Flotation Data For Design of Process Plants-Dunne 2
Flotation Data For Design of Process Plants-Dunne 2
Flotation Data For Design of Process Plants-Dunne 2
The Cadia Hill Gold Mine and the Hellyer copper, zinc and lead plant present different problems
with widely different target grind sizes, liberation characteristics. The contrast is between Hellyer’s
sequential flotation circuit versus Cadia’s ‘simple’ copper–gold flotation circuit. The common
theme is that pyrite forms the principal floatable concentrate diluent. Hellyer ore contains finely
disseminated chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite. The flotation plant design was
based on extensive benchscale test work (including locked cycle tests) on drill core and many
months of operation of a 30 t h21 ‘pilot plant’ using the modified Cleveland Tin Mine processing
plant. The Cadia concentrator was designed based on an extensive benchscale variability test
work programme. Data from approximately a dozen locked cycle tests conducted on drill core
and 2 weeks of continuous pilot plant trials of samples obtained from an adit into the orebody
were used as the basis of design. The orebody is a low grade monzonite porphyry with
disseminated chalcopyrite/bornite/pyrite (0?17%Cu, 0?73 g t21 Au). Methods used to establish
the appropriated flotation circuits for the treatment of the Hellyer and Cadia ores, as well as the
interpretation of the test work data for these particular operations, are discussed. The predicted
versus actual operational plant is reviewed and the comparison was found to be satisfactory.
Keywords: Locked cycle tests, Residence time, Finely disseminated, Flotation circuit design, Hellyer Project, Cadia Project
This paper is part of a special issue on Metallurgical Plant Design and Operating Strategies
206 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1 Hellyer recoveries
price resulted in closure of the tin mine that paralleled Cleveland plant. Major ore textures were tested with
the development of Hellyer. Aberfoyle decided to use the few significant differences in performance observed.
Cleveland facility to pilot the bulk and sequential At the successful completion of the pilot plant trial,
flotation flowsheets developed at benchscale. The the Cleveland plant was upgraded to 30 t h21 and
decision to conduct the 6 to 10 t h21 pilot trials at operated producing a bulk concentrate while the Hellyer
Cleveland over the typical 0?25 to 1 t h21 pilot plant at plant was designed and constructed. During this period,
facilities like Amdel was taken due to its proximity to flotation cells and impeller types were evaluated focusing
Hellyer and because this plant became available. on the particularly slow flotation rates and low air
The principal difference between the benchscale test requirements. In addition, column flotation and
work and the pilot plant operation was the increased Jameson cells were evaluated in roughing and cleaning
quantity of less than 7 mm fines produced in the pilot duties due to their increasing application in other
plant. At benchscale only 22% of the mass was less than flotation plants.5 This work led to the installation of
7 mm for a grind of 40 mm. At pilot scale this increased 50 m3 rougher and 30 m3 cleaner tank cells fitted with
to as much as 50% less than 7 mm and was typically 30– low power input flotation impellers in the majority of
35% less than 7 mm in piloting and during later Hellyer flotation circuit. A small flotation column fitted with a
plant operation. The greatest impact of this change in Jetflote (Jameson cell) downcomer feed system was
size distribution on flotation was seen in the increase in installed for copper concentrate cleaning.6
fine galena (relatively soft and high relative density) and
the slower lead flotation response. Reagent additions Metallurgical recovery predictions
increased marginally due to the higher fines content. The Predicted metallurgical recoveries for Hellyer were
slow flotation rates required low pulling rates (aeration determined from operating results obtained from the
rate) in flotation to maximise the selectivity of the pilot plant. Grade–recoveries from all stable periods of
valuable minerals over pyrite. Pilot plant flotation times operation of two or more shifts were plotted and
were typically at least double that observed in the recoveries selected for the circuits were determined from
benchscale test work. A total of 15 000 t ore was treated detailed surveys conducted during the pilot plant
through the pilot plant before an upgrade of the operations.
It had been anticipated from laboratory work that
recoveries would vary with mineralogical texture and a
Table 2 Predicted grades and recoveries from locked
number of these textures were tested in the pilot plant.
However, the metallurgical performance for all textures
Copper Lead Zinc tested was similar so a constant grade–recovery was
attributed to the whole of orebody. It was recognised
Grade, % 10.3 63.6 49 that performance would vary with head grade. As the
Recovery, % 48 31 62
head grade in the mine schedule was reasonably
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4 207
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
constant for the first 5 years no allowance was made for concentrate contained approximately 35% zinc and 15%
head grade variation in the predicted grade–recovery lead.
relationship. It was anticipated that improvements in The pilot plant residence times were typically twice the
metallurgy over time would offset any deterioration of benchscale residence times. For the Hellyer plant
performance as head grade decreased near the end of the operation, the residence time was three times that
life of Hellyer. required at bench scale. The slow flotation in the plant
was linked to high levels of surface passivation (typically
Design criteria and description of the Hellyer metal hydroxides) but this was not known until after the
flotation circuit Hellyer concentrator had been commissioned. The
The Hellyer plant has a complex flotation flowsheet with passivation resulted in particles that were slow to further
oxidise as noted in the early benchscale test work.
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
208 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Flotation selectivity and recovery were enhanced in In retrospect, the selection of low power intensity
the laboratory and plant through the use of surface flotation cells may also have been detrimental to
cleaning agents (e.g. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) or flotation performance, particularly if flotation condi-
through the use of high shear rates in high intensity tions in grinding and pre-flotation are optimised.
conditioning in flotation conditioning. Improved plant The impact of some of the key process changes, as
performance was achieved through a combination of discussed in the previous section, on metallurgical
adding lime to the grinding circuit and limiting performance are shown in Fig. 5. The combination of
oxidation, attritioning with silica sand in lead condition- the use of high intensity conditioning in the copper and
ing and using high power intensities in cleaner circuit lead circuits and increased lime addition to the grinding
feed conditioning. circuit to inhibit oxidation greatly improved selectivity
Copper float
Feedrate, t h21 120–156
Concentrate, % solid 30–40 10–30 35–45
Residence time, min 32 55
Grade Cu, % 0.4 3 12
Lead float
Feedrate, t h21 120–156
Concentrate, % solid 30–40 30–40 30–40 40–50 40–50 40–50
Residence time, min 74 74 52 29 28
Grade Pb, % 6.5 25 12 35 50 60
Zinc circuit
Feedrate, t h21 75–115
Concentrate, % solid 30–40 30–40 30–40 30–40 30–40
Residence time, min 84 57 40 34
Grade Zn, % 14 30–35 45 48 50
Bulk float
Feed rate, t h21 40–60
Concentrate, % solid 10–20 40–50 40–50 40–50
Residence time min 69 75 76
Grade Pb, % 10 14 18 30
Grade Zn, % 16 29 25 76
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4 209
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
and flotation kinetics due to modification of the surface Drill core was cut in half and one metre portions
chemistry of the sulphide minerals. submitted for gold and copper assays. Composited assay
pulp samples, contained within the mineralised zone,
Case study two: a simple copper–gold were analysed for sulphur, cyanide soluble copper and
flotation circuit (the Cadia Hill Project) certain smelter penalty elements (mainly mercury).
A mineral assemblage classification was developed for
The Cadia Mine is located 25 km southwest of Orange the Cadia ore. The classification is based on Cu/S ratios
in the central west of New South Wales. Cadia has a and the amount of cyanide solution copper and provides
history of mining and exploration dating back to 1851 a classification of the sulphides as shown in Table 4.
and shortly after the first Australian gold rush at Ophir, Applying this classification to the geological block
north of Orange.10 models and cumulating the tonnage of each ore type
Exploration commenced at Cadia Hill in 1992 and provides the deportment of the different mineral types
this identified a substantial zone of copper and gold within the deposit.
mineralisation. Subsequent resource definition drilling
defined an orebody with a mineable reserve of Benchscale flotation test work
2006106 t ore with an average gold grade of
The flotation programme involved reagent scoping
0?74 g t21 and 0?17% copper. A full feasibility study
studies, ore variability test work, a pilot plant campaign
commenced in 1994, approvals to proceed with devel-
and orebody mineral (metal) recovery modelling.
opment were granted in September 1996 and the
The flotation reagent scoping study was undertaken in
processing plant was commissioned in July 1998.
three phases. Initial ‘in-house’ flotation test work by
The mineralisation of economic interest consists of Table 4 Mineral assemblage classification system
native gold and chalcopyrite with lesser bornite located adapted for Cadia
within or disseminated near quartz veins mostly within Cu/S ratio S, % CNSolCu, % Interpreted sulphides
the quartz porphyry. Most veins are 1 to 20 mm thick
with a vein density of 2 to 5 m21. These rarely occupy ,0.5 .0.01 ,20 Pyritezchalcopyrite
more than 5% of the rock mass. ,0.5 .0.01 .20 Pyritezbornite
Initial diamond core drill spacing was on 1006150 m 0.5–1.5 .0.01 ,20 Chalcopyritezpyrite
grid. This was followed by both 1006100 m and 0.5–1.5 .0.01 .20 Chalcopyritezbornite
,1.5 .0.01 All Bornite
50650 m patterns to obtain a resource estimate
All ,0.01 All Oxide
classifiable as Inferred and Indicated.
210 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
Newcrest indicated that a grind size of y150 mm was Locked cycle test work
near optimal. The ‘in-house’ procedure, similar to that The aim of the locked cycle test work was to evaluate
used at Newcrest’s Telfer gold mine, incorporated a and reinforce the metallurgical recovery models recovery
selective flotation regime to produce a copper–gold for developed for Cadia Hill. The models were based on
concentrate and a pyrite–gold concentrate. It was found the correlation of assay head grade and other physical
also that regrinding of the rougher concentrate had factors with laboratory batch and pilot plant concen-
benefit in improving copper concentrate grade by y2%. trate grades and recoveries. The head samples used for
Drill core samples crushed to 22 mm and charac- the flotation test work were composited from the core
terised mineralogically were sent to four vendors of samples used to conduct the laboratory batch tests for
flotation reagents for collector evaluation. Data from model construction. A batch test was also conducted on
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
the ‘standard’ flotation test were provided in the data the composite sample for comparison.
package sent to the vendors. The vendors were requested The locked cycle test results compared favourably
to evaluate collectors for the copper–gold float with a with the batch rougher test result. Most locked cycle
preference for the float to be conducted at a pH below tests showed some instability, with gold building up in
10 because of pulp viscosity problems and the potential the copper circuit circulating loads. The bulk flotation
to reduce lime costs. For the pyrite float a combination test conducted on the bornite ore was very stable in
of the collectors PAX and A208 were selected. terms of copper flotation, but still retained gold in the
The vendors were allowed two months to carry out in- recycle streams. A typical result is shown in Fig. 6.
house reagent testing before nominating their preferred The locked cycle test programme for Cadia was
flotation collector for evaluation. The appropriate flotation simpler than that for Hellyer. The total time involved in
procedure and collector were then sent to the Lakefield completing a single cycle was 50 min. Only 20 rougher
Laboratory, in Canada, who on the behalf of Newcrest floats and 20 recleaner floats were involved in a complete
carried out four flotation tests for each vendor with the test, while there were a total of 60 reagent addition steps.
purpose of optimising flotation performance (grade, The predicted copper, gold and sulphur recoveries
recovery, reagent quantities). At the completion of each recorded for the test were 84, 75 and 31% respectively.
test, the vendor was supplied with metallurgical results and The poor equilibrium conditions were predominantly
after reviewing these nominated the next changes to the associated with the occurrence of bornite in the ore. The
flotation procedure. Interestingly and to some degree not bornite floated slowly, particularly in cleaning. The gold
unexpectedly, all vendors were able to produce similar in these ore also responds particularly poorly to
copper–gold flotation results. However, the operating flotation. The magnitude of the difference between the
conditions, especially pH, varied considerably. two calculated recoveries for a given test is another
After reviewing the Lakefield test results, it was indication of the quality of the data.
decided, on the basis of reagent costs and flowsheet The bornite ore responded well to bulk flotation of the
simplicity, to carry out further evaluations of the copper sulphides and the stronger flotation collector regime.
float on only two of the collectors tested, i.e. S701, an The other ores contained high levels of pyrite, negating
bulk flotation options. Copper recoveries in the locked
ethylthiooctane base collector, and RTD11A, a thiono-
cycle tests were close to those indicated by the rougher
carbamate base collector. The next phase of the flotation
batch tests conducted on the heads. Gold recoveries
programme focused on the ‘robustness’ of these two
varied from those indicated in the batch test work, with
collectors. For this work, 34 different drill core samples
two ores achieving better results and two ores worse
were selected having both varying mineralogy and head
results in the locked cycle tests. The two poor results
grades of copper and gold. During the variability test
were obtained with bornite and chalcopyrite–bornite
programme, the collector addition was kept constant
ores in differential flotation.
while some latitude, on the part of the flotation
operator, was allowed to vary the frother addition. Pilot plant operation
The results of this programme clearly showed S701 to be The flotation pilot plant test work commenced soon
more ‘robust’ in providing acceptable copper grades and after the completion of the flotation variability test
recoveries of gold and copper for a wide range of work. Four bulk samples with varying mineralogy,
mineralogy and head grades. Consequently, S701 was selected from ore mined from a decline, were treated in
selected as the collector for all further laboratory and the pilot plant. Survey data from the pilot plant tests
pilot plant test work. were used to provide design numbers for the final
6 Typical Cadia batch locked cycle flotation test showing recovery data
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4 211
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
flotation plant design (flotation parameters and liquid– Metallurgical recovery model
solid separation). Products from the different flotation After the completion of the 297 batch flotation tests, the
streams (i.e. copper and pyrite concentrates) were results were compiled for each mineral assemblage and a
collected to either send to smelters, or for further linear regression model was fitted to the data. Input data
laboratory test work. For the pyrite concentrates, test comprised head assay data and sample location while
work was undertaken to establish if gold contained in the outputs were copper and gold recoveries. Copper
the pyrite could be recovered by gravity, after fine concentrate grades were fixed as there was little observed
grinding, or by cyanide leaching. The gravity test work variation in concentrate grade from batch tests on
was not successful and although cyanide leaching samples of similar mineralogy. The regressed mineral
provided acceptable gold recoveries the economics were assemblage recovery models were given to the mining
not favourable.
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Table 5 Batch flotation results on Cadia ore showing gold drop-out during cleaning
Grade Recovery
Copper final concentrate 0.53 25.9 49.4 30.6 68.0 39.4 26.6
Copper recleaner tailing 0.30 8.6 51.2 10.8 12.6 22.9 5.2
Copper cleaner tailing 1.58 0.7 3.0 1.9 5.7 7.1 4.9
Pyrite concentrate tailing 1.98 0.5 1.6 19.4 4.8 4.9 62.6
Tailings 95.6 0.19 0.18 0.01 8.9 25.7 0.8
Calculated head 100 0.20 0.67 0.62 100 100 100
212 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
to the filtration plant at the railhead in Blayney. A single concentrator. However, the magnitude of the problem
Svedala VPA 1540/24 plate and frame filter, treats up to was greater than anticipated. At start-up, it became
24 t h21 of flotation concentrate and produces a filter apparent that the installed flotation concentrate pipe
cake of about 9 to 10% moisture. launders, were inadequate, leading to concentrate
The rougher scavenger flotation tailings gravitate to a spillage, reduced pulling rates and consequently lower
53 m diameter Weir Envirotech high rate thickener. The than predicted flotation recoveries. Froth factors of up
thickened tailings at 55% solids are pumped 4 km to the to 10 were measured on the plant compared to a design
tailings dam. The schematic Cadia flowsheet is shown in of 3. All the rougher, cleaner and cleaner–scavenger
Fig. 7. launders have since been replaced with open trough
Pertinent flotation design criteria are shown in launders.
Table 7. Another and more difficult problem relates to the
clarity of the concentrate thickener overflow solution.
Plant operation and metallurgical development Air entrainment, the main reason for the voluminous
Although general performance statistics for Cadia were froth, is exacerbated before pumping by the requirement
good, the start-up at Cadia was not without its own to screen the final concentrate. Numerous remedies were
share of operating and mechanical issues.11 attempted to overcome this problem including installa-
The presence of sericite/kaolinite in the Cadia ore was tion of water sprays around the circumference of the
expected, from pilot plant and batch laboratory flota- thickener, use of de-foamers, coagulants, flocculants and
tion test work, to create froth stability problems in the deaeration of the concentrate to name but a few. The
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4 213
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
best solution thus far is to deaerate the concentrate using copper and 8% for gold. The differences between actual
a novel deaeration cyclone developed by Outokumpu. plant recoveries and those predicted from laboratory
During commissioning it soon became apparent that and batch flotation test work were due to:
the OK150 flotation cell discharge dart valves were N under estimation of recovery by the linear regression
undersized. Larger darts were installed and modifica- models at the high end of gold and copper in the feed
tions were made to the shaft of the dart to make it more N preferential liberation of gold from pyrite in the
robust. grinding circuit because of the recycle of higher
Three flotation agitator rotors have failed because of density solids in the cyclones
damage to the tips and blades. This was caused by the N lower grades of flotation concentrate
presence of oversize pebbles pumped from the SAG mill
hopper and occurred when a number of SAG mill
N additional gold recovery due to the use of the gold
selective collector S8761
trommel screen panels failed.
The predicted concentrate regrind feed rate, has been
N additional gold recovery due to the inclusion of the
flash flotation–gravity circuit.
considerably lower than predicted. As a consequence New metallurgical recovery models for the different ore
smaller cyclones have been installed and open vane types have been developed and adopted. These predict
impellers placed in pumps. The design particle size for the gold and copper content in the final flotation tailings
the regrind circuit was a P80 of 38 mm. However, size by rather than the overall recovery. Comparative data for
size analysis of the final copper concentrate still shows copper recovery is shown in Fig. 8.
the presence of coarse unliberated particles that dilute
the overall copper content. Work has since been
conducted to modify the regrind circuit and direct
Lessons and useful hints from the case
rougher concentrate to the regrind circuit to increase studies
copper mineral liberation. The following dot points highlight a few of the more
Flotation reagent consumptions and in particular relevant lessons and outcomes from the two case studies.
frother consumption are lower than those predicted.
Frother consumption (MIBC) is currently around Hellyer Mine: complex copper, lead, zinc
10 g t21 compared to the design value of 40 g t21. The flotation circuit
predicted consumption was based on de-rated laboratory
and pilot plant addition rates. Collector addition is N The significant impact of mineral grain size and
slightly lower at 6 g t21, compared to the design of mineral association on metallurgical performance.
11 g t21, and is the total for the two collectors added. N Close correlation between mineral associations and
Originally it was intended to add only S701. However, a zinc recovery
few months before start-up it was found that addition of a N Metal ratios as an indicator of mineralogical content
Cytec collector S8761 (a monothiophosphate) had both and ore variation. Also a useful measure to select
recovery and cost saving benefits. In addition, it was felt samples for variability test work.
that the S8761 would contribute to a reduction in frother N Preferential overgrinding of the heavier sulphide
addition and possibly improved froth properties. minerals in the plant and pilot plant situation
For the first 4 months of operation, when lower grade compared to batch grinding leading to poorer
bornite type ores dominated in the feed, actual flotation performance (slower rates) between plant
concentrator copper and gold recoveries matched those and laboratory.
from the predicted recovery models. As the proportion N Vastly different chemical environment in the plant
of chalcopyrite–pyrite, pyrite–chalcopyrite and the gold compared to laboratory resulting in different flota-
content in the feed increased a progressive positive tion response. Oxidation, mineral galvanic interac-
divergence between actual and predicted recoveries tion, presence of large amounts of very fine sulphides
became apparent, the difference being around 3% for and large circulating loads all contributing to solution
214 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4
Dunne et al. Flotation data for the design of process plants: Part 2
chemical changes and poorer flotation performance Lawrence Ruwoko of Ausenco Minerals for editing the
in the plant situation. original paper. Permission from Western Metals Ltd and
N Energy intensity in conditioning and flotation Newcrest Mining Ltd to publish results from the Hellyer
impacts on metallurgical performance when surface Mine and Cadia Hill Gold Mine is gratefully acknowl-
active species are present. edged. This paper has been reproduced with the kind
permission of the Australasian Institute for Mining and
Cadia Hill Gold Mine: simple copper–gold
Metallurgy from Metallurgical Plant Design and
flotation circuit Operations Strategies (MetPlant) 2002, 15–16 April
N Inadequate flotation launder design that was partly 2002, Sydney, Australia.
due to the application of lower ‘froth factor’ values
for design. Open trough launders are preferred to References
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2010 VOL 119 NO 4 215