Trade Unions
Trade Unions
Trade Unions
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• Is an association where employees
(workers) belong together.
• Trade unions are created to represent
the interests of the workers
• A Trade Union acts on behalf of its
membership to improve cooperation
between management and workers
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• Workers join Trade Unions:
• so that they create a stronger position during
negotiations or collective bargaining.
• Negotiate for better working conditions
• Have access to expert opinion on labour issues
• Able to demand:
• better wages,
• working hours
• working conditions
• Challenge unfair dismissal
• Labour issues such as maternity/paternity leave,
benefits, pension. Medical aid etc.
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• The 1980s witnessed a convergence of forces in the trade
union movement as they formed themselves under an
umbrella union in various sectors where they worked.
Unions such as NUMSA, NEHAWU, CAWU, CCAWUSA and
SADWU were formed often by several trade unions that
• Numerous strikes broke out in the early part of the
decade across a number of industries.
• Over the decade, the labour movement consolidated its
position with the formation of the Congress of South
African Trade Unions (COSATU) in 1985
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• Trade unions are created to represent the
interests of the workers
• A Trade Union acts on behalf of its membership
to improve cooperation between management
and workers.
• Trade Unions rights are:
• Communicate with members
• Encourage workers to join unions
• Meet with the shop steward at the work place
• Call a strike or stayaway
• Represent workers in negotiations
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• The right to work
• The right to freedom of association
• The right to collective bargaining
• The right to fair treatment
• To attend work regularly and punctually
• Work effectively and productively
• To be honest, trustworthy and respectful
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1.4 Read the following article and answer the questions that follow
Employers, trade unions rapped over the knuckles.
Analysts say parties are too quick to haul each other before the
CCMA writes S’thembiso Nsomi.
Employers and organized labour have come under fire from labour
analysts for inflexibility in collective bargaining, resulting in
unnecessary strikes and legal disputes.
Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana this week released the
Industrial Action annual report. It shows 3.8 million man-days were
lost following strike action last year.
Analysts warn that the figure is likely to be far higher this year
unless the public service sector wage dispute is resolved soon.
Central government was the least affected by industrial action last
year. It is feared that a full-blown strike by civil servants could have
severe consequences.
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1.4 Read the following article and answer the questions that follow
Because of the sheer size of the civil service, a one-day strike
could easily result in the loss of 800 000 workdays. The conflicting
labour relations environment prevalent in SA is blamed for a
dramatic 35% increase in the number of disputes brought before
the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
. The commission’s director, Thandi Orleyn, says an average of 344
new cases is referred to the CCMA each working day.
Orleyn says some parties appear willing to “haul” each other to the
CCMA “at the drop of a hat” on trivial issues.
Addressing a media briefing this week Mdladlana appealed to
employers and trade unions to resolve their disputes internally and
allow the CCMA to be better utilized by unorganised workers.
At the beginning of the year we predicted there was going to be an
increase in industrial action as a result of a number of factors
including the downward pressure on wages and a fall in interest
rates. But another problem is the rule of thumb which exists in SA
collective bargaining which says you do not settle for less than
what you got in the last wage negotiations.
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1.4 Read the following article and answer the questions that follow
This clearly results in conflict as unions want higher increases than
the previous year while employers want to settle for the same, if
not lesser, percentage than the previous year.
The manufacturing sector had the highest number of industrial
disputes, 86, last year – resulting in the loss of 2 440 406 workdays.
Although the CCMA has a severe work overload, the body has been
praised by Mdladlana for helping to avert a substantial number of
strikes in various industries.
Adapted from the Business Times
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