Electricity (SQC) Regulations 2022

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to the Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 84 of 15 June 2022

Government Notice No. 141 of 2022

Regulations made by the Minister, after consultation with
the Utility Regulatory Authority, under section 44
of the Electricity Act 2005
1. These regulations may be cited as the Electricity (Safety, Quality
and Continuity) Regulations 2022.
2. In these regulations –
“Act” means the Electricity Act 2005;
“Authority” has the same meaning as in the Act;
“building and land use permit” has the meaning as in the Local
Government Act;
“BS 7671:2018” means the British standard for performing safe
electrical installations or any latest version;
“cable” means a conductor which is electrically insulated;
“circuit” means an assembly of electrical equipment supplied
from the same origin and protected by the same protective
“conductor” means a wire, metallic bar, rod or plate, which is
not insulated, arranged to be electrically connected to a network
or earth;
“customer” has the same meaning as in the Act;
“customer’s installation” means the electric conductors or
cables situated upon the customer’s side of the supply terminals
together with any equipment permanently connected or intended
to be permanently connected thereto on that side;
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“danger” includes danger to health, life or limb, from electric

shock, burn, injury or mechanical movement to persons,
livestock or domestic animals, or from fire or explosion,
resulting from the generation, transmission, distribution or use
of energy;
“distributing main” means a low voltage electric conductor
which connects a distribution licensee’s source of voltage to –
(a) one or more service conductors; or
(b) directly to a single customer’s installation;
“distribution code” means such technical or operational codes,
published by the Authority, relating to distribution and required
by a distribution licensee to be implemented and maintained in
accordance with the distribution licence issued by the Authority;
“distribution licensee” means a person who is granted a
distribution licence under the Act;
“earth” means the general mass of the earth;
“earth electrode” means a conductor or group of conductors in
intimate contact with, and providing a connection with earth;
“electrical installation” means an assembly of associated
electrical equipment with coordinated characteristics which
fulfils a specific purpose;
“energy” means electrical energy;
“equipment” includes plant, meters, conductors, devices,
supports, appliances and associated items used, or intended to be
used, for the purpose of generating, transmitting or distributing
energy, or for using or measuring energy;
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“extraneous conductive part” means a conductive part liable

to introduce an electric potential, but not forming part of an
electrical installation;
“final circuit” means a circuit connected directly to equipment
using electricity, a socket outlet or other outlet point for the
connection of such equipment;
“generation code” means such technical and operational codes as
may be published by the Authority, and required by a generation
licensee to be implemented and maintained in accordance with
the generation licence issued by the Authority;
“generation licensee” means a person who is granted a generation
licence under the Act;
“high voltage” means a nominal voltage exceeding 33,000 volts;
“insulation” means a non-conducting material enclosing or
surrounding an equipment or any part thereof and of such
quality and thickness as to withstand the operating voltage to
which the equipment is subjected to;
“insulator” means a device which supports a live conductor;
“insulated” has the same meaning as insulation;
“licensee” has the same meaning as in the Act;
“live” means electrically charged;
“low voltage” has the same meaning as in the Act;
“mains” means the main switchboard of a building;
“Mauritius Standards Bureau” means the Mauritius Standards
Bureau established under the Mauritius Standards Bureau Act;
“medium voltage” means a nominal voltage exceeding 1,000
volts and not exceeding 33,000 volts;
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“metalwork” –
(a) means a metallic structure; but
(b) does not include any electric conductor;
“MS 63” means the standard requirements for electrical
installations specified by the Mauritius Standard Bureau or such
latest version as may be available;
“network” means an electrical system supplied by one or more
sources of voltage and comprising all the conductors and
other equipment used to conduct electricity for the purpose
of conveying energy from the source or sources of voltage to
one or more customer’s installations, street lighting fixtures, or
other networks;
“neutral conductor” means a conductor which is, or is intended
to be, connected to the neutral point of an electrical system for
the purpose of supplying electricity;
“overhead conductor” means any electric conductor which is
placed above ground and in the open air;
“performance standards” means the standards and codes in
respect of the quality, reliability, efficiency and economy of
electricity service supplied by a licensee;
“phase conductor” –
(a) means a conductor that is used to carry energy; but
does not include a neutral conductor or protective
conductor used for the purpose of earthing;
“protective conductor” means a conductor that –
(a) is used for protection against electric shock; and
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(b) connects the exposed conductive parts of equipment with

the earth;
“relevant person” means –
(a) a licensee;
(b) a person exempted under section 3 of the Act to obtain
a licence;
“requirements for low voltage electrical installations” means
either MS 63 or BS 7671:2018;
“residual current” means leakage of electrical current in a circuit
flowing to earth or to any extraneous conductive part;
“residual current device” means a mechanical switching device,
or an association of devices, intended to cause the opening of
the contacts when the residual current attains a given value
under specified conditions;
“service conductor” means an electric conductor which connects
a supply terminal to a distributing main;
“street lighting fixture” means a permanent fixture that –
(a) is, or is intended to be, connected to a supply; and
(b) is in, on, or is associated with a street or motorway;
“substation” means a group of equipment accommodated in an
enclosed compound consisting of devices such as transformers,
circuit breakers, switches and protective devices used to
transform voltages and perform electrical control of high
voltage and medium voltage systems;
“supply” means the supply of electricity to any premises,
including the sale of electricity;
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“supply neutral conductor” –

(a) means the neutral conductor of a low voltage network
which is, or is intended to be, connected with earth; but
(b) does not include any part of the neutral conductor on the
customer’s side of the supply terminals;
“supply terminal” means the ends of the electric conductors or
cables where the supply is delivered to a customer’s installation;
“support” –
(a) means any structure, pole or other device, in, on, by or
from, which any electric conductor is or may be supported
or suspended; and
(b) includes stays and struts; but
(c) does not include insulators or their fittings or any building;
“switching device” includes any device which can either make
or break a current, or both;
“system operation” means the control over the operation of
generating stations, transmission lines and distribution lines
within each control area designated in the licence issued by
the Authority;
“system operation code” means such technical or operational
codes published by the Authority relating to system operation
and required by a system operation licensee to be implemented
and maintained in terms of the system operation licence issued
by the Authority;
“transmission code” means such technical or operational codes
as the Authority may publish, in respect of the transmission
and required by a transmission licensee to be implemented and
maintained in accordance with the transmission licence issued
by the Authority;
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“transmission licensee” means a person who is granted a

transmission licence;
“underground cable” means any cable designed to be placed
below ground.
3. (1) Any requirement in these regulations for goods or
materials to comply with a specified standard shall be in accordance
with the requirements for low voltage electrical installations or an
equivalent standard published by the Mauritius Standards Bureau,
or the International Electro-technical Commission, insofar as the
specified standard enables electricity safety, quality or continuity
considerations to be met in an equivalent manner.
(2) A reference in these regulations, in respect of the network,
overhead conductor, substation or equipment of a relevant person
shall be a reference to a network, an overhead conductor, a substation
or an equipment, as the case may be, owned or operated by him.
4. (1) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), insofar as these regulations
apply to a relevant person, they shall also apply to any agent,
contractor or subcontractor on whose behalf the agent, contractor or
the subcontractor, as the case may be, is acting in relation to a matter
under these regulations.
(2) Regulations 7, 18, 30, 32, 33 and 36 shall not apply to any
agent, contractor or subcontractor.
5. (1) a relevant person shall, for the purpose of generation,
transmission, distribution and supply –
(a) take such reasonable steps as may be required to protect
the public and its personnel from any danger that may
arise from the generation, transmission, distribution,
supply and use of energy from any network;
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(b) take such reasonable steps as may be required to

eliminate or reduce the risks of –
(i) personal injury;
(ii) damage to property; or
(iii) interference with the use of energy resulting
from the generation, transmission, distribution
and supply; and
(c) comply with such safety standards as may be required,
including but not limited to the standards set out in –
(i) the Generation Code, the Distribution Code,
the Transmission Code, the System Operation
the associated technical and safety
standards; and
(iii) the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
6. (1) A relevant person shall ensure that his equipment is –
(a) sufficient for the purpose of which it is used and the
circumstances in which it is used; and
(b) so constructed, installed, protected, both electrically
and mechanically, identified, used and maintained as
to prevent danger, interference with or interruption of
supply, as far as is reasonably practicable.
(2) A relevant person shall –
(a) in respect of every overhead conductor or part thereof,
and every substation, assess the foreseeable risk of
danger from interference, vandalism or unauthorised
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access, having regard to the nature of the equipment

and use of the surrounding land; and
(b) take such measures as may be required in accordance
with the nature of risk to which it gives rise, so as to
safeguard the equipment.
(3) A relevant person shall take such reasonable steps as may
be required to ensure that the public is made aware of danger that may
arise from activities carried out in proximity of electrical networks
and to indicate the means by which danger may be avoided.
(4) A relevant person shall, as far as is reasonably practicable,
take such precautions as may be required to avoid danger resulting
from the influx of water, or any noxious or explosive liquid or gas,
into any enclosed space, which may arise from the installation or
operation of his equipment.
(5) A relevant person shall ensure that the quality of all materials
used for electrical equipment and electrical networks, except where
otherwise specified in these regulations, are in accordance with the
relevant performance standards.
(6) A relevant person shall ensure that all materials and
structures to house or support electrical equipment, except where
otherwise specified in these regulations, are in accordance with the
standards specified in the performance standards.
7. A relevant person shall, in order to ensure compliance with
these regulations –
(a) disclose such information to each other as may reasonably
be required; and
(b) cooperate with each other in so far as is necessary.
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8. A relevant person shall, as far as is reasonably practicable,

inspect his network with sufficient frequency so that he is aware of
what action he needs to take so as to ensure compliance with these
regulations, the relevant performance standards, and, in the case
of his substations and overhead conductors, he shall maintain for a
period of not less than 5 years a record of such inspections, including
any recommendations arising therefrom.
9. (1) A relevant person shall be responsible for the application
of such protective devices to his network, as far as is reasonably
practicable, to avoid any over current, phase and earth fault
current from –
(a) flowing in any part of his network; and
(b) causing injury to any person or damage to property.
(2) (a) The final circuit of an electrical installation in a
building shall be fitted with a residual current device.
(b) The residual current device under subparagraph (a)
shall have –
(i) an operating electrical current of not more than
30 milliamperes; and
(ii) an operating time of not more than 40 milliseconds
at 150 milliamperes.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), a residual current device
of a higher rating than the rating specified in that paragraph may be
installed at the mains, provided that the final circuit of the electrical
installation is protected by a residual current device of ratings
specified in the paragraph.
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10. (1) A relevant person shall, in the design, construction,

maintenance or operation of his networks, take all reasonable
precautions to ensure continuity of the supply neutral conductor.
(2) A relevant person shall not introduce any protective device
in any supply neutral conductor.
11. (1) A relevant person shall, as far as is reasonably practicable,
ensure that his network is not disconnected from earth in the event
of any foreseeable current due to a fault.
(2) A relevant person shall, in respect of any high voltage or
medium voltage network which he owns or operates, ensure that –
(a) the network is connected with earth at, or as near as is
reasonably practicable to the source of voltage; and
(b) the earth electrodes are designed, installed and used
in accordance with the associated technical and safety
standards so as to avoid danger.
(3) A relevant person shall, in respect of any low voltage
network which he owns or operates, ensure that –
(a) every supply neutral conductor is connected to earth,
or as near as is reasonably practicable at the source
of voltage; and
(b) no impedance is inserted in any connection with earth
of a low voltage network except for the operation of
switching devices or of instruments or equipment for
control, telemetry or metering.
(4) No customer shall connect the protective conductor in his
installation to the supply neutral conductor.
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(5) Paragraphs (1) to (3) shall not apply to any electric

conductor and any electric equipment which is situated within a
generating station if adequate alternative arrangements are in place
to avoid danger.
12. Without prejudice to any other requirement in respect of
earthing, a relevant person shall ensure that any metalwork enclosing
or supporting his equipment or which is otherwise associated with his
equipment, and which is not intended to serve as a phase conductor,
is connected with earth.
13. A relevant person shall protect his network against damage
from lightning.
14. A relevant person shall, in respect of every substation, which he
owns or operates –
(a) enclose, where it may be so required to avoid, as far as is
reasonably practicable, danger or unauthorised access;
(b) enclose any part of the substation, which is open to the
air and contains live equipment which is not encased,
with a fence or wall of a height of not less than 2 metres,
to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, danger or
unauthorised access;
(c) ensure that, as far as is reasonably practicable, there are, at
all times, displayed –
(i) sufficient safety signs of such sizes as are necessary
to give due warning of such danger, as is reasonably
foreseeable, and in such positions as may be required;
(ii) a notice which gives the location or identification of
the substation and the name of each relevant person
who owns or operates the substation equipment
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making up the substation is displayed in a conspicuous

place; and
(iii) such other signs of such sizes and in such positions, as
are necessary, to give due warning of danger having
regard to the siting of, the nature of and the measures
taken to ensure the security of the substation
(d) take such reasonable precautions as may be required to
minimise the risk of fire associated with the equipment; and
ensure that each substation is adequately lighted to
avoid danger.
15. (1) A relevant person may use any underground cable and
associated equipment in accordance with regulations 16 and 17.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any underground cable
and associated equipment in generating stations or substations.
16. All underground cables and associated accessories shall be
provided with –
mechanical protection by any such means that would
ensure the safe electrical operation of the cables; and
(b) a continuous metallic screen connected with earth.
17. (1) Every underground cable shall be kept at such depth or
be protected so as to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, any
damage or danger by reason of such uses of the land which can be
reasonably expected.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), an underground cable
shall be protected, marked or otherwise indicated so as to ensure, as
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far as is reasonably practicable, that any person excavating the land

above the cable will be given sufficient warning of its presence.
(3) The protection, marking or indication under paragraph (2)
shall be made in accordance with the provisions of such associated
technical and safety standards as may be applicable.
(4) In the absence of the provisions under paragraph (3), the
protection, marking or indication shall be made by –
(a) placing the cable in a pressure type pipe or duct;
overlaying the cable at a suitable distance with
protective tiles or warning tape;
(c) providing such other protective or warning device,
mark or indication; or
(d) a suitable combination of the above measures.
18. (1) This regulation shall apply in respect of any underground
network owned or operated by a relevant person.
(2) A relevant person shall take such reasonable steps as are
necessary to maintain and keep up to date the records indicating the
location at which the cables that form part of his network, are laid.
(3) A relevant person shall keep a copy of the whole or relevant
part of any map prepared under paragraph (2) for inspection by the
Authority and shall, on request, provide a copy of such map to the
(4) Any map prepared for the purpose of paragraph (2) may be
kept by electronic means provided that such map can be reproduced
in printed form.
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(5) Nothing in this regulation shall require the inclusion, on a

map prepared or kept for the purpose of paragraph (2), of information
relating to the position and depth below surface level of network or
parts thereof which were placed below ground before the date of
issuance of a licence or an exemption under the Act, as may be the
case, where it would not be reasonably practicable to obtain such
19. (1) Where a foundation work for the construction of any
building or structure is undertaken near an underground cable, such
foundation work shall be undertaken from not less than the distance
specified in the Fourth Schedule.
(2) (a) Any person who intends to erect a building or
structure shall –
(i) give notice of his intention to erect such building or
structure in writing to the Municipal City Council,
Municipal Town Council or District Council; and
(ii) obtain a Building and Land Use Permit before erecting
such building or structure.
(b) The Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council
or District Council, as the case may be, shall not issue a Building and
Land Use Permit where the distance from the building or structure to
be erected to any part of the underground cable is less than the limits
specified in Part I of the Fourth Schedule.
(3) The minimum safety distances between underground
cables and other underground services shall be as specified in Part II
of the Fourth Schedule.
(4) No building or structure shall be constructed within the
servitude of any underground cable.
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20. A relevant person shall ensure that overhead conductors, other

than overhead conductors in generating stations or substations,
comply with these regulations and such other design standards as
may be specified in the associated safety and technical standards.
21. (1) A relevant person shall ensure that the height above
ground of any overhead conductor or cable, at the maximum likely
temperature of that conductor or cable, shall not be less than that
specified in paragraph (2).
(2) Where an overhead conductor or cable is over or along
a road or over any other location accessible or not accessible to
vehicular traffic, the height above ground of such overhead conductor
or cable shall not be less than that specified in the First Schedule.
(3) Where an overhead conductor or cable, which connects
equipment mounted on a support, is not over or along a road accessible
to vehicular traffic, the height above ground of such conductor or
cable shall be not less than 4.6 metres.
(4) Where an overhead conductor or cable is over a road
accessible to vehicular traffic, the height above ground of such
conductor or cable which is attached to a support, shall not be less
than that specified in the First Schedule.
(5) Where an overhead conductor crosses a navigable
waterway, such heights shall be maintained so as to avoid any danger.
22. (1) Where any building or structure is constructed near an
overhead conductor, the distance from such building or structure to
any part of the overhead conductor shall not be less than the limits
specified in the Second Schedule.
(2) (a) Any person who intends to erect a building or structure
shall give notice of his intention to erect that building or structure in
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writing to the Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council or

District Council and obtain a Building and Land Use Permit before
erecting such building or structure.
(b) The Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council
or District Council, as the case may be, shall not issue a Building and
Land Use Permit where the distance from the building or structure
to be erected to any part of the overhead conductor is less than the
limits specified in the Second Schedule.
(3) The distance from any tree to any overhead conductor
shall not be less than that specified in the Third Schedule.
(4) No overhead conductor shall be so close to any building,
tree or structure as to cause danger.
(5) No building or structure shall be constructed within the
servitude of any overhead conductor.
23. (1) Every support which carries a high voltage overhead
conductor shall, if the circumstances reasonably require, be fitted
with devices to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, any
unauthorised person from reaching a position at which any such line
would be a source of danger.
(2) Every support which carries a high voltage overhead
conductor shall, if the circumstances reasonably require, have
attached to it sufficient safety signs of such size and be placed in
such positions as are necessary to give due warning of such danger
as is reasonably foreseeable in the circumstances.
(3) Where conductors are run down supports for the purpose
of connection with earth, they shall be protected so as to avoid danger
within 3 metres from the ground.
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24. (1) Every stay wire which forms part of, or is attached to, any
support which carries an overhead conductor incorporating bare
phase conductors shall be fitted with insulators.
(2) The insulators referred to in paragraph (1) shall be not less
than 4.6 metres above the ground.
25. (1) The vertical electrical clearance of conductors of high
voltage conductors crossing over energised traction conductor,
under most adverse conditions of sag and swing shall not be less than
3.2 metres.
(2) The safety distance of conductors of high voltage
conductors to any component of electric traction system, under
most adverse conditions of sag and swing, shall not be less than
4.6 metres.
(3) (1) No mast shall be erected directly underneath any high
voltage conductor.
(2) Any mast referred to in paragraph (1) shall be erected
furthest from the line crossing and shall, as far as practicable, be at
90 degrees from each other.
26. Where a person is granted a licence or is exempted of a licence
under sections 13(3) of the Act and operates a source of energy as
a switched alternative to a transmission licensee’s or a distribution
licensee’s network, he shall –
(a) obtain an authorisation, in writing, from the transmission
licensee or the distribution licensee who owns or operates
the network; and
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(b) ensure that that source of energy cannot operate in parallel

with that network,
provided that where the source of energy is part of the customer’s
installation, that installation complies with these regulations
and all other design standards specified in the transmission code,
distribution code and associated safety and technical standards, as
the case may be.
27. (1) Notwithstanding regulation 28, no person shall install or
operate a source of energy which may be connected to a transmission
licensee’s or a distribution licensee’s network unless authorised by
the Authority in accordance with a network expansion plan and the
person –
has the necessary and appropriate equipment in
accordance with the transmission code, distribution
code and such associated safety and technical
standards, as may be applicable to a relevant person
to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, danger
or interference with that network or with the supply
to customers;
has the necessary and appropriate personnel
and procedures to avoid, as far as is reasonably
practicable, danger;
(c) complies with the transmission code, distribution code
and such associated safety and technical standards, as
the case may be, where the source of energy is part of
the customer’s installation; and
obtain an authorisation, in writing, from the
transmission licensee or the distribution licensee who
owns or operates the network.
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(2) Paragraph (1)(b) shall not apply to a person who installs or

operates a source of energy which may be connected in parallel with
a transmission licensee’s or a distribution licensee’s network and is
exempted under section 3(3) of the Act, provided that –
(a) he complies with paragraph (1)(a) and (c);
(b) the source of energy is configured to disconnect itself
electrically from the parallel connection when the
transmission licensee’s or the distribution licensee’s
equipment disconnects the supply to the person’s
installation; and
(c) the person installing the source of energy ensures
that the transmission licensee’s or the distribution
licensee’s written authorisation is obtained to use a
source of energy in parallel with the network before
installing and at the time of commissioning the source.
28. (1) The transmission licensee and the distribution licensee
shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that their
networks are –
(a) so arranged; and
so equipped, where necessary, with fuses or
automatic switching devices, appropriately located
and configured,
so as to restrict the number of customers affected by any fault in their
respective network.
(2) Subject to regulation 34, the transmission licensee and the
distribution licensee shall, at all times, take all reasonable steps to
minimise interruptions of supply resulting from their own acts.
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29. (1) No person shall make or alter a connection from the

transmission licensee’s or the distribution licensee’s network to
a Customer’s Installation, a street lighting fixture or to another
distribution licensee’s network without the consent of the
transmission licensee and the distribution licensee first referred to in
this regulation.
(2) The transmission licensee or the distribution licensee shall
not unreasonably withhold his consent to making or altering of the
connection referred to in paragraph (1), unless there exist reasonable
grounds for believing that –
(a) the customer’s installation, street lighting fixture or
other distribution licensee’s network fails to comply
with these regulations;
the connection itself will not be so constructed,
installed, protected and used or arranged for use, so
as to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, danger
or interruption of supply; or
(c) the connection will not comply with the transmission
code, distribution code and associated safety and
technical standards, as applicable to each of the
relevant person.
(3) Any dispute between a person to whom paragraph (1)
refers and the transmission licensee or the distribution licensee,
arising from delay in giving or refusing to give the consent required
by paragraph (1) in accordance with paragraph (2), which cannot
be resolved between them may be referred by either of them to
the Authority.
30. (1) Before commencing supply to any customer, including
where a change to the existing supply requirement has been requested
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by a customer, the transmission licensee or the distribution licensee

shall by notification in writing declare to the customer –
(a) the type of voltage, whether direct or alternating, to
be supplied;
in the case of alternating voltage, the number of
phases and also the frequency of supply;
(c) the nominal voltage at the supply terminals.
(2) (a) The frequency declared pursuant to paragraph (1)
shall be 50 hertz.
(b) The voltage declared at the supply terminals in respect
of a low voltage supply shall be –
(i) 230 volts between the phase conductor and the
Neutral conductor; or
(ii) 400 volts between the phases.
(3) For the purpose of this regulation, unless otherwise agreed
in writing by the persons referred to therein, the permitted variations,
under normal conditions, shall be –
(a) a variation not exceeding 1.5 per cent above or below
the declared frequency;
(b) in the case of a low voltage supply, a variation not
exceeding 6 per cent above or below the declared
voltage at the declared frequency;
(c) in the case of a medium voltage supply, a variation
not exceeding 6 per cent above or below the declared
voltage at the declared frequency; and
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(d) in the case of a high voltage supply, a variation not

exceeding 10 per cent above or 6 per cent below the
declared voltage at the declared frequency.
(4) The transmission licensee and the distribution licensee shall
ensure that, save in exceptional circumstances, the characteristics
of the supply to a customer’s installation connected to his network
comply with the declarations made under paragraph (1).
31. (1) The transmission licensee or the distribution licensee shall
ensure that each item of his equipment which is on a customer or a
generation licensee premises, but which is not under the control of
the customer or the generation licensee, whether forming part of the
customer’s or the generation licensee’s installation or not, is –
(a) suitable for its purpose;
installed and, as far as is reasonably practicable,
maintained so as to avoid danger; and
(c) protected by a suitable protective device.
(2) Where each item of his equipment which is on a customer’s
premises but which is not under the control of the customer, a
transmission licensee or a distribution licensee, as the case may
be, shall mark permanently, so as to clearly identify the polarity of
each of them, the separate conductors which are connected to supply
terminals and such markings shall be made at a point which is as
close as is practicable to the supply terminals in question.
(3) Unless the transmission licensee and the distribution
licensee can reasonably conclude that it is inappropriate for reasons
of safety, any such licensee shall, when providing a new connection
at low voltage, make available the neutral conductor of his network
for connection to the neutral conductor of the customer’s installation.
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32. (1) Where –

a connection to a transmission licensee’s or a
distribution licensee’s network has been made, or is
proposed to be made; and
(b) the transmission licensee or the distribution licensee is
not satisfied that the customer’s installation, including
street lighting fixtures which is or would be connected
to his network, is or would be so constructed,
installed, protected and used or arranged for use so as
to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, danger or
interference with their network, or with the supply to
any customer’s installation including street lighting
the transmission licensee or the distribution licensee may issue a
notice in writing to the customer, including the owner of the street
lighting fixtures, as the case may be, requiring remedial works to
be carried out within such reasonable period as may be specified in
the notice.
(2) (a) Where the remedial works specified in the notice by
the transmission licensee or the distribution licensee are not carried
out within the delay specified in the notice, the transmission licensee
or the distribution licensee may disconnect or refuse to connect, as
the case may be, supply to the customer’s installation, including
street lighting fixtures.
(b) Where the transmission licensee or the distribution
licensee disconnects or refuses to connect supply to the customer’s
installation including street lighting fixtures, he shall, by further
notice in writing addressed to the customer including the owner of
Government Notices 2022 2207

the street lighting fixtures, set out the reasons for the disconnection
or refusal to connect.
(3) (a) A transmission licensee or a distribution licensee
may disconnect supply to a customer’s installation, including street
lighting fixtures without giving notice as required by paragraph (1)
if such disconnection can be justified on grounds of safety.
(b) The transmission licensee or the distribution licensee shall,
after the disconnection, serve as soon as is reasonably practicable, a
notice in writing addressed to the customer, including the owner of
the street lighting fixtures –
giving reasons for the disconnection under
subparagraph (a); and
(ii) where applicable, provide to the customer, including
the owner of the street lighting fixtures details of such
remedial measures that must be undertaken.
(4) The transmission licensee or the distribution licensee
shall –
(a) where remedial measures have been undertaken by
the customer, including the owner of the street lighting
fixtures, to the satisfaction of the transmission licensee
or the distribution licensee, connect or restore supply,
as the case may be; or
(b) where no remedial measures are required, as soon
as is reasonably practicable after the grounds for
disconnection have ceased to apply, connect or restore
supply, as the case may be.
(5) Any dispute between the transmission licensee or the
distribution licensee and the customer, including the owner of
2208 Government Notices 2022

the street lighting fixtures, over the disconnection of or refusal to

connect the customer’s installation including street lighting fixtures,
which cannot be resolved between them, may be referred by any of
them to the Authority.
33. A transmission licensee or a distribution licensee shall, in
respect of any existing or proposed customer’s installation, which
is connected, or is to be connected to his network, provide to any
person who shows a reasonable cause for requiring the information,
a written statement of –
(a) the maximum prospective short circuit current at the
supply terminals;
(b) for low voltage connections, the maximum earth loop
impedance of the earth fault path outside the installation;
the type and rating of the transmission licensee’s or
distribution licensee’s protective device nearest to the
supply terminals;
(d) the type of earthing system applicable to the connection in
accordance with regulation 11; and
(e) the information specified in regulation 30(1), which apply,
or will apply, to that installation.
34. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), a transmission licensee or a
distribution licensee may discontinue supply for the purpose of
testing or carrying out his activities.
(2) A transmission licensee or a distribution licensee may
discontinue supply pursuant to paragraph (1) only –
(a) for such period as may be necessary; and
Government Notices 2022 2209

(b) subject to paragraph (3), if at least 2 days’ notice is

given by issuing a communique to the customers.
(3) A transmission licensee or a distribution licensee may
discontinue supply even if the notice required by paragraph (2)(b)
has not been received by the customer if –
(a) the discontinuation is agreed between the customer
and the transmission licensee or distribution licensee;
the transmission licensee or distribution licensee
considers it necessary to discontinue supply to the
customer in order to avoid danger or to undertake
essential emergency repairs;
(c) if there is an urgent need to discontinue supply relating
to the safe or proper operation of the network; or
the notice is not received by the customer due
to circumstances not within the control of the
transmission licensee or the distribution licensee.
35. (1) A relevant person, whose equipment is subject to inspection,
test or examination by an inspector appointed by the Authority for
the purpose of ascertaining whether a breach of these regulations
may have occurred, shall provide any reasonable assistance and
facilities that the inspector may require.
(2) A relevant person shall provide such information to the
inspector as may be required for the purpose of performing the
inspector’s functions under this regulation.
36. (1) Notwithstanding any other enactments, notice shall be
given to the Authority in accordance with this regulation by –
(a) t
he generation licensee, the transmission licensee
or the distribution licensee in respect of any event
2210 Government Notices 2022

specified in paragraph (2)(b) where the event involves

a customer’s installation which is connected to the
transmission licensee’s or the distribution licensee’s
network; and
(b) any other relevant person in respect of any other
event specified in paragraph (2) involving a network
or equipment, which is in the ownership of, under the
control of, or used by, the relevant person, as the case
may be.
(2) The event referred to in paragraph (1) shall be –
any event attributable in whole or in part to the
generating, transforming, controlling or carrying
of energy up to and including the supply terminals,
which has given rise to –
(i) the death of any person;
(ii) an injury, including any electric shock, to any
(iii) any fire; or
(iv) any explosion and implosion;
(b) any event attributable, in whole or in part, to the
presence of electricity on the customer’s side of the
supply terminals resulting in the death of any person,
if the event becomes known to either the transmission
licensee or the distribution licensee.
(3) In respect of any event specified in paragraph (2)(a) –
(a) the requirement to give notice in accordance with
paragraph (4), as far as practicable, applies in addition
Government Notices 2022 2211

to the requirement to give notice in accordance with

paragraph (5) unless the notice given satisfies the
requirements of both paragraphs; and
the requirement to give notice in accordance
with paragraphs (4) and (5) applies in addition
to the requirement to give notice in accordance
with paragraph (6).
(4) In respect of any event specified in paragraph (2)(a) causing
death or serious injury to any person, notice of the event shall be
given to the Authority by telephone or other immediate means of
communication immediately after the event becomes known to the
relevant person, as the case may be.
(5) In respect of any event specified in paragraph (2)(a) or (b),
notice containing the relevant particulars shall, as soon as possible
after the event becomes known to the relevant person be given to the
Authority in writing by the quickest practicable means.
(6) In respect of any event notifiable under paragraph (2)(a),
notice shall be given to the Authority as soon as the event becomes
known to the relevant person, which shall be in the form set out in
the Fifth Schedule.
(7) The notices referred to in paragraphs (5) and (6) shall,
where the giver of the notice is unable to provide full particulars,
contain the relevant particulars as are available to the giver at the time
of giving it, and the remaining particulars shall be supplied to the
Authority in writing by the quickest practicable means immediately
after they have become known.
(8) The Authority may require a relevant person to submit
further information to the Authority relating to any matter which the
relevant person has notified the Authority under regulation 36.
2212 Government Notices 2022

(9) In this regulation –

“event” means any event of the kind specified irrespective
of whether it is accidental;
“relevant particulars” means, in respect of an event specified
in paragraph (2)(a) or (b), the particulars specified in the
forms set out in the Fifth Schedule and the Sixth Schedule,
respectively; and
“serious injury” means any injury which results in the
person being admitted into a medical institution as an
37. (1) The Authority may, from time to time or pursuant to a
request made by a relevant person, by General Notice published
in the Gazette, exempt that relevant person or any person from the
requirement to comply with these regulations or any part thereof for
such period as may be set out in the said General Notice, having
regard to the manner in which or the quantity of electricity likely to
be generated or distributed by such person.
(2) The request referred to in paragraph (1) shall –
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) state the full extent of the reasons for the
exemption sought.
38. (1) Paragraphs (2) to (5) shall apply where the Authority is
satisfied that –
(a) any network or part thereof, or any equipment which
is constructed, placed, erected, maintained, or used
otherwise than in accordance with these regulations;
Government Notices 2022 2213

(b) any part of a customer’s installation which is not

enclosed in a building; or
(c) any network or part thereof, any part of a customer’s
installation which is not enclosed in a building or
any equipment which is not in accordance with any
relevant exemption or these regulations when the
notice referred to in paragraph (2) is served,
is liable to become –
(i) a source of danger to others;
(ii) an interference with supply to others; or
(iii) a cause of interruption of supply to others.
(2) The Authority may serve notice on the relevant person or
customer, requiring that the network, the customer’s installation, the
equipment or any part thereof specified in the notice –
(a) shall not be used;
(b) shall be disconnected;
(c) shall be removed; or
(d) shall only be used subject to compliance with such
conditions, improvements or modifications as the
notice shall specify,
within the delay specified in the notice and the person on whom
the notice has been served shall comply with the provisions of
the notice.
(3) Where a notice referred to in paragraph (2) is served,
that notice shall remain valid until such time as the network, the
2214 Government Notices 2022

customer’s installation, the equipment or any part thereof specified

in the notice complies with these regulations or until the Authority
withdraws the notice.
(4) Without prejudice to paragraph (3), a relevant person or a
customer may, within 2 days from the date of the receipt of the notice
specified in paragraph (3), request the Authority to be exempted
fully or partially from the requirements of the notice, stating the
reasons thereof.
(5) Where it is satisfied with the reasons set out under
paragraph (4), the Authority shall approve the request.
39. A relevant person shall –
(a) prepare a safety manual setting out such safety rules and
precautions as may be applicable to his network; and
(b) establish a safety management system at every location
where there is an electrical interface between his network
and those of its users and other relevant persons,
in accordance with the Generation Code, the Transmission Code, the
Distribution Code and other relevant standards, as may be applicable
to every relevant person.
40. (1) Any relevant person, including the agent, the contractor or
the subcontractor of that relevant person, who fails to comply with
any provision of these regulations shall commit an offence and shall,
on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000 rupees.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with regulation 22(2), 26,
27 or 29(1) and any customer who fails to comply with regulation
11(4) or 38(2) shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000 rupees.
Government Notices 2022 2215

41. The following instruments are revoked –

(a) the Electricity Act 1939;
(b) the Electricity Regulations 1939;
the Electricity (Temporary Variation of Tariffs)
(Cancellation) Order 1947;
(d) the Electricity (Tariff) (no. 2) (Amendment) Order 1950;
(e) the Electricity (Increase of Tariffs) Order 1955;
(f) the Electricity (Rodrigues) (Tariff) Order 1956;
(g) the Electricity (Unification of Domestic Tariffs)
Order 1958;
(h) the Electricity (Unification of Commercial and Industrial
Tariffs) Order 1958;
(i) the Electricity (Unification of Commercial and Industrial
Tariffs) (Amendment) Order 1959;
(j) the Electricity (Maximum Tariffs) Order 1960; and
the Electricity (Safety of Low-Voltage and Medium-
Voltage Electrical Installations) Regulations 2004.
42. These regulations shall come into operation on 10 June 2022.

Made by the Minister, after consultation with the Utility

Regulatory Authority, on 10 June 2022.
2216 Government Notices 2022

[Regulation 21(2) and (4)]

Nominal Over Along Over other Over other

voltages road road locations locations
accessible to inaccessible to
vehicular traffic vehicular traffic
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Not exceeding
1,000 volts for
service cable 5.8 5.2 5.8 4.6
Not exceeding
1,000 volts
except service
cable 6.4 5.8 5.8 4.6
1,000 volts but
not exceeding
11,000 volts 6.4 5.8 5.8 4.6
11,000 volts but
not exceeding
33,000 volts 6.4 6.1 6.1 4.6
33,000 volts but
not exceeding
132,000 volts 7.5 7.5 7.5 6

Government Notices 2022 2217

[Regulation 22(1) and (2)(b)]

Nominal voltages Clearance Vertical Horizontal

radius * clearance* clearance***
(m) (m) (m)
Not exceeding 1,000
volts (bare conductor) 4 4 4
Not exceeding 1,000
volts (insulated) 2 0.5
Exceeding 1,000 volts
but not exceeding
11,000 Volts (bare) 4 4 4
Exceeding 1,000 volts
but not exceeding
11,000 Volts
(insulated) 2 0.5
Exceeding 11,000
volts but not exceeding
33,000 volts (bare)
(Insulated) 4 4 4
Exceeding 11,000
volts but not
exceeding 33,000
Volts (insulated) 2 0.5
Exceeding 33,000
volts but not
exceeding 132,000
volts (pole 14m) 4.6 4.6 4.6
2218 Government Notices 2022

Exceeding 33,000
volts but not
exceeding 132,000
volts (tower) 7.5 7.5 7.5
Notes –
* The clearance radius is the minimum distance between the nearest
point of a building or structure with respect to the nearest conductor
of an overhead conductor. The clearance radius is effective only
when a building or structure is lower than the nearest conductor of an
overhead conductor.

** The vertical clearance is the distance between the top of a building or
structure and the nearest conductor of an overhead conductor crossing
directly over it.

*** The horizontal clearance is the lateral distance between the building/
structure and the nearest conductor of an overhead conductor when the
building/structure is level or higher than the line.

****The horizontal clearance is the lateral distance between a building

or structure and the nearest conductor of a tower line. It becomes
effective when a building or structure rises level or higher than the lowest
conductor of the tower line. The distance is a variable as it depends on
the position of the building/structure with respect to the span length of
the tower line. Its determination is based under conditions of maximum
conductor swing and therefore the value has to be calculated on a case
to case basis.

Government Notices 2022 2219

[Regulation 22(3)]

1. Low voltage overhead conductors

Not surrounded Surrounded
by insulation by insulation
(m) (m)

Vertical distance 2 0.5

Horizontal distance* 2 0.5
2. Medium voltage overhead conductors
Not surrounded Surrounded
by insulation by insulation
(m) (m)

Vertical distance 2.5 1

Horizontal distance* 2.5 1
The distances specified in the table shall be further increased where
the factors such as tree movement, tree re-growth, overhanging of,
branches, conductor swing and falling of a tree/part of a tree, for
different geophysical conditions so require.
* The horizontal distance is the lateral distance between a tree and
the nearest conductor
3. High Voltage
66 kV
(1) (a) No tree shall be grown within a distance of 11
metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor, unless the Licensee
2220 Government Notices 2022

determines that it will not compromise the safety of any person or

(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), where the
Licensee so authorises, no tree shall be grown within a distance of
less than 7.5 metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor.
(2) Beyond 11 metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor,
the height of the tree shall be at least 5 metres less than the distance
to the tree from the nearest Overhead Conductor.
132 kV
(1) (a) No tree shall be grown within a distance of 13.5
metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor unless the Licensee
determines that it will not compromise the safety of any person or
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), where the Licensee
so authorises, no tree shall be grown within a minimum distance of
less than 7.5 metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor.
(2) (a) Within 13.5 metres from the nearest Overhead
Conductor, trees shall not be grown, unless the Licensee determines
that it shall not compromise safety.
(b) Where the Licensee determines that trees may be
grown under subparagraph (a), a minimum distance of 7.5 metres
from the nearest Overhead Conductor shall be maintained.
(3) Beyond 13.5 metres from the nearest Overhead Conductor,
the height of the tree shall be at least 5 metres less than the distance
to the tree from the nearest Overhead Conductor.
Government Notices 2022 2221

[Regulation 19(1), (2)(b) and (3)]
1. (1) The minimum distance shall, in respect of any foundation
works near to the Transmission Licensee’s or the Distribution
Licensee’s existing underground cable, at all times be maintained as
specified in table below.
(2) The approval of the Transmission Licensee or the
Distribution Licensee shall be obtained prior to starting works.

Voltage level Minimum horizontal distance

Up to 33 kV 1,000
Above 33 kV 2,000


2. The minimum distance shall, between the underground cable
of a Transmission Licensee or a Distribution Licensee and the other
services, as far as reasonably practicable, be as per the table below.
Services Minimum clearance (mm)

Horizontal Vertical
Clearance with respect to telecommunication
cables or any other cables running in parallel
or crossing 500 200
Clearance with respect to underground water or
sewerage pipes 500 500
2222 Government Notices 2022

[Regulations 36(6) and 36(9)]
Part particulars relating to the person submitting the notice

Name of licensee ................................................................................

Organisation ......................................................................................
Name and address of person submitting notice ..................................
Telephone no. ................................ Mobile no. ...............................
Email address .....................................................................................
Correspondence to be addressed to ....................................................

Date of submission .............................................................................

Event number .....................................................................................
Site of event ........................................................................................
Date and time of event ........................................................................

Person 1 Person 2

................................................. .................................................
Name Name
Government Notices 2022 2223

Voltage ...............................................................................................

Equipment at site of event overhead conductors, underground cables,

distributing mains, or service conductors, or others, please specify –

Type of circuit protection ...................................................................

If overhead conductor, specify ...........................................................

Height above ground of electric conductor at point of contact, if any


Whether or not the electric conductor was surrounded by Insulation

In respect of events not involving overhead conductors –

(a) whether the equipment was situated indoors or outdoors;

(b) where a substation is involved, a brief description of substation

physical security equipment e.g. brick concrete building, steel
galvanised steel doors, nature of fencing; whether any security
fence was also the perimeter fence;

where underground system is involved, specify type of
installation and depth of cable;

6. Brief facts of the event, including, where known, the cause –

7. (a) details of any action which has already been taken.

(b) details of any action which is intended to be, taken to avoid

a recurrence of the event .....................................................

8. Details of witnesses, if any .........................................................

9. Any further particulars ................................................................

2224 Government Notices 2022

I certify that to the best of my knowledge that the information given

above is correct.

................................................. .................................................
Date Name

................................................. .................................................
Status Signature

Government Notices 2022 2225

[Regulations 36(9)]
Name of Licensee or organisation ......................................................
Name and address of person submitting notice ..................................
Telephone number ..............................................................................
Email address .....................................................................................
Correspondence to be addressed to ....................................................

Date of submission .............................................................................

Event number .....................................................................................
Site of event ........................................................................................
Date and time of event ........................................................................

Person 1 Person 2

Full name of deceased .................................... ....................................

.................................... ....................................

Address .................................... ....................................

Nature of work .................................... ....................................

2226 Government Notices 2022

Status .................................... ....................................

Age .................................... ....................................
Sex .................................... ....................................
Cause of death, .................................... ....................................
if known

Fatal accident inquiry determination, if known –

Type and make ...................................................................................

Death due to Yes/No Death due to fault involving Yes/No

fault involving
Fixed wiring Misuse of equipment or appliance
Flexible lead Bare wires
Appliance lead Taped joints
Appliance Broken Neutral Conductor
Plug Exposed and Live plug pins
Socket outlet

Whether it was faulty ................................................................................

Whether the death was due to a fault involving ............................................
Government Notices 2022 2227


Voltage ......................... Type of Circuit protection ..............................

Yes/No Remarks
RCD has been installed
RCD functional
Earthing function
Yes/No Remarks
Earthing connection loose
Earthing connection disconnected
Earthing connection was to a water
pipe, local Earth Electrode
Any further particulars –

I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information given

above is correct.

................................................. .................................................
Name Date

................................................. .................................................
Status Signature


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