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Introduction to Git (Part-1)

Ever felt frustrated because of not being able to recover a small code snippet
which got deleted accidentally? If the answer to the above questions is yes,
then this tutorial is for you.

This tutorial assumes that you already have a GitHub account and the Git
Bash application installed on your system If not follow step 1 or watch lecture

Defining Keywords
Before learning to use GitHub, let’s understand some common terminologies which
you will encounter throughout this tutorial:

Repository — In layman terms, this is analogous to a project folder that

contains all your project files. Standard practice is to have one repository per

Branch — Generally, developers use different branches for maintaining

different modules of the project. Another common scenario that warrants the
use of branches is when multiple members of the team want to work on the
same piece of code. This is when each one can have its branch. By
default, each newly created repository has a central branch named “master”.

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 1

Clone — Cloning is like copying and pasting the repository from one
drive(developer’s folder on GitHub) to another (our local folder).

Stage & Commit — Creation of a new project version, on your git repository, is
a 2 step process. The first step is to collect all the files which are required to be a
part of the new version. This is called staging the files. The second step is to
create the new version of your project which is called committing. Only those
files which are staged, can be committed to a new version.

Push & Pull — Given our focus on GitHub, push and pull is about interacting
with repositories stored on GitHub’s cloud. A pull is like downloading the latest
version and a push is synonymous to uploading your latest version on GitHub

Step-1: Git installation

Firstly, install Git tools on your computer. There are different Git software, but it’s
better to install the basic one to start with. We will use the command line to
communicate with GitHub.

Once you are more comfortable with the command line, you can download Git
software with a user interface.

For Ubuntu:
First, update your packages:
$ sudo apt update
Next, install Git with apt-get:
$ sudo apt-get install git

Finally, verify that Git is installed correctly:

$ git --version

For MacOSX:
First, download the latest Git for Mac installer.
Next, follow instructions on your screen.

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 2

Finally, open a terminal and verify that Git is installed correctly:

$ git --version

For Windows:
First, download the latest Git for Windows installer.
Next, follow instructions on your screen (you can leave the default options).

Finally, open a terminal (example: powershell or git bash) and verify that Git is
installed correctly:

$ git --version

For all users:

One last step is needed to complete the installation correctly! You need to run
the following commands in your terminal with your information to set a default
username and email when you are going to save your work.

This should be done only once and not for every project, since you are setting
this up globally.

git config --global user.name "<your_name_here>"

git config --global user.email "<your_email@email.com>"

Step-2: Your first GitHub project!

Go to the main GitHub page and click on the “+” icon in the menu bar. Once you
click on this button, a new menu appears with a “New repository” entry. Click on

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 3

The repository creation page will appear. Choose a cool name for your first
repository and put a small description before clicking on the “Create repository”

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 4

Step-3: A local version of your project

Now get a copy of the repository on your computer. To do that, you need to
“clone” the repository. On the repository page, you need to get the “HTTPS”

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 5

Once you had the address of the repositories, you need to use your terminal
(through shell commands) to move in the place where you want to put the
directory copy (for example you can move in your “Documents” folder). When
you are ready, you can enter:

$ git clone [HTTPS ADDRESS]

Now, your repository is on your computer. You need to move in it with:


Now you can add all of your files to the staging area using command

git add .

You can commit these changes with the command

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 6

git commit -m "<add a commit message here>"

Once you’ve added and committed all your files, run this command to push all
your commits to your repo.

git push origin <branchname>

Introduction to Git (Part-1) 7

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