Worksheet Paper - Digital Images Processing

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


Kassala Center [Engineering College]
Computer Engineering

Digital Images Processing Worksheet Paper

Lecturer: Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

Answer ALL questions

Question 1 Multiple choices (circle the most appropriate one):

1) Computer vision defined as a discipline in which -----------

a) Both the input and output of a process are images.
b) The input of a process is an image description and the output is image
c) Both the input and output of a process are descriptions.
d) The input of a process is an image and the output is an image description.

2) MRI Technology used-----------band.

a) Gamma Rays b) CT Scan
c) Visible d) Radio waves
3) -----------Filter cannot be implemented using convolution mechanism.
a) Average b) Gaussian
c) Median d) Disk

4) To remove "salt-and-pepper" noise without blurring we use

a) Max Filter b) Median Filter
c) Min Filter d) Smoothing Filter
5) Edge detection in images is commonly accomplished by performing a spatial ------
of the image field.
a) Smoothing Filter b) Integration
c) Differentiation d) Min Filter
6) Both the -------- and -------- filters are used to enhance horizontal edges (or vertical if
a) Prewitt and Sobel b) Sobel and Gaussian
c) Prewitt and Laplacian d) Sobel and Laplacian
7) Transforming the pixel values of an image using the log ( ) transformation is an
example of contrast compression of the dark pixels
a) True b) False

Question 2 (13 marks)

a) List two kinds of image representation methods? (2 marks)


b) Name the types of connectivity and explain (3 marks)


c) Name three types of sharpening filters? (3 marks)


d) Give the formula for calculating D4 (city block distance) and D8 distance (chess
board distance). (2 marks)

e) Explain the concept, steps and equations involved in unsharp masking technique
in image enhancement. (3 marks)

Familiar Problems Solving: The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic knowledge of the key
aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar problems of Intensity Transformation, Histograms, Spatial Domain
Filtering and image enhancement and programming these concepts using MATLAB.
Question 3 (4 marks)
Write a Matlab script code to display the histogram of an image using a bar graph; reduce the resolution of the
horizontal axis into 10 bands. Add suitable horizontal and vertical axes, xtick and ytick for your graph.

Question 4 (4 marks)
Write matlab script code to read a gray scale image named "pout.tif" and apply the following mathematical
function to stretch its contrast levels:
1 +    
 
  f  
Where: g is the enhanced output image , f is the input image, m and E must be interactively entered by the user
using Matlab input command. Display the original and the contrast stretched images.

Unfamiliar Problems Solving: The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate that the student has knowledge of the key
aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve unfamiliar problems of Intensity Transformation, Histograms,
Spatial and Frequency Domains Filtering and image enhancement, image restoration and programming these concepts
using MATLAB.

Question 5 (6 marks)

Write an M-function for grayscale input image; call it "immaxmin" to generate two images:
 The first image contains values computed by finding the maximum value of a 3x3 pixel environment
(neighborhood of required pixel) and by setting the resulting center pixel to this value.
 The second image contains values computed by finding the minimum value of 3x3 neighborhood of
required pixel and by setting the resulting center pixel to this value.
 Use preallocating array for image.
 Use low-level processing.


Question 6 (6 marks)

Write a matlab function called "Noise_EdgeFilter" that accepts a string (image file name) and displays images as
shown in figure 1 (original image, image using Gaussian filter, Laplacian image and image using Laplacian
Do the following steps with the input image:
 To reduce the noise use the low pass linear spatial filter "Gaussian".
 For edge detection use the high pass linear spatial filter "Laplacian".
 Use fspecial matlab command to generate the filters mask.

Figure 1


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