Cat P2 GR11 QP Nov2020 Eng D
Cat P2 GR11 QP Nov2020 Eng D
Cat P2 GR11 QP Nov2020 Eng D
MARKS: 150
TIME: 3 hours
7. In general, one mark is allocated per fact. A 2-mark question would therefore
require TWO facts, etc.
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose
the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question numbers (1.1–1.10) in
the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.11 D.
A information.
B pre-processed facts.
C data.
D output. (1)
1.2 New technology makes it possible for the police and licence department to import
people's fingerprints electronically into the system. This method is known as …
A biometric
B terminal
C digital
D optimal (1)
1.4 Nowadays it is common practice to run an online diary or journal. This is known
as …
A pharming.
B wikis.
C vlogging.
D blogging. (1)
1.5 The network in Peter's office building covers a small area. This type of network
is known as a …
D LAN. (1)
1.6 The illegal sending of an e-mail message claiming to be from a bank, is known
as …
A phishing.
B pharming.
C spyware.
D spamming. (1)
A web browser.
B podcast.
C website.
D ISP. (1)
1.8 The purchase of goods and services over the Internet (e.g. booking holiday
accommodation) is known as …
A e-commerce.
B cyber business.
D downloading. (1)
1.9 What type of break must you insert to force a new page in a document?
1.10 Which one of the following is the best description of the 'Magnifier' accessibility
option in Windows?
2.1 The ratio between the width and height of a A ppm
2.3 A type of printer that can be used to make real, C design view
physical objects
2.9 The setting on the camera for measuring the I contrast ratio
sensitivity to light
M laser printer
(10 x 1) [10]
Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’
next to the question number (3.1–3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK. Correct the statement
if it is FALSE. Change the underlined word(s) to make the statement TRUE. (You
may not simply use the word ‘NOT’ to change the statement. NO mark will be
awarded if only FALSE is written down.)
Facebook is an example of a social networking website. True
A NIC has slots for hardware components such as the
CPU. False – motherboard
3.2 A header is text that appears within the bottom margin of all pages in a
document or file. (1)
3.3 Freeware usually stops working when the trial period has expired. (1)
3.4 A check box allows the user to choose only one from a given set of options. (1)
3.5 The interface is the way the different functions of a program are arranged and
provides a way in which users can use programs to communicate with the
computer. (1)
Study the advertisement below before answering the questions that follow.
• Core i5
• 17.3" full HD 1920 x 1080 LED display
• 750 GB HDD + 160 GB SSD
• Integrated Intel HD3000 graphics
• Blu-ray writer
• Backlit keyboard
• Wireless LAN and Bluetooth
• Windows 10
• Microsoft Security Essentials
4.1 Give the specification in the advertisement that refers to the processor. (1)
4.2 The display is specified as a 17.3" full HD 1920 x 1080 LED display.
4.2.2 Name the specification that the numbers 1920 x 1080 refer to. (1)
4.5 The advertisement specifies an HDD and an SSD (solid state drive).
4.5.1 What is the main advantage of a solid state drive when compared
to other drives? (1)
4.7 Backup utilities enable users to make copies of certain files but you can also
archive your files.
4.8 The advertisement does not specifically mention input devices other than
the built-in backlit keyboard on the notebook.
Name TWO input devices (other than the keyboard) that you would expect
to be built into the notebook. (2)
4.9 Suggest a way in which a person who cannot use his or her hands, can create
a document by themselves. In your answer, include the hardware and
software needed. (2)
4.10 Losing data when working on a computer can cause much frustration.
4.10.1 Name the device that users can connect to their computers that will
prevent the loss of data during a power failure. (1)
4.10.2 Discuss TWO other ways in which a user could ensure that data is
not deleted or altered by mistake. (2)
4.11.1 Name the type or class of software used to access and view web
pages on the internet.
4.11.3 Name the general term used to describe the illegal use and illegal
distribution of software. (1)
4.11.4 Name the system application you should use to remove unwanted
programs, rather than simply delete them. (1)
5.1 People are increasingly using networked computers for business, education,
communication and entertainment.
5.3 What is the main difference between a client computer (workstation) and a
network server? (2)
5.6 Users may become the victims of fraud as a result of their Internet access or
e-mail usage.
State TWO ways in which banks protect users to ensure that transactions
carried out over the internet are secure. (2)
6.1 Refer to a formal written report, such as your PAT, and explain the purpose
of an:
6.2 When you did research for your PAT, you found some of the information on
the topic appeared to be unsuitable.
State TWO indications that some of the information found may not be accurate
and cannot be used in your report. (2)
6.3.2 Give TWO benefits for a researcher when closed questions are
answered electronically. (2)
6.4 Study the graph below that shows the final outcome of a national election
and answer the question that follows.
Name TWO activities users engage in on the internet that could lead to
addiction. (2)
7.2 Name ONE way you could secure your laptop to your desk. (1)
Name THREE ways in which you can save electricity when making use of
electronic devices like laptops or computers. (3)
7.4 Social engineering has become a real threat to computer users today.
7.4.2 Give TWO precautions you can take to prevent becoming a victim
of a social engineering attack via e-mail. (2)
x Spreadsheet application
x Word processing application
x Database application
x E-mail software
x Web browser software
Choose TWO of the applications from the list above and state the use or
function of each of these two applications in a small business. (2)
8.2 Study the spreadsheet below and answer the questions that follow.
8.2.2 The screenshot above shows a result of 0.00 in cell B7 for a correct
function that was entered as = SUM(B4:B6).
How must the spreadsheet be changed to obtain the correct result from
the function? (2)
8.2.3 Suggest ONE way in which the formatting can be changed to make it
easier to read or interpret the spreadsheet. (1)
8.3 Briefly explain how to check whether there is enough space on a flash disk to
save a file of 2 GB. (1)
8.4 You have seen that a word processing document can be saved as a text file
or as a word processing file.
Give TWO differences between a text file (.txt) and a file saved as a word
processing document (doc). (2)
8.5 You are working on a confidential document and would like to ensure that
others, who have access to his computer, do not read it.
8.6 You have set up a database of your regular customers. An extract from the
customer table is shown below:
8.6.1 When the cellphone numbers are entered into the database table, the
zero at the beginning simply disappears.
Explain the likely cause of this problem and suggest how it could be
overcome. (2)
8.6.2 The entire address of each customer has been stored in one field.
Give TWO reasons why this is not a desirable approach. (2)
Your school is hosting a computer fair in the school hall. The organiser has asked
you to help with the exhibitions. All the computers will be linked in a network to the
server at the information desk. Visitors will have an opportunity to interact with the
equipment and to purchase items that are on sale.
9.1 The value of ICT in the workplace needs to be promoted at the fair.
Give TWO general advantages of using computers in business, apart from their
usefulness in communication. (2)
9.2.1 Give TWO advantages of using a proxy server, apart from the
general function of any server in a network. (2)
9.3 The stands of the exhibitors need to be networked to each other, and also need
to have an internet connection.
9.4.1 Briefly explain how criminals trick people into installing a Trojan
program on their computer. (2)
9.4.3 After installing anti-malware software, one of the exhibitors found that
several files on his hard drive had been quarantined.
9.4.4 Give the general name for the type of software that will allow
exhibitors to control which programs can access the internet. (1)
Give ONE specific input device that will increase the efficiency and
productivity of each of the following types of user:
9.6 Multifunction printers and other types of printers will be on show at one of
9.6.2 All new printers are supplied with a CD or DVD containing driver
9.7 Several external hard drives will be on display, but no optical drives will be
on display.
Give TWO reasons why CDs and DVDs are not used as much today as
they used to be. (2)
10.1 The organiser is testing a new office suite but the software still has bugs
(errors) and often freezes on his computer.
10.1.1 Give the keystroke combination that he can use to close the non-
responding application, without having to reboot the computer. (1)
10.1.2 Briefly explain the difference between a patch and a service pack in
terms of the role (function) each one plays in keeping software
updated. (2)
10.2.1 Give TWO reasons, with reference to the scenario, why Hans may
decide NOT to send these files as e-mail attachments. (2)
10.2.2 Suggest TWO suitable output devices that the exhibitor could use to
display the video clips to the groups of people, as a normal computer
monitor will be too small. (2)
10.3 A barcode scanner will be installed at the exit for the purchasing process.
Give TWO benefits of using a barcode scanner for data entry over using a
keyboard. (2)
10.4 The organiser wonders whether visitors should be given a printed document
with details of exhibits at the Fair, or whether they should make use of a
touch screen computer at the information desk.
10.4.2 Give ONE print option that can be used to save paper, besides
printing on both sides of the paper. (1)
10.4.3 Briefly explain what is meant by the term green computing and list
TWO ways in which one can practice green computing, besides the
fact that paper can be saved. (4)
10.5.1 Explain in your own words what VoIP allows you to do. (2)
10.5.3 Give TWO advantages of cloud computing, besides the fact that
you can use the software wherever you have an internet
connection. (2)
10.6 Give TWO features that are available in a database program like Access,
that can help minimise (reduce) the number of data entry mistakes. (2)