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PSRs For 160 KMPH in New Delhi-Mumbai Route

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Major Block Location (Chainage

SN Zone Division Section Section in Km)

1 NR DLI NDLS-PWL HNZM-DLI 1530.41 - 1531.462
2 NR DLI NDLS-PWL HNZM-DLI 1532.136 - 1532.762
3 NR DLI NDLS-PWL MTJ-OKA 1520.36 - 1520.6
4 NR DLI NDLS-PWL MTJ-OKA 1520.72 - 1520.9
5 NR DLI NDLS-PWL MTJ-OKA 1524.66 - 1525
6 NR DLI NDLS-PWL OKA-HNZM 1529 - 1529.18
7 NR DLI NDLS-PWL OKA-HNZM 1529.626 - 1530.41
8 NR DLI NDLS-PWL MTJ-OKA 1500.568 - 1503.033
9 NR DLI NDLS-PWL MTJ-OKA 1510.038 - 1510.673
Length (in PSR Speed
Meter) (in KMPH) Remark
1.052 60 Due to no super elevation and existence of points & xings on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
0.626 90 Due to 4 degree sharp curve on UP/ DN M/Line.
0.24 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 2 UP/M/L.
0.18 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 2 UP/M/L.
0.34 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 5 UP/M/L.
0.18 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 7A UP/M/L.
0.784 60 Due to no super elevation and existence of points & xings on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
2.465 120 Turnout Falling on transition length of curve.
0.635 120 Turnout Falling on transition length of curve.
on Up/Dn M/ Lines.

on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
Major Block (Chainage in
SN Zone Division Section Section Km)
1 NR DLI PWL-NDLS HNZM-DLI 1530.41 - 1531.46
2 NR DLI PWL-NDLS HNZM-DLI 1532.136 - 1532.7
3 NR DLI PWL-NDLS MTJ-OKA 1520.48 - 1520.66
4 NR DLI PWL-NDLS MTJ-OKA 1520.78 - 1521
5 NR DLI PWL-NDLS MTJ-OKA 1524.66 - 1525
6 NR DLI PWL-NDLS OKA-HNZM 1529 - 1529.24
7 NR DLI PWL-NDLS OKA-HNZM 1529.626 - 1530.4
8 NR DLI PWL-NDLS MTJ-OKA 1500.765 - 1503.0
Length (in PSR Speed
Meter) (in KMPH) Remark
1.052 60 Due to no super elevation and existence of points & xings on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
0.626 90 Due to 4 degree sharp curve on UP/ DN M/Line.
0.18 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 2 DN/M/L.
0.22 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 3 DN/M/L.
0.34 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 5 DN/M/L.
0.24 120 Limited cant & transition in curve no. 7 DN/M/L.
0.784 60 Due to no super elevation and existence of points & xings on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
2.241 120 Turnout Falling on transition length of curve.
on Up/Dn M/ Lines.

on Up/Dn M/ Lines.
Major Block Location (Chainage Length (in
SN Zone Division Section Section in Km) Meter)
1 NCR AGRA PWL-MTJ KSV YARD 1439/290- 1438/520 900
2 NCR AGRA PWL-MTJ KSV-CHJ 1437/500- 1436/411 1100
3 NCR AGRA PWL-MTJ BTSR- MTJ 1398/636- 1397/230 400
4 NCR AGRA PWL-MTJ MTJ YARD 1398/600- 1395/600 3000
PSR Speed (in
KMPH) Remark
95 Safe speed on group of sharp Curve of 2.65° & 2.16°
125 Inadequate cant & transition on curve of 1.3°
110 Inadequate transition & cant due to contrary flexure 1 in 12 T/Out on 2° curve
75 Permissible speed after phase-1 yard remodelling
Major Block Location
SN Zone Division Section Section (Chainage in Km)
1 NCR AGRA MTJ-PWL MTJ YARD 1397/100- 1398/60
2 NCR AGRA MTJ-PWL MTJ-VRBD 1397/650- 1398/45
3 NCR AGRA MTJ-PWL CHJ-KSV 1436/411- 1437/50
4 NCR AGRA MTJ-PWL KSV YARD 1438/850- 1439/10
Length (in PSR Speed
Meter) (in KMPH) Remark
1500 75 Permissible speed after phase-1 yard remodelling
700 110 Inadequate transition & cant due to contrary flexure 1 in 12 T/Out on 2° curve
1100 125 Turnout from falling gradient and 1.8°curve.
250 95 Inadequate transition length & cant,due to T/Out in approach of 2.8° curve.
n 12 T/Out on 2° curve

proach of 2.8° curve.

Major Block Location (Chainage
SN Zone Division Section Section in Km)
1 WCR Kota MTJ-GGC BTE YARD 1213.454-1211.697
2 WCR Kota MTJ-GGC BTE-SWAR 1210.319-1209.359
3 WCR Kota MTJ-GGC BXN-DY 1169.125-1166.722
4 WCR Kota MTJ-GGC BXN-DY 1162.271-1161.991
5 WCR Kota GGC-SWM GGC-LRU 1091.588-1090.589
6 WCR Kota GGC-SWM LRU-NNW 1085.563-1085.183
7 WCR Kota GGC-SWM NNW-NMD 1074.245-1073.675
8 WCR Kota GGC-SWM NNW-NMD 1069.337-1067.727
9 WCR Kota GGC-SWM NMD-MLZ 1065.628-1064.499
10 WCR Kota GGC-SWM MLZ-MXL 1055.909-1055.229
11 WCR Kota GGC-SWM MXL-RNT 1041.800-1041.34
12 WCR Kota GGC-SWM RNT-SWM 1032.110-1031.666
13 WCR Kota GGC-SWM SWM-KTA 1030.504-1028.75
14 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA KTA-RWJ 1019.819-1018.052
15 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA RWJ-AMLI 1012.510-1011.24
16 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA RWJ-AMLI 1006.716-1006.236
17 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA IDG-LKE 982.779-981.811
18 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA LKE-LBN 980.57-980.21
19 WCR Kota SWM-KOTA KPTN-GQL 930.37-929.55
20 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD KOTA-DKNT 918.225-917.585
21 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD KOTA-DKNT 915.315-914.865
22 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD KOTA-DKNT 913.862-912.3
23 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD DKNT-DDV 911.052-909.93
24 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD DKNT-DDV 907.899-907.07
25 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD DDV-ALNI 904.542-904.192
26 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD ALNI-RDT 895.731-897.645
27 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD RDT-DARA 874.203-874.933
28 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD DARA-KIW 873.121-867.3
29 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD DARA-KIW 865.494-865.152
30 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD KIW YARD 864.306-863.804
31 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD KIW-MKX 862.367-862.107
32 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD MKX-RMA 858.179-857.76
33 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD GOH-SGZ 794.898-794.248
34 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD GOH-SGZ 790.97-790.36
35 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD SGZ-HNU 786.313-785.533
36 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD SGZ-HNU 781.849-781.149
37 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD SVA-NKH 770.36-769.69
38 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD NKH-CMU 763.357-762.048
39 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD NKH-CMU 760.381-758.817
40 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD CMU-TLZ 754.656-753.529
41 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD TLZ-THUR 747.682-745.489
42 WCR Kota KOTA-NAD VMA-LNR 733.028-731.776
Length (in PSR Speed
Meter) (in KMPH) Remark
not feasible due to involvement of ROB and
1757 115 not feasible due to BTE yard
involvement of ROB and
960 120 T/out from curve
Inadequate transition length of 0.75 degree
2403 130 degree curves curve at BXN yard
& realignment is not feasible
280 120 due to space constraint and
due to bridge & GGC yard remodeling Br. No. 498
1000 135 not feasible due toinvolved
reconstruction of Br. No.
380 95 374 & yard remodeling
degree curves & realignment of LRU involved
is not feasible
570 145 due to less space available
Due to 1.25 degree curve & Realignmentbetween curves
1610 145 not feasible
Due to T/out taking off from 1 degree curve at
1129 120 not feasible dueNMD yard
Reconstruction of Br. No.
680 110 343 & 344 involved
degree curves and realignment is not feasible
460 145 duetotospace
due spaceconstraint
444 130 due toSWMspaceyard remodeling
constraint involved
between curves &
1754 145 SWM yard remodeling involved
degree curves and realignment is not feasible
1767 130 due to reconsturction of Bridges
1270 115 Duefeasible
not to 1 & 1.75 degree compound
due Reconstruction of Br.curve
480 120 290 & Amli yard remodeling
Due to 2.00 degree curves & realignment is involved
968 110 Duenottofeasible due tocurve
1.25 degree LKE & yard involved is
360 135 Due to T/out taking notoff feasible
from 1 degree curve at
820 130 Due to turnout taking yard
GQL off from 2.25 degree
640 75 curve at Kota
not feasible due to reconstruction yard of Br. No.
450 120 degree curve &206 involved is not feasible
1562 120 due todue
not feasible bridge & ROB involved
to recostruction of Br. No.
1122 140 199 will be involved
Due to 1.25 degree curve & Realignment is
829 140 Due to 1.25 degree not feasible
curve & Realignment is
350 140 not feasible
Due to 1.25 degree curves & Realignment is
1914 140 Due to 3.1 degree notcurve
& realignment is not
730 100 feasible
is notdue to hilly
feasible duearea and land constraint
to Mukundra Tiger
5821 80 Reserve and Ghat Section
curves & realignment is not feasible due to
342 145 reconstruction
curve at KIW yard of Br.&No. 147 is involved
realignment is not
502 120 feasible due to yard remodeling
curve & realignment is not feasible due to involved
260 140 not feasible bridge
due to no. MKX 146-B
yard remodeling
419 120 involved
Due to 1.25 degree curve & Realignment is
650 140 Due to 1.25 degree not feasible
curve & Realignment is
610 140 not feasible
Due to 1.50 degree curve & realignment is
780 130 Due to not feasible
1.25 degree due to ROB
curve in curve
& Realignment is
700 140 not feasible
Due to 1.25 degree curve & Realignment is
670 140 Due to 1.25 degree not feasible
curve & Realignment is
1309 140 not feasible
Due to turnout taking off from 1.50 degree
1564 105 curve
Due to at 1.25
yard. Yard curve remodeling
& Realignment involved
1127 140 not feasible
Due to 1.25 degree curves & Realignment is
2193 145 not feasible
Due to 1.25 degree curve & Realignment is
1252 140 not feasible
Major Block Location
SN Zone Division Section Section (Chainage in Km)
1 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA LNR-VMA 732.008-732.798
2 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA THUR-TLZ 747.029-747.469
3 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA THUR-TLZ 751.283-752.662
4 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA TLZ-CMU 753.525-754.651
5 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA CMU-NKH 759.278-760.068
6 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA CMU-NKH 762.095-763.405
7 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA HNU-SGZ 785.535-786.315
8 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA SGZ-GOH 790.368-790.938
9 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA GOH-KRLS 803.776-804.316
10 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA RMA-MKX 857.688-858.268
11 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA MKX-KIW 862.155-862.435
12 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA MKX-KIW 863.794-864.314
13 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA KIW-DARA 867.031-873.114
14 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA DARA-RDT 874.217-874.917
15 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA RDT-ALNI 896.216-897.470
16 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA ALNI-DDV 904.182-904.522
17 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA DDV-DKNT 907.08-907.9
18 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA DDV-DKNT 910.189-910.949
19 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA DKNT-KOTA 913.247-915.311
20 WCR Kota NAD-KOTA DKNT-KOTA 917.565-918.235
21 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM GQL-KPTN 928.63-929.39
22 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM LBN-LKE 980.038-980.388
23 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM LKE-IDG 981.818-982.803
24 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM AMLI-RWJ 1006.696
25 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM AMLI-RWJ 1012.505
26 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM RWJ-KTA 1020.996
27 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM KTA-SWM 1022.358
28 WCR Kota KOTA-SWM KTA-SWM 1027.950
29 WCR Kota SWM-GGC SWM-RNT 1029.2-1029.540
30 WCR Kota SWM-GGC SWM-RNT 1030.4-1032.080
31 WCR Kota SWM-GGC SWM-RNT 1039.646
32 WCR Kota SWM-GGC RNT-MXL 1048.758
33 WCR Kota SWM-GGC MXL-MLZ 1054.503
34 WCR Kota SWM-GGC MXL-MLZ 1055.875
35 WCR Kota SWM-GGC MLZ-NMD 1065.641
36 WCR Kota SWM-GGC NMD-NNW 1069.336
37 WCR Kota SWM-GGC NNW-LRU 1085.518
38 WCR Kota GGC-MTJ SMBJ-HAN 1127.104
39 WCR Kota GGC-MTJ FSP-DY 1159.116
40 WCR Kota GGC-MTJ DY-BXN 1168.851
41 WCR Kota GGC-MTJ SWAR-BTE 1210.512
42 WCR Kota GGC-MTJ BTE YARD 1213.472
Length (in PSR Speed
Meter) (in KMPH) Remark of Br. No. 27 will
feasible due to reconstruction
790 120 not feasible due tobereconstruction
involved of Br. No. 34
440 120 will be involved
not feasible due to land aquisition will be
1379 120 Due to 1.25 Degree involved Curve & Realignment is not
1126 140 feasible
remodeling of CMU yard & Reconstruction of Br.
790 100 Due to 1.25 DegreeNo. 41 will Curvebe involved
& Realignment is not
1310 145 feasible
Due to 1.50 Degree Curve,Realignment of curve
780 130 Due tois1.25 not Degree
feasibleCurvedue to&ROB in curve is not
570 140 feasible
not feasible due to Reconstruction of Br. No. 82
540 120 & 83 will be involved
Due to Turn Out taking off from 0.75 Degree
580 130 reconstructionCurve of LHS at no.
MKX Yard(LC no. 88) is
280 135 Due to Turn Out taking involvedoff from 0.75 Degree
520 120 realignment is not Curve at KIW
feasible due Yard
to ghat section in
6083 80 Mukundra Tiger Reserve
Due to 3.0 Degree Curve.Curve realignment is
700 100 not
is not feasible
due to to
No. and land constraint
80 (Alania River) &
1254 120 space constraint between
Due to 1.25 Degree Curve & Realignment is not curves
340 140 Due to 1.25 Degree feasible Curve & Realignment is not
820 145 feasible
curve is not feasible due to recostruction of Br.
760 120 curve is not No. 199 will
feasible duebeland
constraint and
2064 120 ROB involved
Due to T/out taking of from 2.25 Degree Curve
670 75 Due to T/out taking at Kota
of fromYard 1 Degree Curve at
760 130 GQL Yard
Due to 1.25 Degree Curve & Realignment is not
350 130 curve is not feasiblefeasibledue space constraint and
985 110 yard remodeling
is not feasible due Reconstruction involved of Br No 290
480 120 & Amli yard remouldling
Due to 1 & 1.75 degree compound curve & involve
1280 115 degree Curve realignment
& Realignment is not feasible
is not feasible due
260 130 degree to yard
& Realignment of KTAisyard involved due
not feasible
349 145 to yarddue
feasible remodeling
to less spaceof KTA yard involved
between adjacent
778 130 curve & SWM yard involved
feasible due to less space between adjacent
340 145 curvebetween
to less space & SWMadjacentyard involvedcurve & SWM
1680 145 yard involved
curve is not feasible due to less space between
1803 145 curve is not feasible adjacentdue tocurve.
less space between
1788 145 adjacent curve & MXL
Due to 1.50 Degree Curve.Curve yard at the Realignment
end of curves. is
250 130 not possible due to Br No.
Due to 3.0 Degree Curve.Curve Realignment is 343 involved
580 100 Duenot topossible duetaking
Turn Out to Br No. 343 1& Degree
off from 344 involved
1149 120 at NMD Yard
Due to 1.25 Degree Curve & Realignment is not
1614 145 Due to 3.0 Degree Curve feasible & Realignment is not
380 95 feasible
Realignment of curve is not feasible due to Major
280 135 DueYard Remodelling
to 1.50 of SMVJ yard
Degree Curve.ROC involveddue
not feasible
587 130 Due to 1toDegree
Major Bridge
Curve.ROC No. 494 notinvolved
feasible due to
2149 130 Yard Remodelling of BXN yard involved
Due to 1.85 Degree Curve.ROC is not feasible
1154 120 due to
Curves areinvolvement of ROB
falling in Yard andHence,
portion. BTE yard
1810 115 is restricted to 115 kmph
Major Location Length (in PSR Speed
SN Zone Division Section (Chainage in Km) Meter) (in KMPH)
1 WR RTM NAD-RTM 697 /55-697 /05 800 105
2 WR RTM NAD-RTM 693.748-693.118 630 110
3 WR RTM NAD-RTM 689.001-687.705 1296 140
4 WR RTM NAD-RTM 684.975-684.745 230 130
5 WR RTM NAD-RTM 681.234-680.724 510 130
6 WR RTM NAD-RTM 680/19-680/05 450 95
7 WR RTM NAD-RTM 673.9-672.98 920 145
8 WR RTM NAD-RTM 672.525-672.285 240 130
9 WR RTM NAD-RTM 668.693-668.373 320 140
10 WR RTM NAD-RTM 667.591-666.211 1380 135
11 WR RTM NAD-RTM 659.21-658.265 945 135
12 WR RTM RTM-GDA 655/11-654/17 800 15
13 WR RTM RTM-GDA 654/53-654/47 120 10
14 WR RTM RTM-GDA 654/17-653/27 300 10
15 WR RTM RTM-GDA 654/19-654/M 300 25
16 WR RTM RTM-GDA 654/17-653/23 120 10
17 WR RTM RTM-GDA 653/11-653/09 100 25
18 WR RTM RTM-GDA 652/37-652/01 900 85
20 WR RTM RTM-GDA 600/25-596/17 4200 65
21 WR RTM RTM-GDA 596/07-595/07 1000 65
22 WR RTM RTM-GDA 565/01-564/29 340 105
23 WR RTM RTM-GDA 560/23-558/21 2000 100
24 WR RTM RTM-GDA 553/05-552/09 907 100
25 WR RTM RTM-GDA 548/03-545/15 2714 100
26 WR RTM RTM-GDA 541/37-540/07 1500 70
27 WR RTM RTM-GDA 536/09-535/29 301 100
28 WR RTM RTM-GDA 524/13-516/11 7983 100
29 WR RTM RTM-GDA 509/05-508/25 273 110
30 WR RTM RTM-GDA 497 /11-496/31 500 110
31 WR RTM RTM-GDA 490/27-489/09 1400 95
32 WR RTM RTM-GDA 478/09-477/25 310 110
33 WR BRC GDA-BRC 471.009-470.925 84 125
34 WR BRC GDA-BRC 470/05-468/15 1700 50
35 WR BRC GDA-BRC 468.27-467.262 1008 130
36 WR BRC GDA-BRC 461.456-460.745 711 130
37 WR BRC GDA-BRC 459.798-459.128 670 130
38 WR BRC GDA-BRC 447.226-446.956 270 140
40 WR BRC GDA-BRC 440/15-439/19 820 120
41 WR BRC GDA-BRC 438.939-438.703 236 135
42 WR BRC GDA-BRC 435.026-434.05 976 145
43 WR BRC GDA-BRC 419.26-419.01 250 130
44 WR BRC GDA-BRC 408.957-408.165 792 130
45 WR BRC GDA-BRC 402.633-400.26 2373 140
46 WR BRC GDA-BRC 400/11 D-400/1 D 500 100
47 WR BRC GDA-BRC 396/05-395/07 900 50
48 WR BRC GDA-BRC 396/17-395/03 1500 30
49 WR BRC GDA-BRC 395/05-395/01 150 10
50 WR BRC BRC-ST 384/35-382/5 2800 130
51 WR BRC BRC-ST 377/03-376/29 200 130
52 WR BRC BRC-ST 366/5-365/15 650 130
53 WR BRC BRC-ST 345/5-344/5 1000 130
54 WR BRC BRC-ST 336/9-327/27 8600 130
55 WR BRC BRC-ST 327/15-326/7 800 130
56 WR BRC BRC-ST 325/29-323/15 2420 65
57 WR BRC BRC-ST 323/15-321/09 2180 120
58 WR BRC BRC-ST 321/08-307/00 13800 130
59 WR BRC BRC-ST 306/33-305/17 1529 100
60 WR BRC BRC-ST 304/15-303/17 900 135
61 WR BRC BRC-ST 300/9-300/7 100 130
62 WR BRC BRC-ST 281/07-279/21 1500 130
63 WR BRC BRC-ST 271/17-270/15 1100 130
64 WR BRC BRC-ST 270/05-269/41 180 105
65 WR BRC BRC-ST 269/41-269/09 900 120
66 WR MMCT ST-VR 268/31-267/27 1125 120
67 WR MMCT ST-VR 267/25-267/07 560 120
68 WR MMCT ST-VR 267/07-266/5 1063 50
69 WR MMCT ST-VR 266/05-265/07 938 120
70 WR MMCT ST-VR 263/31-263/17 375 90
71 WR MMCT ST-VR 246/17-244/31 1600 130
72 WR MMCT ST-VR 229/11-227/21 1660 130
73 WR MMCT ST-VR 215/09-214/11 938 120
74 WR MMCT ST-VR 207/13-206/27 600 140
75 WR MMCT ST-VR 198/27-197/07 1188 100
76 WR MMCT ST-VR 189/13-189/05 250 120
77 WR MMCT ST-VR 189/05-188/03 1500 90
78 WR MMCT ST-VR 188/03-186/21 1910 130
79 WR MMCT ST-VR 168/23-168/13 313 120
80 WR MMCT ST-VR 161/17-161/09 300 155
81 WR MMCT ST-VR 161/09-159/27 1450 130
82 WR MMCT ST-VR 144/25-144/19 200 140
83 WR MMCT ST-VR 144/13-144/01 375 125
84 WR MMCT ST-VR 144/0-143/0 1000 90
85 WR MMCT ST-VR 121/7-117/15 3800 110
86 WR MMCT ST-VR 112/11-112/01 400 135
87 WR MMCT ST-VR 111/31-110/15 1374 100
88 WR MMCT ST-VR 102/33-102/25 250 150
89 WR MMCT ST-VR 102/21-101/11 1313 100
90 WR MMCT ST-VR 101/9-101/1 250 135
91 WR MMCT ST-VR 70/27-70/11 620 110
92 WR MMCT ST-VR 69/7A-68/25 620 110
93 WR MMCT ST-VR 69/19-69/17 100 130
94 WR MMCT ST-VR 66/25-66/21 150 130
95 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 59/14-59/3 688 100
96 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 52/02-49/17 2467 105
97 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 40/02-39/14 525 100
98 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 34/15-33/15 1000 100
99 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 17/8-17/2 375 50
100 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 10/05-9/15 1000 30
101 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 6/3-5/4 938 75
102 WR MMCT VR-MMCT 5/4-4/7 813 15
3 degree curve.
2 degree
Due to insufficient curve
SE & transition length on 1
degree curve
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 1
Due to insufficientdegree curve
SE & transition length on 0.5
degree curves
3 degree
Due to insufficient curve. length on 0.5
SE & transition
Due to insufficient SE &curves
transition length on 1
degree curves
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 0.5
Due to insufficient SE &curves
transition length on 1
degree curve
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 1
degree curves
Diamond over slip
with single cross over
( For UPno.
Line & DN
3 Pass.
Yard, UP & DN)
For Line no. 7 movement over Diamond.
6 to 8 degree compound curve, For Line no. 1
For Line no. 2 to 7, P&C on sharp curve.
6 to 8 degree compound curve.
Point on 3 degree curve.
3 to 5 degree curve & inadequate transition
Point on 3 degree curve.
Due to inadequate transition length of curve
Point In transition of curve
Point in transition of curve
Due to inadequate transition length of curve
Point on 1 degree curve.
Point in transition of curve
Due to multiple 3 degree curve with
Due to point in transition of curve
Due to 2.45 deg curve with inadequate .
Due to 2.20 on 2curve
degree withcurve
transition length.
Due to insufficient transition length of 0.5
Due to sharp curve andcurve
skew girder Bridge
Due to 1.5 degree curve
Due to 1.75 degree curve
Due to 1.75
Due to insufficient SE degree curve length of
and transition
0.5 degree
Due to inadequate curves
transition length on 2.00
degree curve.
Due to insufficient SE and transition length of
0.5 degree curves
Due to 1.25 degree curves
Due to insufficient SE and transition length of
Due to insufficient0.5 degree
SE andcurvestransition length of
0.25 degree curves
Due to insufficient SE and transition length of
1.33 degree curve
4Deficient super elevation
degree reverse curve having on curve no.1super
deficient UP.
108/107 RRI-SOUTH, elevation.
(Line No.2 for UP will be
as 30kmph
Due to negotiation of 1 in loop)
8 ½ double slip
diamond crossing
Due to less than 50 m straight betweenin DN directionreverse
Bridge 561curve no.1, 1A,Due
(ballasted) 1B, 1C & 1Dcushion
to Total
(175mm) less
Due to total(280mm) than 300mm.
/ clean cushion(110mm)
less than 300/150 mm resp. inmm
less than 300mm / 150 VREresp.
Yard - Will
be completed by 31.01.2024.
Condition of sleepers is not good and Through
switches renewal
facingat this location
direction on point is planned.
no.172 of
323/23 (up) to avoid BH at acceleration
327.018 on a major
bridge no 502 (Narmada).
Due to inadequate transition length on 1.10 &
Sturdy fencing 2.16 degree curves.
on CVJ-BH-AKV-PAO yet to be
Reverse curve with inadequate transition
Due to inadequate length.
transition length with
inadequate SE
Due to bridge 480B, Channelon curve noSleepers
8AUP & & 9 Girder
total(220mm) / clean condition
cushion(100mm) less than
0.5 degree curve 6UP with /150 mminadequate
resp. super
2 degree curve with inadequate super elevation
and transitionoflength.
Special arrangement OHE with less
clearance on bridge no.
Due to inadequate transition length 452 (Tapi bridge)
on 1.16
degree Curve
Due to inadequate transition length on 1.16
degree Curve
Due to Point taking off
inadequate from 1 deg
transition lengthcurve
on 1.16
account. OHEdegree proposed CurveSR of 120 kmph
curve no.17C3, 17C4,Kms17C5,263/23-2517C6, 17C7 &
curve no. 17A1, 17A2, 17A3, 17A4, 17A5 &
Due to inadequate 17A6 transition length on 1.16
Due to inadequate transition Curve length with
inadequate SE on curve no 15A
Due to inadequatePoint ontransition
1 deg curve length on 1.16
degree Curve.
2 deg and 1.6 deg reverse curve with
Due to less inadequate
than 50 mtransition length. reverse
straight between
curve no. 10A,
clearance 10B, No.
on bridge 10C,275 10D, & 10EGnaga
(Daman & 10F
Due to inadequate Bridge)
transition length with
inadequate SE on curveon
inadequate SE nocurve
7A, 7B, no 7C,
7G 7D, 7E
Due to inadequate& transition
7F length with
Due to inadequate transition length 7on& 18 degree
inadequate SE on curve no
Inadequate SE on 0.5deg to 1.5 deg reverse
no. 166 & Br. 169 due curve
to camber loss and work
on diversion
Due to inadequate transition line. length with
Inadequate SE length
transition on curve no 7 & 8curves
of reverse
Due to inadequate 1,2,3,4,5,6
transition length with
inadequate SE on curve no 5H
Due to oninadequate
transion length of 0.5length
transition deg curve
inadequate SE on curve no 5A
Due to weak substructure of bridge no.93
Due to weak substructure of bridge no.92
PSC slab not provided on bridge no. 91
PSC slab not provided on bridge no. 90
Inadequate transitionlength
Unregulated OHE.
Inadequate transitionlength
Inadequate transition lengthandandSE
Unregulated OHE. (3411A-34/8)
Due taking off from platform
to inadequate transitionwidth
length of curve
(Only for
stopping train at PF-4 at DDR)
Due to inadequate SE
Due to point & crossing at the terminal
Major Block Length (in PSR Speed
SN Zone Division (Chainage
Section Section Meter) (in KMPH)
4/19-5/05 125 15
2 WR MMCT MMCT-VR MMCT-MX 4/11-5/09 875 50
3 WR MMCT MMCT-VR BA-KHAR 15/06-15/12 290 90
4 WR MMCT MMCT-VR KILE-DIC 34/06-34/08 313 50
5 WR MMCT MMCT-VR BVI-DIC 34/10-34/15 313 100
6 WR MMCT MMCT-VR MIRA-BYR 39/14-40/02 528 90
7 WR MMCT MMCT-VR NIG-NSP 49/17 -52/01 2071 105
8 WR MMCT MMCT-VR NSP-VR 59/3 -59/14 688 100
9 WR MMCT VR-ST VTN-SAH 66/22-66/26 150 130
10 WR MMCT VR-ST VTN-SAH 67/18-67/20 150 130
11 WR MMCT VR-ST VTN-SAH 68/26-69/8A 620 110
12 WR MMCT VR-ST VTN-SAH 70/12-70/26 620 110
13 WR MMCT VR-ST SAH-KLV 81/24-81/30 200 150
14 WR MMCT VR-ST UOI-BOR 101/2-101/10 300 130
15 WR MMCT VR-ST UOI-BOR 101/8-101/14 188 100
16 WR MMCT VR-ST UOI-BOR 102/22-102/34 400 130
17 WR MMCT VR-ST VGN-DRD 117/16-121/8 3800 110
18 WR MMCT VR-ST SJN-BLD 159/28-160/10 500 130
19 WR MMCT VR-ST BLD-KEB 161/10-161/18 350 155
20 WR MMCT VR-ST KEB-VAPI 167/28A-168/8A 500 140
21 WR MMCT VR-ST KEB-VAPI 168/14-168/24 313 120
22 WR MMCT VR-ST KEB-VAPI 168/26-169/02 400 135
23 WR MMCT VR-ST PAD-ATUL 186/24-187/6 500 130
24 WR MMCT VR-ST PAD-ATUL 187/38-189/28 1688 90
25 WR MMCT VR-ST ATUL-BL 197/38-199/08 1063 100
26 WR MMCT VR-ST BL-DGI 206/28-207/12 550 140
27 WR MMCT VR-ST JRS-BIM 214/12-215/10 850 140
28 WR MMCT VR-ST UDN-ST 263/24-263/26 62 120
29 WR MMCT VR-ST ST YD 265/28-266/18 688 120
30 WR MMCT VR-ST ST YD 266/18-267/20 1063 50
31 WR MMCT VR-ST ST YD 267/20-268/32 1375 120
32 WR BRC ST-BRC ST YD 269/10-269/42 950 120
33 WR BRC ST-BRC ST-UTN 269/42-270/06 180 105
34 WR BRC ST-BRC ST-UTN 270/16-271/18 1100 130
35 WR BRC ST-BRC KSE-GTX 274/0-274/12 400 130
36 WR BRC ST-BRC GTX-KIM 275/12-281/32 6600 130
37 WR BRC ST-BRC KSB-HAT 300/8-301/10 1060 130
38 WR BRC ST-BRC HAT-PAO 303/24-304/02 350 145
39 WR BRC ST-BRC PAO-AKV 306/06-306/32 750 130
40 WR BRC ST-BRC PAO-AKV 307/0-312/08 5250 130
41 WR BRC ST-BRC AKV-BH 321/10-322/40 1180 120
42 WR BRC ST-BRC AKV-BH 322/40-323/24 700 130
43 WR BRC ST-BRC BH YD 323/24-326/16 2660 65
44 WR BRC ST-BRC BH-CVJ 326/6-327/18 1500 130
45 WR BRC ST-BRC BH-CVJ 327/18-331/28 4600 130
46 WR BRC ST-BRC NIU YD 337/28-337/30A 150 130
47 WR BRC ST-BRC MYG YD 365/24-367/22 1900 130
48 WR BRC ST-BRC KSPR-ITA 376/30-377/2 200 130
49 WR BRC ST-BRC VRM-MPR 382/4-384/36 2800 130
50 WR BRC ST-BRC BRC YD 395/02-395/06 120 10
51 WR BRC ST-BRC BRC YD 395/08-396/00 660 50
52 WR BRC BRC-GDA BRC YD 396/8-396/14 195 15
53 WR BRC BRC-GDA BRC-CYI 400/02-400/14D 500 100
54 WR BRC BRC-GDA CPN-BKRL 434.05-435.014 960 145
55 WR BRC BRC-GDA CPN-BKRL 439/08-440/06 880 75
56 WR BRC BRC-GDA DRL-KRSA 446.934-447.233 299 140
57 WR BRC BRC-GDA KRSA-GDA 459/02-460/14 1360 90
58 WR BRC BRC-GDA GDA YD 467.265-468.288 1023 130
59 WR BRC BRC-GDA GDA YD 468/16-470/12 188050 DN-Main Line No.4
60 WR BRC BRC-GDA GDA YD 470.865-471.035 170 125
61 WR RTM GDA-RTM KIZ-CCL 477/22-478/10 462 110
62 WR RTM GDA-RTM SAT YD 489/10-490/28 1500 95
63 WR RTM GDA-RTM SAT-PPD 496/32-501/24 4817 110
64 WR RTM GDA-RTM LMK-USRA 516/12-523/06 6816 100
65 WR RTM GDA-RTM USRA YD 523/06-523/30 720 75
66 WR RTM GDA-RTM DHD YD 540/08-542/02 1800 70
67 WR RTM GDA-RTM DHD-ANAS 545/16-554/40 9398 100
68 WR RTM GDA-RTM ANAS-MGN 564/32-565/04 305 105
69 WR RTM GDA-RTM PCN YD 595/08-596/08 1000 65
70 WR RTM GDA-RTM PCN-AGR 596/42-600/26 3800 65
71 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTD CABIN 652/02-652/36 620 80
72 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTM YD 653/14-654/08 120 10
73 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTM YD 653/24-654/18 850 15
74 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTM YD 653/28-654/08 360 10
75 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTM YD 653/44-654/18 380 15
76 WR RTM GDA-RTM RTM YD 654/48-654/54 120 10
77 WR RTM RTM-NAD RTM YD 655.494-656.493 999 135
78 WR RTM RTM-NAD BOD-RNH666.205-667.775 1570 135
79 WR RTM RTM-NAD BOD-RNH668.017-668.687 670 145
80 WR RTM RTM-NAD RNA-QUH680.121-680.541 420 130
81 WR RTM RTM-NAD KUH-BRNA684.731-684.971 240 130
82 WR RTM RTM-NAD BRNA-NAD687.689-689.029 1340 145
83 WR RTM RTM-NAD BRNA-NAD 693/02-693/32 900 110
84 WR RTM RTM-NAD BRNA-NAD694.521-694.997 476 130
85 WR RTM RTM-NAD NAD-RLK 697 /04-697 /56 400 105
1 in 8.5 diamond with single slip.
Points on transition length of curve of 3 degree.
Due to curve
Point no. 176, taking off from transition length of curve
Unregulated OHE, Due to inadequate Transition
No Straight length in reverse curve.
Unregulated OHE.
Inadequate transition length and SE
PSC slab not provided on bridge no. 90
PSC slab not provided on bridge no. 91
Due to weak substructure of Bridge no.92
Due to weak substructure of Bridge no.93
Due to inadequate SE on curve no 4 B DN
Due to less than 50 m straight between reverse curve no.5A & 5B
Point on transition length of 0.5 deg curve
Due toSR
Existing less
onthan 50 m straight
temporary between
diversion on Bridgereverse curve
no. 166 no.5G
& Br. 169&due
5H to
camber loss and work on diversion line.
Due to less than 50 m straight between reverse curve no.7A & 7B
Due to inadequate transition length with inadequate SE on curve no 7C
Due to inadequate
Special arrangementtransition
of OHE length
with with
less inadequate
clearance on SEbridge
on curve
No. no
Due to inadequate transition(Daman Gnaga
length with Bridge)
inadequate SE on curve no 8C
& 8D
Due to less than 50 m straight between reverse curve no.10A & 10B
2 deg and 1.5 deg reverse curve with inadequate transition length.
Due to inadequate transitionPoint length
on 1 deg
inadequate SE on curve no
Due to inadequate transition length with inadequate SE on curve no 17
Special arrangement of OHE with less clearance on bridge No. 440
Due to inadequate transition length on 1.16 degree Curve
Point taking off from 1 deg curve
Special to inadequate of transition
OHE withlength on 1.16 degree
less clearance Curve
on bridge no. 452
(Tapi bridge)
2 degree curve with inadequate super elevation and inadequate
transition length.
0.5 degree
Due to Total(190mm) curve
/ clean 6DN with inadequate
cushion(138mm) SE 300/ 150 mm
less than
Total (240mm avg) / clean cushion(145mm) less than 300/ 150 mm
Due toDue to bridgetransition
inadequate 480B, Channel Sleepers
length with & Girder
inadequate SEcondition.
on curve no 8A
& 9
Due to total(150mm) / clean(100mm) cushion less than 300mm / 150
Sturdy fencing on PAO-AKV-BH-CVJ mm resp. is yet to be provided due to
ongoing DFC work..
Due to inadequate transition length on 1.16 & 2.16 degree curves.
Sturdy fencing
super elevation on PAO-AKV-BH-CVJ
etc. transition length and between yet to km
be provided.
323/24 - 325/04
(dn) to avoid breaking on a major bridge no 502 (Narmada).
Due to inadequate transition length with inadequate SE on curve no
DueSturdy fencing
to Total on PAO-AKV-BH-CVJ
cushion(250mm, 250mm) less yetthan
to be
mm on Pt.
109,116 resp.
mm resp. & Due to Total cushion(250mm) less than 300 mm on Pt.
Due to 561
than 50 m Due to Total
straight betweencushion (180mm)
reverse curveless than
no.1, 1A,300mm.
1B, 1C
& 1D
Due to negotiation of 1 in 8 1/2 double slip diamond crossing in dn
4 degree reverse curve having deficient super elevation.
Due to negotiating 1 in 8 ½ cross over 151/152 & 156/155.
Deficient super elevation on Curve No.1 DN.
Point on 2 degree curveDue (ontoDN1.25 degree
line only)curve
due to inadequate length of
transition curve.
Due to curve
3 degree insufficient
on DNSE and
line transition
only (i.e. o DNlength
line on 0.5due
only) degree curves
to inadequate
length of transition curve.
Due to 1.5 degree curve
Due to sharp curves and skew girder Bridge No.102.
Due to insufficient SE and transition length on 0.5 degree curves
Due to 2.20 deg curve
Point on 2 degree curve
Dua to lass transition length of curves
Due to multiple 3 degree curves
Point No. 102 & 117 taking off from transition of curve.
Point on 1 degree curve.
Due to 3 degree curve & Point in transition of curve
Due to 2.82 deg curve with inadequate transition length.
Point on 3 degree curve.
3 to 5 degree curve & inadequate transition length.
Point on 3 degree curve.
For Line no. 1,2,3 & 4, P&C on cross over.
6 to 8 degree compound curve.
For Line no. 7 movement over Diamond.
For Line no. 6, P&C on sharp curve.
Diamond with single slip ( For Line no. 3 Pass. Yand, UP & DN)
Due to
Due to insufficient SEinsufficient
& transition SE on 1 on
length degree curve& 1.01 degree
1 degree
Due to insufficient transition length on 0.5 degree curves
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 1 degree curve
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 1 degree curve
Due to insufficient SE on 1 degree curve
2 degree curve inadequate S.E.
Due to insufficient SE & transition length on 1 degree curve
3 degree curve.

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