Placement With MCTS

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002 Reinforcement Learning within Tree Search for Fast Macro Placement
006 Anonymous Authors1
009 Abstract (a) Global Search Tree (b) Local RL Rollouts
011 Macro placement is a crucial step in modern chip
012 design, and reinforcement learning (RL) has re- Pruned
Best solution
013 cently emerged as a promising technique for im-
014 proving the placement quality. However, exist-
015 ing RL-based techniques are hindered by their Frontiers
016 low sample efficiency, requiring numerous on-
017 line rollouts or substantial offline expert data to
achieve bootstrap, which are often impractical in MCTS RL
018 (Exploration) (Exploitation)
019 industrial scenarios. To address this challenge,
020 we propose a novel sample-efficient framework, Guide
Global Local Placement
namely EfficientPlace, for fast macro placement. (c)
021 Tree Search Advance Policy Learning Solutions
022 EfficientPlace integrates a global tree search algo-
023 rithm to strategically direct the optimization pro-
cess, as well as a RL agent for local policy learn- Figure 1. The bi-level framework in EfficientPlace. (a) High-
ing to advance the tree search. Experiments on Level Global Placement Tree. It includes a search tree to explore
025 the placement space. It identifies promising nodes (called fron-
026 commonly used benchmarks demonstrate that Ef-
tiers), and prunes less valuable nodes, thus pinpointing potential
027 ficientPlace achieves remarkable placement qual-
areas for optimization. (b) Low-Level Local Placement Rollouts.
028 ity within a short timeframe, outperforming recent It employs a RL agent to exploit the identified promising nodes,
029 state-of-the-art approaches. promosing the evolution of solutions. (c) Synergistic Bi-Level
030 Interaction. The global tree search strategically guides the local
031 policy towards promising nodes, enhancing learning efficiency.
032 1. Introduction Conversely, local policy learning advances the tree search by ef-
033 fectively exploiting these nodes, leading to the optimal placement
034 Macro placement is a crucial step in modern chip design, solutions.
035 as it significantly impacts the overall quality of the final
036 chip (MacMillen et al., 2000; Markov et al., 2012). This
037 task is essentially a large-scale optimization problem, which of the surrogate metrics, the macro placement task remains
038 requires determining the positions of macros (i.e., rectan- challenging due to the vast design space, which can even
039 gular circuit modules) on a chip canvas (i.e., a rectangular significantly surpass that of sophisticated strategy games
040 container) without any overlap (Wang et al., 2009). Due such as Go (Mirhoseini et al., 2021).
041 to the lengthy workflow of chip design, designers often
rely on surrogate metrics that effectively reflect the final Existing macro placement methods mainly fall into two
042 categories: optimization-based methods and reinforce-
043 results to guide the optimization process in macro place-
ment. Among these metrics, a commonly adopted metric ment learning (RL)-based methods (Lai et al., 2023).
044 Optimization-based methods, employs traditional optimiza-
045 is the half-perimeter wirelength (HPWL), which provides
an approximation for the routing wirelength and is widely tion algorithms, such as simulated annealing (SA) (Vashisht
046 et al., 2020) and evolutionary algorithms (EA) (Shi et al.,
047 used to measure the placement quality (Rabaey et al., 2002;
Lai et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2023). Despite the simplification 2023) to directly address the large-scale optimization prob-
048 lem, exploring the design space to identify near-optimal
049 1
Anonymous Institution, Anonymous City, Anonymous Region, solutions. However, they often necessitate a post-processing
050 Anonymous Country. Correspondence to: Anonymous Author step to accommodate the non-overlapping constraint, and
051 <>.
generally lack the capacity to learn from past experiences,
052 thus remaining unsatisfactory in quality or efficiency. In
Preliminary work. Under review by the International Conference
053 on Machine Learning (ICML). Do not distribute. recent research, macro placement has been formulated as
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055 a Markov Decision Process (MDP), where the macro po- ages wiremask proposed by Lai et al. (2022)—a matrix that
056 sitions are determined in a sequential manner (Mirhoseini quantifies the HPWL increment for each canvas position—
057 et al., 2021). Reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as to narrow down the exploration space and guide the action
058 a promising technique for this task due to its ability to con- decision process. Second, the RL agent incorporates a U-
059 tinuously improve performance based on feedback from the net architecture, which allows for a high-resolution control,
060 environment through trial and error (Cheng & Yan, 2021; even on a canvas up to 512 × 512 in grid size, surpassing
061 Cheng et al., 2022; Lai et al., 2022). However, RL methods previous RL-based methods in precision. This supports a
062 typically require a significant number of rollouts to achieve fine-grained placement, further improving the placement
063 bootstrap, resulting in low training efficiency (Lai et al., quality.
064 2023).
Extensive experiments on commonly used benchmark cir-
This efficiency issue poses a significant hinder, especially cuits demonstrate that EfficientPlace significantly outper-
in industrial chip design when engineers require fast place- forms recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, including the
ment strategies to streamline the workflow across multiple offline RL-based approach ChiPFormer (Lai et al., 2023)
design iterations. Early design stages like logical synthe- and the optimization-based approach WireMask-EA (Shi
sis and floorplanning heavily rely on feedback from later et al., 2023). Notably, EfficientPlace achieves the best Half-
stages, calling for a placement strategy with both high qual- Perimeter Wire Length (HPWL) within just 1, 000 steps
ity and efficiency. This presents challenges for RL-based from scratch, costing 2.2 hours on average. It outperforms
methods (Shi et al., 2023). The recent development, ChiP- ChiPFormer, even with its pretraining and an additional
Former (Lai et al., 2023), has attempted to address this chal- 2, 000 steps of fine-tuning, and WireMask-EA, which takes
lenge of efficiency through an offline RL strategy. However, 6.9 hours on average. We further conduct extensive ablation
its reliance on a substantial amount of expert data, which studies to validate the significance of each components in
is often scarce in practical settings, limits its applications. our method.
Moreover, the substantial variation among different chip
078 We highlight this work’s contributions to the research com-
domains necessitates extensive fine-tuning of ChiPFormer,
079 munity as follows.
hindering its practicality in industrial scenarios.
081 To address the aforementioned challenge in RL-based chip • The Novel Framework. We propose a pioneering
082 placement, we propose a novel sample-efficient framework, ‘learning-inside-optimization’ framework to leverage
083 namely EfficientPlace, for fast macro placement. It’s ef- the duality of macro placement. By integrating the
084 ficiency is derived from two aspects. Bi-level Learning- strengths of both paradigms, i.e., direct search and
085 Inside-Optimization Framework. Our basic observation adaptive learning, our approach significantly boosts
086 is the duality inherent in the macro placement task. On one placement efficiency.
087 hand, it is an optimization problem, aimed to search for the
088 optimal solutions within a vast design space. On the other • Superior Performance. Our proposed model, Effi-
089 hand, the vastness of the search space calls for deep rein- cientPlace, sets new benchmarks in HPWL and training
090 forcement learning’s ability to learn and generalize through efficiency, markedly outperforming recent state-of-the-
091 trial and error. EfficientPlace leverages this duality with a art methods across widely recognized benchmarks.
092 ’learning-inside-optimization’ framework. This framework
093 facilitates the accumulation of online experiences within one • Comprehensive Analysis. We conduct extensive ex-
094 search episode, creating a bi-level architecture that merges periments to investigate the impact of different opti-
095 learning with optimization. An shown in Figure 1, it en- mization and learning strategies and their components
096 compasses a global tree search and a local policy learning. on macro placement. This analysis provides essen-
097 At the higher level, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is tial insights that pave the way for future technological
098 used to strategically navigate the search process. It utilizes a advancements in the field.
099 novel mechanism of rolling frontiers to guide the RL agent
100 to focus on and exploit valuable states, thereby enhancing 2. Related Work
101 the optimization of elite solutions. The lower level lever-
102 ages the RL agent’s learning and generalization capabilities, Optimization-based Methods for Placement Macro
103 promoting efficient exploration across the expansive search placement, as a complex combinatorial optimization prob-
104 space. This bi-level framework generates a dynamic syn- lem, has been tackled with various optimization-based meth-
105 ergy: directed optimization guided by MCTS and adaptive ods, including analysitcal-based methods, partition-based
106 learning driven by RL. Sample-Efficient RL Agent Design. methods, and black-box-optimization (BBO) methods.
107 To further improve sample efficiency, we make two critical Analytical-based methods formulate the optimization objec-
108 enhancements on the RL agent design. First, the agent lever- tive as an analytical function of module coordinates. Then it
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110 can be efficiently solved using techniques like quadratic pro- based methods continue to face the issue of sub-optimal
111 gramming (Kahng et al., 2005; Viswanathan et al., 2007a;b; sample efficiency.
112 Spindler et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2012;
113 Kim & Markov, 2012; Cheng et al., 2018) and direct gra- Reinforcement Learning with MCTS The integration
114 dient descent (Lin et al., 2019; 2020; Gu et al., 2020; Liao of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with Reinforcement
115 et al., 2022). Partitioning-based methods, following a divide- Learning (RL) has led to a series of breakthroughs (Browne
116 and-conquer strategy, split circuits into sub-circuits for as- et al., 2012), including AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016; 2017),
117 signment to chip sub-regions (Roy et al., 2006; Khatkhate MuZero (Schrittwieser et al., 2020; Ye et al., 2021), Al-
118 et al., 2004). These methods, though efficient, often relax phaTensor (Fawzi et al., 2022), and AlphaDev (Mankowitz
119 the non-overlap constraint during optimization, thus strug- et al., 2023). These methods primarily employ MCTS to
120 gling to consistently derive high-quality placements. identify optimal decisions and guide the RL agent for policy
121 improvement, necessitating numerous rollouts for policy
Another perspective views macro placement as a BBO prob-
122 refinement. We propose a novel framework that reconcep-
lem. Simulated annealing (SA) is commonly used for such
123 tualizes the role of the tree search. In our framework, tree
BBO problems, which creates new solutions through geno-
124 search serves as a global guide rather than a local policy opti-
type perturbation and phenotype evaluation (Kirkpatrick
125 mizer. This approach prioritizes finding an optimal solution
et al., 1983; Sherwani, 2012; Ho et al., 2004; Shunmugath-
126 over learning a comprehensive policy, offering a specialized
ammal et al., 2020; Vashisht et al., 2020). Solution rep-
127 solution to macro placement’s demands.
resentations like Sequence Pair (Murata et al., 1996) and
B∗-tree are proposed to map genotypes to placement so-
lutions (Chang et al., 2000). Though achieving improved 3. Preliminaries
quality, these methods are computationally inefficient. A
131 Macro Placement The ultimate goal of chip design is to
recent advancement is a WireMask-BBO (Shi et al., 2023),
132 optimize the power, performance, and area (PPA) metrics
which employs a wiremask-guided greedy strategy for post-
133 of the final chip. This design workflow is divided in several
processing, thus enhancing the efficiency of BBO algorithms
134 stages, such as placement and routing, with placement subdi-
in the genotype space. It supports different BBO algorithms
135 vided into macro and cell placement. A variety of heuristic
and finds that WireMask-EA, which applies evolutionary al-
136 metrics have been proposed to guide these stages to con-
gorithms for coordinate swapping, achieves the best overall
137 tribute positively to the chip’s final quality, such as HPWL
performance, outperforming previous RL-based methods.
138 and congestion. The Half Perimeter Wire Length (HPWL)
However, the indirect optimization in genotype space and
139 serves as an efficient estimator of wirelength, which is a
the time-intensive mapping to solution space pose limita-
140 crucial metric for indicating the chip performance but can
tions on efficiency.
141 be assessed only post-routing. Congestion indicates the
142 routability of placement outcomes and affects the manufac-
143 Learning-based Methods for Placement As the scale turing process directly. Among these metrics, HPWL stands
144 of modern Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) systems out as a widely accepted metric due to its computational effi-
145 expands, classical optimization-based approaches are fac- ciency and has been extensively utilized in piror studies (Lai
146 ing increasing challenges. Researchers have been exploring et al., 2022; 2023; Shi et al., 2023) to assess placement qual-
147 learning-based methods, particularly RL-based methods, for ity. Additionally, Shi et al. (2023) has demonstrated that
148 better placement quality. GraphPlace (Mirhoseini et al., optimizing HPWL could also improve other metrics, such
149 2021) first models Macro Placement as a Reinforcement as congestion. Thus, in alignment with the prior works, we
150 Learning (RL) problem. Subsequently, DeepPR (Cheng adopt HPWL as the primary optimization objective in our
151 & Yan, 2021) and PRNet (Cheng et al., 2022) establish a work.
152 streamlined pipeline encompassing macro placement, cell
153 Placement, and routing. These methods treat density as a HPWL HPWL is defined as the sum of the half-perimeters
154 soft constraint, which may violating non-overlap constraint of the bounding boxes for all nets in the chip. Formally, it’s
155 during training. MaskPlace (Lai et al., 2022) approaches expressed as:
156 placement problem at a pixel-level, employing a position
157 HPWL = (wi + hi ), (1)
mask to avoid overlap, as well as a wiremask—which repre- ei ∈E
158 sents the increment of HPWL when placing next macro at
159 each grid of the canvas—as a visual input, and using dense where E denotes the set of all nets in the chip, wi =
160 reward to boost the efficiency. ChiPFormer (Lai et al., 2023) max xj − min xj and hi = max yj − min yj denote the
vj ∈ei vj ∈ei vj ∈ei vj ∈ei
161 represents the first offline RL method. It is pretrained on width and height of net ei , respectively, with vj representing
162 various chips via offline RL and then fine-tuned on unseen pins in the nets. The calculation HPWL is visually detailed
163 chips for better efficiency. Despite the achievements, RL- in Figure 7 in Appenix A.3.
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165 Loop 0 Loop 1 Loop 2

167 Mocros
168 Placements/Tree Nodes
169 Global Frontiers
170 Tree
Frontier Candidates
171 Search
172 Update Frontiers
173 RL Rollouts
Rollouts by RL
Local HPWL Backpropagation
176 Policy
177 Learning Pruned Nodes
Search Tree Sample Frontier RL Rollout & Backpropagation Agent Update Tree Expansion
181 Figure 2. Method Overview. Global Tree Search. We construct a search tree where each node represents a placement state. We
182 dynamically manage a set of ‘frontiers’—nodes that represent current states of focus. In each loop, multiple rollouts are executed with a
183 frontier as the initial state, serving to expand the tree and inform its evolution through backpropagation. The frontiers are updated in each
184 loop, and nodes not deserved revisiting are pruned to streamline the search process. Local Policy Learning. We employ a Reinforcement
185 Learning (RL) agent to execute the rollouts. It focuses on exploiting the frontier nodes and drive the tree’s expansion. The RL agent is
186 trained during the search process, enhancing its ability to conduct effective local searches within the broader tree structure.
188 Notations Our objective is to determine optimal positions 4.1. Motivation
189 for a set of T macros, {M0 , M1 , · · · , MT −1 }, on an N ×N
190 We begin by revisiting the paradigms of optimization-based
chip canvas. Previous works have proposed different heuris-
191 and learning-based methods in the context of macro place-
tics to determine the placement orders of the macros (Mirho-
192 ment. Optimization methods, such as SA that introduces
seini et al., 2021; Lai et al., 2022). We simply order the
193 perturbations to the existing solution and Wiremask-EA
macros in descending order by their areas, as empirically
194 that generates new solutions through macro position swaps,
larger-area macros significantly influence the overall lay-
195 primarily focus on identifying a singular, optimal solution
out results (Shi et al., 2023). Let A be the set of position
196 s∗T within the solution space ST . Their main strength lies
cells, with |A| = N 2 . Each macro Mi will be assigned a
197 in their direct approach and consistent refinement of the
position ai = (xi , yi ) ∈ A, with (xi , yi ) representing the
198 best solution. However, the lack of learning capability for
xy-coordinate position of Mi . The position is denoted as ai
199 handling unseen states limits their sample efficiency in the
because we can treat the grid cell position as a placement
200 vast search spaces. In contrast, learning-based approaches
action. The state of the canvas at any step t is uniquely
201 mainly aim to develop decision-making policies for posi-
defined by the macro positions that have been determined
202 tioning macros at various intermediate states. They leverage
up to that step, denoted as st = (a0 , a1 , · · · , at−1 ). We
203 neural networks’ generalization capabilities to achieve a
denote the empty canvas as s0 , and denote the valid state
204 balance between exploration and exploitation. This attribute
space at step t is denoted as St . With the above notations,
205 is particularly beneficial in navigating unexplored states.
the macro placement task can be described as:
206 However, existing RL methods start independent rollouts
207 from an empty canvas, which may develop biases towards
min HPWL(s). (2) suboptimal states and lead to redundant computation.
208 s∈ST
209 Macro placement is characterized by a dual nature. On
210 one hand, it involves finding the best solution for specific
211 4. Our Approach
circuits, a task well-suited for optimization methods. On
212 This section is organized as follows. We first elaborate the the other hand, the vastness and complexity of the design
213 motivation behind integrating learning within optimization space call for the adaptive learning capabilities to RL. The
214 for macro placement (Section 4.1). We then present the strengthen of RL in assimilating past insights, navigating
215 structure of the proposed bi-level framework, showcasing through complex spaces and making informed decisions in
216 the synergy between global tree search and local policy new situations is valuable in such scenarios. This provides
217 learning (Section 4.2). Finally, we delve into the architecture a compelling motivation to integrate the learning aspect of
218 of our efficient RL agent (Section 4.3). RL into the oriented optimization process.
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220 Algorithm 1 EfficientPlace Algorithm 2 Updating Frontiers

221 Input: Circuit netlist, search tree T , RL agent πθ (at |st ) Input: Search tree T , the current frontiers F
222 Parameters: Number of loops KTS , KRL Parameters: Frontier set capacity KF
223 Output: Optimized placement solution Updated frontiers Fk+1
Output: S
224 Initialize T .add node(s0 ), F ← {s0 } Fcand ← s∈F C(s) \ F.
225 for i = 1 to KTS do s1 ← arg mins∈F Q(s), s2 ← arg maxs∈Fcand Q(s)
226 for j = 1 to KRL do while S(s1 ) < S(s2 ) or |F| < KF do
227 Select a frontier node s ∼ F s ← s1 .parent, Q(s) ← maxs′ ∈C(s)\{s1 } Q(s′ )
228 Execute a rollout from state s with πθ while s ̸= root do
229 Expand T with new states in the rollout Q(s) ← maxs′ ∈C(s) Q(s′ )
230 Backpropagate the rollout results s ← s.parent
231 Update the RL agent πθ end while
232 end for F ← F \ {s1 } ∪ {s2 }, Fcand ← Fcand \ {s2 }
233 Update the frontiers F s1 ← arg mins∈F Q(s), s2 ← arg maxs∈Fcand Q(s)
234 end for end while
235 Return: The best placement solution s∗T in T Return: frontiers F
238 Local Policy Learning & Tree Expansion Each RL roll-
239 4.2. EfficientPlace: The Bi-Level Framework out begins from a selected frontier node s, using it as the
240 Building on the above discussion, we introduce Efficient- initial state. After each individual rollout, the outcomes
241 Place, a bi-level framework that merges the precision of tree are ‘backed up’ (i.e., backpropagated) through the traversed
242 search algorithms with RL’s flexibility. The model struc- nodes to update their statistics. We record the visit count
243 ture is outlined in Figure 2, with the algorithm detailed in N (s) and the minimum HPWL values for each visited node.
244 Algorithm 1. At the higher level, a global tree search is em- We define Q(s) as the best evaluation of a node s, i.e.,
245 ployed for strategic guidance, focusing on identifying and
246 Q(s) = max −HPWL(sT ). (3)
leveraging promising states. The lower level is to harness sT ∈P(s)
247 the learning and generalization of RL, fostering efficient
248 We use the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algo-
exploration. This synergy between the two levels creates a
249 rithm (Schulman et al., 2017) to update the RL agent, en-
dynamic, robust approach to macro placement, encapsulat-
250 hancing the local search efficiency.
ing the best of both worlds: direct search guided by MCTS
251 and adaptive learning driven by RL.
252 Updating Frontiers After a set number of rollouts, we
253 update the frontiers before proceeding to the next loop. This
254 Global Search Tree We construct the search tree T as update mechanism is inspired by optimization methods that
255 follows. Each node in T corresponds to a potential state maintain a pool of the best solutions. The goal is to keep
256 st ∈ St . The placement process initiates from the root node nodes in F that are likely to yield fruitful exploration. Given
257 s0 , representing an empty canvas. As the tree develops, each the current F, we define the set of frontier candidates as all
258 newly encountered, unexplored state st is added as a new children of the nodes in F, i.e.,
259 node, progressively expanding T . We denote the children [
260 of a node s as C(s), and the set of its descendant leaf nodes Fcand = C(s) \ F. (4)
as P(s). The expansion progresses towards the leaf nodes s∈F
262 sT ∈ ST , each signifying a specific placement outcome.
263 Inspired by the UCT algorithm (Browne et al., 2012), we
264 define the scores as:
Frontiers & Node Selection We employ a beam-search
265 strategy for node selection, focusing on a set of nodes called S(s) = Q(s) + α · U (s), (5)
266 ‘frontiers’, denoted as F. Initially, F is set to {s0 } and
267 is dynamically updated in a rolling forward manner. The where U (s) = √ 1 is the bonus to encourage maintain-
N (s)
268 capacity of F is KF , ensuring that |F| ≤ KF throughout ing the current frontiers if they are under-exploited, and α is
269 the search. This constraint prompts us to concentrate on the coefficient. Nodes with both higher Q values and higher
270 the most promising states based on previous evaluations. In scores in Fcand are then selected as new frontiers. Notice
271 each rollout, a frontier node s is selected at random from that the frontiers are not always those nodes with maximum
272 F, promoting diverse engagement by the RL agent and depth. The specifics of this updating process are elaborated
273 reducing policy learning biases. in Algorithm 2.
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275 The following theorem elucidates the improvement attribute 5 4 3 3 3 4 5 7 9 11

276 of our tree search algorithm. 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 7 9

2 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 8
277 Theorem 1. Suppose we are at the k th iteration, with the 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 8
278 set of frontiers Fk where |Fk | = KF , the RL policy πk , and 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 8
279 the evaluation Qk . After conducting multiple RL rollouts, 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 8
280 we obtain an improved policy πk+1 . We assume that every 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 7 9
281 s ∈ Fk is visited, and that v πk+1 (s) ≥ v πk (s) for every s ∈ 5 4 3 3 3 4 5 7 9 11
282 Fk , where v π represents the value function. This iteration 6 7 6 5 5 5 6 7 9 11 13

283 results in the updated Qk+1 and Fk+1 . Then we have 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 11 13 15

285 Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)] ≥ Es∼Fk [Qk (s)], (6) Figure 3. Illustation of the position mask and wiremask calcula-
286 tion. In this figure, M1 and M2 represent macros that have already
287 and
been placed, and M3 represents the macro slated for placement.
288 The position mask is a matrix to identify feasible grid positions for
Eπk+1 [Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)]] ≥ Es∼Fk [v πk+1 (s)]. (7)
289 placement, which are marked in in green. The red and green solid
290 boxes represent the bounding boxes of two nets. The wiremask
291 The proof can be found in Appendix A. We can deduce is a matrix to quantify the increment of HPWL that would result
292 from this theorem that our search algorithm consistently from placing M3 in each specific grid position.
293 enhances the quality of the solutions over iterations, and
294 that it outperforms the pure RL method in the sense of
295 expectation. Moreover, the decoder employs several bilinear upsample
296 blocks to allow the network to produce closely related prob-
297 4.3. RL Agent Architecture abilities for neighboring grid points. This design empowers
298 the RL agent to leverage the relative positioning of grid lat-
In alignment with the previous work MaskPlace (Lai et al.,
299 tices, thus enhancing the precision and efficiency of explo-
2022) and ChiPFormer (Lai et al., 2023), our RL agent
300 ration. With the above model structure, we achieve efficient
takes visual inputs. These inputs include an image of the
301 training even on large canvases up to 512 × 512, leading to
current canvas, the position mask that identifies valid action
302 improvements in HPWL performance. The detailed network
positions, and the wiremask, which indicates the HPWL
303 structure are in Figure 8.
increment for placing a macro at each canvas position. The
304 methodologies for computing position masks and wiremasks
305 are illustrated in Figure 3. We identify two critical compo- 5. Experiments
306 nents that significantly boost the efficiency of macro place-
307 Benchmarks and Settings. We evaluate EfficientPlace
ment, which are different from previous works.
308 and compare it with several recent state-of-the-art macro
309 placement methods, including GraphPlace (Mirhoseini et al.,
Wiremask for Reducing Search Space The concept of
310 2021), DeepPR (Cheng & Yan, 2021), MaskPlace (Lai
wiremask was introduced by Lai et al. (2022) as the visual
311 et al., 2022), ChiPFormer (Lai et al., 2023), and WireMask-
inputs to the neural networks. Shi et al. (2023) then em-
312 EA (Shi et al., 2023). Among these methods, GraphPlace,
ployed wiremask to devise a greedy policy to guide the BBO
313 DeepPR, MaskPlace and ChiPFormer are RL-based meth-
algorithms. Similar to them, we restrict actions to the grid
314 ods, and WireMask-EA is a black-box-optimization method.
areas with the minimal HPWL increment, which narrows
315 All the experiments are conducted on a single machine with
down the search space, thereby significantly enhancing the
316 NVidia GeForce GTX 3090 GPUs and Intel(R) Xeon(R)
training efficiency and the placement quality.
317 E5-2667 v4 CPUs 3.20GHz. Following the previous stud-
318 ies (Lai et al., 2022; 2023; Shi et al., 2023), we evaluate
U-Net for Fine-Grained Control Precise control over the
319 these methods on the commonly used ISPD2005 benchmark,
canvas grid is essential for accurate macro placement. To
320 which comprises eight datasets: adaptec1-4 and bigblue1-4.
achieve a fine-grained control without sacrificing efficiency,
321 Further details on these circuits and the experimental setup
we utilize a U-Net architecture as the policy network. The
322 are available in Appendix A.3.1
U-Net’s left side serves as the encoding stage, processing
323 visual inputs and integrating them with netlist information
324 Main Results. Table 1 presents results of macro place-
and timestep embeddings to enrich the. The right side, func-
325 ments using different approaches. We evaluate each ap-
tioning as the decoder, outputs policy probabilities. The
326 proach over five independent runs with different random
left-side features are fused into the right-side layers so that
327 the input information is effectively conveyed to the decoder, 1
We will make our code publicly available upon paper accep-
328 facilitating more precise control over placement decisions. tance.
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331 Table 1. HPWL values (×105 ) obtained from seven compared methods on eight chip datasets. The results of baseline methods are from
Shi et al. (2023) and Lai et al. (2023). As WireMask-EA does not provide the results on bigblue2, we run their released code with the
grid size as 128. Results are from five independent runs with different random seeds, and we report the means and standard deviations
333 (mean±std). Numbers after method names denote the steps required to achieve the reported results. We also report the runtime of
334 EfficientPlace and WireMask-EA for comparison. We mark the best results in bold and underline the second-best results.
335 Method adaptec1 adaptec2 adaptec3 adaptec4 bigblue1 bigblue2 bigblue3 bigblue4
GraphPlace (50k) 30.01±2.98 351.71±38.20 358.18±13.95 151.42±9.72 10.58±1.29 14.78±0.95 357.48±47.83 440.70±15.95
337 DeepPR (3k) 19.91±2.13 203.51±6.27 347.16±4.32 311.86±56.74 23.33±3.65 11.38±0.20 430.48±12.18 433.90±5.26
338 MaskPlace (3k) 7.62±0.67 75.16±4.97 100.24±13.54 87.99±3.25 3.04±0.06 5.75±0.11 90.04±4.83 103.26±2.69
339 ChiPFormer (2k) 6.62 ±0.05 67.10±5.46 76.70±1.15 68.80±1.59 2.95±0.04 5.44±0.10 72.92±2.56 102.84±0.15
340 6.15±0.15 64.38±4.43 58.18±1.04 59.52±1.71 2.15±0.01 5.14±0.06 59.85±3.39 77.54±0.67
WireMask-EA (1k)
341 (4.78h) (4.18h) (4.60h) (7.96h) (2.30h) (0.37h) (17.48h) (13.92h)
6.04±0.08 47.04±1.44 57.18±1.17 59.47±0.58 2.15±0.01 4.79±0.17 62.49±2.95 78.72±1.10
342 EfficientPlace (0.5k)
(0.43h) (0.51h) (0.95h) (2.06h) (0.71h) (0.28h) (1.90h) (1.76h)
343 5.94±0.04 46.79±1.60 56.35±0.99 58.47±1.61 2.14±0.01 4.67±0.11 58.38±0.54 76.63±1.02
EfficientPlace (1k)
344 (0.84h) (0.83h) (1.87h) (3.81h) (1.40h) (0.53h) (3.71h) (3.62h)
345 adaptec1 adaptec2 adaptec3 adaptec4
346 8.5
347 8.0
90 80
348 7.5 100



80 75
7.0 70
350 70
351 60
60 60
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
353 Step Step Step Step

354 bigblue1 bigblue2 bigblue3 bigblue4

355 3.0
6.0 160 120
356 2.8 140 110



2.6 100
358 100
5.0 90
359 2.4
360 2.2 60
361 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Step Step Step Step
363 Maskplace Chipformer BBO EfficientPlace
366 Figure 4. HPWL (×105 ) vs. run steps of EfficientPlace and WireMask-EA, where the shaded region represents the standard error derived
from 5 independent runs. For WireMask-EA, we run their released code to produce the results.
seeds, and report the mean and variance of HPWL achieved. with WireMaks-EA by analyzing their HPWL progression
EfficientPlace consistently deliveres the lowest HPWL val- over run steps in Figure 4. Following Shi et al. (2023), we
ues across all chips within 1, 000 steps, averaging 2.2 hours use the best HPWL value reached by each step for compar-
on per chip. This performance surpasses that of MaskPlace ison. We also present the HPWL tred over the wall clock
trained with 3, 000 steps, and ChiPFormer even with its time in Figure 9 in Appendix B. The results demonstrate
pretraining and additional 2, 000 steps of fine-tuning. It that Efficient outperforms WireMask-EA on both sample
also outperforms WireMask-EA, which takes 6.9 hours per efficiency and time efficiency.
chip. Moreover, EfficientPlace achieves second-best results
within merely 500 steps on most of the chips, further demon-
379 Congestion Results. We also investigate the congestion
strating its remarkable sample efficiency.
380 results, using the RUDY algorithm (Spindler & Johannes,
381 2007) to assess the congestion values. The details settings
382 Runtime & Step Analysis. As WireMask-EA is the latest and results can be found in Appendix B.3. Though the
383 state-of-the-art approach, we further compare EfficientPlace primary object of our placer is to minimize the HPWL,
Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

385 RL + U-Net + Bilinear Net + Bilinear: Here, we maintain the RL agent identical
RL + MCTS + Bilinear
386 9.0
RL + MCTS + U-Net + Deconv to that in EfficientPlace but exclude the global tree search.
387 8.5
(RL + MCTS + U-Net + Bilinear) Results show that the absence of tree search leads to no-
388 HPWL
table performance oscillation, underscoring the tree search’s
389 7.5
significance in stabilizing training and promoting conver-
390 7.0 gence. (2) RL + MCTS + Bilinear: We drop the connection
391 6.5 between the U-Net’s encoder and decoder, resulting in di-
392 6.0 minished results, which demonstrates the importance of
393 0 250 500 750 1000
1250 1500 1750 2000
U-Net structure for a more precise control. (3) RL + MCTS
394 + U-Net + Deconv: Replacing bilinear upsampling with
395 Figure 5. Ablation Study on Model Components. We test Effi- deconvolutional layers, despite more parameters, resulted
396 cientPlace with different configurations on the adaptec1 dataset, in inferior performance. This is because the bilinear up-
397 and present HPWL vs. training step. sampling produces closer action probabilities for adjacent
398 grids, effectively capturing the spatial relationship between
399 10.0

N=64 actions, thus achieving a more efficient exploration. (4) RL

400 N=128
+ MCTS + U-Net + Bilinear: This combination represents

401 N=512
EfficientPlace’s full configuration and achieves the best per-

402 formance, validating the effectiveness of our approach.



403 7.5

404 7.0
Comparison Study on Grid Sizes. EfficientPlace’s de-
405 6.5
sign allows for precise control through finer grid resolutions.
406 6.0
To showcase the benefits of increased grid granularity, we
407 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
performed comparative analyses across different grid sizes
N . Figure 6 illustrates EfficientPlace’s performance on
409 Figure 6. Comparison Study on Grid Sizes. We test Efficient- ISPD2005 adaptec1 across varying grid sizes. The results
410 Place with different grid resolutions on the adaptec1 dataset, and clearly demonstrate that finer grids facilitate better learning
411 present HPWL vs. training step. curves, boost sample efficiency, and lead to lower HPWL
metrics, showing the advantages of a more detailed grid
414 these results demonstrate that such optimization not only
415 optimizes macro placement HPWL value but also positively
416 affects the congestion result, in alignment with the findings 6. Limitations, Outlook, and Conclusion
417 from Shi et al. (2023).
6.1. Limitation
419 Mixed-size Placement. We then extend our analysis to We propose EfficientPlace for fact macro placement, while
420 mixed-size placement (incorporating both macros and stan- it mainly focuses on optimizing HPWL, without expilicly
421 dard cells), in order to illustrate how improved macro place- considering more surrogate metrics. Future works will aim
422 ment impacts subsequent design stages. Specifically, we to incorporate additional metrics like dataflow and regularity
423 use EfficientPlace for macro placement and then employ for better alignment with the broader chip design process.
424 DREAMPlace (Lin et al., 2019) for cell placement. We
425 report the full placement HPWL results and provide the 6.2. Outlook
426 results visualization in Appendix B.2. The detailed settings
427 Our introduction of the ‘learning-inside-optimization’
and results can be found in Appendix B.3. These results also
428 framework, recognizing the dual aspects of macro place-
demonstrate that such optimization not only improves macro
429 ment, sets the stage for further exploration in related do-
placement but also has a positive impact on subsequent cell
430 mains. We expect this novel approach would inspire further
431 research and applications in similar challenges.
432 Ablation Study on Model Components. We conduct ex-
433 6.3. Conclusion
tensive ablation studies to investigate the impact of each
434 component in our approach, including the global tree search In this papre, we propose EfficientPlace for fast macro place-
435 algorithm, the U-Net policy architecture, and the bilinear ment. It harnesses the strengths of optimization and learn-
436 upsampling technique. Results are in Figure 5. We test ing based methods to significantly boost sample efficiency.
437 the performance on the ISPD2005 adaptec1 dataset Experiments demonstrate that EfficientPlace outperforms
438 with the following different configurations. (1) RL + U- recent state-of-the-art macro placement methods.
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Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

550 A. Implementation Details

552 A.1. Model Implementation
553 HPWL Calculation. We present a detailed example in Figure 7 to illustrate the calculation of HPWL.
560 Net 2
Net 1
569 Figure 7. The calculation of HPWL. The blue rectangles M1 , M2 and M3 represent the placed macros. Solid boxes in red and green
570 represent illustrate the bounding boxes for two distinct nets on the canvas. Pins connected to each net are marked as colored dots, with red
571 dots for pins in Net 1 and green dots for pins in Net 2. Here, HPWL is w1 + h1 + w2 + h2 = 20.
RL Agent. As introduced in Section 4.3, our RL agent employs a U-Net architecture. Below, we provide a comprehensive
visualization of our policy network’s structure in Figure 8. For a complete understanding of EfficientPlace’s configuration,
the specific hyperparameters are listed in Table 2.
579 Position Wire
580 Mask Mask
582 Conv 1
583 Pool 1
584 Action
Position Mask Conv&Pooling Upsample&Conv
585 Distribution
586 Layers Layers
587 Conv 3
588 Pool 3 Networks
589 Wire Mask
590 2-dimensional
591 MLP Up features
Time Value 1-dimensional
593 MLP
594 Embedding Global features
595 Canvas Feature
Visual Input Encoder Actor-Critic Decoder
599 Figure 8. RL Agent Architecture. Our policy network adopts a U-Net architecture. The encoding stage, on the U-Net’s left side,
processes visual inputs, incorporating netlist information and timestep embeddings to enhance contextual awareness. Conversely, the
decoder on the right side generates policy probabilities. Features from the encoder are integrated into the decoder to ensure the full
601 transmission of input data, enabling precise control over placement decisions. The position mask and wiremask are then used to limit the
602 output actions, thus effectively reducing the vast search space.
Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

Table 2. Model Hyperparameters.
607 layer name kernel size output size
608 CNN 1 3×3, 8 (8,256,256)
609 CNN 2 3×3, 16 (16,128,128)
610 Actor CNN 3 3×3, 32 (32,16,16)
611 CNN 4 3×3, 32 (32,4,4)
612 FC - (512,)
614 CNN 1 3×3, 8 (8,256,256)
615 CNN 2 3×3, 16 (16,128,128)
616 CNN 3 3×3, 32 (32,16,16)
617 CNN 4 3×3, 32 (32,4,4)
618 FC 1 - (512,)
619 FC 2 - (1,)
620 time embedding embedding - (32,)
623 A.2. Proof to Theorem 1
Theorem 1. Suppose we are at the k th iteration, with the set of frontiers Fk where |Fk | = KF , the RL policy πk , and the
evaluation Qk . After conducting multiple RL rollouts, we obtain an improved policy πk+1 . We assume that every s ∈ Fk is
visited, and that v πk+1 (s) ≥ v πk (s) for every s ∈ Fk , where v π represents the value function. This iteration results in the
updated Qk+1 and Fk+1 . Then we have
629 Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)] ≥ Es∼Fk [Qk (s)], (1)
631 and
632 Eπk+1 [Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)]] ≥ Es∼Fk [v πk+1 (s)]. (2)
634 Proof. According to the updating rule in Algorithm 2, a frontier candidate s is updated as a frontier node only when it
635 replaces another frontier node s′ with lower Q value. That is, for s ∈ Fk+1 \Fk , there exists a corresponding s′ ∈ Fk \Fk+1 ,
636 such that Qk+1 (s′ ) ≤ Qk+1 (s). Then have
637  
638 1  X X
Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)] = Qk+1 (s) + Qk+1 (s)
639 |KF |
s∈Fk+1 ∩Fk s∈Fk+1 \Fk
640  
641 (3)
1  X X
642 ≥ Qk+1 (s) + Qk+1 (s′ )
|KF | ′
643 s∈Fk+1 ∩Fk s ∈Fk \Fk+1
644 =Es∼Fk [Qk+1 (s)].
646 By definition, we have
647 Qk (s) = max −HPWL(sT ), (4)
sT ∈Pk (s)
649 where Pk denotes the set of descendant leaf nodes of s in the k th search tree. As the tree expands, we have Pk (s) ⊂ Pk+1 (s),
650 which derives Qk+1 (s) ≥ Qk (s). Thus we have
651 Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)] ≥ Es∼Fk [Qk+1 (s)] ≥ Es∼Fk [Qk (s)]. (5)
Since each node s ∈ Fk is assumed to be visited, the current Qk+1 (s) is an evaluation of the current policy πk+1 . Thus we
have Eπk+1 Qk+1 (s) ≥ vπk+1 (s), which derives
656 Eπk+1 [Es∼Fk+1 [Qk+1 (s)]] ≥ Es∼Fk [Eπk+1 [Qk+1 (s)]] ≥ Es∼Fk [v πk+1 (s)]. (6)
Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

660 A.3. Dataset & Experimental Details

662 Table 3 details the statistics for eight circuits from the ISPD2005 benchmark, used as our test datasets. The “Macros
663 (to place)” column specifies the quantity of macros chosen for placement in our study. For bigblue2 and bigblue4, due to
664 their extensive numbers of of macros, we follow Lai et al. (2023) and select 256 and 1024 macros, respectively, for a fair
665 comparison.
667 Table 3. Statistics of public benchmark circuits.
668 Circuit Macros Macros(to place) Hard Macros Standard Cells Nets Pins Area Util(%)
670 adaptec1 543 543 63 210904 221142 944063 55.62
671 adaptec2 566 566 159 254457 266009 1069482 74.46
672 adaptec3 723 723 201 450927 466758 1875039 61.51
673 adaptec4 1329 1329 92 494716 515951 1912420 48.62
674 bigbule1 560 560 32 277604 284479 1144691 31.58
675 bigbule2 23084 256 52 534782 577235 2122282 32.43
676 bigbule3 1293 1293 138 1095519 1123170 3833218 66.81
677 bigbule4 8170 1024 52 2169183 2229886 8900078 35.68
680 Experimental hyperparameters, including those for macro and subsequent standard cell placement, are outlined in Table 4.
681 “Num of update epochs” refers to the epochs count utilized per RL update, which is set as 10. “Update frontiers begin”
682 denotes the training phase warm up for frontier updates, which is set as 200. “Update frontiers freq” establishes how often
683 frontiers are updated, which is set as 2. “Num of episodes” indicates the episode count per PPO updating loop, which is set
684 as 5. We employ different grid sizes for different circuits according to their characteristics, opting for resolutions as 128 for
685 adaptec1,2 and bigblue2, 256 for bigblue3,4, and 512 for adaptec3,4.
687 Table 4. Hyper-parameters used in our experiments.
688 Configuration Value
690 num of update epochs 10
691 update frontiers freq 2
692 update frontiers begin 200
693 num of episodes 5
694 density weight in (phase 2) 0
695 number of iterations (phase 2) 1000
696 density weight in (phase 3) 8e-3
Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

715 B. Additional Results

717 B.1. Time Efficiency
718 Figure 9 presents the HPWL performance of EfficientPlace and BBO vs. wall clock time, further demonstrating the
719 advantage in efficiency of our approach.
722 adaptec1
adaptec2 adaptec3 adaptec4
8.5 100
723 85
724 8.0 90 80

725 7.5 100




80 75

726 7.0 80

727 6.5

60 60
728 6.0

729 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 25 50 75 100 0 50 100 150 200

Time(min) Time(min) Time(min) Time(min)
bigblue1 bigblue2 bigblue3 bigblue4
731 3.0
6.0 120
732 160

733 140 110



734 2.6 100
735 2.4 5.0 90
736 80
737 0 20 40 60 80
0 10 20 30 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
738 Time(min) Time(min) Time(min) Time(min)

740 Maskplace Chipformer BBO EfficientPlace

742 Figure 9. Results of Runtime. HPWL curve on runtime of EfficientPlace compared with BBO. EfficientPlace’s HPWL curve consistently
743 remains below that of BBO within the runtime range tested, while also achieving faster convergence.
747 B.2. Mixed-Size Placement Results
749 Table 5 presents the results of mixed-size placement HPWL metrics across various methods. The results illustrate
750 EfficientPlace’s capability to excel in mixed-size placement. The benchmark settings and results for other methodologies,
751 including DREAMPLACE (Liao et al., 2022), SP-SA (Murata et al., 1995), MaskPlace (Lai et al., 2022), and WireMask-
752 EA (Shi et al., 2023), are from Shi et al. (2023). EfficientPlace approaches the mixed-size placement challenge in two distinct
753 phases: (1) initial cell placement using DREAMPlace (Liao et al., 2022) based on the macro positions determined by our
754 method, bypassing the legalization phase; followed by (2) a comprehensive mixed placement phase utilizing DREAMPlace,
755 which integrates the initial placement with further legalization and detailed placement processes. Since WireMask-EA (Shi
756 et al., 2023) does not include bigblue2 in their experiments, we extend our evaluation to this dataset using their prescribed
757 settings for a thorough comparison. Furthermore, Figure 10 offers visual representations of placements achieved by
758 EfficientPlace for all circuits within the ISPD2005 benchmark, demonstrating our method’s effectiveness visually.
761 Table 5. Mixed-size Placed Results. Comparison of HPWL values (×107 ) of all methods listed on mixed-size placement task. The best
762 results (the lowest HPWL) are highlighted in bold. EfficientPlace can also achieve the best mixed-size placement result.
763 benchmark adaptec1 adaptec2 adaptec3 adaptec4 bigbule1 bigbule2 bigbule3 bigbule4
764 DREAMPlace 11.10 ±1.31 13.84 ± 1.74 17.03 ± 0.99 24.37 ± 1.13 10.06 ± 0.28 / 36.51 ± 0.56 175.86 ± 2.23
765 SP-SA+DREAMPlace 10.18 ± 0.18 14.80 ± 0.01 30.63 ± 0.82 30.63 ± 0.82 10.70 ± 0.01 / 63.60 ± 0.12 203.79 ± 0.36
766 MaskPlace+DREAMPlace 10.86 ± 0.01 12.98 ± 0.58 26.14 ± 0.07 26.14 ± 0.07 10.64 ± 0.01 / 54.98 ± 1.06 /
WireMask-EA+DREAMPlace 8.93 ± 0.01 9.20 ± 0.05 21.72 ± 0.01 21.72 ± 0.01 10.35 ± 0.02 14.88±0.01 42.52 ± 0.11 171.23 ± 0.48
EfficientPlace(ours) 7.20±0.12 9.20±0.61 16.49±1.07 14.70±0.25 8.67±0.10 9.98±0.02 28.48±0.96 125.02±0.02
Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2024

(a) adaptec1 (b) adaptec2 (c) adaptec3 (d) adaptec4
791 (e) bigblue1 (f) bigblue2 (g) bigblue3 (h) bigblue4
793 Figure 10. Visualization of mixed-size placement results by EfficientPlac for ISPD2005 benchmark. Macros are marked in red, while
standard cells are represented in blue.
796 B.3. Congestion Results
798 Table 6 presents a comparison of congestion and HPWL metrics between EfficientPlace and the state-of-the-art methods
799 MaskPlace (Lai et al., 2022) and WireMask-EA (Shi et al., 2023), utilizing RUDY for congestion calculations. In alignment
800 with Shi et al. (2023), we standardize our congestion values to 1 for a direct comparison. Given the impact of grid size on
801 RUDY’s outcomes, we ensure a consistent canvas partitioning across all methods for each evaluation. In both congestion
802 and HPWL assessments, EfficientPlace demonstrates superior performance.
804 Table 6. Congestion Results. Comparison on HPWL (×105 ) and Congestion (Cong., lower are better)
Benchmark adaptec1 adaptec2 adaptec3 adaptec4 bigblue1 bigblue2 bigblue3 bigblue4
805 Metrics HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong. HPWL Cong.
MaskPlace 7.10 1.17 85.46 2.09 84.91 1.18 75.46 1.20 2.6 4.43 / / 114.01 1.70 / /
807 EA 5.97 1.21 61.01 1.46 59.03 1.11 63.22 1.04 2.17 1.45 4.98 1.01 61.39 1.10 90.7 1.04
808 OURS 5.9 1 45.3 1 55.56 1 56.35 1 2.07 1 4.65 1 55.28 1 75.8 1

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