1 AMS 1320
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55 AMS 1551
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80 AMS 2252
81 AMS 2253
82 AMS 2259
83 AMS 2261
84 AMS 2262
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86 AMS 2269
87 AMS 2279
88 AMS 2280
89 AMS 2281
90 AMS 2300
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97 AMS 2315
98 AMS 2355
99 AMS 2360
Aerospace Material spacifi
Compound, Rust Remover, Solid/Powder Aircraft and Aerospace Components, Immersion Tank Method
ACID, INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature Application
Compound, Hot Carbon and Paint Remover Aircraft Turbine Engine Components
COMPOUND, SILICONE RUBBER REMOVER Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature
REMOVER, ANTI-GALLING COMPOUND Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature
Fluid, Aircraft Deicing/Anti-icing, Non-Newtonian (Pseudoplastic), SAE Types II, III, and IV
Cleaner for Aircraft Exterior Surfaces Wipe-On, Wipe-Off, Containing Suspended Abrasive Solids
Tolerances Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium, and Titanium Alloy Bars and Wire
Tolerances Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium, and Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate
Tolerances Titanium and Titanium Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, and Shapes
Chemical Check Analysis LimitsCorrosion and Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys, Maraging and Other Highly-
Alloyed Steels, and Iron Alloys
Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium and Titanium Alloys
Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Bars
Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate
Tolerances Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubing
Chemical Check Analysis Limits Wrought Low-Alloy and Carbon Steels
Tolerances Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire
Tolerances Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate
Tolerances Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Tubing
Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt Alloys
Tolerances Rubber Products
Trace Element Control Nickel Alloy Castings
Trace Element Control Nickel Alloy, Cobalt Alloy, and Iron Alloy Wrought Products for High-Temperature, High-
Stressed Applications
Steel Cleanliness, Premium Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Martensitic Corrosion-Resistant Steels Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
Steel Cleanliness, Special Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
Magnetic Rubber Inspection Material
Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels Transverse Tensile Properties
Determination of Delta Ferrite Content
Quality Assurance, Sampling and Testing Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys Wrought Products, Except
Forging Stock, and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welded Rings
Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Castings
Elevated Temperature Tensile Properties of Castings
Stress-Rupture Properties of Castings
Sampling and Testing of Wrought Titanium Raw Material Except Forgings and Forging Stock
Quality Assurance Sampling Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Castings
Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Wrought Products and Forging Stock
Quality Assurance Sampling and TestingCorrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys
Wrought Products and Forging Stock
Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings
Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel and Alloy Forgings
Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval
Qualification, Approval, and Control of Premium-Quality Forgings Alloy Steels and Heat-Treatable Corrosion and
Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys
Approval and Control of Premium-Quality Titanium Alloys
Plating, Cadmium
Plating, Cadmium Low Hydrogen Content Deposit
Plating, Zinc
Plating, Nickel General Purpose
Plating, Electroless Nickel
Electroless Nickel Plating Low Phosphorus
Plating, Chromium Hard Deposit
Plating, Tin
Plating, Immersion Tin For Aluminum Alloys
Plating, Silver Nickel Strike, High Bake
Plating, Silver for High Temperature Applications
Plating, Silver Copper Strike, Low Bake
Plating, Silver-Rhodium
Plating, Lead
Plating, Lead and Indium
Plating, Nickel-Cadmium Diffused
Plating, Zinc-Nickel Alloy
Plating, Copper
Plating of Aluminum for Solderability Zinc Immersion Pre-Treatment Process
Plating, Gold
Plating, Nickel Hard Deposit
Plating, Nickel Low-Stressed Deposit
Plating, Gold For Thermal Control
Coating, Cadmium Vacuum Deposition
Aluminum Coating Ion Vapor Deposition
Plating, Bronze Nitriding Stop-off 90Cu - 10Sn
(R) Shot Peening, Automatic
PEENING MEDIA (AWCH) Conditioned Carbon Steel Cut Wire Shot, High Hardness (55 to 62 HRC
Peening Media (ASR) Cast Steel Shot, Regular Hardness (45 to 52 HRC)
Peening Media (ASH) Cast Steel Shot, High Hardness (55 to 62 HRC)
PEENING MEDIA (AWCR) Conditioned Carbon Steel Cut Wire Shot, Regular Hardness (45 to 52 HRC)
PEENING MEDIA (AWS) Conditioned Stainless Steel Cut Wire Shot
PEENING MEDIA Case Hardened Steel Peening Balls
Peening Media Glass Shot
PEENING MEDIA General Requirements
Plating, Tin-Zinc Alloy
Coating, Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Detonation Process
Coating, Aluminum Oxide Detonation Deposition
Coating, Plasma Spray Deposition
Plating, Chromium Thin, Hard, Dense Deposit
Inspection of Ground, Chromium Plated Steel Parts
Magnetic Particle Acceptance Criteria for Parts
Coating, Titanium Nitride Physical Vapor Deposition
Coating, Thermal Spray High Velocity Oxygen/Fuel Process
Sprayed Metal Finish Aluminum
Plating, Brush, Nickel General Purpose
Plating, Brush, Nickel Low Stress, Hard Deposit
Plating, Brush, Nickel Low Stress, Low-Hardness Deposit
Plating, Brush, Cadmium Corrosion Protective, Low Hydrogen Embrittlement
Plating, Brush, Chromium Hard Deposit, Trivalent
Plating, Brush, Copper General Purpose
Plating, Brush, Nickel Low Stress, Medium-Hardness Deposit
Plating, Brush, Non-Cyanide Silver General Purpose
Plating, Brush, Zinc-Nickel Low Hydrogen Embrittlement
Plating, Brush, Tin-Zinc Low Hydrogen Embrittlement
Plating, Brush, Cobalt
Plating, Brush, Tin
Plating, Brush, Silver
Plating, Brush General Requirements
NOTICE OF 30 April 1991 for VALIDATION
Hard Anodic Coating of Magnesium Alloys Alkaline Type, High Voltage
Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Processing and Performance Requirements
Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Chrome Acid Process
Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process, Undyed Coating
Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process, Dyed Coating
Chemical Film Treatment for Aluminum Alloys General Purpose Coating
Protective Treatments Magnesium Alloys
Electrolytic Treatment for Magnesium Alloys Alkaline Type, Full Coat
Anodic Treatment of Magnesium Alloys Acid Type, Full Coat
Anodic Treatment of Magnesium Alloys Acid Type, Thin Coat
Phosphate Treatment Paint Base
Phosphate Treatment Antichafing
Hard Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Teflon-Impregnated or Codeposited
Blackening Solution For Aluminum Touch-Up Solution
Blackening Solution for Steel Touch-Up Method
Coating, Black Oxide
Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys Fluoride-Phosphate Type
Anodic Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 12.4 Maximum
Anodic Treatment - Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 13 or Higher
Blackening of Steel, Touch Up Method
Surface Treatment of Polytetrafluoroethylene Preparation for Bonding
Coating of Fastenersm Aluminum Filled, Ceramic Bonded Coating
Anodic Coating on Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process, Resin-Sealed
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating Low Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F) Fusion
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating High Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F) Fusion
Dimer, Dichloro 2,2 Para-Cyclophane
Thread Compound, Anti-Seize, Graphite-Petrolatum
Coating, Reflection-Reducing for Instrument Glasses
Graphite Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied
Molybdenum Disulfide Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied
Pressure Testing, Gaseous Media Pressure as Specified
Pressure Testing, Hydraulic Pressure as Specified
Pressure Testing, Hydraulic 200 psi
Pressure Testing, Hydraulic 1000 psi
Pressure Testing, Hydraulic 2500 psi
ULTRASONIC IMMERSION INSPECTION Titanium and Titanium Alloy Billet Premium Grade
Inspection, Ultrasonic Product Over 0.5 Inch (12.7 mm) Thick
ULTRASONIC INSPECTION Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bar and Billet
Inspection, Ultrasonic, of Thin Materials 0.50 Inch (12.7 mm) and Under in Cross-Sectional Thickness
ULTRASONIC INSPECTION Centrifugally-Cast, Corrosion-Resistant Steel Tubular Cylinders
Structural Examination of Titanium Alloys Etch-Anodize Inspection Procedure
Structural Examination of Titanium Alloys Chemical Etch Inspection Procedure
SEALANT, SILICONE, TWO-PART, GENERAL PURPOSE Room Temperature Vulcanizing Non-Fuel Resistant
Tetrafluoroethylene/Propylene Rubber (FEPM) Hydraulic Fluid and Synthetic Oil Resistant 70 to 80 and 85 to 95
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) - Fluorosilicone (FVMQ) Rubber High Temperature Fuel and Oil Resistant 75 - 85
Hose, Aircraft Fueling, Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber, Textile Reinforced, Chloroprene Covered,
Hose, Aircraft Fueling, Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber Textile Reinforced, Chloroprene Covered
Hose, Aircraft Fueling, Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber Single Wire Braid Reinforced, Chloroprene
Covered, Noncollapsing
Hose, Aircraft Fueling, Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber Double Wire Braid Reinforced, Chloroprene
Covered, Noncollapsing
Flux, Silver Brazing
Flux, Silver Brazing High Temperature
Flux, Aluminum Brazing For Torch or Furnace Brazing SAE
Flux, Aluminum Welding
Flux, Aluminum Dip Brazing 1030 °F (554 °C) or Lower Liquidus
FLUX, ALUMINUM DIP BRAZING 1090ºF (588°C) Fusion Point
Flux, Brazing High Temperature
Dehydrating Agent Silica Gel
Brazing Filler Metal, Paste, Copper Water Thinning
Plastic Sheet and Film, Vinyl Copolymers Unplasticized
Vulcanized Fiber Sheet
Foam, Polyether Urethane (EU) Elastomer, Shock Absorbing 5 Pounds/Cubic Foot (80 kg/m3) Density
Foam, Polyether Urethane (EU) Elastomer, Shock Absorbing 15 Pounds/Cubic Foot (240 kg/m3) Density
Foam, Polyether Urethane (EU) Elastomer, Shock Absorbing 20 Pounds/Cubic Foot (320 kg/m3) Density
Sheet, Polyether Urethane (EU) Elastomer Foam Shock Absorbing
Foam, Flexible Polyurethane Open Cell, Medium Flexibility
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting\ Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 45 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 55 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 65 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 75 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 85 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 95 Durometer “A”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 55 Durometer “D”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 65 Durometer “D”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled 75 Durometer “D”
Resin, Polyether Urethane (EU) Casting Flexible, Solid, Unfilled
Resin, Polyurethane (EU) Casting Polyether-Type, Flexible, Solid Low-Temperature Resistant, 80 to 90
Plastic Tubing, Electrical Insulation Non-Crosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride, Flexible, Heat Shrinkable 1.6 to 1 Shrink
Plastic Tubing, Electrical Insulation Crosslinked Polyvinyl Chloride, Flexible Heat Shrinkable 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
PLASTIC TUBING, ELECTRICAL INSULATION Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Very Flexible, Heat-
Shrinkable Low Recovery Temperature 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
PLASTIC TUBING, ELECTRICAL INSULATION Irradiated Polyolefin, Clear, Very Flexible, Heat-Shrinkable 2
to 1 Shrink Ratio
Tubing, Plastic, Electrical Insulation Irradiated Polyvinylidene Fluoride, Semi-Rigid, Heat-Shrinkable
Marker Sleeving Grade Low Outgassing
PLASTIC SHEET, COPPER FACED Glass Fabric Reinforced Epoxy Resin, Flammability Controlled
Plastic Sheet, Copper Faced Glass Fabric Reinforced Epoxy Resin Hot Strength Retention
Protective Film, High Performance, Polymeric Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, for Aircraft Exterior Applications
Plastic Sheet, Post-Forming Cotton Fabric Reinforced Phenol-Formaldehyde
Plastic Sheet Cotton Fabric Reinforced Phenol-Formaldehyde
Methyl Methacrylate Plastic, Sheet Heat Resistant
Plastic Sheet, Polycarbonate General Purpose
Polyester Film Electrical Grade, General Purpose
Film, Copper Clad Polyester
Polycarbonate Sheet And Parts Optical Grade, Coated
Plastic Tubing Cotton Fabric Reinforced Phenol-Formaldehyde
Nylon Plastic, Moldings and Extrusions
Resin, Polyimide, Laminating High Temperature Resistant, 315 °C (599 °F)
Shrinkable, 1.750 to 1 Shrink Ratio
ELASTOMERIC TUBING, ELECTRICAL INSULATION Crosslinked Silicone, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat-
1.750 to 1 Shrink Ratio
Plastic Moldings and Extrusions, Methyl Methacrylate
Plastic Extrusions and Moldings, Polycarbonate General Purpose
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Extrusions High Temperature, Flexible
TUBING, PLASTIC, ELECTRICAL INSULATION Irradiated Polyvinylidene Fluoride, Semi-Rigid, Heat-
Shrinkable2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
Plastic Sheet and Strip, Modified Vinyl, Foamed Closed Cell
TUBING, PLASTIC, ELECTRICAL INSULATION Irradiated Polyolefin, Pigmented, Flexible, Heat-Shrinkable 2
to 1 Shrink Ratio
Shrinkable, 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
Shrinkable, 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
Clear, Semi-Rigid, Heat Shrinkable, 2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
Plastic Moldings, Laminated, Thermosetting Resin Glass Cloth Reinforced Heat Resistant
Plastic Moldings, Silicone, Thermosetting Glass Roving Filled Heat Resistant
Polyimide, Molded Rod, Bar, and Tube, Plaque, and Formed Parts
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), Compression Molded Heavy Sections, Unplasticized
Sheet, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Molded, Unplasticized
Polyfluoroethylene Propylene Film and Sheet
Tubing, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Unplasticized
Film, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Unplasticized
Rods, Sheets, and Molded Shapes, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Unplasticized
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Film Non-Critical Grade
Tubing, Electrical Insulation Standard Wall, Extruded Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Tubing, Electrical Insulation Light Wall, Extruded Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Tubing, Electrical Insulation Thin Wall, Extruded Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Polytetrafluoroethylene Extrusions Normal Strength, As Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene Extrusions Premium Strength, As Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene Extrusions Premium Strength, Sintered and Stress-Relieved Radiographically Inspected
Polytetrafluoroethylene Extrusions Premium Strength, Sintered and Stress-Relieved
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Moldings General Purpose Grade, As Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Film Premium Grade
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Sheet, Glass Cloth Reinforced
Polytetrafluoroethylene Sheet, Molded General Purpose Grade, As Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Moldings Premium Grade, As Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene Sheet, Molded Premium Grade, As Sintered
Polyamide-Imide Bar, Rod, and Shapes 20 Graphite - 3 Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Filled
Polyamide-Imide Bar, Rod, and Shapes 12% Graphite - 3% Polytetrafluoroethylene Filled
Polyamide-Imide Bar, Rod, and Shapes 30% Glass Fiber
Polyamide-Imide Bar, Rod, and Shapes 30% Carbon Fiber
Polyamide-Imide Bar, Rod, and Shapes Molded or Extruded
Cloth, Glass Aluminum Face, Silicone Rubber Back
INSULATION, SOUND AND THERMAL Resin-Bonded Glass Fiber, Medium Filament
Fabric, Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Polyamide Fiberglass Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Impregnated, Sintered
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Moldings and Extrusions Unfilled, Pigmented, and Filled Components
Insulation, Thermal Ceramic Fiber
Insulation, Thermal Silica Fiber
Adhesive, Electrically Conductive Silver-Filled Epoxy Resin
Tubing, Irradiated Modified Fluoropolymer Plastic, Electrical InsulationFlame Resistant, Flexible, Heat-Shrinkable,
2 to 1 Shrink Ratio
ADHESIVE, POLYIMIDE RESIN, FILM AND PASTE High Temperature Resistant, 315 °C(599 ° F)
ADHESIVE FILM, HUMIDITY-RESISTANT, EPOXY For Sandwich Panels, -55 to +95 °C (65 to +200 °F)
Adhesive Compound, Epoxy Room Temperature Curing
High Temperature Application
ADHESIVE, MODIFIED EPOXY Moderate Heat Resistant, 120 °C (250 °F) Curing, Film Type
Adhesive, Contact Polychloroprene (CR) Rubber, Resin Modified
Epoxy Resin, Cycloaliphatic Liquid
Sandwich Structures, Glass Fabric-Resin Low Pressure Molded, Heat Resistant
Core, Honeycomb Fibrous, Aramid Base, Phenolic Coated
Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Polyimide
Core, Flexible Honeycomb, Polyamide Paper Base, Phenolic Coated
Core, Overexpanded Honeycomb, Polyamide Paper Base, Phenolic Coated
Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Phenolic
Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Phenolic Bias Weave Fiber Construction
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 3/4 (19) Wide, 3000 (13,350) Breaking Strength
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 1 (25) Wide, 4000 (17,800) Breaking Strength
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 1 (25) Wide, 6000 (26,700) Breaking Strength
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 1-23/32 (43) Wide, 8700 (38,700) Breaking Strength
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 1 (25) Wide, 9000 (40,000) Breaking Strength
WEBBING, WOVEN NYLON For Decelerators 1 3/4 (44) Wide, 10,000 (44,500) Breaking Strength
Webbing, Woven Nylon For Decelerators
PAPER HONEYCOMB 60 lb (25 kg) Paper
CORE, POLYURETHANE FOAM (POLYETHER) 2.0 Pounds Per Cubic Foot (32 kg/m3) Density
CORE, POLYURETHANE FOAM (POLYETHER) 4.0 Pounds Per Cubic Foot (64 kg/m3) Density
Shims, Filled Resin Compound Precatalyzed Sheet
Shims, Filled Resin Compound Liquid Precatalyzed
Shims, Filled Resin Compound
EPOXY RESIN MATRIX, THERMOSETTING Moderate Temperature Resistant, Unfilled
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Unfilled, Room Temperature Cure
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Filled, Heat Cure, Low CTE Thermal Shock Resistant
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Filled, Heat Cure, Machinable
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Impregnating Resin, Heat Cure, Single Component
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Filled, Room Temperature Cure, Low Exotherm
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Syntactic Foam, Heat Cure
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Filled, Room Temperature Cure, Low Shrinkage
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Filled, Heat Cure, High HDT
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Flexible, Thermal Shock Resistant, Heat Cure
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Bisphenol A-Type Unfilled, Room Temperature Cure, Semiflexible
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY One Part, Filled, Heat Cure, Low CTE
POTTING COMPOUND, EPOXY Two Part, Highly Filled, Heat Cure, High Compressive Strength
Microspheres, Hollow Glass
Microspheres, Carbon Hollow
Powder, Fumed Silicon Dioxide Thickening Efficiency 120
Powder, Fumed Silicon Dioxide Thickening Efficiency 95
Powder, Fumed Silicon Dioxide
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 9/16 (14) Wide, 500 (2224) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill, Resin Treated
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1 (25) Wide, 600 (2669) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 3/4 (19) Wide, 600 (2669) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 5500 (24,465) Breaking Strength Double Plain Weave with
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 3600 (16,014) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill, Resin
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 3-1/32 (77) Wide, 9000 (40,034) Breaking Strength Double Plain Weave with
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 8700 (38,700) Breaking Strength Double Plain Weave with
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 1200 (5338) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 6500 (28,913) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill Resin
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1 (25) Wide, 6000 (26,689) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-3/4 (44) Wide, 10,000 (44,482) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1 (25) Wide, 9000 (40,034) Breaking Strength Special Weave
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-23/32 (44) Wide, 7300 (32,472) Breaking Strength Twill, Resin Treated
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-1/4 (32) Wide, 800 (3,559) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1 (25) Wide, 2500 (11,121) Breaking Strength Herringbone Twill
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid 1-1/2 (38) Wide, 1700 (7562) Breaking Strength Special Weave
Webbing, Low Modulus Aramid
Webbing, Tubular, Low Modulus Aramid 9/16 (14) Wide, 1400 (6228) Breaking Strength
Webbing, Tubular, Low Modulus Aramid 3/4 (19) Wide, 2300 (10,231) Breaking Strength
Webbing, Tubular, Low Modulus Aramid 1 (25) Wide, 4000 (17,793) Breaking Strength
Webbing, Tubular, Low Modulus Aramid 3-3/16 (81) Wide, 2250 (10,008) Breaking Strength
Webbing, Tubular, Low-Modulus Aramid-54
Cloth, Parachute, Meta-Aramid, Low Modulus 4.7(159) Weight, Twill
Cloth, Parachute, Meta-Aramid, Low Modulus 6.5(220) Weight, Special Weave
Cloth, Parachute, Meta-Aramid, Low Modulus 12.0(407) Weight, Special Weave
Cloth, Parachute, Meta-Aramid, Low Modulus 7.0(237) Weight, Plain Weave
CLOTH, AIRPLANE, COTTON, MERCERIZED 50 Pounds (220 N) Breaking Strength
Wipes, Cotton, Loosely Woven
CLOTH, AIRPLANE, COTTON, MERCERIZED 65 Pounds (290 N) Breaking Strength
Cloth, Duck, Aramid (META), Non-Melting
Cloth, Airplane, Mercerized Cotton 80 Pounds Force (356 N) Breaking Strength
Tape, Aluminum Foil, Sound and Vibration Damping Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
Rods, Aramid Fiber, Polyester Resin Coated Pultrusion
Rods, Glass Fiber, Polyester Resin, Loaded Pultrusion
Rope, Aramid Fiber, Jacketed Cabled Strand, Extruded Jacket
Rope, Aramid Fiber, Jacketed Parallel Strand, Extruded Jacket
Rope, Aramid Fiber, Jacketed Parallel Strand, Braided Jacket
Rope, Aramid Fiber, Jacketed For Antenna-Support Systems
Nylon Braid, Flat Electrical Tying Resin Coated
BRAID, FLAT, POLYESTER, LACING AND TYING Synthetic Rubber Coated, Low Outgassing
Cloths, Cleaning For Aircraft Primary and Secondary Structural Surfaces
TAPE, NYLON CLOTH For Ring-Slot Parachutes
CLOTH, GLASS Style 7781, Chrome-Silane Finish
Cloth, Glass Finished for Resin Laminates
(R) CLOTH, TYPE “E” GLASS“B” Stage Polyester Resin Impregnated 1581 and 7781 Type Fabric
Glass Roving, Epoxy Resin Preimpregnated Type E Glass
Cloth, Type “E”-Glass, Style 7781 Fabric Solution-Addition-Type PMR-15 Polyimide Resin Impregnated
Cloth, Type “E” Glass, “B” Stage Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated 7781 Style Fabric, Flame Resistant, Improved Strength
ROVING, TYPE "S-2" GLASS Epoxy Resin Impregnated
CLOTH, BROADCLOTH, POLYESTER/COTTON Polyester Filament, End to End, (Durable Press)
Cloth, Type “E” Glass, “B” Stage Polyester-Resin-Impregnated 7781 Style Fabric, Flame Resistant, Improved
CLOTH, TYPE "S" GLASS 181 Style Fabric, Finish No. HTS-904
CLOTH, COTTON TWILL Fire Retardant Treated
POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE SHEET Asbestos Fiber Reinforced High Compressibility, Low Density
CLOTH, TYPE "E" GLASS, STYLE 7781 FABRIC Hot-Melt, Addition-Type, Polyimide Resin Impregnated
Cloth, Type “E” Glass “B” Stage Addition Cure Polyimide-Resin-Impregnated
(R) CLOTH, QUARTZ Finished for Resin Laminates
CLOTH, QUARTZ, STYLE 581 FABRIC Hot-Melt, Addition-Type, Polyimide Resin Impregnated
CLOTH, UPHOLSTERY, FLAME RESISTANT Novoloid/Aramid, Waffle Type Weave
Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B5.6-E374 (Type B0.142-E190)
Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B8.0-E374 (Type B0.203-E190)
Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B4.0-E180 (Type B0.102-E82)
Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated Type B8.0-E180 (Type B0.203-E82)
Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated
CERAMIC MOLDINGS AND EXTRUSIONS Dense, Ultra-High Alumina (99% Al,O,)
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 400 (2758) Tensile Strength, 33 (228) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 300 (2068) Tensile Strength, 50 (345) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 400 (2758) Tensile Strength, 40 (276) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 300 (2068) Tensile Strength, 75 (517) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 220 (1517) Tensile Strength, 75 (517) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF 325 (2241) Tensile Strength, 57 (393) Tensile Modulus
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF (0X) 400 (2758) Tensile Strength, 33 (228) Tensile
Tow or Yarn, Carbon Fibers For Structural Composites GF (0X) 400 (2758) Tensile Strength, 40 (276) Tensile
Tow, Carbon Fiber For Structural Composites 500 (3447) Tensile Strength, 32 (221) Tensile Modulus
Tow, Carbon Fiber For Structural Composites 550 (3792) Tensile Strength, 38 (262) Tensile Modulus
Tow, Carbon Fiber For Structural Composites 450 (3103) Tensile Strength, 32 (221) Tensile Modulus
Tow, Carbon Fiber For Structural Composites 730 (5033) Tensile Strength, 41 (283) Tensile Modulus
Fibers, Carbon, Tow and Yarn For Structural Composites
110,000 (758) Tensile, 27,000,000 (186) Modulus, 175 (347)
CARBON FIBER CLOTH 8HS Style Fabric Epoxy Resin Impregnated
CLOTH, CARBON FIBER, Resin Impregnated
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Parchment, 0.004 inch (0.10 mm), Unperforated
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Polyethylene Film, Unperforated 0.0018 inch (0.046
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Polyethylene Coated Paper, Unperforated 0.0035 inch
(0.089 mm)
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Paper, 0.004 inch (0.10 mm), Perforated
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Polyethylene Coated Paper, Perforated 0.0035 inch
(0.089 mm)
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Differentially Coated Paper, Unperforated 0.0032
inch (0.081 mm)
INTERLEAF CARRIER MATERIAL, COMPOSITE TAPE Differentially Coated Paper, Unperforated 0.0042
inch (0.107 mm)
0.0038 inch ± 0.0004 (0.097 mm ± 0.010
0.0050 inch ± 0.0005 (0.127 mm ± 0.013)
CARBON FIBER TAPE AND SHEET Polysulfone Resin Impregnated C PS 172 (1170) Tensile, 16 (110)
Modulus, 120 (248)
CARBON FIBER TAPE AND SHEET Polysulfone Resin Impregnated C PS 140 (965) Tensile, 27 (186) Modulus,
120 (248)
CLOTH, ORGANIC FIBER, HIGH MODULUS Epoxy Resin Impregnated OC Style 120, 175 (350)
CLOTH, ORGANIC FIBER, HIGH MODULUS Epoxy Resin Impregnated OC Style 328, 175 (350)
CLOTH, ORGANIC FIBER, HIGH MODULUS Epoxy Resin Impregnated OC Style 120, 80 (180)
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 200 Denier (220 Dtex), 1.0% Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 400 Denier (440 Dtex), 1.0% Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 1000 Denier (1110 Dtex), 1.0% Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 1500 Denier (1670 Dtex), 0.9% Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 1500 Denier (1670 Dtex), 7.0% Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 1500 Denier (1670 Dtex), Zero Finish
Yarn, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 3000 Denier (3300 Dtex), 0.9% Finish
Roving, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 15,000 Denier (16,700 Dtex), 7.0% Finish
Roving, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 15,000 Denier (16,700 Dtex), 0.9% Finish
Roving, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid) Intermediate Modulus 4500 Denier (5000 Dtex), 0.9% Finish
Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid), Yarn and Roving Intermediate Modulus For Cables, Cordage, and Woven Goods
GLASS NON-WOVEN FIBER TAPE AND FLAT SHEET Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine
Layup GL-I-36 - 120 (248)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-III-36 - 120 (248)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-I-26 - 150 (302)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-III-26 - 150 (302)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-I-36 - 150 (302)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-I-36 - 95 (203)
Glass Non-Woven Fiber Tape and Flat Sheet Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
GL-III-33 - 95 (203)
Glass Tape and Flat Sheet, Non-Woven Cloth Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and Machine Layup
CLOTH, ARAMID 5 oz per sq yd (170 g/m2) Basket Weave
CLOTH, ARAMID 4.3 oz per sq yd (145 g/m ) Plain Weave
(R) CLOTH, ARAMID Basket and Plain Weave
Cloth, Aramid, (Para) Plain Weave, Thermally Stable
Cloth, Aramid 3.0 Ounces per Square yard (102 g/m2), 350 Pounds Force per Inch (61,294 N/m)
Cloth, Aramid 2.25 Ounces per Square yard (76.3 g/m2), 250 Pounds Force per Inch (43,782 N/m)
CLOTH, ARAMID2. 0 Ounces per Square Yard (68 g/m2) 230 Pounds Force per Inch(40,279 N/m) (Warp)and 220
Pounds Force per Inch (38,528 N/m) (Filling)
Cloth, Aramid Intermediate Modulus
RADOME, FOAM SANDWICH Hot-Melt, Addition-Type Polyimide
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Adhesive-Bonded Metal-Faced Sandwich Structures
Fiberboard, Hard-Pressed, Structural
Carbon Fiber Fabric Repair Prepreg, 125 °C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing Part 1 - General Requirements
Carbon Fiber Fabric Repair Prepreg, 125 °C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing Part 2 - Qualification Program for Fiber,
Fabric, Resin and Film Adhesive
Carbon Fiber Fabric Repair Prepreg, 125 °C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing Part 3 - Purchasing Specification for Epoxy
Carbon Fiber Fabric Repair Prepreg, 125 °C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing Part 4 - Purchasing Specification for Film
Carbon Fiber Fabric Repair Prepreg, 125 °C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing Part 0 - Introduction
Aluminum Sheet and Plate 0.12Cu (1100-0) Annealed
ALUMINUM ALLOY, FOIL 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H191) Strain Hardened
ALUMINUM ALLOY FOIL 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr (5056-H191) Strain Hardened
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.25Mn - 0.12Cu (3003-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.25Mn - 0.12Cu (3003-H14) Strain Hardened
Aluminum Alloy Foil 1.0Mg - 0.6Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-0) Annealed
ALUMINUM ALLOY FOIL 1.2Mn - 0.12Cu (3003-H18)
Aluminum, Foil and Light Gage Sheet 99.45Al (1145-0) Annealed
Aluminum Sheet, Laminated Edge Bonded
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H32) Strain Hardened, Quarter-Hard, and Stabilized
ALUMINUM ALLOY SHEET AND PLATE 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H34) Strain-Hardened, Half-Hard, and
ALUMINUM ALLOY,ALCLAD SHEET AND PLATE, 1.0Mg - 0.6OSi - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (Alclad 6061-0)
ALUMINUM ALLOY, SHEET AND PLATE l.OMg - 0.6OSi - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061; -T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY SHEET AND PLATE 4.4Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-O) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate (2014; -T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad One Side 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn
Alclad One Side 2024 and 1-1/2% Alclad One Side 2024-T3 Sheet; 1-1/2% Alclad One Side 2024-T351 Plate
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024; -T3 Flat Sheet, -T351 Plate) Solution Heat
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (Alclad 2024 and 1-1/2% Alclad 2024-0)
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn Alclad 2024 and 1-1/2% Alclad 2024,
-T3 Flat Sheet; 1-1/2% Alclad 2024-T351 Plate
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr 7075: (-T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
(Alclad One Side 7075; -T6 Sheet -T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0-23Cr (Alclad 7075-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (Alclad 7075; -T6 Sheet - T651 Plate)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 6.2Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.12Zr (7050-T7451) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 6.8Zn - 2.8Mg - 2.0Cu - 0.23Cr (Alclad 7178-0) Annealed
ALUMINUM ALLOY, SHEET AND PLATE 4.4Mg - 0.70Mn - 0.15Cr (5083-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Round Tubing (1100-H14) Strain Hardened
Aluminum Alloy, Clad One Side Sheet 1.25Mn - 0.12Cu (No. 11-0 Brazing Sheet) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Clad Two Sides Sheet 1.25Mn - 0.12Cu (No. 12-0 Brazing Sheet) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 1.2Mn - 0.12Cu (3003-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round Seamless Tubing 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti - (2219-T8511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Round Seamless Tubing 1.25Mn - 0.12Cu (3003-H14) Strain Hardened
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T3511)
Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved by Stretching
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round Seamless Tubing Close Tolerance 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round Seamless Tubing 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round, Seamless Hydraulic Tubing 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad One Side 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (Clad One Side 2024-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Plate (7075-T7351) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round, Seamless, Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-O) Close Tolerance,
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T4)
Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Seamless Drawn Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Sheet 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (7475-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Sheet 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (7475-T761) Solution Heat Treated and Overaged
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Drawn (2024-0) Reinstate Composition Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless Tubing 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treated and Cold
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 1.6Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.22Cr - 5.7Zn (7475-T7651) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by
Stretching, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (7475-T651) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and
Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, Alclad 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti Alclad 2219-T81 Sheet
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Precipitation Heat Treated Alclad 2219-T851 Plate Solution Heat
Treated, Stress Relieved and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti Alclad 2219-T31; Sheet,
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked Alclad 2219-T351; Plate, Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved
ALUMINUM ALLOY SHEET AND PLATE, ALCLAD 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn- 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (Alclad 2219-0)
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad, Sheet 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (Alclad 7475-T761) Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2124-T851) Solution Heat Treated, Stretched, and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Forgings and Rolled or Forged Rings (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled or Cold Finished 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T451)
Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved by Stretching
Aluminum Alloy Die Forgings 4.4Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn (2025-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE AND HAND FORGINGS 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T74) Solution Heat
Treated and Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock
2.3Cu - 1.6Mg - 1.1Fe - 1.0Ni - 0.18Si - 0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Forgings and Rolled Rings 4.4Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE FORGINGS 4.4Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T4) Solution Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE FORGINGS 4.4Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T4) Solution Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Die Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Forgings and Rolled or Forged Rings 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T6)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
(2219-T852/T851) Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
(6061 - T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr(7075-T7352) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by
Compression, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy Die Forgings (7175-T66) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7175-T74) Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions and Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr - (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 0.68Mg - 0.40Si (6063-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 7.7Zn - 2.4Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.16Cr (7049-T73511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved,
and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 7.7Zn - 2.4Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.16Cr (7049-T76511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved,
Straightened, and Overaged
ALUMINUM ALLOY, EXTRUSIONS 1 .0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-0) Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T8511)
Solution Treated, Stress Relief Stretched, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T3511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved by Stretching, and Straightened
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T3510) Stress-Relief Stretched, Unstraightened
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T3511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved by
Stretching, and Straightened
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73) Solution Heat Treated and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T6510)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching, and Precipitation Heat Treated, Unstraightened
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T6511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved
by Stretching, Straightened and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, EXTRUSIONS 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061 -T4511) Solution Heat Treated and
Stress Relieved by Stretching
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress
Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, FLASH WELDED RINGS 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Honeycomb Core, Aluminum Alloy For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (175)
Honeycomb Core, Aluminum Alloy For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (175)
CORE, FLEXIBLE HONEYCOMB, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (177)
Aluminum Alloy Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7175-T7452) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved,
and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Wire 99.0Al Minimum (1100-H18)
Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.38Mg - 0.10Ti (4008 or 356)
Aluminum Alloy, Wire 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr(5056-0) Annealed
Filler Metal, Aluminum Brazing 10Si - 4.0Cu (4145)
Filler Metal, Aluminum Brazing 12Si (4047)
(R) ALUMINUM ALLOY, CASTINGS 4.5Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201 .O-T4)
Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.0Cu - 2.1Ni - 2.0Mg - 0.30Cr - 0.30Mn - 0.13T - 0.13V (243.0) Stabilized
ALUMINUM ALLOY, HEAT RESISTANT, CASTINGS 5.OCu - 1.5Ni - 0.25Mn - 0.25Sb - 0.25Co - 0.20Ti -
0.20Zr (203.0-T7) Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized
ALUMINUM ALLOY CASTINGS, HIGH STRENGTH 5.0Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V (224.0) Solution and
Precipitation Heat Treated (Overaged)
Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.5Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (201)
Aluminum Alloy Castings, 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T71)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T4)
Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (206.0-T71)
Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged
ALUMINUM ALLOY CASTINGS, SAND 6.8Mg - 0.18Ti - 0.18Mn (535.0-F) As Cast
ALUMINUM ALLOY CASTINGS, SAND 6.8Mg - 0.18Ti - 0.18Mn (535.0-0) Annealed
CASTINGS, SAND 1OMg Solution Heat Treated & Naturally Aged
Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti - 0.06Be (D357.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Dendrite Arm Spacing (DAS) Controlled
Aluminum Alloy, Castings 4.7Cu - 0.60Ag - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (B201.0-T7)
Solution Heat Treated and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet 6.2Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.12Zr (Alclad 7050-T76)
Solution Heat Treated and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti For Welding A206.0 Type Alloys
Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355)
Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.52Mg (357)
ALUMINUM ALLOY, HAND FORGINGS 7.7Zn - 2.4Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.16Cr (7049-T7352)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Compression, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Hand Forgings and Rolled Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T652)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relief Compressed, and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY CASTINGS 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti - 0.06Be (D357.0-T6)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (Requiring Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Testing)
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 8.1Zn - 2.3Mg - 1.0Cu - Zr (7449-T7651) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and
ALUMINUM ALLOY SHEET 2.7Cu - 2.2Li - 0.12Zr (2090-T83) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and
Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 6.4Zn - 2.4Mg - 2.2Cu - 0.12Zr (7150-T7751)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy-Aramid Fiber Reinforced-Laminated Sheet 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (7475-T61) 3, 5, 7, or
9 Ply
Aluminum Alloy, Aramid Fiber Reinforced, Laminated Sheet 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.6Mn (2024-T3) 3, 5, 7, or 9 Ply
ALUMINUM ALLOY, CLAD ONE SIDE SHEET 0.6Mg - 0.35Si - 0.28Cu (No. 21 Brazing Sheet) As Fabricated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, CLAD TWO SIDES SHEET 0.6Mg - 0.35Si - 0.28Cu (No. 22 Brazing Sheet) As
5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (Alclad, One Side 7475-T761) 5 or 7 Ply
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet 2.4Li - 1.3Cu - 0.95Mg - 0.10Zr (8090-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Investment Castings 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Investment 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0-T51) Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet 6.5Fe - 1.3Si - 0.60V (8022-H112) Powder Metallurgy Product, Strain Hardened
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Flat Sheet 4.1Cu - 1.4Mg - 0.45Mn (Alclad 2424-T3) Solution Heat Treated and Cold
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate (2424-T3 Flat Sheet and Plate) Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (Alclad 2024-0) Annealed, Fine Grain
CASTINGS, PERMANENT MOLD 6.2Sn - 1Cu - 1Ni Stress Relieved
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-0) Annealed, Fine Grained
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-0) Annealed, Fine Grained
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (Alclad 7075-0) Annealed, Fine Grained
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024; -T4 Flat Sheet) Solution Heat Treated, High
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.5Mg (355.0-T71) Solution Heat Treated and
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 7.0Si - 0.30Mg (356.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Centrifugal 7.0Si - 0.30Mg (356.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0-T51) Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti (E357.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.55Mg - 0.12Ti (F357.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
(R) ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE CASTINGS 9.5Si - 0.50Mg (360.0-F) As Cast
(R) ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE CASTINGS 8.5Si - 3.5Cu (A380.0-F) As Cast
Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 7.9Zn-1.6Cu-2.2Mg-0.16Cr (7249-T76511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved,
Straightened, and Overaged SAE
Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T5511)
Press Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Artificially Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr (2219 - O, F, T31, T351, T37, T81,
T851, T87)
Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 4.3Cu - 1.4Mg - 0.60Mn (Alclad 2524-T3) Solution Heat Treated and
Cold Worked
Aluminum Alloy Sheet 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024; -T4 Flat Sheet) Solution Heat Treated, High Formability
BORON-ALUMINUM COMPOSITE SHEET 50 v/o 5.6B, 6061-0, For Diffusion Bonding
Aluminum Alloy, Laminated Sheet, Aramid Fiber Reinforced 5.7Zn - 2.2Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.22Cr (7475-T761) 3, 5, 7,
or 9 Ply
Aluminum Alloy Plate 2.7Cu - 2.2Li - 0.12Zr (2090-T81) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Aged
Solution Heat Treated, Stretched, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Plate 6.4Zn - 2.4Mg - 2.2Cu - 0.12Zr (7150-T6151) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.4Zn - 2.4Mg - 2.2Cu - 0.12Zr (7150-T61511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, SHEET 8.6Fe - 1.8Si - 1.3V (8009-H112) Powder Metallurgy Product, Strain Hardened
ALUMINUM ALLOY EXTRUSIONS 8.6Fe - 1.8Si - 1.3V (8009-H112) Powder Metallurgy Product, Strain-
Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Forged Rings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T651, 7075-T652)
Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Forged Rings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T7351, 7075-T7352)
Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Forged Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T651, 6061-T652)
Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Forged Rings 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T351, 2219-T352)
Solution Heat Treated and Mechanically Stress Relieved
Aluminum Alloy, Rings, Rolled or Forged 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T651, 2014-T652)
Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Artificially Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished, Bars and Rods 12.2Si - 1.0Mg - 0.90Cu - 0.90Ni (4032-T651)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved, and Artificially Aged
ALUMINUM ALLOY FORGINGS 7.7Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.5Cu - 0.16Cr (7149-T73)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy Forgings 7.7Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.5Cu - 0.16Cr (7049-01) High Temperature Annealed
ALUMINUM ALLOY DIE FORGINGS 4.OMg - 1.3Li - 1.2C - 0.4502 (5091) Mechanically Alloyed, As-
Aluminum Alloy, Hand Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T7452)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Aluminum Alloy, Extruded Rod, Bar and Profiles (7055-T74511) 8.0Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.0Mg - 0.16Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extruded Wide Panel Profiles (7150-T77511) 6.4Zn - 2.4Mg - 2.2Cu - 0.12Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved, Straightened and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Plate (2098-O) 3.5Cu - 1.1Li - 0.50Mg - 0.40Ag - 0.11Zr Annealed
Aluminum Alloy, Plate (2397-T87) 2.8Cu - 1.4Li - 0.30Mn - 0.12Zr - 0.10Zn
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Artificially Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Plate (7085-T7651) 7.5Zn - 1.6Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.12Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Plate (2297-T87) 2.8Cu - 1.5Li - 0.30Mn - 0.12Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stretched, and Artificially Aged
Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 7.8Zn - 2.6Mg - 2.0Cu - 0.10Zr - (7068-T6511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat Treated
ALUMINUM ALLOY, DIE FORGINGS 6.2Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.12Zr (7050-T7452)
Solution Heat Treated, Compression Stress- ReIieved, and Overaged
Forgings, Aluminum Alloys 2xxx and 7xxx, Heat-Treated, Finished-Part Properties: Short-Transverse
Tensile Properties and Fracture Toughness
Aluminum Alloy, Extruded Rod, Bar, and Profiles (7055-T76511) 8.0Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.0Mg - 0.16Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stress-Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extruded Profiles (7055-T77511) 8.0Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.0Mg - 0.16Zr
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions (2026-T3511) 4.0Cu - 1.3Mg - 0.60Mn
Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved by Stretching
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Artificially Aged
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.2Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.12Zr (7050-T76511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved, Straightened, and Overaged
Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.2Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.2Mg - 0.12Zr (7050-T73511)
Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Overaged
Magnesium Alloy, Extrusions 6.5A1 - 0.95Zn (AZ61A-F) As Extruded
Magnesium Alloy, Extrusions 5.5Zn - 0.45Zr (ZK60A - T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Forgings, Magnesium Alloy 5.5Zn - 0.45Zr (ZK60A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Forgings, Magnesium Alloy 2.0Th - 0.78Mn (HM21A - T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Sheet and Plate, Magnesium Alloy 3.0AI - 1.0Zn - 020Mn (AZ31B-0) Annealed and Recrystallized
Plate, Magnesium Alloy 3.0AI - 1.0Zn - 020Mn (AZ31B-H26) Cold Rolled and Partially Annealed
Sheet and Plate, Magnesium Alloy 3.0AI - 1.0Zn - 020Mn (AZ31B-H24) Cold Rolled, Partially Annealed
MAGNESIUM ALLOY, PLATE, EXTRA FLAT 3.0Al - l.0Zn - 0.20Mn (AZ31B-0) Annealed
Magnesium Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.0Th - 0.78Mn Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Precipitation Heat
Magnesium Alloy, Sheet and Plate 3.2Th - 0.70Zr Annealed Recrystallized
Magnesium Alloy, Sheet and Plate 3.2Th - 0.70Zr Cold Rolled and Partially Annealed
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Welding Wire 9.0Al - 2.0Zn (AZ92A)
Magnesium Alloy Welding Wire 3.3Ce - 2.5Zn - 0.72Zr (EZ33A)
CASTINGS, SAND, MAGNESIUM ALLOY 1.5Ag - 2.1Di - 0.08Cu - 0.70Zr (EQ21 - T6)
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 2.5Ag - 1.1Th - 1.0Di - 0.70Zr (QH21-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 6Al - 3Zn (AZ63A-F) As Cast
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 6.0Al - 3.0Zn (AZ63 - T4) Solution Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 6.0Al - 3.0Zn (AZ63 - T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 5.8Zn - 2.5RE - 0.70Zr (ZE63-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Castings, Sand, Magnesium Alloy 5.1Y - 3.0Re - 0.70Zr (WE54 - T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 4.0Y - 2.3Nd - 0.7Zr (WE43B - T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
MAGNESIUM ALLOY CASTINGS, SAND 9.OAl - 2.OZn (AZ92-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 8.7Al - 0.70Zn (AZ91C-T6) Solution Heat Treated and Aged
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 5.7Zn - 1.8Th (ZH62A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Aloy Castings 4.2Zn - 1.2Ce - 0.7Zr (ZE41A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 3.5Ce - 0.70Zr (EK41A-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Sand Castings 3.2Ce - 2.5Zn - 0.70Zr (EZ33A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings 4.5Zn - 0.75Zr (ZK51A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 6.0Zn - 0.80Zr (ZK61A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 3.3Th - 0.7Zr (HK31A-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
MAGNESIUM ALLOY, SAND CASTINGS 8.7AI - 0.70Zn - 0.26Mn (AZ91 E-T6) Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 3.3Th - 2.1Zn - 0.75Zr (HZ32A-T5) Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy, Investment Castings 8.7Al - 0.70Zn - 0.22Mn (AZ91C-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 10Al (AM100A-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 9.0Al - 2.0Zn (AZ92A-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Magnesium Alloy Castings, Die 9.0Al - 0.70Zn (AZ91A-F) As Cast
Copper, Sheet, Strip, and Plate Soft Annealed
Copper Sheet, Strip, and Plate Oxygen-Free, Light Cold Rolled
Copper Alloy (Brass), Sheet, Strip, and Plate 70Cu - 30Zn Annealed (OS035)
Copper Alloy (Brass), Sheet, Strip, and Plate 70Cu - 30Zn Half Hard (H02)
Copper-Zinc Alloy, Laminated Sheet 70Cu - 30Zn Surface Bonded
Phosphor Bronze, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 94.5Cu - 4.0Sn - 0.19P Spring Temper (H08)
COPPER-BERYLLIUM ALLOY CASTINGS 97Cu - 2.1Be - 0.52(Co + Ni) - 0.28Si Solution and Precipitation
Heat Treated (TFOO)
Leaded Phosphor Bronze Strip 88.5Cu - 4.0Sn - 4.0Pb - 3.0Zn - 0.26P Cold Rolled, Half Hard (HO2)
Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Copper-Beryllium Alloy 98Cu - 1.9Be (CDA 172) Solution Heat Treated
Sheet and Strip, Copper-Beryllium Alloy 98Cu - 1.9Be (CDA 172) Half Hard
Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (TF00, formerly
Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and
Precipitation Heat Treated (TH04, formerly HT)
Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Mechanical Tubing 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (TF00,
formerly AT)
Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 67Ni - 30Cu Annealed
Brass, Seamless, Tubing 85Cu - 15Zn Annealed (061)
Brass Tubing, Seamless 66.5Cu - 33Zn - 0.45Pb Annealed
Leaded Brass, Seamless Tubing 66.5Cu - 32.5Zn - 0.48Pb Light Annealed (050)
Brass, Seamless Tubing 66.5Cu - 31.5Zn - 1.6Pb Drawn Temper (H58)
Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant, Tubing, Seamless 67Ni - 31Cu Annealed
Extrusions, Nickel-Aluminum Bronze, Martensitic 78.5Cu - 10.5Al - 5.1Ni - 4.8Fe Solution Heat Treated and
Tempered (TQ50)
Copper Nickel Tin Alloy, Bars, Rods, and Tubes 77Cu - 15Ni - 8Sn Solution Annealed and Spinodal Hardened
(TX 00)
Copper Bars, Rods, and Shapes Oxygen-Free, Hard Temper (HO4)
Brass, Free-Cutting Bars and Rods 61.5Cu - 35Zn - 3.1Pb Half Hard (H02)
Brass, Naval, Bars and Rods 60.5Cu - 38.7Zn - 0.8Sn Half Hard (H02)
Brass, Naval, Bars and Rods 60.5Cu - 38.5Zn - 0.75Sn Hard Temper (H04)
Brass Forgings, Free Cutting 60Cu - 2.0Pb - 37.5Zn As Forged (M10)
SILICON BRONZE BARS, RODS, FORGINGS, AND TUBING 92Cu - 3.2Si - 2.8Zn - 1.5Fe Stress Relieved
Phosphor Bronze Bars, Rods, and Tubing 95Cu - 5Sn Hard Temper
Aluminum Bronze Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90.5Cu - 7.5Al - 1.95: Stress Relieved
Bronze, Aluminum Silicon, Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90Cu - 7.0Al - 1.8Si Drawn and Stress Relieved (HR50)
Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 90.5Cu - 7.5Al - 1.9Si Stress Relieved
Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 87Cu - 9Al - 3Fe Stress Relieved
81.5Cu - 1 0 . 0 A l - 4.8Ni - 3.0Fe Drawn and Stress Relieved (HR50) or Temper Annealed (TQ50)
Treated TB00 (A)
Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be (CDA 172) Hard Temper
Nickel - Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant Bars and Forgings 67Ni - 30Cu - 0.04S Free Machining
Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Forgings 67Ni - 30Cu
Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 66.5Ni - 3.0Al - 0.62Ti - 28Cu Hot-Finished,
Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel-Copper Alloy, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Forgings 66.5Ni - 2.9Al - 30Cu Annealed
Copper Wire, Bare High Purity
Copper Wire, Oxygen-Free 99.95(Cu+Ag) Annealed
COPPER ALLOY, WIRE 65Cu - 35Zn Annealed (061
Brass, Wire 65Cu - 35Zn Eighth-Hard (H00)
Wire, Phosphor Bronze 94Cu - 5.0Sn - 0.19P Cold Drawn, Spring Temper (H08)
Copper-Beryllium Alloy Wire 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution Heat Treated
Copper-Nickel Alloy Wire and Ribbon 77.5Cr - 22.5Ni
COPPER POWDER 99.0 Cu, minimum As Fabricated
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 38Ag - 32Cu - 28Zn - 2.0Sn 1200 to 1330 °F (649 to 721 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 40Ag - 30Cu - 30Zn 1245 to 1340 °F (674 to 727 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 56Ag - 22Cu - 17Zn - 5.0Sn 1145 to 1205 °F (618 to 652 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Copper Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 52.5Cu - 38Mn - 9.5Ni 1615 to 1700 °F (879 to 927 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 56Ag - 42Cu - 2.0Ni 1420 to 1640 °F (771 to 893 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 85Ag - 15Mn 1760 to 1780 °F (960 to 971 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 92.5Ag - 7.2Cu - 0.22Li 1435 to 1635 °F (779 to 891 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 35Ag - 26Cu - 21Zn - 18Cd 1125 to 1295 °F (607 to 702 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 45Ag - 24Cd - 16Zn - 15Cu 125 to 1145 °F (607 to 618 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy Brazing Filler Metal 50Ag - 18Cd - 16.5Zn - 15.5Cu 1160 to 1175 °F (627 to 635 °C) Solidus-
Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 50Ag - 16Cd - 15.5Zn - 15.5Cu - 3.0Ni 1170 to 1270 °F (632 to 688 °C) Solidus-
Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 54Ag - 40Cu - 5.0Zn - 1.0Ni 1325 to 1575 °F (718 to 857 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 60Ag - 30Cu - 10Sn 1115 to 1325 °F (602 to 718 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Silver Alloy Brazing Filler Metal 63Ag - 28.5Cu - 6.0Sn - 2.5Ni 1275 to 1475 °F (691 to 802 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 0.75C - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe 1790 to 1970 °F (977 to 1077 °C)
Solidus-Liquidus Range
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe (Low Carbon) 1790 to 1970 °F (977 to 1077
°C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 82Ni - 4.5Si - 7.0Cr - 3.1B - 3.0Fe 1780 to 1830 °F (971 to 999 °C) Solidus-
Liquidus Range
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 92Ni - 4.5Si - 3.1B 1800 to 1900 °F Solidus-Liquidus Range
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 94Ni - 3.5Si - 1.8B 1800 to 1950 °F (982 to 1066 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Manganese Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 66Mn - 16Ni - 16Co - 0.80B 1770 to 1875 °F (966 to 1024 °C) Solidus-
Liquidus Range
Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 71Ni - 10Si - 19Cr 1975 to 2075 °F (1080 to 1135 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Cobalt Alloy, High Temperature Brazing Filler Metal 50Co - 8.0Si - 19Cr - 17Ni - 4.0W - 0.80B 2050
to 2100 °F (1121 to 1149 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Gold-Palladium-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature 50Au - 25Pd - 25Ni 2015 to 2050 °F (1102
to 1121 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Gold-Palladium-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature 30Au - 34Pd - 36Ni
2075 to 2130 °F (1135 to 1166 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Gold-Palladium-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature 70Au - 8.0Pd - 22Ni
1845 to 1915 °F (1007 to 1046 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range
Gold-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature82Au - 18Ni1740 °F (949 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Silver Alloy Brazing Filler Metal 50Ag - 28Zn - 20Cu - 2.0Ni 1220 to 1305 °F (660 to 707 °C) Solidus-Liquidus
Bearings, Babbitt 91Sn - 4.5Sb - 4.5Cu
Zinc Alloy Castings, Die 4.0Al - 0.04Mg (AG40A) As Cast
Bearings, Silver Plated Steel Back
Bearings, Silver-Clad Steel Strip
Bearings, Leaded Copper 70Cu - 28.5Pb Steel Back
BEARINGS, LEADED BRONZE 71.5Cu - 25Pb - 3.0Sn Steel Back
BEARINGS, LEADED BRONZE 74Cu - 15.5Pb - 10Sn Steel Back
Leaded Red Brass, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 85Cu - 5.0Sn - 5.0Pb - 5.0Zn As Cast
Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 58Cu - 39Zn - 1.2Fe - 1.0Al - 0.80Mn As Cast
Manganese Bronze, Sand and Centrifugal Castings 63Cu - 24Zn - 6.2Al - 3.8Mn - 3.0Fe High Strength, As Cast
Aluminum Bronze, Centrifugal and Chill Castings 85Cu - 11Al - 3.6Fe As Cast
Aluminum Bronze, Centrifugal and Chill Castings 85Cu - 11Al - 3.6Fe Solution Heat Treated and Tempered
Aluminum Bronze Alloy, Sand Castings 85Cu - 11A1 - 3.6Fe Solution Heat Treated and Tempered
Titanium Alloy Extrusions and Flash Welded Rings 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Beta Extruded Plus Annealed, Heat Treatable
Titanium Alloy, Extrusions and Flash Welded Rings 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Beta Extruded Plus Annealed, Heat Treatable
Forgings, Titanium Alloys Heat-Treated, Finished-Part Properties: Short-Transverse Tensile,
Fracture Toughness, and Longitudinal Time-Dependent-Tension
Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al - 8V - 6Cr - 4Mo - 4Zr Solution Heat Treated
Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed, 25.0 ksi (172 MPa) Yield Strength
Titanium Tubing, Welded Annealed, 40 ksi (276 MPa) Yield Strength
Titanium Tubing, Seamless Annealed, 40,000 psi (275 MPa) Yield Strength
Titanium Alloy, Hydraulic, Seamless Tubing 3.0Al - 2.5V Annealed
Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3.0Al - 2.5V Cold Worked, Stress Relieved
Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3Al - 2.5V, Controlled Contractile Strain Ratio Cold Worked, Stress
Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3Al - 2.5V, Texture Controlled Cold Worked, Stress Relieved
Titanium, Sheet, Laminated, Surface Bonded
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6.0Al - 4.0V Solution Heat Treated and Aged Modified Strength
Titanium Welding Wire Commercially Pure Environment Controlled Packaging
Titanium Alloy, Welding Wire 6AI - 2Sn - 4Zr - 2Mo
Titanium Alloy Welding Wire 5Al - 2.5Sn
Titanium Alloy, Welding Wire 6Al - 4V
Titanium Alloy, Welding Wire 8AI-1Mo-1V
Titanium Alloy Welding Wire 6Al - 4V, Extra Low Interstitial Environment Controlled Packaging
Titanium Alloy, Round Bar and Wire 3AI - 8V - 6Cr - 4Mo - 4Zr
Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn
Titanium Alloy Bars and Rods 3Al - 8V - 6Cr - 4Mo - 4Zr
Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Centerless Ground
Titanium Alloy Wire 13.5V - 11Cr - 3Al Spring Temper
Titanium Alloy, Investment Castings 6Al - 4V Hot Isostatically Pressed
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6.0Al - 4.0V Annealed, Heat Treatable, Modified Strength
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Annealed
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6.0AI - 4.0V Solution Heat Treated and Aged
Titanium Alloy, Forgings 5Al - 2.5Sn Annealed, 110 ksi (758 MPa) Yield Strength
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6.0Al - 4.0V Annealed, Heat Treatable
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Forgings 7Al - 4Mo Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Annealed, Heat Treatable
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Rings 8Al - 1Mo - 1V Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized
Titanium Alloy Forgings 8Al - 1Mo - 1V Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized
Titanium Alloy, Bars and Forgings 11Sn - 5.0Zr - 2.3Al - 1.0Mo - 0.21Si Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, and Rings 6.0Al - 2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 2.0Mo - 0.08Si Solution and Precipitation Heat
Titanium Alloy, Forgings 6.0Al - 2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 2.0Mo Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings6Al - 6V - 2Sn Annealed
Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6Al - 6V - 2Sn Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Forgings 6.0Al - 2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 6.0Mo Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy Wire 44.5 Cb
Titanium Alloy, Forgings 10V - 2Fe - 3Al Consumable Electrode Melted, Single-Step Solution Heat Treated and
180 ksi (1241 MPa) Tensile Strength
Titanium Alloy Forgings 10V - 2Fe - 3Al Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated and Aged
173 ksi (1193 MPa) Tensile Strength
Titanium Alloy, Investment Castings 6Al - 4V 130 UTS, 120 YS, 6% EL
Hot Isostatically Pressed Anneal Optional or When Specified
Titanium Alloy, Forgings 10V - 2Fe - 3Al Consumable Electrode Melted, Single Solution Heat Treated and
Overaged 160 ksi (1103 MPa) Tensile Strength
Titanium Alloy, Forgings 10V - 2Fe - 3AI Consumable Electrode Melted, Single Solution Heat Treated and
Overaged 140 ksi (965 MPa) Tensile Strength
Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al-6V-2Sn Solution Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 3Al-2.5V Solution Heat Treated
Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al-6V-2Sn Solution Heat Treated and Aged
Titanium Alloy Castings, Investment 6Al - 4V Hot Isostatic Pressed, Anneal Optional
Castings, Structural Investment, Titanium Alloy 6Al - 4V Hot Isostatically Pressed
Titanium Alloy Powdered Metal Products 6Al - 4V Hot Isostatically Pressed, Annealed
Titanium Alloy Billets and Preforms 6Al - 4V Premium Quality, Powder-Metallurgy Product
Titanium Alloy Powder 5Al - 2Sn - 2Zr - 4Cr - 4Mo - 0.100 Premium Quality
Titanium Alloy Powder 6Al - 4V
Titanium Alloy Laser Deposited Products 6Al - 4V Annealed
Steel Bars Free Machining (SAE 1212 or SAE 1215) Cold Drawn
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Free-Cutting 1.5Mn - 0.25Pb (0.32 - 0.39C) (11L37)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Free-Cutting 0.14 - 0.20C (SAE 1117)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Free-Cutting 1.5Mn (0.32 - 0.39C) (SAE 1137)
Steel, Welding Wire 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.08V (0.26 - 0.32C) Vacuum Melted, Environment-Controlled
Steel, Welding Wire 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.07V (0.34 - 0.40C) Vacuum Melted, Environment-Controlled
Steel, Welding Wire 0.78Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo - 0.20V (0.33 - 0.38C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled
Steel, Welding Wire 0.06 Carbon, Maximum
Welding Electrodes, Covered, Steel 0.07 - 0.15C
Wire, Steel 0.18 - 0.23C (SAE 1020) Annealed
Steel, Welding Wire 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130)
Steel, Welding Wire 0.65Si - 1.25Cr - 0.50Mo - 0.30V (0.28 - 0.33C)
Steel Sheet and Strip, Aluminum Coated Low Carbon
Steel, Sheet and Strip 0.15 Carbon, maximum Deep Forming Grade
Steel, Sheet and Strip 0.15 Carbon, Maximum Forming Grade
Steel, Sheet and Strip 0.15 Carbon, maximum Half Hard Temper
Steel, Sheet and Strip 0.25 Carbon, maximum Hard Temper
Carbon Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate (SAE 1020 and 1025) Annealed
Steel, Sheet and Strip 0.08 - 0.13C, Aluminum Killed Deep Forming Grade
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.15 Carbon, Maximum Annealed
Steel Tubing, Welded 0.13 Carbon, Maximum Annealed
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.13 - 0.18C (SAE 1015)
Steel, Low Carbon, Bars and Wire 0.08 to 0.20 C
Steel, Low Carbon Bars, Forgings, Tubing, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.25 Carbon, Maximum
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.15 - 0.20C (SAE 1018)
Steel, Bars and Forgings 0.18 - 0.23C (SAE 1022)
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.22 - 0.28C (SAE 1025) Cold Drawn and Stress Relieved
Steel Tubing, Welded (0.22 - 0.28C) (SAE 1025) Normalized or Stress Relieved
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.31 - 0.38C (SAE 1035)
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.31 - 0.38C (SAE 1035) Stress Relieved
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.47 - 0.55C (SAE 1050) Annealed
Carbon Steel, Wire and Springs 0.75 - 0.88C (SAE 1080) Spring Temper, Cold Drawn
Carbon Steel, Wire Spring Quality Music Wire 0.70 - 1.00C Cold Drawn
Wire, Carbon Steel 0.60 - 0.75C Hardened and Tempered
Steel Strip 0.68 - 0.80C (SAE 1074)
Sheet and Strip, Steel (0.90 - 1.04C) (SAE 1095) Annealed
Steel Strip (0.90 - 1.04C) (SAE 1095) Hard Temper
Steel, Bars 0.90 - 1.03C
Steel Castings, Investment, Electrical Induction Melted, Annealed
Iron-Nickel Alloy Strip 49Fe - 5.3Cr - 42Ni - 2.5Ti - 0.55Al Solution Heat Treated
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Strip 49Fe - 5.3Cr - 42Ni - 2.5Ti - 0.55Al Solution Heat Treated, Cold Rolled, 10% Reduction
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Strip 49Fe - 5.3Cr - 42Ni - 2.5Ti - 0.55Al Solution Heat Treated, Cold Rolled, 50% Reduction
Ductile (Nodular) Iron Castings, Sand 60,000 psi (415 MPa) Tensile Strength Ferritize Annealed
Ductile (Nodular) Iron Castings, Sand 80,000 psi (550 MPa) Tensile Strength As Cast
Steel Castings, Investment 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo (0.28 - 0.36C) (SAE 4330 Modified) Annealed
Steel Castings, Investment 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo (0.38 - 0.46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) Annealed
Steel, Sand, Castings 0.82Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo (0.38 - 0.46C) (SAE 4340) Normalized and Tempered
Steel, Investment Castings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.11 - 0.17C) (SAE 8615) Normalized
Steel, Investment Castings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.25 - 0.35C) (SAE 8630 Mod) Normalized and Tempered
Steel, Investment Castings 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.25 - 0.35C) (SAE 4130 Mod) Normalized or Normalized and
Steel, Investment Castings 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.35 - 0.45C) (SAE 4140 Mod)
Normalized or Normalized and Tempered
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 13Cr Free Machining; Hardened and Tempered
Steel, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 12.5Cr (SAE 51410) Hardened and Tempered
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant 13Cr Normalized and Tempered
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 17Cr - 0.55Mo (0.95 - 1.20C) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 16Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.08N As Cast
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 13Cr - 2.0Ni - 3.0W Hardened and Tempered
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 16Cr - 4.1Ni - 0.28Cb - 3.2Cu
Homogenization and Solution Heat Treated or Homogenization, Solution, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 15Cr - 4.6Ni - 0.22Cb - 2.8Cu
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (H1100) 130 ksi (896 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 15Cr - 4.6Ni - 0.22Cb - 2.8Cu Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation
Steel Castings, Investment, Corrosion Resistant 18Cr - 9Ni Solution Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 15Cr - 4.0Ni - 2.3Mo - 0.08N Solution Heat Treated
Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand and Centrifugal, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18.5Cr - 13.5Ni - 2.1Mo Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 19Cr - 12Ni - 1.0(Cb + Ta) Solution Heat Treated
0.90 (Cb + Ta)
Solution Heat Treated
Solution Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 24.5Cr - 20.5Ni Solution Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 19.5Cr - 9.5Ni - 1.4Mo - 1.4W - 0.50 (Cb+Ta) - 0.32Ti
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 19.5Cr - 9.5Ni (Low Carbon) (304L) Solution Heat Treated
Steel Castings, Sand, Corrosion Resistant 16Cr - 1.9Ni (Type 431 Mod) Normalized and Tempered
Alloy Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 16Co - 29Cr - 4.5W As Cast
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 30Fe - 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W - 1.0Cb -
0.15N As Cast
As Cast
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 50.5Co - 26Cr - 15Ni - 6.0Mo As Cast
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 54Co - 25.5Cr - 10.5Ni - 7.5W As Cast
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings
52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1(Cb+Ta) - 0.90Ti - 0.60Al - 18Fe
Vacuum Melted Homogenization and Solution Heat Treated
Alloy Castings, Investment, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 53Ni - 18Cr - 18Co - 4.0Mo - 2.9Ti - 2.9Al - 0.006B
Vacuum-Melted, Vacuum-Cast, Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 62Co - 27Cr - 2.8Ni - 5.5Mo As Cast
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 60Co - 29Cr - 4.5W As Cast
53.3Ni - 16.5Cr - 17Mo - 4.5W - 5.8Fe - 0.4OV As Cast
Alloy Castings, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 55Ni - 16.5Cr - 17Mo - 4.5W - 5.8Fe - 0.40V Solution Heat
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings 47.5Ni - 22Cr - 1.5Co - 9Mo - 0.60W - 18.5Fe As
73Ni - 13Cr - 4.5Mo - 2.3Cb - 0.75Ti - 6.0AI - 0.010B - 0.10Zr Vacuum Cast, As Cast
Alloy Iron Castings, Sand, Moderate Corrosion and Heat Resistant
2.1Cr - 15Ni - 6.5Cu (2.4 - 2.8C) As Cast
Alloy Iron Castings, Sand Moderate Corrosion and Heat Resistant 2.0Cr - 20Ni (2.4 - 2.8C) Stress Relieved
Alloy Iron Castings, Ductile, Sand, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 2.0Cr - 20Ni (2.4 - 3.0C) Stress Relieved
Alloy Iron Castings, Ductile, Sand, Corrosion Resistant 22Ni (2.5 - 3.0C) As Cast
- 0.40V As Cast
50Ni - 9.5Cr - 15Co - 3.0Mo - 4.8Ti - 5.5AI - 0.015B - 0.95V - 0.06Zr Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sand and Centrifugal Castings
16Cr - 4.1Ni - 0.22(Cb + Ta) - 2.8Cu Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings
52Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.6Al - 0.006B Vacuum-Melted, Vacuum-Cast, Solution Heat Treated
62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.6Cb Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.6Cb As Cast
60Ni - 14Cr - 9.5Co - 4.0Mo - 4.0W - 5.0Ti - 3.0AI - 0.015B - 0.06Zr Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast
59Ni - 12.6Cr - 9.0Co - 1.9Mo - 4.2W - 4.0Ti - 4.2Ta - 3.4AI - 0.015B - 0.10Zr - 0.90Hf
Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Alloy Castings, Investment, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
64Ni - 8.0Cr - 10Co - 6.0Mo - 1.0Ti - 4.2Ta - 6.0Al - 0.015B - 0.08Zr
Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
Alloy Castings, Investment, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
63Ni - 8.0Cr - 10Co - 6.0Mo - 1.0Ti - 4.2Ta - 6.0Al - 0.015B - 0.03Zr - 1.2Hf
Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
Alloy Castings, Investment, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
60Ni - 9.0Cr - 10Co - 12.5W - 1.0Cb - 2.0Ti - 5.0Al - 0.015B - 0.06Zr
Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
Alloy Castings, Centrifugal, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
64Ni - 16Cr - 15Mo - 0.30Al - 0.05La Solution Heat Treated
Alloy Casting, Investment, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
61Ni - 16Cr - 8.5Co - 1.8Mo - 2.6W - 0.8Cb - 3.4Ti - 1.8Ta - 3.4A1 - 0.010B - 0.06Zr
(0.03 - 0.08C) Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Investment Castings
61Ni - 16Cr - 8.5Co - 1.8Mo - 2.6W - 0.85Cb - 3.4Ti - 1.8Ta - 3.4Al - 0.010B - 0.05Zr
Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast As Cast, or Solution Treated, or Solution and Precipitation Hardened
Steel Castings, Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast, Investment, Corrosion Resistant
13Cr - 8.0Ni - 2.2Mo - 1.1Al (195,000 psi (1344 MPa) Tensile Strength (Condition H1000)
Homogenized, Solution, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Laminated, Sheet Surface Bonded
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Foil
19Cr - 9.5Ni (304) Cold Rolled, 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 17Cr (SAE 51430) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 12.5Cr (SAE 51410) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 12Cr (SAE 51410 Modified) Ferrite Controlled,
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 13Cr (0.30 - 0.40C) (SAE 51420) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 17Cr - 13Ni - 2.5Mo (SAE 30316L) Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 13Cr - 2.0Ni - 3.0W Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip and Plate 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 19Cr - 9.5Ni (304L) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.80Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 19Cr - 9.2Ni (SAE 30304) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 11.5Ni (SAE 30305) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 8.5Ni (302) Solution Heat Treated, High Ductility
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 8Ni (SAE 30301) Cold Rolled, 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 8Ni (SAE 30301) Cold Rolled, 150 ksi (1034 MPa) Tensile
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 8Ni (SAE 30301) Cold Rolled, 185 ksi (1276 MPa) Tensile
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, Foil, and Plate
15Cr - 7.1Ni - 2.5Mo - 1.1AI Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 25Cr - 20Ni (SAE 30310S) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 23Cr - 13.5Ni (SAE 30309S) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip and Plate 18Cr - 13Ni - 2.5Mo (SAE 30316) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
19.5Cr - 9.5Ni - 1.4Mo - 1.4W - 0.42(Cb+Ta) - 0.22Ti Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.1Al Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenabl
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.1Al Solution Heat Treated and Cold Rolled,
Precipitation Hardenable 0.0015 to 0.050 Inch (0.038 to 1.27 mm) Nominal Thickness
Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 58Ni - 15.5Cr - 16Mo - 3.8W - 5.5Fe Solution Heat
30Fe - 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W - 1 .0Cb - 0.15N Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
47.5Ni - 22Cr - 1.5Co - 9.0Mo - 0.60W - 18.5Fe Solution Heat Treated
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, Foil, and Plate 52Co - 20Cr - 10Ni - 15W
Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 74Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet and Strip 73Ni - 15.5Cr - 2.4Ti - 0.7Al - 7.0Fe Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.2Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4Al - 0.05Zr - 0.006B
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted, Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
54Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.5Al - 0.006B
Vacuum Induction and Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treatable
Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel Sheet and Strip, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant
16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Cold Rolled, Tempered
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet and Strip
15.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet and Strip
16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N 1850 to 1975 °F (1010 to 1079 °C) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Plate 15.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Solution Heat Treated
Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant
80Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.62Ti - 3.25Al Annealed
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 46Fe - 20.5Cr - 32Ni - 1.1Ti Annealed
Nickel, Sheet and Strip Low (0.02 max) Carbon Annealed
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Annealed
Nickel Wire and Ribbon 99Ni
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing
18Cr - 11Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing
18.5Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing
18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347) Thin Wall Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347)
Thin Wall Solution Heat Trea
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing
18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Thin Wall Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Seamless Tubing 19Cr - 10Ni (SAE 30304) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded and Drawn or Seamless and Drawn Tubing
9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.28N High-Pressure Hydraulic
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.28N Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Seamless or Welded Tubing 19Cr - 9.5Ni (SAE 30304) Cold Drawn, ¼ Hard Temper
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Tubing 19Cr - 10Ni (SAE 30304) High-Pressure Hydraulic, Welded Plus Ultrasonically
Tested or Seamless Cold Drawn, One Eighth - Hard Temper
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Welded Tubing 19Cr - 9.5Ni (SAE 30304) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing
19Cr - 10Ni (SAE 30304) High Pressure, Cold Drawn
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing 19Cr - 10Ni (SAE 30304) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.1Al Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation-
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless and Welded Hydraulic Tubing 19Cr - 9.5Ni - 0.03C max
Cold Drawn, 1/8 Hard Temper
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 18Cr - 11Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless Tubing 25Cr - 20Ni (SAE 30310S) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless Tubing 17Cr - 12Ni - 2.5Mo (SAE 30316) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 23Cr - 13.5Ni (SAE 30309S) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 25Cr - 20Ni (SAE 30310) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welded Tubing 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu
Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Tubing Welded 19.5Cr - 9.5Ni - 1.4Mo - 1.4W - 0.42(Cb + Ta) - 0.22Ti Thin
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 74Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless or Welded Tubing 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.7Cb Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless Tubing 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable to 155 ksi (1069 MPa) Tensile Strength
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless Tubing 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable to 170 ksi (1172 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless and Welded Hydraulic Tubing 17Cr - 12Ni - 1.5Mo - 0.03C max
Cold Drawn, 1/8 Hard Temper
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 32Fe - 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3Mo - 2.5W - 1.0Cb - 0.15N
Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.2Mo - 2.9Ti - 1.4Al -
0.006B - 0.08Zr
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted, Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing
47.5Ni - 22Cr - 1.5Co - 9.0Mo - 0.60W - 18.5Fe Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing 47.5Ni - 22Cr - 1.5Co - 9.0Mo - 0.60W - 18.5Fe
Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al -
18Fe Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless Tubing 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al -
18Fe Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 °F (1066 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Tubing, Seamless 12.5Cr (SAE 51410) Annealed
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 44Fe - 18.5Cr - 35Ni - 1.15Si Solution
Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate
45.5Ni - 25.5Cr - 3.2Co - 3.2Mo - 3.2W - 18.5Fe Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.28N Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, Foil and Plate 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti -
0.50Al - 18Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 °F (1066 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95 (Cb + Ta) - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.7 (Cb+Ta) Annealed
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 17Cr - 0.50Mo (0.95 - 1.20C) (SAE 51440F) Free-Machining,
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 18Cr - 9Ni - 0.21Pb (303Pb) Free-Machining, Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Wire 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn
100 ksi (689 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Wire 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302)
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Free-Machining; Swaging or Upsetting Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 19Cr - 10Ni Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 18Cr - 9.0Ni Free Machining
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 18.5Cr - 10Ni - 0.22Se (SAE 30303Se)
Free-Machining; Swaging or Upsetting Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.60Cb
Free-Machining, Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 16Cr - 4.0Ni - 0.30Cb - 4.0Cu
Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion Heat Resistant 17Cr - 7Ni - 1Al
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
18Cr - 10Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
18Cr - 11 Ni - 0.60Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, And Rings 19Cr - 9.5Ni Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 17Cr - 12Ni - 2.5Mo Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 18Cr - 13Ni - 2.1Mo Free Machining Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 25Cr - 20Ni (SAE 30310) Solution
Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
25Cr - 20Ni - 2.0Si (SAE 30314) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
17Cr - 12Ni - 2.5Mo (0.030 Max C) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
18Cr - 11Ni - 0.60(Cb + Ta) (SAE 30347) Premium Aircraft Quality, Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12.5Cr - 0.75Ni - 1.0Mo - 1.0W - 0.24V (0.20-0.25C)
Hardened and Tempered
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Extrusions, and Rings 9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.27N Solution
Heat Treated
Steel Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant 15Cr - 7.1Ni - 2.5Mo - 1.1Al
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Extrusions 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 3.5Cu
Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel-Iron Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 12.5Cr - 42.5Ni - 6.0Mo - 2.7Ti - 0.015B -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated
42.5Ni - 12.5Cr - 5.8Mo - 2.9Ti - 0.015B - 35Fe Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti -
0.50AI - 18Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti -
0.50Al - 18Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti -
0.50Al - 18Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 °F (1066 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 74Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, Extrusions, and Rings 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.65
(Cb+Ta) Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al -
Equalized, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 7.0Fe - 2.5Ti - 1.0(Cb+Ta) -
2100 °F (1149 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Alloy Bars, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base - 15.5Cr - 0.95 (Cb + Ta) - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al -
1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation
Steel Wire, Corrosion Resistant 11.8Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30(Cb + Ta) - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu
Precipitation Hardenable, Spring Temper
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Wire 18Cr - 11.5Ni - 0.70Cb (SAE 30347) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 70Ni - 2.4Mn - 15.5Cr - 3.0Ti - 7.0Fe
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 80Ni - 20Cr
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Wire 17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.1Al Cold Drawn, Precipitation-Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 73Ni - 15.5Cr - 2.2Cb - 8.0Fe
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 18.5Cr - 11Ni - 0.40Cb (SAE 30347)
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Coating, Rods and Wire 78Ni - 20Cr
Alloy Welding Wire, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 75Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Safety Wire, 18Cr - 11.5Ni (SAE 30305) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Finished
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Rivet Wire, 18Cr - 11.5Ni (SAE 30305) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Wire 74Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe Annealed
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Wire 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Spring Temper
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Wire 18Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.40Ti (SAE 30321) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Wire 17Cr - 12Ni - 2.5Mo (SAE 30316) Solution Heat Treated
Steel Welding Electrodes, Covered, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 18.5Cr - 12.5Ni - 2.5Mo
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 19Cr - 12.5Ni - 2.5Mo
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 27Cr - 21.5Ni
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 19Cr - 12.5Ni - 2.5Mo High Ferrite Grade
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Wire 19Cr - 9.5Ni (SAE 30304) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Wire 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe No. 1 Temper,
Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Wire 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe Spring Temper,
Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 13.5Cr - 13.5Ni - 0.35Mo - 2.2W Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 41.5Ni - 16Cr - 37Fe - 2.9Cb - 1.8Ti
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 41.5Ni - 16Cr - 37Fe - 2.9Cb - 1.8Ti
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 °F (954 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 41.5Ni - 16Cr - 37Fe - 2.9Cb - 1.8Ti
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 °F (954 °C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Forgings 57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.3Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4Al - 0.05Zr -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1825 to 1900 °F (996 to 1038 °C) Solution, Stabilization,
and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars and Forgings 2.5Si - 12.8Cr - 8.0Ni Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings
57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.3Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4AI - 0.006B - 0.05Zr Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction
1825 to 1900 °F Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings
58Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.3Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4Al - 0.05Zr - 0.006B Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction
1825 to 1900 °F (996 to 1038 °C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings
58Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.3Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4AI Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
1975 °F (1079 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars and Forgings 58Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.3Mo - 3.0Ti - 1.4Al -
0.05Zr - 0.006B
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1975 °F (1079 °C) Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation
Heat Treated
Steel, Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 20Cr - 2.2Si - 1.3Ni (0.76 - 0.86C)
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 65Ni - 15.8Cr - 15.2Mo - 0.30Al - 0.05La
Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 53Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.6Al -
Vacuum Melted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 53Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.6Al -
Vacuum Melted, Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 73Ni - 15.5Cr - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 60.5Ni - 23Cr - 14Fe - 1.4Al Annealed
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 44Fe - 18.5Cr - 35.5Ni - 1.1Si Solution Heat
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 45.5Ni - 25.5Cr - 3.2Co - 3.2Mo - 3.2W -
Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion Resistant 11.8Cr - 2.5Ni - 1.8Mo - 0.33V (0.08 - 0.15C)
Steel Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, Rings, and Extrusions, Corrosion Resistant 11.8Cr - 2.5Ni - 1.8Mo - 0.33V
(0.08 - 0.15C)
Annealed, Vacuum Arc or Electroslag Remelted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars and Wire 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V 1800 °F (982
°C) Solution Heat Treated and Work-Strengthened Consumable Electrode Melted 200 ksi (1379 MPa) Tensile
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings
15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V Consumable Electrode Melted, 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti -
0.006B - 0.30V
Consumable Electrode Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Tubing 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B -
Consumable Electrode Melted, 1650 °F (899 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Tubing 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B -
Consumable Electrode Melted 1650 °F (899 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars and Wire 18Cr - 9Ni (SAE 30303F) Free Machining, High Yield Strength
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked
Steel, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 14.5Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.72Ti Solution Heat
Treated and Maraged, 180,000 psi (1240 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion and Moderate Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 14.5Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.72Ti
Solution Heat Treated and Maraged, 155,000 psi (1070 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 15.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Solution Heat Treated, Sub-
Zero Cooled, Equalized, and Over-Tempered
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 15.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Heat Treated, 170 ksi (1172 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N Equalized and Over-
Alloy Bars and Forgings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 15Cr - 45Ni - 4.1Mo - 4.1W - 3.0Ti - 1.0Al - 31Fe
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings
72Ni - 15.5Cr - 0.95Cb - 2.5Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Tubing 14.5Cr - 4.0Mo - 1.2V (1.10-1.20C)
Premium Quality for Bearing Applications, Double Vacuum Melted
Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base - 15.5Cr - 16Mo - 3.8W - 5.5Fe
Solution Heat Treated
Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 54Ni - 17.5Cr - 16.5Co - 4.0Mo - 2.9Ti - 2.9Al -
Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Welding Electrodes, Covered, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars 20Cr - 35Ni - 35Co - 10Mo Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Vacuum
Solution Heat Treated for Work Strengthening
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 52Co - 20Cr - 10Ni - 15W Solution Heat
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 5.8Mn - 17Cr - 5.8Ni - 2.0Cu - 0.26S Free Machining,
Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.50 (Cb + Ta) - 1.5Cu
Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Extrusions, and Rings 5.0Mn - 22Cr - 12.5Ni - 2.2Mo - 0.20Cb -
0.30N - 0.20V Solution Heat Treated
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 21Cr - 32.5Ni - 0.38Ti - 0.38Al - 45Fe Solution Heat
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W - 1.0Cb - 0.15N
- 31Fe
Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings,21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W - 1.0(Cb+Ta) -
0.15N - 32Fe
Solution Heat Treated
74Ni - 7.0Cr - 16.5Mo Solution Heat Treated
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 40Co - 22Cr - 22Ni - 14.5W - 0.07La
Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30 (Cb + Ta) - 1.5Cu
Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Welding Electrodes, Covered, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 12.5Cr (SAE 51410)
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 72Ni - 15.5Cr - 1.0Cb - 2.4Ti - 0.70Al - 7.0Fe
Alloy Welding Electrodes, Covered, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 75Ni - 15Cr - 1.5 (Cb+Ta) - 1.9Ti - 0.55Al -
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 20.5Cr - 9.0Ni - 0.50Mo - 1.5W - 1.2Cb - 0.20Ti Vacuum
Induction Melted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 29Cr - 9.5Ni
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 62.5Ni - 5.0Cr - 24.5Mo - 5.5Fe
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Hard Facing Rods and Wire 62Co - 29Cr - 4.5W - 1.2C
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 54Co - 25.5Cr - 10.5Ni - 7.5W
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 20Cr - 10Ni - 0.75Cb, High Ferrite Grade
Cobalt Alloy, Powder, Plasma Spray 56.5Co - 25.5Cr - 10.5Ni - 7.5W
Powder, Plasma Spray 50 (88WC - 12Co) + 35 (70Ni - 16.5Cr - 4Fe - 4Si - 3.8B) + 15 (80Ni - 20A1) Three-
Component Mixture
Powder, Plasma Spray 9Ni - 5A1
Iron Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 31Fe - 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W - 1.0Cb - 0.15N
Iron Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Covered, Welding Electrodes 31Fe - 21Cr - 20Ni - 20Co - 3.0Mo - 2.5W -
1.0 (Cb + Ta)
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 52Co - 20Cr - 10Ni - 15W
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Covered Welding Electrodes 51.5Co - 20Cr - 10Ni - 15W
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 47.5Ni - 22Cr - 1.5Co - 9.0Mo - 0.60W - 18.5Fe
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 54Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 10Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.5Al - 0.006B
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 39Co - 22Cr - 22Ni - 14.5W - 0.07La
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 41Fe - 37.5Ni - 14Co - 4.8(Cb + Ta) - 1.5Ti
Vacuum Melted, Low Expansion
Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 16.4Cr - 4.8Ni - 0.22Cb - 3.6Cu Vacuum Melted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.3Mo - 2.2Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.004B - 0.30V
Vacuum Induction Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 19Cr - 13Ni - 2.5Mo High Ferrite Grade, Trace Element
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Flat Wire 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V
1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Treated, Cold Drawn or Cold Rolled and Aged, Consumable Electrode Melted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 30Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.2Ti - 0.25Al - 0.001B - 0.030V (0.01 -
Vacuum Induction Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 7.1Ni - 2.4Mo - 1.0Al Vacuum Melted
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 52Co - 20Cr - 20Ni - 7.5Ta Vacuum Melted
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 13Cr - 2.0Ni - 3.0W
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 9.0Mn - 20Cr - 6.2Ni - 0.20N
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Hardfacing Rod and Wire 62Co - 27Cr - 2.9Ni - 5.5Mo
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Welding Wire 12Cr (SAE 51410 Modified) Ferrite Control Grade
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 11.8Cr - 2.8Ni - 1.6Co - 1.8Mo - 0.32V Vacuum Induction
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 11.8Cr - 2.8Ni - 1.6Co - 1.8Mo - 0.32V
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Welding Wire 17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.0Al
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Welding Wire 16.4Cr - 4.8Ni - 0.22Cb - 3.6Cu
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 5.1Ni - 0.30Cb - 3.2Cu
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 57Ni - 19.5Cr - 13.5Co - 4.2Mo - 3.1Ti - 1.4Al - 0.006B
Vacuum Induction Melted, Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 56Ni - 19.5Cr - 16.5Co - 2.5Ti - 1.5Al Vacuum
Induction Melted
Nickel-Iron Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 12.5Cr - 42.5Ni - 6.0Mo - 2.7Ti - 0.015B - 35Fe
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 29Fe - 22Cr - 21Ni - 18.5Co - 3.2Mo - 2.8W - 0.78Ta
0.30Al - 0.05Zr - 0.05La - 0.20N
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al - 18Fe
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Round Wire 20Cr - 15Ni - 40Co - 7.0Mo - 16Fe
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Round Wire 20Cr - 15Ni - 40Co - 7.0Mo - 16Fe
Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Cold Drawn, and Aged
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 72Ni - 3.2Mn - 20Cr - 2.5Cb - 0.48Ti
Vacuum Induction Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 72Ni - 3.0Mn - 20Cr - 2.5Cb
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.7Cb
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 65Ni - 16Cr - 15Mo - 0.30Al - 0.06La
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Welding Wire 59Ni - 22Cr - 2.0Mo - 14W - 0.35Al
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 13Cr - 8.0Ni - 2.3Mo - 1.1Al Vacuum Melted
Cobalt-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars 19Cr - 36Co - 25Ni - 7.0Mo - 0.50Cb - 2.9Ti - 0.20Al -
9.0Fe Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated for Work
Cobalt-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars 19Cr - 36Co - 25Ni - 7.0Mo - 0.50Cb - 2.9Ti - 0.20Al -
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Work Strengthened
Cobalt-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars 19Cr - 36Co - 25Ni - 7.0Mo - 0.50Cb - 2.9Ti - 0.20Al -
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Work Strengthened, and
Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Round Bars 20Cr - 35Ni - 35Co - 10Mo Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated and Work Strengthened
Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Round Bars 20Cr - 35Ni - 35Co - 10Mo Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted Solution Heat Treated, Work Strengthened, and Aged
3.2Ti - 4.2Al - 0.03B
Double Vacuum Melted Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Extrusions, Tubing, and Rings Wear and Galling Resistant
8.0Mn - 4.0Si - 17Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.13N Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Honeycomb Core Resistance Welded, Square Cell
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars and Wire 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V
Consumable Electrode Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Treated and Work-Strengthened 160 ksi (1103 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 61Ni - 20.5Cr - 8.5Mo - 3.4Cb - 1.3Ti -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars and Wire 19Cr - 10Ni (SAE 30304) High Yield Strength
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Worked
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B - 0.30V
Multiple Melted, 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Welding Grade Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.30Cb - 1.5Cu
Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 12Cr - 8.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 1.1Ti - 2.0Cu
Multiple Melted, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 3.5Cu
Consumable Electrode Remelted, Solution Heat Treated Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 6.5Ni - 0.75Mo - 0.60Cb - 1.5Cu Solution Heat Treated,
Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Plate 13Cr - 8.0Ni - 2.2Mo - 1.1Al Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode
Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet and Strip Thoria Dispersion Strengthened 2.2Th02
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Flat Wire 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Spring Temper
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Forgings 12.5Cr (SAE 51410) Enhanced Fracture Toughness, Annealed
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Seamless and Welded Aircraft Tubing 19Cr - 9.5Ni (SAE 30304)
Cold Drawn, 1/2 Hard Temper
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.7Cb Solution Heat
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 60.5Ni - 23Cr - 14Fe - 0.35Ti - 1.4Al
Solution Heat Treated
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip and Plate 21Cr - 32.5Ni - 0.38Ti - 0.38Al - 45Fe Solution Heat
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 48Ni - 20Cr - 20Co - 5.9Mo - 2.2Ti - 0.45Al
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 65Ni - 15.8Cr - 15.2Mo - 0.30AI - 0.05La
Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 29Fe - 22Cr - 21Ni - 18.5Co - 3.2Mo - 2.8W - 0.78Ta -
0.30Al - 0.05Zr - 0.05La - 0.20N Solution Heat Treated
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Strip 20Cr - 15Ni - 40Co - 7.0Mo - 16Fe
Solution Heat Treated, Cold Rolled, and Aged Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted
Cobalt Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Strip 20Cr - 15Ni - 40Co - 7.0Mo - 16Fe
Vacuum Induction Plus Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Cold Rolled
Iron Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 29Fe - 22Cr - 21Ni - 18.5Co - 3.2Mo - 2.8W -
0.78Ta - 0.30Al - 0.05La - 0.20N Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 59Ni - 22Cr - 2Mo - 14W - 0.35AI - 0.03La
Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Foil 62Ni - 21.5Cr - 9.0Mo - 3.7Cb Cold Rolled and
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Wire 17Cr - 0.52Mo (0.95 - 1.20C) (SAE 51440C) for Bearing
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Forgings 55Ni - 15Cr - 17Co - 5.0Mo - 3.5Ti - 4.0Al - 0.025B
Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated Powder-Metallurgy Product
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 42Fe - 37.5Ni - 14Co - 4.8Cb - 1.6Ti Solution Heat Treated,
Precipitation Hardenable Multiple Melted, High Temperature, Low Expansion
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 50Ni - 20Cr - 20Co - 5.8Mo - 2.2Ti - 0.45Al
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 2100 °F (1149 °C) Solution Heat Treated
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 54Ni - 22Cr - 12.5Co - 9.0Mo - 1.2Al
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Plate 54Ni - 22Cr - 12.5Co - 9.0Mo - 1.2Al Annealed
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet and Strip 54Ni - 22Cr - 12.5Co - 9.0Mo - 1.2Al
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Annealed
Nickel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Extrusions Thoria Dispersion Strengthened
2.2ThO2 Stress-Relieved
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 60Ni - 22Cr - 2.0Mo - 14W - 0.35Al - 0.03La
Alloy, Sheet and Strip 42Fe - 37.5Ni - 14Co - 4.8(Cb + Ta) - 1.6Ti
Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable Multiple Melted, High Temperature, Low Expansion
Iron-Nickel Alloy, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 42Fe - 37.5Ni - 14Co - 4.8(Cb + Ta) - 1.6Ti
Solution Heat Treated, Short-Time Precipitation Hardenable Multiple Melted, High Temperature, Low Expansion
Cobalt Alloy, Bars, Sheet, and Plate 60Co - 28Cr - 4.5W - 1.15C Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 15Cr - 25.5Ni - 1.2Mo - 2.1Ti - 0.006B
- 0.30V
Consumable Electrode Melted, 1750 °F (954 °C) Solution Heat Treated, Welding Grade Precipitation Hardenable
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing 18.5Cr - 10.5Ni - 0.55Ti (SAE 30321)
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn, 1/8 Hard Temper
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless or Welded Hydraulic Tubing 18.5Cr - 11Ni - 0.80Cb (SAE 30347)
Solution Heat Treated and Cold Drawn, 1/8 Hard Temper
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 15.2Cr - 1.0Mo - 0.40N - (0.28 - 0.34C)
Consumable Electrode Melted Under Pressure
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 17Cr - 0.52Mo (0.95 - 1.20C) Powder Metallurgy Product,
Hot Isostatically Pressed
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Corrosion Resistant 14Cr - 2.1Mo - 0.30Cb - 1.0V (1.05 - 1.15C)
Premium Aircraft Quality for Bearing Applications, Double Vacuum Melted
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 8Ni (SAE 30301) Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 8Ni (SAE 30301) Cold Rolled, 3/4 Hard, 175 ksi (1207 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Cold Rolled, 1/4 Hard, 125 ksi (862
MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302)Cold Rolled, 1/2 Hard, 150 ksi (1034 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302)Cold Rolled, 3/4 Hard, 175 ksi (1207 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 18Cr - 9.0Ni (SAE 30302) Cold Rolled, Full Hard, 185 ksi (1276 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 17Cr - 12Ni - 2.5Mo (SAE 30316)
Cold Rolled, 1/4 Hard, 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 19Cr - 9.2Ni (SAE 30304)
Cold Rolled, 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 19Cr - 9.2Ni (SAE 30304)
Cold Rolled, 1/2 Hard, 150 ksi (1034 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 19Cr - 9.2Ni (SAE 30304)
Cold Rolled, 3/4 Hard, 175 ksi (1207 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet and Strip 19Cr - 9.2Ni (SAE 30304)
Cold Rolled, Full Hard, 185 ksi (1276 MPa) Tensile Strength
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Foil 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.0Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Precision Cold Rolled, Solution Heat Treated
Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 35Fe - 24Cr - 37Ni - 0.65Cb - 0.2N Annealed
Cobalt-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Round Bars
19Cr - 36Co - 25Ni - 7.0Mo - 0.50Cb - 2.9Ti - 0.20Al - 9.0Fe
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted
Solution Heat Treated and Work Strengthened, Modified Strength
Cobalt-Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Round Bars
19Cr - 36Co - 25Ni - 7.0Mo - 0.50Cb - 2.9Ti - 0.20Al - 9.0Fe
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted
Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 15.5Cr - 1.8Mo - 0.20N (0.37 - 0.45 C) Electroslag Remelted
5.0Mn - 3.5Si - 16.5Cr - 5.0Ni - 0.14N Solution Heat Treated
Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Bars, Forgings and Tubing 14.5Cr - 2.3Ni - 12.5Co - 4.0Mo - 0.60V - 0.03Cb
Premium Aircraft-Quality, Carburizing Double Vacuum Melted
Steel, Corrosion Resistant Bars and Forgings 12.5Cr - 1.0Ni - 15.5Co - 2.0Mo
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings 12Cr - 11Ni - 1.7Ti - 1Mo
Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet and Strip 52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.0Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50AI - 18Fe
Vacuum Induction and Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
Nickel Alloy,
Alloy, Corrosion
Corrosion and
and Heat-Resistant,
Heat-Resistant, Wire
Wire- 8.0Fe
52.5NiCold Reduced,
- 19Cr - 3.0MoSpring Temper
- 5.1Cb - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al -
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Treated and Work Strengthened
Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 50Ni - 20Cr - 20Co - 5.9Mo - 2.2Ti - 0.45AI
Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.5Cr - 3.5Ni (0.07 - 0.13 C) (SAE 3310)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.1Si - 1.45Cr - 1.0Mo - 0.08Al (0.16 - 0.22C) Double Vacuum Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.0Cr - 3.0Ni - 4.5Mo - 0.08Al - 0.38V (0.10 - 0.16C) Premium Aircraft-Quality,
Double Vacuum Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.6Si - 0.82Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo - 0.08V (0.40 - 0.44C)
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted Normalized and Tempered
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 3.2Ni - 0.12Mo (0.07 - 0.13C) (SAE 9310)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 3.2Ni - 0.12Mo (0.11 - 0.17C) (SAE 9315)
Steel, Carburizing Grade, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 3.2Ni - 0.12Mo (0.14 - 0.20C) (SAE 9317)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 3.25Ni - 0.12Mo (0.07 - 0.13C) (SAE 9310)
Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 3.25Ni - 0.12Mo (0.07 - 0.13C) (SAE 9310)
Electroslag Remelted or Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.13 - 0.18C) (SAE 8615)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.15 - 0.20C) (SAE 8617)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.18 - 0.23C)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.18 - 0.23C) (SAE 8620) Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.18 - 0.23C) (SAE 8620) Vacuum Arc or Electroslag
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 4.1Cr - 3.4Ni - 4.2Mo - 1.2V (0.11 - 0.15C) Premium Aircraft-Quality for Bearing
Double Vacuum Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Rings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 8630)
Steel, Mechanical Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 8630)
Steel Tubing, Mechanical 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 8735)
Steel, Bars and Forgings, Carburizing 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.11 - 0.17C) (SAE 4615)
Steel Bars and Forgings, Carburizing 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.15 - 0.20C) (SAE 4617)
Steel Bars and Forgings, Carburizing 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.17 - 0.22C) (SAE 4620)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.17 - 0.23C) (SAE 4320H)
Steel Bars and Forgings 0.25Mo (0.35 - 0.40C) (SAE 4037)
Low-Alloy Steel, Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.65Si - 1.25Cr - 0.50Mo - 0.25V (0.28 - 0.33C)
Steel Bars and Forgings, Low Alloy, Heat Resistant 0.65Si - 1.25Cr - 0.50Mo - 0.85V (0.25 - 0.30C)
Low-Alloy Steel, Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.55Mo - 0.30V (0.40 - 0.50C)
Steel, Heat-Resistant, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.55Mo - 0.30V (0.40 - 0.50C) Vacuum Arc Remelted
Steel, Bars and Forgings 0.90Si - 1.0Cr - 2.0Ni - 3.2Mo - 2.0Cu - 0.10V (0.07 - 0.13C) Vacuum Arc or Electroslag
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4640)
Steel Bars and Forgings 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (4640) Heat Treated, 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Rings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 8735)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Rings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740)
Steel, Mechanical Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.65Cr - 0.70Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740 Modified)
Steel, Bars and Forgings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740)Heat Treated, 105 ksi (724 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel Bars and Forgings 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740)Heat Treated, 125 ksi (862 MPa)
Tensile Strength
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.48 to 0.53C) (SAE 8750)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.0Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 9840)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized or Otherwise Heat Treated
Steel Bars 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 to 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Hardened and Tempered, 125 Ksi (862 MPa) Tensile
Steel, Bars 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 to 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized
Steel Bars 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 to 0.43C) (SAE 4140) Normalized
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Spheroidized
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 4135)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.75Si - 0.62Cr - 0.20Mo - 0.10Zr (0.10 - 0.17C)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo - (0.30 - 0.35C)
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 8735)
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 8740)
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4340)
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized or Stress Relieved
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) 125 ksi (862 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) 150 ksi (1034 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel Tubing, Seamless 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 4135) Normalized or Stress Relieved
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130)
Steel, Mechanical Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130)
Steel Tubing, Mechanical 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.33 - 0.38C) (SAE 4135)
Steel, Welded Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130)
Steel Tubing, Seam-Free, Round 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) 95.0 ksi (655 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Welding Wire 0.50Cr - 0.55Ni - 0.20Mo (0.18 - 0.23C) (SAE 8620) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled
Steel Bars 1.0Cr - 0.20Mo - 0.45Se (0.39 - 0.48C) (4142H Modified) Die-Drawn, 130 ksi (896 MPa) Yield Strength
Free Machining
Steel, Mechanical Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4140)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Rings 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4140) Annealed
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Low Alloy, Heat Resistant 0.65Si - 1.25Cr - 0.50Mo - 0.25V (0.27 - 0.33C)
Steel Sheet and Plate Low Alloy, Heat Treated 90,000 psi (621 MPa) and 100,000 psi (690 MPa) Yield Strength
Steel, Carbon, Laminated Sheet, Surface Bonded
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4140)
Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.49 - 0.55C) Annealed
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.2Cr - 2.0Ni - 0.45Mo (0.27 - 0.33C)
Steel, Hotwork Tool, Bars and Forgings 5.25Cr - 1.5Mo - 1.0V (0.35-0.45C) Electroslag Remelted (ESR) or
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Arc Remelted (VAR) Annealed
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4340)
Special Aircraft Quality Cleanliness Normalized and Tempered
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.88Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.42Mo - 0.08V (0.28 - 0.33C) Consumable Electrode Remelted
Steel, Bars and Forgings 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.35 - 0.40C) (4337)
Steel, Mechanical Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.35 - 0.40C) (SAE 4337)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4340) Vacuum Consumable
Electrode Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4340)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.6Si - 0.82Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo - 0.08V (0.38 - 0.43C) Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.6Si - 0.82Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo - 0.08V (0.40 - 0.45C)
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 0.85Ni - 0.20Mo - 0.003B (0.35 - 0.40C) (Modified 98B37)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 0.85Ni - 0.20Mo - 0.003B - 0.04V (0.38 - 0.43C) (Modified 98BV40)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.92Cr - 0.75Ni - 0.52Mo - 0.003B - 0.04V (0.40 - 0.46C)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.49 - 0.55C)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.4Mn - 1.5Si - 0.30Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo (0.23 - 0.28C) Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.75Si - 1.0Cr - 0.58Mo (0.80 - 0.90C) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.88Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.42Mo - 0.08V (0.25 - 0.33C)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 0.75Mn - 0.78Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo - 0.20V (0.32 - 0.38C) (4335 Modified)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.11V (0.45 - 0.50C) Vacuum Consumable Electrode
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.43 - 0.49C)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.75Mn - 0.78Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo - 0.20V (0.33 - 0.38C)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.78Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo - 0.20V (0.33 - 0.38C)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.75Mn - 0.78Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.35Mo - 0.20V (0.33 - 0.38C)Vacuum Consumable
Electrode Melted, Annealed
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 5.0Cr - 1.3Mo - 0.50V (0.38 - 0.43C)
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.05Cr - 0.55Ni - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.45 - 0.50C) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.45Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 52100) For Bearing Applications
Steel Bars and Forgings 0.50Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 50100) For Bearing Applications
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.0Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 51100) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.45Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 52100) Premium Aircraft-Quality, Consumable
Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.05Cr - 1.1Mn (0.92 - 1.02C) (Modified 51100) Consumable Electrode Vacuum
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.0Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 51100) Electroslag Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.4Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 52100) Electroslag Remelted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.95Cr - 0.22V (0.48 - 0.53C) (SAE 6150
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.0Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 51100) For Bearing Applications
Steel, Spring Wire and Springs 0.95Cr - 0.22V (0.48 - 0.53C) (SAE 6150) Annealed and Cold Drawn
Steel, Spring Wire 1.4Si - 0.65Cr (0.51 - 0.59C) (SAE 9254) Oil Tempered
Steel, Welding Wire 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging
Steel, Welding Wire 0.30Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo - (0.23 - 0.28C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.8Ni - 0.80Cr - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4340) Consumable Electrode Melted
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr - 0.22V (0.48 - 0.53C) (SAE 6150)
Steel, Welding Wire 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.35 - 0.40C) (SAE 4340 Mod) Vacuum Melted, Environment-
Controlled Packaging
Steel, Welding Wire 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled Packaging SAE 4130
Steel, Welding Wire 0.65Si - 1.25Cr - 0.50Mo - 0.30V (0.28 - 0.33C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled
Steel, Welding Wire 1.0Cr - 1.0Mo - 0.12V (0.18 - 0.23C) Vacuum Melted
Steel, Nitriding, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.6Cr - 0.35Mo - 1.1Al (0.38 - 0.43C)
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Nitriding Grade 1.6Cr - 0.35Mo - 1.2Al (0.38 - 0.43C)Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars and Forgings, Nitriding 1.6Cr - 0.35Mo - 1.1Al (0.38 - 0.43C) Hardened and Tempered, 112 ksi (772
MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel Welding Wire 0.88Cr - 1.8Ni - 1.6Co - 0.42Mo - 0.08V - (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4330V)Vacuum Melted,
Environment Controlled Packaging
Forgings, Hardenable Steels and Corrosion-Resistant Steels Heat-Treated, Finished-Part Properties
Short-Transverse Tensile Strength and Fracture Toughness
Steel, Nitriding, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.1Cr - 3.5Ni - 0.25Mo - 1.2Al (0.21 - 0.26C)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.50Cr - 0.12Mo (0.89 - 1.01C)
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr (0.90 - 1.03C) For Bearing Applications
Steel, Bars and Forgings 3.1Cr - 11.5Ni - 13.5Co - 1.2Mo (0.21 - 0.25C)
Vacuum Melted, Annealed Heat Treatable to 290 ksi (1999 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.45Cr (0.98 - 1.10C) (SAE 52100) Special Aircraft-Quality Cleanliness
Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, Nitriding 3Cr - 1Mo - 0.2V - (0.29 - 0.36C) Premium Aircraft-Quality for Bearing
Double Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 0.80Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.25Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) SAE 4340 Normalized and Tempered
STEEL BARS AND FORGINGS 5.OCr - 1.3Mo - 0.5OV (0.38 - 0.43C)
Steel, Bars, and Forgings 5.0Cr - 1.3Mo - 0.50V (0.38 - 0.43C) (H-11) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel Plate 2.0Cr - 10Ni - 14Co - 1.0Mo (0.13 - 0.17C) Vacuum Melted, Normalized, and Overaged
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.75Cr - 9.0Ni - 4.5Co - 1.0Mo - 0.09V (0.17 - 0.23C) Vacuum Consumable
Electrode Melted, Annealed
Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 1.0Cr - 7.5Ni - 4.5Co - 1.0Mo - 0.09V (0.29 - 0.34C) Consumable Electrode
Vacuum Melted, Annealed
Steel, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 0.75Cr - 9.0Ni - 4.5Co - 1.0Mo - 0.09V (0.17 - 0.23C)
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted
Steel, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings 1.0Cr - 7.5Ni - 4.5Co - 1.0Mo - 0.09V (0.29 - 0.34C)
Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted, Annealed
Steel, Bars and Forgings 2.0Cr - 10Ni - 14Co - 1.0Mo (0.15 - 0.19C) Vacuum Melted, Normalized and Overaged
Steel, Bars 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.28 - 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Special Aircraft Quality Cleanliness Normalized
Steel, Bars 0.95Cr - 0.20Mo (0.38 - 0.43C) (SAE 4140) Special Aircraft-Quality Cleanliness Normalized
Steel, Bars and Forgings 3.1Cr - 11.5Ni - 13.5Co - 1.2Mo (0.21 - 0.25C)
Vacuum Melted, Annealed Heat Treatable to 280 ksi (1931 MPa) Tensile Strength
Steel, Welding Wire 2.0Cr - 10Ni - 14Co - 1.0Mo - (0.13 - 0.17C) Vacuum Melted, Environment Controlled
Steel, Bars and Forgings, Maraging 2.0Cr - 10Ni - 8.0Co - 1.0Mo (0.10 - 0.14C) Double Vacuum Melted, Solution
Heat Treated
PLATE, MARAGING STEEL 2.0Cr - 10Ni - 8.0Co - 1.0Mo (0.10 - 0.14C) Double Vacuum Melted, Solution Heat
Perfluoroether Elastomer
Powder, Chromium Carbide Plus Nickel-Chromium Alloy 75Cr2C3 + 25(80Ni - 20Cr Alloy)
Tungsten Carbide Powder Cobalt Coated
Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Powder Cast and Crushed
Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Powder Sintered and Crushed
Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Powder Agglomerated and Sintered
Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated and Sintered
Tungsten Forgings Pressed, Sintered, and Forged
Tungsten Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Foil Pressed, Sintered, and Wrought
Beryllium Sheet and Plate 98Be
Beryllium Bars, Rods, Tubing, and Shapes 4.25Be0 - 94Be High Micro-Yield Strength
Beryllium Bars, Rods, Tubing, and Shapes High Ductility Grade
Beryllium Bars, Rods, Tubing, and Shapes Optical Grade
Beryllium Bars, Rods, Tubing, and Shapes Standard Grade
Beryllium Bars, Rods, Tubing, and Shapes Instrument Grade
Beryllium Hipped Near-Net Preforms Standard Grade
Beryllium Near-Net Preforms Standard Grade Cold Isostatic Pressed, Sintered
Aluminum Beryllium, Preforms Hot Isostatic Pressed 38Al - 62Be
Aluminum-Beryllium Alloy, Extrusions 38Al - 62Be Annealed
Aluminum-Beryllium Alloy, Sheet and Plate 38Al - 62Be
Beryllium Aluminum Alloy Investment Castings 64.9Be - 30Al - 3Ag - 1Co - 0.75Ge As Cast
Adhesive, Acrylic Base, for Acrylic Plastic
Aluminum-Alloy Castings, High Strength
Aluminum Alloy Forgings, Heat Treated
Aluminum Foil for Sandwich Construction
Beryllium Sheet and Plate General Requirements for
Brazing Sheet, Aluminum Alloy
Cork and Rubber Composition Sheet; for Aromatic Fuel and Oil Resistant Gaskets
Core Material, Aluminum, For Sandwich Construction
Core Material, Plastic Honeycomb, Laminated Glass Fabric Base, for Aircraft Structural and Electronic Applications
Coating, Cadmium (Vacuum Deposited)
Cloth, Glass, Finished, For Resin Laminates
Carbon Removing Compound (For Use in Agitated Tank)
Cleaning Compound, High Pressure Cleaner, Liquid
Cartridges, Grease, 14 Ounce (for Cartridge-Type Grease Gun)
Coatings, Electroless Nickel Requirements for
Coatings, Cadmium, Tin-Cadmium and Zinc (Mechanically Deposited)
Chemical Milling of Metals, Specification for
Core Material, Plastic Honeycomb, Nylon Paper Base; for Aircraft Structural Applications
Cleaning Compound, Precoating Surface, Aircraft and Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)
Shim Stock, Laminated
Forging, Steel, For Aircraft/Aerospace Equipment and Special Ordnance Applications
Guns, Spray, Oil and Solvent
Grease, Plug Valve, Gasoline and Oil Resistant, NATO Code Number G-363, Metric
Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Materials
Heat Treatment of Wrought Copper-Beryllium Alloys, Process for
(Copper Alloys: Numbers C17000, C17200, C17300, C17500, and C17510)
Aluminum Alloy, 2017, Bar, Rod, and Wire Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum Alloy, 2024, Bar, Rod, and Wire; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum Alloy 5052, Bar, Rod, and Wire; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum Alloy 6061, Bar, Rod, Wire, and Special Shapes; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum Alloy 7075, Bar, Rod, Wire, and Special Shapes; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum Alloy 6262, Bar, Rod, and Wire; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy, Bar, Rod, Wire, or Special Shapes; Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished;
General Specification For
Rubber, Fluorocarbon Elastomer, High Temperature, Fluid, and Compression Set Resistant
Rubber Silicone, High Strength, Cabin Pressure Seal Material, Diaphragm Type
Rubber, Ethylene-Propylene, General Purpose
Rubber, Fluorocarbon Elastomer, Improved Performance at Low Temperatures
Steel, Chrome-Nickel-Molybdenum (E4340) Bars and Reforging Stock
Steel, Chrome-Nickel-Molybdenum (8735) Bars and Reforging Stock (Aircraft Quality)
Steel, Alloy (Manganese-Silicon-Nickel), Bars and Forging Stock (Aircraft Quality)
Steel, Corrosion-Resistant (18-8) Bars, Wire and Forging Stock (Aircraft Quality)
Shot Peening of Metal Parts
Shims, Molded, Filled Resin Compound and Sheet Prepreg
Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenability
Sandwich Constructions and Core Materials; General Test Methods
Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts: Sampling, Inspection and Testing for Surface Passivation
Inspection, Ultrasonic, Wrought Metals, Process For
Tubing, Carbon Steel (1025), (Aircraft Quality)
Tape and Sheet, Adhesive, Rubber and Cork Composition
Tubing, Steel, Corrosion-Resistant (S30400), Aerospace Vehicle Hydraulic System 1/8 Hard Condition
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Seamless, Round, Drawn, 6061, Aircraft Hydraulic Quality
Tungsten Base Metal, High Density
Tapes, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive, Masking, Non-Staining - for Aircraft Painting Applications
Tapes, Pressure-Sensitive, Adhesive, Preservation and Sealing
Tapes, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, for Masking During Paint Stripping Operations
Tubing, Plastic, Flexible, Convoluted, Polytetrafluoroethylene, Standard Convolutions
Tubing, Plastic, Extra Flexible, Convoluted, Polytetrafluoroethylene Close Convolution
Tubing, Plastic, Flexible, Convoluted, Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene, Standard Convolution
Tubing, Plastic, Extra Flexible, Convoluted, Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene, Close Convolution
Tubing, Plastic, Extra Flexible, Convoluted, Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene, Close Convolution
Tubing, Plastic, Flexible, Convoluted, Ethylene- Tetrafluoroethylene, Standard Convolution
Tubing, Plastic, Flexible, Convoluted, Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene, Integral Braid
Tubing, Plastic, Flexible, Convoluted, Conduit, General Specification for
Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Castings, Investment
Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
Adhesive, Film Form, Metallic Structural Sandwich Construction
Sealing Compound, Polysulfide Type, Low Temperature Curing, Quick Repair, Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities
Sealing Compounds, Quick Repair, Low Temperature Curing Polysulfide, for Aircraft Structures
Continuous Identification Marking of Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys
Continuous Identification Marking of Iron and Steel Products
Identification Marking of Aluminum, Magnesium, and Titanium
Titanium and Titanium Alloy, Bars (Rolled or Forged) and Reforging Stock, Aircraft Quality
Trichloroethane 1, 1, 1, (Methyl Chloroform) Inhibited, Vapor Degreasing
Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Extruded Bars and Shapes, Aircraft Quality
Welding, Resistance: Spot and Seam
Wire, Steel, High Carbon, Square, Uncoated, For Mechanical Springs (General Purpose)
Tube, Aluminum, Drawn, Seamless, 1100
Tube, Aluminum, Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 3003
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 2024
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 5052
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 5086
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 6061
Tube, Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, 7075
Tube, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless, General Specification for
Cloth, Parachute, Meta-Aramid, Low Modulus 18.0(610) Weight , Basket Weave ,Rasin Treated
Alumimum Alloy Sheet and plate Alclad 1.0Mg - 0.6Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr(Alclad 6061; -T6 Sheet,-T651 Plate)
Aluminum Alloy Forgings 4.3Zn -3.3Mg - 0.60Cu - 0.20Mn -0.18Cr(7079-T6)
- - - AMS 1370
- - - AMS 1371
- B - AMS 1374A
- B - AMS-1375
- B - AMS 1376B
- A - AMS 1377
- A -
AMS 1378A
- A - AMS 1379A
- A - AMS 1380A
- A - AMS 1382A
- A - AMS 1383A
- A - AMS 1384A
- A - AMS 1385A
- A -
AMS 1386A
- A -
AMS 1387A
- A - AMS 1388A
- E - AMS 1424E
- C - AMS 1425C
- C - AMS 1426C
- A - AMS 1427A
- D - AMS 1428D
- B - AMS 1431B
- A - AMS 1435A
- A - AMS 1448A
- A - AMS 1450A
- B - AMS 1451B
- B - AMS 1452B
- - - AMS 1453
- B - AMS 1476B
- A - AMS 1478A
- C - AMS 1500C
- A - AMS 1523A
- D -
AMS 1525D
- B - AMS-1526
- B - AMS-1527
- C - AMS 1528C
- C - AMS 1529C
- B - AMS-1530
- C - AMS 1531C
- C - AMS 1532C
- A - AMS 1533A
- B - AMS 1534B
- C - AMS 1535C
- B - AMS 1536B
- B - AMS 1537B
- A - AMS 1538A
- - - AMS 1539
- B - AMS 1540B
- B - AMS 1541B
- A - AMS 1545A
- - - AMS 1547
- A - AMS 1548A
- B - AMS 1550B
- - - AMS 1551
- B - AMS 1625B
- B - AMS 1626B
- C - AMS 1630C
- B - AMS 1631B
- B - AMS 1640B
- C - AMS 1650C
- - - AMS 1659
- B - AMS 1725B
- B - AMS 1775B
- - - AMS 2175
- F - AMS 2221F
- H - AMS 2222H
- G - AMS 2223G
- F - AMS 2224F
- I - AMS 2231J
- G - AMS 2232G
- N - AMS 2241N
- F -
AMS 2242F
- G - AMS 2243G
- C - AMS 2244C
- B - AMS 2245B
- E -
AMS 2248E
- E - AMS 2249E
- G - AMS 2251G
- D - AMS 2252D
- E - AMS 2253E
- D - AMS 2259D
- G - AMS 2261G
- G - AMS 2262G
- D - AMS 2263D
- E - AMS 2269E
- A - AMS 2279A
- A - AMS 2280A
- A -
AMS 2281A
- K - AMS 2300K
- J - AMS 2301J
- E -
AMS 2303E
- A - AMS 2304A
- - - AMS 2308
- - - AMS 2309
- E - AMS 2310E
- E - AMS 2315E
AMS 2355G
- G -
- C - AMS 2360C
- C - AMS 2361C
- B - AMS 2362B
- A - AMS 2368A
- B - AMS 2369B
- H - AMS 2370H
AMS 2371G
- G -
- D - AMS 2372D
- D - AMS 2374D
- C - AMS 2375C
- D -
AMS 2376D
- E - AMS 2380E
- A - AMS 2399A
- V - AMS 2400V
- G - AMS 2401G
- H - AMS 2402H
- K - AMS 2403K
- E - AMS 2404E
- C - AMS 2405C
- K - AMS 2406K
- E - AMS 2407E
- H - AMS 2408H
- G - AMS 2409G
- H - AMS 2410H
- E - AMS 2411E
- G - AMS 2412G
- E - AMS 2413E
- F - AMS 2414F
- H - AMS 2415H
- J - AMS 2416J
- F - AMS 2417F
- F - AMS 2418F
- C - AMS 2419C
- D - AMS 2420D
- B - AMS 2421B
- E - AMS 2422E
- D - AMS 2423D
- E - AMS 2424E
- E - AMS 2425E
- D - AMS 2426D
- C - AMS 2427C
- C - AMS 2429C
- M - AMS 2430M
- - - AMS 2431/8
- C - AMS 2431/1C
- C - AMS 2431/2C
- B - AMS 2431/3B
- A - AMS 2431/4A
- - - AMS 2431/5
- A - AMS 2431/6A
- - - AMS 2431/7
- A - AMS 2431A
- B - AMS 2432B
- B - AMS 2433B
- B - AMS 2434B
- F - AMS 2435F
- D - AMS 2436D
- C - AMS 2437C
- B - AMS 2438B
- A - AMS 2440A
- - - AMS 2442
- A - AMS 2444A
- B - AMS 2447B
- F - AMS 2450F
- - - AMS 2451/1
- - - AMS 2451/2
- - - AMS 2451/3
- A - AMS 2451/4A
- - - AMS 2451/5
- - - AMS 2451/6
- - - AMS 2451/7
- - - AMS 2451/8
- - - AMS 2451/9
- - - AMS 2451/10
- - - AMS 2451/11
- - - AMS 2451/12
- - - AMS 2451/13
- A - AMS 2451A
- B - AMS 2465B
- A - AMS 2466A
AMS 2469F
- F -
- L - AMS 2470L
- E - AMS 2471F
- G - AMS 2472E
- G - AMS 2473G
- C - AMS 2474C
- F - AMS 2475F
- C - AMS 2476C
- E - AMS 2478E
- D - AMS 2479D
- G - AMS 2480G
- G - AMS 2481G
- C - AMS 2482C
- B - AMS 2483B
- B - AMS 2484B
- J - AMS 2485J
- C - AMS 2486C
- A - AMS 2487A
- D - AMS 2488D
- - - AMS 2489
- D - AMS 2491D
- E - AMS 2503E
- D - AMS 2505D
- D - AMS 2506D
- E - AMS 2510E
- A - AMS 2514A
- E - AMS 2515E
- D - AMS 2516D
- A - AMS 2517A
- B - AMS 2518B
- C - AMS 2521C
- C - AMS 2525C
- B - AMS 2526B
- A - AMS 2535A
- E - AMS 2550E
- F - AMS 26OlF
- D - AMS 2602D
- F - AMS 2604F
- D - AMS 2605D
- E - AMS 2606E
- D - AMS 2607D
- - - AMS 2610
- E - AMS 2615E
- E - AMS 2616E
- E - AMS 2620E
- E - AMS 2625E
- - - AMS 2628
- B - AMS 2629B
- B - AMS 2630B
- B - AMS 2631B
- A - AMS 2632A
- B - AMS 2633B
- B - AMS 2634B
- A - AMS 2641A
- B - AMS 2642B
- C - AMS 2643C
- D - AMS 2644D
- B - AMS 2647B
- B - AMS 2649B
- B - AMS 2658B
- - - AMS 2662
- F - AMS 2664F
- G - AMS 2665G
- F - AMS 2667F
- H - AMS 2670H
- F - AMS 2672F
- D - AMS 2673D
- G - AMS 2675G
- C - AMS 2680C
- B - AMS 2681B
- D - AMS 2685D
- A - AMS 2689A
- C - AMS 2690C
- A - AMS 2694A
- C - AMS 2695C
- A - AMS 2700A
- - - AMS 2728
- - - AMS 2745
- E - AMS 2750E
- B - AMS 2753B
- D - AMS 2755D
- A - AMS 2756A
- A - AMS 2757A
- C - AMS 2759/1C
- C - AMS 2759/2C
- C - AMS 2759/3C
- B - AMS 2759/4B
- C - AMS 2759/5C
- A - AMS 2759/6A
- A - AMS 2759/7A
- - - AMS 2759/8
- B - AMS 2759/9B
- - - AMS 2759/10
- C - AMS 2759C
- B - AMS 2762B
- - - AMS 2769
- G - AMS 2770G
- B - AMS 2771B
- C - AMS 2772C
- - - AMS 2773
- - - AMS 2774
- A - AMS 2775A
- C - AMS-2800
- B - AMS 2801B
- C - AMS 2804C
- B -
AMS 2806B
- A -
AMS 2807A
- D - AMS 2808D
- - - AMS 2809
- F - AMS 2810F
- F - AMS 2813F
- F - AMS 2814F
- V - AMS 2816V
- E - AMS 2817E
- A - AMS 2819A
- A - AMS 2825A
AMS 2980/1
- - -
AMS 2980/2
- - -
AMS 2980/3
- - -
AMS 2980/4
- - -
AMS 2980
- - -
- F - AMS 3002F
- F - AMS 3004F
- F - AMS 3006F
- A - AMS 3020A
- C - AMS 3021C
- C - AMS 3022C
- - - AMS 3023
- B - AMS 3025B
- C - AMS 3040C
- D - AMS 3041D
- D - AMS 3042D
- C - AMS 3043C
- E - AMS 3044E
- D - AMS 3045D
- E - AMS 3046E
- - - AMS 3053
- B - AMS 3054B
- B - AMS 3055B
- B - AMS 3056B
- - - AMS 3057
- A - AMS 3060A
- H - AMS 3065H
- C - AMS 3066C
- D - AMS 3072
- F - AMS 3075F
- - - AMS 3077
- B - AMS 3079B
- B - AMS 3081B
- B - AMS 3084B
- A - AMS 3090A
- C - AMS 3091C
- - - AMS 3092
- - - AMS 3095
- A - AMS 3100/1A
- A - AMS 3100/2A
- - - AMS 3100/3
- A - AMS 3100A
- - - AMS 3101
- A - AMS 3107/1A
- A - AMS 3107/2A
- A - AMS 3107/3A
- A - AMS 3107/4A
- A - AMS 3107A
- E - AMS 3108E
- - - AMS 3109
- H - AMS 3110H
- - - AMS 3116
- - - AMS 3117
- F - AMS 3120F
- E - AMS 3122E
- F - AMS 3125F
- C - AMS 3126C
- F - AMS 3128F
- F - AMS 3130F
- G - AMS 3132G
- E - AMS 3135E
- E - AMS 3136E
- B - AMS 3138/1B
- B - AMS 3138/2B
- B - AMS 3138/3B
- B - AMS 3138/4B
- B - AMS 3138/5B
- B - AMS 3138/6B
- C - AMS 3138C
- - - AMS 3140
- A - AMS 3143A
- C - AMS 3145C
- - - AMS 3146
- B - AMS 3151B
- D - AMS 3155D
- D - AMS 3156D
- C - AMS 3157C
- B - AMS 3158B
- E - AMS 3159E
- H - AMS 3160H
- B - AMS 3161B
- E - AMS 3165E
- B - AMS 3166B
- A - AMS 3167A
- - - AMS 3168
- F - AMS 3170F
- F - AMS 3180F
- C - AMS 3193C
- C - AMS 3194C
- E - AMS 3195E
- F - AMS 3196F
- K - AMS 3197K
- K - AMS 3198K
- K - AMS 3199K
- J - AMS 3200J
- K - AMS 3201K
- L - AMS 3202L
- L - AMS 3204L
- L - AMS 3205L
- M - AMS 3207M
- M - AMS 3208M
- L - AMS 3209L
- G - AMS 3210G
- N - AMS 3212N
- L - AMS-3213
- K - AMS 3214K
- L - AMS 3215L
- F - AMS 3216F
- B - AMS 3217/1B
- B - AMS 3217/2B
- B - AMS 3217/3B
- A - AMS 3217/4A
- B - AMS 3217/5B
- - - AMS 3217/7
- A - AMS 3217A
- B - AMS 3218B
- F - AMS 3220F
- G - AMS 3222G
- - - AMS 3224
- G - AMS 3226G
- G - AMS 3227G
- G - AMS 3229G
- M - AMS 3232M
- F - AMS 3237F
- E - AMS 3238E
- E - AMS 3239E
- J - AMS 3240J
- H - AMS 3241H
- G - AMS 3242G
- F - AMS 3243F
- G - AMS 3244G
- B - AMS 3248B
- C - AMS 3249C
- H - AMS 3250H
- G - AMS 3251G
- H - AMS 3252H
- - - AMS 3253
- - - AMS 3255
- - - AMS 3258
- A - AMS 3259A
- B - AMS 3260B
- - - AMS 3262
- A - AMS 3263A
- B - AMS 3265B
- - - AMS 3266
- A - AMS 3267/1A
- A - AMS 3267/2A
- A - AMS 3267/3A
- A - AMS 3267/4A
- A - AMS 3267A
- A - AMS 3269A
- J - AMS 3270J
- A - AMS-3271
- A - AMS-3272/1A
- A - AMS-3272/2
- A - AMS-3272/3
- A - AMS-3272
- E - AMS 3273E
- G - AMS 3274G
- B - AMS 3275B
- D - AMS 3276D
- B - AMS 3277B
- A - AMS 3279A
- C - AMS 3281C
- A - AMS 3283A
- - - AMS 3284
- E - AMS 3285E
- E - AMS 3286E
- G - AMS 3301G
- G - AMS 3302G
- J - AMS 3303J
- G - AMS 3304G
- H - AMS 3305H
- B - AMS 3306B
- C - AMS 3307C
- - - AMS 3310
- F - AMS 3315F
- - - AMS 3316
- G - AMS 3320G
- - - AMS 3323
- D - AMS 3325D
- C - AMS 3327C
- A - AMS 3328A
- A - AMS 3329A
- A - AMS 3330A
- A - AMS 3331A
- D - AMS 3332D
- - - AMS 3333
- D - AMS 3334D
- D - AMS 3335D
- D - AMS 3336D
- D - AMS 3337D
- F - AMS 3338F
- E - AMS 3345E
- F - AMS 3346F
- B - AMS 3347B
- C - AMS 3348C
- C - AMS 3349C
- B - AMS 3352B
- E - AMS 3356E
- G - AMS 3357G
- B - AMS 3358B
- B - AMS 3359B
- B - AMS 3361B
- C - AMS 3362C
- D - AMS 3363D
- C - AMS 3364C
- B - AMS 3366B
- A - AMS 3368A
- A - AMS 3370A
- - - AMS 3371
- A - AMS 3372A
- A - AMS 3373/1A
- A - AMS 3373/2A
- B - AMS 3373B
- - - AMS 3374/1
- - - AMS 3374/2
- - - AMS 3374/3
- - - AMS 3374/4
- B - AMS 3374B
- B - AMS 3375B
- A - AMS 3376A
- - - AMS 3377
- - - AMS-3378
- D - AMS 3380D
- C - AMS 3382C
- - - AMS 3383
- D - AMS 3386D
- E - AMS 3387E
- D - AMS 3388D
- D - AMS 3389D
- J - AMS 3410J
- D - AMS 3411D
- E - AMS 3412E
- D - AMS 3414D
- C - AMS 3415C
- A - AMS 3416A
- B - AMS 3417B
- F - AMS 3420F
- C - AMS 3430C
- F - AMS 3500F
- A - AMS 3529A
- E - AMS 3564E
- A - AMS 3568/1A
- A - AMS 3568/2A
- A - AMS 3568/3A
- A - AMS 3568A
- E - AMS 3570E
- B - AMS 3571/1B
- B - AMS 3571/2B
- B - AMS 3571/3B
- B - AMS 3571/4B
- B - AMS 3571/5B
- B - AMS 3571/6B
- B - AMS 3571/7B
- B - AMS 3571/8B
- B - AMS 3571/9B
- B - AMS 3571B
- B - AMS 3572B
- B - AMS 3573B
AMS 3579D
- B -
AMS 3582A
- A -
- D - AMS 3587D
AMS 3588D
- D -
AMS 3593A
- A -
- A - AMS-3599
- D - AMS 3601D
AMS 3603A
- A -
- F - AMS 3605F
- F - AMS 3607F
- D - AMS 3609D
- D - AMS 3611D
- B - AMS 3612B
- C - AMS 3613C
- B - AMS 3614B
- E - AMS 3615E
- C - AMS 3617D
- C - AMS 3619C
- D - AMS 3623D
AMS 3625B
- B -
- F - AMS 3626F
- D - AMS 3628D
- C - AMS 3631C
- E - AMS-3632
- D - AMS 3634D
- D - AMS 3635D
- G - AMS-3636
- F - AMS 3637F
- F - AMS 3638F
- F - AMS 3639F
- D - AMS 3642D
- B - AMS 3643B
- F - AMS 3644F
- C - AMS 3645C
- C - AMS 3646C
- C - AMS 3647C
- B - AMS 3648B
- C - AMS 3649C
- C - AMS 3650C
- C - AMS 3652C
- E - AMS 3653E
- C - AMS 3654C
- B - AMS 3655B
- E - AMS 3656E
- C - AMS 3657C
- C - AMS 3658C
- C - AMS 3659C
- C - AMS 3660C
- C - AMS 3661C
- C - AMS 3662C
- B - AMS 3664B
- D - AMS 3666D
- C - AMS 3667C
- C - AMS 3668C
- D - AMS 3669D
- B - AMS 3670/1B
- B - AMS 3670/2B
- B - AMS 3670/3B
C - AMS 3670/4C
- C - AMS 3670/5C
- B - AMS 3670B
- B - AMS 3673B
- C - AMS 3676C
- - - AMS 3677
- - - AMS 3678/1
- - - AMS 3678/2
- - -
AMS 3678/3
- - - AMS 3678/4
- - - AMS 3678/5
- - - AMS 3678/6
- - - AMS 3678
- B - AMS 3679B
- C - AMS 3680C
- C - AMS 3681C
- A -
AMS 3683A
- B - AMS 3684B
- A - AMS 3686A
- B - AMS 3687B
- B - AMS 3688B
- B - AMS 3689B
- B - AMS 3690B
- C - AMS 3692C
- C - AMS 3693C
- A - AMS 3694A
- - - AMS 3695/1
- - - AMS 3695/2
- - - AMS 3695/3
- - - AMS 3695/4
- - - AMS 3695
- B - AMS 3696B
- B - AMS 3697B
- B - AMS 3698B
- A - AMS 3699A
- A - AMS 3704A
- A - AMS 3705A
- C - AMS 3709C
- C - AMS 3710C
- E - AMS 3711E
- C - AMS 3712C
- D - AMS 3713D
- D - AMS 3714D
- C - AMS 3715C
- C - AMS 3716C
- A - AMS 3718/1A
- A - AMS 3718/2A
- A - AMS 3718/3A
- A - AMS 3718/4A
- A - AMS 3718/5A
- A - AMS 3718/6A
- B - AMS 3718B
- B - AMS 3720B
- A - AMS 3722A
- A - AMS 3725/1A
- A - AMS 3725/2A
- A - AMS 3725A
- B -
AMS 3726/1B
- A - AMS 3726/2A
- A - AMS 3726/3A
- C - AMS 3726C
- A - AMS 3728A
- A - AMS 3729A
- B - AMS 3731/1B
- C - AMS 3731/2C
- B - AMS 3731/3B
- B - AMS 3731/4B
- B - AMS 3731/5B
- B - AMS 3731/6B
- B - AMS 3731/7B
- B - AMS 3731/8B
- B - AMS 3731/9B
- B - AMS 3731/10B
- B - AMS 3731B
- A - AMS 3732A
- B - AMS 3733B
- B - AMS 3751B
- A - AMS 3753A
- A - AMS 3755/1A
- A - AMS 3755/2A
- B - AMS 3755B
- A -
AMS 3756A
- A - AMS-3778/1
- A - AMS-3778/2
- A - AMS-3778/3
- A - AMS-3778/4
- A - AMS-3778/5
- A - AMS-3778
- A - AMS-3779/1
- A - AMS-3779/2
- A - AMS-3779
- A -
- A -
- A -
- A -
- A -
- A - AMS-3782
- A -
AMS 3787/1A
- A - AMS 3787/2A
- A -
AMS 3787/3A
- A -
AMS 3787/4A
- A -
AMS 3787/5A
- A -
AMS 3787/6A
- A -
AMS 3787/7A
- A -
AMS 3787/8A
- A - AMS 3787A
- A - AMS-3791
- A - AMS 3792/1A
- A - AMS 3792/2A
- A - AMS 3792/3A
- B - AMS 3792B
- A -
AMS 3793/1A
AMS 3793/2A
- A -
AMS 3793/3A
- A -
AMS 3793/4A
- A -
AMS 3793/5A
- A -
AMS 3793/6A
- A -
- A -
AMS 3793/7A
- A -
AMS 3793/8A
AMS 3793/9A
- A -
AMS 3793/10
- - -
- - -
AMS 3793/11
- - -
AMS 3793/12
1AMS 3793A
- A -
- A - AMS 3794A
- A - AMS 3795/1A
- A - AMS 3795/2A
- A - AMS 3795/3A
- A - AMS 3795A
- A - AMS 3796/1A
- A - AMS 3796/2A
- A - AMS 3796-3A
- A - AMS 3796A
- B - AMS 3797/1B
- B - AMS 3797/2B
- B - AMS 3797/3B
- B - AMS 3797/4B
- B - AMS 3797/5B
- B - AMS 3797/6B
- B - AMS 3797/7B
- B - AMS 3797/8B
- B - AMS 3797/9B
- B - AMS 3797/10B
- B - AMS 3797/11B
- B - AMS 3797/12B
- B - AMS 3797B
- B -
AMS 3798/1B
- B - AMS 3798/2B
- B - AMS 3798/3B
- B - AMS 3798/4B
- B -
AMS 3798/5B
- B -
AMS 3798/6B
- B -
AMS 3798/7B
- B - AMS 3798/8B
- B -
AMS 3798/9B
- B - AMS 3798/10B
- B - AMS 3798/11B
- B - AMS 3798/12B
- B - AMS 3798/13B
- B - AMS 3798/14B
- B - AMS 3798/15B
- B - AMS 3798/16B
- B - AMS 3798B
- B - AMS 3799/1B
- B - AMS 3799/2B
- B - AMS 3799/3B
- B - AMS 3799/4B
- B - AMS 3799B
- A - AMS 3800A
- A - AMS 3801/1A
- A - AMS 3801/2A
- A - AMS 3801/3A
- A - AMS 3801/4A
- A - AMS-3801
- E - AMS 3802E
- A - AMS 3803A
- D - AMS 3804D
- A - AMS 3805A
- E - AMS 3806E
- B - AMS 3807B
- A - AMS 3808A
- - - AMS 3809
- B - AMS 3811B
- B - AMS 3812B
- A - AMS 3813/1A
- A - AMS 3813/2A
- A - AMS 3813/3A
- A - AMS 3813A
- D - AMS 3815D
- C - AMS 3816C
- D - AMS 3817D
- A - AM S 3818A
- B - AMS 3819B
- A - AMS 3820A
- B - AMS 3821B
- D - AMS 3823D
- C - AMS 3824C
- B - AMS 3826B
- B -
AMS 3827B
- C - AMS 3828C
- B - AMS 3829B
- A -
AMS 3831A
- C - AMS 3832C
- A - AMS 3833A
- A -
AMS 3834A
- D - AMS 3837D
- A - AMS3841A
- C - AMS 3843C
- B - AMS 3844B
- B - AMS 3845B
- C - AMS 3846C
- C - AMS 3847C
- B - AMS 3849B
- A - AMS 3856/1A
- A - AMS 3856/2A
- A - AMS 3856/3A
- A - AMS 3856A
- C - AMS 3865C
- B - AMS 3867/1B
- B - AMS 3867/2B
- B - AMS 3867/3B
- A - AMS 3867/4A
- A - AMS 3867/5A
- A - AMS 3867/6A
- B - AMS 3867B
- D - AMS 3870D
- C - AMS 3880C
- A - AMS 3890A
- B - AMS 3892/1B
- B -
AMS 3892/2B
- B -
AMS 3892/3B
- B -
AMS 3892/4B
- A - AMS 3892/5B
AMS 3892/6A
- A -
- A -
AMS 3892/7A
- B -
AMS 3892/8A
- A - AMS 3892/9B
- A - AMS 3892/10A
- A - AMS 3892/11A
- - - AMS 3892/12
- B - AMS 3892B
AMS 3894/1B
- B -
AMS 3894/2B
- B -
AMS 3894/3B
- B -
- B -
AMS 3894/5B
AMS 3894/7B
- B -
AMS 3894/8B
- B -
AMS 3894/9B
- B -
AMS 3894/10A
- A -
- A -
AMS 3894/11A
AMS 3894/12A
- A -
AMS 3894/13A
A -
AMS 3894/14A
- A -
AMS 3894/15A
- A -
AMS 3894/16A
- A -
AMS 3894/17A
- A -
- - -
AMS 3894/18
- E - AMS 3894E
- B -
AMS 3895B
- - - AMS 3897/1
- - - AMS 3897
- B - AMS 3898/1B
AMS 3898/2B
- B -
AMS 3898/3B
- B -
- B - AMS 3898/4B
- B - AMS 3898/5B
AMS 3898/6A
- A -
AMS 3898/7A
- A -
AMS 3898/8A
- A -
AMS 3898/9A
- A -
AMS 3898B
- B -
- B -
AMS 3899/1B
AMS 3899/2B
- B -
- B - AMS 3899B
AMS 3901/1C
- C -
AMS 3901/2C
- C -
AMS 3901/3C
- C -
AMS 3901/4C
- C -
AMS 3901/5C
- C -
AMS 3901/6C
- C -
AMS 3901/7C
- C -
AMS 3901/8B
- B -
AMS 3901/9B
- B -
AMS 3901/10B
- B -
AMS 3901/11B
- B -
AMS 3901/12B
- B -
AMS 3901/13A
- A -
AMS 3901/14A
- A -
AMS 3901/15A
- A -
AMS 3901/16A
- A -
AMS 3901/17A
- A -
- C - AMS 3901C
- E - AMS 3902E
- A - AMS 3903/1A
- A - AMS 3903/2A
- A - AMS 3903/3A
- A - AMS 3903/4A
- A - AMS 3903/5A
- A - AMS 3903/6A
- A - AMS 3903/7A
- A - AMS 3903/8A
- A - AMS 3903A
- B - AMS 3904/1B
- B - AMS 3904/2B
- B - AMS 3904/3B
- B - AMS 3904/5B
- A - AMS 3904/6A
- A - AMS 3904/7A
- A - AMS 3904/9A
- A - AMS 3904/10A
- A - AMS 3904/11A
- A - AMS 3904/12A
- B - AMS 3904B
- B -
AMS 3906/1B
- B -
AMS 3906/2B
AMS 3906/3B
- B -
AMS 3906/4B
- B -
AMS 3906/5B
- B -
AMS 3906/6B
- B -
- B -
AMS 3906/7B
- B - AMS 3906B
- - - AMS 3907/1
- - - AMS 3907/2
- A - AMS 3907A
- A - AMS 3908A
- A - AMS 3909/1A
- A - AMS 3909/2A
AMS 3909/3A
- A -
- A - AMS 3909A
- A - AMS 3912A
- B - AMS 3913B
- A - AMS 3920A
- H - AMS 3940H
- - - AMS 3970/1
- - -
AMS 3970/2
- - -
AMS 3970/3
AMS 3970/4
- - -
- - - AMS 3970
A91060 E - AMS 4000E
A91100 H - AMS 4001H
- G - AMS 4003G
A95052 C - AMS 4004C
A95056 C - AMS 4005C
A93003 H - AMS 4006H
A93003 J - AMS 4008J
A96061 A - AMS 4009A
A93003 B - AMS 4010B
A91145 C - AMS 4011C
- F - AMS 4012F
- D - AMS 4013D
A95052 K - AMS 4015K
A95052 K - AMS 4016K
A95052 J -
AMS 4017J
AMS 4021F
A86061 F -
A96061 M -
AMS 4027M
A92014 F - AMS 4028F
A92014 J - AMS 4029J
A92219 F - AMS 4031F
A92024 K - AMS 4035K
A92024 N -
AMS 4037N
A82024 M -
AMS 4040M
A82024 P -
AMS 4041P
AMS 4046E
A87075 E -
A97075 J - AMS 4048J
A92219 D -
AMS 4068D
A96061 H -
AMS 4081H
A96061 N -
AMS 4082N
96061 K -
AMS 4083K
A97475 C - AMS 4084C
A97475 B - AMS 4085B
AMS 4086M
A92024 M -
A92024 J -
AMS 4088J
AMS 4089D
A97475 D -
A97475 D -
AMS 4090D
AMS 4094B
A82219 B -
A92219 A -
AMS 4096A
A87475 C -
AMS 4100C
A92124 C -
AMS 4101C
A97050 F -
AMS 4108F
A95052 G -
A96061 G -
AMS 4115G
A96061 G -
AMS 4116G
AMS 4118K
A92017 K -
AMS 4122J
A97075 J -
AMS 4124C
A97075 C -
AMS 4125J
A 96151 J -
AMS 4126B
A97075 B -
A 92025 L -
AMS 4130L
AMS 4131C
A97075 C -
A92014 D -
AMS 4133D
AMS 4144E
A92219 E -
AMS 4146D
A96061 D -
AMS 4147C
C -
A97175 D -
AMS 4149D
A96061 L -
AMS 4150L
A92024 L - AMS 4152L
A97049 C -
AMS 4157C
AMS 4159D
A97049 D -
A96061 F - AMS 4160F
A96061 G -
AMS 4161G
AMS 4168J
A97075 J -
A97075 K -
AMS 4169K
A96061 D -
AMS 4172D
AMS 4173E
A96061 E -
A97075 C -
AMS 4174C
A95052 C - AMS 4175C
A95096 C - AMS 4176C
- C - AMS 4177C
AMS 4178C
- C -
A97175 C -
AMS 4179C
AMS 4186B
A97075 B -
A82024 B -
AMS 4194B
AMS 4195C
- C -
A97049 A -
AMS 4200A
A97050 E -
AMS 4201E
AMS 4202C
A97475 C -
AMS 4203B
A97010 B -
A97010 C -
AMS 4204C
97010 C -
AMS 4205C
A97055 - -
AMS 4206
AMS 4207A
A87475 A -
A92004 A - AMS-4208
A82004 A - AMS-4209
AMS 4210J
A03550 J -
AMS 4211A
A97040 A -
AMS 4212H
A03550 H -
AMS 4214H
A03550 H -
AMS 4215G
A33550 G -
AMS 4216B
A96013 B -
AMS 4217G
A03560 G -
AMS 4218H
A13560 H -
AMS 4219E
A13570 E -
AMS 4221A
A92124 A -
AMS 4222G
A02420 G -
AMS 4223C
A12010 C -
AMS 4224B
A02430 B -
AMS 4225C
A02030 C -
AMS 4226A
A02240 A -
AMS 4227D
- D -
AMS 4229D
A02010 D -
- F - AMS 4231F
AMS 4232A
A92090 A -
A12060 A -
AMS 4235A
A12060 A -
AMS 4236A
AMS 4237A
A02060 A -
- D - AMS 4238D
- C - AMS 4239C
F - AMS 4240F
AMS 4241C
A43570 C -
A02010 A -
AMS 4242A
AMS 4243B
A87050 B -
- A - AMS 4244A
A03550 C - AMS 4245C
A03570 C - AMS 4246C
A97049 A -
AMS 4247A
AMS 4248A
A96061 A -
AMS 4249
A43570 - -
A97449 - -
AMS 4250
A92090 - -
AMS 4251
A97150 A -
AMS 4252A
- A -
AMS 4253A
AMS 4254A
- A -
A86951 A -
AMS 4255A
AMS 4256A
A86951 A -
- - -
AMS 4258
- A -
AMS 4259A
- - -
AMS 4293
A96061 - -
AMS 4294
AMS 4295A
A92219 A -
AMS 4296A
A82524 A -
AMS 4297
A92024 - -
- B - AMS-4300
AMS 4302A
- A -
- A - AMS 4303A
AMS 4304
- - -
A97150 A -
AMS 4306A
A97150 A -
AMS 4307A
A98009 A - AMS 4308A
A98009 A -
AMS 4309A
AMS 4310D
A97075 D -
AMS 4311D
A97075 D -
A96061 C -
AMS 4312C
AMS 4313C
A92219 C -
A92014 C -
AMS 4314C
AMS 4318
A94032 - -
A94032 B -
AMS 4319B
A97149 A -
A97049 A -
AMS 4321A
- - -
AMS 4322
AMS 4323B
A97075 B -
AMS 4324
A97055 - -
AMS 4325
A97150 - -
- - AMS 4327
AMS 4328
A92397 - -
AMS 4329
A97085 - -
AMS 4330A
A92297 A -
AMS 4331
- - -
AMS 4333A
A97050 A -
- - AMS 4334
AMS 4335
- - -
A97055 A -
AMS 4336A
A97055 - -
AMS 4337
A92026 - -
AMS 4338
AMS 4339
A92024 - -
A97050 D -
AMS 4340D
A97050 D -
AMS 4341D
AMS 4342D
A97050 D -
AMS 4343C
A97149 C -
A97175 B -
AMS 4344B
A97150 A -
AMS 4345A
A96013 B -
AMS 4347B
AMS 4348C
- C -
AMS 4349C
- C -
M13210 E -
AMS 4383E
- F - AMS 4418F
AMS 4426A
M18410 A -
AMS 4452B
M11914 B -
- C - AMS 4453C
- D - AMS 4455D
M10100 C - AMS 4483C
M11920 J -
AMS 4484J
M11910 G - AMS 4490G
C11000 H - AMS 4500H
C10200 D - AMS 4501D
C26000 J - AMS 4505J
C26000 H - AMS 4507H
C26000 H - AMS 4508H
C51000 G - AMS 4510G
82500 - -
AMS 4511
C54400 J - AMS 4520J
C17200 F - AMS 4530F
C17200 E - AMS 4532E
AMS 4533B
C17200 B -
AMS 4534B
C17200 B -
C17200 B -
AMS 4535C
N04400 F - AMS 4544F
C23000 B - AMS 4553B
C33000 A - AMS 4554A
C33000 H - AMS 4555H
C33200 F - AMS 4558F
N04400 E - AMS 4574E
NO4400 D - AMS 4575D
C63020 B -
AMS 4590B
72900 - -
AMS 4596
C10200 D - AMS 4602D
C36000 N - AMS 4610N
C46400 H - AMS 4611H
C46400 H - AMS 4612H
C37700 H - AMS 4614H
C65620 E - AMS-4616
C51000 G - AMS 4625G
- E - AMS 4631E
C64200 A - AMS 4633A
C64200 A - AMS 4634A
C62300 E - AMS 4635E
C17200 K -
AMS 4650K
AMS 4676E
N05500 E -
P07563 A -
AMS 4763A
P07560 E -
AMS 4765E
P07850 G - AMS 4766G
P07925 F -
AMS 4767F
P07350 H -
AMS 4768H
P07500 K -
AMS 4770K
P07501 H -
AMS 4771H
P07540 J -
AMS 4772J
P07600 F -
AMS 4773F
P07630 F -
AMS 4774F
N99610 F -
AMS 4776F
N99620 F -
AMS 4777F
N99630 H - AMS 4778H
AMS 4779F
N99640 F -
P00500 F -
AMS 4784F
AMS 4785F
P00300 F -
AMS 4786F
P00700 F -
P00820 F -
AMS 4787F
P07505 A -
AMS 4788A
L13910 D - AMS 4800D
Z33520 D - AMS 4803D
- D - AMS 4805D
- F - AMS 4815F
- C - AMS 4816C
C98400 E - AMS 4820E
- E - AMS 4822E
- D - AMS 4824D
- C - AMS 4825C
- D - AMS 4827D
- D - AMS 4842D
- G - AMS 4845G
C83600 F - AMS 4855F
C86500 E - AMS 4860E
AMS 4862F
C86300 F -
AMS 4880C
C95510 C -
AMS 4881B
C95520 B -
- A -
AMS 4922A
R54521 E - AMS 4924E
R54520 K - AMS 4926K
R56400 Q - AMS 4928Q
R56401 E - AMS 4930E
R56400 B -
AMS 4931B
R56400 A - AMS 4932A
R54810 C - AMS 4933C
R56400 D - AMS 4934D
R56400 G - AMS 4935G
AMS 4937A
R56620 A -
- - -
AMS 4938
R58640 - - AMS 4939
R50550 - - AMS 4940
R50400 D - AMS 4941D
R50400 D - AMS 4942D
R56320 G - AMS 4943G
R56320 F - AMS 4944F
AMS 4945B
R56320 B -
R54790 D -
AMS 4974D
AMS 4975H
R54620 H -
AMS 4983C
- C -
AMS 4984C
- C -
AMS 4985C
R56401 C -
AMS 4986B
- B -
AMS 4987B
B -
AMS 5046B
G10200 andG10250 B -
AMS 5336F
J13046 F -
AMS 5337C
J93150 C -
AMS 5338E
J14046 E -
AMS 5339E
J93010 E -
AMS 5340D
J92240 D -
J92711 C -
AMS 5341C
J92200 D -
AMS 5342D
AMS 5343D
J92200 D -
J92200 D -
AMS 5344D
J92110 B -
AMS 5346B
AMS 5347A
J92110 A -
AMS 5348B
- B -
AMS 5350H
J91152 H -
AMS 5355H
J92200 H -
AMS 5356B
J92110 B -
J92110 B -
AMS 5357B
J92951 E -
AMS 5360E
J93072 E -
AMS 5361E
J92811 K - AMS 5362K
AMS 5363E
J92641 E -
J94211 D -
AMS 5366D
J92001 C -
AMS 5368C
J92843 D -
AMS 5369D
J92620 C -
AMS 5370C
J92620 D -
AMS 5371D
AMS 5375E
R30023 E -
AMS 5376G
R30155 G -
- E - AMS 5377E
R30027 E -
AMS 5378E
AMS 5383D
N07718 D -
N10002 C -
AMS 5389C
F47004 L -
AMS 5392L
F47005 F - AMS 5393F
F47006 C - AMS 5394C
F43030 C - AMS 5395C
N10001 C -
AMS 5396C
AMS 5398E
J92200 E -
N07041 C -
AMS 5399C
- A - AMS 5400A
N26625 B -
AMS 5401B
N26625 B -
AMS 5402B
AMS 5403A
- A -
AMS 5404A
- A -
AMS 5405A
- A -
AMS 5406A
- A -
AMS 5407A
- A -
- A -
AMS 5408A
AMS 5409A
- A -
AMS 5410A
- A -
AMS 5412
N13800 - -
S30400 E -
AMS 5501E
S43000 D - AMS 5503D
S41000 M - AMS 5504M
S66286 H -
AMS 5525H
K63198 H -
AMS 5526H
S17700 F -
AMS 5528F
S17700 G -
AMS 5529G
- G -
AMS 5530G
R30605 H -
AMS 5537H
N06600 L -
AMS 5540L
N07722 F - AMS 5541F
N07750 L -
AMS 5542L
AMS 5544H
N07001 H -
AMS 5545E
N07041 E -
S35000 D -
AMS 5546D
S35500 G -
AMS 5547G
- E - AMS 5550E
N08801 E - AMS 5552E
N02201 F - AMS 5553F
S35000 D - AMS 5554D
N02205 C - AMS 5555C
AMS 5582E
N07750 E -
AMS 5583D
N07750 D -
AMS 5584A
S31603 A -
AMS 5586F
N07001 F -
AMS 5587E
N06002 E -
AMS 5588F
N06002 F -
AMS 5589D
N07718 D -
AMS 5596J
N07718 J -
AMS 5597E
N07718 E -
AMS 5598D
N07750 D -
AMS 5600D
S30200 D -
AMS 5654E
S34700 E -
AMS 5661E
N09901 E -
AMS 5662L
N07718 L -
AMS 5663L
N07718 L -
AMS 5664E
N07718 E -
AMS 5667L
N07750 L -
AMS 5668H
N07750 H -
- A - AMS 5669A
AMS 5670E
N07750 E -
AMS 5671G
N07750 G -
AMS 5703C
N09706 C -
AMS 5704G
- G -
AMS 5706K
N07001 K -
AMS 5707J
N07001 J -
AMS 5708H
N07001 H -
AMS 5709G
N07001 G -
S65006 E - AMS 5710E
AMS 5712H
N07041 H -
AMS 5713H
N07041 H -
AMS 5717H
N06333 H -
AMS 5719C
S64152 C -
AMS 5726C
S66286 C -
AMS 5731K
S66286 K -
AMS 5732H
S66286 H -
AMS 5734J
S66286 J -
AMS 5737N
S66286 N -
- C - AMS 5750C
AMS 5751E
N07500 E -
AMS 5758G
R30035 G -
AMS 5768K
R30155 K -
AMS 5769F
R30155 F -
AMS 5773D
S45000 D -
- A - AMS 5792A
- A - AMS 5793A
AMS 5794E
R30155 E -
- B - AMS 5808B
S66286 A - AMS 5810A
AMS 5811C
- C -
AMS 5841D
R30159 D -
AMS 5842D
R30159 D -
AMS 5843D
R30159 D -
AMS 5846A
N13020 A -
S21800 B - AMS 5848B
- C - AMS 5850C
AMS 5853B
S66286 B -
AMS 5854A
N07716 A -
AMS 5864B
S13800 B -
AMS 5891A
N06230 A -
AMS 5895C
S66286 C -
- A - AMS 5898A
AMS 5914A
N07719 A -
AMS 5919
R30159 - -
AMS 5920
R30159 - -
AMS 5931
S20161 - -
- - AMS 5933
AMS 5950A
N07719 A -
N07718 A -
AMS 5962A
AMS 6255C
K21940 C -
- C -
AMS 6256C
- C - AMS 6257C
G93106 N - AMS 6260N
AMS 6264J
K44414 J -
AMS 6265K
G93106 K -
AMS 6278B
K91231 B -
K11640 F -
AMS 6324F
G98400 J -
AMS 6342J
G41300 A -
AMS 6345A
AMS 6374B
G41300 B -
AMS 6375B
G86200 B -
AMS 6408A
T20813 A -
G43406 B -
AMS 6409B
K23080 E - AMS 6411E
G43370 L - AMS 6412L
AMS 6413J
G43370 J -
AMS 6415R
G43406 R -
AMS 6417F
- F -
K23477 G -
AMS 6428G
K33517 E -
AMS 6429E
K33517 F -
AMS 6430F
AMS 6434E
K33517 E -
AMS 6437F
T20811 F -
AMS 6444J
G52986 J -
AMS 6452C
G41400 C -
AMS 6453B
K32550 B -
AMS 6455H
G61500 H -
AMS 6456C
- C -
AMS 6457C
K13147 C -
AMS 6460E
K11365 E -
AMS 6462H
K13149 H -
AMS 6464F
W10013 F -
AMS 6467D
S50200 D -
AMS 6468D
K91461 D -
- C -
AMS 6469C
AMS 6470K
K24065 K -
AMS 6471E
K24065 E -
AMS 6472D
K24065 D -
- A -
AMS 6473A
- - - AMS 6474
K52355 G - AMS 6475G
K19526 B - AMS 6476B
- A - AMS 6477A
AMS 6481A
- A -
AMS 6488G
T20811 G -
AMS 6490E
T11350 E -
T11350 B -
AMS 6491B
AMS 6501C
K92890 C -
AMS 6512D
K92890 D -
K93120 E -
AMS 6514E
- B -
AMS 6518B
AMS 6519B
- B -
K92890 D -
AMS 6520D
K92571 B -
AMS 6522B
K91313 E -
AMS 6524E
K91472 C -
AMS 6525C
K91283 E -
AMS 6526E
K92571 C - AMS 6527C
G41300 B - AMS 6528B
AMS 6529B
G41400 B -
AMS 6532B
K92580 B -
K92571 B -
AMS 6533B
K91970 C -
AMS 6543C
AMS 7254
- - -
AMS 7255C
- C -
- A - AMS 7256A
- C - AMS 7257C
- B - AMS 7258B
- D - AMS 7259D
- E - AMS 7260E
- A - AMS 7264A
- B - AMS 7266B
- G - AMS 7267G
- C - AMS 7268C
- B - AMS 7269B
- K - AMS 7270K
- H - AMS 7271H
- F - AMS 7272F
- C - AMS 7273C
- H - AMS 7274H
- G - AMS 7276G
- - - AMS 7284/1
- - - AMS-7284/2
- A - AMS 7284A
- F - AMS 7290F
- B - AMS 7295/1B
- B - AMS 7295/2B
- B - AMS 7295/3B
- B - AMS 7295/4B
- B - AMS 7295/5B
- B - AMS 7295/6B
- B - AMS 7295/7B
- B - AMS 7295/8B
- B - AMS 7295/9B
- B - AMS 7295B
G61500 G - AMS 7301G
G10950 E - AMS 7304E
A96061 J - AMS 7310J
- F - AMS 7311F
- G - AMS 7312G
- D - AMS 7320D
- D - AMS 7322D
- D - AMS 7440D
AMS 7445D
3, S44004 D -
- C - AMS 7464C
- D - AMS 7488D
- N - AMS 7490N
- L - AMS 7493L
- J - AMS 7496J
- L - AMS 7498L
- A - AMS 7510/1A
- A - AMS 7510/2A
- A - AMS 7510A
- D - AMS 7701D
- D - AMS 7702D
- D - AMS 7705D
- C - AMS 7707C
- A - AMS 7713A
K95000 D - AMS 7717D
K95000 F - AMS 7718F
K95000 D - AMS 7719D
L53131 B - AMS 7721B
- - - AMS-H-7199
- - - AMS-H-81829
FSC 5640 - - AMS-I-538
FSC 9650 - - AMS-I-7068
- - - AMS-I-7444
- - - AMS-I-23011
- - - AMS-I-83387
FSC 9650 - - AMS-L-18331
- - - AMS-L-P-391
- - - AMS-M-3171
- - - AMS-M-6857
- - - AMS-M-7866
- - - AMS-P-5510
- - - AMS-P-5516
- - AMS-P-21600
- - AMS-P-21922
FSC 7530 - - AMS-P-22968
- - - AMS-P-38336
- - - AMS-P-81728
- - - AMS-P-83310
- - - AMS-P-83461
A93003 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/1
A92014 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/2
A92024 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/3
A95083 A - AMS-QQ-A-200/4A
95086 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/5
A95454 A - AMS-QQ-A-200/6A
A95456 A - AMS-QQ-A-200/7A
A96061 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/8
A96063 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/9
A96066 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/10
A97075 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/11
A97178 A - AMS-QQ-A-200/13A
A97178 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/14
A97075 A - AMS-QQ-A-200/15A
A96061 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/16
A96162 - - AMS-QQ-A-200/17
- A - AMS-QQ-A-200A
A91100 A - AMS-QQ-A-225/1A
A93003 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/2
A92011 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/3
A92014 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/4
A92017 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/5
A92024 A - AMS-QQ-A-225/6A
A95052 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/7
A96061 A - AMS-QQ-A-225/8A
A97075 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/9
A96262 - - AMS-QQ-A-225/10
- A - AMS-QQ-A-225A
A91100 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/1
A93003 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/2
A82014 - - AMS QQ-A-250/3
A92024 A - AMS QQ-A-250/4
A82024 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/5A
A95083 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/6
A95086 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/7
A95052 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/8A
A95456 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/9
A95454 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/10
A96061 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/11
A97075 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/12
A87075 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/13
A97178 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/14
A87178 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/15A
A87075 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/18
- - - AMS-QQ-A-250/19
- - - AMS-QQ-A-250/20
A97178 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/21A
A87178 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/22A
- A - AMS-QQ-A-250/24A
A87075 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/25A
A87075 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/26A
A87178 A - AMS-QQ-A-250/28A
A92124 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/29
A92219 - - AMS-QQ-A-250/30
- - - AMS-QQ-A-250
- - - AMS-QQ-P-35
- A - AMS-QQ-W-428A
- - - AMS-R-5001
- A - AMS-R-6855A
- - - AMS-R-7362
- - - AMS- R-25988
- - - AMS-R-83248
- - - AMS-R-83283
- - - AMS-R-83285
- - - AMS-R-83485
- - - AMS-S-5000
- - - AMS-S-6098A
- - - AMS-S-7108
- - - AMS-S-7720
- - - AMS-S-13165
- - - AMS-S-83474
- - - AMS-STD-66
- - - AMS-STD-401
- - - AMS-STD-753
- - - AMS-STD-2154
- - - AMS-T-5066
- - - AMS-T-6841
- - - AMS-T-6845
- - - AMS-T-7081
- - - AMS-T-21014
- - - AMS-T-21595
FSC 7510 - - AMS-T-22085
- - - AMS-T-23397
FSC 9330 - - AMS-T-81914/1
FSC 9330 - - AMS-T-81914/2
FSC 9330 - - AMS-T-81914/3
- - - AMS-T-81914/4
- - - AMS-T-81914/5
FSC 9330 - - AMS-T-81914/6
FSC 5975 - - AMS-T-81914/7
- - - AMS-T-81914
- - - AMS-T-81915
- A - AMS-A-8625A
FSC 8040 - - AMS-A-25463
- A - AMS-C-27725A
FSC 6850 - - AMS-C-29602
- A - AMS-C-83231A
- A - AMS-C-83445A
- - - AMS-D-81956
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/1
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/4
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/5
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/6
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/7
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/8
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/10
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/11
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/12
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/13
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/14
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/15
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/16
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/17
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053/18
FSC 5970 - - AMS-DTL-23053
- - - AMS-F-24610
FSC 9150 - - AMS-G-4343
- - - AMS-G-25667
- - - AMS-G-25871
- - - AMS-G-81827
- - - AMS-G-81937
- A - AMS-H-81200A
- - - AMS-HH-G-101
- - - AMS-I-10
FSC 5640 - - AMS-I-7171
- - - AMS-I-23053/2
- - - AMS-I-23053/3
- - - AMS-L-81846
- - - AMS-L-P-390A
- - - AMS-M-45202
- - - AMS-P-5315A
- - - AMS-P-25732A
- - - AMS-P-29609
- - - AMS-P-46112
- - - AMS-P-46144
- - - AMS-P-81985
- A - AMS-P-83461/1A
- - - AMS-P-83461/2
- A - AMS-PRF-46194A
- - - AMS-QQ-A-367
- - - AMS-QQ-A-591
- - - AMS-QQ-C-320
- - - AMS-QQ-N-290
- A - AMS-QQ-P-416A
- A - AMS-QQ-S-700A
- A - AMS-QQ-S-763A
- A - AMS-QQ-W-428/1A
- A - AMS-QQ-W-428/2A
FSC 8010 - - AMS-R-81835
- - - AMS-R-83485/1
- - - AMS-R-3065
- - - AMS-R-81828
- - - AMS-R-81841
- - - AMS-R-81903
- - - AMS-R-83248/1
- - - AMS-R-83248/2
FSC 5330 - - AMS-R-83412/1
- - - AMS-R-83412
FSC 8030 - - AMS-S-4383
- A - AMS-S-5626A
- A - AMS-S-6049A
- A - AMS-S-6050A
- A - AMS-S-6090A
- A - AMS-S-6709A
- A - AMS-S-6758A
FSC 8030 A - AMS-S-7124A
- A - AMS-S-7420A
- A - AMS-S-7916A
- A - AMS-S-7947A
- A - AMS-S-7952A
- A - AMS-S-8503A
- A - AMS-S-8559A
- A - AMS-S-8690A
- A - AMS-S-8840A
- A - AMS-S-8949A
- A - AMS-S-11310A
- A - AMS-S-18728A
- A - AMS-S-18729A
- A - AMS-S-22141A
- - - AMS-S-29574
- A - AMS-S-83318A
FSC 8030 - - AMS-S-85420
- A - AMS-STD-182A
- A - AMS-STD-183A
- - - AMS-STD-184
- - - AMS-STD-185
- A - AMS-STD-1595A
- A - AMS-STD-2175A
- A - AMS-STD-2219A
- A - AMS-T-6735A
- A - AMS-T-6736A
- A - AMS-T-8506A
- A - AMS-T-9046A
- - - AMS-T-9047
- - - AMS-T-81533
- - - AMS-T-81556
- - - AMS-W-6858A
- A - AMS-W-21425A
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/1
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/2
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/3
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/4
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/5
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/6
- - - AMS-WW-T-700/7
- - - AMS-WW-T-700
- A - AMS-3801/5
- E - AMS 4023E
- A - AMS 4138A