Pca. Inglés 5
Pca. Inglés 5
Pca. Inglés 5
40 4 36 8
5. FIVE O. EFL. 3.2 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.5 Read and comprehension of many
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL words that be approached in the CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit
AWARENESS unit. responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.2 school and towards the environ-
Recognize ways to relate responsibly Observation and understanding ment.
to one’s surroundings at home and I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways
at school by exhibiting responsible Verb to be in past tense read with to take care of the environment
behaviors towards de students. and one’s surroundings. Learners
the environment. (Example: chores Repeat the use of was / were / can identify and exhibit socially re-
at home, recycling, etc.) wasn’t / weren’t, with the teacher. sponsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.4 Complete the sentences with school and towards the environ-
Use a variety of oral, print and elec- units / hundreds. ment. (J.3, S.1)
tronic forms for social communica- Read the affirmative / negative
tion and for writing to oneself. (Ex- questions and answers.
ample: friendly notes, Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Informa-
invitations, diary entries, notes to tion: Follow and identify key infor-
self, electronic messages, etc.) Linguistic resources mation in short straightforward au-
dio texts related to areas of imme-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Read and learn. diate need or interest, provided vo-
EFL 3.2.3 Practice the dialogues with Verb to cabulary is familiar and visual sup-
Record key items of specific informa- be in past tense, was / were / port is present, and use these
tion from a heard message or de- wasn’t / weren’t, units / hundreds. spoken contributions as models for
scription, either in written form or by affirmative / negative questions their own.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters and answers. I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record
of the alphabet, numbers, quantities, and identify key information from a
prices and times, days, dates and Read sentences and short spoken message of immediate
months, etc.). paragraphs. need or interest when the message
EFL 3.2.7 Identify the main idea of contains frequently used expres-
short, clear, simple messages and an- Produce and communicate sions and visual support. (Example:
nouncements and understand sen- rules for a game, classroom instruc-
tences and frequently used expres- Look the graphics. Listen the read. tions, a dialogue in a scene from a
sions related to areas of immediate Repeat Verb to be in past tense cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
relevance. (Example: follow verbal was / were / wasn’t / weren’t, can use other classmate’s contribu-
instructions for a game, ask for prices units / hundreds. tions
at a store, follow simple classroom affirmative / negative questions in class as models for their own.
instructions, describe places nearby, and answers. (I.2, I.3)
etc.) Look at the pictures and pronounce
EFL 3.2.8 Spell out key vocabulary the sentences. CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to
items using the English alphabet. (Ex- Match sentences. identify the meaning of specific
ample: names, colors, animals, pos- content-based words and phrases,
sessions, etc.) Personal Production with the aid of visual support, and
Write simple paragraph with Verb use charts/mind maps to distin-
READING to be in past tense, was / were / guish between fact/opinion and
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact wasn’t / weren’t, units / hundreds. relevant/
and opinion and relevant and irrele- affirmative / negative questions irrelevant information in informa-
vant information in an informational and answers. tional texts.
text through the use of mind maps/ Read in the classroom. I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can deter-
charts. Develop Literacy activities. mine the meaning of specific con-
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view and lis- Develop the progress test. tent-based words and phrases
ten to information from various when accompanied by visual sup-
sources in order to organize and dis- Evaluation port and distinguish between
cuss relationships between academic Heteroevaluation fact and opinion and relevant and
content areas. (Example: nonfiction Co-evaluation irrelevant information in informa-
books for young adults, the Internet, Self-appraisal tional texts through the use.
audio and media presentations, oral
interviews, maps, diagrams, refer- CE.EFL.3.19. Create a questionnaire
ence books, magazines, etc.) or survey using WH- question
words in
WRITING order to identify things in common
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or and preferences while displaying
survey for friends, family or class- an ability
mates using WH- questions in order to convey and organize information
to identify things in common and using facts and details.
preferences. I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.6 Write a simple narrative questionnaires and surveys for
with linking words on familiar sub- peers and family using WH- ques-
jects in order to express everyday ac- tions in order to
tivities. (Example: free time, descrip- identify things in common and
tions, what happened last weekend, preferences, while demonstrating
etc.) an ability to convey and organize
information using facts and details
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS in order to illustrate diverse
EFL 3.5.3 Produce short, creative patterns and structures in writing.
texts using ICT and/or other re- (Example: cause and effect, prob-
sources at home or at school in order lem and solution, general-to-spe-
to recreate familiar scenes and cific presentation, etc.) (I.2, S.2)
EFL 3.5.4 Create personal stories by
adding imaginative details to real-life CE.EFL.3.23. Create short, original
stories and situations, using appro- texts using a range of resources
priate vocabulary and elements of and other media, including ICT, in
the literature learners have read or order to recreate familiar scenes
heard. and themes.
I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can create
and produce short texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or
at school in order to recreate famil-
iar scenes and themes. (I.1, I.3)
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBGRAPHY (Use APA VI edition standards)
MINEDUC. Documento de Ajustes Curriculares 2016. The novelties in the fulfillment of the planning will be consigned. In
EDIPCENTRO. I Speak 5 addition, you can suggest adjustments for the best compliance with what
is planned in the instrument.