Problem Solving Techniques Using C
Problem Solving Techniques Using C
Problem Solving Techniques Using C
Computer Science
I. Answer any TEN questions. Each question carries 2 marks : (10 X 2 = 20)
1. Define algorithm.
' 2. What is structured programming?
II. Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 10 marks : (5 X 10 = 50)
13. (a) Explain the structures of 'C' program with an example. (5)
Q.P. Code : 15121
14. (a) Explain the different data types supported by 'C'. (5)
15. (a) Explain the different looping statements with an example. (7)
16. (a) Write a C Program to display fibonacci s_e ries using recursive function (5)
17. (a) Write a C program to find the product of two matrices. (5)
19. (a) Write a note on call by value and call by reference with an example. (5)