Section 55 of The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 - IPleaders
Section 55 of The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 - IPleaders
Section 55 of The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 - IPleaders
This article is by Shivi Khanna, a student of the School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram. This
article examines the rights, duties, and liabilities of both, the buyer and seller in the ‘sale of immovable
property’ under Section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Contract to the contrary
3. Seller’s duties or liabilities before the sale
3.1. Disclosure of material defects in the property or title
3.1.1. What is a material defect?
3.1.2. Defect in title
3.2. To produce the title deeds for inspection
3.3. To answer relevant questions as to the title
3.4. To execute conveyance
3.5. To take reasonable care of the property and title deeds
3.6. To pay the outgoings
4. Seller’s duties after the sale
4.1. Give possession to the buyer
4.2. To covenant for title
4.3. To deliver title deeds on receipt of the price
5. Seller’s rights
5.1. Rents and profits
5.2. Payment of consideration
6. Buyer’s duties before sale
6.1. Duty to disclose material facts
6.2. To pay the price
6.3. Encumbrances on the property
7. Buyer’s duties after sale
7.1. To bear the loss to property
7.2. To pay the outgoings
8. Buyer’s rights
8.1. Benefits of improvements
8.2. Charge for prepaid consideration
8.3. Earnest
9. Conclusion
10. References
Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (hence referred to as the Act), defines what
constitutes a sale; how a sale is to be made; and what is a contract for sale. In a ‘sale’ there is a
“transfer of ownership” from the transferor to the transferee, in exchange for a price or consideration.
The price can be – a price paid, or promised, part-paid or part-promised. The transferor is called the
‘seller’ and the transferee is called the ‘buyer.’ For a sale to be valid, the buyer must transfer the
property with free consent (as per Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872).
Right of alienation;
Right of title;
This is an ‘absolute transfer’ – the seller does not retain any rights or privileges with respect to the
transferred property after a sale is made. There must be a total transfer of rights from the seller to the
buyer for it to constitute a sale. The intention and substance of a transaction are also important. For
example, if the owner is only putting up the property as a security or collateral for a loan taken from
the bank, then this would be a mortgage, not a sale. Similarly, if a house was to be put up for rent to a
tenant, then this would be a lease and not a sale. A power of attorney cannot be called a sale.
However, when studying the process of the sale of immovable property, it is not enough to merely read
Section 54. This article attempts to understand and examine the significance of the provisions of
Section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, which is read along with Section 54 of the Act.
Section 55 of the Act, “in the absence of a contract to the contrary”, defines the duties, liabilities, and
rights of both the buyer and seller, respectively, where there is a transfer of immovable property. The
main objective behind Section 55 is to ensure fair dealings, prevent fraudulent acts, and keep the
property in circulation (avoid the property becoming stagnant and going to waste).
It is important to note, that Section 55 is applicable only where there is no contract to the contrary –
which implies that as long as there is a clause in the contract of sale outlining the rights, liabilities, and
duties of the buyer and seller, there is no need for the provisions of Section 55 to apply.
This phrase implies that any liabilities or charges imposed by the provisions under Section 55 of the
Act, can be offset or nullified by a contract to the contrary. The contract can be expressed or implied,
but its terms should be clear. If there is ambiguity with respect to the terms of the contract, then the
decision regarding the same is usually made in favour of the buyer. Only a contract to the contrary can
allow the buyer and seller to avail an exception from the provisions of Section 55.
Right of way of public which cannot be discovered on first inspection of the property;
For example, ‘X’ wants to sell his farmhouse to ‘Y’ but does not disclose the fact that due to the
property being considerably old, the entire farmhouse is in urgent need of renovation and
refurbishment, else there could be danger of collapse. This is a material defect in the property, and ‘X’
as the seller who is aware of the defect, has a responsibility to inform ‘Y.’ If “X’ fails to make the
disclosure, then ‘Y’ has the right to rescind the contract.
Defect in title
It is the duty of the seller to convey a good title to the buyer. However, the burden of proof to show
that there has been non-disclosure with respect to a defect in the title lies with the buyer.
Another example, ‘Q’ wants to sell a flat to ‘Z’. However, the actual ownership of the title of the flat in
question is still in dispute. At the time of making the contract of sale, ‘Q’ does not possess the
authentic title to the property. This is a material defect in the title. ‘Q’ is bound to inform ‘Z’ of the
actual ownership of the title.
In some cases, there is a defect in both the property and the title. For example, when the property
which is the subject-matter of the transfer, is illegally built on government land. Consequently, the
seller receives a notice of demolition for the illegally built property.
In Haryana Financial Corporation v. Rajesh Gupta (2010), the seller ‘A’ wanted to sell a factory by way
of auction. The buyer ‘B’ deposited a certain amount with ‘A’, on the condition that ‘A’ must ensure that
there is an independent passage or way to the unit. The tacit understanding regarding this condition
was established through frequent communication between the parties. However, this passage was in
fact, too narrow and not broad enough to meet ‘B’s’ requirements. Ultimately, ‘A’ was not able to
arrange for an adequate passage to the unit. Therefore, ‘B’ refused to pay the pending amount for the
property. In response, ‘A’ regarded the amount previously deposited by ‘B’ as a forfeit and placed the
property back for auction. Here, the Court, in light of Section 55(1)(a) of the Transfer of Property Act,
1872, held that the seller ‘A’ was in the wrong for failing to disclose a material defect – i.e., there was
no adequate passage to the factory. The seller would not be allowed to take advantage of this wrong to
swallow up the deposited money.
To execute conveyance
Conveyance is the legal process of transferring the property from the seller to the buyer. The
conveyance is executed before the execution of the sale deed to complete the process of the sale.
Section 55(1)(d) stipulates that the buyer must tender the instrument.
In Jamshed Khodaram Israni v. Burijori Dhunjibhai (1915), there was an agreement between the buyer
and seller to transfer property – a certain piece of land – for Rs. 85,000. The buyer deposited Rs. 4000
as a deposit. Within 2 months from the date of the agreement, the conveyance was to be signed, and
Rs. 80,500 was to be paid by the buyer. After the registration and transfer, the remaining balance of
Rs. 500 would be paid by the buyer. However, if the buyer failed to make payment within the time
period mentioned in the agreement, then the deposited money could be forfeited by the buyer.
Ultimately, the buyer failed to make payment within the stipulated 2 months, and as a result, the seller
forfeited the deposited money. The buyer sued the seller for specific performance. The Court held that
the language of the plainly expressed stipulation must concretely show the intention of the parties to
make their rights dependent on the observation of prescribed time limits.
The duty to tender a conveyance and to pay the consideration at the time of the execution is subject to
a contract to the contrary.
The language of Section 55(1)(f) must be followed and interpreted at face value. If the buyer has
paid the full consideration then he can acquire possession and ownership of the property through the
apparatus of the courts.
If the buyer asks for enforcement of specific performance with respect to the delivery of possession,
when the full price has not been paid by him, the court will require the buyer to deposit money with
the court to show his intention to pay the balance amount due. The court can also order the buyer to
present proof of his intention to make the due payment.
It was observed in B Rajamani v. Azhar Sultana (2005), that if the buyer fails to show his intention to
pay, additionally, failing to show that the amount was ready and available, it is indicative of his lack of
desire to fulfil the contract.
Nature of possession has a significant influence on the delivery of possession. The seller must vacate
the property, regardless of whether he himself occupies it or a tenant occupies it. The seller must also
clear out any trespasser illegally occupying the property. However, when there is already a tenant
occupying the property or in the case of a usufructuary mortgage, the buyer only gains a symbolic
The seller must have a saleable interest in the property. Where the seller does not in fact have a
saleable interest, even if he is not guilty of fraud, he is still liable to pay damages to the buyer.
The seller cannot represent a higher title than that which he actually owns. If the seller misrepresents
the title, then he can be held liable to pay damages.
An incorrect description of the property is not covered under the covenant of title, however, if the
buyer finds out about it before the conveyance is executed, the buyer can cancel the contract or sue
for damages, depending on how severely distorted the description is.
In Ram Swarup and Another v. Fattu (1960), it was held that the buyer need not inquire into the
seller’s title. Mere suspicion of the buyer with respect to whether the seller’s title holds good or not,
does not prevent the covenant from operating. The English law doctrine – caveat emptor, i.e. buyer
beware – does not apply here.
Where only a part of the property is sold, while the seller retains a portion as well, he is entitled to
hold onto the title deeds. Where the property is sold to multiple buyers, the buyer of the lot of the
greatest value gains the right to hold the title deeds. When the sale is made at different time periods,
the last purchaser has the right to hold the title deeds. However, the holder of the title deeds has the
duty to furnish said documents to the other property-holders when asked, at the cost of the one who
asked for the deeds. The individual holding the title also has the duty to keep the title documents in
good condition, safe from damage and fire.
Seller’s rights
A seller has the following rights:-
1. The seller has the rights to rents and profits generated from the property till it is transferred to the
Payment of consideration
A seller is entitled to full consideration as stipulated in the contract of sale. If the contract specifies that
the payment must be made within a certain time period, then the buyer must adhere to the said time
limit. The buyer failing to pay within the time limit specified in the contract would amount to a breach
of contract on his part.
In Nalamothu Venkaiya v. BS Neelakanta (2005), a contract of sale was made, and it was stipulated
that the payment must be made within a specified time. The buyer gave an oral promise, however, he
did not deposit any money as an assurance. When the buyer sued for specific performance, the court
held that the oral promise did not hold weight, and the fact that he did not make a deposit showed his
lack of intention to fulfil the contract.
In a case where a seller has already transferred the ownership to a buyer, but the latter has not paid
the entire consideration, a charge can be placed on the property. Even if the buyer transferred the
property further, the charge would still exist as long as the consideration remains unpaid. The seller
can also avail interest on the pending consideration from the date of transfer of possession. The charge
can be imposed only from the date the conveyance is executed.
A seller’s charge on the pending consideration cannot be extinguished by a promissory note for unpaid
money. The rule that interest and possession are mutually exclusive still applies here. Furthermore, the
seller cannot forfeit deposited money, in the case where the amount remains unpaid, taking into
consideration a contract to the contrary.
Buyer’s rights
The buyer has the following rights:-
1. Benefits of improvements
BeneLts of improvements
During the interval between the passing of ownership from the seller to the buyer, and payment of
consideration by the buyer, if there is an increase in the value of the property, the seller cannot
demand a price higher than the one agreed upon before. Here, the buyer is entitled to the increase in
value of the property. Where there is an increase in the material value of the property, and benefits
arising from rents and profits derived from such improvement or increase – it is the buyer’s right to
enjoy such benefits. The buyer can also enjoy the repairs, and improvements made by the seller after
the completion of the sale. Since the buyer has paid for the exclusive enjoyment of the property and
its associated benefits, the seller loses his right to derive benefits from the property after the sale.
Charge for prepaid consideration
Although the amount varies from case to case, the seller usually asks for a deposit from the buyer at
the time of making the contract of sale. The buyer can charge a lien on the property against the
interest of the seller and the people claiming under him, and the interest on the deposit money that he
had paid in anticipation of delivery. This is a statutory charge and commences from the date of
payment of consideration. Interest on the prepaid amount lasts from the date of payment till the date
of delivery of possession. However, the exception to this charge on prepaid consideration: is when the
sale is invalid or the buyer himself commits a default.
Earnest is part of the purchase money or consideration deposited by the buyer with the seller when the
agreement is made. Earnest is kept as a security by the seller and indicates the intention of the buyer
to fulfil the agreement. If the buyer commits a default then the seller has the right to forfeit the
earnest. However, mere delay on the part of the buyer to make payment does not amount to a default.
If the seller commits a default then the buyer can avail of a refund by filing a suit. The seller’s defaults
include making a faulty title, not delivering possession in time, failing to obtain any permissions
necessary for the sale, etc.
In Shri Hanuman Cotton Mills v. Tata Air Craft Ltd (1969), the following observations about
earnestness were made:
2. It indicates the intention of the buyer to fulfil his part of the contract. It is symbolic of the binding
nature of the contract.
3. It is part of the consideration agreed upon between the parties for carrying out the transaction.
4. It is forfeited when the buyer commits a default (mere delay is not a default).
5. Unless there is a contract to the contrary, the earnest is forfeited when the buyer commits default.
Section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, lists the rights, liabilities, and duties of both the buyer
and seller, with respect to a transaction where there is a transfer of immovable property unless there is
a contract to the contrary. To understand the transfer of property, it is not enough to merely read
Section 54 of the Act which describes – what is a sale; how a sale is made, and what is a contract of
sale. Section 54 must be read along with Section 55 to gain a complete picture of the intricacies that
go into the entire process of transfer between the buyer and seller. Section 55 provides a means for
both the buyer and seller to protect their individual interests without worrying about suffering a loss
due to unfair means or fraud. Section 55 focuses on endorsing fair dealings and encourages the
transfer of property to prevent it from remaining stagnant or going to waste. This Section is also based
on the principles of fairness, equity, and good consciousness.
1. Mallika Taly, Vepa P. Sarathi’s Law of Transfer of Property including Easements, Trusts and Wills,
EBC, Lucknow
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