Pillars of Success Ebook v4
Pillars of Success Ebook v4
Pillars of Success Ebook v4
Written by
Copyright © IQ Matrix. All rights reserved
Table of Contents
04... Introduction
05... The Pillars of Success
06... Pillar #1: Beliefs
11... Pillar #2: Habits
15... Pillar #3: Resources
18... Pillar #4: Skills and Strengths
24... Pillar #5: Emotions
28... Pillar #6: Motivation
30... Pillar #7: Goal Setting
37... Pillar #8: Mindset
43... Final Thoughts As you read through this eBook you will find links to
44... About Author articles on the IQ Matrix Blog. These articles will provide
you with a more in-depth explanation of each topic. These
45... Download Free Mind Maps
links are highlighted in blue. Where articles are not yet
46... IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership
available, you will find direct links to maps within the IQ
47... The Knowledge Base Matrix Store. These links are highlighted in orange.
There are many great books you could read about success
“Success requires a combination of
and achievement. However, who really has the time to read
all these books? Sometimes we get so caught up in reading many different elements that must
and trying to learn and retain all this information that we come together in a specific way.”
forget about actually DOING and taking the necessary
actions that will help us achieve our goals and objectives.
Your work and career? What specifically must I believe in each of these areas in
Your health and well-being? order to have the life I currently live on a daily basis?
Your family, friends and relationships?
Your money and finances?
Your learning and development?
Your role as a parent or partner?
Your personal success?
Your life in general? etc.
Empowering Beliefs
I am in charge of my life and circumstances.
First memorize, then cultivate these empowering beliefs as you go about your day, and you will lay down a very strong foundation
that will help you breakthrough all the obstacles and challenges that life throws your way.
Let’s now break down the type of habits and behaviors that
we should look at cultivating each day, and the type of
habits and behaviors we must avoid at all costs if we desire
to achieve our goals and objectives.
Excessive Drinking
Seeking Comfort
Making Excuses
Excessive Eating
Excessive TV Watching
Excessive Socializing
Lack of Focus
Instant Gratification
Tick off the behaviors that apply to you and also have a think about other habits that you tend to indulge in each day that might be
causing you more harm than good.
Waking Early
Healthy Eating
Helping People
Sound Financial Management Practices
Tick off the behaviors that apply to you and also have a think about other habits that you could cultivate each day that will help
you improve your life and circumstances.
The moment you identify the habits and behaviors that are
preventing you from living the life you want, is the moment
you can begin cultivating new empowering behaviors that
will lead you down a better path filled with more
opportunities to achieve your goals and objectives.
Critical Skills
Support from Peers
Emotional Anchors
Access to Information
Empowering Language
Above you will find a list of resources that you potentially have at your disposal to help you achieve your desired outcomes. Read
the list over and consider what resources you have within each category and which resources might be missing. You will find a
detailed description of each these categories on the IQ Matrix Blog.
Personal Influence
Leadership Personal Skills Rating 0 to 10
Public Speaking Goal Setting
Relationship Building Time Management
Negotiation Emotional Intelligence
Networking Financial Management
Parenting Accelerated Reading
Motivating People Weight Management
Organization Skills
Having read over these skills, feel free to add other skills to
the list that are relevant to your life and circumstances.
Your strengths are your superpower ability that you can call What talents do I have that I can use to help me achieve my
forth at your time of need to help you breakthrough goals?
problems and obstacles.
It’s absolutely critical that you become aware and recognize Which of my qualities have helped me overcome great odds
your best assets because sooner or later you will need them and setbacks in the past?
to help you overcome the challenges that life throws your
What knowledge do I have that is essential with helping me
Now take some time to ask yourself the questions listed achieve my desired outcomes?
across the page. The strengths you list here should
essentially be added to the resource list we spoke about
What activities am I good at that could help me achieve my
within the previous section. The more resources you add to
this list, the more you will grow in confidence, and the more
likely you are to take the necessary actions to achieve your
goals and objectives. What personal habits or behaviors could assist me along my
Just like with anything that we’re not familiar with, it simply
What experience might I need to gain in order to become
takes a little time to learn and familiarize ourselves with a
more confident in these areas?
new skill or way of doing something. Over time and with a
little effort and patience it will become a habit, and
subsequently maybe even into a strength. How can I use my strengths to help me overcome my
Take time now to identify your weaknesses in terms of your
skills, qualities, knowledge, behaviors, etc. that are essential
to the attainment of your goals. What are they specifically? What potential opportunities can be found within my
Once you have identified your weaknesses, ask yourself the
questions listed to the right.
Discomfort Loneliness
Boredom Grief
Impatience Depression
Each day, take time to bring these emotions into your day
in ways that will transform your life and the lives of those
around you. Not only will this bring greater pleasure to
your experience, but it will also help put you in a state-of-
mind that will assist you with the achievement of your
goals and objectives.
Laughter Pessimism
Diaphragmatic Breathing Anger
Empowering Physiology Depression
Healthy Lifestyle Fear
Goal Setting Grief
Goal Criteria
My Goals are Specific
I have laid out exactly what I want to achieve specifically
and accurately taking all factors into consideration.
My Goals are Realistic
The timeframe I have
stipulated for the
achievement of this goal is My Goals are Timed
realistic given my resources They have a definite start and end date.
and capabilities.
Goal Criteria
Above all else, make sure that you stay flexible and adapt to
Find Your Motivating Forces
changing conditions and circumstances. There’s no point in
drawing up an inflexible plan of action that doesn’t take into As discussed in the previous section, motivation is
account new information or unexpected events that may absolutely critical for long-term success. Therefore when it
take place. Therefore always transform your approach when comes to goal setting it’s important that you keep your
required to help you get back on track. In the end it doesn’t levels of motivation as high as possible in order to keep
matter how you get to your end destination, as long as you yourself moving forward. One way you can do this is to
get there in the end. create a reward system where you periodically reward
yourself for reaching specific milestones along your journey.
In addition to the plan of action, it’s also important to
develop a system for tracking the progress you make
toward your goals. This is important to help motivate and “It’s also important to develop a
keep you on track and moving in the right direction.
system for tracking the progress you
make toward your goals.”
Make Your Goals Congruent Do I have any limiting beliefs that conflict with the goals I
Finally, above all else you must ensure that your goals are want to achieve?
100% aligned and congruent with your beliefs, priorities,
lifestyle, personal standards, values, and with other goals Given my current priorities, do I even have time to achieve
that you have set. This is absolutely critical because conflicts my goals within the timeframe I have laid out?
can lead to self-sabotage, which can lead to sub-par results
and outcomes. To identify your level of congruency, ask
Does my current lifestyle compliment my goals, or will there
yourself the questions listed to the right.
be friction?
Once you have identified all the conflicts, you must now
decide to take action in one of three ways: Will I need to raise my standards to new levels in order to
achieve my goals?
Transform all relevant areas of your life to match
your goals.
Adjust your goals accordingly to match your Do any values conflict with the outcomes I want to achieve?
lifestyle, priorities, values, standards, beliefs, etc.
Set new goals that are more congruent and aligned
with all the factors we have discussed above. Do I have any other goals that may conflict with the
achievement of these goals?
This can be a hard choice to make, however we have to be
honest with ourselves, otherwise we will continue to
What other conflicts could potentially exist that may
sabotage our own success.
sabotage my progress?
This list is by no means comprehensive. In fact, it only scratches the surface. Please read the Luck Factor IQ Matrix for more
Give it a go and ask these questions the next time you’re What’s the best way forward from here?
confronted with a problem, and find out for yourself
firsthand the power of effective questioning tactics.
Am I asking the right questions?
Final Thoughts
If you’ve read this far, then I congratulate you! You are one
of the very few people who have had the discipline to read
this eBook through to the very end. Hopefully this also
means that you are one of those rare people who also
follow through on the promises you make to yourself to
achieve your goals and objectives.
I wish you the greatest of success and luck along your path
toward your goals and objectives. But I suppose you won’t
need luck, since it’s already a part of you.
About Author
Here is a list of some of the maps you will find on this page:
There are currently 300+ IQ Matrix maps that are part of the
Lifetime Membership with more being added throughout the year.
Each IQ Matrix map is designed to help you in all areas of your life
including school, career, business, sports, health and more. Visit
the IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership page for more information
about what’s included.
Academic Genius
Effective Thinker
Life Coaching
Emotional Mastery
MasterMind Matrix
Basketball MVP
Feel free to click any of the above links for further information
about what’s included within each bundle package. Or
alternatively you can visit The Bundle Page.
Overcoming Adversity
Developing Social Skills
Boosting Productivity
Overcoming Fear
Life Coaching
Academic Genius
Blissful Relationships
Wealth Creation
Thinking Effectively
Career Success
Lifetime Achievement
And much more…
You will also find information about the various segments of the
MasterMind Matrix and hundreds of additional links and resources
to help you gain a better understanding of the chart and how all
the individual IQ Matrix maps fit together.