GCB - Hecs - 1HC0023255 - en - F24-1
GCB - Hecs - 1HC0023255 - en - F24-1
GCB - Hecs - 1HC0023255 - en - F24-1
Generator circuit-breakers
HECS for 80-130 kA
Table of contents
Hitachi Energy is a leader in the design and manufacturing The generator circuit-breaker system HECS is a complete
of generator circuit-breakers (GCBs) since 1954 with more than three phase system available with a wide range of ratings:
8,000 deliveries in over 100 countries. We offer the widest and • From 80 to 130 kA rated system-source short-circuit current
most modern portfolio of GCBs in SF6 and vacuum technology • Up to 25.3 kV rated voltage
with a range of short-circuit current ratings from 50 kA to • Up to 23,500 A rated normal current at 50 Hz/ 60 Hz
300 kA and nominal currents from 3,150 A to over 50,000 A • Full 180° out-of-phase current switching capability
to meet the demand of all types of power plants around
the globe. The interrupting chamber of HECS is fully type tested
according to IEEE C37.013 and designed to meet the
GCBs protect the important assets in power plants such as requirements of IEC/ IEEE 62271-37-013.
generators and transformers by clearing potential harmful
short-circuit faults in tens of milliseconds preventing severe
damages and possibly lengthy plant downtime.
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Key features
Customer benefits
We offer a wide and modern range of HECS products. The modular design
allows the flexibility of having customized solutions suitable for a wide
range of power plants within one common platform.
The HECS products have a standardized compact design which reduces
the space requirement and allows a simplified transportation through
container solutions. The whole range of HECS are designed to have a low
environmental impact with a small footprint and a low SF6 leakage rate.
The outstanding reliability of the HECS-platform is based on its robust and
streamlined design and on its modular construction which allows the use of
well proven components for all breaker types. The extraordinary reliability
has been confirmed by the more than 2000 installed breakers of the
HECS-family since 2003.
HECS has been tested beyond the highest possible requirements of
the standards in order to assure a safe operation of the breaker in all
Technical data
Earthing switch
Standards, quality
and tests
Standards and quality Further tests such as temperature rise, extended mechanical
endurance, low temperature, high temperature, sound level,
The generator circuit-breaker system type HECS fulfils the degree of protection and reaction force tests were carried out
requirements of all relevant standards, i.e. IEEE C37.013, with all the related components within the system to verify the
IEC/ IEEE 62271-37-013, IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-102, liability and compliance with the requirements of the relevant
IEC 61869-2, IEC 61869-3, IEC 60358, IEC 60099-4, standards.
IEC 62271-300, IEC 60480 and IEC 60529. The HECS system
is tested according to the standard that were valid at the time Routine and factory acceptance tests
of testing. Prior to dispatch, the generator circuit-breaker system is sub-
jected to an extensive test program defined in accordance with
The production of generator circuit-breakers in Switzerland is the standards IEC/ IEEE 62271-37-013:2015 and
continuously endeavored to improve its quality systems and is IEC 62271-102:2018, including:
awarded by Bureau Veritas for management system with the • Power frequency withstand voltage tests on major insulation
certificate for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and components and insulation of enclosures (HV tests)
ISO 45001:2018. • Electrical resistance of current path across circuit-breaker
and the disconnecting switch
• Mechanical timing test on generator circuit-breaker
Tests • Mechanical test on other components
• Tests on auxiliary and control circuits
Type tests
• Tightness test
The generator circuit-breaker type HECS has been designed to
• Design and visual checks
meet the requirements of IEC/ IEEE 62271-37-013 and in some
respects, its performance even exceeds the minimum require-
ments of this standard. The interrupting capability of the HECS
generator circuit-breaker system was fully type tested by the
High-Power Laboratory of KEMA/ Netherlands in accordance
to the standard IEEE C37.013.
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Hitachi Energy generator circuit-breaker systems are the generator circuit-breaker systems are available with earthing
three-phase systems with a SF6 circuit-breaker and a discon- switch, starting switch, short-circuiting connection, current and
nector in single-phase enclosures, supplied fully assembled on voltage transformers, surge capacitor and surge arrester. The
a common frame, with operating mechanisms and control single line diagram of a generator circuit-breaker system type
equipment. In addition to the circuit-breaker and disconnector, HECS is depicted in figure 01.
1 Circuit-breaker
2 Disconnector
7 3 Earthing switch
9 4 Starting switch
6 Surge capacitor
7 Current transformer
1 Voltage transformer
4 Surge arrester
9 short-circuiting connection
G Generator side
T Transformer side
Interrupting chamber
Within the interrupting chamber SF6 gas is used for both arc
extinguishing and internal insulation. The external insulation
is air. For current interruption the self-blast principle is used,
which represents an optimized design to achieve a significant
reduction in operating energy.
7 6 8 3 1
5 4 2
1 1
2 2
Cooling fluid
The latest development allows to implement an even greener
cooling system by means of a new generation cooling fluid
having a very low global warming potential. The thermodynamic
and transport properties of the new generation, low-GWP cool-
ing fluid are very good and lead to a high cooling efficiency and
a low amount of cooling media. The system is hermetically
sealed and maintenance free. The cooling media is a dielectric
fluid that guarantees electrical insulation over and beyond the
ratings of the generator circuit-breaker.
The switchgear concept provides a disconnector fitted in series distance can be clearly seen through an inspection window.
with the main contacts of the circuit-breaker to provide safe and The moving contact is motor driven. A locking feature prevents
visible isolation between the step-up transformer and the gen- motor operation while the disconnector is being manually oper-
erator circuit-breaker. It is placed on the transformer-side of the ated. Mechanically driven position indicator is provided in a
circuit-breaker and within the same enclosure. visible position and a crank handle is provided for manual
operation. The view of a disconnector being in the open
The disconnector is a tubular telescopic unit, and it is equipped position is depicted in figure 07.
with a drive that operates through a mechanical linkage all three
poles. This layout provides easy access and simplifies mainte-
nance. In the open position of the disconnector, the isolating air
07 Disconnector
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The short-circuiting connection helps expedite the testing and
adjustment of the power plant protection system. It can be pro-
vided manually mounted for the use between the circuit-breaker
and the disconnector of the system or motor- operated. In the
former case, the cover of each phase enclosure has to be re-
moved to allow the fitting of the short-circuiting bar. In the latter
case, the short-circuiting link is used in conjunction with the
earthing switch installed on the generator-side of the cir-
10 Current transformer
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Y-connection of the
primary windings
11 Insertion of a ferroresonance damping device (DE6) in the open delta of the residual 12 Insertion of a ferroresonance damping device (DE6) in the open delta of the residual
voltage windings of a set of voltage transformers (voltage transformer with one voltage windings (tertiary windings) of a set of voltage transformers (voltage transformer
secondary winding) with two secondary windings)
16 | H E C S G E N E R AT O R C I R C U I T- B R E A K E R H I G H E S T I N S TA L L E D B A S E W O R L D W I D E
Connecting zone
The connecting zone is designed to provide a detachable between terminals ensuring that dielectric strength require-
(bolted) connection between the generator circuit-breaker life ments are always met.
part and the conductor of the adjacent isolated phase bus or
busduct. The main components of the connecting zone are 3., 4. and 5. Flexible type employing laminates with pressure-
depicted in Figure 16. The flexible connections shall be de- welded contact ends designed and tested for high mechanical
signed for: stress.
1. Carrying the rated continuous current and the rated short
time withstand current without exceeding the maximum 6. Silver plated contact ends with high requirements on contact
permissible temperatures surface evenness and material properties.
2. Ensuring that the dielectric strength requirements are met
3. Compensating expansion and contraction of the conductor
due to temperature changes
4. Compensating vibrations and withstanding the stress caused
during switching operations
5. Withstanding the mechanical stress resulting from
electro-dynamic forces in case of short-circuit current
6. Providing a low resistance, safe and stable electrical
Monitoring system
The GMS600 (see figure 17(a)) is a novel monitoring system for sample per second. This raw temperature data is processed by
GCBs that has been specifically developed to support power a temperature evaluation module every minute, and a warning
plant operators and maintenance engineers for a proactive and or alarm is generated in case the temperature deviation of the
cost-effective maintenance program, while improving diagnostic three sensors per phase exceeds the set limit or the tempera-
capability through the recorded data and threshold levels. ture reaches the maximum tolerated level. All information is
displayed to the GCB operator locally by local human machine
Built on the well-proven technology, it offers unique features interface as well as remotely by webserver and web client appli-
such as SF6 gas monitoring and trending (GMS600-G), cation. Data can be transmitted over the power plant network
temperature monitoring of primary conductors (GMS600-T) by the modern communication protocols IEC 61850 and
and ablation monitoring (GMS600-A). In addition, it is also able DNP3.
to provide operating mechanism supervision. GMS600 can be
integrated in new GCBs or retrofitted into existing GCB A recent advance in monitoring system led to the launch of the
applications. global first online contacts erosion monitoring system for GCBs.
Predominantly during opening operations, some material is ab-
The monitoring system provides precise indication of the GCB’s lated from the GCB arcing contact system resulting in reduced
remaining time-to- preventive maintenance based on cumulative overlapping times, i.e. the time elapsed between the opening of
current interruptions, total number of mechanical operations the main and the arcing contacts during switching operations.
and time from last overhaul. The wear on arcing contacts of GCBs can be better monitored
by measuring the overlapping time of the contacts. This time is
An important novel feature is temperature monitoring of the critical for the proper operation of a GCB, and overhaul be-
current-carrying path. At such high currents as those normally comes necessary if the overlapping time is shorter than a
carried by a GCB, even a slight increase of electrical resistance minimum acceptable value which does not allow the current to
in the current-carrying path can lead to a large temperature commutate from the main to the arcing contacts during an
increase. The GMS600 reads out the measured data of all opening operation.
temperature sensors at a rate of approximately one sensor
Analog signals
Digital outputs
IEC 61850
LAN Drive/ position
The overlapping time is typically measured using the dynamic The presented innovative solution offers the possibility to per-
contact resistance measurement (DRM) technique, which evalu- form a direct contact erosion measurement with high accuracy
ates the contact resistance during an operation of the GCB. The and does not need the GCB to be taken out of service, thus
measurement consists in injecting a DC current in one phase of increasing the availability of the power plant. This enables new
the GCB and requires the GCB to be taken out of service and service concepts to be implemented, promoting the transition
isolated from the rest of the power plant. from the traditional reactive maintenance work to an optimized
maintenance planning based on residual lifetime prediction and
The innovative method to measure the contact overlapping supported by faster response, higher flexibility and simplified
time is based on a concept which transmits high-frequency inspections and overhauls.
signals across the GCB (see figure 17(b)). A test signal is gener-
ated by the phase module and is fed into the conductor via the The possibility to accurately measure the erosion of the GCB
capacitive voltage divider on the transformer side. The signal is contacts is of special importance in applications which involve
then received through a second capacitive voltage divider on a high number of switching operations such as in pumped stor-
the generator side. The amplitude of the received test signal age power plants. The use of a monitoring system to support
varies depending on the position of the GCB, i.e., closed, the maximization of the usage of equipment plays a key role in
main contacts open, or arcing contacts open. Evaluation of this optimizing system performance and reducing operating costs.
amplitude variation allows to calculate the overlapping time of
the two contact systems.
1 2
3 4 5
3 4 5
3 4 5 8
TIME (a.u.)
2 Power supply and communication interface 6 Time at which the main contact system is closed
3 Receiving capacitive voltage divider 7 Time at which the arching contact system is closed
Dimension drawings
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Hitachi Energy Ltd
Brown-Boveri-Strasse 5
8050 Zurich, CH