Om Sakthi
SUBJECT CODE & CCS356 object Oriented CLASS III YEAR - 6th SEM IT
TITLE Software Engineering
COURSE IN-CHARGE Mrs.T.Gnana Abinaya AY 2023-2024 (EVEN SEM)
We make every decision to support the career and personal development of our students. Our
curriculm, teaching and services demonstrate that we value the diverse profiles of our learners..
Course Outcomes:
CO1 TounderstandSoftwareEngineeringLifecycleModels
CO2 ToPerformsoftwarerequirementsanalysis
CO3 TogainknowledgeoftheSystemAnalysis andDesignconceptsusingUML.
CO4 Tounderstandsoftware testing andmaintenanceapproaches
CO5 ToworkonprojectmanagementschedulingusingDevOps
Blooms Taxonomy:
4. Draw and explain a simple semantic data model for a library A CO2
Management system.
5. List the characteristics of a good system requirements R CO2
6. Define Quality Function Development(QFD) R CO2
7. How requirements are classified? List them with an example for A CO2
8. Develop the spiral view of requirement engineering process. C CO2
9. Differentiate between normal and exciting requirement. U CO2
10. Point out the problems faced when user requirements are written A CO2
in natural language.
11. Distinguish between the terms inception, elicitation and U CO2
elaboration with reference to requirements.
12. List two advantages of using traceability tables in the R CO2
requirements management phase.
13. Classify the metrics for specifying non-functional requirements. A CO2
14. Express the different types of check list that should be carried out U CO2
for requirement validation process.
15. Explain how to manage changing requirements during the E CO2
requirements elicitation process?
16. What is meant by structural analysis and volatile requirement? R CO2
17. Classify the common data Dictionary notations A CO2
18. Define Petri Net and list types of traceability in a software CO2
process. R
19. Explain, how the requirements are validated? E CO2
20. Generalize on the concept of data dictionary. C CO2
3. Analyzeyour understanding on the following design models A CO3
(i) Data design elements and Architectural design elements.
(ii) Interface design elements and Component-level design
elements. (iii) Deployment-level design elements.
4. (i) Demonstrate in detail about architectural design. A CO3
(ii) Illustrate in detail about any four architectural styles.
5. (i) Give the steps involved in transform mapping. U CO3
(ii) Discuss transform mapping with example.
6. (i) List the steps involved in transaction mapping. R CO3
(ii)Describe transaction mapping with example.
7. (i) Discuss the basic design principles of class based R CO3
components. (ii) Discuss the component-level design
8. Describe the various coupling and cohesion methods used in U CO3
software design.
9. Examine Architectural Styles. CO3
(i) Data centered Architecture and Data Flow Architecture. A
(ii) Call and Return Architecture and Object Oriented
Architecture. (iii) Layered Architecture.
10. (i) Analyze on the concept of graphical design notation. (ii) AN CO3
Explain Tabular Design Notation.
11. i)Describe about user interface analysis in detail. CO3
ii)Explain the general model of a real time system. R
12. (i) Generalize on the concept of user interface design and CO3
list the characteristics of a good user interface design C
(ii) Develop the design issues in interface design.
13. (i) Analyzeabout program design language in designing CO3
conventional components. AN
(ii) Classify and explain the various architectural styles in detail.
14. i)What are? Describe how UID may be developed for a data R CO3
acquition system.
ii)Discuss the design heuristics for effective modularity design.
1. Model a Dataflow diagram for a "Library Management System". E CO3
State andexplain the functional requirements you are considering.
2. What is the purpose of DFD ?what are the components of DFD? C CO3
Design DFD for the following system:
An on-line shopping system for XYZ provides many services and
benefits to its members and staffs. Currently ,XYZ staffs manually
handle the purchasing information with the use of basic office
software, such ass Microsoft office word and excel.it may results
in having mistakes easily and the process is very
inconvenient .XYZ needs an online shopping system at their
intranet based on the requirement of users. XYZ online shopping
system has 5 key features:
i) to provide the user friendly online shopping cart function to
members to replace hardcopy ordering form.
ii)o store inventory and sales information in data base to reduce
the human mistakes, increase accuracy and enhance the
flexibility of information processing.
iii) to provide an efficient inventory system which can help the
XYZ staffs to gain enough information to update the inventory.
iv) to able to print invoice to members and print a set of
summary reports for XYZ internal usage.
v) to design the system that is easy to maintain the upgrade.