Makhkamov 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 918 012052
Makhkamov 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 918 012052
Makhkamov 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 918 012052
Abstract. Nowadays, the development of the country's economy causes an increase in the volume
of transportation. To develop them, the railway must continuously master transportation capacity
through gradual development. Essential limitations of investment expenditures for the development
of the railway provided that the volumes of transportation are fully fulfilled have put the railway in
search of modern solutions. The increase in carrying capacity and capacity based on the complex
strengthening of railway sections and technical means will ensure balanced development of the
growth in traffic volume. Railway, block train, single train, cash throughput, required bandwidth.
1. Introduction
Thus, the railway is on the threshold of stage-by-stage development in the development of freight flows.
New innovative technologies applied in the transport process require substantial capital investments in the
development of road transport capacity. The least expensive is to solve the problem by increasing the
weight of the train significantly. In this way, the railways are mainly increasing their capacity. However,
the lack of a comprehensive approach to the solution of the problem and coordination of its
implementation will cause significant organizational difficulties in the operational work. It will be a
source of technological disturbances, especially at railway junctions in the future.
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VIII International Scientific Conference Transport of Siberia – 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012052
On single-track lines efficiency of the organization of block, trains are reached basically at the expense
of release of locomotive brigades and sections of locomotives, decrease in the number of stops of cargo
trains under overtaking and crossing, decrease in capital expenses for travelling development of stations
and building of the second main ways (construction of the second ways is remote).
Introduction of block trains causes certain changes in the system of operation of railway sections.
Particularly, the standards of station intervals and the time for a change of locomotive crews are
increasing. At stations where a block train is formed or disassembled, time for connection and
disconnection operations must be provided. Besides, block trains with setting locomotives in the head and
tail of the train are limited in length and weight, which is due to the reliability of the car brakes and
coupling devices.
Thus, the definition of spheres of profitability of the organization of movement of block trains with
various factors of connection as a means of strengthening of throughput capacity of single-track lines
represents a technical and economic problem.
Considering driving of block trains as a certain stage of increase in throughput capacity, allowing to
allocate capital investments to the construction of the second main ways, it is possible to define at known
characteristics of a line and cargo traffic, the rational factor of connection. For the decision of this
problem, we will consider schemes of development of throughput capacity with various variants of the
passage of block trains. In each variant of throughput amplification, the connection coefficient varies from
0.1 to 1.0. For each variant of stage throughput amplification there can be certain total reduced costs.
The physical controlled system is a line, the state of which is characterized by a vector, the coordinates
of which are the length of the Iext station tracks and the connection coefficient αtwin of the trains.
At the beginning of each stage, the system is controlled by a corresponding change in lext and αtwin
values. Let us fix some schemes of line development. Let the number of stages be equal for certainty |S|.
Let's give each of all possible on the line a serial number n=1, 2, 3,...,|S| and indicate the parameters
corresponding to this stage, as follows
K k K k l ext
, l ext , l ext ; twin
, twin
, , twin
, (4)
and the given annual transportation costs depend on the value of parameters characterizing the technical
equipment and the lifetime of the line.
Ek Ek lext
, lext ,lext ; twin
, twin
S 1
,, twin
, (4)
VIII International Scientific Conference Transport of Siberia – 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012052
The task is to choose such values of control parameters X and period of their change T, at which the total
reduced costs would be minimal, i.e. at any scheme of line development X*, T* are determined.
The annual total reduced costs can be provided as a criterion function [3].
K ks EkS X , t
FS * X , T min
* *
k 1 1 t t k 1 1 1
, (6)
where S – a set of bandwidth development stages;
T – a set of permissible startup times for the actions;
X –a set of allowable values of parameters and I etx и twin .
Definition of the rational connection coefficient is reduced to a search of a minimum of total expenses
by the formula (1) at various values of the connection coefficient for the whole period starting from the
first year of operation of the single-track line up to laying of the second tracks, and the most distant period
of their construction Tmax.
In case of a constant freight flow, the introduction of block trains requires the determination, without
considering the efficiency of the removal of capital costs for the construction of the second main track, the
minimum possible value (in terms of capacity) of the coefficient of connection of trains. The total
comparative annual transportation costs shown above are defined as follows
E fre KEn E fre Э
, (7)
As far as: 0 ≤ αcdv ≤ 1; lct ≤ Іext ≤ 2 l0st
where K is the capital cost of lengthening station tracks, rub/km;
En – normative efficiency coefficient of capital investments, En = 0.12
Efre – the given transportation costs, rub/km;
E – maintenance costs of permanent devices, rub/km;
To solve this problem, calculations were made for different conditions of the line operation at different
variants depending on the doubling factor, at the given cargo flow. Calculations have shown that driving
block trains under certain conditions allow reducing costs associated with the movement of trains, as the
district speed increases and the number of stops decreases.
The greatest value of the site speed will have at the connection coefficient 0.5-0.7 (Figure1.). The
fairness of this conclusion is proved by the fact that 20-30% of single trains with the following
composition are not subject to connection: wagons with people, with an oversized cargo of the third
degree and more, with discharge cargo of the fourteenth degree and more, rolling stock requiring speed
limitation or special conditions [7].
The results obtained allow to conclude that under certain conditions, the passing of block trains can be
used as a means of reducing transportation costs even when there is no need in terms of capacity.
In the conditions of growing cargo traffic, it is necessary to determine the variable connection
coefficient by years, i.e. the minimum possible under the conditions of the line capacity.
The minimum possible connection factor is determined from the condition of
N cash N req
N ccash
N cash
where – there's cash throughput in single trains;
VIII International Scientific Conference Transport of Siberia – 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012052
N req
– the required bandwidth of the section, in single trains.
At the organization of movement of block trains, it will be necessary for crossings, overtaking
corresponding elongated tracks. The number of elongated tracks depends on the number of stops of block
trains at separate intermediate points and can be set according to the method [1-6]. The number of tracks
at the stations of formation and disbanding depends on the employment of receiving and dispatching
tracks at the pre-set station from the moment of appearance of the first single train to the departure of
block-train and can be determined by the recommendations [8-11].
The values included in the formula (6) change depending on the connection factor. The task of finding
a rational connection coefficient in the organization of block-train movement was solved by the method of
determining the total costs for an equal period for variants with different lengths of station tracks and with
different connection coefficient.
Figure 2 shows the dependences of the connection coefficient of economically expedient αtwinr and
minimum required under the conditions of the line capacity αtwinp. As can be seen from the dependences, at
the omission of block trains, the growth rate of freight flow does not have a significant effect. So, at the
length of station tracks Іstsin = 850, 1050, 1250, 1500 m and Іsttwin = 1700 m, at the increase of cargo traffic
from Hp = 18 106 t per year to Hp = 37 106 t per year it increases only on 0,3.
lstsin =1500м
lstsin = 1250 m
lstsin =1050 m
0,1 4
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Gp, million tonnes per year
VIII International Scientific Conference Transport of Siberia – 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012052
Thus, the growth of cargo flow does not have a significant impact on the value of rational connection
As the research mentioned above results have shown, it is more economically advantageous to drive
block trains than to drive single trains. Under these conditions, it is necessary to organize block-trains
even if this is not caused by the need for capacity. A rational connection factor has been found when
block-trains are used as a capacity enhancement measure, provided that the connected and passenger trains
are placed evenly on the schedule within 24 hours.
The given results of calculations in the Table 1 confirm the made conclusions that starting from the
cargo traffic Gp = 37 I06 t per year it is necessary to put into circulation block trains for maintenance of the
set sizes of movement.
In Hp = 36,106 t per year, when driving block trains, the connection coefficients α twinr and αtwinp are
equal. After this load flow, it is not possible to apply a rational connection coefficient α twinr, since the αtwinp
coefficient required under capacity conditions is higher.
1. If Ncashsin > Nreqsin, the section provides single train pass, ∆N – positive;
2. If Ncashsin < Nreqsin, the block-trains are to be passed at the section, ∆N – negative.
Table 1. Values of the minimum required train coupling ratio by line capacity.
Ncashsin Nreqsin
million tonnes per ∆N α twinp
train set trains per day
The length of station transhipment routes lst sin =850 m
19 28.0 19.02 8.98 —
20 28.0 20.02 7.98 —
22 27.0 22.02 4.97 —
30 23.0 30.04 -7.04 0.31
34 21.0 34.05 -13.05 0.62
36 19.0 36.05 -17.05 0.80
37 18.0 37.05 -19.05 1.00
The length of station transhipment routes lstsin =1050 m
19 28.0 15.20 12.8 -
20 28.0 16.0 12.0 —
22 27.0 17.6 9.4 —
30 23.0 24.0 -1.0 0.04
34 21.0 27.0 -6.0 0.29
36 20.0 28.8 -8.8 0.44
37 19.0 29.5 -10.5 0.55
The length of station transhipment routes lstsin = 1250 m
19 28.0 12.7 15.3 —
20 28.0 13.4 14.6 -
22 27.0 14.69 12.3 —
VIII International Scientific Conference Transport of Siberia – 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012052
3. Conclusion
The organization of block-trains movement on the railway lines allows freeing up sections of locomotives
and reducing the number of locomotive brigades in train work, increasing the section speed of freight
trains, as well as reducing capital costs for track development of the station and construction of additional
main tracks:
1. As researches show, with an increase in the coefficient of connection of trains from 0,1 to 0,7, the
number of stops decreases, and from 0,7 to 1,0 – the number of stops increases. As a result, the section
speed of trains at the connection coefficient 0.1 - 0.7 increases by 50-52%, and at 0.7 - 1.0 – decreases by
2. At the joint passage of single and block trains despite the reduction in the number of stops, with an
increase in αtwin the mechanical operation of locomotives on the traction falling on the I train increases.
The reason for this is that as αtwin increases, the average mass of trains also increases.
3. Changes in the coefficient of connection of trains have a significant impact on the operated fleet of
locomotives. For example, an increase in αtwin from 0.1 to 0.7 leads to a reduction in the operated fleet,
and an increase in αtwin from 0.7 to 1.0 leads to an increase in the fleet.
4. Under conditions of the joint passage of single and block trains, the change in αtwin does not affect
the downtime of cars under accumulation. At the same time, with an increase in the connection coefficient
of simple trains at pre-carriage stations waiting for connection decreases.
5. The rational connection factor is set at a minimum of the reduced costs, which include freight and
operating costs as well as capital costs for the extension of station tracks. Calculations have shown that the
rational train coupling ratio varies between 0.5-0.7 depending on line conditions and is independent of the
traffic volume.
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