 W-0149

158 111 M-0186 Mild steel plates or sheets BG 10 Kg 53.00 160 13 W-0150

159 112 M-0187 Mild steel Angles 25 x 25 x 3 mm Kg 53.00 161 14 W-0151

160 113 M-0188 Binding wire (Black 18 G) Kg 56.35 162 19 W-0152

161 113 b M-0189 Binding wire (Galvanised-18 G) 1 56.35 163 20 W-0153

162 114 M-0190 G.I. Sheets 30cm wide and 1.6 mm Thick sq.m. 391.10 21
163 126 I M-0191 Weld mesh 7.5 x 2.5cm. 10 Gauge sq.m. 379.90 164 a W-0154

164 ii M-0192 Weld mesh 7.5 x 5cm. 10 Gauge sq.m. 339.60 165 b W-0155

165 iii M-0193 Weld mesh 10 x 10cm. 10 Gauge sq.m. 183.80 166 22 W-0156

166 129 M-0194 Chicken mesh sq.m. 40.65 167 23 W-0157

167 130 M-0195 Fly proof mesh sq.m. 116.55

Supplying mild steel grills for windows, ventilators, rtc.,

168 131 M-0196 Kg 70.15 168 50 A W-0159
including priming coat

98 58c M-0125 Crushed stone sand (Commercially called M-SAND) cum 1338.00 169 50 B W-0160

NEW ITEMS 170 50 C W-0161

99 58d M-0126 Plastering sand (P-Sand) cum 1343.00 69


12 M-0015 Special Bricks 8" x 4" x 2" for Heritage Works 1000 Nos. 13365.00 172 ii W-0163
13 M-0016 Terrace bricks 6" x 3" x 1" for Heritage Works 1000 Nos. 10020.00 173 iii W-0164

14 Wire cut bricks for Heritage Works 174 iv W-0165

a M-0017 9" x 4" x 3" 1000 Nos. 13365.00

b M-0018 9" x 4" x 2" 1000 Nos. 11140.00 175 121 W-0166

c M-0019 9" x 6.5" x 2" 1000 Nos. 16705.00 176 125 W-0167



a M-0042 Size 8" x 8" x 3/4" EACH 26.95 179 128 W-0170

b M-0043 Size 10" x10" x 3/4" EACH 32.70 35A W-0035

c M-0044 Size 12" x12" x 3/4" New EACH 50.00


79 M-0136 Unslaked Pollachi Lime for Heritage Works ** cum 10345.00


Seasoned Teakwood for Scantling and Planks for

94 M-0152 cum 185200.00
Heritage Works **
Freshly Slaked and Screened Lime (CaO not less than
M-0137 cum 15500.00
85%) for Theervai Plastering in Heritage works.

Hard Broken Granite Stone Jelly (I.R.C.)

Machine crushed / Hand broken

I M-0093 HBGS Jelly 90 mm size cu.m. 460.80

ii M-0094 HBGS Jelly 75 mm size cu.m. 514.60

iii M-0095 HBGS Jelly 63 mm size cu.m. 665.80

iv M-0096 HBGS Jelly 53 mm size cu.m. 812.00

v M-0097 HBGS Jelly 46.50 mm size cu.m. 1092.00

vi M-0098 HBGS Jelly 45 mm size cu.m. 1092.00

vii M-0099 HBGS Jelly 37.50 mm size cu.m. 1114.00

viii M-0100 HBGS Jelly 26.50 mm size cu.m. 1051.00

ix M-0101 HBGS Jelly 25 mm size cu.m. 1051.00

x M-0102 HBGS Jelly 22.40 mm size cu.m. 1528.00

xi M-0103 HBGS Jelly 13.20 mm size cu.m. 1417.00

xii M-0104 HBGS Jelly 11.20 mm size cu.m. 961.00

xiii M-0105 HBGS Jelly 6.7 mm/6mm/5.6mm size cu.m. 712.50

xiv M-0106 HBGS Jelly 4.75mm size & below cu.m. 630.50

Supplying mild steel grills for windows, ventilators, rtc., 102.15

including priming coat
et. The shutter shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and the rate is inclusive of hood covers, transportation charges etc.,

62.10 62.10
75.00 75.00
65.80 65.80
111.40 111.40

69.60 69.60
83.40 83.40
131.90 131.90
153.30 153.30

97.30 97.30
118.00 118.00
159.90 159.90
172.90 172.90

125.20 125.20
139.10 139.10
187.80 187.80
223.10 223.10
159.90 159.90
208.50 208.50
264.10 264.10
283.90 283.90

69.60 69.60
83.40 83.40
104.10 104.10
118.00 118.00

104.10 104.10
125.20 125.20
167.10 167.10
181.10 181.10

125.20 125.20
146.00 146.00
195.20 195.20
226.90 226.90

173.70 173.70
223.10 223.10
277.70 277.70
318.60 318.60

187.80 187.80
215.70 215.70
271.60 271.60
305.70 305.70

208.10 208.10
236.60 236.60
298.60 298.60
348.00 348.00

62.10 62.10
83.40 83.40
97.30 97.30
111.40 111.40
139.10 139.10

83.40 83.40
125.10 125.10

34.40 34.40
55.50 55.50
82.30 82.30

346.00 346.00
388.00 388.00
447.00 447.00
505.00 505.00

360.00 360.00
411.00 411.00
476.00 476.00
579.00 579.00

108.40 108.40
116.00 116.00
130.50 130.50
144.30 144.30

35.70 35.70
64.70 64.70
86.80 86.80
122.80 122.80
173.90 173.90

93.40 93.40
72.40 72.40
36.00 36.00

995.00 995.00
760.00 760.00
1127.00 1127.00
895.00 895.00
10.05 10.05

dential areas do not normally exceed the

higher water pressure (Schedule-40)
r no change

Description Unit Rate Actual 5% 10%

A. Clearing the Site

Clearing Heavy Jungle sq.m. 7.80 7.80 8.19 8.58

Clearing Light Jungle sq.m. 5.85 5.85 6.14 6.44

Clearing Scrub Jungle sq.m. 5.40 5.40 5.67 5.94

Uprooting & removing large palmyrah / coconut stumps Each 161.00 161.00 169.05 177.10

Uprooting & removing small palmyrah / coconut stumps Each 115.65 115.65 121.43 127.22

Removing weeds in channel and drain sq.m. 1.60 1.60 1.68 1.76

Cleaning Juliflora jungle with uprooting sq.m. 8.90 8.90 9.35 9.79

Cleaning Juliflora jungle without uprooting sq.m. 6.75 6.75 7.09 7.43

B. Dismantling 0.00

Dismantling, clearing away and carefully stacking materials useful

for re-use for any thickness of walls
Brick / stone in clay walls under 3m high cu.m. 68.65 68.65 72.08 75.52

Brick / stone in clay walls, add for every additional 3m or part

cu.m. 22.75 22.75 23.89 25.03
there of over the initial height of 3m

Mud / sun dried brick walls under 3m high cu.m. 46.00 46.00 48.30 50.60

Mud / sun dried brick walls, add for every additional 3m or part
cu.m. 13.00 13.00 13.65 14.30
there of over the initial height of 3m

Brick / stone masonry in lime mortar walls under 3m high cu.m. 210.00 210.00 220.50 231.00

Brick / stone masonry in lime mortar walls, add for every

cu.m. 23.20 23.20 24.36 25.52
additional 3m or part there of over the initial height of 3m

Brick / stone masonry in Cement mortar walls under 3m high cu.m. 257.40 257.40 270.27 283.14

Brick / stone masonry in Cement mortar walls, add for every

cu.m. 27.20 27.20 28.56 29.92
additional 3m or part there of over the initial height of 3m

Terracing work in roof or floor sq.m. 69.70 69.70 73.19 76.67

Flag stone in roof or floor including lifting sq.m. 36.75 36.75 38.59 40.43

Cut stone slab over culverts upto 3.3m height below G.L cu.m. 805.00 805.00 845.25 885.50

Cut stone slab over culverts over 3.3m height below G.L cu.m. 839.00 839.00 880.95 922.90

Removal of cut stone slabs & RCC cover slabs sq.m. 466.30 466.30 489.62 512.93

Refixing cut stone slab cu.m. 511.60 511.60 537.18 562.76

Pantile or Mangalore tiled roof without roof timbers sq.m. 18.05 18.05 18.95 19.86

Flat & pan tiles or Manglore tile over flat tiles, with out roof
sq.m. 25.30 25.30 26.57 27.83

AC sheet roofing without roof timbers sq.m. 16.05 16.05 16.85 17.66

Corrugated iron sheet roofing with pan tiles over, without roof
sq.m. 27.20 27.20 28.56 29.92

Old thatched roof, including tying materials into small bundles for
sq.m. 7.80 7.80 8.19 8.58

Wrought & putup framed timbers in roofs / floors cu.m. 674.00 674.00 707.70 741.40

Doors & windows including removal of frames, hinges and

sq.m. 139.60 139.60 146.58 153.56

Dry stones apron or revetment, stacking within 40m lead cu.m. 89.70 89.70 94.19 98.67
Grouted rough stones apron or revetment, stacking within 40m
cu.m. 104.70 104.70 109.94 115.17
Dry stone masonry walls cu.m. 76.40 76.40 80.22 84.04

Dismantling lime concrete cu.m. 321.70 321.70 337.78 353.87

Dismantling plain Cement concrete cu.m. 442.00 442.00 464.10 486.20

Dismantling RCC cu.m. 3917.00 3917.00 4112.85 4308.70

Chipping of concrete & roughening the surface sq.m. 36.70 36.70 38.54 40.37

Pressed tiles & weathering course sq.m. 41.80 41.80 43.89 45.98

One course of pressed tile roof finish in Cement Mortar sq.m. 23.20 23.20 24.36 25.52
One course of terrace bricks roof finish in Cement mortar sq.m. 27.10 27.10 28.46 29.81

Two course of flat tiles roof finish in cement mortar sq.m. 27.10 27.10 28.46 29.81

Mosaic in situ finish in cement mortar in flooring and in wall

sq.m. 57.50 57.50 60.38 63.25

Floor finish and dadooing walls in cement mortar with mosaic tiles
sq.m. 55.70 55.70 58.49 61.27
/ glazed tiles / cuddapah slabs

C. Quarrying and Blasting 0.00

Hard rock measured in solid including blasting & stacking cu.m. 594.00 594.00 623.70 653.40

Removing hard rock by wedging, chiseling and trimming to

cu.m. 1190.00 1190.00 1249.50 1309.00
proper shape where blasting is prohibited.

Mediun rock and dense medium rock requiring blasting cu.m. 303.00 303.00 318.15 333.30

Extra for every additional 10m lead or part thereof over the initial
cu.m. 7.10 7.10 7.46 7.81
lead for blasted materials

Extra for every additional 1m lead or part thereof over the initial
cu.m. 7.30 7.30 7.67 8.03
lift of 2m for blasted materials

Benching, hard rock upto an average 10 cm depth sq.m. 575.00 575.00 603.75 632.50

Drilling holes in hard granite 40mm diameter RM 190.00 190.00 199.50 209.00

Drilling holes in hard granite 45mm diameter RM 223.00 223.00 234.15 245.30

Drilling holes in hard granite 50mm diameter RM 267.00 267.00 280.35 293.70

Drilling holes in hard granite 75mm diameter RM 304.00 304.00 319.20 334.40

Drilling holes in hard granite 32mm diameter RM 161.00 161.00 169.05 177.10
D. Earth Work 0.00

ORDINARY SOIL SS20A Earth work excavating and depositing on

bank with initial lead of 10m & initial lift of 2m in Sand, silt or
other loose soil, wet sand or silt not under water, light black cu.m. 61.50 61.50 64.58 67.65
cotton soil sandy loam and ordinary soil including ecxcavated
earth SS.20.A

ORDINARY SOIL SS20B Earth work excavating and depositing on

bank with initial lead of 10m & initial lift of 2m in Sand, silt or
other loose soil, wet sand or silt not under water, light black cu.m. 74.85 74.85 78.59 82.34
cotton soil, sandy loam and ordinary soil including excavated
earth SS.20.B

Sand & Silt Under Water SS20B Earth work excavating and
depositing on bank with a initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in
cu.m. 93.60 93.60 98.28 102.96
Slush and silt under water upto 0.75m depth requiring the aid of
basket and vessels SS.20.B

Trimming the bed and the side slope of the bank in all soils
except hard rock upto a thickness of 7.5 cm and making it ready cu.m. 14.30 14.30 15.02 15.73
to receive the concrete

Trimming the bed and the side slope of the bank in all soils
except hard rock upto a thickness of 7.5 cm to 15 cm and cu.m. 17.30 17.30 18.17 19.03
making it ready to receive the concrete
Sectioning during forming bunds when earth moving machineries,
cu.m. 10.50 10.50 11.03 11.55
lorries and rollers are used for consolidation.

HGS SS.20.A. Earth work excavating and depositing on bank

with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in Hard stiff clay, stiff
cu.m. 89.50 89.50 93.98 98.45
black cotton, hard red earth, shales,murram, gravel, stoney earth
and earth mixed with small size boulders SS.20.A.

HGS SS.20.B. Earth work excavating and depositing on bank

with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in Hard stiff clay, stiff
cu.m. 112.05 112.05 117.65 123.26
black cotton, hard red earth, shales,murram, gravel, stoney earth
and earth mixed with small size boulders SS.20B

SDR - (Not Requiring Blasting) Earth work excavating and

depositing on bank with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in
cu.m. 166.90 166.90 175.25 183.59
Soft disintegrated rock, laterite, soft rock or kankar, not requiring

LOOSE BOULDERS Earth work excavating and depositing on

bank with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in loose boulders cu.m. 265.10 265.10 278.36 291.61
in excavation of various size 150mm to 625 mm
MR-&-DMR (Not Requiring Blasting) Earth work excavating and
depositing on bank with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2m in cu.m. 293.15 293.15 307.81 322.47
medium rock and dense medium rock not requiring blasting

Extra for every additional 10 metre lead or part thereof over the
cu.m. 13.55 13.55 14.23 14.91
initial lead

Extra for every additional 1 metre lift or part thereof over the
cu.m. 10.55 10.55 11.08 11.61
initial lift

Breaking clods, consolidating and sectioning cu.m. 5.00 5.00 5.25 5.50

Breaking clods, consolidating and sectioning the earth scooped by

cu.m. 15.50 15.50 16.28 17.05
Bull Dozers.

Add to relevant T.N.D.S.S. No.20.A, rates for new tank bunds and
0.00 0.00
closing breaches for extra watering and consolidation,

By hand roller cu.m. 17.30 17.30 18.17 19.03

By power roller including hire charges cu.m. 29.30 29.30 30.77 32.23

Benching Old Embankment Slopes 45cm x 45cm cu.m. 3.20 3.20 3.36 3.52

Puddle wall work cu.m. 138.80 138.80 145.74 152.68

Turfing in slopes including watering and fixing with initial lead
cu.m. 29.30 29.30 30.77 32.23
upto 50m

Refilling with excavated sand complying with standard

cu.m. 34.20 34.20 35.91 37.62
specification for filling in foundation and basement.

Refilling with excavated soil (other than sand) complying with

cu.m. 38.95 38.95 40.90 42.85
standard specification for filling in foundation and basement.


Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses

of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in sand,
silt or other loose soil, Wet sand or silt not under water, light cu.m. 74.85 74.85 78.59 82.34
black cotton soil, sandy loam and ordinary soil - First depth of 2

Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses

of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in Hard
stiff clay, stiff black coton soil, hard red earth, shales, murram, cu.m. 111.70 111.70 117.29 122.87
gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders
and hard gravely soil - First depth of 2 metre

Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses

of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in soft
cu.m. 172.10 172.10 180.70 189.31
disintegrated rock, laterite, soft rock or kankar not requiring
blasting - First depth of 2 metre
Open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of
T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in Medium
cu.m. 277.10 277.10 290.96 304.81
rock and dense medium rock not requring blasting - First depth of
2 metre

Open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of

T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in Medium
cu.m. 414.60 414.60 435.33 456.06
rock and dense medium rock requiring blasting - First depth of 2

Open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of

T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in Hard
cu.m. 812.30 812.30 852.92 893.53
granite measured in solid including blasting and stacking - First
depth of 2 metre

Sinking well in loose soils, light black cotton soil, sandy loam and
ordinary soil under water including bailing or pumping charges if cu.m. 87.00 87.00 91.35 95.70
necessary etc., complete First depth of 2 metres

Sinking well in Sand, including bailing or pumping charges if

cu.m. 122.10 122.10 128.20 134.31
necessary etc., complete - First depth of 2 metres
Sinking well in hard stiff clay, light black cotton soil, hard red
earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth, and earth mixed
with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil including bailing or cu.m. 122.10 122.10 128.20 134.31
pumping charges if necessary etc., complete - First depth of 2


Earth work in all soils except hard rock requiring blasting and
conveying for formation of bund with lead of 0 to 100 metre
deploying earth moving machineries and tippers including cu.m. 52.35 52.35 54.97 57.59
benching, formation of bunds, breaking clods, sectioning etc

Earth work in all soils except hard rock requiring blasting and
conveying for formation of bund with an extra lead of every 100
metre or part thereof deploying earth moving machineries and cu.m. 4.10 4.10 4.31 4.51
tippers including benching, formation of bunds, breaking clods,
sectioning etc complete

Earth work deploying earth moving machineries for desilting

channel and forming bund on either side and depositing the earth 0.00
on banks including jungle clearance etc complete

having width up to 3m cu.m. 30.85 30.85 32.39 33.94

having width of 3m -10m cu.m. 37.85 37.85 39.74 41.64

Earth work excavation deploying earth moving machineries for
desilting channel having a width of more than 10m and forming
cu.m. 44.05 44.05 46.25 48.46
bund on either side and depositing the earth on banks including
jungle clearance etc complete

G.LIFT CHARGES - Concrete - Brick or Stone Masonry

above or below Ground Level

Concrete, above ground level

Add to the basic rates for works upto 4.50M height in ground
cu.m. 119.85 119.85 125.84 131.83
floor (height to be reckoned from floor level ie., plinth level in GL)

Add for works in every upper floor over the rate of preceeding
cu.m. 236.10 236.10 247.91 259.71

Brick or Stone Masonry above GL 0.00 0.00 0.00

Add to the basic rates for works upto 4.50M height in ground
cu.m. 78.90 78.90 82.85 86.79
floor (height to be reckoned from floor level ie., plinth level in GL)

Add for works in every upper floor over the rate of preceeding
cu.m. 159.20 159.20 167.16 175.12


Concrete, Below ground level 0.00

Add the basic rate for works above 1.50m depth and upto 4.5m
cu.m. 117.90 117.90 123.80 129.69
depth below ground level

Add the basic rate for works above 4.50m depth and upto 9m
cu.m. 236.70 236.70 248.54 260.37
depth below ground level

Add extra over the above item 2 for every additional 4.50m
cu.m. 236.70 236.70 248.54 260.37
depth beyond 9.0m depth below ground level

Brick or Stone Masonry below GL 0.00

Add the basic rate for works above 1.50m depth and upto 4.50m
cu.m. 79.20 79.20 83.16 87.12
depth below GL

Add the basic rate for works above 4.50m depth and upto 9.0m
cu.m. 158.90 158.90 166.85 174.79
depth below GL

Add extra over the above item 2 for every additional 4.50m
cu.m. 158.90 158.90 166.85 174.79
depth beyond 9.0m depth below ground level

H.Concrete Vibrators 0.00 0.00 0.00

Where vibrators are specified for consolidation in PCC, this rate

per cu.m. over and above the provision made in the standard cu.m. 69.80 69.80 73.29 76.78
data book for consolidation with manual labour may be allowed.

Where vibrators are specified for consolidation in RCC, this rate

per cu.m. over and above the provision made in the standard cu.m. 94.20 94.20 98.91 103.62
data book for consolidation with manual labour may be allowed.

Scaffolding, Centering, etc., 0.00 0.00 0.00

Scaffolding Charges for Plastering for Repair Works only. 4m to

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6m above Ground Level
Scaffolding Charges for Plastering for Repair Works only. 6m
sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
to10m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for Plastering for Repair Works only over

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for White or Colour Washing for Repair

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works only. 4m to 6m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for White or Colour Washing for Repair

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works only. 6m to 10m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for White or Colour Washing for Repair

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works only over 10m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for Painting for Repair Works only. 4m to 6m

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for Painting for Repair Works only. 6m to

sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10m above Ground Level

Scaffolding Charges for Painting for Repair Works only over 10m
sq.m. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
above Ground Level

I. Plastering 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Clean removal of lime plaster from walls and racking out joints 20
sq.m. 9.40 9.40 9.87 10.34
mm deep or from terraced roofs racking out joints 12 mm deep

Clean removal of lime plaster from walls sq.m. 7.25 7.25 7.61 7.98

Clean removal of Cement plaster from walls sq.m. 7.70 7.70 8.09 8.47
Clean removal of Cement plaster from walls and racking out
sq.m. 10.20 10.20 10.71 11.22
joints 20mm deep

J. White Washing, Colour Washing & Distempering 0.00

Thorough scrapping of old plastered surface sq.m. 4.20 4.20 4.41 4.62

Washing of plastered surface with soap, soda and water (or with
sq.m. 5.25 5.25 5.51 5.78
soda lime, brush and water)

K. Painting, Wood oiling, Tarring, Varnishing, Bee's waxing


Removing old paint from doors and windows by blow lamp and
sq.m. 34.45 34.45 36.17 37.90
scrapping, including removal and re-fitting of shutters.

Removing old paint from doors and windows by scrapping and

sq.m. 14.50 14.50 15.23 15.95
refitting of shutters.

Removing paint from doors,windows & wood works by manual

sq.m. 9.85 9.85 10.34 10.83

Removing old paint from structural steel by blow lamp or sand

sq.m. 20.65 20.65 21.68 22.72

Scrapping and removing old paint from structural steel by manual

sq.m. 9.10 9.10 9.56 10.01

Removing old paint from iron surface with sand paper sq.m. 8.55 8.55 8.98 9.41
Repolishing the mosaic flooring including polishing stone and hire
charges for polishing machine but excluding cost of electrical sq.m. 20.30 20.30 21.32 22.33

L. Miscellaneous 0.00

Supplying and filling up the empty cement gunny bags with sand,
stitching them, conveying the same to site and stacking as
Bag 6.50 6.50 6.83 7.15
directed within a lead of 10 m excluding cost of bags, Jute,
thread, needle,sand etc., (Labour only)

Driving piles up to 15 cm dia in river bed RM 20.30 20.30 21.32 22.33

Pointing the edge and driving bamboo / casurina / eucalyptus

Each 17.30 17.30 18.17 19.03
piles into river bed for the first 1m depth below ground level.

Driving bamboo / casurina / eucalyptus piles into ground beyond

RM 17.30 17.30 18.17 19.03
1m depth from ground level. For every 1m (or) part thereof

M. River Conservancy of Korambu Works 0.00

Brush wood bundles one metre girth and one metre long within one
3.30 3.30 3.47 3.63
an initial lead of 1.6 K.M. bundle

Extra for every additional lead of 1.6 KM (for the above item) 0.39 0.39 0.41 0.43

Driving casurina piles into bed including scaffolding etc., complete RM 8.40 8.40 8.82 9.24

Casurina walling pieces 40 mm to 50 mm diameter including

RM 11.70 11.70 12.29 12.87
fixing with nails and tying with ropes
N. Cuting and Threading of G.I.Pipe 0.00

15 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 9.35 9.35 9.82 10.29

15 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 13.35 13.35 14.02 14.68

20 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 9.35 9.35 9.82 10.29

20 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 13.50 13.50 14.18 14.85

25 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 11.20 11.20 11.76 12.32

25 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 28.05 28.05 29.45 30.86

32 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 13.55 13.55 14.23 14.91

32 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 37.85 37.85 39.74 41.64

40 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 18.30 18.30 19.22 20.13

40 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading (48.40) Each 42.65 42.65 44.78 46.92

50 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 23.50 23.50 24.68 25.85

50 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading (13.50) Each 47.35 47.35 49.72 52.09

65 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 25.50 25.50 26.78 28.05

65 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 57.25 57.25 60.11 62.98

80 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 33.20 33.20 34.86 36.52

80 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 72.15 72.15 75.76 79.37

100 mm dia G.I. Pipe Cutting Each 47.35 47.35 49.72 52.09

100 mm dia G.I. Pipe Threading Each 95.55 95.55 100.33 105.10

O. Labour Wrought and Put-up for Doors, Windows &


Labour wrought and put up in position of frames inclusive of

cu.m. 13690.00 13690.00 14374.50 15059.00
fixing holdfasts for doors, windows, ventilators etc.,

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for fully panelled

doors (external or internal) moulded panels including labour
sq.m. 1537.00 1537.00 1613.85 1690.70
charges for fixing furniture fittings complying with standard
drawings and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for fully panelled

doors internal five plywood panels including labour charges for
sq.m. 1281.00 1281.00 1345.05 1409.10
fixing furniture fittings complying with standard drawings and
standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for glazed and

panelled doors including labour charges for fixing furniture fittings sq.m. 1436.00 1436.00 1507.80 1579.60
complying with standard drawings and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for Framed and

planked doors including labour charges for fixing furniture fittings sq.m. 1200.00 1200.00 1260.00 1320.00
complying with standard drawings and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for ledged and

braced and planked doors including labour charges for fixing
sq.m. 810.00 810.00 850.50 891.00
furniture fittings complying with standard drawings and standard
Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for Glazed
windows including labour charges for fixing furniture fittings sq.m. 1436.00 1436.00 1507.80 1579.60
complying with standard drawings and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for Windows

panelled including labour charges for fixing furniture fittings sq.m. 1547.00 1547.00 1624.35 1701.70
complying with standard drawings and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Shutters for windows

ledged and braced and planked doors including labour charges for
sq.m. 810.00 810.00 850.50 891.00
fixing furniture fittings complying with standard drawings and
standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Frames, shutters for

Ventilators glazed fixed double frames and with wire netting
sq.m. 1281.00 1281.00 1345.05 1409.10
complete fixed in position in accordance with standard drawings
and standard specification.

Labour wrought and put up in position Frames, Shutters for

Swing Ventilators and fixed in position in accordance with sq.m. 1197.00 1197.00 1256.85 1316.70
standard drawings and standard specification.

Labour charges for fixing doors alongwith frames in position etc.,

sq.m. 228.50 228.50 239.93 251.35
complete (finished work)

Labour charges for fixing windows and ventilators along with

sq.m. 286.60 286.60 300.93 315.26
frames in position etc., complete.

Labour wrought and put up in position Flush shutters 0.00

Single leaf shutter sq.m. 214.10 214.10 224.81 235.51

Double leave shutters sq.m. 330.20 330.20 346.71 363.22

Labour wrought and put up in position fly proof wire gauge

sq.m. 825.00 825.00 866.25 907.50
shutters for doors, windows and ventilators.

Labour wrought and put up for Providing teak wood weldmesh

sq.m. 1072.00 1072.00 1125.60 1179.20
screen with frames 3"x3" (0.075m x 0.075m)

P.Breaking Metals 0.00

Labour charges for breaking 40mm metal from departmental

cu.m. 406.10 406.10 426.41 446.71
blasted stones

Labour charges for breaking 20mm metal from departmental

cu.m. 607.60 607.60 637.98 668.36
blasted stones

Labour charges for breaking 50mm metal from departmental

cu.m. 243.70 243.70 255.89 268.07
blasted stones

Q.Cement Mortar 0.00

Grinding Mortar (Special Grinding lime) cu.m. 368.20 368.20 386.61 405.02

Grinding Mortar (Ordinary grinding lime) cu.m. 280.60 280.60 294.63 308.66
Mixing Mortar - Cement by manual cu.m. 116.00 116.00 121.80 127.60

Mixing Mortar - Cement by Machine Mixing cu.m. 152.90 152.90 160.55 168.19

R.Metal and Iron works 0.00

Petty ironwork for truss, straps etc., (Wrought & fixed) labour
Kg 55.35 55.35 58.12 60.89

Iron works for trusess & record racks (labour only) Kg 51.15 51.15 53.71 56.27

Supplying & fixing mild steel grills for windows, ventilators, etc.,
Kg 32.00 32.00 33.60 35.20
including priming coat.

Fixing M.S.Rods round / square for windows Kg 29.65 29.65 31.13 32.61

Fixing Iron bars in windows and ventilators Kg 29.65 29.65 31.13 32.61

Dismantling RCC Using deploying machinaries cum 3917.00 3917.00 4112.85 4308.70
LEAD STATEMENT - 2021-2022

Sl. Distance
Material Source of Supply Unit Cost
No. (Kms)

1 Cement Vedharanyam 2 MT 6040.00

2 Steel Vedharanyam 2 MT 58000.00

3 Crushed stone sand (M-SAND) Lalkudi 150 cu.m. 1338.00

4 Crushed stone sand (M-SAND) Lalkudi 150 cu.m. 1338.00

5 Plastering sand (P-Sand) Lalkudi 150 cu.m. 1343.00

6 II Class Table Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks of 0 1000 Nos. 7887.00

size 9" x 41/2" x 3"
7 II Class Table Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks of 0 1000 Nos. 7585.00
size 9" x 43/8" x 23/4"
8 II Class Ground Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks of size - 9" x 41/2" x 3" 0 1000 Nos. 6795.00

9 II Class Ground Moulded Chamber Burnt Bricks of 0 1000 Nos. 6595.00

size 9" x 43/8" x 23/4"
10 Country Bricks of size 0 1000 Nos. 5709.00
8"3/4 x 41/4" X23/4"
11 Country bricks of size 0 1000 Nos. 4489.00
83/4" x 41/4" x 21/4"
12 Fly ash Bricks of size 230x110x70mm Thirukattupalli 142 1000 Nos. 6595.00

13 HGB 40mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 1069.80

14 HGB 25mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 919.00

15 HGB 20mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 1489.00

16 HGB 12mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 1382.00

17 HGB 10mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 1016.00

18 HGB 10-12mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 1199.00

19 HGB 6mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 687.00

20 HGB 6-10mm ISS metal Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 851.50

21 Brick jelly 40mm Thanikottagam 25 cu.m. 705.00

22 Brick jelly 20mm Thanikottagam 25 cu.m. 786.00

23 Shell lime Local 0 cu.m. 1348.00

24 Slacked lime for mortor Pallankoil 39 cu.m. 993.00

25 Pressed tiles 20 x 20 x 2cm 0 1000 Nos. 11356.00

26 Pressed tiles 23 x 23 x 2cm 0 1000 Nos. 16106.00

27 Gravel Vallam 111 cu.m. 222.70

28 Rough Stone Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 449.40

29 Bond Stone Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 648.40

30 Stone dust Valavanthankottai 146 cu.m. 123.70

Note: Certificate shall be issued to the effect that the lead particulars furnished above are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and the rates adopted are base
rank of Asst. Exe.Engineer

Shell Lime Lime Stone

Cement Steel
Brick Jelly

CO-EFFICIENT C-0028 1.00 C-0028 1.00 C-0037 0.00 C-0037 1.10 C-0046

INCIDENTAL CHARAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

FROM 0 TO 10 Km C-0029 7.28 C-0029 7.28 C-0038 0.00 C-0038 7.99 C-0047

FROM 10 TO 20 Km C-0030 6.23 C-0030 6.23 C-0039 0.00 C-0039 6.84 C-0048

FROM 20 TO 40 Km C-0031 5.36 C-0031 5.36 C-0040 0.00 C-0040 5.90 C-0049

FROM 40 TO 80 Km C-0032 4.61 C-0032 4.61 C-0041 0.00 C-0041 5.09 C-0050

ABOVE 80 Km C-0033 4.21 C-0033 4.21 C-0042 0.00 C-0042 4.64 C-0051
Add above extra for inter state Works C-0036 27.25 C-0036 27.25 C-0045 0.00 C-0045 29.90 C-0054

LOADING CHARGES C-0034 135.50 C-0034 135.50 C-0043 0.00 C-0043 64.65 C-0052

UNLOADING CHARGES C-0035 135.50 C-0035 135.50 C-0044 0.00 C-0044 64.65 C-0053

0 TO 10 72.80 72.80 0.00 79.90

0 TO 20 135.10 135.10 0.00 148.30
0 TO 40 242.30 242.30 0.00 266.30
0 TO 80 426.70 426.70 0.00 469.90
IC Lead Charges Loading & Unloading Total

0.00 14.56 0.00 6054.56

0.00 14.56 0.00 58014.56

0.00 1180.90 0.00 2518.90

0.00 1180.90 0.00 2518.90

0.00 1180.90 0.00 2523.90

0.00 0.00 0.00 7887.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 7585.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 6795.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 6595.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 5709.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 4489.00

0.00 1549.28 0.00 8144.28

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2223.74

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2072.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2642.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2535.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2169.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2352.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 1840.94

0.00 1153.94 0.00 2005.44

0.00 177.80 0.00 882.80

0.00 177.80 0.00 963.80

0.00 0.00 0.00 1348.00

0.00 260.40 0.00 1253.40

0.00 0.00 0.00 11356.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 16106.00

0.00 918.04 0.00 1140.74

0.00 1153.94 0.00 1603.34

0.00 1153.94 0.00 1802.34

0.00 776.14 0.00 899.84

s adopted are based on the current Schedule of Rates for the year 2012-13, by an Engineer not below the

Sand Metal Country Pressed Tiles 2nd Chamber

Gravel bricks (1000) (2000) Bricks

1.60 C-0055 1.35 C-0064 1.80 C-0073 2.25

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

11.65 C-0056 9.82 C-0065 13.10 C-0074 16.37

9.96 C-0057 8.41 C-0066 11.22 C-0075 14.02

8.57 C-0058 7.22 C-0067 9.65 C-0076 12.05

8.04 C-0059 6.23 C-0068 8.31 C-0077 10.40

6.74 C-0060 5.70 C-0069 7.59 C-0078 9.49

43.75 C-0063 36.75 C-0072 49.15 C-0081 61.70

44.25 C-0061 63.60 C-0070 63.60 C-0079 63.60

44.25 C-0062 63.60 C-0071 63.60 C-0080 63.60

116.50 98.20 131.00 163.70

216.10 182.30 243.20 303.90
387.50 326.70 436.20 544.90
709.10 575.90 768.60 960.90
Qty. Unit Description Rate in rupees Per

720.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT

1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.


480.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.


360.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.


288.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.


240.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
* 180.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
J 1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.


0.50 cu.m. LIME STONE 1253.40 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. GRINDING MORTAR 280.60 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

8 Lime Mortar 1:2 using Shell Lime for Vertical Joint

0.50 cu.m. SHELL LIME 1348.00 cu.m.

1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. GRINDING MORTAR 280.60 cu.m.

Page 195
Rate for 1 cu.m.

9 Combination Mortor (Cement:Lime:Sand) 1:1:7

* 205.70 KG using
CEMENTShell Lime for Vertical Joint 6054.56 MT
J 0.14 cu.m. LIME STONE 1253.40 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. GRINDING MORTAR 280.60 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

10 Combination Mortor (Cement:Lime:Sand) 1:1:8

* 180.00 KG using
CEMENTShell Lime for Vertical Joint 6054.56 MT
J 0.13 cu.m. LIME STONE 1253.40 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. crushed stone sandFOR MORTAR 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. MIXING CHARGES 116.00 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. GRINDING MORTAR 280.60 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

11 Brick Jelly Lime Concrete 1:2:5 using 40mm brick

jelly in Lime Mortar 1:2 - 10 cu.m.

9.50 cu.m. Broken Brick Jelly (40mm size ) 882.80 cu.m.

3.80 cu.m. Lime Mortar 1:2 3426.20 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

12 Brick Jelly Lime Concrete 1:2:5 using 20mm brick

jelly in Lime Mortar 1:2 - 10 cu.m.

* 9.50 cu.m. Broken Brick Jelly (20mm size ) 963.80 cu.m.

J 3.80 cu.m. Lime Mortar 1:2 3426.20 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

11 Labour wrought and put up for 1 cu.m.

4.50 Nos. Carpenter I Class 976.00 Each
13.20 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
8.80 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Sundries for nails, screws, etc.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

Page 196
12 Priming coat for new iron work - 10 sq.m.
1.33 lit. Red oxide primer 136.90 lit.
0.70 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Nos.
Sundries for brushes etc., LS

Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 197
1 Earth work excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) in all
soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock
requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water
wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the compound
in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10 mts
and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and levelling the site, etc., complete
complying with standard specification.

Note: The cost of earth work excavation shall be calculated based on the
classifications of soils furnished in the trial pit details appended with the
cu.m. Earth work excavation in soil 93.45 cu.m.
(average rate) (HS+OS)/2 (42.50+63.60/2)
1.00 cu.m. Add 100% extra 93.45 cu.m.
0.33 cu.m. Refilling charges 38.95 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.

2 Earth work open excavation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth
as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring
shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the
excavated earth with a lead of 10 mts. within the compound in places
shown by the departmental officers and clearing and levelling the site,
etc., complete complying with standard specification.

1.00 cu.m. Earth work excavation in soil (average rate) 93.45 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

3 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling crushed

stone sand in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well watered, rammed
and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification and
as directed by the departmental officers.
1.00 cu.m. Cost of crushed stone sandfor filling 2518.90 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. Refilling charges 34.20 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

4 Refilling with excavated earth other than crushed stone sand with an initial head
load of 100 mts. and depositing the earth as shown by the departmental officers
in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated
etc. complete complying with standard specification

1.00 cu.m. Refilling with earth 38.95 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.
5 Supplying and filling basement with conveyed earth from 10 km
* 1.00 cu.m. Cost of earth (HGS/SS 20B) 112.05 cu.m.
M 1.00 cu.m. Lead charges [10x11.45] 116.50 cu.m.
1.00 cu.m. Refilling charges 38.95 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.

6 Supplying and FILLING GRAVEL Supplying and filling in 'foundation and

basement with filling crushed stone sand in layers of not more than 15cm.thick
well rammed watered and compacted -1m3 etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Page 198
* 1.00 cu.m. Cost of Gravel 1140.74 cu.m.
M 1.00 cu.m. Refilling charges 38.95 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.

7 Supplying and filling 40mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

* 1.00 m3 Cost of 40mm HBGS stone jelly 2223.74 m3

M 1.00 m3 Refilling with crushed stone sand as per S.I.No. 38.95 m3

Rate for 1 m 3

8 Supplying and filling 25mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

* 1.00 m3 Cost of 25mm HBGS stone jelly 2072.94 m3

M 1.00 m3 Refilling with crushed stone sand as per S.I.No. 38.95 m3

Rate for 1 m 3
9 Supplying and filling 20mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

* 1.00 m3 Cost of 20mm HBGS stone jelly 2642.94 m3

M 1.00 m3 Refilling with crushed stone sand as per S.I.No. 38.95 m3

Rate for 1 m 3

10 S&F crushed stone sand gravel mix (1:1) in foundation &

0.50 M3 Cost of filling crused stone sand 2518.90 M3
0.50 M3 Cost of filling Graval 1140.74 M3
1.00 M3 Mixing charges 116.00 M3
0.50 M3 Labour for filling crushed stone sand 34.20 M3
0.50 M3 Labour for filling gravel 38.95

Rate for 1 cu.m.

11 Providing and laying crushed stone sand gravel mix (1:1) at the rate of
0.62 cu.m of filling crushed stone sand and 0.66 cu .m of gravel to
consolidated 1hide of 150mm designed to attain a CBR value of not less
than 20 including cost and conveyance of crushed stone sandgravel from
approved sources to work site and stacking them to the departmental
gauge for premeasurement including labour charges labour charges for
power roller watering and all other tools and plants employed including all
other incidental charges etc., complete (For road works)

* Labour charges for mixing 950 sqm

M 6.00 Each Mazdoor I class 651.00 Each
24.00 Each Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 m 3

Daily outturn = 950 / sqm for 10mm

Labour charges for 10sqm

Page 199
=4230 x10 /950 176.02
Labour charges for refilling
1.00 M3 Labour charges for filling crushed stone sand 34.20 M3
1.00 M3 Labour charges for filling graval 38.95 M3

=40.20/2 36.58
0.55 M3 Cost of filling sand 2518.90 M3
0.58 M3 Cost of filling Graval 1140.74 M3
1.00 M3 Mixing charges 176.02 M3
1.00 M3 Filling charges 36.58 M3

Rate for 1 cu.m. 2259.62 /M3

12 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One Cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten
hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone
jelly for foundation including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in
layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing
etc. complete complying with standard specification

9.00 cu.m. Broken stone Jelly - 40mm size 2223.74 cu.m.

4.50 cu.m. Cement mortar (1:5) 4378.61 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.

13 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten
hard broken stone) using 40 mm gauge hard broken jelly for flooring
including laying, consolidating, finishing, rendering the top surface rough
to receive the floor, curing, etc. complete complying with standard
specification. (The rate is inclusive of necessary planking for panelling
wherever necessary and as directed by the departmental officers

9.00 cu.m. 40mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2223.74 cu.m.

4.50 cu.m. Cement mortar (1:5) 4378.61 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.

14 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One Cement, Four crushed stone sand and eight
hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone
jelly for foundation including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in
layers of not more than 15 cm thick, well rammed, consolidated and
curing etc. complete complying with standard specification

* 9.00 cu.m. Broken stone Jelly - 40mm size 2223.74 cu.m.

M 4.50 cu.m. Cement mortar (1:4) 4814.54 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each

Page 200
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

15 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 (One Cement, Three crushed stone sand and Six
broken stone jelly) using 40mm size hard broken stone jelly for dummy
columns, excluding cost of centering shuttering reinforcement grills and
fabrication charges but including curing etc. complete. (Reinforced
Cement Concrete 1:2:4 for slab to be extended upto top of splashing with
pressed tiles and future extension rods to be embedded in CC 1:3:6 (One
Cement, Three crushed stone sandand Six hard broken stone jelly).
Dummy columns should be at least 1 metre height)

9.00 cu.m. Broken stone jelly 40mm 2223.74 cu.m.

4.50 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

a For Ground floor 6567.80 119.85

b For First floor 6687.65 236.10
c For Second floor 6923.75 236.10
d For Third floor 7159.85 236.10
e For Fourth floor 7395.95 236.10

16 Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone sand and
four hard broken stone jelly) using 20mm jelly for wearing coat including
laying, compacting, finishing and curing, etc., complete as per standard
specificatins and as directed by the departmental officers.

9.00 cu.m. Broken Stone (20mm size ) 2642.94 cu.m.

4.50 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:2 6994.18 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Rate for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

17 Damp proof course with Cement Mortar 1:4 (One Cement and Four
crushed stone sand) 12mm thick mixed with best approved quality water
proofing compound conforming to Indian Standard specification as
specified by the departmental officers at 2% by weight of cement used,
finishing and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification.

0.14 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:4 4814.54 cu.m.

1.00 Kg Water proofing compound 42.70 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 201
18 Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for
plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column
footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase steps,
etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of size
90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size
25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oak joists of size
10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable
intervals etc. complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation.
(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid)

Sub-Data for strutting

98.50 RM Casurina props 10 to 13 cm dia. 25.20 RM
Assuming 5 uses, Rate for 1 use
0.30 Nos. Carpenter I Class 976.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
LS Add for wedges and nails
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
Main data
10.00 sq.m. Rate for centering for slab as per (a) 956.30 sq.m.
10.00 sq.m. Deduct or strutting 99.38 sq.m.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
19 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including
necessary supports and strutting upto 3.29 M height for plane surfaces as
detailed below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets
of size 90 x 60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of
size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size
10cm x 6.50 cm spaced at abote 90 cm centre to centre and supported by
casurina props of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm
centre to centre etc. complete complying with the standard specificaiton.
(Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid)

a For plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels,
bed blocks, landing slab, waist slab, portico slabs and beams, etc.

Sub Data: 1
Cost of MS sheets and angles for each set:
Weight of MS sheets 10 gauge of size 90cm x
60cm x 3.175mm
3.175 x 7850 / 1000 x 0.54 = 13.46 Kg
Weight of MS angles of size 25cm x 25mm x
3.6 x 1.1 kg / m = 4.00 Kg

13.46 Kg Cost of MS sheets 53.00 Kg

4.00 Kg Cost of MS angles 53.00 Kg

LS Add for cutting, bending, welding charges etc. LS

Total for one set (A)
Sub Data: 2

Page 202
Cost of MS sheets and angles and silver oak joists
and casurina props for 1 sq.m.

Set Cost of MS sheets and MS angles (as per A) 1017.92 Each

(Adopting 40 uses)
Total for 40 uses
Total for 1 use / sq.m. (B)

0.12 cu.m. Cost of silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm 15500.00 cu.m.
98.50 RM Cost of casurina props 10 to 13cm dia. 25.20 RM
Total for 5 uses
(Adopting 5 uses for silver oak / country wood
joists and casurina props
Total for 1 use / sq.m. (C)

Main Data for centering for 10 sq.m.

10.00 sq.m. Cost of MS sheets and angles (B) 483.51 Each
10.00 sq.m. Cost of silver oak joists and casurina props (C) 868.44 cu.m.
LS Add for silver planks LS
3.80 Nos. Carpenter I Class 976.00 Each
5.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 No Fitter II Class 839.00 Each
LS Add for wedges, coils, nails, etc., LS
LS For periodical cleaning and painting of MS sheets LS
& angles
Total (5%
for 10 of cost of sheet & angle)
(or) say, Rate for 1 sq.m. (a)
b For plane surfaces such as vertical slab, side slabs of boxing,
vertical drops, facia, vertical wall, etc.

1.00 sq.m. Centering for slab, etc., as per (a) 956.30 1 sq.m.
Add 10% extra
Total for 1 sq.m.
(or) Total for 1 sq.m.
c For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns,
sunshades, top and bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.

1.00 sq.m. Centering for slab and beams etc., as per (a) 956.30 1 sq.m.
Add 20% extra
Total for 1 sq.m.
(or) Total for 1 sq.m.

d For circular columns

1.00 sq.m. Centering for square columns etc., as per (c) 1147.56 sq.m.
Add 100% extra
Total for 1 sq.m.
(or) Total for 1 sq.m.

e Centering for curved surfaces of all RCC items of work

1.00 sq.m. Centering for slabs beams etc., as per (a) 956.30 sq.m.
Add 50% extra
Total for 1 sq.m.
(or) Total for 1 sq.m.

Page 203
20 Providing additional strutting to centering of RCC slabs of plain surface
for every additional 1.0 metre height or part thereof but not less than 30
cm, over the initial 3.00 metre height from floor level using casurina props
of 10cm to 13cm dia including cross bracing etc., complete complying with
standard specification and as directed by the department officers.

98.50 RM Cost of casurina props for 5 uses 25.20 RM

Cost of materials for one use for 5
0.30 Nos. Carpenter I Class 976.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Add for nails, coirs, etc.,
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m. per 3m height
Rate for 1 sq.m. / 1m height

21 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four
hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone
jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement grill and
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including laying,
vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing
fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary
and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc. shall be finished smooth with
Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) and kraft paper laid
over it without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers

9.00 cu.m. 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m.

4.50 cu.m. Sand 2518.90 cu.m.
3231.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
3.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
21.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
35.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.

Add for vibration charges

Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a Foundation and Basement
b For Ground floor 9154.00 119.85
c For First floor 9273.85 236.10
d For Second floor 9509.95 236.10
e For Third floor 9746.05 236.10
f For Fourth floor 9982.15 236.10
g For Fifth floor 10218.25 236.10

Page 204
22 Cement Concrete 1:1-1/2:3 (One Cement, One and a half crushed stone
sand and Three hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken
granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of
reinforcement grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but
including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc.
and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs
wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc. shall be
finished smooth with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand)
and kraft paper laid over it without claiming extra, etc., complete
complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental
9.00 cu.m. 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m.
4.50 cu.m. Sand 2518.90 cu.m.
4308.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
3.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
21.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
35.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.

Add for vibration charges

Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a Foundation and Basement
b For Ground floor 9806.00 119.85
c For First floor 9925.85 236.10
d For Second floor 10161.95 236.10
e For Third floor 10398.05 236.10
f For Fourth floor 10634.15 236.10
g For Fifth floor 10870.25 236.10

23 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed

Tor Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of
steel and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc. complete complying with
standard specification. (Contractor has to make his own arrangements for
the supply of steel and binding wire)
MS (or) RTS rods
1.00 Qtl Cost of steel 58014.56 MT
0.01 Qtl Binding wire 56.35 Kg
3.50 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
Rate for 1 Quintal
Rate for 1 Quintal
country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
24 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality of country
bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" for foundation and basement
including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.

A In Cement Mortar 1:6

1700.00 Nos. Country bricks of size 8.75" x 4.25" x 2.25" 4489.00 1000 Nos.
0.793 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each

Page 205
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6065.00
b In Ground floor 6065.00 78.90
c In First floor 6143.90 159.20
d In Second floor 6303.10 159.20
e In Third floor 6462.30 159.20
f In Fourth floor 6621.50 159.20
g In Fifth floor 6780.70 159.20
B In Cement Mortar 1:5
1700.00 Nos. Country bricks of size 8.75" x 4.25" x 2.25" 4489.00 1000 Nos.
0.793 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6146.40
b In Ground floor 6146.40 78.90
c In First floor 6225.30 159.20
d In Second floor 6384.50 159.20
e In Third floor 6543.70 159.20
f In Fourth floor 6702.90 159.20

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

1700.00 Nos. Country bricks of size 8.75" x 4.25" x 2.25" 4489.00 1000 Nos.
0.793 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6471.95
b In Ground floor 6471.95 78.90
c In First floor 6550.85 159.20
d In Second floor 6710.05 159.20
e In Third floor 6869.25 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7028.45 159.20

Country Bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4""

Page 206
a Brick work using using Country Bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-
3/4" in Cement Mortar 1:6 (One cement and six crushed stone sand)
including curing neat finishing, etc., complete complying with standard

* In Cement Mortar 1:6

M Nos. using Country Bricks of size 5709.00 1000 Nos.
8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
a Rate for 1 cu.m.:
b For foundation & basement 5868.20
c In Ground floor 5868.20 78.90
In First floor 5947.10 159.20
In Second floor 6106.30 159.20
In Third floor 6265.50 159.20
In Fourth floor 6424.70 159.20
In Fifth floor 6583.90 159.20

Page 207
b Brick work using Country Bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"" in
Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and five crushed stone sand) including
curing neat finishing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.
* In Cement Mortar 1:5
M Nos. using Country Bricks of size 5709.00 1000 Nos.
8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
a Rate for 1 cu.m.:
b For foundation & basement 5940.90
In Ground floor 5940.90 78.90
In First floor 6019.80 159.20
In Second floor 6179.00 159.20

25 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" for
foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with
standard specifiction.

A In Cement Mortar 1:6

1160.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" 7887.00 1000 Nos.
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7061.80
b In Ground floor 7061.80 78.90
c In First floor 7140.70 159.20
d In Second floor 7299.90 159.20
e In Third floor 7459.10 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7618.30 159.20
g In Fifth floor 7777.50 159.20
B In Cement Mortar 1:5
1160.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" 7887.00 1000 Nos.
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7125.75
b In Ground floor 7125.75 78.90
c In First floor 7204.65 159.20

Page 208
d In Second floor 7363.85 159.20
e In Third floor 7523.05 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7682.25 159.20
C In Cement Mortar 1:3
1160.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" 7887.00 1000 Nos.
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7381.50
b In Ground floor 7381.50 78.90
c In First floor 7460.40 159.20
d In Second floor 7619.60 159.20
e In Third floor 7778.80 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7938.00 159.20

26 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4" for
foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with
standard specifiction.
A In Cement Mortar 1:6
1300.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 7585.00 1000 Nos.
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7435.80
b In Ground floor 7435.80 78.90
c In First floor 7514.70 159.20
d In Second floor 7673.90 159.20
e In Third floor 7833.10 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7992.30 159.20
g In Fifth floor 8151.50 159.20

B In Cement Mortar 1:5

1300.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 7585.00 1000 Nos.
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.

Page 209
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7508.50
b In Ground floor 7508.50 78.90
c In First floor 7587.40 159.20
d In Second floor 7746.60 159.20
e In Third floor 7905.80 159.20
f In Fourth floor 8065.00 159.20

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

1300.00 Nos. II class table moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 7585.00 1000
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7799.15
b In Ground floor 7799.15 78.90
c In First floor 7878.05 159.20
d In Second floor 8037.25 159.20
e In Third floor 8196.45 159.20
f In Fourth floor 8355.65 159.20

27 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class Ground
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4" for
foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with
standard specifiction.
A In Cement Mortar 1:6
* 1300.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 6595.00 1000 Nos.
J 0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6981.30
b In Ground floor 6981.30 78.90
c In First floor 7060.20 159.20
d In Second floor 7219.40 159.20
e In Third floor 7378.60 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7537.80 159.20
g In Fifth floor 7697.00 159.20

B In Cement Mortar 1:5

1300.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 6595.00 1000 Nos.
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each

Page 210
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7054.00
b In Ground floor 7054.00 78.90
c In First floor 7132.90 159.20
d In Second floor 7292.10 159.20
e In Third floor 7451.30 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7610.50 159.20

28 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class Ground
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" for
foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with
standard specifiction.

A In Cement Mortar 1:6

* Nos. II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of siz 6795.00 1000 Nos.

M 0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:6 4087.99 cu.m.

1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m.:

a For foundation & basement 6614.50
b In Ground floor 6614.50 78.90
c In First floor 6693.40 159.20
d In Second floor 6852.60 159.20
e In Third floor 7011.80 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7171.00 159.20
g In Fifth floor 7330.20 159.20

B In Cement Mortar 1:5

1160.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded bricks 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" 6795.00 1000 Nos.
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6678.40
b In Ground floor 6678.40 78.90

Page 211
c In First floor 6757.30 159.20
d In Second floor 6916.50 159.20
e In Third floor 7075.70 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7234.90 159.20

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

1160.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded bricks 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" 6795.00 1000 Nos.
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6934.20
b In Ground floor 6934.20 78.90
c In First floor 7013.10 159.20
d In Second floor 7172.30 159.20
e In Third floor 7331.50 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7490.70 159.20

Brick partition walls of 10.80cm- country bricks of size

8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
29 Brick partition walls of 10.80cm thickness using best quality country
bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One
Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if
found necessary including curing etc. complete and as directed by the
departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid
for separately)

a Foundation and basement

1.08 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 6471.95 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

b Ground Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 6550.85 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
c First Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in First Floor 6710.05 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 6869.25 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.

Page 212
Rate for 1 sq.m.

e Third Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 7028.45 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

f Fourth Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 7187.65 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 213
Brick partition walls of 10.80cm- country bricks of size
8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
30 Brick partition walls using best quality using Country Bricks of
size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4" in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and
Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found
necessary including curing etc. complete and as directed by the
departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid
for separately)
* In Cement Mortar 1:3
M Nos. using Country Bricks of size 5709.00 1000
8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
a Rate for 1 cu.m.:
b For foundation & basement 6231.60
c In Ground floor 6231.60 78.90
In First floor 6310.50 159.20
In Second floor 6469.70 159.20
In Third floor 6628.90 159.20
In Forth floor 6788.10 159.20

a Foundation and basement

1.08 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 6231.60 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

b Ground Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 6310.50 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

b First Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in FF 6469.70 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b II Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in SF 6628.90 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
e Third Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 6788.10 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 214
f Fourth Floor
1.08 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 6947.30 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

31 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class table m

a Foundation and basement

1.15 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 7381.50 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

b Ground Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 7460.40 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c First Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in first Floor 7619.60 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 7778.80 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
e Third Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 7938.00 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
f Fourth Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 8097.20 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 215
32 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class table

a Foundation and basement

1.15 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 7799.15 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b Ground Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 7878.05 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c First Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in First Floor 8037.25 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 8196.45 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

e Third Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 8355.65 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
f Fourth Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 8514.85 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

33 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class Ground

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

* 1300.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded bricks 9"x4-3/8"x2-3/4" 6595.00 1000
J 0.708 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each

Page 216
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 7344.65
b In Ground floor 7344.65 78.90
c In First floor 7423.55 159.20
d In Second floor 7582.75 159.20
e In Third floor 7741.95 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7901.15 159.20
a Foundation and basement
1.15 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 7344.65 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b Ground Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 7423.55 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c First Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in First Floor 7582.75 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 7741.95 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

e Third Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 7901.15 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
f Fourth Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 8060.35 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

34 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best qualityII class Ground m

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

M 1160.00 Nos. II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of siz 6795.00 1000

Page 217
0.623 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.:
a For foundation & basement 6934.20
b In Ground floor 6934.20 78.90
c In First floor 7013.10 159.20
d In Second floor 7172.30 159.20
e In Third floor 7331.50 159.20
f In Fourth floor 7490.70 159.20
a Foundation and basement
1.15 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 6934.20 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b Ground Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 7013.10 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c First Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in First Floor 7172.30 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 7331.50 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

e Third Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 7490.70 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
f Fourth Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 7649.90 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 218
35 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain
cement concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four
aggregate) using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including
laying, finishing and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread
lining, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers. (The rate is inclusive of necessary
planking for panelling wherever necessary and as directed by the
departmental officers)


9.00 cu.m. 10 to 12.50mm HBGS Jelly 2352.94 cu.m.
4.50 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:2 6994.18 cu.m.
1.80 Each Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Each Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Each Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
a For 20mm thick
0.20 cu.m. Cement Concrete 1:2:4 7338.00 cu.m.
LS Add for top rubbed smooth with power trawl, LS
thread lining, curing etc.,
Rate for 1 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b For 25mm thick
0.25 cu.m. Cement Concrete 1:2:4 7338.00 cu.m.
LS Add for top rubbed smooth with power trawl, LS
thread lining, curing etc.,

Rate for 1 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

c For 40mm thick

0.40 cu.m. Cement concrete 1:2:4 7338.00 cu.m.
LS Add for top rubbed smooth with power trawl, LS
thread lining, curing etc.,

Rate for 1 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.
36 Flooring with Snow White Marble Slab (Adanga) 18mm to 20mm
thick and above free from all defects in all floors over a base layer of CM
1:3, 20mm thick. The marble slab shall be laid over the cement mortar by
applying white cement slurry in between base mortar and marble slab and
pointed with white cement neatly including polishing with polishing stone
and oxalic acid etc. so as to perfectly smooth and glossy and including hire
charges for polishing machine and power consumption charges etc. The
marble slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete.

A Using Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above

(Observed Data)
10.00 sq.m. Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above 1403.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
18.00 Kg White Cement 22.60 Kg
3.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each

Page 219
1.25 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
8.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
7.00 Nos. Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
LS Cutting Blades at 12% of Labour Charges LS
1.25 Nos. Polishing stone, Rough (80) 67.00 Nos.
0.75 Nos. Medium (200) 89.50 Nos.
0.30 Nos. Nice (300) 102.70 Nos.
1.00 Kg Oxalic Acid 38.75 Kg
0.25 Kg Tin Oxide (Mansion polish) 149.15 400g
1.00 Kg Marble Powder 4.54 Kg
0.50 Kg Cotton Waste 10.40 Kg
1.00 sq.m. Kithan Bag 11.80 sq.m.
1.00 Day Hire Charges for Polishing Machinary 228.60 Day
2.00 Units Electricity charges 11.90 Unit
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
B Using Marble Slabs of size 2'0'' x 2.0" and below
(Observed Data)

10.00 sq.m. Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above 700.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
18.00 Kg White Cement 22.60 Kg
3.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.25 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
8.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
7.00 Nos. Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
LS Cutting Blades at 12% of Labour Charges LS
1.25 Nos. Polishing stone, Rough (80) 67.00 Nos.
0.75 Nos. Medium (200) 89.50 Nos.
0.30 Nos. Nice (300) 102.70 Nos.
1.00 Kg Oxalic Acid 38.75 Kg
0.25 Kg Tin Oxide 149.15 Kg
1.00 Kg Marble Powder 4.54 Kg
0.50 Kg Cotton Waste 10.40 Kg
1.00 sq.m. Kithan Bag 11.80 sq.m.
1.00 Day Hire Charges for Polishing Machinary 228.60 Day
2.00 Units Electricity charges 11.90 Unit
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

37 Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Kota stone slabs of
size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm with machine cut edges and matching marble
slab not less than 100mm width other than Adanga Marbles as border laid over a
cement mortar bed of 20mm thick using cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and
three crushed stone sand) fixing the slabs in true right angles with minimum
possible width of joints and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with
mathcing colouring pigments and polishing with floor polisher to a high degree of
finish etc., The kota stone slabs and other materials to be used shall be got
approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete
as per standard speicification.

Page 220
A Using Fine polished Kota Stone Slab above 600 x
600 of 18 / 20mm size (Observed Data)
sq.m. Fine polished Kota Stone Slab above 600 x 600 of 550.00 sq.m.
18 / 20mm size
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Cement slurry LS
4.00 Kg Colour cement 27.25 Kg
Total for 10 sq.m.
M Rate for 1 sq.m.
B Using Fine polished Kota Stone Slab below 600 x
600 of 18 / 20mm size (Observed Data)
sq.m. Fine polished Kota Stone Slab below 600 x 600 of 484.00 sq.m.
10.00 18 / 20mm size

0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.

1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Cement slurry LS
4.00 Kg Colour cement 27.25 Kg
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

38 Paving the floor with kota stone slab of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm
(un-polished) in all floors laid in of cement mortor 1:3 (one cement three
crushed stone sand), 20mm thick and pointed with colour cement neatly
including polishing with polishing stone and oxalic acid etc., so as to
perfectly smooth and glossy and including hire charges for polishing
machine and power consumption charges etc. The kota stone slabs and
other materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive
Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard
Using Kota Stone Slab (Observed Data)
sq.m. Kotta stone 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm 275.00 sq.m.
10.50 (un-polished)
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
64.00 Kg Cement slurry 6054.56 MT
3.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.25 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
5.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
4.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
1.00 Day Hire charges for polishing machinery 228.60 Each
1.10 Nos. Floor Polisher 769.00 Each
2.00 Units Electricity 11.90 Units
0.50 Kg Cotton waste 10.40 Kg
Sundrise for polish stone (20% of polisher)
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 221
39 Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Granite Stone Slabs
of size 1200 x 600 of 18 / 20mm thick of Synthetic Grey, Paradise and
similar varieties with machine cut edges laid over a cement mortar bed of 20mm
thick using cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three crushed stone sand) fixing
the slabs with required cement slurry and laid in true right angles with minimum
possible width of joints and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with
mathcing colouring pigments etc., The granite stone slabs and other materials to
be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before use on
work, etc., complete as per standard speicification.

sq.m. Fine Polished Granite Slab 1200 x 600 of 18 / 1462.00 sq.m.

10.00 20mm thick of Synthetic Grey, Paradise and
similar varieties
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
14.00 Kg Cement slurry 6054.56 MT
0.50 Kg Cotton Waste 10.40 Kg
4.00 Kg Colour cement 27.25 1 Kg
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
39a Paving the floor with fine polished cuddapah stone slab of following
thickness over Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone
Sand) 20mm thick over the existing bed of Cement Concrete 1:5:10, (One
Cement, Five crushed stone sandand Ten aggregate) and pointing the
joints to full depth of slabs with same mortar mixed with black oxide and
the top surface rendered smooth, curing, etc., The cuddapah stone slabs
and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive
Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Sub-Data for Pointing

0.01 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.60 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Add for black oxide LS
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
10.50 sq.m. Cuddapah Slab 20 / 30mm thick 376.70 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
10.00 sq.m. Pointing with CM 1:3 246.60 sq.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
10.50 sq.m. Cuddapah Slab 38 / 40mm thick 408.00 sq.m.

Page 222
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
10.00 sq.m. Pointing with CM 1:3 246.60 sq.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
* 10.50 sq.m. Cuddapah Slab 50mm thick 425.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
10.00 sq.m. Pointing with CM 1:3 246.60 sq.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
40 Paving the floor with best quality Vertified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x
8mm of approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement mortar 1:3
(one cement and three crushed stone sand) 20mm thick in all floors and
the top pointed with the white cement mixed same colour pigments etc.,
complete complying with standard specification. (The make and brand of
the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on

Using Marbonite Tiles (Observed Data)

10.00 sq.m. Marbonite Tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm 982.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
4.00 Kg White Cement mixed with colour pigments 27.25 Kg
1.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.50 Kg Cotton Waste 10.40 Kg
M Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

41 Flooring with following ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6 mm laid

over 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed
stone Sand) base mortar over the existing slab / floor including cutting
the tiles to the required size with special cutter wherever necessary,
laying in position and pointing with white cement mixed with colouring
pigment at the rate of 0.3 Kg. / sq.m. etc., complete complying with
standard specification. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got
approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
a Self Designed Colour Ceramic Tiles of size 305 x
305 x 6mm (Observed Data)
108.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 49.00 Each
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
3.00 Kg White Cement mixed with colour pigments 27.25 Kg
1.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each

Page 223
1.00 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.50 Kg Cotton Waste 10.40 Kg
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6mm
(Observed Data)
108.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 35.15 Each
10.00 sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm

* 250.00 Nos. (Observed Data)
Cost of Tiles 15.70 Each
10.00 sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm

(Observed Data)

* 250.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 21.50 Each

10.00 sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
* Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm
(Observed Data)

500.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 8.00 Each

10.00 sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

f Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm

(Observed Data)
* 500.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 11.60 Each
10.00 sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

42 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles (Required

shape and design) of 20mm thick of approved quality and colour laid in
Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone sand) 20mm
thick and pointed with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the
rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m., curing, etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and
brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before
use on works)
Using anti-skid tiles (Observed Data)

Page 224
10.00 sq.m. Pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles 525.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I st Class 999.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos.
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos.
4.00 Kg Colour Cement 27.25 Kg
Rate for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

43 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles

(Required shape and design) of 20mm thick of approved quality and
colour laid in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone
sand) 20mm thick and pointed with white cement mixed with colouring
pigment at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m., curing, etc., complete complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
(The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works)

Using anti-skid step tiles (Observed Data)

10.00 sq.m. Pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles 653.00 sq.m.
0.21 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason I st Class 999.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos.
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos.
4.00 Kg Colour Cement 27.25 Kg
Rate for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

44 Dadooing walls with following best approved quality, white / colour

glazed tiles of following sizes set in Cement Mortar 1:2 (One Cement and
Two crushed stone sand) 10mm thick and pointing the joints with white
cement mixed with colouring pigments at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m.
neatly in all floors, curing, etc., complying with standard specification and
as directed by the departmental officers.
1a Dadooing with white glazed tiles of size 150mm
x 150mm x 6mm
450.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 8.30 Each
0.10 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:2 6994.18 cu.m.
4.00 Kg White cement 22.60 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
4.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

1b Dadooing with plain colour glazed tiles of size

150mm x 150mm x 6mm
450.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 9.65 Each

Page 225
sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above (excluding white cement)

4.00 Kg White cement mixed with colouring pigments 27.25 Kg

Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c Dadooing with printed design colour glazed

tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm
450.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 11.40 Each
sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above (excluding white cement)

4.00 Kg White cement mixed with colouring pigments 27.25 Kg

Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

1d Dadooing with granite tiles of synthetic grey,

paradise, and similar varieties of suitable sizes
10.00 sq.m. Cost of Granite Tiles 749.00 sq.m.
sq.m. Cost of cement mortar, labour, etc., as above (excluding white cement)

4.00 Kg White cement mixed with colouring pigments 27.25 Kg

Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

2a Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 200 x 6mm

167.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 30.80 Each

0.10 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:2 6994.18 cu.m.
4.00 Kg color cement 27.25 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
4.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 226
2a Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 450 x 8mm

75.00 Nos. Cost of Tiles 62.40 Each

0.10 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:2 6994.18 cu.m.
4.00 Kg color cement 27.25 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
4.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 227
45 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of
size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no crushed stone sand to
be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume
and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and
finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern,
keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc.,
complete as per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental

12.80 cu.m. Brick Jelly (20mm gauge) 963.80 cu.m.

5.00 cu.m. Slaked lime 1253.40 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Sundries for wooden beaters, lime jaggery water LS
Total for 10 cu.m.
a Rate for 1 cu.m.
b In foundation & basement 3951.70
c For Ground floor 3951.70 119.85
d For First floor 4071.55 236.10
e For Second floor 4307.65 236.10
f For Third floor 4543.75 236.10
g For Fourth floor 4779.85 236.10
For Fifth floor 5015.95 236.10

46 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of
size 230mm x 230mm x 20mm of approved quality set in Cement Mortar
1:3 (One Cement and Three Crushed stone Sand) 12mm thick mixed with
water proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement
used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same
cement mortar mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound
including curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and
as directed by the departmental officers
Sub-Data for Pointing with Cement Mortar 1:3
0.04 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
0.384 Kg Water Proofing Compound 42.70 Kg
2.20 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Add for red oxide etc.,
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Main Data
189.00 Nos. Pressed Tiles of 230mm x 230mm x 20mm 16106.00 1000
0.12 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
10.00 sq.m. Pointing with Cement Mortar 1:3 321.24 sq.m.
1.152 Kg Water Proofing Compound 42.70 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each

Page 228
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
Therefore rate for 1m2

Page 229
250.00 Nos. Pressed Tiles of 200mm x 200mm x 20mm 11356.00 1000
* 10.00 sq.m. Labour & Mortor 9002.24 sq.m.

Paving the Top of roof with Solar refelective ceramic tiles of size 305 x
305 x 7mm thick of approved quality and colour laid in Cement mortar 1:3
(One cement and three crushed stone sand) 12mm thick and pointed with
tile grout (Nitotile Grout or equivalent) and cement in the ratio of 1:3 for
joint, curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers. (The make and brand of the tiles
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works)

Solar refelective ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x 506.00

10.00 sq.m 7mm thick sq.m
0.14 cu.m Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Nos.
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos.
3.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos.
4.00 Kg Epoxy packing for Joint 438.00 Kg
Rate for 1 sq.m.

47 Finishing the top of slopped roof, sun-shade with Machine Pressed

Ornamental Tiles of approved quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 20mm
thick mixed with WPC at 2% by weight of cement used and top pointed
with the same red oxide mixed mortar etc complete, complying with
standard specifications
Using Ornamental Tiles (Observed Data)
Main Data
10.00 sq.m. Cost of tiles 537.50 sq.m.
0.25 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
10.00 sq.m. Pointing with Cement Mortar 1:3 321.24 sq.m.
2.40 Kg Water Proofing Compound 42.70 Kg
3.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
2.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.25 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

48 Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah slab of following

thickness for cup-board arrangements including laying to correct
alignment with necessary cement mortar and black powder etc, complete
complying with standard specification and as direct.
a 20 / 30mm thick
1.00 sq.m. Cost of 20 / 30mm thick cuddapah slab 376.70 1sq.m.
1.00 sq.m. Labour for fixing 45.95 1sq.m.
LS Add for Cement Mortar, Black Oxide, etc. LS
Rate for 1 sq.m.

b 38 / 40mm thick
1.00 sq.m. Cost of 38 / 40mm thick cuddapah slab 408.00 1sq.m.

Page 230
1.00 sq.m. Labour for fixing 45.95 1sq.m.
LS Add for Cement Mortar, Black Oxide, etc. LS
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 231
* Supplying and fixing in position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain
water down fall pipes having a pressure of 4 kg. / including
cost of necessry PVC shoe, PVC bend, cast iron gratings of required
diameter and special clamps, brass screws, nails, etc., and fixing of cast
iron gratings at junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including
finishing neatly etc., complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cast of
removable cast iron grating. The PVC pipe shall be fixed in wall with
special type of "U" clamp at the centre of the pipe line in addition to those
for more than 3.0 metre pipe length, etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

b 110mm dia PVC Pipe

3.00 RM Cost of PVC Pipe 203.10 RM
1.00 No. PVC Shoe 110mm dia 83.40 Each
1.00 No. PVC Bend 110mm dia 104.10 Each
2.00 Nos. Cost of brackets for PVC pipes 20.05 Each
4.00 Nos. Cost of teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
1.00 No. Cost of cast iron gratings 32.10 Each
1.00 No. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
Sundries for nails and screws
Total for 3 RM
Rate for 1 RM

Rate for 1 RM / One Floor

Rate for 1 RM / Two Floors

Nos. Rate as above excluding shoe, bend, gratings and l 653.72 Each
2.00 Floor

Rate for shoe, bend, gratings and labour

Sundries for nails and screws
Total for 6 RM
Rate for 1 RM

Rate for 1 RM / Three Floors

Nos. Rate as above excluding shoe, bend, gratings and l 653.72 Each
3.00 Floor

Rate for shoe, bend, gratings and labour

Sundries for nails and screws
Total for 9 RM
Rate for 1 RM

Page 232
50 Supplying and fixing teak wood hand rails with an over all finsihed
size of 50 x 150mm with architectural designs as directed and fixing in
position etc., including polishing two coats with french (LAC) polish over a
coat of bee's waxing complying with standard specification etc., complete.
The wooden hand rails shall have 12mm groove on both faces at 50mm
from top polished and the groove should be painted with black paint. The
bottom of hand rails should be grooved to receive the MS flats 40 x 6mm
welded with square rods of balustrades

Quantity of teak wood required

3 x 0.15 x 0.065 = 0.03 cu.m.
Sub-Data for Lac Polish
1.60 Litre Lac Polish 264.10 Litre
0.70 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Sundries including brushes, crushed stone sandpaper, glue, bee's wax, turpe

Rate for 10 sq.m.

Sub-Data for Labour Wrought and Put-up

(SI No. 402)

4.50 Nos. Carpenter I Class 976.00 Litre

13.20 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
8.80 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Sundries for nails, screws, etc.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

0.03 cu.m. Cost of teak wood scantlings above 2m long 111600.00 cu.m.
0.03 cu.m. Labour wrought and put up 22647.43 cu.m.
LS Add 50% extra labour for architectural finishing LS
3.90 sq.m. Lac Polish 1700.79 10 sq.m.
LS Sundries for bolts, screws, etc.,
Total for 3 RM
Rate for 1 RM
51 Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square
rods spaced at 150mm centre to centre so that the two balustrades in
each step shall be placed centrally and the top of balustrades connected
with the hand rails (cost of hand rail shall be measured and paid
separately) by means of MS flats of size 40mm x 6mm in the groove
40mm x 6mm provided at the bottom of hand rail; the bottom of
balustrades shall be fixed on to the top of step concrete. An additional MS
flat of size 50mm x 6mm shall be provided at the centre of balustrades
connecting all square rods to the entire length including cost of square
rods, flat and applying one coat of red oxide primer to the iron surfaces,
etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by
the departmental officers.

Consider a balustrade of size

1.80 x 0.70 metre using 20mm square rod

Area 1.26 sq.m.

Page 233
Weight of 20mm rod required 28.64 Kg
= 1.80 / 0.15 x (0.70 + 0.06) @ 3.14

40 x 6mm flat = 1.80 m x 1.90 Kg / RM 3.42 Kg

50 x 6mm flat = 1.80 m x 2.40 Kg / RM 4.32 Kg
MS rod required 28.64 Kg
MS flat required 7.74 Kg
Total 36.38 Kg

28.64 kg Cost of MS square rod 52.10 Kg
7.74 kg Cost of MS flat 52.10 Kg
36.38 kg Labour charges 29.65 Kg
Welding charges
75.00 Nos. 40mm flat 1.64 Each
120.00 Nos. 50mm flat 2.11 Each
1.26 sq.m. Red oxide primer 74.20 sq.m.
LS Sundries for dismantling, redoing, fixing with LS
concrete etc.

Total for 1.26 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

52 Supplying and fixing 40mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail
including labour charges for cutting, welding and fixing with MS flats
(excluding cost of flat), etc., as directed by the departmental officers
Consider a length hand rail = 3 metres
3.00 RM 40mm dia GI pipe 163.00 RM
LS Labour for cutting, welding and fixing LS
Rate for 3 RM
Rate for 1 RM

53 Supplying and fixing GI pipe handrails for handicapped persons using

50mm dia GI pipe double handrail at a height of 800mm and 900mm from
floor level with 25mm thick MS square rods as balusters embedded in the
concrete and welded with pipe at 60cm centre to centre as shown in CA
Job No. 9123 / 1 including cutting, welding, bending and fixing charges
and applying one coat of red oxide primer for MS members as directed by
the departmental officers

Consider a length hand rail = 3 metres

6.00 RM 50mm dia GI pipe 209.00 RM
32.41 Kg 25mm MS square rod 52.10 Kg
32.41 Kg Fabrication charges for MS square rod 51.15 Kg
LS Labour charges for cutting, welding GI pipe LS
LS Red Oxide Primer LS
LS Dismantling the concrete and re-doing to the original condition LS

Rate for 3 RM
Rate for 1 RM

Page 234
54 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five Plastering
sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.

0.14 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4383.61 cu.m.

1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

55 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five Plastering
sand), 20mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.

0.22 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4383.61 cu.m.

2.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

56 Special ceiling plastering and finishing the exposed surface of all RCC
items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshades, facia, canopy slab,
staircase waist slab, landing slab etc., with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One
Cement and Three Plastering Sand) 10mm thick including hacking
the surfaces, providing cement mortar nosing, beading for sunshades,
staircases, steps, landing slabs and curing, etc., in all floors complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers

0.10 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5546.09 cu.m.

1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

57 Plastering the surface of walls with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One cement and
Three plastering sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers.

0.14 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5546.09 cu.m.

1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

58 Plastering the surface of walls with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One cement and
Three plastering sand), 20mm thick in all floors including curing etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers.

0.22 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5546.09 cu.m.

2.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each

Page 235
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

59 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Plastering
Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming
to BIS at 2% by weight of cement used including finsihing, curing, etc.,
complete in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed
by the departmental officers.

* 0.14 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5546.09 cu.m.

M 1.34 Kg Water proofing compound 42.70 Kg
1.10 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
M Rate for 1 sq.m.

60 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Plastering
Sand) 20mm thick mixed with water proofing compound
conforming to BIS at 2% by weight of cement used including finsihing,
curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specification
and as directed by the departmental officers.

0.22 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5546.09 cu.m.

2.11 Kg Water proofing compound 42.70 Kg
2.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

61 Stucco plastering 12mm thick using blue granite chips of size

10mm and below over the existing base plastering with cement mortar
1:5, 12mm thick, etc., complete complying with standard specifications
(SI 314)
10.00 sq.m. Plastering with cement mortar 1:5, 12mm thick 262.60 sq.m.
0.15 cu.m. Blue granite chips 6 - 10 mm thick 2005.44 cu.m.
72.00 Kgs Cement 6054.56 MT
14.50 Kgs Cement for slurry 6054.56 MT
1.60 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

62 White washing one coat with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors
including cost of lime, blue powder, fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding
charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers.
0.05 cu.m. Fine screened shell lime 1348.00 cu.m.
1.10 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each

Page 236
1.90 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Gum, conjee water or prickly pear juice including LS
necessary fire wood and brushes

Rate for 100 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

63 White washing two coats with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors
including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding
charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
0.07 cu.m. Fine screened shell lime 1348.00 cu.m.
1.60 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Gum, conjee water or prickly pear juice including LS
necessary firewood and brushes

Rate for 100 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

64 Colour washing two coats in all floors using best freshly burnt white shell lime
and best quality of approved variety of colouring pigment including cost of lime,
colouring pigments, fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges etc., complete
complying with standard specification. Mineral colouring pigments not affected by
lime should only be used (stainers and colour solutions should not be used.)

For one Coat

1.00 sq.m. Rate as per white washing one coats 23.10 sq.m.
1.00 sq.m. Add 50% etc., for colouring pigment 11.55 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

For Two Coat

1.00 sq.m. Rate as per white washing two coats 33.65 sq.m.
1.00 sq.m. Add 50% etc., for colouring pigment 16.83 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

65 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint over one coat
of cement primer as instructed by the departmental officers including
preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard
specifications (The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approved by
the Executive Engineer before use of work).

For basic one coat of primer with cement paint

10.00 sq.m. Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 sq.m.
1.80 Kg Cement Paint 49.85 Kg
0.25 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, etc. LS
Rate for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
For finishing two coats
3.00 Kg Cement Paint 49.85 Kg
0.50 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each

Page 237
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, etc. LS
Rate per 10 sq.m.
Rate per 1 sq.m.

Main Data
1.00 sq.m. Basic one coat of primer with cement paint 72.25
1.00 sq.m. For finishing two coats with cement paint 131.60
Rate per 1 sq.m.

66 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint as
instructed by the departmental officers including preparation of surface
curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specifications
(The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use of work).
10.00 sq.m. Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 sq.m.
3.23 Kg Cement Paint 49.85 Kg
0.50 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, etc. LS
Rate per 10 sq.m.
Rate per 1 sq.m.

67 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper
over one coat of water based cement primer including cost for
distemper, primer, cleaning and scrapping the walls, rendering the walls
smooth with necessary putty, brushes, scaffolding arrangements, labour
charges, etc., as per standard specification. (The colour and shade of the
distemper shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use of
10.00 sq.m. Basic one coat of primer with cement paint 72.25 sq.m.
1.34 Kg Distemper 73.80 Kg
0.50 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
L.s Sundries for brushes etc. LS
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

68 Distempering the old wall and ceiling one coat with best oil bound
distember of approved quality including preparation of surface, the rate
includes cost of brushes, high scaffolding arrangements, neat finishes,
etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by
the departmental officers.
For one coat
0.70 m3 oil bound distember 73.80 Kg
0.25 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
L.s Sundries for brushes etc. LS

Page 238
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

For two coat including scaping

10.00 sq.m. Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 sq.m.
1.34 m3 oil bound distember 73.80 Kg
0.50 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
L.s Sundries for brushes etc. LS
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

69 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed
plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over
a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and
including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc.,
complete complying with standard specification.

10.00 sq.m. Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 sq.m.

1.40 Litre Plastic emulsion paint 295.60 Litre
0.98 Litre Primer 147.50 Litre
2.20 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, crushed stone sandpaper, LS
plaster of paris putty, etc.

Total for 10 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

70 Painting new wood work with two finishing coats of synthetic

enamel ready mixed paint of approved quality and colour over one coat
priming coat in all floors including the cost of primer etc., complete
complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of
paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
For priming coat
1.44 Litre Ready mixed primer 147.50 Litre
0.70 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each

For finishing coat

2.55 Litre Ready mixed paint 238.90 Litre
1.20 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
L.s Sundries for brushes, soap, putty etc.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

71 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators,

window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first
quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide
priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete
complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of
paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
Primer coat

Page 239
1.33 Litre Red oxide primer 136.90 Litre
* 0.70 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
l.s Sundries for brushes, soap, putty, etc.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Two coat

2.22 Litre Ready mixed enamel paint 227.60 Litre

1.10 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
l.s Sundries for brushes, soap, putty, etc.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

72 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators,

window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first
quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide
priming coat in all floors including cost of priming coat etc., complete
complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of
paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
Two coat with Primer
1.00 sq.m. One coat of red oxide primer 74.20 sq.m.
1.00 sq.m. Finishing two coats of synthetic enamel paint 138.75 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

73 Polishing the teak wood door with two coats of best French (Lac)
polish with approved quality and brand over a coat of bee's waxing
including preparing the wooden surface to receive polishing, etc.,
complete complying as per the standard specifications. (The make, quality
and colour of french polish, bees vax should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works.)

1.60 Litre Lac Polish 264.10 Litre

0.70 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Sundries including brushes, crushed stone sandpaper, glue, bee's wax, turpe

Rate for 10 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

74 Providing expansion joint in RCC floor slab for 12.5mm width using
polysulphide as sealent on the top and bottom for a depth of 7.5mm
each and packing the inner space using compressible non-absorbent filler
materials including cost of labour for cutting and fixing filler materials and
laying polysulphide sealent with necessary spatula etc., complete
complying with standard specifications and as directed

8.70 Kg Polysulphide 177.00 Kg
0.40 Kg Primer 152.20 Kg
2.10 sq.m. Filler material 145.20 sq.m.
60.00 RM Bond breaker 3.73 RM

Page 240
8.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos.
Rate for 30 RM / 3 sq.m. (A)

Main Data
30.00 RM Rate as above (A) 7337.50 30 RM
30.00 RM PVC water bar 299.80 RM
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos.
LS Sundries for brushes, spatula, etc. LS
Total for 30 RM
Rate for 1 RM (B)
Rate for 1 sq.m.

75 Providing expansion joint 12.5mm width in RCC roof slabs between

RCC twin beams using PVC water bar of 150mm wide centre bulb
of 4mm to 6mm thickness of approved quality and brand and including
filling the inner space with suitable non-absorbent flexible and well
compressible filler materials of approved quality and covering the top
surface with GI sheet 30cm wide and 1.6mm thick using phill plugs, GI
screws, limpet cup washers, bitumen washers, etc., complete complying
with standard specifications and as directed

30.00 RM Rate as per expansion joint in floor slab 590.80 RM

9.00 sq.m. GI sheet 22 gauge, 30cm width 391.10 sq.m.
60.00 Nos. Phill plugs 40mm length 5.05 Each
60.00 Nos. GI screws 32mm length 1.28 Each
60.00 Nos. GI limpet cup washers 1.89 Each
60.00 Nos. Bitumen washers 1.13 Each
2.00 Nos. Fitter II Class 856.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.30 cu.m. Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 4308.51 cu.m.
Total for 30 RM
Rate for 1 RM

76 Providing expansion joint of 12.5mm wide in between RCC twin

columns from top of pedastal to full height including filling the
inner space with suitable non-absorbent, flexible and well
compressible filler materials of approved quality and brand; finishing
the sides of RCC columns with polysulphide sealents for a depth of 7.5mm
on either side covering the inner space filled with filler materials as above
etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.

Considering an area in between twin columns

= 30 RM x 400mm (average) = Area = 12.00 sq.m.

30.00 RM Rate as per Floor Slab Expansion Joint (A) 7337.50 30 RM

sq.m. Add for extra quantity of filler material required fo 145.20 sq.m.

LS Add for labour for providing addional quantity of filler materials, b LS

Total for 12 sq.m.

Page 241
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Sub-Data for Brick Jelly Lime Concrete 1:2:5

9.50 cu.m. Broken Brick Jelly (20mm size ) 963.80 cu.m.
3.80 cu.m. Lime Mortar 1:2 3473.50 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.

Rate for 1 cu.m. in F & B

a For Ground floor 4308.51 119.85
b For First floor 4428.36 236.10
c For Second floor 4664.46 236.10
d For Third floor 4900.56 236.10

Page 242
77 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete
slabs of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone
sand and four aggregates), using following HBGS jelly excluding cost of
reinforcement steel in position but including cost of moulding charges,
casting of slab, finishing, curing and fixing in position in all floors etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed.

b 50mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly)

Consider a slab of size = 1.00 x 0.45m
Area = 1 x 1.00 x 0.45 0.45 sq.m.

Country wood of size 2.20 RM
0.025 x 0.05 required = 2 x 1.10 =

2 x 0.55 1.10 RM
Total 3.30 RM
(or) 3.30 x 0.050 x 0.025 = 0.004125 (or) 0.00 cum

CC 1:2:4
1.00 x 0.45 x 0.05 = 0.02 cu.m.

Sub-Data for Mould

0.0041 cu.m. Cost of country wood 34300.00 cu.m.
0.0041 cu.m. Labour wrought put up 22647.43 cu.m.
LS Sundries for nails, oiling the mould etc. LS
Cost for mould for 5 uses
Cost for 1 use

0.0225 cu.m. CC 1:2:4 using 20mm HBGS Jelly 9059.80 cu.m.
1.00 use Cost of mould 48.55 1 use
LS Add for finishing, curing, lifting and placing in LS

Rate for 0.45 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

c 75mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly)

Consider a slab of size = 1.00 x 0.45m
Area = 1 x 1.00 x 0.45 0.45 sq.m.
Country wood of size 2.20 RM
0.025 x 0.075 required = 2 x 1.10 =

2 x 0.55 1.10 RM
Total 3.30 RM
(or) 3.30 x 0.075 x 0.025 = 0.0061875 (or) 0.01 cum
CC 1:2:4
1.00 x 0.45 x 0.075 = 0.03 cu.m.

Page 243
Sub-Data for Mould
0.0062 cu.m. Cost of country wood 34300.00 cu.m.
0.0062 cu.m. Labour wrought put up 22647.43 cu.m.
LS Sundries for nails, oiling the mould etc. LS
Cost for mould for 5 uses
Cost for 1 use
0.0338 cu.m. CC 1:2:4 using 20mm HBGS Jelly 9059.80 cu.m.
1.00 use Cost of mould 73.42 1 use
LS Add for finishing, curing, lifting and placing in LS

Rate for 0.45 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.

Sub-Data-RCC 1:2:4 in 10-12mm HBGS Jelly

9.00 cu.m. Hard broken stones 10-12mm gauge 2352.94 cu.m.
4.50 cu.m. Sand 2518.90 cu.m.
3231.00 kg Cement 6054.56 M.T
3.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
21.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
35.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

Page 244
78 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete
precast pavement slab of size 450mm x 450mm of 50mm thick in Cement
Concrete 1:2:4 (One cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four jelly)
using 20mm HBG stone jelly including cost of moulding charges, casting of
slab, finishing, curing, fixing and pointing the slab with CM 1:3 (One
Cement and Three Sand) to full depth of slab etc., complete complying
with standard specification and as directed

Pavement slab size = 0.45 x 0.45 x 0.05m

Area = 1 x 0.45 x 0.45 0.20 sq.m.

Country wood of size 1.10 RM
0.025 x 0.05 required = 2 x 0.55 =

2 x 0.55 1.10 RM
Total 2.20 RM
(or) 2.20 x 0.050 x 0.025 = 0.00 cum
CC 1:2:4
1 x 0.45 x 0.45 x 0.05 = 0.01 cu.m.

Sub-Data for Mould

0.00275 cu.m. Cost of country wood 34300.00 cu.m.
0.00275 cu.m. Labour wrought put up 22647.43 cu.m.
LS Sundries for nails, oiling the mould etc. LS
Cost for mould for 5 uses
Cost for 1 use
Main Data
0.0101 cu.m. PCC 1:2:4 7599.00 cu.m.
1.00 use Cost of mould 32.57 use
0.20 sq.m. Pointing with CM 1:3 246.60 sq.m.
LS Sundries for conveying, fixing, etc., LS
Rate for 0.2025 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

79 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete

precast kerb slab of size 600mm x 600mm x 100mm in Cement Concrete
1:2:4 (One cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four jelly) using 20mm
HBG stone jelly including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab,
finishing, curing, fixing and pointing the slab with CM 1:3 (One Cement
and Three Sand) to full depth of slab etc., complete complying with
standard specification and as directed

Kerb slab size = 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.10m

Area = 1 x 0.60 x 0.60 0.36 sq.m.

Country wood scantling below 4 metre long 0.01 cu.m
= 1 x 4 x 0.70 x 0.10 x 0.025

Country wood reepers 50mm x 25mm

CC 1:2:4
1 x 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.10 = 0.04 cu.m.

Page 245
Sub-Data for Mould
0.007 cu.m. Cost of country wood scantling 34300.00 cu.m.
0.007 cu.m. Labour wrought put up 22647.43 cu.m.
LS Sundries for nails, oiling the mould etc. LS
Cost for mould for 5 uses
Cost for 1 use

Main Data
0.036 cu.m. PCC 1:2:4 7599.00 cu.m.
1.00 use Cost of mould 34.88 use
0.36 sq.m. Pointing with CM 1:3 246.60 sq.m.
LS Sundries for conveying, fixing, etc., LS
Rate for 0.36 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

80 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in positon of RCC Jally of 5cm thick

in cement concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm machine crushed stone jelly
(excluding cost of reinforcement steel) including cost of mould, finishing,
curing, lifting, fixing in position etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed
Consider a jally of size of 1.20 x 0.60m
Area = 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.72 sq.m.
Country wood scantling of size 50mm x 25mm
Assuming 60% of volume for design
Outer frame = 2 x 1.30 2.60 RM
= 2 x 0.60 1.20 RM
Total 3.80 RM
3.8 x 0.05 x 0.25 = 0.00
Country wood scantling required
Inner solid wood 0.04
= 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 x 0.05 =
Total 0.04 cu.m.
Concrete (assuming 60% of volume for concrete)
= 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 x 0.05 x 0.60 0.02 cu.m.
Country wood reeper required 3.50 RM
1.20 + 0.55 x 2.00

Sub-Data for Mould

0.0408 cu.m. Country wood scantling 34300.00 cu.m.
3.50 RM Country wood reeper 50mm x 25mm 34.60 RM
0.0408 cu.m. Labour wrought put up 22647.43 cu.m.
cu.m. Add extra 100% for skilled work for making mould t 22647.43 cu.m.

LS Sundries for nails, etc., LS

Cost of mould for 5 uses
Cost for 1 use
0.0216 cu.m. RCC 1:2:4 9059.80 cu.m.
1.00 use Cost of mould 678.99 1 use

Page 246
LS Sundries for finishing, curing, lifting, fixing in position, etc. LS

Rate for 0.72 sq.m.

Rate for 1 sq.m.
81 Supplying and fixing AC sheet roofing with 6mm thick asbestos
cement sheets of fully corrugated (grey colour) of approved quality by
drilling holes (and not by punching) with necessary ‘J’ / ‘U’ bolts and nuts
of 8mm dia of suitable length and providing one set of bitumen washers of
25mm dia and 1.60mm thick for each bolt including protruding portion of
bolts in roof shall be covered with bitumen compound etc., complete
complying with standard specification and as directed.

11.00 sq.m. AC Sheet (corrugated) 6mm thick 189.65 sq.m.

30.00 Nos. U / J bolts, Nuts 3.91 Each
30.00 Nos. Bitumen washers 1.13 Each
2.20 Nos. Fitter II Class 856.00 Each
1.10 Nos. Carpentor I Class 976.00 Each
3.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
LS Sundries for white lead, etc.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Water Supply and Sanitary Item of works

Internal / External water supply arrangements
82 Supplying, laying and jointing G.I. Pipes of approved quality and best
variety of "B" class pipe of the following dia including labour fixing G.I.
Specials, (excluding charges for cutting and threading of pipes, cost of
such specials) to wall with necessary teak wood plugs, clamps, screws,
thread balls, shellac, etc., making holes on the walls (or) drilling holes in
roof and making good the dismantled portions to original condition with
necessray brick work / concrete and plastering wherever necessry with
necessary scaffolding charges. The pipes are to be painted with the 2
coats of good variety and approved best quality of synthetic enamel paint
over a priming coat of red oxide etc., complete in all floors complying with
standard specification. G.I. pipes shall be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works.
Above ground level.

I Internal Water Supply - Above Ground Level

A Laying pipe line of dia 15mm, 20mm and

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.30 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM


Page 247
Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.66 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set
1.66 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM

Painting 15mm 20mm
Painting area 0.05 0.063
212.95 sq.m. Cost of painting 10.04 13.39

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 69.80 98.60
Labour Charges 135.38 135.38
Sundries 27.76 27.76
Add for painting 10.04 13.39
Total per 1 RM 242.98 275.13
or say 243.00 275.15

B Laying pipe line of dia 32mm and 40mm

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.45 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.15 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.90 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.00 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set
0.50 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM

Painting 32mm 40mm
Painting area 0.10 0.126
212.95 sq.m. Cost of painting 21.42 26.77

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 151.40 163.00
Labour Charges 229.27 229.27
Sundries 15.85 15.85
Add for painting 21.42 26.77
Total per 1 RM 417.93 434.88
or say 417.95 434.90

C Laying pipe line of dia 50mm and 65mm


Page 248
Labour Charges 10 RM
0.60 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.50 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.00 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set
0.75 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM
Painting 50mm 65mm
Painting area 0.16 0.204
212.95 sq.m. Cost of painting 33.46 43.50

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 50mm 65mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 209.00 244.40
Labour Charges 302.80 302.80
Sundries 17.67 17.67
Add for painting 33.46 43.50
Total per 1 RM 562.93 608.37
or say 562.95 608.40

II External Water Supply - Above Ground Level

A Laying pipe line of dia 15mm, 20mm and

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.35 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.00 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set
1.11 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM

Page 249
Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 69.80 98.60
Labour Charges 173.07 173.07
Sundries 17.73 17.73
Add for painting 10.04 13.39
Total per 1 RM 270.64 302.79
or say 270.65 302.80

B Laying pipe line of dia 32mm and 40mm

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.30 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.05 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.11 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set
1.50 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 151.40 163.00
Labour Charges 265.02 265.02
Sundries 20.79 20.79
Add for painting 21.42 26.77
Total per 1 RM 458.62 475.58
or say 458.65 475.60

C Laying pipe line of dia 50mm and 65mm

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.70 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.50 Nos. Clamps, plugs and screws 12.20 set

Page 250
2.00 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
Sundries for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 50mm 65mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 209.00 244.40
Labour Charges 346.14 346.14
Sundries 28.27 28.27
Add for painting 33.46 43.50
Total per 1 RM 616.87 662.31
or say 616.90 662.35

Note: For every additional floor (not less than 3 metre height) upto 3rd floor
level, the labour component is to be increased by 30% for each floor

83 Supplying, laying and jointing GI pipes of approved quality and best

variety of B Class pipes of the following dia including labour for fixing GI
Specials (excluding charges for cutting and threading and cost of such
specials) with necessary shellac, thread ball, etc., and making holes on
the wall / concrete and making good the dismantled portion to the original
condition with necessary brick work / concrete. The pipes are to be
painted with one coat of tar and tightly pastened with tar dipped gunny
tape, etc., complete complying with standard specification. The G.I. pipes
shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work. (The
earth work excavation, re-filling the trench with excavated earth, crushed
stone sandfilling, etc., shall be measured and paid separately under
respective items). Below ground level

External Water Supply - Below Ground Level

A Laying pipe line of dia 15mm, 20mm and

Labour Charges 10 RM
0.85 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Painter II Class 772.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.50 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
1.20 sq.m. Gunny Tape 11.80 sq.m.
2.50 Kg. Tar 41.10 Kg.
Sundries for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 69.80 98.60
Labour Charges 157.17 157.17

Page 251
Sundries 120.25 120.25
Total per 1 RM 347.22 376.02
or say 347.25 376.05

B Laying pipe line of dia 32mm and 40mm

Labour Charges 10 RM
1.30 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.05 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Painter II Class 772.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.50 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
1.80 sq.m. Gunny Tape 11.80 sq.m.
4.00 Kg. Tar 41.10 Kg.
Sundries for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying GI pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 151.40 163.00
Labour Charges 233.47 233.47
Sundries 192.89 192.89
Total per 1 RM 577.75 589.35
or say 577.75 589.35

C Laying pipe line of dia 50mm and 65mm

Labour Charges 10 RM
1.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Painter II Class 772.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Labour for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
2.00 Nos. Thread Balls 3.60 Each
3.00 sq.m. Gunny Tape 11.80 sq.m.
6.00 Kg. Tar 41.10 Kg.
Sundries for 1 RM

Main Data

Page 252
For laying GI pipe line of dia 50mm 65mm
Cost of GI Pipe per RM 209.00 244.40
Labour Charges 306.62 306.62
Sundries 291.97 291.97
Total per 1 RM 807.59 842.99
or say 807.60 843.00

84 Supplying and fixing in position first quality and approved variety of Gun
metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve with BIS make of the following dia
including cost of shellac, thread balls, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications (for both internal and external water supply
arrangements). The valves to be used on work shall be got approved by
the Executive Engineer before use on work.

I Gate Valve
A Fixing Gun Metal Gate Valve of dia 20mm and

Labour Charges
0.25 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.30 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
Gun Metal Gate Valve 20mm 25mm
Cost of Gun Metal Gate Valve 350.00 592.00
Labour Charges 382.20 382.20
Total / 1 No. 732.20 974.20
or say 732.20 974.20

B Fixing Gun Metal Gate Valve of dia 32mm and


Labour Charges
0.33 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.33 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
18.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.70 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
Gun Metal Gate Valve 32mm 40mm
Cost of Gun Metal Gate Valve 760.00 977.00
Labour Charges 506.50 506.50
Total / 1 No. 1266.50 1483.50
or say 1266.50 1483.50

C Fixing Gun Metal Gate Valve of dia 50mm and


Page 253
Labour Charges
0.50 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
30.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
1.00 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
Gun Metal Gate Valve 50mm 65mm
Cost of Gun Metal Gate Valve 1241.00 1523.00
Labour Charges 767.65 767.65
Total / 1 No. 2008.65 2290.65
or say 2008.65 2290.65
II Wheel Valve
A Fixing Gun Metal Wheel Valve of dia 15mm,
20mm and 25mm

Labour Charges
0.25 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.30 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
Gun Metal Wheel Valve 15mm 20mm
Cost of Gun Metal Wheel Valve 169.00 241.00
Labour Charges 382.20 382.20
Total / 1 No. 551.20 623.20
or say 551.20 623.20

B Fixing Gun Metal Wheel Valve of dia 32mm

and 40mm

Labour Charges
0.33 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.33 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
18.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.70 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
Gun Metal Wheel Valve 32mm 40mm
Cost of Gun Metal Wheel Valve 513.00 652.00
Labour Charges 506.50 506.50
Total / 1 No. 1019.50 1158.50
or say 1019.50 1158.50

Page 254
85 Supplying and fixing in position 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap /
Pillar tap (heavy duty) of approved make conforming to BIS
specifications and quality including cost of shellac, thread, etc., complete
complying with standard specification and including cutting and threading
wherever necessary. (Taps should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on the works)

Labour Charges
0.10 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.

Main Data
SD Tap Pillar Tap
Cost of Tap 206.00 269.00
Labour charges 154.45 154.45
Total / 1 No. 360.45 423.45
or say 360.45 423.45

86 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make bevelled edge mirror of

approved quality and brand PVC / Fibre Glass framed 600 x 450 x 5.5mm
thick mirror, shelf type with hard board backing of approved colour fixed
with brass screws, rawl plug, etc., complete complying with standard
specification. (The mirror should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on woks)


1.00 No. Cost of Mirror 494.70 Each

0.33 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
0.33 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Rawl Plugs 9.50 Each
3.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say


1.00 No. Cost of Mirror 398.30 Each

0.33 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
0.33 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Rawl Plugs 9.50 Each
3.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

87 Supplying and fixing approved best quality brass CP towel rail 600mm
long and 20mm dia with brackets of same materials including cost of
teak wood plugs and CP screws, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The tower rail should be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works).

Page 255
1.00 Nos. Cost of Brass CP Towel Rail 269.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

88 Supplying and fixing approved best quality aluminium anodised towel

rail 600mm long and 20mm dia with brackets of same materials
including cost of teak wood plugs and CP screws, etc., complete complying
with standard specifications. (The tower rail should be got approved by
Executive Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Nos. Cost of aluminium anodisied towel rail 145.15 Each

0.15 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
89 Supplying and fixing best approved best quality brass CP soap tray of
size 150 x 100mm including cost of teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc.,
complete complying with standard specifications. (The soap tray should
be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Nos. Cost of Brass CP Soap Tray 165.10 Each

0.10 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
2.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

90 Supplying and fixing in position GI unions of heavy duty of approved quality and
good variety of various sizes inluding necessary cutting and threading of GI pipes
for jointing the union and providing two coats of painting with good variety and
approved quality of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer in case of pipe
line above ground level / one coat of tar in case of below ground level for both
internal and external water supply arrangements, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. (The GI unions should be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works).

Labour Charges
0.20 Nos. Fitter I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
Main Data
Dia of GI Union 15mm 20mm
Cost of GI Union 58.10 69.80

Page 256
Labour Charges 306.15 306.15
Total / 1 No. 364.25 375.95
or say 364.25 375.95

Main Data
Dia of GI Union 32mm 40mm
Cost of GI Union 127.50 197.50
Labour Charges 306.15 306.15
Total / 1 No. 433.65 503.65
or say 433.65 503.65

91 Supplying and fixing in position the following GI Specials of heavy type

and approved quality and good variety excluding fixing charges but
including necessary cutting and threading of GI pipes, jointing the GI
specials and painting with two coats with good variety and best quality
synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer and jointing the
specials with pipe line using shellac etc., complete complying with
standard specification. (The GI specials should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer concerned before use on works.)

I GI Elbow
a 50 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 128.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 23.50 Each
2.00 No. Threading 47.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 98.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 18.30 Each
2.00 No. Threading 42.65 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 87.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 13.55 Each
2.00 No. Threading 37.85 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 58.10 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 11.20 Each
2.00 No. Threading 28.05 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 25.40 Each

Page 257
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.50 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Elbow 15.90 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

II GI Bend
a 50 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 116.30 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 23.50 Each
2.00 No. Threading 47.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 87.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 18.30 Each
2.00 No. Threading 42.65 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 69.80 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 13.55 Each
2.00 No. Threading 37.85 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 52.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 11.20 Each
2.00 No. Threading 28.05 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 23.20 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.50 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

Page 258
f 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Bend 13.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
a 50 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 139.80 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 23.50 Each
3.00 No. Threading 47.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

b 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 110.20 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 18.30 Each
3.00 No. Threading 42.65 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 98.60 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 13.55 Each
3.00 No. Threading 37.85 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 81.40 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 11.20 Each
3.00 No. Threading 28.05 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 34.70 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
3.00 No. Threading 13.50 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Tee 28.60 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
3.00 No. Threading 13.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS

Page 259
Total / 1 No.
or say
IV GI Coupling
a 50 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 69.80 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 23.50 Each
2.00 No. Threading 47.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 58.10 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 18.30 Each
2.00 No. Threading 42.65 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

c 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 46.50 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 13.55 Each
2.00 No. Threading 37.85 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 28.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 11.20 Each
2.00 No. Threading 28.05 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 15.90 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.50 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Coupling 13.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
V GI Reducer

a 50 x 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 93.20 Each

Page 260
1.00 No. Cutting 20.90 Each
2.00 No. Threading 45.00 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 x 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 69.80 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 15.93 Each
2.00 No. Threading 40.25 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 52.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 12.38 Each
2.00 No. Threading 32.95 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

d 25 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 28.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 10.28 Each
2.00 No. Threading 20.78 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

e 20 x 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 20.30 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.43 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 40 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 52.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 14.75 Each
2.00 No. Threading 35.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
g 32 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer 40.40 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 11.45 Each
2.00 No. Threading 25.68 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
VI GI Reducer Elbow

Page 261
a 50 x 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 110.20 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 20.90 Each
2.00 No. Threading 45.00 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 x 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 93.20 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 15.93 Each
2.00 No. Threading 40.25 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

c 32 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 69.80 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 12.38 Each
2.00 No. Threading 32.95 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 52.00 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 10.28 Each
2.00 No. Threading 20.78 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 x 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 40.40 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
2.00 No. Threading 13.43 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 40 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 72.70 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 14.75 Each
2.00 No. Threading 35.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
g 32 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Elbow 57.60 Each
1.00 No. Cutting 11.45 Each
2.00 No. Threading 25.68 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.

Page 262
or say
VII GI Reducer Tee
a 50 x 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 139.80 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 20.90 Each
3.00 No. Threading 45.00 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 x 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 116.30 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 15.93 Each
3.00 No. Threading 40.25 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 98.60 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 12.38 Each
3.00 No. Threading 32.95 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say

d 25 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 75.30 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 10.28 Each
3.00 No. Threading 20.78 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 x 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 69.80 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 9.35 Each
3.00 No. Threading 13.43 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
f 40 x 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 104.70 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 14.75 Each
3.00 No. Threading 35.35 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
g 32 x 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of Reducer Tee 81.40 Each
2.00 No. Cutting 11.45 Each

Page 263
3.00 No. Threading 25.68 Each
LS Sundries for painting / shellac LS
Total / 1 No.
or say
VIII GI Hex Nipple
a 50 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 87.00 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
b 40 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 69.80 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
c 32 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 58.10 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
d 25 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 43.70 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
e 20 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 34.70 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

f 15 mm dia
1.00 No. Cost of GI Hex Nipple 23.20 Each
1.00 No. Add for painting / shellac 2.82 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

92 Supplying and fixing in position best quality and approved make Indian
made white / colour glazed earthernware wash hand basin of size 550
x 400mm (with pedestal / without pedestal) with a pair of cast iron
brackets, including cost 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap, 32mm dia "B" class
GI waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia GM wheel valve,
15mm brass nipple, 15mm dia nylone connection, 32mm dia CP brass
waste coupling including fixing of wash basin using CI brackets on to the
wall in position with TW plugs and screws, rubber washers, white lead and
giving necessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with
two coat of painting over a priming coat of anti-corrosive paint including
testing for leakages etc., complete complying with standard specification
and as directed by the departmental officers. (The wash hand basin and
specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

i White Glazed Wash Hand Basin

Page 264
a Without Pedestal
Set Cost of white glazed earthernware wash hand 1672.00 Set
basin without pedestal,
One pair of cast iron brackets,
One No. 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap,
One No. 32mm dia "B" class GI waste pipe with
1.00 rubber plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia GM wheel valve,
One No. 15mm brass nipple,
One No. 15mm dia nylone connection,
One No. 32mm dia CP brass waste coupling

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. 38mm Brass screws 2.41 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say
b With Pedestal

Set Cost of white glazed earthernware wash hand 2012.00 Set

basin without pedestal,
One pair of cast iron brackets,
One No. 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap,
One No. 32mm dia "B" class GI waste pipe with
1.00 rubber plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia GM wheel valve,
One No. 15mm brass nipple,
One No. 15mm dia nylone connection,
One No. 32mm dia CP brass waste coupling

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. 38mm Brass screws 2.41 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

ii Colour Glazed Wash Hand Basin

a Without Pedestal
Set Cost of colour glazed earthernware wash hand 2239.00 Set
basin without pedestal,
One pair of cast iron brackets,
One No. 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap,
One No. 32mm dia "B" class GI waste pipe with
1.00 rubber plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia GM wheel valve,
One No. 15mm brass nipple,
One No. 15mm dia nylone connection,
One No. 32mm dia CP brass waste coupling

Page 265
1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. 38mm Brass screws 2.41 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

b Without Pedestal
Set Cost of colour glazed earthernware wash hand 2477.00 Set
basin without pedestal,
One pair of cast iron brackets,
One No. 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap,
One No. 32mm dia "B" class GI waste pipe with
1.00 rubber plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia GM wheel valve,
One No. 15mm brass nipple,
One No. 15mm dia nylone connection,
One No. 32mm dia CP brass waste coupling

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
6.00 Nos. 38mm Brass screws 2.41 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

93 Supplying and fixing in position best quality approved make white glazed
earthernwere sink of size of 600 x 450 x 200mm including cost of
32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber plug
and chain, 15mm dia brass nipple including fixing the sink in position and
testing for leakages etc., complete complying with standard specifications
excluding CI brackets. [The sink and specials should be got approved by
the Executive Engineer before use on works]

Set Cost of sink including 2147.00 Set

One No. 32mm dia CP waste coupling,
1.00 One No. 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber
plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia brass nipple

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

Page 266
For fixing the sink with CI bracket
1.00 set CI bracket 107.90 set
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 1MT
Total / 1 No.
or say

94 Supplying and fixing in position best quality cuddapah sink of following

sizes including cost of 32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia PVC waste
pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia brass nipple including fixing
the sink in position and testing for leakages etc., complete complying with
standard specifications excluding CI brackets. [The sink and specials
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works]

a Cuddapah sink of 600 x 450 x 200mm

Set Cost of sink including 769.00 Set

One No. 32mm dia CP waste coupling,
One No. 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber
1.00 plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia brass nipple

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

b Cuddapah sink of 600 x 600 x 200mm

Set Cost of sink including 1020.00 Set
One No. 32mm dia CP waste coupling,
1.00 One No. 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber
plug and chain,
One No. 15mm dia brass nipple

1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

Page 267
95 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size
580 x 440mm white glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand
with "P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion
and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in
lime concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick
jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and
including giving necessary connection to CI soil pipes (including the cost of
100mm dia CI pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry
wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the
dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc., complete
complying with standard specifications and as directed by the
departmental officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Set Cost of IWC (Oriya Type) with 'P' or 'S' trap 1201.00 set
0.60 RM 100mm dia CI pipe of 0.60m long 599.00 RM
0.45 cu.m. crushed stone sandfor filling 2518.90 cu.m.
0.11 cu.m. Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 4213.60 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Plumber II class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
6.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 MT
400.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total / 1 No.
or say

96 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size
580 x 440mm colour glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand
with "P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion
and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in
lime concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick
jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and
including giving necessary connection to CI soil pipes (including the cost of
100mm dia CI pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry
wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the
dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc., complete
complying with standard specifications and as directed by the
departmental officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Set Cost of IWC (Oriya Type) with 'P' or 'S' trap 1534.00 set
0.60 RM 100mm dia CI pipe of 0.60m long 599.00 RM
0.45 cu.m. crushed stone sandfor filling 2518.90 cu.m.
0.11 cu.m. Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 4213.60 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Plumber II class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
6.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 MT

Page 268
400.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total / 1 No.
or say

97 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size
580 x 440mm white glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand
with "P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion
and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in
lime concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick
jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and
including giving necessary connection to PVC pipes (including the cost of
110mm dia PVC pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick
masonry wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making
good the dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc.,
complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the
departmental officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Set Cost of IWC (Oriya Type) with 'P' or 'S' trap 1201.00 set
0.60 RM 110mm dia PVC pipe of 0.60m long 304.90 RM
0.45 cu.m. crushed stone sandfor filling 2518.90 cu.m.
0.11 cu.m. Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 4213.60 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Plumber II class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
6.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 MT
400.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total / 1 No.
or say
98 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 x
440mm colour glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with "P" or "S"
trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion and forming flooring
alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete 1:2:5 (One
lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the
top to the required slope and including giving necessary connection to PVC pipes
(including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling
brick masonry wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good
the dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc., complete
complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental
officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer
before use on works).

1.00 Set Cost of IWC (Oriya Type) with 'P' or 'S' trap 1534.00 set
0.60 RM 110mm dia PVC pipe of 0.60m long 304.90 RM
0.45 cu.m. crushed stone sandfor filling 2518.90 cu.m.
0.11 cu.m. Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 4213.60 cu.m.
1.00 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Plumber II class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
6.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 MT
400.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total / 1 No.

Page 269
or say

99 Supplying and fixing in position white / colour glazed European Water Closet
of best quality and approved make with 100 mm "P" or "S" trap connecting with
CI pipe of 100mm dia / PVC pipe of 110mm dia, double flapped rigid PVC black
seat and seat cover with CP brass hinges including cost of white cement, cement
for packing, spun yarn, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., including supplying
and fixing 10 litres capacity PVC / 12.5 litres capacity porcelin low level flushing
tank with a pair of CI brackets, etc., complete with all fittings such as 15mm brass
ball valve with polythene float with brass handle, union, coupling connected by
means of 40mm white PVC flush hand using Indian adopter joint including all
internal fittings.....

such as 15mm brass connections, 15mm GM wheel valve, 15mm brass nipple (2
Nos.), 15mm nylon connection, TW plugs, screws and also giving necessary
connection to the PVC pipe including cost of 600mm length of 110mm dia PVC
pipe and painting the CI brackets with 2 coats of approved paint over one coat of
red oxide primer, dismantling the masonry and re-doing the dismantled masonry
to original condition etc. complete complying with standard specifications. (The
EWC and flushing tank wiht all accessories should be got approved by the
Executive Enginer before use on works)

Set Cost of white glazed European Water Closet with 10 3090.00 Nos.
1.00 litres capacity PVC flushing tank with all accessories

0.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each

0.50 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
1.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
6.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 Kgs.
400.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 kg
4.00 Nos. TW plugs (50 x 50 x 100mm) 5.40 Each
4.00 Nos. Brass screws (75 x 10mm) 4.88 Each
Total (A)

a White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank fixe

1.00 Set Rate as above (A) 5096.19 Set

Fixing charges for flushing tank
0.30 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.00 Nos. TW plugs 5.40 Each
2.00 Nos. Brass screws 4.88 Each
2.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.50 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say (B)

b White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank fixe

Page 270
1.00 Set Rate as above (B) 6096.00 Set
Supplying and fixing charges for CI brackets
1.00 Set Cost of CI brackets 107.90 Set
0.50 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
2.00 Kg. Cement 6054.56 Kg.
2.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.50 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
200.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 kg
Total / 1 No.
or say (C)

c Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank fixe

1.00 Set Rate as above in (B) 6096.00 Set

1.00 Set Add difference in cost of colour glazed EWC 394.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say (D)

d Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank fixe

1.00 Set Rate as above in (C) 8201.00 Set

1.00 Set Add difference in cost of colour glazed EWC 394.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say (E)

e White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing tan

Fixing charges for porcelin flushing tank
0.50 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.00 Nos. TW plugs 5.40 Each
2.00 Nos. Brass screws 4.88 Each
2.00 Kg. White cement 22.60 Kg.
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.50 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
200.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 kg
Total / 1 No.
or say (F)

1.00 Set Rate as above in (A) 5096.19 Set

Page 271
1.00 Set Rate as above in (F) 1623.00 Set
1.00 Set Add difference in cost of porcelin flushing tank 1263.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say (G)

f White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing tan

1.00 Set Rate as above in (A) 5096.19 Set

1.00 Set Rate as above in (F) 1623.00 Set
1.00 Set Rate as above in (C-B) 2105.00 Set
1.00 Set Add difference in cost of porcelin flushing tank 1263.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say (H)

g Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing ta

1.00 Set Rate as above in (G) 7983.00 Set

1.00 Set Add difference in cost of porcelin flushing tank 1757.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say (I)

h Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing ta

1.00 Set Rate as above in (G) 7983.00 Set

1.00 Set Rate as above in (C-B) 2105.00 Set
1.00 Set Add difference in cost of porcelin flushing tank 1757.00 Set
Total / 1 No.
or say

100 Supply and fixing in position of best Indian make white / colour glazed
earthernware lipped mouth flat back urinal of best quality and approved
make of size 430mm x 260mm x 350mm with GI pipe, 32mm dia bell
mouth PVC connection and waste pipe, 15mm dia GI pipe of required
length, 15mm dia GM wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple 2 Nos., and
fixing the urinals in position with necessary TW plugs, clamps, screws,
etc., including dismantling masnory and re-doing the same to the original
condition, etc., including painting the pipe with two coats of best quality
approved synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer and
checked without any leakage etc. complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The urinal
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)

a White glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat

back urinal

Page 272
Set Cost of urinal, 940.00 Set
32mm dia bell mouth PVC connection and waste
1.00 15mm dia GI pipe of required length,
15mm dia GM wheel valve,
15mm dia brass nipple 2 Nos.

0.50 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each

0.50 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.00 sets TW plugs, clamps and screws 12.20 set
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms
0.50 Nos. Thread balls 3.60 Each
1.00 set Special clamp for waste pipe, TW plugs and screws 21.60 set
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)

b Colour glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat

back urinal
1.00 set Rate as above in (A) 2248.00 set
1.00 set Add difference in cost of colour urinal 135.00 set
Total / 1 No.
or say
101 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make white glazed earthenware
squating type urinal of best quality and approved make including
dismantling masonry, if necessary and re-doing the same to original
condition, etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The
squatting urinal should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before
use on works).

1.00 Set Cost of squatting urinal 454.50 Set

0.50 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.002 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)

102 Supplying and fixing position CI Nahani Trap / Floor Trap of the following
sizes with best stainless steel gratings of approved brand and quality,
fixed over a bed of brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 (One part of lime, two
part of crushed stone sandand five part of 40mm gauge brick jelly) and
finished with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement, Three sand) including
dismantling masonry works wherever found necessary and making good
the dismantled portions to the original condition and giving connection to
the CI / PVC pipes, etc., complete complying with standard specification.
(The Nahani Trap should be got approved by the Executive Engineer
before use on works)

a Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with stainless

steel gratings
1.00 set Cost of Nahini Trap with stainless steel grating 276.90 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each

Page 273
cu.m Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 using 40mm size 4213.60 cu.m
0.005 brick jelly
0.002 cu.m Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)
a Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with pvc gratings

1.00 set Cost of Nahini Trap with pvcl grating 178.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
cu.m Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 using 40mm size 4213.60 cu.m
0.005 brick jelly
0.002 cu.m Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)
b Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with stainless
steel gratings
1.00 set Cost of Nahini Trap with stainless steel grating 216.90 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
cu.m Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 using 40mm size 4213.60 cu.m
0.005 brick jelly
0.002 cu.m Cement mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)
b Nahani Trap of size 75x 50mm with PVC gratings

1.00 set Cost of Nahini Trap with stainless steel grating 156.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
0.005 cu.m Brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 using 40mm size 4213.60 cu.m
0.002 cu.m brick
mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)

103 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stone ware pipes of the following
dia of approved quality with spigot and socket ends and fixing them in dry
condition using spun yarn and cement including petty masonry shoring
and strutting wherever found necessary and laying the pipe line in the
alignment at the specified gradient and testing with necessary tools and
plants, etc., and re-filling the trench with excavated earth and levelling
the ground etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (Earth
work excavation, re-filling with excavated earth will be measured and paid

a 100mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint)

50.00 Nos. Cost of pipes (each of length 0.60 metre) 63.40 Each
1.00 No. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
5.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each

Page 274
2.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
1 30.00 Kg Cement 6054.56 MT
7.50 Kg Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total for 30 RM
Rate for 1 RM

b 150mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint)

50.00 Nos. Cost of pipes (each of length 0.60 metre) 102.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
6.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
30.00 Kg Cement 6054.56 MT
7.50 Kg Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Total for 30 RM
Rate for 1 RM

104 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes of following dia of ap

Labour for laying for 30m length (loose joint)

1.00 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each

3.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 30 RM
Rate / 1 RM

Main Data
100 mm 150 mm
1.00 RM Cost of pipes (each of length 0.60 metre) 105.67 170.00
Labour Charges 110.87 110.87
Rate for 1 RM 216.53 280.87
or say 216.55 280.90
105 Supplying and fixing in position 150mm dia stoneware tee of approved
best quality and provding leak proof joints with cement, spun yarn, etc.,
including dismantling the brick work and re-doing the dismantled portion
to the original condition, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications (The stoneware tee shall be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on work)

1.00 No. Cost of 150mm stoneware tee 166.15 Each

0.25 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.00 Kg. Cement 6054.56 MT
0.125 Kg. Spun yarn 13.10 Kg
Rate per 1 No.
or say

Page 275
106 Supplying and fixing in position 150 x 100mm "P" or "S" stoneware gully
trap 'A' grade with CI double gratings of size 150 x 150mm and 230 x
230mm at bottom and top respectively with necessary earth work
excavation laid over a bed of brick jelly cement concrete 1:3:6 (One
cement, Three crushed stone sandand Six broken brick jelly) 150mm thick
using 40mm size broken brick jelly including necessary brick work and
plastering including dismantling masonry wherever necessary and re-
doing the damaged portions to the original conditions using cement
concrete 1:3:6 using 20mm stone jelly for fixing the gully trap and giving
connections to stoneware sewer line etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. [Earth work excavation, brick work, plastering
shall be measured and paid separately]. The stoneware gully trap should
be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.

Main Data
1.00 No. Cost of Gully Trap with CI double gratings 170.35 Each
0.25 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.03 cu.m CC 1:3:6 using 20mm stone jelly 6945.15 cu.m
0.05 cu.m Brick jelly cement concrete 1:3:6 using 40mm brick 5361.00 cu.m
Total / 1 No.
or say (A)
Sub-Data brick jelly cement concrete 1:3:6
9.00 cu.m. Brick jelly 40mm thick 882.80 cu.m.
4.50 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Rate for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.

Sub-Data plain cement concrete 1:3:6

9.00 cu.m. Stone jelly 20mm thick 2642.94 cu.m.
4.50 cu.m. Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m.
1.80 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Rate for 10 cu.m.
Rate for 1 cu.m.
107 Supplying and fixing AC ventilating shaft of 100mm dia with 3 metre
height including cost of 100mm dia AC cylindrical cowl of best approved
quality etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as
directed by the departmental officers

3.00 RM Cost of 3 metre height AC pipe 144.10 3 RM

0.30 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Nos. AC cowl 78.45 Each
Rate per 1 No.
or say

Page 276
108 Supplying and fixing PVC ventilating shaft of 110mm dia (having
working pressure 4 kg. / with 3 metre height including cost of PVC
cylindrical cowl of best approved quality etc., complete complying with
standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers

3.00 RM Cost of 3 metre height PVC pipe 203.10 RM

0.30 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
1.00 Nos. PVC cowl 82.30 Each
20.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram
Rate per 1 No.
or say

109 Supplying and fixing in position CI manhole covers with CI frames (Heavy
duty) of size 60cm x 60cm of best approved quality as per standard
specification etc., complete compying with standard specifications

Labour for fixing 3 Nos. of CI Manhole Cover
1.00 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Total for fixing 3 Nos.
For fixing 1 No.

Main Data
1.00 Nos. Cost of CI Manhole Cover (Heavy Duty) 1864.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Labour charges 550.00 Each
0.004 cu.m Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
Rate per 1 No.
or say

110 Supplying, laying and position best quality Indian cast iron soil / waste
pipes of following dia of approved brand and quality conforming to BIS
and providing leak proof joints with spun yarn and making connection to
all sanitary fittings with required number of special, clamps, cement and
spun yarn, dismantling the masonry / RCC wherever necessary and
making good the dismanlted portion to the original condition including
painting the cast iron pipes and fittings with two coats of anti corrosive
paint of approved quality and colour and the pipes fixed in postion in true
alignment, etc., complete complying with standard specifications (The CI
pipes shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

Labour for laying CI pipe line for 1.83 metre long

0.50 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each

0.25 Nos. Stone Cutter II Class 738.00 Each
1.00 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
Total for 1.83 RM
Rate / 1 RM

Page 277
Sub-Data for anti-corrosive paint two coats
2.22 litre Anti-corrosive paint 227.60 litre
1.10 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, etc. LS
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate per 1 sq.m.

Sub-Data for painting

150 mm 100mm
Painting area 0.47 0.314
138.20 sq.m. Cost of painting 65.15 43.43

Main Data
150 mm 100mm
1.00 RM Cost of pipes (each of length 1.83 metre) 994.00 599.00
Labour Charges 693.17 693.17
2.00 Nos. Special clamp 21.60 21.60
1.00 Kg. Cement 6.05 6.05
250.00 grams Spun yarn 3.28 3.28
Two coats of anti corrosive paint 65.15 43.43
Rate for 1 RM 1783.25 1366.53
or say 1783.25 1366.55

111 Supplying and fixing in position following CI specials of various dia of

approved quality conforming to BIS and providing leak proof joints with
cement, spun yarn, etc., including fixing to wall and giving connections to
the CI soil stacks, dismantling the brick work / RCC floor or roof slab and
re-doing the dismantled portion to the original condition including the CI
specials with two coats of anti corrosive paint of approved quality and
colour etc., complete complying with standard specifications (The CI
specials shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

Labour for fixing CI specials 4 Nos.
1.00 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
1.00 No. Mazdor I class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
Total for fixing 4 Nos.
Rate for 1 No.

Sundries for 1 No.

2.00 Kgs. Cement 6054.56 MT
500.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg.
LS Anti-corrosive paint LS

A CI Plain Bend 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 538.00 262.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53

Page 278
Rate for 1 No. 1105.58 829.58
or say 1105.60 829.60

B CI Bend with Door 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 623.00 315.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53
Rate for 1 No. 1190.58 882.58
or say 1190.60 882.60

C CI Plain Tee 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 1078.00 478.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53
Rate for 1 No. 1645.58 1045.58
or say 1645.60 1045.60

D CI Tee with Door 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 1139.00 551.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53
Rate for 1 No. 1706.58 1118.58
or say 1706.60 1118.60

E CI "Y" Junction with Door (single) 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 1197.00 599.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53
Rate for 1 No. 1764.58 1166.58
or say 1764.60 1166.60

F CI "Y" Junction with Door (Double) 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 1320.00 670.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 547.05 547.05
1.00 No. Sundries 20.53 20.53
Rate for 1 No. 1887.58 1237.58
or say 1887.60 1237.60

Labour for fixing CI Cowl
0.25 Nos. Plumber I class 866.00 Each
1.00 Kg. Cement 6054.56 MT
125.00 gram Spun yarn 13.10 Kg.
LS Add for anti-corrosive painting LS
Rate for 1 No.

G CI Cowl 150mm 100mm

1.00 No. Cost 327.00 196.00
1.00 No. Labour for fixing 225.69 225.69
Rate for 1 No. 552.69 421.69

Page 279
or say 552.70 421.70

112 Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes of
various dia having 6 kg / pressure BIS mark and providing leak
proof joints using PVC adhesives including fixing to the wall with special
PVC / MS clamp, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., and making
connection to all sanitary fittings, dismantling masonry / RCC works
wherever found necessary and making the good dismantled portion to the
original condition, including testing for any leakages, etc., complete
complying with standard specifications. (The PVC pipes should be got
approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). The rate for
earth work excavation will be measured and paid separately in the cases
where the pipe lines are proposed to laid below ground level

Labour for 6.10 RM (one length)
0.40 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Stone Cutter II Class 738.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
6.00 set PVC / MS special clamp, TW plugs and screws 12.20 set
20.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram
Total for 6.10 RM (one length)
Rate for 1 RM

Main Data
Dia of pipe 75mm 110mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 195.50 304.90
Labour charges 180.25 180.25
Total / 1 RM 375.75 485.15
or say 375.80 485.20

113 Supplying and fixing in position PVC specials of the following dia and types
of approved quality confirming to BIS and providing leak proof joints
including fixing to the walls and giving connection to the PVC soil stacks,
dismantling the masonry or RCC works and re-doing the dismantled
portion to original condition etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The PVC specials should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works).

Labour for fixing 4 Nos.
0.60 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
Total for fixing 4 Nos.
Rate for 1 No.

Sundries for 1 No.

20.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Rate for 1 No.
Main Data
A PVC Elbow 160mm 110mm

Page 280
1.00 Nos. Cost of special 111.40 65.80
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 451.03 405.43
or say 451.05 405.45

B PVC Elbow with Door 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 153.30 131.90
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 492.93 471.53
or say 492.95 471.55

C PVC Tee 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 172.90 159.90
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 512.53 499.53
or say 512.55 499.55

D PVC Tee with Single Door 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 223.10 187.80
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 562.73 527.43
or say 562.75 527.45

E PVC Tee with Double Door 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 283.90 264.10
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 623.53 603.73
or say 623.55 603.75

F PVC Bend 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 118.00 104.10
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 457.63 443.72
or say 457.65 443.75

G PVC "Y" 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 181.10 167.10
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 520.73 506.72
or say 520.75 506.75

Page 281
H PVC "Y" with Single Door 160mm 110mm
1.00 Nos. Cost of special 226.90 195.20
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 566.53 534.83
or say 566.55 534.85

I PVC "Y" with Double Door 160mm 110mm

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 318.60 277.70
1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 332.43 332.43
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 7.20 7.20
Total / 1 No. 658.23 617.33
or say 658.25 617.35

114 Supplying and fixing in position PVC 4 way junction plain or with door of
various dia of best approved quality confirming to BIS and providing leak
proof joints including fixing to the walls and giving connection to the PVC
soil stacks, dismantling the masonry or RCC works and re-doing the
dismantled portion to original condition etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. (The PVC specials should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works).

Labour for fixing 2 Nos.
0.60 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.25 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
Total for fixing 2 Nos.
Rate for 1 No.

Sundries for 1 No.

30.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Rate for 1 No.

Main Data

A PVC Double Tee with Single Door 160mm 110mm

(4 way junction)

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 305.70 271.60

1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 559.98 559.98
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 10.80 10.80
Total / 1 No. 876.47 842.38
or say 876.50 842.40

B PVC Double "Y" with Single Door 160mm 110mm

(4 way junction)

1.00 Nos. Cost of special 348.00 298.60

1.00 Nos. Labour for fixing 559.98 559.98
1.00 Nos. Sundries for 1 No. 10.80 10.80
Total / 1 No. 918.78 869.38

Page 282
or say 918.80 869.40

115 Supplying and fixing in position PVC cowls of following dia of best
approved quality conforming to BIS, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. (The PVC cowl should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works).

Labour Charges PVC Cowl
0.20 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
20.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Total for 1 No.

Main Data
PVC Cowl 110mm 75mm
1.00 Nos. Cost of cowl 82.30 55.50
1.00 Nos. Labour charges 180.40 180.40
Total / 1 No. 262.70 235.90
or say 262.70 235.90

116 Supplying and fixing in position CP shower rose with CP stop cock
arrangement of size 15mm dia inlet and 100mm outlet to the pipe line
with necessary cutting, threading and jointing using shellac etc., complete
complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental
officers (The CP shower rose should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Nos. Cost of CP Shower Rose 194.60 Each

1.00 Nos. Cost of CP stop cock 151.30 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
10.00 gram Shellac 18.45 100 gms.
0.25 Nos. Thread ball 3.60 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

Internal Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

117 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes (having working pressure 10
kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing PVC specials using PVC
adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with
teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or)
drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges,
etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall
be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.

A For laying PVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm and


Page 283
Labour for 10 RM
0.30 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.66 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 17.10 25.30
Labour Charges 112.40 112.40
Sundries 17.11 17.11
Total per 1 RM 146.61 154.81
or say 146.65 154.85
B For laying PVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.45 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 64.75 101.40
Labour Charges 170.77 170.77
Sundries 12.10 12.10
Total per 1 RM 247.61 284.27
or say 247.65 284.30

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.60 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each

Page 284
0.90 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 151.90
Labour Charges 221.55
Sundries 13.90
Total per 1 RM 387.35
or say 387.35

External Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

118 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes (having working pressure 10
kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing PVC specials using PVC
adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with
teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or)
drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges
upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works.

I Above Ground Level

A For laying PVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm and

Labour for 10 RM
0.35 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.11 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Page 285
Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 17.10 25.30
Labour Charges 130.82 130.82
Sundries 12.43 12.43
Total per 1 RM 160.35 168.55
or say 160.35 168.55

B For laying PVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 64.75 101.40
Labour Charges 195.68 195.68
Sundries 12.10 12.10
Total per 1 RM 272.53 309.18
or say 272.55 309.20

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.70 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
1.50 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 151.90
Labour Charges 254.05
Sundries 18.15
Total per 1 RM 424.10
or say 424.10

Page 286
II Below Ground Level
A For laying PVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm and

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 17.10 25.30
Labour Charges 95.62 95.62
Sundries 3.00 3.00
Total per 1 RM 115.71 123.91
or say 115.75 123.95

B For laying PVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.30 0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.05 0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 64.75 101.40
Labour Charges 140.97 140.97
Sundries 3.60 3.60
Total per 1 RM 209.32 245.97
or say 209.35 246.00

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Page 287
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 36.00 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 151.90
Labour Charges 183.65
Sundries 5.40
Total per 1 RM 340.95
or say 340.95
119 Supplying PVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
Note: Since the labour for cutting, threading / pasting, sundries have already
been included under pipe line item of works, no separate provision for
fixing PVC specials needs to be allowed
A Coupler
a 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 4.70 Each
c 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 5.55 Each
d 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 7.00 Each
e 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 10.50 Each
f 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 14.25 Each

B Elbow
a 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 6.15 Each
b 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 7.00 Each
c 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 9.95 Each
d 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 14.25 Each
e 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 20.15 Each
f 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 28.75 Each

a 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 7.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 8.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 11.30 Each
d 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 17.10 Each
e 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 22.90 Each
f 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 36.00 Each

D Tee
a 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 8.50 Each
b 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 9.95 Each
c 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 14.25 Each
d 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 17.20 Each
e 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 28.75 Each
f 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 43.25 Each

E End Cap
a 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 5.55 Each

Page 288
c 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 7.00 Each
d 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 8.50 Each
e 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 13.30 Each
f 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 18.55 Each

F Reducer
a 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm 5.55 Each
b 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm 6.15 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm 9.95 Each
d 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm 13.30 Each
e 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm 22.90 Each
G Reducer Tee
a 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm 8.50 Each
b 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm 9.95 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm 14.25 Each
d 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm 17.20 Each
e 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm 28.75 Each

H Reducer Elbow
a 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm 7.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm 8.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm 11.30 Each
d 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm 14.25 Each
e 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm 21.50 Each

J Jet Nipple
a 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 18.55 Each
b 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 24.25 Each

120 Providing Anti-termite treatment to soil adjecent and under building foundation,
plinth periphery of the building by application of chemicals of IS 63613 part I to IV
in stages to suit the progress of work consist as per the detailed specification as
below. Including breaking of termite mounds, making holes with crow bar, closing
the holes after the treatment and including cost of chemicals, labour charges,
transport and storing etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers.

121 supplying and fixing of Hallow pressed steel door frames for single leaf and double leaved door using
pressed steel frame of size 105x60mm using mild sheet of 1.25mm thick (18gauge) special profile
extruded section.The pressed steel frame should be as per IS4351/1976.The rate in inclusive of bot
thehold fasts and provision to aldrip tower bolt hinges and lock plate etc,with one coat of zinc chnom
yellow primer and filling the inside hallow portion with cement concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm HBG ston
etc,complete complying with standard specification.
1.00 Rm Labour steel frame 360.00 cu.m
0.0063 cu.m PCC 1:2:4 7599.00 cu.m

Rate for 1 Rm

122 R.R Masonary in cement mortar1:5(one cement,and five crushed stone sand) for foundation and
basement including simultaneously pointing above ground level with the same mortar etc.,complete
10.00 m3 Rough stone for masonary 1603.34 cu.m
1.00 m3 Bond stone 1802.34 cu.m
3.40 m3 Cement Mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m
7.10 nos Mason I class 999.00 nos

Page 289
10.60 nos Mason II class 932.00 nos
14.10 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 nos
14.10 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 nos
Rate as per 10m2
Rate as per 1m2

123 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality Fly ash bricks of size 23x11x7cm for
foundation and basement including curing etc.,complete complying with standard specification.
In Cement Mortar 1:3
1300.00 nos Fly ash bricks of size 23x11x7cm 8144.28 1000No
0.708 m3 Cement Mortar 1:3 5541.09 cu.m
1.00 nos Mason I class 999.00 nos
3.00 nos Mason II class 932.00 nos
2.00 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 nos
6.00 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 nos
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m:.
For foundation and basfement 8055.90
In ground floor 8055.90 78.90
In first floor 8134.80 159.20
In second floor 8294.00 159.20
In Third floor 8453.20 159.20
In fourth floor 8612.40 159.20
In fifth floor 8771.60 159.20

In Cement Mortar 1:5

1300.00 nos Fly ash bricks of size 23x11x7cm 8144.28 1000no
0.708 m3 Cement Mortar 1:5 4378.61 cu.m
1.00 nos Mason I class 999.00 nos
3.00 nos Mason II class 932.00 nos
2.00 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 nos
6.00 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 nos
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m:.
For foundation and basfement 7765.20
In ground floor 7765.20 78.90
In first floor 7844.10 159.20
In second floor 8003.30 159.20
In Third floor 8162.50 159.20
In fourth floor 8321.70 159.20
In fifth floor 8480.90 159.20

In Cement Mortar 1:6

1300.00 nos Fly ash bricks of size 23x11x7cm 8144.28 1000no
0.708 m3 Cement Mortar 1:6 4087.99 cum
1.00 nos Mason I class 999.00 nos
3.00 nos Mason II class 932.00 nos
2.00 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 nos
6.00 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 nos
Total for 100 cft (or) 2.83168 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m
Rate for 1 cu.m:.
For foundation and basfement 7692.60
In ground floor 7692.60 78.90
In first floor 7771.50 159.20
In second floor 7930.70 159.20

Page 290
In Third floor 8089.90 159.20
In fourth floor 8249.10 159.20
In fifth floor 8408.30 159.20

124 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality Fly Ash Bricks

a Foundation and basement

1.15 cu.m. Brick work in C.M.1:3 in F & B 8055.90 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
b Ground Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Ground floor 8134.80 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

c First Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in First Floor 8294.00 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

d Second Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Second Floor 8453.20 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

e Third Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Third Floor 8612.40 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
f Fourth Floor
1.15 cu.m. Brick Work in C.M.1:3 in Fourth Floor 8771.60 cu.m.
1.00 No. Extra Mason I Class 999.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Supplying and Fixing MS Ladder width 45cm using 50x50x6mm MS Angle.
50x50x6mm Angle required.
side= 1x2x3 6m
6.00x4.42 Kg/m 26.52
Step = 1x10x0.40 4m
4.00x3.48 Kg/m 13.92
40.44 kg
Primer area
50x50x6mm Angle = 6x0.20 1.20
1.84 sq.m
Main Data

Page 291
40.44 kg Cost of M.S.Angle (quotation rate) 53.00 kg
40.44 kg Labour chargess 51.15 kg
1.84 sq.m Priming one coat 74.20 sq.m
L.S Conveyance
Rate for 3 RM
Rate for 1 RM
Providing two legged scaffolding using 15cm diameter blue-gum posts or casuarina posts or best qu
bamboo posts of 4m over all length (3m+0.5m projection+0.5m into the ground) the distance betwe
the two rows being 1.25m and the spacing of posts being 2m in both the rows with two horizontal po
with 0.5m overlap on either side and braces at2m c/c including longitudinal and transverse middle b
to step up and providing a platform with country wood planks of 40mm thick and 1m width etc.,in a
complete form using coir and nails 1m run.

Rate for 6 run.m

70.00 run.m 13cm to15cm.diameter posts (Casuarina or bamboo 33.00 1run.m
0.30 Country wood planks(upto 30cm wide-40mm tk)
m3 39400.00 m3
Total cost of materials
Materials can be used for 10 times
Cost per operation

Detailed data
Cost of materials for one operation
2.00 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 Each
LS Coir, nails etc.,
Total for 6 run.m
Rate for 1 run.m

supplying and fixing if marble of 0.61*1.22m.,18/20mm thick in all floors for urin

0.74 sq.m. Cost of marble slab 1403.00 sq.m
2.00 Nos Clamp with bolds&nuts 21.60 nos
L.S Labour for fixing L.S

Page 292
L.S Cement mortar & dismantling and redoing the same L.S
L.S Nozing edges and polishing L.S
Rate for 0.74 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m

Manufacturing supplying and fixing in position of teracotta jally 20x20x5cm thick approved qualit
design in cement slurry including cost of materials labour curing lifting fixing in position etc, complet
complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers in all floors.
Consider a size 3.00x3.00m
Area 9.00 sq.m
No.of tiles required
3.00x3.00/0.20x0.20 225.00 nos
Wastage 5% 11.25 nos
Total 236.25 nos
236.25 Cost of teracotta tiles 20x20x5cm(quotation nos
nos Rate) 30.00

50.00 kg Cement 6054.56 1000kg

3.00 nos Mason I class 999.00 Each
2.00 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 Each
2.00 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Sundries for red oxide
Total for 9 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Page 293
129 Providing Blockboard in two layers with first layer in cement mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushe
stone sand)20mm thick and the second layer in Combination mortar 1:1:6(one cement one lime and
crushed stone sand) 20mm thick and providing band all round the block board in c.m 1:5 (one ceme
and five crushed stone sand) for 20mm thick and 50mm width including cost of one coat of block ox
paint of approved quality complying with standard specification.
plastering with CM 1:5,20mm thick-10sq.m
0.22 cu.m. Cement mortar 1:5 4383.61 cu.m.
2.20 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
3.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
Say Rate for 1 sq.m
Combination mortar 1:1:6-20mm thick 10sq.m
53.00 kg Cost of cement 6054.56 1000kg
0.03 cu.m Slacked lime 1253.40 cu.m.
0.22 cu.m Cost of sand 2518.90 cu.m.
0.22 cu.m Mixing charges 116.00 cu.m.
2.20 nos Mason I class 999.00 Each
0.50 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 Each
3.20 nos Mazdoor II class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m
Black board painting -10 sq.m
1.44 lit Black oxide paint 200.00 lit
0.70 nos Painter I class 797.00 Each
Total for 10 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m
Consider a black board of size 2.2mx1.0m
2.20 sq.m plastering with CM 1:5,20mm thick 519.65 sq.m
2.00 sq.m Combination mortar 1:1:6 517.03 sq.m
1.71 sq.m Black oxide paint 84.59 sq.m
Total for 2.20 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m

Page 294
130 Providing Ferrocement architectural structures like column sunshade etc,for appearance pu
in c.m 1:2 -5mm thick reinforced with 6mm rods and stirupps covered with chicken mesh plastered
painted to finish.
0.05 cu.m C.M 1:2 6994.18 cu.m
3.30 kg Cost of steel 58014.56 1000kg
2.50 sq.m Chicken mesh 40.65 sq.m
0.04 nos Mason I class 999.00 nos
0.08 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 nos
LS Sundries LS
Rate for 1 sq.m

131 Supplying and fixing colour galvalume sheet roof of 0.47mm thickand steel tubular box sectio
100x50x3mm of 1meter interval including priming coat fixing in position with all necessary accessori
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.

11.00 sq.m Colour galvanum sheet roof of 0.47mm thick(quotat 434.00 sq.m
2.20 nos Fitter II class 856.00 Each
1.10 nos Carpener I class 976.00 Each
3.20 nos Mazdoor I class 651.00 Each
13.84 Rm steel tubular box section of 100x50x3mm(Quotation 500.00 Rm
LS U or J bolt with Bitumen washer LS
LS Conveyance charges LS
LS Priming coat charges LS
Rate for 10 sq.m
Rate for 1 sq.m

132 Supplying and fixing best approved best quality porcelin soap dish of
size 150 x 150 x 50mm (white/colour) including cost of teak wood
plugs, brass screws, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The soap tray should be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works).

1.00 Nos. porcelin soap dish of size 150 x 150 x 50mm (white 196.20 Each
0.10 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
2.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

1.00 Nos. porcelin soap dish of size 150 x 150 x 50mm (colou 268.80 Each
0.10 Nos. Carpenter II Class 932.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
2.00 Nos. Teak wood plugs 1.08 Each
2.00 Nos. Brass CP Screws (30 x 6mm) 2.41 Each
Total / 1 No.
or say

Painting the wall two coats with approved weather proof Exterior
133 Emulsion paint over one primer coat of over cement plastered wall
surface ect., complete complying with standard specification.
10.00 M2 Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 M2
0.98 sq.m. Primer Alkalic resistance 151.30 sq.m.
3.00 Litre Exterior Emulsion 303.80 Litre
0.50 Litre Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor Grade I 651.00 Each

Page 295
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor Grade II 534.00 Each
Sundries for brushes, crushed stone sandpaper,
plaster of paris putty, etc.
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

134 Construction of INSPECTION CHAMBER following clear sizes including

earth work excavation, CC 1:5:10 of 10 cm thick and brick work in
Cement Mortar 1:5 [One cement and Five sand] using best quality of
second class Table Mould Bricks of size 9" x 43/8" x 23/4" with Plastering
with Cement Mortar 1:3 [One Cement and Three Plastering Sand] 12 mm
thick to inner and outer sides and wearing coat 1:3:6 [One Cement, Three
crushed stone sand and Six Aggregate] 15 cm thick and covered with
precast slab 5 cm thick etc., complete complying as directed by the
departmental officers as per standard specification.
Sub Data C.C. 1:3:6 using 20mm jelly.
9.00 M3 Broken stone jelly 20mm gauge 2,642.94 M3
4.50 M3 Cement mortar 1:3 5,541.09 M3
1.80 Nos Mason II Class 932.00 Each
17.70 Nos Mazdoor I category 651.00 Each
14.10 Nos Mazdoor II category 534.00 Each
Total for 10m2
Rate for 1m2 6,945.11 /M3
CLEAR SIZE 0.45 X 0.45
Earth work 1.11 X 1.11 X 0.60 = 0.74M3
C.C.1:5:10 1.11 x 1.11 x 0.10 = 0.12M3
B.W. in C.M.1:5 2.72 x 0.23 x 0.53 = 0.33M3
Plastering C.M.1:3,12MMTk.
Inside alround 1.80 X 0.53 = 0.954M2
Outer alround 3.64 X 0.30 = 1.092M2
Top 2.72 X 0.23 = 0.626M2
0.74 M3 Earth work 93.45 M3
0.12 M3 C.C.1:5:10 6,044.80 M3
0.33 M3 B.W. C.M.1:5 Ground moulded champer Bricks 6,146.40 M3
2.672 M2 Plastering C.M.1:3 12mm Tk WPC 284.60 M2
0.83 M2 Precast slab 50mm Thk 606.20 M2
0.03 M3 P.C.C.1:3:6 6,945.11 M3
Rate FOR 1 NO 4,295.00
CLEAR SIZE 0.60 X 0.60
Earth work 1.26 X 1.26 X 0.60 = 0.95 M
C.C.1:5:10 1.26 x 1.26 x 0.10 = 0.16 M3
B.W. in C.M.1:5 3.32 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.46 M3
Plastering C.M.1:3,12MMTk.
Inside alround 2.40 X 0.60 = 1.44 M2
Outer alround 4.24 X 0.30 = 1.27 M2
Top 3.32 X 0.23 = 0.76 M2
3.47 M2
0.95 m3 Earth work 93.45 m3
0.16 m3 C.C.1:5:10 6,044.80 m3
0.46 m3 B.W. C.M.1:5Ground moulded champer Bricks 6,146.40 m3
3.47 m2 Plastering C.M.1:3 12mm Tk WPC 284.60 m2
1.12 m2 Precast slab 50mm Thk 606.20 m2
0.054 m3 P.C.C.1:3:6 6,945.11 m3
Rate FOR 1 NO 5,925.00
CLEAR SIZE 0.90 X 0.90

Page 296
Earth work 1.56 X 1.56 X 0.60 = 1.46 M
C.C.1:5:10 1.56 x 1.56 x 0.10 = 0.24 M3
B.W. in C.M.1:5 4.52 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.62 M3
Plastering C.M. 1:5, 12 mm Tk.
Inside alround 3.60 X 0.60 = 2.16 M2
Outer alround 4.52 X 0.23 = 1.04 M2
Top 5.44 X 0.30 = 1.63 M2
4.83 M2
1.46 M3 Earth work 93.45 M3
0.24 M3 C.C.1:5:10 6,044.80 M3
0.62 M3 B.W. C.M.1:5 Ground moulded champer Bricks 6,146.40 M3
4.83 M2 Plastering C.M.1:3 12mm Tk WPC 284.60 M2
1.85 M2 Precast slab 50mm Thk 606.20 M2
0.12 M3 P.C.C.1:3:6 6,945.11 M3
Rate FOR 1 NO 8,727.00

Supplying and laying of Interlocking Paver Block Stone 60mm thk. Over a
135 base layer of crushed stone sandfilling incl. Cost of materials laying and
Labour charges etc.,
10.00 M2 Interlocking Paver block stone 60mm thk. 552.00 M2
1.80 Nos. Mason I Class 999.00 Each
3.60 Nos. Mason II Class 932.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
2.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
0.50 No. Stone cutter I class 766.00 Each
0.08 m3 crushed stone sandfilling 2518.90 m3
Total for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
136 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of wall putty as instructed by th
departmental officers including preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in al
complying with standard specifications (The wall putty shall be got approved by t
Executive Engineer before use of work).
For finishing Two coat of wall Putty
10.00 sq.m. Cleaning the plastered surface 5.25 sq.m.
15.37 Kg altech wallputty (quotation) 27.45 Kg
0.50 Nos. Painter I Class 797.00 Each
0.50 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
LS Sundries for brushes, etc. LS
Rate for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.

Skirting the wall with fine polished Granite Stone Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of 18 /
20mm thick of Jet black best quality in Cement mortar 1:2 in all floors etc., com
complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental office

Sub-data for Flooring tiles

Fine Polished Granite Slab 1200 x 600 of 18 /
10.00 m2 1737.00 m2
20mm thick of Jet black
0.14 m3 Cement mortar 1:2 6994.18 1m3
5.00 Kg Colour Cement 27.25 1 kg
5.00 Kg Cement slurry 6054.56 1 MT
7.00 No Mason 1 class 999.00 each
7.00 No Mazdoor Category 1 651.00 each
1.00 No Mazdoor Category 2 534.00 each
1.00 No Stone cutter 1 class 766.00 each

Page 297
0.50 Kg Cotton waste 10.40 1 kg
Rate for 10 sq.m.
Rate for 1 sq.m.
Supplying and fixing mild steel grills for windows,
ventilators, rtc., including priming coat

Page 298
Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456 us
20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum ce
content of 325 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (plasticiser / su
plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, im
workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20mm machin
crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly an
139 about (4.79 cu.m) 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical
vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wh
necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as direct
the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the require
of IS standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of

5.00 cu.m 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m
3.30 cu.m 10-12mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2352.94 cu.m
4.79 cu.m Sand 2518.90 cu.m
3250.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
19.50 kg Plasticiser/Super Plasticiser @0.60% of cement 43.20 kg
3.50 Nos MasonII Class 932.00 Nos
21.20 Nos Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos
35.30 Nos Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos
Total for 10 cu.m
For 1cu.m
Add for Vibration charge cu.m
Add for water charges&other sundries(0.5%of Sub-Total)
Rate for 1 cu.m
Foundation and Basement
For Ground floor 9087.21 119.85
For First floor 9207.06 236.10
For Second floor 9443.16 236.10
For Third floor 9679.26 236.10
For Fourth floor 9915.36 236.10
For Fifth floor 10151.46 236.10

Page 299
140 Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-25 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2
using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minim
cementcontent of 350 kglms and maximum water cement ratio of 0.50, including admixture (plastici
superplasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concret
improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5.0 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20m
machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed ston
and with about (4.79 cu.m') 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gri
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical
vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wh
necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as direct
the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the require
of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of

5.00 cu.m 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m
3.30 cu.m 10-12mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2352.94 cu.m
4.79 cu.m Sand 2518.90 cu.m
3500.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
28.00 kg Plasticiser/Super Plasticiser @0.60% of cement 43.20 kg
3.50 Nos MasonII Class 932.00 Nos
21.20 Nos Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos
35.30 Nos Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos
Total for 10 cu.m
For 1cu.m
Add for Vibration charge cu.m
Add for water charges&other sundries(0.5%of Sub-Total)
Rate for 1 cu.m
Foundation and Basement 9276.25
For Ground floor 9276.25 119.85
For First floor 9396.10 236.10
For Second floor 9632.20 236.10
For Third floor 9868.30 236.10
For Fourth floor 10104.40 236.10
For Fifth floor 10340.50 236.10
141 Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-30 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2
using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minim
cementcontent of 400 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.45, including admixture (plastic
superplasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concret
improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5.0 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20m
machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed ston
and with about (4.79 cu.m') 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gri
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical
vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wh
necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as direct
the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the require
of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of

5.00 cu.m 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m
3.30 cu.m 10-12mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2352.94 cu.m
4.79 cu.m Sand 2518.90 cu.m
4000.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
40.00 kg Plasticiser/Super Plasticiser @0.60% of cement 43.20 kg
3.50 Nos MasonII Class 932.00 Nos
21.20 Nos Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos

Page 300
35.30 Nos Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos
Total for 10 cu.m
For 1cu.m
Add for Vibration charge cu.m
Add for water charges&other sundries(0.5%of Sub-Total)
Rate for 1 cu.m
Foundation and Basement 9632.62
For Ground floor 9632.62 119.85
For First floor 9752.47 236.10
For Second floor 9988.57 236.10
For Third floor 10224.67 236.10
For Fourth floor 10460.77 236.10
For Fifth floor 10696.87 236.10
142 Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-35 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2
using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minim
cementcontent of 425 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.45, including admixture (plastic
superplasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concret
improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5.0 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20m
machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed ston
and with about (4.79 cu.m') 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gri
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical
vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wh
necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as direct
the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the require
of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of

5.00 cu.m 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m
3.30 cu.m 10-12mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2352.94 cu.m
4.79 cu.m Sand 2518.90 cu.m
4250.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
51.00 kg Plasticiser/Super Plasticiser @0.60% of cement 43.20 kg
3.50 Nos MasonII Class 932.00 Nos
21.20 Nos Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Nos
35.30 Nos Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Nos
Total for 10 cu.m
For 1cu.m
Add for Vibration charge cu.m
Add for water charges&other sundries(0.5%of Sub-Total)
Rate for 1 cu.m
Foundation and Basement 9832.42
For Ground floor 9832.42 119.85
For First floor 9952.27 236.10
For Second floor 10188.37 236.10
For Third floor 10424.47 236.10
For Fourth floor 10660.57 236.10
For Fifth floor 10896.67 236.10

Page 301
143 Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-40 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2
using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minim
cementcontent of 440 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.40, including admixture (plastic
superplasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concret
improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5.0 cu.m.) 7730 kg. of 20m
machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed ston
and with about (4.79 cu.m') 7670 kg. of crushed stone sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gr
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical
vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wh
necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as direct
the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the require
of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of

5.00 cu.m 20mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2642.94 cu.m
3.30 cu.m 10-12mm Machine Crushed Stone Jelly 2352.94 cu.m
4.79 cu.m Sand 2518.90 cu.m
4250.00 kg Cement 6054.56 MT
51.00 kg Plasticiser/Super Plasticiser @0.60% of cement 43.20 kg
3.50 Nos MasonII Class 644.00 Nos
21.20 Nos Mazdoor I Class 618.00 Nos
35.30 Nos Mazdoor II Class 608.00 Nos
Total for 10 cu.m
For 1cu.m
Add for Vibration charge cu.m
Add for water charges&other sundries(0.5%of Sub-Total)
Rate for 1 cu.m
Foundation and Basement 9923.37
For Ground floor 9923.37 119.85
For First floor 10043.22 236.10
For Second floor 10279.32 236.10
For Third floor 10515.42 236.10
For Fourth floor 10751.52 236.10
For Fifth floor 10987.62 236.10
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using UPVC pipes and UPVC special

144 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg.
/ of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using
UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges,
etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall
be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.

A For laying UPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm (Residential and home applica
and 25mm
Labour for 10 RM
0.30 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each

Page 302
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.66 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 42.60 61.20
Labour Charges 112.40 112.40
Sundries 21.17 21.17
Total per 1 RM 176.17 194.77
or say 176.20 194.80
B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.45 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 120.50 133.70
Labour Charges 170.77 170.77
Sundries 16.98 16.98
Total per 1 RM 308.25 321.45
or say 308.25 321.45

C For laying UPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.60 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.90 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Page 303
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 184.20
Labour Charges 221.55
Sundries 21.22
Total per 1 RM 426.97
or say 427.00

External Water Supply Arrangements using UPVC pipes and UPVC special

145 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg.
/ of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using
UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges
upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works.

I Above Ground Level

A For laying UPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm (Residential and home applica
and 25mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.35 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.11 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 42.60 61.20
Labour Charges 130.82 130.82
Sundries 16.50 16.50

Page 304
Total per 1 RM 189.91 208.51
or say 189.95 208.55

B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 120.50 133.70
Labour Charges 195.68 195.68
Sundries 16.98 16.98
Total per 1 RM 333.16 346.36
or say 333.20 346.40

C For laying UPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.70 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.50 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 184.20
Labour Charges 254.05
Sundries 25.47
Total per 1 RM 463.72
or say 463.75
II Below Ground Level
A For laying UPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm
and 25mm

Labour for 10 RM

Page 305
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 42.60 61.20
Labour Charges 95.62 95.62
Sundries 7.06 7.06
Total per 1 RM 145.28 163.88
or say 145.30 163.90

B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.30 0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.05 0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 120.50 133.70
Labour Charges 140.97 140.97
Sundries 8.48 8.48
Total per 1 RM 269.95 283.15
or say 269.95 283.15

C For laying UPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 50mm

Page 306
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 184.20
Labour Charges 183.65
Sundries 12.72
Total per 1 RM 380.57
or say 380.60
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using UPVC pipes and UPVC special

146 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg.
/ of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using
UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges,
etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall
be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.

A For laying UPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm (Commercial application

and 25mm
Labour for 10 RM
0.30 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.66 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 53.50 75.60
Labour Charges 112.40 112.40
Sundries 21.17 21.17
Total per 1 RM 187.07 209.17
or say 187.10 209.20
B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.45 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Page 307
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 148.10 182.20
Labour Charges 170.77 170.77
Sundries 16.98 16.98
Total per 1 RM 335.85 369.95
or say 335.85 369.95

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.60 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.90 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 248.10
Labour Charges 221.55
Sundries 21.22
Total per 1 RM 490.87
or say 490.90

External Water Supply Arrangements using UPVC pipes and UPVC special

Page 308
147 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg.
/ of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using
UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges
upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive
Engineer before use on works.

I Above Ground Level

A For laying PVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm and (Commercial application

Labour for 10 RM
0.35 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.11 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 53.50 75.60
Labour Charges 130.82 130.82
Sundries 16.50 16.50
Total per 1 RM 200.81 222.91
or say 200.85 222.95

B For laying PVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Page 309
Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 148.10 182.20
Labour Charges 195.68 195.68
Sundries 16.98 16.98
Total per 1 RM 360.76 394.86
or say 360.80 394.90

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.70 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram PVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
1.50 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying PVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of PVC pipe per RM 248.10
Labour Charges 254.05
Sundries 25.47
Total per 1 RM 527.62
or say 527.65
II Below Ground Level
A For laying UPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm
and 25mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 53.50 75.60
Labour Charges 95.62 95.62
Sundries 7.06 7.06
Total per 1 RM 156.18 178.28
or say 156.20 178.30

B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Page 310
Labour for 10 RM
1.30 0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.05 0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 148.10 182.20
Labour Charges 140.97 140.97
Sundries 8.48 8.48
Total per 1 RM 297.55 331.65
or say 297.55 331.65

C For laying UPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram UPVC adhesive 84.80 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying UPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of UPVC pipe per RM 248.10
Labour Charges 183.65
Sundries 12.72
Total per 1 RM 444.47
or say 444.50
148 Supplying UPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
Note: Since the labour for cutting, threading / pasting, sundries have already
been included under pipe line item of works, no separate provision for
fixing UPVC specials needs to be allowed
I Elbow
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 87.80 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 58.40 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 43.80 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 29.10 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 17.90 Each

Page 311
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 11.90 Each
II Tee
a 1.00 50 mm Dia 121.80 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 75.60 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 57.00 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 38.50 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 22.20 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 15.80 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 33.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 41.20 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 66.20 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 89.40 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 132.60 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 282.20 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 82.30 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 58.80 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 41.10 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 32.80 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 23.50 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 71.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 51.60 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 41.60 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 32.70 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 22.70 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 17.80 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 60.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 38.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 27.90 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 16.90 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 12.40 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 117.10 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 80.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 58.40 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 38.30 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 31.70 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 134.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 89.40 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 64.70 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 38.50 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 30.70 Each
i 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 188.10 Each
ii 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 124.90 Each
iii 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 81.60 Each

Page 312
iv 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 58.40 Each
v 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 30.80 Each
vi 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 22.30 Each
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using CPVC pipes and CPVC special

149 Supplying, laying and jointing CPVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg.
/ of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using
CPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, CPVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges,
etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The CPVC pipes
shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works.

A For laying CPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm Standard Dimension ratio
and 25mm
Labour for 10 RM
0.30 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.40 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.30 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
1.66 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 77.50 117.60
Labour Charges 112.40 112.40
Sundries 23.81 23.81
Total per 1 RM 213.71 253.81
or say 213.75 253.85
B For laying UPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.45 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram PVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.

Page 313
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 273.90 301.00
Labour Charges 170.77 170.77
Sundries 20.15 20.15
Total per 1 RM 464.81 491.91
or say 464.85 491.95

C For laying PVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.60 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.90 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.75 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.60 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 328.00
Labour Charges 221.55
Sundries 25.98
Total per 1 RM 575.52
or say 575.55

External Water Supply Arrangements using CPVC pipes and CPVC special

150 Supplying, laying and jointingCPVC pipes (having working pressure 10

kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing CPVC specials using
UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall
with teak wood plugs, CPVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall
(or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to
original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and
plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges
upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications. The CPVC pipes shall be got approved by
Executive Engineer before use on works.

I Above Ground Level

Page 314
A For laying CPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm Standard Dimension ratio
and 25mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.35 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.10 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
1.11 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 77.50 117.60
Labour Charges 130.82 130.82
Sundries 19.14 19.14
Total per 1 RM 227.45 267.55
or say 227.50 267.60

B For laying PVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each
0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.15 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
1.00 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 273.90 301.00
Labour Charges 195.68 195.68
Sundries 20.15 20.15
Total per 1 RM 489.73 516.83
or say 489.75 516.85

C For laying CPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.70 Nos. Stone Cutter I Class 766.00 Each

Page 315
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.20 Nos. Plumber II Class 839.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
1.50 Set PVC clamps, TW plugs and screws 8.50 Set
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 328.00
Labour Charges 254.05
Sundries 30.23
Total per 1 RM 612.27
or say 612.30
II Below Ground Level
A For laying CPVC pipes of dia 15mm, 20mm
and 25mm

Labour for 10 RM
0.55 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.45 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.35 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM
Sundries for 1 RM
8.33 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 15mm 20mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 77.50 117.60
Labour Charges 95.62 95.62
Sundries 9.70 9.70
Total per 1 RM 182.82 222.92
or say 182.85 222.95

B For laying CPVC pipes of dia 32mm & 40mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.30 0.80 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
1.05 0.65 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.55 0.55 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
10.00 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM
Main Data

Page 316
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 32mm 40mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 273.90 301.00
Labour Charges 140.97 140.97
Sundries 11.65 11.65
Total per 1 RM 426.52 453.62
or say 426.55 453.65

C For laying CPVC pipes of dia 50mm

Labour for 10 RM
1.05 Nos. Plumber I Class 866.00 Each
0.85 Nos. Mazdoor I Class 651.00 Each
0.70 Nos. Mazdoor II Class 534.00 Each
Total for 10 RM
Total for 1 RM

Sundries for 1 RM
15.00 gram CPVC adhesive 116.50 100 gram.
Total for 1 RM

Main Data
For laying CPVC pipe line of dia 50mm
Cost of CPVC pipe per RM 328.00
Labour Charges 183.65
Sundries 17.48
Total per 1 RM 529.12
or say 529.15
151 Supplying CPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
Note: Since the labour for cutting, threading / pasting, sundries have already
been included under pipe line item of works, no separate provision for
fixing PVC specials needs to be allowed
I Elbow
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 367.50 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 178.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 107.40 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 50.50 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 23.90 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 20.70 Each
II Tee
a 1.00 50 mm Dia 463.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 245.70 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 137.20 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 60.90 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 39.20 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 27.90 Each
III Bend
a 1.00 No. 25mm dia 47.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 20mm dia 37.50 Each
c 1.00 No. 15mm dia 29.40 Each

Page 317
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 252.60 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 121.00 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 65.90
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 32.70 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 19.10 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 15.90 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 666.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 369.00 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 223.40 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 138.70 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 109.90 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 70.50 Each
a 1.00 No. 50 mm Dia 441.00 Each
b 1.00 No. 40 mm Dia 279.80 Each
c 1.00 No. 32 mm Dia 191.60 Each
d 1.00 No. 25 mm Dia 122.70 Each
e 1.00 No. 20 mm Dia 80.90 Each
f 1.00 No. 15 mm Dia 73.70 Each

Page 318
178 Supplying and fixing in position White / Colour Gla Each

179 Supplying and fixing in position White / Colour Special Each

180 Delux Flooring
Vinyl Model Glazed Cascade Type Parryware /
2mm thick sqm.
Hindware / Equivalent Wall Mounted European Water
Closet of best quality and approved make with
181 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel sqm.
Hand rails for staircase using 50mm dia 304L Grade
Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at required
locations to a height of
900mm from finished floor level welded to 38mm
Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick as
vertical at
900mm centre with 2 Nos. of 25mm dia intermediate
horizontal stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in
between. The vertical pipe has to be welded to the 100
X 100 X 6mm MS base plate encased in the base
concrete. The rate is inclusive of the charges for
cutting, bending, welding, grinding, polishing,
conveyance, electrical charges, etc. complete

182 Manufacturing, Supplying and Fixing of Stainless Steel RM

183 Handmould
PVC rails forCI
staircase near
Steps for wet riser using 50mm dia Each
304L Grade Stainless Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick will be
184 Vertical Blinds
provided with tubular supports made of 304L Grade
a Ordinary sqm.
b Premium sqm.
185 Stainless Steel Health Faucet Each
186 High Density Fibre (HDF) Board sqm.
187 Providing and fixing of Aluminium Composite Panel sqm.
188 (ACP) 4 sided
Designing the having 50 x 25Structural
Semi Unitised x 1.50mmGlazing
frame work
System sqm.
with openand horizontals
groove out
joint as of design
per specially designed
intent, preparation
189 Bitumen Pad
extruded sections for
of shop drawings withstand wind
approval, pressure
supply, of 180erect
a 12mm thick sqm.
as per approved shop drawings at all floor levels
b 20mm thick sqm.
190 Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Window (Airtight Model) sqm.
191 with
UPVC Window sqm.
192 UPVC Ventilator sqm.
193 RM

Page 319
Providing factory made pre-laminated FPVC
(Formed Polyvinyl Chloride) Door Frame of the
size 105 x 40mm witha wall thickness of 10mm
made out of extruded rigid FPVC profile mitre
joined with 6 Nos. of 5mm long screw. The door
frame shall be fixed to the wall by using 80mm
long screws through the frame with the help of
PVC fasteners of 3 Nos. to be provided for each
vertical member, GI stiffeners of ('U' channel of
size 29 x 9, 1mm, 150mm long) - 3 Nos. at hinge
point, frame reinforcement of ('U' GI channel of
size 46 x 22 x 0.6mm), bottom tie rod of ('U' GI
channel size of 15 x 15 x 1mm), etc., complete
complying with the standard specification. The
door frame should be got approved from the
Executive Engineer before use on work

193 ABS DOOR Specification:

a Plain Pre-laminated Door sqm.
b Design Pre-laminated Door sqm.
194 Rubber Moulded Hydraulic Pressed Paver Block sqm.
195 TAMIN Paver Block of size – Supply at site
a 60mm thick sft.
b 80mm thick sft.
196 Solar Reflective Ceramic Tiles of size sqm.
197 Aerated Auto Claved Cellur Concrete Block Each
198 Plasticizer / Super Plasticizer Kg.

Page 320
Amount in



2906.19 480.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
2518.90 1.00 cu.m. crushed s 2523.90 cu.m.
116.00 1.00 cu.m. MIXING C 116.00 cu.m.


2179.64 360.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
2518.90 1.00 cu.m. crushed s 2523.90 cu.m.
116.00 1.00 cu.m. MIXING C 116.00 cu.m.
4814.54 Rate for 1 cu.m.


1743.71 288.00 KG CEMENT 6054.56 MT
2518.90 1.00 cu.m. crushed s 2523.90 cu.m.
116.00 1.00 cu.m. MIXING C 116.00 cu.m.
4378.61 Rate for 1 cu.m.





Page 321






13019.56 Chennai data-grey
4290.60 4290.60 119.85 4410.45
4410.45 236.10 4646.55
4646.55 236.10 4882.65
4392.00 4882.65 236.10 5118.75
5728.80 Moorthy data- 327506.4
224.23 562688
22647.43 235181.6

Page 322


Page 323

add 10% for Chennai city- ? 3.04



0 km
267.50 4

Page 324
1179.70 5




1982.40 478.05


Page 325





Page 326
6240.90 8





Page 327



Page 328




868.44 64.9975





Page 329
496.44 9.9288
8.65 24.822 24.822



Page 330
Chennai data



7631.30 0.05882352941
3241.78 0.1664705882

Page 331






Page 332



5868.20 12A
5947.10 12B

Page 333








Page 334



3204.00 2.555555556
21055.80 2.7227723 2.545454545
7435.80 2.5142857 0.08333333333
7435.80 0.25
7514.70 10 0.3333333333
7673.90 0.4166666667
7833.10 0.5
7992.30 0.5833333333
8151.50 0.6666666667
8310.70 0.75
9860.50 1

Page 335







Page 336







Page 337







Page 338



Page 339




781.45 19A

798.65 19B

815.85 19B


Page 340







Page 341







Page 342









Page 343








Page 344



Rate for LS to be discussed



14030.00 13780
1163.63 926.282532
406.80 399.6
2997.00 2307

Page 345
1165.00 897.5
383.00 295.5
5208.00 4016
3738.00 2884
1618.92 1248
83.75 82.25
67.13 65.925
30.81 30.21
38.75 38.1
93.22 0.625 91.4375
4.54 93.21875 4.49
5.20 5.1
11.80 11.6
228.60 224.2
23.80 23.4

383.00 hire charges to be verified CE data taken - ok
1618.92 Pg 35 item 43

Page 346






Page 347



1163.63 qty for 1:3 to be verified


Page 348
1163.63 qty for 1:3 to be verified

1163.63 qty for 1:3 to be verified



Page 349






Page 350




Page 351






00 x 200 x 6mm


Page 352
00 x 450 x 8mm

4680.00 39.60
3821.20 405

Page 353




Page 354

Page 355




48 Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah

a 20 / 30mm thick
376.70 1.00 sq.m. Cost of 20 378.00 1sq.m.
45.95 1.00 sq.m. Labour for 38.75 1sq.m.
20.00 LS Add for Cement Mortar,LS
442.65 Rate for 1 sq.m.


Page 356

Page 357
104.10 page 26
40.10 to be included or not OK






Page 358




Page 359






Page 360





Page 361





Page 362








Page 363





Page 364





609.19 1.275

Page 365






Page 366







Page 367



Page 368



Page 369




Page 370


Page 371





Page 372




Page 373
20.25 1 qty to be verified
5.98 0.25 pg 61





Page 374




Page 375





Page 376


14.16 qty to be verified-Tar
102.75 0.25


Page 377


164.40 qty of tar to be verified
192.89 0.4


291.97 0.6 tar ok

Page 378


Page 379




Page 380

Swan Neck

214.83 Rawl Plugs rate to be verified

398.30 pg 69
214.83 Rawl Plugs rate to be verified

Page 381


165.10 pg 70
53.40 Mazdoor 1/2- to be verified



Page 382







Page 383







Page 384







Page 385








Page 386







Page 387







Page 388








Page 389







Page 390





Page 391





Page 392





Page 393
1201.00 1180
359.40 359.4 to be verified
1133.51 687.3165 Pg 73
463.50 362.3709
866.00 667
999.00 769
209.75 161.75
651.00 502
22.60 22.2
36.33 34.95624
5.24 5.16


Page 394



Page 395


466.00 3
433.00 1
83.90 2
651.00 4
267.00 5
22.60 6
36.33 7
5.24 8

flushing tank fixed on to wall



flushing tank fixed with CI brackets

Page 396


flushing tank fixed on to wall


flushing tank fixed with CI brackets


rcelin flushing tank fixed on to wall



Page 397

ocelin flushing tank fixed with CI brackets


rcelin flushing tank fixed on to wall


ocelin flushing tank fixed with CI brackets


Page 398




276.90 PVC

Page 399


178.00 PVC





3170.00 Pg 67
3255.00 spun yard rate to be verified

Page 400


Pg 68
839.00 rate for 20/30 rm to be verified


Page 401




Page 402




Page 403






Page 404








Page 405

7.20 Pg 67





Page 406







Page 407








Page 408



194.60 Pg 72
151.30 to be inculded or not?

d PVC specials

Page 409

Pg 64





Page 410


d PVC specials

1308.15 Pg 65


Page 411





Page 412



pg 66

423.15 qty to be verified



Page 413






Page 414






eaved door using

) special profile
n inclusive of bottom
oat of zinc chnomate
20mm HBG stone jelly


r foundation and
ar etc.,complete

Page 415

x11x7cm for







Page 416







Page 417

a posts or best quality

he distance between
two horizontal posts
nsverse middle braces
m width etc.,in a


1413.00 70.65


Page 418

k approved quality and

tion etc, complete
n all floors.



Page 419
nt and five crushed
ment one lime and six
.m 1:5 (one cement
coat of block oxide





Page 420
or appearance purpose
mesh plastered and


ubular box section of

cessary accessories
l officers.





Page 421


X 0.60 = 0.74M3
x 0.10 = 0.12M3
x 0.53 = 0.33M3

= 0.954M2
= 1.092M2
= 0.626M2


X 0.60 = 0.95 M3
x 0.10 = 0.16 M3
x 0.60 = 0.46 M3

= 1.44 M2
= 1.27 M2
= 0.76 M2
3.47 M2


Page 422
Supplying and laying
Paver Block of 60mm
thick approved design
made out of 6 -
X 0.60 = 1.46 M3 10mm thick HBGS
x 0.10 = 0.24 M3 chips in cm 1:2:4
x 0.60 = 0.62 M3 properly occurred to
attain the required
= 2.16 M2 strength laying the
= 1.04 M2 Rubber Moulded
= 1.63 M2 Paver Block over a
4.83 M2 crushed stone
sandcushion of 10cm
136.44 thick and well
1,450.75 compacted using 1-3
3,810.77 tonne capacity of
1,374.62 manufacturing the
inter locking blocks ,
loading, 0.35
transportation ,
unloading and other
incidential charges
etc. complete
complying with
standard specification
5520.00 10.00 M3 Interlocking 602.00
1798.20 1.80 Nos. Mason I Class 545.00
3355.20 3.60 Nos. Mason II Clas 488.00
1432.20 2.20 Nos. Mazdoor I Cla 341.00
1174.80 2.20 Nos. Mazdoor II Cl 308.00
383.00 0.50 No. Stone cutter I 419.00
201.51 0.08 m3 crushed stone 2518.90
13864.91 Total for 10 sq.m.
1386.00 Rate for 1 sq.m.
s instructed by the
c., complete in all floors
ot approved by the


200 x 600 of 18 /
l floors etc., complete
partmental officers.

Page 423

Page 424
ce with IS 456 using
with minimum cement
re (plasticiser / super
g of concrete, improve
of 20mm machine
hed stone jelly and with
ment grill and
th mechanical
or/ roof slabs wherever
ion and as directed by
y with the requirements
ess usage of


Page 425
nce with IS:456-2000
works with minimum
dmixture (plasticiser /
setting of concrete,
) 7730 kg. of 20mm
hine crushed stone jelly
reinforcement grill and
th mechanical
or/ roof slabs wherever
ion and as directed by
y with the requirements
ess usage of

9276.25 2098895 2098965.444
9396.10 1445391 1445493.936
9632.20 1242233 1242242.404
9868.30 904088 904039.884
10104.40 5690607 5690741.668
nce with IS:456-2000
works with minimum
dmixture (plasticiser /
setting of concrete,
) 7730 kg. of 20mm
hine crushed stone jelly
reinforcement grill and
th mechanical
or/ roof slabs wherever
ion and as directed by
y with the requirements
ess usage of


Page 426
nce with IS:456-2000
works with minimum
dmixture (plasticiser /
setting of concrete,
) 7730 kg. of 20mm
hine crushed stone jelly
reinforcement grill and
th mechanical
or/ roof slabs wherever
ion and as directed by
y with the requirements
ess usage of


Page 427
nce with IS:456-2000
works with minimum
dmixture (plasticiser /
setting of concrete,
) 7730 kg. of 20mm
hine crushed stone jelly
reinforcement grill and
th mechanical
or/ roof slabs wherever
ion and as directed by
y with the requirements
ess usage of

nd UPVC specials

and home applications)


Page 428

Pg 64





Page 429

nd UPVC specials

and home applications)

1308.15 Pg 65



Page 430





Page 431



pg 66

423.15 qty to be verified




Page 432
nd UPVC specials

ercial applications)


Pg 64



Page 433



nd UPVC specials

Page 434
ercial applications)

1308.15 Pg 65





Page 435





Page 436
pg 66

423.15 qty to be verified





Page 437









Page 438
nd CPVC specials

Dimension ratio 11


Pg 64




Page 439



nd CPVC specials

Page 440
Dimension ratio 11

1308.15 Pg 65






Page 441





pg 66

423.15 qty to be verified


Page 442





Page 443



Page 444
Page 445
Providing factory made pre-laminated FPVC (Formed
Polyvinyl Chloride) Door Frame of the size 105 x 40mm with
a wall thickness of 10mm made out of extruded rigid FPVC
profile mitre joined with 6 Nos. of 5mm long screw. The door
frame shall be fixed to the wall by using 80mm long screws
through the frame with the help of PVC fasteners of 3 Nos. to
be provided for each vertical member, GI stiffeners of ('U'
channel of size 29 x 9, 1mm, 150mm long) - 3 Nos. at hinge
point, frame reinforcement of ('U' GI channel of size 46 x 22
x 0.6mm), bottom tie rod of ('U' GI channel size of 15 x 15 x
1mm), etc., complete complying with the standard
specification. The door frame should be got approved from
the Executive Engineer before use on work

Page 446



Page 447


Page 448
Page 449
Page 450
Page 451
ta taken - ok

Page 452
shed cuddapah slab of following thickness for cup-board arrangements including laying to correct alignment with neces


Page 453

Page 454
Page 455
Page 456
M3 6020.00
Each 981.00
Each 1756.80
Each 750.20
Each 677.60
Each 209.50
m3 201.51

Page 457
Page 458
Page 459
Page 460
nment with necessary cement mortar and black powder etc, complete complying with standard specification and as dire

Page 461
Page 462
Page 463
Page 464
Page 465
Page 466
ecification and as direct.

Page 467
Page 468
Page 469
Page 470
Rate in Unit
Sl. Page
No. No.

1 Earth work excavation for foundation in all soils and sub-soils and to full 199.90 cu.m
depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of
shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the
surplus earth within the compound in places shown by the departmental
officers with an initial lead of 10 mts and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and
levelling the site, etc., complete complying with standard specification.

2 Earth work open excavation in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as 93.45 cu.m
may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring
shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the
excavated earth with a lead of 10 mts. within the compound in places shown
by the departmental officers and clearing and levelling the site, etc.,
complete complying with standard specification.

3 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling crushed stone 2553.10 cu.m
sand in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well watered, rammed and
consolidated etc. complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers.

4 Refilling with excavated earth other than crushed stone sand with an initial 38.95 cu.m
head load of 100 mts. and depositing the earth as shown by the
departmental officers in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed,
watered and consolidated etc. complete complying with standard
5 Supplying and filling basement with conveyed earth from 10 km 267.50 cu.m

6 Supplying and filling GRAVEL in 'foundation and basement with filling 1179.70 cu.m
crushed stone sand in layers of not more than 15cm.thick well rammed
watered and compacted -1m3 etc., complete complying with standard
7 Supplying and filling 40mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion 2262.70 cu.m
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

8 Supplying and filling 25mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion 2111.90 cu.m
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

9 Supplying and filling 20mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion 2681.90 cu.m
trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the
departmental officers etc. complete complying with standard specification.

10 Supplying and filling in basement with crushed stone sand gravel mix in the 1982.40 cu.m
ratio of 1:1with 0.685 Cu.m of crushed stone sandand 0.667 Cu.m gravel in
layers of not more than 15cm thick, well rammed, watered and consolidated
etc., complete complying with standard specification.

11 Providing and laying crushed stone sand gravel mix (1:1) at the rate of 0.62 2259.60 cu.m
cu.m of filling crushed stone sand and 0.66 cu .m of gravel to consolidated
1hide of 150mm designed to attain a CBR value of not less than 20 including
cost and conveyance of crushed stone sandgravel from approved sources to
work site and stacking them to the departmental gauge for premeasurement
including labour charges labour charges for power roller watering and all
other tools and plants employed including all other incidental charges etc.,
complete (For road works)
12 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One Cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten 6044.80 cu.m
hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly
for foundation including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of
not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc.
complete complying with standard specification
13 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten 6044.80 cu.m
hard broken stone) using 40 mm gauge hard broken jelly for flooring
including laying, consolidating, finishing, rendering the top surface rough to
receive the floor, curing, etc. complete complying with standard
specification. (The rate is inclusive of necessary planking for panelling
wherever necessary and as directed by the departmental officers

14 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One Cement, Four crushed stone sand and eight 6240.90 cu.m
hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly
for foundation including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of
not more than 15 cm thick, well rammed, consolidated and curing etc.
complete complying with standard specification

15 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 (One Cement, Three crushed stone sand and Six
broken stone jelly) using 40mm size hard broken stone jelly for dummy
columns, excluding cost of centering shuttering reinforcement grills and
fabrication charges but including curing etc. complete. (Reinforced Cement
Concrete 1:2:4 for slab to be extended upto top of splashing with pressed
tiles and future extension rods to be embedded in CC 1:3:6 (One Cement,
Three crushed stone sandand Six hard broken stone jelly). Dummy columns
should be at least 1 metre height)

For foundation & basement 6567.80 cu.m.

For Ground floor 6687.65 cu.m.
For First floor 6923.75 cu.m.
For Second floor 7159.85 cu.m.
For Third floor 7395.95 cu.m.
For Fourth floor 7632.05 cu.m.
16 Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone sand and four hard
7599.00 cu.m.

17 Damp proof course with Cement Mortar 1:4 (One Cement and Four crushed
stone sand)
sq.m.12mm thic

18 Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for 856.95 sq.m.
plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column
footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase
steps, etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of
size 90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size
25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm
x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable intervals etc.
complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation. (Payment for
centering shall be given after the concrete is laid)
19 Supplying and erecting centering for sides and soffits including necessary
supports and strutting upto 3.29 M height for plane surfaces as detailed
below in all floors with all cross bracings using Mild Steel sheets of size 90 x
60 cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded Mild Steel angle of size 25mm x
25mm x 3 mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.50
cm spaced at abote 90 cm centre to centre and supported by casurina props
of 10cm to 13 cm dia spaced at not more than 75 cm centre to centre etc.
complete complying with the standard specificaiton. (Payment for centering
shall be given after the concrete is laid)

a For plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed 956.30 sq.m.
blocks, landing slab, waist slab, portico slabs and beams, etc.
b For plane surfaces such as vertical slab, side slabs of boxing, vertical drops, 1051.95 sq.m.
facia, vertical wall, etc.

c For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshades, 1147.60 sq.m.
top and bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.

d For circular columns 2295.15 sq.m.

e Centering for curved surfaces of all RCC items of work 1434.45 sq.m.
20 Providing additional strutting to centering of RCC slabs of plain surface for 33.15 sq.m.
every additional 1.0 metre height or part thereof but not less than 30 cm,
over the initial 3.00 metre height from floor level using casurina props of
10cm to 13cm dia including cross bracing etc., complete complying with
standard specification and as directed by the department officers.

21 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four
hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly
for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement grill and
fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including laying, vibrating
with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like
fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing
surfaces of walls, beams etc. shall be finished smooth with Cement Mortar
1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) and kraft paper laid over it without
claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers
a In foundation and basement 9154.00 cu.m
b In Ground floor 9273.85 cu.m
c In First floor 9509.95 cu.m
d In Second Floor 9746.05 cu.m
e In Third floor 9982.15 cu.m
f In Fourth floor ### cu.m
g In Fifth floor ### cu.m

22 Cement Concrete 1:1-1/2:3 (One Cement, One and a half crushed stone
sand and Three hard broken stone jelly) using 20 mm gauge hard broken
granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding cost of reinforcement
grill and fabricating charges centering and shuttering but including laying,
vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing
fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and
bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc. shall be finished smooth with Cement
Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) and kraft paper laid
over it without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers
a In foundation and basement 9806.00 cu.m
b In Ground floor 9925.85 cu.m
c In First floor ### cu.m
d In Second Floor ### cu.m
e In Third floor ### cu.m
f In Fourth floor ### cu.m
g In Fifth floor ### cu.m
23 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor 8888.81 Qtl
Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of steel
and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc. complete complying with standard
specification. (Contractor has to make his own arrangements for the supply
of steel and binding wire)

24 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality of country bricks
of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" for foundation and basement including
curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.

A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6065.00 cu.m
In Ground floor 6143.90 cu.m
In First floor 6303.10 cu.m
In Second floor 6462.30 cu.m
In Third floor 6621.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6780.70 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6939.90 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6146.40 cu.m
In Ground floor 6143.90 cu.m
In First floor 6303.10 cu.m
In Second floor 6462.30 cu.m
In Third floor 6621.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6780.70 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6939.90 cu.m
c In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6471.95 cu.m
In Ground floor 6550.85 cu.m
In First floor 6710.05 cu.m
In Second floor 6869.25 cu.m
In Third floor 7028.45 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7187.65 cu.m
24a Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality of country bricks
of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-3/4" for foundation and basement including
curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.

A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 5868.20 cu.m
In Ground floor 5947.10 cu.m
In First floor 6106.30 cu.m
In Second floor 6265.50 cu.m
In Third floor 6424.70 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6583.90 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6743.10 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 5940.90 cu.m
In Ground floor 6019.80 cu.m
In First floor 6179.00 cu.m
In Second floor 6338.20 cu.m
25 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" for foundation
and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with standard
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7061.80 cu.m
In Ground floor 7140.70 cu.m
In First floor 7299.90 cu.m
In Second floor 7459.10 cu.m
In Third floor 7618.30 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7777.50 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7936.70 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)

For foundation & basement 7125.75 cu.m

In Ground floor 7204.65 cu.m
In First floor 7363.85 cu.m
In Second floor 7523.05 cu.m
In Third floor 7682.25 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7841.45 cu.m
C In Cement Mortar 1:3
For foundation & basement 7381.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 7460.40 cu.m
In First floor 7619.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7778.80 cu.m
In Third floor 7938.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8097.20 cu.m
26 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4" for
foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying with
standard specifiction.
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7435.80 cu.m
In Ground floor 7514.70 cu.m
In First floor 7673.90 cu.m
In Second floor 7833.10 cu.m
In Third floor 7992.30 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8151.50 cu.m
In Fifth floor 8310.70 cu.m

B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7508.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 7587.40 cu.m
In First floor 7746.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7905.80 cu.m
In Third floor 8065.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8224.20 cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7799.15 cu.m
In Ground floor 7878.05 cu.m
In First floor 8037.25 cu.m
In Second floor 8196.45 cu.m
In Third floor 8355.65 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8514.85 cu.m
27 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class Ground moulded chamber burnt br

A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6981.30 cu.m
In Ground floor 7060.20 cu.m
In First floor 7219.40 cu.m
In Second floor 7378.60 cu.m
In Third floor 7537.80 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7697.00 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7856.20 cu.m

B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7054.00 cu.m
In Ground floor 7132.90 cu.m
In First floor 7292.10 cu.m
In Second floor 7451.30 cu.m
In Third floor 7610.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7769.70 cu.m

28 Brick work in following Cement Mortar using best quality II class Ground moulded chamber burnt br

A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6614.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 6693.40 cu.m
In First floor 6852.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7011.80 cu.m
In Third floor 7171.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7330.20 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7489.40 cu.m

B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6678.40 cu.m
In Ground floor 6757.30 cu.m
In First floor 6916.50 cu.m
In Second floor 7075.70 cu.m
In Third floor 7234.90 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7394.10 cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6934.20 cu.m
In Ground floor 7013.10 cu.m
In First floor 7172.30 cu.m
In Second floor 7331.50 cu.m
In Third floor 7490.70 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7649.90 cu.m

29 Brick partition walls

Brick partition walls of 10.80cm thickness using best quality country bricks
of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and
Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary
including curing etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
(Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid for separately)

a In Foundation and basement 798.90 Sqm

b In Ground Floor 807.40 Sqm
c In First Floor 824.60 Sqm
d In Second Floor 841.80 Sqm
e In Third Floor 859.00 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 876.20 Sqm
30 Brick partition walls using best quality using Country Bricks of size 8-
3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4" in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three
crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary
including curing etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
(Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid for separately)
a In Foundation and basement 772.95 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 781.45 Sqm
c In First Floor 798.65 Sqm
d In Second Floor 815.85 Sqm
e In Third Floor 833.05 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 850.25 Sqm

31 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" in Cement
Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron
reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as
directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be
measured and paid for separately)

a In Foundation and basement 948.80 Sqm

b In Ground Floor 957.85 Sqm
c In First Floor 976.20 Sqm
d In Second Floor 994.50 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1012.80 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1031.10 Sqm
32 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class table
moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4" in Cement
Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop iron
reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as
directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be
measured and paid for separately)
a In Foundation and basement 996.85 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 1005.90 Sqm
c In First Floor 1005.90 Sqm
d In Second Floor 1024.20 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1060.80 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1079.15 Sqm
33 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class
Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using
hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete
and as directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will
be measured and paid for separately)

a In Foundation and basement 944.55 Sqm

b In Ground Floor 953.65 Sqm
c In First Floor 971.95 Sqm
d In Second Floor 990.25 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1008.55 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1026.85 Sqm

34 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality II class

Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" in
Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) using hoop
iron reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as
directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be
measured and paid for separately)

a In Foundation and basement 897.35 Sqm

b In Ground Floor 906.45 Sqm
c In First Floor 924.75 Sqm
d In Second Floor 943.05 Sqm
e In Third Floor 961.35 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 979.65 Sqm

35 Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement
concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four aggregate)
using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing
and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread lining, curing etc.
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers. (The rate is inclusive of necessary planking for
panelling wherever necessary and as directed by the departmental officers)

a 20mm thick 154.10 Sqm

b 25mm thick 192.65 Sqm
c 40mm thick 308.20 Sqm
36 Flooring with Snow White Marble Slab (Adanga) 18mm to 20mm thick
and above free from all defects in all floors over a base layer of CM 1:3,
20mm thick. The marble slab shall be laid over the cement mortar by
applying white cement slurry in between base mortar and marble slab and
pointed with white cement neatly including polishing with polishing stone
and oxalic acid etc. so as to perfectly smooth and glossy and including hire
charges for polishing machine and power consumption charges etc. The
marble slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete.

a Using Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above 3129.80 Sqm
b Using Marble Slabs of size 2'0'' x 2.0" and below 2426.80 Sqm
37 Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Kota stone slabs
of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm with machine cut edges and matching
marble slab not less than 100mm width other than Adanga Marbles as
border laid over a cement mortar bed of 20mm thick using cement mortar
1:3 (One cement and three crushed stone sand) fixing the slabs in true right
angles with minimum possible width of joints and pointing the joints with
white cement mixed with mathcing colouring pigments and polishing with
floor polisher to a high degree of finish etc., The kota stone slabs and other
materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer
concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard speicification.

A Fine polished Kota Stone Slab above 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size 1402.50 Sq.m

B Fine polished Kota Stone Slab below 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size 1336.50 Sq.m

38 Paving the floor with kota stone slab of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm 1526.50 Sq.m
(un-polished) in all floors laid in of cement mortor 1:3 (one cement three
crushed stone sand), 20mm thick and pointed with colour cement neatly
including polishing with polishing stone and oxalic acid etc., so as to
perfectly smooth and glossy and including hire charges for polishing machine
and power consumption charges etc. The kota stone slabs and other
materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer
concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per standard speicification.

39 Paving the floor with best approved quality fine polished Granite Stone 2350.10 Sq.m
Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of 18 / 20mm thick of Synthetic Grey,
Paradise and similar varieties with machine cut edges laid over a cement
mortar bed of 20mm thick using cement mortar 1:3 (One cement and three
crushed stone sand) fixing the slabs with required cement slurry and laid in
true right angles with minimum possible width of joints and pointing the
joints with white cement mixed with mathcing colouring pigments etc., The
granite stone slabs and other materials to be used shall be got approved by
the Executive Engineer concerned before use on work, etc., complete as per
standard speicification.

39a Paving the floor with fine polished cuddapah stone slab of 38 / 40mm thick 1299.00 Sq.m
laid over Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand)
20mm thick over the existing bed of Cement Concrete 1:5:10, (One
Cement, Five crushed stone sand and Ten aggregate) and pointing the joints
to full depth of slabs with same mortar mixed with black oxide and the top
surface rendered smooth, curing, etc., The cuddapah stone slabs and other
materials to be used shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer
concerned before use on work, etc., complete complying with standard

i Cuddapah Slab 20 / 30mm thick 1266.10 Sq.m

ii Cuddapah Slab 38 / 40mm thick 1299.00 Sq.m

iii Cuddapah Slab 50mm thick 1316.80 Sq.m

40 Paving the floor with best quality Vertified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mm 1479.70 Sq.m
of approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 (one
cement and three crushed stone sand) 20mm thick in all floors and the top
pointed with the white cement mixed same colour pigments etc., complete
complying with standard specification. (The make and brand of the tiles
should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
41 Flooring with following ceramic tiles of following size laid over 20 mm
thick cement mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) base
mortar over the existing slab / floor including cutting the tiles to the required
size with special cutter wherever necessary, laying in position and pointing
with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the rate of 0.3 Kg. /
sq.m. etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make and
brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use
on works)

a Self Designed Colour Ceramic Tiles- 305 x 305 x 6 mm 1024.20 Sq.m

b Plain Ceramic Tiles- 305 x 305 x 6 mm 874.60 Sq.m

c Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm 887.50 Sq.m

d Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm 1032.50 Sq.m

e Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm 895.00 Sq.m

f Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm 1075.00 Sq.m

42 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles (Required 1365.80 Sq.m
shape and design) of 20mm thick of approved quality and colour laid in
Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone sand) 20mm
thick and pointed with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the
rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m., curing, etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and
brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use
on works)
43 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles (Required 1493.80 Sq.m
shape and design) of 20mm thick of approved quality and colour laid in
Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three crushed stone sand) 20mm
thick and pointed with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the
rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m., curing, etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and
brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use
on works)
44 Dadooing walls with following best approved quality, white / colour glazed
tiles of following sizes set in Cement Mortar 1:2 (One Cement and Two
crushed stone sand) 10mm thick and pointing the joints with white cement
mixed with colouring pigments at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m. neatly in all
floors, curing, etc., complying with standard specification and as directed by
the departmental officers.
a Dadooing with white glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm 1296.50 Sq.m

b Dadooing with plain colour glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm 1359.10 Sq.m

c Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 1437.90 Sq.m
d Dadooing with granite tiles of synthetic grey, paradise, and similar varieties 1673.90 Sq.m
of suitable sizes
e Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300mm x 200mm x 1392.90 Sq.m
45 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size
20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no crushed stone sand to be
used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and
laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by
beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the
surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as
per standard specification and as directed by the deparmental officers.

a In Ground Floor 4071.55 cu.m

b In First Floor 4307.65 cu.m
c In Second Floor 4543.75 cu.m
d In Third Floor 4779.85 cu.m
e In Fourth Floor 5015.95 cu.m
f In Fifth Floor 5252.05 cu.m
46 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles
following size of size of approved quality set in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One
Cement and Three crushed stone Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water
proofing compound conforming to ISS at 2% by weight of cement used and
the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same cement mortar
mixed with red oxide and water proofing compound including curing etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers
Pressed Tiles of 230mm x 230mm x 20mm 1184.20 Sq.m
Pressed Tiles of 200mm x 200mm x 20mm 1204.70 Sq.m
47 Finishing the top of slopped roof, sun-shade with Machine Pressed 1640.10 Sq.m
Ornamental Tiles of approved quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 20mm
thick mixed with WPC at 2% by weight of cement used and top pointed with
the same red oxide mixed mortar etc complete, complying with standard
48 Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah slab of following thickness for
cup-board arrangements including laying to correct alignment with
necessary cement mortar and black powder etc, complete complying with
standard specification and as direct.
a 20 / 30mm thick 442.65 Sq.m
b 38 / 40mm thick 473.95 Sq.m
49 Supplying and fixing in position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain
water down fall pipes having a pressure of 4 kg. / including cost of
necessry PVC shoe, PVC bend, cast iron gratings of required diameter and
special clamps, brass screws, nails, etc., and fixing of cast iron gratings at
junction of parapet and the RCC roof slab including finishing neatly etc.,
complete. The rate shall be inclusive of cast of removable cast iron grating.
The PVC pipe shall be fixed in wall with special type of "U" clamp at the
centre of the pipe line in addition to those for more than 3.0 metre pipe
length, etc., complete complying with standard specification.

a 160 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 828.50 Rm

b 160 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 633.70 Rm
c 160 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 568.80 Rm
a 110 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 585.60 Rm
b 110 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 402.90 Rm
c 110 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 342.00 Rm
50 Supplying and fixing teak wood hand rails with an over all finsihed size of 1655.75 Rm
50 x 150mm with architectural designs as directed and fixing in position
etc., including polishing two coats with french (LAC) polish over a coat of
bee's waxing complying with standard specification etc., complete. The
wooden hand rails shall have 12mm groove on both faces at 50mm from top
polished and the groove should be painted with black paint. The bottom of
hand rails should be grooved to receive the MS flats 40 x 6mm welded with
square rods of balustrades
51 Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square 2763.25 Sq.m
rods spaced at 150mm centre to centre so that the two balustrades in
each step shall be placed centrally and the top of balustrades connected with
the hand rails (cost of hand rail shall be measured and paid separately) by
means of MS flats of size 40mm x 6mm in the groove 40mm x 6mm
provided at the bottom of hand rail; the bottom of balustrades shall be fixed
on to the top of step concrete. An additional MS flat of size 50mm x 6mm
shall be provided at the centre of balustrades connecting all square rods to
the entire length including cost of square rods, flat and applying one coat of
red oxide primer to the iron surfaces, etc., complete complying with
standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.

52 Supplying and fixing 40mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail including 179.30 Rm
labour charges for cutting, welding and fixing with MS flats (excluding cost of
flat), etc., as directed by the departmental officers
53 Supplying and fixing GI pipe handrails for handicapped persons using 1591.75 Sq.m
50mm dia GI pipe double handrail at a height of 800mm and 900mm from
floor level with 25mm thick MS square rods as balusters embedded in the
concrete and welded with pipe at 60cm centre to centre as shown in CA Job
No. 9123 / 1 including cutting, welding, bending and fixing charges and
applying one coat of red oxide primer for MS members as directed by the
departmental officers

54 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five Plastering 262.60 Sq.m
sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.

55 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five Plastering 519.65 Sq.m
sand), 20mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying
with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
56 Special ceiling plastering and finishing the exposed surface of all RCC 295.75 Sq.m
items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshades, facia, canopy slab, staircase
waist slab, landing slab etc., with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and
Three Plastering Sand) 10mm thick including hacking the surfaces,
providing cement mortar nosing, beading for sunshades, staircases, steps,
landing slabs and curing, etc., in all floors complying with standard
specification and as directed by the departmental officers
57 Plastering the surface of walls with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One cement 278.85 Sq.m
and Three Plastering sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers.
58 Plastering the surface of walls with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One cement 545.25 Sq.m
and Three Plastering sand), 20mm thick in all floors including curing etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers.
59 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Plastering 284.60 Sq.m
Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming
to BIS at 2% by weight of cement used including finsihing, curing, etc.,
complete in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed
by the departmental officers.
60 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Plastering 554.25 Sq.m
Sand) 20mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming
to BIS at 2% by weight of cement used including finsihing, curing, etc.,
complete in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed
by the departmental officers.

61 Stucco plastering 12mm thick using blue granite chips of size 10mm and 596.20 Sq.m
below over the existing base plastering with cement mortar 1:5, 12mm
thick, etc., complete complying with standard specifications (SI 314)
62 White washing one coat with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors 23.10 Sq.m
including cost of lime, blue powder, fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding
charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers.
63 White washing two coats with freshly burnt white shell lime in all floors 33.65 Sq.m
including cost of lime, blue powder fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding
charges, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
64 Colour washing two coats in all floors using best freshly burnt white shell
lime and best quality of approved variety of colouring pigment including cost
of lime, colouring pigments, fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges
etc., complete complying with standard specification. Mineral colouring
pigments not affected by lime should only be used (stainers and colour
solutions should not be used.)
a For one Coat 34.65 Sq.m

b For Two Coat 50.48 Sq.m

65 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint over 203.85 Sq.m
one coat of cement primer as instructed by the departmental officers
including preparation of surface curing, etc., complete in all floors complying
with standard specifications (The colour and shade of the cement paint shall
be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use of work).

For basic one coat of primer with cement paint 72.25 Sq.m
For finishing two coats 131.60 Sq.m
66 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint as 138.10 Sq.m
instructed by the departmental officers including preparation of surface
curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specifications
(The colour and shade of the cement paint shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use of work).

67 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper 197.80 Sq.m
over one coat of water based cement primer including cost for
distemper, primer, cleaning and scrapping the walls, rendering the walls
smooth with necessary putty, brushes, scaffolding arrangements, labour
charges, etc., as per standard specification. (The colour and shade of the
distemper shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use of

68 Distempering the old wall and ceiling one coat with best oil bound
distember of approved quality including preparation of surface, the rate
includes cost of brushes, high scaffolding arrangements, neat finishes, etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the
departmental officers.
a For one coat 63.00 Sq.m

b For two coat including scaping 130.80 Sq.m

69 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed 237.00 Sq.m
plastic emulsion paint of first class quality and of approved colour over a
priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and
including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete
complying with standard specification.
70 Painting new wood work with two finishing coats of synthetic enamel 234.45 Sq.m
ready mixed paint of approved quality and colour over one coat
priming coat in all floors including the cost of primer etc., complete
complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)
71 Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window
bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and
colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in
all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with
standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got
approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)

a Primer coat 74.20 Sq.m

b Two coat 138.75 Sq.m

72 Two coat with primer 212.95 Sq.m

73 Polishing the teak wood door with two coats of best French (Lac) polish 170.10 Sq.m
with approved quality and brand over a coat of bee's waxing including
preparing the wooden surface to receive polishing, etc., complete complying
as per the standard specifications. (The make, quality and colour of french
polish, bees vax should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before
use on works.)

74 Providing expansion joint in RCC floor slab for 12.5mm width using 590.80 Rm
polysulphide as sealent on the top and bottom for a depth of 7.5mm each
and packing the inner space using compressible non-absorbent filler
materials including cost of labour for cutting and fixing filler materials and
laying polysulphide sealent with necessary spatula etc., complete complying
with standard specifications and as directed
75 Providing expansion joint 12.5mm width in RCC roof slabs between 870.40 Rm
RCC twin beams using PVC water bar of 150mm wide centre bulb of
4mm to 6mm thickness of approved quality and brand and including filling
the inner space with suitable non-absorbent flexible and well compressible
filler materials of approved quality and covering the top surface with GI
sheet 30cm wide and 1.6mm thick using phill plugs, GI screws, limpet cup
washers, bitumen washers, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed
76 Providing expansion joint of 12.5mm wide in between RCC twin 731.60 Sq.m
columns from top of pedastal to full height including filling the inner space
with suitable non-absorbent, flexible and well compressible filler materials of
approved quality and brand; finishing the sides of RCC columns with
polysulphide sealents for a depth of 7.5mm on either side covering the inner
space filled with filler materials as above etc., complete complying with
standard specifications and as directed.
77 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete
slabs of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4 (one cement, two crushed stone
sand and four aggregates), using following HBGS jelly excluding cost of
reinforcement steel in position but including cost of moulding charges,
casting of slab, finishing, curing and fixing in position in all floors etc.,
complete complying with standard specification and as directed.

a 25mm thick precast slab using 10mm HBGS jelly 297.25 Sq.m
b 50mm thick precast slab using 20mm HBGS jelly 606.20 Sq.m
c 75mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly) 910.60 Sq.m
78 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete 825.40 Sq.m
precast pavement slab of size 450mm x 450mm of 50mm thick in Cement
Concrete 1:2:4 (One cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four jelly) using
20mm HBG stone jelly including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab,
finishing, curing, fixing and pointing the slab with CM 1:3 (One Cement and
Three Sand) to full depth of slab etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed
79 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete 1179.40 Sq.m
precast kerb slab of size 600mm x 600mm x 100mm in Cement Concrete
1:2:4 (One cement, Two crushed stone sand and Four jelly) using 20mm
HBG stone jelly including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab, finishing,
curing, fixing and pointing the slab with CM 1:3 (One Cement and Three
Sand) to full depth of slab etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed
80 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in positon of RCC Jally of 5cm thick in 1242.05 Sq.m
cement concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm machine crushed stone jelly (excluding
cost of reinforcement steel) including cost of mould, finishing, curing, lifting,
fixing in position etc., complete complying with standard specification and as

81 Supplying and fixing AC sheet roofing with 6mm thick asbestos cement 734.00 Sq.m
sheets of fully corrugated (grey colour) of approved quality by drilling holes
(and not by punching) with necessary ‘J’ / ‘U’ bolts and nuts of 8mm dia of
suitable length and providing one set of bitumen washers of 25mm dia and
1.60mm thick for each bolt including protruding portion of bolts in roof shall
be covered with bitumen compound etc., complete complying with standard
specification and as directed.
Internal / External water supply arrangements
82 Supplying, laying and jointing G.I. Pipes of approved quality and best variety
of "B" class pipe of the following dia including labour fixing G.I. Specials,
(excluding charges for cutting and threading of pipes, cost of such specials)
to wall with necessary teak wood plugs, clamps, screws, thread balls,
shellac, etc., making holes on the walls (or) drilling holes in roof and making
good the dismantled portions to original condition with necessray brick
work / concrete and plastering wherever necessry with necessary scaffolding
charges. The pipes are to be painted with the 2 coats of good variety and
approved best quality of synthetic enamel paint over a priming coat of red
oxide etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specification. G.I.
pipes shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.
Above ground level.

I Internal Water Supply - Above Ground Level

a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 243.00 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 275.15 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 307.90 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 417.95 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 434.90 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 562.95 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 608.40 Rm
II External Water Supply - Above Ground Level

a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 270.65 Rm

b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 302.80 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 335.55 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 458.65 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 475.60 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 616.90 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 662.35 Rm
83 Supplying, laying and jointing GI pipes of approved quality and best variety
of B Class pipes of the following dia including labour for fixing GI Specials
(excluding charges for cutting and threading and cost of such specials) with
necessary shellac, thread ball, etc., and making holes on the wall / concrete
and making good the dismantled portion to the original condition with
necessary brick work / concrete. The pipes are to be painted with one coat
of tar and tightly pastened with tar dipped gunny tape, etc., complete
complying with standard specification. The G.I. pipes shall be got approved
by the Executive Engineer before use on work. (The earth work excavation,
re-filling the trench with excavated earth, crushed stone sandfilling, etc.,
shall be measured and paid separately under respective items).
Below ground level

External Water Supply - Below Ground Level

a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 347.25 Rm

b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 376.05 Rm

c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 405.45 Rm

d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 577.75 Rm

e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 589.35 Rm

f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 807.60 Rm

h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 843.00 Rm

84 Supplying and fixing in position first quality and approved variety of Gun
metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve with BIS make of the following dia
including cost of shellac, thread balls, etc., complete complying with
standard specifications (for both internal and external water supply
arrangements). The valves to be used on work shall be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on work.
I Gate Valve
a 20 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 732.20 Each

b 25 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 974.20 Each

c 32 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1266.50 Each

d 40 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1483.50 Each

e 50 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 2008.65 Each

f 65 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 2290.65 Each

II Wheel Valve
a 15 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 551.20 Each

b 20 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 623.20 Each

c 25 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 733.20 Each

d 32 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 1019.50 Each

e 40 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 1158.50 Each

85 Supplying and fixing in position 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap /
Pillar tap (heavy duty) of approved make conforming to BIS specifications
and quality including cost of shellac, thread, etc., complete complying with
standard specification and including cutting and threading wherever
necessary. (Taps should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before
use on the works)
a 15mm dia CP Screw Down Tap 360.45 Each

b 15mm dia CP Pillar Tap 423.45 Each

c 15mm dia Swan Neck Tap 406.95 Each

86 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make bevelled edge mirror of

approved quality and brand PVC / Fibre Glass framed 600 x 450 x 5.5mm
thick mirror, shelf type with hard board backing of approved colour fixed
with brass screws, rawl plug, etc., complete complying with standard
specification. (The mirror should be got approved by the Executive Engineer
before use on woks)
600x450mm 1052.85 Each

500x450 mm 956.45 Each

87 Supplying and fixing approved best quality brass CP towel rail 600mm long 517.50 Each
and 20mm dia with brackets of same materials including cost of teak wood
plugs and CP screws, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
(The tower rail should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on

88 Supplying and fixing approved best quality aluminium anodised towel rail 393.65 Each
600mm long and 20mm dia with brackets of same materials including cost
of teak wood plugs and CP screws, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The tower rail should be got approved by Executive Engineer
before use on works).
89 Supplying and fixing best approved best quality brass CP soap tray of size 318.70 Each
150 x 150mm including cost of teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc.,
complete complying with standard specifications. (The soap tray should be
got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works).

90 Supplying and fixing in position GI unions of heavy duty of approved quality

and good variety of various sizes inluding necessary cutting and threading of
GI pipes for jointing the union and providing two coats of painting with good
variety and approved quality of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of
primer in case of pipe line above ground level / one coat of tar in case of
below ground level for both internal and external water supply
arrangements, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (The
GI unions should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on

a 15 mm dia union 364.25 Each

b 20 mm dia union 375.95 Each
c 25 mm dia union 404.75 Each
d 32 mm dia union 433.65 Each
e 40 mm dia union 503.65 Each
f 50 mm dia union 572.45 Each
91 Supplying and fixing in position the following GI Specials of heavy type and
approved quality and good variety excluding fixing charges but including
necessary cutting and threading of GI pipes, jointing the GI specials and
painting with two coats with good variety and best quality synthetic enamel
paint over a coat of red oxide primer and jointing the specials with pipe line
using shellac etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The GI
specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer concerned before
use on works.)
I GI Elbow
a 50 mm dia 252.15 Each
b 40 mm dia 207.40 Each
c 32 mm dia 180.75 Each
d 25 mm dia 128.80 Each
e 20 mm dia 63.60 Each
f 15 mm dia 53.80 Each
II GI Bend
a 50 mm dia 240.45 Each
b 40 mm dia 195.80 Each
c 32 mm dia 163.55 Each
d 25 mm dia 122.70 Each
e 20 mm dia 61.40 Each
f 15 mm dia 51.50 Each
a 50 mm dia 338.35 Each
b 40 mm dia 283.00 Each
c 32 mm dia 246.30 Each
d 25 mm dia 193.30 Each
e 20 mm dia 96.90 Each
f 15 mm dia 90.30 Each
IV GI Coupling
a 50 mm dia 193.95 Each
b 40 mm dia 166.90 Each
c 32 mm dia 140.25 Each
d 25 mm dia 99.30 Each
e 20 mm dia 54.10 Each
f 15 mm dia 51.50 Each
V GI Reducer
a 50 x 40 mm dia 209.65 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 171.05 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 134.20 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 83.05 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 58.35 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 141.75 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 106.35 Each
VI GI Reducer Elbow
a 50 x 40 mm dia 226.65 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 194.45 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 152.00 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 106.45 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 78.45 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 162.45 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 123.55 Each
VII GI Reducer Tee
a 50 x 40 mm dia 325.45 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 276.55 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 228.40 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 162.35 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 131.75 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 247.05 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 186.35 Each
VIII GI Hex Nipple
a 50 mm dia 89.85 Each
b 40 mm dia 72.65 Each
c 32 mm dia 60.95 Each
d 25 mm dia 46.55 Each
e 20 mm dia 37.55 Each
f 15 mm dia 26.05 Each
92 Supplying and fixing in position best quality and approved make Indian
made white / colour glazed earthernware wash hand basin of size 550
x 400mm (with pedestal / without pedestal) with a pair of cast iron
brackets, including cost 15mm dia brass CP pillar tap, 32mm dia "B" class GI
waste pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia GM wheel valve, 15mm
brass nipple, 15mm dia nylone connection, 32mm dia CP brass waste
coupling including fixing of wash basin using CI brackets on to the wall in
position with TW plugs and screws, rubber washers, white lead and giving
necessary water supply connection and painting the brackets with two coat
of painting over a priming coat of anti-corrosive paint including testing for
leakages etc., complete complying with standard specification and as
directed by the departmental officers. (The wash hand basin and specials
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).

a White Glazed Wash Hand Basin

i Without Pedestal 3797.00 Each

ii With Pedestal 4137.00 Each

b Colour Glazed Wash Hand Basin

i Without Pedestal 4364.00 Each

ii With Pedestal 4602.00 Each

93 Supplying and fixing in position best quality approved make white glazed 3751.00 Each
earthernwere sink of size of 600 x 450 x 200mm including cost of
32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia PVC waste pipe with rubber plug
and chain, 15mm dia brass nipple including fixing the sink in position and
testing for leakages etc., complete complying with standard specifications
excluding CI brackets. [The sink and specials should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works]

94 Supplying and fixing in position best quality cuddapah sink of following

sizes including cost of 32mm dia CP waste coupling, 32mm dia PVC waste
pipe with rubber plug and chain, 15mm dia brass nipple including fixing the
sink in position and testing for leakages etc., complete complying with
standard specifications excluding CI brackets. [The sink and specials should
be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works]

a Cuddapah sink of 600 x 450 x 200mm 2373.00 Each

b Cuddapha sink of 600 x 600 x 200mm 2624.00 Each

95 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 5948.00 Each
x 440mm white glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with "P"
or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sand cushion and forming
flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete
1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick jelly) 100mm thick
and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving necessary
connection to CI soil pipes (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a
length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced cement
concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to the
original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water
closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

96 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 6281.00 Each
x 440mm colour glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with
"P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sand cushion and
forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime
concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick jelly)
100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving
necessary connection to CI soil pipes (including the cost of 100mm dia CI
pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced
cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to
the original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water
closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

97 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 5771.00 Each
x 440mm white glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with "P"
or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion and forming
flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete
1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick jelly) 100mm thick
and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving necessary
connection to PVC pipes (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a
length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced cement
concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to the
original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water
closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
98 Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 6104.00 Each
x 440mm colour glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with
"P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with crushed stone sandcushion and
forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime
concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two crushed stone sandand Five brick jelly)
100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving
necessary connection to PVC pipes (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC
pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced
cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to
the original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water
closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on

99 Supplying and fixing in position white / colour glazed European Water

Closet of best quality and approved make with 100 mm "P" or "S" trap
connecting with CI pipe of 100mm dia / PVC pipe of 110mm dia, double
flapped rigid PVC black seat and seat cover with CP brass hinges including
cost of white cement, cement for packing, spun yarn, teak wood plugs, brass
screws, etc., including supplying and fixing 10 litres capacity PVC / 12.5
litres capacity porcelin low level flushing tank with a pair of CI brackets, etc.,
complete with all fittings such as 15mm brass ball valve with polythene float
with brass handle, union, coupling connected by means of 40mm white PVC
flush hand using Indian adopter joint including all internal fittings such as
15mm brass connections, 15mm GM wheel valve, 15mm brass nipple (2
Nos.), 15mm nylon connection, TW plugs, screws and also giving necessary
connection to the PVC pipe including cost of 600mm length of 110mm dia
PVC pipe and painting the CI brackets with 2 coats of approved paint over
one coat of red oxide primer, dismantling the masonry and re-doing the
dismantled masonry to original condition etc. complete complying with
standard specifications. (The EWC and flushing tank wiht all accessories
should be got approved by the Executive Enginer before use on works)

a White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing 6096.00 Each
tank fixed on to wall
b White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing 8201.00 Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
c Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing 6490.00 Each
tank fixed on to wall
d Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing 8595.00 Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
e White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin 7983.00 Each
flushing tank fixed on to wall
f White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin ### Each
flushing tank fixed with CI brackets
g Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin 9740.00 Each
flushing tank fixed on to wall
h Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin ### Each
flushing tank fixed with CI brackets
100 Supply and fixing in position of best Indian make white / colour glazed
earthernware lipped mouth flat back urinal of best quality and
approved make of size 430mm x 260mm x 350mm with GI pipe, 32mm dia
bell mouth PVC connection and waste pipe, 15mm dia GI pipe of required
length, 15mm dia GM wheel valve, 15mm dia brass nipple 2 Nos., and fixing
the urinals in position with necessary TW plugs, clamps, screws, etc.,
including dismantling masnory and re-doing the same to the original
condition, etc., including painting the pipe with two coats of best quality
approved synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer and
checked without any leakage etc. complete complying with standard
specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The urinal
should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)

a White glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 2248.00 Each

b Colour glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 2383.00 Each

101 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make white glazed earthenware squating
urinal of best

102 Supplying and fixing position CI Nahani Trap / Floor Trap of the following
sizes with best stainless steel gratings of approved brand and quality, fixed
over a bed of brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 (One part of lime, two part of
crushed stone sandand five part of 40mm gauge brick jelly) and finished
with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement, Three sand) including dismantling
masonry works wherever found necessary and making good the dismantled
portions to the original condition and giving connection to the CI / PVC
pipes, etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The Nahani
Trap should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on
a Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with stainless steel gratings 822.00 Each

b Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with stainless steel gratings 762.00 Each

103 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stone ware pipes of the following dia
of approved quality with spigot and socket ends and fixing them in dry
condition using spun yarn and cement including petty masonry shoring
and strutting wherever found necessary and laying the pipe line in the
alignment at the specified gradient and testing with necessary tools and
plants, etc., and re-filling the trench with excavated earth and levelling the
ground etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (Earth work
excavation, re-filling with excavated earth will be measured and paid

a 100mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) 288.00 Rm

b 150mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) 420.70 Rm

104 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes of following dia of
approved best quality with spigot and socket ends (in reverse direction) in
dry condition and laid in loose joints (i.e.) without cement and spun yarn, so
that the waste water can be drained to the trenches already available,
excluding cost of earth work excavation, cost of re-filling with crushed stone
sand/ earth, but including laying the pipe in true alignment and gradient and
conducting required water supply test for draining with necessary tools and
plants, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
a 100mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 216.55 Rm
b 150mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 280.90 Rm
105 Supplying and fixing in position 150mm dia stoneware tee of approved 390.35 Each
best quality and provding leak proof joints with cement, spun yarn, etc.,
including dismantling the brick work and re-doing the dismantled portion to
the original condition, etc., complete complying with standard specifications
(The stoneware tee shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer before
use on work)
106 Supplying and fixing in position 150 x 100mm "P" or "S" stoneware gully 1059.50 Each
trap 'A' grade with CI double gratings of size 150 x 150mm and 230 x
230mm at bottom and top respectively with necessary earth work
excavation laid over a bed of brick jelly cement concrete 1:3:6 (One
cement, Three crushed stone sandand Six broken brick jelly) 150mm thick
using 40mm size broken brick jelly including necessary brick work and
plastering including dismantling masonry wherever necessary and re-doing
the damaged portions to the original conditions using cement concrete 1:3:6
using 20mm stone jelly for fixing the gully trap and giving connections to
stoneware sewer line etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
[Earth work excavation, brick work, plastering shall be measured and paid
separately]. The stoneware gully trap should be got approved by the
Executive Engineer before use on works.

107 Supplying and fixing AC ventilating shaft of 100mm dia with 3 metre 677.65 Each
height including cost of 100mm dia AC cylindrical cowl of best approved
quality etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed
by the departmental officers

108 Supplying and fixing PVC ventilating shaft of 110mm dia (having 1153.90 Each
working pressure 4 kg. / with 3 metre height including cost of PVC
cylindrical cowl of best approved quality etc., complete complying with
standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers

109 Supplying and fixing in position CI manhole covers with CI frames 2437.00 Each
(Heavy duty) of size 60cm x 60cm of best approved quality as per standard
specification etc., complete compying with standard specifications

110 Supplying, laying and position best quality Indian cast iron soil / waste
pipes of following dia of approved brand and quality conforming to BIS and
providing leak proof joints with spun yarn and making connection to all
sanitary fittings with required number of special, clamps, cement and spun
yarn, dismantling the masonry / RCC wherever necessary and making good
the dismanlted portion to the original condition including painting the cast
iron pipes and fittings with two coats of anti corrosive paint of approved
quality and colour and the pipes fixed in postion in true alignment, etc.,
complete complying with standard specifications (The CI pipes shall be got
approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work)

a 150mm dia CI Pipe 1783.25 Rm

b 100mm dia CI Pipe 1366.55 Rm
c 75mm dia CI Pipe 1234.70 Rm
111 Supplying and fixing in position following CI specials of various dia of
approved quality conforming to BIS and providing leak proof joints with
cement, spun yarn, etc., including fixing to wall and giving connections to
the CI soil stacks, dismantling the brick work / RCC floor or roof slab and re-
doing the dismantled portion to the original condition including the CI
specials with two coats of anti corrosive paint of approved quality and colour
etc., complete complying with standard specifications (The CI specials shall
be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work)

A Plain Bend
i 150mm Dia 1105.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 829.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 769.60 Each

B Bend with Door

i 150mm Dia 1190.60 Each

ii 100mm Dia 882.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 829.60 Each

C Plain TEE

i 150mm Dia 1645.60 Each

ii 100mm Dia 1045.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 894.60 Each

D TEE with Door

i 150mm Dia 1706.60 Each

ii 100mm Dia 1118.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 949.60 Each

E "Y" Junction with Door (single)

i 150mm Dia 1764.60 Each

ii 100mm Dia 1166.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 985.60 Each

F "Y" Junction with Door (Double)

i 150mm Dia 1887.60 Each

ii 100mm Dia 1237.60 Each

iii 75mm Dia 1069.60 Each


i 150mm Dia 552.70 Each

ii 100mm Dia 421.70 Each

iii 75mm Dia 356.70 Each

112 Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes of
various dia having 6 kg / pressure BIS mark and providing leak proof
joints using PVC adhesives including fixing to the wall with special PVC / MS
clamp, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., and making connection to all
sanitary fittings, dismantling masonry / RCC works wherever found
necessary and making the good dismantled portion to the original condition,
including testing for any leakages, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The PVC pipes should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works). The rate for earth work excavation will be
measured and paid separately in the cases where the pipe lines are
proposed to laid below ground level
a 75mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 375.80 Rm
b 110mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 485.20 Rm
c 160mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 775.30 Rm
113 Supplying and fixing in position PVC specials of the following dia and types
of approved quality confirming to BIS and providing leak proof joints
including fixing to the walls and giving connection to the PVC soil stacks,
dismantling the masonry or RCC works and re-doing the dismantled portion
to original condition etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
(The PVC specials should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before
use on works).
A PVC Elbow
1 160mm dia 451.05 Each
2 110mm dia 405.45 Each
3 75mm dia 401.75 Each
B PVC Elbow with Door
1 160mm dia 492.95 Each
2 110mm dia 471.55 Each
3 75mm dia 409.25 Each
1 160mm dia 512.55 Each
2 110mm dia 499.55 Each
3 75mm dia 436.95 Each
D PVC Tee with Single Door
1 160mm dia 562.75 Each
2 110mm dia 527.45 Each
3 75mm dia 464.85 Each
E PVC Tee with Double Door
1 160mm dia 623.55 Each
2 110mm dia 603.75 Each
3 75mm dia 499.55 Each
F PVC Bend
1 160mm dia 457.65 Each
2 110mm dia 443.75 Each
3 75mm dia 409.25 Each
1 160mm dia 520.75 Each
2 110mm dia 506.75 Each
3 75mm dia 443.75 Each
H PVC "Y" with Single Door
1 160mm dia 566.55 Each
2 110mm dia 534.85 Each
3 75mm dia 464.85 Each
I PVC "Y" with Double Door
1 160mm dia 658.25 Each
2 110mm dia 617.35 Each
3 75mm dia 513.35 Each
114 Supplying and fixing in position PVC 4 way junction plain or with door of
various dia of best approved quality confirming to BIS and providing leak
proof joints including fixing to the walls and giving connection to the PVC soil
stacks, dismantling the masonry or RCC works and re-doing the dismantled
portion to original condition etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The PVC specials should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works).

A PVC Double Tee with Single Door

(4 way junction)
1 160mm dia 876.50 Each

2 110mm dia 842.40 Each

3 75mm dia 758.60 Each

B PVC Double "Y" with Single Door

(4 way junction)
1 160mm dia 918.80 Each
2 110mm dia 869.40 Each
3 75mm dia 778.90 Each
115 Supplying and fixing in position PVC cowls of following dia of best approved
quality conforming to BIS, etc., complete complying with standard
specifications. (The PVC cowl should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works).
A PVC Cowl
1 110mm dia 262.70 Each

2 75mm dia 235.90 Each

3 50mm dia 214.80 Each

116 Supplying and fixing in position CP shower rose with CP stop cock 500.50 Each
arrangement of size 15mm dia inlet and 100mm outlet to the pipe line with
necessary cutting, threading and jointing using shellac etc., complete
complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental
officers (The CP shower rose should be got approved by the Executive
Engineer before use on works).
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

117 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing PVC specials using PVC
adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak
wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling
holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original
condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly
wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges, etc., complete
complying with standard specifications. The PVC pipes shall be got approved
by Executive Engineer before use on works.

a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 146.65 Rm

b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 154.85 Rm

c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 172.80 Rm

d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 247.65 Rm

e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 284.30 Rm

f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 387.35 Rm

External Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

118 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes (having working pressure 10 kg. / of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the
following dia including cutting, threading and fixing PVC specials using PVC
adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak
wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling
holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original
condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly
wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges upto 4 metre height
above ground level, etc., complete complying with standard specifications.
The PVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on
I Above Ground Level

a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 160.35 Rm

b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 168.55 Rm
c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 186.50 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 272.55 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 309.20 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 424.10 Rm
II Below Ground Level

a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 115.75 Rm

b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 123.95 Rm
c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 141.90 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 209.35 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 246.00 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 340.95 Rm
119 Supplying PVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in
water supply arrangements (both in internal and external water
supply arrangements
A Coupler
a 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 20 mm Dia 4.70 Each
c 25 mm Dia 5.55 Each
d 32 mm Dia 7.00 Each
e 40 mm Dia 10.50 Each
f 50 mm Dia 14.25 Each
B Elbow
a 15 mm Dia 6.15 Each
b 20 mm Dia 7.00 Each
c 25 mm Dia 9.95 Each
d 32 mm Dia 14.25 Each
e 40 mm Dia 20.15 Each
f 50 mm Dia 28.75 Each
a 15 mm Dia 7.00 Each
b 20 mm Dia 8.50 Each
c 25 mm Dia 11.30 Each
d 32 mm Dia 17.10 Each
e 40 mm Dia 22.90 Each
f 50 mm Dia 36.00 Each
D Tee
a 15 mm Dia 8.50 Each
b 20 mm Dia 9.95 Each
c 25 mm Dia 14.25 Each
d 32 mm Dia 17.20 Each
e 40 mm Dia 28.75 Each
f 50 mm Dia 43.25 Each
E End Cap
a 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 20 mm Dia 5.55 Each
c 25 mm Dia 7.00 Each
d 32 mm Dia 8.50 Each
e 40 mm Dia 13.30 Each
f 50 mm Dia 18.55 Each
F Reducer
a 20 mm x 15 mm 5.55 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 6.15 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 9.95 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 13.30 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 22.90 Each
G Reducer Tee
a 20 mm x 15 mm 8.50 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 9.95 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 14.25 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 17.20 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 28.75 Each
H Reducer Elbow
a 20 mm x 15 mm 7.00 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 8.50 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 11.30 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 14.25 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 21.50 Each
J Jet Nipple
a 25 mm Dia 18.55 Each
b 32 mm Dia 24.25 Each
120 Providing Anti-termite treatment to soil adjecent and under building 120.00 Sqm
foundation, plinth periphery of the building by application of chemicals of IS
63613 part I to IV in stages to suit the progress of work consist as per the
detailed specification as below. Including breaking of termite mounds,
making holes with crow bar, closing the holes after the treatment and
including cost of chemicals, labour charges, transport and storing etc.,
complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
mber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4" for foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete comp

mber burnt bricks of size 9" x 4-1/2" x 3" for foundation and basement including curing, etc., complete complying
ment including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.

including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.

Sl. Rate in
Description Unit
No. rupees
1 Earth work excavation for foundation 199.90 cu.m
2 Earth work open excavation in all soils 93.45 cu.m
3 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling crushed stone sand 2553.10 cu.m

4 Refilling with excavated earth other than crused stone sand 38.95 cu.m
5 Supplying and filling basement with conveyed earth from 10 km 267.50 cu.m
6 Supplying and filling GRAVEL in 'foundation and basement 1179.70 cu.m
7 S&F 40mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench 2262.70 cu.m
8 S&F 25mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench 2111.90 cu.m
9 S&F 20mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench 2681.90 cu.m
10 Supplying and filling in basement with sand gravel mix 1982.40 cu.m
11 Providing and laying sand gravel mix (1:1) (For road works) 2259.60 cu.m
12 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 using 40 mm stone jelly for foundation 6044.80 cu.m
13 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 using 40 mm stone jelly for flooring 6044.80 cu.m
14 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 using 40 mm stone jelly for foundation 6240.90 cu.m
15 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 using 40mm size stone jelly for dummy columns
For foundation & basement 6567.80 cu.m.
For Ground floor 6687.65 cu.m.
For First floor 6923.75 cu.m.
For Second floor 7159.85 cu.m.
For Third floor 7395.95 cu.m.
For Fourth floor 7632.05 cu.m.
16 PCC- 1:2:4 using 20mm jelly for wearing coat 7599.00 cu.m.
17 Damp proof course with Cement Mortar 1:4 -12mm thick 272.90 sq.m.
18 Supplying and erecting steel centering 856.95 sq.m.
19 Supplying and erecting centering for sides
a For plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed blocks, 956.30 sq.m.
landing slab, waist slab, portico slabs and beams, etc.
b For plane surfaces such as vertical slab, side slabs of boxing, vertical drops, facia, 1051.95 sq.m.
vertical wall, etc.
c For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshades, top and 1147.60 sq.m.
bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.
d For circular columns 2295.15 sq.m.
e Centering for curved surfaces of all RCC items of work 1434.45 sq.m.
20 Providing additional strutting to centering of RCC slabs 33.15 sq.m.
21 CC 1:2:4 -20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly
a In foundation and basement 9154.00 cu.m
b In Ground floor 9273.85 cu.m
c In First floor 9509.95 cu.m
d In Second Floor 9746.05 cu.m
e In Third floor 9982.15 cu.m
f In Fourth floor 10218.25 cu.m
g In Fifth floor 10454.35 cu.m
22 Cement Concrete 1:1-1/2:3
a In foundation and basement 9806.00 cu.m
b In Ground floor 9925.85 cu.m
c In First floor 10161.95 cu.m
d In Second Floor 10398.05 cu.m
e In Third floor 10634.15 cu.m
f In Fourth floor 10870.25 cu.m
g In Fifth floor 11106.35 cu.m
23 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills 8888.81 Qtl
for all RCC works
24 BRICK WORK FOR 230mm Thick wall
Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6065.00 cu.m
In Ground floor 6143.90 cu.m
In First floor 6303.10 cu.m
In Second floor 6462.30 cu.m
In Third floor 6621.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6780.70 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6939.90 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6146.40 cu.m
In Ground floor 6143.90 cu.m
In First floor 6303.10 cu.m
In Second floor 6462.30 cu.m
In Third floor 6621.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6780.70 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6939.90 cu.m
c In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6471.95 cu.m
In Ground floor 6550.85 cu.m
In First floor 6710.05 cu.m
In Second floor 6869.25 cu.m
In Third floor 7028.45 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7187.65 cu.m
24a Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 5868.20 cu.m
In Ground floor 5947.10 cu.m
In First floor 6106.30 cu.m
In Second floor 6265.50 cu.m
In Third floor 6424.70 cu.m
In Fourth floor 6583.90 cu.m
In Fifth floor 6743.10 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 5940.90 cu.m
In Ground floor 6019.80 cu.m
In First floor 6179.00 cu.m
In Second floor 6338.20 cu.m
25 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7061.80 cu.m
In Ground floor 7140.70 cu.m
In First floor 7299.90 cu.m
In Second floor 7459.10 cu.m
In Third floor 7618.30 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7777.50 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7936.70 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7125.75 cu.m
In Ground floor 7204.65 cu.m
In First floor 7363.85 cu.m
In Second floor 7523.05 cu.m
In Third floor 7682.25 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7841.45 cu.m

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

For foundation & basement 7381.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 7460.40 cu.m
In First floor 7619.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7778.80 cu.m
In Third floor 7938.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8097.20 cu.m
26 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7435.80 cu.m
In Ground floor 7514.70 cu.m
In First floor 7673.90 cu.m
In Second floor 7833.10 cu.m
In Third floor 7992.30 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8151.50 cu.m
In Fifth floor 8310.70 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7508.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 7587.40 cu.m
In First floor 7746.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7905.80 cu.m
In Third floor 8065.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8224.20 cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7799.15 cu.m
In Ground floor 7878.05 cu.m
In First floor 8037.25 cu.m
In Second floor 8196.45 cu.m
In Third floor 8355.65 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8514.85 cu.m
27 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks -
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6981.30 cu.m
In Ground floor 7060.20 cu.m
In First floor 7219.40 cu.m
In Second floor 7378.60 cu.m
In Third floor 7537.80 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7697.00 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7856.20 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 7054.00 cu.m
In Ground floor 7132.90 cu.m
In First floor 7292.10 cu.m
In Second floor 7451.30 cu.m
In Third floor 7610.50 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7769.70 cu.m

28 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6614.50 cu.m
In Ground floor 6693.40 cu.m
In First floor 6852.60 cu.m
In Second floor 7011.80 cu.m
In Third floor 7171.00 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7330.20 cu.m
In Fifth floor 7489.40 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6678.40 cu.m
In Ground floor 6757.30 cu.m
In First floor 6916.50 cu.m
In Second floor 7075.70 cu.m
In Third floor 7234.90 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7394.10 cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three crushed stone sand)
For foundation & basement 6934.20 cu.m
In Ground floor 7013.10 cu.m
In First floor 7172.30 cu.m
In Second floor 7331.50 cu.m
In Third floor 7490.70 cu.m
In Fourth floor 7649.90 cu.m
29 Brick partition walls
Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
a In Foundation and basement 798.90 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 807.40 Sqm
c In First Floor 824.60 Sqm
d In Second Floor 841.80 Sqm
e In Third Floor 859.00 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 876.20 Sqm
30 Country Bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement 772.95 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 781.45 Sqm
c In First Floor 798.65 Sqm
d In Second Floor 815.85 Sqm
e In Third Floor 833.05 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 850.25 Sqm

31 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
a In Foundation and basement 948.80 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 957.85 Sqm
c In First Floor 976.20 Sqm
d In Second Floor 994.50 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1012.80 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1031.10 Sqm
32 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement 996.85 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 1005.90 Sqm
c In First Floor 1005.90 Sqm
d In Second Floor 1024.20 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1060.80 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1079.15 Sqm

33 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement 944.55 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 953.65 Sqm
c In First Floor 971.95 Sqm
d In Second Floor 990.25 Sqm
e In Third Floor 1008.55 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 1026.85 Sqm
34 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
a In Foundation and basement 897.35 Sqm
b In Ground Floor 906.45 Sqm
c In First Floor 924.75 Sqm
d In Second Floor 943.05 Sqm
e In Third Floor 961.35 Sqm
f In Fourth Floor 979.65 Sqm

35 Providing granolithic floor finish

a 20mm thick 154.10 Sqm
b 25mm thick 192.65 Sqm
c 40mm thick 308.20 Sqm
36 Flooring with Snow White Marble Slab (Adanga) 18mm to 20mm thick
a Using Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above 3129.80 Sqm
b Using Marble Slabs of size 2'0'' x 2.0" and below 2426.80 Sqm
37 Paving the floor with fine polished Kota stone slabs of size
600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm with machine cut edges
A Fine polished Kota Stone Slab above 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size 1402.50 Sq.m
B Fine polished Kota Stone Slab below 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size 1336.50 Sq.m
38 Paving the floor with kota stone slab of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm (un- 1526.50 Sq.m
39 Paving the floor with fine polished Granite Stone Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of 2350.10 Sq.m
18 / 20mm thick
39a Paving the floor with fine polished cuddapah stone slab of 38 / 40mm thick Sq.m
laid over Cement Mortar 1:3
i Cuddapah Slab 20 / 30mm thick 1266.10 Sq.m
ii Cuddapah Slab 38 / 40mm thick 1299.00 Sq.m
iii Cuddapah Slab 50mm thick 1316.80 Sq.m
40 Paving the floor with Double Charges Vertified tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm 1479.70 Sq.m
41 Flooring with ceramic tiles laid over 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3
a Self Designed Colour Ceramic Tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6mm 1024.20 Sq.m
b Plain Ceramic Tiles- 305 x 305 x 6 mm 874.60 Sq.m
c Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm 887.50 Sq.m
d Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm 1032.50 Sq.m
e Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm 895.00 Sq.m
f Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm 1075.00 Sq.m
42 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles (Required shape and 1365.80 Sq.m
design) of 20mm thick
43 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles (Required shape 1493.80 Sq.m
and design) of 20mm thick
44 Dadooing walls with best approved quality, white / colour glazed tiles
a Dadooing with white glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm 1296.50 Sq.m

b Dadooing with plain colour glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm 1359.10 Sq.m

c Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles - 150mm x 150mm x 6mm 1437.90 Sq.m

d Dadooing with granite tiles of synthetic grey, paradise, and similar varieties of 1673.90 Sq.m
suitable sizes
e Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 200 x 6mm 1439.30 Sq.m

f Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 450 x 8mm 1392.90 Sq.m

45 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete

a In Ground Floor 4071.55 cu.m
b In First Floor 4307.65 cu.m
c In Second Floor 4543.75 cu.m
d In Third Floor 4779.85 cu.m
e In Fourth Floor 5015.95 cu.m
f In Fifth Floor 5252.05 cu.m
46 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles
Pressed Tiles of 200mm x 200mm x 20mm 1184.20 Sq.m
Pressed Tiles of 230mm x 230mm x 20mm 1204.70 Sq.m
Solar Reflective tiles of 305mm x 305mm x 7mm 1472.30 Sq.m
47 Finishing the top of slopped roof, sun-shade with Machine Pressed 1640.10 Sq.m
Ornamental Tiles
48 Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah slab
a 20 / 30mm thick 442.65 Sq.m
b 38 / 40mm thick 473.95 Sq.m
49 Supplying and fixing in position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain water
down fall pipes
a 160 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 828.50 Rm
b 160 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 633.70 Rm
c 160 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 568.80 Rm
a 110 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 585.60 Rm
b 110 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 402.90 Rm
c 110 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 342.00 Rm
50 Supplying and fixing teak wood hand rails 1655.75 Rm
51 Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square rods 2763.25 Sq.m
spaced at 150mm centre to centre
52 Supplying and fixing 40mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail 179.30 Rm
53 Supplying and fixing GI pipe handrails for handicapped persons 1591.75 Sq.m
54 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5-12mm thick 262.60 Sq.m
55 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 - 20mm thick 519.65 Sq.m
56 Special ceiling plastering- 10mm thick 295.75 Sq.m
57 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3-12mm thick 278.85 Sq.m
58 Plastering - with Cement Mortar 1:3 - 20mm thick 545.25 Sq.m
59 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3- 12mm thick mixed with water proofing 284.60 Sq.m
compound conforming
60 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 -20mm thick mixed with water proofing 554.25 Sq.m
compound conforming
61 Stucco plastering 12mm thick 596.20 Sq.m
62 White washing one coat 23.10 Sq.m
63 White washing two coats 33.65 Sq.m
64 Colour washing two coats
a For one Coat 34.65 Sq.m
b For Two Coat 50.48 Sq.m
65 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint over one coat 203.85 Sq.m
of cement primer
For basic one coat of primer with cement paint 72.25 Sq.m
For finishing two coats 131.60 Sq.m
66 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint 138.10 Sq.m
67 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper over 197.80 Sq.m
one coat of water based cement primer
68 Distempering the old wall and ceiling one coat with best oil bound distember

a For one coat 63.00 Sq.m

b For two coat including scaping 130.80 Sq.m
69 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed 237.00 Sq.m
plastic emulsion paint
70 Painting new wood work with two finishing coats of synthetic enamel ready 234.45 Sq.m
mixed paint of approved quality and colour over one coat priming coat
71 Painting new iron works
a Primer coat 74.20 Sq.m
b Two coat 138.75 Sq.m
72 Two coat with primer 212.95 Sq.m
73 Polishing the teak wood door with two coats of best French (Lac) 170.10 Sq.m
74 Providing expansion joint in RCC floor slab for 12.5mm width 590.80 Rm
75 Providing expansion joint 12.5mm width in RCC roof slabs between RCC 870.40 Rm
twin beams using PVC water bar of 150mm wide centre bulb of 4mm to
6mm thickness
76 Expansion joint of 12.5mm wide in between RCC twin columns 731.60 Sq.m
77 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete slabs
of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4
a 25mm thick precast slab using 10mm HBGS jelly 297.25 Sq.m
b 50mm thick precast slab using 20mm HBGS jelly 606.20 Sq.m
c 75mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly) 910.60 Sq.m
78 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete precast 825.40 Sq.m
pavement slab of size 450mm x 450mm of 50mm thick
79 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete precast 1179.40 Sq.m
kerb slab of size 600mm x 600mm x 100mm
80 Manufacturing, S &F in positon of RCC Jally of 5cm thick 1242.05 Sq.m
81 S&F AC sheet roofing with 6mm thick asbestos cement sheets 734.00 Sq.m
Supplying, laying and jointing GI pipes of approved quality
I Internal Water Supply - Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 243.00 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 275.15 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 307.90 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 417.95 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 434.90 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 562.95 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 608.40 Rm
II External Water Supply - Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 270.65 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 302.80 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 335.55 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 458.65 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 475.60 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 616.90 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 662.35 Rm
External Water Supply - Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 347.25 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 376.05 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 405.45 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 577.75 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 589.35 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 807.60 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 843.00 Rm
84 Supplying and fixing- of Gun metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve
I Gate Valve
a 20 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 732.20 Each
b 25 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 974.20 Each
c 32 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1266.50 Each
d 40 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1483.50 Each
e 50 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 2008.65 Each
f 65 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 2290.65 Each
II Wheel Valve
a 15 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 551.20 Each
b 20 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 623.20 Each
c 25 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 733.20 Each
d 32 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 1019.50 Each
e 40 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 1158.50 Each
85 S&F 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap / Pillar tap
a 15mm dia CP Screw Down Tap 360.45 Each
b 15mm dia CP Pillar Tap 423.45 Each
c 15mm dia Swan Neck Tap 406.95 Each
86 Indian make bevelled edge mirror
600x450mm 1052.85 Each
500x450 mm 956.45 Each
87 CP towel rail 600mm long and 20mm dia with brackets 517.50 Each
88 Aluminium anodised towel rail 600mm long and 20mm dia 393.65 Each
89 S&F CP soap tray of size 150 x 150mm 318.70 Each
90 GI unions
a 15 mm dia union 364.25 Each
b 20 mm dia union 375.95 Each
c 25 mm dia union 404.75 Each
d 32 mm dia union 433.65 Each
e 40 mm dia union 503.65 Each
f 50 mm dia union 572.45 Each
91 Supplying and fixing in position the following GI Specials
I GI Elbow
a 50 mm dia 252.15 Each
b 40 mm dia 207.40 Each
c 32 mm dia 180.75 Each
d 25 mm dia 128.80 Each
e 20 mm dia 63.60 Each
f 15 mm dia 53.80 Each
II GI Bend
a 50 mm dia 240.45 Each
b 40 mm dia 195.80 Each
c 32 mm dia 163.55 Each
d 25 mm dia 122.70 Each
e 20 mm dia 61.40 Each
f 15 mm dia 51.50 Each
a 50 mm dia 338.35 Each
b 40 mm dia 283.00 Each
c 32 mm dia 246.30 Each
d 25 mm dia 193.30 Each
e 20 mm dia 96.90 Each
f 15 mm dia 90.30 Each
IV GI Coupling
a 50 mm dia 193.95 Each
b 40 mm dia 166.90 Each
c 32 mm dia 140.25 Each
d 25 mm dia 99.30 Each
e 20 mm dia 54.10 Each
f 15 mm dia 51.50 Each
V GI Reducer
a 50 x 40 mm dia 209.65 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 171.05 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 134.20 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 83.05 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 58.35 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 141.75 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 106.35 Each
VI GI Reducer Elbow
a 50 x 40 mm dia 226.65 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 194.45 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 152.00 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 106.45 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 78.45 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 162.45 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 123.55 Each
VII GI Reducer Tee
a 50 x 40 mm dia 325.45 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 276.55 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 228.40 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 162.35 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 131.75 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 247.05 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 186.35 Each
VIII GI Hex Nipple
a 50 mm dia 89.85 Each
b 40 mm dia 72.65 Each
c 32 mm dia 60.95 Each
d 25 mm dia 46.55 Each
e 20 mm dia 37.55 Each
f 15 mm dia 26.05 Each
92 Supplying and fixing white / colour glazed Earthernware wash hand basin of
size 550 x 400mm (with pedestal / without pedestal)
a White Glazed Wash Hand Basin
i Without Pedestal 3797.00 Each
ii With Pedestal 4137.00 Each
b Colour Glazed Wash Hand Basin
i Without Pedestal 4364.00 Each
ii With Pedestal 4602.00 Each
93 Supplying and fixing white glazed earthernwere sink of size of 600 x 450 x 3751.00 Each
94 Supplying and fixing in position best quality cuddapah sink
a Cuddapah sink of 600 x 450 x 200mm 2373.00 Each
b Cuddapha sink of 600 x 600 x 200mm 2624.00 Each
Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 x
95 white glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a 5948.00 Each
length of 600mm)
96 colour glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a 6281.00 Each
length of 600mm)
97 White glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a 5771.00 Each
length of 600mm)
98 Colour glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a 6104.00 Each
length of 600mm)
99 Supplying and fixing in position white / colour glazed European Water Closet

a White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank 6096.00 Each
fixed on to wall
b White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank 8201.00 Each
fixed with CI brackets
c Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank 6490.00 Each
fixed on to wall
d Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank 8595.00 Each
fixed with CI brackets
e White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing 7983.00 Each
tank fixed on to wall
f White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing 10088.00 Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
g Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing 9740.00 Each
tank fixed on to wall
h Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing 11845.00 Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
100 Supply and fixing in position of best Indian make white / colour glazed
earthernware lipped mouth flat back urinal
a White glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 2248.00 Each
b Colour glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 2383.00 Each
101 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make white glazed earthenware squating type

102 Supplying and fixing position CI Nahani Trap / Floor Trap

a Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with stainless steel gratings 822.00 Each
Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with pvc gratings 595.00 Each
Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with stainless steel gratings 762.00 Each
b Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with pvc gratings 573.00 Each
103 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stone ware pipes - using spun yarn and
a 100mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) 288.00 Rm
b 150mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) 420.70 Rm
104 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes
a 100mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 216.55 Rm
b 150mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 280.90 Rm
105 Supplying and fixing in position 150mm dia stoneware tee 390.35 Each
106 S&F in position 150 x 100mm "P" or "S" stoneware gully trap 1059.50 Each
107 Supplying and fixing AC ventilating shaft of 100mm dia 677.65 Each
108 Supplying and fixing PVC ventilating shaft of 110mm dia 1153.90 Each
109 Supplying and fixing in position CI manhole covers with CI frames 2437.00 Each
110 Supplying, laying and position best quality Indian cast iron soil / waste pipes
a 150mm dia CI Pipe 1783.25 Rm
b 100mm dia CI Pipe 1366.55 Rm
c 75mm dia CI Pipe 1234.70 Rm
111 Supplying and fixing in position following CI specials
A Plain Bend
i 150mm Dia 1105.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 829.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 769.60 Each
B Bend with Door
i 150mm Dia 1190.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 882.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 829.60 Each
C Plain TEE
i 150mm Dia 1645.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 1045.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 894.60 Each
D TEE with Door
i 150mm Dia 1706.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 1118.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 949.60 Each
E "Y" Junction with Door (single)
i 150mm Dia 1764.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 1166.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 985.60 Each
F "Y" Junction with Door (Double)
i 150mm Dia 1887.60 Each
ii 100mm Dia 1237.60 Each
iii 75mm Dia 1069.60 Each
i 150mm Dia 552.70 Each
ii 100mm Dia 421.70 Each
iii 75mm Dia 356.70 Each

112 Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes
a 75mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 375.80 Rm
b 110mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 485.20 Rm
c 160mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 775.30 Rm
113 Supplying and fixing in position PVC specials
A PVC Elbow
1 160mm dia 451.05 Each
2 110mm dia 405.45 Each
3 75mm dia 401.75 Each
B PVC Elbow with Door
1 160mm dia 492.95 Each
2 110mm dia 471.55 Each
3 75mm dia 409.25 Each
1 160mm dia 512.55 Each
2 110mm dia 499.55 Each
3 75mm dia 436.95 Each
D PVC Tee with Single Door
1 160mm dia 562.75 Each
2 110mm dia 527.45 Each
3 75mm dia 464.85 Each
E PVC Tee with Double Door
1 160mm dia 623.55 Each
2 110mm dia 603.75 Each
3 75mm dia 499.55 Each
F PVC Bend
1 160mm dia 457.65 Each
2 110mm dia 443.75 Each
3 75mm dia 409.25 Each
1 160mm dia 520.75 Each
2 110mm dia 506.75 Each
3 75mm dia 443.75 Each
H PVC "Y" with Single Door
1 160mm dia 566.55 Each
2 110mm dia 534.85 Each
3 75mm dia 464.85 Each
I PVC "Y" with Double Door
1 160mm dia 658.25 Each
2 110mm dia 617.35 Each
3 75mm dia 513.35 Each
114 S &F PVC 4 way junction plain or with door

A PVC Double Tee with Single Door (4 way junction)

1 160mm dia 876.50 Each
2 110mm dia 842.40 Each
3 75mm dia 758.60 Each
B PVC Double "Y" with Single Door (4 way junction)
1 160mm dia 918.80 Each
2 110mm dia 869.40 Each
3 75mm dia 778.90 Each
115 Supplying and fixing in position PVC cowls
1 110mm dia 262.70 Each
2 75mm dia 235.90 Each
3 50mm dia 214.80 Each
116 Supplying and fixing in position CP shower rose with CP stop cock 500.50 Each
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

117 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes

a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 146.65 Rm
b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 154.85 Rm
c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 172.80 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 247.65 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 284.30 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 387.35 Rm
External Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

118 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes

I Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 160.35 Rm
b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 168.55 Rm
c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 186.50 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 272.55 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 309.20 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 424.10 Rm
II Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 115.75 Rm
b 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 123.95 Rm
c 25 mm dia PVC Pipe 141.90 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 209.35 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 246.00 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 340.95 Rm
119 Supplying PVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
A Coupler
a 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 20 mm Dia 4.70 Each
c 25 mm Dia 5.55 Each
d 32 mm Dia 7.00 Each
e 40 mm Dia 10.50 Each
f 50 mm Dia 14.25 Each
B Elbow
a 15 mm Dia 6.15 Each
b 20 mm Dia 7.00 Each
c 25 mm Dia 9.95 Each
d 32 mm Dia 14.25 Each
e 40 mm Dia 20.15 Each
f 50 mm Dia 28.75 Each
a 15 mm Dia 7.00 Each
b 20 mm Dia 8.50 Each
c 25 mm Dia 11.30 Each
d 32 mm Dia 17.10 Each
e 40 mm Dia 22.90 Each
f 50 mm Dia 36.00 Each
D Tee
a 15 mm Dia 8.50 Each
b 20 mm Dia 9.95 Each
c 25 mm Dia 14.25 Each
d 32 mm Dia 17.20 Each
e 40 mm Dia 28.75 Each
f 50 mm Dia 43.25 Each

E End Cap
a 15 mm Dia 4.05 Each
b 20 mm Dia 5.55 Each
c 25 mm Dia 7.00 Each
d 32 mm Dia 8.50 Each
e 40 mm Dia 13.30 Each
f 50 mm Dia 18.55 Each
F Reducer
a 20 mm x 15 mm 5.55 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 6.15 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 9.95 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 13.30 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 22.90 Each
G Reducer Tee
a 20 mm x 15 mm 8.50 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 9.95 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 14.25 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 17.20 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 28.75 Each
H Reducer Elbow
a 20 mm x 15 mm 7.00 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 8.50 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 11.30 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 14.25 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 21.50 Each
J Jet Nipple
a 25 mm Dia 18.55 Each
b 32 mm Dia 24.25 Each
120 Providing Anti-termite treatment to soil adjecent and under building 120.00 Sqm
121 Hallow pressed steel door frames for single leaf and double leaved door 407.90 Sqm
122 R.R Masonary in cement mortar1:5 for foundation and basement 6640.40 cu.m
123 Fly ash bricks of size 23cm x 11cm x 7cm
A In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three sand)
For foundation & basement 8055.90 cu.m
In Ground floor 8134.80 cu.m
In First floor 8294.00 cu.m
In Second floor 8453.20 cu.m
In Third floor 8612.40 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8771.60 cu.m
In Fifth floor 8930.80 cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement 7765.20 cu.m
In Ground floor 7844.10 cu.m
In First floor 8003.30 cu.m
In Second floor 8162.50 cu.m
In Third floor 8321.70 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8480.90 cu.m
In Fifth floor 8640.10 cu.m
c In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement 7692.60 cu.m
In Ground floor 7771.50 cu.m
In First floor 7930.70 cu.m
In Second floor 8089.90 cu.m
In Third floor 8249.10 cu.m
In Fourth floor 8408.30 cu.m
In Fifth floor 8567.50 cu.m
124 Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality Fly Ash Bricks
of size 23 x 11 x 7 cm
For foundation & basement 1026.35 Sqm
In Ground floor 1035.45 Sqm
In First floor 1053.75 Sqm
In Second floor 1072.05 Sqm
In Third floor 1090.35 Sqm
In Fourth floor 1108.65 Sqm
125 Supplying and Fixing MS Ladder width 45cm using 50x50x6mm MS Angle. 1450.40 Sqm
126 Providing two legged scaffolding using 15cm diameter 464.30 Sqm
127 supplying and fixing if marble of 0.61*1.22m.,18/20mm thick in all floors for urinal 1677.10 Sqm
128 partition
Manufacturing supplying and fixing in position of teracotta jally 20x20x5cm 1418.60 Sqm
129 Providing Blockboard in two layers with first layer in cement mortar 1:5 1055.40 Sqm
Combination mortar 1:1:6-20mm thick 10sq.m 517.03 Sqm
130 Providing Ferrocement architectural structures like column sunshade etc, 757.92 Sqm
131 Supplying and fixing colour galvanum sheet roof of 0.47mm 1681.40 Sqm
132 porcelin soap dish of size 150 x 150 x 50mm (White) 349.80 Nos
porcelin soap dish of size 150 x 150 x 50mm (Colour) 422.40 Nos
133 Painting the wall two coats with approved weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint 227.20 Sqm
134 Construction of INSPECTION CHAMBER following clear sizes
a CLEAR SIZE 0.45 X 0.45 4,295.00 Nos
b CLEAR SIZE 0.60 X 0.60 5,925.00 Nos
c CLEAR SIZE 0.90 X 0.90 8,727.00 Nos
135 Supplying and laying of Interlocking Paver Block Stone 60mm thk. 1386.00 Sqm
136 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of wall putty 163.10 Sqm
137 Skirting the wall with fine polished Granite Stone Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of 18 / 3137.10 Sqm
138 20mm thick
Supplying andof fixing
Jet black
mild steel grills for windows, ventilators, rtc., including priming 102.15 kg
139 coat
Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-20 Grade
In foundation and basement 9087.21 cu.m
In Ground floor 9207.06 cu.m
In First floor 9443.16 cu.m
In Second Floor 9679.26 cu.m
In Third floor 9915.36 cu.m
In Fourth floor 10151.46 cu.m
In Fifth floor 10387.56 cu.m
140 Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-25 Grade
In foundation and basement 9276.25 cu.m
In Ground floor 9396.10 cu.m
In First floor 9632.20 cu.m
In Second Floor 9868.30 cu.m
In Third floor 10104.40 cu.m
In Fourth floor 10340.50 cu.m
In Fifth floor 10576.60 cu.m
141 Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-30 Grade
In foundation and basement 9632.62 cu.m
In Ground floor 9752.47 cu.m
In First floor 9988.57 cu.m
In Second Floor 10224.67 cu.m
In Third floor 10460.77 cu.m
In Fourth floor 10696.87 cu.m
In Fifth floor 10932.97 cu.m
142 Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-35 Grade
In foundation and basement 9832.42 cu.m
In Ground floor 9952.27 cu.m
In First floor 10188.37 cu.m
In Second Floor 10424.47 cu.m
In Third floor 10660.57 cu.m
In Fourth floor 10896.67 cu.m
In Fifth floor 11132.77 cu.m
143 Providing and laying in position, standardised concrete Mix M-40 Grade
In foundation and basement 9923.37 cu.m
In Ground floor 10043.22 cu.m
In First floor 10279.32 cu.m
In Second Floor 10515.42 cu.m
In Third floor 10751.52 cu.m
In Fourth floor 10987.62 cu.m
In Fifth floor 11223.72 cu.m
Internal Water SupplyArrangements using UPVCpipes and UPVC specials
144 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes(Residential and home applications)
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 176.20 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 194.80 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 222.40 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 308.25 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 321.45 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 427.00 Rm
External Water SupplyArrangements using UPVCpipes and UPVCspecials
145 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes
I Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 189.95 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 208.55 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 236.15 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 333.20 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 346.40 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 463.75 Rm
II Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 145.30 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 163.90 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 191.50 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 269.95 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 283.15 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 380.60 Rm
Internal Water SupplyArrangements using UPVCpipes and UPVC specials
146 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes(Commercial applications)
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 187.10 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 209.20 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 241.00 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 335.85 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 369.95 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 490.90 Rm
External Water SupplyArrangements using UPVCpipes and UPVCspecials
147 Supplying, laying and jointing UPVC pipes
I Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 200.85 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 222.95 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 254.75 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 360.80 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 394.90 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 527.65 Rm
II Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia UPVC Pipe 156.20 Rm
b 20 mm dia UPVC Pipe 178.30 Rm
c 25 mm dia UPVC Pipe 210.10 Rm
d 32 mm dia UPVC Pipe 297.55 Rm
e 40 mm dia UPVC Pipe 331.65 Rm
f 50 mm dia UPVC Pipe 444.50 Rm
148 Supplying UPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
I Elbow
a 50 mm Dia 87.80 Each
b 40 mm Dia 58.40 Each
c 32 mm Dia 43.80 Each
d 25 mm Dia 29.10 Each
e 20 mm Dia 17.90 Each
f 15 mm Dia 11.90 Each
II Tee
a 50 mm Dia 121.80 Each
b 40 mm Dia 75.60 Each
c 32 mm Dia 57.00 Each
d 25 mm Dia 38.50 Each
e 20 mm Dia 22.20 Each
f 15 mm Dia 15.80 Each
a 50 mm Dia 282.20 Each
b 40 mm Dia 132.60 Each
c 32 mm Dia 89.40 Each
d 25 mm Dia 66.20 Each
e 20 mm Dia 41.20 Each
f 15 mm Dia 33.00 Each
a 50 mm Dia 82.30 Each
b 40 mm Dia 58.80 Each
c 32 mm Dia 41.10 Each
d 25 mm Dia 32.80 Each
e 20 mm Dia 23.50 Each
a 50 mm Dia 71.00 Each
b 40 mm Dia 51.60 Each
c 32 mm Dia 41.60 Each
d 25 mm Dia 32.70 Each
e 20 mm Dia 22.70 Each
f 15 mm Dia 17.80 Each
a 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 60.00 Each
b 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 38.50 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 27.90 Each
d 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 16.90 Each
e 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 12.40 Each
a 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 117.10 Each
b 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 80.50 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 58.40 Each
d 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 38.30 Each
e 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 31.70 Each
a 50 mm x 40 mm Dia 134.00 Each
b 40 mm x 32 mm Dia 89.40 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm Dia 64.70 Each
d 25 mm x 20 mm Dia 38.50 Each
e 20 mm x 15 mm Dia 30.70 Each
i 50 mm Dia 188.10 Each
ii 40 mm Dia 124.90 Each
iii32 mm Dia 81.60 Each
iv 25 mm Dia 58.40 Each
v 20 mm Dia 30.80 Each
vi 15 mm Dia 22.30 Each
Internal Water SupplyArrangements using CPVCpipes and CPVC specials
149 Supplying, laying and jointing CPVC pipes(Standard Dimension Ratio 11)
a 15 mm dia CPVC Pipe 213.75 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 253.85 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 319.65 Rm
d 32 mm dia CPVC Pipe 464.85 Rm
e 40 mm dia CPVC Pipe 491.95 Rm
f 50 mm dia CPVC Pipe 575.55 Rm
External Water SupplyArrangements using CPVCpipes and CPVCspecials
150 Supplying, laying and jointing CPVC pipes
I Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia CPVC Pipe 227.50 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 267.60 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 333.40 Rm
d 32 mm dia CPVC Pipe 489.75 Rm
e 40 mm dia CPVC Pipe 516.85 Rm
f 50 mm dia CPVC Pipe 612.30 Rm
II Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia CPVC Pipe 182.85 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 222.95 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 288.75 Rm
d 32 mm dia CPVC Pipe 426.55 Rm
e 40 mm dia CPVC Pipe 453.65 Rm
f 50 mm dia CPVC Pipe 529.15 Rm
148 Supplying CPVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
I Elbow
a 50 mm Dia 367.50 Each
b 40 mm Dia 178.50 Each
c 32 mm Dia 107.40 Each
d 25 mm Dia 50.50 Each
e 20 mm Dia 23.90 Each
f 15 mm Dia 20.70 Each
II Tee
a 50 mm Dia 463.00 Each
b 40 mm Dia 245.70 Each
c 32 mm Dia 137.20 Each
d 25 mm Dia 60.90 Each
e 20 mm Dia 39.20 Each
f 15 mm Dia 27.90 Each
III Bend
a 25mm dia 47.00 Each
b 20mm dia 37.50 Each
c 15mm dia 29.40 Each
a 50 mm Dia 252.60 Each
b 40 mm Dia 121.00 Each
c 32 mm Dia 65.90 Each
d 25 mm Dia 32.70 Each
e 20 mm Dia 19.10 Each
f 15 mm Dia 15.90 Each
a 50 mm Dia 666.00 Each
b 40 mm Dia 369.00 Each
c 32 mm Dia 223.40 Each
d 25 mm Dia 138.70 Each
e 20 mm Dia 109.90 Each
f 15 mm Dia 70.50 Each
i 50 mm Dia 441.00 Each
ii 40 mm Dia 279.80 Each
iii 32 mm Dia 191.60 Each
iv 25 mm Dia 122.70 Each
v 20 mm Dia 80.90 Each
vi 15 mm Dia 73.70 Each
119.85 7718.85 GF
236.10 7954.95 FF
236.10 8191.05 SF
236.10 8427.15 TF
236.10 8663.25 FF

236.10 8899.35 FF

203.50 9102.85 SF
Sl. Qty Description of work Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of single leaf door
with half panelled with 12mm thick both side laminated particle board at bottom and half glazed using
5.50mm thick Plain glass at top.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at
2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292 kg/m ,Bottom rail:
100 x44.45 x 2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m, Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/m, Alu Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm
@ 0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 Kg/m and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber
beading, PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as
aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 1 No., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door
closer - 1No ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bush including cost of materials labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to the required extent
in RCC column, beams, masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the
original condition after fixing etc., complete. All the Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under
electricaly controlled conditions in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anatic film thickness of 15 microns
etc., complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed

Assume a size of Door : 1.00x2.10mm = 2.10m2
Door outer frame
vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 4.20
Horizontal 1 x 1 x 0.91 0.91
Total 5.11 Rm
5.11 Rm x 2.319 kg/m 11.85 Kg
Shutter frame:
vertical 1x2x2.056 4.112 Rm
Top 1x1x0.824 0.824
Total 4.936
4.936 Rm x 1.292 kg/m 6.38 Kg
Lock rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Bottom rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824 x 1.974 kg/m 1.63 Kg
Alu.handle 1x2x0.85 = 1.70x0.988 1.68 Kg
Alu. Clips:
Shutter for bottom panel =2x2x 0.824+0.88) 6.82
Shutter for top panel = 2x2x(0.824+0.98) 7.22
Total 14.04
14.04 Rm X 0.176 Kg/m 2.47 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 25.07 Kg
Wastage at 10% 2.51
Total 27.58 Kg
5.50 mm thick glass.
Shutter top panel = 1x1x0.824x0.98 0.81 M2
Wastage at 20% 0.16
Total 0.97 M2
12mm thick prelaminated both side particle board
Bottom panel = 1x1x0.824x0.88 0.73 M2
Wastage at 10% 0.07
Total 0.80 M2
PVC felt: 1x2x2.056 4.11 Rm
Rubber beading:1x2(0.824+0.98) 3.61 Rm
Main Data
27.58 Kgs Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 1 kgs 8963.50
0.97 M2 5.50 mm thick glass. 362.50 1 M2 351.63
0.8 M2 12mm thick PLB 1050.00 1 M2 840.00
4.11 Rm PVC felt 7.95 1 Rm 32.67
3.61 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 138.08
1 Set Pivot 160.70 1 set 160.70
1 No. Hydraulic Door closer 1008.00 1 No 1008.00
1 No. Nautel locks 284.50 1 No 284.50
1 No. Door stopper 49.55 1 No 49.55
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 250x12mm 97.85 1 No 97.85
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 200x12mm 82.25 1 No 82.25
2.10 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 1537.20
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 140.00
dismantling & redooing.
For Rs. 2.10 / M2 13685.93
Rate Rs. 6517.11 /M2
Say Rate Rs. 6517.00 /M2
Without Automatic Door closure and Pivot but with hinges
Rate as above 13685.93
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 60.00) 215.70
for 2.10 M2 12732.93
Rate Rs. 6063.30 /1 M2
Say Rs. 6063.00 /1 M2
With Automatic Door closure and Hinges
Rate as above 13685.93
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 60.00) 215.70
Rate for 2.10 M2 13740.93
Rate Rs. 6543.30 /1 M2
Say Rs. 6543.00 /1 M2
With Floor spring and Hinges
Rate as above 13685.93
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 60.00) 215.70
Add for Floor spring (1x2120) 2095.00
Rate for 2.10 M2 14827.93
Rate Rs. 7060.92 /1 M2
Say Rs. 7061.00 /1 M2
2 Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of double
leaves door with half panelled with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and
half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at top.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box
section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section-Vertical &Top rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292 kg/m and Bottom rail : 100 x 44.45 x 2.50mm @ 1.974 kg /m , Lock rail :
50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/m Alu. Handle:
100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading, PVC felt,
handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium
tower bolts-250x12mm - 2 Nos., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door
closer - 2Nos ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bush including cost of materials, labour charges and
power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to
the required extent in RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the
damaged portion to the original condition afterfixing etc. complete. All the Alu. sections are to be
anodised with matt finish under electically contolled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an
average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings
shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed

Assume a size of Door : 1200x2100mm
Door outer frame
vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 4.20
Horizontal 1 x 1 x 1.11 1.11
Total 5.31 Rm
5.31 x 2.319 Kg/m 12.31 Kg
Shutter Frame vertical 2x2x2.056 8.22
Horizontal top 1x2x0.467 0.93
Total 9.15 Rm
9.15x1.292 g/m 11.82 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.47 = 0.94 x 1.292 Kg/m 1.21 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.47 =0.94 x 1.974 g/m 1.86 Kg
Alu.handle 2x2x0.505= 2.02 x0.988 Kg/m 2.00 Kg
Alu. Clips:Shutter for bottom panel = 2x2x2(0.47+0.88) 10.80 Rm
Alu. Clips:Shutter for top panel = 2x2x2(0.47+0.88) 11.60 Rm
Total 22.40 Rm
22.40 Rm x 0.176 Kg/m 3.94 Kg
Wastage at 10% 3.23
Total 36.37 Kg
5.50 mm thick glass.
Shutter top panel = 1x2x0.47x0.98 0.92 M2
Glass5.50 mm thick 0.18
Total 1.10 M2
12mm thick prelaminated both side particle board
Bottom panel = 1x2x0.47x0.88 0.83 M2
Wastage at 10% 0.08
Total 0.91 M2
PVC felt: 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
Rubber beading: 2x2(0.47+0.98) 5.80 Rm
Main Data
36.37 Kgs Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 1 kgs 11820.25
1.1 M2 Glass5.50 mm thick 362.50 1 M2 398.75
0.91 M2 12mm thick PLB 1050.00 1 M2 955.50
8.22 Rm PVC felt 7.95 1 Rm 65.35
5.8 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 221.85
2 Sets Pivot 160.70 1 set 321.40
2 Nos Hydraulic Door closer 1008.00 1 No 2016.00
1 No. Navtal locks 284.50 1 No 284.50
2 Nos Door stopper 49.55 1 No 99.10
2 Nos Alu. Tower bolt 250x12mm 97.85 1 No 195.70
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 200x12mm 82.25 1 No 82.25
2.52 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 1844.64
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 162.00
dismantling & redoing.
Rate for 2.52 m2 Rs. 18467.29
Rate Rs. 7328.29 /1 M2
SAY Rate Rs. 7328.00 /1 M2
Without Door closure and pivot but with hinges
Rate as above 18467.29
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00

Deduct for Pivot -321.40

Add for hinges 100mm x 30mm 6x60.00 431.40

Rate 2.52 m2 Rs. 16561.29
Rate /m2 Rs. 6571.94 /1 M2

Rate Rs. 6572.00 /1 M2

With Automatic Door closure and Hinges
Rate as above 18467.29
Deduct for Pivot -321.40
Add for hinges 100x30m (6Nos. X 60.00) 431.40
Rate for 2.52 M2 18577.29
Rate Rs. 7371.94 /1 M2
Say Rs. 7372.00 /1 M2
With Floor spring and Hinges
Rate as above 18467.29
Deduct for Pivot -321.40
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
Add for hinges 100x30m (6Nos. X 60.00) 431.40
Add for Floor spring (2x2120) 4190.00
Rate for 2.52 M2 20751.29
Rate Rs. 8234.64 /1 M2
Say Rs. 8235.00 /1 M2
3 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised Powder Coated of single leaf door with half
panelled with 12mm thick both side laminated particle board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick
Plain glass at top.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and
Shutter frame made of section Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m and Bottom rail:
100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m, Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @
0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber
beading, PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as
aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 1 Nos., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door
closer - 1No ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bushincluding cost of materials labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to the required extent
in RCC column, beams, masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the
original condition after fixing etc., complete. All the Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under
electricaly controlled conditions in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anatic film thickness of 15 microns
etc., complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed Powder coated

Assume a size of Door : 1.00x2.10mm = 2.10m2
Door outer frame
vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 4.20
Horizontal 1 x 1 x 0.91 0.91
Total 5.11 Rm
5.11 Rm x 2.319 kg/m 11.85 Kg
Shutter frame:
vertical 1x2x2.056 4.112 Rm
Top 1x1x0.824 0.824
Total 4.936
4.936 Rm x 1.292 kg/m 6.38 Kg
Lock rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Bottom rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824 x 1.974 kg/m 1.63 Kg
Alu.handle 1x2x0.85 = 1.70x0.988 1.68 Kg
Alu. Clips:
Shutter for bottom panel =2x2x 0.824+0.88) 6.82
Shutter for top panel = 2x2x(0.824+0.98) 7.22
Total 14.04
14.04 Rm X 0.176 Kg/m 2.47 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 25.07 Kg
Wastage at 10% 2.51
Total 27.58 Kg
5.50 mm thick glass.
Shutter top panel = 1x1x0.824x0.98 0.81 M2
Wastage at 20% 0.16
Total 0.97 M2
12mm thick prelaminated both side particle board
Bottom panel = 1x1x0.824x0.88 0.73 M2
Wastage at 10% 0.07
Total 0.80 M2
PVC felt: 1x2x2.056 4.11 Rm
Rubber beading:1x2(0.824+0.98) 3.61 Rm

Main Data
27.58 Kgs Alu. Powder coated Section including anodising charges 347.70 1 kgs 9589.57

0.97 M2 5.50 mm thick glass. 362.50 1 M2 351.63

0.8 M2 12mm thick PLB 1050.00 1 M2 840.00
4.11 Rm PVC felt 7.95 1 Rm 32.67
3.61 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 138.08
1 Set Pivot 160.70 1 set 160.70
1 No. Hydraulic pressed Automatic Door closer 1008.00 1 No 1008.00
1 No. Nautel locks 284.50 1 No 284.50
1 No. Door stopper 49.55 1 No 49.55
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 250x12mm 97.85 1 No 97.85
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 200x12mm 82.25 1 No 82.25
2.10 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 1537.20
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 140.00
dismantling & dadooing.
For Rs. 2.10 / M2 14312.00
Rate Rs. 6815.24 /M2
Say Rate Rs. 6815.00 /M2
Without Automatic Door closure and Pivot but with hinges
Rate as above 14312.00
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 58.90) 215.70
for 2.10 M2 13359.00
Rate Rs. 6361.43 /1 M2
Say Rs. 6361.00 /1 M2
With Automatic Door closure and Hinges
Rate as above 14312.00
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 60.00) 215.70
Rate for 2.10 M2 14367.00
Rate Rs. 6841.43 /1 M2
Say Rs. 6841.00 /1 M2
With Floor spring and Hinges
Rate as above 14312.00
Deduct for Pivot -160.70
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
Add for hinges 100x30m (3Nos. X 60.00) 215.70
Add for Floor spring (1x2102) 2095.00
Rate for 2.10 M2 15454.00
Rate Rs. 7359.05 /1 M2
Say Rs. 7359.00 /1 M2
4 Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised Powder Coated of double leaves
door with half panelled with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half
glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at top. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section
101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/mLocal rail :
50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle: 100x30mm
@ 0.988 kg/m the and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading, PVC felt, handle
for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower
bolts-250x12mm - 2 Nos., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door closer -
2Nos ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bush including cost of materials, labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to the
required extent in RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the
damaged portion to the original condition after fixing etc. complete.All the Alu. Section are to be
anodised with matt finish under electricaly controlled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an
average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings
shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed Powder coated

Assume a size of Door : 1200x2100mm
Door outer frame
vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 4.20
Horizontal 1 x 1 x 1.11 1.11
Total 5.31 Rm
5.31 x 2.319 Kg/m 12.31 Kg
Shutter Frame
vertical 2x2x2.056 8.22
Horizontal top 1x2x0.467 0.93
Total 9.15 Rm
9.15x1.292 g/m 11.82 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.47 = 0.94 x 1.292 Kg/m 1.21 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.47 =0.94 x 1.974 g/m 1.86 Kg
Alu.handle 2x2x0.505= 2.02 x0.988 Kg/m 2.00 Kg
Alu. Clips:Shutter for bottom panel = 2x2x2(0.47+0.88) 10.80 Rm
Alu. Clips:Shutter for top panel = 2x2x2(0.47+0.88) 11.60 Rm
Total 22.40 Rm
22.40 Rm x 0.176 Kg/m 3.94 Kg
Wastage at 10% 3.31
Total 36.46 Kg
5.50 mm thick glass.
Shutter top panel = 1x2x0.47x0.98 0.92 M2
Wastage at 20% 0.18
Total 1.10 M2
12mm thick prelaminated both side particle board
Bottom panel = 1x2x0.47x0.88 0.83 M2
Wastage at 10% 0.08
Total 0.91 M2
PVC felt: 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
Rubber beading: 2x2(0.47+0.98) 5.80 Rm
Main Data
36.46 Kgs Alu. Powder coated Section including anodising charges 347.70 1 kgs 12677.14

1.1 M2 Glass5.50 mm thick 362.50 1 M2 398.75

0.91 M2 12mm thick PLB 1050.00 1 M2 955.50
8.22 Rm PVC felt 7.95 1 Rm 65.35
5.8 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 221.85
2 Sets Pivot 160.70 1 set 321.40
2 Nos Hydraulic pressed Automatic Door closer 1008.00 1 No 2016.00
1 No. Navtal locks 284.50 1 No 284.50
2 Nos Door stopper 49.55 1 No 99.10
2 Nos Alu. Tower bolt 250x12mm 97.85 1 No 195.70
1 No. Alu. Tower bolt 200x12mm 82.25 1 No 82.25
2.52 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 1844.64
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 162.00
dismantling & dadooing.
Rate for 2.52 m2 Rs. 19324.18
Rate Rs. 7668.33 /1 M2
SAY Rate Rs. 7668.00 /1 M2
Without Door closure and pivot but with hinges
Rate as above 19324.18
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
Deduct for Pivot -321.40
Add for hinges 6x60.00 431.40
Rate 2.52 m2 Rs. 17418.18
Rate /m2 Rs. 6911.98 /1 M2
Rate Rs. 6912.00 /1 M2
With Automatic Door closure and Hinges
Rate as above 19324.18
Deduct for Pivot -321.40
Add for hinges 100x30m (6Nos. X 58.90) 431.40
Rate for 2.52 M2 19434.18
Rate Rs. 7711.98 /1 M2
Say Rs. 7712.00 /1 M2
With Floor spring and Hinges
Rate as above 19324.18
Deduct for Pivot -321.40
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
Add for hinges 100x30m (6Nos. X 58.90) 0.00
Add for Floor spring (2x2079) 4190.00
Rate for 2.52 M2 21176.78
Rate Rs. 8403.48 /1 M2
Say Rs. 8403.00 /1 M2
5 Fabricating Spplying and fixing in position of aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish half panelled with
12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at
top. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319 kg/m and Shutter frame
made of section bottom rail 100x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.974 kg/m,Top&Vertical rail : 50x44.45x2.50mm @
1.292kg/m,Lock rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292kg/m, Alu.clips:17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m,Aluminium
Handle : 100x30mm @ 0.988kg/m and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading, PVC felt,
handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-
250x12mm - 2 Nos., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door closser - 2Nos ., lock-
1No., Door stopper with rubber bush as per BIS standards including cost of all materials, labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required extent
in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the demaged portion to the
original condition after fixing etc. complete.Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under electricaly
controlled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.,
complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed

Aluminium door of size 1.50mx2.10m
Outer frame :
Horizontal 1x1.411 1.41 m
Vertical =2x2.10 4.20 m
Total 5.61
Weight 5.61 x 2.319 Kg/m 13.01 Kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 Kg/m 10.63 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.606x1.292 Kg/m 1.57 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.606x1.292 Kg/m 1.57 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.606x1.974 Kg/m 2.39 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.606+0.88) 11.89
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.606+0.98) 12.69
Total 24.58 Rm
Weight 24.58 x 0.176 Kg/m 4.33 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 36.03 Kg
Add 10% wastage 3.60
39.64 Kg
PLD Board 12mm thick
Bottom 2x0.606x0.88 1.07
Add 10% wastage 0.11
1.18 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.606x0.98 1.19
Add 20% wastage 0.24
1.43 M2
Rubber beading ShutterTop 2 x2x(0.606+0.98) 6.34 Rm
PVC felt : Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm


39.64 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 12883.00

1.18 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1239.00

1.43 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 518.38

6.34 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 242.51

8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35

3.15 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2305.80

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50

2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25

2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10

2.00 Nos Hydralic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling redoing to

LS 162.00
good condition including Power supply etc.
for 3.15 M2 20524.98

Rate/m2 6515.87 /M2

Say Rs. 6516.00 /M2

With Floor spring and Hinges

Rate as above 20524.98
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
Add for Floor spring (2x2079) 4190.00
Rate for 3.15 M2 22698.98
Rate Rs. 7206.03 /1 M2
Say Rs. 7206.00 /1 M2
6 Fabricating Spplying and fixing in position of aluminium anodised Powder Coated half panelled with 12mm
thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at
top .The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and with Shutter
section bottom rail 100x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.974 kg/m,Top&Vertical rail : 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292kg/m,Lock
rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292kg/m, Alu.clips:17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m,Aluminium Handle :
100x30mm @ 0.988kg/m the following shutter frames and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber
beading PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as
aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2 Nos., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door
closser - 2Nos ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bush as per BIS standards including cost of all materials,
labour charges and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making
holes to the required extent in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the
demaged portion to the original condition after fixing etc. complete.Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish
under electricaly controlled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15
microns etc., complete.Aluminium sections,and furniture fittings shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed Powder coated

Aluminium door of size 1.50mx2.10m
Outer frame :
Horizontal 1x1.411 1.41 m
Vertical =2x2.10 4.20 m
Total 5.61
Weight 5.61 x 2.319 Kg/m 13.01 Kg
Shutter frame

Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 Kg/m 10.63 Kg

Top rail 1x2x0.606x1.292 Kg/m 1.57 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.606x1.292 Kg/m 1.57 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.606x1.974 Kg/m 2.39 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.606+0.88) 11.89
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.606+0.98) 12.69
Total 24.58 Rm
Weight 24.58 x 0.176 Kg/m 4.33 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 36.03 Kg
Add 10% wastage 3.60
39.64 Kg
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 2x0.606x0.88 1.07
Add 10% wastage 0.11
1.18 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.606x0.98 1.19
Add 20% wastage 0.24
1.43 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 2x2x(0.606+0.98) 6.34
6.34 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm


39.64 Kg Aluminium Section powder coated 347.70 Kg 13782.83

1.18 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1239.00

1.43 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 518.38

6.34 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 242.51

8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35

3.15 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2305.80

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50

2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25

2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10

2.00 Nos Hydralic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to

LS 162.00
good condition including Power supply etc.

for 3.15 M2 21424.81

Rate/m2 6801.53 /M2

Say Rs. 6802.00 /M2

With Floor spring and Hinges

Rate as above 21424.81

Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00

Add for Floor spring (2x2079) 4190.00

Rate for 3.15 M2 23598.81

Rate Rs. 7491.68 /1 M2

Say Rs. 7492.00 /1 M2

7 Spplying and fabricating and fixing in position of aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish half panelled with
12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at
top double leaves door with 10 mm thick Aluminium grill.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section
101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail: 50x44.45x2.5mm @
1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m the and
necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading, PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides),
locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2 Nos., aluminium tower bolt
200x12mm - 1No., aluminium Hydraulic door closer - 2Nos ., lock-1No., Door stopper with rubber bush including
cost of materials, labour charges and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping,
dismantling and making hole to the required extent in RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever
necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original condition after fixing etc. complete.All the Alu. Section
are to be anodised with matt finish under electricaly controlled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an
average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.All condition in accordance with ISI specification
1868/1962 foranodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns. Aluminium sections, and furniture fittings shallbe
got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

Aluminium door of size 1.80mx2.10m With 10mm size

Grill =3.78m2.
Outer frame :
Horizontal = 1x1.80 1.71
Vertical =2x2.10 4.20
Total 5.91 Rm
Wieght 5.91 x 2.319 kg/m 13.71 Kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 10.63 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.76x1.292 kg/m 1.96 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.76x1.292 kg/m 1.97 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.76x1.974 kg/m 3.00 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.76+0.88) 13.12
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.76+0.98) 13.92
Total 27.04 Rm
Wieght 27.04 x 0.176 kg/m 4.76 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 38.57 Kg

Add 10% wastage 3.86

Total 42.43 Kg
Aluminium Grill 10mm size
2(0.76x0.98) 1.49 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.15
1.64 M2
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 2x(0.76x0.88) 1.34
Add 10% wastage 0.13
Total 1.47 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.76x0.98 1.49
Add 20% wastage 0.30
Total 1.79 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 2x2x(0.76+0.98) 6.96
6.96 Rm
PVC felt: Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
42.43 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 13789.75

1.47 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1543.50

1.79 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 648.88

1.64 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm thick 2079.00 M2 3409.56

6.96 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 266.22

8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35

3.78 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2766.96

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50

2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25

2.00 Nos Alu. Hydralic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00

2.00 Nos Door stopper with rubber bush 49.55 Each 99.10

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws angles dismantling 142.00

Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 3.78 M2 25741.16

Rate/m2 6809.83 /M2

Say Rs. 6810.00 /M2

8 Spplying and fabricating and fixing in position of aluminium anodised Powder Coated half panelled with 12mm thick
bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at topdouble leaves door
with 10 mm thick Aluminium grill.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m
and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@
1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle: 100x30mm
@ 0.988 kg/m outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and with the following
shutter frames and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both
sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 1No, aluminium tower bolt
200x12mm - 2Nos., aluminium door stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No.,Hydraulic Door closer as per BIS standards
including cost of all materials, labour charges and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping
dismantling and making holes to the required extent in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and
redoing the demaged portion to the original condition after fixing etc. complete.12mm thick best quality both sides prelaminated
particle board and 5.5mm thick plain glass shall be used for panelling. 10mm thick aluminium grill of approved pattern and
design including F or H section shall be used in glazed portion.All condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1962
foranodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns. Aluminium sections, and furniture fittings shallbe got approved by the
Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2panelled & 1/2 glazed with grillPowder Coated

Aluminium door of size 1.80mx2.10m With 10mm size
Grill =3.78m2.
Outer frame :
Horizontal = 1x1.80 1.71
Vertical =2x2.10 4.20
Total 5.91 Rm
Wieght 5.91 x 2.319 kg/m 13.71 Kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 10.63 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.76x1.292 kg/m 1.96 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.76x1.292 kg/m 1.97 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.76x1.974 kg/m 3.00 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.76+0.88) 13.12
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.76+0.98) 13.92
Total 27.04 Rm
Wieght 27.04 x 0.176 kg/m 4.76 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 38.57 Kg
Add 10% wastage 3.86
Total 42.43 Kg
Aluminium Grill 10mm size
2(0.76x0.98) 1.49 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.15
1.64 M2
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 2x(0.76x0.88) 1.34
Add 10% wastage 0.13
Total 1.47 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.76x0.98 1.49
Add 20% wastage 0.30
Total 1.79 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 2x2x(0.76+0.98) 6.96
6.96 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm

42.43 Kg Aluminium Section powder coated 347.70 Kg 14752.91

1.47 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk M2 1543.50

1.79 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain M2 648.88

1.64 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm thick M2 3409.56

6.96 Rm Rubber beading Rm 266.22

8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick Rm 65.35

3.78 M2 Labour Charges M2 2766.96

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door M2 284.50

2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm Each 195.70

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm Each 82.25

2.00 Nos Alu. Hydralic Door closer Each 2016.00

2.00 Nos Door stopper with rubber bush Each 99.10

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 Each 431.40

Sundries for T.W.plugs screws angles dismantling

LS 162.00
Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 3.78 M2 26724.33

Rate/m2 7069.93 /M2

Say Rs. 7070.00 /M2

9 Supplying fabricating and fixing in position of aluminium anodised powder coated colour matt finish entrance door of 2.70 x
2.40 m size with fixed ventilator at top of size 2.70x0.30m lly glazed and fixed glzing at side of door and double leaves door
of size 1.80 m x 2.10 m with half panelled with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half
glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at topdouble leaves door with 10 mm thick Aluminium grill .The outer frame shall
be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.50 mm @ 1.292
kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and Inner Frame of
section 63.50x38x3 mm @1.72 kg/m and necessary accessories such as rubber beading PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter
(both sides),Floor spring -2 Nos., locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2 No,
aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No.,Rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No., including cost of all materials, labour charges and
power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required extent in
RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the demaged portion to the original condition
after fixing etc. omplete.All condition in accordance with ISI ification 1868 / 1962 anodic film thickness of not less than 15
microns. Aluminium sections andfurniture fittings shall be got approved by the xecutive Engineer incharge..

1/2panelled & 1/2 glazed &fixed glazing at one side with top grill
Consider size: 2.70x2.40 m =6.48 m2with fixed glazing
at one side & top and with 10mm thick grill.

Outer frame : 101.60x44.45x3.18mm @ 2.319kg/m

Horizontal 1 x 2.61 2.61
Vertical 2 x 2.40 4.80
Vertical 1 x 2.056 2.06
Ventilator bottom 1x2.61 2.61
12.08 x 2.31928.01
Inner frame 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m
Fixed Glazing Vertical = 1 x 2.056 2.06
Hotizantal =2 x 2 x 0.387 1.55
Fixed ventilator vertical = 2x0.212 0.42
4.03 x 1.72 6.93
Shutter frame : 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292 kg/m
Vertical 2 x 2 x 2.055 8.22
Hotizantal 2 x 0.79 1.58
9.80 x 1.292 12.66
Lock rail: 50 x 44.45 x 2.50 @ 1.292 kg/m
Horizontal 2 x 0.79x1.292 2.04 Kg
Bottom rail 100 x 44.45 x 2.50 mm @ 1.974 kg/m
Horizontal 2 x 0.79 x1.974 3.12 Kg
Handle section @ 0.988 kg/m
2 x 2 x 0.645 2.58 x 0.988 2.55
Aluminium clips: 17.15 x17.27 x 1.50 mm @0.176Kg/m
Door shutter portion panneled 13.57
2x2x2x(0.79 + 0.906)
Door glazing +portion
0.906) 2x2x2x(0.79 + 1.006) 14.37
Fixed glazing bottom2x2x2x(0.39+ 0.99) 11.04
Fixed glazing top2x2x2x(0.39 + 0.99) 11.04
Ventilator portion3x2x2x(0.85 + 0.212) 12.74
62.76 Rm
62.76 x 0.176 11.05 Kg
Total Aluminium section requir 66.36 Kg
Add 10% wastage 6.64 Kg
73.00 Kg
Rubber beading
Shutter glazing 2x2x(0.79+0.906) 6.78
Fixed glazing bottom 2x2(0.39 + 0.99) 5.52
Fixed glazing at top 2x2(0.39 + 0.99) 5.52
Ventilator portion 3x2(0.85 + 0.212) 6.37
24.19 RM
PVC Felt
Shutter vertical 2x2x2.055 8.22 RM
Alu. Grill
Door glazing 2x0.79 x 1.006 1.59
Fixed glazing Top & bottom 2x2(0.39x0.99) 1.54
F.G. Ventilator 3x(0.85x0.212) 0.54
3.67 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.37
4.04 M2
12mm PLMDF Board
Door shutter 2x0.79x0.906 1.43
Add 10% wastage 0.14
1.57 M2
5.50 mm thick glass
Shutter 2x0.79x1.006 1.59
Fixed Glazing Top & bottom 2x2(0.39x0.99) 1.54
Ventilator 3x0.85x0.212 0.54
3.67 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.73
4.40 M2
73.00 Kg Aluminium Section 347.70 Kg 25382.10
24.19 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 925.27
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 7.95 Rm 65.35
4.04 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm size 2079.00 M2 8399.16
1.57 M2 12mm PLMDF Board 1050.00 M2 1648.50
4.40 M2 5.50mm thick plain glass 362.50 M2 1595.00
2.00 Nos Floor spring 2095.00 M2 4190.00
2.00 Nos 250mm Alu. Tower bolt 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No 200mm Alu. Tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 Each 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100 x 30 71.90 Each 431.40
6.48 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 4743.36
LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to 162.00
good condition including Power supply etc.
for 6.48 M2 48203.69
Rate/m2 7438.84
Say Rs. 7439.00 M2
Without floor spring & but with Hydraulic Door closer
Rate as above 48203.69
Deduct for floor spring -4190.00
Add for door closer 2016.00
for 6.48 M2 Rate Rs. 46029.69
Rs. 7103.35 /M2
Say Rs. 7103.00 /M2
10 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish entrance door of
2.77 x 2.10 m size with fixed glazing at one side of door and double leaves door of size 1.80 m x 2.10m with half
panelled with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick
Plain glass at top double leaves door with10mm size aluminium grill. The outer frame shall be with aluminium
box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x
44.45x 2.50mm @1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292
kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and Inner Frame of
section 63.50x38x3 mm @1.72 kg/m and necessary accessories such as rubber beading PVC felt, handle for a
length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2
No, aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium door stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No.,floor
spring as per BIS standards including cost of all materials, labour charges and power consumption charges required
for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required extent in RCC in
column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing thedemaged portion to the original
condition after fixing etc. omplete. All condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868 / 1962 oranodic film
thickness of not less than 15 microns. .Aluminium sections and furniture fittings shallbe got approved by the
Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled&1/2 glazed with grill

Consider door size : 2.77x2.10 = 5.82 M2
Outer frame :
101.60 x 44.50 x 3.18 mm @ 2.319 kg/m
Horizontal = 1 x 2.77 2.77 Rm
Vertical 2 x 2.056 4.11 Rm
Vertical 1 x 2.056 2.06 Rm
8.94Rmx2.319 kg/m 20.73 Kg
Inner frame 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m
Horizontal 2 x0.882 1.76 Rm
1.76 Rmx1.72 kg/m 3.03 Kg
Shutter frame
50 x 44.50 x 2.50mm @ 1.292 kg/m
Vertical 2 x 2 x 2.056 8.22 Rm
Top - Horizontal 2 x0.79 3.16
11.38Rmx1.292 Kg/m 14.70 Kg
Lock rail: 50 x 44.50 x 2.50 @ 1.292 kg/m
Horizontal 2 x 0.79 = 1.58x1.974 kg/m 2.04 kg
Bottom rail 100 x 44.50 x 2.50 mm @ 1.974 kg/m
Horizontal 2 x 0.79 = 1.38x1.974 kg/m 3.12 Kg
Handle section @ 0.988 kg/m
2 x 2 x 0.645 = 2.58x 1x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips 17.15 x 17.15 x 1.50 mm @0.176Kg/m
Door shutter portion panelled 2x2x2x(0.79 + 0.98) 13.36
Door glazing portion 2x2x2x(0.79 + 0.98) 14.16
Fixed glazing bottom 2x2x2x(0.882 + 0.99) 14.98
42.50 Rm
42.50 x 0.176 Kg/m 7.48 Kg
Total Aluminium section required 53.65 Kg
Add 10% wastage 5.37
59.02 Kg
Rubber beading
Shutter glazing 2x2x(0.702+0.892) 6.38 Rm
Fixed glazing Top & Bottom 2x2(0.882+0.99) 7.49
13.87 RM
PVC Felt
Shutter vertical 2x2x2.056 8.22 RM
Alu. Grill
Door glazing 2x(0.702 x 0.892) 1.25
Fixed glazing Top & Bottom 2x(0.882x0.99) 1.75
3.00 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.30
3.30 M2
12mm PLMDF Board
Door shutter 2x (0.702x0.85) 1.19
Add 10% wastage 0.11
1.30 M2
5.50 mm thick glass
Shutter 2x0.702x0.892 1.25
Fixed Glazing Top & Bottom 2x0.882x0.99 1.75
3.00 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.60 0.60
3.60 M2
59.02 Kg Aluminium Section 325.00 Kg 19181.50
13.87 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 530.53
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 7.95 Rm 65.35
3.30 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm size 2079.00 M2 6860.70
1.30 M2 12mm PLMDF Board 1050.00 M2 1365.00
3.60 M2 5.50mm thick plain glass 362.50 M2 1305.00
2.00 Nos Floor spring 2095.00 M2 4190.00
2.00 Nos 250mm Alu. Tower bolt 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No 200mm Alu. Tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 Each 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30mm 71.90 Each 431.40
5.82 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 4260.24
LS Sundries for angles screws dismantling Redoing to good 162.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 5.82 M2 39013.27
Rate/m2 6703.31 /M2
Say Rs. 6703.00 /M2
Without floor spring but with Automatic Door closer
Rate as above 39013.27
Deduct for floor spring -4190.00
Add for Automatic Doorclosure 2016.00
for 5.82 M2 Rate Rs. 36839.27
Rs. 6329.77
Say Rs. 6330.00
Without floor spring & Automatic Door closer
Rate as above 39013.27
Deduct for floor spring 4190.00
Deduct for Automatic Doorclosure -2016.00
for 5.82 M2 Rate Rs. 41187.27
Rate Rs. 7076.85
Say Rs. 7077.00 /1 M2
11 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of single leaf fully panelled
openable shutters with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section
101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m,
Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m, Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @
0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and necessary accessories such as Alu. clips rubber beading, full length of
handles on both sides, lock, furniture fittings such as, Hinges, Automatic door closer, rubber bush, stopper including cost of
materials, labour charges and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making
hole to the reuired extent in RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion
to the original condition after fixing etc. complete. All the Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under electically
contolled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.

Fully paneled
Consider door size : 1.00x2.10 = 2.10 M2
Outer frame
Horizontal 1x1.00 = 0.912
Verticle 2x2.10 = 4.20
5.112 x 2.319 kg/m 11.86 Kg

Shutter frame
Vertical 1x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 5.31 Kg
Top rail 1x1x0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Lock rail 1x1x0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Bottom rail 1x1x0.824x1.974 kg/m 1.63 Kg
Handle 2x0.85x0.988 kg/m 1.68 Kg
Aluminium clips 0.176Kg/m
Shutter Portion (0.824+0.934)2x2x2 14.06 Rm
14.06x0.176 kg/m 2.47 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 25.08 Kg
Add 10% wastage 2.51 Kg
27.59 Kg
MDF Board 12mm thick
shutter 2x0.824x0.94 1.55 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.16 M2
1.71 M2
PVC felt Shutter both side 2x1x2.056 4.11 Rm
27.59 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 8966.75
1.71 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1795.50
4.11 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 32.67
2.10 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1537.20
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 97.85
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
1.00 No Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 49.55
3.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 215.70
1.00 No Automatic Door closer 1008.00 Each 1008.00
LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to good 140.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.10 M2 14209.97
Rate/m2 6766.65 /M2
SAY Rs. 6767.00
Without Automatic Door closure
Rate as above 14209.97
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
for 2.10 M2 13201.97
Rate Rs. 6286.65 /1 M2
SAY Rs. 6287.00 /1 M2
12 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of double leaves
door with fully panelled with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board The outer frame shall be with
aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top
rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/mLock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm
@ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and
necessary accessories such as Alu. clips rubber beading, full length of handles on both sides, lock, furniture fittings
such as, Hinges, Automatic door closer, rubber bush, stopper including cost of materials, labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and waking hole to the reuired extent
in RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original
condition after fixing etc. complete. All the Alu. sectionare to be anodised with matt finish under electically
contolled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.,

Fully paneled
Consider door size : 1.20x2.10 = 2.52 M2
Outer frame
Horizontal 1x1.112 = 1.112
Verticle 2x2.10 = 4.20 12.32 Kg
5.312 Rm x 2.319 kg/m
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 10.63 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.468x1.292 kg/m 1.21 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.468x1.292 kg/m 1.21 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.468x1.974 kg/m 1.85 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.505x0.988 kg/m 2.00 Kg
Aluminium clips 0.176Kg/m
Shutter Portion 2x4x2x(0.468+0.934) 22.43 Rm
22.43 x 0.176 Kg/m 3.95 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 33.16 Kg
Add 10% wastage 3.24 Kg
36.40 Kg
MDF Board 12mm thick shutter B1175 1.76 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.18 M2
1.94 M2
PVC felt Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
36.40 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 11830.00
1.94 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm thick 1050.00 M2 2037.00
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35
2.52 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1844.64
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40
2.00 Nos Automatic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00
LS Sundries for angles screws dismantling Redoing to good 162.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.52 M2 19047.94
Rate/m2 7558.71 /M2
Say Rs. 7559.00 /M2
Without Automatic Door closer
Rate as above 19047.94
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
for 2.52 M2 17031.94
Rate Rs. 6758.71 /1 M2
Rate Rs. 6759.00 /1 M2
13 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of single leaf fully glazed Door
shutters with 5.50 mm thick glass. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m
and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@
1.974 kg/m, Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle:
100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and necessary accessories such as Alu. clips rubber beading, full length of handles on both sides,
lock, furniture fittings such as, Hinges, Automatic door closer, rubber bush, stopper including cost of materials, labour charges
and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to the reuired extent in
RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original condition after
fixing etc. complete. All the Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under electically contolled condition in accordance
with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.

Fully glazed
Consider door size : 1.00x2.10 = 2.10 M2
Outer frame
Horizontal 1x1.00 = 0.912
Verticle 2x2.10 = 4.20 11.86 Kg
5.112 x 2.319 kg/m
Shutter frame
Vertical 1x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 5.31 Kg
Top rail 1x1x0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Lock rail 1x1x0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Bottom rail 1x1x0.824x1.974 kg/m 1.63 Kg
Handle 2 x0.85x0.988 kg/m 1.68 Kg
Aluminium clips 0.176Kg/m
Shutter Portion (0.824+0.934) 2x2x2 14.06 Rm
14.06x0.176 kg/m 2.47 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 25.08 Kg
Add 10% wastage 2.51 Kg
27.59 Kg
Glass 3 mm thick
shutter 2x0.824x0.94 1.55 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.31 M2
1.86 M2
Rubber beading (0.824+0.934)x2x2 7.03 Rm
PVC felt Shutter both side 2x1x2.056 4.11 Rm
27.59 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 8966.75
1.86 M2 5.50 mm thick glass 362.50 M2 674.25
7.03 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 268.90
4.11 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 32.67
2.10 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1537.20
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 97.85
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
1.00 No Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 49.55
3.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 215.70
1.00 No Automatic Door closer 1008.00 Each 1008.00
LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to good 140.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.10 M2 13357.62
Rate/m2 6360.77 /M2
SAY Rs. 6361.00 /M2
Without Automatic Door closure
Rate as above 13357.62
Deduct for Doorclosure -1008.00
for 2.10 M2 12349.62
Rate Rs. 5880.77 /1 M2
Rate Rs. 5881.00 /1 M2
14 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of Double leaf fully glazed Door
shutters with 5.50 mm thick glass.The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m
and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@
1.974 kg/m, Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/mAlu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/mAlu. Handle:
100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and necessary accessories such as Alu. clips rubber beading, full length of handles on both sides,
lock, furniture fittings such as, Hinges, Automatic door closer, rubber bush, stopper including cost of materials, labour charges
and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and making hole to the reuired extent in
RCC column, beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original condition after
fixing etc. complete. All the Alu. Section are to be anodised with matt finish under electically contolled condition in accordance
with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete. Fully Glazed

Consider door size : 1.20x2.10 = 2.52 M2

Outer frame
Horizontal 1x1.112 = 1.112
Verticle 2x2.10 = 4.20 12.32 Kg
5.312 Rm x 2.319 kg/m
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.056x1.292 kg/m 10.63 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.468x1.292 kg/m 1.21 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.468x1.292 kg/m 1.21 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.468x1.974 kg/m 1.85 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.505x0.988 kg/m 2.00 Kg
Aluminium clips 0.176Kg/m
Shutter Portion 2x4x2x(0.468+0.934) 22.43 Rm
22.43 x 0.176 Kg/m 3.95 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 33.16 Kg
Add 10% wastage 3.24 Kg
36.40 Kg
Glass 5.50 mm thick
shutter 4x0.468x0.934 1.75 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.35 M2
2.10 M2
Rubber beading (0.468+0.934)x2x2x2 11.22 Rm
PVC felt Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
36.40 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 11830.00
2.10 M2 5.50 mm thick glass 362.50 M2 761.25
11.22 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 429.17
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35
2.52 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1844.64
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
2.00 Nos Alu. Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40
2.00 Nos Automatic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00
LS Sundries for angles screws dismantling Redoing to good 162.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.52 M2 18201.35
Rate/m2 7222.76 /M2
Say Rs. 7223.00 /M2
Without Automatic Door closer
Rate as above 18201.35
Deduct for Doorclosure -2016.00
for 2.52 M2 16185.35
Rate Rs. 6422.76 /1 M2
Rate Rs. 6423.00 /1 M2
15 Fabricting Supplying and fixing in position Aluminium door Poweder Coated of size 1.00mx2.10m having Single
leaf openable shutter 1/3 panelled & 2/3 glazed with 10 mm thick aluminium grill of approved pattern and
design and 12mm thick best quality both sides prelaminated particle board and 5.5mm thick plain glass shall be used
for panelling withAluminium section of Outer Frame :101.60x44.45x3.18mm @ 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame of
bottom rail : 100x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.974 kg/m,Top & Vertical rail : 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292kg/m,Lock rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292kg/m,Aluminium clips:17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m and with required
aluminum hinges, door stopper, rubber beading, PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides) of section:
100x30mm @ 0.988kg/m, locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm -
1No., aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No., aluminium door stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No.,Floor
Spring - 1 No.,as per BIS standards including cost of all materials, labour charges and power consumption charges
required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required extent in RCC in
column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original
condition after fixing etc. complete. All Aluminium section shall be used in electrically controlled condition in
accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film
thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.

1/3panelled & 2/3 glazed with grill Powder Coated

Door size : 1.00mx2.10m = 2.10M2
Outer frame :
Horizontal 1x0.912 0.912 m
Vertical 2x2.10 4.20 m
5.112 Rm
Wieght 5.112x 2.319 kg/m 11.85 Kg
vertical 1x2x2.056 4.112 Rm
Top 1x1x0.824 0.824
4.936x1.292 kg/m 6.38 Kg
Lock rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824x1.292 kg/m 1.06 Kg
Bottom rail 1x1x0.824 = 0.824 x 1.974 kg/m 1.63 Kg
Alu.handle 1x2x0.85 = 1.70x0.988 1.68 Kg
Aluminium clips @ 0 .176 kg/m
Shutter panel section 1x2x2x(0.618+0.622) 4.96
Glass portion 1x2x2x(0.618+1.29) 7.63
12.59 Rm
Wieght 12.59 x 0.176 kg/m 2.22 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 24.82 Kg
Add 10% wastage 2.48
27.30 Kg
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 1/3portion 1x0.618x0.622 0.38
Add 10% wastage 0.04
0.42 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 1x0.618x1.29 0.80
Add 20% wastage 0.16
0.96 M2
Aluminium Grill 10mm size 0.80 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.08
0.88 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 1x2x(0.618+1.29) 3.82 M
3.82 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 1x2x2.056 4.11 Rm
27.30 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 347.70 Kg 9492.21

0.42 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 441.00

0.96 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 348.00

0.88 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm size 2079.00 M2 1829.52

3.82 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 146.11

4.11 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 32.67

2.10 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1537.20

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50

1.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 97.85

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25

1.00 Nos Aluminium door stopper 49.55 Each 49.55

1.00 Nos Hyd. Floor spring 2095.00 Each 2095.00

3.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 215.70

LS Sundries for Angles T.W.plugs screws dismantling 140.00

Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.10 M2 16791.57
Rate/m2 7995.99 /M2
Say Rs. 7996.00 /M2
Without Hydraulic Floor spring
Rate as above 16791.57
Deduct Hydralic Floor spring -2095.00
for 2.10 M2 Rate Rs. 14696.57
Rs. 6998.37 /M2
Say Rs. 6998.00 /M2
Rate without Alu.Grill 14962.05 /2.10 M2
For single leaf 7124.79
Say Rs. 7125.00 /M2
16 Fabricting Supplying and fixing in position Aluminium anodised Natural color matt finish door of size
1.50mx2.40m having fixed ventilator at top of size 1.50x0.30m with 1/3 panelled with 12mm thick bothside
prelaminated particle board at bottom w& 2/3 glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at top with aluminium
grill 10mm thick double leaves door. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m
at 2.319kg/m and Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom
rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/m,Alu. Clips:
17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and Fixed ventilator Inner frame of
section @ 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m and necessary accessories such as rubber beading PVC felt, handle for a
length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm -
2Nos, aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No, aluminium door stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-
1No.,Hydraulic Door closer as per BIS standards including cost of all materials, labour charges and power
consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required extent
in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the damaged portion to the
original condition after fixing etc. complete.. All Aluminium section shall be used in electrically controlled condition
in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc., complete.

1/3panelled & 2/3 glazed with grill

Door size : 1.50mx2.40m = 3.60M2 with fixed top
glazing and aluminium grill 10mm thick
Outer frame :
Horizontal 2x1.412 2.824 m
Vertical 2x2.40 4.80 m
7.624 Rm
Wieght 7.624x 2.319 kg/m 17.68 Kg
Fixed ventilator @ 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m
Inner frame V = 0.212x1.72 kg/m 0.37 kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.10x1.292 kg/m 10.85 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.618x1.292 kg/m 1.60 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.618x1.292 kg/m 1.60 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.618x1.974 kg/m 2.44 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips @ .176 kg/m
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.618+0.622) 9.92
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.618+1.29) 15.264
Fixed ventilator 2x2x2x(0.684+0.212) 7.168
32.35 Rm
Wieght 32.352 x 0.176 kg/m 5.69 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 42.78 Kg
Add 10% wastage 4.28
47.06 Kg
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 1/3portion 2x0.618x0.622 0.77
Add 10% wastage 0.08
0.85 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.618x1.29 1.59
Fixed ventilator 2x0.684x0.212 0.29
1.88 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.38
2.26 M2
Aluminium Grill 10mm size (1.59+0.29) 1.88 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.19
2.07 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 2x2x(0.618+1.29) 7.63 M
Fixed ventilator 2x2x(0.684+0.212) 3.58 M
11.22 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm

47.06 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 15294.50
0.85 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 892.50
1.88 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 681.50
2.07 M2 Aluminium 10mm Grill of size 2079.00 M2 4303.53
11.22 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 429.17
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35
3.60 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2635.20
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
2.00 Nos Aluminium door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
2.00 Nos Hyd. Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40
LS Sundries for Angles T.W.plugs screws dismantling 162.00
Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 3.60 M2 27572.69

Rate/m2 7659.08 /M2
Say Rs. 7659.00 /M2
Without Hydraulic Door closer and with Floor spring
Rate as above 27572.69
Deduct Hydralic Door closer -2016.00
Add for Floor spring 4190.00
for 3.60 M2 Rate Rs. 29746.69
Rs. 8262.97 /M2
Say Rs. 8263.00 /M2
17 Fabricating supplying and fixing in position of aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish half panelled with
12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at bottom and half glazed using 5.50mm thick Plain glass at
top double leaves door with 0.3m fixed ventilator at top. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section
101.60x44.45x3.18m at 2.319kg/m and with the Shutter frame made of section with Vertical & Top rail:
50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m Bottom rail: 100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @
1.292 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and Inner
Frame of section 63.50x38x3 mm@1.72 kg/m and necessary accessories such as aluminium clips, rubber beading
PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium
tower bolts-250x12mm - 2Nos, aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No, aluminium door stopper with rubber bush -
2Nos ., lock-1No.,Hydraulic Door closer as per BIS standards including cost of all materials, labour charges and
power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling and making holes to the required
extent in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and redoing the demaged portion to
the original condition after fixing etc. complete.All Aluminium section shall be used in electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1962 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns for
glazing portion Aluminium sections and furniture fittings shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer incharge.

1/2 panelled 1/2 glazed with top fixed glazing with grill
Consider door size : 1.50x2.40 = 3.60m2 with top fixed
glazing & Aluminium grill.

Outer frame :
Horizontal 2x1.412 2.824 m
Vertical 2x2.40 4.80 m
Weight 7.624m x 2.319 kg/m 17.68 Kg
Fixed ventilator @ 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m
Inner frame V = 0.212x1.72 kg/m 0.37 kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.10x1.292 kg/m 10.85 kg
Top rail 1x2x0.618x1.292 kg/m 1.60 kg
Lock rail 1x2x0.618x1.292 kg/m 1.60 kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.618x1.974 kg/m 2.44 kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.618+0.97) 12.70
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.618+0.99) 12.86
Fixed ventilator 2x2x2x(0.684+0.212) 7.17
32.73 Rm
Weight 32.73 x 0.176 kg/m 5.76 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 42.85 Kg
Add 10% wastage 4.29
47.14 Kg
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 2x0.618x0.97 1.20
Add 10% wastage 0.12
1.32 M2
Aluminium Grill
Shutter glazing 2x0.618x0.99 1.22
For Fixed ventilator 2x0.684x0.212 0.29
1.51 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.15
1.66 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain
Shutter Top 2x0.618x0.99 1.22
Fixed ventilator 2x0.684x0.212 0.29
Add 20% wastage 0.30
1.81 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter Top 2x2x(0.618+0.99) 6.43 Rm
Fixed ventilator 2x2x(0.684+0.212) 3.58 Rm
10.01 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm
47.14 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 15320.50

1.32 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1386.00

1.81 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 656.13

1.66 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm thick 2079.00 M2 3451.14

10.01 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 382.88

8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35

3.60 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2635.20

1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50

2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70

1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25

2.00 Nos Alu. Hydralic Door closer 1008.00 Each 2016.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

2.00 Nos Door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10

LS Sundries for angles T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to good condition 162.00
including Power supply etc.
for 3.60 M2 27168.15
Rate/m2 7546.71 /M2
Say Rs. 7547.00 /M2
18 Fabricting Supplying and fixing in position Aluminium anodised Natural color Matt finish door of size
1.80mx2.40m having fixed ventilator at top of size 1.80x0.30m double leaves openable shutter 1/3 panelled
with12mm thick best quality both sides prelaminated particle board& 2/3 glazed with 5.5mm thick plain glass
with 10mm thick aluminium grill. The outer frame shall be with aluminium box section 101.60x44.45x3.18m at
2.319kg/m and with the Shutter frame made of Vertical & Top rail: 50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, Bottom rail:
100x44.45x2.50mm@ 1.974 kg/m,Lock rail : 50x44.45x2.5mm @ 1.292 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @
0.176 kg/m,Alu. Handle: 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/m and Inner Frame of section 63.50x38x3 mm@1.72 kg/m and
necessary accessories such as rubber beading, PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking
arrangements, furniture fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2Nos, aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm
- 1No, aluminium door stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No.,Hydraulic floor spring as per BIS standards
including cost of all materials, labour charges and power consumption charges with required aluminum hinges, door
stopper with following sectional specifications and the following shutter frames and necessary accessories such as
aluminium clips, rubber beading PVC felt, handle for a length of shutter (both sides), locking arrangements, furniture
fittings such as aluminium tower bolts-250x12mm - 2Nos, aluminium tower bolt 200x12mm - 1No, aluminium door
stopper with rubber bush - 2Nos ., lock-1No.,Hydraulic Floor spring as per BIS standards including cost of all
materials, labour charges and power consumption charges required for fabrication including chipping dismantling
and making holes to the required extent in RCC in column/beam/masonry with power drill wherever neccessary and
redoing the damaged portion to the original condition after fixing etc. complete. All Aluminium section shall be
used in electrically ontrolled condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15
microns etc., complete.

1/3 panelled 2/3 glazed with top fixed glazing with grill
Door size : 1.80mx2.40m = 4.32M2 with top ventilator
fixed glazing and aluminium grill.
Outer Frame :101.60x44.50x3.18mm @ 2.319kg/m
Outer frame :
Horizontal 2x1.712 3.424 m
Vertical 2x2.40 4.80 m
8.224 Rm
Wieght 8.224x 2.319 kg/m 19.07 Kg
Fixed ventilator @ 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.72kg/m
Inner frame V = 0.212x1.72 kg/m 0.36 kg
Shutter frame
Vertical 2x2x2.10x1.292 kg/m 10.85 Kg
Top rail 1x2x0.768x1.292 kg/m 1.98 Kg
Lock rail 1x2x0768x1.292 kg/m 1.98 Kg
Bottom rail 1x2x0.768x1.974 kg/m 3.03 Kg
Handle 2x2x0.645x0.988 kg/m 2.55 Kg
Aluminium clips @ .176 kg/m
Shutter panel section 2x2x2x(0.768+0.622) 11.12
Glass portion 2x2x2x(0.768+1.29) 16.46
Fixed ventilator 2x2x2x(0.818+0.212) 8.24
35.82 Rm
Wieght 35.82 x 0.176 kg/m 6.30 Kg
Total weight of aluminium shutter 46.14 Kg
Add 10% wastage 4.61
50.75 Kg
PLMDF Board 12mm thick
Bottom 1/3portion 2x0.768x0.622 0.96
Add 10% wastage 0.10
1.06 M2
Glass 5.50mm thick plain

Shutter Top 2x0.768x1.29 1.98

Fixed ventilator 2x0.818x0.212 0.35

2.33 M2

Add 20% wastage 0.47

2.80 M2

Aluminium Grill 10mm size M2

Shutter Top 2x0.768x1.29 1.98

Fixed ventilator 2x0.818x0.212 0.35


Add 10% wastage 0.23

2.56 M2

Rubber beading

Shutter Top 2x2x(0.768+1.29) 8.23 M

Fixed ventilator 2x2x(0.818+0.212) 4.12 M

12.35 Rm
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2x2.056 8.22 Rm


50.75 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 16493.75

1.06 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 1113.00
2.80 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick plain 362.50 M2 1015.00
2.56 M2 Aluminium Grill 10mm size 2079.00 M2 5322.24
12.35 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 472.39
8.22 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 65.35
4.32 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 3162.24
1.00 No Lock Novtal for Aluminium door 284.50 M2 284.50
2.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 250mmx12mm 97.85 Each 195.70
1.00 No Alu. Tower Bolt 200mmx12mm 82.25 Each 82.25
2.00 Nos Aluminium door stopper 49.55 Each 99.10
2.00 Nos Hyd.Floor spring 2095.00 Each 4190.00
6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40
LS Sundries for Angles T.W.plugs screws dismantling 162.00
Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.
for 4.32 M2 33088.92
Rate/m2 7659.47 /M2
Say Rs. 7659.00 /M2
19 Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish of single leaf fully
panelled sliding door with 12mm thick bothside prelaminated partile board at the Shutter bottom
rail:100x44.45x2.50mm@1.974 kg/m,Top & Verticle 50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292 kg/m,Lock rail
50x44.45x2.50mm @ 1.292 g/m, Running channel section:50x44.45x2.50mm@1.292 kg/m, and necessary
accessories such as Alu.clips 17.15x17.27x1.50mm @ 0.176 kg, Alu handle 100x30mm @ 0.988 kg/mfull length of
handles on both sides, lock, roller, including cost of materials, labour charges and power consumption charges
required for fabrication including chipping, dismantling and waking hole to the required extent in RCC column,
beam masonry with power drill wherever necessary and redoing the damaged portion to the original condition
afterfixing etc. complete. All the Alu. sections are to be anodised.with matt finish under electically contolled
condition in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.,

Fully panelled sliding door

Consider a size of door :1.00mx2.10m

Shutter frame

Vertical 1x2x2.10x1.292 kg/m 5.43

Top rail 1x1x1.00x1.292 kg/m 1.29
Lock rail 1x1x0.911x1.292 kg/m 1.18
Bottom rail 1x1x1x1.974 kg/m 1.97
Running channel : 1x2x1x1.292 kg/m 2.58
Handle 2x0.85x0.988 kg/m 1.68
Total 14.13 Kg
Aluminium clips
Shutter portion(0.911+0.983)x2x2x2=15.152x0.176kg/m 2.67 Kg
Total weight of Aluminium 16.80 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.68
18.48 Kg
MDF Board
shutter 2x0.911x0.983 1.79
Add 10% wastage 0.18
1.97 M2
PVC felt
Shutter both side 2x2.056 4.11 Rm
18.48 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 6006.00
1.97 M2 Prelaminated MDF board 12mm tk 1050.00 M2 2068.50
4.11 Rm PVC Felt 6mm thick 7.95 Rm 32.67
2.10 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1537.20
4.00 Nos Roller 14.60 Nos 100.00
1.00 No Lock 284.50 Nos 284.50
LS Sundries for Lock screws conveyance Power supply etc. LS 130.00

for 2.10 M2 10158.87

Rate/m2 4837.56

Say Rs. 4838.00 /M2

1 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish
Two panels openable type window in all floors with aluminium sections of the Outer frame:
37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m,Centre mullions:59x33x2.50mm @0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame : Z
section 24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m with neccessary accssories such
as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in
RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and
make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are
to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is
1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.Complete.

Assume a size 1.20x1.30 m = 1.56 m2

Outer frame
Vertical : 1x2x1.30 = 2.60
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20 = 2.40
5.00 x0.50kg/m 2.50 Kg
Centre mullians: 1x1x1.225=1.225x0.936 kg/m 1.15 Kg

Shutter :
Vertical : 2x2x1.225 4.90
Horizontal : 2x2x0.533 2.13
7.03 Rm
7.02Rmx0.525kg/m 3.69 Kg
Aluminium clips = 2x2x2(0.533+1.225)=14.06Rmx0.109
Kg/m 1.53 Kg

Total 8.87 Kg
Add 10% wastage 0.90 Kg
9.77 Kg
4mm thick Plain Glass
1x2(0.53x1.225) 1.31 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.26 M2
1.57 M2
Rubber beading
2x1x2(0.53+1.225) 7.03 Rm
9.77 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 3175.25
1.57 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 481.83
7.03 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 204.22
1.56 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1141.92
4.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 228.00
2.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 70.60
4.00 Nos Special Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60
LS Sundries for angles screws dismantling Redoing to good 110.00
condition including Power supply etc.
for 1.56 M2 5699.42
Rate/m2 3653.48
Say Rs. 3653.00 M2
2 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish two panels
openable type window with Aluminium grill of 10mm thick in all floors with aluminium sections of Outer
frame: 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m,Centre mullions:59x33x2.50mm @0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame : Z section
24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m and with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings,
special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours,
power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary
with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All
the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance
with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.Complete.

Two panels with Aluminium grill of 10mm thick

Assume a size 1.20x1.30 m = 1.56 m2
Vertical : 1x2x1.30 = 2.60
Horizontal: 1x2x1.20 = 2.40
5.00 Rmx0.50kg/m 2.50 Kg
Centre mullians: 1x1x1.25=1.225x0.936 kg/m 1.15 Kg
Shutter :
Vertical : 2x2x1.225 4.90
Horizontal : 2x2x0.533 2.13
7.03 Rm
7.02Rmx0.525kg/m 3.69 Kg
Aluminium clips = 2x2x2(0.53+1.225)=14.04Rmx0.109
Kg/m 1.53 Kg

Total 8.87 Kg
Add 10% wastage 0.90 Kg
9.77 Kg
4mm thick Plain Glass
1x2(0.53x1.225) 1.31 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.26 M2
1.57 M2
Rubber beading
2x1x2(0.53+1.225) 7.03 Rm
Alu. Grill of 10mm thick
2x0.533x1.225 1.31 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.13 M2
1.44 M2
9.77 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 3175.25
1.57 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 481.83
7.03 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 204.22
1.56 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1141.92
4.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 228.00
2.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 70.60
4.00 Nos Special Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60
1.44 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 M2 2993.76
LS Sundries for angles screws dismantling Redoing to good 120.00
condition including Power supply etc. for 1.56 M2 8703.18
Rate/m2 5578.96
Say Rs. 5579.00 M2
3 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Two Panels
openable type window with fixed Ventilator at Top at 0.30 m height in all floors with aluminium sections of
Outer frame: 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m,Centre mullions: 59x33x2.50mm @0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame : Z section
24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m and with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings,
special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours,
power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary
with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All
the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance
with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc complete.

Two Panels with fixed glazing ventilator of 0.30m ht at top

Size of window : 1.20x1.60 = 1.92m2
Outer frame
Vertical : 1x2x1.60 = 3.20
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20 = 2.40
5.60Rmx0.50kg/m 2.80 Kg
Centre mullians: 1x1.225 1.225
Fixed Glazing
Vertical : 1x0.267 0.267
Horizontal : 1x1.125 1.125
1.392 Rm
1.392x0.936 kg/m Kg
Shutter :
Vertical : 2x2x1.225 4.90
Horizontal : 2x2x0.533 2.13
7.03 Rm
7.03Rmx0.525kg/m 3.70 Kg
Aluminium clips =
shutter:2x2x2(0.533+1.229)=14.10Rmx0.109 Kg/m 1.54 Kg
Fixed glazing 2x2x2(0.533+0.267)=6.40Rmx0.109 Kg/m 0.70 Kg
Total 11.18 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.12 Kg
12.30 Kg
4mm thick Plain Glass
For shutter 1x2(0.533x1.229) 1.31 M2
Fixed glazing 1x2(0.533x1.267) 0.28
1.59 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.31 M2
1.90 M2
Rubber beading
For shutter 2x2(0.533+1.229) 7.05
Fixed glazing 2x2(0.533+0.267) 3.20
10.25 Rm
12.30 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing 325.00 Kg 3997.50
1.90 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 583.11
10.25 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 297.76
1.92 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1405.44
4.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 228.00
2.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 70.60
4.00 Nos Special Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60
LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to good condition including 140.00
Power supply etc.
for 1.92 M2 7010.01
Rate/m2 3651.05
Say Rs. 3651.00 M2
4 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Two Panels with
fixed glazing ventilator of 0.30m ht at top with alu. Grill of 10 mm thick openable type window in all floors
with aluminium sections of Outer frame: 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m,Centre mullions:59x33x2.50mm @0.936
kg/m,Shutter frame : Z section 24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m and with neccessary
accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC colun
slab, masonry walls sherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original
conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns

Size of window : 1.20x1.60 = 1.92m2

Outer frame
Vertical : 1x2x1.60 = 3.20

Horizontal : 1x2x1.20 = 2.40

=5.60m 5.60Rmx0.50kg/m
5.60x0.50 kg/m 2.80 Kg
Centre mullians: 1x1.225 =1.225 1.225
Fixed Glazing
Vertical : 1x0.267 =0.267 0.267
Horizontal : 1x1.125 =1.125 1.125
2.617 Kg
2.617x0.936 kg/m 2.450 Kg
Shutter :
Vertical : 2x2x1.225 =4.90 4.90
Horizontal : 2x2x0.533 =2.13 2.13
7.03 Rm
7.03Rmx0.525kg/m 3.69 Kg
Aluminium clips =shutter: 2x2x2(0.533+1.225)=14.06Rm
1.53 Kg
x 0.109 Kg/m
Fixed glazing 2x2x2(0.533+0.267)=6.40Rmx0.109 Kg/m 0.70 Kg
Total 11.18 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.12 Kg
12.30 Kg
4mm thick Plain Glass
For shutter 1x2(0.533x1.225) 1.31 M2
Fixed glazing 1x2(0.533x0.267) 0.28
1.59 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.31 M2
1.90 M2
Rubber beading
` 7.05
Fixed glazing 2x2(0.533+0.267) 3.20
10.25 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick
For shutter 2x0.5333x1.225 1.31 M2
Fixed grill 2x0.5333x0.267 0.28 M2
1.59 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.16 M2
1.75 M2


12.30 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing 325.00 Kg 3997.50

1.90 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 583.11

10.25 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 297.76

1.92 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1405.44

4.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 228.00

2.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 70.60

4.00 Nos Special Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60

1.75 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 M2 3638.25

Alu.screws dismantling Redoing to good condition

LS 170.00
including Power supply etc.

for 1.92 M2 10678.26

Rate/m2 5561.60

Say Rs. 5562.00 /M2

5 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Three panels
openable type window wth Aluminium Grill 10 mm thick in all floors with aluminium sections ofOuter frame:
37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m, Centre mullions:59x33x2.50mm @0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame : Z section
24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings,
special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours,
power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary
with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All
the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance
with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.Complete.

Assume a size 1.50x1.30 m ==1.95 m2

H-section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm@ 0.50kg/m

Vertical 2x1.30 2.60

Horizontal 2x1.50 3.00

5.60x0.50 2.80 Kg

Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m

1x2x1.225 2.45

2.45x0.936kg/m 2.29 Kg

Z-section for shutter :24.5x33x2.50mm@0.525kg/m

Shutter vertical 3x2x1.225 7.35

Horizontal 3x2x0.409 2.45

9.80x0.525 kg/m 5.15 Kg

Aluminium clips required

Shutter 2x3x2 (1.225+0.409) 19.61

19.61x0.109 kg/m 2.14 Kg

Total 12.38 Kg

Add 10% wastage 1.24 Kg

13.62 Kg

4mm thick Glass required

Shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.50

Add 20% wastage 0.30 M2

1.80 M2
Rubber beading

Shutter 2x3(1.225+0.409) 9.80 Rm

Alu.Grill of 10mm thick

For shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.50

Add 10% wastage 0.15 M2

1.65 M2


13.62 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizingCharges 325.00 Kg 4426.50

1.80 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 552.42

9.80 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 284.69

1.95 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1427.40

6.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 342.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

3.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 105.90

1.65 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 Each 3430.35

LS Alu. Angles, screws, dismandling and making good 130.00


for 1.95 M2 11130.66

Rate/m2 5708.03

Say Rs. 5708.00 /M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 11130.66

Deduct Alu.Grill 3430.35

for 1.95 M2 7700.31

Rate as above for 1.95 m2 11130.66 /M2

After Deduct Rate for alu.grill for 1.95 m2 -3430.35

Rate Rs. 7700.31 /M2

Rate/m2 3948.88
Say Rs. 3949.00 /M2

6 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Openable type glass
window (3 leaves) with fixed glazing at top to a height of 0.3m with alminium grill for glazed portion in all
floors having the Aluminium section such as outer frame of section (418/code) of 37.70x33mmx2mm @ 0.50kg/m,
center mullions of (code 9153,2.50mm thick) 59x33x2.5mm @ 0.936kg/m,Z section of having 24.00mm vertical and
width of 33mm @2.50mm thick.Confirming to code No 4152@0.525kg/m Aluminium clips of 3.60 length having
total weight of 0.40kg or 0.109kg/m with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle
including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption
required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to
the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium
sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962
for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.Complete.

Adopting a window of 1.50x1.30m with 0.3m top glazing.

Area = 1.50x1.60 = 2.40 M2
H- section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm@0.50kg/m
Vertical 2x1.60 3.20 Rm
Horizontal 2x1.50 3.00 Rm
6.20x0.50 kg/m 3.10 Kg
Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m
Shutter 2x1.229 2.458 m
Fixed grill Horizontal 1x1.425 1.425 m
Vertical 2x0.267 0.534 m
4.417x0.936 kg/m 4.13 Kg
Z-section for shutter :24.5x33x2.50mm@0.525kg/m
Shutter vertical 3x2x1.229 7.37
Horizontal 3x2x0.409 2.45
9.82x0.525 kg/m 5.16 Kg
Aluminium clips required
Shutter 2x3x2 (1.229+0.409) 19.66
Fixed grill 2x3x2 (0.409+0.267) 8.11
27.77x0.109 kg/m 3.03 Kg
Total 15.42 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.54 Kg
16.96 Kg
4mm thick Glass required
Shutter 1x3x1.229x0.409 1.51
Fixed grill 2x3x0.409x0.267 0.33
1.84 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.37 M2
2.21 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter 2x3(1.229+0.409) 9.83
Fixed grill 1x3(0.409+0.267) 4.06
13.89 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick
For shutter 1x3x1.229x0.409 1.51 M2
Fixed gril 1x3x0.409x0.267 0.33
Add 10% wastage 0.18 M2
2.02 M2

16.96 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 5512.00

2.20 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 675.18

13.89 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 403.50

2.40 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1756.80

6.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 342.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

3.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 105.90

2.02 M2 Aluminium grill 2079.00 M2 4199.58

LS Alu. Angles, screws, dismantling and redoing the same in 150.00

good condition

for 2.40 M2 13576.36

Rate/m2 5656.82

Say Rs. 5657.00 /M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 13576.36

for 2.40 Deduct Alu.Grill -4199.58

for 1 M2 9376.78

Rate/m2 3906.99

Say Rs. 3907.00 /M2

7 Supplying fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish openable type glass
window Four leaves in all floors having the following Aluminium section such as outer frame of section
(418/code) of 37.70x33mmx2mm @ 0.50kg/m, central mullions of (code 9153,2.50mm thick) 59x33x2.5mm @
0.936kg/m,Z section of having 21mm 24.50mm vertical and width of 33mm @2.50mm thick.Confirming to code No
4152@0.525kg/m Aluminium clips of 3.60 length having total weight of 0.40kg or 0.109kg/m.with neccessary
accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column
slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original
conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns

Aluminium glazed openable windows (4 leaves)

Area : 1.80x1.30 =2.34 M2

Outer frame

Vertical 2x1.30 2.60

Horizontal 2x1.80 3.60

6.20x0.50kg/m 3.10 Kg

Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m

1x3x1.225 kg/m

3.675x0.936 kg/m 3.44 Kg

Z-section for shutter : 24.50x33x2.50mm @ 0.525kg/m

Shutter vertical 2x4x1.225 9.80

Shutter Horizontal 2x4x0.365 2.92

12.72x0.525 kg/m 6.68 Kg

Aluminium clips required

Shutter 2x4x2(1.225+0.365) 25.44

25.44x0.109 kg/m 2.77 Kg

Total 15.99 Kg

Add 10% wastage 1.60 Kg

17.59 Kg

4mm thick Glass required

Shutter 1x4x1.225x0.365 1.79
Add 20% wastage 0.36
2.15 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter 2x4(1.225+0.365) 12.72 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick
For shutter 1x4x1.225x0.365 1.79 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.18 M2
1.97 M2

17.59 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 5716.75

2.15 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 659.83

12.72 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 369.52

2.34 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1712.88

8.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 456.00

8.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 575.20

4.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 141.20

1.97 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm 2079.00 M2 4095.63

LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing to good 150.00

condition including Power supply etc.
for 2.34 M2 13877.01

Rate/m2 5930.35

Say Rs. 5930.00 M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 13877.01

for 2.34 M2 Deduct Alu.Grill -4095.63

for 1 M2 9781.38

Rate/m2 4180.08

Say Rs. 4180.00 /M2

8 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Openable type glass
window with fixed glazing at top to a height of 0.3m (4 leaves) Aluminium grill of 10mm thick for glazed
portion in all floors having the following Aluminium section such as outer frame of section (418/code) of
37.70x33mmx2mm @ 0.50kg/m, central mullions of (code 9153,2.50mm thick) 59x33x2.5mm @ 0.936kg/m,Z
section of having 21mm 24.50mm vertical and width of 33mm @2.50mm thick.Confirming to code No
4152@0.525kg/m Aluminium clips of 3.60 length having total weight of 0.40kg or 0.109kg/m with neccessary
accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column
slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original
conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns
etc.Complete. and Aluminium grilll of 10mm thick for glazed portion to be used.

Aluminium glazed openable windows (4 leaves) withTop fixed glazing

0.30 m height with Aluminium Grill
Area 1.80x1.60 =2.88M2
H- section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50kg/m

Vertical 2x1.60 3.20

Horizontal 2x1.80 3.60
6.80x0.50 kg/m 3.40 kg
Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m
Shutter 3x1.229 3.687
Horizontal 1x1.725 1.725
Vertical 3x0.267 0.801
6.213x0.936 kg/m 5.82 Kg
Z-section for shutter : 21x33x2.50mm @ 0.525kg/m
Shutter vertical 4x2x1.229 9.83
Shutter Horizontal 4x2x0.365 2.92
12.75x0.525 kg/m 6.69 Kg
Aluminium clips required
Shutter 2x4x2(1.229+0.365) 25.50
FG 2x4x2(0.365+0.267) 10.11
35.61 M
35.61x0.109 kg/m 3.88 Kg
Total 19.79 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.98 Kg
21.77 Kg
4mm thick Glass required
Shutter 1x4x1.229x0.365 1.79
FG 1x4x0.335x0.267 0.39
2.18 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.44 M2
2.62 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter 2x4(1.229+0.365) 12.75
FG 2x4(0.365+0.267) 5.06
17.81 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick

For shutter 4x1.229x0.365 1.79 M2

Fixed gril 4x0.365x0.267 0.39 M2

2.18 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2

2.40 M2


21.77 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing 325.00 Kg 7075.25


2.58 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 791.80

17.81 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 517.38

2.88 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2108.16

8.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 456.00

8.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 575.20

4.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 141.20

2.40 M2 Aluminium grill 2079.00 M2 4989.60

LS Sundries for angle, window saty screws dismantling 170.00

Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 2.88 M2 16824.59

Rate/m2 5841.87

Say Rs. 5842.00 M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 16824.59

Deduct Alu.Grill -4989.60

for 2.88 M2 11834.99

Rate Rs. 4109.37 /M2

Say Rs. 4109.00 /M2

9 Fabricating Supplying and fixing inposition Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish Two track sliding
hatch window in all floors with Alu. Section of Outer Vertical frame : 62x31.50x1.50mm @0.875 kg/m,Outer top
& bottom gutter frame: 61.98 x 39.30 x 1.50mm @ 0.778kg/m,shutter vertical: 36.60x18x1.50mm@ 0.439kg/m,
Shutter horizontal: 39x20x1.50mm@0.493kg/m with necessary accessories such as Lock, handle, wheel
arrangements including supplying and fixing 8mm thick both side prelaminated partical board including cost of all
materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls
wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original condition after fixing and
also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finishunder electrically controlled
condtions in accordancewith IS 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc. complete.

Assume a size 0.90mmx0.70m=0.63M2

Outer Vertical: 1x2x0.70 = 1.40mx0.875 kg/m 1.23 Kg
Outer horizontal:1x2x0.90 = 1.80x0.778kg/m 1.40 Kg
shutter vertical: 2x2x0.622 = 2.488m x 0.439 1.09 Kg
Shutter horizontal:2x2x0.419=1.676x0.493 0.83 Kg

4.55 Kg
Wastage @ 10% 0.46 Kg
5.01 Kg
8mm thick PLB = (0.419x0.622)x2 0.52 M2
Wastage @ 10% 0.05 M2
0.57 M2
Main Data
5.01 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 1628.25

0.57 M2 12mm thick PLB. 1050.00 1 M2 598.50

4.00 Nos Roller 14.60 1 No 58.40

2.00 Nos Handle 100 mm long 35.30 1 No 70.60

1.00 No Lock 71.10 1 No 71.10

0.63 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 461.16

LS For angles, screw, power supply,dismantling & dadooing. LS 96.00

For Rs.0.63 M2 2984.01

Rate Rs. 4736.52 /1 M2

Say Rs. 4737.00 /1 M2

10 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Two track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of outer Frame bottom 62x37mmx1.50mm at 1.218 kg/m,the Side &
Top 62x31.50x1.50mm at 0.778 kg/m,Shutter Top 40x18x1.5 at 0.38 kg/m,Bottom 40x18x1.5 at 0.38kg/m, Side
Vertical 40x18x1.50mm at 0.493 kg/m, Vertical locking section 40x29x1.5mm at 0.632 kg/m, with necessary
accessories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain
glass including cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC
colunm, slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the
original condition after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc.,

Two track sliding window

Assume a size window size 1.0x1.3 =1.30M2
Materials required
Frame bottom track 1.0x1.218 Kg/m 1.22 Kg
Top track 1.0x0.778 Kg/m 0.78 Kg
sides 2x1.3x0.778 Kg/m 2.02 Kg
Shutter bottom 1x2x0.48x0.38 Kg/m 0.365 Kg
Shutter top 1x2x0.48x0.38 Kg/m 0.365 Kg
Sides 2x2x1.264x0.493 Kg/m 2.493 Kg
Locking Section 2x1.264x0.632 Kg/m 1.60 Kg
8.84 Kg
Add 10% wastage 0.88
9.72 Kg
Rubber beading 2x2(0.48+1.264) 6.98 Rm
4 mm thick glass
Shutter : 1x2x0.48x1.264 1.21
Add 20% wastage 0.24
1.45 M2
9.72 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 3159.00
6.98 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 202.77
1.45 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 445.00
1.30 M2 Labour charges 732.00 M2 951.60
4 Nos. Roller 14.60 No. 58.40
1 No. Lock 71.10 No. 71.10
2 Nos. Handle 100 mm long 35.30 No. 70.60
LS Sundries for angels, screws, power charges, dismantling LS 90.00
and redoing etc.

for 1.30 M2 5048.47

Rate/m2 3883.44 /M2
Say Rs. 3883.00 /M2
11 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Three track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of Outer Frame bottom 92.34x46.00x1.50@1.637 kg/m,Top &
vertical 92.34x29.70x1.50 at 1.066 kg/m, Shutter vertical 39x20x1.50 at 0.493 kg/m,Top & Bottom 18x36.6x1.50 at
0.439 kg/m,Vertical locking arrangement 28.94x39x1.50at0.632 kg/m, the follwing sizes with necessary accessories
such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including
cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC colunm, slab,
masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original condition
after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc., complete.

Three track sliding window

Consider a window size 1.5x1.3 = 1.95m2
Material required
Frame Top 1x1.50x1.066kg/m 1.60 Kg
Bottom 1x1.50x1.637kg/m 2.46 Kg
side Vertical 2x1.3x1.066kg/m 2.77 Kg
Shutter Bottom 1x3x0.475x0.439kg/m 0.625 Kg
Shutter top1x3x0.475x0.439kg/m 0.625 Kg
side vertical 2x3x1.264x0.493kg/m 3.74 Kg
Vertical locking section 2x1.264x0.632kg/m 1.60 Kg
Total 13.42 Kg
Add 10% 1.34 Kg
14.76 Kg
Glass Area 1x3x0.475x1.264 1.80
Add 20% wastage 0.36
2.16 M2
Rubber beading 3x2(0.475+1.264) 10.43 Rm

14.76 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 4797.00
10.43 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 302.99
2.16 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 662.90
1.95 M2 Labour charges 732.00 Rm 1427.40
6 Nos Roller 14.60 Nos 87.60
2 Nos Lock 71.10 Nos 142.20
3 Nos Handle 100 mm long 35.30 105.90
LS Screws Rayal Plugs and stopper etc. LS 110.00
for 1.95 M2 7636.00
Rate/m2 3915.90 /M2
Say Rs. 3916.00 /M2
12 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Four track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of outer frame Bottom Track 92.34x46.00x1.50@1.637 kg/m,Top &
vertical 92.34x29.70x1.50 at 1.066 kg/m,and Shutter Vertical 39x20x1.50 at 0.493 kg/m, Top&Bottom
18x36.6x1.50at0.439 kg/m, Vertical locking arrangement 28.94x39x1.50at0.632 kg/m with necessary accessories
such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including
cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC colunm, slab,
masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original condition
after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc., complete.

Four track sliding window

Consider a window size 1.80x1.3 m = 2.34 m2
Material required
Frame Top 1x1.80x1.066 kg/m 1.92 Kg
Bottom 1x1.80x1.637 kg/m 2.95 Kg
Vertical 1x2x1.30x1.066 kg/m 2.77 Kg
Shutter Bottom 1x4x0.431x0.439 kg/m 0.76 Kg
Shutter top1x4x0.431x0.439 kg/m 0.76 Kg
Side vertical 2x4x1.264x0.493 kg/m 4.98 Kg
Vertical locking section 2x1.264x0.632 kg/m 1.60 Kg
Total 15.74 Kg
Add 10% 1.57 Kg
17.31 Kg
Glass Area 1x4x0.431x1.264 2.18
Add 20% wastage 0.44
2.62 M2
Rubber beading 4x2(0.431+1.264) 13.56 Rm
17.31 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 5625.75
13.56 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 393.92
2.62 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 804.08
2.34 M2 Labour charges 732.00 M2 1712.88
8 Nos Roller 14.60 No. 116.80
3 Nos Lock 71.10 No. 213.30
4 Nos Handle 100 mm long 35.30 No. 141.20
LS Screws Rayal Plugs and stopper etc. LS 130.00
for 2.34 M2 9137.93
Rate/m2 3905.10 /M2

Say Rs. 3905.00 /M2

1 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish 1/3rd fixed glazing
2/3rd prelaminated board of Aluminium partition. The outer frames Outer frame: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.72
kg/m,Centre mullions: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.55 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.27x17.15x1.50mm @ 0.175kg/mg/m for
intermediate vertical mullion 90cm c/c. Horizontal mullion at 1.00m 2.10m covered with 5.5mm thick plain glass
with neccessary aluminium clips of size 17.27x17.15 x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m and with required rubber beading etc.,
including necessary dismantling holes in RCC column,masonry wherever in necessary with power drills to the
extent required and made good the damaged portion in good condition after fixing as directed by the departmental
officers. All the aluminium sections should be anodised not less than 15 microns as ISI specification1868/1962 / and
should be gotapproved by Executive Engineer before use.

Size of Partition : 3.50 x 2.88 = 10.08m2

Outer frame :
Vertical 2x2.88 5.76
Horizontal =2x3.50 7.00
12.76 Rm
12.76x1.72 kg/m 21.95 kg
Inner frame 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.55 kg/m
Intermediate section Vertical: 3x2.804 8.41
Intermediate section Horizontal : 2x3.31 6.62
15.03 Rm
15.03x1.55 kg/m 23.30 kg
clips : @ 1m ht:4x2x2(0.83+0.943) 28.37
2.1m ht:4x2x2(0.83+1.062) 30.270
2.88m ht:4x2x2(0.83+0.723) 24.85
83.49 Rm
83.49x0.175 kg/m 14.61 kg
Total Aluminium section 59.86 kg
Add 10% wastage 5.99 kg
65.85 kg
Rubber beading
4x2(0.83+0.723) 12.42 Rm
Glass 5.5mm thick
1/3rd portion at top : 4x0.83x0.723 2.40
Add 20% wastage 0.48
2.88 M2
Prelaminated board
2/3rd portion bottom 4x0.83x0.943 3.13 M2
2/3rd portion bottom 4x0.83x1.062 3.53 M2
6.66 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.67 kg
Main Data
65.85 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 21401.25
2.88 M2 5.5mm thick plain glass. 362.50 1 M2 1044.00
12.42 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 475.07
7.33 M2 Prelaminated board 12mm 1050.00 1 No 7696.50
10.08 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 7378.56
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 150.00
dismantling & dadooing.
For Rs.10.08 M2 38145.38
Rate Rs. 3784.26 /1 M2
Say Rate 3784.00 /1 M2
2 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish 1/3rd fixed glazing
2/3rd prelaminated board of Aluminium partition of size 2.70 mx 2.10 m.The outer frames Outer frame:
63.50x38x3mm@ 1.72 kg/m,Centre mullions: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.55 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.27x17.15x1.50mm @
0.175kg/mg/m for intermediate vertical mullion 90cm c/c. Horizontal mullion at 1.00m 2.10m covered with 4 mm
thick plain glass with neccessary aluminium clips of size 17.27x17.15 x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m and with required
rubber beading etc., including necessary dismantling holes in RCC column,masonry wherever in necessary with
power drills to the extent required and made good the damaged portion in good condition after fixing as directed by
the departmental officers. All the aluminium sections should be anodised not less than 15 microns as ISI
specification1868/1962 / and should be gotapproved by Executive Engineer before use.

Size of Partition : 2.70mx2.10m = 5.67 m2

Outer frame :
Vertical = 1x 2x2.10 4.20
Horizontal = 1x2x2.624 5.25
9.45 Rm
9.45x1.72 kg/m 16.25 kg
Inner frame : 63.50 x 38 x 3mm @ 1.55 kg/m
Intermediate mullion Vertical : 1x2x2.024 4.05
Intermediate mullion Horizontal : 1x1x2.624 2.62
6.67 Rm
6.67x1.55 kg/m 10.34 kg
clips : 17.15x17.27x1.40@0.175 kg/m
2x2x(2.624+0.643) x 0.175 2.287
Total Aluminium section 28.88 kg
Add 10% wastage 2.89 kg
31.76 kg
Rubber beading
2x3(0.85+0.643) 8.96 Rm
Glass 5.5mm thick
1/3rd portion at top : 1x3x0.85x0.643 1.64
Add 20% wastage 0.33
1.97 m2
Prelaminated board
2/3rd portion bottom :1x3x0.85x1.343 3.42 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.34
3.77 M2
Main Data
31.76 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 10322.00
1.97 M2 5.5mm thick plain glass. 362.50 1 M2 714.13
8.96 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 342.72
3.77 M2 Prelaminated board 12mm 1050.00 1 No 3958.50
5.67 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 4150.44
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 96.00
dismantling & dadooing.
For 5.67 M2 19583.79
Rate Rs. 3453.93 /1 M2
Say Rate 3454.00 /1 M2
6 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Two track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of outer Frame bottom 62x37mmx1.50mm at 1.218 kg/m,the Side &
Top 62x31.50x1.50mm at 0.778 kg/m,Shutter Top 40x18x1.5 at 0.38 kg/m,Bottom 40x18x1.5 at 0.38kg/m, Side
Vertical 40x18x1.50mm at 0.493 kg/m, Vertical locking section 40x29x1.5mm at 0.632 kg/m, with necessary
accessories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain
glass including cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC
colunm, slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the
original condition after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc.,

Two track sliding window

Assume a size window size 1.0x1.3 =1.30M2
Materials required
Frame bottom track 1.0x1.218 Kg/m 1.22 Kg
Top track 1.0x0.778 Kg/m 0.78 Kg
sides 2x1.3x0.778 Kg/m 2.02 Kg
Shutter bottom 1x2x0.48x0.38 Kg/m 0.365 Kg
Shutter top 1x2x0.48x0.38 Kg/m 0.365 Kg
Sides 2x2x1.264x0.493 Kg/m 2.493 Kg
Locking Section 2x1.264x0.632 Kg/m 1.60 Kg
8.84 Kg
Add 10% wastage 0.88
9.72 Kg
Rubber beading 2x2(0.48+1.264) 6.98 Rm
4 mm thick glass
Shutter : 1x2x0.48x1.264 1.21
Add 20% wastage 0.24
1.45 M2
9.72 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 3159.00
6.98 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 202.77
1.45 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 445.00
1.30 M2 Labour charges 732.00 M2 951.60
4 Nos. Roller 14.60 No. 58.40
1 No. Lock 71.10 No. 71.10
2 Nos. Handle 100 mm long 35.30 No. 70.60
LS Sundries for angels, screws, power charges, dismantling LS 90.00
and redoing etc.

for 1.30 M2 5048.47

Rate/m2 3883.44 /M2
Say Rs. 3883.00 /M2
7 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Three track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of Outer Frame bottom 92.34x46.00x1.50@1.637 kg/m,Top &
vertical 92.34x29.70x1.50 at 1.066 kg/m, Shutter vertical 39x20x1.50 at 0.493 kg/m,Top & Bottom 18x36.6x1.50 at
0.439 kg/m,Vertical locking arrangement 28.94x39x1.50at0.632 kg/m, the follwing sizes with necessary accessories
such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including
cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC colunm, slab,
masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original condition
after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc., complete.

Three track sliding window

Consider a window size 1.5x1.3 = 1.95m2
Material required
Frame Top 1x1.50x1.066kg/m 1.60 Kg
Bottom 1x1.50x1.637kg/m 2.46 Kg
side Vertical 2x1.3x1.066kg/m 2.77 Kg
Shutter Bottom 1x3x0.475x0.439kg/m 0.625 Kg
Shutter top1x3x0.475x0.439kg/m 0.625 Kg
side vertical 2x3x1.264x0.493kg/m 3.74 Kg
Vertical locking section 2x1.264x0.632kg/m 1.60 Kg
Total 13.42 Kg
Add 10% 1.34 Kg
14.76 Kg
Glass Area 1x3x0.475x1.264 1.80
Add 20% wastage 0.36
2.16 M2
Rubber beading 3x2(0.475+1.264) 10.43 Rm

14.76 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 4797.00
10.43 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 302.99
2.16 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 662.90
1.95 M2 Labour charges 732.00 Rm 1427.40
6 Nos Roller 14.60 Nos 87.60
2 Nos Lock 71.10 Nos 142.20
3 Nos Handle 100 mm long 35.30 Nos 105.90
LS Screws Rayal Plugs and stopper etc. LS 110.00
for 1.95 M2 7636.00
Rate/m2 3915.90 /M2
Say Rs. 3916.00 /M2
8 Supplying , fabricating and fixing in position Aluminium Anodised natural colour mat finish Four track sliding
window in all floors with Aluminium sections of outer frame Bottom Track 92.34x46.00x1.50@1.637 kg/m,Top &
vertical 92.34x29.70x1.50 at 1.066 kg/m,and Shutter Vertical 39x20x1.50 at 0.493 kg/m, Top&Bottom
18x36.6x1.50at0.439 kg/m, Vertical locking arrangement 28.94x39x1.50at0.632 kg/m with necessary accessories
such as rubber beadings, special hinges, lock, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including
cost of all materials , labours, power consumption required for fabrication , drilling holes in RCC colunm, slab,
masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original condition
after fixing and also as directed.The aluminium sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled in accordance with IS 1868 / 1962 for an average anodic film thickness 15 microns etc., complete.

Four track sliding window

Consider a window size 1.80x1.3 m = 2.34 m2
Material required
Frame Top 1x1.80x1.066 kg/m 1.92 Kg
Bottom 1x1.80x1.637 kg/m 2.95 Kg
Vertical 1x2x1.30x1.066 kg/m 2.77 Kg
Shutter Bottom 1x4x0.431x0.439 kg/m 0.76 Kg
Shutter top1x4x0.431x0.439 kg/m 0.76 Kg
Side vertical 2x4x1.264x0.493 kg/m 4.98 Kg
Vertical locking section 2x1.264x0.632 kg/m 1.60 Kg
Total 15.74 Kg
Add 10% 1.57 Kg
17.31 Kg
Glass Area 1x4x0.431x1.264 2.18
Add 20% wastage 0.44
2.62 M2
Rubber beading 4x2(0.431+1.264) 13.56 Rm
17.31 Kg Cost of Alu, Section including anodised 325.00 Kg 5625.75
13.56 Rm Rubber Beading 29.05 Rm 393.92
2.62 M2 Glass 4mm thick plain 306.90 M2 804.08
2.34 M2 Labour charges 732.00 M2 1712.88
8 Nos Roller 14.60 No. 116.80
3 Nos Lock 71.10 No. 213.30
4 Nos Handle 100 mm long 35.30 No. 141.20
LS Screws Rayal Plugs and stopper etc. LS 130.00
for 2.34 M2 9137.93
Rate/m2 3905.10 /M2

Say Rs. 3905.00 /M2

9 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish openable type
window Three Panels with fixed glazing ventilator of 0.30m ht at top with aluminium grill 10 mm thickin all
floors with aluminium sections of Outer frame: 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m,Centre mullians: 59x33x2.50mm @
0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame :Z section 24.50x33x3mm@0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips : 0.109 kg/m with neccessary
accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC colun
slab, masonry walls sherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original
conditons after fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns
etc. complete.

Assume a size : 1.50x1.60 = 2.40 M2

H- section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm@0.50kg/m
Vertical 2x1.60 3.20 Rm
Horizontal 2x1.50 3.00 Rm
6.20x0.50 kg/m 3.10 Kg
Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m
Shutter 2x1.225 2.450 m
Fixed grill Horizontal 1x1.425 1.425 m
Vertical 2x0.267 0.534 m
4.409 m
4.409 x 0.936 kg/m 4.13 Kg
Z-section for shutter :24.5x33x2.50mm@0.525kg/m
Shutter vertical 3x2x1.225 7.35
Horizontal 3x2x0.409 2.46
9.81x0.525 kg/m 5.16 Kg
Aluminium clips required
Shutter 2x3x2 (1.225+0.409) 19.61
Fixed grill 2x3x2 (0.409+0.267) 8.11
27.72x0.109 kg/m 3.03 Kg
Total 15.42 Kg
Add 10% wastage 1.54 Kg
16.96 Kg
4mm thick Glass required
Shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.51
Fixed grill 2x3x0.409x0.267 0.33
1.84 M2
Add 20% wastage 0.37 M2
2.21 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter 2x3(1.225+0.409) 9.83
Fixed grill 1x3(0.409+0.267) 4.06
13.89 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick
For shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.51 M2
Fixed gril 1x3x0.409x0.267 0.33
Add 10% wastage 0.18 M2
2.02 M2
16.96 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 5512.00

2.20 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 675.18

13.89 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 403.50

2.40 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1756.80

6.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 342.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

3.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 105.90

2.02 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 M2 4199.58

LS Angles, screws dismantling Redoing to good condition 150.00

including Power supply etc.

for 2.40 M2 13576.36

Rate/m2 5656.82

Say Rs. 5657.00 /M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 13576.36

Deduct Alu.Grill 4199.58

for 2.40 M2 9376.78

Rate Rs. 3906.99 /M2

Say Rs. /M2

Rate as above : 13576.36

Deduct Alu.Grill -4199.58

For 2.40 m2 9376.78

For 1 m2 3906.99

Rate/m2 3907.00
10 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish Three panels
openable type window wth Aluminium Grill 10 mm thick in all floors with aluminium sections ofOuter frame:
37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50 kg/m, Centre mullions:59x33x2.50mm @0.936 kg/m,Shutter frame : Z section
24.50x33x3mm @ 0.525kg/m,Aluminium clips:0.109 kg/m with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings,
special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours,
power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever necessary
with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing and also as directed. All
the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditons in accordance
with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc.Complete.

Assume a size 1.50x1.30 m ==1.95 m2

H-section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm@ 0.50kg/m

Vertical 2x1.30 2.60

Horizontal 2x1.50 3.00

5.60x0.50 2.80 Kg

Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m

1x2x1.225 2.45

2.45x0.936kg/m 2.29 Kg

Z-section for shutter :24.5x33x2.50mm@0.525kg/m

Shutter vertical 3x2x1.225 7.35

Horizontal 3x2x0.409 2.45

9.80x0.525 kg/m 5.15 Kg

Aluminium clips required

Shutter 2x3x2 (1.225+0.409) 19.61

19.61x0.109 kg/m 2.14 Kg

Total 12.38 Kg

Add 10% wastage 1.24 Kg

13.62 Kg

4mm thick Glass required

Shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.50

Add 20% wastage 0.30 M2

1.80 M2
Rubber beading

Shutter 2x3(1.225+0.409) 9.80 Rm

Alu.Grill of 10mm thick

For shutter 1x3x1.225x0.409 1.50

Add 10% wastage 0.15 M2

1.65 M2


13.62 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizingCharges 325.00 Kg 4426.50

1.80 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 552.42

9.80 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 284.69

1.95 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1427.40

6.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 342.00

6.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 431.40

3.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 105.90

1.65 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 Each 3430.35

LS Alu. Angles, screws, dismandling and making good 130.00

for 1.95 M2 11130.66
Rate/m2 5708.03
Say Rs. 5708.00 /M2
Without Aluminium Grill
Rate as above for 1.95 m2 11130.66 /M2
After Deduct Rate for alu.grill for 1.95 m2 -3430.35 3085.50
Rate Rs. 7700.31 /M2 6062.84

Rate/m2 3948.88
Say Rs. 3949.00 M2
11 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish openable type glass
window Four leaves with fixed glazing at top to a height of 0.3m in all floors having the following Aluminium
section such as outer frame of section (418/code) of 37.70x33mmx2mm @ 0.50kg/m, central mullions of (code
9153,2.50mm thick) 59x33x2.5mm @ 0.936kg/m,Z section of having 21mm 24.50mm vertical and width of 33mm
@2.50mm thick.Confirming to code No 4152@0.525kg/m Aluminium clips of 3.60 length having total weight of
0.40kg or 0.109kg/m and Aluminium grilll of 10mm thick for glazed portion to be used.with neccessary accssories
such as rubber beadings, special hinges, handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost
of all materials, labours, power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry
walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after
fixing and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns

Adopting a window size 1.80x1.30m

Top fixed glazing 1.80x0.30m with Aluminium Grill

Area 1.80x1.60 =2.88M2

H- section for outer frame 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50kg/m

Vertical 2x1.60 3.20

Horizontal 2x1.80 3.60


6.80x0.50 kg/m 3.40 kg

Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m

Shutter 3x1.225 3.687

Horizontal 1x1.725 1.725

Vertical 3x0.267 0.801


6.213x0.936 kg/m 5.82 Kg

Z-section for shutter : 21x33x2.50mm @ 0.525kg/m

Shutter vertical 4x2x1.225 9.83

Shutter Horizontal 4x2x0.365 2.92


12.75x0.525 kg/m 6.69 Kg

Aluminium clips required

Shutter 2x4x2(1.225+0.365) 25.50

FG 2x4x2(0.365+0.267) 10.11

35.61 M

35.61x0.109 kg/m 3.88 Kg

Total 19.79 Kg

Add 10% wastage 1.98 Kg

21.77 Kg
4mm thick Glass required

Shutter 1x4x1.225x0.365 1.79

FG 1x4x0.335x0.267 0.39

2.18 M2

Add 20% wastage 0.44 M2

2.62 M2
Rubber beading
Shutter 2x4(1.225+0.365) 12.75
FG 2x4(0.365+0.267) 5.06
17.81 Rm
Alu.Grill of 10mm thick
For shutter : 4x1.225x0.365 1.79 M2
Fixed grill : 4x0.365x0.267 0.39 M2
2.18 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2
2.40 M2

21.77 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing 325.00 Kg 7075.25

2.58 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 791.80

17.81 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 517.38

2.88 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 2108.16

8.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 456.00

8.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 575.20

4.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 141.20

2.40 M2 Aluminium grill 2079.00 M2 4989.60

LS Sundries for angle, window saty screws dismantling 170.00

Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 2.88 M2 16824.59

Rate/m2 5841.87

Say Rs. 5842.00 M2

Without Aluminium Grill : 11834.99

Rate/m2 4109.37
Say Rs. 4109.00 /M2
12 Supplying fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish openable
type glass window Four leaves in all floors having the following Aluminium section such as outer
frame of section (418/code) of 37.70x33mmx2mm @ 0.50kg/m, central mullions of (code 9153,2.50mm
thick) 59x33x2.5mm @ 0.936kg/m,Z section of having 21mm 24.50mm vertical and width of 33mm
@2.50mm thick.Confirming to code No 4152@0.525kg/m Aluminium clips of 3.60 length having total
weight of 0.40kg or 0.109kg/m.with neccessary accssories such as rubber beadings, special hinges,
handle including supplying and fixing 4mm thick plain glass including cost of all materials, labours,
power consumption required for fabrication, drilling holes in RCC column slab, masonry walls wherever
necessary with power drills to the required extent and make good to the original conditons after fixing
and also as directed. All the Aluminium sections are to the anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled conditons in accordance with Is 1868/1962 for an average anodic film thickness of 15 microns

Aluminium glazed openable windows (4 leaves)

Area : 1.80x1.30 =2.34 M2

Outer frame

Vertical 2x1.30 2.60

Horizontal 2x1.80 3.60

6.20x0.50kg/m 3.10 Kg

Centre mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m

1x3x1.225 kg/m

3.675x0.936 kg/m 3.44 Kg

Z-section for shutter : 24.50x33x2.50mm @

Shutter vertical 2x4x1.225 9.80

Shutter Horizontal 2x4x0.365 2.92

12.72x0.525 kg/m 6.68 Kg

Aluminium clips required

Shutter 2x4x2(1.225+0.365) 25.44

25.44x0.109 kg/m 2.77 Kg

Total 15.99 Kg

Add 10% wastage 1.60 Kg

17.59 Kg

4mm thick Glass required

Shutter 1x4x1.225x0.365 1.79

Add 20% wastage 0.36

2.15 M2

Rubber beading

Shutter 2x4(1.225+0.365) 12.72 Rm

Alu.Grill of 10mm thick

For shutter 1x4x1.225x0.365 1.79 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.18 M2

1.97 M2

17.59 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizing Charges 325.00 Kg 5716.75

2.15 M2 4mm thick Glass required 306.90 M2 659.83

12.72 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 Rm 369.52

2.34 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 1712.88

8.00 Nos Alu. Tower Bolt 100mmx10mm 57.00 Each 456.00

8.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 575.20

4.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 141.20

1.97 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm 2079.00 M2 4095.63

LS Sundries for T.W.plugs screws dismantling Redoing 150.00

to good condition including Power supply etc.

for 2.34 M2 13877.01

Rate/m2 5930.35

Say Rs. 5930.00 M2

Without Aluminium Grill

Rate as above : 13877.01

for 2.34 M2 Deduct Alu.Grill -4095.63

for 1 M2 9781.38

Rate/m2 4180.08
Say Rs. 4180.00 /1 M2


1 Supplying, fabricating and fixing inposition Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish louvered
ventilator size 600mm x 600 mmof with outer frame section with 62x38x2mm at 1.174 kg/m and the
louvered with moving arrangements made with aluminium channel of size 60x30x4mm @ 1.274 kg/m
ALuminium clips 19.05x17.27/ 11.05x0.075mm @ 0.169kg/m with necessary 4mm thick plain glass
panel for louvers including cost of all materials, labour and power required for fabrications, chipping
dismantling making holes in RCC, masonry and made good to the original condition after fixing etc.,
complete. The Aluminium surface is to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1962 for anodic film thickness of notless than 15
Microns,etc., complete.

Assume a size 600 x 600 mm=0.36M2

outer frame

vertical 1 x 2 x 0.60 = 1.20 M2

Horizontal 1x2x0.5240 = 1.048 M2

2.248 M2x1.174 kg/m2 2.64 Kg

Louvered section

vertical 1x2x0.524 = 1.05M2 X1.274 Kg/m 1.34 Kg


1x2x 0.524 =1.05 m

0.18 kg
1.05 x 0.169kg/m
4.160 kg

Wastage at 10% 0.416

Total 4.576 kg

4mm thick plain glass.

0.524x0.524 0.27 M2

Wastage at 20% 0.05

0.32 M2

Main Data

4.58 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 1488.50

0.32 M2 4 mm thick plain glass. 306.90 1 M2 98.21

0.36 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 263.52

LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 96.00

dismantling & dadooing.
for 0.36 M2 1946.23
Rate/m2 5406.19

Say Rs. 5406.00 /1 M2

2 Supplying, fabricating and fixing inposition Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish louvered
ventilator of size 900x600mm with outer frame section with 62x38x2mm at 1.174 kg/m and the louvered
with moving arrangements made with aluminium channel of size 60x30x4mm @ 1.274 kg/m
ALuminium clips 19.05x17.27/ 11.05x0.075mm @ 0.169kg/m with necessary 4mm thick plain glass
panel for louvers including cost of all materials, labour and power required for fabrications, chipping
dismantling making holes in RCC, masonry and made good to the original condition after fixing etc.,
complete. The Aluminium surface is to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1962 for anodic film thickness of notless than 15
Microns,etc., complete.

Assume a size 900x600mm =0.54M2

outer frame

vertical 1 x 2 x 0.60 = 1.20 M2

Horizontal 1x2x0.824 = 1.65 M2

3.37 M2x1.174 kg/m2 3.96 Kg

Louvered section

vertical section = 30 x 30 x4mm @ 1.274 Kg/m 1.34 Kg

2x2x0.524 = 2.100 x 1.274 = 2.68

Inner Louver Verticle clip

19.05 x 10.27 x 11.05 x 1.20 @ 0.169 kg/m

2x2x0.524 = 2.100 x 0.169 = 0.35

add 10% wastage = 0.70

4mm Plain Glass = 0.90 x 0.60 = 0.54 m2

Main Data

7.69 Kgs Alu. Section incl. anodising charges 325.00 1 kgs 2499.25

0.54 M2 4mm thick plain glass. 306.90 1 M2 165.73

0.54 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 395.28

LS Sundries for L angles, screws, electric power LS 96.00

for 0.54 M2 3156.26

Rate/m2 5844.92

Say Rs. 5845.00 /1 M2

3 Supplying, fabricating and fixing inposition Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish fixed
ventilator of size 1.80mx0.60m in all floors with Aluminium section of Outer frame: 24x33x3mm
@0.546kg/m,Centre mullion :59x33x2.50mm@0.936 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.27x17.15x1.40mm
@0.175kg/m and with necessary accessaries such as rubber beading and fixing 4mm thick plain glass
including cost of all materials, labours, power consumptions required for fabrication, drilling holes in
RCC column, slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with power drills to the required extent and work
good to be original condition after fixing and also as directed.All the Aluminium section are to be
anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditions in accordance with IS 1868/1962 for an
average anodic film thickness of 15 microns etc. complete.

Two panels:Assume a size :1.80x0.60m=1.08M2

outer frame
vertical 1 x 2 x 0.60 1.20
Horizontal 2(0.85+0.85) 3.40
4.60 Rmx0.546 kg/m 2.512 kg
Centre mullion
1x1x0.552 = 0.552Mx0.936 kg/m 0.52 kg
Alu. Clips:
2x2x2(0.85+0.552) = 11.22X0.175 1.96 kg
4.99 kg
Wastage at 10% 0.50
5.49 kg
4mm thick plain glass.
1x2x0.85x0.552 0.94 M2
Wastage at 20% 0.19
1.13 M2
Main Data
5.46 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 1774.50
1.13 M2 4mm thick plain glass. 306.90 1 M2 346.80
1.08 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 790.56
LS For angles, screw, power supply,dismantling & redoing. 96.00
For 1.08 M2 3007.86
Rate Rs. 2785.05 /1 M2
Say Rs. 2785.00 /1 M2
4 Manufacturing Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodized natural colour matt finish
openable type glazed ventilator of 900 mmx600mm with extruded Aluminium section of Outer frame
H-section 37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50kg/m,Shutter Z- section 21/24.50x33x2.50mm @ 0.525 Kg/m and the
with 4 mm thick glass with necessary accessories such as rubber beading best quality of lock handle and
fixing wherever necessary with power drill to the extent required and mae good to the original conditions
after fixing as directed by the departmental officers. The Aluminium surfaces is to be anodized with matt
finish is to be anodoized with matt finish used electrically condition in accordance with ISI 1868/1962
specification for an average anodic film thick of not less than 15microns. All sections and furniture
fittings should be got approved by Executive Engineer incharge.

Aluminium glazed ventilator without grill size

0.90x0.60m =0.54 M2
Outer frame: H-section =37.70x33x2mm @ 0.50kg/m
Horizontal = 1x2x0.90x0.50 0.90 Kg
Vertical = 1x2x0.53 X0.50 0.53 Kg
Mullion 59x33x2.50mm @ 0.936kg/m
1x0.525x0.936 0.49 Kg
Shutter Z- section 21/24.50x33x2.50mm @ 0.525 Kg/m
Vertical 2x2x0.53 2.12
Horizontal 2x2x.38 1.52
3.64 Rm
3.64x0.525 kg/m 1.91 kg
Aluminium clips 2x2x2(0.53+0.38) ==7.28 RM
7.28 x0.109 kg/m 0.79 Kg
Total 4.62 Kg
Add 10% wastage 0.46 Kg
5.08 Kg
Pin Headed Glass 3mm thick
1x2x0.53x0.38 0.40
Add 20% wastage 0.08
0.48 M2
Rubber beading 2x2(0.53+.0.38) 3.64 Rm
5.08 Kg Aluminium Section including anodizingCharges 325.00 Kg 1651.00
0.48 M2 Pin Head Glass 3mm tk 226.60 M2 108.77
3.64 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 Rm 139.23
4.00 Nos Alu. Hinges 75x30mm 49.35 Each 197.40
2.00 Nos Alu. Handle 100mm long 35.30 Each 70.60
0.54 M2 Labour Charges 732.00 M2 395.28

LS Alu. screws dismantling Redoing to good condition including Power supply etc. 96.00

for 0.54 M2 2658.28

Rate/m2 4922.74
Say Rs. 4923.00 /M2

1 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish 1/3rd fixed glazing
2/3rd prelaminated board of Aluminium partition. The outer frames Outer frame: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.72
kg/m,Centre mullions: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.55 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.27x17.15x1.50mm @ 0.175kg/mg/m for
intermediate vertical mullion 90cm c/c. Horizontal mullion at 1.00m 2.10m covered with 5.5mm thick plain glass
with neccessary aluminium clips of size 17.27x17.15 x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m and with required rubber beading etc.,
including necessary dismantling holes in RCC column,masonry wherever in necessary with power drills to the
extent required and made good the damaged portion in good condition after fixing as directed by the departmental
officers. All the aluminium sections should be anodised not less than 15 microns as ISI specification1868/1962 / and
should be gotapproved by Executive Engineer before use.

Size of Partition : 3.50 x 2.88 = 10.08m2

Outer frame :
Vertical 2x2.88 5.76
Horizontal =2x3.50 7.00
12.76 Rm
12.76x1.72 kg/m 21.95 kg
Inner frame 63.50x38x3mm @ 1.55 kg/m
Intermediate section Vertical: 3x2.804 8.41
Intermediate section Horizontal : 2x3.31 6.62
15.03 Rm
15.03x1.55 kg/m 23.30 kg
clips : @ 1m ht:4x2x2(0.83+0.943) 28.37
2.1m ht:4x2x2(0.83+1.062) 30.270
2.88m ht:4x2x2(0.83+0.723) 24.85
83.49 Rm
83.49x0.175 kg/m 14.61 kg
Total Aluminium section 59.86 kg
Add 10% wastage 5.99 kg
65.85 kg
Rubber beading
4x2(0.83+0.723) 12.42 Rm
Glass 5.5mm thick
1/3rd portion at top : 4x0.83x0.723 2.40
Add 20% wastage 0.48
2.88 M2
Prelaminated board
2/3rd portion bottom 4x0.83x0.943 3.13 M2
2/3rd portion bottom 4x0.83x1.062 3.53 M2
6.66 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.67 kg
Main Data
65.85 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 21401.25
2.88 M2 5.5mm thick plain glass. 362.50 1 M2 1044.00
12.42 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 475.07
7.33 M2 Prelaminated board 12mm 1050.00 1 No 7696.50
10.08 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 7378.56
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 130.00
For Rs.10.08 M2 38125.38
Rate Rs. 3782.28 /1 M2
Say Rate 2995.00 /1 M2
2 Fabricating Supplying and fixing in position of Aluminium anodised natural colour matt finish 1/3rd fixed glazing
2/3rd prelaminated board of Aluminium partition of size
2.70 mx 2.10 m.The outer frames Outer frame: 63.50x38x3mm@ 1.72 kg/m,Centre mullions: 63.50x38x3mm@
1.55 kg/m,Alu. Clips: 17.27x17.15x1.50mm @ 0.175kg/mg/m for intermediate vertical mullion 90cm c/c.
Horizontal mullion at 1.00m 2.10m covered with 4 mm thick plain glass with neccessary aluminium clips of size
17.27x17.15 x1.50mm @ 0.176kg/m and with required rubber beading etc., including necessary dismantling holes in
RCC column,masonry wherever in necessary with power drills to the extent required and made good the damaged
portion in good condition after fixing as directed by the departmental officers. All the aluminium sections should be
anodised not less than 15 microns as ISI specification1868/1962 / and should be gotapproved by Executive Engineer
before use.

Size of Partition : 2.70mx2.10m = 5.67 m2

Outer frame :
Vertical = 1x 2x2.10 4.20
Horizontal = 1x2x2.624 5.25
9.45 Rm
9.45x1.72 kg/m 16.25 kg
Inner frame : 63.50 x 38 x 3mm @ 1.55 kg/m
Intermediate mullion Vertical : 1x2x2.024 4.05
Intermediate mullion Horizontal : 1x1x2.624 2.62
6.67 Rm
6.67x1.55 kg/m 10.34 kg
clips : 17.15x17.27x1.40@0.175 kg/m
2x2x(2.624+0.643) x 0.175 2.287
Total Aluminium section 28.88 kg
Add 10% wastage 2.89 kg
31.76 kg
Rubber beading
2x3(0.85+0.643) 8.96 Rm
Glass 5.5mm thick
1/3rd portion at top : 1x3x0.85x0.643 1.64
Add 20% wastage 0.33
1.97 m2
Prelaminated board
2/3rd portion bottom :1x3x0.85x1.343 3.42 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.34
3.77 M2
Main Data
31.76 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 10322.00
1.97 M2 5.5mm thick plain glass. 362.50 1 M2 714.13
8.96 Rm Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 342.72
3.77 M2 Prelaminated board 12mm 1050.00 1 No 3958.50
5.67 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 4150.44
LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 130.00
dismantling & dadooing.
For 5.67 M2 19617.79
Rate Rs. 3459.93 /1 M2
Say Rate 3460.00 /1 M2
3 .Supplying, fabricating and fixing inposition Aluminium glazed fixed partition using 63.50x38.10x2mm
@1.127 kg/m Alu.section at 900mm C/C in vertical direction and 1300mm @ C/C at horizontal direction
with necessary rubber beadings Alu. clips, of size 17.27x17.15x1.40mm@ 0.175 kg/m and using 4mm
thick plain glass including cost of all materilas, labours, power consumptions required for fabrications,
drilling holes in RCC column, slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with powerdrills to the required
extent and make good to the original condition after fixing and also as directed . All the aluminium
sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditions in accordance with IS
1868/1962 for an avereage abiduc film thickness of 15 microns etc. complete.

Assume a size 1.50mx1.30m=1.95 M2

outer frame

vertical 1x3 x1.30 = 3.90mx1.127kg/m 4.40 kg

Horizontal 1x2x1.50= 3.00 mx1.127kg/m 3.38 kg

Alu. Clips: 2x2(1.386+1.224)x0.175 1.82


Wastage at 10% 0.96

10.56 kg

4mm thick plain glass 1.386 x1.224 1.70 m2

Add Wastage at 20% 0.34

2.04 m2

Rubber beading 2(1.386 + 1.224) 5.22 Rm

Main Data

10.56 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 3432.00

2.04 M2 4mm thick plain glass. 306.90 1 M2 626.08

5.22 M Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 199.67

1.95 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 1427.40

LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 100.00

dismantling & dadooing.
For 1.95 m2 5785.14
Rate Rs. 2966.74 /1 M2

Say Rs. 2967.00

4 Supplying, fabricating and fixing inposition Aluminium glazed fixed partition using 63.50x38.10x2mm
@1.127 kg/m Alu.section at 900mm C/C in vertical direction and 1300mm @ C/C at horizontal direction
with necessary rubber beadings Alu. clips, of size 17.27x17.15x1.40mm@ 0.175 kg/m and using 4mm
thick plain glass including cost of all materilas, labours, power consumptions required for fabrications,
drilling holes in RCC column, slab, masonry walls wherever necessary with powerdrills to the required
extent and make good to the original condition after fixing and also as directed . All the aluminium
sections are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled conditions in accordance with IS
1868/1962 for an avereage abiduc film thickness of 15 microns etc. complete.

Assume a size 2.70mx1.30m=3.51M2

outer frame

vertical 1x4x1.30 = 5.20mx1.127kg/m 5.86 kg

Horizontal 1x2x2.70=5.40mx1.127kg/m 6.09 kg

Alu. Clips: 3x2(1.22+0.845)x2 = 24.78 4.34


Wastage at 10% 1.63

17.92 kg

4mm thick plain glass 1x3x0.845x1.22 3.09 m2

Wastage at 20% 0.62


Rubber beading 1x3x2(0.845x1.22) 12.39 m2

Main Data

17.92 Kgs Alu. Section 325.00 1 kgs 5824.00

3.71 M2 4mm thick plain glass. 306.90 1 M2 1138.60

12.39 M Rubber beading 38.25 1 Rm 473.92

3.51 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 2569.32

LS For angles, screw, power supply, LS 130.00

dismantling & dadooing.

For 3.51 m2 10135.84

Rate Rs. 2887.70 /1 M2

Say Rs. 2888.00


1 Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position of Aluminium Natural Colour Mat finilsh Fixed Glazing the
glass used shall be of 5 mm thickness. The Aluminium Section are to be anodised under electrically
controlled condition as per IS 1868/1962 for an anodic film thickness of 15 microns. All the materials
should be got approved by got approved by the Executive Engineer before execution of works.

Fixed glazing @ fixed door for entrance lobby

Glazing Size 1.50x2.10

Outer Frame:

Horizontal 2x1.50 3.00

Vertical=1x2.10 2.10


5.10x2.319 kg/m 11.83 kg

inner Frame:

Horizontal 4x0.405 1.62

Vertical=2x2.056 4.11


5.73x1.72 9.86kg

Alu. Clips:

2x2x2(0.405+0.928) 10.66

10.664x0.176 1.88kg

Total 23.57kg

ADD Wastage 10% 2.36 kg

25.93 kg

5.50mm thick plain glass.

2x(0.405x0.928) 0.75 M2

ADD 20% Wastage 0.15 M2

0.90 M2

10 mm thick grill

2x(0.405x0.928) 0.75 M2

ADD 10% Wastage 0.08 M2

0.83 M2

Rubber beading:

Shutter Top 2x2(0.405+0.928) 5.33


Main Data

25.93 Kg Alu. Section inclluding anodizing charges 325.00 1 kgs 8427.25

0.9 M2 Glass 5.50mm thick(palin) 362.50 1 M2 326.25

0.83 M2 Aluminium grill 10mm thick 2079.00 1 M2 1725.57

5.33 Rm Rubber beading 29.05 1 Rm 154.84

3.15 M2 Labour charges 732.00 1 M2 2305.80

LS Sundries for T.W. plugs, angles, screws, LS 100.00

dismantling, Redoing to good condition includilng
power supply etc.

For 3.15M2 4139.59

Rate /m2 4140.00


1 Supplying and fixing in position of aluminium handrails anodised matt natural finish c type section of
size 70x30x3 mm thick at 1.527 kg/m with all alu. Strip section No.5126 of 37 mm with 0.227 kg/m
inclulding balustrades square section of size 25.40x25.40x1.50mm thick at 0.442 kg/m to a height
800mm from the finish floor level at step nesing fixed at 150mm intervals iln the two numbers for each
step with necessary screws plugs etc. including providing holes iln the RCC masonry steps landing or
floor and also fixing the aluminium depth and grouted with cement and redoing the damaged portion as
original condition.

Aluminium hand rails

Consider for 1.01m length
C' type hand rail
1.01 x 1.527 kg/Rm 1.542 kg
Strip connection

1.01 x 0.227 kg/m 0.229 kg

0.80 x 4 x 0.442 kg/RM 1.414 kg

0.90 x 3 x 0.442 kg/RM 1.193 kg

4.378 kg
M.S. square rods 20 x 20mm
1x6x0.40x3.4 8.16 kg
Main Data

4.38 Kg Alu. Section inclluding anodizing charges 325.00 1 kgs 1423.50

8.8 kg M.S. square rods 20mm 52.10 1 M2 458.48

2.5 Nos Fitter I Class 881.00 1 Rm 2202.50

LS Wastage in Alu. Section 10 % LS 142.35

LS Sundries for T.W. plugs, angles, Cement slurry, LS 96.00

dismantling Redoing charges, scafolding and
strutting inclusive of power supply


Rate Rs. 4323.00 /1 M2





39.3816 14.256




LS 0.00

Sl. Qty Description of work
No Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used
for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided
at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm
is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is
provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves
shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer
frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of
double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of
the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for
lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place. Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at
1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two an appropriate place in the door. A tie
bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are
given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour
charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

a. Single Leaf 1.00x2.10m (Fully panneled)

Meterials required

Outer frame

Horizotal 1X1.00 =1.00 M

Vertical 2X2.10 =4.20 M

5.20 M

5.20mx3.50 kg/m 18.20 kg

Shutter frame

Vertical 2 x 2.088 = 4.18 M

Horizotal 1 X 0.988 =1.98 M

6.16 M

6.16mx2.60 kg 16.02 kg

Tie bar by using 32x6mm flat

1.50 kg
Lock rail for fixing aldrop in MS flat 32x6mm

1x0.988x1.50kg 1.482 kg

Stiffeners at rear side Horizontal

1x0.988x3x0.70kg 2.08 kg


1x1.21x6x0.70kg 5.08 kg
32x3mm in one side Total Weight 44.36 kg

Add 5% wastage 2.22 kg

46.58 kg

Area CR sheet required

20.22 kg
Add 5% wastage
1.01 kg

21.23 kg

Painting area =1x2.10x1.00x2.20

4.62 m2

Main Data

46.58 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 Each 2468.74

21.23 kg 18GCRS 53.00 Each 1125.24

64.58 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles fabrication & finishing 51.15 Each 3303.27

4.62 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 Each 342.80

6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00

3.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 268.80

1.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 Each 97.85

1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25

1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 Each 181.00

1.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 Each 64.25

2.10 Labour for fixing the Door & furniture fittings 228.50 Each 479.85

L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 210.00

For 2.10M2 4586.69 9632.05

Rate Rs. 4587.00

2 Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used
for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x6mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided
at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm
is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is
provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves
shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer
frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of
double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of
the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for
lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place. Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at
1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two an appropriate place in the door. A tie
bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are
given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour
charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

b, Double Leaf 1.20x2.10m (Fully panneled)

Area 2.52 m2 m2
Door outer frame 40x40x6 (2.10x2)+(1.20x1)=5.40x3.50kg/m 18.90 kg
shutter frame 35x35x6/2(2x2.088)+2x0.594)
=10.728x2.60kg/m 27.89 kg
Tie bar1x1.2=1.2x1.5 1.80
Vertical rod 1 x 2.10 x 1.10 kg/m 2.31
Stiffeners with MS flats of 32x6mm
6Nosx2x0.594x0.70kg/m 4.99 kg
Diagonal flats 2x2x0.688x1.5kg/m 4.13 kg
60.02 kg
Add 5% wastage 3.00 kg
Total steel weight 63.02 kg
CR sheet 18G=2X0.594X2.088X9.80kg 24.31kg/m 24.31
Add 5% wastage 1.22
Painting priming coat=2x0.6x2.10x2.20 5.54
Main Data
63.02 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 3340.06
25.53 kg 18GCRS 53.00 1353.09
84.33 kg Labour for cutting sheets, anglesfabrication & finishing 51.15 4313.48
5.54 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 411.07
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 1008.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 358.40
2.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 195.70
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 181.00
2.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 128.50
2.52 M2 Labour for fixing the Door & 228.50 575.82
furniture fittings
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 240.00
For 2.52M2 12187.37
Rate Rs. 4836.26
Say Rs. 4836.00
3 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other
incidental charges etc., complete.

Single Leaf 1.00x2.10m ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled)

Door outer frame 40x40x3
(2.10x2)+(1.00x1)x3.50kg/m 18.20 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x6(2x2.088)+2x0.988)
x2.60kg/m 16.00 Kg
Stiffners with MS flatsof 32x6mm
1Nox0.988x1.50kg/m 1.482 Kg
Diagonal flats 1x0.60x1.50kg 0.90 Kg
36.582 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.829
Total steel weight 38.41 Kg
CRC Sheet 18G=0.988x2.088/3x9.80kg 6.74 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.37
Total 7.11 Kg
M.S.Grill 0.988x2.088x2/3x20kg 27.51 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.38
28.89 Kg
Painting Priming coat
(2.10-1.38x2.20) 1.59 M2
Main Data
38.41 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 2035.79
7.11 kg 18GCRS 53.00 376.83
28.89 kg MS Grill with fixing 102.15 2951.11
43.32 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles 51.15 2215.82
fabrication & finishing
1.59 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 117.98
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 1008.00
2.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 179.20
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 97.85
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 181.00
1.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 64.25
2.1 M2 Labour charges for fixing the door and furniture fittings 228.50 479.85
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 210.00
For 2.10M2 9999.93
Rate Rs. 4761.87 M2
Say Rs. 4762.00 M2
4 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials,
labour ,charges, taxes, ransportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double Leaf 1.20x2.10m ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled)

Door of size 1.20x2.10m 2.52 M2
Door outer frame 40x40x3
(2.10x2)+(1.20x1)=5.40x3.50kg/m 18.90 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5(2x2.088)+2x0.594)2
27.89 Kg
Die bar : 1 x 1.2 x 1.5 kg/m 1.80 Kg
Stiffners with MS flatsof 32x6mm
2Nosx2x0.594x1.50kg/m 3.56 Kg
Vertical bar 1 x 2.10 x 1.10 kg/m 2.31 Kg
Diagonal flats 2x2x0.688x1.50kg 4.13 Kg
58.59 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 2.93
Total steel weight 61.52 Kg
CRC Sheet 18G=2x0.594x2.088/3x9.80kg 8.10 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.40
Total 8.50 Kg
Grill 2x0.594x2.088x2/3kg
1.65x20 33.07 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.65 Kg
34.72 Kg
Painting Priming coat 1.914 M2
Main Data
61.52 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 Kg 3260.56
8.50 kg 18GCRS 53.00 Kg 450.50
34.72 kg MS Grill 102.15 Kg 3546.65
66.69 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles fabrication & finishing 51.15 Kg 3411.19
1.914 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 M2 142.02
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 No. 1008.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 No. 358.40
2.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 No. 195.70
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 No. 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 No. 181.00
2.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 No. 128.50
2.52 M 2
Labour for fixing the Door &furniture fittings 228.50 M2 575.82
Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
L.S. L.S. 250.00
the damaged portion
For 2.52M 2
Rate Rs. 5393.09
SAY Rate Rs. 5393.00
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be
provided 6nos of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the
door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in
the door. A Tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing.
All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all
meterials, labour charges,taxes, transportation to site of work , loading, unloading and all other incidental charges

Double leaf Door size 1.5 X 2.1M ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled) 3.15 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.50 1.50
5.7x3.5Kg/m 19.95 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 Kg
Horizontal 2x2x0.744 2.98 Kg
11.33x2.6Kg/m 29.46 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet 2x0.744x2.28Kg 3.39 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.5x1.5Kg 2.25 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side Kg
Horizontal 2x1x0.744x0.7 Kg 1.04 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x0.821x0.7 Kg 2.30 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 59.16 Kg
Add 5% wastage 2.96 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.74x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 10.19 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.51 kg
10.70 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.744x1.4x20kg/m2 41.60 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.08 kg
43.68 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.5x2.1=3.15m2-2.08m2 1.07 M2
1.07x2.2 2.35 M2
Main Data
62.12 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3292.36
10.70 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 567.10
43.68 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 4461.91
69.35 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3547.25
2.35 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 174.37
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 Each 195.70
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 Each 181.00
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 Each 128.50
3.15 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 719.78
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same LS LS 140.00
For 3.15M2 14856.62
Rate Rs. 4716.39 /M2
SAY Rate Rs. 4716.00
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m with 3mm pin headed glass used for glazing and
fixed with 15x12 mm teakwood beeding and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of oldfasts 120mm
in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and
the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar is provided at the
bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are given one coat of red
oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour charges,taxes,
transportation to site of work , loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc.,complete.

Double leaf Door size 1.5 X 2.1M (1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled with glazing) 3.15 m2

Materials required

Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m

Horizontal 1x1x1.50 1.50

5.7x3.5Kg/m 19.95 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm

Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 =
8.35 M
Horizontal 2x2x0.744
2.98 M

11.33x2.6Kg/m 29.46 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet
2x0.744x2.28Kg 3.39 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.5x1.5Kg
2.25 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side

Horizontal 2x1x0.744x0.7 Kg 1.04 Kg

Diagonal 2x2x0.821x0.7 Kg 2.30 Kg

MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x.7x1.1KG
0.77 Kg

Total 59.16 Kg

Add 5% wastage 2.96 Kg

62.12 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.74x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2
10.19 kg

Add 5% wastage 0.51 kg

10.70 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.744x1.4x20kg/m2 41.60 kg

Add 5% wastage 2.08 kg

43.68 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.5x2.1=3.15m2-2.08m2 1.07 M2

1.07x2.2 2.35 M2

3mm tk pin headed glass 1x2x0.744x1.40 2.08 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.21 M2

2.29 M2

Teak wood beading 2x2(0.744+1.40) 8.58 Rm

Main Data

62.12 kg MS angles & Flats

53.00 kg 3292.36
10.70 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 567.10
43.68 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges
102.15 kg 4461.91
2.29 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 518.91
8.58 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 132.56
69.35 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 kg 3547.25
2.35 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 174.370
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
97.85 Each 195.70
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
181.00 Each 181.00
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
64.25 Each 128.50
3.15 M2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 M2 719.78
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping

masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same

LS LS 250.00
For 3.15M2
Rate Rs. 4958.13 /M2

SAY Rate Rs. 4958.00

Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Entrance steel door Single leaf coverd with the following specification. M.S
angles of a size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames
stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in
the shutter and welded intact for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat
sand witching the CR sheet in between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of
the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20 kg/sq.m with 300mm hieght of
fixed glazing at top with 3mm thick Pin Headed glass including 3 Nos hinges for single leaf shutter to be provided 3 nos
of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officer. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour,
charges,taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Single leaf: (1/3 panneled & 2/3 grilledwith top ventilator glazing))

Area 1.00 x 2.40 = 2.40 M2

Door size 1.00 X 2.10 =2.10M
Fixed glazing at top 1.00 x 0.3m
Vertical 2x2.40 4.80 Kg
Horizontal 1x1.0 1.00 Kg
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm MS Angle at 3.50 kg/m

Vertical 2x2.4 4.80 m

Horizontal 1x1 1.00 m
5.80 m
5.80x3.5Kg/m 20.30 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35mm at 2.60kg/m

Vertical 2x2.06 4.12

Horizontal 2x0.96 1.92
6.04x2.6Kg/m 15.70 Kg
For fixed portion (0.26+0.92)x2.60kg/m 3.07 Kg
MS flat 1No x 0.96x1.50 kg/m 1.44 Kg
Stiffeners at rear side
Horizontal 0.92x2x0.70 Kg/m
1.29 Kg
Diagonal 1.16x2x0.70 Kg
1.62 Kg
Total weight of MS flats and angles 43.42 Kg
Add 5% wastage 2.17 Kg
45.59 Kg
CR Sheet 18G reqd. 0.92x0.70x9.8 Kg/m2
6.31 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.32 Kg
6.63 Kg
MS grill of 9kg/m2 0.92x2.06x2/3=
1.26 M2
1.26x9Kg/m2 =
11.34 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.57 Kg
11.91 Kg
Glazing for fixed portion 0.26x0.92= 0.24 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.02 M2
0.26 M2
Teakwood beading for glazing area
2x(0.26+0.92) 2.36 Rm
Painting Red oxide primer
Total area 2.40M2

Deduct glzed area and Grill area 0.24+1.26= 1.50 M2

(2.40-1.50)x2 = 1.80 M2
Main Data
45.59 kg MS angles & Flats
53.00 kg 2416.27
6.63 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 351.39
11.91 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2
102.15 kg 1216.61
0.26 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 58.92
2.36 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 36.46
49.73 kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 Each 2543.69
1.80 M2 Red oxide primer
74.20 M2 133.56
3 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 504.00
3 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 268.80
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
97.85 195.70
1 Nos Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
82.25 82.25
1 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
64.25 64.25
1 Nos Door stopper with bush
49.55 Each 49.55
2.40 m2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 m2 548.40
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same
Ls 240.00
For 2.40 M2 8709.84

Rate Rs. 3629.10

Say Rs. 3629.00 /M2
6 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Entrance steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size
40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm
M.S. flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded
intact for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the
CR sheet in between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter.
The balance 2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20 kg/sq.m with 300mm hieght of fixed
glazing at top with 3mm thick Pin Headed glass including6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Area 1.50 x 2.40 = 3.60 M2(1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled with top ventilator glazing)

Door size 1.5 X 2.1M

Fixed glazing at top 1.5 x 0.3m

Materials required

Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 2x2.4 4.80 m

Horizontal 1x1.50 1.50 m

6.30 m

6.30x3.5Kg/m 22.05 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm

Vertical 2x2x2.06 8.24

Horizontal 2x2x0.71 2.84

11.08x2.6Kg/m 28.81 Kg

For fixed portion (0.26+1.42)x2.60kg/m 4.37 Kg

Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side

Horizontal 2x2x0.71x1.50 Kg/m

4.26 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x0.98x1.50 Kg
5.88 Kg

Tie bar 30x6mm 2x0.71x1.50 Kg/m 2.13 Kg

Total weight of MS flats and angles 67.50 Kg

Add 5% wastage 3.37 Kg

70.87 Kg
CR Sheet 18G reqd. 1x2x0.71x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2
9.74 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.49 Kg

10.23 Kg
MS grill of 20 kg/m2 2x0.72x2.06x2/3=
1.98 M2
1.98x20 Kg/m2 =
39.6 Kg

Add 5% wastage 1.98 Kg

41.58 Kg

3mm tk pin headed glass

Glazing for fixed portion 1.42x0.26= 0.37 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.04 M2

0.41 M2

Teakwood beading for glazing area

2x(0.26+1.40) 3.32 Rm

Painting Red oxide primer

Total area 3.60M2

Deduct glazed area and Grill area

3.6-(0.37+1.98)x2 = 1.25x2 2.50 M2

Main Data

Main Data

70.87 kg MS angles & Flats

53.00 kg 3756.11
10.23 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 542.19
41.58 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges
102.15 kg 4247.40
0.41 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 92.91
3.32 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 51.29
77.24 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 kg 3950.83
2.50 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 185.50
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 Each 1008.00
6 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 Each 537.60
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
97.85 Each 195.70
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
181.00 Each 181.00
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
64.25 Each 128.50
3.60 M2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 M2 822.60
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same
LS 240.00

For 3.60M2 16021.87

Rate Rs. 4450.52 /M2
Say Rs. /M2
7 Fabricating, supplying and fixing of steel Emergency exitdoor cum, emergency window with the following specification.
M.S. angle in size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angle of sie 35x35x5mm for the shutter frame, stiffners
with 32x6mm M.S. flats provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 guage CR sheet is laid as panel and welded
instant for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter, M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S flat sandwitching the CR
sheet in between additional stiffner with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear-side of the shutter. The balance
2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 15kg/m2 and the top portion of operation emergency window
is to be made of 25x25x3mm M.S. angle welded intact with CR sheet and 25x3mm M.S. flat at diagonally at the near side of
the window at required interwals 6 Nos. of hinges to be provided,6 Nos of holdfast 100mm in length made of angle section
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2 Nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are to
be provided one aldrop is provided at an appropriate place in the door 2 Nos. of 'D' type handle for emergency window and 2
Nos of handle for door is to be provided at appropriate places. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent
twisting of frame during transportation of fixing. All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the
departmental officers. The rate includes cost of materials, labour transportation to side of works, loading, unloading and all
other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double leaf door

Consider a door size 1.20x2.10 Area = 2.52 M2

Door Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 2x2.10
Top Horizontal 2x1.20

23.10 kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5

Vertical 2x2x2.088x2.60 kg/m

Horizontal 2x2x0.584x2.60 kg/m

27.79 kg
tie bar at bottom of door 32x6mm of 1.50kg

1.20x1.50 kg/m
1.80 kg
For locking rail using 32x6mm flat

2x0.584x1.50 kg/m
1.75 kg
Stiffners at rear side

Horizontal 2x3x0.584x0.70 kg/m

2.45 kg
Vertical 2x4x0.91x0.70 kg/m
5.10 kg
Stiffners at door joining using 32x3mm flat in door side

1x2.10x1.10 kg/m
2.31 kg
For openable window 25x25x3mm angle

Horizontal 2x2x0.584x1.10 kg/m

2.57 kg
Vertical 2x2x1.30x1.10 kg/m
5.72 kg
Stiffners for window 25x3mm flat

3.37 kg
75.96 kg
Add 5% for wastage

M.Sgrill 2x0.584x1.288x15
22.57 Kg
Add 5% for wastage

23.70 kg
18 gauge CR sheet

For door 2x0.584x0.80x9.80 kg

For window 2x0.584x1.288x9.80 kg

23.90 kg
Add 5% for wastage
1.20 kg

25.10 kg
Painting area
1x1x1.20x2.10x2.20 5.54 M2
Main data
79.76 Kg M.S Angle &flat
53.00 Kg 4227.28
25.10 Kg C.R.Sheets 18G
53.00 Kg 1330.30
23.70 Kg M.S.Grill With primer
102.15 Kg 2420.96
5.54 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 411.36
99.86 Kg Labour for cutting & welding
51.15 Kg 5107.84
6 Nos Hold fast 120mm thick
168.00 No 1008.00
6 Nos Hinges heavy type125x30mm
89.60 No 537.60
2 Nos Tower bolt 250mm long 12mm dia
97.85 No 195.70
1 No Aldrops 250mm long 16mm dia
181.00 No 181.00
4 Nos M.S.Handles 200mm long
64.25 No 257.00
2.52 M2 Labour charges for fixing door & Furniture fittings
228.50 M2 575.82
L.S Fixing furnitures cost of conveyance loading & unloading
erection,assumbling cost of concrete etc
Rate/2.52M2 16482.86
Rate/1M2 6540.82
SAY Rate/1M2 6541.00
8 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing fixed grills made out of 40x40x6mm at 3.5 Kg/m are used as the outer frames. MS
Angles of size 40x40x6mm at 2.6Kg/m is welded intact withouter frame from 1/3 bottom portion for fixing CR sheet & MS
grill 18 GCR sheet is laid as panel & welded intact for 1/3 bottom portion. MS Flat are provided as per design 2/3 top Portion
is provided with MS grill of 15Kg/M2 as panel. The design & style for the upper grill work should be approved by the
departmental Officers. MS Flat 18 x 5mm at 0.7 Kg/m is welded as additional stiffeners at the rear side of the CR sheet panel.
2Nos of hold fasts of 120mm in length made out of 40x40x6mm MS Angle spliced at the ends are welded to one side of the
outer frame & the other side of the outer frame suitable arrangements should be made to be fixed rigidily with adjoining door/
window outer frame. All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate
includes cost of materials, labour charges, transportation, taxes & all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Consider a size of 1.27x2.10m area = 2.67 M2

Top Vertical : 2x2.10 4.20
Top & bottom Horizontal:2x1.27 2.54
6.74 Rm
Wt.of angle : 6.74x3.5 kg/m 23.59 kg
Angle of size 35x35x5mm angle at 1/3 ht. from bottom
Horizontal 1x1x1.27 1.27m
Wt.of angle : 1.27x2.6 kg/m 3.30 kg
26.89 kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.34
28.23 kg
Shutter panel 1/3 bottom portion 18GCR sheet
Wt.of C.R.Sheet 0.867x9.80kg/m2 8.49 kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.42
8.91 kg
Shutter panel 2/3 Grill portion
Area of grill 1x1.259 x 1.389 1.75 m2
Wt. of Grill 1.75 x15kg/m2 26.25 kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.31 kg
27.56 kg
Painting area (2.667-1.75)x2.20 2.02 M2
Main Data
28.23 kg M.S. Angle
53.00 kg 1496.19
8.91 kg C.R. Sheet
53.00 kg 472.23
27.56 kg Grill
102.15 kg 2815.25
2.02 M2 Priming Coat
74.20 m2 149.88
35.38 kg Labour for cutting, welding & finishing
51.15 kg 1809.69
2.00 Nos Hold fast
168.00 Each 336.00
2.67 M2 Labour charge for fixing
228.50 M2 610.10
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 160.00
For 2.67M2
Rate Rs. 2939.83

B 2940.00
9 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround commercial ply 35mm thick including supplying and fixing cost
of wind appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .200x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 150x12mm aluminium tower
bolts 1no. 250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc.,
complete as directed by the departmental officers.

a) Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
2.06 m2 thick commercial ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping 1698.00 m2 3497.88
(internal alround)

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 No 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 5422.29

Rate Rs. 2899.62

Say Rs. 2900.00

10 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround commercial ply 35mm thick including supplying and fixing cost
of wind appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .200x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 150x12mm aluminium tower
bolts 1no. 250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc.,
complete as directed by the departmental officers.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M 3.15 m2

Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

M.D.F Board = 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.29 m2

3.18 m2

Main data

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
3.18 m2 thick commercial ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping 1698.00 m2 5399.64
(internal alround)

Alu. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm) 89.60 Each 537.60

2 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 261.00

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 192.75

2 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 291.40

2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double 330.20 m2 954.28

2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 660.37

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 190.00

For 2.89M2 8750.28

Rate Rs. 3027.78

Say Rs. 3028.00 /M2

11 Supplying and fixing Solid core Particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with Teak ply on both sides and
with T.W. lipping alround conforming to IS 2302 including supplying and fixing cost of wind appliances and furniture
fittings such as 1no .300 x 12 mm aluminium tower bolt 2 nos. 200x12 mm aluminium tower bolts 1no. 250 x 16 mm
aluminium aldrops, 2 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc., complete as directed
by the departmental officers.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
2.06 m2 thick Teak ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping (internal 1982.00 m2 4082.92

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 No 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 6007.33

Rate Rs. 3212.48

Say Rs. 3212.00

12 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround Teak ply 3mm thick including supplying and fixing cost of wind
appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .300x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 200x12mm aluminium tower bolts 1no.
250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc., complete
as directed by the departmental officers.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M 3.15 m2

Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

M.D.F Board = 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.29 m2

3.18 m2

Main data
solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
3.18 m2 thick Teak ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping (internal 1982.00 m2 6302.76
Alu. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm) 89.60 Each 537.60

2 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 261.00

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 192.75

2 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 291.40

2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/double 330.20 m2 954.28

2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 660.37

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 190.00

For 2.89M2 9653.40

Rate Rs. 3340.28

Say Rs. 3340.00 /M2

13 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Both side Pre laminated including
external lipping with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P.
screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with
thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu.
hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2
Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)= 5.92 RM

Main data

2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thickof Kiln dried soft wood 2180.00 m2 4490.80

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 6415.21

Rate Rs. 3430.59

Say Rs. 3431.00

14 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Both side Pre laminated including
external lipping with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all
edges with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty,
fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium
furniture fittings such as 6 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1
no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door
inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt
finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not
less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other
incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data

3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Kiln dried soft wood

2180.00 m2 6932.40
Alu. Ane. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)

89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 190.00
For 2.89M2
Rate Rs. 3558.15

Say Rs. 3558.00

15 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws,
including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner
colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges
125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos
Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood 1777.00 m2 3660.62
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 2986.65
Say Rs. 2987.00
16 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary
adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for
T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings
such as 6 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower
bolt of 200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour
charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15
microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential
charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood 1777.00 m2 5650.86
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 9001.50
Rate Rs. 3114.71
Say Rs. 3115.00
17 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws,
including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner
colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges
125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos
Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:
Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m
2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2
2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data

2.06 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood

1641.00 m2 3380.46
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 2836.83
Say Rs. 2837.00
18 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Pre laminated Kiln dried soft
wood of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive and C.P.
screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with
thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos Alu.
hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 3
Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data

3.18 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood

1641.00 m2 5218.38
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 8569.02
Rate Rs. 2965.06
Say Rs. 2965.00
19 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 35 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing
of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc.,
The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu.
aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no
door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All
Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI
specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing
charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping 1914.00 m2 3942.84
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 3137.57
Say Rs. 3138.00
20 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 35 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive
and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping
with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos
Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of
200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges
for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns,
The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges,
handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1914.00 m2 6086.52
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 9437.16
Rate Rs. 3265.45
Say Rs. 3265.00
21 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing
of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc.,
The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu.
aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no
door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All
Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI
specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing
charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1698.00 m2 3497.88
Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)

89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 175.00
For 1.87M 2

Rate Rs. 2907.64
Say Rs. 2908.00
22 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive
and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping
with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos
Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of
200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges
for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns,
The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges,
handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1698.00 m2 5399.64
Alu. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 200.00
For 2.89M2 8760.28
Rate Rs. 3031.24
Say Rs. 3031.00
23 Supplying and fixing PVC sliding door for Disabled persons toilet in with Solid PVC
door shutters using 19 Gauge 19mm MS square tubes for styles and outer frames, 15mm
MS square tubes for top, lock and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm
thick solid PVC sheets. Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall
rigidly fixed in position including necessary furniture and fittings. The over all size of
styles shall be 50mm x 30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall
be 75mm x 30mm. The over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm, with suitable rabate
for housing the shutter including slidng arrangements.

Size of Door : 0.75x2.10=1.575m2

PVC shutter area 0.65x1.90

1.24 m2
Main data

1.24 m2 PVC shutters without frame

2800.00 m2 3472.00
2 Nos PVC Roller

14.60 Each 29.20

1 Nos Lock

71.10 Each 71.10

2 Nos D Type Handle(100mm long)

35.30 Each 70.60

LS Labour charges for fixing, Screws, nails dismantling and redoing
LS 300.00
For 1.575 m2

Rate Rs.
Say Rs.
24 Supplying and fixing PVC sliding door with Solid PVC door shutters using 19 Gauge
19mm MS square tubes for styles and outer frames, 15mm MS square tubes for top, lock
and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm thick solid PVC sheets.
Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall rigidly fixed in position
including necessary furniture and fittings. The over all size of styles shall be 50mm x
30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mm x 30mm. The
over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm, with suitable rabate for housing the shutter
including slidng arrangements.

Size of Door : 0.75x2.10=1.575m2

Main data
1.575 m3 PVC shutters with frame 3325.00 m3 5236.88
2 Nos PVC Roller 14.60 Each 29.20
1 Nos Lock 71.10 Each 71.10
2 Nos D Type Handle 35.30 Each 70.60
LS Labour charges for fixing, Screws, nails dismantling and redoing
LS 300.00
For 1.575 m2 5707.78
Rate Rs. 3623.98
Say Rs.
Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of cupboard shutter using country
wood (kongu) frame of 100 m x 32 mm thick for outer frame horizontal
and vertical memebers. The shutter frame of size 75 x 32 mm of country
wood scantling (Horizontal 3 nos., Vertical 2 nos., of reach shutter) with
12 mm thick both side prelaminated particle board (exterior grade)
shutter.The shutter are fixed to the frame with requied 6 nos., o
alumium hings 100 x 30 mm 2 nos., 'D' type alumium hadle 100 mm 2
nos., of aluminum tower bolts 75 x 10 mm 2 nos., of cupboard lock etc.,
the country wood frame shall be painted two coats with synthetic enamel
paint over one coat of wood primer. The prelaminated particle board and
furniture fittings used should be got approved by the Executive Engineer
before use on works. The cost is inclusive of alumnum handle. tower
bolts, piano type hingers, screws, nails, and required further fittings and
Consider size of 1.20x2.10 2.52 M2
Outer Frame
Vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 x 0.10 x 0.035 0.015 M3
Horizontal 1 x 2 x 1.20 x 0.10 x 0.035 0.0084 M3
0.0234 M3
Shutter frame
Vertical 2 x 2 x 1.90 x 0.075 x 0.032 0.0182 M3
Horizontal 2 x3x 0.50 x 0.075 x 0.032 0.0072 M3
0.0254 M3
Total 0.0488
Shutter - Prelaminated Board

2 x 2 x 0.875 x 0.50 1.75 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.18
Main Data

0.0488 M3 C.W. scantling over 2.00 m in length 34300.00 M3 1673.84

0.0488 M 3
Labour for Wrought & put up 22647.43 M3 1105.19
1.93 M2 MDF 12mm prelaminated both side
1050.00 M2 2026.50
1.75 M 2
Labour charges Wrought& put up
214.10 M2 374.68
6 Nos Aluminium Hinges 100x30
71.90 Each 431.40
2 Nos Aluminium Handles 100mm
35.30 Each 70.60
2 Nos Aluminium Tower bolt 75x10mm
39.70 Each 79.40
1 No Cup board lock 71.10 Each 71.10
LS Screws, nails, dismandling and redoing incidental charges and other
charges including painting
LS 200.00
Rate for 2.52 6032.71
Rate Rs. 2393.93 1/M2
Say Rs.
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos
of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double leaf Door size 1.8 X 2.1M (1/3 panneled&2/3 grilled) 3.78 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.80 1.80
6x3.5Kg/m 21.00 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 m
Horizontal 2x2x0.894 3.58 m
11.93x2.60Kg/m 31.02 Kg
Intermediate J Section in between Grill & CR sheet
2x0.894x2.28Kg 4.08 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.8x1.5Kg 2.70 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side
Horizontal 2x1x0.894x0.7 Kg 1.25 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x1.273x0.7 Kg 3.56 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x0.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 64.38 Kg
Add 5% wastage 3.22 Kg
67.60 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.894x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 12.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.61 kg
12.88 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.894x1.4x20kg/m2 50.06 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.50 kg
52.56 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.8x2.1=3.78m2-2.50m2 1.28 M2
1.28x2.2 2.82 M2
Main Data
67.60 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3582.80
12.88 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 682.64
52.56 kg MS grill includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 5369.00
76.64 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3920.14
2.82 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 209.24
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 Each 195.70
1 Nos Tower Bolt 200 mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 Each 181.00
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 Each 128.50
3.78 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 863.73
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same LS LS 240.00
For 3.78M2 4450.11
Rate Rs. 4450.00 /M2
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m with 3mm pin headed glass used for glazing and
fixed with 15x12 mm teakwood beeding and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of holdfasts 120mm
in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and
the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar is provided at the
bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are given one coat of red
oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour charges, taxes,
transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.
Double leaf Door size 1.8 X 2.1M(1/3 panneled&2/3 grilled with glazing)) 3.78 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.80 1.80
6x3.5Kg/m 21.00 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 m
Horizontal 2x2x0.894 3.58 m
11.93x2.60Kg/m 31.02 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet
2x0.894x2.28Kg 4.08 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.8x1.5Kg 2.70 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side
Horizontal 2x1x0.894x0.7 Kg 1.25 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x1.273x0.7 Kg 3.56 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x0.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 64.38 Kg
Add 5% wastage 3.22 Kg
67.60 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.894x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 12.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.61 kg
12.88 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.894x1.4x20kg/m2 50.06 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.50 kg
52.56 kg
3 mm Pin headed glass : 1X2X0.894X1.40 2.50
Add 10% wastage 0.25
Teakwood Beeding :2x2(0.894+1.40) 9.18
Painting Red oxide primer 1.8x2.1=3.78m2-2.50m2 1.28 M2
1.28x2.2 2.82 M2
Main Data
67.60 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3582.80
12.88 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 682.64
52.56 kg MS grill includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 5369.00
2.75 M2 3 mm Pin headed glass 226.60 M2 623.15
9.18 Rm Teakwood Beeding 15.45 Rm 141.83
76.64 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3920.14
2.82 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 209.24
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 97.85 Each 195.70
1 Nos Tower Bolt 200 mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 Each 181.00
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 64.25 Each 128.50
3.78 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 863.73
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chippingmasonry ,concrete etc & redoing the same 240.00
For 3.78M2
Rate Rs.
4652.00 /M2
26 Supplying ,fabricating and fixing in position of steel frame without
bottom frame, of size 100X60mm rectangular section with necessary
rebate 30mmX15mm, to host the shutter,using 1.25mm thick (18
guage) CRCA cold rolled frame steel plate confirming to ISI specified
ensured of right butt joint riveted hold assembly with nylon insert,not be
welded with special purpose hard ware.Proclaimed including phopating as
per ISI with rust preventive primer ready to assemble condition for easy
installation at site including dismantling,making necessary chipping and
holes in RCC columns, walls with power drills to the extent
required ,including providing concrete 1:2:4 inside the box curing etc
complete.The cost includes the cost of hold fast ,plastic bush, insert
receiver,rubber bottom,shock absorber etc complete as directed by the
departmental officers in all floors.

1.00 Rm Cost of Door frame

360.00 Rm 360.00
0.0063 P.C.C 1:2:4 Using 20mm HBGS Jelly
M3 7599.00 M3 47.87
Rate per RM Rs.

8 Fabrication, supply and fixing in position of 'N' type ventilators using M.S. angle of size 25 x 25 x5 mm for frame and M.S.
Flat of size 20 x 3 mm for fixing the weld mesh and using 25 x 22 x3 mm 'T' section for frame glass. Special type of Hold
fast welded to the frame of 45 degree inclined towards centre for wall and fxing the weldmesh 25mm square including cost of
3mm thick pinheaded glass panes for all panels and fixing the glass panels with necessary clips & putties with required bolts,
nuts and washers and one coat of red oxide primer etc. including necessary dismantling, making holes in RCC columns,
beams, masonry wherever necessary with power drill to the extend required and made good to the original conditions after
fising as directed by the departmental officers.
Consider a size of ventilator 2.5 x 0.6 1.50 M2
L Angle 25x25x5mm
Horizontal member 4.00 2.5 10.00
Vertical 4.00 0.35 1.40
Hold fast 4.00 0.15 0.60
Subtotal 12.00
Total weight of 'L' Angle @ 1.8 kg/rm 21.6 Kg
25 x 22 x 3 mm 'T' section @ 1.03 kg/rm 2.00X0.35 2.80
Weight of' T' section @ 1.03 kg/rm 2.884 Kg
M.S. Flat @ 0.5 kg/m 2.00 4 0.20
2(2.50 - 2x.0.025)4 nos. 1.96
Weight of' M.S. Flat @ 0.5 kg/mtotal 0.98 Kg
Alround @ 0.5 kg/rm 2.50 2 5.00
0.50 Kg
Total weight of 'L' Angle,T section,M.S.Flat 21.6+2.884+0.98+2.50 27.96
Add 5% for wastage 1.40
0.20 Weld mesh 2.50 m2 0.50
Glass 10x0.5x0.30 m2 1.50
Add 10 % for wastage 0.15
Primer ( 1.96+5)x0.025=0.174m2
14.80x.025 =0.37m2
29.36 Kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 Kg 1556.08
0.50 m2 Weld mesh 75x25mm 379.90 m2 189.95
1.65 m2 3mm thick pin headed Glass 226.60 m2 373.89
0.54 m2 Priming coat 74.20 m2 21.68
27.960 Kg Labour charges 51.15 Kg 1430.15
LS Dismantling, red oxide charge etc. & LS 150.00
glass pin etc
Total for 1.50m2 3721.76
Rate per 1 m2 2481.17
Say per m2 Rs. 2481.00
1 Supplying and fixing Teakwood frame with scantling above 2m for doors including labour charges for wrought and
putup in possible and for fixing holdfast in frame and necessary etc., complete.

T.W.Scantling upto 3m
1 m3 Cost of T.W. Scantlings 111600.00 111600.00
1 m3 labour charges for wrought and putup 13690.00 m3 13690.00

Rate Rs. 125290.00 m3
2 Supplying and fixing Teakwood fully panelled shutters for using Teakwood scantlings upto 4m length and teakwood
40mm thick for styles and rails and 22mm thick for planks and panels including cost of wind appliances and labour
charges for fixing the furniture fittings in position but excluding cost of furniture fittings complete as directed by the
Departmental officers.

Consider a door size of 0.90m x 2.10m

Shutter size - 0.80 x 2.045 = 1.636 m2
T.W. Scantlings above 2m long for styles
2x2.045x0.10x0.04 0.01636 m3
T.W. Scantlings below 2m long for rails :-
Top rail :- 1x0.80x0.10x0.04 0.0032
Intermediate rail :- 3.00x0.77x0.10x0.04 0.00924 cum
Lock rail :- 1x0.77x0.18x0.04 0.005544
Bottom rail :- 1x0.80x0.15x0.04 0.0048
Sub Total 0.02278 cum

Teak wood planks :- 5x0.624x0.29x0.022 0.199056

Main Data
0.01636 m3 T.W. Scantlings above 2m long 111600.00 cum 1825.78
0.02278 m3 T.W. Scantlings below 2m long 99400.00 cum 2264.33
0.01991 m3 T.W. planks 22mm tk below 300mm wide
93100.00 cum 1853.62
1.636 m2 Labours wrought and putup (S.R. item no. 144) 1281.00 2095.72
LS Wind appliance & Sand paper etc.,and fixing charges
L.S. 190.00
Total for 17.96 m2 Rs. 8229.45

Rate per 1.636 m2 Rs.

Say Rs. 5030.00 / M2
1 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel sheeted windows ( Two Leaves) with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
numbers of sturdy
openable hinges
shutter and
should notone number
exceed of handle-cum-latch
a width of special
of 600mm to enable typeoperations
separate made withand
18x5mm MS flats areThe
easy maintenance. revetted
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
from top and bottom of the shutter.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete
Two Leaves - 1.20x1.30m
Area of window 1.56 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20x1.419 kg/m 3.41 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.70 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 2x2x0.56 kg/m 3.18 kg
Vertical : 2x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 7.15 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
20.31 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.01 kg
21.32 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm
Horizontal stiffeners = 2x3x0.54x0.70kg/m 2.27 kg
Vertical stiffeners 2x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.45 kg
2.72 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.14 kg
2.86 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2
1x1x1.15x1.25x9.80 14.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.71 kg
14.82 kg
Protective MS rods 12mm square
12x1.20x1.13 kg/m 16.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.81 kg
17.08 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1x1x1.20x1.30x2.20 3.43 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.20 0.69 M2
4.12 M2
Main data
21.32 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1483.87
2.86 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 151.58
14.82 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 785.46
17.08 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 905.24
16.27 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 482.41
16.83 kg Labour for cutting angles,CRS,Welding & fabrication with special 51.15 kg 860.85
1.56 M2 angles
Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 447.10
2.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 313.80
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
2.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 115.30
4.12 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 305.70
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 190.00
For 1.56M2 7000.91
Rate Rs. 4487.76
Say Rs. 4488.00
2 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel sheeted windows ( Three Leaves) with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.
2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Three Leaves - 1.50x1.30m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.26x2.28 kg/m 5.75 kg
28.35 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.77 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 3x3x0.44x0.70kg/m 2.77 kg
Diagonal 3x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.67 kg
3.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.17 kg
3.61 kg
MS bar 12Nos (12mm dia)
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2
1.45x1.25x9.80 17.76 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.89 kg
18.65 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1.50x1.30x2.20 4.29 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
5.15 M2
Main data
29.77 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2071.99
3.61 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 191.33
18.65 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 988.45
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 603.08
21.2 kg Labour for cutting angles,CRS,Welding 51.15 kg 1084.38
1.95 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
5.15 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 382.13
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & 200.00
making good the damaged portion For 1.95M2 8959.36
Rate Rs. 4594.55 M2
Rate Rs. 4594.55
Say Rs. 4595.00 M2
3 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position of MS steel windows (Three
Leaves)with 4mm FRP transparent sheets instead of glass panes with the
following specifications. Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x
25 x 3 mm at 1.419 Kg/m and mullion ' O ' section (F4B) of size 46 x 25 x 3 mm at
2.28 Kg/m and shutter section made of F7D of 33 x 25 x 3 mm at 1.419 Kg/m as
specified in IS 7452/1990. Each openeble shutter should not exceed a width of 600
mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of the shutter to
be covered with 18 Gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with
shutter frames. horizontal stiffeners using 18 x 5 mm MS Flat at all four corners of
each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters for holding the CR sheets
in position firmly. Two numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch
of special type made with 18 x 5mm MS Flats are rivetted to the shutters at an
appropriate height in window. Suitable opening in left for its easy operation. A stopper
square rod for handle is provided in the mullionsection at suitable place to catch the
window handle. Each window shutter having an adjustable position. a matching peg is
provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place.

Four nos of holdfast of 10mm length spliced at the the ends are welded to the outer
frame of the window by using MS Flat of 18 x 5 mm at 0.70 Kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each other from top and bottom of the shutter.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal
intervaal not exceeding 100mm edge to edge between them. All members are painted
with one coat of anti corrossive red oxide primer as directed by the department
officers. All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990. The cost includes cost
of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete.

Three Leaves - 1.50x1.30m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.256x2.28 kg/m 5.73 kg
28.33 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.75 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 4Nos.of 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 4x1.5 -- (0.022x2)+(2x.025)+(2x3x.025)*0.7 4.030 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.23 kg
MS bar 12Nos (12mm dia)
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
FRP transparent sheet 4mm thick
(1.50x1.30)--(2x1.256)+6(0.46+1.256)*0.025+(5.756*0.018) 1.896 m2
Area of priming coat
For window 1.50x1.30--1.59=0.36x2.20 0.792 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.864 M2
1.656 M2
Main data
29.75 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2070.60
4.23 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 224.19
1.896 m2 FRP transparent sheet 4mm thick 270.00 m2 511.92
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 603.08
4.03 kg Labour for cutting angles, CRS, Welding & fabrication with special 51.15 kg 206.13
1.95 M2 angles
Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.66 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 66.65
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding,Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 200.00
For 1.95M2 7320.57
Rate Rs. 3754.14 M2
Say Rs.
3754.00 M2
4 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows (Four Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.

2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face

of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-
corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS
7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete

Four Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 4x2x0.42x1.419 kg/m 4.77 kg
Vertical : 4x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 14.30 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section 1x3x1.26x2.28 kg/m 8.62 kg
36.49 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.82 kg
38.31 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 4x3x0.40x0.70kg/m 3.36 kg
Diagonal 4x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.90 kg
4.26 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.21 kg
4.47 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2:1.75x1.25x9.80 21.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.07
22.51 kg
12mm square MS rod 1x12x1.80x1.13kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1.80x1.30x2.20 5.15 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.80 1.04 M2
6.19 M2
Main data
38.31 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2666.38
4.47 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 236.91
22.51 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 1193.03
25.63 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 723.76
25.7 kg Labour for cutting angles, CRS, Welding & fabrication with special
angles 51.15 kg 1314.55
2.34 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 670.64
4.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 627.60
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
8.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 575.20
4.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 230.60
6.19 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 459.30
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 220.00
For 2.34M2 10948.36
Rate Rs. 4678.79
Say Rs. 4679.00
6 Fabricating ,Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows( Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made
with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy
operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each
window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable
position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the
inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm
edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Five Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg

Shutter frame Horizontal: 5x2x0.32x1.419 kg/m 4.54

Shutter frame Vertical : 5x2x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m
11.49 kg
33.91 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.70 kg
35.61 kg
Stiffners using 18x5mm MS flat
5x3x0.30x0.70 kg/m 3.15 kg
5x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 1.12 kg
4.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.21 kg
4.48 kg
CR sheet required 1.75x1.25x9.80 21.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.07 kg
22.51 kg
12mm M.S Square rod 12 Nosx1.80x1.13 kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat (1.80x1.30x2.20) = 5.15 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x1.80 1.04
6.19 M2
Main data
35.61 kg Special section 69.60 kg 2478.46
4.48 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 237.44
22.51 kg CR sheet 53.00 kg 1193.03
25.63 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 723.76
25.71 kg Labour charges for cutting, welding and fabrication 51.15 kg 1315.07
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
6.19 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 459.30
2.34 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 670.64
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 240.00
For 2.34M2 11139.83
Rate for 1M2 4760.61 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 4761.00 M2
7 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows (Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm

18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy
operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each
window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable
position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size
iswelded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members

is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are
painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in
confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc.,

Five Leaves - 2.10x1.30m

Area = 2.73 M2
\ Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 2x2.10x1.419 kg/m 5.96 kg
Shutter frame Vertical: 2x5x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88 kg
Shutter frame Horizontal : 2x5x0.40x1.419 kg/m 5.68 kg
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m 11.49 kg
44.70 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.23 kg
46.93 kg
Stiffners using 18x5mm MS flat
5x3x0.38x0.70 kg/m 3.99 kg
5x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 1.12 kg
5.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.26 kg
5.37 kg
CR sheet required 2.05x1.25x9.80 kg/m2 25.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.26 kg
26.37 kg
12mm M.S Square rod: 12 Nosx2.10x1.13 kg/m 28.48 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.90 kg
Area of priming coat 2.10x1.30x2.20 6.01 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x2.10 1.21 1.21
7.22 M2
Main data
46.93 kg Special section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 3266.33
5.37 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 284.61
26.37 kg CR sheet 53.00 kg 1397.61
29.90 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1584.70
28.48 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 844.43
30.22 kg Labour charges for cutting, welding and fabrication 51.15 kg 1545.75
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
7.22 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 535.72
2.73 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 782.42
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 230.00
For 2.73M2 12935.33
Rate for 1M2 4738.21 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 4738.00 M2
8 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Two Leaves )with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter

at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided
in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay made out of
18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer
frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame
of the window.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the windowat an equal interva

interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer
as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all
materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete
Two Leaves - 1.20x1.30m
Area of window 1.56 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20x1.419 kg/m 3.41 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 2x2x0.56 kg/m 2.24 kg
Vertical : 2x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 7.15 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
19.36 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.97 kg
20.33 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x1x1.15x1.25 1.44 kg
Add 10% wastage 0.14 kg
1.58 kg
Protective MS rods 12mm square
12x1.20x1.13 kg/m 16.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.81 kg
17.08 kg
TW beading 1x2x2x(0.56+1.26) 7.28 RM
Area of priming coat
For window (1.56-1.44)x2.20 0.26 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.20 0.69 M2
0.95 M2
Main data
20.33 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1414.97
17.08 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 905.24
16.27 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 862.31
1.58 M2 Glazing 3mm pin headed 226.60 m2 358.03
1.56 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 447.10
2.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 313.80
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
2.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 115.30
0.95 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 70.49
7.28 RM Teak wood beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 112.48
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 160.00
For 1.56M 2
Rate Rs. 3666.22
Say Rs. 3666.00
9 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Three Leaves )with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter at an
appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the
mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x
5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of
the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the
window.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval

not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as
directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all
materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete

Three Leaves - 1.20x1.50m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
25.47 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.27 kg
26.74 kg
MS bar 12Nos 12mm square
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
3mm Pin headed glass 1.45x1.25 1.81
Add 10% wastage 0.18 kg
0.18 kg
TW beading 1x3x2(0.46+1.26) 10.32 Rm
Area of priming coat
For window (1.95-1.81)2.20 0.31 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
1.17 M2
Main data
26.74 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1861.35
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1078.02
1.99 M2 3mm Pin headed glass 226.60 m2 450.93
10.32 RM Teak wood beading 15x12mm 15.45 Rm 159.44
1.95 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.17 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 86.81
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion 190.00
For 1.95M2 7264.56
Rate Rs. 3725.42
Say Rs. 3725.00
10 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Four Leaves )with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed each shutter at an appropriate
height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable
stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided
in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Four Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 4x2x0.42x1.419 kg/m 4.77 kg
Vertical : 4x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 14.30 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x3x1.26x2.28 kg/m 8.62 kg
36.49 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.82 kg
38.31 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x1.75x1.25 2.19 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2
2.41 M2
TW beading 2x4x(0.42+1.26) 13.44 RM
12mm square MS rod
1x12x1.80x1.13kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat
For window (2.34-2.19)x2.20 0.33 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.80 1.04 M2
1.37 M2
Main data
38.31 kg Special Steel Section 69.60 kg 2666.38
25.63 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1293.73
2.41 M2 Glazing 3mm pin headed 226.60 m2 546.11
13.44 RM TW beading 15sx12mm 15.45 RM 207.65
2.34 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 670.64
4.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 627.60
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
8.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 575.20
4.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 230.60
1.37 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 101.65
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good the damaged
portion 210.00
For 2.34M2 9159.95
Rate Rs. 3914.51 M2
Say Rs. 3915.00 M2
11 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter at an
appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for
handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an
adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg
is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are
welded to the outer frame of the window.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Five Leaves - 2.10x1.30m

Area = 2.73 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 2x2.10x1.419 kg/m 5.96 kg
Shutter frame Vertical: 2x5x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88 kg
Shutter frame Horizontal : 2x5x0.40x1.419 kg/m 5.68 kg
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m 11.49 kg
44.70 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.23 kg
46.93 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x2.05x1.25 2.56 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.26 M2
2.82 M2
TW beading 1x2x5(0.40+1.26) 16.60 Rm
12mm M.S Square rod 12 Nosx2.10x1.13 kg/m 28.48 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.90 kg
Area of priming coat (2.73-2.56)x2.20 0.37 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x2.10 1.21 M2 1.21
1.58 M2
Main data
46.93 kg Special section 69.60 kg 3266.33
29.90 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1584.70
28.48 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1509.44
2.82 M2 Glazing area 3mm pin headed 226.60 M2 639.01
16.60 RM TW beading 15.45 Rm 256.47
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
1.58 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 117.24
2.73 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 782.42
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 230.00
For 2.73M2 10849.35
Rate for 1M2 3974.12 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 3974.00 M2
Manufacturing, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed Arch window (Three leaves) with the following
specifications.The Outer frames of windows made out of F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion of F4B
section of size 46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m. Each openable shutter having a overall width of 450mm. 2Nos of sturdy hings and
one number of handle cum latch of special type made with 18x5mm M.S flat are rivetted in th shutters at appropriate height in
the window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at
suitable place to catch the window handle. each shutter having one adjustable window stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/
m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at
suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window.18x3mm
at 0.42kg/m. M.S.flat is welded to the shutter at the two place equdistant from each other from top and bottom of the shutter is
made up of 3mm pin headed glass of superior quality is laid as panel in the shutter frames and fixed intact. M.S.square
intervals not exceeding 100mm, centre andthe top portion0.30m height with fixed glazing. All memebers are painted with
one coat of anticorrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officer .All sections should be in confirmed with IS
7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transportation, taxes and other incidental charges, etc.,

Area of window 1.50x1.30 M2(Three leaves) 1.95 M2

size of Arch : 1.50x0.30 0.45 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm @ 1.419kg
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Arch portion 1x1x1.89x1.419 kg/m 2.68
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.24x1.419 Kg/m 10.58 kg
For Arch : 1x(1.44+1.89)x1.419 4.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.27x2.28 kg/m 5.79 kg
Fixed Arch portion: 1x2x0.27x2.28 1.23 kg
Hinges : 3x2x0.42x0.7 kg/m 1.76 kg
window stay : 3x2x0.32x0.7 kg/m 1.34 kg
M.S flat : 3x2x0.42x0.42 kg/m 1.06 kg
41.04 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.05 kg
43.09 kg
MS bar 12Nos 12mm square
1x12x1.50x1.13 kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
3mm pin headed glass
1x3x1.24x0.46 1.71 M2
For glazing : 1x1.50x0.30 0.45 M2
2.16 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2
2.38 M2
T.W Beading for glazing : 1x2(1.50+0.30) 3.60 Rm
T.W beading 1x3x2x(0.46+1.24) 10.20 Rm
13.80 Rm
Area of priming coat
For window [2.40-(1.71+0.45)]2.20 0.53 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
1.39 M2
Main data
43.09 kg Special Steel Section 69.60 kg 2999.06
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1078.02
2.38 kg 3mm pin headed glass 226.60 m2 539.31
13.8 Rm Teak wood beading 15.45 Rm 213.21
2.40 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 687.84
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.39 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 103.14
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
For 2.40M2 7747.61
Rate Rs. 3228.17 M2
Say Rs. 3228.00 M2
12 supplying and fixing in position Glazed steel ventilator with Side/Central hung shutters( Two Leaves) frames and made
shutter frame made out of steel section conforming to IS 7452 /1990.The outer frame made out of z section (F7D) of size 33
x22 x3 mm conforming to IS 7452/1990.The mullions are made out of (F4B) section of size 46x25x3 mm and conforming to
IS7452/1990.The shutters are individual and each of them can be operated separately.Sash bars are made of T section (T2) of
size 25 x 22 x 3mm 2 nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum latch of special type are fixed are each openable
shutter with suitable opening in left for its easy operation, one member of adjustable strings with fixing brackets of sufficient
length are provided for each shutter 4 nos of 40 x 40 x 3 mm angle hold fast 230mm length are welded with the frame at
appropriate point M.S Square bars of 12 mm dia is welded to the inner face of the ventilator at equal intervals not exceeding
10 cm spacing 3mm pin headed glass is used for Glazing with good quality anf fixed with 15 x 12 mm teak wood beadings
with screws for fixing .The shutters are to open outside.
All the section are given with one coat of red oxide primeretc., complete complying with standard specification.The sample of
materials and fittings shall be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. ( The rate shall inclusive of cost
all materials labour charges one coat of primer,weld charges, including cost of welding electrodes,transportation to site work,
loading,unloading and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Two Leaves
Size of ventilator of size=0.9mx0.6m 0.54 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.9x1.419 = 2.554 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.703 kg
Internal Mullion 1x0.6x2.28 kg 1.368 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x2x 0.42x1.419 = 2.380 kg
Vertical = 2x2x0.56x1.419 = 3.178 kg
Glazing bar section = 2x1x0.38x1.036 = 0.787 kg
11.97 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.60 kg
12.57 kg
Glazed panel area = (2x0.42)x0.56 0.47 m2
Add 10% wastage 0.05 m2
0.52 m2
TW Beading = 2x2x2x(0.38+0.55) 7.44 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.90x1.13kg/m 4.07 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.27 kg
(0.54-0.47)x2.20 0.15 m2
MS rod 4x0.048x0.90 0.17 m2
0.32 m2
Main data
12.57 kg Special Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 874.87
4.27 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 226.31
4.07 m2 Labour charges for fixing M.S.rods 29.65 Kg 120.68
0.52 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick glass 226.60 m2 117.83
7.44 RM TW Beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 114.95
0.54 m2 Labour for fixing ventilator 286.60 m2 154.76
0.32 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 23.74
2.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 336.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
LS Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
LS 130.00
For 0.54M 2
Rate Rs. 4419.90 M2
Say Rs. 4420.00 M2
13 supplying and fixing in position Glazed steel ventilator with Side/Central hung shutters (Three Leaves) frames and made
shutter frame made out of steel section conforming to IS 7452 /1990.The outer frame made out of z section (F7D) of size 33
x22 x3 mm conforming to IS 7452/1990.The mullions are made out of (F4B) section of size 46x25x3 mm and conforming to
IS7452/1990.The shutters are individual and each of them can be operated separately.Sash bars are made of T section (T2) of
size 25 x 22 x 3mm 2 nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum latch of special type are fixed are each openable
shutter with suitable opening in left for its easy operation, one member of adjustable strings with fixing brackets of sufficient
length are provided for each shutter 4 nos of 40 x 40 x 3 mm angle hold fast 230mm length are welded with the frame at
appropriate point M.S Square bars of 12 mm dia is welded to the inner face of the ventilator at equal intervals not exceeding
10 cm spacing 3mm pin headed glass is used for Glazing with good quality anf fixed with 15 x 12 mm teak wood beadings
with screws for fixing .The shutters are
to open outside.All the section are given with one coat of red oxide primer etc. complete complying with standard
.The sample of materials and fittings shall be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. ( The rate shall
inclusive of cost all materials labour charges one coat of primer,weld charges, including cost of welding
electrodes,transportation to site work, loading,unloading and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard

Three Leaves
Size of ventilator of size=0.9mx0.6m 0.54 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.9x1.419 = 2.55 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Internal Mullion 2x0.6x2.28 kg 2.73 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x3x 0.27x1.419 = 2.30 kg
Vertical = 2x3x0.57x1.419 = 4.85 kg
Glazing bar section = 3x1x0.24x1.036 = 0.75 kg
14.89 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.74 kg
15.63 kg
Glazed panel area = (3x0.27)x0.54 0.44 m2
Add 10% wastage 0.04 m2
0.48 m2
TW Beading = 2x3x2x(0.27+0.54) 9.72 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.90x1.13kg/m 4.07 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.27 kg
(0.54-0.44)x2.20 0.22 m2
MS rod 4x0.048x0.90 0.17 m2
0.39 m2
Main data
15.64 kg Special Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 1088.54
4.27 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 226.31
4.07 m2 Labour charges for fixing M.S.rods 29.65 m2 120.68
0.48 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick glass 226.60 m2 108.77
9.72 RM TW Beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 150.17
0.54 m2 Labour for fixing ventilator 286.60 m2 154.76
0.39 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 28.94
2.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 336.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
LS Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
LS 130.00
For 0.54M2 2775.57
Rate Rs. 5139.95 M2
Say Rs. 5140.00 M2
14 Supplying and Fixing in position steel glazed Ventilators with central hung swing shutter using F7D section of size
30x25x3mm for inner outer froames with 4 Nos. Of 12mm dia MS sq.bars for protection and 2 Numbers of clamps welded
with outer frame and using 3mm thick pin headed glass for panel including painting with one coat of Red Oxide Primer
dismantling the masonry wherever necessary for fixing the ventilator and redoing the same to the original condition fixing the
ventilator and redoing the same to the original condition fixing the ventilator in position etc.,

Single a ventilator of size=0.6mx0.6m 0.36 m2

Consider a ventilator of size = 0.6x0.6 area 0.36 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x1x 0.57x1.419 = 1.62 kg
Vertical = 2x1x0.56x1.419 = 1.59 kg
Glazed bar = 1x1x0.53x0.889 = 0.47 kg
Glass = 2x1x0.60x0.30 0.36 m2
TW Beadins = 2x1x2x(0.60+0.30) 3.60 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.60x1.13kg/m 2.71 kg
Primer = 0.36x1 0.36 m2
Main data
7.08 kg Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 492.77
2.71 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 143.63
0.36 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick
226.60 m2 81.58
3.60 RM TW Beading 15.45 RM 55.62
2 Nos Hold fast 168.00 Each 336.00
0.36 m2 Labour charges 286.60 m2 103.18
2.71 kg Labour for providing bars by welding 29.65 kg 80.35
0.36 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 26.71
4 Nos Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60
Sundries for Conveyance LS 100.00
For 0.36M2 1707.43
Rate Rs. 4742.87
Say Rs. 4743.00 /M2
1 Fabricating supplying and fixing in position M.S Steel framed door with weldmesh and
fine wire mesh netting etc. with necessary locking facilities and hinges including cost of red
oxide primer.

Consider a door of size 0.75m x 1.80m

Area = 1.35 m2
Outer frame
M.S. angle 40x40x6 mm
(2x1.80) + 0.75 4.35
Hold fasts 6 Nos 6x0.15 0.9
5.25 RM
Weight of M.S. angle = 5.25x3.50kg/m
18.375 kg
Stiffener rod 0.75m = 0.75x0.60kg/m

0.450 kg
Shutter frame

Frame MS angle 35x35x5mm= 2(1.76+0.73)

4.98 RM
Weight of angle 4.98x2.60
12.948 kg
Stiffener 32x6mm flat

Horizontal 3x0.73= 2.19 RM

Weight of stiffener 2.19x1.50 kg
Weight of 18x5mm stiffener= 3x0.73x0.70
1.533 kg
Tower bolt 6mm rod 2x0.46x1.58
1.454 kg
Locking arrangements
1.488 kg
39.50 kg
Area of weldmesh
7.5 x 2.5 cm 10gauge =
1.214 m2
Fine wire mesh (fly proof mesh)
1.214 m2

39.50 kg Ms angle flats rods etc

53.00 kg 2093.50
1.214 m2 Weldmesh 7.5x2.5cm
379.90 m2 461.20
1.214 m2 Fly proof mesh (as per SR)
116.55 m2 141.49
1 No. Door Handle 150 mm dia
57.65 Each 57.65
1.35 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 100.17
39.5 m2 Labour charges for welding M.S Angles with weld mesh

50.50 m2 1994.75
1.35 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors

228.50 m2 308.48
For 1.35M2
Rate/ 1M2 Rs.
Say Rs.
2 Fabrication, Supply and fixing in position fine wiremesh netting inclusive of cost of red
oxide primer etc.

Area 0.375 m2
Outer frame : M.S. angle 35x35x5
mm = 2(0.50+0.75)
2.50 RM
Hold fasts 4 Nos 4x0.15
0.60 RM
Weight of angle 3.10 RMx2.60 8.06 kg
Stiffoner rod (0.5+0.75)x0.60 1.50 kg

9.56 kg
Area of wire mesh (f1/proof mesh)

0.350 m2
Main data

9.56 kg M.S angle flat etc

52.10 498.08
0.350 m2 Fly proof mesh (as per SR)
116.55 40.79
0.375 m2 Red oxide primer
74.20 27.83
LS Labour for fixing mesh with angle
For 0.375M2
Rate Rs.
Say Rs.
1725.00 /M2












89.7435897435897 89.74359


Sl. Rate in
Description Unit
No. rupees
1 Earth work excavation for foundation 136.90 cu.m
2 Earth work open excavation in all soils 64.00 cu.m
3 Supplying and filling in foundation, basement, etc with filling sand #REF! cu.m
4 Refilling with excavated earth other than sand 26.78 cu.m
5 Supplying and filling basement with conveyed earth from 10 km 199.70 cu.m
6 Supplying and filling GRAVEL in 'foundation and basement #REF! cu.m
7 S&F 40mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench #REF! cu.m
8 S&F 25mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench #REF! cu.m
9 S&F 20mm guauge HBGS stone jelly for dispersion trench #REF! cu.m
10 Supplying and filling in basement with sand gravel mix #REF! cu.m
11 Providing and laying sand gravel mix (1:1) (For road works) #REF! cu.m
12 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 using 40 mm stone jelly for foundation #REF! cu.m
13 Cement Concrete 1:5:10 using 40 mm stone jelly for flooring #REF! cu.m
14 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 using 40 mm stone jelly for foundation #REF! cu.m
15 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 using 40mm size stone jelly for dummy columns
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m.
For Ground floor #REF! cu.m.
For First floor #REF! cu.m.
For Second floor #REF! cu.m.
For Third floor #REF! cu.m.
For Fourth floor #REF! cu.m.
16 PCC- 1:2:4 using 20mm jelly for wearing coat #REF! cu.m.
17 Damp proof course with Cement Mortar 1:4 -12mm thick #REF! sq.m.
18 Supplying and erecting steel centering 608.35 sq.m.
19 Supplying and erecting centering for sides
a For plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed blocks, 692.40 sq.m.
landing slab, waist slab, portico slabs and beams, etc.
b For plane surfaces such as vertical slab, side slabs of boxing, vertical drops, facia, 761.65 sq.m.
vertical wall, etc.
c For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshades, top and 830.90 sq.m.
bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.
d For circular columns 1661.80 sq.m.
e Centering for curved surfaces of all RCC items of work 1038.60 sq.m.
20 Providing additional strutting to centering of RCC slabs 28.05 sq.m.
21 CC 1:2:4 -20 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly
a In foundation and basement #REF! cu.m
b In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
c In First floor #REF! cu.m
d In Second Floor #REF! cu.m
e In Third floor #REF! cu.m
f In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
g In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
22 Cement Concrete 1:1-1/2:3
a In foundation and basement #REF! cu.m
b In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
c In First floor #REF! cu.m
d In Second Floor #REF! cu.m
e In Third floor #REF! cu.m
f In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
g In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
23 Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills #REF! Qtl
for all RCC works
24 BRICK WORK FOR 230mm Thick wall
Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
c In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
24a Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
25 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m

C In Cement Mortar 1:3

For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
26 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
27 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks -
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m

28 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
A In Cement Mortar 1:6 (one cement and six sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Fifth floor #REF! cu.m
B In Cement Mortar 1:5 (one cement and five sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
In Cement Mortar 1:3 (one cement and three sand)
For foundation & basement #REF! cu.m
In Ground floor #REF! cu.m
In First floor #REF! cu.m
In Second floor #REF! cu.m
In Third floor #REF! cu.m
In Fourth floor #REF! cu.m
29 Brick partition walls
Country bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 2-1/4"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm
30 Country Bricks of size 8-3/4" x 4-1/4" X2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm

31 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm
32 II class table moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm

33 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size

9" x 4-3/8" x 2-3/4"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm
34 II class Ground moulded chamber burnt bricks of size
9" x 4-1/2" x 3"
a In Foundation and basement #REF! Sqm
b In Ground Floor #REF! Sqm
c In First Floor #REF! Sqm
d In Second Floor #REF! Sqm
e In Third Floor #REF! Sqm
f In Fourth Floor #REF! Sqm

35 Providing granolithic floor finish

a 20mm thick #REF! Sqm
b 25mm thick #REF! Sqm
c 40mm thick #REF! Sqm
36 Flooring with Snow White Marble Slab (Adanga) 18mm to 20mm thick
a Using Marble Slabs of size 4'0'' x 2'0'' and above #REF! Sqm
b Using Marble Slabs of size 2'0'' x 2.0" and below #REF! Sqm
37 Paving the floor with fine polished Kota stone slabs of size
600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm with machine cut edges
A Fine polished Kota Stone Slab above 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size #REF! Sq.m
B Fine polished Kota Stone Slab below 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm size #REF! Sq.m
38 Paving the floor with kota stone slab of size 600 x 600 of 18 / 20mm (un- #REF! Sq.m
39 Paving the floor with fine polished Granite Stone Slabs of size 1200 x 600 of #REF! Sq.m
18 / 20mm thick
39a Paving the floor with fine polished cuddapah stone slab of 38 / 40mm thick Sq.m
laid over Cement Mortar 1:3
i Cuddapah Slab 20 / 30mm thick #REF! Sq.m
ii Cuddapah Slab 38 / 40mm thick #REF! Sq.m
iii Cuddapah Slab 50mm thick #REF! Sq.m
40 Paving the floor with Vertified tiles 600 x 600 x 8mm #REF! Sq.m
41 Flooring with ceramic tiles laid over 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3
a Self Designed Colour Ceramic Tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m
b Plain Ceramic Tiles- 305 x 305 x 6 mm #REF! Sq.m
c Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m
d Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 200 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m
e Plain Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m
f Designed Ceramic Tiles of size 200x 100 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m
42 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid tiles (Required shape and #REF! Sq.m
design) of 20mm thick
43 Paving the floor with pre-polished concrete anti-skid step tiles (Required shape #REF! Sq.m
and design) of 20mm thick
44 Dadooing walls with best approved quality, white / colour glazed tiles
a Dadooing with white glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm #REF! Sq.m

b Dadooing with plain colour glazed tiles of size 150mm x 150mm x 6mm #REF! Sq.m

c Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles - 150mm x 150mm x 6mm #REF! Sq.m

d Dadooing with granite tiles of synthetic grey, paradise, and similar varieties of #REF! Sq.m
suitable sizes
e Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 200 x 6mm #REF! Sq.m

f Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300 x 450 x 8mm #REF! Sq.m

45 Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete

a In Ground Floor #REF! cu.m
b In First Floor #REF! cu.m
c In Second Floor #REF! cu.m
d In Third Floor #REF! cu.m
e In Fourth Floor #REF! cu.m
f In Fifth Floor #REF! cu.m
46 Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles
Pressed Tiles of 200mm x 200mm x 20mm #REF! Sq.m
Pressed Tiles of 230mm x 230mm x 20mm #REF! Sq.m
Solar Reflective tiles of 305mm x 305mm x 7mm #REF! Sq.m
47 Finishing the top of slopped roof, sun-shade with Machine Pressed #REF! Sq.m
Ornamental Tiles
48 Supplying and fixing fine polished cuddapah slab
a 20 / 30mm thick 427.70 Sq.m
b 38 / 40mm thick 458.70 Sq.m
49 Supplying and fixing in position best approved of BIS quality PVC rain water
down fall pipes
a 160 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 660.70 Rm
b 160 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 517.90 Rm
c 160 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 470.30 Rm
a 110 mm dia (In building with ground floor only) 453.40 Rm
b 110 mm dia (In building with Two floor only) 321.30 Rm
c 110 mm dia (In building with Three floor only) 277.20 Rm
50 Supplying and fixing teak wood hand rails 1497.40 Rm
51 Supplying and fixing in position steel balustrades using 20mm square rods 2126.25 Sq.m
spaced at 150mm centre to centre
52 Supplying and fixing 40mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail 177.76 Rm
53 Supplying and fixing GI pipe handrails for handicapped persons 1286.45 Sq.m
54 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5-12mm thick #REF! Sq.m
55 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 - 20mm thick #REF! Sq.m
56 Special ceiling plastering- 10mm thick #REF! Sq.m
57 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3-12mm thick #REF! Sq.m
58 Plastering - with Cement Mortar 1:3 - 20mm thick #REF! Sq.m
59 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3- 12mm thick mixed with water proofing #REF! Sq.m
compound conforming
60 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 -20mm thick mixed with water proofing #REF! Sq.m
compound conforming
61 Stucco plastering 12mm thick #REF! Sq.m
62 White washing one coat 16.45 Sq.m
63 White washing two coats 23.90 Sq.m
64 Colour washing two coats
a For one Coat 24.70 Sq.m
b For Two Coat 35.85 Sq.m
65 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint over one coat 149.90 Sq.m
of cement primer
For basic one coat of primer with cement paint 53.20 Sq.m
For finishing two coats 96.70 Sq.m
66 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of cement paint 101.60 Sq.m
67 Supplying and painting the walls with two coats of oil bound distemper over 144.00 Sq.m
one coat of water based cement primer
68 Distempering the old wall and ceiling one coat with best oil bound distember

a For one coat 45.65 Sq.m

b For two coat including scaping 94.45 Sq.m
69 Painting two coats of newly plastered wall surface with ready mixed 179.05 Sq.m
plastic emulsion paint
70 Painting new wood work with two finishing coats of synthetic enamel ready 184.75 Sq.m
mixed paint of approved quality and colour over one coat priming coat
71 Painting new iron works
a Primer coat 56.25 Sq.m
b Two coat 109.85 Sq.m
72 Two coat with primer 166.20 Sq.m
73 Polishing the teak wood door with two coats of best French (Lac) 129.15 Sq.m
74 Providing expansion joint in RCC floor slab for 12.5mm width 500.90 Rm
75 Providing expansion joint 12.5mm width in RCC roof slabs between RCC #REF! Rm
twin beams using PVC water bar of 150mm wide centre bulb of 4mm to
6mm thickness
76 Expansion joint of 12.5mm wide in between RCC twin columns 587.30 Sq.m
77 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete slabs
of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4
a 25mm thick precast slab using 10mm HBGS jelly #REF! Sq.m
b 50mm thick precast slab using 20mm HBGS jelly #REF! Sq.m
c 75mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly) #REF! Sq.m
78 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete precast #REF! Sq.m
pavement slab of size 450mm x 450mm of 50mm thick
79 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position plain cement concrete precast #REF! Sq.m
kerb slab of size 600mm x 600mm x 100mm
80 Manufacturing, S &F in positon of RCC Jally of 5cm thick #REF! Sq.m
81 S&F AC sheet roofing with 6mm thick asbestos cement sheets 569.60 Sq.m
Supplying, laying and jointing GI pipes of approved quality
I Internal Water Supply - Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 197.10 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 228.20 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 259.90 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 340.40 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 356.30 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 459.45 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 502.30 Rm
II External Water Supply - Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 213.85 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 245.00 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 276.70 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 369.95 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 385.85 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 499.75 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 542.60 Rm
External Water Supply - Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe 294.65 Rm
b 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe 323.15 Rm
c 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe 352.25 Rm
d 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe 498.65 Rm
e 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe 510.35 Rm
f 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe 702.55 Rm
h 65 mm dia G.I. Pipe 737.55 Rm
84 Supplying and fixing- of Gun metal Gate Valve / Wheel Valve
I Gate Valve
a 20 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 604.25 Each
b 25 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 840.25 Each
c 32 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1088.45 Each
d 40 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1299.45 Each
e 50 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 1734.70 Each
f 65 mm dia G.M. Gate Valve 2009.70 Each
II Wheel Valve
a 15 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 429.25 Each
b 20 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 498.25 Each
c 25 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 605.25 Each
d 32 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 848.45 Each
e 40 mm dia G.M. Wheel Valve 983.45 Each
85 S&F 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap / Pillar tap
a 15mm dia CP Screw Down Tap 306.85 Each
b 15mm dia CP Pillar Tap 369.85 Each
c 15mm dia Swan Neck Tap 352.85 Each
86 Indian make bevelled edge mirror
600x450mm 855.75 Each
500x450 mm 765.75 Each
87 CP towel rail 600mm long and 20mm dia with brackets 437.85 Each
88 Aluminium anodised towel rail 600mm long and 20mm dia 304.65 Each
89 S&F CP soap tray of size 150 x 150mm 269.70 Each
90 GI unions
a 15 mm dia union 268.60 Each
b 20 mm dia union 280.20 Each
c 25 mm dia union 308.70 Each
d 32 mm dia union 337.30 Each
e 40 mm dia union 406.60 Each
f 50 mm dia union 474.70 Each
91 Supplying and fixing in position the following GI Specials
I GI Elbow
a 50 mm dia 212.15 Each
b 40 mm dia 172.45 Each
c 32 mm dia 150.70 Each
d 25 mm dia 106.35 Each
e 20 mm dia 51.70 Each
f 15 mm dia 41.85 Each
II GI Bend
a 50 mm dia 200.55 Each
b 40 mm dia 160.95 Each
c 32 mm dia 133.70 Each
d 25 mm dia 100.25 Each
e 20 mm dia 49.50 Each
f 15 mm dia 39.55 Each
a 50 mm dia 275.00 Each
b 40 mm dia 227.95 Each
c 32 mm dia 199.40 Each
d 25 mm dia 157.80 Each
e 20 mm dia 77.55 Each
f 15 mm dia 70.85 Each
IV GI Coupling
a 50 mm dia 154.55 Each
b 40 mm dia 132.35 Each
c 32 mm dia 110.60 Each
d 25 mm dia 77.15 Each
e 20 mm dia 42.30 Each
f 15 mm dia 39.55 Each
V GI Reducer
a 50 x 40 mm dia 172.35 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 138.85 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 108.15 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 66.00 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 46.35 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 113.25 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 85.50 Each
VI GI Reducer Elbow
a 50 x 40 mm dia 189.25 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 161.95 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 125.85 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 89.10 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 66.25 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 133.75 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 102.60 Each
VII GI Reducer Tee
a 50 x 40 mm dia 266.15 Each
b 40 x 32 mm dia 225.40 Each
c 32 x 25 mm dia 187.15 Each
d 25 x 20 mm dia 134.75 Each
e 20 x 15 mm dia 112.00 Each
f 40 x 25 mm dia 201.70 Each
g 32 x 20 mm dia 153.00 Each
VIII GI Hex Nipple
a 50 mm dia 88.95 Each
b 40 mm dia 71.95 Each
c 32 mm dia 60.35 Each
d 25 mm dia 46.05 Each
e 20 mm dia 37.15 Each
f 15 mm dia 25.75 Each
92 Supplying and fixing white / colour glazed Earthernware wash hand basin of
size 550 x 400mm (with pedestal / without pedestal)
a White Glazed Wash Hand Basin
i Without Pedestal 3090.00 Each
ii With Pedestal 3420.00 Each
b Colour Glazed Wash Hand Basin
i Without Pedestal 3640.00 Each
ii With Pedestal 3870.00 Each
93 Supplying and fixing white glazed earthernwere sink of size of 600 x 450 x 3187.00 Each
94 Supplying and fixing in position best quality cuddapah sink
a Cuddapah sink of 600 x 450 x 200mm 1850.00 Each
b Cuddapha sink of 600 x 600 x 200mm 2093.00 Each
Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 x
95 white glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a #REF! Each
length of 600mm)
96 colour glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a #REF! Each
length of 600mm)
97 White glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a #REF! Each
length of 600mm)
98 Colour glazed earthern ware (including the cost of 110mm dia PVC pipe for a #REF! Each
length of 600mm)
99 Supplying and fixing in position white / colour glazed European Water Closet

a White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank #REF! Each
fixed on to wall
b White glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank #REF! Each
fixed with CI brackets
c Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank #REF! Each
fixed on to wall
d Colour glazed European Water Closet with 10 litre capacity PVC flushing tank #REF! Each
fixed with CI brackets
e White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing #REF! Each
tank fixed on to wall
f White glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing #REF! Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
g Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity porcelin flushing #REF! Each
tank fixed on to wall
h Colour glazed European Water Closet with 12.5 litre capacity procelin flushing #REF! Each
tank fixed with CI brackets
100 Supply and fixing in position of best Indian make white / colour glazed
earthernware lipped mouth flat back urinal
a White glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 1824.50 Each
b Colour glazed earthernwere lipped mouth flat back urinal 1956.50 Each
101 Supplying and fixing in position Indian make white glazed earthenware squating type#REF!

102 Supplying and fixing position CI Nahani Trap / Floor Trap

a Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with stainless steel gratings #REF! Each
Nahani Trap of size 100 x 75mm with pvc gratings #REF! Each
Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with stainless steel gratings #REF! Each
b Nahani Trap of size 75 x 50mm with pvc gratings #REF! Each
103 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stone ware pipes - using spun yarn and
a 100mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) #REF! Rm
b 150mm dia stoneware pipe (cement joint) #REF! Rm
104 Supplying, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes
a 100mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 179.50 Rm
b 150mm dia stoneware pipe ( loose joints) 242.20 Rm
105 Supplying and fixing in position 150mm dia stoneware tee #REF! Each
106 S&F in position 150 x 100mm "P" or "S" stoneware gully trap #REF! Each
107 Supplying and fixing AC ventilating shaft of 100mm dia 528.70 Each
108 Supplying and fixing PVC ventilating shaft of 110mm dia 907.30 Each
109 Supplying and fixing in position CI manhole covers with CI frames #REF! Each
110 Supplying, laying and position best quality Indian cast iron soil / waste pipes
a 150mm dia CI Pipe #REF! Rm
b 100mm dia CI Pipe #REF! Rm
c 75mm dia CI Pipe #REF! Rm
111 Supplying and fixing in position following CI specials
A Plain Bend
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
B Bend with Door
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
C Plain TEE
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
D TEE with Door
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
E "Y" Junction with Door (single)
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
F "Y" Junction with Door (Double)
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each
i 150mm Dia #REF! Each
ii 100mm Dia #REF! Each
iii 75mm Dia #REF! Each

112 Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes
a 75mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 293.85 Rm
b 110mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 386.85 Rm
c 160mm dia PVC soil / waste pipe 633.55 Rm
113 Supplying and fixing in position PVC specials
A PVC Elbow
1 160mm dia 329.55 Each
2 110mm dia 317.55 Each
3 75mm dia 287.65 Each
B PVC Elbow with Door
1 160mm dia 365.15 Each
2 110mm dia 347.05 Each
3 75mm dia 293.95 Each
1 160mm dia 381.85 Each
2 110mm dia 370.75 Each
3 75mm dia 317.55 Each
D PVC Tee with Single Door
1 160mm dia 424.55 Each
2 110mm dia 394.55 Each
3 75mm dia 341.35 Each
E PVC Tee with Double Door
1 160mm dia 476.25 Each
2 110mm dia 459.45 Each
3 75mm dia 370.75 Each
F PVC Bend
1 160mm dia 335.15 Each
2 110mm dia 323.35 Each
3 75mm dia 293.95 Each
1 160mm dia 388.85 Each
2 110mm dia 376.95 Each
3 75mm dia 323.35 Each
H PVC "Y" with Single Door
1 160mm dia 427.75 Each
2 110mm dia 400.75 Each
3 75mm dia 341.35 Each
I PVC "Y" with Double Door
1 160mm dia 505.75 Each
2 110mm dia 470.95 Each
3 75mm dia 382.55 Each
114 S &F PVC 4 way junction plain or with door

A PVC Double Tee with Single Door (4 way junction)

1 160mm dia 654.20 Each
2 110mm dia 625.20 Each
3 75mm dia 554.00 Each
B PVC Double "Y" with Single Door (4 way junction)
1 160mm dia 690.20 Each
2 110mm dia 648.20 Each
3 75mm dia 571.20 Each
115 Supplying and fixing in position PVC cowls
1 110mm dia 195.30 Each
2 75mm dia 172.60 Each
3 50mm dia 154.60 Each
116 Supplying and fixing in position CP shower rose with CP stop cock 443.00 Each
Internal Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

117 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes

a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 108.85 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 185.95 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 227.45 Rm
d 32 mm dia PVC Pipe 184.80 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 216.00 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 295.45 Rm
External Water Supply Arrangements using PVC pipes and PVC specials

118 Supplying, laying and jointing PVC pipes

I Above Ground Level
a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 117.05 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 194.15 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 235.65 Rm
d 32 mm dia CPVC Pipe 349.00 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 233.30 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 322.10 Rm
II Below Ground Level
a 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 83.65 Rm
b 20 mm dia CPVC Pipe 160.75 Rm
c 25 mm dia CPVC Pipe 202.25 Rm
d 32 mm dia CPVC Pipe 303.10 Rm
e 40 mm dia PVC Pipe 214.90 Rm
f 50 mm dia PVC Pipe 261.30 Rm
119 Supplying PVC Specials (with working pressure 10 kg. / in water
supply arrangements (both in internal and external water supply
A Coupler
a 15 mm Dia 3.50 Each
b 20 mm Dia 4.10 Each
c 25 mm Dia 4.80 Each
d 32 mm Dia 6.00 Each
e 40 mm Dia 9.00 Each
f 50 mm Dia 12.20 Each
B Elbow
a 15 mm Dia 5.30 Each
b 20 mm Dia 6.00 Each
c 25 mm Dia 8.50 Each
d 32 mm Dia 12.20 Each
e 40 mm Dia 17.20 Each
f 50 mm Dia 24.50 Each
a 15 mm Dia 6.00 Each
b 20 mm Dia 7.30 Each
c 25 mm Dia 9.70 Each
d 32 mm Dia 14.60 Each
e 40 mm Dia 19.60 Each
f 50 mm Dia 30.70 Each
D Tee
a 15 mm Dia 7.30 Each
b 20 mm Dia 8.50 Each
c 25 mm Dia 12.20 Each
d 32 mm Dia 14.70 Each
e 40 mm Dia 23.40 Each
f 50 mm Dia 36.80 Each

E End Cap
a 15 mm Dia 3.50 Each
b 20 mm Dia 4.80 Each
c 25 mm Dia 6.00 Each
d 32 mm Dia 7.30 Each
e 40 mm Dia 11.40 Each
f 50 mm Dia 15.80 Each
F Reducer
a 20 mm x 15 mm 4.80 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 5.30 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 8.50 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 11.40 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 19.60 Each
G Reducer Tee
a 20 mm x 15 mm 7.30 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 8.50 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 12.20 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 14.70 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 24.50 Each
H Reducer Elbow
a 20 mm x 15 mm 6.00 Each
b 25 mm x 20 mm 7.30 Each
c 32 mm x 25 mm 9.70 Each
d 40 mm x 32 mm 12.20 Each
e 50 mm x 40 mm 18.30 Each
J Jet Nipple
a 25 mm Dia 15.80 Each
b 32 mm Dia 20.70 Each
120 Providing Anti-termite treatment to soil adjecent and under building 95.00 Sqm
117 4538.4 530992.8

Sl. Qty Description of work
No Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used
for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided
at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm
is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is
provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves
shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer
frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of
double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of
the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for
lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place. Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at
1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two an appropriate place in the door. A tie
bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are
given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour
charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

a. Single Leaf 1.00x2.10m (Fully panneled)

Meterials required

Outer frame

Horizotal 1X1.00 =1.00 M

Vertical 2X2.10 =4.20 M

5.20 M

5.20mx3.50 kg/m 18.20 kg

Shutter frame

Vertical 2 x 2.088 = 4.18 M

Horizotal 1 X 0.988 =1.98 M

6.16 M

6.16mx2.60 kg 16.02 kg

Tie bar by using 32x6mm flat

1.50 kg
Lock rail for fixing aldrop in MS flat 32x6mm

1x0.988x1.50kg 1.482 kg

Stiffeners at rear side Horizontal

1x0.988x3x0.70kg 2.08 kg


1x1.21x6x0.70kg 5.08 kg
32x3mm in one side Total Weight 44.36 kg

Add 5% wastage 2.22 kg

46.58 kg

Area CR sheet required

20.22 kg
Add 5% wastage
1.01 kg

21.23 kg

Painting area =1x2.10x1.00x2.20

4.62 m2

Main Data

46.58 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 Each 2468.74

21.23 kg 18GCRS 53.00 Each 1125.24

64.58 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles fabrication & finishing 51.15 Each 3303.27

4.62 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 Each 342.80

6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00

3.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 268.80

1.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 Each 128.80

1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25

1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 Each 235.30

1.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 Each 84.00

2.10 Labour for fixing the Door & furniture fittings 228.50 Each 479.85

L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 210.00

For 2.10M2 4636.69 9737.05

Rate Rs. 4637.00

2 Manufacturing supplying and fixing of steel door with the following specification MS angels of size 40x40x6mm are used
for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x6mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32 x 6mm M.S flat is provided
at required intervals in the shutter frame. 18-gauge C.R. sheet laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact. M.S. flat 18x5mm
is welded over the 32 x 6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the C.R. sheet in between additional stiffeners with 18x5mm M.S. flat is
provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter, 3nos. of hinges in case of single leaf and 6nos. of hinges in double leaves
shutter to be provided 6nos. of holdfasts 120 mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer
frames of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at the top and the other at the bottom are provided 1no. Aldrop is provided incase of
double leaf door at lock rail section in the door in single leaf door, one more aldrop is provided in the inner lock rail section of
the door One rotaing locking arrangements for the inner side of the door and additional provision for locking arrangements for
lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate place. Incase of double leaf door M.S.Flat 32 x 3mm at
1.1Kg/m is provided on the one shutter t conceal the gap between the two an appropriate place in the door. A tie
bar is provided at the bottom of the frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation and fixing. All members are
given a coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour
charges, transportation to site of work, loading, un loading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

b, Double Leaf 1.20x2.10m (Fully panneled)

Area 2.52 m2 m2
Door outer frame 40x40x6 (2.10x2)+(1.20x1)=5.40x3.50kg/m 18.90 kg
shutter frame 35x35x6/2(2x2.088)+2x0.594)
=10.728x2.60kg/m 27.89 kg
Tie bar1x1.2=1.2x1.5 1.80
Vertical rod 1 x 2.10 x 1.10 kg/m 2.31
Stiffeners with MS flats of 32x6mm
6Nosx2x0.594x0.70kg/m 4.99 kg
Diagonal flats 2x2x0.688x1.5kg/m 4.13 kg
60.02 kg
Add 5% wastage 3.00 kg
Total steel weight 63.02 kg
CR sheet 18G=2X0.594X2.088X9.80kg 24.31kg/m 24.31
Add 5% wastage 1.22
Painting priming coat=2x0.6x2.10x2.20 5.54
Main Data
63.02 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 3340.06
25.53 kg 18GCRS 53.00 1353.09
84.33 kg Labour for cutting sheets, anglesfabrication & finishing 51.15 4313.48
5.54 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 411.07
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 1008.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 358.40
2.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 257.60
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 235.30
2.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 168.00
2.52 M2 Labour for fixing the Door & 228.50 575.82
furniture fittings
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 240.00
For 2.52M2 12343.07
Rate Rs. 4898.04
Say Rs. 4898.00
3 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sandwitching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other
incidental charges etc., complete.

Single Leaf 1.00x2.10m ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled)

Door outer frame 40x40x3
(2.10x2)+(1.00x1)x3.50kg/m 18.20 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x6(2x2.088)+2x0.988)
x2.60kg/m 16.00 Kg
Stiffners with MS flatsof 32x6mm
1Nox0.988x1.50kg/m 1.482 Kg
Diagonal flats 1x0.60x1.50kg 0.90 Kg
36.582 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.829
Total steel weight 38.41 Kg
CRC Sheet 18G=0.988x2.088/3x9.80kg 6.74 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.37
Total 7.11 Kg
M.S.Grill 0.988x2.088x2/3x20kg 27.51 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.38
28.89 Kg
Painting Priming coat
(2.10-1.38x2.20) 1.59 M2
Main Data
38.41 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 2035.79
7.11 kg 18GCRS 53.00 376.83
28.89 kg MS Grill with fixing 102.15 2951.11
43.32 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles 51.15 2215.82
fabrication & finishing
1.59 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 117.98
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 1008.00
2.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 179.20
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 128.80
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 181.00 181.00
1.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 84.00
2.1 M2 Labour charges for fixing the door and furniture fittings 228.50 479.85
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 210.00
For 2.10M2 10050.63
Rate Rs. 4786.01 M2
Say Rs. 4786.00 M2
4 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials,
labour ,charges, taxes, ransportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double Leaf 1.20x2.10m ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled)

Door of size 1.20x2.10m 2.52 M2
Door outer frame 40x40x3
(2.10x2)+(1.20x1)=5.40x3.50kg/m 18.90 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5(2x2.088)+2x0.594)2
27.89 Kg
Die bar : 1 x 1.2 x 1.5 kg/m 1.80 Kg
Stiffners with MS flatsof 32x6mm
2Nosx2x0.594x1.50kg/m 3.56 Kg
Vertical bar 1 x 2.10 x 1.10 kg/m 2.31 Kg
Diagonal flats 2x2x0.688x1.50kg 4.13 Kg
58.59 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 2.93
Total steel weight 61.52 Kg
CRC Sheet 18G=2x0.594x2.088/3x9.80kg 8.10 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.40
Total 8.50 Kg
Grill 2x0.594x2.088x2/3kg
1.65x20 33.07 Kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.65 Kg
34.72 Kg
Painting Priming coat 1.914 M2
Main Data
61.52 kg Ms Angle & Flats 53.00 Kg 3260.56
8.50 kg 18GCRS 53.00 Kg 450.50
34.72 kg MS Grill 102.15 Kg 3546.65
66.69 kg Labour for cutting sheets, angles fabrication & finishing 51.15 Kg 3411.19
1.914 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 M2 142.02
6.00 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 No. 1008.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 No. 358.40
2.00 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 No. 257.60
1.00 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 No. 82.25
1.00 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 No. 235.30
2.00 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 No. 168.00
2.52 M 2
Labour for fixing the Door &furniture fittings 228.50 M2 575.82
Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
L.S. L.S. 250.00
the damaged portion
For 2.52M 2
Rate Rs. 5454.88
SAY Rate Rs. 5455.00
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be
provided 6nos of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the
door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in
the door. A Tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing.
All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all
meterials, labour charges,taxes, transportation to site of work , loading, unloading and all other incidental charges

Double leaf Door size 1.5 X 2.1M ( 1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled) 3.15 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.50 1.50
5.7x3.5Kg/m 19.95 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 Kg
Horizontal 2x2x0.744 2.98 Kg
11.33x2.6Kg/m 29.46 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet 2x0.744x2.28Kg 3.39 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.5x1.5Kg 2.25 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side Kg
Horizontal 2x1x0.744x0.7 Kg 1.04 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x0.821x0.7 Kg 2.30 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 59.16 Kg
Add 5% wastage 2.96 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.74x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 10.19 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.51 kg
10.70 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.744x1.4x20kg/m2 41.60 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.08 kg
43.68 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.5x2.1=3.15m2-2.08m2 1.07 M2
1.07x2.2 2.35 M2
Main Data
62.12 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3292.36
10.70 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 567.10
43.68 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 4461.91
69.35 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3547.25
2.35 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 174.37
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 Each 257.60
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 Each 235.30
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 Each 168.00
3.15 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 719.78
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same LS LS 140.00
For 3.15M2 15012.32
Rate Rs. 4765.82 /M2
SAY Rate Rs. 4766.00
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m with 3mm pin headed glass used for glazing and
fixed with 15x12 mm teakwood beeding and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of oldfasts 120mm
in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and
the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar is provided at the
bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are given one coat of red
oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour charges,taxes,
transportation to site of work , loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc.,complete.

Double leaf Door size 1.5 X 2.1M (1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled with glazing) 3.15 m2

Materials required

Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m

Horizontal 1x1x1.50 1.50

5.7x3.5Kg/m 19.95 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm

Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 =
8.35 M
Horizontal 2x2x0.744
2.98 M

11.33x2.6Kg/m 29.46 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet
2x0.744x2.28Kg 3.39 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.5x1.5Kg
2.25 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side

Horizontal 2x1x0.744x0.7 Kg 1.04 Kg

Diagonal 2x2x0.821x0.7 Kg 2.30 Kg

MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x.7x1.1KG
0.77 Kg

Total 59.16 Kg

Add 5% wastage 2.96 Kg

62.12 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.74x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2
10.19 kg

Add 5% wastage 0.51 kg

10.70 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.744x1.4x20kg/m2 41.60 kg

Add 5% wastage 2.08 kg

43.68 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.5x2.1=3.15m2-2.08m2 1.07 M2

1.07x2.2 2.35 M2

3mm tk pin headed glass 1x2x0.744x1.40 2.08 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.21 M2

2.29 M2

Teak wood beading 2x2(0.744+1.40) 8.58 Rm

Main Data

62.12 kg MS angles & Flats

53.00 kg 3292.36
10.70 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 567.10
43.68 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges
102.15 kg 4461.91
2.29 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 518.91
8.58 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 132.56
69.35 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 kg 3547.25
2.35 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 174.370
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
128.80 Each 257.60
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
235.30 Each 235.30
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
84.00 Each 168.00
3.15 M2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 M2 719.78
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping

masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same

LS LS 250.00
For 3.15M2
Rate Rs. 5007.55 /M2

SAY Rate Rs. 5008.00

Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Entrance steel door Single leaf coverd with the following specification. M.S
angles of a size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames
stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in
the shutter and welded intact for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat
sand witching the CR sheet in between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of
the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20 kg/sq.m with 300mm hieght of
fixed glazing at top with 3mm thick Pin Headed glass including 3 Nos hinges for single leaf shutter to be provided 3 nos
of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officer. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour,
charges,taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Single leaf: (1/3 panneled & 2/3 grilledwith top ventilator glazing))

Area 1.00 x 2.40 = 2.40 M2

Door size 1.00 X 2.10 =2.10M
Fixed glazing at top 1.00 x 0.3m
Vertical 2x2.40 4.80 Kg
Horizontal 1x1.0 1.00 Kg
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm MS Angle at 3.50 kg/m

Vertical 2x2.4 4.80 m

Horizontal 1x1 1.00 m
5.80 m
5.80x3.5Kg/m 20.30 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35mm at 2.60kg/m

Vertical 2x2.06 4.12

Horizontal 2x0.96 1.92
6.04x2.6Kg/m 15.70 Kg
For fixed portion (0.26+0.92)x2.60kg/m 3.07 Kg
MS flat 1No x 0.96x1.50 kg/m 1.44 Kg
Stiffeners at rear side
Horizontal 0.92x2x0.70 Kg/m
1.29 Kg
Diagonal 1.16x2x0.70 Kg
1.62 Kg
Total weight of MS flats and angles 43.42 Kg
Add 5% wastage 2.17 Kg
45.59 Kg
CR Sheet 18G reqd. 0.92x0.70x9.8 Kg/m2
6.31 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.32 Kg
6.63 Kg
MS grill of 9kg/m2 0.92x2.06x2/3=
1.26 M2
1.26x9Kg/m2 =
11.34 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.57 Kg
11.91 Kg
Glazing for fixed portion 0.26x0.92= 0.24 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.02 M2
0.26 M2
Teakwood beading for glazing area
2x(0.26+0.92) 2.36 Rm
Painting Red oxide primer
Total area 2.40M2

Deduct glzed area and Grill area 0.24+1.26= 1.50 M2

(2.40-1.50)x2 = 1.80 M2
Main Data
45.59 kg MS angles & Flats
53.00 kg 2416.27
6.63 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 351.39
11.91 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2
102.15 kg 1216.61
0.26 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 58.92
2.36 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 36.46
49.73 kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 Each 2543.69
1.80 M2 Red oxide primer
74.20 M2 133.56
3 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 504.00
3 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 268.80
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
128.80 257.60
1 Nos Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
82.25 82.25
1 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
84.00 84.00
1 Nos Door stopper with bush
49.55 Each 49.55
2.40 m2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 m2 548.40
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same
Ls 240.00
For 2.40 M2 8791.49

Rate Rs. 3663.12

Say Rs. 3663.00 /M2
6 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Entrance steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size
40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm
M.S. flat is provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded
intact for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the
CR sheet in between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter.
The balance 2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20 kg/sq.m with 300mm hieght of fixed
glazing at top with 3mm thick Pin Headed glass including6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of
holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Area 1.50 x 2.40 = 3.60 M2(1/3 panneled& 2/3 grilled with top ventilator glazing)

Door size 1.5 X 2.1M

Fixed glazing at top 1.5 x 0.3m

Materials required

Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 2x2.4 4.80 m

Horizontal 1x1.50 1.50 m

6.30 m

6.30x3.5Kg/m 22.05 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm

Vertical 2x2x2.06 8.24

Horizontal 2x2x0.71 2.84

11.08x2.6Kg/m 28.81 Kg

For fixed portion (0.26+1.42)x2.60kg/m 4.37 Kg

Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side

Horizontal 2x2x0.71x1.50 Kg/m

4.26 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x0.98x1.50 Kg
5.88 Kg

Tie bar 30x6mm 2x0.71x1.50 Kg/m 2.13 Kg

Total weight of MS flats and angles 67.50 Kg

Add 5% wastage 3.37 Kg

70.87 Kg
CR Sheet 18G reqd. 1x2x0.71x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2
9.74 Kg
Add 5% wastage 0.49 Kg

10.23 Kg
MS grill of 20 kg/m2 2x0.72x2.06x2/3=
1.98 M2
1.98x20 Kg/m2 =
39.6 Kg

Add 5% wastage 1.98 Kg

41.58 Kg

3mm tk pin headed glass

Glazing for fixed portion 1.42x0.26= 0.37 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.04 M2

0.41 M2

Teakwood beading for glazing area

2x(0.26+1.40) 3.32 Rm

Painting Red oxide primer

Total area 3.60M2

Deduct glazed area and Grill area

3.6-(0.37+1.98)x2 = 1.25x2 2.50 M2

Main Data

Main Data

70.87 kg MS angles & Flats

53.00 kg 3756.11
10.23 kg CR sheet18 gauge
53.00 kg 542.19
41.58 kg MS grill of appd design 20kg/m2 includingfabrication charges
102.15 kg 4247.40
0.41 M2 3mm thick Pinheaded glass
226.60 M2 92.91
3.32 Rm Teakwood Beading 15mm x 12mm
15.45 Rm 51.29
77.24 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing
51.15 kg 3950.83
2.50 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 185.50
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length
168.00 Each 1008.00
6 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm
89.60 Each 537.60
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia
128.80 Each 257.60
1 Nos Tower Bolt200mm long 12mm dia
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia
235.30 Each 235.30
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long
84.00 Each 168.00
3.60 M2 labour charges for fixing door
228.50 M2 822.60
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same
LS 240.00

For 3.60M2 16177.57

Rate Rs. 4493.77 /M2
Say Rs. /M2
7 Fabricating, supplying and fixing of steel Emergency exitdoor cum, emergency window with the following specification.
M.S. angle in size 40x40x6mm are used for the outer frames and M.S. angle of sie 35x35x5mm for the shutter frame, stiffners
with 32x6mm M.S. flats provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 guage CR sheet is laid as panel and welded
instant for 1/3 bottom portion of the shutter, M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S flat sandwitching the CR
sheet in between additional stiffner with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear-side of the shutter. The balance
2/3 portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 15kg/m2 and the top portion of operation emergency window
is to be made of 25x25x3mm M.S. angle welded intact with CR sheet and 25x3mm M.S. flat at diagonally at the near side of
the window at required interwals 6 Nos. of hinges to be provided,6 Nos of holdfast 100mm in length made of angle section
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2 Nos. one at top and the other at the bottom are to
be provided one aldrop is provided at an appropriate place in the door 2 Nos. of 'D' type handle for emergency window and 2
Nos of handle for door is to be provided at appropriate places. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent
twisting of frame during transportation of fixing. All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the
departmental officers. The rate includes cost of materials, labour transportation to side of works, loading, unloading and all
other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double leaf door

Consider a door size 1.20x2.10 Area = 2.52 M2

Door Outer frame 40x40x6mm

Vertical 2x2.10
Top Horizontal 2x1.20

23.10 kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5

Vertical 2x2x2.088x2.60 kg/m

Horizontal 2x2x0.584x2.60 kg/m

27.79 kg
tie bar at bottom of door 32x6mm of 1.50kg

1.20x1.50 kg/m
1.80 kg
For locking rail using 32x6mm flat

2x0.584x1.50 kg/m
1.75 kg
Stiffners at rear side

Horizontal 2x3x0.584x0.70 kg/m

2.45 kg
Vertical 2x4x0.91x0.70 kg/m
5.10 kg
Stiffners at door joining using 32x3mm flat in door side

1x2.10x1.10 kg/m
2.31 kg
For openable window 25x25x3mm angle

Horizontal 2x2x0.584x1.10 kg/m

2.57 kg
Vertical 2x2x1.30x1.10 kg/m
5.72 kg
Stiffners for window 25x3mm flat

3.37 kg
75.96 kg
Add 5% for wastage

M.Sgrill 2x0.584x1.288x15
22.57 Kg
Add 5% for wastage

23.70 kg
18 gauge CR sheet

For door 2x0.584x0.80x9.80 kg

For window 2x0.584x1.288x9.80 kg

23.90 kg
Add 5% for wastage
1.20 kg

25.10 kg
Painting area
1x1x1.20x2.10x2.20 5.54 M2
Main data
79.76 Kg M.S Angle &flat
53.00 Kg 4227.28
25.10 Kg C.R.Sheets 18G
53.00 Kg 1330.30
23.70 Kg M.S.Grill With primer
102.15 Kg 2420.96
5.54 M2 Priming coat
74.20 M2 411.36
99.86 Kg Labour for cutting & welding
51.15 Kg 5107.84
6 Nos Hold fast 120mm thick
168.00 No 1008.00
6 Nos Hinges heavy type125x30mm
89.60 No 537.60
2 Nos Tower bolt 250mm long 12mm dia
128.80 No 257.60
1 No Aldrops 250mm long 16mm dia
235.30 No 235.30
4 Nos M.S.Handles 200mm long
84.00 No 336.00
2.52 M2 Labour charges for fixing door & Furniture fittings
228.50 M2 575.82
L.S Fixing furnitures cost of conveyance loading & unloading
erection,assumbling cost of concrete etc
Rate/2.52M2 16678.06
Rate/1M2 6618.28
SAY Rate/1M2 6618.00
8 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing fixed grills made out of 40x40x6mm at 3.5 Kg/m are used as the outer frames. MS
Angles of size 40x40x6mm at 2.6Kg/m is welded intact withouter frame from 1/3 bottom portion for fixing CR sheet & MS
grill 18 GCR sheet is laid as panel & welded intact for 1/3 bottom portion. MS Flat are provided as per design 2/3 top Portion
is provided with MS grill of 15Kg/M2 as panel. The design & style for the upper grill work should be approved by the
departmental Officers. MS Flat 18 x 5mm at 0.7 Kg/m is welded as additional stiffeners at the rear side of the CR sheet panel.
2Nos of hold fasts of 120mm in length made out of 40x40x6mm MS Angle spliced at the ends are welded to one side of the
outer frame & the other side of the outer frame suitable arrangements should be made to be fixed rigidily with adjoining door/
window outer frame. All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate
includes cost of materials, labour charges, transportation, taxes & all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Consider a size of 1.27x2.10m area = 2.67 M2

Top Vertical : 2x2.10 4.20
Top & bottom Horizontal:2x1.27 2.54
6.74 Rm
Wt.of angle : 6.74x3.5 kg/m 23.59 kg
Angle of size 35x35x5mm angle at 1/3 ht. from bottom
Horizontal 1x1x1.27 1.27m
Wt.of angle : 1.27x2.6 kg/m 3.30 kg
26.89 kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.34
28.23 kg
Shutter panel 1/3 bottom portion 18GCR sheet
Wt.of C.R.Sheet 0.867x9.80kg/m2 8.49 kg
Add 5% for wastage 0.42
8.91 kg
Shutter panel 2/3 Grill portion
Area of grill 1x1.259 x 1.389 1.75 m2
Wt. of Grill 1.75 x15kg/m2 26.25 kg
Add 5% for wastage 1.31 kg
27.56 kg
Painting area (2.667-1.75)x2.20 2.02 M2
Main Data
28.23 kg M.S. Angle
53.00 kg 1496.19
8.91 kg C.R. Sheet
53.00 kg 472.23
27.56 kg Grill
102.15 kg 2815.25
2.02 M2 Priming Coat
74.20 m2 149.88
35.38 kg Labour for cutting, welding & finishing
51.15 kg 1809.69
2.00 Nos Hold fast
168.00 Each 336.00
2.67 M2 Labour charge for fixing
228.50 M2 610.10
L.S. Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion L.S. 160.00
For 2.67M2
Rate Rs. 2939.83

B 2940.00
9 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround commercial ply 35mm thick including supplying and fixing cost
of wind appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .200x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 150x12mm aluminium tower
bolts 1no. 250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc.,
complete as directed by the departmental officers.

a) Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
2.06 m2 thick commercial ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping 1698.00 m2 3497.88
(internal alround)

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 No 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 5422.29

Rate Rs. 2899.62

Say Rs. 2900.00

10 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround commercial ply 35mm thick including supplying and fixing cost
of wind appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .200x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 150x12mm aluminium tower
bolts 1no. 250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc.,
complete as directed by the departmental officers.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M 3.15 m2

Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

M.D.F Board = 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.29 m2

3.18 m2

Main data

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
3.18 m2 thick commercial ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping 1698.00 m2 5399.64
(internal alround)

Alu. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm) 89.60 Each 537.60

2 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 261.00

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 192.75

2 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 291.40

2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double 330.20 m2 954.28

2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 660.37

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 190.00

For 2.89M2 8750.28

Rate Rs. 3027.78

Say Rs. 3028.00 /M2

11 Supplying and fixing Solid core Particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with Teak ply on both sides and
with T.W. lipping alround conforming to IS 2302 including supplying and fixing cost of wind appliances and furniture
fittings such as 1no .300 x 12 mm aluminium tower bolt 2 nos. 200x12 mm aluminium tower bolts 1no. 250 x 16 mm
aluminium aldrops, 2 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc., complete as directed
by the departmental officers.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
2.06 m2 thick Teak ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping (internal 1982.00 m2 4082.92

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 No 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 6007.33

Rate Rs. 3212.48

Say Rs. 3212.00

12 Supplying and fixing solid core particle board flush shutter of nominal thick of 35 mm with necessary T.W. internal
lipping conforming to IS 2302 with both sides alround Teak ply 3mm thick including supplying and fixing cost of wind
appliances and furniture fittings such as 1no .300x12mm aluminium tower bolt 2nos. 200x12mm aluminium tower bolts 1no.
250x16mm aluminium aldrops, 3 nos. 200mm ‘D’ type aluminium door handle and door stopper with bush etc., complete
as directed by the departmental officers.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M 3.15 m2

Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

M.D.F Board = 2x0.705x2.05 2.89 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.29 m2

3.18 m2

Main data
solid core particle board flush door shutters with both sides 3mm
3.18 m2 thick Teak ply of 35mm thick with T.W. internal lipping (internal 1982.00 m2 6302.76
Alu. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm) 89.60 Each 537.60

2 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 261.00

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 192.75

2 Nos Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 291.40

2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/double 330.20 m2 954.28

2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors with frames 228.50 m2 660.37

LS Conveyance charges, dismantling and redooing to original position LS 190.00

For 2.89M2 9653.40

Rate Rs. 3340.28

Say Rs. 3340.00 /M2

13 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Both side Pre laminated including
external lipping with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P.
screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with
thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu.
hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2
Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m 2.10 m2

Shutter size 0.91x2.05 1.87 m2

M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05 1.87 m2

Add 10% Wastage 0.19 m2

2.06 m2

Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)= 5.92 RM

Main data

2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thickof Kiln dried soft wood 2180.00 m2 4490.80

Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm) 89.60 Each 268.80

1 No 300x12mm tower bolt 130.50 Each 130.50

1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt 82.25 Each 82.25

1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop 181.00 Each 181.00

2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle 64.25 Each 128.50

1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush 145.70 Each 145.70

1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single 214.10 m2 400.37

1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames 228.50 m2 427.30

LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 160.00

For 1.87M2 6415.21

Rate Rs. 3430.59

Say Rs. 3431.00

14 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Both side Pre laminated including
external lipping with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all
edges with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty,
fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium
furniture fittings such as 6 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1
no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door
inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt
finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not
less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other
incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data

3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Kiln dried soft wood

2180.00 m2 6932.40
Alu. Ane. Furniture

6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)

89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 190.00
For 2.89M2
Rate Rs. 3558.15

Say Rs. 3558.00

15 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws,
including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner
colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges
125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos
Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood 1777.00 m2 3660.62
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 2986.65
Say Rs. 2987.00
16 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 35mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary
adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for
T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings
such as 6 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower
bolt of 200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour
charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under
electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15
microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential
charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood 1777.00 m2 5650.86
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 9001.50
Rate Rs. 3114.71
Say Rs. 3115.00
17 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain including external lipping
with Kiln dried soft wood of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws,
including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner
colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges
125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos
Alu. Handles, 1 no door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Single leaf:
Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m
2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2
2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data

2.06 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood

1641.00 m2 3380.46
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 2836.83
Say Rs. 2837.00
18 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Pre laminated Kiln dried soft
wood of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive and C.P.
screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with
thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos Alu.
hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 3
Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in
position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled
condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is
inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling
charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
2(2(0.705+2.05))= 11.02 RM
Main data

3.18 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick of Plain Kiln dried soft wood

1641.00 m2 5218.38
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 8569.02
Rate Rs. 2965.06
Say Rs. 2965.00
19 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 35 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing
of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc.,
The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu.
aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no
door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All
Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI
specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing
charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping 1914.00 m2 3942.84
Alu. Furniture
3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)
89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 160.00
For 1.87M2
Rate Rs. 3137.57
Say Rs. 3138.00
20 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 35 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive
and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping
with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos
Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of
200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges
for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns,
The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges,
handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 35mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1914.00 m2 6086.52
Alu. Ane. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 190.00
For 2.89M2 9437.16
Rate Rs. 3265.45
Say Rs. 3265.00
21 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with necessary adhesive and C.P. screws, including fixing
of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping with thinner colouring agent etc.,
The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 3 nos Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu.
aldrop 250 x 16mm, 1no Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of 200x12mm, 2 Nos Alu. Handles, 1 no
door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges for fixing in position etc., complete. All
Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically controlled condition in accordance with ISI
specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns, The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing
charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges, handling charges etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Single leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.00m x 2.10m

2.10 m2
Shutter size 0.91x2.05
1.87 m2
M.D.F Board = 0.91 x 2.05
1.87 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.19 m2

2.06 m2
Requirement on lipping =2(0.91+2.05)=
5.92 RM
Main data
2.06 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1698.00 m2 3497.88
Alu. Furniture

3 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mmx30mm)

89.60 Each 268.80
1 No 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 130.50
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
2 No 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 128.50
1 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 145.70
1.87 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/single
214.10 m2 400.37
1.87 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 427.30
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc
LS 175.00
For 1.87M 2

Rate Rs. 2907.64
Say Rs. 2908.00
22 Supplying and fixing door shutters for Medium Density Fibre board of exterior grade, Plain with Teakwood external
lipping alround of 30 mm thick conforming to IS 12406 / 1989 with 35 x 12mm T.W. on all edges with necessary adhesive
and C.P. screws, including fixing of aldrops, tower bolts, hinges and lock strike plates, putty, fevical, varnish for T.W. lipping
with thinner colouring agent etc., The rate includes cost of materials and cost for aluminium furniture fittings such as 6 nos
Alu. hinges 125mm, 1 no Alu. aldrop 250 x 16mm, 2nos Alu. tower bolt of 300x12mm and 1 no Alu. tower bolt of
200x12mm, 3 Nos Alu. Handles, 2 nos door stopper with rubber bush incase of Single leaf door inclusive of labour charges
for fixing in position etc., complete. All Aluminium furniture fittings are to be anodised with matt finish under electrically
controlled condition in accordance with ISI specification 1868/1968 for anodic film thickness of not less than 15 microns,
The rate is inclusive cost of fevical and fixing charges, transportation, loading, unloading and all other incidential charges,
handling charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Double leaf:

Consider a door of size 1.50 x 2.10 M

3.15 m2
Shutter size 2x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
M.D.F Board = 2.00x0.705x2.05
2.89 m2
Add 10% Wastage
0.29 m2

3.18 m2
Requirement for lipping =
11.02 RM
Main data
3.18 m2 MDF Board 30 mm thick Plain with Teakwood lipping
1698.00 m2 5399.64
Alu. Furniture
6 Nos Alu. Hinges (125mm)
89.60 Each 537.60
2 No s 300x12mm tower bolt
130.50 Each 261.00
1 Nos 200x12 tower bolt
82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Alu. 250x16mm aldrop
181.00 Each 181.00
3 Nos 200 mm 'D' type handle
64.25 Each 192.75
2 No Door stopper with Rubber bush
145.70 Each 291.40
2.89 m2 Labour charges for making the flush door/Double
330.20 m2 954.28
2.89 m2 Labour charges for fixing with frames
228.50 m2 660.37
LS LS for Screws, nails, Dismantling, redoing etc LS 200.00
For 2.89M2 8760.28
Rate Rs. 3031.24
Say Rs. 3031.00
23 Supplying and fixing PVC sliding door for Disabled persons toilet in with Solid PVC
door shutters using 19 Gauge 19mm MS square tubes for styles and outer frames, 15mm
MS square tubes for top, lock and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm
thick solid PVC sheets. Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall
rigidly fixed in position including necessary furniture and fittings. The over all size of
styles shall be 50mm x 30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall
be 75mm x 30mm. The over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm, with suitable rabate
for housing the shutter including slidng arrangements.

Size of Door : 0.75x2.10=1.575m2

PVC shutter area 0.65x1.90

1.24 m2
Main data

1.24 m2 PVC shutters without frame

2800.00 m2 3472.00
2 Nos PVC Roller

14.60 Each 29.20

1 Nos Lock

71.10 Each 71.10

2 Nos D Type Handle(100mm long)

35.30 Each 70.60

LS Labour charges for fixing, Screws, nails dismantling and redoing
LS 300.00
For 1.575 m2

Rate Rs.
Say Rs.
24 Supplying and fixing PVC sliding door with Solid PVC door shutters using 19 Gauge
19mm MS square tubes for styles and outer frames, 15mm MS square tubes for top, lock
and bottom rails. The steel tubes shall be covered with 5mm thick solid PVC sheets.
Shutter using 5mm thick solid PVC sheets for panelling shall rigidly fixed in position
including necessary furniture and fittings. The over all size of styles shall be 50mm x
30mm. The over all size of top rail, Lock rail and bottom rail shall be 75mm x 30mm. The
over all size of frames shall be 50mm x 45mm, with suitable rabate for housing the shutter
including slidng arrangements.

Size of Door : 0.75x2.10=1.575m2

Main data
1.575 m3 PVC shutters with frame 3325.00 m3 5236.88
2 Nos PVC Roller 14.60 Each 29.20
1 Nos Lock 71.10 Each 71.10
2 Nos D Type Handle 35.30 Each 70.60
LS Labour charges for fixing, Screws, nails dismantling and redoing
LS 300.00
For 1.575 m2 5707.78
Rate Rs. 3623.98
Say Rs.
Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of cupboard shutter using country
wood (kongu) frame of 100 m x 32 mm thick for outer frame horizontal
and vertical memebers. The shutter frame of size 75 x 32 mm of country
wood scantling (Horizontal 3 nos., Vertical 2 nos., of reach shutter) with
12 mm thick both side prelaminated particle board (exterior grade)
shutter.The shutter are fixed to the frame with requied 6 nos., o
alumium hings 100 x 30 mm 2 nos., 'D' type alumium hadle 100 mm 2
nos., of aluminum tower bolts 75 x 10 mm 2 nos., of cupboard lock etc.,
the country wood frame shall be painted two coats with synthetic enamel
paint over one coat of wood primer. The prelaminated particle board and
furniture fittings used should be got approved by the Executive Engineer
before use on works. The cost is inclusive of alumnum handle. tower
bolts, piano type hingers, screws, nails, and required further fittings and
Consider size of 1.20x2.10 2.52 M2
Outer Frame
Vertical 1 x 2 x 2.10 x 0.10 x 0.035 0.015 M3
Horizontal 1 x 2 x 1.20 x 0.10 x 0.035 0.0084 M3
0.0234 M3
Shutter frame
Vertical 2 x 2 x 1.90 x 0.075 x 0.032 0.0182 M3
Horizontal 2 x3x 0.50 x 0.075 x 0.032 0.0072 M3
0.0254 M3
Total 0.0488
Shutter - Prelaminated Board

2 x 2 x 0.875 x 0.50 1.75 M2

Add 10% wastage 0.18
Main Data

0.0488 M3 C.W. scantling over 2.00 m in length 34300.00 M3 1673.84

0.0488 M 3
Labour for Wrought & put up 22647.43 M3 1105.19
1.93 M2 MDF 12mm prelaminated both side
1050.00 M2 2026.50
1.75 M 2
Labour charges Wrought& put up
214.10 M2 374.68
6 Nos Aluminium Hinges 100x30
71.90 Each 431.40
2 Nos Aluminium Handles 100mm
35.30 Each 70.60
2 Nos Aluminium Tower bolt 75x10mm
39.70 Each 79.40
1 No Cup board lock 71.10 Each 71.10
LS Screws, nails, dismandling and redoing incidental charges and other
charges including painting
LS 200.00
Rate for 2.52 6032.71
Rate Rs. 2393.93 1/M2
Say Rs.
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in between.
Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3 portion at
top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos
of holdfasts 120mm in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts
2nos. one at top and the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar
is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are
given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour
charges, taxes, transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.

Double leaf Door size 1.8 X 2.1M (1/3 panneled&2/3 grilled) 3.78 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.80 1.80
6x3.5Kg/m 21.00 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 m
Horizontal 2x2x0.894 3.58 m
11.93x2.60Kg/m 31.02 Kg
Intermediate J Section in between Grill & CR sheet
2x0.894x2.28Kg 4.08 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.8x1.5Kg 2.70 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side
Horizontal 2x1x0.894x0.7 Kg 1.25 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x1.273x0.7 Kg 3.56 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x0.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 64.38 Kg
Add 5% wastage 3.22 Kg
67.60 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.894x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 12.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.61 kg
12.88 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.894x1.4x20kg/m2 50.06 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.50 kg
52.56 kg
Painting Red oxide primer 1.8x2.1=3.78m2-2.50m2 1.28 M2
1.28x2.2 2.82 M2
Main Data
67.60 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3582.80
12.88 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 682.64
52.56 kg MS grill includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 5369.00
76.64 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3920.14
2.82 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 209.24
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 Each 257.60
1 Nos Tower Bolt 200 mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 Each 235.30
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 Each 168.00
3.78 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 863.73
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chipping
masonry,concrete etc& redoing the same LS LS 240.00
For 3.78M2 4491.30
Rate Rs. 4491.00 /M2
5 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of Steel doors with the following specification M.S angles of a size 40x40x6mm are
used for the outer frames and M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm for the shutter frames stiffeners with 32x6mm M.S. flat is
provided at required intervals in the shutter frames 18 gauge C.R. sheet is laid as panel in the shutter and welded intact for 1/3
bottom portion of the shutter. M.S. flat 18x5mm is welded over the 32x6mm M.S. flat sand witching the CR sheet in
between. Additional stiffener with 18x5mm M.S. flat is provided diagonally at the rear side of the shutter. The balance 2/3
portion at top is provided with grill at an average weight of 20kg/sq.m with 3mm pin headed glass used for glazing and
fixed with 15x12 mm teakwood beeding and 6 Nos hinges for double leaves shutter to be provided 6nos of holdfasts 120mm
in length made of angle section spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. Tower bolts 2nos. one at top and
the other at the bottom arte provided one aldrop is provided at on appropriate place in the door. A Tie bar is provided at the
bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of frame during transportation or fixing. All members are given one coat of red
oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all meterials, labour charges, taxes,
transportation to site of work, loading, unloading and all other incidental charges etc., complete.
Double leaf Door size 1.8 X 2.1M(1/3 panneled&2/3 grilled with glazing)) 3.78 m2
Materials required
Outer frame 40x40x6mm
Vertical 1x2x2.1 4.20 m
Horizontal 1x1x1.80 1.80
6x3.5Kg/m 21.00 Kg
Shutter frame 35x35x5mm
Vertical 1x2x2x2.088 = 8.35 m
Horizontal 2x2x0.894 3.58 m
11.93x2.60Kg/m 31.02 Kg
Intermediate J Section in betn Grill & CR sheet
2x0.894x2.28Kg 4.08 Kg
Tie bar 32x6mm flat 1x1.8x1.5Kg 2.70 Kg
Stiffeners 18x 5 mm MS flat at rear side
Horizontal 2x1x0.894x0.7 Kg 1.25 Kg
Diagonal 2x2x1.273x0.7 Kg 3.56 Kg
MS flat 32x3mm@ edge of CR Sheet 1x0.7x1.1KG 0.77 Kg
Total 64.38 Kg
Add 5% wastage 3.22 Kg
67.60 Kg
CR Sheet reqd. 1x2x0.894x0.7x9.8 Kg/m2 12.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.61 kg
12.88 kg
MS grill of 20kg/m2 1x2x0.894x1.4x20kg/m2 50.06 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.50 kg
52.56 kg
3 mm Pin headed glass : 1X2X0.894X1.40 2.50
Add 10% wastage 0.25
Teakwood Beeding :2x2(0.894+1.40) 9.18
Painting Red oxide primer 1.8x2.1=3.78m2-2.50m2 1.28 M2
1.28x2.2 2.82 M2
Main Data
67.60 kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 kg 3582.80
12.88 kg CR sheet18 gauge 53.00 kg 682.64
52.56 kg MS grill includingfabrication charges 102.15 kg 5369.00
2.75 M2 3 mm Pin headed glass 226.60 M2 623.15
9.18 Rm Teakwood Beeding 15.45 Rm 141.83
76.64 Kg Labour charges for cutting welding and fabrication
of angles sheets in position & fixing 51.15 kg 3920.14
2.82 M2 Priming coat 74.20 M2 209.24
6 Nos Hold Fasts 200mm length 168.00 Each 1008.00
4 Nos Hinges 125mmx30mm 89.60 Each 358.40
2 Nos Tower Bolt250mm long 12mm dia 128.80 Each 257.60
1 Nos Tower Bolt 200 mm long 12mm dia 82.25 Each 82.25
1 No Aldrop 250mm long 16mm dia 235.30 Each 235.30
2 Nos Ms Handle 200mm long 84.00 Each 168.00
3.78 M2 labour charges for fixing door 228.50 M2 863.73
LS Conveyance,Handling,Scaffolding,Chippingmasonry ,concrete etc & redoing the same 240.00
For 3.78M2
Rate Rs.
4694.00 /M2
26 Supplying ,fabricating and fixing in position of steel frame without
bottom frame, of size 100X60mm rectangular section with necessary
rebate 30mmX15mm, to host the shutter,using 1.25mm thick (18
guage) CRCA cold rolled frame steel plate confirming to ISI specified
ensured of right butt joint riveted hold assembly with nylon insert,not be
welded with special purpose hard ware.Proclaimed including phopating as
per ISI with rust preventive primer ready to assemble condition for easy
installation at site including dismantling,making necessary chipping and
holes in RCC columns, walls with power drills to the extent
required ,including providing concrete 1:2:4 inside the box curing etc
complete.The cost includes the cost of hold fast ,plastic bush, insert
receiver,rubber bottom,shock absorber etc complete as directed by the
departmental officers in all floors.

1.00 Rm Cost of Door frame

360.00 Rm 360.00
0.0063 P.C.C 1:2:4 Using 20mm HBGS Jelly
M3 7599.00 M3 47.87
Rate per RM Rs.

8 Fabrication, supply and fixing in position of 'N' type ventilators using M.S. angle of size 25 x 25 x5 mm for frame and M.S.
Flat of size 20 x 3 mm for fixing the weld mesh and using 25 x 22 x3 mm 'T' section for frame glass. Special type of Hold
fast welded to the frame of 45 degree inclined towards centre for wall and fxing the weldmesh 25mm square including cost of
3mm thick pinheaded glass panes for all panels and fixing the glass panels with necessary clips & putties with required bolts,
nuts and washers and one coat of red oxide primer etc. including necessary dismantling, making holes in RCC columns,
beams, masonry wherever necessary with power drill to the extend required and made good to the original conditions after
fising as directed by the departmental officers.
Consider a size of ventilator 2.5 x 0.6 1.50 M2
L Angle 25x25x5mm
Horizontal member 4.00 2.5 10.00
Vertical 4.00 0.35 1.40
Hold fast 4.00 0.15 0.60
Subtotal 12.00
Total weight of 'L' Angle @ 1.8 kg/rm 21.6 Kg
25 x 22 x 3 mm 'T' section @ 1.03 kg/rm 2.00X0.35 2.80
Weight of' T' section @ 1.03 kg/rm 2.884 Kg
M.S. Flat @ 0.5 kg/m 2.00 4 0.20
2(2.50 - 2x.0.025)4 nos. 1.96
Weight of' M.S. Flat @ 0.5 kg/mtotal 0.98 Kg
Alround @ 0.5 kg/rm 2.50 2 5.00
0.50 Kg
Total weight of 'L' Angle,T section,M.S.Flat 21.6+2.884+0.98+2.50 27.96
Add 5% for wastage 1.40
0.20 Weld mesh 2.50 m2 0.50
Glass 10x0.5x0.30 m2 1.50
Add 10 % for wastage 0.15
Primer ( 1.96+5)x0.025=0.174m2
14.80x.025 =0.37m2
29.36 Kg MS angles & Flats 53.00 Kg 1556.08
0.50 m2 Weld mesh 75x25mm 379.90 m2 189.95
1.65 m2 3mm thick pin headed Glass 226.60 m2 373.89
0.54 m2 Priming coat 74.20 m2 21.68
27.960 Kg Labour charges 51.15 Kg 1430.15
LS Dismantling, red oxide charge etc. & LS 150.00
glass pin etc
Total for 1.50m2 3721.76
Rate per 1 m2 2481.17
Say per m2 Rs. 2481.00
1 Supplying and fixing Teakwood frame with scantling above 2m for doors including labour charges for wrought and
putup in possible and for fixing holdfast in frame and necessary etc., complete.

T.W.Scantling upto 3m
1 m3 Cost of T.W. Scantlings 111600.00 111600.00
1 m3 labour charges for wrought and putup 13690.00 m3 13690.00

Rate Rs. 125290.00 m3
2 Supplying and fixing Teakwood fully panelled shutters for using Teakwood scantlings upto 4m length and teakwood
40mm thick for styles and rails and 22mm thick for planks and panels including cost of wind appliances and labour
charges for fixing the furniture fittings in position but excluding cost of furniture fittings complete as directed by the
Departmental officers.

Consider a door size of 0.90m x 2.10m

Shutter size - 0.80 x 2.045 = 1.636 m2
T.W. Scantlings above 2m long for styles
2x2.045x0.10x0.04 0.01636 m3
T.W. Scantlings below 2m long for rails :-
Top rail :- 1x0.80x0.10x0.04 0.0032
Intermediate rail :- 3.00x0.77x0.10x0.04 0.00924 cum
Lock rail :- 1x0.77x0.18x0.04 0.005544
Bottom rail :- 1x0.80x0.15x0.04 0.0048
Sub Total 0.02278 cum

Teak wood planks :- 5x0.624x0.29x0.022 0.199056

Main Data
0.01636 m3 T.W. Scantlings above 2m long 111600.00 cum 1825.78
0.02278 m3 T.W. Scantlings below 2m long 99400.00 cum 2264.33
0.01991 m3 T.W. planks 22mm tk below 300mm wide
93100.00 cum 1853.62
1.636 m2 Labours wrought and putup (S.R. item no. 144) 1281.00 2095.72
LS Wind appliance & Sand paper etc.,and fixing charges
L.S. 190.00
Total for 17.96 m2 Rs. 8229.45

Rate per 1.636 m2 Rs.

Say Rs. 5030.00 / M2
1 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel sheeted windows ( Two Leaves) with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
numbers of sturdy
openable hinges
shutter and
should notone number
exceed of handle-cum-latch
a width of special
of 600mm to enable typeoperations
separate made withand
18x5mm MS flats areThe
easy maintenance. revetted
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
from top and bottom of the shutter.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete
Two Leaves - 1.20x1.30m
Area of window 1.56 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20x1.419 kg/m 3.41 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.70 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 2x2x0.56 kg/m 3.18 kg
Vertical : 2x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 7.15 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
20.31 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.01 kg
21.32 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm
Horizontal stiffeners = 2x3x0.54x0.70kg/m 2.27 kg
Vertical stiffeners 2x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.45 kg
2.72 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.14 kg
2.86 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2
1x1x1.15x1.25x9.80 14.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.71 kg
14.82 kg
Protective MS rods 12mm square
12x1.20x1.13 kg/m 16.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.81 kg
17.08 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1x1x1.20x1.30x2.20 3.43 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.20 0.69 M2
4.12 M2
Main data
21.32 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1483.87
2.86 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 151.58
14.82 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 785.46
17.08 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 905.24
16.27 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 482.41
16.83 kg Labour for cutting angles,CRS,Welding & fabrication with special 51.15 kg 860.85
1.56 M2 angles
Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 447.10
2.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 313.80
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
2.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 115.30
4.12 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 305.70
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 190.00
For 1.56M2 7000.91
Rate Rs. 4487.76
Say Rs. 4488.00
2 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel sheeted windows ( Three Leaves) with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.
2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Three Leaves - 1.50x1.30m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.26x2.28 kg/m 5.75 kg
28.35 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.77 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 3x3x0.44x0.70kg/m 2.77 kg
Diagonal 3x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.67 kg
3.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.17 kg
3.61 kg
MS bar 12Nos (12mm dia)
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2
1.45x1.25x9.80 17.76 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.89 kg
18.65 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1.50x1.30x2.20 4.29 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
5.15 M2
Main data
29.77 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2071.99
3.61 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 191.33
18.65 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 988.45
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 603.08
21.2 kg Labour for cutting angles,CRS,Welding 51.15 kg 1084.38
1.95 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
5.15 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 382.13
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & 200.00
making good the damaged portion For 1.95M2 8959.36
Rate Rs. 4594.55 M2
Rate Rs. 4594.55
Say Rs. 4595.00 M2
3 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position of MS steel windows (Three
Leaves)with 4mm FRP transparent sheets instead of glass panes with the
following specifications. Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x
25 x 3 mm at 1.419 Kg/m and mullion ' O ' section (F4B) of size 46 x 25 x 3 mm at
2.28 Kg/m and shutter section made of F7D of 33 x 25 x 3 mm at 1.419 Kg/m as
specified in IS 7452/1990. Each openeble shutter should not exceed a width of 600
mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of the shutter to
be covered with 18 Gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with
shutter frames. horizontal stiffeners using 18 x 5 mm MS Flat at all four corners of
each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters for holding the CR sheets
in position firmly. Two numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch
of special type made with 18 x 5mm MS Flats are rivetted to the shutters at an
appropriate height in window. Suitable opening in left for its easy operation. A stopper
square rod for handle is provided in the mullionsection at suitable place to catch the
window handle. Each window shutter having an adjustable position. a matching peg is
provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place.

Four nos of holdfast of 10mm length spliced at the the ends are welded to the outer
frame of the window by using MS Flat of 18 x 5 mm at 0.70 Kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each other from top and bottom of the shutter.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal
intervaal not exceeding 100mm edge to edge between them. All members are painted
with one coat of anti corrossive red oxide primer as directed by the department
officers. All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990. The cost includes cost
of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete.

Three Leaves - 1.50x1.30m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.256x2.28 kg/m 5.73 kg
28.33 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.75 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 4Nos.of 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 4x1.5 -- (0.022x2)+(2x.025)+(2x3x.025)*0.7 4.030 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.23 kg
MS bar 12Nos (12mm dia)
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
FRP transparent sheet 4mm thick
(1.50x1.30)--(2x1.256)+6(0.46+1.256)*0.025+(5.756*0.018) 1.896 m2
Area of priming coat
For window 1.50x1.30--1.59=0.36x2.20 0.792 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.864 M2
1.656 M2
Main data
29.75 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2070.60
4.23 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 224.19
1.896 m2 FRP transparent sheet 4mm thick 270.00 m2 511.92
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 603.08
4.03 kg Labour for cutting angles, CRS, Welding & fabrication with special 51.15 kg 206.13
1.95 M2 angles
Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.66 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 66.65
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding,Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 200.00
For 1.95M2 7320.57
Rate Rs. 3754.14 M2
Say Rs.
3754.00 M2
4 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows (Four Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.

2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to
the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay
made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in
the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the shutter at two place equivalent from each
from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face

of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-
corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS
7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete

Four Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 4x2x0.42x1.419 kg/m 4.77 kg
Vertical : 4x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 14.30 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section 1x3x1.26x2.28 kg/m 8.62 kg
36.49 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.82 kg
38.31 kg
MS flats for stiffeners 18mmx5mm size at 0.70kg/m
Horizontal stiffeners = 4x3x0.40x0.70kg/m 3.36 kg
Diagonal 4x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 0.90 kg
4.26 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.21 kg
4.47 kg
CR sheet of 18kg @ 9.80 kg/m2:1.75x1.25x9.80 21.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.07
22.51 kg
12mm square MS rod 1x12x1.80x1.13kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat
For window 1.80x1.30x2.20 5.15 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.80 1.04 M2
6.19 M2
Main data
38.31 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 2666.38
4.47 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 236.91
22.51 kg CRS 18G 53.00 kg 1193.03
25.63 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 723.76
25.7 kg Labour for cutting angles, CRS, Welding & fabrication with special
angles 51.15 kg 1314.55
2.34 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 670.64
4.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 627.60
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
8.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 575.20
4.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 230.60
6.19 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 459.30
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 220.00
For 2.34M2 10948.36
Rate Rs. 4678.79
Say Rs. 4679.00
6 Fabricating ,Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows( Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made
with 18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy
operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each
window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable
position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the
inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm
edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Five Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg

Shutter frame Horizontal: 5x2x0.32x1.419 kg/m 4.54

Shutter frame Vertical : 5x2x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m
11.49 kg
33.91 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.70 kg
35.61 kg
Stiffners using 18x5mm MS flat
5x3x0.30x0.70 kg/m 3.15 kg
5x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 1.12 kg
4.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.21 kg
4.48 kg
CR sheet required 1.75x1.25x9.80 21.44 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.07 kg
22.51 kg
12mm M.S Square rod 12 Nosx1.80x1.13 kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat (1.80x1.30x2.20) = 5.15 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x1.80 1.04
6.19 M2
Main data
35.61 kg Special section 69.60 kg 2478.46
4.48 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 237.44
22.51 kg CR sheet 53.00 kg 1193.03
25.63 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 723.76
25.71 kg Labour charges for cutting, welding and fabrication 51.15 kg 1315.07
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
6.19 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 459.30
2.34 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 670.64
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 240.00
For 2.34M2 11139.83
Rate for 1M2 4760.61 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 4761.00 M2
7 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel windows (Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 18 gauge cold rolled sheet of superior quality and welded intact with shutter frames.
Horizontal stiffeners using 18x5mm MS Flat at 0.70kg/m at 3 Nos. for each shutter and additional diagonal stiffners of the
same MS flats at all the four corners of each shutters to the suitable length welded to the shutters, for holding the CR Sheets in
position firmly.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle-cum-latch of special type made with 18x5mm

18x5mm MS flats are revetted to the shutters at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy
operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each
window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable
position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length
spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window by using MS flat of 18x5mm at 0.70kg/m, welded to the
shutter at two place equivalent from each from top and bottom of the shutter.An MS square bar of 12mm size
iswelded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members

is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are
painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in
confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc.,

Five Leaves - 2.10x1.30m

Area = 2.73 M2
\ Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 2x2.10x1.419 kg/m 5.96 kg
Shutter frame Vertical: 2x5x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88 kg
Shutter frame Horizontal : 2x5x0.40x1.419 kg/m 5.68 kg
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m 11.49 kg
44.70 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.23 kg
46.93 kg
Stiffners using 18x5mm MS flat
5x3x0.38x0.70 kg/m 3.99 kg
5x4x0.08x0.70 kg/m 1.12 kg
5.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.26 kg
5.37 kg
CR sheet required 2.05x1.25x9.80 kg/m2 25.11 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.26 kg
26.37 kg
12mm M.S Square rod: 12 Nosx2.10x1.13 kg/m 28.48 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.90 kg
Area of priming coat 2.10x1.30x2.20 6.01 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x2.10 1.21 1.21
7.22 M2
Main data
46.93 kg Special section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 3266.33
5.37 kg MS Flats and Angles 53.00 kg 284.61
26.37 kg CR sheet 53.00 kg 1397.61
29.90 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1584.70
28.48 kg Fixing MS rod 29.65 kg 844.43
30.22 kg Labour charges for cutting, welding and fabrication 51.15 kg 1545.75
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
7.22 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 535.72
2.73 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 782.42
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 230.00
For 2.73M2 12935.33
Rate for 1M2 4738.21 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 4738.00 M2
8 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Two Leaves )with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter

at an appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided
in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay made out of
18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer
frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame
of the window.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the windowat an equal interva

interval not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer
as directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all
materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete
Two Leaves - 1.20x1.30m
Area of window 1.56 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.20x1.419 kg/m 3.41 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 2x2x0.56 kg/m 2.24 kg
Vertical : 2x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 7.15 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
19.36 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.97 kg
20.33 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x1x1.15x1.25 1.44 kg
Add 10% wastage 0.14 kg
1.58 kg
Protective MS rods 12mm square
12x1.20x1.13 kg/m 16.27 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.81 kg
17.08 kg
TW beading 1x2x2x(0.56+1.26) 7.28 RM
Area of priming coat
For window (1.56-1.44)x2.20 0.26 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.20 0.69 M2
0.95 M2
Main data
20.33 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1414.97
17.08 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 905.24
16.27 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 862.31
1.58 M2 Glazing 3mm pin headed 226.60 m2 358.03
1.56 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 447.10
2.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 313.80
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
2.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 115.30
0.95 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 70.49
7.28 RM Teak wood beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 112.48
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion 160.00
For 1.56M 2
Rate Rs. 3666.22
Say Rs. 3666.00
9 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Three Leaves )with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter at an
appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the
mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable stay made out of 18 x
5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of
the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the
window.An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval

not exceeding 100mm edge between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as
directed by the departmental officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all
materials, labour charges and other incidental charges, etc., complete

Three Leaves - 1.20x1.50m

Area of window 1.95 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 10.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x1.26x2.28 kg/m 2.87 kg
25.47 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.27 kg
26.74 kg
MS bar 12Nos 12mm square
1x12x1.50x1.13kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
3mm Pin headed glass 1.45x1.25 1.81
Add 10% wastage 0.18 kg
0.18 kg
TW beading 1x3x2(0.46+1.26) 10.32 Rm
Area of priming coat
For window (1.95-1.81)2.20 0.31 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
1.17 M2
Main data
26.74 kg Special Steel Section including fabrication charges 69.60 kg 1861.35
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1078.02
1.99 M2 3mm Pin headed glass 226.60 m2 450.93
10.32 RM Teak wood beading 15x12mm 15.45 Rm 159.44
1.95 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 558.87
3.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 470.70
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.17 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 86.81
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good
the damaged portion 190.00
For 1.95M2 7264.56
Rate Rs. 3725.42
Say Rs. 3725.00
10 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Four Leaves )with the following specifications.
Outer frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed each shutter at an appropriate
height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle
is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an adustable
stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided
in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the
outer frame of the window.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Four Leaves - 1.80x1.30m

Area = 2.34 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 1x2x1.80x1.419 kg/m 5.11 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 4x2x0.42x1.419 kg/m 4.77 kg
Vertical : 4x2x1.26x1.419 Kg/m 14.30 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x3x1.26x2.28 kg/m 8.62 kg
36.49 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.82 kg
38.31 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x1.75x1.25 2.19 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2
2.41 M2
TW beading 2x4x(0.42+1.26) 13.44 RM
12mm square MS rod
1x12x1.80x1.13kg/m 24.41 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.22 kg
25.63 kg
Area of priming coat
For window (2.34-2.19)x2.20 0.33 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.80 1.04 M2
1.37 M2
Main data
38.31 kg Special Steel Section 69.60 kg 2666.38
25.63 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1358.39
24.41 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1293.73
2.41 M2 Glazing 3mm pin headed 226.60 m2 546.11
13.44 RM TW beading 15sx12mm 15.45 RM 207.65
2.34 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 670.64
4.00 Nos Window Stay 156.90 E 627.60
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
8.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 575.20
4.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 230.60
1.37 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 101.65
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete & making good the damaged
portion 210.00
For 2.34M2 9159.95
Rate Rs. 3914.51 M2
Say Rs. 3915.00 M2
11 Fabricating, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed window (Five Leaves) with the following specifications. Outer
frames of windows made of 'Z' section F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion 'J' section (F4B) of size
46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m and shutter section of made of F7D of 33x25x3mm at 1.419 kg/m as specified in IS 7452/1990.
Each openable shutter should not exceed a width of 600mm to enable separate operations and easy maintenance. The panel of
the shutters to be covered with 3mm thick pin headed glass and fixed with 15x12mm teakwood beading of superior quality
and fixed with shutter frames.2 numbers of sturdy hinges and one number of handle to be fixed to each shutter at an
appropriate height in window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for
handle is provided in the mullion section at suitable place to catch the window handle. each window shutter having an
adustable stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/ m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg
is provided in the outer frame of the window at suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are
welded to the outer frame of the window.
An MS square bar of 12mm size is welded to the inner face of the window at an equal interval not exceeding 100mm edge
between them. All members are painted with one coat of anti-corrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental
officers.All sections should be in confirmed with IS 7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges and
other incidental charges, etc., complete

Five Leaves - 2.10x1.30m

Area = 2.73 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Vertical : 2x1.30x1.419 kg/m 3.69 kg
Horizontal : 2x2.10x1.419 kg/m 5.96 kg
Shutter frame Vertical: 2x5x1.26x1.419 kg/m 17.88 kg
Shutter frame Horizontal : 2x5x0.40x1.419 kg/m 5.68 kg
J' Section centre Mullion 1x4x1.26x2.28 kg/m 11.49 kg
44.70 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.23 kg
46.93 kg
Glazing area 3mm pin headed
1x2.05x1.25 2.56 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.26 M2
2.82 M2
TW beading 1x2x5(0.40+1.26) 16.60 Rm
12mm M.S Square rod 12 Nosx2.10x1.13 kg/m 28.48 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.42 kg
29.90 kg
Area of priming coat (2.73-2.56)x2.20 0.37 M2
For MS rods = 12x0.048x2.10 1.21 M2 1.21
1.58 M2
Main data
46.93 kg Special section 69.60 kg 3266.33
29.90 kg 12mm MS Square rod 53.00 kg 1584.70
28.48 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1509.44
2.82 M2 Glazing area 3mm pin headed 226.60 M2 639.01
16.60 RM TW beading 15.45 Rm 256.47
5 Nos Window Stay 156.90 Each 784.50
4 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 Each 672.00
10 Nos Hinges 100 mmx30mm 71.90 Each 719.00
5 Nos Handels with stopper 150mm long 57.65 Each 288.25
1.58 M2 Priming coat with red oxide 74.20 M2 117.24
2.73 M2 Labour charges for fixing window furniture fittings 286.60 M2 782.42
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete & making good the
damaged portion 230.00
For 2.73M2 10849.35
Rate for 1M2 3974.12 M2
SAY Rate for 1M2 3974.00 M2
Manufacturing, Supplying and fixng in position of steel glazed Arch window (Three leaves) with the following
specifications.The Outer frames of windows made out of F7D of size 33 x 25 x 3mm at 1.419 kg/ m and mullion of F4B
section of size 46x25x3mm at 2.28kg/m. Each openable shutter having a overall width of 450mm. 2Nos of sturdy hings and
one number of handle cum latch of special type made with 18x5mm M.S flat are rivetted in th shutters at appropriate height in
the window. suitable opening is left for its easy operation. a stopper square rod for handle is provided in the mullion section at
suitable place to catch the window handle. each shutter having one adjustable window stay made out of 18 x 5mm at 0.70 kg/
m MS flat of lenght 320mm with three adjustable position. A matching peg is provided in the outer frame of the window at
suitable place. 4 Nos. of hold fasts of 120mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the window.18x3mm
at 0.42kg/m. M.S.flat is welded to the shutter at the two place equdistant from each other from top and bottom of the shutter is
made up of 3mm pin headed glass of superior quality is laid as panel in the shutter frames and fixed intact. M.S.square
intervals not exceeding 100mm, centre andthe top portion0.30m height with fixed glazing. All memebers are painted with
one coat of anticorrosive red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officer .All sections should be in confirmed with IS
7452/1990.The cost includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transportation, taxes and other incidental charges, etc.,

Area of window 1.50x1.30 M2(Three leaves) 1.95 M2

size of Arch : 1.50x0.30 0.45 M2
Outer frame F7D section 33x25x3mm @ 1.419kg
Horizontal : 1x2x1.50x1.419 kg/m 4.26 kg
Vertical : 1x2x1.30x1.419 Kg/m 3.69 kg
Arch portion 1x1x1.89x1.419 kg/m 2.68
Shutter frame F7D section 33x25x3mm
Horizontal : 3x2x0.46x1.419 kg/m 3.92 kg
Vertical : 3x2x1.24x1.419 Kg/m 10.58 kg
For Arch : 1x(1.44+1.89)x1.419 4.73 kg
J' Section centre Mullion F4 'B' section
1x2x1.27x2.28 kg/m 5.79 kg
Fixed Arch portion: 1x2x0.27x2.28 1.23 kg
Hinges : 3x2x0.42x0.7 kg/m 1.76 kg
window stay : 3x2x0.32x0.7 kg/m 1.34 kg
M.S flat : 3x2x0.42x0.42 kg/m 1.06 kg
41.04 kg
Add 5% wastage 2.05 kg
43.09 kg
MS bar 12Nos 12mm square
1x12x1.50x1.13 kg/m 20.34 kg
Add 5% wastage 1.02 kg
21.36 kg
3mm pin headed glass
1x3x1.24x0.46 1.71 M2
For glazing : 1x1.50x0.30 0.45 M2
2.16 M2
Add 10% wastage 0.22 M2
2.38 M2
T.W Beading for glazing : 1x2(1.50+0.30) 3.60 Rm
T.W beading 1x3x2x(0.46+1.24) 10.20 Rm
13.80 Rm
Area of priming coat
For window [2.40-(1.71+0.45)]2.20 0.53 M2
For MS rods 12x0.048x1.50 0.86 M2
1.39 M2
Main data
43.09 kg Special Steel Section 69.60 kg 2999.06
21.36 kg MS Rod 12mm dia 53.00 kg 1132.08
20.34 kg Fixing MS rod 53.00 kg 1078.02
2.38 kg 3mm pin headed glass 226.60 m2 539.31
13.8 Rm Teak wood beading 15.45 Rm 213.21
2.40 M2 Labour for fixing windows & furniture 286.60 m2 687.84
4.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 672.00
3.00 Nos Handles 150mm long 57.65 E 172.95
1.39 M2 Priming Coat 74.20 m2 103.14
L.S Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
For 2.40M2 7747.61
Rate Rs. 3228.17 M2
Say Rs. 3228.00 M2
12 supplying and fixing in position Glazed steel ventilator with Side/Central hung shutters( Two Leaves) frames and made
shutter frame made out of steel section conforming to IS 7452 /1990.The outer frame made out of z section (F7D) of size 33
x22 x3 mm conforming to IS 7452/1990.The mullions are made out of (F4B) section of size 46x25x3 mm and conforming to
IS7452/1990.The shutters are individual and each of them can be operated separately.Sash bars are made of T section (T2) of
size 25 x 22 x 3mm 2 nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum latch of special type are fixed are each openable
shutter with suitable opening in left for its easy operation, one member of adjustable strings with fixing brackets of sufficient
length are provided for each shutter 4 nos of 40 x 40 x 3 mm angle hold fast 230mm length are welded with the frame at
appropriate point M.S Square bars of 12 mm dia is welded to the inner face of the ventilator at equal intervals not exceeding
10 cm spacing 3mm pin headed glass is used for Glazing with good quality anf fixed with 15 x 12 mm teak wood beadings
with screws for fixing .The shutters are to open outside.
All the section are given with one coat of red oxide primeretc., complete complying with standard specification.The sample of
materials and fittings shall be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. ( The rate shall inclusive of cost
all materials labour charges one coat of primer,weld charges, including cost of welding electrodes,transportation to site work,
loading,unloading and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard specification.

Two Leaves
Size of ventilator of size=0.9mx0.6m 0.54 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.9x1.419 = 2.554 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.703 kg
Internal Mullion 1x0.6x2.28 kg 1.368 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x2x 0.42x1.419 = 2.380 kg
Vertical = 2x2x0.56x1.419 = 3.178 kg
Glazing bar section = 2x1x0.38x1.036 = 0.787 kg
11.97 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.60 kg
12.57 kg
Glazed panel area = (2x0.42)x0.56 0.47 m2
Add 10% wastage 0.05 m2
0.52 m2
TW Beading = 2x2x2x(0.38+0.55) 7.44 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.90x1.13kg/m 4.07 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.27 kg
(0.54-0.47)x2.20 0.15 m2
MS rod 4x0.048x0.90 0.17 m2
0.32 m2
Main data
12.57 kg Special Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 874.87
4.27 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 226.31
4.07 m2 Labour charges for fixing M.S.rods 29.65 Kg 120.68
0.52 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick glass 226.60 m2 117.83
7.44 RM TW Beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 114.95
0.54 m2 Labour for fixing ventilator 286.60 m2 154.76
0.32 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 23.74
2.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 336.00
4.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 287.60
LS Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
LS 130.00
For 0.54M 2
Rate Rs. 4419.90 M2
Say Rs. 4420.00 M2
13 supplying and fixing in position Glazed steel ventilator with Side/Central hung shutters (Three Leaves) frames and made
shutter frame made out of steel section conforming to IS 7452 /1990.The outer frame made out of z section (F7D) of size 33
x22 x3 mm conforming to IS 7452/1990.The mullions are made out of (F4B) section of size 46x25x3 mm and conforming to
IS7452/1990.The shutters are individual and each of them can be operated separately.Sash bars are made of T section (T2) of
size 25 x 22 x 3mm 2 nos of sturdy hinges and one number of handle cum latch of special type are fixed are each openable
shutter with suitable opening in left for its easy operation, one member of adjustable strings with fixing brackets of sufficient
length are provided for each shutter 4 nos of 40 x 40 x 3 mm angle hold fast 230mm length are welded with the frame at
appropriate point M.S Square bars of 12 mm dia is welded to the inner face of the ventilator at equal intervals not exceeding
10 cm spacing 3mm pin headed glass is used for Glazing with good quality anf fixed with 15 x 12 mm teak wood beadings
with screws for fixing .The shutters are
to open outside.All the section are given with one coat of red oxide primer etc. complete complying with standard
.The sample of materials and fittings shall be got approved by the departmental officers before use on work. ( The rate shall
inclusive of cost all materials labour charges one coat of primer,weld charges, including cost of welding
electrodes,transportation to site work, loading,unloading and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard

Three Leaves
Size of ventilator of size=0.9mx0.6m 0.54 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.9x1.419 = 2.55 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Internal Mullion 2x0.6x2.28 kg 2.73 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x3x 0.27x1.419 = 2.30 kg
Vertical = 2x3x0.57x1.419 = 4.85 kg
Glazing bar section = 3x1x0.24x1.036 = 0.75 kg
14.89 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.74 kg
15.63 kg
Glazed panel area = (3x0.27)x0.54 0.44 m2
Add 10% wastage 0.04 m2
0.48 m2
TW Beading = 2x3x2x(0.27+0.54) 9.72 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.90x1.13kg/m 4.07 kg
Add 5% wastage 0.20 kg
4.27 kg
(0.54-0.44)x2.20 0.22 m2
MS rod 4x0.048x0.90 0.17 m2
0.39 m2
Main data
15.64 kg Special Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 1088.54
4.27 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 226.31
4.07 m2 Labour charges for fixing M.S.rods 29.65 m2 120.68
0.48 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick glass 226.60 m2 108.77
9.72 RM TW Beading 15x12mm 15.45 RM 150.17
0.54 m2 Labour for fixing ventilator 286.60 m2 154.76
0.39 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 28.94
2.00 Nos Hold Fasts 168.00 E 336.00
6.00 Nos Hinges 100mmx30mm 71.90 E 431.40
LS Conveyance, Handling, Scaffolding, Chipping/Masonary concerete &
making good the damaged portion
LS 130.00
For 0.54M2 2775.57
Rate Rs. 5139.95 M2
Say Rs. 5140.00 M2
14 Supplying and Fixing in position steel glazed Ventilators with central hung swing shutter using F7D section of size
30x25x3mm for inner outer froames with 4 Nos. Of 12mm dia MS sq.bars for protection and 2 Numbers of clamps welded
with outer frame and using 3mm thick pin headed glass for panel including painting with one coat of Red Oxide Primer
dismantling the masonry wherever necessary for fixing the ventilator and redoing the same to the original condition fixing the
ventilator and redoing the same to the original condition fixing the ventilator in position etc.,

Single a ventilator of size=0.6mx0.6m 0.36 m2

Consider a ventilator of size = 0.6x0.6 area 0.36 m2
Outer frame H=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Outer frame V=2x0.6x1.419 = 1.70 kg
Shutter Top & Bottom H=2x1x 0.57x1.419 = 1.62 kg
Vertical = 2x1x0.56x1.419 = 1.59 kg
Glazed bar = 1x1x0.53x0.889 = 0.47 kg
Glass = 2x1x0.60x0.30 0.36 m2
TW Beadins = 2x1x2x(0.60+0.30) 3.60 RM
12mm sq. rods=4x0.60x1.13kg/m 2.71 kg
Primer = 0.36x1 0.36 m2
Main data
7.08 kg Steel section CF7D & F4B 69.60 kg 492.77
2.71 kg 12mm Sq. rods 53.00 kg 143.63
0.36 m2 Pin headed 3mm thick
226.60 m2 81.58
3.60 RM TW Beading 15.45 RM 55.62
2 Nos Hold fast 168.00 Each 336.00
0.36 m2 Labour charges 286.60 m2 103.18
2.71 kg Labour for providing bars by welding 29.65 kg 80.35
0.36 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 26.71
4 Nos Hinges 100x30 71.90 Each 287.60
Sundries for Conveyance LS 100.00
For 0.36M2 1707.43
Rate Rs. 4742.87
Say Rs. 4743.00 /M2
1 Fabricating supplying and fixing in position M.S Steel framed door with weldmesh and
fine wire mesh netting etc. with necessary locking facilities and hinges including cost of red
oxide primer.

Consider a door of size 0.75m x 1.80m

Area = 1.35 m2
Outer frame
M.S. angle 40x40x6 mm
(2x1.80) + 0.75 4.35
Hold fasts 6 Nos 6x0.15 0.9
5.25 RM
Weight of M.S. angle = 5.25x3.50kg/m
18.375 kg
Stiffener rod 0.75m = 0.75x0.60kg/m

0.450 kg
Shutter frame

Frame MS angle 35x35x5mm= 2(1.76+0.73)

4.98 RM
Weight of angle 4.98x2.60
12.948 kg
Stiffener 32x6mm flat

Horizontal 3x0.73= 2.19 RM

Weight of stiffener 2.19x1.50 kg
Weight of 18x5mm stiffener= 3x0.73x0.70
1.533 kg
Tower bolt 6mm rod 2x0.46x1.58
1.454 kg
Locking arrangements
1.488 kg
39.50 kg
Area of weldmesh
7.5 x 2.5 cm 10gauge =
1.214 m2
Fine wire mesh (fly proof mesh)
1.214 m2

39.50 kg Ms angle flats rods etc

53.00 kg 2093.50
1.214 m2 Weldmesh 7.5x2.5cm
379.90 m2 461.20
1.214 m2 Fly proof mesh (as per SR)
116.55 m2 141.49
1 No. Door Handle 150 mm dia
57.65 Each 57.65
1.35 m2 Primer 74.20 m2 100.17
39.5 m2 Labour charges for welding M.S Angles with weld mesh

50.50 m2 1994.75
1.35 m2 Labour charges for fixing doors

228.50 m2 308.48
For 1.35M2
Rate/ 1M2 Rs.
Say Rs.
2 Fabrication, Supply and fixing in position fine wiremesh netting inclusive of cost of red
oxide primer etc.

Area 0.375 m2
Outer frame : M.S. angle 35x35x5
mm = 2(0.50+0.75)
2.50 RM
Hold fasts 4 Nos 4x0.15
0.60 RM
Weight of angle 3.10 RMx2.60 8.06 kg
Stiffoner rod (0.5+0.75)x0.60 1.50 kg

9.56 kg
Area of wire mesh (f1/proof mesh)

0.350 m2
Main data

9.56 kg M.S angle flat etc

52.10 498.08
0.350 m2 Fly proof mesh (as per SR)
116.55 40.79
0.375 m2 Red oxide primer
74.20 27.83
LS Labour for fixing mesh with angle
For 0.375M2
Rate Rs.
Say Rs.
1725.00 /M2












89.7435897435897 89.74359


Painting two coats of newly plastered wall
surface with ready mixed plastic emulsion
paint of first class quality and of approved
colour over a priming coat including thorough
scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including
necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever
required etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Painting two coats of newly plastered wall

surface with ready mixed plastic emulsion
paint of first class quality and of approved
colour over a priming coat including thorough
scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including
necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever
required etc., complete complying with
standard specification.

Painting the wall two coats with approved

weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint over
one primer coat of over cement plastered wall
surface ect., complete complying with
standard specification.

Painting the wall two coats with approved

weather proof Exterior Emulsion paint over
one primer coat of over cement plastered wall
surface ect., complete complying with
standard specification.

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