Telepathy by Mari Silva
Telepathy by Mari Silva
Telepathy by Mari Silva
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Table of Contents
Chapter One: What is Telepathy?
Chapter Two: Types of Telepathy
Chapter Three: The Benefits of Using Telepathy
Chapter Four: Ten Signs You Have the Gift
Chapter Five: Enhancing Your Spiritual Energy Levels
Chapter Six: Using Meditation to Open Up
Chapter Seven: Opening Your Third Eye
Chapter Eight: Sending Messages to Others
Chapter Nine: Twin Telepathy
Chapter Ten: Closing the Telepathic Door
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Your Free Gift
As a fan of the X-Men series, my first knowledge of telepathy came from
Professor X, the leader of the X-Men. If you haven't watched the movie series
before or read the comics, Professor X is a character with many superhuman
powers, including telepathy. He could use his mind to communicate with
others. He could even go into their subconscious to discover whatever is
going on there. If you haven't watched X-Men or heard of Professor X, you
have likely watched Sci-Fi or occult movies where people had telepathic
abilities. As a child, it all seemed so real. Then, as a teenager, I believed that
telepathy was just something that TV producers made up to make their shows
and movies more exciting. We all like the idea of having superhuman
abilities. However, due to my inquisitiveness and knack for research, I soon
learned that telepathy is real.
In basic terms, telepathy is defined as the ability to transmit information from
one person to another by means beyond the known five senses. You don't use
your sense of sight, touch, smell, taste, or sound when communicating with
telepathy. No, the form of communication is beyond these five senses. Now,
you may be wondering just how this is possible. If you are reading this right
now, you probably got here because you were curious about the possibility of
it all. Undoubtedly, a lot of resources claim to help people understand the
concept of telepathy, especially on the internet. Unfortunately, many of these
resources fall short of people's expectations. I fell victim to many unoriginal
and unhelpful resources before I could finally uncover everything I know
about telepathy. This prompted me to make an ultimate book guide on
telepathy – a guide to help people discover their psychic powers and improve
Despite being around for years, the techniques of telepathy have been a well-
guarded secret in spiritualism. However, following the emergence of
scientific evidence showing that telepathy is indeed possible, known
occultists have come forward to share their knowledge with the rest of the
world. Telepathy: Unlocking the Secrets of Sending Telepathic Messages and
Psychic Development was created to help people unravel the mystery of
exchanging trans-physical messages and show them how they can unlock
their inner superpower. Anyone who has little to no knowledge of the occult
or psychic may find all this a little overwhelming. So, if you are a beginner,
this book was written with you in mind. Using the most simplified and easily
digestible language, this book tells you, in depth, everything you need to
know about telepathy.
In this book, you will discover the history of telepathy and how it has evolved
in mankind over the years. It explains how witches and magicians in the past
honed their telepathic abilities. In short, this book will help you uncover how
to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others paranormally.
Considering the amount of information available, it is safe to say that you are
in for a ride of a lifetime with telepathy. Without further ado, let's get to
learning all about how you can unlock your psychic powers!
Chapter One: What is Telepathy?
Psychic abilities exist in many forms. From clairvoyance to precognition to
telepathy, people have manifested psychic gifts in different ways. There are
various ways that you could use psychic skills in their diverse forms. Your
psychic type isn't about how you sense things; instead, it is all about what you
experience. Telepathy is one of such psychic types that many people possess,
whether they have realized it or not.
"Tele" and "Pathe"
These are the two Greek words from which the word "telepathy" was coined.
Tele means distant, and pathe means feeling. It could also mean an
occurrence. From this, you can simply say that telepathy means a remote
sense or occurrence. In other words, it entails “feeling” something that is
quite far from you. The standard definition of telepathy is a transmission of
data or information from person to person without the use of the known
sensory channels. The Society of Psychical Research defined telepathy as the
"paranormal passage of information from one person to another." From these
definitions, you can tell that telepathy entails communicating your thoughts,
feelings, ideas, and mental concepts to another person without interacting
with them through your five senses or physical body. Essentially, the mind is
the primary tool for communication in telepathy. Telepathy is about mind-to-
mind communication.
People who are well-versed in telepathy consider it a medium for transmitting
paranormal information. This means that the information cannot be
scientifically proven. Yet, scientific research has shown that telepathy might
just be real, even if its concept isn't embraced in the scientific community.
Telepathy is of the occult. The very idea of mind-to-mind communication has
been around for years, long before Hollywood started to make movies with
characters that have telepathic powers. Ancient people have detailed records
of telepathy both in oral and writing lore. It was then considered a natural
ability possessed by all humans and a unique ability possessed by trained and
gifted people. Thankfully, this is still valid today. Anybody can learn to
communicate telepathically as long as they are willing. If you want to start
communicating with others using your mind, you can if you will put in the
effort required.
The history of telepathy is quite an interesting one. Telepathy dates back to
ancient Greeks and Egyptians, even though the word wasn't coined until the
late 18th century. The ancient Egyptians believed spirits could send messages
from one individual to another through their dreams. The ancient Greeks also
believed that dreams could be used to send messages from one person to
another. The knowledge of telepathy, dreams, etc., has been preserved for
years by many indigenous groups.
"Telepathy" as a word was coined in 1882 by Frederic W. H. Myers, a
classical scholar and founder of the Society for Psychical Research. Initially,
the phenomenon was referred to by other things such as "thought-reading,"
"thought transference," and "communication des pensées." Myers believed
that "telepathy" is a more suitable term for the phenomenon. So, it became
more popular than the original expressions. Initially, the research into
telepathy started in the late 18th century with Franz Anton Mesmer. Mesmer
is known for popularizing the concept of mesmerism, which was also referred
to as animal magnetism. Those who believed in magnetism were called
magnetists. Then, magnetists found that 'magnetized' or hypnotized subjects
could read magnetists' minds and even respond to m Note that I defined
mind-reading as the ability to “sense” or “feel” others' thoughts and feeling
mental instructions. This jumpstarted the interest in telepathy research.
Later in the 19th century, telepathy became an observed phenomenon in
psychotherapy, which was still emerging. This piqued the interest of William
James in the phenomenon, causing him to advocate for scientific study. Note
that the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in 1884. That was
when scientific study into telepathy actually started. As a matter of fact,
telepathy was the first psychic ability to be observed and studied
scientifically. This was done to establish a link between psychic phenomena
and science. The scientific study of telepathy was the main objective in
establishing the American faction of the SPR in 1885. William James was
one of the American Society for Psychical Research members to conduct
experiments regarding telepathy.
The early experiments were relatively simple and straightforward. They
involved putting two individuals in different rooms. One person acted as the
sender of numbers, words, and images. The other person served as the
receiver of numbers, words, and images. Then, physiologist Charles Richet
introduced chances to the tests, leading to the discovery that telepathy could
occur outside of hypnotism. With the addition of mathematical chance to
experiments, the tests became more advanced. Moving forward to 1930, J.B.
Rhine, an American Botanist and member of Duke University, North
Carolina, started the Extrasensory Perception experiments. The ESP tests
involved playing cards with special symbols. The cards were initially called
Zener cards and then renamed to ESP cards. Rhine found it challenging to
ascertain whether the psychic communication of information happened
through telepathy, precognition, or clairvoyance. He concluded that telepathy
is the same psychic ability as clairvoyance, although they both manifested
differently. He also discovered that distance and obstacles do not actually
affect telepathic communication between the sender and receiver. Other
testing methods emerged as a result of Rhine's work on telepathy. By the late
19th century, there was a minimal controversy in the scientific community
surrounding the possibility of extrasensory perception.
Over the years, several theories have emerged in the bid to explain telepathy
and how it works. Interestingly, none of these theories have been found
adequate. This is because, just like Rhine said, psychic abilities are
intermingled into one another. You simply cannot separate one from the other
to quantify the elements of psychic experiences. Telepathy cannot be
explained without clairvoyance, and this goes for other psychic phenomena.
Despite the advancement of many theories, science is yet to gain an
understanding or explanation of how telepathy works. Below is a list of
characteristics that have been observed over the years. Note that these
characteristics are not applicable in all cases.
Telepathy is closely connected to the emotional states of the
sender and receiver.
Women are more inclined to be telepathic than men.
Telepathic abilities may become enhanced with age, possibly
because the five physical senses weaken with age. This sharpens
the telepathic faculty of a person.
Telepathy is more easily induced in the dream state.
Specific biological changes occur during telepathy. For instance,
the receiver's brain waves match those of the sender when sharing
a telepathic message.
Telepathy is heightened during the full moon. This suggests that
the cosmic energy field plays a part in the telepathic sending and
receiving of messages.
As Rhine said, psychic skills known to humans are all blended into one
another. Personally, I consider telepathy as someone “hearing” another
person's thoughts. In the psychic world, this is referred to as clairaudience,
which basically means clear hearing. Clairvoyance is the psychic ability that
involves sensing or seeing another person’s thoughts, feelings, etc.,
Clairsentience is the ability to “feel” a person's thoughts, feelings, etc., Note
that one similarity with these psychic abilities is that they all have to do with
gaining access to information about another person paranormally. This shows
that these skills do indeed blend into one another.
Being a paranormal ability that usually isn't associated with humans, one
might expect that people wouldn't believe in the existence of telepathy or any
other psychic ability. Over the years, there have been proven cases of psychic
fraud. Many people who claimed to possess psychic powers have been
proven to be liars and fraudsters who deceived people for selfish reasons.
Despite these cases, many people still believe that psychic abilities, such as
telepathy and clairvoyance exist. There are reasons for this. Recently, a report
found that psychic believers tend to think less objectively or analytically.
This means that they tend to view things from a personal perspective, which I
wouldn't call a bad thing. Another reason people believe in psychic abilities is
due to the existence of positive scientific research findings. Due to mixed
evidence from the scientific community, believers in psychic abilities have
reasons to accept that the claims are genuine and real. As long as there
continue to be cases that suggest that these abilities are real or possible,
believers will continue to believe. This doesn't necessarily portray something
Telepathy isn't just considered as the ability to communicate thoughts and
ideas. It is also believed that telepathy can be used to influence the thoughts
and ideas of others. When this happens, telepathy becomes mind control.
Having given insight into telepathy's history and the scientific concerns
surrounding the phenomena, the subsequent chapters focus on unraveling
telepathy's secrets and how it works according to the occult.
Chapter Two: Types of Telepathy
Telepathy is a combination of different psychic activities, all of which center
on the mind. Usually, when you think of communication, you think about
oral and nonverbal communication through writing or speaking. But as I have
established, telepathy is communication through the mind. If you think of
superheroes and aliens when you hear about telepathy, that is quite okay. The
reality is, however, different. You don't necessarily need a cape to have that
ability to communicate with others using your mind. Telepathy is a skill that
you already possess, even if you don't know it yet. That is why the purpose of
this book is to help you "unlock" your gifts. Telepathy is more natural than
you probably think. Everyone has the innate ability to tune into the
consciousness of others to share messages with them.
Telepathic activities vary from person to person. Four widely acknowledged
telepathic activities manifest in humans. These are:
Mind-reading – being able to sense or hear what is happening in
the mind of others.
Mental communication – directly communicating with others
without words or gestures.
Telepathic impression – planting words or thoughts into the
mind of another person. One could also plant an image.
Mind control- being able to influence and control another
person's actions by controlling their thoughts.
To unlock your telepathy skills, meditation is one thing you must include in
your daily routine. Meditation has been proven to raise vibrations. You
already know that everything in existence is made up of energy. There is one
significant source of energy that connects everyone in the cosmos. This
energy also flows through everything. Now, energy exists on a spectrum.
This spectrum is made up of frequencies which we call vibrations. On one
side of the spectrum, you have the low vibrations. These are dense
frequencies that are associated with negative feelings and emotions, such as
anger and envy. At the other end of the spectrum, you have the high
vibrations, frequencies associated with positive feelings and emotions such as
love and happiness. When you are on the spectrum's high vibration side, it
means that the energy flowing through you is that of love and joy. This is the
same energy in which Higher Beings exist. This is also the frequency on
which you can find your higher self; it is where your soul lives. Actually,
everyone has their higher selves in the high vibrational state. This means that
being in a high vibrational state allows you to connect with your higher self
and the universe's collective consciousness. This gives you access to
information from the angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and even the
Telepathy requires daily meditation to keep you in the right mindset for the
use of your psychic skills. Meditation helps you reach the high vibrational
state that you need to access your psychic abilities. When you are in that high
vibrational state, your psychic portals become open, and your vibrations are
at the maximum level. In a way, this becomes a cycle. The more you practice
telepathy, the closer you reach the highest end of the energy spectrum. And
the closer you are to the high vibrational state, the better you become at using
your telepathy skills, as well as other psychic skills. It is a win-win situation
for you since you need to reach a high vibrational state to develop your skills
5. Opens your Energy Centers
Your seven chakras make up your energy centers. They are the portals
through which energy flows from the energy field to your physical body.
Healthy and balanced chakras are vital for your physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual wellbeing. Chakras are essential. Without them, you cannot use
any psychic ability you have. In fact, you need to keep your chakras open and
balanced at all times if you want to be able to communicate psychically. Your
chakras are directly linked to your psychic portals. Remember what I said
about the Kahunas’ and Japanese belief in the solar plexus being responsible
for distant communication? Well, there is a solar plexus chakra linked to the
solar plexus, and when this chakra is open, it makes you clairsentient. This
means that you will be able to sense the thoughts, feelings, and needs of
another person psychically. As I already established, telepathy is linked with
other psychic skills, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience.
Without these other four skills, it is safe to say that you might find telepathy
difficult or impossible. The good thing is that you are unlikely to have one of
these skills without possessing the others.
To open up your psychic portals, you have to work on clearing your chakras
and ensuring they remain opened and balanced at all times. This is achievable
through meditation. Chakra meditations are essential for keeping your
chakras balanced and healthy. Telepathy practice requires you to do chakra
meditation to keep your chakras, especially your third-eye chakra, open. In
this way, telepathy helps you keep your energy centers open. This means that
energy will continue to flow to your physical body through the energy
centers, keeping you in a healthy and vibrant state. The more you practice
your telepathy skills, the more your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
wellbeing improves. If there is one way to ensure your psychic portals stay
open, it is the regular use your psychic gifts.
6. Awareness and Discovery
Like all psychic abilities, telepathy improves your awareness of yourself. But
not only does it lead to self-discovery, but it also makes you more aware of
other people. When you are telepathic, you have an opportunity to connect
the patterns of your actions to the emotions you feel deep inside you. This
applies to the people you interact with, too. Self-discovery is something
everyone must go through in their journey on earth. Being telepathic makes
self-discovery easier. Telepathy requires you to be more in tune with your
consciousness. That is precisely what you need to discover yourself and
become more aware of yourself. When self-discovery and self-awareness
happen, it results in self-confidence. Developing the psychic part of yourself
is all you need to become more confident in yourself and your purpose on
earth. It makes it easier for you to face and overcome any challenges.
Let's say that you have sharpened your telepathic skills from mind-reading to
mental communication, impressing, and control. So, you meet someone you
are trying to do a deal with. Unknown to you, this person has something else
– something negative – planned for you. Unknown to them, you can read
their mind. So, you read their mind and find out their thoughts and feelings
about you. With this knowledge, you can quickly call off the deal. By doing
this, you have used your ability to overcome a challenge that could have
prevented you from fulfilling a purpose. Telepathy gives you validation for
your feelings and thoughts. If you feel negatively about someone that appears
to be nice and friendly, you might blame yourself for feeling that way about
them. However, if you use your telepathic gift to scan their mind, you will be
able to find out why you feel that way about them. This gives you validation
for your feelings. No matter how kind a person may seem, if your guts don't
accept them, chances are you should be wary.
7. Prepares you to Receive Spirit Messages
When you are finally able to strike a connection with the Spirit by regularly
practicing your psychic skill, you become open to the possibility of visiting
and exploring the spiritual realms. As I have made clear, telepathy requires
you to be attuned with your consciousness and the collective consciousness
of the universe. Reaching this state opens you up to several opportunities that
other people are not privileged to. There are certain places that your physical
body cannot visit, no matter what. However, your soul or spirit can visit the
places. Before your spirit can gain access to these places, though, you need to
be in a high vibrational state. As established, telepathy practice is useful in
increasing your vibrations, which means you have a higher chance of
connecting with your soul. With your soul, you can then explore the spiritual
realms and gain access to critical information. You can meet with angels,
masters, spirit guides, etc., There is much to learn about yourself and the
cosmos as a whole when you visit the spiritual realms. If you don't do certain
things that telepathy practice requires you to do, you may not achieve any of
9. Improved Relationships
It is one thing to have a strong gut feeling about a person or a situation, but
predicting the future is entirely different. If you can predict things before they
happen, you have powerful psychic gifts, and you just might be a telepath.
Predicting the future is one of the most prominent signs in people with a
psychic gift. Additionally, if the things you predict turn out to be right most
times, it becomes even more apparent that you have the gift. In this context,
predicting the future doesn't necessarily mean that you have to give a
detailed, scene-by-scene narration of something yet to happen. You don't
have to; the small occurrences and predictions count as well.
Example: The day is bright and clear. The sun is shining radiantly, and there
are no clouds. Yet, you have a strong feeling it will be raining soon. Your
mother is just preparing to leave the house. You turn to her and tell her to
take an umbrella with her; she laughs at you and says the sky is too clear for
it to rain. You smile back and think, "She's probably right." Your mother
leaves the house, and you retire to your room to get some homework done.
No more than thirty minutes later, the clouds grow dark and the sun vanishes
from sight. The clouds gather; it starts drizzling, and before you know it, the
rain starts beating down hard.
This may seem like something out of a supernatural movie. Still, if something
like that happens to you, you may have some psychic abilities that you need
to pay more attention to.
3. Your Dreams are Vivid
Have you ever had a dream where everything felt so real that the dream didn't
go away for days? This kind of dream is referred to as a lucid dream. If you
know anything about lucid dreams, then you probably know that they have
always been tied to psychic gifts. It is easier to visit the spiritual plane when
you have a lucid dream. When one is in the sleep state, there is little or no
resistance. This means that your mind cannot interfere with what comes to
you in your dream. Dreamland is the best place to receive intuitive hits. The
more you open up, the easier it becomes for you to attain higher
consciousness places, such as a lucid dream state. Dream in this context does
not only refer to when you sleep at night. You may also have vivid
daydreams. If you regularly have lucid dreams, you may have strong psychic
powers that are begging to be unlocked. Pay attention to your dreams.
Example: You are watching the TV in your living room. There is a movie
playing, but you feel yourself start to drift to sleep. You struggle to keep your
eyes open, but before you know it, you are far off in dreamland. While in
dreamland, you dream of a friend from high school. You haven't seen this
friend in a while. Soon, you wake up from sleep and remember your dream.
You find it amusing that you would dream of this person even though you
haven't seen them in a while. Throughout the rest of the day, you weren't able
to shake them off your mind. You wonder why, but you pay no attention to it.
The next day, you come across this person on your way to work!
4. You are Extra Receptive to Sensory Input
This is a common thing with people who have one psychic gift or the other.
So, if you are a telepath, you might find that you are extra receptive to
stimuli. Telepaths generally have extrasensory perception. This means that
their senses are extra sharp, compared to that of an average person. Going
through a telepathic awakening heightens your senses, especially your sense
of hearing. When you start seeing colors of light just outside your peripheral
vision, you may be going through an awakening. If you are extra receptive to
sensory input, you might find that you can sense others' thoughts and feelings
before they even voice them. For instance, you may find yourself completing
other people's sentences for them, and not just occasionally; it happens every
time. And this does not happen with only the people you know; it happens
with different individuals. This is associated with telepathy as a psychic gift.
5. You are Highly Empathic
This is related to the above sign but in a different way. Empathy is the ability
to put yourself in the shoes of another person. Telepaths can do this because
of their ability to sense people's thoughts and feelings. When you can find out
the reasons behind a person's thoughts and emotions, it is much easier to
empathize with them. If you are the type who feels the emotions of others
strongly, even if they are nowhere near you, then you are most likely a
telepath. You are also an empath. Being highly empathic is an indication of
your hyper-awareness.
6. You Regularly Experience Different Sensations
If you often experience a tingling sensation in the area between your brows,
that is another sign that you might be a telepath. The area between your
brows is the home of your third-eye chakra. The third-eye chakra is
instrumental to your telepathic ability. In fact, without the third eye, a lot of
psychic abilities would simply be impossible. You cannot see beyond your
physical sight without the third eye. The third eye makes it possible to see
and sense things that the physical eyes cannot see. The third-eye area usually
starts tingling more frequently when the third-eye chakra is opening up or
when you are receiving specific energy signals. The tingling may be more
frequent during the opening and developmental stage when your chakra is
developing. Generally, it is harmless and usually goes away after a while. Pay
attention to the third-eye area and watch out for tingling or any other similar
sensation. A simple meditative session can help you calm the sensation when
it starts.
7. You Feel a Stronger Connection to the Spirit World
Being telepathic makes you develop a link to the spiritual realms. As a result,
you may sense the presence of spirits in the physical world more quickly than
others. Your connection to the spirit world surges the more you become
aware of your gift, so, don't be surprised. You may find that you can connect
to the spirit world to interact with your loved ones or other people's loved
ones. It is not uncommon for people with telepathic gifts to eventually
become mediums. It seems to be a natural progression when the awakening
8. You Feel Inclined to Spirituality
Intuitive hits can come in different ways. You might be the type to receive
visions through your third eye, or maybe you just sense when something is
about to happen. Regardless, both are signs of strong intuitive abilities.
Depending on who you are, you may find this frightening or exciting.
Fortunately, you can take steps to minimize the rate at which you receive hits
if they frighten you. However, doing this means that you are preventing
yourself from experiencing a full telepathic awakening. You should embrace
your abilities and use them to help others.
10. You Get Headaches More Frequently
Headaches are awful, but you can't keep them away when going through a
telepathic awakening. These headaches are caused by the opening of your
third-eye chakra and the resulting influx of energy. The best way to control
the headaches is to soak your feet in water, preferably lukewarm water.
Doing this grounds the energy you are receiving, meaning it is carried away
from your head. Consider adding Epsom salt to the water as it makes it more
relaxing for you.
The first time you experience your telepathic gift, it may feel strange and
unfamiliar to you. But this shouldn't be a reason for you to fret. The feelings
you experience during your awakening are entirely normal; every telepath
experiences these things. You shouldn't be frightened. As a matter of fact,
you should be excited because you now have a window for spiritual growth
and evolution. So, be excited about the new journey. Make sure you become
more aware of yourself and your environment. If any of the points discussed
above feel familiar to you, the next best step you can take is nurturing your
telepathic gift.
Chapter Five: Enhancing Your Spiritual Energy
To start unlocking your telepathic gift, you must first understand which
psychic sense(s) you are working with. As a beginner to the practice of
telepathy, you cannot navigate the psychic world effectively unless you
master all the psychic senses and find out which ones you are more in tune
with. It's just like when you are an infant, and you are just getting to know the
world; you have to master your five physical senses first. Until you become
familiar with all the psychic senses, you may not connect the experiences you
have had to any psychic concept. When you are unaware of what you are
working with, you simply can't find the right word or terms to define your
experiences. But once you learn these things, your experiences become
definable and real to you in a way that aligns with your abilities.
Learning and mastering the psychic senses can empower you, especially as a
new psychic who is just becoming familiar with the psychic world. More
importantly, you need the knowledge to determine where you fall in the
spectrum of the psychic senses. By learning, you understand what is natural
to you and what you actually need to improve and enhance. Knowledge of
the psychic senses will reduce the spirit world's seeming detachment from the
“real” world. It may also make psychic gifts appear less mysterious to you.
So, introducing you to the "Clair" senses.
I have mentioned things, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience,
etc., in previous chapters. I have also talked about how important they are to
developing your abilities as a telepath. These three are part of what makes up
your psychic senses. The psychic senses are also called the Clairs, the para
senses, meta senses, or soul senses.
In your physical human body, you use your eyes to see, your nose to smell,
your skin to feel, your tongue to taste, and your ears to hear. But when it
comes to the Clair senses, you can experience all of these sensations but not
through your physical senses. This means that you can see without using your
naked human eyes. You have more psychic senses than physical senses.
However, attaching the psychic senses to your ordinary five senses makes it
easier for you to understand. After all, the psychic senses also perform the
functions of your physical senses. The only difference is that these senses
allow you to sense things that are beyond the physical world.
One thing shared by all the psychic senses is that they all begin with "Clair,"
the French word for clear. Basically, when you see Clair in front of any of the
psychic senses, it means that sense is amplified and made clearer. Naturally,
we all have all the psychic senses. But according to experts, we are dominant
in at least one or two of these senses. This means, even though you have all
the Clair senses, some are more prominent for you than others. You may be
able to use one Clair sense naturally and effortlessly, which means it is your
dominant psychic sense. However, you will need practice to develop and
sharpen all the other senses. Also, you can control when you use these senses.
After all, if you are clairvoyant, you don't want to start seeing spirits
everywhere you go without being able to make them go away. Naturally, one
of your goals should be to learn how to control when you tap into your
psychic senses. Below are the psychic "Clair" senses to help you determine
which one is your dominant sense. You should be able to tell from the
definition of the terms and the traits that come with each sense.
Clairvoyance simply means "clear seeing." It is the psychic sense that allows
you to see energy. Basically, clairvoyance is psychic seeing. Clairvoyants,
through their third eye, can see things beyond the ordinary; things that the
average human eyes cannot see. They also see visions. Clairvoyance is one of
the more popular senses. Even if you have never dabbled in anything psychic,
chances are you have already heard that word before. Using your
clairvoyance sense, you can see beyond time and space. This means that you
can see the astral world, the spirits, the future, and many other things that
your human eyes simply cannot see. Clairvoyance tends to be the dominant
sense in very visual people. Being visual means that you understand concepts
and ideas best when presented to you in a form that requires you to use your
eyes, such as a piece of writing, a picture, or even a drawing.
Clairvoyance is the intuitive sixth sense that you have likely heard people
talk about before. This sense works with your mind's eye, which is also your
third eye or spiritual eyes. People with clairvoyance as their dominant sense
can see energy in different forms, including light, colors, images, pictures,
and movements. Often, when some people hear the word "psychic," the only
thing that comes to mind is clairvoyance. However, there is a slight
difference between the two. Clairvoyance isn't the only thing it takes to be
psychic. When someone says they are psychic, it doesn't automatically mean
that they are clairvoyant; they may be clairsentient or claircognizant. Psychic
is a broad term, and clairvoyance happens to fall under that term.
Often, clairvoyants receive their spiritual messages in the form of a screen
that contains symbols and pictures. Or it may be the visual outline of a person
with specific traits. It may also come up as a warning of something that will
happen in the future. You can tell their unique individual characteristics when
you see a person because it will appear visually. You may also be able to see
something that will happen in the future. It doesn't matter if the message
appears on a screen or not, though. As long as you receive your messages in
the form of visuals, your dominant psychic sense is clairvoyance. Psychic
mediums who see visions and receive messages from the spirit worlds are
typically spiritual telepaths. They can communicate with the spirit world
through their mind's eye.
As a telepath, if your dominant psychic sense is clairvoyance, it means that
you will be very good at mental impressing, which is the ability to
telepathically plant visual information in people's minds.
Clairsentience literally means "clear feeling." It is the psychic ability to feel
the energy. If you are the type of person who enters a room and becomes
immediately bombarded with the different energies in the room, as you can
just feel them, then you are clairsentient. If you can sense what another
person is thinking or feeling, this is another possible sign. Clairsentients are
highly sensitive people because they “feel” energy instead of seeing or
hearing it. You may also refer to clairsentience as "gut feeling." When you
meet a new person and immediately feel relaxed with them, your
clairsentience sense is at work; when you meet someone and they “feel” off
to you, that is also your clairsentient sense.
A clairsentient is a person with the ability to feel what is hidden from the
physical senses. As someone whose dominant psychic sense is clairsentience,
you can feel positive and negative emotions from people and spirits, as well
as everything that has energy coursing through them in the cosmos.
Everything in the world is made up of energy. Most people cannot see the
energy, but it is always radiating around every one of us at all times. When
you “feel” a kind of way about another individual, that is their energy you are
feeling. Just like clairvoyants can see energy, clairsentients can feel the
energy. Being clairsentient means that you can feel the energy with accuracy.
In other words, you can accurately decipher what it is you are feeling from
another person. Everyone is born to feel the energy, but not everyone has
clairsentience as their dominant psychic sense. An intriguing thing about
being clairsentient is that you don't just sense what is happening in the
present; you can also feel the past and future emotional states of others. This
means that you may be able to sense their future. Like all the other psychic
senses, clairsentience is also associated with the sixth sense, your sense of
Clairsentients are affected by different influences. However, it all boils down
to sensitivity. They are highly sensitive to changes in energy around them, no
matter how subtle. Having clairsentience as your dominant sense means that
you can feel inner and outer energy in ways that others cannot, even when
they do have that sense too. The energy you feel ranges from feelings to
spiritual objects, perceptions, and the future.
If you are clairsentient, you may be able to telepathically communicate
through feelings. For example, clairsentient telepaths tend to feel when
someone is in danger, regardless of their distance.
Note: Clairsentients are often confused for empaths, but there is a slight
difference between the two. Empaths are people who are highly sensitive to
the feelings and emotions of others. Clairsentients tend to be empaths
because they are also sensitive to feelings. However, clairsentients are
different because they feel energy across the universe, not just from their
Claircognizance is clear knowing. This is the psychic sense dominant in
people who learn about people, events, and other things psychically.
Claircognizants just know things. If you have ever wondered how you just
happen to know things about others for no reason, you are cognizant. The
knowledge comes from the spirits, but you cannot know this when you aren't
spiritually inclined. You simply spend your time wondering how you know
things. Claircognizance is an impressive psychic sense because things
literally just fall out of nowhere into your mind. You have no practical
explanation for where these things are from and why they are coming to you
Let's say you are headed home from work. You have the regular route that
you pass every day. There is another route, but you never use that route. On
this fortunate day, for no reason, you just decide that you will follow the
route you never use. Even your coworker is surprised, and they try to
convince you to just follow the regular route you always go through. But
something just tells you to go through the second route; so, off you go. The
second route is longer than the first one, making you get home 5 minutes later
than you usually would. On getting home, you settle on the couch and turn on
the TV. What do you find on the TV? A news broadcast about a blockade on
your regular route. People are stuck in traffic, and it doesn't seem like it
would be clearing anytime soon. Amazed, you chuckle and thank your luck
for helping you.
Well, that is less of your luck and more of your cognizance sense. Even
though you don't consciously realize it, your spirit guide dropped knowledge
about the blockade in your mind. That is why you decided to leave your usual
route for the second one.
If people always come to you when they have a problem, this may signify
that you are claircognizant. People come to you because they believe you'd
“know” the solution. As a claircognizant person, you have the gift to
immediately tell a fake person from a real one. You don't even have to feel a
way about them; you just know. How do you tell if claircognizance is your
dominant psychic sense? It's easy; pay attention and see if information
appears in your head out of nowhere. Also, see how you feel about the
information you receive. If your heart is true and real to them, you might be
claircognizant. The significant difference between clairvoyants and
claircognizants is whereas clairvoyants see things, claircognizants know
things. They don't need to see something before they know it.
Claircognizance is one of the vital psychic senses that you need to utilize
your telepathy gift.
Clairaudience is the fourth psychic sense, and it literally translates to "clear
hearing." This is one sense that you really have to develop if you want to use
your telepathic abilities. It does not matter whether it is your dominant
psychic sense or not. If you are clairaudient, it means that you can hear things
beyond the physical or normal range. You intuitively receive information and
guidance from spirits and other beings outside of the material realm via
hearing. This does not mean that you only hear things that are happening in
the spiritual realms, though. What it means is that you can hear things that the
ordinary five senses cannot pick up. For instance, you can hear another
person's thoughts as clearly as if they were speaking out loud. If you aren't
psychically aware, you might even feel like you are going crazy. The very
thought of this can be frightening, which is why it helps to be psychically
If you are clairaudient, the information will come to you in a variety of ways.
For one, the information might come as unintelligible sounds. The sounds
may be names, phrases, words, and even lyrics of music. When your
clairaudient sense is awakening, you will experience a range of sensations
from ringing or buzzing in your ears to pressure on your ears. Eventually, you
may start hearing voices in your head. Naturally, the voices you hear will be
different from the ones that you usually hear. It may sound as if another
person is speaking directly into your head from beside you. Or it may sound
like an echo from another dimensional plane. Don't be surprised if the voice
also sounds like that of a loved one who is no longer with you on earth.
Many people are born to be clairaudient, which means that clairaudience is
typically their dominant psychic ability. However, even if you aren't born as a
clairaudient, you can acquire the skill through practice and consistency. Note
that clairaudient messages can be received in four different ways. The first
way is through your own very voice. This form of the message is subtle, and
you may appear to be having a dialogue in your mind. But really, the voice
you are hearing is that of your spirit guide or any other spirit. This is different
from the inner guidance you receive when you are attuned with your higher
self. You have to learn how to differentiate between the inner guidance and
the voice of clairaudience.
The second way clairaudient messages are received is through spirit voices.
Remember that these are all forms of telepathic communication. If you aren't
receiving messages telepathically through your own voice, you may be
receiving through the voices of the spirits. These usually sound like the
voices of loved ones and acquaintances that have passed away. You will hear
it exactly as it was when they were present with you on earth. Another way
you may receive clairaudient messages is through sounds. For instance, you
may hear your name when you are alone. You can also hear noises,
whispering, talking, or the sound of the radio. The critical thing to note here
is that the sound you hear will make sense to you. If you can't find the source
of the noise physically, the message may be generated by a spirit nearby.
Finally, clairaudient messages sometimes come as warnings. In cases of
distress, you may hear a message out loud even when no one around you has
said anything. This may be anything from ringing to yelling. Pay attention to
things such as these.
Besides these four senses, which are considered the primary psychic senses,
there are two other senses you should pay attention to.
Clairalience is a sense of clear smelling. It is when you can smell odors that
have no physical presence. For example, when someone is near you, one of
the things you smell from them could be the scent of their perfume. However,
if you have the gift of clairalience, you will be able to smell their perfume
even when they are nowhere around you. You will also be able to smell it
when none of their possessions, such as clothes, is with you. When you smell
something from someone you know in their absence, it means that their
energy is actually around you. Whatever you smell is from the energy in your
environment. If your dominant psychic ability is clairalience, your sense of
smell can be compelling and overwhelming. A strong and powerful sense of
smell may connect you to past or future events or memories. Usually, the
odor or fragrance you smell is from the spirit world. It suggests that the spirit
is trying to communicate with you. The smell may be related to the spirit. For
instance, you may smell a person's favorite tobacco when they were alive. Or,
as I said before, it may be their perfume.
While clairalience isn't mainly a sense you require to be a telepath, it can
definitely come in handy.
Clairgustance is a sense of clear tasting. It refers to the ability to taste things
that aren't really in the physical realm with you. Spirits can transmit messages
in the form of flavors. Usually, the flavor will be something they loved while
they were alive in the physical world. Your clairgustance sense may come to
you as a surprise because the accompanying experience usually is sudden and
out-of-the-blue. Sometimes, it comes when a deceased relative attempts to
trigger a memory of an event or any other thing associated with a specific
food or flavor that was once their favorite food. Or it could be your own
favorite food that they used to make for you. There was a time I simply used
to taste banana in my mouth even when I hadn't had a banana in a while. You
may have experienced this before, as it is quite a common occurrence.
Now that you know all the six psychic senses, the next step is to identify your
dominant psychic sense to learn how this will help you will your telepathic
awakening. Usually, most people's dominant psychic sense is either
clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, or clairaudience. Clairgustance
and clairalience tend to be complimentary psychic senses. The simple
exercise below will help you recognize your dominant psychic sense.
Sit in a comfortable room with no distractions.
Begin scanning the length and breadth of the room. Ensure you
pay attention to all the details in the room, no matter how trivial
the detail appears to be. More importantly, note the sounds, sights,
and scents in the space.
Now, gently close your eyes. Focus on the in and out of your
breath. Make your breaths slow and deep as you try to review the
things you noticed while scanning the room. Did something, in
particular, stand out to you because of its appearance? Was it the
sound of something that stood out? Did any strong feeling register
in your tummy as you scanned?
Pay attention to how you feel about the energies in the space.
This little exercise is called an environmental scan. It can help
you ascertain which of the Clair senses we have just discussed is
your dominant psychic sense. You shouldn't practice this exercise
in just one place. Ensure you do it in different areas, from the park
to the bar to your workplace and even the subway. The more aware
you are of your immediate surrounding, the easier it will be to
notice shifts in energy around you. You will also be able to find
out whether you see, feel, hear, or just know that there has been a
shift in the energy around you. As you read on, you will learn how
to unlock your dominant psychic skill for telepathy practices.
Chapter Six: Using Meditation to Open Up
One of the things that have been made clear right from the beginning of this
book is that telepathy cannot occur in a chaotic mind. After all, how are you
supposed to send or receive telepathic messages if your mind is in a constant
state of chatter and noise? Telepathic messages can only be received when
you've trained your mind to always remain in a state of calm and quiet,
regardless of where you are or what you are doing. Using your psychic skills
requires you to be present in the moment. Without being present, there is no
way you can notice or observe the shifts in energies around you. Mindfulness
is a vital part of using your psychic gifts.
As you should already know, meditation is the number one tool for calming
the mind. Whether you want to learn how to see energy, read energy, or
communicate with the spiritual realms, you cannot do all these unless you
make meditation a consistent part of your routine. To awaken your psychic
senses and the spiritual part of yourself, you need to understand the power of
meditation. The first step to using your psychic senses is to become in tune
with your inner self. Communicating with your inner self or your higher self
is the first practice you will have in developing your telepathy. The more in
tune you are with yourself, the more your psychic senses open up, and the
clearer your gift of telepathy becomes to you. Therefore, meditation is a vital
part of the steps you need to awaken your dormant powers.
There are different types of meditation. However, you only need two to open
up your psychic senses. The first is spiritual meditation, which you may also
call transcendental meditation. The second is chakra meditation. If you
remember, I said that the chakras are your body's energy system. The third-
eye chakra, which is the sixth sense connected to all psychic abilities, is part
of the chakra system. Unless the chakras are balanced, aligned, and in a
healthy state, it would be impossible to use your psychic senses or your
telepathy gift. Even if the third-eye chakra is in an excellent state, other
chakras can still affect your ability to send and receive telepathic messages.
This is precisely why you must learn how to use chakra meditation to keep
your chakras open to the flow of vital energy at all times. Unless energy is
flowing through your chakras as it should, your physical body will be in a
state of unrest and illness.
Spiritual Meditation
If you have never tried spiritual meditation before, it can be challenging to
understand just how helpful meditation can be in developing your psychic
senses. In the chapter where I talked about the benefits of using your
telepathy gift, I mentioned many benefits directly tied to meditation. You
should never forget about meditation because it is all about becoming
intimately aware of yourself. As I have said, becoming aware of yourself is
one step you must take towards awakening your psychic senses.
Spiritual meditation is a wholesome experience that unravels the very depth
of who you are. This form of meditation strips away all the misinformed
perceptions you may have about yourself to show you your real self. Spiritual
meditation opens you up to your true self, whom you may have been hiding
from. For instance, if you have always suspected that you have psychic
abilities but have been shying away out of fear or anything else, meditation
can help you see yourself for who you really are. This will allow you to stop
running from your abilities and gifts. Spiritual meditation grounds you in the
present, which is precisely where you need to be if you want to attune to the
energies around you. Naturally, you may be wondering what exactly you
have to gain from meditation. Well, there are several things to gain, and all
will prove helpful in your telepathic journey.
The biggest gain from meditation is probably the fact that it unplugs you
from the material world's frenetic energy. When you meditate, you are
slowing down and detaching yourself from all the franticness of the world
you live in. This helps you focus on what's within you, opening up your path
to perception. When this happens, you get to know yourself and the “you”
within yourself awakens. You become more aware of the present, and you let
go of thoughts of the past and the future. You ground yourself in the present
As humans, the root of our worldly suffering is the belief that we are a
distinct entity from the Creator and the people around us. Contrary to what
you may believe, you are not merely a composition of body, mind, feelings,
and memories. You are much more than that. However, this false belief
becomes ingrained in our unconscious mind, creating pain with it. Meditation
helps you to become aware of this damaging belief so that you can let it go. If
you don't let it go, the pain can obstruct you from unlocking your powers and
abilities, all of which come from the connection you share with your Creator.
Meditation awakens your inherent desire to understand and embrace the truth
of your being. You become willing to accept the gifts you have. Acceptance
is crucial to using your telepathy skills. Without acceptance, you are
unconsciously blocking yourself from attaining a level that has been naturally
bestowed on you.
Below, I have some spiritual meditation practices that you can incorporate
into your daily routine to awaken your true self, and in the process, your
psychic senses. You can do these exercises individually or combine them if
that is what you want. The best way to use these meditation exercises is to
begin with the breathing meditation exercise and then follow it up with the
other exercises. Take it slowly and add the exercises to your routine one by
one. You can meditate at any time of the day. I do my meditations upon
waking up every morning and before I retire to bed every evening. I
recommend that you follow this schedule too. Then, you can practice any
other time of the day if you feel the urge. The more comfortable you become
with meditation, the easier you will find it to meditate every day.
Before you begin daily meditation, I suggest that you set up a meditation
space in one part of your home. This space should be in the quietest part of
your home, somewhere you are less likely to be interrupted and distracted.
Whenever you have to meditate, ensure that your eyes are alone and your
mobile gadgets are all turned off. This will help you keep technological
distractions away. Also, your eyes must be closed for all of the meditation
exercises. You may start meditation with just 5 to 10 minutes sessions every
day. So, you do your meditations for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning and then
another 5 to 10 minutes in the evening. Gradually, you can build up the
duration of your meditation exercises to 30 minutes. Don't be afraid to build
up to 60 minutes if you can. The more you focus on tuning in with the light
within you, the more it will reflect in your physical life. More importantly,
the more heightened your psychic senses will be.
Basic Breathing Meditation
As the name implies, this is an essential meditation exercise that can get you
started on the journey to unlocking your psychic senses. But don't let the
seeming simplicity of the breathing meditation delude you into
underestimating its power and effectiveness. This meditation is all about
paying attention to your breath. Simple, right? Well, it is simple, but it can
also be incredibly hard to master. The mind is a very distracting organ. As
you try to focus on your breathing, your thoughts will try to take you away
from the present. When you focus on your breath, you are removing yourself
from the physical world and bringing yourself to focus on what is inside you.
Gradually, your mind will start to calm and settle. As your ego-mind
withdraws, you become open to a deeper part of yourself. Awareness begins
to unfold. On just the surface level, basic breathing meditation is quite
powerful. It can facilitate healing for your physical body. The best way to do
this exercise is to focus on your breath without changing how you breathe.
By doing this, you accept yourself and give yourself a chance to be just as
you are. The longer this meditation is, the calmer your mind becomes. When
your mind reaches a certain level of calm, your psychic senses become more
alert and heightened. At that moment, sending and receiving a telepathic
message becomes very easy and quick. How do you do the basic breathing
Go to your meditation place and assume a comfortable sitting
position on the ground or chair. It doesn't matter which one you
use, but I recommend using the ground as a beginner. Eventually,
you will be able to meditate even while you are standing or in any
place at all. However, if you are new to meditation, it is best to
practice in a space where there will be little to no distractions.
Close your eyes gently. Pay attention to your sitting position and
see if any part of you feels uncomfortable. Adjust your body until
you are entirely confident that you are comfortable.
Now, bring your attention to your breathing. Focus on the
rhythm of your breathing. Do not attempt to change the way you
are breathing. For instance, don't try to make your breathing
slower. Even if you don't do this, your breathing will later slow
down and become more profound.
Do not take your focus away from your breathing. Let it remain
as it is. Even if it shifts, remain focused. Let your body breathe
precisely as it wants to. The only thing you are required to do is
focus on your breathing. Notice as you inhale and exhale. Be with
your breath.
Naturally, you will find your thoughts wandering off as you
focus on your breathing. Every time this happens, gently call your
attention back to the present with no judgment.
When you first begin this meditation, you may notice that your
mind continually shifts away from breathing. Don't blame yourself
for this. It is a very normal part of the process. Just bring your
attention back every time it drifts away. Over time, you will be
able to meditate without having your mind drift off so frequently.
The more practice you put in, the better you will become at
calming your mind to receive psychic messages.
Mindfulness Meditation
The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to help you realize the importance
of the present. This meditation helps you learn that time is an illusion that
exists to distract you from the present. The present is the most important
thing to focus on at any point in time. When you focus on the moment, you
let go of your ego – the one thing keeping you from actualizing your full
potentials. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to focus on the NOW.
Essentially, this is what you need to master if you want to experience your
true self as it is. This meditation stills the chatter and noises of your mind so
that you can gain access to your deeper consciousness. The telepathic
spiritual message often comes in different forms when one is focused on the
present and not the past or the future. Being present in the moment is the key
to accessing reality.
Start mindfulness meditation by first practicing the simple
breathing exercise detailed above. Let go of all the thoughts, fears,
and worries that may hold you back from accessing your deeper
consciousness. Forget everything you think you know and focus on
the things you are trying to know.
Imagine a table in front of you. Imagine yourself putting all of
your fears, concerns, worries, and burdens on this table. Cast them
on the table one by one.
Take a vacation from all your perceptions of yourself, as well as
other people's perception of you. Let go of the person you think
yourself to be, the person you want yourself to be, and the person
other people think you are. Let it all go and feel yourself become
free and light.
Now, focus on the moment. Pay attention to the sensations in
your body. Notice any sound, smell, and everything else your
senses are picking up in your environment.
Every time a concern or thought comes to mind during your
meditation, put it on the table before you.
Allow yourself to sink deep into yourself; go past the surface
chatter in your mind. Observe your thoughts as they float around in
your mind but don't try to get involved with them. Just let them
While in this meditative state, you may feel a strain, as if you expect
something to happen. Let this go as well and let your attention remain on the
present. Be still, aware, and open to any psychic experience that may happen
at that moment.
Remember that the purpose of these meditation exercises is not to use
telepathy. The purpose is to help you open up your psychic senses so that you
can use your gift. Unless the senses are open, this would be impossible.
Chakra Meditation
I have seen many supposed psychics say that you don't need to train your
chakras to send and receive telepathic messages. This may appear valid to
someone who has no knowledge of how psychic gifts work. Of course, the
third-eye chakra is the chakra tied to psychic abilities from clairvoyance to
clairaudience. Essentially, the third-eye chakra is the most important chakra
for the use of psychic gifts. However, the third-eye chakra is part of a vital
energy system. Even if you open your third-eye chakra, you will not be able
to use your psychic senses as long as the other chakras are closed, blocked, or
unaligned with the third-eye chakra. To successfully use your telepathy skill,
you need to ensure that all your seven chakras are in a state of alignment.
Plus, if you remember clearly, the solar plexus chakra is partly responsible
for instinctual telepathy. The third-eye chakra makes mental telepathy and its
four activities possible. Spiritual telepathy cannot be possible unless your
crown chakra is awakened and aligned with the rest of the chakras. Therefore
the chakra system as a whole has a crucial role to play in your ability to
actualize your full psychic potential. Basically, we have seven chakras that
make up your energy centers:
The Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third-Eye Chakra
Crown chakra
These seven chakras must always remain in a balanced and aligned state for
your spiritual awakening to take place and your telepathic gift to unlock.
More importantly, they must also be open to the flow of vital energy at all
times. This is especially important to keep your physical, emotional, and
spiritual body in the utmost health.
Below is a simple meditation exercise to open, balance, and align your seven
chakras to enhance your psychic experiences. This should be done in the
meditation space that we previously talked about.
Sit in a comfortable position in your meditation space. Sit with
your spine in an upright position without feeling rigid. Focus on
your body, starting from the feet and working your way up. Pay
attention to the sensation in each part of your body as you focus
and feel the tension melt away.
Next, focus on your breath. Gently pay attention as you inhale
and exhale. You will notice that your breathing will become deeper
and steadier. Picture the oxygen going into your lungs, traveling to
every part of your body, from cell to organ to muscle.
Now, visualize the beating of your heart and your heart chakra
with it. Focus on the harmony in your body. Observe as all the
parts come together to work as one. Pay attention to how your
breath is giving life to every part of your body.
It is time to bring attention to each of your seven chakras one by
one. The point is to influx energy into each chakra as you focus on
it. Begin with your root chakra, which is in the base of your spine.
Visualize a body of energy swirling in a clockwise way and feel as
the energy going in and out of your breath feeds this body of
energy and makes it bigger and brighter.
From the root chakra, move to your sacral chakra and do the
same thing. Do this one at a time, from the sacral to the solar
plexus chakra, until energy fills each chakra. Infuse each chakra
with your life force energy. Note that it doesn't matter how much
time you spend doing this. Take as much time as you need.
The best way to do this is to work from the bottom to the highest
chakra. Don't do the meditation the other way around, as this can
result in an adverse effect.
Once you have worked your way up to the highest chakra, your
crown chakra, the final step is to visualize all your seven chakras
getting fed by the ball of energy. As you do this, the chakras
should come together to become more prominent, brighter,
healthier, and more transparent. They should be supercharged and
filled with energy.
Finally, open your eyes and remain in your meditation position for a while
until you feel relaxed to move. Notice how your body feels newly refreshed
and revitalized. At that very moment, your psychic senses will be all open
and alert. Do the chakra meditation for 15 to 30 minutes any time you feel
like your chakras are blocked and hindering your psychic senses. You will
feel uplifted every time.
As you become more advanced in your spiritual and psychic journey, you
will be exposed to more advanced forms of meditation that will enhance your
abilities even more. Regardless of whether you are doing a basic or advanced
meditation, there are some key things that you must have in your mind at all
First, the position is just as important as meditation itself. A comfortable
position is a crucial part of any meditation, no matter the type of meditation.
One of the best ways to ensure you are in the most comfortable position for
your meditation is to stay away from the noise as much as possible. If
possible, you should surround yourself with the greenery of nature. If your
sitting position isn't comfortable, it would be difficult, maybe even
impossible, to achieve your meditation goal, which is to calm and quieten
your mind. However, your position shouldn't be so comfortable to where you
can easily drift off to sleep. One of the best positions is to sit upright on a
chair. If you are comfortable withstanding, you can stand with your back
against the wall. The bottom line is that you must choose a position that
works for you.
Second, when you meditate, you must immerse yourself in the process.
Typically, when you have a task to complete, you plan the process and then
execute it step by step. This is how we all complete our tasks. However, you
should never do this with meditation because it shouldn't feel like a task.
Meditation is something you should enjoy doing. Treating it like a task isn't
ideal. Even though there are steps to follow, you must still allow everything
to feel natural. Let the meditation take its course in an organic manner. Do
not try to control the ambiance or the process. Be passive and let the process
take charge. It should happen of its own accord. Don't be intent on getting it
right or meeting a specific outcome. Again, let the meditation flow naturally.
Third, you must always acknowledge your floating thoughts when you are
meditating. You cannot merely get rid of all your thoughts because you want
to focus on your meditation. It does not work like that. When I say "let go" of
your thought, this means you shouldn't bother engaging them, not ignore
them completely. It is natural for your mind to be abuzz with all kinds of
information while focusing on the present. The best way to deal with this is to
accept those thoughts. No matter how hard you try not to, you will inevitably
react to the thoughts.
To some extent, your thoughts will affect your concentration. The goal is not
to respond to the thought; you must not allow your thoughts to dictate the
meditation flow. This is where the challenge lies. Acknowledge your
thoughts without responding to them. Let them drift away so you can refocus
on your meditation.
As you sit there meditating, you may utter a prayer to the Divine. This doesn't
necessarily have to be tied with any religion. Just choose a prayer and direct
it to the Higher Being within yourself. The prayer can be anything you want
or like. For instance, you can utter a prayer that goes like, "In the name of the
Divine, I open myself up to the light, love, and the psychic doorway." This is
a prayer that is targeted at helping you awaken your senses and your gifts
quicker. You may also chant a mantra as you meditate. It all depends on what
you want for yourself. Actually, saying a prayer as you breathe in and out can
help you focus on your breathing and the present, which is the meditation's
whole point.
Think of meditation as an opportunity for you to reflect on yourself. Tune in
to your physical body and the sensations going through it as you meditate. Be
in tune with your awareness and your presence in your meditative space. Be
conscious of the flow of energy in your environment. Notice how you feel
throughout the meditation. Your body will feel lighter; pay attention to the
lightness. Accept your body's reaction to meditation.
Keep in mind that these meditation exercises' primary benefit is helping you
calm your thoughts and emotions. In other words, the point is to get rid of the
mental chatter, open up your psychic portals, and prepare yourself for a
telepathic experience. Meditation will help you connect with your higher
consciousness to tune in to the cosmos and everything within it.
Chapter Seven: Opening Your Third Eye
The third eye is the doorway to higher consciousness, the place where you
gain the ability to see into other's souls, as well as your own. All the psychic
skills we talked about in Chapter Five originate from intuition. The third-eye
chakra is the seat of intuition. Without the third eye, there would be nothing
like intuition or psychic gifts. Unless you open your third eye, you cannot
unlock your telepathy. Opening your third eye means you have attained a
level of enlightenment above any other you know. You may also call the
third eye the inner eye or the Ajna. In Hindu tradition, they call the third eye
the "eye of knowledge," which is the perfect way to sum up the third eye's
function or ability. Any knowledge you receive via your clairvoyance,
clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance senses comes through your
third eye because it is the pathway to enlightenment.
Opening the third eye isn't something you do once. It is a process that
requires consistent meditation. When you start trying to open your third-eye
chakra, it may feel like it is opening first. You may start to get the familiar
sensations in the location of your third eye. And then, the sensations all
vanish suddenly and may not come back until months later. This can be
discouraging, but if you are truly ready, you will be able to exercise patience
until the third eye opens up again. The process is usually full of trials and
errors, which you must be mentally prepared for. But it doesn't happen until
you are ready. So, if you don't think you are ready for the awakening of your
third-eye chakra, you shouldn't bother with the process at all. If you open
your third eye without ensuring that you are ready for it, you may experience
different adverse effects.
As you already know, your third eye is located in the area between your
eyebrows, although slightly higher. Basically, your third eye is on your
forehead. That central point between your eyebrows is the seat of your inner
wisdom, imagination, and intuition. Naturally, you cannot physically observe
the third eye as you would your physical eyes. However, you can envision it
using a visualization exercise.
Your third eye, as you can probably tell from the name, is responsible for:
How you form gut feelings and experience instincts
Your ability to see the bigger picture in life
Creating a balance between emotion and logic
Therefore, when the third eye is open, you can use your intuition and inner
wisdom to perceive and understand the things that defy logic. There is a
profound difference in how you feel when your third eye is open and how
you feel when it is closed.
Opening the third eye is incredible, but it also comes with many side effects
that most people fail to consider. Before you start working on opening your
third eye, you should understand the side effects and how best to handle them
when they start pouring in. Awakening your third eye comes with many
uncomfortable experiences that can turn you off the process if you aren't
prepared for them. Going into the process without being prepared may result
in you opting to close your third eye forever, and that is not something I want
for you. As I have said, we all have a third eye. But just because everyone has
a third eye does not mean we will experience the third eye's awakening in the
same way. The sensations are more intense for some people than others. The
point is to give you forewarning for the experience and outline techniques
you can use to ensure your third eye is a source of enlightenment instead of
Interestingly, some people have already awakened their third eye without
realizing it. Innocently, they work on third eye exercises, trying to awaken an
already opened third eye. Usually this happens because they have repressed
their awareness of the awakening out of fear. If you have real gut feelings all
the time, your third eye may already be wholly or partly open. No matter how
you try to suppress your third eye, you will still get intuitive messages and
gut feelings as long as it remains open. The more you get "baseless" intuitive
messages that turn up accurate, the higher the possibility of your third eye
being open already.
Apart from the fact that opening your third eye causes intense and powerful
gut feelings, it results in several other side effects that are not physically
comfortable. Here are some side effects to watch out for when you start
working on opening your third eye.
A mild feeling of pressure in your forehead, specifically the area
between your eyebrows. This sensation may be similar to the
sensation you would get if someone gently presses their finger
between your eyebrows.
You get visuals in your mind or dream about things right before
that happens.
Your environment seems sharper, and you sense brighter colors.
The third eye allows you to assimilate details that you would
ordinarily miss with your routine human eyes. The sharp
environment can be overwhelming and intense when the third eye
Frequent headaches that could almost count as migraines,
depending on how intense the awakening is. The headache may
feel like you have a band wrapped around your head or pressure on
your temple. This often happens due to your psychic senses'
opening, which makes your mind sharper than ever.
Opening your third eye may seem complicated and almost impossible if your
chakras or the third-eye chakra is blocked. You may also struggle due to an
imbalance of the chakras, which is why I talked about chakra meditation to
help you keep your chakras open, balanced, and aligned. Unless you get rid
of the blockages in your third eye chakra, you cannot access your powers to
their full potentials. Blockage and imbalance in the chakra can be caused by
stress, exhaustion, resistance to your gifts, anxiety, and repeated conflicts.
Remember that the third-eye chakra can be overactive or underactive, so you
must pay attention to the cues you receive. If your third eye is underactive,
you may struggle to unlock your psychic senses or concentrate. You may also
feel anxious and disconnected from the world and the people around you. But
if your third eye chakra is overactive, you may feel foggy and out of tune
with reality. The best thing is to have the third eye chakra in a state of
balance where it is neither underactive nor overactive.
What will happen when you do open your third eye?
Naturally, everyone has different reasons they want to open their third eye.
At the base of it all is the desire to unlock the pathway to higher
consciousness and enlightenment. Here are some things to expect from
opening your eyes. The experience can be overwhelming and intense, so don't
forget to use meditation to make it easier.
Intense Dreams and Nightmares
If you open your third eye without being ready or knowing what to expect, it
will severely affect your sleep. You may have intense dreams and
nightmares. If you don't get enough sleep, this will leave you feeling
dehydrated and fatigued every morning. What makes this particularly intense
is that you may keep seeing the images from your dream or nightmare in your
head. This makes it difficult for you to concentrate on anything or even relax.
When you have a disrupted sleep schedule, every other aspect of your daily
life will be disrupted as well.
Meditating every night before you go to sleep can help you counter this side
effect of opening your third eye. By meditating before sleep, you put your
mind in a state of calm and balance that makes it less possible for your third
eye to act erratically. Additionally, you can keep a dream journal to monitor
whatever happens in your dream while you are asleep. The good thing about
vivid dreams is that they never really go away at once. So, even when you
wake up, you will still remember your dream as clearly as if you were still
dreaming. Keeping a dream journal can help you decipher any reoccurring
theme in your dreams and nightmares. If you process and understand the
imagery and symbolism that appear in your dreams, your third eye will
automatically stop flooding you with the same thing every night. The
important thing to never forget here is that there is always a message
embedded in any vivid dreams you have. So, put in the work to uncover that
Frighteningly Accurate Intuition
Forget gut feelings. When your third eye starts opening, you may become
scared of yourself due to your intuitions' accuracy. When you have just
opened your third eye, your gift will feel more like a burden to you. This is
normal and understandable. You will become so good at predicting the future
and others' behavior that you feel unnerved. You may feel daunted by the
sheer accuracy of everything you see, and this may even prompt you to want
to close your third eye. If you feel like this, remember why you started in the
first place and bring your attention back to how your gift can help you and
the people around you. Over time, you will become used to being accurate all
the time, and you will no longer feel unnerved or daunted. Whatever happens,
don't repress the intuitions you receive. You can reduce the intuitions'
frequency by learning to open and close the psychic pathway at will. Trying
to push them away or repress them might increase their frequency and
intensity. Remind yourself why you chose to open your third eye and all the
good things you can achieve by keeping it open. Never forget that it is the
key to being more informed about your future.
Most people report developing a feeling of fearlessness after opening their
third eye. Some say they feel almost invincible, like superman. If you feel
this same way, know that it is very typical and expected. Opening your third
eye is profoundly empowering and can result in a surge in your self-
confidence. If you don't pay attention, though, the feeling of fearlessness can
become unhealthy.
Contrary to what many people believe, fear is a necessary and essential
emotion; it is crucial to your survival. First of all, understand that opening
your third eye doesn't make you superman or superwoman; it doesn't make
you invincible. Secondly, do not discard the rational or logical part of your
mind because of your new-found enlightenment. Remember that the third eye
is supposed to be the balance between logic and emotion. When necessary,
ensure you engage the logical part of your third eye instead of relying entirely
on intuition.
What happens when the third eye is overactive?
The result of having an overactive third eye is usually intense psychic and
psychological distress. The third eye becomes overactive when there is an
energy overdrive. As a result, you may feel as though you are lost in a sea of
visions. You may be continuously bombarded with pieces of information
with little or nothing to do with you and the people around you. If you don't
ground yourself well enough, an overactive third eye can knock you off your
One of the most common signs of an overactive third eye is an
overindulgence of the fantasy world. Basically, one loses touch with reality
and becomes obsessed with a fantasy world. Another obvious sign is a fear of
the visions appearing and passing through one's mind’s eye. When you open
your third eye without getting support and balance from all the other chakras,
your third eye may become overactive because of the energy influx.
The never-ending flow of thoughts and visions from an overactive third eye
can be mentally overwhelming and exhausting. If you aren't careful, it may
disrupt your life. Consequentially, you may find it challenging to make the
simplest of decisions. This indecisiveness is the consequence of a lack of
clarity, clouded judgment, absence of focus, and an inability to separate
fantasy from reality. In this state, even when you receive psychic messages,
you may not make sense of them. An overactive third eye will manifest in
these ways:
Headaches that never go away
Inability to sleep
Vision problems
Sinus problems
Lack of mental clarity
Delusions and paranoia
Note that the point of discussing the effects of an overactive third eye is not
to scare you; instead, I want you to be enlightened before you take the big
step of opening your third eye. If the visions become insufferable, you can
quickly slow them down. You can communicate with the source of the
knowledge or guidance and humbly request more time to better yourself to
receive all the information. If your visions are getting out of hand, then you
should work on anchoring yourself to the Earth so that all the extra energies
can go into the earth. Your spirit guide will also be willing to offer protection
and guidance to make the experience more comfortable for you. Gently ask
your spirit guide to send the information in ways that make it more
comfortable to access, process, and understand.
Some ways to even out the energy in your third eye are to make positive and
healthy lifestyle changes. Incorporate whole foods into your diet and exercise
consistently. Other high vibrational practices that can help you balance the
third-eye chakra's energy so it is neither overactive nor underactive include
energy healing, Reiki healing, aromatherapy, etc.,
Now that you know everything to expect with the opening of the third eye
chakra, let's get to how you can open your third eye!
There are several techniques you can use for awakening your third eye
chakra. The first I want to talk about is the third-eye meditation.
Third-Eye Meditation
Meditation is basically to help you attune your consciousness or help you
awaken your third eye. Still, the third-eye meditation is specifically different
from other meditations we discussed in the previous chapter. While there are
similarities in the meditation, the differences are much more important to pay
attention to than the similarities. Everything I said about meditation from
location to position applies to your third-eye meditation. So, refer back to the
previous chapter if you need to.
Begin with your breathing exercise, as breathing is the
foundation for all types of meditation. Follow the instructions
under the breathing meditation guidelines in chapter six.
Empty your mind so you can focus on your third eye. Remember
that your third eye is located in the center of your forehead. Below
your eyelids, try moving your eyes upward to the location of your
third eye. Let them remain there as you continue with your
breathing exercise to maintain focus. Count backward from 100 to
1 as you focus. Don't be discouraged if you don't find your third
eye instantly. Just focus on meditating and counting the numbers.
Once you finish counting from 100 backward, you should be in
the right state of mind to access your third eye. When you maintain
your focus well enough, you will sense darkness everywhere,
excluding the third eye. The light will be on, which suggests that
your third eye is activating. Once your third eye becomes
awakened and activated, you will observe that your brain is relaxed
and functioning at a higher level than usual. The left and right
hemispheres of your brain will be in sync, and you will be hyper-
aware of the energy in your environment.
If you feel energy coursing in and around your body, it means
that you have awakened your third eye. If you can focus intensely
on a visualized image without your mind getting distracted by
anything else, this is another sign that your third eye is alive.
Next, you have to allow yourself to experience the third eye.
People react differently to the awakening of the third eye. You,
like some people, may experience flashing visuals passing through
your mind. The visuals may be images of people, nature, wildlife,
and other scenes that you have likely seen before. People who have
experienced this typically describe it as seeing one's thoughts as if
they were being presented on a whiteboard.
Remain focused on your third eye for at least 10 minutes. You
may experience a mild headache the first time you try to awaken
your third eye. Don't be scared – the more you practice, the fewer
headaches you will experience. Try to visualize and focus on a
specific image or object as you take in the experience. The point of
this is to center your mind and help you stay in the moment.
After 10 to 15 minutes, slowly call yourself out of your
meditation. Take your focus away from your third eye back to your
breath. Become aware of your breathing and focus on it as it goes
in and out of your nostrils. You may count from 100 to 1 once
again. Doing this will help you focus as you bring yourself out of
The third-eye activation may be slow or fast for you, depending on several
factors. However, the timeframe doesn't really matter as long as you do it the
right way. You can hasten the process of awakening your third eye by
practicing the third-eye meditation every day. Daily practice makes activation
much more accessible and possibly quicker. Don't forget to use mental focus
to improve concentration and keep the mind's eye open. You may also
practice some Hatha Yoga, which is very helpful with the seven chakras'
balancing and alignment. As you practice your meditation, don't forget to
remain in touch with your inner self. This should be the most critical aspect
of your practice.
Sharpening Your Intuition
After opening your third eye with the meditation above, there are other ways
to ensure that your third eye stays in great shape. Since the third eye is the
intuition's seat, strengthening the third eye starts with sharpening your
I like to recommend to people to start by fostering silence of the mind. You
may be thinking, "Oh, isn't that what meditation is all about?" Yes,
meditation is all about helping your mind cultivate silence. But you cannot be
meditating every minute of the day, especially if you have to work or go to
school. So, your best option is to find other ways to cultivate silence of the
mind. Fostering silence means readying your mind for psychic messages at
any time. Telepathic messages don't tell you before they pop in, so you have
to be ready to receive or send them at all times. If your mind hasn't learned to
be silent, you will miss many crucial messages. You can foster silence by
sitting in nature or taking a walk in a park or forest. You can also do it by
absorbing yourself in your favorite sport or art. This brings me to how
creativity can help you sharpen your intuition.
Nurturing your creative side can help develop and enhance your intuition.
Open yourself up to creativity and let it flow through you freely. Let your
imagination loose or immerse yourself in activities that require you to be
creative. For example, learn a new art such as painting or sketching. As you
practice this new craft, allow inspiration to flow from your third eye through
your hands. You will be surprised at the results you achieve. Creativity
loosens your rational mind. Your rational mind is part of what contributes to
the mental chatter in your head. It is always there to comment on every step
you take, right or wrong. It is that part of you that wants to control your
actions to achieve a specific outcome. When you get creative, you are
hushing this part of your mind and preventing it from dictating how reality
should be to you. More importantly, you are opening yourself up to
possibilities. By doing this, you are allowing your third eye to unravel and
Affirmations are great for targeting and replacing a negative belief system
that could potentially impact your third eye. The purpose of third-eye
affirmations is to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. They are
instrumental in balancing your third-eye chakra and sharpening your intuitive
senses. Third-eye affirmations should be created to focus on your guts,
instincts, spirituality, and a sense of purpose. Here are some effective third-
eye affirmations to help enhance your intuitive senses.
"I open myself up to the guidance of my inner teacher."
"I am aware of my intuitions. I hear them. I feel them. I sense
them. I know they will guide me on my life purpose."
"I will make the right decisions in life and do so very easily."
"I believe in the guidance of my third eye."
"I am intuitive, and I know what is right from wrong."
"I am open to unlimited possibilities."
"The guidance of my third eye will lead me to my purpose."
You can be as creative as you want with your affirmations. The point is to
make sure they are all positive and geared towards developing and enhancing
your intuition.
The color of the third-eye chakra is purple. You can get purple energy stones
and jewelry to keep your third-eye chakra open and heal it when necessary.
Any time your chakra feels like it is blocked, simply wear your jewelry with
purple energy stones. Or you can get large energy crystals and keep them in
your pocket, home, or office. Whenever you need to heal or unblock your
third-eye chakra, pick up the crystal., gently squeeze, and focus on it for
some minutes. Some of the best stones and crystals include amethyst, black
obsidian, and purple fluorite.
Some foods are incredibly helpful at helping people hone their intuitive
senses. Each chakra has one or more specific foods that help them remain
open and healthy. Some of the specific third-eye chakra foods to make a
consistent part of your diet include dark chocolate, omega-3, and basically
any purple vegetable or fruit. You may also add purple clothes to your
wardrobe and add touches of purple around your home.
As soon as you have successfully opened your third eye, the next big step for
you is to start sending telepathic messages. You should have fun and enjoy
the experience!
Chapter Eight: Sending Messages to Others
Once you have opened your third-eye chakra, sending telepathic messages
becomes more accessible. Before I get to the techniques you will be using to
send telepathic messages, I would like to acquaint you with a few things that
could hinder your success in the practice of telepathy. The first thing that
could make all your efforts futile is a lack of belief. Sure, you have been
reading this book about telepathy, but what is your conviction about
telepathy's existence or usability? If you do not believe in something, how
then can you use its powers? Your belief system is the very foundation of
your ability to send messages telepathically. If you do not believe it is
possible, then you will not be able to use telepathy. So, the first step is to
make sure of your belief. The moment you believe, everything else becomes
super easy. Being skeptical closes your mind to the experience you want to
have. While prepping yourself to send a message telepathically to another
person, believe that the message will reach the person you want.
Belief starts by overcoming your fear of not getting your desire in reality.
Many people start telepathy thinking, "Oh, I don't think I have the gift or
anything but let me try it and see anyway." They think like this because they
have been made to believe that telepathy is a gift that is only available to a
select handful of people. Of course, this is false. Telepathy is a natural gift
that is possessed by all of humankind. The critical difference is that most
people suppressed their childhood gift and can no longer access it due to
dormancy. This, precisely, is why I suggest you begin your journey into
telepathy by first opening up your psychic senses and start using them once
again. So fear is the basis of the lack of belief. To get started, you must let go
of your fear of failure. Fear hinders you from believing that you can have
what you want. When you really want something to happen in your life, you
let go of fear. You must let go of the negative beliefs so that you can enter the
highest vibrational state where your chakras are in a state of alignment. The
more confident you are in your ability to make it happen, the more you are
surrounded by positive energies.
Once you overcome your fear and believe in your ability, there is very little
stopping you from sending telepathic messages using any of the techniques
discussed below. Before you proceed, remember that telepathy isn't
something you master in one day or one night. If anyone tells you otherwise,
feel free to tell them you are not ignorant. Depending on how dormant your
6th sense has been, telepathy can take you days or months to achieve. You
can increase your chances by practicing a few minutes every day. Telepathy
requires a lot of time, patience, and practice. You are good to go if you are
willing to devote enough time to practice every day. So, be ready to put in at
least 20 to 25 minutes of practice every day. If you need more time than this
for practice, you can add more minutes. Your daily practice's duration is
subject to changes based on your personal schedule; adjust as needed.
First, you need someone to practice with every day. You are trying to send a
message telepathically, so you will need someone to receive that message.
The person you practice with should be near you. As a beginner, you
shouldn't try to practice over a distance. It is best to be in proximity to the
person you are sending a message to. Second, you need to ensure your mind
and body are in a state of relaxation before you go ahead. Sending a message
is much easier when you and your practice partner are both in a relaxed state.
Your receiver has to clear their mind of the roaming thoughts. Ensure you are
practicing with someone that shares your belief in what you are trying to do.
Otherwise, this other person may make the process unnecessarily
complicated. Visualization is a vital part of the process. So, practice a simple
visualization exercise every day to improve your ability to visualize.
Visualizing is an effective way of defining your thoughts and focusing them
on the present. Now, to the real deal:
Technique 1: Meditation for Telepathy
The room you want to use for this practice should be a place of solitude. It
could be your usual meditation room or another room you believe can get the
job done. The important thing is to ensure that the room you choose is
suitable for practice. If you have anyone around, tell them you would like to
be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. Go into the practice room with your
partner and lock the door. A locked room is less likely to be open to
distractions and disturbances.
Close your eyes and practice your breathing exercise. Start with
your normal breathing until your breathing becomes deeper and
Pay attention to the vibrations in all parts of your body.
Meditation is about feeling your own body. Feel the vibrations in
the soles of your feet and work your way up to the top of your
head. As you do this, you should feel every part of your body
relaxed and ready.
Once you have relaxed every part of your body, return your
attention to your breathing. The more you feel relaxed, the deeper
your breathing becomes. At this time, you may start seeing people,
things, wildlife, images, etc.,
Next, bring your attention to your third eye chakra, as instructed
in chapter seven. You may feel a tingle, an itch, or even a little
pain. Don't fight the sensations. Use the third-eye activation
meditation to open your third eye.
Once you have opened your third eye, visualize the person in the
room with you. Picture their third eye in your mind and focus on
the third eye. Imagine a purple circle in the place between their
brows. This represents their third eye.
Envision a ball of purple light coming out of your third-eye
chakra. Now, guide this ball of light towards the other person's
third eye. Direct the light into their chakra and watch as it enters.
The purpose of this is to establish a connection with the other
person. Without this connection, you cannot send them a message
telepathically. If you do the visualization right, you may
experience what is known as the “light body” phase, which is
when you feel like you are a body of light connecting with another
source of light.
If you successfully established that connection, then you are a
step closer to sending them a message. Whatever you want to say
to this person, visualize it going in through their third-eye chakra.
Feed the message into the opening for as long as needed. Note that
a short message is ideal for practice, especially on your first few
practices. The shorter the message, the easier it will be fed into
their third-eye chakra.
When the person has received the message, you will get it in your guts. The
feeling is unmistakable, and it cannot be faked. Once you feel or know that
the message is sent, you should stop. It might take you anything from a few
seconds to minutes to send the message. After fifteen minutes of trial with no
success, you should take a break from practice and try again the next day.
Trying again the same day can put a strain on your mind and make you feel
mentally exhausted. Practice once every day. After the session, you will feel
several vibrations in your body. Surrender yourself to these vibrations and
allow yourself to fully experience them.
Remember that the energy you transmit from yourself to the receiver is not a
psychic or energy attack or anything of that sort. The light is needed to pass
the message. It would in no way harm your own chakra or theirs. The energy
may even revitalize your own and their own chakras. So, this technique is not
dangerous at all.
Technique 2: Mind-reading Exercise
As you already know, mind-reading is one of the four telepathic activities. To
do this exercise, you need a willing partner. Typically, you shouldn't read
someone's mind unless they give you permission. You can read someone's
mind if you have reasons to believe that they have malicious intentions
towards you or any of your loved ones. You can also practice mind-reading
by yourself without telling them what you are doing. This is simply to test
how good you are becoming at mind-reading. As usual, you need to make
sure that your body and mind are both relaxed. Get rid of any tension or
strain in your mind and body.
Focus on this person and visualize their third-eye chakra by picturing a
purple icon in the area between their eyebrows. Focus on their third-eye
chakra. Picture their thoughts swirling around in their mind. Be intentional
with your focus. The more you focus, the clearer the thoughts will become to
you. If you would like to take it a notch further, you can use your mind to ask
them to perform a simple task. The task may be something like getting you a
drink or saying a simple word out loud.
If you want them to bring you a drink, visualize them asking if you would
like a drink. Then say yes. Picture as this person goes into the kitchen to
bring you the drink. Envision them handing you the drink. Most importantly,
picture yourself thanking them for the drink. Showing appreciation is
essential. Let the visions run through your mind for some minutes and then
let go of the thoughts and return to whatever you were doing. The other
person may not stand up to get you the drink immediately. Wait until they
carry out the mental instruction.
You might not make it happen the first time you try it but remember that the
key is consistency and patience. Keep trying until you get it right. Note that
this exercise's purpose isn't to change the other person's will; instead, you will
work with their will. It is best to choose a task that they would ordinarily
perform of their own will. For instance, if they wouldn't normally bring you a
drink, don't send them after a drink.
Technique 3: Remote Viewing Exercise
This exercise is used to receive information from another person over a
distance. This information can be in the form of words, images, or emotions.
Sit comfortably in your meditation room. Firmly place both of
your feet on the ground with your back in an upright position.
Take deep breaths and close your eyes gently.
Breathe in deeply, then visualize yourself touching the third-eye
chakra of the person you want to receive information from. Picture
yourself lifting a finger to their forehead.
Picture a silver cord coming out of their third-eye chakra and
attaching to your finger as you visualize this.
Bring the silver cord to your own third-eye chakra.
Picture the information coming through the silver cord into your
own third-eye chakra. The information may take as much as fifteen
minutes before it is conveyed to you, so be patient.
Open your eyes, stretch, and immediately write down whatever
is in your mind. You can also draw if it is an image.
You can use this exercise to find out people's expectations about a job or
project so that you can do an excellent job for them.
Technique 4: Remote Influencing Exercise
This is a telepathic training exercise to influence another person with your
own thoughts, feelings, and needs. You can use remote influencing to
establish a great rapport with people that can help you progress in life. The
exercise below can strengthen your ability to send your feelings or thoughts
and influence people faster.
Go to your meditation room. Sit in a comfortable position and
plant your feet firmly against the floor. Your back should be
Deeply inhale and exhale about three times before you close
your eyes.
Focus on your forehead and open your third-eye chakra.
Envision a silver cord coming out of your third-eye chakra.
Focus on the person you want to influence and how you want to do
Picture the silver cord going into the third eye of the other
person. Let the cord become attached to their forehead. Breathe in
and out and visualize the cord entering deeper as you breathe.
Breathe three times.
Imagine your thoughts and feeling passing through the cord to
the other person's third-eye chakra. Set your intention on how you
want to influence them.
The information may take fifteen minutes before it gets to the
other person.
Pay attention to the person's behavior in the future to see if the influencing
Technique 5: Remote Broadcasting Exercise
This exercise is useful for sending your own thoughts, feelings, needs, and
desires to a bunch of people at once. You can use it to attract more customers
to your business or improve people's mood around you. You may also use
this exercise when doing a project or business presentation or collaborating
with investors.
Close your eyes gently and take deep breaths.
Focus on your third-eye chakra and visualize the information
you want to send out. Form the image or words in your mind.
Picture bright, white energy coming out of your body. Project
the information you want to send into the middle of the white
energy. The message should be embedded within the white energy.
Feel the energy going from you towards your target audience.
Visualize your target audience receiving the energy from you.
Once they receive the energy, it means that your audience has
received your message.
Before you start establishing a telepathic connection with the people around
you, you should first focus on yourself. You need to train your mind against
the mind-numbing effects that society exposes you to every day. Thankfully,
there are techniques to improve your mind to make telepathy more accessible.
One technique that I train my mind with is binaural beats and isochronic
tones. This involves listening to recordings explicitly engineered for
improving the mind for telepathy. You can listen to headphones, preferably in
a room without natural or artificial light. You may also use telepathic games
to improve your ability.
Never forget that telepathy takes time and patience. So, don't be in a hurry to
communicate telepathically. Take your time and practice until you actually
get it.
Chapter Nine: Twin Telepathy
It is common knowledge that twins share a special connection beyond what
you see in other siblings. Over the years, there have been reports of twin
telepathy across the world. This becomes more fascinating when you realize
that some of the twins involved were separated at birth. This proves that twin
telepathy is not a myth or manmade fiction. Science has yet to find empirical
evidence to support the existence of twin telepathy. However, there are
anecdotal pieces of evidence that indicate that twin telepathy is indeed real.
The concept of twin telepathy borders on how twins, whether they are
identical or not, exchange their thoughts and feelings without using spoken or
written words. Evidently, this is telepathy as we know it. But twin telepathy
is slightly different because usually, twins don't have to train themselves or
do anything. The ability just comes to them naturally, especially in times of
If you are a twin, you have likely experienced this connection with your
sibling. There have been instances where one twin experience painful
sensations just because the other twin, in another location, is experiencing the
same thing. Another thing is when one twin knows in their heart that the
other twin is in danger. An excellent example of this is the case of the
Houghton twins. Back in 2009, the Houghton twins named Leanne and
Gemma had a telepathic experience that highlighted the level of connection
between them. On a regular day in 2009, Gemma was at their United
Kingdom home with her twin sister. Gemma was going about her daily
routine. Suddenly, she experienced a horrible feeling of terror – she felt like
her sister was in grave danger. How could this be? After all, they were in the
same house together, and her sister was in the bathroom having her bath.
What could be wrong? The feeling of dread was intense, and it wouldn't go
away. So, she decided to check on her sister in the bathroom. On getting
there, she found something that was both shocking and life-changing for her
and her sister.
A few minutes before, Leanne had had a seizure in the bathroom, and she
was passed out in the bathtub. At first, Gemma thought her sister was merely
washing her hair, but she soon realized Leanne was passed out and
submerged under the water in the bathtub. Quickly, she pulled her sister out
of the bath and performed CPR on her. Gemma saved her twin's life, thanks
to the dreadful feeling that washed over her. If she hadn't telepathically felt
what was wrong with her sister, she probably would have lost her that day.
Although reputable scientific evidence doesn't exist to prove the authenticity
of twin telepathy, many researchers have conducted studies to determine
whether the phenomenon is indeed real. One such example is Robert
Sommer, Humphry Osmond, and Lucille Pancyr's study in 1981. This study
had 35 pairs of twins as participants. The researchers found that at least 12 of
the 35 twin pairs had a telepathic connection to each other. They reported
experiencing telepathy in “strange” ways. J.B. Rhine also conducted a study
on twin telepathy with Sherry and Terry, a pair of identical twins. According
to Rhine, Terry and Sherry could exchange test answers in their head. They
were also able to tell whenever either of them felt sick or experienced pain.
Rhine's research further tested if the twins could exchange complete
sentences with each other through telepathy.
Although identical and non-identical twins can both share this telepathic
connection, it was found that the connection is stronger in identical twins
than fraternal ones. This might be because identical twins are formed from a
single egg, which means their genes are completely identical. Fraternal twins,
on the other hand, are from different eggs. Considering the case of Gemma
and Leanne Haughton, both of whom are fraternal twins, it is safe to assume
that it doesn't really matter whether the twins are identical or not.
The bottom line here is that a telepathic connection does exist between twins.
Nearly every pair of twins has a story that points to twin telepathy. Generally,
twins share an innate understanding of their emotional state. Since emotions
precede behavior, most twins also behave in the same way and perform the
same actions. For instance, twins in different locations may purchase the
same item simultaneously or pick up their phones to text each other at the
same time. They also have a knack for completing each other’s sentences. All
of these things happen in people who share close emotional bonds, but it
appears to be much stronger in twins because of their birth circumstances.
After all, most have been together practically from the very first seconds of
their lives. Despite the absence of substantial scientific proof, one cannot
deny the telepathic connection between twins.
These telepathic experiences between twins result from a deep emotional
bond which makes twins extremely sensitive to each other's thoughts,
feelings, and needs. The connection provides a deep empathy between twins.
This empathy is intense enough to produce specific physical sensations.
Spiritually speaking, the telepathic connection between twins is typically
referred to as “twin flame telepathy”. Because of their twin flame connection,
twins may also share vivid dreams.
Let's discuss what twin flame connection is from a spiritual point of view and
how it enables telepathy between twins.
Twin Flame Connection
Twin flame connection refers to a bond between two people who share twin
flames. Although you might think that the twin flame only exists in twins,
this is not so. The twin flames connection can exist between two people who
aren't twins. Everyone is composed of energy, but we vibrate at varying
frequencies. Typically, the levels at which one vibrates do not change. It
defines who we become and, more importantly, who we associate with. Twin
flames vibrate on a similar frequency, and this is why people who share twin
flames can do things like telepathy. When two souls operate at the same
vibrational level, it becomes possible for them to psychically communicate
with each other. The twin flame connection exists even before the mirror
souls get to know each other. This explains why many twins have this
connection despite being separated at birth. Usually, the connection is
subconscious. However, you will become aware of its presence when you
begin an active spiritual journey.
A twin flame connection typically appears in shared intuition, telepathy,
shared dreams, astral projection, and verbal/visual communication.
When twin flames meet for the first time ever, the first connection they will
experience is their shared intuition. This sometimes happens when one has
just given birth to twins; both twins may try to move towards each other. This
is because of their shared intuition. Mirror souls get unexplainable feelings
that don't appear to be theirs, yet they very strongly experience the feelings.
This shared intuition is what manifested in the case of the Haughton sister.
Gemma felt what was wrong with her sister due to their shared intuition.
Example: You live with your twin. Typically, your twin gets home before 6
PM, and you are used to having them home at this time. It is about time that
they get home – the time is 5:30 PM. Suddenly, feelings of extreme
disappointment and sadness wash over you. You can't explain these feelings,
and you wonder why you are feeling that way. You try to shrug it off, but the
feelings become more intense. Almost immediately, your twin arrives; from
the look on their face, you can tell that they have had an incredibly
disappointing day. They settle down to tell you how horribly nightmarish
their day was.
In this example, it is evident that the feelings of sadness and disappointment
experienced were that of the twin. Yet, you felt it as if it were your own
emotions. This illustrates how shared intuition can manifest in twin flames.
Emotions leave an imprint on mirror souls such as twins. Have you ever
walked into a room and felt like you could slice through the tensions with a
knife? You can tell that a conflict has just taken place in that room when you
feel like this. Anger is a powerful emotion that can surprise you when you
experience it from another person's perspective.
Example: You are at school having a class you aren't very excited about.
Suddenly, you feel a jarring pain in your foot. The pain goes away as quickly
as it came. You are surprised, and you have no idea why that just happens.
Although the pain only lasted briefly, the memory doesn't leave you. You
cannot stop wondering what caused it. About an hour after that, your twin
calls you and tells you they have broken their ankle in a minor accident. That
pain you felt in your foot was, in fact, the sensations from your twin's injured
In this example, you are feeling a physical sensation that is not your own.
Twin flames can feel the pain, happiness, and excitement of each other. But
pain stands out precisely because it is often removed from the current
Shared dreams and astral projection are other ways that twin flames
communicate telepathically. This form of telepathy happens when the twins
are in different locations. The pull of the connection is so powerful that the
souls of twin flames meet in dream states. This often happens in different
ways. For instance, twins may have the same kind of dream. Or they may
enter a lucid dream state so they can be together in the astral world. They
may also astral-project to travel to the astral plane together. The dream state
is when you are in your most authentic form. In this state, no limitations are
holding you back. This allows you to operate freely. Your soul naturally
moves towards the direction where another soul is vibrating on its frequency
in the dream state. When twins are separated, their souls remain in a still
state. When the physical bodies are asleep and their souls have the freedom to
explore, they tend to find each other.
Visual and verbal communications via the mind also happen between twins.
This telepathic communication level is typically unlocked when twins have
grown together and progressed in their spiritual advancement journey. This
kind of communication is different from the ones in the dream state. The
more the bond grows stronger between twins, the stronger their telepathic
communication becomes.
What are some essential facts to know about twin flame telepathy?
First, telepathy between twins does not require them to have prior skills. The
bond is so strong that the connection just happens even when they have no
previous telepathy knowledge. This makes it easy for twins to develop their
telepathy gifts more rapidly. Remote touching is also possible with twin
flames. This is particularly noticeable when the brain is in Theta state. Theta
state is achieved when you let go of your ego and defense mechanisms. At
this point, your body and mind become relaxed and open to communication –
the same feeling you get during meditation or when you are about to drift off
to sleep. Twins can telepathically hold hands across distance and even
experience other things that involve physical touches.
If you have a twin flame, you should know that you will always be on the
same vibrational level. In other words, your consciousness will always be in
tune. Your twin flame energy frequency is unique to you and your twin alone,
which makes this possible. The more aligned your energy frequency is, the
stronger your telepathic connection becomes. In this sense, a great benefit of
twin flame telepathy is that it helps you stay in touch with your other half, no
matter how vast the distance between you is. You can easily send your twin
something as simple as, "I love you" by remaining tuned in with their
frequency. So, send love to your twin using the telepathic connection
between you.
Telepathic communication between twins isn't always verbal. Sometimes, it
comes in the form of memory. For instance, if you are a twin flame, you may
suddenly remember a memory that is far from being yours and yet familiar
enough. Or you may experience a deja-vu moment. This happens due to the
merging of your energies. When the twin flame union happens, and your
energies finally merge, you subconsciously take on specific information from
your twin just as they take it on from you.
Interestingly, twins are sometimes unable to reach each other telepathically
due to a disruption of energy. As all things in the universe are made up of
energy, you sometimes absorb negative energy from others. This results in
the congestion or blockage of your telepathic channels of communication.
Thus, you must perform specific energy-clearing exercises every day to keep
unwanted energies from blocking your channel or communication line with
If you are a twin and don't recall ever having a telepathic experience or
connection with your other half, you may be experiencing energy blockage
and disruption. The first thing you can do is work on clearing and healing
your energy centers or channels, i.e., your chakras. Even if you do this on
your own, you will be able to help your twin in clearing their blocked energy
centers. As you already know, telepathy won't work as it should if the energy
centers remain blocked. Use the chakra meditation to clear your energy
centers and make them as vibrant as they should be.
Conclusively, twin telepathy may be seamless due to the twin flame
connection. But don't expect the experience to be as if you were talking
through the mobile phone. The experience is a complex one, and each
person's story is unique to them. Yet, you mustn't think of every thought or
feeling as a telepathic message. Sometimes, you may be picking up on your
own subconscious thoughts and desires. You should be able to discern the
difference if you don't over-indulge yourself in a fantasy world created by
your subconscious mind. Learning to discern your thoughts from your twin's
and other people's thoughts will prove incredibly helpful to you in your
spiritual journey.
Chapter Ten: Closing the Telepathic Door
The mind is the doorway to telepathy and other psychic gifts. I always liken
the mind to a massive house with its doors and windows wide open.
Everything goes in and comes out without filter or checks. Every thought,
idea, feeling, desire, need, etc., can enter there, occupy the space, and even
cause a disturbance. In this case, no one is controlling what goes on in the
mind house. Under a condition such as this, the mind has no barrier to shield
it from all thoughts, words, suggestions, and ideas. They all come and go as
they please. Often, this the case for most people's minds. It is the default state
of things. You, on the other hand, shouldn't allow your mind to operate like
this. If you don't learn to control what goes in and out of your psychic
doorway with the third eye-opening, you will find yourself bombarded by
thousands of bits of relevant and irrelevant information every day.
The best way to protect yourself while keeping your psychic senses and third-
eye chakra open is to learn how to close the door and window of your mind.
Doing this prevents you from being bombarded by harmful, useless, and
unnecessary thoughts which can rob your mind of its health and vitality.
Telepathy happens via an exchange of energy. Therefore, every piece of
information that you telepathically access takes a light bite from your energy
source. Depending on the type and size of information, some take a severe
chunk into your energy supply. For this reason, you must train your mind to
only receive relevant information or messages. By learning to close your
telepathic doorway, you can bar your mind from unnecessary thoughts, ideas,
and feelings. You can choose what to receive and what not to receive.
You might think it is impossible to learn to close and open the telepathic door
at will, but it is not. With persistence and consistency, you will learn how to
willfully open or close your telepathic doorway. Even if you only learn to do
this partially, it will make a tremendous difference in your physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Mental control and mastery are the keys
to closing the telepathic door. Once you train and master this, you will no
longer be affected by the thoughts, feelings, and moods of everyone you
share a space with.
The three most essential tools for training your telepathic door to close and
open at your behest are meditation, mindfulness, and concentration. These
three things have one thing in common: they help ground you in the moment.
They also help improve your concentration skills, enhance your thinking
process, and boost inner peace and fulfillment. We have already discussed
how you can practice meditation and mindfulness, so there is no need to
repeat that information. But I have simple concentration exercises for you to
include in your routine.
Concentration Exercise
The point of concentration exercises is to help sharpen the mind and train it
to focus better. I'll be discussing at least three concentration exercises that can
strengthen your mental power and heighten your ability to focus. Training
your mind is similar to training your body. You train your body by going to
the gym at least three times a week. When trying to learn something new, you
have to put in hours of practice before getting the basics right. This applies to
training the mind too. When trying to train your mind to filter information,
you need concentration. And if you want to develop your concentration, it
requires a lot of practice. Even a 10-minutes practice every day will make a
lot of difference in your spiritual and psychical health.
Naturally, your mind will try to resist you when you start training. The mind
does not like to be controlled; it wants to be the one in control. The mind
does not appreciate discipline, so it will try to stop you from training it. You
will have a hard time mastering your mind. Sometimes, you will forget to
train; other times, your mind will induce you into a state of levelness. There
are different ways your mind will try to stop you from mastering it. But
ultimately, the choice is yours. You are the master of your mind. Therefore, it
all boils down to what you want to do.
The concentration exercises will help you train your mind and master it to the
point where you can willfully close or open the doorway to your mind. This
way, you can filter everything that comes in and goes out of your mind.
Always practice your concentration exercises in the same place you use for
your meditation. You may either sit on a chair or sit cross-legged on the
floor. Practice a quick breathing exercise before you start your concentration
exercise. You should use at least 10 to 15 minutes for your daily practice.
Start with one exercise and keep practicing only that exercise until you have
mastered it. Then move on to another exercise. Do this until you have
mastered all the concentration exercises. This might take you days, weeks, or
months. Do not proceed to the next exercise until you have mastered the first
Exercise 1
Choose any book from your library. Open the book and pick a paragraph to
count. Now, count the words in the paragraph you choose. After counting,
repeat, and count again to ensure you counted accurately. After doing this a
few times, choose two paragraphs, and count again. Increase to a full page as
the counting becomes easier. The counting should be done with your eyes.
Don't point your finger at the page; just count mentally.
Exercise 2
Pick a word or phrase and silently repeat it in your mind for 5 to 10 minutes.
When you notice that your concentration is improving, increase the duration
to 15 minutes.
Exercise 3
Count mentally from 100 to 1. Skip three numbers each as you count, e.g.,
100, 97, 94, 91, etc.,
Exercise 4
Count in your mind from 100 to 1; don't count from one. When you are done,
repeat this exercise. Then, you can increase each count by an additional
Exercise 5
Take an object like a ball. Focus on the ball. Look at it from all sides without
forming any word in your mind to describe it. Just watch it with a blank
mind. Do not think anything as you watch the object.
The more you practice these exercises, the faster you will progress in training
your mind. Let the process be a gradual one. You will start seeing differences
in your concentration skills. Eventually, you will be able to concentrate on
anything effortlessly. This will help filter psychic messages.
Turning Off Your Psychic Senses
Awakening your psychic senses can be an overwhelming experience. When
you start, the experience will be novel and exciting, especially if you are
making progress. You will be even more excited the first time you
successfully send a telepathic message. But the fact that these things are all
happening simultaneously can make the whole process intense. It can cause a
strain on your life. So, occasionally, you might need to shut down your
psychic senses. Suppose you feel like you are receiving overwhelming
information. In that case, it means there is too much energy coursing through
your third eye. In this case, you need to learn how to shut down whenever
you feel like it.
First, you must train yourself to get out of your third-eye chakra and out of
your mind. It is normal to feel like devoting all your time to advance in your
psychic and spiritual development, but don't let it become your entire life.
You must spend as much time as possible in your human life. There has to be
a balance between your physical and spiritual life. Devoting some of your
attention to your social matters is a way of diverting the energy from your
third-eye chakra. You shouldn't allow all your energy to go to your third eye.
Your mind will be in a much better state if you distribute the energy in other
areas of your life.
One way to divert energy is to clean up your home and dispose of the clutter
everywhere. Doing a little cleaning and organizing here and there will not
only help you distribute energy; it will also help you facilitate a calming
environment for your mind. A chaotic home or workspace will also result in a
chaotic mind. Therefore, if you take care of the chaos in your home or
workplace, you are inadvertently taking care of your mind. Decluttering your
home stimulates your lower chakra. Pay attention to your finances as another
aspect of your life. Take a walk every day.
Ensuring a balance between your psychic senses and portals is an integral
part of your life. You must be balanced with your energy centers and your
psychic portals. Telepathy isn't a quick fix to solve a nagging problem, so
don't see it as such. Practicing telepathy means you have to spend a chunk of
your day in the psychic realm. This can distract you from your relationships
and everything else, but you shouldn't let it. Spend as much time as possible
on your social relationships. Go out with friends. Hang out with your partner.
Visit the park. Take your dog for a walk. Do things that help you remain
grounded in reality.
Turning Down Your Chakras
In a previous chapter, I talked about how you can open, balance, and align
your chakras. As you already know, your chakras are the energy centers of
the body. Energy flows to your physical body through the chakras. So,
whenever you feel an overflow of energy, the best step is to turn down your
chakra. As I said before, chakras can be overactive or underactive depending
on the flow of energy. The telepathic doorway cannot be closed if you don't
learn to control the flow of energy in your chakras. You can avoid having an
energy overload by turning down the chakras to receive as little flow of
energy as possible. To temporarily close the door to your telepathy skill, you
need to turn down your energy centers. Turning down the chakras will help
you increase your personal energy. It can also help you increase your ability
to focus. More important, it can help improve your health and wellbeing.
When you close the telepathic door to others' thoughts and feelings, this is
usually the end result.
Below are three visualization techniques you can use to turn down your
Radio Dial Method
This is a handy visualization method for decreasing the inflow of energy to
your chakras.
Sit in a meditative pose. Place your palms on laps and close your
eyes. Now, visualize your intuition in the form of a radio dial.
Observe the volume and see how high your intuitive abilities
are. Mentally note your current level.
Once noted, visualize yourself turning down the volume from
wherever it is to 1, 2, or 3.
Once you have successfully turned down your intuitive dial
volume, thank the Spirits and wrap it up.
Thermometer Visualization
This is quite a simple and straightforward method.
Close your eyes and use the breathing exercise to put yourself in
a meditative state.
Once in that state, picture a thermometer in your mind. The
thermometer represents your intuitive abilities.
Imagine the thermometer level decreasing to the lowest level
you want. Visualize as it turns down one by one.
Once you get to your desired level, exhale profoundly and arise.
Flower Method
If you love plants, you will find this technique enjoyable and fun.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and do a quick breathing
Now, visualize your chakras – specifically the third-eye chakra
and the heart chakra. For energy to go to your third-eye chakra, it
must first pass through the heart chakra. Most of the sensitive
information sent to the body is received through the heart chakra
and the third eye.
Tune in to the heart chakra as you visualize it. Then, imagine a
pink flower appearing over your chakras. The flower represents
your intuitive abilities.
If the flower is fully bloomed, that means your intuition is a
hundred percent open. A half-bloomed flower means it is half-
open. Almost-bloomed means it is 30 percent open, etc.,
Do this same thing for the third-eye chakra and all the remaining
chakras until you feel like yourself again.
When you are done with any of these exercises, be sure to assess your current
state of mind and compare it with how you felt before turning down the
chakras. Naturally, you should feel calmer, grounded, and safer. If you feel
this way, that means the visualization exercise was successful. As long as you
anchor your root chakra to the Earth, your chakras will always stay slightly
open. This is better than completely shutting off your chakras. If you want to
fully open your chakras once again, you only need to reverse any of the
abovementioned techniques.
When you turn down your chakras and turn off your psychic senses, you
don't completely lose your intuition. It will still be there whenever you need
it. The difference is it will be more dormant than it usually is. This will make
filtering easier for your mind. With either technique, you can effectively
control what gains access to your mind and what doesn't.
Navigating the secrets of telepathy and psychic development is an exciting
process. Ensure you enjoy yourself every step of the way. Do not let your
practices feel like a task. Let go of whatever doubt, fear, or worry you have in
your mind about your abilities. Instead, embrace yourself as you are. More
importantly, open your heart to love and light. The third-eye chakra cannot be
opened unless the heart is filled with joy and happiness. So do things that
make you happy. If you read this book and don't feel like you are ready to
start the telepathy journey yet, don't rush yourself. Wait until you are
mentally ready for the journey.
Finally, meditate regularly to stay attuned to your higher consciousness. A
relaxed mind and body are unlike any other thing in the journey. Take care of
your body by improving your diet, exercise, and other things that affect your
physical body. Remember that whatever affects your physical body will
affect your spiritual body as well. So, taking care of your body should be a
compulsory thing instead of a choice. Again, don't limit yourself. Always
find ways to advance in your spiritual journey.
Telepathy is inherent in each and every one of us. It is not a unique gift that is
reserved for some special set of people. You can be a telepath if you want to.
Anybody can become a telepath. But unlocking your telepathic senses doesn't
come so quickly, as you have learned from this book. Telepathy practice
requires you to be consistent, patient, and, more importantly, diligent. You
must be ready to put in the time and effort if you want to see productive
results. Awakening your psychic senses and unlocking telepathy can be the
foundation for your spiritual awakening process. When you finally get to that
stage, you will be surprised by how you have held yourself back from
spiritual and physical advancement.
Here’s another book by Mari Silva that you might
Click here to download the free guided meditation MP3 for awakening your third eye
Mental Telepathy is Real. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
(PDF) Telepathy: Evidence and New Physics. (n.d.). ResearchGate.
Telepathy | (n.d.). Www.Encyclopedia.Com. Retrieved