Pca. Inglés 5

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2022 - 2033
Grade/curse: 5 GRADE Level: MEDIA
Weekly hourly load No. weekly work hours Learning evaluation and Total weeks of classes Total class periods Number of curricular
contingencies units

40 4 36 8


O.EFL 3.1. Identify the main ideas and some details of written and oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.3. Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/ entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.6. Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written ex-
pression of thought.
O.EFL 3.8. Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercultural compe-
O.EFL 3.9. Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective
command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct exchange of information.

1. Citizen education and for democracy

4. CROSSCUTTING: 2. Environmental protection
3. The correct development of health and recreation of students
4. Sex education in childhood and adolescence


N.º Unit tittle Specific Contents Methodological orientations Evaluation Duration
objectives of the in weeks
planning unit

1 One O. EFL. 3.1 Skills with performance criteria:

O. EFL. 3.3 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS words that be approached in the ness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.1 Ask simple basic ques- unit. identify similarities
tions in class about the world be- and differences between them
yond their own immediate environ- Observation and understanding through oral and written literary
ment in order to increase their un- texts.
derstanding of different cultures. Present Places around the city and I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate read with de students. awareness of different cultures and
responsibly to one’s surroundings at Repeat the use of next to / behind / identify similarities and differences
home and at school by exhibiting between/ across from with the between them through oral and
responsible behaviors towards teacher. written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
the environment. (Example: chores Complete the sentences with use
at home, recycling, etc.) of in / on / at. CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Mean-
Repeat the sentences. ing: Demonstrate an understand-
ORAL COMMUNICATION ing of the main idea, speaker and
EFL 3.2.1 Infer who is speaking Linguistic resources situation in spoken texts set in fa-
and what the situation is when lis- miliar everyday contexts
tening to short simple texts, espe- Read and learn. without having to decode every
cially when accompanied by pic- Practice the dialogues with Places word.
tures or around the city, the use of next to / I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp
other visual aids, or sound effects. behind / between/ across from, the main idea of spoken texts set
(Example: shopkeeper speaking to a with use of in / on / at. in familiar everyday contexts and
customer who is buying some fruit.) Read sentences and short infer changes in the topic of dis-
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking paragraphs cussion as well as who is speaking
meaning from spoken texts contain- and what the situation
ing words or sections which are not Produce and communicate
is, without having to decode every
understood. Be aware that under- word. (I.3, I.4)
standing spoken texts does not re- Look the graphics. Listen the read
quire decoding every single CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
Places around the city, the use of
word. prehension of most of the details
next to / behind / between/ across
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of spe- of a short simple
from, with use of in / on / at.
cific information from a heard mes- online or print text and follow
Repeat any sentences.
sage or description, either in written short instructions in simple exper-
Look at the pictures and pronounce
form or by drawing a picture. (Ex- iments and projects if illustrated
the sentences.
ample: letters of the alphabet, num- through step-by-step visuals.
bers, quantities, prices and times, I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
Personal Production
days, dates and months, etc.) stand most details in a short simple
Write simple paragraph with places online or print text and can follow
around the city, the use of next to / short instructions in simple
READING behind / between/ across from, experiments and projects if step-by-
EFL 3.3.1 Understand most of the with use of in / on / at. step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
details of the content of a short sim- Read in class.
ple text (online or print) Develop Literacy activities. CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple
EFL 3.3.2 Show understanding of
some basic details in short simple Develop the progress test. learning resource in order to
cross-curricular texts by matching, record and practice
labeling and answering simple Evaluation new words and demonstrate
questions. Heteroevaluation knowledge of their meanings.
EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of Co-evaluation I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a
specific content-based words and Self-appraisal simple learning resource in order to
phrases, with the aid of visual sup- record and practice new words.
port. (Example: a picture dictionary, a
word list, a set of flashcards,
WRITING etc.) (I.1, J.4)
EFL 3.4.1 Make a simple learning
resource in order to record and CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
practice new words. (Example: a responses to both oral and written
picture dictionary, a word list, set of literary texts through pictures, au-
flashcards, etc.). dio/video or ICT in order to eval-
EFL 3.4.2 Write a short simple uate literary texts
paragraph to describe yourself or using pre-established criteria, in-
other people, animals, places and dividually or in groups.
things, with limited support. (Ex- I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
ample: by answering questions or audio, video, pictures and ICT to
using key words) respond to oral and written texts
and use pre-established
EFL 3.4.4 Write to describe feel-
criteria to evaluate literary texts in-
ings/opinions in order to effectively
dividually or in groups. (I.2, I.3,
influence an audience. (Example: I.4)
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.)


EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and
pictures to respond to a variety of
literary texts through online or in-
class ICT activities.
EFL 3.5.2 Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in
pairs in class by varying scenes,
characters or other elements of lit-
erary texts.

2 TWO O. EFL. 3.1 Skills with performance criteria:

O. EFL. 3.3 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS words that be approached in the ness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.1 Ask simple basic ques- unit. identify similarities
tions in class about the world be- and differences between them
yond their own immediate environ- Observation and understanding through oral and written literary
ment in order to increase their un- texts.
derstanding of different cultures. Present the list of some verbs and I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate read with de students. awareness of different cultures and
responsibly to one’s surroundings at Repeat the use of simple present identify similarities and differences
home and at school by exhibiting tense with the teacher. between them through oral and
responsible behaviors towards Complete the affirmative, negative, written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
the environment. (Example: chores interrogative sentences and short
at home, recycling, etc.) answers. CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Mean-
Read some sentences and short ing: Demonstrate an understand-
ORAL COMMUNICATION paragraphs. ing of the main idea, speaker and
EFL 3.2.1 Infer who is speaking situation in spoken texts set in fa-
and what the situation is when lis- Linguistic resources miliar everyday contexts
tening to short simple texts, espe- without having to decode every
cially when accompanied by pic- Read and learn. word.
tures or Practice the dialogues with some I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp
other visual aids, or sound effects. verbs, simple present tense, the main idea of spoken texts set
(Example: shopkeeper speaking to a affirmative, negative, interrogative in familiar everyday contexts and
customer who is buying some fruit.) sentences and short answers. infer changes in the topic of dis-
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking Read sentences and short cussion as well as who is speaking
meaning from spoken texts contain- paragraphs. and what the situation
ing words or sections which are not is, without having to decode every
understood. Be aware that under- Produce and communicate word. (I.3, I.4)
standing spoken texts does not re-
quire decoding every single Look the graphics. Listen the read. CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
word. Repeat activities in vacation with prehension of most of the details
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of spe- dialogues with some verbs, simple
of a short simple
cific information from a heard mes- present tense, affirmative,
online or print text and follow
sage or description, either in written short instructions in simple exper-
negative, interrogative sentences
form or by drawing a picture. (Ex- iments and projects if illustrated
and short answers.
ample: letters of the alphabet, num- through step-by-step visuals.
Look at the pictures and pronounce
bers, quantities, prices and times, I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
the sentences.
days, dates and months, etc.) stand most details in a short simple
online or print text and can follow
Personal Production short instructions in simple
READING Write simple paragraph with experiments and projects if step-by-
EFL 3.3.1 Understand most of the dialogues with some verbs, simple step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
details of the content of a short sim- present tense, affirmative,
ple text (online or print) negative, interrogative sentences CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple
EFL 3.3.2 Show understanding of and short answers. learning resource in order to
some basic details in short simple Read in class. record and practice
cross-curricular texts by matching, Develop Literacy activities. new words and demonstrate
labeling and answering simple Develop the progress test knowledge of their meanings.
EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a
specific content-based words and Evaluation simple learning resource in order to
phrases, with the aid of visual sup- Heteroevaluation record and practice new words.
port. Co-evaluation (Example: a picture dictionary, a
Self-appraisal word list, a set of flashcards,
WRITING etc.) (I.1, J.4)
EFL 3.4.1 Make a simple learning
resource in order to record and CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
practice new words. (Example: a responses to both oral and written
picture dictionary, a word list, set of literary texts through pictures, au-
flashcards, etc.). dio/video or ICT in order to eval-
EFL 3.4.2 Write a short simple uate literary texts
paragraph to describe yourself or using pre-established criteria, in-
other people, animals, places and dividually or in groups.
things, with limited support. (Ex- I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
ample: by answering questions or audio, video, pictures and ICT to
using key words) respond to oral and written texts
and use pre-established
EFL 3.4.4 Write to describe feel-
criteria to evaluate literary texts in-
ings/opinions in order to effectively
dividually or in groups. (I.2, I.3,
influence an audience. (Example: I.4)
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.)


EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and
pictures to respond to a variety of
literary texts through online or in-
class ICT activities.
EFL 3.5.2 Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in
pairs in class by varying scenes,
characters or other elements of lit-
erary texts.

3. THREE O. EFL. 3.1 Skills with performance criteria:

O. EFL. 3.3 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS words and chores that be ness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.1 Ask simple basic ques- approached in the unit. identify similarities
tions in class about the world be- and differences between them
yond their own immediate environ- Observation and understanding through oral and written literary
ment in order to increase their un- texts.
derstanding of different cultures. Present any chores and talk with I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate students. awareness of different cultures and
responsibly to one’s surroundings at Read the dialogue and complete identify similarities and differences
home and at school by exhibiting the fact file. between them through oral and
responsible behaviors towards Complete the sentences with written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
the environment. (Example: chores should / shouldn’t.
at home, recycling, etc.) Read the use of can / can’t & do / CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Mean-
does / . ing: Demonstrate an understand-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Repeat the sentences. ing of the main idea, speaker and
EFL 3.2.1 Infer who is speaking situation in spoken texts set in fa-
and what the situation is when lis- Linguistic resources miliar everyday contexts
tening to short simple texts, espe- without having to decode every
cially when accompanied by pic- Read and learn. word.
tures or Practice the dialogues with chores I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp
other visual aids, or sound effects. the fact file, should / shouldn’t the main idea of spoken texts set
(Example: shopkeeper speaking to a can / can’t & do / does. in familiar everyday contexts and
customer who is buying some fruit.) Read sentences and short infer changes in the topic of dis-
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking paragraphs. cussion as well as who is speaking
meaning from spoken texts contain- Develop graphic organizers. and what the situation
ing words or sections which are not is, without having to decode every
understood. Be aware that under- Produce and communicate word. (I.3, I.4)
standing spoken texts does not re-
quire decoding every single Look the graphics. Listen the read. CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
word. Repeat activities with chores, the
prehension of most of the details
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of spe- of a short simple
fact file, should / shouldn’t,
cific information from a heard mes- online or print text and follow
can / can’t, do / does.
sage or description, either in written short instructions in simple exper-
form or by drawing a picture. (Ex- iments and projects if illustrated
Look at the pictures and pronounce
ample: letters of the alphabet, num- through step-by-step visuals.
the sentences. I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
bers, quantities, prices and times,
days, dates and months, etc.) stand most details in a short simple
Personal Production online or print text and can follow
Write simple paragraph with short instructions in simple
EFL 3.3.1 Understand most of the chores, the fact file, should / experiments and projects if step-by-
shouldn’t, can / can’t, do / does / step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
details of the content of a short sim-
ple text (online or print) Read in the classroom.
EFL 3.3.2 Show understanding of Develop Literacy activities. CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple
some basic details in short simple Develop the progress test learning resource in order to
cross-curricular texts by matching, record and practice
labeling and answering simple Evaluation new words and demonstrate
questions. Heteroevaluation knowledge of their meanings.
Co-evaluation I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a
EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of
Self-appraisal simple learning resource in order to
specific content-based words and
record and practice new words.
phrases, with the aid of visual sup- (Example: a picture dictionary, a
word list, a set of flashcards,
WRITING etc.) (I.1, J.4)
EFL 3.4.1 Make a simple learning
resource in order to record and CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
practice new words. (Example: a responses to both oral and written
picture dictionary, a word list, set of literary texts through pictures, au-
flashcards, etc.). dio/video or ICT in order to eval-
EFL 3.4.2 Write a short simple uate literary texts
paragraph to describe yourself or using pre-established criteria, in-
other people, animals, places and dividually or in groups.
things, with limited support. (Ex- I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
ample: by answering questions or audio, video, pictures and ICT to
using key words) respond to oral and written texts
EFL 3.4.4 Write to describe feel- and use pre-established
ings/opinions in order to effectively criteria to evaluate literary texts in-
influence an audience. (Example: dividually or in groups. (I.2, I.3,
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) I.4)


EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and
pictures to respond to a variety of
literary texts through online or in-
class ICT activities.
EFL 3.5.2 Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in
pairs in class by varying scenes,
characters or other elements of lit-
erary texts.

4. FOUR O. EFL. 3.1 Skills with performance criteria:

O. EFL. 3.3 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an aware-
AWARENESS words that be approached in the ness of different cultures and
EFL 3.1.1 Ask simple basic ques- unit. identify similarities
tions in class about the world be- and differences between them
yond their own immediate environ- Observation and understanding through oral and written literary
ment in order to increase their un- texts.
derstanding of different cultures. Present possessive adjectives and I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate read with de students. awareness of different cultures and
responsibly to one’s surroundings at Repeat and match some sick forms identify similarities and differences
home and at school by exhibiting with the teacher. between them through oral and
responsible behaviors towards Complete the sentences with new written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1)
the environment. (Example: chores vocabulary.
at home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Mean-
ing: Demonstrate an understand-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Linguistic resources ing of the main idea, speaker and
EFL 3.2.1 Infer who is speaking situation in spoken texts set in fa-
and what the situation is when lis- Read and learn. miliar everyday contexts
tening to short simple texts, espe- Practice the dialogues with without having to decode every
cially when accompanied by pic- possessive adjectives, some word.
tures or sickness forms and new I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp
other visual aids, or sound effects. vocabulary. the main idea of spoken texts set
(Example: shopkeeper speaking to a Read sentences and short in familiar everyday contexts and
customer who is buying some fruit.) paragraphs. infer changes in the topic of dis-
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking cussion as well as who is speaking
meaning from spoken texts contain- Produce and communicate and what the situation
ing words or sections which are not is, without having to decode every
understood. Be aware that under- Look the graphics. Listen the read. word. (I.3, I.4)
standing spoken texts does not re- Repeat activities with possessive
quire decoding every single adjectives, sickness forms and new CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate com-
word. vocabulary. prehension of most of the details
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of spe- of a short simple
cific information from a heard mes- Look at the pictures and pronounce online or print text and follow
sage or description, either in written the sentences. short instructions in simple exper-
form or by drawing a picture. (Ex- iments and projects if illustrated
ample: letters of the alphabet, num- Personal Production
through step-by-step visuals.
bers, quantities, prices and times, I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can under-
Write simple paragraph with
days, dates and months, etc.) stand most details in a short simple
possessive adjectives, sickness
online or print text and can follow
forms and new vocabulary. short instructions in simple
Read in the classroom. experiments and projects if step-by-
EFL 3.3.1 Understand most of the
Develop Literacy activities. step visuals are provided. (I.3, I.4)
details of the content of a short sim-
Develop the progress test.
ple text (online or print)
EFL 3.3.2 Show understanding of CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple
Evaluation learning resource in order to
some basic details in short simple
Heteroevaluation record and practice
cross-curricular texts by matching,
Co-evaluation new words and demonstrate
labeling and answering simple
Self-appraisal knowledge of their meanings.
EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a
specific content-based words and simple learning resource in order to
record and practice new words.
phrases, with the aid of visual sup-
(Example: a picture dictionary, a
word list, a set of flashcards,
etc.) (I.1, J.4)
EFL 3.4.1 Make a simple learning CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal
resource in order to record and
practice new words. (Example: a responses to both oral and written
picture dictionary, a word list, set of literary texts through pictures, au-
flashcards, etc.). dio/video or ICT in order to eval-
EFL 3.4.2 Write a short simple uate literary texts
paragraph to describe yourself or using pre-established criteria, in-
other people, animals, places and dividually or in groups.
things, with limited support. (Ex- I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can employ
ample: by answering questions or audio, video, pictures and ICT to
using key words) respond to oral and written texts
EFL 3.4.4 Write to describe feel- and use pre-established
ings/opinions in order to effectively criteria to evaluate literary texts in-
influence an audience. (Example: dividually or in groups. (I.2, I.3,
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) I.4)


EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and
pictures to respond to a variety of
literary texts through online or in-
class ICT activities.
EFL 3.5.2 Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in
pairs in class by varying scenes,
characters or other elements of lit-
erary texts.

5. FIVE O. EFL. 3.2 Skills with performance criteria: Motivation Evaluation criteria
O. EFL. 3.5 Read and comprehension of many
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL words that be approached in the CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit
AWARENESS unit. responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.2 school and towards the environ-
Recognize ways to relate responsibly Observation and understanding ment.
to one’s surroundings at home and I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways
at school by exhibiting responsible Verb to be in past tense read with to take care of the environment
behaviors towards de students. and one’s surroundings. Learners
the environment. (Example: chores Repeat the use of was / were / can identify and exhibit socially re-
at home, recycling, etc.) wasn’t / weren’t, with the teacher. sponsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.4 Complete the sentences with school and towards the environ-
Use a variety of oral, print and elec- units / hundreds. ment. (J.3, S.1)
tronic forms for social communica- Read the affirmative / negative
tion and for writing to oneself. (Ex- questions and answers.
ample: friendly notes, Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Informa-
invitations, diary entries, notes to tion: Follow and identify key infor-
self, electronic messages, etc.) Linguistic resources mation in short straightforward au-
dio texts related to areas of imme-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Read and learn. diate need or interest, provided vo-
EFL 3.2.3 Practice the dialogues with Verb to cabulary is familiar and visual sup-
Record key items of specific informa- be in past tense, was / were / port is present, and use these
tion from a heard message or de- wasn’t / weren’t, units / hundreds. spoken contributions as models for
scription, either in written form or by affirmative / negative questions their own.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters and answers. I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record
of the alphabet, numbers, quantities, and identify key information from a
prices and times, days, dates and Read sentences and short spoken message of immediate
months, etc.). paragraphs. need or interest when the message
EFL 3.2.7 Identify the main idea of contains frequently used expres-
short, clear, simple messages and an- Produce and communicate sions and visual support. (Example:
nouncements and understand sen- rules for a game, classroom instruc-
tences and frequently used expres- Look the graphics. Listen the read. tions, a dialogue in a scene from a
sions related to areas of immediate Repeat Verb to be in past tense cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
relevance. (Example: follow verbal was / were / wasn’t / weren’t, can use other classmate’s contribu-
instructions for a game, ask for prices units / hundreds. tions
at a store, follow simple classroom affirmative / negative questions in class as models for their own.
instructions, describe places nearby, and answers. (I.2, I.3)
etc.) Look at the pictures and pronounce
EFL 3.2.8 Spell out key vocabulary the sentences. CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to
items using the English alphabet. (Ex- Match sentences. identify the meaning of specific
ample: names, colors, animals, pos- content-based words and phrases,
sessions, etc.) Personal Production with the aid of visual support, and
Write simple paragraph with Verb use charts/mind maps to distin-
READING to be in past tense, was / were / guish between fact/opinion and
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact wasn’t / weren’t, units / hundreds. relevant/
and opinion and relevant and irrele- affirmative / negative questions irrelevant information in informa-
vant information in an informational and answers. tional texts.
text through the use of mind maps/ Read in the classroom. I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can deter-
charts. Develop Literacy activities. mine the meaning of specific con-
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view and lis- Develop the progress test. tent-based words and phrases
ten to information from various when accompanied by visual sup-
sources in order to organize and dis- Evaluation port and distinguish between
cuss relationships between academic Heteroevaluation fact and opinion and relevant and
content areas. (Example: nonfiction Co-evaluation irrelevant information in informa-
books for young adults, the Internet, Self-appraisal tional texts through the use.
audio and media presentations, oral
interviews, maps, diagrams, refer- CE.EFL.3.19. Create a questionnaire
ence books, magazines, etc.) or survey using WH- question
words in
WRITING order to identify things in common
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or and preferences while displaying
survey for friends, family or class- an ability
mates using WH- questions in order to convey and organize information
to identify things in common and using facts and details.
preferences. I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.6 Write a simple narrative questionnaires and surveys for
with linking words on familiar sub- peers and family using WH- ques-
jects in order to express everyday ac- tions in order to
tivities. (Example: free time, descrip- identify things in common and
tions, what happened last weekend, preferences, while demonstrating
etc.) an ability to convey and organize
information using facts and details
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS in order to illustrate diverse
EFL 3.5.3 Produce short, creative patterns and structures in writing.
texts using ICT and/or other re- (Example: cause and effect, prob-
sources at home or at school in order lem and solution, general-to-spe-
to recreate familiar scenes and cific presentation, etc.) (I.2, S.2)
EFL 3.5.4 Create personal stories by
adding imaginative details to real-life CE.EFL.3.23. Create short, original
stories and situations, using appro- texts using a range of resources
priate vocabulary and elements of and other media, including ICT, in
the literature learners have read or order to recreate familiar scenes
heard. and themes.
I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can create
and produce short texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or
at school in order to recreate famil-
iar scenes and themes. (I.1, I.3)

6. O. EFL. 3.2 Skills with performance criteria: Evaluation criteria

O. EFL. 3.5 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit
AWARENESS words that be approached in the responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.2 unit. school and towards the environ-
Recognize ways to relate responsibly ment.
to one’s surroundings at home and Observation and understanding I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways
at school by exhibiting responsible to take care of the environment
behaviors towards Look graphics about the five senses and one’s surroundings. Learners
the environment. (Example: chores read with de students. can identify and exhibit socially re-
at home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the Math’s connection with sponsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.4 the teacher. school and towards the environ-
Use a variety of oral, print and elec- Complete the sentences with ment. (J.3, S.1)
tronic forms for social communica- irregular verbs.
tion and for writing to oneself. (Ex- Read the use of any vocabulary
ample: friendly notes, Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Informa-
invitations, diary entries, notes to tion: Follow and identify key infor-
self, electronic messages, etc.) Linguistic resources mation in short straightforward au-
dio texts related to areas of imme-
ORAL COMMUNICATION Read and learn. diate need or interest, provided vo-
EFL 3.2.3 Practice the dialogues with the five cabulary is familiar and visual sup-
Record key items of specific informa- senses, Math’s connection port is present, and use these
tion from a heard message or de- fractions. sentences with irregular spoken contributions as models for
scription, either in written form or by verbs and any vocabulary. their own.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters Read sentences and short I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record
of the alphabet, numbers, quantities, paragraphs. and identify key information from a
prices and times, days, dates and spoken message of immediate
months, etc.). Produce and communicate need or interest when the message
EFL 3.2.7 Identify the main idea of contains frequently used expres-
short, clear, simple messages and an- Look the graphics. Listen the read. sions and visual support. (Example:
nouncements and understand sen- Do activities with the five senses, rules for a game, classroom instruc-
tences and frequently used expres- Math’s connection fractions, tions, a dialogue in a scene from a
sions related to areas of immediate sentences with irregular verbs and cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
relevance. (Example: follow verbal any vocabulary. can use other classmate’s contribu-
instructions for a game, ask for prices Look at the pictures and pronounce tions
at a store, follow simple classroom the sentences. in class as models for their own.
instructions, describe places nearby, (I.2, I.3)
etc.) Personal Production
EFL 3.2.8 Spell out key vocabulary Write simple paragraph the five CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to
items using the English alphabet. (Ex- senses, Math’s connection identify the meaning of specific
ample: names, colors, animals, pos- fractions. sentences with irregular content-based words and phrases,
sessions, etc.) with the aid of visual support, and
verbs and any vocabulary.
use charts/mind maps to distin-
Read in the classroom.
READING guish between fact/opinion and
Develop Literacy activities.
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact relevant/
Develop the progress test.
and opinion and relevant and irrele- irrelevant information in informa-
vant information in an informational tional texts.
text through the use of mind maps/ I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can deter-
charts. mine the meaning of specific con-
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view and lis- tent-based words and phrases
ten to information from various when accompanied by visual sup-
sources in order to organize and dis- port and distinguish between
cuss relationships between academic fact and opinion and relevant and
content areas. (Example: nonfiction irrelevant information in informa-
books for young adults, the Internet, tional texts through the use.
audio and media presentations, oral
interviews, maps, diagrams, refer- CE.EFL.3.19. Create a questionnaire
ence books, magazines, etc.) or survey using WH- question
words in
WRITING order to identify things in common
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or and preferences while displaying
survey for friends, family or class- an ability
mates using WH- questions in order to convey and organize information
to identify things in common and using facts and details.
preferences. I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
EFL 3.4.6 Write a simple narrative questionnaires and surveys for
with linking words on familiar sub- peers and family using WH- ques-
jects in order to express everyday ac- tions in order to
tivities. (Example: free time, descrip- identify things in common and
tions, what happened last weekend, preferences, while demonstrating
etc.) an ability to convey and organize
information using facts and details
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS in order to illustrate diverse
EFL 3.5.3 Produce short, creative patterns and structures in writing.
texts using ICT and/or other re- (Example: cause and effect, prob-
sources at home or at school in order lem and solution, general-to-spe-
to recreate familiar scenes and cific presentation, etc.) (I.2, S.2)
EFL 3.5.4 Create personal stories by
adding imaginative details to real-life CE.EFL.3.23. Create short, original
stories and situations, using appro- texts using a range of resources
priate vocabulary and elements of and other media, including ICT, in
the literature learners have read or order to recreate familiar scenes
heard. and themes.
I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can create
and produce short texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or
at school in order to recreate famil-
iar scenes and themes. (I.1, I.3)

7 SEVEN O. EFL. 3.2 Skills with performance criteria: Evaluation criteria

O. EFL. 3.5 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit
AWARENESS words that be approached in the responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate unit. school and towards the environ-
responsibly to one’s surroundings at ment.
home and at school by exhibiting re- Observation and understanding I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways
sponsible behaviors towards to take care of the environment
the environment. (Example: chores Read the simple past tense with de and one’s surroundings. Learners
at home, recycling, etc.) students. can identify and exhibit socially re-
EFL 3.1.4 Use a variety of oral, print Repeat the vertebrate and sponsible behaviors at home, at
and electronic forms for social com- invertebrate animals with the school and towards the environ-
munication and for writing to one- teacher. ment. (J.3, S.1)
self. (Example: friendly notes, Complete the sentences with
invitations, diary entries, notes to Math’s connection. Division.
self, electronic messages, etc.) Read the use of new vocabulary. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Informa-
Repeat the sentences. tion: Follow and identify key infor-
ORAL COMMUNICATION mation in short straightforward au-
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific Linguistic resources dio texts related to areas of imme-
information from a heard message or diate need or interest, provided vo-
description, either in written form or Read and learn. cabulary is familiar and visual sup-
by drawing a picture. (Example: let- Practice the dialogues with simple port is present, and use these
ters of the alphabet, numbers, quan- past tense, vertebrate and spoken contributions as models for
tities, prices and times, days, dates invertebrate animals, division, new their own.
and months, etc.). vocabulary. I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record
Read sentences and short and identify key information from a
EFL 3.2.7 Identify the main idea of paragraphs spoken message of immediate
short, clear, simple messages and an- need or interest when the message
nouncements and understand sen- Produce and communicate contains frequently used expres-
tences and frequently used expres- sions and visual support. (Example:
sions related to areas of immediate Look the graphics. Listen the read. rules for a game, classroom instruc-
relevance. (Example: follow verbal Repeat activities simple past tense, tions, a dialogue in a scene from a
instructions for a game, ask for prices vertebrate and invertebrate cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
at a store, follow simple classroom animals, division, new vocabulary. can use other classmate’s contribu-
instructions, describe places nearby, Look at the pictures and pronounce tions
etc.) the sentences. in class as models for their own.
(I.2, I.3)
EFL 3.2.8 Spell out key vocabulary Personal Production
items using the English alphabet. (Ex- Write simple paragraph simple past CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to
ample: names, colors, animals, pos- tense, vertebrate and invertebrate identify the meaning of specific
sessions, etc.) animals, division, new vocabulary. content-based words and phrases,
Read in the classroom. with the aid of visual support, and
READING Develop Literacy activities. use charts/mind maps to distin-
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact Develop project. Green haired egg. guish between fact/opinion and
and opinion and relevant and irrele- Develop the progress test. relevant/ irrelevant information in
vant information in an informational informational texts.
text through the use of mind maps/ Evaluation I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can deter-
charts. Heteroevaluation mine the meaning of specific con-
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view and lis- Co-evaluation tent-based words and phrases
ten to information from various Self-appraisal when accompanied by visual sup-
sources in order to organize and dis- port and distinguish between
cuss relationships between academic fact and opinion and relevant and
content areas. (Example: nonfiction irrelevant information in informa-
books for young adults, the Internet, tional texts through the use.
audio and media presentations, oral
interviews, maps, diagrams, refer- CE.EFL.3.19. Create a questionnaire
ence books, magazines, etc.) or survey using WH- question
words in order to identify things in
WRITING common and preferences while
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or displaying an ability to convey and
survey for friends, family or class- organize information using facts
mates using WH- questions in order and details.
to identify things in common and I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
preferences. questionnaires and surveys for
EFL 3.4.6 Write a simple narrative peers and family using WH- ques-
with linking words on familiar sub- tions in order to identify things in
jects in order to express everyday ac- common and preferences, while
tivities. (Example: free time, descrip- demonstrating an ability to convey
tions, what happened last weekend, and organize information using
etc.) facts and details in order to illus-
trate diverse patterns and struc-
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS tures in writing. (Example: cause
EFL 3.5.3 Produce short, creative and effect, problem and solution,
texts using ICT and/or other re- general-to-specific presentation,
sources at home or at school in order etc.) (I.2, S.2)
to recreate familiar scenes and
EFL 3.5.4 Create personal stories by CE.EFL.3.23. Create short, original
adding imaginative details to real-life texts using a range of resources
stories and situations, using appro- and other media, including ICT, in
priate vocabulary and elements of order to recreate familiar scenes
the literature learners have read or and themes.
heard. I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can create
and produce short texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or
at school in order to recreate famil-
iar scenes and themes. (I.1, I.3)

8 EIGHT O. EFL. 3.2 Skills with performance criteria: Evaluation criteria

O. EFL. 3.5 Motivation
O. EFL. 3.8 COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL Read and comprehension of many CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and ex-
AWARENESS words that be approached in the hibit responsible behaviors at
EFL 3.1.2 unit. home, at school and towards the
Recognize ways to relate responsi- environment.
bly to one’s surroundings at home Observation and understanding I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say
and at school by exhibiting respon- ways
sible behaviors towards Read with the students about to take care of the environment
the environment. (Example: chores future tense. and one’s surroundings. Learners
at home, recycling, etc.) Repeat the sentences about the can identify and exhibit socially
EFL 3.1.4 water with the teacher. responsible behaviors at home, at
Use a variety of oral, print and elec- Complete the sentences with the school and towards the environ-
tronic forms for social communica- time. ment. (J.3, S.1)
tion and for writing to oneself. (Ex- Read the use of new vocabulary.
ample: friendly notes, Repeat the sentences. CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Infor-
invitations, diary entries, notes to mation: Follow and identify key
self, electronic messages, etc.) Linguistic resources information in short straightfor-
ward audio texts related to areas
ORAL COMMUNICATION Read and learn. of immediate need or interest,
EFL 3.2.3 Practice the dialogues with future provided vocabulary is familiar
Record key items of specific infor- tense, water, the time, new and visual support is present, and
mation from a heard message or de- vocabulary. use these
scription, either in written form or Read sentences and short spoken contributions as models
by drawing a picture. (Example: let- paragraphs. for their own.
ters of the alphabet, numbers, quan- I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record
tities, prices and times, days, dates Produce and communicate and identify key information from a
and months, etc.). spoken message of immediate
EFL 3.2.7 Identify the main idea of Look the graphics. Listen the read. need or interest when the message
short, clear, simple messages and Repeat sentences and dialogues contains frequently used expres-
announcements and understand sen- with future tense, water, the time, sions and visual support. (Example:
tences and frequently used expres- new vocabulary. rules for a game, classroom instruc-
sions related to areas of immediate Look at the pictures and pronounce tions, a dialogue in a scene from a
relevance. (Example: follow verbal the sentences. cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
instructions for a game, ask for Match sentences. can use other classmate’s contribu-
prices at a store, follow simple tions in class as models for their
classroom instructions, describe Personal Production own. (I.2, I.3)
places nearby, etc.) Write simple paragraph with a
EFL 3.2.8 Spell out key vocabulary future tense, water, the time, new CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to
items using the English alphabet. vocabulary. identify the meaning of specific
(Example: names, colors, animals, Read in class. content-based words and phrases,
possessions, etc.) Develop Literacy activities. with the aid of visual support, and
Develop the progress test. use charts/mind maps to distin-
READING guish between fact/opinion and
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact relevant/
and opinion and relevant and irrele- Evaluation irrelevant information in informa-
vant information in an informa- Heteroevaluation tional texts.
tional text through the use of mind Co-evaluation I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can deter-
maps/charts. Self-appraisal mine the meaning of specific con-
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view and tent-based words and phrases when
listen to information from various accompanied by visual support and
sources in order to organize and distinguish between
discuss relationships between aca- fact and opinion and relevant and
demic content areas. (Example: irrelevant information in informa-
nonfiction books for young adults, tional texts through the use.
the Internet, audio and media pre-
sentations, oral interviews, maps, CE.EFL.3.19. Create a question-
diagrams, reference books, maga- naire or survey using WH- ques-
zines, etc.) tion words in
order to identify things in com-
WRITING mon and preferences while dis-
EFL 3.4.5 Write a questionnaire or playing an ability
survey for friends, family or class- to convey and organize informa-
mates using WH- questions in order tion using facts and details.
to identify things in common and I.EFL.3.19.1. Learners can write
questionnaires and surveys for
peers and family using WH- ques-
EFL 3.4.6 Write a simple narrative
tions in order to
with linking words on familiar sub- identify things in common and pref-
jects in order to express everyday erences, while demonstrating an
activities. (Example: free time, de- ability to convey and organize in-
scriptions, what happened last formation using facts and details in
weekend, etc.) order to illustrate diverse
patterns and structures in writing.
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS (Example: cause and effect, prob-
EFL 3.5.3 Produce short, creative lem and solution, general-to-spe-
texts using ICT and/or other re- cific presentation, etc.) (I.2, S.2)
sources at home or at school in or-
der to recreate familiar scenes and
themes. CE.EFL.3.23. Create short, origi-
EFL 3.5.4 Create personal stories nal texts using a range of re-
by adding imaginative details to sources and other media, includ-
real-life stories and situations, using ing ICT, in order to recreate fa-
appropriate vocabulary and ele- miliar scenes and themes.
ments of the literature learners have I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can create
read or heard. and produce short texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or at
school in order to recreate familiar
scenes and themes. (I.1, I.3)

6. BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBGRAPHY (Use APA VI edition standards)
MINEDUC. Documento de Ajustes Curriculares 2016. The novelties in the fulfillment of the planning will be consigned. In
EDIPCENTRO. I Speak 5 addition, you can suggest adjustments for the best compliance with what
is planned in the instrument.


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