DP Yr 11 Christmas Term
DP Yr 11 Christmas Term
DP Yr 11 Christmas Term
1. What is the primary purpose of word c. To control the empty space around
processing software? the content
a. Sending emails d. To change the font size
b. Editing images
c. Creating and editing text documents 6. What feature is used to change the
d. Managing spreadsheets appearance of text, such as font size and
2. Which software application is commonly a. Spell check
used for word processing? b. Styles
a. Photoshop c. Formatting
b. Microsoft Word d. Bullets and numbering
c. Excel
d. PowerPoint 7. What file format is commonly used for
saving word-processing documents?
3. Which feature is used to make text bold a. .jpg
in a word-processing document? b. .pdf
a. Italic c. .mp3
b. Underline d. .docx
c. Highlight
d. Bold 8. What is the primary purpose of a printer
in word processing?
4. What is the primary function of the a. To change the font style
"Copy" and "Paste" commands in word b. To insert images
processing? a. To save a document c. To create physical copies of
b. To duplicate text from one location to documents
another d. To send emails
c. To change the font style
d. To print a document 9. What is the primary use of "Find and
Replace" in word processing?
5. What is the purpose of page margins in a. To change the font color
a word-processing document? b. To search for specific text and replace
a. To insert images it with another
b. To divide the text into sections c. To insert images
d. To check the document's grammar 15. In a spreadsheet, what is a cell reference
that refers to a specific cell by its column
10. What is a "Table of Contents" in a word letter and row number, such as "A1"?
processing document? a. Formula
a. A list of the document's authors b. Function
b. A summary of the document's content c. Range
c. A navigation tool that displays the d. Cell Address
document's headings and their page
16. What type of data is typically
d. A collection of images
stored in a spreadsheet cell?
a. Text and images
11. Which option allows you to print on both
sides of the paper?
b. Formulas and functions
a. Single-sided printing c. Numbers and text
b. Double-sided printing d. Hyperlinks and email addresses
c. Portrait orientation
d. Landscape orientation 17. Which function in spreadsheet software
is used to find the highest value in a
12. What is the purpose of the "Save As" option range of numbers?
in word processing software? a. MAX
a. To close the document b. MIN
b. To open a document c. AVERAGE
c. To save a copy of the document with a d. SUM
different name or format
d. To format text
18. What is the purpose of a chart or graph
in a spreadsheet?
13. Which feature allows you to insert
a. To display text
additional information at the bottom of
b. To organize data
each page?
a. Headers c. To represent data visually
b. Footers d. To perform calculations
c. Styles
d. Tables 19. What is the term for the intersection
of a row and a column in a spreadsheet?
14. Which of the following is a popular a. Block
spreadsheet software used for data b. Grid
analysis and calculations? c. Cell
a. Microsoft Word d. Range
b. Microsoft Excel
c. Microsoft PowerPoint 20. In a spreadsheet, what is the
d. Microsoft Access function of the "AutoFill" feature?
a. To automatically save the document
b. To fill cells with random data
c. To predict future values based on past d) Creating and editing text documents
d. To quickly copy and fill adjacent cells 26. Which ICT application is typically
with a series or pattern used for creating and managing
21. Which feature allows you to protect a) Word processing software
specific cells or worksheets in a b) Spreadsheet software
spreadsheet to prevent unauthorized c) Database management software
changes? d) Presentation software
a. Cell validation
b. Password protection 27. What is a word processor?
c. Cell locking A) Software used for editing images
d. Cell formatting B) Software used for creating and
editing text documents
22. Which ICT tool is used for creating C) A type of computer hardware
and delivering presentations with slides? D) A device for printing documents
a) Word processing software
b) Spreadsheet software 28. Which menu in word processing
c) Presentation software software typically includes options for
d) Video editing software saving, opening, and printing
23. What is the primary function of a A) Format
spreadsheet program in ICT? B) Insert
a) Creating and editing images C) File
b) Storing and managing data in tables D) View
c) Designing web pages
d) Sending and receiving emails 29. What is the purpose of the "Copy"
function in word processing?
24. Which ICT tool is most commonly A) To move text to a different location
used for creating and editing text B) To create a duplicate of selected text
documents? C) To delete text from a document
a) Spreadsheet D) To change the font size
b) Presentation software
c) Word processing software 30. What is the function of a spell
d) Video editing software checker in word processing software?
A) To format text
25. What is the primary function of B) To correct spelling and grammar
word processing software in ICT? errors
a) Creating and editing images and C) To insert images
graphics D) To create tables
b) Storing and managing data in tables
c) Designing web pages
31. What does the term "font" refer to B) Performing calculations using data in
in word processing? the cells
A) The size of the paper used for C) Sorting data alphabetically
printing D) Inserting images into the spreadsheet
B) The style and appearance of text
C) The color of the text 37. What does the term "cell reference"
D) The number of words in a document mean in a spreadsheet?
A) The address of a specific cell,
32. Which feature in word processing indicated by a column and row label
allows you to save a document with a B) A type of formatting applied to cells
different name or location? C) A hyperlink to a website
A) Print D) The text entered into a cell
B) Copy
C) Save As 38. What is the purpose of a function in
D) Font selection a spreadsheet?
A) It helps you design charts and graphs
33. What is the primary function of a B) It organizes data into rows and
spreadsheet software? columns
A) Creating and editing text documents C) It performs specific calculations or
B) Analyzing and manipulating operations on data
numerical data D) It checks for spelling errors
C) Sending and receiving emails
D) Designing graphics and images 39. Which function is used to find the
highest value in a range of numbers in a
34. Which of the following is a widely spreadsheet? A) SUM
used spreadsheet software? B) AVERAGE
A) Microsoft Word C) MAX
B) Microsoft Excel D) MIN
C) Adobe Photoshop
D) Google Chrome 40. Which file format is commonly used
for saving spreadsheet documents in
35. In a spreadsheet, what is a cell? Microsoft Excel?
A) A small, living organism A) .jpg
B) The entire spreadsheet document B) .pdf
C) The intersection of a row and a C) .xlsx
column D) .docx
D) A type of formula
41. Which of the following is not a popular
36. What is a formula in a spreadsheet spreadsheet software?
used for? a) Google Sheets
A) Changing the color of the cells b) Apple Numbers
c) LibreOffice Calc
d) Microsoft PowerPoint 47. Which of the following is a valid way to
protect a cell in Excel to prevent it from
42. Which function in Excel allows you to being edited?
add up a range of numbers? a) Apply a password to the cell.
a) SUM b) Lock the cell.
b) COUNT c) Hide the cell.
c) AVG d) Make the cell read-only.
d) MAX
48. What is a presentation package?
43. What do you call the intersection of a a) Software for creating and editing
row and a column in a spreadsheet? spreadsheets
a) Cell b) Software for designing and delivering
b) Block visual presentations
c) Box c) A type of video editing software
d) Node d) Software for creating and editing
44. In Excel, what does the formula
"=A1+B1" do? 49. Which popular presentation
a) It multiplies the values in cells A1 and software is part of the Microsoft Office
B1. suite?
b) It adds the values in cells A1 and B1. a) Google Slides
c) It subtracts the value in cell A1 from b) Apple Keynote
the value in cell B1. c) PowerPoint
d) It divides the value in cell A1 by the d) Prezi
value in cell B1.
50. What is a slide in a presentation?
45. Which function in Excel is used to find a) A type of animation
the highest value in a range of numbers? b) A printed handout of the presentation
a) MIN c) A single page or screen in a presentation
b) AVERAGE d) A video clip
c) MAX
d) SUM 51. Which feature in presentation
software allows you to add visual effects,
46. Which of the following is not a valid transitions, and animations to your slides?
type of chart in Excel? a) Templates
a) Pie Chart b) Slide sorter
b) Line Chart c) Master slide
c) 3D Cube Chart d) Animation
d) Bar Chart
52. What is a master slide in a
a) The first slide of the presentation
b) A slide that contains the title and footer b) Presenter view
information for all slides c) Slide transition
c) A slide with a unique design that is used d) Animation effects
only once in a presentation
d) A slide with animations 57. What is a "bullet point" in a
53. Which view in most presentation a) A type of animation effect
software allows you to see and edit the b) A slide layout
individual slides in your presentation? c) A list of key points or items on a slide
a) Slide show view d) A sound effect
b) Master view
c) Slide sorter view 58. What is the primary purpose of a
d) Outline view presentation package?
a) To design websites
54. What is a template in b) To create and deliver visual presentations
presentation software? c) To edit photos and videos
a) A digital design tool d) To write essays
b) A type of animation
c) A pre-designed slide layout with
placeholders for text and images 59. What is a database management
d) A sound effect system (DBMS)?
a) A software application for creating
55. Which file format is commonly spreadsheets
used for saving and sharing presentations b) A collection of data files on a computer
created in Microsoft PowerPoint? c) A structured collection of data organized
a) .pdf for efficient retrieval and manipulation
b) .ppt d) A type of computer hardware
c) .doc
d) .jpg 60. What is the primary benefit of using a
database management system (DBMS)?
56. Which feature allows you to a) Increased data redundancy
rehearse your presentation and see the b) Decreased data security
timing for each slide? c) Improved data consistency and integrity
a) Slide sorter d) Reduced data retrieval speed
10 Marks
4. What is the name of the feature with FILE, HOME, INSERT, DESIGN, PAGE
8. If I want to move the document up and down the page, what feature do I use?
9. After completion of the typing job, what feature do I click to print?
1. Alhaji Musa was typing a document requesting for learning materials for
children in his community, stating the basic shortcut keys he can use to
4 Marks
3. State three (3) examples of word processors.
3 Marks
4. State three (3) exciting operations you can carry out on a typical text.
3 Marks
5. Mention three professional documents you can create with a word processor
3 Marks
6. Draw and label a simple Spreadsheet environment indicating at least 6 major