Kundalini Shakti and Chakra

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Secrets of Chakras &

Kundalini Shakti
Therapeutic Benefits

Dr. Omanand Guruji

Institute of Yoga
Sciences & Research
Secrets of Chakras &
Kundalini Shakti
Therapeutic Benefits

Second Edition : 2019

Price : 250/-  USD $10

All rights reserved. Do not copy any part

of this book without permission.


Paramanand Institute
of Yoga Sciences & Research
Paramanand Campus, Khandwa Road,
Limbodi, Indore, MP 452020, India
Tel: 919755986869; email: babaom@gmail.com;
web: www.paramyoga.org

|2 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti |3 |
|4 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

I was just settling into my morning meditation

practice—the smell of monsoon rain on the soft morning
breeze, the distant sounds of honking and barking dogs in
the distance—in all, a typical morning in the Paramanand
ashram, when suddenly from behind I heard a woman
crying in fright and agony breaking the serenity. As a
medical doctor who has worked in the Emergency
Department of a major teaching hospital in the US, I
reflexively got up to investigate the source of the cries.
Had someone gotten hurt? Without any supplies with me,
would I be able to help?
Those of us in the conventional medical field can be
proud of the accomplishments of modern medicine. I have
witnessed personally its healing power; seeing patients
literally moments from death to ultimately walk out of
the hospital completely normal. However, I have also
practiced it long enough to see its shortcomings. We have
done a much poorer job managing the diseases of the
modern age; we have accepted it as „normal. to have
millions of people on lifelong medicines without really
investigating the root causes of those diseases. We excel
at what Sage Vashishta called “external diseases”, but for
those “internal ones”, we simply do not have the paradigm
or the tools to appropriately diagnose and treat these
problems. Recognizing this, many western-trained
medical doctors are augmenting their training in fields

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti |5 |

such as homeopathy, acupuncture, Ayurveda or yoga
It was for this reason that I had come to India to
study and how I came to know Dr. Omanand (Guruji). I
wanted a comprehensive framework help me understand
how to heal my patients on the body, mind and spirit levels
using yoga as the tool. I wanted to study with a teacher
who had devoted his life to helping others through the
application of yoga techniques, and not merely a teacher
who was long on theory but short on experience with these
ancient teachings. After staying in his ashram for some
time, I can say that he truly lives his teachings and these
are not mere ideologies for him.
As I rounded the corner I could see the young
woman who had been crying. She was not hurt, yet rather
sitting safely near Guruji. I could see that her face was
grimacing in pain and fear, and that her hands and wrists
were contorted and in spasm while she shook and moaned.
What was this? A seizure? Was it mental illness? What
could I offer if called upon to help her? My training did
not give me the tools to understand, let alone treat, the
suffering I witnessed in front of my eyes.
Students of yoga have much to learn and precious
little time to learn it in the course of their yoga studies.
There is simply insufficient time to go back to original
source texts, and wade through the Sanskrit translations
and commentaries to deepen their studies. They need
information that is quick, concise and accurate; and it is
for this reason that Guruji has written this book. While it
is admittedly not exhaustive on the subject, it is a thorough
introduction to the Chakras, Kundalini energy and the
way these energies manifest with imbalance in our lives.
It is information that is crucial not only to yoga
practitioners and teachers, but anyone with an interest in
energy medicine and healing.

|6 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

As I quietly watched the young woman in pain, I
could see Guruji quietly reassuring her. As he did so, I
could see the grimace on her face lifting, the contracted
muscles in her forearms and hands slowly relaxing, and
her crying and moaning coming to quiet and calm
breathing. Her face and body had become soft, tranquil
and beautiful once again. After this episode I discussed
this with Guruji. I wanted to understand what had
happened to her, and what he had done to get her out. If
this incident had happened back home, she would have
been diagnosed minimally with some form of
psychosomatic disease, and at worst be possibly be
admitted to a psychiatric ward for treatment and
This book will give you the information that I could
have used that morning. It explains the salient points that
will greatly enhance your understanding of the Chakras,
Kundalini energy and their manifestations on the physical
level. Anyone with an interest in being more astute in
recognizing, diagnosing and treating themselves or
individuals with conditions related to mind and spirit will
greatly benefit from the information included here.

Dane Fliedner, ‘Yogeshwar’ M.D., M.P.H.

Board Certified Paediatrician; Board Certified in
Integrative, Holistic Medicine, Orange County,
California, U.S.A.
Former Assistant Professor of Paediatric Emergency
Medicine, UT South western Medical School, Dallas,
Former Clinical Teaching Faculty, UC Irvine Paediatric
Medicine Residency Program, Orange, California


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Modern Medical Symbol
Kundalini Shakti & Chakra

|8 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Our Talk…

I am pleased to present 2nd Edition of

"Secrets of Chakras and Kundalini Shakti".
I have guided yoga and meditation to tens of
thousands of yoga aspirants, yoga teachers,
healers, and yoga masters. During many
sessions of Chakras or Kundalini awakening
often, aspirants experienced the powerful
Lightening or Shakti (divine energy) flow or
currents or nectar like feelings. Many
reported a drastic change in their lives.
Revelation towards the life transformed and
become more contented and blissful.

After many successful experiments

about Chakras and Kundalini Awakening
great changes came in the lives of aspirants,

Stress, tension, anxiety, fear,

loneliness, phobia, various illness,
confusion, anger, weakness, negativity,
sorrow, sufferings, complexes, etc. reduced
drastically. Confidence, concentration,
communication skills, feeling of security,
cheerfulness, memory, clarity of talks and
thoughts, balance of life, quality of love,

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti |9 |

strengths of body and mind, increased

Many ancient scriptures talk about

these chakras, their powers, awakening
techniques in formula and secretive
language. Since time unknown, Yogis,
Enlightened Masters revealed these secrets
to their very close disciples. In ancient times,
Gurus used to verify and check the sincerity
and honesty of their disciples in various
manners. Gurus wanted that their disciples
should not misuse these powers and not make
them commercialised for selfish motives.

I am very fortunate to be with Gurudev

HH Mahamandleshwar, Yugpurush Swami
Shri Parmanandgiriji Maharaj for years. For
a few years Swamiji gave me opportunity to
serve him in the USA like his shadow with
total surrender, dedication and devotion. I
consider myself to be very fortunate by
serving him with full devotion. He blessed
me many undefined techniques and
knowledge for inner awakening.

This book gives an insight about

chakras, Kundalini Shakti and their
therapeutic benefits and hints about
balancing of the energy for a balanced life.
This book is fascinating, indepth and basic
study of the one of the most secret subject in

I am also thankful to all including my

students, who helped directly or indirectly
for this publication.

- Dr. Omanand Guruji

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Description Page

 Abbreviations 13

 Introduction 15

 Nadis 18

 Kundalini Flow Diagram 20

 Realize the Kundalini 21

 Human Bodies and Chakras 26

 Prana 33

 Prana and Kundalini 37

 Elements and Shakti 40

 Signs of Rising of the Kundalini 42

 Goals of Awakening Chakras and Kundalini 44

 The Major Chakras 46

 Mooladhar Chakra 51
 Swadhishthan Chakra 60

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 Manipur Chakra 69

 Anahat Chakra 78

 Vishuddhi Chakra 86

 Agya Chakra 95

 Sahastrar Chakra 103

 Diseases and Chakras 110

 Kundalini Shakti wake up techniques 112

 Ancient Scriptures 120

 Fear 122

 Experiences 124

 Glossary 140


| 12 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti


Abbreviation Name of the Sanskrit Scripture

BG Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Lord Shri Krishna

CU Chandogya Upanishad

Ch Chapter

GS Gherand Samhita by Mahrishi Gheranda

GoS Goraksh Samhita by Guru Gorakh

GY Gyaneshwari by Saint Gyaneshwar

HYP Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Pandit Swatmaram

KAT Kula Arnava Tantra

LS Lalitha Sahasranamam
by Adi Shankaracharya

MM Mundamala Tantra

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 13 |

PYS Patanjali Yoga Sutra by Maharishi Patanjali

RY Rudra Yamala

SCN Shat Chakra Nirupana by Swami Purnanannd

SK Spandkarika by Vasugupta

SL Saundarya Lahari by Adi Shankaracharya

Sh Shloka

VU Varahopanishad

YKU Yoga Kundalini Upanishad

YSP Yogashikhopanishad

YT Yoga Taravali by Adi Shankaracharya

YTU Yoga Tattv Upanishad

YV Yajurveda

YVs Yoga Vashishta by Maharishi Vashishta


| 14 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Chakras Therapy
Diagnosis & Healing

If we dissect the human body we will not find the chakras.

These are energy wheels. The word chakra is derived from the
Sanskrit word meaning wheel. If we were able to see the chakras
(as many psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a wheel of
energy continuously revolving or rotating. Clairvoyants
perceive chakras as colourful wheels or flowers with a hub in
the centre. The chakras begin at the base of the spine and finish
at the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column
they are located on both the front and back of the body, and
work through it. Chakras' energy centres interpenetrate the
physical body.
Each chakra vibrates or rotates at a different speed. The
root or first chakra rotates at the slowest speed, the crown or
seventh chakra at the highest speed. Each chakra is stimulated
by its own and complimentary colour. The chakra colours are
of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet. The size and brightness of the wheels vary with individual
development, physical condition, energy levels, disease, or
If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are
blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. The individual
may feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. Not only will

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physical bodily functions be affected so diseases may manifest,
but the thought processes and the mind may also be affected. A
negative attitude, fear, doubt, etc. may preoccupy the
A constant balance between the chakras promotes health
and a sense of well-being. If the chakras are opened too much, a
person could literally short circuit themselves with too much
universal energy going through the body. If the chakras are
closed, this does not allow for the universal energy to flow
through them properly which may also lead to dis-ease.
Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking
our feeling and stopping a great deal of our natural energy flow.
This affects the maturation and development of the chakras.
Whenever a person blocks whatever experience he is having,
he in turn blocks his chakras, which eventually become
disfigured. When the chakras are functioning normally, each
will be open, spinning clockwise to metabolize the particular
energies needed from the universal energy field.
Chakras are not visible through physical eyes or senses.
That is why they were falling under the category of mysticism.
Due to nature of this science, it remains a long held secret and
Yogis knew this secret. But they were imparting this secret
knowledge with others very carefully, so that one could not
misuse it. Sometimes there were misconceptions about Chakras,
so they remain out from the reach of common people. But yoga
found these energy wheels very useful for human health and
balanced life. Most of the Sickness can be related to any of few
of the Chakras' imbalance. Balanced Chakras result in balanced
body, mind, senses, spirits, emotions and life.
As per Kirlian photography, an energy body permeates
from our body known as Aura. There are whirlpools of energy
surrounding the body. This energy flows like spinning wheels;
hence these are called as Chakras. Major Chakras regulate major
bodily functions.
Blocked Chakras bring imbalance in thoughts and
attitudes. This further brings physical diseases, negative

| 16 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

thoughts, and faulty beliefs. Activating and balancing the
chakras takes us up to the higher level.
Smooth and free chakras result in loving relationships,
creativity, personal power, inner understanding, and internal


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 17 |

(Energy Channels)

In Sanskrit, word 'Nadi' means current or flow. The plural

of the word 'Nadi'in Sanskrit is 'Nadiyan' and some books
started referring to them as 'Nadis'. The ancient Yogic and
Ayurveda Scriptures say that there are 72000 Nadis present
in the subtle body. Once a yogi attains success, he gets access
to his own subtle body. Through the subtle body one can see
these Nadis light lines through inner vision.
In the modern age, these Nadis are called as nerves but
these are made of subtle elements. Most important Nadis among
all are three: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Among these three,
Sushumna is the most important.
Sushumna Nadi is located in the centre of the spinal
cord. Though physically, we cannot see the same. It starts from
the base of spine, i-e Mooladhar Chakra. From Mooladhar
Chakra it passes through spine and completes its journey in
Sahastrar Chakra (Crown Chakra) in upper head.
Ida Nadi starts from Mooladhar Chakra. This Nadi is on
the left hand side of the body. This is invisible but very
powerful. This Nadi travels through left of Sushumna Nadi,
crossing each chakra through left and right consecutively in a
serpentine manner. This Nadi completes its journey into the
Agya Chakra (Third eye chakra) from the left side.
Pingala Nadi originates from the right side of Mooladhar

| 18 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Chakra.This Nadi travels through right hand side of the body
and cross each chakra in a serpentine manner. This Nadi
terminates at Agya Chakra (Third eye chakra).
Two opposite energies are there in our body systems, like
negative and positive. These are being represented by Ida Nadi
and Pingala Nadi. Ida Nadi represents and possesses passive,
introvert and feminine characteristics, which is also known as
"Chandra Nadi (Moon Channel)". Pingala Nadi represents and
possesses active, extrovert and manly characteristics, and is
also known as "Surya Nadi (Sun Channel) ".
Nadis and changes in the breath flow patterns
Everyone does many tasks every day. Human activities
are affected by the change in the flow in Nadis. These flow
changes from one Nadi to another in about every 60 to 90
minutes. But through some yogic practices and techniques, one
can alter these Nadis flow, as per their wish.
For example, if your Pingla Nadi is more active and you
need to perform some mental work, you can deliberately change
the flow to Ida Nadi so as to have more suitable energy available
for mental work. Similarly one can alter other way round
according to your wish and requirements.


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| 20 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Realize the Kundalini

Sanskrit word 'Kundal' means coil or spiral. Kundalini

derived from the word 'Kunda' or 'Kundal'. 'Kunda' means well
or pit. Kundalini means Shakti or power in the form of a coil or
spiral which is often compared with a serpent while resting or
sleeping. Kundalinî is coiled serpent power.
There are many references in ancient and sacred
scriptures of Indian Yoga.
"The Kundalini is ever The Master of Yoga." "Kundalini
is mother of Yoga." "Kundalini Bestows Yoga." -RY (Ch.2.26 /
The invincible Kundalini Shakti pierces the six chakras
and enters its abode slowly step by step.' - SL
Kundalini Shakti is called the basic force of the body. -
MM (Ch. 6),
Kundalini is called the supreme power. - VU (5.51)
When Kundalini Shakti rises above its resting point (the
kunda), the yogi attains liberation. - YSP (6.55)
Kundalini is a virgin energy which moves like a ardent
wife and destroys all evils, and, by its slight movement, through
its fiery energy, penetrates all centres. - YV.
Kundalini is the eternal supreme consciousness, which is
both with and without attributes.- HYP

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Kundalini is the primeval cosmic energy in every
individual which eventually, through the practice of yoga, rises
up the Sushumnâ nâdî. As it rises, the Kunalinî awakens each
successive chakra.
Nirvikalpa samâdhi, enlightenment, comes as Kundalini
penetrates through the door of Brahman at the core of the
Sahastrâr and enters.
"The union of Shiva (Divine Father) and Shakti (Divine
Mother) is complete creation. We also express that the union of
the Father and Holy Spirit is the whole of God…. Therefore,
both Eastern and Western religious traditions agree on."
(Christopher. 2002)
Many scholars see a correlation with what the East calls
Chi, Kundalini or Prana, and the Holy Spirit in the west. These
are manifestations of Shakti, or the Goddess (or Divine Mother).
The Holy Spirit is subtle force that connects us to the universe
and gives us life.
In Saguna (with attributes) the supreme consciousness is
often personified as Kundalini as an aspect of the Divine Mother.
In Nirguna (without attribute less) aspect Kundalini is expressed
as the power of cosmic consciousness and is pure consciousness.
Ancient scriptures describe Kundalini in three different
1. Un-manifest cosmic energy-Para-kundalini.
2. Vital energy of the created universe-Prana-kundalini.
3. Consciousness: - Shakti-kundalini.
From Sahastrar (Crown chakra) Shakti-kundalini flows
with higher awareness, revealed of all mantras, and the eternal
source of bliss. Shristi Krama (Shristi=creation, Krama=
process) leads her through all chakras. She sustains in the
Mooladhar chakra. Through laya krama (process of
absorption), she destroys and/or dissolves by ascending and
returning to Sahastrar Chakra.
Jagan Mohini (world bewilder) is the form of Shakti when

| 22 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

it goes down to lower chakras. This causes Maya: delusion,
limitation, ignorance, and ensnarement in material and worldly
"Having filled the pathway of the Nadis with the streaming
shower of nectar flowing from the Lotus feet, having resumed
own position from out of the Lunar regions and Thyself assuming
the form of a serpent of three and a half coils, sleepiest thou, in
the hollow of Kula Kunda (Kula Kunda means the hollow of
Mooladhar Sacrum bone).Thou art residing in secrecy with Thy
Lord (The spirit) in the thousand petal Lotus, having pierced
through the Earth situated in 'Mooladhar', the Water in
Swadhishthan, the Fire in Manipur, the Air in the Heart (Anahat),
the Ether above (Vishuddhi) and 'Manas' between the eyebrows
(Agya) and thus broken through the entire 'Kula Path'." - SL
"The Kundalini is the base of absolute knowledge."-YV
''Kundalini is one of the greatest Shakti and to awake this
energy one has to awake each body progressively. First to
balance all bodies, Yam and Niyams are to be followed. Then
for balancing gross body, one need to perform Asana. Certain
Asana like Siddhasana and others are recommended for
preparations. After a series of asana, one can start certain
Pranayama techniques, like Anulom-Vilom, Bhastrika or
Kapalbhati and others, to purify the Prana.
After powerful Pranayama, higher purity happens, and
then one can jump into Pratyahara. This will be withdrawal from
the senses, to become introvert. Pratyahara will help in
purification of the mind body.
Thereafter one can start Dharana(focus). This will help in
concentration of energy for higher awakening. Here a state of
Dhyan comes, in which Shakti starts travelling through the
Sushumna and the chakras.
With deep purification of 72000 nadis and entire body,
all Chakras get activated and open. Thereafter Kundalini is able
to rise up from Mooladhar to Sahastrar. During this process,
many siddhis or yogic powers can be experienced by the yogi as

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 23 |

mentioned by Maharishi Patanjali in Vibhuti Pada of Yoga
Sutras. But if one is not purified completely or these powers are
misused or mishandled, then these powers can ruin the aspirant.
Scriptures recommend that to follow this path a
knowledgeable yogi should be approached and submit the
request for this knowledge with humility to become his disciple.
Then one can learn these techniques deeper and in a more
detailed manner.
"Siddha Asana is the main asana for awakening the
Kundalini among all asana."- HYP (1/39)
"There are two types of purification practices:
samanu(mental) and nirmanu(non-mental)."- GS (5/36)
Following cleaning processes (dhauti) techniques:
1. Antar-dhauti (inner cleansing) consisting of the
following four techniques:
(a) vata-sara (air process), which is done by inhaling
through the mouth and expelling the air through the
lower passage.
(b) vari-sara (water process), which is done by sipping
water until the stomach is completely filled and
expelling it through the lower passage.
(c) vahni-sara (fire process), which is done by pushing
the navel one hundred times back toward the spine,
which increased the gastric fire.
(d) bahish-kriya (external action), which is done by
sucking in air through the mouth until the stomach is
filled, retaining it for ninety minutes, and then
expelling it through the lower passage; this is followed
by one's standing in navel-deep water and pushing
out the lower intestinal tract for cleansing.
2. Danta-dhauti (dental cleansing), which includes
cleaning the teeth, the tongue, as well as the ears and
frontal sinuses.

| 24 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

3. Hrid-dhauti (heart cleansing), which consists of (a)
introducing the stalk of a plantain, turmeric, or cane
into the throat to clean it out; (b) filling the stomach
with water and then expelling it through the mouth;
(c) swallowing a long strip of thin cloth and then
pulling it out again (a process called vastra dhauti,
cloth cleansing).
4. Mula-shodhana (rectal cleansing), which is done
by means of turmeric, water, or the middle finger.


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Human Bodies and Chakras

Most of the books written on Kundalini Shakti are written

either without experience or with only theoretical knowledge.
Here it is compiled both after research and self-experience as
well as our students' experiences.
How many bodies do human beings have? When this
question is asked, commonly people answer 'one'. But yogic
scriptures say differently. Some say three bodies some five
bodies. But rarest talks about seven bodies. When Kundalini
Shakti arises, it passes through these chakras. There are seven
Chakras which are related to seven bodies.
Firstly the three bodies are:
1. Physical body (Bhautik Sharira) which corresponds
with Annamay kosha or Gross body.
2. Astral (Subtle) body (Sukshm Sharira) which
corresponds with
a. Pranmay Kosha
b. Manomay Kosha
c. Vigyanmay Kosha
3. Causal body (Karan Sharira) which corresponds with
Anandmay Kosha
On other level five bodies often termed as Koshas are as

| 26 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

1. Gross Body (Annamay Kosha)
2. Life force Body (Pranmay Kosha)
3. Mind Body (Manomay Kosha)
4. (Intellect) Special Knowledge Body (Vigyanmay
5. Bliss Body (Anandmay Kosha)


It is regretted that often people are not even fully aware of

their physical body completely. A few people may know about
some bodily systems like, the nervous system, digestive system,
circulatory system, and others. The physical body is made of
gross material, in yoga which is called as either Sthool sharira
or Annamay kosha. This body is very dense, made of muscle
and bone, blood and other fibres. This body is visible through
the eyes.
Humans also have an astral body. This body is subtler
than the physical body. This body exists within the physical
body and is little bigger than the physical body all around. This

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cannot be seen or touched, but with higher awareness, you can
feel its presence when you stand very close to someone.
The causal body co-exists within the astral and physical
bodies. This is larger and more subtle than the astral body. This
carries the seed state of the individual from one birth to the
In Kundalini yoga we work on all the bodies and purify all
the bodies. When all bodies are purified then one become
harmonious (sama) and beautiful, and emits a pleasant fragrance,
while the voice becomes resonant and the appetite increases.
Yogi becomes full-hearted, energetic, and strong. Yogi attains
leanness and brightness of the body as indications of a purified
nadi system. HYP (2/19).
But the enlightened also said about seven bodies which
1. The Physical Body (Bhautik Sharira or Annamay
2. The Etheric Body (Sukshma Sharira)
3. The Astral Body (Ling Sharira)
4. The Mental Body (Manomay Sharira)
5. The Spiritual Body (Adhyatmik Sharira)
6. The Cosmic Body (Bhrahmm Sharira)
7. The Empty Body (Nirvanic Sharira)
All seven Chakras are related or oriented or represented
or correspond by seven bodies are as follows:

Body (Kosha) Chakra

Physical / Sthool Sharira / Annamay Mooladhar

Etheric Body / Sukshm Sharira /Pranmay Swadhisthana

Astral Body / Ling Sharira Manipur

| 28 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Mental Body / Manomay Anahata

Spiritual Body / Adhyatmik Sharira / Vishuddhi


Cosmic Body (Bhrahmm Sharira) / Anandmay Agya

Nirvanic Body (Shunya Sharira) Sahastrara

1. The Physical Body (Sthool Sharira also referred

as Annamay Kosha): When we see our body, as seen
from outside is not much helpful as others see. See
from inside, without physical eyes and imagination.
You will start inner journey and inner secrets will be
revealed of first body.
2. The Etheric Body (Sukshm Sharira): When one
becomes clear about first body from inside, second
body becomes clear. When first body dies, second
body remains alive for thirteen days. Sometime in
meditation this second body goes out of the body
and you feel levitation and no gravitation. Hypnosis
work on this body. Ordinary body exhausts and sleep.
About 75% diseases come from this body. Childbirth
pain is often from second body. Pain or pleasure both
from this body.
3. The Astral Body (Ling Sharira) : This body is of same
size as first two. One becomes aware of third body after
realising the second body. Astral body is vapour.
4. The Mental Body (Manomay Sharira): This body
is absolutely wall-less and there is no difficulty in
entering in this body. Once a person is clear about
first three bodies, then entering in third is easier and
does not need any method. Mind always looks
downward, that is why yoga is against the mind. Now
the movements need to go upward not horizontal.
Fire always goes upward. In meditation it is also
advised to look upward toward Agya Chakra, so that
one can go beyond fourth body towards fifth body.

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Hatha yoga begins with first body and Raja yoga with the
fourth body as follows:
a. Hatha yoga for the first body,
b. Mantra yoga for the second,
c. Bhakti yoga for the third, and
d. Raja yoga for the fourth.
By looking upward one can transcend fourth body.
Sometime Shirshasan can also help. But looking upward
techniques should not be practiced without crossing first four
bodies. Up to four bodies we are human thereafter superhuman.
When Zarathustra, Mohammed, Jesus say that something comes
to them from above does not mean from the sky. They look
upward towards their Agya Chakra.
5. The Spiritual Body (Adhyatmik Sharira): For fifth
body there is a centre, a unity or oneness. This centre
becomes ego, an obstacle for further progress. Before
entering this body there is false I thereafter
crystallization of false I happens. From the fifth body
renunciation starts.
6. The Cosmic Body (Bhrahmm Sharira): Sixth body
where one loses one centre and everything becomes
centre. Everywhere there is centre. One can use
methods of entering into bodies, up to fifth body,
thereafter it happens and no method works. Merger
with infinite begins. Most of the yogis talk up to five
bodies as their research, methods, and techniques
end there. Non doing happens after fifth.
7. The Empty Body (Nirvanic Sharira): Travelling
from sixth to seventh body happens. One day finds
self is total nonbeing, nirvana, emptiness, non-
existence. Drop becomes Ocean and nothing to say
anymore. Ultimate happens instantaneously.
Seventh body is not subject matter of mind or
intellect or word or languages. Only emptiness or is-
ness or being.

| 30 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

As there are seven bodies, so there are also seven chakras,
energy centres, and each chakra is connected in a special way
with its corresponding body.
1. Physical Body and Mooladhar Chakra:
Annamay kosha relates to Mooladhar Chakra. There
are two possibilities from Mooladhar Chakra, one sex
and another transformation to super consciousness,
through meditation. Sex is naturally possible and its
transformation is Brahmacharya (celibacy). On this
body level suppression is ugly and stressful but
transformation is bliss.
2. Etheric Body and Swadhishthan Chakra:
Emotional or etheric body is associated with the
second chakra, The Swadhishthan Chakra. This
Chakra also has two possibilities. Natural potential
is fear, hate, anger, and violence. Its transformation
is: love, compassion, fearlessness and friendliness.
With meditation its transformation is possible. On
one side fear, violence and anger are necessary evils
on the second plane. Fear protects, anger involves in
struggle against others and violence helps to save
from the violence of others. Transformation of fear
to fearlessness, Violence to compassion, anger to
forgiveness is possible by balancing this Chakra.
3. Astral Body and Manipur Chakra: Astral body
also has two dimensions. One aspect is doubt and
thinking and another aspect is trust and vivek
(wisdom) with awareness. Do not repress doubts
otherwise shraddha(trust) cannot be attained. Start
doubting the doubt itself, and then trust begins.
Ultimate transformation of doubt is in Trust.
4. Mental Body and Anahat Chakra : Manomay
Kosha is related to imagination, memory and
dreaming. Transformation of dreaming happens into
vision. Telepathy and prophecy are the possibilities
of fourth body.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 31 |

5. Spiritual Body and Vishuddhi Chakra:
Vishuddhi chakra is related to the spiritual body. The
first four bodies and their chakras can be divided
into two. The dualism ends from fifth body upwards.
Once a person enters in fifth body, awareness
increases tremendously and even sleep is
transformed. A sleeping man cannot be trusted but
awakened. Conflicts and problems end and great
transformation, the bliss comes from within.
6. Bhrahmm Sharira (Cosmic Body) and Agya
Chakra: There is no duality, false 'I' is lost.
Experience of the Bliss, is-ness, tathata, suchness will
flow. I am the Brahman (Aham Brahmasmi).There is
nothing beyond. View the cosmic infinite. Until fifth
body search progress can be very scientific thereafter
it happens.
7. Nirvanic Body and Sahahstrar Chakra: The
Existence is half journey but other half is the journey
to nonbeing, nonexistence, and the void. The ultimate
truth can only be recognized when both existence
and nonexistence are known. Nirvana kaya is also
known as the Shunya kaya, the void. Ultimate death,
Nirvana, means the extinction of the flame. I was; I
am; both realized.
Through meditation above can be experienced. Meditators
are not beggars, but seekers of The Truth. We have to cross all
Barriers which are within us. For complete scientific minds,
most of the scriptures end at fifth body but the search for
Advaita, the non-dual, starts with fifth body and completes at
seventh body.


| 32 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti


How Prana awakes Kundalini?

Prana is universally present known as mukhya-prana or
primary life force. Prana has following five functional aspects
in connection with the human body,
"gate keepers of the heavenly world" - CU (2/13/6)
Prana and Breath Flow
Prana means life force. Prana flows through energy
channels like Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi. These Nadis
carry the currents of Prana which flows constantly through the
entire body, mind and senses. To observe the flow of Prana one
can observe the breathing pattern of a person through nostrils.
If from the left nostril breath is flowing more in comparison
with right, then it indicates that Ida Nadi is dominating in your
body. If, there is higher flow from right nostril, that means
Pingala Nadi is more active. If there is equal flow of breath
from both the nostrils, it means Sushumna Nadi is active in
your body and prana is in balance mode.
When the right nostril runs faster than the left then through
active Pingala Nadi body is performing more physical functions
like: digestion process, blood circulation process, and others.
During this state, mood becomes extroverted and one feels
more warmth in the body.
If the left nostril intakes more amount of breath in

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 33 |

comparison to right, then it indicates that the mind is introvert
active. Performance of mental task becomes easier and
During night, often Ida Nadi runs faster, as body
temperature drops by 1 to 2 degrees. If, Pingala Nadi becomes
too active, one feels unrest and improper sleep. During lunch if
Ida Nadi becomes too active then digestive system slows down
and one may experience constipation.
1. Prana (In-breath) : Vital energy primarily located in
the area between the navel and the heart. Main function in the
body is inhalation but can stand for both inhalation and
2. Apana (Out-breath) : Vital energy area associated with
the lower half of the trunk and with exhalation.
3. Vyana (through-breath): This is the vital energy
circulating in all the limbs and body.
4. Udana (up-breath): This connects with physiological
functions such as speech, etc. but also the ascent into higher
states of consciousness.
5. Samana (mid-breath):localized in the abdominal area.
This is primarily connected with the digestive processes.

The Five Prana

Prana Physical Functions Blockages


Vyana Peripheral nervous Circulation, Poor

(Diffusive) system, pervades Movements circulation,
in entire body numbness

Udana Throat, Upper Thoughts, Cognition,

(Ascend Chest, Head Speech, communica
ing) Exhalation, -tion

| 34 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Prana Heart, Chest, Respirations, Heart,
(Inward Lungs Sensory Lungs,
moving) perception Lethargy

Samana Navel Digestion, Digestive

(Equaliz metabolism Problems
ing) and

Apana Below navel Elimination, Sexual

(Descen reproduction, dysfunction,
ding) childbirth & constipation,
Immunity diarrhoea,

Some scriptures also describe secondary (upa Prana) types

of Prana:
These are:
1. Naga (serpent)
2. Kurma (tortoise)
3. Kri-kara (kri-maker)
4. Deva-datta (God-given) and
5. Dhanam-jaya (conquest of wealth)
Above are respectively associated with vomiting (or
eructation), blinking, hunger (or sneezing), sleep (or yawning),
and decomposition of the corpse.
Prana and Apana are most important subtle realities and
highly helpful for awakening the Kundalini Shakti.
There is natural process under which Prana alternates
roughly every eighty-ninety minutes between Ida and Pingala.
Flow of Prana be directed, controlled and balanced through
various techniques. This flow should be in such manner that

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 35 |

Prana starts flowing into Sushumna, the central passage,
through which Kundalini wakes up easily.


| 36 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Prana and Kundalini

What is the Difference between Prana and Kundalini?

The divine Energy when polarized into a static or potential
form is called Kundalini and when the same energy in dynamic
form is called Prana.
Prana is responsible for maintaining all the life processes.
Kundalini is the infinite pool of Shakti coiled potentiality
near Mooladhar chakra.
Lord Vishnu covered entire world in three steps, when
incarnated as Vaman Avtar, symbolizes three gunas or
constituents: Rajas, Sattv and Tamas. Sanskrit scriptures say
that Kundalini is coiled up three and half times around Shiv
Linga. Once Kundalini awakens, it transcends these gunas to be
one with the cosmic consciousness, the Shiva through Prana.
When Lord Shiva Danced, (Tandav Nritya), there was
destruction and with a big bang the universe recreated
thereafter. Before that the world existed in condensed ball of
energy or quantum vacuum. Some fifteen billion years ago a
chain of reactions occurred. Time and space gave countless
galaxies, black holes, supernovas and dark matter interspersed
between them.
Modern scientists are exploring the energy stored in
matter by smashing high-energy subatomic particles into
protons. They are finding God Particles. Yogis found these
secrets thousands of years back in their inner laboratory.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 37 |

Goraksha Samhita (GoS) describes as follows:
"The serpent power, forming an eightfold coil above the
"bulb" (kanda), remains there all the while covering with its
face the opening of the door to the Absolute."- GoS 1/47
"Through that door the safe door to the Absolute can be
reached. Covering that door with her face, the great Goddess is
asleep." - GoS 1/48
"Awakened through buddhi(intellect)yoga, together with
(the combined action of) mind and breath, she rises upward
through the Sushumna like a thread through a needle." - GoS 1/
"Kundalini Shakti is sleeping as a serpent.Resembling with
resplendent cord. When she awakens by the fire of Yoga(mental
concentration and breath control), rises upward through the
Sushumna."- GoS 1/50
"Just as one may forcibly open a door with a key, so the
yogi should break open the door to liberation by means of the
Kundalini."- GoS 1/51
Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika (HYP)says:
"One should arouse that sleeping serpent by seizing its tail.
Then that Shakti, awakens from her slumber, forcefully rises
upward."- HYP 3/111
"One should seize the reclining serpent by means of Shakti
chalana and, while inhaling through the solar channel, every
day cause her to stir for about ninety minutes, both morning
and evening."- HYP 3/112
Pandit Swatmarama of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, talks about
the practice known as Shakti-chalana that means stirring of the
This practice is done by contracting the sphincter muscle
and by applying Jalandhar Bandha, the throat lock, while holding
the breath. This causes the Prana and Apana to mix and
combust. This results in driving the life force upward into
Sushumna Nadi, the central channel. He also uses another term

| 38 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

in Sanskrit, 'Manthana' which means churning. This describes
the process of forcing Prana and Apana to "combust" by means
of Kumbhaka, breath retention. This is one of the most intense
It is also expressed by yogis, one should pull the reins of
the mind and compressed the Prana circulating through the ten
channels. Then, indeed, the Moon particles (shashi-kala) melt
and dissolve, and the Void merged with the Void.
Image of seizing the serpent by the tail is hatha Yoga but
other paths are also of the opinion that this can also be done
with grace and honour.
One can experience vibrations during the process and
practice of rising of Kundalini. Sometimes these vibrations can
grow very intense.


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 39 |

Elements and Shakti

Different elements govern different areas and / or parts of

human body:
Earth: between the feet and the thighs.Lowest psychic
energetic centre is dissolved into its energetic potential of
gandha-tanmatra (smell).
Water:between the thighs and the navel. Potential energy-
rasa-tanmatra (taste)
Fire: between the navel and the heart.Potential energy-
rupa-tanmatra (sight).
Air: between the heart and the forehead. Potential energy-
sparsha-tanmatra (touch).
Ether: above the forehead. Potential energy-shabda-
tanmatra (sound).
The root sounds associated with the elements are:
1. Yam for air
2. Ram for fire
3. Lam for earth
4. Vam for water
5. Ham for ether
Laya (Dissolution) of elements:
Yoga aspirants experience (laya) dissolution of earth into

| 40 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

water, water into fire, fire into air, air into ether, and then ether
into the higher tattva (principles) until everything is dissolved
into the Shakti.
After bhuta shuddi(purification) and repeated practice of
Kundalini, the aspirant succeeds in deeper spandan (deeper
vibration) permanently, which leads to attaining the divya
deha(divine body). This divya deha becomes above of many
siddhis(divine powers) and capable of transcending many laws
of the Nature.
Accordingly to Spandkarika(SK), everything in the
universe is Spandan(vibrations). Modern science also says that
vibration is energy. But this spandan(vibration) is immeasurable
which scientists also confirm.
Ten million rituals of worship equal one hymn, ten million
hymns equal one recitation (mantra), ten million recitations
equal one meditation, ten million meditations equal a single
absorption (laya).-KAT (9/36)
Lord Shiva gave one hundred and twenty-five thousand
methods of laya(dissolution). But the most powerful among them
is Nada Anusandhan laya samadhi. - YT 2


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 41 |

Signs of Rising of the Kundalini

What are the signs of rising of the Kundalini Shakti?

When Kundalini pierces Agya-chakra then she assumes a
new form of existence and becomes Chit-kundalini or the
"serpent of Consciousness."
En-route, the rising Kundalini may produce all kinds of
physiological, mental and spiritual experiences; few of them
may be as follows:
1. Jumping (udbhava)
2. Trembling (kampana)
3. whirling sensation (ghurni)
4. Drowsiness (nidra)
5. Ecstatic feelings (ananda)
6. Involuntary shaking of the body, breath movements
and Kumbhak/s.
7. Involuntary happening of Goosebumps, body
trembling, laughter or cry, sounds, frightening
scenes, fear.
8. Tribandhas start happening involuntary, unable to
sit easily, hand/legs may stretch.
9. Involuntary tratak starts, breath becomes
extremely slow or unnoticeable.
10. Inner flow feeling of rising currents of Prana.

| 42 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

11. Divine Sound OM starts automatic.
12. Powerful vibrations movements or concentration of
13. Extreme lightness of the body, emptiness, inner
electric currents flow.
14. Contraction / expansion of the nerves, body yearning
or rotations and /or twisting.
15. Regular body is charged.
16. Faster or extreme slow walks, undisturbed,
meditative movements.
17. Louder sounds, uncontrollable movements of limbs.
18. Automatically third eye activates, Shambhavi mudra
happens.Divine visions, divine taste, divine
experience, and divine sound.
19. Movements at Sahastrar, shaking of the body,
sometimes during sleep.
20. Revealing of scriptures.
21. Musical sounds, unknown languages, poetry may
start coming.
22. Feel like drunk of divinity and non-attachment to
the world.
23. Transcend the six chakras (Shat chakra Bhedan) and
24. Remove the knots (granthis) during the process
happen which are very important to attain the goal.
These three knots(Granthis) are as follows:
1. The Brahma Granthi at the base of the spine and
which represents Brahma,
2. The Vishnu Granthi at the throat and which
represents Vishnu, and
3. The Rudra Granthi at the third eye (between the
eyebrows) which represents Rudra(Shiva).

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 43 |
Goals of Awakening
Chakras and Kundalini

What are the goals of awakening the Chakras and the

Kundalini Shakti?
To permanently elevate, awaken and liberate, and the
union of individual consciousness with supreme consciousness
are a few of the goals of Kundalini and Chakras awakening.
Attain the oneness with Shiv through Sahastrar chakra. This
removes Karmic inclination.
Through Kundalini Awakening, the false I (ego) dissolves
and the true 'I' is realized. Duality disappears and oneness is
With the effect of Kundalini Shakti, one experiences inner
transformation, and life meets the goal with higher supreme
Consciousness-Bliss (chid-ananda).
This brings the highest balance and bliss in the life.
When Kundalini rises upward, it gives spiritual awakening,
freedom, and when it falls there will be fall of wisdom, create
increasing ignorance, bondage, delusion and others.
When Kundalini rises through the chakras, mental
limitations are removed, mental fluctuations settle down and
the mind becomes serene. Awareness flows smoothly and one
experiences bliss and happiness.

| 44 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Finally Kundalini merges with Shiva, at Sahastrar Chakra
who is identified with her. In her formless state Kundalini is
consciousness. In her creative form she is Shakti (the power of
Goals of Awakening Kundalini Shakti can be summarised
as follows:
 Total health (Physical level)
 Total Peace (Mental level)
 Total Balance (Emotional level)
 Total happiness (Social level)
 Total Bliss (Param Anand) (Spiritual level)
 Total Oneness (Supreme Yoga)
Awakening of Kundalini Shakti accomplishes the
Purusharth (goal) of human life.
Following are the Purushartha:
1. Dharma (Live in accordance to the law of nature)
2. Arth (creation of wealth in accordance to Dharma)
3. Kaama (Desires fulfilment in accordance to Dharma)
4. Moksha (Total Bliss)
Once Kundalini awakens completely, then Moksha (Total
realisation or Total Bliss) happens. Suffering of life ends. Yogi
starts living a life like lotus. Performing the worldly duties,
better than before as well as inner bliss flows. World continue
behaves as before but inner life of yogi changes completely.


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 45 |

The Major Chakras

Thousands of years old scripture, Yoga Tattv Upanishad

(YTU) discusses the importance and practice of Yoga and
Chakras. All six chakras represent 5 elements and 1 mind.
Nothing can be gained by useless company and by not
practicing Yoga. Therefore, practice yoga with full efforts and
awareness. - YTU/Sh 80
Then by constant practice of yoga one gains the state of
parichaya(the third state). After hard practice, PranaVayu
(breath Life force) penetrates the Kundalini along with the
Agni(fire), and the mind enters the Sushumna uninterrupted.
When one's Chitta enters Sushumna along with Prana, it reaches
the highest seat along with Prana.- YTU / Sh 81~83(a)
There are the five elements: Prithvi, Apas, Agni, Vayu and
Akasa.- YTU 83(b).
From the original Sanskrit scriptures, following tattva
(elements) correspond with each chakra.
Mooladhar Chakra: The earth element (Prithvi tattva)
located at the base and tip of the spine.
Swadhishthan Chakra: The fire element (Agni tattva)
located near reproductive organ.
Manipur Chakra: is the water element (Jala tattva)
located near naval area.
Anahat Chakra: is the wind element(Vayu tattva)

| 46 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

located near the heart.
Vishuddhi Chakra: is the space element (Akash tattva)
located at the level of throat.
Agya Chakra: is the mind spirit (Manas tattva) located
between the two eyebrows.
The Mooladhar & Swadhishthan are the intense darkness
of ignorance (tamas) & is known as the Agni Khand (Agni=fire,
Manipur chakra and Anahat chakra are said to be mixed:
a little bright and a little darkness (Mishra loka) & known as
Surya Khand (Surya=Sun, Khand=Section)
Vishuddhi and Agya chakras are brilliantly illuminated
(Jyothir maya loka) (Jyothir maya=illuminated, Loka = region)
& together are known as Chandra Khand (Chandra= Moon,
Khand = Section)
As the Kundalini rises highest it reaches the Sahastrar
chakra in the head. Kundalini joins with the ultimate bliss and
becomes one. This is Supreme Union and Supreme Grace
experienced by Yogi (Shiva -Shakti Eaikya(union)).
Shiva is the ultimate bliss in Sahastrar chakra and Shakti
is the Kundalini which rises from the Mooladhar. Both Shiva
and Shakti become one. This union is ultimate yoga.
One of the greatest creation Saundary Lahari(SL) by Adi
Shankaracharya describe about all chakras briefly as follows:

cenerbcetueeOeejskeâceefheceefCehetjsnglekenb, efmLelebmkeeefOe…evesùefoce®leceekeâeMecegheefj~
ceveesÓefheY™ceOÙesmekeâ}ceefheefYeòkeekegâ}heLeb, menœeejsheodcesmenjnefmehelÙeeefkenjmes~~9~~
Mahim Mooladhare kamapi manipure huthavaham
Sthitham svadhistane hridi maruta makasam upari;
Mano'pi bhruu-madhye sakalamapi bhittva kula-patham
Sahasrare padme saha rahasi patyaa viharase.||9|| - SL
"O Goddess, through six elements, you live in seclusion
with your consort Shiva and enjoy his company in solitude, in
Sahastrar Chakra (a lotus comprising of thousand petals). You

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 47 |

pass through Mooladhar, the earth element there and the
Swadhishthan with water element. Thereafter you pass through
the Manipur with fire element, then Anahat air element in the
heart, the space element above in Vishuddhi, the mind in Agya
Chakra between the eyebrows, thus passing through Sushumna
(micro ways)." -SL
Chakras are psychic centres along the axis of the spine.
Each of the Chakra corresponds to one of the elements. In this
Shloka, Swadhishthan chakra is corresponding to Water element
and Manipur Chakra is to Agni element.
The upward journey of the mind through various chakras
mentioned above may mean slow and gradual ascent of the self
towards achievement and accomplishment which cannot be
described in words.
Another Ancient Scripture 'Lalitha Sahasranamam'(LS)
says :

Mooladharika nilayaa brahmagranthi vibhedinee

Manipoorantha ruditha vishnugranthi vibhedinee
Agya Chakrantharalakstha Rudragranthi vibhedini"
Vishuddhichakra Nilayaa, Swadhishtanambujagatha
Sahastarambhujarooda, Sudha sarabhi varshini
Moladharaika nilayaa = She exists in Mooladhar
Brhama Granthi Vibhedini = She breaks the tie in Brahma
granthi i.e. she who helps us to cross the ties due to our birth.
Manipoorantharudhitha = She exists in Mani poor chakra
full dressed in her fineries.
Vishnu granthi vibhedini = She breaks the ties of Vishnu
granthi i.e. she who helps us cross the ties due to our position.
Agya chakra nilayaa = She sits on the lotus Agya chakra.
Rudra granthi vibhedini = She breaks the ties of Rudra
granthi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our violent
thoughts and nature
Vishuddhichakra Nilayaa = She is in sixteen petal lotus

| 48 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Swadhishtanambujagatha = She lives in the six petal lotus
Sahastarambhujarooda = She who has climbed Sahastrar
the thousand petal lotus which is the point of ultimate awakening
Sudha sarabhi varshini = She who makes nectar flow in all
our nerves from Sahastrar i.e. she who gives the very pleasant
experience of the ultimate
Devotees may know more about Kundalini from various
sources, but it is advisable to learn/know about it from a Learned
Regular recitation of Shloka 9 of Saundarya Lahari gives
Ashta Aishwaryam,(Eight fold luxuries) Return of person's long
absent, Good understanding with spouse and family and
happiness prevails.
Some scriptures also talk about some minor 21 Chakras,
which are less known and less talked as they are not of much of
significance for awakening the consciousness.
Some Chakras are below Mooladhar chakra, towards the
1. Atala Chakra: Located in the hips, connected to fear,
lust and others.
2. Vital Chakra: Located in thighs, connected to anger,
despair, frustration and others.
3. Sutala Chakra: Located in the knees governs
jealousy, inferiority, helplessness and others.
4. Talatala Chakra: Located in calves leads to Greed,
shame, confusion and others.
5. Rasatala Chakra: Located in ankles represents
selfishness and others.
6. Mahatala Chakra: Located in feet connected to
negativity, inner blindness and others.
7. Patala Chakra: Located in the soles connected to
destructiveness, revenge, murder, hatred and others.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 49 |

These are seven chakras below Mooladhar Chakra; belong
to animals and other species. Mooladhar Chakra is the lowest
level chakra in human beings but highest among animals.
Activities like sleeping, eating and sex are similar to animals
from Mooladhar Chakra. Higher Chakras differentiate humans
with animals. We do not want to discuss these lower chakras as
our focus is towards upwards rising of Kundalini Shakti.


| 50 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Mooladhar Chakra
Root Chakra

Mool in Sanskrit means original. Adhar means base or

foundation or support.
Normally when we study individual chakras we begin with
Mooladhar chakra, also sometimes known as the First Chakra
or the Root Chakra or the Base Chakra. The Mooladhar chakra
is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back and the

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 51 |

pubic bone in front. This chakra holds the basic needs for
survival, security and safety. The Mooladhar chakra is
powerfully related to our contact with the Mother Earth. This
chakra is also the centre of manifestation.
Yoga Tattv Upanishad (YTU) says about importance and
practice of Yoga and concentration and awakening of
Mooladhar Chakra.
The body is of the five elements, there is fivefold Dharana.
From feet to knees is the region of The Earth (Prithvi), is yellow
colour four-sided in shape, and has the Varna (letter) 'La'. Carry
the Prana (breath) with the letter 'La' along the region of earth
and contemplate upon Brahma with four faces with four mouths
and of golden colour, one should perform Dharana
(Concentration) there for a period of two hours. Then one attains
mastery over the earth. YTU/ Sh 84~87
Death does not trouble him, since he has obtained mastery
over the earth element.
ShatChakra Nirupana (SCN) by Swami Purnananda says
about Mooladhar Chakra from Shloka 4 to 13 as follows:
Now, base Lotus, attached to the mouth of the Sushumna,
and is placed below the genitals and above the anus. It has four
petals of crimson hue. Its head (mouth) hangs downwards. On
its petals are the four letters from Va to Sa, of the shining colour
of gold. SCN/Sh4

Adhara padamam = Support-Lotus, Mooladhar Chakra

Lotus at the base of the spine in the Uro-genital triangle.
to the mouth of Susumna. Four
Petals of the Mooladhar Chakra are present at the junction of
Kanda and Sushumna.
= from below the root of the
genitals to Sushumna.

| 52 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

= four red petals. Red or crimson.

Following Shloka from Saundarya Lahari gives an insight

of Mooladhar Chakra:
O Mother! I meditate on the new form (of Shiva), in your
Mooladhar, performing the great dance of destruction, with
the nine expressions of art, along with Devi Samaya, so
fascinated by the dance, full of mercy, And for the sake of re-
creating (this world,dissolved into nothingness at the time of
the final destruction), these two forces (Shiva and Shakti) have
joined together, Thus this world has acquired a sense of
belonging as if with a father and a mother. SL /Sh.41

lekeeOeejscetuesmenmeceÙeÙeeueemÙehejÙee, vekeelceevebcevÙesvekejmeceneleeC[kevešced
GYeeYÙeecesleeYÙeecegoÙeefkeefOecegeöf MÙeoÙeÙee, meveeLeeYÙeebpe%espevekeâpeveveerceppeieefooce~~41~~
Tava-aadharae Moolae Saha Samayayaa Laasya-
parayaa, Nava-aathmaanam Manyae Nava-rasa-tandava-
nadam, Ubhaabyaam-aethabhyaam-udaya-vidhym-udhishya
Dayayaa, Sa-naadhaa-bhyaam JAgyae Janaka-jananeemath-
jagath-itam || 41||

Manyae = I meditate on; Nava = the new

Aathmaanam = form (of Shiva); Tava = In your
Moolae aadharae = moola-aadhaara
Taandava-nadam = Doing the great dance of destruction
Nava = with the nine; Rasa = expressions of art
Saha = Along ; Samayayaa = with Devi Samaya ,
Parayaa = so fascinated; Laasya = by dance

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 53 |

Dayayaa = Full of mercy,; Udhishya = And for the sake of
Udaya-vidhym = re-creating ; Aethabhyaam = two forces (Shiva
and Shakti)
Ubhaabyaam = have joined together ; Itam = Thus this
Jagath = world ; JAgyae = has acquired
Sa-naadhaa-bhyaam = a sense of belonging
Janaka = a father ; jananeemath = and a mother
Balanced Mooladhar Chakra: Increases concentration,
balanced feet, full of life, vast pool of energy and vital force,
happy with the life and loves the life.
Mooladhar Chakra provides energy for fulfilling basic
needs for survival like food, clothing, rest, shelter, money and
procreation. Balanced Mooladhar Chakra energy gives success
in the materialistic world like comfortable home, food and
clothing, business or material possessions. For strength, vitality
and a strong skeletal system, the Mooladhar Chakra should be
open and balanced.
Imbalanced Mooladhar chakra: Excess: Negative: When
too much energy flows person may experience: egotistical,
predominant, greedy, sadistic and sexually focused on the
genitals. Biased and prejudiced judgements will come.
Imbalance of this chakra may bring a state of fear, anxiety,
insecurity and frustration. Problems like obesity, anorexia
nervosa, and knee troubles may happen. Lower body parts like
hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs may suffer, weakness,
lack of self-confidence, short of targets achievements, unloved,
down sexual energy, confused, unsure, fearful and insecure or
may lead towards thinking of committing suicide. For escaping
negativity, person may start buying excessive materials, to
becoming a shopaholic or show-off.
The colours appear for this chakra is red, brown and black.
A man's sexual organs are located primarily in this chakra. A
woman's sexual organs are located primarily in Swadishthan
Chakra, so female sexual energy is usually experienced primarily
as emotional. Both chakras are associated with sexual energy.

| 54 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Mooladhar chakra is more related to the first auric level,
the etheric level, follows the contours of the whole body closely.
Aura readers or Kirlian photographer can visualize this chakra
level as red.
Physically, Mooladhar chakra is closely related to the
adrenal glands and adrenal cortex. Mooladhar chakra controls
the legs, feet, the skeleton and the large intestine or colon.
Following table contains the detailed map of Mooladhar
Chakra at a glance:

Particulars Description

Name of Chakra in Sanskrit Mooladhar Chakra

Name in English Root Chakra or Base Chakra

Position of Chakra / Tailbone, base of spine

Physical manifestation

Anatomical linking (gland) Reproductive system, Sex,

Testes, Vagina, Pelvis, legs,
Feet, tailbone, pelvic plexus,

Physical / Sense properties Anxiety, Grounding in

physical plane

Divine Principles Basics, Simplicity, Self-

preservation, Awakening,
primal instincts, Bliss

Prime Function Grounding, Security,

Survival, primal energy,
taking care of self and others

Number of petals 4

Controls Excretion and reproduction

Other functions Basic needs, sexual

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 55 |

functions, Security, Being
grounded, Behaviour, Fear

Place on hand Heel of palm

Colour Red, Black or dark grey

Aromatherapy Cinnamon

Sense Smell

Fragrance Cedar

Metal Lead

Element Earth

Shape Cube

Kind of music Drums

Gem Stone Hematite Bloodstone

Etheric Oils Cinnamon, garlic

Planets Earth, Saturn

Astrology / Numerology Capricorn = tenth house

Symbolic Elephant (Lord Ganesh)

Qualities Innocence, fearlessness,

wisdom, security, safety,

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Mooladhar Chakra:

Mooladhar Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons
Sexual abuse

| 56 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Basic requirements not met while growing up, and
Complications while birthing
Issues of neglect
Addictive Behaviour, and others
Dysfunctional chakra indicates that it is either dominant
or weak, blocked or blown out.
Diseases and Mooladhar Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Mooladhar Chakra. Few of the diseases are listed
below, which occurs due to Imbalance or short or excess flow
of energy at Mooladhar Chakra:

Physical Mooladhar
Diseases Chakra

Addictions Knees Pain Anorexia

Constipation Colitis Depression

Diarrhoea Frequent Glaucoma


Haemorrhoids/piles Hypertension Impotence

Kidney stones Knee problems Obesity

Varicose veins Sciatica Weight gain/ loss

Prostate cancer Rectal cancer Blood diseases

Skin disorders/ Itching Pain at base

rashes of spine

Migraines Spinal Sciatica


Osteoarthritis Painful/frequent Backaches/

urination Lumbago

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 57 |

Poor circulation Swollen ankles Weak arches and
in legs ankles

Cold feet Weak legs Leg cramps

Eczema Arthritis AIDS

Emotional Mooladhar Chakra


Anger of the past Phobia Deep grief

Feeling burdened Terror of rage from hurt or

abandonment anger

Guilt Sexual pressure Numbness

Hypocrisy Fear of deadlines Uncertainty

Inability to flow Holding onto old ideas Untrusting of life

with life

Deep hurt Blaming others Afraid to let go

Lack of integrity Lack of courage Tension

Carrying hatreds Greedy Selfish


How to balance Mooladhar Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Mooladhar Chakra, which can be done under
the guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
Being Blissful Maditation®
Selected Yoga practice

| 58 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Selected Shatkarmas
Doing creative things
Life style and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Mooladhar
The bija Mantra for Mooladhar Chakra is
|| ueb|||| Lam ||
Detailed Mantra is as follows:
|| Om Lam Par Tatvaay Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Mooladhar
Chakra as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may
guide you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind
or prakriti or your intensity or your progress.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 59 |

Swadhishthan Chakra
mJeeefOe‰eve Ûe›eâ
Sacral Chakra

In Sanskrit Swa mean self and adhishtan means home.

Some time you can say my own sweet home. The second chakra
is often referred to as sacral chakra. Swadhishthan chakra is

| 60 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

located two/three inches below the navel and is rooted into the
spine. This centre is for sexuality, creativity, self-worth,
friendliness and emotions. It governs sense of self-worth,
confidence and ability to behave with others.Swadhishthan
chakra represents how emotions were expressed or repressed
in the family during childhood.
The main colour used with this chakra is orange. This
chakra is closely connected to the second auric level, the
emotional level, follows the contours of the body and lies outside
the first aura-layer. To Aura readers and Kirlian photographs
this level is visible as an orange layer.
Physically, this chakra is closely related to the
reproductive glands, the testicles and the ovaries. The spleen
chakra controls the reproductive system, kidneys, the blood
circulatory system, the bladder and the spleen.
Yoga Tattv Upanishad (YTU) says about importance and
practice of Yoga and concentration and awakening of
Swadhishthan Chakra.
The region of Apas is from the knees to the anus. Apas is
semi-lunar in shape and white in colour and has 'Va' for its Bija
(seed) letter. Carrying up the prana (breath) with the letter 'Va'
along the regions of Apas, Contemplate on the God Narayana
having four arms and a crowned head, colour of pure crystal,
dressed in orange clothes and decay less; Practice Dharana
(concentration) there for a period of two hours.Yogi is freed
from all sins. Then there is no fear from water and does not
meet death in water. YTU /Sh. 87~90
ShatChakra Nirupana (SCN) by Swami Purnanand says
about Swadhishthan Chakra as follows:Shloka 14 to 18
Meditate upon this powerful Lotus, named as
Swadhishthan, attains freedom from all enemies,
immediately. Enemies like Ahamkara and so forth. One
becomes Lord among Yogis. Shines like illuminating Sun in
the dense darkness of ignorance. The words of Nectar flow
both in prose and verse in well-reasoned discourse. The
wealth is revealed. SCN/Sh.18

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 61 |

Enemies of six passions:
1.Kama = Lust, sex 2. Lobha = Greed
3. Moha = Attachment, delusion 4. Mada = false ego, pride
5. Matsaryya = envy 6. Krodh=Anger
All these six enemies arise from Ahamkara, a sense of
meanness. Ahamkara = Egoism.
These six enemies are destroyed by contemplating on
Swadhishthan Lotus Chakra. The darkness of Maya and Moha
are destroyed.
Lotus Chakra of vermilion colour has six letters (Ba, Bha,
Ma, Ya, Ra, La). The colour of lightning placed on the petals. In
main Lotus there is a white region with second 8-petal Lotus
with half-moon in its centre. Inside this region is the Varuna-
Bija, VAM seated on Makara with a noose on hand. In the hollow
of Bindu is Vishnu sitting on Garuda holding in His four hands
the Conch, the Discus, the Mace, and the Lotus. Vishnu, of youth
and pride, wears yellow raiment, a garland of forest flowers, the
mark of Srivatsa on His chest and a gem Kaustubha on His
breast. Fierce looking Shakti Rakini with three eyes, projecting
fangs, and bleeding nostrils, sits in the pericarp of the red lotus,
is of syama varna, holds in her four hands Sula, Abja, Damaru,
and Tanaka (a spear, a lotus, a drum, and a battleaxes) and is
fond of white rice.
Shloka from Saundarya Lahari gives an insight of
Swadhishthan Chakra:

lekemkeeefOe…evesnglekenceefOe…eÙeefvejleb, leceerÌ[smebkelle&bpeveefvecenleerbleebÛemeceÙeeb
Ùeoeueeskesâueeskeâevoneflecenefle›eâesOekeâefueles, oÙeeõe&ÙeeÂef<š: efMeefMejcegheÛeejbjÛeÙeefle~~39~~

| 62 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Tava Swaadishtaanae Huda-vaham-adishtaaya Niratham
Tam-eedae Samvartham Janani Mahatheem Taam Cha Samayaam
Yad-aaloekae Loekaan Dahathi Mahathi Kroda-kalithae
Daya-ardraa Yaa Dr'shtihi Sishiram-upachaaram Rachayati||39||
adishtaaya = Placing (with my mind) ; Tava = in your
Samvartham = Rudra (who ultimately destroys the universe)
Swaadishtaanae = Swadhishthan chakra
Huda-vaham = so full of fire
HimTam-eedae = I worship
Niratham = Continuously
Taam Mahatheem = I worship the majestic
Samayaam = Balance
samaya devi = Goddess
Cha = also
Mahathi = (When those) great
Kroda-kalithae = destructive forces into ashes
Dahathi = burns ; Loekaan = the world
Daya-ardraa = Then it is your merciful; Dr'shtihi = glance
Yaa = that
Rachayati = cools
Sishiram-upachaaram = the world like the Shishira season
O Mother! To save the world
O Mother! I continuously worship the majestic,
Swadhishthan full of fire, whenever there is fire of destruction,
then with your merciful glance, you save the world like
shishir(winter) season.
This Chakra sometime also translated as 'sweetness'. This
chakra deals with duality, the feminine and masculine
energy,Shiva and Shakti. It is associated with sensual pleasure

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 63 |

so, it is also known as sexual chakra. It is not limited only to our
sexual pleasure but also other pleasures including the mother's
pleasure in nurturing her baby or feelings and others.
Balanced Swadhishthan Chakra: Person feels like
Emperor or Empress.
Balanced energy flow at this chakra makes a person
friendly, concerned for others, intuitive, clear sense of things,
sense of belonging, compassionate, radiates with warmth,
kindness and good sense of humour.
Imbalanced Swadhishthan Chakra flow excess then
person becomes emotional, explosive, pushy, exorbitantly
ambitious, and manipulative, caught up in illusions, always gets
his way, and views partner as a sex object.
Various qualities, characteristics and description of
Swadhishthan Chakra are described at a glance as follows:

Particulars Description

Name of Chakra in Sanskrit Swadhishthan Chakra

Name in English Sacral Chakra /Wheel

Position of Chakra / Erotic Plexus, About 5 cms

Physical manifestation below navel

Anatomical linking (gland) Abdominal, Spleen, Urinary

tract, Kidneys, Ovaries, Uterus,
Blood Sugar

Physical / Sense properties Colds, sex, creativity, Energy,

aliveness, Taste, Life force

Divine Principles Sensual desire and beyond,

Reproduction, Responding,
Giving & Receiving

Main Functions Relationship, Sexuality,

Intimacy, Emotions

| 64 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Other functions Taste, letting Go, Warmth,
Desires, Emotional needs and

Number of petals 6

Control Kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas,

uterus, intestine

Place on hand Thumb

Colour Orange

Fragrance Rose

Metal Tin

Sense Taste

Element Water
Shape Pyramid
Kind of music Classical

Etheric oils Jasmine

Planets Jupiter

Aromatherapy Mogra

Astrology /Numerology Cancer = 4th house

Symbolic Fish

Gem Stone Coral Carnelian

Qualities Creativity, attention, desire,
Polarity Female

Mantra Vam

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 65 |

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Swadhishthan
Swadhishthan Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to
reasons like
Sudden reversal of emotions
Rudeness by others and you
Sexually abused
Sudden shock against expectation and others
Diseases and Swadhishthan Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Swadhishthan Chakra. Few of the diseases are
listed below, which occur due to Imbalance or short or excess
flow of energy at Swadhishthan Chakra:

Physical Swadhishthan
Diseases Chakra

Fertility issues Frigidity Fibroids

Menstrual Problems Sexual disorders Impotency

Muscle Cramps Bedwetting Prostate Disease

Testicular Disease Cystitis Endometriosis

Bladder Vaginal Cancer Irritable Bowel


Kidney complaints Spasms Ovarian Cysts

Pre-menstrual Miscarriages Heavy periods


Constipation Lower back pains

| 66 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Emotional Swadhishthan
Diseases Chakra

Frightened Guilt Over sensitive

Fearful Emotionally Shyness


Manipulative Embarrassment Shame

Distrust Impatience Desire to hide

Nervousness Uptight Frustration

Inadequacy Anger Pushy

Expecting the worst Depression Punishing oneself

Denial of self Sexual pressure Tension

Blaming others Feeling shut down Denial of pleasure

Fear from others Rigid social beliefs Anger at a mate

Rejecting femininity Numbness Neediness

Fear from Father Fear from Mother Overeating

Negativity Destructivity Superiority


Delusion Suspicion Pitilessness

How to balance Swadhishthan Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Swadhishthan Chakra, which can be done under
the guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
Being Blissful Meditation®
Selected Yoga practice

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 67 |

Doing creative things
Selected Shatkarma
Life style and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing
Swadhishthan Chakra:
Bija Mantra for Swadhishthan Chakra is:
|| Jeb|||| Vam ||
Detailed mantra is as follows:
|| Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam
Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Swadhishthan
Chakra as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may
guide you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind
or prakriti or your intensity or your progress.

| 68 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Manipur Chakra
ceefCehetj Ûe›eâ
Solar Plexus

'Mani' in Sanskrit means Gems. 'Pur' in Sanskrit means

City. That means City of Gems Chakra. In English it is referred
as Solar Plexus. It is located near belly button.
Manipur Chaka is centre of power, ego, passions, impulses,
anger, strength, centre for astral travel and astral influences,

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 69 |

receptivity of spirit guides and psychic developments.
When Manipur Chakra is out of balance you may
experience lack of confidence, confused, worry about what
others think, feel that others are controlling your life, and
depressed. Physical problems like digestive disorders, liver
problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, and food allergies.
When balanced feel cheerful, outgoing, self-respect, expressive,
enjoy taking on new challenges and strong sense of personal
power. The body organs for this chakra include the stomach,
liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine. The main
colour for this chakra is yellow.
Yoga Tattv Upanishad says about importance and practice
of Yoga and concentration and awakening.
From the anus to the heart is the region of Agni(Fire). Agni
is triangular in shape, of red colour and has the letter 'Ra' for its
(Bija) seed. YTU/Sh 91
Raising the Prana(breath) made splendid through the letter
'Ra' in the region of fire, yogi should contemplate on Rudra,
who has three eyes, who grants all wishes, who is of the colour
of the midday sun, who spread holy ashes all over and who is
pleasant. YTU/Sh 92-93(a)
Practice Dharana(concentration) there for a period of two
hours, yogi is not burnt by fire even though his body enters the
fire-pit. YTU/Sh93-94
Swami Purnanand explains Manipur Chakra:

At the root of the navel, is the shining Lotus of ten petals,

of the colour of heavy-laden rain-clouds. Within it are the letters
Da to Pha, of the colour of the blue lotus with the Nada and

| 70 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Bindu above them. Meditate there on the region of Fire,
triangular in form and shining like the rising sun. Outside it are
three Swastika marks, and within, the Bija of Vahni himself.
Swastika is derived from the Sanskrit swastika (in
Devanagari, mJeefmlekeâ), meaning any lucky or auspicious object,
and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote
good luck. It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek- u-, eu-),
meaning "good, well" and asti, a verbal abstract to the root as
"to be" (cognate with the Romance copula, coming ultimately
from the Proto-Indo European root *h1es-); swasti thus means
"well-being." The suffix -ka intensifies the verbal meaning or
confers the sense of 'beneficial', and swastika might thus be
translated literally as "that which associated with well-being,"
corresponding to "lucky charm" or "thing that is auspicious"
Dasa-dala-Lasite = Shining Lotus of ten petals. The Lotus shines
by reason of its ten petals. Purna-megha-prakase: of the colour
of the heavy rain clouds.
phantaihsancandraih = the colour of the blue lotus, the ten
letters, Na, Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Na, Pa, Pha on ten petals
as seen in the diagram.
Sacandraih = Moon dot. The letters have Bindu and Nada over
Shloka from Saundary Lahari (SL) gives an insight of
Manipur Chakra:

leefšlkevlebMekeâlÙeeefleefcejheefjhevLeermHeâgjCeÙee-, mHeâgjve>eveejle>eYejCeheefjCeæsvõOeveg<eced
lekeMÙeecebcesIebkeâceefheceefCehetjwkeâMejCeced, efve<eskeske<e&vlebnefjefceefnjlehleefc$eYegkeveb~~40~~
Taditwantam Shaktyaa Timira-pari-panti-sppuranayaa-
Tava Shyaama Mekham Kam-api Mani-poora-i-eka-
sharanamNishaevae Varshantham Hara-mihira-taptam
Tri-bhuvanam || SL / Sh 40 ||

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 71 |

Oh mother; Nishaevae = I worship
Kam-api = The inexplicable (Shiva) ; Shyaama = a black
Mekham = rain-cloud; eka-sharanam = Situated in
Tava = your ; Mani-poora = mani poora chakra
Taditwantam = with a flash of lightening
Shaktyaa = having the power of
Timira-pari-panti = destroying the dense darkness (of
Sppuran = by its brilliant illumination
aabharana = (and) with decorations
nana-ratna = of different gems
Sppuranayaa = The glow of which
Parinadha = forms
Indra-dhanusham = a rainbow
Varshantham = Which cools
Tri-bhuvanam = the entire world
Taptam = burning by the heat
Hara- mihira = of the sun, Rudra (which destroys the worlds)
"O mother! The cloud that cools
O mother, I worship the inexplicable (Shiva, the ultimate
bliss), a black rain-cloud situated in your Manipur chakra, with
a flash of lightening, having the power of destroying the dense
darkness (of ignorance), by its brilliant illumination, (and) with
decorations, of different gems, The glow of which forms a
rainbow, which cools the entire world, burning by the heat of
the sun, Rudra (which destroys the worlds)." SL/Sh.40
Sometimes this chakra is also said to be the 'Lustrous Gem'
which is the seat of personal power. This third chakra is also
store of judgments, opinion, beliefs and so on.

| 72 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Following table contains the detailed map of Manipur
Chakra at a glance:

Particulars Description

Name of the Chakra in Manipur Chakra


English Name Solar Plexus

Position of Chakra/ Navel


Number of petals 10

Controls Stomach, intestine, spleen,

liver, pancreas

Place on hand Middle Finger

Colour Golden yellow

Sense Sight

Element Fire

Shape Sphere

Kind of Music Active music like drum / tabla

Etheric Oils Lemon, grapefruit

Planets Mars and Sun

Astrology /Numerology Aries=first house

Symbolic Lion
Qualities Peace, generosity,
satisfaction, attention, care
Polarity Male

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 73 |

Mantra RAM

Anatomical linking (gland) Solar Plexus, Digestive

system, Stomach, Liver, Gall
Bladder, Pile, Small Intestine

Physical / Sense properties Vital Energy, Gut, Low

intuition, Gut instinct

Divine Principles Inner Strength, Self-control,

Purpose, Metabolism,
motion, Energize

Main Functions Will Power, Desire,

Personality, Authority,

Controls Intestine, digestion, liver, gall

bladder, pile, small intestine,
stomach, pancreas, liver

Other functions Will Power, Anger, Self-

Control, Efficiency, Purpose,
strive for perfection

Aromatherapy Ginger

Fragrance Blueberry

Metal Iron

Gem Stone Amber

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Manipur Chakra

Manipur Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons
Strong beliefs or judgments
Lack of expression of emotions like: love, hate, fear,
anger, etc.

| 74 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Denying or holding in feelings
Sense of disempowerment
Low self-esteem
Not receiving what is rightfully yours
Deeper conflicts between you and your ambitions
Lack of self-confidence
Balanced Manipur Chakra: When this chakra is balanced
and open, then the choices of life are more available and one
becomes in charge of own destiny. One chooses own beliefs
instead others. Person becomes easygoing, merry, sense of self-
esteem, respect others, personal power, dexterous, intelligent,
relaxed, spontaneous and expressive, likes exercises, loves
good food, accepts new challenges joyfully and freedom of
Imbalanced Manipur Chakra: Person will not be
balanced and feel prejudiced, judgmental, workaholic,
perfectionist, rational approach, sexually repressed, drugs to
relax, difficulty in showing warmth and / or friendly emotions.
Depression, lack of self-confidence, worries what others
may think of him, jealous, mistrustful and confused. Often in
need of reassurance, scared to be alone, sexually uncertain and
suffers from digestion problems.
Diseases and Manipur Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Manipur Chakra. Few of the diseases / symptoms
are listed below, which occur due to Imbalance or short or
excess flow of energy at Manipur Chakra:

Physical Manipur
Diseases Chakra

Hyper Acidity Pancreatitis Jaundice

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 75 |

Food Allergies Diabetes Gall Stones

Digestion problems Anaemia Heartburn

Gastritis Tiredness Abdominal


Ulcer Liver Diseases Hepatitis

Cholesterol Arthritis Poor diet

Spinal pains Laziness Sexual imbalance

Emotional Manipur
Diseases Chakra

Anxiety Failure Shame

Disappointment Anger Bitterness

Prolonged Lack of self-belief Rejection


Powerlessness Criticism Condemning

Fear Feeling of doom Fault-finding to

deceive self

Child-like reactions Defeated Justifying

Aggression Timid Passive

Depression Jealousy Confused

Addiction Excessive worries Disgust

Sadness Foolishness

| 76 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

How to balance Manipur Chakra?
Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Manipur Chakra, which can be done under the
guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
Being Blissful Meditation®
Selected Yoga practice
Agni Saar
Vayu Mudra
Selected Shatkarma
Mani Meditation
Doing creative things
Life Style and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Manipur
Bija Mantra for Manipur Chakra is:
|| jb||
|| Ram ||
Detailed mantra is as follows:
|| Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay
Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Manipur
Chakra as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may
guide you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind
or prakriti or your intensity or your progress.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 77 |

Anahat Chakra
Deveeno Ûe›eâ
Heart Chakra

'Anahat' in Sanskrit means un-struck or without hit.

Something without hitting is referred to Anahat sound that is
sound of divine love, syllable OM. As the name indicates, this
chakra is located near the heart. Anahat Chakra represents love,
compassion and spirituality. Heart diseases are mostly results

| 78 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

of imbalanced Anahat Chakra. Deep heart hurts result in aura
obstructions called heart scars. Releasing of these scars may
result in older pains thus healing the heart.
When the energy flows are balanced, a person is:
compassionate, emphatic, humanitarian, friendly, easy-going
and open. One sees good in everybody, joyfully cares for others,
sexually immersed completely in a relationship. The person
flows with pure love towards others like: mother or child, or
animals. This love flows without expectation.
Yoga Tattv Upanishad says about importance and practice
of Yoga and concentration and awakening.
From the heart to the middle of the eyebrows is the region
of Vayu(wind). Vayu is hexangular in shape, black in colour
and shines with the letter 'Ya'. Carrying the breath along the
region of Vayu, contemplate on Ishvara, the Omniscient, as
possessing faces on all sides; and practicing
Dharana(concentration) there for two hours, yogi enters Vayu
and then Akasa. YTU/Shlokas 94(b)-96.
Swami Purnanand in Shat Chakra Nirupana described
Ahahat Chakra in Shlokas 22 to 27 which is meditated upon in
the heart.
In the heart, the charming Lotus, of the shining colour of
the Bandhuka flower, with twelve letters beginning with Ka.
Colour vermilion. It is known as Anahat, and is like the celestial
wishing-tree, bestowing even more than desire. The Region of
Vayu, beautiful and with six corners, which is like unto the
smoke in colour, is here. SCN /Shloka 22

The 12 letters from Ka to Tha are on the petals: Ka, Kha,

Ga, Gha, Ña, Ca, Cha, Ja, Jha, Na, Ta, Tha.Kalpa-taru = wishing-

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 79 |

tree is a wish-tree in the garden (heaven) of the chief of gods
Indra. six corners = see the interlacing triangles with six corners

Shlokas from Saundarya Lahari gives an insight of Anahat

Oh Mother! I adore the pair of Swans (Shiva-Shakti) who
are delighted in absorbing the honey of the full-blown lotus of
knowledge at Anahat chakra, and who swim in the minds of the
great. Their mutual conversation is the eighteen arts, and they
separate well from evil, the way the swans separate the milk
from the water. SL /Sh.38

mecegvceer}lmebefkelkeâce}cekeâjvlewkeâjefmekeâb, YepesnbmeÉvleefckeâceefhecenleebceevemeÛejb
Ùeoe}eheeo<šeoMeiegefCeleefkeodÙeeheefjCeefle:, Ùeoeollesoes<eeûgCeceefKe}ceÆdÙe: heÙeFke~~
SL/Sh. 38
Sam-unmeelath Samvith-kamala-makarantha-i-eka-rasikam
Bhajae Hamsa-dwantham Kim-api Mahathaam Maanasa-
Yad-aadathae Doeshaath Gunam-akhila-adbhyaha Pay aiva.
Bhajae = worship
Kim-api = the inexplicable
dwantham = twin
Hamsa = swans
charam = which live
Maanasa = in the minds
Mahathaam = of great men

| 80 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

rasikam = And which enjoy
eka = only
Samvith = the inner knowledge
makarantha = (like)the nectar
Sam-unmeelath=inside a full blown
kamala = lotus
Yad -aalaapaath = From whose songs
parinathihi = born
ashtaa-dasa = the eighteen followers
gunitha-vidhyaa = techniques of knowledge
Yad = and which
aadathae = are capable of distinguishing
akhila = all
Gunam = that is good
Doeshaath = from the evil
iva = like
Paya = (separating) milk
adbhyaha = from water ( which only swans can do )
When Anhata Chakra is open unconditional love and
compassion flows and radiate. Devotional yoga happens in the
true life.
Various qualities, characteristics and description of Anahat
Chakra are described at a glance as follows:

Particulars Description

Name of the Chakra in Anahat Chakra

Name in English Heart Chakra

Position of the Chakra / Near heart


Number of petals 12

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 81 |

Controls Heart, Lungs, Breast, Arms and

Place on hand Little finger

Colour Green, pink and gold

Sense Touch

Element Air

Shape Half-moon / hexagram

Music Vocal

Ethric Oil Rose

Planets Venus and Sun

Astrology / Numerology Libra 7th house

Symbolic Deer

Qualities Love, Compassion, Sentiments,


Polarity Female

Mantra Yam

Jewish Christian tradition The angel of healing

Anatomical linking (gland) Heart, Lungs, Lymph, Immune

System, Allergy, Blood
Pressure, Circulation

Physical / Sense properties Emotions, Love, Flow.

Divine Principles Forgiveness, Esteem, Emotions,

Respect, divine love.

| 82 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Main Functions Love, Balance, Connection,
Compassion, Ego, Hope,

Controls / Emotions/other Sharing, Flexibility, Trust,

function Growth, Caring, Skills

Aromatherapy Heliotrope

Fragrance Chamomile

Metal Copper

Gem Stone Green Tour Kunzite

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Anahat Chakra

Anahat Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons like:
Suppression of sorrow
Longing and pity
Inability to release sadness and grief
Emotional wounds hard to heal
Doubts in the process of life
Impressions of childhood
Mass negativity and beliefs
Balanced Anahat Chakra: One feels love flow,
compassionate, friendly, empathetic, desire to cherish others
and see positive in others.
Imbalanced Anahat Chakra means prisoner of the love,
selfish and distrust. Person becomes rude, suffocating and
expects too much.Addictions like as sugar longings, liquors and
smoking are related to the Anahat Chakra.
This chakra is closely connected to the fourth auric and
spiritual level.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 83 |

Diseases and Anahat Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Anahat Chakra. Few of the diseases / symptoms
are listed below, which occur due to Imbalance or short or
excess flow of energy at Anahat Chakra:

Physical Anahat
Diseases Chakra

Heart Diseases Fatigue Breast Cancer

Circulation problems Immune Bronchitis


Pneumonia Influenza Asthma

High Blood pressure Sleep disorders Allergies

Hyperventilation Shortness of Cough


Chest Congestion Chest pain Heart attack

Insomnia Weaker immunity

Emotional Anahat
Diseases Chakra

Fear Love failures Suppressions

Desperate Introvert Short prana

Hopelessness Grief Despair

Sadness Heartbreaks Deeper

Feel sorry Unworthy of love Demanding
Moody Conditional love Feels self-pity

| 84 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Possessive Indecisive Distrustful

Arrogance Incompetence Lustfulness

How to balance Anahat Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Anahat Chakra, which can be done under the
guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
Being Blissful Meditation®
Selected Yoga practice
Sanjeevani Mudra
Uddiyan Bandh
Anahat Meditation
Let go
Prayer, singing, bhajans
Creativity and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Anahat Chakra:
Bija Mantra for Anahat Chakra is:
|| Ùeb||
|| Yam ||
Detailed mantra is as follows:
|| Om Yam Anaahatam Jaagray
Jaagray Sfottay Om Sham ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Anahat Chakra
as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may guide
you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind or
prakriti or your intensity or your progress.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 85 |

Vishuddhi Chakra
eqJeMegefæ Ûe›eâ
Throat Chakra

'Vishuddhi' means pure or clean in Sanskrit. In English

commonly called as Throat Chakra. This Chakra is located at
lower neck and is the centre of communication, sound, and
expression of creativity via thought, speech, and writing. The

| 86 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

possibility for change, transformation and healing are easy at
this chakra. Here anger is stored and finally let go of.
ShatChakra Nirupana explains Vishuddhi chakra in
Shlokas 28 to 31. Hamsa (the Jiva) attains purity, so this lotus is
called Visuddha (pure), Ethereal, Great, and Excellent.
The Lotus called Visuddha, in the throat, which is pure
and of a smoky purple hue. All the (sixteen) shining vowels on
its (sixteen) petals, of a crimson hue, are distinctly visible when
mind (Buddhi) is illumined. In this lotus there is the Ethereal
Region, circular in shape, and white like the full Moon. On an
elephant white as snow is seated the Bija of Ambhara, who is
white of colour. SCN/Sh28
Four arms, two hold the noose and stick, and the other two
make the gestures of granting boons and dispelling fear. These
add to beauty. In His lap there ever dwells the great snow-white
Deva, three-eyed and five-faced, with ten beautiful arms, and
clothed in a tiger's skin. His body is united with that of Girija,
and He is known by what His name, Sada-Shiva, signifies. -

Full Moon: Ether, whose Mandala is a circle (Vrrta-rupa),

is the element of Visuddha Lotus Chakra. Bija = Ham is the Bija
of Visuddha. Ambhara = Ethereal region. Ambhara, white in his

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 87 |

Bija form wearing white raiment, sits on a elephant of the colour
of snow. His lap: Ham (Nabho-Bija). Girija = Giri means
mountain and Girija means daughter of mountain
Himavat=Himalayaa. This refers to Androgynous from of
Shiva-Shakti. Sada-Shiva = Ever-Beneficent One.

About Vishuddhi Chakra Saundarya Lahari says:

efkeMegæewlesMegæmHeâefškeâefkeMeobkÙeescepevekeâb, efMekebmeskesoskeerceefheefMekemeceevekÙekeefmeleebÙeÙees:
Vishudhou Tae Shudha-sppadika-visadam Vyoma-janakam
Shivam Saevae Devim-api Shiva-samaana-vyavasithaam
Yayoho Kaanthiya Yaanthyaha Sasi-kirana-saaroopya-
saranaehae, Vidhoothaa-antar-dhwaantha Vilasathi
Chakoeree-iva Jagathee Oh motherSL 37

| 88 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Tae = in your
Shudha-sppadika = crystal
visadam = clear
Vishudhou = Vishuddhi Chakra
Saevae = I worship
Shivam = Shiva, the eternal bliss
Vyoma = from whom the space spirit
janakam = is born
Devim-api = I worship (You ) also, Mother
samaana-vyavasithaam = the equal of
Kaanthiya = By the beautiful
Yaanthyaha = glow
Yayoho = of both (of ) which
Jagathee = The whole world
Vidhoothaa = Becomes free
antar = of the inner
dhwaantha = darkness, ignorance, confusion
saaroopya =As if from
saranaehae = the glow
Sasi-kirana = of the moon light
Vilasathi= And dances
iva = like
Chakoeree= the Chakoeree bird (that can drink only of
the moon light)
Oh Mother! To free the world from ignorance The yogi
who reaches Your Vishuddhi chakra, lives in a world filled with
only moonlight, from where your grace falls on the world, frees
the world from all ignorance, filling it with a new knowledge and
light. - SL/Sh-37

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 89 |

Various qualities, characteristics and description of
Vishuddhi Chakra are described at a glance as follows:

Particulars Description

Name of Chakra in Sanskrit Vishuddhi Chakra

Name in English Throat Chakra

Position of Chakra / Cervical plexus, Thyroid gland,

manifestation Throat

Number of petals 16

Controls Throat, vocal cord, neck, arms,

mouth, tongue

Place on hand First finger

Colour Turquoise blue or light blue

Sense Hearing

Element Ether / sky / space

Shape Triangle

Music Classical and vocal

Etheric Oil Sesame

Planets Mercury

Astrology / Numerology Gemini 3 house

Symbolic Falcon

Qualities Sweetness, communication,


Polarity Female

| 90 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Mantra Ham

Jewish Christian tradition The messenger from God

Anatomical linking (gland) Throat, Neck, Parathyroid,

Ears, teeth, Sinus, Thyroid
gland, Respiratory System

Physical / Sense properties Parathyroid, negative & positive


Divine Principles Speech, Expressions,

eloquence, Articulation,
Creativity, Goddess Saraswati

Main Functions Communication, Healing,

Connectivity, Seeing the whole

Controls Feelings, Openness, ideas,

healing, communications

Aromatherapy Eucalyptus

Fragrance Frankincense

Metal Mercury

Gem Stone Turquoise Azurite

Corresponding Gland Thyroid

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Vishuddhi Chakra

Vishuddhi Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons
Sudden shock

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 91 |

Excessive controls
Conditioning of life
Inability to express sadness and grief
Impressions of childhood
Stressful mental level
Inferiority complex
Humiliation and Guilt
Odd opinions or attitudes
Lack of in-depth knowledge
Repressed anger
Emotional congestion
Beliefs (irrational)
Balanced Vishuddhi Chakra means: person is satisfied,
artistic, lives in the present, good speaker and during meditation
experience of oneness. One feels free to express without fear of
rejection. Free to communicate thoughts, feelings and desires.
Become eas ier to speak up for self and others effectively. One
Feels Centred, musically or artistically inspired, and a good
Imbalanced Vishuddhi Chakra leads to nervousness,
weakness, or unable to express. Increases arrogance, talks too
much or too little. Feel dispassion over inexpressiveness.
Vishuddhi Chakra is fifth auric level, the etheric level,
visible as a bluish glow.
Diseases and Vishuddhi Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Vishuddhi Chakra. Few of the diseases /
symptoms are listed here, which occur due to Imbalance or
short or excess flow of energy at Vishuddhi Chakra:

| 92 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Physical Vishuddhi
Diseases Chakra

Thyroid problems Asthma Hearing Problems

Bronchitis Mouth Ulcers Colds

Laryngitis Tonsillitis Stiff neck

Tinnitus Pain in upper arm Sore Throat

Ear Infections Teeth & Gums Cough


Hoarseness Lost Voice Hay fever

Inflammation Hyperthyroid Back pain

Cervical spondylitis Ear infections

Emotional Vishuddhi
Diseases Chakra

Fear of speaking Anguish Confusion

Repression Self-rejection Anger

Excessive talks Mental eruptions Victimization

Self-guilt Arrogant Inflexible

Silent Timid Unreliable
Inconsistent Manipulative Rude
Bad listener

How to balance Vishuddi Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Vishuddhi Chakra, which can be done under the
guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 93 |

Being Blissful Meditation®
Selected Yoga practice
Saman Mudra
Jalandhar Bandh
Om Meditation
Let go
Singing bhajans
and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Vishuddhi
Bija Mantra for Vishuddhi Chakra is:
|| nb||
|| Ham ||
Detailed mantra is as follows:
|| Om Ham Vishuddh Jaagray
Jaagray Tatva Beejaay Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Vishuddhi
Chakra as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may
guide you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind
or prakriti or your intensity or your progress.

| 94 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Agya Chakra
Dee%ee Ûe›eâ
Third Eye Chakra
Also called as Commanding
Wheel or Authoritative Wheel

'Agya' in Sanskrit means 'The Order'. This is also spelled

as 'Ajna' in some texts in English. This is sixth chakra referred
to as the Third Eye. It is located above physical eyes on the
centre of the forehead. Agya chakra is the centre for psychic
ability, higher intuition, the energies of spirit and light. This
chakra also assists in the purification of negative tendencies
and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. This is also known as
Commanding Centre of the Wheel.
Agya chakra gives powers and higher guidance, channel,
and tune into Higher Self.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 95 |

Yoga Tattv Upanishad (YTU) says about importance and
practice of Yoga and concentration and awakening.
The Yogis do not meet death through the fear of Vayu(Air).
From the centre of the eyebrows to the top of the head is the
region of Akasa, circular in the shape, smoky in colour and
shining with letter 'Ha'. YTU/Sh97-98
Swami Purnananda talks about Agya Chakra from Verse
32 to 38:
The Lotus named Agya is like the moon (beautifully white).
On its two petals are the letters Ha and Ksha, which are also
white and enhance its beauty. It shines with the glory of Dhyana
(meditation). Inside it is the Shakti Hakini, whose six faces are
like so many moons. She has six arms, in one of which She holds
a book; two others are lifted up in the gestures of dispelling fear
and granting boons, and with the rest She holds a skull, a small
drum, and a rosary. Her mind is pure (Suddha-Citta). SCN /

Agya = Command. between the eyebrows. Located above

the Vishuddhi Chakra.
Mudra=Hand gesture of Vidya or knowledge.
Saundarya Lahari says the dream of every yogi:

lekee%eeÛe›eâmLecleheveMeefMekeâesefšefÉefleOejb, hejbMecYegbkevosheefjefceefueleheeMke&chejefÛelee
Tava-Agyaa-chakra-stham Tapana-sasi-koedi-dwithi-taram
Param-shambum Vandae Parimilitha-paarsuam Para-

| 96 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Yam-aaradhyan Bhaktyaa Ravi-sasi-shuchinaam-
Nir-aaloekae Loekae Nivasathi He Bhaa-loeka-
bhuvanae Sloka: 36 SL
Vandae = bow before
Param shambum = Shiva, the Ultimate bliss
Parachitaa = others chitta, joined with (you)
Parimilitha- paarsuam = by your side
s-tham = Situated in ; Tava = your
Agyaa-chakra = Agyaa-chakra ; dwithi -taram = With the
koedi = luminescence of a million; Tapana = Sun
sasi = and Moon ; aaradhyan = Worshipping
Yam = whom ; Bhaktyaa = with great devotion
Nivasathi = The devotee lives ; Loekae = in a world
avishayae = influenced by neither ; Ravi = The Sun
sasi = moon ; shuchinaam = or fire
bhuvanae = In a world; Nir-aaloekae = unseen,
Bhaa-loeka He = (and) filled only with moon light absolute
O Mother! The Agyaa Chakra (Agya Chakra) world, where
exists nothing but your luminescence, like the brilliance of
million Suns, which is nothing but your grace showered without
inhibition or hindrance, where everything experienced in the
human world ceases to exist and loses its importance. SL/Sh 36
Various qualities, characteristics and description of Agya
Chakra are described at a glance as follows:

Particulars Description

Name of chakra in Sanskrit Agya Chakra

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 97 |

Name in English Third Eye

Position of chakra / Optic Chiasm, between

manifestation the eyebrows

Numbers of petals 2

Controls Pineal / pituitary gland,

eyesight, memory, brain, mind

Place on hands Ring finger

Colour Violet, purple, brighter bluish

Sense Perception, Intuition

Element Light

Shape Five pointed star

Music Classical

Etheric Oil Camphor

Planets The Moon

Astrology / Numerology Sagittarius number : 9

Symbolic Cobra

Qualities Forgiveness
Polarity Female
Mantra OM
Jewish Christian tradition Female face of God
Anatomical linking (gland) Brows, Nervous System, Eyes,
Physical / Sense properties Endocrine and Nervous
system, Meditation

| 98 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Divine Principles Sixth Sense, Imagination,
Knowing, Intuition,

Main Functions Intuition, Gateway opening

beyond senses and mind,

Controls Clairvoyance, Master Controls,

Service, Imagination

Corresponding Gland Pineal Gland

Aromatherapy Lavender

Fragrance Galangal

Metal Silver

Gem Stone Lapis Amethyst

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Agya Chakra

Agya Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons

 Repulsed by someone

 Irritation

 Dissatisfied with own life

 Sudden shock of failure

 Pessimistic vision towards future

 Resistance in the life

 Lacking of guts to hear the truth

 Adamant towards changes

 Humiliation and Guilt

 Odd opinions or attitudes

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 99 |

 Lack of knowledge
 Repressed anger and desires
 Misconceptions
Balanced Agya Chakra means: This is a commanding
centre of life. Better connectivity with intuitive abilities.
Purpose of life becomes clear. A deeper sense of trust develops.
Higher level of awareness flows. Inner vision becomes wider.
Telepathy and other qualities flow. Charismatic leadership
qualities develop.
Imbalanced Agya State of high confusion and
dissatisfaction develops which lead to imbalance of life. Poor
vision. Lack the true essence of life. Such person will be victim
of others' orders. Shyness from facing others and a feeling of
non-assertiveness rules the life. Such person will be afraid of
failures and doubt own or others success full of ego.
This is said to be sixth auric level, the heavenly level and
visible as a dark-purple/indigo layer.
Diseases and Agya Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Agya Chakra. Few of the diseases / symptoms
are listed below, which occur due to Imbalance or short or
excess flow of energy at Agya Chakra:

Physical Diseases Agya Chakra

Headache Glaucoma Cerebral Palsy

Eyes weakness Migraine Neurological


Brain Tumour Sinus Problems Dyslexia

Cataracts Insomnia Migraine

Crossed eyes Allergies Earache

| 100 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Tension Deafness Short-sightedness

Deafness Cancer Scalp problems

Nervousness Nervous Chronic

Breakdowns tiredness

Hormonal High blood Dizziness

imbalances pressure


Emotional Diseases Agya Chakra

Anger Poor Insight Psychological


Fantasy Aggression Hasty decisions

Confusion Weaker intellect Fear

Stubbornness Self-centreedness Lack of joy

Anxiety Struggle Dogmatic

Poor concentration Frustration Depression

Rejection Incorrect beliefs Blacking out

Poor communication Un-forgiveness Isolation

Fear Imbalance Too much

thinking attachment

Unattractiveness Egoistic Manipulative

schizophrenic Extremes Undisciplined

How to balance Agya Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 101 |

dysfunction of Agya Chakra, which can be done under the
guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
 Being Blissful Meditation®
 Selected Yoga practice
 Trataka
 Bandhas
 Gyan Mudra
 Pranayama
 Om Meditation
 Singing bhajans
 and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Agya Chakra:
Bija Mantra for Agya Chakra is:
|| Ô||
|| Om ||
Om Hreem Agya Jaagray Jaagray
Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Agya Chakra
as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may guide
you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind or
prakriti or your intensity or your progress.


| 102 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Sahastrar Chakra
Crown Chakra

Sahastrar means thousands in Sanskrit. Crown chakra is

the seventh chakra. This Chakra is represented with a thousand
petals lotus.
This chakra is on the top of the skull and is the centre of
spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy, allows
wisdom, and brings cosmic consciousness. The silver cord

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 103 |

connects the aura bodies extend from the crown. This Chakra
is the gateway to connectivity with divine consciousness. One
becomes a great awakened master when this chakra opens.
Awareness expands beyond visible and one behaves as a human
as well as divine in the same life.
Yoga Tattv Upanishad says about importance and practice
of Yoga and concentration and awakening.
Raise the breath along the region of Akasa, contemplate
on Sadashiva : producing happiness, shape of Bindu, the great
Deva, the shape of Akasa, shining like pure crystal, wearing the
rising crescent of moon on his head, having five faces, ten hands
and three eyes, being of a pleased countenance, armed with all
weapons, adorned with all ornaments, having Uma (the
goddess) in one-half of his body, ready to grant favours and the
cause of all the causes.YTU / Sh 98-101
Practice Dharana(concentration) in the region of Akasa,
yogi obtains certainly the power of levitating in the Akasa
(ether). - YTU/ Sh101
Wherever yogi stays, yogi enjoys supreme bliss. The
proficient in Yoga should practice these five Dharanas. - YTU/
Sh 102
Swami Purnananda talks about Sahastrara
Above all, vacant space wherein is Sankhini Nadi, and
below Visarga is the Lotus of a thousand petals opens. This
Lotus, lustrous and whiter than the full moon, has its head turned
downward. It charms. Its clustered filaments are tinged with
the colour of the Young Sun. Body is luminous with the letters
beginning with A, and it is the absolute bliss. - SCN/Sh 40

| 104 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

The Acharya enjoins that Sadhakas who wish to practise
Samadhi Yoga should before such time with every consideration
and effort dissolve all things in their order from the gross to the
subtle in Chidatma. All things, both gross and subtle, which
make up creation, should first be meditated upon.
The vacant space is called the Supreme Ether (Parama-
Vyoma) in the Svacchanda-samgraha, cited by 'Visvanatha.
Parama-vyoma is the name given in the Pancaratra to the Highest
Heaven or 'Vaikuntha'.
Lotus of a thousand petals means The Sahastrara is called
Akula, according to the Svacchanda-samgraha, cited by
Visvanatha.The absolute bliss is Kevalananda-rupam, i.e.,
Brahman Bliss.
Various qualities, characteristics and description of
Sahastrar Chakra are described at a glance as follows:

Particulars Description

Name of Chakra in Sanskrit Sahastrar Chakra

Name in English Crown Chakra

Position of chakra / Above Limbic area of brain / top

manifestation of the head

Numbers of petals 1000

Place on hands Centre of the palm

Colour Violet colourless or brightness

Sense Bliss

Element Cosmos

Shape Half sphere

Music Raga

Ethric oil Lotus

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 105 |

Planets Universe

Astrology / Numerology Aquarius 12th house

Symbolic Eagle


Polarity Both male and female

Mantra Om

Jewish Christian tradition The light of the Supreme

Anatomical linking (gland) Central Nervous System,

Cerebral Cortex, Crown, Head,
Upper Spine, Head

Physical / Sense properties RNA, DNA, Metabolism,

Spiritual connections

Divine Principles Wisdom, Inspiration, Spiritual,

Divinity, Awareness

Main Functions Cosmic Consciousness,

Transcendence, Spiritual

Controls Consciousness comic love,

Inner Awakening, Spiritual
Love, Compassion, Harmony

Aromatherapy Jasmine

Fragrance Lotus

Metal Gold

Gem Stone Tourmaline Clear Quartz

| 106 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Reasons of Dysfunctions or weaker Sahastrar Chakra
Sahastrar Chakra becomes dysfunctional due to reasons
 Spiritual Misconceptions
 Ungrounded
 Ignorance
 Curses
 Sufferings (Kleshas)
 Attachments
 Lack of Trust
 Egoistic approach towards the life
 Lack of Wisdom (vivek)
Balanced Sahastrar Chakra:energy includes the ability
to open up to the Divine and access to the unconscious,
subconscious and supreme conscious. miracle and divine
powers start flowing in. Can guide and control the elements and
invisible things start happening.
Imbalanced Sahastrar Chakra: brings unbalanced sense
of frustration and destructive feelings. Illnesses may include
migraine headaches and depression and neurosis.
This seventh chakra is the Ether level - which is visible as
a white or gold coloured layer, the outermost aura.
Diseases and Sahastrar Chakra:
There are many diseases associated with Imbalance or
dysfunction of Sahastrar Chakra. Few of the diseases /
symptoms are listed below, which occurs due to Imbalance or
short or excess flow of energy at Sahastrar Chakra:

Physical Sahastrar
Diseases Chakra

Epilepsy Heaviness in Cerebral Palsy

entire head

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 107 |

Eyes weakness Migraine Neurological

Imbalance Brain Alzheimer's Dizziness

Neurosis Schizophrenia Immune system


Epilepsy Bone disorders Cancers

Parkinson's Disease Paralysis Multiple Sclerosis

Insomnia Nervous system Headache



Emotional Sahastrar
Diseases Chakra

Poor creativity Exhaustion Addicted to


Depression Lack of self- Lack of direction


Absent Disconnected Destructive

with body

Frustrations Manic-depressive Psychotic

Imbalance hormones

How to balance Sahastrar Chakra?

Following steps can help and heal the imbalance and
dysfunction of Sahastrar Chakra, which can be done under the
guidance of a qualified Yoga Teacher or Yoga Acharya:
 Being Blissful Meditation®

| 108 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

 Selected Yoga practice
 Bandhas
 Gyan Mudra
 Pranayama
 Om Meditation
 Singing bhajans
 and others are beneficial for this chakra.
Deeper meditation and Being Blissful Meditation® bring
excellent results for activating and balancing this chakra.
Mantra for awakening and balancing Sahastrar
Bija Mantra for Sahastrar Chakra is:
|| Ô||
|| Om ||
Detailed mantra is as follows:
|| Om Hreem Sahastraaaram Jaagray Jaagray
Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat ||
Recite and practice above mantra under the guidance of
the Guru. This will help and heal the imbalance of Sahastrar
Chakra as well as awaken the Shakti of this chakra. Guru may
guide you, how to practice in accordance to your state of mind
or prakriti or your intensity or your progress.


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 109 |

Diseases and Chakras

Disease means not at ease. Either body or mind or social

factors may be uneasy. Whenever any type of uneasiness, one
should consider it a disease.
When energy is balanced other things start balancing. So
it is with Chakras, whenever they are balanced a person starts
feeling and experiencing balance in the life.
In our body there is system which coordinates and
balances other all systems; this is called the Endocrine system.
This system is body's main control mechanism.
This system has ductless glands that produce the
hormones. These hormones act as chemical messengers and
keep the body in optimum health level.
There are corresponding endocrine glands corresponding
to each Chakra. It is also well known fact that each chakra's
position is very close to each corresponding gland. This is fact
that there is effect of respective Chakra on the functioning of
the corresponding gland.These chakras are inter-related deeply
with the glands. Balance and harmony between the chakras
and glands lead to a healthy and balanced life.
Chakra System Imbalances
If chakras are either over active or inactive then there is
imbalance in our activities. Internal sickness is often associated
with imbalances of Chakra.

| 110 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Diseases which occur due to inside effect are mainly
because of imbalance of chakras. Balancing of Chakras can be
done under the supervision of a capable Yoga Acharya.
The following chart clarifies the diseases which can occur
due to imbalance of corresponding Chakra:
Chakras and Endocrine Glands
Every Chakra corresponds with one of the important
glands of endocrine system. These are as follows:

Chakra Gland Secretion Governing

Mooladhar Adrenal Epinephrine Actions

Swadhishthan Ovaries/ Estragon / Procreation /

Testicles Testosterone Development

Manipur Pancreas Insulin Digestion /


Anahat Thymus Lymphocytes Immunity

Vishuddhi Thyroid Thyroxin Metabolism

Agya Pituitary Somatotrophin Growth

Sahastrar Pineal Melatonin Body Rhythm


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 111 |

Kundalini Shakti
Wake up Techniques

How to wake up Kundalini Shakti or Chakras?

There are many methods which help in awakening this
ultimate Shakti in human body. Few of these are based on
practical training given at the Ashram. There are selected
guide lines for awakening Shakti. One of the tested
methodology is Being Blissful Meditation® (BBM)®
This helps one to awake the Chakras and Kundalini Shakti.
Guruji guides the aspirants, who intends to learn Being
Blissful Meditation.
For more details, visit: https://beingblissful.org/
Gheranda-Samhita (5.38-44) explains the methods how
to awaken the Kundalini Shakti:
Sit comfortably in Padmasana (lotus pose) on a seat.
Place guru within, as instructed by the guru, and
commence the purification of the channels. Purify through
Contemplating the seed-syllable (bija) of the air element,
which is energetic and of the colour of smoke, the sage should
inhale the air through the lunar (the left nostril), repeating the
seed-syllable sixteen times.
Then he should retain it for sixty-four of repetitions (seed-
| 112 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti
syllable) and exhale the air through the solar channel (the right
nostril) over thirty-two repetitions. Raising the fire from the
root of the navel (the kanda), he should contemplate the glow
associated with the earth element.
Then, while repeating the seed-syllable of the fire element
sixteen times, he should inhale through the solar channel (right
Should retain the air for sixty-four repetitions and then
exhale it through the lunar channel [i.e., the left nostril] over
thirty-two repetitions.
Contemplating the luminous reflection of the moon at the
tip of the nose, he should inhale the air through the ida (left
nostril) for sixteen repetitions of the seed-syllable ham. Then,
while contemplating the nectar oozing (moon at the tip of the
nose), retain the air for sixty-four repetitions of the seed-syllable
Vam. Thereby cleanse the channels. Firmly exhale for thirty-
two (repetitions) of the la-sound. GS (5.38-44)
Being Blissful Meditation® advance level is highly helpful
in awakening the Kundalini Shakti. Or Following sequence in
the beginning is highly helpful:

SN Particulars Rounds Time

1 Prayer chanting 3 deeper Om + 1
Sahnavavtu Sahnobhunkatu
Sahviraym karvavahe…..

2 Palming and hands on face 2

and awareness

3 Brahma Mudra (all 4 variations) 5 3

4 Yogic Shvasan Ang Sanchalan 10

(yogic breathing and yogic
warming up sequence) For
Shoulders, chest, waist, hips, legs

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 113 |

5 Selected Asana in standing, 15
sitting, supine, prone and

6 Anulom Vilom Pranayama 2minx3 6

7 Bharmari Pranayama 1 3

8 Kapal Bhati 2minx2 4

9 Bhastrika 2minx2 4

10 Being Blissful Meditation® 1 10

11 Closing Prayer 3 times Chanting 1

OM and shanti shanti shanti

12 Selected Mudras and

Bandhas can be performed

The sequence can be learned from good yoga teacher and

thereafter one can perform as self and daily practice. There are
tremendous results coming out from these practices.
1. Hastha padangusthasana
2. Konasana
3. Hastapadasana
4. Parvatasana
5. Paschimottanasana
6. Halasana
7. Shalabhasana
8. Sarvangasana
9. Makarasana
10. Naukasana
11. Dhanurasana
12. Saundarya Pushti Asana

| 114 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

13. Shavasana
14. Shirshasana
15. Matsyasana
16. Vakrasana
17. Chakrasana
18. Setubandhasana
19. Naukasana
20. Balasana
Yogic Shvasan Ang Sanchalan
(Yogic Breathing-Limbs-Movement)

SN Actions Rounds

1 Brahma Mudra Variation 1 : Exhale head 5

down : Inhale head up

2 Brahma Mudra Variation 2 : Inhale Face 5x2

Centre; Exhale Face Left / Right

3 Brahma Mudra Variation 3 : Inhale Face 5x2

Centre: Exhale Ear to left/right shoulder

4 Brahma Mudra Variation 4 : Rotate the 11 x 2

Head:exhale forward/inhale backward

5 Kandh Sanchalan -(Shoulder Rotation in 5x2

saman mudra)

6 Vaksh-vistaar -(Chest Expansion) 11

7 Kati Chakrasan -(Waist Twist) 11 x 2

8 Ardh Kati sanchalan -(Waist movements) 11 x 2

9 Pind Sanchalan -(Rotate body from waist 11 x 2

(Only before & after disabled)

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 115 |

10 Nitambh sanchalan -(hips movements) 11 x 2

12 Nitambh chakrgati -(hips rotation) 11 x 2

13 Lahar / Tarang Asan -(hips movement while 11

dancing (after & before disabled)

14 Pad uttith (legs raised on side by side) 11 x 2

(disabled should take support of wall)

15 Paad chalan -(Military Walk) 21 x 2

16 Jaanu sanchalan -(Knees movement) 5x2

17 Ankle stretch 5x2

18 Ankle rotation 5x2

19 Eyes Movements ( 2 minutes)

20 Kalai- chakra - (Wrist movement) 11 x 2

21 Anguli prasaar - mushti - 5

(fingers stretch & fist)

Let it happen, witness the happening, with blessings for

blissful moments.
Recommended yogic method of Prayer:
1. Either sitting or in standing position, close your eyes
and join both the hands together in Namaste or Anjali
2. Relax your entire body.
3. Take 3 or 4 deep relaxing breaths.
4. Chant OM three times in a way that the sound echoes
from every part of your body.
5. Rub your palms together for at least 1 minute. This
will invoke Yoga-Agni (Fire of Yoga) in your palms.

| 116 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

6. Yoga-Agni (fire) provides energy to all the body
systems through your hands which helps in relieving
of the problems.
7. Cover your face with your warmer hands. Bend
forward your head.
8. The moment your palms touch your face you will
start feeling hot and cold effects spontaneously, at
the same time.
9. This energy from your palms transforms your
problems into pleasure and you start experiencing
happiness and lightness.
10. Prayer helps in making the mind stable and
concentrated. It relieves you from sadness, sorrow
and sufferings.
11. Very slowly and gently come back and release and
open your eyes. Now you are ready for other yoga
Before starting yoga practice close your eyes and chant
following universal prayers suitable for every caste, creed,
culture or religion:
Chant OM three times very clear and deep. 50% time open
mouth and 50% time lips together with full awareness.
Then chant following prayer:
|| Om Sahana Vavatu. Sahanau Bhunaktu Sahaveeryam
Karvavahai ||
|| Tejasvina avadhitamastu Ma Vidhwishavahai ||
|| Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi ||
Meaning in English: Oh Lord! Protect all of us and help us
that we get capacity to study and understand (the scriptures).
We acquire the knowledge. With the acquisition of this
knowledge let peaceful power also flow in us. Help us that we
get brilliance. We don't hold any enmity against anyone. Om
Shanti Shanti Shanti (OM Peace, Peace, Peace).

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 117 |

Eyes remain closed and after this chanting, rub your palms
together. Cover your face with your hands. Bend forward your
head. Maintain full awareness. Slowly come back and gently
open your eyes. This centreing process stabilizes the mind and
body to enable us to proceed with yoga practice.
Yogic Shvasan Ang Sanchalan (Yogic exercises)
Our body parts are made up of combining many cells
together and our body is made up of combining all these parts
together. If, we want to keep our body healthy then we have to
make our each and every part healthy and if we have to make
our each and every part healthy then we have to make each and
every cell also healthy. Like when we don't use our vehicle then
all the parts in the vehicle gets rusted. Rusted vehicles either do
not move at all or move with difficulty as normal.
Our body is also like this vehicle we have many systems in
our body and many parts. These parts should keep getting new
energy and peace at a regular basis. If these parts do not get
energy on regular basis then they will stop working in normal
way and they will start getting rusty and will get stiff and painful.
If our body parts are not working properly then it directly
affects our body, mind and life. If some parts are sick and are
not complete then our life also becomes incomplete. Our Yogis
and Rishis have said if we do yogic Ang Sanchalan then our
body parts will get healthy and energetic and in turn will lead to
healthy body, mind and senses.
When we do Ang Sanchalan then besides our body parts,
our joints also get stronger and get more energy.This energy
gives us new hope and happiness. With these exercises our joints,
blood and all body parts get more flexibility besides energy.
When the flexibility increases in the body then it gets easy to do
yogic Asana and Pranayama, etc. and we get better results. The
body gets free from stiffness, tightness, sore, weakness and pain.
Yogic Ang Sanchalan is a very important part of yoga
practice and we should include this in your practice and make
full use of it.

| 118 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

Do you breathe?
All will answer this question as YES.
If you breathe then you can also show us how to stop it for
10 minutes. You will not be able to do it as we don't breathe
ourselves. It just happens naturally. If you understand this
concept in detail then you will get freedom from many problems
and diseases. In yogic breathing we do the exercises and the
breathing together to understand this science more deeply.
We try and get a unity in moving our body and breathe
together in yoga, we also try to take our mind and Prana to
higher level. With this, our body, mind and Prana get a lot of
strength, peace and stability. Every inch of our body blossoms
and we experience a deep vastness and expansion in us.
Our life becomes very beautiful and we experience beauty
and balance in our life. We get rid of all the diseases and problems
in our life. Our capability and strength increases, and we go
beyond our problems.
By doing physical exercises and breathing techniques
together we can see and experience some deeper changes in
ourselves. Every time you go through this, your experience
goes deeper with higher knowledge. When we give some speed
to our body parts under some assigned work then we feel some
movement happening within.
One of the most effective path found for daily practice to
wake up Kundalini Shakti through Being Blissful Meditation®,
different levels.


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 119 |

Ancient Scriptures
Dealing with Chakras and Kundalini Shakti

Talks about Chakras are always a mysterious subject. One

can say only after deeper experience about this subject with full
authenticity. But one also needs some guidance or support in
their experiences. Ancient scriptures are evidence of
authenticity to what one may experience and achieved during/
after practices of these techniques. Many secrets and
significance of Chakras and Kundalini Shakti are mentioned and
described in various Ancient Scriptures. Few of them are as
1. Yoga Kundalini Upanishad
2. Yoga Tattv Upanishad
3. Yoga Shikha Upanishad
4. Shandilya Upanishad
5. Yoga Chudamani Upanishad
6. Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad
7. Saundarya Lahari
8. Lalitha Sahasranamam
9. ShatChakra Nirupana
10. Gyaneshwari
11. Rudra Yamala
12. Gherand Samhita
13. Hatha Yoga Pradipika

| 120 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

14. Chandogya Upanishad
15. Shiv Samhita
16. Goraksh Samhita
17. Sharda Tilak Tantra
18. Kul Arnav Tantra
19. Dattatreya Yoga Shashtra
20. Gyanarva Tantra
21. Laghustuti Vamkeshwar Tantra
22. Kshata Chakta
23. Mundamalatantra
24. Nirupana
25. Ghetanya Samhita
26. Kula Arnava Tantra
27. Rudra Yamala
28. Varahopanishad
29. Yajurveda
30. Spandkarika
31. Khechri Vidya and others
Many of the scriptures' exact time of writing work is not


Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 121 |

Why some people are scared by
awakening Kundalini Shakti?

There is fear of unknown. Some people just live their life

based on their senses and do not understand the invisible
phenomena beyond senses. Science and many studies have
proved the invisible energy or powers, but for the people living
on the senses level often it is difficult to accept or understand.
Many people also feel fear from their own mind or thoughts or
ego or ignorance. Whereas Kundalini awakening means going
beyond mind and become child again. Many people feel that
become adult or matured is better than childhood, whereas
fact is opposite. Children live closer to the wisdom and bliss,
as they have lesser ego. Fear mainly arises out of ignorance
and ego.
C.G. Jung says that patient who suffers from schizophrenia,
could be healed through bringing the energy in the right way.
The patient just don´t know how to handle the energy. That is
why, we need the guidance and help of the Guru.

For better results, take special precaution for practicing
for awakening Kundalini Shakti. In the following conditions,
one should avoid practice intensive pranayama or asana or
Shakti awakening meditation:

| 122 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

i. During pregnancy
ii. Suffering from either low or high blood pressure
iii. Avoid during fever or weaker health conditions
iv. Don´t force beyond your limits. But initially one
needs to take courage.
v. Avoid mad people (devil mind) - feel your patients,
try to see their aura
vi. Kundalini-Awakening should be used for positive
vii. Children under 6 years

How to connect with Universal

Energy (Brahamand Shakti)?
When one follows the following simple steps, individual
Shakti easily starts connecting with Brahamand Shakti.
i. Trust and courage
ii. No resistance / fighting. Don´t try to stop the energy
iii. Let it come
iv. Let it flow
v. Let it happen
vi. Observe it as a big chance in your personal
development and evolution
vii. Realize the happening but no expectations
viii. After awakening focus on grounding practices
ix. Continue with meditation and practice
x. Detachment
xi. Effortless
xii. One needs to have an empty stomach
xiii. Avoid during diarrhoea or stomach issues

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 123 |
At a glance of students of
Dr.Omanand Guruji

Damian Konieczka (Krishna Anand), Poland

During April, 2018 to March, 2019
Under the guidance of Dr.Omanand Guruji, during various
meditation kriya techniques, Kundalini Shakti awakes as a flow
of divine energy in me. The energy is of spiral movements of
different strength. It appears spontaneously at any time during
the day. It is so fascinating and mesmerizing that while
meditating, walking, sitting, standing and talking I started
experiencing the divinity of Shakti.
In a deep state of awareness I experienced that it starts
from the base of my spine at Mooladhar Chakra upwards.
Whenever it happens, it gives me immense pleasure and state
of calmness, contentment and as if being reborn again. All my
desires, expectations, complaints, anger, negativity, weakness,
attachments dissolve completely. A state of ecstasy and bliss
I feel I can work with efficiency for longer. Sleeping hours,
tiredness and sloth started reducing. The quality of sleep
become better. Abrupt reactions to odd conditions reduced.
Acceptability and compatibility increases.
Chakra awakening experience
The Chakras Awakening is related to Kundalini Shakti,

| 124 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

yet it is experienced through different sensations. My various
experiences happened during my sadhana in the Ashram. I
tried to be more and more disciplined. Getting up early
morning between 4~5 am and start my sadhana, as per
guidance of Guruji lead to excellent results. Chakra awakening
is felt due to practice of Asana, Bandha, Mantra, Pranayama
and Dhyana sadhana.
My experiences of various Chakras in brief are as follows:
1. Mooladhar Chakra: Whenever it activates often I
feel good amount of Shakti, heat in the perineum, swelling of
muscles and spinning sensations. I feel that Kundalini Shakti
emerges out from there from two points. Divine seeing of four
petal lotus flower.
2. Swadhishthan Chakra: It is hard to distinguish
experience from Mooladhar Chakra experiences. More or less
similar experiences, however few times I felt tingling sensation
below my navel and feeling of Shakti movements.
3. Manipur Chakra: In and around belly button area,
often the experience resembles spinning disk inside my belly.
It moves in various directions. It happens that this experience
is felt for few days continuously. Colour yellow is sometimes
seen in meditation.
4. Anahat Chakra: Near the heart, I felt sensations which
were more subtle, such as spinning of energy inside the chest,
being more compassionate, living life more based on awareness.
I could experience seeing green colour while meditating.
Feelings of presence of heart and heart beat become more
5. Vishuddhi Chakra: At the root of the throat, this
chakra is felt at subtle level when I noticed change of my voice
and level of confidence in public speaking. Only twice I have
experienced rotating motions at the base of the throat. The
colour blue is seen very often with closed eyes in my meditation
observations. Blue shapes or blue background happens many
times. I'm more aware of the choice of the words I am speaking
out and being more true to my own values.

Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti | 125 |

6. Agya Chakra: Very powerful point between the
eyebrows, where I experienced many times, physical sensations
few of them are: pulsing, spinning or 'radiating of energy' or
penetrating the skull sensation. It is the most subtle perception
out of all chakras. Observation of spontaneously coming images,
pratyaya-the same image that I keep my concentration on.
Colours ranging from super bright white, so bright it looks like
running energy or fire, spider web like energy nets of purple,
blue or white colour. Symmetric shapes, mandala like. Cosmos,
planets, moon and white dots, star like. Sometimes I have feeling
I can see through my closed eyes, like my hands or its energy.
Divine seeing of Agya Chakra symbol of two petal lotus and
triangle, crescent moon and sun.
7. Sahastrar Chakra: On top of the head. I had
supernatural feeling that was paralysing. I didn't know how to
overcome or react to it. My body felt like splitting in half at the
crown of my head down to arms and shoulders. And my energy
body or soul was trying to go out and to connect with cosmos.
Later I was guided by Guruji not to be frightened, but just to
witness the happening. These are the moments of jumping into
the divine consciousness, which ultimate brings the supreme
Yoga, supreme union. But with the grace of the Guruji and Shakti,
when I came back, the worldly realm felt like ecstasy and bliss.

Davina (Ma Devika Anand), Germany

Nov 2nd to Dec 28th, 2018
26.11.18: I made an amazing experience. Until today I
could not remember my childhood. It was always just a blank
screen and I just remembered the bad moments. After the
laughing meditation we started to calm down and suddenly all
my memories were passing in front of my eyes like a movie. All
the nice moments with my friends and family, my mind started
to remember everything. I had to cry for happiness and
gratefulness. My entire life I was waiting for that. So many
friends told me always about their childhood and I could never
tell anything and now everything was feeling so clearly for me.
I was the witness of happening of all my clear and happy

| 126 | Secrets of Chakras & Kundalini Shakti

memories. It was the best meditation experience what I had! I
never ever had that feeling before in my life, it was feeling like I
could do time travel, to any place or moment I wanted to see.
Thank you so much!
04.12.18: We had to chant, 'OM' and I observed after a
while that my body started to shake and vibrate. I had trust that
nothing can happen, then it just continued, my body felt that
there was something else, that the energy was flowing through
my body. It was a divine feeling with my body, mind and true
self. I didn't want to come back, I felt I could continue more.
My body just stopped to shake after it rolled to the side.
06.12.18: I could observe the energy flow like energy
shock of electricity going through my body. It was a feeling of
eternity and satisfaction. There were passing some thoughts
but I could let them go away. Just in the end it was again more
challenging when the pain appeared.
I could enter faster into meditation because of the previous
one. My complete left side of the body got goose bump and it
started to twitch. My body could feel the energy flowing from
down to up, in the belly and then just to the left side. There was
a light in my forehead and suddenly I could observe that my
eyes or something else was going deeper, it was black but it was
a feeling of rolling the eyes backwards.
08.12.18: Bhakti Yoga Meditation: I observed a deep
meditation while my body increased its heat so hot that it started
to sweat. Before meditation I was feeling really cold. So my
body increased the heat without any physical exercise. There
was a light in my forehead and sometimes were passing thoughts
I observed them without reaction and let them go. Afterwards
my body twitched/shook during clear mind. When you said
that we should lay down I could not come back. My body
continued to stay there a while in same position.
09.12.18 Being Blissful Meditation® : I could observe so
much energy rising up inside of my body, it was like I could see
a powerful snake rising up from my Root Chakra, I cannot

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explain from where that image came and there were images in
front of my eyes like a tunnel and light curtains. The different
position in Vajrasana helped me to observe the energy flow
coming from my Mooladhar Chakra. There came so much power
up, which I never had realized before. My body started to cry
because of realization and dissolution. Afterwards my body
shook from the root Chakra up to my Sahastrar Chakra. The
most intense feeling was in my Manipur chakra. Sometimes I
could observe thoughts coming and that my mind tried to fight
against the uncontrolled movements. But Guruji's words helped
me, 'let it happen' to accept the movements and to just observe
it without any reaction. My body feels different after that
meditation, like my self-confidence level has risen, now I know
better that there is always that powerful snake with me.
Each time, when Shakti awakes, it goes through the
Sushumna Nadi, where intuition and higher consciousness flows.
Kundalini Shakti is healing energy which activates, open,
balance all chakras and connect us to a higher universal
consciousness, universe and True Self. Kundalini energy
purifies any kind of traumas, clears blockages, fear and knots.
Kundalini Shakti also increases positivity, balances moods and
attains to Samadhi.
Symptoms of awakening Kundalini Shakti and
own experiences: Under the guidance of Dr.Omanand Guruji,
during various meditation sessions, I was experiencing some of
the following symptoms of awakening my Kundalini Shakti.:
1. Prickling, strong energy feelings, electric energy
shocks, Goosebumps (Yes)
2. Intense heat, especially in the spine or a feeling of
intense freezing (YES)
3. Perception of bright light and inner sound (YES)
4. Tremble, uncontrolled body movements (YES)
5. Crying, Laughing, Screaming, Singing of OM and
other Mantras, whistle (YES-crying)

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6. Extreme emotions of ecstatic happiness feelings until
short phases of anxiety and depression (YES)
7. Painful confrontation with own shadow sides, reason
for blockade, traumas, pain (YES)
8. Detachment and being a observer about happening
9. Paranormal perception of chakras, nadis, auras,
perception of past and future (YES)
10. Leaving the body, perception of the room from a
higher level (NO)
11. Perception of astral beings (NO)
12. Visions of God, feeling of surrender and realization
of God (YES)
13. Feeling the union of body and universe (YES)
14. Experience of near-death experience or rebirth (YES)
15. Feeling like a bite of a snake in toe or fingers (YES)
16. Stiffness in hands or body (YES)

Johanna Maassen (Ma Suravi Anand), Germany

January, 2019
My meditation experiences of few sessions under the
blissful guidance of Guruji:
In the morning meditation I had again sensations in my
hands….. My body and hand palms were very warm, but I was
not sweating. This time the sensations were more like soft
knocking and changed from knocking to tingling. It was like a
mix of smaller tingling and bigger knocking/pulsing particles
of sensations that were flying around in my palms and fingertips.
After tingling in my hands reclined a little, I brought the
focus on my third eye. There I could feel a similar stimulating
sensation as Guruji was touching my forehead in the name giving
session. Then I could sense a warm spot around my third eye

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In today's meditation I was laughing a lot and in the end as
the meditation without movements started my hands started to
tingle very strongly. Then also my whole body started to tingle,
I was sweating very strong and felt dizzy or unreal. It scared me
a little bit, because I know these sensations from an anxiety
disorder (following a burn out) that I was suffering from a few
years ago. I could clearly feel a difference though, that this was
not a panic attack.
Today I saw honey comb forms with purple colour.
Meditation reconnected me to mother earth.
During evening meditation with humming bee pranayama,
I felt in a very deep and relaxed state, like one is experiencing
shortly before falling asleep but being fully aware.
I start to see patterns and colours. It looked like a peacock
feather costume while I was concentrating on my third eye.
We were doing a powerful group meditation that focused
on healing and love.
I liked the togetherness and connection and the idea that
people can heal each other.
Today we did two powerful meditations. The first one in
the morning released blockages so that many people started to
cry. The second one in the evening was to awaken the Kundalini
Shakti. This time a group of people laughed. I learned that
laughing and crying is the same in terms of blockages.

Rebecca Chelbea (Ma Ishwari Anand), Vienna, Austria

January, 2019
Meditation experiences of some of the sessions under the
kind guidance of Guruji :
I felt super calm. I lost track of time, space and everything
around me. I felt like a white spiderweb connecting my head
with everyone around me.
Meditation felt like I normally would do it when I am home

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alone. Today I really felt how I inhaled my thoughts and they
resolved into breath. It's nice to have the knowledge of the
Koshas now and understand the bodies more.
The pranayama technique were we (1.) put our hands to
the sky (inhale) and then palms to a fist and to the chest (exhale)
and (2.) hands to the sky (inhale) then twist to left, hands to a
fist & close to ribcage (exhale) and for the other side. We did it
in a normal speed and increased speed. The 3rd time we went
super-fast and long until I finally felt like another knot opening
up and resolving into tears. I felt so light. I love it when I cry.
Because I know how I feel afterwards. I felt world pain during
the meditation, which is a big topic in my life as I feel so
connected to Mother Earth. I send her a collective sorry and
send her light. I felt her being there for me & a flow of energy
through my hands.
After the prayers & chanting we went to meditation, I
directly felt the circulation. I felt super light and centred. During
meditation vibrations went from my body from down to up. I
felt like the top of my head (from Ajna chakra upward) was
expanding in a V form. ….. No time feeling.
The laughing meditation felt soooooo good. There was
this emptiness (in a positive way) and calmness afterwards that
I really enjoyed.
It's so important with which state of mind one enters a
meditation. I (unconsciously) told myself before the meditation
that I was tired. When I look back to the meditation, I know I
could have had a different experience with a different state of
mind. But I felt it anyway intense. My arms were like in space -
they didn't weight anything. I felt vibration through all my body,
Especially on my hands and in between.
After Bhakti we went for the humming pranayama which I
also chose for my assignment. It's my favorite pranayama which
helps me to deeply cool down & relax from the inside out. I
have never made it that long. I didn't feel any time, it was really
feeling like 5 minutes. At some point I heard my voice double as

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if it was telling me to go higher with my voice. Afterwards I felt
deeply connected to myself.
My life: not in my life experience included (yet :)) I am
really into chakras and they are my secret love.

Emilie Brouzes (Ma Yogini Anand), France

January, 2019
Powerful experiences of few sessions under the graceful
light of Guruji:
This morning rotations were there, noticing of the head
turning left rotations, going left and coming back to middle,
intense rotations to the left, only to the left.
This morning I was able to laugh for the first time, over
the week I have been feeling lighter. The baby rolling practice
was an interesting one.
Thank you for allowing to share my story this morning,
felt at ease.
This morning the rotations started prior than the
mediation, from the moment I sit down the rotations would
start. The intense Pranayama practices is from my
understanding to accelerate the movements, or the intention is
there to activate the Shakti.
The evening practice was one of the most intense
experiences I ever experienced in my life, the rotations never
been so fast, like I was literally taking off. W.O.W.
Beyond words, as it is an experience that lives within. The
safety of the group makes one easier to release, as we are all 1.
I never screamed as much as I did tonight, and it felt
releasing afterwards.
I noticed from the moment we laid down my body moved
over all over the place, as well an extend period head rotations,
from left to right (intense)

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The hearing part I didn't witnessed as much as I was
moving about.
Practice this morning was a much profounder experience
than yesterday one, at a certain moment as I (or the instruction
was given) removed the pillow below me, the rotations became
much more intense, as the cushion was somehow resisting the
movement. In the end I was able to sit cross legged on the mat
without support, for me the first time. (with no pain, both legs
on the floor)

Michaela Baborova (Ma Kanu Anand), Czech Republic

January, 2019
Practice this morning started with intense rotations, from
the moment connection was made with Mother Earth through
placing the head on the ground, noticed of slight watering of the
Meditation tonight was extreme intense for me, I felt
knackered just after the session, and had to lay down. Feeling
like I had been working very hard. Swings/rotations were
extremely intense. I felt wind as well. Like being outside.
The practice of this morning was interesting, as it was very
intense for me, the rotations/movements became bigger/
various, and somehow, I had a connection with my mother,
about detaching from her, hence the crying started. I guess I
just let it happen...
I am grateful for my morning meditation where I did feel
tears and release.
The practise of this morning was interesting, as it was the
first time for me, where I could be with someone so close in 'my
space', feeling comfortable, content. The laughter didn't appear
spontaneous for my feeling.
Interesting evening practice, where I experienced intense
rotations, as soon we started to sit for the mediation, as almost
my soul knew.

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This has prior happened to me in the past, I never
understood really what was happening, you shared "Kundalini
Shakti & Chakras"
Feeling of indifference during the meditation, peace-
fulness of the mind, sort of emptiness experienced during the
evening session.

Marjorie Greaves, (Ma Daya Anand), Canada

January, 2019
During meditation this morning, I have been noticing out
of nowhere, suddenly I started to cry, a gentle start was given
during the breathing practice.
During the Bhakti Yoga I went into a meditative state of
mind, where I noticed that I was in a state of mind, indifference
would be best to describe that state of mind.

Bear (Atmanand ), Belgium

January, 2019
It's extremely very interesting & intense exercise, which I
have trying to fill in as honest and present with myself.
Especially it forces you to once again to look within, not easy
one for me. It made me cry.

Linn Wendt (Ma Raavi Anand), Germany

January, 2019
When it came to closed eyes and I was able to get into it
deeper I had goose bumps on the upper body and i felt kind of
tingling at the same part afterwards. It seems that the outcome
of emotions relates to the circumstances. As I cried and laughed
the other days, this time there was silence. It is rather related to
the music and to the emotions of others.
I felt a strong energy circle around the hands on both sides.
I thought for a moment I could even see them. The right side
was more intense mostly. I am wondering why. My mind or

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rather my heart, I suppose, tried to send energy to a certain
person whom I heard crying and I could not reach her.
The screaming was quite intense experience. In the first
place I just enjoyed it by realising that I am smiling and having
fun. I felt no reason to be angry or the need to let go of things.
….. I feel loved and free, being my own leader. But is that not
too much luck? I am asking myself Suddenly people around me
started crying. There have been strangers who cried intense
and full of pain. There were friends who cried next to me which
I could hear and own tears came up. What a quickly change of
emotions! Suddenly I was full of pain.
…. A single tear came up and then suddenly laughing was
starting around me and I joined, and it got out of control….. I felt
so comfortable suddenly. Again, such a weird change of emotions.
Then I realized that my heart was such on a high rate. I tried to
hold it tight otherwise it probably had jumped out of my chest…

Ishveen Bindra (Ma Ishwari Anand), India

My whole body started to shiver, there was lot of pain in
my head and eye.. So much strain. It was like something was
resisting me, holding me back to the ground.
The whole body started to pain plus the heat was extremely
high inside me. Right from the stomach to head (extreme).
But after a while I was calm like water was pour inside to
put off the fire.
I don't know how kundalini shakti awakens. Neither I know
what is kundalini shakti.
Even after the meditation was over my mind, body wanted
to go back there wanted to experience the whole thing again.
With peaceful meditation practice. It was so calm that I
could feel my organs were up and calmly doing their job. Heart
was pumping in a rhythmic speed. Breath was circulating all over
my body. Each body part was gaining energy for rest of the day.
I don't know why But I cried.Cried a lot. There were noises

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going in my head. I could not shout. I wanted to shout but there
was no voice coming out of my throat.
But after a while when I stopped crying, I had another
experience. An experience with peace and calmness in my mind.
My whole body was relaxed mind was relaxed. It was so peaceful
I have no words to describe it, that level I have never
Thank you Guruji for providing me that experience. Thank
you so much.

Sourabh Baghel (Ramanand), India

I don't know where I lost. And I tried to meditate in my
third eye and felt a pressure on my third eye.That was the first
time for me to feel such a nice experience of meditation.At the
last of bhakti yoga chanted ma kali name loudly and slow and in
deep voice. It was a nice experience......

Chloé Botti (Ma Muskan Anand), France

The meditation this morning made me feel as if lot of
energies came through my third eye and I had the impression
that many flowers and light were in my body and vanished
The meditation tonight was much needed as the week has
been mentally difficult for me, it brought me inner peace and
The meditation we did in the temple by chanting Om gave
me a real feeling of inner peace. It was an amazing experience.
The meditation this morning was very nice and I did not
want to come back because I felt really peaceful. There were
happy vibrations of Kundalini Shakti.
The bhakti / meditation gave me a feeling of real comfort
and I felt all the mantra's vibrations in my body.

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Caroline Frederix (Ma Atha Anand), Belgium
Body was swinging by itself after a while, head fell back
and throat opened. My vibration dissolved in the space. Head
fell forward and I felt peaceful.
My hands palms were glowing like there was fire flowing
from them. The bowl seemed to resonate in my head, my whole
body relaxed. I could see a blue colour in my head and red at
the bottom, later on I became a glow of yellow light.
I could feel the heat build up in my body. Swinging did not
seem to go that well. I could see a golden glow all through my
body and a Blue colour in my head. I felt energy pouring in my
body. Despite the heat and not having a lot of sleep I do feel
I felt calm and peaceful. No negativity or sorrow. It was
like I wasn't inside my body anymore. After meditation I felt
energized and happy. Grateful for all lovely people that are part
of my life.
I did not feel my body. Legs were less numb than usual! I
saw images and colours and felt very calm inside, breathing was
happening very calm and effortless….. Afterwards I felt calm
and peaceful.
I felt a hot glow around my heart. Deep compassion and
love brought tears. Letting it flow felt good, forgiving, letting go
of sorrow. Felt like we were all one. So good to feel all that love,
very energising.
…..the vibration were amazing!
Vibration of singing in my heart, a warm glow. Colours in
my body and feeling that I have this treasure inside me,
everything else dissolved (room, body, breath).
Thought of all the people I love and how lucky and grateful
I am. Tears were flowing more free than ever and it felt good,
relief. Felt very light after.
Doing Om meditation after I felt it coming from my heart
I felt a pressure in my chest going up to the light in my head. I

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felt disconnected with my body. Afterwards my right leg was
numb, but I felt very light.

Dag (Veda Anand), Slovakia

We made a meditation which started by dance and then we
did just observe our hands and shakti in our hands and our
bodies. My body did Shake…... Everything what happened inside
my body was very very deep.
Night meditation was very easy going. We just did lie on a
back and did breath in to our belly. I did feel inside of the centre
of the belly very warm feeling after meditation. And I did feel
very relaxed.
Very very strong vibrations :)))

Aia Faham, (Ma Bhagya Anand), Egypt

The morning Meditation of Manipur Chakra was pretty
releasing, I felt a bit of -unintentional contractions in the navel
area- I learned that when the mind is having thoughts it takes
the energy or -DRAINS- the energy from the body, so it moves
more & more.
…. was very nice & beautifully releasing to me .. with
Gratitude. I did not even feel like chanting, I only wanted to
absorb the feelings & be aware with it.
I am feeling heat everyday in the back of my spine .. Even
in today's meditation. I felt heat overtaking the whole spine.

Madalina Bozeanu (Ma Parvati Anand), Romania

I felt again a spiralling sensation in my head, like a wheel
turning over and over. Very peaceful and calming. The energy
is flowing more easily now.
Pranayama after Jal neti was very good for me. I feel that
my lungs are bigger and that I can get more air in now.
Feeling at peace with the Universe. Everything is love! A
lot of gratitude and happiness. Om Shanti!

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Once stillness settled in, I could feel a powerful sensation
in my base chakras, like a fountain of energy that was unfolding
or better said like a flower that was blooming inside. And it kept
on unfolding its petals and requesting to have more space inside
of me. I was feeling my spine elongating a lot, and energy pulsing
gently inside.
If yoga is what I felt tonight, then it is my path. The connection
to the Universe, to the Higher Being, to the Supreme Love just
brought incredible joy and peace into my heart. Thank you!
Focusing on the 3rd eye, after the Pranayama meditation.
There was a lot of peace inside. In the end, when we chanted
OM, there was a lot of colour: blue and green. It felt powerful
really peaceful.

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Sanskrit Names and their meaning:

Sanskrit Meaning

Agya Or Ajna means to command or summoning

Apana Governs elimination of waste products from

the body through excretory systems

Anahat Unstruck, unbroken or wheel of the unstruck


Adhara Base, Foundation; base which supports

Agni Fire

Akasa Ether

Ang Limbs

Asampragyata Samadhi without content


Avastha State, condition, position, situation

Bindu Seed

Brahmma Creator God

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Brahman The One supreme, The origin of the universe

Chakras Spiritual centres in Sushumna Nadi

Devatas Demi Gods, The divine spirits of sacred palaces

Dharana Concentration; sixth of path in Ashtanga yoga

Ida The Nadi that runs on the left side of Sushumna

Ishta Devata The God that one prays to most

Iswara God, Supreme being, creator, ruler and also


Jalandara Another name for Vishuddhi Chakra. 'Jala'

Bandha means network; 'Dhara' to hold; 'Bandha'

Kama Passion, desire

Kamakhya Seat of Passion/Desire


Kanda The source of all Nadis

Maha Peeta Great dot or place of the Third Eye

Mandalas Circle, diagram with spiritual and ritual


Manipur Mani means jewel and pur means city. City of


Maya Illusion

Mooladhar Mula means root and adhara means foundation

or base

Nadi Astral tube that carries Prana, Energy Channel

Nirvikalpa The highest transcendent state of

Samadhi consciousness

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Pancha Pancha indicates five, Bhoota means elements

ParaShakti Divine (Para), Primordial cosmic energy


Pingala The Nadi that runs on the right side of

Sushumna Nadi

Poorna Giri Mountain of perfection, associated with heart

Peeta chakra.

Prana The Life force

Pranas The life force consisting of five prana: Prana,

(panch) apana, udana, samana and vyana.

Prana Governs the heart beat and breathing

Prakriti Nature or some time referred as vata, pitta or

kapha or rajas, tamas or sattv

Rajas Change, movement or dynamism

Rudra God associated with wind or storm - another

name for Shiva

Sadhaka Aspirant practicing, one who perform penance

Sadashiva Ever-auspicious Shiva

Sahastrar Thousand fold, Lotus of the Thousand Petals

Sahastradala Another name for Sahastrar the seventh

Kamala chakra

Samana Prana that governs the digestion and the heat

regulating processes of the body.

Sattva Balance, order, purity, goodness, light and

Sanchalan Movements

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Shakti Energy, Power

Shakti Chalana Arousing the Kundalini towards the crown


Shiva/Siva Auspicious one. Deity, destroyer of evil

Sukhamandala Sphere of happiness, Sahastrar or Crown


Swadhishthan One's own abode or Sacred Home of the Self

Tamas Negative, lethargic, dull, slow, darkness,

delusion, or ignorance

Trikuti The confluence of the three. The Point where

the three main nadis converge

Udayana A terrestrial lord

Udana One of the Prana which governs sound as in

speaking, singing, laughing, and crying.

Varna Kind, sort, character, quality

Vishnu God who sustains creation, the All-Pervading


Vishuddhi To purify or absolutely pure

Vayu Air, one of the five elements

Vata Blown, Vayu blower

Vyana Governs the expansion and contraction

processes of the body, e.g. the voluntary
muscular system

Yogin One who is devoted to Yoga


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