Pillars of Success Ebook v4

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The Pillars of Success


Table of Contents

04... Introduction
05... The Pillars of Success
06... Pillar #1: Beliefs
11... Pillar #2: Habits
15... Pillar #3: Resources
18... Pillar #4: Skills and Strengths
24... Pillar #5: Emotions
28... Pillar #6: Motivation
30... Pillar #7: Goal Setting
37... Pillar #8: Mindset
43... Final Thoughts As you read through this eBook you will find links to
44... About Author articles on the IQ Matrix Blog. These articles will provide
you with a more in-depth explanation of each topic. These
45... Download Free Mind Maps
links are highlighted in blue. Where articles are not yet
46... IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership
available, you will find direct links to maps within the IQ
47... The Knowledge Base Matrix Store. These links are highlighted in orange.

The Pillars of Success


There are many great books you could read about success
“Success requires a combination of
and achievement. However, who really has the time to read
all these books? Sometimes we get so caught up in reading many different elements that must
and trying to learn and retain all this information that we come together in a specific way.”
forget about actually DOING and taking the necessary
actions that will help us achieve our goals and objectives.

There is no denying that success requires a combination of

many different elements that must come together in a
specific way [see: mastermind matrix]. Without these
elements we may very well struggle to overcome the
setbacks and challenges that life blesses us with.

It would of course be very difficult to pinpoint exactly what

every single individual requires to achieve their desired
outcomes since we are all unique in our own way and have
very different circumstances that are specific to our
personal experiences. However, there are certain factors
that are absolutely essential and critical to any worthwhile
cause. We will call these factors The Pillars of Success.

The Pillars of Success


The Pillars of Success

“The Pillars of Success are the key
The Pillars of Success are the key critical components that
will help you to achieve all your goals and objectives. They critical components that will help you
are in essence the primary elements that are required for to achieve all your goals and
success in any field of endeavor. These pillars include: objectives.”
1. Removing limiting beliefs that are preventing you from
moving forward. These are the Pillars of Success and the key critical factors
2. Adopting new habits and routines that will help boost that we must focus on in order to improve our chances of
your productivity. succeeding in any field of endeavor.
3. Identifying and making the best use of the resources
you have at your disposal. As with all things, it’s important to keep in mind the
4. Recognizing and utilizing your strengths and the skills 80/20 Rule which states that 80% of your actions will lead
you will need to achieve your objectives. to 20% of your results. Likewise, 20% of your actions will
5. Taking charge of your emotions in a proactive manner lead to 80% of your results.
— making them work for you rather than against you.
These pillars are not comprehensive by any stretch of the
6. Finding ways to motivate yourself to take the necessary
imagination; however what they represent is the 20% of
actions to achieve your goals.
actions that you must take to help you attain 80% of the
7. Setting goals and objectives consistently in the right
results you desire to create in your life. Therefore by
way to help keep you on track.
consistently focusing on the highest impact activities will
8. Cultivating a mindset that is naturally aligned with the
help you to accelerate your results in a dramatic way.
outcomes you want to achieve.

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #1: Beliefs “Our beliefs are so powerful that they

Our beliefs are so powerful that they literally blind us to literally blind us to other perspectives
other perspectives of reality. This is good news for some, of reality.”
however it’s very disheartening news for others who are
riddled with limiting beliefs that are preventing them from
achieving their goals and objectives.

Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

The first step to any transformational process is to identify
and acknowledge that we are riddled with limiting beliefs.

Have a think about the ways you label yourself or how

others label you. Do they label you as lazy, unreliable, as
worthless or shy? What do they say about your specifically?
And more importantly, what do you believe without

These labels you accept about yourself are causing you to

think and act in a certain way, triggering a chain reaction of
behaviors, which subsequently attract the events and
circumstances in your life that you are experiencing at this
very moment.

The Pillars of Success


Consider the personal beliefs that you have about different

areas of your life. For instance, what beliefs do you have What limiting beliefs do I have about each of these areas?

 Your work and career? What specifically must I believe in each of these areas in
 Your health and well-being? order to have the life I currently live on a daily basis?
 Your family, friends and relationships?
 Your money and finances?
 Your learning and development?
 Your role as a parent or partner?
 Your personal success?
 Your life in general? etc.

While taking into account the areas listed above, ask

yourself the questions on the right side of this page.

Spend about 30 to 60 minutes identifying all the limiting

What do I believe about my relationships in order
beliefs you have within these areas of your life. The more
experience these arguments and conflicts?
thorough you are, the deeper layers you will uncover, and
the greater your chances of moving beyond these beliefs in
the future. What do I believe about my finances in order to experience
all these hardships?

The Pillars of Success


How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs “Overcome your limiting beliefs by

There are a number of things you can do that will help you questioning their validity.”
overcome the limiting beliefs we discussed on the previous

Here are some ideas that may assist you:

 Create doubt by questioning the validity of your

beliefs: How is this belief absurd and ridiculous?
 Transform your language, thoughts and perspective
about these beliefs.
 Consciously control your habitual reactions and
responses to events and circumstances that might
trigger your beliefs.
 Identify negative long-term consequences of your
beliefs in order to create enough pain to motivate
yourself to take action.

The Pillars of Success


Cultivating Empowering Beliefs

Once you have weakened your limiting beliefs you’re now
ready to begin cultivating empowering beliefs that will What empowering belief must I begin to cultivate that will
move you forward with greater momentum toward your make a positive difference in my life?
goals and objectives. However, first you must ask yourself
the questions to the left. What must I believe in each area of my life in order to attain
my goals and objectives?
These questions will help you to identify the most important
beliefs that will assist you to move forward with your life.
What would I need to believe in order to have already
Learn to cultivate these beliefs on a daily bases, discover achieved all my goals and objectives?
how to make them a part of your life, and commit yourself
to a life of excellence.

To assist you further with this exercise, on the next page

I’ve put together a list of 10 empowering beliefs that you
might not have considered. Each of these will help you
expand what is possible in every area of your life.

The Pillars of Success


Empowering Beliefs
I am in charge of my life and circumstances.

Failure strengthens and empowers me.

Setbacks are only temporary.

I already have all I need to succeed within me.

I don’t need other people’s approval to succeed.

Every minute is another chance to turn it all around.

I can make tomorrow better than today.

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow.

There’s a lot of opportunity around me, always!

Hard work and perseverance always pays off in the end.

First memorize, then cultivate these empowering beliefs as you go about your day, and you will lay down a very strong foundation
that will help you breakthrough all the obstacles and challenges that life throws your way.

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #2: Habits

“Almost everything we do results from
Almost everything we do results from a habit or routine that a habit or routine that we have
we have cultivated over a lifetime. Some of these habits are cultivated over a lifetime.”
positive and empowering, however many might very well be
sabotaging your success.

Before proceeding, ask yourself the following set of

questions and take time to consider the answers that come
to mind.

Which of my daily habits are helpful and productive?

Which of my daily habits are hurtful and prevent me from

getting what I want most in life?

Let’s now break down the type of habits and behaviors that
we should look at cultivating each day, and the type of
habits and behaviors we must avoid at all costs if we desire
to achieve our goals and objectives.

The Pillars of Success


Limiting Behaviors to Avoid


Perfectionism Closed Mindedness

Excessive Drinking
Seeking Comfort
Making Excuses
Excessive Eating
Excessive TV Watching

Excessive Socializing
Lack of Focus
Instant Gratification

Tick off the behaviors that apply to you and also have a think about other habits that you tend to indulge in each day that might be
causing you more harm than good.

The Pillars of Success


Empowering Behaviors to Cultivate

Waking Early
Healthy Eating

Helping People
Sound Financial Management Practices

Regular Sleep Routine

Regular Exercise
Lifelong Learning

Tick off the behaviors that apply to you and also have a think about other habits that you could cultivate each day that will help
you improve your life and circumstances.

The Pillars of Success


Make a Decision to Change “Before you make a decision to

Before making a decision to change any habit or behavior change any habit or behavior you
you must first acknowledge that you are actually ready and must first acknowledge that you are
willing to make a change. To do this, admit to yourself that:
actually ready and willing to make a
 These behaviors must change… change.”
 I must be the one to change them…
 I am capable of changing them starting today…

The moment you identify the habits and behaviors that are
preventing you from living the life you want, is the moment
you can begin cultivating new empowering behaviors that
will lead you down a better path filled with more
opportunities to achieve your goals and objectives.

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #3: Resources

Once your beliefs and habits are in order, now comes time
What specific resources do I have in this category?
to take stock of yourself and identify the resources you have
at your disposal that will help you to secure the things you
want most in life. What resources might be missing that could help me
achieve my desired outcomes?
A resource is anything you can make use of to help you
achieve your desired outcomes. Although it’s not always
about resources, but rather about your resourcefulness in How could I go about acquiring these missing resources?
any situation that makes all the difference.

For the purpose of this discussion I have divided these

How can I make the best use of the resources I have, to
resources into several categories. As you read over each of
achieve my goals and objectives?
these categories on the next page ask yourself the
questions listed on the opposite side of this page.

“A resource is anything you can make

use of to help you achieve your desired

The Pillars of Success


Resource List Categories

Critical Skills
Support from Peers
Emotional Anchors
Access to Information
Empowering Language

Solution Focused Questions

Access to Technology
Access to Knowledge
Time Available

Qualities and Traits

Empowering Beliefs

Above you will find a list of resources that you potentially have at your disposal to help you achieve your desired outcomes. Read
the list over and consider what resources you have within each category and which resources might be missing. You will find a
detailed description of each these categories on the IQ Matrix Blog.

The Pillars of Success


Of course knowing what goals you want to achieve is

“Knowing what goals you want to
absolutely essential as you go about building your resource
list. We will therefore discuss this in more detail a little later achieve is absolutely essential as you
within this eBook. go about building your resource list.”

I personally like to keep a notebook of the resources I have

at my disposal. It’s somewhat a book of inspiration, where I
make note of all the things I can use to help me achieve my
goals or overcome the obstacles that life throws my way. I
keep adding to it with relevant resources that I acquire over
time. I’ve found it very helpful, and I hope it can also be
helpful for you.

Having identified your resource list, it’s important now to go

a little deeper and pinpoint the strengths and skills that you
have at your disposal that you might like to utilize to
achieve your goals and objectives. Let’s begin by taking a
look at your skill-set.

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #4: Skills and Strengths

Have a think about the skills that you have at your disposal
and the skills you have acquired over a lifetime that could
help you move in a better direction. Ask yourself:

What specific skills do I currently have at my disposal that

will help me achieve my desired outcomes?

What critical new skills must I master to achieve my goals

and objectives?

How will I go about developing these skills?

Where must I begin?

Once you have asked these questions, immediately take

action and start developing the skills you will need to attain
your goals and objectives.

The Pillars of Success


Essential Life Skills

No matter what your goals, there are certain skills that are
absolutely essential and necessary. Some will of course be “No matter what your goals, there are
more applicable to your circumstances than others;
certain skills that are absolutely
however all of them are extremely useful and relevant in
their own right.
essential and necessary.”

As you go over each of these lists, rate your personal level

of proficiency in each of these areas from 0 to 10 and then
Thinking Skills Rating 0 to 10
ask yourself how relevant each of these skills are to the
attainment of your personal goals and objectives. Decision Making
Problem Solving
Creative Thinking
Critical Thinking
Accelerated Learning
Memory Enhancement

The Pillars of Success


Social Skills Rating 0 to 10

Personal Influence
Leadership Personal Skills Rating 0 to 10
Public Speaking Goal Setting
Relationship Building Time Management
Negotiation Emotional Intelligence
Networking Financial Management
Parenting Accelerated Reading
Motivating People Weight Management
Organization Skills

Having read over these skills, feel free to add other skills to
the list that are relevant to your life and circumstances.

The Pillars of Success


Identifying Your Strengths What are my real strengths?

Your strengths are like the deep thick roots of a tree stump
that secure it to the ground against the harsh forces of
What skills have I developed to a high level of proficiency?

Your strengths are your superpower ability that you can call What talents do I have that I can use to help me achieve my
forth at your time of need to help you breakthrough goals?
problems and obstacles.

It’s absolutely critical that you become aware and recognize Which of my qualities have helped me overcome great odds
your best assets because sooner or later you will need them and setbacks in the past?
to help you overcome the challenges that life throws your
What knowledge do I have that is essential with helping me
Now take some time to ask yourself the questions listed achieve my desired outcomes?
across the page. The strengths you list here should
essentially be added to the resource list we spoke about
What activities am I good at that could help me achieve my
within the previous section. The more resources you add to
this list, the more you will grow in confidence, and the more
likely you are to take the necessary actions to achieve your
goals and objectives. What personal habits or behaviors could assist me along my

The Pillars of Success


Overcoming Your Weaknesses

On the opposite side of the scales we have our weaknesses.
These are simply areas of our lives that we haven’t had an How can I best overcome these limitations?
opportunity to develop or work-on. We might have
neglected these areas for one reason or another, or they Who could possibly assist me in these areas?
simply weren’t important or necessary for us to focus on at
the time. As such we call them weaknesses however they
are by no means insurmountable obstacles that we simply What resources and knowledge might I need to help me
won’t be able to overcome. overcome them?

Just like with anything that we’re not familiar with, it simply
What experience might I need to gain in order to become
takes a little time to learn and familiarize ourselves with a
more confident in these areas?
new skill or way of doing something. Over time and with a
little effort and patience it will become a habit, and
subsequently maybe even into a strength. How can I use my strengths to help me overcome my
Take time now to identify your weaknesses in terms of your
skills, qualities, knowledge, behaviors, etc. that are essential
to the attainment of your goals. What are they specifically? What potential opportunities can be found within my
Once you have identified your weaknesses, ask yourself the
questions listed to the right.

The Pillars of Success


Keep in mind that you don’t always need to overcome your

weaknesses. You simply need to build the right support
mechanism that will help you gain the necessary leverage
you need to move beyond areas you’ve had little to no
experience with. Moreover, by constantly asking for help,
you will eventually find the answers you are looking for.

“Weaknesses are simply areas of our

lives that we haven’t had an
opportunity to develop, concentrate
or work-on.”

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #5: Emotions

To be human is to experience a plethora of incredible It’s important that you don’t get caught up in events or
emotions that add to the depth of our life experience. circumstances that don’t pan out as you had expected.
However, many times we incorrectly interpret our emotions Instead take control of your emotional responses and you
or we are simply unable to deal with them in an effective will soon take charge of your life.
way, which consequently leads us down a deep dark spiral
of despair.

Emotions are nothing more than our interpretations of

reality. Things don’t just happen to us. We rather interpret
what happens to us in our own unique way and therefore “Emotions are nothing more than our
experience a corresponding emotion. This emotion will interpretations of reality. Things don’t
then be perceived as good or bad, as helpful or hurtful, as just happen to us. We rather interpret
productive or unproductive based on our own personal
what happens to us in our own unique
way and therefore experience a
When it comes to our emotions there’s absolutely no doubt corresponding emotion.”
that they can either make us or break us. We are emotional
creatures after all. However, as emotional creatures we
have a responsibility to take time to learn and manage our
emotional patterns accordingly so that they work for us
rather than against us.

The Pillars of Success


Identifying Limiting Emotions

Here is a list of ten categories of limiting emotions
that Anthony Robbins identified. Keep in mind that on the Anger
surface these emotions do seem rather limiting and
unhelpful, however it’s not so much the emotion but rather Anxiety
our interpretation of that emotion and how we respond
accordingly that makes all the difference.

Discomfort Loneliness
Boredom Grief

Impatience Depression

Identify which of the emotions listed above you experience

Stress consistently. Once identified, have a look at the Emotional
Mastery IQ Matrix for suggestions on how to deal with them more
effectively, or click on the relevant article links above.

The Pillars of Success


The Meaning of Your Emotions

All emotions are helpful and assist us to learn more about “All emotions have a hidden meaning
ourselves and the current situation we are dealing with. In
and message that if understood, can
fact, all emotions have a hidden meaning and message that
if understood, can guide us in the right direction; naturally
guide us in the right direction.”
reducing friction and moving us forward to our desired

Finally, keep in mind that all limiting emotions signify that

there’s something not working, that you must change
something, or that you must start thinking differently
about the situation at hand.

When experiencing any of these emotions take immediate

action in a positive and proactive way that moves you closer
to the things you want.

The Pillars of Success


Cultivating Empowering Emotions

There are certain emotions that if cultivated correctly can Passion
lead to a far more fulfilling, enriching and rewarding life. Gratitude




Each day, take time to bring these emotions into your day
in ways that will transform your life and the lives of those
around you. Not only will this bring greater pleasure to
your experience, but it will also help put you in a state-of-
mind that will assist you with the achievement of your
goals and objectives.

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #6: Motivation

“Motivation is an absolute necessity
Motivation is an absolute necessity for long-term success. for long-term success. With it, the
With it, the journey is much more pleasant and fun; journey is much more pleasant and
however without it everything you do can seem like a chore
fun; however without it everything
that places an ever heavier burden upon your shoulders.
you do can seem like a chore.”
What Does Motivation Require?
In order to achieve sustained levels of motivation you need
to cultivate the following qualities:

 Responsibility
 Determination
 Discipline
 Optimism
 Enthusiasm

In addition to the above qualities, motivation also requires

high levels of energy. Energy is a natural outcropping of
motivation, however if we don’t look after our health or live
a very destructive lifestyle, then our levels of energy will be
very low no matter how much motivation we have.

The Pillars of Success


How to Enhance Motivation How to Deplete Motivation

There are many things we can do to help us immediately There are many things we do and emotions we experience
enhance our levels of energy and thusly our levels of that will immediately deplete our levels of energy and
motivation. thusly our levels of motivation.

Here are five suggestions: Here are a number of emotions to avoid:

 Laughter  Pessimism
 Diaphragmatic Breathing  Anger
 Empowering Physiology  Depression
 Healthy Lifestyle  Fear
 Goal Setting  Grief
 Sadness
 Stress
 Resentment
 Loneliness
 Jealousy
 Guilt

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #7: Goal Setting

Set Your Goals Carefully
Goal setting in the traditional sense might not be essential There are two types of goals that you should be setting. The
for success. However, goal setting of some kind is absolutely first are your Visionary Goals. These goals are focused on
necessary as it will help you focus on the most important your long-term objectives. They are ambitious goals that
things that are required to achieve your desired outcomes. will motivate you to keep moving forward despite any
problems or obstacles that may arise along the way.
I’ve already published three articles about goal setting
[see: smart goals, grow model and goal setting process], The second type of goal that we must set is known as an
therefore I won’t go into much detail here, but rather Activity Goal. These goals are focused on daily and weekly
provide a rough outline of what is required to set goals actions that you must take in order to attain your Visionary
effectively. Goals. They are tasks and projects that you work on
consistently in order to move forward step-by-step toward
the attainment of the bigger picture.
“Goal setting in the traditional sense
might not be essential for success.
However, goal setting of some kind is
absolutely necessary as it will help you
focus on the most important things
that are required to achieve your
desired outcomes.”

The Pillars of Success


Many times we set goals that we simply do not end up

achieving. There are many reasons why this happens
including: “Literally everything we have discussed
thus far can cause stagnation when it
 Low levels of motivation
 Lack of passion
comes to goal achievement.”
 Not enough resources
 Limiting beliefs
 Unhelpful habits
 Inferior level of skill
 Lack of knowledge or experience
 Not enough urgency
 Emotional turmoil

Literally everything we have discussed thus far can cause

stagnation when it comes to goal achievement and as a
result it can sabotage your success.

However, if all the above mentioned self-sabotage sources

are not responsible, then you must make sure that when
you set your goals that they ALWAYS meet the criteria
listed on the next page.

The Pillars of Success


Goal Criteria
My Goals are Specific
I have laid out exactly what I want to achieve specifically
and accurately taking all factors into consideration.
My Goals are Realistic
The timeframe I have
stipulated for the
achievement of this goal is My Goals are Timed
realistic given my resources They have a definite start and end date.
and capabilities.

My Goals are Attainable

They are challenging, however given my resources and
capabilities they are most definitely within my reach.

My Goals are Believable

I actually believe that I can achieve them. My Goals are Challenging
This suggests that my goals are challenging They stretch my capabilities, skills and talents.
yet attainable at the same time.

The Pillars of Success


Goal Criteria

My Goals are Ecological

The achievement of these goals does not interfere with
other goals or other areas of my life in a negative way.
My Goals are Written
I have clearly written down my
goals on paper where I can refer
to them each day.

My Goals are Optimistic

They focus me on what I want to do, be, have and achieve.

My Goals are Measurable

I can consistently measure my progress and the
journey towards the attainment of my goals.
My Goals are Focused
They are directed upon one main clear objective.

The Pillars of Success


Develop a Plan of Action

“Reverse engineer your goals by
Once you have clearly laid out your goals, it’s now time to
sit down and lay out a plan of action that you will follow in a seeing yourself having already
flexible manner toward the attainment of your objectives. achieved your goals in the future, then
working step-by-step backwards from
Here are some important guidelines that will help you draw
that point until you reach the present
up a thorough plan of action:
 Focus on the BIG rocks by taking into account the most
important things you need to do to achieve your
desired outcomes.
 Reverse engineer your goals by seeing yourself having
already achieved them in the future, then working step-
by-step backwards from that point until you reach the
present moment. Always ask yourself: What did I do
specifically to achieve this particular outcome?
 Schedule daily objectives and tasks.
 Account for possible obstacles that you could face
along the way.
 Account for possible resources that you may require.
 Identify the support you may need from others.

The Pillars of Success


Above all else, make sure that you stay flexible and adapt to
Find Your Motivating Forces
changing conditions and circumstances. There’s no point in
drawing up an inflexible plan of action that doesn’t take into As discussed in the previous section, motivation is
account new information or unexpected events that may absolutely critical for long-term success. Therefore when it
take place. Therefore always transform your approach when comes to goal setting it’s important that you keep your
required to help you get back on track. In the end it doesn’t levels of motivation as high as possible in order to keep
matter how you get to your end destination, as long as you yourself moving forward. One way you can do this is to
get there in the end. create a reward system where you periodically reward
yourself for reaching specific milestones along your journey.
In addition to the plan of action, it’s also important to
develop a system for tracking the progress you make
toward your goals. This is important to help motivate and “It’s also important to develop a
keep you on track and moving in the right direction.
system for tracking the progress you
make toward your goals.”

The Pillars of Success


Make Your Goals Congruent Do I have any limiting beliefs that conflict with the goals I
Finally, above all else you must ensure that your goals are want to achieve?
100% aligned and congruent with your beliefs, priorities,
lifestyle, personal standards, values, and with other goals Given my current priorities, do I even have time to achieve
that you have set. This is absolutely critical because conflicts my goals within the timeframe I have laid out?
can lead to self-sabotage, which can lead to sub-par results
and outcomes. To identify your level of congruency, ask
Does my current lifestyle compliment my goals, or will there
yourself the questions listed to the right.
be friction?
Once you have identified all the conflicts, you must now
decide to take action in one of three ways: Will I need to raise my standards to new levels in order to
achieve my goals?
 Transform all relevant areas of your life to match
your goals.
 Adjust your goals accordingly to match your Do any values conflict with the outcomes I want to achieve?
lifestyle, priorities, values, standards, beliefs, etc.
 Set new goals that are more congruent and aligned
with all the factors we have discussed above. Do I have any other goals that may conflict with the
achievement of these goals?
This can be a hard choice to make, however we have to be
honest with ourselves, otherwise we will continue to
What other conflicts could potentially exist that may
sabotage our own success.
sabotage my progress?

The Pillars of Success


Pillar #8: Mindset

Finally, let’s discuss how to think and approach events and
circumstances more effectively in ways that will help you to
better achieve your goals and objectives.

How to Attract Good Fortune

Many people may very well believe that some individuals
are simply more fortunate than others, and that is why they
have accumulated all this wealth and achieved great success
and recognition for their endeavors. I personally believe
that this is nothing more than a lame excuse that results
from ignorance and misunderstanding. Attracting good fortune into your life is not so much based
on luck but rather on science—psychological science. The
people who have an incredible amount of luck only seem
“The people who have an incredible lucky because they do the right things at the right time in
the right way. Whether they realize what they’re doing or
amount of luck only seem lucky
not could very well be based on random experience or
because they do the right things at the knowledge they have acquired. However, the specific things
right time in the right way.” they’re doing can be modeled and replicated by anyone—
therefore dramatically enhancing their chances of success

The Pillars of Success


Why Are People Lucky?

They work smarter not harder.

They adapt to changing conditions and circumstances.

They are flexible and creative.

They build a strong network of contacts.

They take calculated risks.

They model habits of successful people.

This list is by no means comprehensive. In fact, it only scratches the surface. Please read the Luck Factor IQ Matrix for more

The Pillars of Success


Ask the Right Questions

How can I best overcome this challenge?
One of the most important factors that separates the
highest achievers from the rest of us, comes down to the
questions they ask themselves consistently. The highest How could this problem serve me?
achievers ask questions that focus them on ideal outcomes,
solutions and answers. Most other people aren’t even
How else can I view this situation?
consciously aware they are asking questions. It’s a pity,
because most of these questions—most of the time—are
focused on what they don’t want, which for most people What opportunities am I not seeing at the moment?
comes down to problems, mistakes, and their perceived bad

In order to shift your way of thinking, you must begin by

asking questions that will move you toward what you want What resources could help me overcome this?
and away from what you don’t want. For instance, when
confronted with a problem or sudden setback, try asking What can I learn from these circumstances?
the questions on the right side of this page.

Give it a go and ask these questions the next time you’re What’s the best way forward from here?
confronted with a problem, and find out for yourself
firsthand the power of effective questioning tactics.
Am I asking the right questions?

The Pillars of Success


Dealing with Adversity

“The highest achievers have an
The highest achievers have an uncanny ability to deal with
adversity in a proactive and productive manner. Not only do
uncanny ability to deal with adversity
they maintain their composure, but they also approach in a proactive and productive manner.”
problems creatively while meticulously taking into account
all possible outcomes before making a final decision or
taking action.

For more information about how to overcome adversity

see Overcoming Obstacles and Resilient Willpower IQ

The Pillars of Success


Cultivating the Right Attitude

“If we only think positively than
In order to achieve success we must first begin appreciating
everything we have. This appreciation comes from a place
we tend not to notice all the
of gratitude for the smallest of things that are currently problems that are creeping their
impacting our lives. way into our lives.”
Take time to ask yourself what you’re most grateful for and
cherish these experiences to help motivate you to move
forward with a positive frame-of-mind.

When it comes to our attitude we always tend to hear that

it’s important to think positively. However, if we only think
positively than we tend not to notice all the problems that
are creeping their way into our lives.

Therefore we must begin today by thinking optimistically

yet realistically with the same breath. This way we are
always focused on solutions, however we do not blind
ourselves from noticing the problems and challenges that
we must deal with along our journey toward the attainment
of our goals and objectives.

The Pillars of Success


The Language of Achievement

“The words we speak aloud unlock the
The words we speak aloud unlock the thoughts we cultivate
each day. Likewise our thoughts reflect our attitude, and thoughts we cultivate on a daily basis.
our attitude is expressed through our words and body Likewise our thoughts reflect our
language. Therefore as our attitude shifts, we begin attitude, and our attitude is expressed
transforming our language in positive ways as well. through our words and body language.”
If you desire to be successful in any field of endeavor, than
you must consciously begin transforming your language
patterns to ensure that they’re directing you towards the
outcomes you desire, and not towards an avalanche of
excuses and problems.

The Pillars of Success


Final Thoughts
If you’ve read this far, then I congratulate you! You are one
of the very few people who have had the discipline to read
this eBook through to the very end. Hopefully this also
means that you are one of those rare people who also
follow through on the promises you make to yourself to
achieve your goals and objectives.

This eBook and accompanying IQ Matrix wasn’t meant to

answer all your questions about what it takes to be a high
achiever; however I do hope you take a look at the
relevant maps and article links scattered throughout the
eBook, as they will provide you with much more relevant
in-depth information and ideas that can help you along
your journey.

I wish you the greatest of success and luck along your path
toward your goals and objectives. But I suppose you won’t
need luck, since it’s already a part of you. 

The Pillars of Success


About Author

Adam Sicinski is a qualified life skills coach,

mind mapper and doodler. In 2008 he
founded IQ Matrix: a visual thinking company
specializing in the production of mind maps
and visual thinking aids designed to help
people boost their productivity, raise their
level of creativity and gain the most from
their natural talents and raw ability.

Over a period of many years Adam collected

and collated a wide variety of information
about cognitive psychology, neuro-linguistic
programming and other related approaches.
This information was used to piece together
an all-encompassing chart known as the
MasterMind Matrix that helps explain why
we do the things we do each day. This chart
forms the basis and foundations of all the
work that goes into creating each of the 300+
IQ Matrix maps.

The Pillars of Success


Download Free IQ Matrix Maps

Over the years I’ve created a number of freely
downloadable IQ Matrix maps that you can gain immediate
access to. There are 30+ free maps available for instant
download on the free downloads page. More maps could
possibly be added to the list in the future.

Here is a list of some of the maps you will find on this page:

Overcome self-sabotage patterns

Developing resilient willpower
Overcoming life’s obstacles and problems
Setting goals using the GROW Model
The Seasons of Transformation (image on right)
Thinking BIG to achieve your goals
Creating a life resource list
The Luck Factor: Improving your good fortune
The qualities of success
Murphy’s Law: Be prepared for anything
Kicking the habit of making excuses
The physiology of excellence
And more…

The Pillars of Success


IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership

Become an IQ Matrix Lifetime Member and receive instant access
to all current and future IQ Matrix pdf posters and the MasterMind
Matrix chart updates forever!

There are currently 300+ IQ Matrix maps that are part of the
Lifetime Membership with more being added throughout the year.

Each IQ Matrix map is designed to help you in all areas of your life
including school, career, business, sports, health and more. Visit
the IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership page for more information
about what’s included.

IQ Matrix posters are also available in topic bundles that include:

 Academic Genius
 Effective Thinker
 Life Coaching
 Emotional Mastery
 MasterMind Matrix
 Basketball MVP

Feel free to click any of the above links for further information
about what’s included within each bundle package. Or
alternatively you can visit The Bundle Page.

The Pillars of Success


IQ Matrix Knowledge Base

Search through hundreds of personal development mind maps by
visiting the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base allows you to
easily and quickly search through an archive list of maps using the
live search feature. For additional convenience the maps have also
been organized into helpful topic categories including:

 Overcoming Adversity
 Developing Social Skills
 Boosting Productivity
 Overcoming Fear
 Life Coaching
 Academic Genius
 Blissful Relationships
 Wealth Creation
 Thinking Effectively
 Career Success
 Lifetime Achievement
 And much more…

You will also find information about the various segments of the
MasterMind Matrix and hundreds of additional links and resources
to help you gain a better understanding of the chart and how all
the individual IQ Matrix maps fit together.

The Pillars of Success


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The Pillars of Success

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