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1. Introduction
Since 2020, Japan has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic decisively with sizeable fiscal stimulus
packages. The resultant wider fiscal deficits, the unprecedented level of public debt, and the rising
demographic pressures point to a need for medium-term fiscal consolidation once the recovery firmly takes
hold. On the expenditure side, social security spending is set to grow as the population ages, while the size of
Japan’s non-social security spending is already low among the advanced economies. On the revenue side,
Japan’s tax revenue in percent of GDP is low relative to the other G7 countries. In this context, revenue-
enhancing measures could play a critical role in Japan’s medium-term fiscal consolidation.
At the same time, tax reforms affect distribution of income and wealth and perceptions of fairness of the tax
system. Market income inequality in Japan has been on the rise (Colacelli and Anh, 2018), making Japan close
to the average of G7 economies.2 The pandemic likely exacerbated this trend (Kikuchi et al., 2021).
Redistributive effects of the tax system (including the social security premium) in Japan are limited relative to
other advanced economies (OECD, 2008). It is also important to look at wealth distribution in Japan, because
retirees―who often live on low-incomes but with large wealth―account for a growing share of the population3.
The perspective of wealth distribution becomes crucial when we consider property taxation, one of promising
avenues for future revenue increase in Japan.
Against this backdrop, this paper first lays out tax reform options to either increase revenues or strengthen
redistributive effects. Those options are:
▪ Unify the consumption tax reduced rate of 8 percent with the standard rate of 10 percent,
▪ Raise the consumption tax standard rate from 10 to 15 percent,
▪ Introduce a Consumption Tax Credit,
▪ Eliminate the preferential treatment for residential land embedded in the Fixed Asset Tax,
▪ Streamline the Employment Income Deductions in the personal income taxes,
▪ Streamline the Pension Income Deductions in the personal income taxes, and
▪ Raise the capital income tax rate from 20 to 25 percent.
Second, this paper analyzes the distributional effects of those measures―considering the heterogeneity of
households in terms of both income and wealth. The analysis is done by running an arithmetic micro-simulation
model which computes each household’s tax burden based on households’ survey data. This paper adds to the
literature that studies the distributional effects of tax and social security policies in Japan relying on arithmetic
micro-simulation models.4 For example, Tajika and Furutani (2003) simulated the elimination of the Pension
Income Deduction, Takayama and Shiraishi (2010a) studied the introduction of a refundable income tax credit,
and Ohno et al. (2021) analyzed the deductions in the personal income tax. In terms of the household survey
data used in micro-simulation models, most of previous studies relied on either (i) the National Survey of Family
This rise is partially attributable to the demographic transition, to the extent that the intra-generational inequality among the elderly
is generally higher than that among the youth. On the other hand, aging leads to an increase in the redistributive effect, as more
people depend on pensions and other transfers. Reflecting these two factors, disposable income inequality (the Gini coefficient
of income after redistribution) in Japan remains stable, while a gap between the Gini coefficient of market income and that for
income after redistribution has widened.
Kitao and Yamada (2019) documents that inequality in financial wealth rose over the past three decades in Japan. Shikata (2011)
finds that financial assets held by the elderly in Japan stand out in value relative to other advanced economies.
Yada (2010) provides a thorough survey on micro-simulation research in Japan.
Income and Expenditure (NSFIE),5 (ii) the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions (CSLC), or (iii) one of
the two-closely coordinated surveys conducted by Keio University―the Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS)
and the Keio Household Panel Survey (KHPS).6 This paper builds on Doi (2017) and Kawade (2018), and uses
the KHPS. The contribution of this paper to the literature is two-fold. First, it covers more tax measures in the
simulations―the consumption tax, a Consumption Tax credit, property taxes, and personal income taxes
including the capital income tax. Second, it sheds light on the distributional effects of tax reforms on
households’ wealth, in addition to income which is the focus of the literature.7
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 identifies potential tax reform measures to increase
revenues and improve inequality through a comparison of Japan’s tax system with the other G7 countries.
Section 3 explains the methodology of the micro-simulations. Section 4 presents and discusses the results.
Section 5 concludes.
In 2019, NSFIE changed its name to the National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth with several changes to the
NSFIE is conducted by the Japanese Statistics Bureau every five years with a large sample size of 55,000 to 60,000 households.
NSFIE is not a panel data. CSLC is conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, with a sample size of about
40,000 households. KHPS is a panel survey with about 4,000 households. See Kitao and Yamada (2019) for a detailed
comparison of these three surveys.
Hiki (2018) constructs a micro-simulation model that features households’ wealth. However, households’ income is not included in
the model, as its focus is on redistributive effects of the inheritance tax.
This paper focuses on reforms of these three taxes, whose distributional effects are analyzed in the subsequent sections. Please
see Lopez Murphy and Hisanaga (2022) for discussion on other taxes including the corporate income tax and the environmental
taxes. Lopez Murphy and Hisanaga (2022) also presents estimated revenue gains from each reform measure.
B. Consumption Tax
Japan has room to raise the consumption tax rate further. Japan’s consumption tax was introduced in 1989
with a tax rate of 3 percent, followed by three rate increases: to 5 percent in April 1997, to 8 percent in April
2014, and to 10 percent in October 2019. Still, Japan’s consumption tax revenues are in the lower range
among the G7 countries (left chart in Figure 2). The consumption tax is an appealing source of revenues for
Japan because (i) it serves as a stable source of revenue, (ii) its distortionary effects on labor, saving, and
investment are limited compared to income taxes, and (iii) it distributes the tax burden equitably across
generations (Keen et al., 2011). A model-based study by IMF staff demonstrated that the consumption tax rate
needs to reach 15 percent by 2030 if the rising cost of aging is to be financed by the consumption tax
(McGrattan et al., 2018).
To protect the vulnerable from the consumption tax rate increase, a reduced rate of 8 percent―applicable
to consumption of food, non-alcoholic beverages, and newspapers―was introduced in October 2019.
However, the reduced rate is a blunt instrument to protect low-income households. According to household
survey data for the first quarter after introduction of the reduced rate (the fourth quarter of 2019), the share of
spending on the goods subject to the reduced rate in total spending was the highest for the bottom income
quintile. However, in terms of amounts, the top income quintile spent twice as much on those goods as the
bottom income quintile did (right chart in Figure 2).9 This illustrates large revenue foregone that comes with the
reduced rate. Looking ahead, the government could consider replacing the reduced rate with more targeted
support to vulnerable households such as a refundable tax credit scheme (Morinobu, 2014). Merging the
reduced rate with the standard rate could also improve efficiency through alleviating administration costs and
distortion in firms’ input choices and consumers’ spending decisions (Mirrlees et al., 2011, Acosta-Ormaechea
and Morozumi, 2019).
These findings are broadly consistent with experiences in other countries (OECD and KIPF, 2014).
VAT Revenue and Rates of G7 Japan: Spending on Goods Subject to the Reduced Rate
(In percent of GDP (LHS), in percent (RHS), 2020) (By Income quintile, total households, 2019Q4)
8 25 400 50%
VAT revenue (LHS)
7 Amounts spent on goods subject to the reduced rate (a)
VAT standard rate (RHS) 20 (thousand JPY) 40%
300 Share of (a) in total expenditures (RHS)
5 15
10 200
1 100
0 0
Canada Japan Italy United Germany France
0 0%
Source: OECD. Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ
Note: The rate for Canada is the combined federal/provincial rates in Ontario. Most Sources: Family Income and Expenditure Survey, IMF staff calculations.
provinces in Canada additionally impose a value-added tax or a retail sales tax. Data Note: Goods subject to the reduced rate are food, non-alcoholic beverages and
for the U.S. is not shown as it does not have VAT. newspapers. Total expenditures are consumption expenditures except remittances.
Japan could draw on its peers’ experiences of targeted support schemes. For example, Canada introduced
the GST (Goods and Services Tax)/HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) Credit in 1991. It is a quarterly cash transfer
targeted at low- and modest-income households, which is intended to offset all or a part of the GST/HST they
pay. The transfer amount is flat until a household’s income reaches the income threshold of about 39 thousand
CAD, except for single households for whom the amount increases in order to strengthen work incentives
(Figure 3). This scheme is known for limited cases of fraud/misreporting because its design is simple, and its
eligibility is assessed and screened by tax officers.
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
Source: Canada Revenue Agency.
Note: Household income on X-axis.
C. Property Tax
In most G7 countries, property tax revenues are mainly comprised of recurrent taxes on immovable
property. In Japan, municipal governments levy a recurrent tax called the Fixed Asset Tax at a standard rate of
1.4 percent on immovable properties―land, buildings, and depreciable assets. Additionally, the City Planning
Tax is imposed on buildings and land in urban areas. Revenues from these two taxes are about 2 percent of
GDP in 2020, placing Japan in the third from the bottom among the G7 countries (left chart in Figure 4).
The effective tax rate of Japan’s Fixed Asset Tax is low (Sato, 2013). Taxable values of residential land
plots―especially land plots smaller than 200m2―are heavily discounted from assessed values (Figure 5). As a
result, the effective tax rate of small residential land plots is about 0.2 percent (right chart in Figure 4), against
the standard statutory rate of 1.4 percent.
This preferential treatment for residential land could be gradually eliminated for four reasons. First, a tax on
immovable property is growth-friendly because its immovable nature limits distortionary effects on decisions to
invest (Arnold, 2008). Second, the current low effective tax rate on residential land could be contributing to a
rise in unoccupied houses in urban areas, as many houseowners do not want to relinquish the preferential
status even if they do not live there.10 Third, raising the holding cost of properties could incentivize property
owners to put their properties to productive uses (Norregaard, 2013). Fourth, from an equity point of view, the
current size-based approach is not well-targeted at vulnerable households, because most of the urban high-
value residential plots fall within the small-land threshold (200m2) (Honda, 2016).
Other taxes in property taxation include inheritance and gift taxes. However, Japan’s tax revenues from
these taxes are already higher than the other G7 countries except France (left chart in Figure 4), pointing to a
limited scope for additional revenues from these taxes.11
Property Tax Revenues of G7 Japan: Effective Tax Rates of Recurrent Tax on Land
(In percent of GDP, 2020) (Trillion JPY- FY2020)
4.5 400 1.0%
Other property taxes Assessed value Taxable value Effective tax rate (RHS)
4 350
Estate, inheritance, and gift taxes
3.5 Recurrent taxes immovable property 300
3 250 0.6%
2.5 200
150 0.4%
1.5 100
1 50
0 0.0%
Residential-small Residential Commercial Others
Germany Italy Japan United United France Canada Sources: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, IMF staff calculations.
States Kingdom Note: Land plots below the threshold are excluded. "Commercial" refers to "Real
estate for non-residential use."
Source: OECD. Effective tax rate = Taxable value*1.4%/Assessed value
A legislative change in 2016 partially addressed this issue by disallowing the discount from assessed values when unoccupied
houses meet certain criteria such as a high risk of collapse.
In an effort to increase the tax base of the inheritance tax and strengthen redistribution, the Government of Japan narrowed the
basic deduction applicable to every inheritance and raised the tax rate for the top bracket from 50 to 55 percent in 2015.
of of Residential
Residential LandLand Valuation in Japan
A reference value of land released annually by
Land Market
Land Market Value
Value the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism.
The EID is intended to provide a work-related expenses tax allowance on an estimation basis.13 The EID
amount starts at 0.55 million JPY (about 5 thousand USD), and increases along with employment income until
the amount reaches the ceiling of 1.95 million JPY.14 A similar scheme exists in France and Germany among
the G7 countries, but in a modest scale compared to Japan (red bars in the right chart in Figure 6). Lowering
the EID ceiling to 1.5 million JPY―about three-fourths of the current level―would expand the tax base without
hurting low-income households.
The PID grants retired pensioners more generous deductions than the EID. The PID starts at 1.1 million
JPY (about 10 thousand USD) and rises along with pension income until it reaches the ceiling of 1.95 million
JPY. About three-fourths of pension benefits is estimated to be exempt from taxable income largely due to the
PID (Kashiwase et al., 2012). An expected rise in the number of pensioners amid the population aging will
amplify the magnitude of the base-erosion caused by the PID (Yashio and Hachisuka, 2014). The PID applies
On top of a 45 percent rate imposed by the national government (excluding the special tax for reconstruction from the 2011 Great
Eastern Japan Earthquake), local governments impose an additional 10 percent as the Resident Tax. The national
government’s top tax rate was raised from 40 to 45 percent in 2015.
Another justification for the generous EID used in the past was that corporate employees had lower capacity to pay taxes relative
to the self-employed (Dalsgaard and Kawagoe, 2000). However, this comparison has become less relevant of late, as
employees now account for about 90 percent of the total labor force excluding the unemployed (FY2012 Annual Tax Reform
Package adopted by the Cabinet on December 10, 2011).
In 2018, the EID amount was reduced by 0.1 million JPY while expanding the Basic Exemption by the same amount and the
ceiling was lowered from 2.2 to 1.95 million JPY except for households with children.
even to pensioners with large wealth, potentially exacerbating inter-generational inequality of wealth. One
reform option to prevent this worsening base-erosion would be to set the PID on par with the post-reform EID
(from 0.55 million JPY with a proposed ceiling of 1.5 million JPY).
8 40 40%
6 30 20%
4 20 0%
Canada Italy Germany France United United Japan
2 10 Kingdon States
Central government taxable income
0 0 Other standard tax allowances
Japan United United France Germany Italy Canada Work-related expenses tax allowance
Kingdom States Deduction for social security contributions and income taxes
Dependent children tax allowances
Source: OECD. Sources: OECD 2020 "Taxing Wages," IMF staff calculations.
Another reform option in personal income taxes would be to raise the capital income tax rate. Under the
principle of dual-income tax, capital gains, dividends of listed firms, and interest are subject to a flat rate of 20
percent in Japan, with a few exemptions intended to promote households’ financial investments through the
NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account).15 In general, the share of capital income increases as households’
income rise (left chart in Figure 7). Reflecting that the tax rate for capital income is lower than the top tax rate
for labor income, the tax burden declines once an annual income exceeds about 100 million JPY (about 0.9
million USD) (Kumakura and Kojima, 2018). A cross-country comparison reveals that the marginal effective tax
rate for various capital incomes is not high in Japan relative to its peers, especially for high-income earners
(right chart in Figure 7). Concerns about tax evasion and avoidance could be alleviated by making use of the
My Number scheme, the Automatic Exchange of Information with overseas jurisdictions, and a reporting
requirement for those who have large wealth abroad.
The NISA scheme that exempts households’ small-scale financial investments from income taxation was introduced when the
capital income tax rate was raised from 10 to 20 percent in 2014.
Japan: Income Tax Burden and Share of Capital Income Marginal Effective Tax Rates
(Percent, FY2019) (Policies as of July 2016)
100 Share of capital income 30
67% average wage 100% average wage 500% average wage
80 Income tax burden (RHS) 25
60 30%
40 20%
20 5
0 0
Bank Bank Dividends Dividends Capital Capital
deposits deposits (Japan) (OECD gains gains
(Japan) (OECD average) (Japan) (OECD
Income Bracket (million yen)
average) average)
Sources: National Tax Agency, Kumakura and Kojima (2018), IMF staff calculations. Source: OECD "Taxation of Household Savings" (2018), IMF staff calculations.
Note: Share of capital income=(interest receipt+dividends+capital gains)/total Note: See Annex A of OECD (2018) for methodology of METR. METR for dividends
income. Income tax burden =(sum of taxes paid at the time of tax returns and taxes refer to the "100% distribution" scenario for purchase of corporate shares. Each
deducted at source)/total income. country's actual inflation is used.
3. Micro-simulation Model
This section provides an overview of the micro-simulation model. It explains the household survey data
used, how to calculate each household’s income, wealth, and tax burden in the model, and the basic
information about households’ incomes and wealth. It then shows the average tax burden ratio in each income
and wealth quantile under current policies. The section closes by enumerating reform options to be simulated
and briefly discussing how the micro-simulation is performed. The detailed methodology underlying the
calculation of income, wealth, tax, and social security premiums is provided in the Appendix.
A. Data
The KHPS (Keio Household Panel Survey) is an annual household survey that has been conducted by
Keio University since 2004. The survey questionnaire covers broad topics such as composition of a household,
employment and education status of each household member, and households’ income and expenditure with
detailed breakdowns.
Compared to the other two household surveys often used in micro-simulations, the KHPS is the only
survey that compiles assessed values of land plots and buildings respondents own, which are key inputs to
study the impact of property taxes. The KHPS is preferrable to the CSLC because the latter lacks data about
composition of households’ expenditures.
We use 16th wave of the KHPS conducted in January 2019. Out of 2,572 individuals surveyed in the KHPS
16th wave, 2,378 individuals responded (the collection rate of 93 percent). After dropping 196 samples that we
view unreliable, data for 2,186 individuals (2,186 households, because each respondent reports data of a
household which he/she belongs to) are used in the model. See Appendix for details of the criteria used for
The Gini coefficient of equivalent disposable income in our dataset is 0.296. This is comparable to 0.288 which is reported by the
Statistics Bureau of Japan based on the National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth for 2019, but lower than
Next, the tax codes and the social security system as of FY2021 are applied to each individual’s income
and a household’s expenditure and wealth to estimate a theoretical amount of taxes and social security
premiums for each household. Taxes and social security premiums considered in the model are:
The amount of taxes and social security premiums are divided by gross income to obtain each household’s
tax burden ratio and an average tax burden ratio for each income decile and each wealth quintile.
0.334 reported by the OECD based on the CSLC for 2018. See Tanabe and Suzuki (2013) on how different methodologies of
these surveys contribute to differences in the Gini coefficient.
This adjustment enables us to measure households’ incomes relative to the needs of those households. See the OECD’s note
(https://www.oecd.org/els/soc/OECD-Note-EquivalenceScales.pdf) for details.
Figure 8 shows average tax burden ratios by income deciles (left chart) and wealth quintiles (right chart).
The left chart indicates that the current tax and social security system is overall progressive, with average tax
burden ranging from 19 percent for the bottom income decile to 26 percent for the top decile. Looking at each
component, the Personal Income Tax and the Resident Tax are progressive, while the consumption tax, the
Fixed Asset Tax, and the healthcare insurance premium are regressive. The burden of the pension insurance
premium is hump shaped. The burden of the pension insurance premium gets lighter for the top two deciles
mainly due to the ceiling of the Employees' Pension Insurance premium, while the small burden for the bottom
two deciles mainly reflects a large share of the retirees who do not pay premiums.
The right chart shows tax burden by wealth quintile. The tax burden for the bottom quintile is comparable to
or higher than that in the middle three quintiles, reflecting high income of households in the bottom quintile as
discussed above. Again, the small burden of the pension insurance premium for the top quintile likely reflects a
large share of the retirees (note that the average age of household’s head is high in the top quintile, as shown
in Table 1).
Figure 9 shows the average tax burden by each wealth quintile in each income decile. For example, the
left-most blue bar represents the average tax burden of households who belong to both the bottom income
decile and the bottom wealth quintile. Divergence of the tax burden across wealth quantiles is the most
pronounced in the bottom income decile.18 In the other income deciles, divergence of the tax burden across
wealth quintiles is small.
The tax burden for the top wealth quintile in the bottom income decile is high at about 30 percent, mainly because a few
individuals with large financial assets reported large capital losses, which reduced their income and increased their tax burden
ratio through a small denominator.
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
(based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
D. Micro-Simulations
To analyze distributional effect of each reform option, parameters and formulas are changed (tax rates,
deduction ceilings, etc.) in the model accordingly, and the average tax burden for each quantile is recalculated
(income decile and wealth quintile), and compared with those under the current policies. Table 2 lists reform
options simulated, building on the discussion in Section 2. This simulation is static, assuming no behavioral
response to policy changes.
The same as above. Raise the rate (both standard and reduced) to 15 percent.
Fixed Asset Tax gives preferential treatment to residential land, by treating only
Fixed Asset Tax Eliminate the preferential treatment for residential land.
a fraction of assessed values as taxable values.
Capital Income Capital gains, dividends of listed firms, and interests are subject to a flat rate of
Raise the capital income tax rate from 20 to 25 percent.
Tax 20 percent.
4. Simulation Results
A. Unify the Reduced Consumption Tax Rate with the Standard Rate
Elimination of the reduced consumption tax rate has a modestly regressive effect, raising the tax burden of
the bottom income decile by about 0.5 percentage points, as shown in the left chart of Figure 10. Its impact is
comparable across wealth quintiles in each income decile, as shown in the right chart of Figure 10. This is
because expenditures on necessity goods that are subject to the reduced rate do not differ much between the
wealthy and non-wealthy households.
Figure 10. Distributional Effects of Unifying the Reduced Consumption Tax Rate with the Standard Rate
1 0
-2 Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
B. Raise the Consumption Tax Rate to 15 percent without the Reduced Rate
An increase in the consumption tax rate to 15 percent has a regressive impact. It raises the tax burden of
the bottom income decile by about 4 percentage points, while the tax burden of the top income decile rises by
about 1 percentage point (left chart of Figure 11).
In lower income deciles (I and II in particular), the rise in the tax burden is larger for wealthy households, as
shown in the right chart of Figure 11. In contrast to the discussion on the elimination of the reduced rate, this
reflects that wealthy households tend to consume more of non-necessity goods and services relative to non-
wealthy households in the same income decile, possibly due to wealth effects on consumption.19
6 6
Consumption Tax Personal Income Tax i ii iii iv v
Resident Tax Pension Insurance 5
Health Insurance Emp. Insurance
4 Fixed Asset Tax
2 1
1 0
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
See, for example, Takayama and Arita (1992) and Unayama and Komura (2014) for discussion of wealth effects on consumption
in Japan.
In this simulation, we set annual full benefits at 80 thousand JPY for single households and 100 thousand
JPY for couples. These amounts roughly correspond to amounts of the consumption tax which average low- to
modest-income households pay for purchase of food. Following the GST Credit scheme, we also set a top-up
benefit of 30 thousand JPY for each child below the age of 19. The income threshold for the full benefit is set at
3.5 million JPY, which roughly corresponds to 67 percent of average before-tax gross earnings of a single
person (OECD, 2020). Once a household’s income surpasses the threshold, the benefit gradually declines at
the rate of 5 percent (i.e., the benefit declines by 5 JPY when the income increases by 100 JPY). Figure 12
illustrates this scheme.21
Figure 13 documents the progressive impact of this option. The tax burden of the bottom income decile
declines by about 6 percentage points, as shown in the left chart. As the right chart shows, the impact of the
Consumption Tax Credit is broadly comparable between wealthy and non-wealthy households in each income
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Source: IMF staff.
Note: A household's gross income (excluding capital gains) is on X-axis.
While it is assumed here that implementation of the Consumption Tax Credit is feasible in Japan, administrative challenges could
emerge. For example, Canada’s GST Credit system builds on taxpayers’ income information submitted through their annual tax
returns, while most employees in Japan do not file annual tax returns. See also Lopez-Murphy and Hisanaga (2022).
Takayama and Shiraishi (2011b) reports simulation results of introducing a VAT Credit (similar to the Consumption Tax Credit in
this paper) with various income thresholds (30 thousand JPY, 40 thousand JPY, and 50 thousand JPY).
-2 -6
-4 -8
-6 Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
D. Eliminate the Preferential Treatment for Residential Land in Fixed Asset Tax
The elimination of the preferential treatment for residential land in the Fixed Asset Tax raises the tax
burden of the bottom income decile by about 1½ percentage points, while the change in tax burden is modest
for the top income decile at about 0.3 percentage point (left chart in Figure 14).
The right chart of Figure 14 illustrates a stark contrast in terms of the change in the tax burden between the
wealthy and non-wealthy households in the same income decile, especially in the low-income deciles. The tax
burden of the wealthiest households in the bottom income decile rises by about 8 percentage points. This large
increase could warrant a mitigation measure to cushion the impact on low-income, but wealthy households. It is
also noteworthy that, in the bottom income decile, those with least wealth face larger incremental tax burdens
than those with the second least wealth, which is because the former often has both real estate assets―which
are subject to Fixed Asset Tax―and borrowings.
One qualification about this result is that if land-owners’ high tax burden is passed on to renters, the tax
incidence of this reform falls on renters. In this case, the disparity of impacts between wealthy and non-wealthy
households becomes less accentuated.
3 4
2 2
-2 Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
0 -1
-2 Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
Technically, pensioners’ larger taxable incomes as a result of the leaner PID could increase their healthcare insurance premiums,
because calculation of the healthcare premiums are based on taxable incomes of the insured. However, our simulation results
show no change in the healthcare insurance premiums because we assume that the healthcare insurance system would adjust
so that pensioners do not face higher premiums due to a reduction in the PID.
1 0
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
Figure 17. Distributional Effects of Capital Income Tax Rate Increase to 25 Percent
This could be due to under-reporting by respondents. However, the Japan National Tax Authorities’ data, which is likely more
accurate, also show a small share of capital incomes (left chart in Figure 7).
The change in the tax burden is significantly larger for those with wealth relative to those without wealth in
the same income decile, especially for low- to modest-income deciles (right chart of Figure 19). This
heterogeneous effect across the wealth distribution largely reflects uneven impacts of the consumption tax rate
increase and the Fixed Asset Tax reform.
-4 -2
-6 Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations.
I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Note: Horizontal axis (I~X) denotes an income decile (based on equivalent gross
income). Each bar (i~v) represents an average tax burden ratio of each wealth quintile
Sources: KHPS, IMF Staff calculations. (based on equivalent net worth) in each income decile.
reforms. Unification of the reduced consumption tax rate with the standard rate, the consumption tax rate
increase, elimination of the preferential treatment for residential land in the Fixed Asset Tax, and streamlining of
the PID increase Gini coefficients, indicating their regressive effects. However, such effects are offset by
introduction of the Consumption Tax Credit, lowering the ceiling of Employment Income Deduction, and a rise in
the capital income tax rate, resulting in little change in Gini coefficients after implementation of every option.
Unify the reduced consumption tax rate with the standard rate - 0.001
Raise the capital income tax rate from 20 to 25 percent -0.000 -0.000
5. Conclusions
This paper first explored Japan’s current tax system to identify options for revenue mobilization that could
be considered in the post-pandemic fiscal consolidation. On the consumption tax, there is room to raise the rate
further. The reduced consumption tax rate could be eliminated, and instead a targeted support scheme could be
introduced. On property taxes, the preferential treatment for residential land embedded in the Fixed Asset Tax
could be gradually eliminated. For personal income taxes, the relatively narrow tax base could be expanded
through streamlining the pension and employment income deductions. The capital income tax rate could be
Next, this paper conducted a micro-simulation to study distributional effects of these reform options, in view
of both households’ income and wealth. Simulation results showed that the tax burden of each income decile
increases by 0 to 4 percentage points if every option is implemented. Notable findings include that a consumption
tax rate increase and strengthened property taxation weigh heavily on low-income households with large wealth
relative to households with comparable income but little wealth, and that introduction of the Consumption Tax
Credit is effective in containing a rise in the tax burden of low-income households.
This versatile model would allow further policy simulations drawing on the findings of this paper. For example,
distributional effects of various targeted support schemes―such as an earned income tax credit that assists
working-age households with in-work incentives, or customized support to low-income households with large
wealth who would face a sharp increase in the tax burden by strengthened property taxation―could be studied
and compared. One could delve into inter-generational disparities by analyzing impacts of tax reforms for the
working-age households and the retirees separately. Also, while our study did not find large distributional effects
of stronger capital income taxation, this result could be verified by using theoretical capital incomes instead of
reported capital incomes.24 One limitation of this paper is that we employ a static, arithmetic micro-simulation
model which does not consider behavioral responses to policy changes. Another avenue for future research is
to take advantage of the panel structure of the KHPS and investigate households’ behavioral responses to past
tax policy changes in an effort to lay a foundation for a dynamic micro-simulation model.
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A. Income
The KHPS 2019 asks amounts of following 11 income categories25 in 2018 for a respondent, his/her spouse,
and aggregates of other family members:
Annual employment incomes of a respondent and his/her spouse are divided into bonuses and monthly
salaries, using information about bonuses which the KHPS asks separately. Gross incomes of a respondent and
his/her spouse are obtained by adding up i~xi for each.26 As for incomes of other family members which are
available only in aggregates, we obtain each member’s income by dividing i and ii by an estimated number of
members who are currently at work, and vi and vii by an estimated number of pensioners.
A household’s gross income is obtained by adding up incomes of a respondent, his/her spouse, and other
family members, and capital gains of a household.27
A sample is dropped if one of the following conditions is met, out of concerns about reliability of responses:
▪ A household’s gross income is below 200 thousand JPY (about 1.8 thousand USD)
▪ A household’s total expenditure is more than double of a household’s gross income28
▪ A household’s total expenditures is zero
The KHPS asks the amount of severance pay. However, the KHPS does not ask duration of employment which is a key input to
calculation of the tax amount for severance pay. Therefore, severance pay is not considered in our model, following Kawade
Since only household’s total amount is available for ix and x, we treat those incomes as a part of a household’s head’s income.
The KHPS 2019 asks an amount of capital gains of a household. Capital gains are subsumed in gross income in order to consider
the distributional effect of the capital gains tax. Doi (2017) also includes capital gains in income.
Since we multiply a household’s expenditure in January by 12 to obtain a household’s total annual expenditure, an annual
expenditure could become unrealistically large if the expenditure in January includes one-off or seasonal purchases. Therefore,
we deleted samples whose calculated expenditure is extremely large relative to income.
▪ A respondent’s market income, defined as a sum of i, ii, iii, iv, v, and xi, is below his/her bonus
▪ A spouse’s market income is below his/her bonus
As a result of this data cleaning, 192 out of 2,370 samples are dropped.
B. Wealth
The KHPS asks market values of respondent’s houses and land plots―i.e., how much a respondent thinks
his/her houses and land plots are worth. The value of household’s real assets is calculated as a sum of these
two amounts.29 Real assets here do not include secondary houses or those for investment purposes, as the
KHPS only asks values of land and housing of respondents’ primary residences 30. The KHPS also asks values
of households’ financial assets, namely deposits and securities, 31 and borrowings. We obtain the value of
household’s net worth by subtracting borrowings from real and financial assets.
▪ We calculate the amount of the EID, and subtract the amount from i (Annual employment income). We
also calculate the amount of the PID, and subtract the amount from the sum of vi (Public pension) and
vii (Corporate and personal pensions).
▪ We calculate the amounts of the Social Insurance Premium Deductions and the following personal
exemptions,32 and subtract those amounts from a total of a taxable income:
⚫ The Basic Exemption
⚫ The Exemption for Dependents
⚫ The Spousal Exemption and Special Spousal Exemption
▪ We calculate the amount of the PIT by applying the stipulated tax rate schedule to taxable income after
the deductions and exemptions. Where applicable, we subtract the Mortgage Tax Credit and the
Dividend Tax Credit from the PIT amount.33
Some respondents report market values that are lower than appraised values for the Fixed Asset Tax, which is not very likely (see
Figure 5), or do not report market values while they report appraised values. In these cases, we use appraised values instead of
market values in calculation of real asset values.
According to the National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth in 2019, values of land and housing of primary
residences account for about 83 percent of total real asset values.
In the questionnaire, the KHPS defines securities as “Shares (market value), bonds (par value) and stock investment trusts
(market value), corporate and public bond investment trusts (market value), loans in trust and money in trust (par value), etc.”
Due to lack of data, we did not consider the other deductions (Deduction for Life Insurance Premiums, etc.) and exemptions
(Exemption for Widows, etc.).
On dividends, taxpayers have an option to include dividends from listed firms in their comprehensive incomes instead of paying
capital income taxes separately at the rate of 20 percent. Since the latter is subject to the progressive tax schedule, low-income
individuals can reduce tax liabilities by choosing this option. We assume that iv (Interests and dividends) are all dividend
incomes of listed firms, and that individuals choose to subsume dividend incomes in their comprehensive incomes if their
taxable income is below 6.95 million JPY, as they will face a marginal tax rate higher than 20 percent on beyond this threshold.
▪ We calculate the amount of the Resident Tax by applying the standard rate of 10 percent to taxable
income after the deductions and the exemptions, and the standard per-capita levy of 5 thousand JPY.
We apply a partial or full exemption of the tax amount if his/her income is below a certain income
There are two qualifications about the calculation of the Resident Tax. First, we assume that all local
governments impose the standard rate which is set by the national government, though several local
governments do impose tax rates different from the standard rate. Second, we calculate the Resident Tax based
on annual income for 2018, even though that of the previous year (2017) is used in the actual system.
a. Food
b. Eating out and school lunches
c. Rent, land rent, home repairs
d. Multi-family housing common charges
e. Electricity, gas, water
f. Furniture, electric appliances, household supplies
g. Digital consumer electronics purchases
h. Clothing and shoes
i. Healthcare
j. Transportation
k. Communications
l. Internet communications
m. Education
n. Culture and amusement
o. Entertaining and pocket money
p. Remittances
q. Other expenditures
We multiply each expenditure by 12 to obtain an annualized amount. We assume that c (Rent, land rent,
home repairs), d (Multi-family housing common charges), p (Remittances), a half of i (Healthcare) and a half of
m (Education) 34 are non-taxable, and that a (Food) is subject to the reduced rate of 8 percent. We apply the
standard consumption tax rate of 10 percent to the rest of items.
We assume that a half of healthcare- and education-related expenditures are tax-exempt, because they could include both non-
taxable goods and services (e.g., covered medical services and school tuitions) and taxable goods and services (e.g., over-the-
counter drugs and tuitions for private after-school classes).
apply the standard tax rate of 1.4 percent to obtain the tax amount. For houses, we first discount appraisal values
by half if houses are recently built.35 Next, we apply again the tax rate of 1.4 percent to obtain a tax amount. We
sum up tax amounts of land plots and houses to arrive at the amount of the Fixed Asset Tax for each household.
While the Urban Planning Tax is imposed on real estate in urban areas, we do not calculate this tax because
we do not have information to determine whether each real estate is located in an urban area or not.
Everyone except those who are insured under either Fixed amount of 16,340 Basic pension of 779,300
1 and their National Pension
Categories 2 or 3. JPY per month. JPY per year (full benefit).
dependents, etc.
Employees' Employees’ dependent spouses whose gross incomes are The same as for Category
3 dependent No contribution.
Pension Insurance below 1.3 million JPY. 1.
The appraisal values are discounted by half if houses were built within 5 years, or apartments/condominiums were built within 7
years. In the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, discounts are applicable only to resident buildings that are accredited as durable quality
housing for the first five years of residence (seven years in the case of condominiums). However, data on duration of residence
and whether residential buildings are accredited or not are unavailable in the KHPS survey. Therefore, we use the age of
buildings as a proxy of duration of residence, and assume that houses (both detached and semi-detached) and steel/concrete
condominiums meet accreditation criteria.
Japan’s healthcare system similarly distinguishes these three types of individuals, but its insurance schemes
are highly fragmented,36 making it difficult to infer a specific insurer of each individual from the data. Therefore,
we assume that all eligible employees are insured by the Japanese Health Insurance Association (JHIA) which
mainly covers employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, and that the self-employed and pensioners are
insured by the National Health Insurance (NHI). 37 Dependents of the eligible employees are exempt from
healthcare premium payments. For those covered by the NHI, we apply a partial or full exemption of premiums
if their income is below the threshold. All individuals aged 75 years and above move to the Latter-Stage Elderly
Healthcare System, and pay a premium as prescribed by each prefecture.38 We use annual income in 2018 for
calculation of the NHI premiums in 2018, even though income of the previous year is used for calculation under
the actual system.
We assume that those eligible for the EPI are covered by the Employment Insurance. Employment insurance
premiums are 0.3 percent of his or her employment income, per the rate schedule for general businesses in
As for household members other than respondents and their spouses, detailed information about their
earnings and employment status (a size of a firm they work for, etc.) is not available in the KHPS. Hence, it is
difficult to identify which insurance program covers each member for the pension and the healthcare insurance.
Therefore, when calculating social security premiums of other household members, we assume that full-time
employees are covered by the EPI, the JHIA, and the Employment Insurance, while the rest are dependent on a
household’s head.
The long-term care system in Japan covers those aged 65 years and above as the No. 1 insured persons,
and those aged between 40 and 65 as the No. 2 insured persons. Among the No. 2 insured persons, dependent
spouses of eligible employees are exempt from premium payments. We calculate and add the long-term care
premiums accordingly.
We present below descriptive statistics of the tax burden ratios (mean, median, 25/75th percentiles), with a
breakdown of six age groups. The average tax burden ratio of the elderly (over 65 years old) is lower than that
of the working-age households, with the average tax burden ratio of those between 45 and 54 years old being
the highest at 24.2 percent.
See Nozaki et al. (2014) for an overview of Japan’s healthcare and long-term care systems.
The premium rate schedules of the JHIA and the NHI differ by prefectures and municipalities, respectively. In the model, we use
the rate schedule of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area for the JHIA, and that of Nakano-Ward in Tokyo for the NHI.
We use the rate schedule of Tokyo Metropolitan Area in the model.
Age of Household 25 75
Median Mean
Head percentile percentile
~34 18.8 21.8 24.3 21.8
35~44 19.5 22.3 25.2 22.4
45~54 21.4 23.9 26.6 24.2
55~64 19.6 23.2 26.2 22.9
65~74 14.9 18.3 22.0 18.7
75~ 14.2 18.3 22.0 18.8
Total 17.7 21.7 25.2 21.6
Lastly, we calculate household’s disposable income by subtracting the sum of the Personal Income Tax, the
Resident Tax, the Fixed Asset Tax, and the social security premiums from household’s gross income.