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DSP and ARM JTAG emulator and adapter

Document revision L, November 2021
Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2013

All boards produced by Olimex LTD are ROHS compliant

OLIMEX© 2021 TMS320-XDS100-V3 user's manual

© 2021 Olimex Ltd. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other
product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners.

The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or
otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex

The TMS320-XDS100-V3 design is based heavily on the original hardware and software design files released by Texas
Instruments. These files are freely available and can be accessed by anyone.

It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.

The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the
product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or
expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This
document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or
damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any
incorrect use of the product.

This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only
and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the
product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being
provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related
protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that
incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.

Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not
exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or
infringement of patents or services described herein.



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Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW......................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction to the chapter.......................................................................................... 4
1.1 Features....................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Target market and purpose of the board.................................................................. 5
1.3 Organization............................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2 SETTING UP THE TMS320-XDS100-V3.........................................6
2. Introduction to the chapter.......................................................................................... 6
2.1 Electrostatic warning................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Requirements.............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Cables, layouts, connection........................................................................................ 6
2.4 Powering the board and installation procedure for CCS........................................ 8
2.5 Powering the board and installation procedure for IAR EW for ARM 6..............9
CHAPTER 3 TMS320-XDS100-V3 DESCRIPTION.............................................10
3. Introduction to the chapter........................................................................................ 10
3.1 Layout (top view)...................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Connectors................................................................................................................ 11
CHAPTER 4 INTERFACES AND HARDWARE..................................................12
4. Introduction to the chapter........................................................................................ 12
4.1 JTAG connectors...................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 JTAG........................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 TI_JTAG_14............................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.3 TI_JTAG_20............................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.4 ARM_JTAG_20.......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 USB mini................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Test pads.................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 LEDs.......................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.1 Power LEDs................................................................................................................................ 13
4.4.2 LED D3....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.3 LED D4....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Jumpers..................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.1 Jumper J4................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.2 Jumper J5................................................................................................................................... 14
4.5.3 Jumper ARM_JTAG_E............................................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER 5 FAQ..................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 6 REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT..........................................17
6. Introduction to the chapter........................................................................................ 17
6.1 Document revision.................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Hardware revision.................................................................................................... 18
6.3 Useful web links and purchase codes...................................................................... 19
6.4 Product support........................................................................................................ 20

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1. Introduction to the chapter

Thank you for choosing the TMS320-XDS100-V3 emulator from Olimex!

TMS320-XDS100-V3 is an implementation of the Texas Instruments' ultra-low-cost USB-interface

JTAG hardware reference design. This emulator provides JTAG access to Texas Instruments' JTAG-
based devices.

This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3. As an overview, this
chapter gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. The document’s organization
is then detailed.

1.1 Features
Among the features of the Olimex implementation of the XDS100v3 design are:

• TMS320-XDS100-V3 hardware is designed to work with Code Composer Studio software

• Grants free license for TI's Code Composer Studio
• Tested and confirmed working with SmartRF Studio
• Tested and confirmed working with Uniflash
• Supported in IAR EW for ARM (for IAR versions after 6.40)
• Equipped with three JTAG connectors for different JTAG layouts: TI 14-pin JTAG; TI 20-
pin JTAG and standard ARM 20-pin JTAG layout
• All plastic headers have 0.1" pin step for easier access
• Two compatible female-female cables included – 14-pin and 20-pin ones.
• Works with targets in 1.65V-5.0V range
• IEEE 1149.7 capable emulator with a USB interface
• Can function as an 1149.7 adapter for use with existing scan controllers.
• Software compatible with XDS100v2 (except link delay and IEEE 1149.7 modes)
• Physical jumper to select emulator or adapter mode
• Operates in 1149.7 Class 4, up to 25MHz
• LED to indicate IEEE 1149.7 Class 4 operation
• LED to indicate operation in adapter mode
• Supported devices: TMS320C28xx, TMS320C54xx, TMS320C55xx, TMS320C674x,
TMS320C64x+, TMS320C66x, ARM9, ARM Cortex A9, ARM Cortex A8, ARM Cortex
M3, ARM Cortex R4
• Board dimensions (4.15×1.8)" ~ (10.5×4.6)cm

For full list of XDS100v3 design features visit the TI's wiki address:

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1.2 Target market and purpose of the board

The main purpose of the board is programming and debugging Texas Instruments' JTAG-based
devices. Typically, these are DSP (digital signal processing) targets AND high-speed ARM targets.
The board can also act as adapter to existing scan controllers.

The design of the board follows the schematics and the recommendations provided by Texas

1.3 Organization
Each section in this document covers a separate topic, organized as follow:
– Chapter 1 is an overview of the board usage and features
– Chapter 2 provides a guide for quickly setting up the board
– Chapter 3 contains the general board diagram and layout
– Chapter 4 mentions the main software tools used with TMS320-XDS100-V3
– Chapter 5 provides answers to frequently asked questions
– Chapter 6 contains the revision history, useful links and support information

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2. Introduction to the chapter

This section helps you set up the Olimex TMS320-XDS100-V3 emulator/adapter for the first time.
Please consider first the electrostatic warning to avoid damaging the board, then discover the
hardware and software required to operate the board.

The procedure to power up the board is given, and a description of the default board behavior is

2.1 Electrostatic warning

TMS320-XDS100-V3 is shipped in a protective anti-static package. The board must not be exposed
to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when
handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.

2.2 Requirements
In order to set up the TMS320-XDS100-V3 optimally, the following items are required:

- USB-A to mini-USB cable

- Set of software tools (preferably Code Composer Studio v5 or Code Composer Studio v6 – check
the table – http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS100#XDS100_Installation_Instructions)
- a TARGET from the supported list (can be found here:
http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS100#Installation_for_Code_Composer_Studio_v5.1.x )
- a way to power your target (TMS320-XDS100-V3 would not power your target board)

Note that there are two ribbon cables included in the package – for the TI_JTAG_14 and the
TI_JTAG_20 (or ARM_JTAG) connectors.

2.3 Cables, layouts, connection

Initially there might be a slight confusion for the proper cable setup which is caused by the number
of different connectors you might meet working with Texas Instruments ARM processors.

Generally, TI works with 14pin JTAG and 20pin JTAG layouts. These layouts are different by the
standards suggested by ARM. Texas Instruments JTAG layout is not the same as ARM JTAG

Starting with hardware revision C, OLIMEX TMS320-XDS100-V3 includes a 20-pin ARM

JTAG connector.

The TMS320-XDS100-V3's 14pin JTAG connector named “TI_JTAG_14” has the exact layout of
TI's 14pin JTAG. Both connectors have 0.1'' step.
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The 20pin TI JTAG connector is named “TI_JTAG_20”. It might be found next to the 14pin JTAG
of TMS320-XDS100-V3. TI_JTAG_20 follows the signal layout proposed by Texas Instruments but
it uses bigger connector with pin holes with 0.1'' step again (the original CTI design suggests 0.05'').

The 20pin ARM JTAG connector is named “ARM_JTAG”. It is located at the edge of the top side
of the board. ARM_JTAG is the official ARM 20-way 0.1'' pitch connector. The signal layout also
follows the ARM recommendations. It can be used in either standard JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) mode or
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) mode.

Refer to the table below for the proper connections. The first 4 columns represent the TI layout of
TI_JTAG_14 and TI_JTAG_20 connectors of TMS320-XDS100-V3, the last 2 show the 20-pin
ARM_JTAG layout.

Pin# TI_JTAG_14 Pin# TI_JTAG_20 Pin# ARM_JTAG

2 TRSTn 2 TRSTn 3 TRSTn (TAP reset)
4 TDIS** 4 TDIS** 4 GND**
5 VTRef 5 VTRef 1 & 2 3.3V (VTRef)
6 NA* 6 NA* 6 GND
7 TDO 7 TDO 13 TDO
10 GND 10 GND 10 GND
11 TCK 11 TCK 9 TCK
12 GND 12 GND 12 GND
13 EMU0 13 EMU0 - -
14 EMU1 14 EMU1 14 GND
15 15 SRSTn 15 SRSTn (system reset)
16 16 GND 16 GND
17 17 EMU2 17 NA*
18 18 EMU3 18 GND
19 19 EMU4 19 NA*
20 20 GND 20 GND
*The entries NA means the standard signal was not routed (was not used for the JTAG connection).
**The value of TDIS is controlled by the ARM_JTAG_E jumper. If you use ARM_JTAG connector keep the
jumper closed. If you use TI_JTAG_14 or TI_JTAG_20 – open the ARM_JTAG_E jumper.

A useful table for the relations of the signals might be found at the following web address:

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2.4 Powering the board and installation procedure for CCS

The XDS100v3 board is powered via the mini USB. The drivers are part of the Code Composer

A. Install latest Code Composer Studio (5.1.x or newer) before connecting XDS100 USB hardware.
Make sure DSP support install box is marked during installation.

B. Install the EmuPack with XDS100v3 support if needed (usually recquired for older version of
CCS). It is usually downloaded via the update button.

C. Connect the XDS100 hardware

1. Make sure the Code Composer Studio v5.1.x (or newer) and EmuPack with XDS100v3
support is installed FIRST before plugging in the XDS100 HW to the PC.
2. Connect USB cable from the PC to the XDS100 hardware. Connect the JTAG to the
target board (be careful to plug it in correctly: pin 1 should go to pin 1. Red strip usually
indicates the side of pin 1)
3. You will notice small popups to inform user that USB hardware is recognized and
installed correctly. No input are required.

D. Start Code Composer Studio

4. Start Code Composer Studio and create a new target configuration (File → New →
“Target Configuration File”)
5. Select XDS100v3 (Texas Instruments XDS100v3 USB Debug Probe) as connection
6. Select device (your target chop).

E. Check the target configuration and connection propartes. The configuration of the emulator in
CCS v5.1.x is shown below (the settings in CCS v6 and CCS v7 are quite similar):

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2.5 Powering the board and installation procedure for IAR EW for ARM 6
A. Install IAR EW for ARM (version 6.40 or newer) before connecting XDS100 USB hardware.

B. Connect the TMS320-XDS100-V3 to the mini USB of a computer.

C. Install the drivers for XDS100v3 hardware – there is an executable typically located in “C:\
Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench for ARM 6\arm\drivers\ti-xds”

D. Load a demo project and right-click over the project in the “Workspace” window. Select
“Options” and click the “Debugger” group then choose “TI XDS100” from the drop-down menu.
Then in the tab under the “Debugger” group go to “TI XDS100” and from the emulator menu select
“TI XDS100v3 USB Emulator”.

E. You are now ready to debug your project!

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3. Introduction to the chapter

Here you get acquainted with the main parts of the board. Note the names used on the board differ
from the names used to describe them. For the actual names check the TMS320-XDS100-V3 board

3.1 Layout (top view)

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3.2 Connectors
TI_JTAG_14 and TI_JTAG_20 are generally used with TMS targets and ARM_JTAG connector is used for TI ARM targets. If using wires to establish
connection make sure that you use the proper system reset line T_SRST_N = SRST = nSRST = nRESET.

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4. Introduction to the chapter

In this chapter the connectors function will be pointed, the meaning of the LEDs states will be
explained, and the function of the jumpers would be clarified.

4.1 JTAG connectors

There are four JTAG connectors on this board. Each of them has 0.1'' step between pins. They are in
the sub-chapters below.

4.1.1 JTAG
The JTAG connector (note the one WITHOUT any prefix or suffix to the name) is used during
production to upload the firmware of TMS320-XDS100-V3. It has a 14-pin TI JTAG layout.

You can not program targets using this connector! It is used to program the emulator itself!

It can be used to restore the firmware of the unit. The firmware is located inside the FPGA
integrated circuit.

4.1.2 TI_JTAG_14
Used for 14-pin TI JTAG connection. The TI_JTAG_14 follows the JTAG layout of Texas
Instruments. This interface might be used to communicate with Olimex TMS320-P28016 and
Olimex TMX320-P28027. The interface might be used with any target that follows the 14-pin TI
JTAG layout.

Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be open to be able to use TI_JTAG_14 successfully!

4.1.3 TI_JTAG_20
Used for 20-pin TI JTAG connection. The TI_JTAG_20 follows the JTAG layout of Texas
Instruments. Note that the step is different from the original TI JTAG connector. The original
connector has a 0.05'' step connector, while the one used by Olimex has 0.1''. The interface might be
used with any target that follows the 20-pin TI JTAG layout.

Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be open to be able to use TI_JTAG_20 successfully!

4.1.4 ARM_JTAG_20
ARM_JTAG_20 connector was added in hardware revision C. It is used for 20-pin ARM JTAG
connection. The interface might be used with any TI target that follows the 20-pin ARM JTAG
layout. For example, boards like “Stellaris EKS-LM3S3748” can be debugged externally only
using tools with ARM JTAG layout.

Jumper ARM_JTAG_E has to be closed to be able use ARM_JTAG_20 successfully!

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4.2 USB mini

Standard USB mini cable connector. Used to connect the emulator to a personal computer.

4.3 Test pads

There are six testpads provided (CTS; RXD; GND; RTS; RXD; 3.3V). They allow access to the
FTDI chip of the board. These are typically used for debugging purposes. In certain cases these can
also be used for direct communication with the FT2232HL IC. The names are easily visible near
each pad.

IMPORTANT! The signals routed to these pads are not free, they are also connected to the FPGA
chip. Before using the test pads inspect the schematic, and consider that some of these signals may
be already set as either inputs or outputs and their state is handled by the FPGA! You might damage
the board if you fail to recognize that!

4.4 LEDs
There are four LEDs on TMS320-XDS100v3. Two for indicating power input and two for the
current board-mode.

4.4.1 Power LEDs

The red PWR_LED shows whether the board is powered. The green PWR_EN turns on during
normal operation, when properly associated with drivers; PWR_EN turns off when the device has
been put in USB suspend mode or when it has not been configured properly (improper driver

4.4.2 LED D3
The D3 LED shows the external header mode, it depends on the state of J4 jumper. By default J4 is
open, external header mode disabled, and LED D3 is off. Refer to the chapter describing J4 below.

4.4.3 LED D4
LED D4 indicates when operating in an advanced (2 pin) scan format – cJTAG. This is determined
by the hardware connections between XDS100v3 and the target board, and controlled by the
software. During regular operation, it is typically off.

4.5 Jumpers
There are three PTH jumpers on TMS320-XDS100-V3: J4, J5, and ARM_JTAG_E.

4.5.1 Jumper J4
The unit can be used as an 1149.7 converter for an existing emulator. This has been verified using
external XDS560 emulator. The external emulator must be aware of the programming and
operational characteristics of the XSD100v3 adapter. To enable the external header, the jumper J4
must be closed. This will also cause LED D3 to illuminate.
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For general use of the TMS320-XDS100-V3 as emulator and debugger, keep jumper J4 open. If you
want to use the unit as adapter for another unit, close J4.

4.5.2 Jumper J5
By default J5 is open (disconnected) and this way the signal UART_en_n is connected to 3.3V (via
a resistor). If you close the jumper, UART_en_n would be connected to GND instead and the unit
would be in advanced (2-pin) scan format!

For general use of the TMS320-XDS100-V3 as emulator and debugger, keep jumper J5 open.

4.5.3 Jumper ARM_JTAG_E

The value of pin 4 (signal “TDIS”) of every JTAG interface is controlled by ARM_JTAG_E jumper.


In the Texas JTAG layouts TDIS is used to detect when the target is disconnected from the
emulator. It is usually a pull-up in the emulator and GND on the target. The emulator senses
the removal of GND. If you use TI_JTAG_14 or TI_JTAG_20 – open the ARM_JTAG_E

Pin 4 needs to be pulled-down in the ARM JTAG layout. If you use ARM_JTAG connector
keep the jumper closed.

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Q: I have an ARM chip but I can't establish connection in CCS. Where is the problem?

A: There might be a lot of reasons. However, always inspect the hardware connections first – make
sure that you are using the proper connector. Try with ARM_JTAG connector (do not confuse
ARM_JTAG with JTAG connector these are different).

Make sure that ARM_JTAG_E jumper is closed.

Make sure the hardware connections are properly established – especially make sure that you are
using the proper system reset line (SRST = nSRST = nRESET is a mandatory signal – it is pin #15
of the ARM_JTAG connector; do not confuse it with pin #3 which is the optional TRST = nTRST).

Q: Does your design follow the original XDS100v3 design? If it doesn't what are the

A: The TMS320-XDS100-V3 follows almost blindly most of the XDS100v3 reference design
suggested by Texas Instruments. The main differences are that we provide extra connectors for both
TI JTAG and ARM JTAG layouts; and we don't use the 20-pin compact TI headers and connector;
we use 20 pin 0.1 inch pitch connectors (which are not standard according to the TI's JTAG
standard; but easier to work with). You can always use jumper wires with the 0.1" pitch connectors,
which is not the case with the 20-pin CTI connector.

Q: I connected the emulator to my computer but it requires drivers. Where can I find the

A: The drivers are installed via Code Composer Studio. Refer to the XDS100 wiki article for
detailed instructions: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS100

Q: Can I use the emulator with SmartRF Flash Programmer 2?

A: Yes. It had been tested successfully with SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 version 1.7.2 (build #5)
and CC2650.

In case you get the following error - "The selected device was not recognized. Name of the device
not defined in device_info.xml XDS100 Ver 3.0" - this is caused because the name of the Olimex
emulator is "XDS100 Ver 3.0" while the definition in the programmer software is "XDS100v3".
You can fix the error by editing the device_info.xml file containing name definitions. It is typically
located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\Flash Programmer 2\config\
xml". Open device_info.xml with a text editor and search for the part where XDS100v3 definitions
are (they follow the same pattern as below). Copy-paste the below code in the xml file and save.
Then re-start the SmartRF Flash Programmer. The definition to add looks like:

<DeviceFamily type="eb" name="XDS">

<Device name="default" family="XDS">
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<Device name="XDS100 Ver 3.0" family="XDS">

Refer to this picture on how the edited xml should look like this: https://www.olimex.com/Products/

Q: Can I use TMS320-XDS100-V3 with Uniflash?

A: Yes. Just make sure to select the proper settings for the unit, for example, for 14-pin TI JTAG
connection do as shown below:

Q: Do you manufacture and sell only 14-pin and 20-pin CTI adapters?

A: No.

Q: Is it possible to use multiple units on the same system?

A: Yes. Each unit comes with a unique randomly generated serial number. To identify multiple
devices use xds100serial.exe that can be found inside CCS folders (typically in C:\ti\ccsv6\

Q: I want to use multiple units on the same system but they seem to have identical serial
number. What should I do?

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A: The serial number is set in the FTDI chip. You can use the software tools provided by FTDI to
modify any info inside, including the serial number. We have used FTDI's FTProg tool to set the
default values. IMPORTANT! It is recommended to change only the serial number and refrain
from changing other information. Be careful when changing the values. Changing the VID and
PID of the devices would make the device undiscoverable by software tools and you would also
have to edit the drivers in order to fit the new VID and PID. In case something goes wrong you can
use the original XML file released by Texas Instruments to restore the FTDI firmware. It is located
in this archive: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/images/d/d9/XDS100v2.zip

Q: There are two pins that seem to be soldered together on the main chip. It appears as a
short-circuit. Should I be worried?

A: Do not worry! FPGA pins #55 and #56 can be soldered together in certain hardware revisions or
batches of TMS320-XDS100-V3. This soldering was done on purpose, and you shouldn't separate
those pins. Separating them would prevent the unit from working properly. This solder bridge was
required in some units from revision D when we used different FPGA chip – A3PN125 (instead of
A3P125). This improved in the PCB design starting hardware revision E.

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6. Introduction to the chapter

In this chapter you will find the current and the previous version of the document you are reading.
Also the web-page for your device is listed. Be sure to check it after a purchase for the latest
available updates and examples.

6.1 Document revision

Revision Changes Modified page#

A, 10.09.12 Initial creation All

Fixed several problems with links. Fixed the line

B, 25.09.12 numbers and the formatting of the index. Some 3, 6, 7, 9, 12
other minor changes.

Added emulator options screenshot, fixed several

C, 03.01.12 7
spelling errors

Added information about the layout of the JTAG

D, 21.11.13 5

E, 29.01.14 Added information about the added ARM JTAG adapter 4, 6, 8

Major documentation adjustments to fit hardware

F, 23.03.15 All
revision C
G, 08.07.16 Added FAQ section 13
H, 27.01.17 Added info about changing the serial 15
I, 06.10.17 Fixed information about D3, D4, J4, and J5 13, 14
J, 28.11.19 Added FAQ about soldering 16
K, 02.06.20 Improved information about on-board LEDs 13, 14
L, 03.11.21 Added information about Uniflash 16

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6.2 Hardware revision

Remember to check the schematics and the board design files to compare the differences.

Board revision Notable changes

A Initial release of the board.
1. Added 4 holes at the board's corners, 3.3mm each. These can be
used for rubber feet. Also can be used for embedding.
2. Added test pads for RXD, TXD, RTS, CTS, GND, 3.3V
3. Added adapter for standard 20-pin ARM JTAG layout
1. Removed the adapter for 20-pin ARM JTAG and added new dedicated
20-pin 0.1-inch ARM JTAG connectors
2. Added jumper ARM_JTAG_E that allows to switch between ARM JTAG
layout and TEXAS JTAG layout.
3. The board's length increased from 3.75 inch to 4.15 inch to fit
C the new connector
4. Changed the printed name of the board to TMS320-XDS100V3+
5. Changed the printed hardware revision to “Rev.C”
6. Updated the names of the connectors to represent the difference
between TI and ARM layout better
7. Updated the printed web-site link
1. The web site white print changed to "https://www.olimex.com"
2. All NUP4201DR2(8-pins package) changed to NUP4201MR6T1G(TSOP-6).
3. Changed A3P125 to A3PN125. The new JTAG has an extra requirement
to keep pin 56 connected to pin 55
1. Optimized the connection pin 56 connection, it is now done on
E the PCB.
2. Improved U11 marking – now first pin is marked.

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6.3 Useful web links and purchase codes

The web page you can visit for more info on your device is:



TMS320-XDS100-V3 – completely assembled and tested JTAG emulator

How to purchase?

You can purchase directly from our online store via the product page or from any of our
distributors. List of confirmed Olimex LTD distributors and resellers:


Please visit https://www.olimex.com/ for more info.

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6.4 Product support

For product support, hardware information and error reports mail to: support@olimex.com. All
document or hardware feedback is welcome. Note that we are primarily a hardware company and
our software support is limited. Please consider reading the paragraph below about the warranty of
Olimex products.

All goods are checked before they are sent out. In the unlikely event that goods are faulty,
they must be returned, to OLIMEX at the address listed on your order invoice.

OLIMEX will not accept goods that have clearly been used more than the amount needed to
evaluate their functionality.

If the goods are found to be in working condition, and the lack of functionality is a result of
lack of knowledge on the customers part, no refund will be made, but the goods will be returned
to the user at their expense.

All returns must be authorized by an RMA Number. Email support@olimex.com for authorization
number before shipping back any merchandise. Please include your name, phone number and order
number in your email request.

Returns for any unaffected development board, programmer, tools, and cables permitted within 7
days from the date of receipt of merchandise. After such time, all sales are considered final.

Returns of incorrect ordered items are allowed subject to a 10% restocking fee. What is
unaffected? If you hooked it to power, you affected it. To be clear, this includes items that
have been soldered to, or have had their firmware changed. Because of the nature of the
products we deal with (prototyping electronic tools) we cannot allow returns of items that have
been programmed, powered up, or otherwise changed post shipment from our warehouse.

All returned merchandise must be in its original mint and clean condition. Returns on damaged,
scratched, programmed, burnt, or otherwise 'played with' merchandise will not be accepted.

All returns must include all the factory accessories which come with the item. This includes
any In-Circuit-Serial-Programming cables, anti-static packing, boxes, etc.

With your return, enclose your PO#. Also include a brief letter of explanation of why the
merchandise is being returned and state your request for either a refund or an exchange.
Include the authorization number on this letter, and on the outside of the shipping box.

Please note: It is your responsibility to ensure that returned goods reach us. Please use a
reliable form of shipping. If we do not receive your package we will not be held liable.

Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. We are not responsible for any shipping
charges of merchandise being returned to us or returning working items to you.

The full text might be found at https://www.olimex.com/wiki/GTC#Warranty for future reference.

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