98 636-642 Ajstme8 1-51
98 636-642 Ajstme8 1-51
98 636-642 Ajstme8 1-51
ISSN: 2251-0141 (Print) 2971-623 (Online)
biology external examination had percentage passes there could be better academic achievement. An
of: 38.50%, 38.32%, 40.28%, 37.59%, 47.62%, instructional media can either be a three dimensional
52.97%, 59.22% and 49.98% respectively (WAEC, or two dimensional objects.
2018). This shows that the percentage of pass for the A model is a three dimensional object which is used to
years retrieved were not satisfactory. This is enhance effective teaching and learning of a particular
supported by researchers who noted that student’s concept. They are not the real objects but they play the
achievement in biology has not been encouraging same roles and appear as real objects. They are
(Ezeh, 2010, Ali, Toriman and Gasim, 2014, and generally solid object that do not move. Models
Akhigbe and Ogufere, 2019, Onu, Anyaegbunam and provide the interior view of the real objects making
Uzoigwe 2020). It becomes paramount to shift to them larger, smaller or often same size as the object to
technology integration strategies as a new form of be presented (Ibe-Bassey, 2000). It also increases the
pedagogy. quality of learning by involving more than one sense:
Instructional media is a broad term which is often sense of hearing, sense of touch and sense of sight as
replaceable and synonymous with other terms such as students not only see the different parts of the real
educational design and educational technology. objects but they also touch them as they are being
Instructional media are tools that an instructor employs taught which increases their understanding and
to implement instruction and facilitate learning as they retention of the topic. Uche and Obinna, 2012 stated
help to capture students’ attention, stimulate and that models develop creativity and general intellectual
sustain their interest. Instructional media according to ability of the learner. Models are essential in many
National Teachers’ Institute (NTI, 2011) are scientific contexts and constitute one of the main
communication channels through which messages, instruments of modern science. They are typically
information, ideas and knowledge are conveyed or used when it is either impossible or impractical to
disseminated to learners. Instructional media are create experimental conditions in which scientists can
concrete and non- concrete in nature which the teacher directly measure the outcomes. For a model to be
uses in a lesson for teaching (Amali and Adejoh, effective, it must be rightly labeled to ensure that the
2013). It helps in making learning become an correct concepts are formed in the mind of the learner
enjoyable experience (Akoja and Ali, 2012). In to avoid misconception. Therefore, the introduction of
addition, it makes learning more engaging, realistic visual – spatial presentation of learning materials can
and appealing (Abdu- Raheem, 2016). Such media help in the teaching and learning process.
according to (Amali and Adejoh, 2013) could be Graphics are visual- spatial materials or instruments
utilized to carry ideas, knowledge, information and which communicate fact clearly through combining of
messages about what the teacher teaches to the charts, sketches, cartoons, graphs and drawing, words
students. Teachers use them as alternative channels of and pictures. They are pictorial representation of data
communication to concretize a concept during his or such as computer aided design and manufacture,
her teaching. It equally helps students to retain typesetting, educational and recreational settings
knowledge for longer periods (Awolaju, 2015). It (Clark, 2010). Graphics often combine text,
makes learning permanent as the students’ sense of illustration, and color which are labeled for clarity as it
hearing, sense of sight and sense of touch are all helps students to learn the various parts of the object
engaged in the learning processes. They are labeled which the model does not show. This
instruments, which assist teachers to make their statement is in accordance with Adalikwu and
lessons clear to students. The use of instructional Iorkpilgh (2013) who stated that graphics
media in the teaching and learning process is highly communicates facts and ideas clearly through
justified because most subjects that are taught to combination of drawings, words and pictures. The
learner’s comprehension depend largely on the use of importance of graphics cannot be overemphasized; it
instructional media (Tolorunleke, Akoji, Enejo and motivates learners, provides access to instructional
Lawal, 2020). Studies such as (Onasanya and content, facilitates greater comprehension, engages
Omosewo, 2011; Adalikwu and Iorkpilgh; 2013 Okpe, learners and captures attention (Inuwa, 2016).
2018) found a positive effect of instructional media on Utilization of graphics in teaching creates
student academic achievement. Therefore, when definitiveness to the materials being studied. Also
adequate instructional media are made available to engaging the learners in the actual production of
schools and are used wisely in teaching and learning graphics visuals offers to students the opportunities for
hands- on experience, which is one of the best ways to ideas are rigorously ineffective and inefficient in
learn. A well designed graphics may provide the producing the desired outcome, this is because
needed structure that allows learners to effectively classroom has become a centre for learning which
select, organize and integrate new information (Mayer, discourages students participation and the stimulation
2011). It allows teachers to vary the delivery of of their senses which can affect achievement in the
lessons and keep students interested in learning subject area. In other to overcome the problems of
(Roberson, 2012). Graphics help to visualize the whole poor performance, teaching and learning of Biology
concepts learned and their relationships with each should be done in such as way as to achieve set
other (Adalikwu and Iorkpilgh, 2013). In a study objectives. Therefore, the use of diverse instructional
carried out by Utibe- Abasi (2016) result obtained media has been suggested to help enhance their
showed that students in relia experimental group achievement. There is great demand to shift to
performed better than those in model experimental technology integration strategies as a new form of
group. Therefore, this study aims at finding out the pedagogy. Therefore, the problem of this study put in
relative effectiveness of graphics and model question is: what is the relative effectiveness of
instructional media on academic achievement of graphics and models instructional media on secondary
biology students. The incorporation of graphics or student’s achievement in biology?
model in a lesson when combined with oral instruction The study specifically seeks to ascertain the:
can facilitate learning among greater number of 1. effect of graphics and model instructional
students be it male or female. media on students’ achievement in biology
Males and females who are ascribed to a role in the 2. influence of gender on students’ achievement
society either socially or culturally is characterized in biology
with a term known as gender. Gender is the cultural 3. interaction effect of gender and instructional
attributes of both males and females (Akpochafo, media on student achievement in biology
2019). It includes the belief held about the aptitudes
and likely behaviors of both women and men. Gender Based on the purpose of the study the following
is a vital factor in education, as it influences the research questions guided the study:
interest and academic achievement of students. The 1. What are the mean achievement scores of
issue of gender and academic achievement has a long students taught biology using graphics and
extended controversial issue. A lot of studies have model instructional media
shown inconclusive results on gender and academic 2. What are the mean achievement scores of
achievement of students. Some studies found a male and female students in biology?
significant effect of gender on student’s academic 3. What is the interaction effect of gender and
achievement (Ricardo, Svea and Matthias, 2020, Heo instructional media on student’s achievement
and Toomey, 2020, Otutola, 2017; Azman, 2014) in biology?
while some did not (Akinbadewa, 2020, Akinoso,
2018; Abidoye, 2015; Wonu and Anackwe, 2014). Hypothesis
Also Godpower- Echie and Ihenko (2017) concluded The hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance.
that gender does not have significant influence on 1. There is no significant difference in the mean
achievement of integrated science students. Hence achievement scores of students exposed to
studies on gender appear to be contradictory with no models and those taught with graphics
precise conclusion. Based on the above assertion of the instructional media
gender, this study is designed to investigate the 2. There is no significant difference in the mean
efficiency of graphics and models instructional media achievement score of male and female
on students’ achievement in biology in respect to students in biology
gender. 3. There is no significant interaction effect of
media and gender on student’s achievement in
Statement of the Problem biology
The act of teaching involves the passing of ideas,
skills, beliefs and knowledge from the teacher to the Methodology.
student (learner). In Nigeria for example studies have The study employed a quasi-experimental. The pre-
shown that spoken words alone in communication of test, post-test design was used. Quasi- experimental
design is a resemblance of true experimental design BAT was developed from the topic by first
aimed to establish a cause and effect relationship constructing the test blue print for the content
between two or more variables. Unlike a true specified above. The BAT was used to assess the
experiment a qausi experiment does not rely on student’s achievement in biology. The BAT was
random assignment, rather subjects are assigned based subjected to face and content validation by specialist
on non random conditions to the groups. The in Science Education and Measurement and
justification for its usage is that the study involves Evaluation from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
cause-effect relationship, also since the selection of For BAT, the reliability coefficient was determined
groups are done non- randomly, quasi experimental is with Kuder-Richardson Formula (K-R20) for internal
the most suitable (Cohen, Manion and Morrison, consistency which yielded 0.94 reliability coefficient.
2011). The population of the study comprised of 1,115 Pre-test was given to both experimental and control
SS2 biology students in Aguata Local Government groups using Biology Achievement Test. The learning
Area of Anambra State. The choice of this area was activities or lesson plans on the selected topics were
predicated on the fact that it has the largest number of prepared based on Model and graphics instructional
schools which gives a wider coverage to adopt as the media which were used to teach the two experimental
area of study. The sample size was 210 selected from groups, using the same length of time (period). The
four intact classes in four sampled schools. Purposive experimental treatment lasted for six weeks for both
sampling was employed to select four co-educational groups after which post test was administered using
schools because of electricity supply, qualified BAT. The scripts were marked according to BAT
teachers and also gender since it is a variable in the marking scheme and recorded. The reshuffled form of
study. The grouping of the students into experimental BAT was administered as post-posttest. Mean,
was also done through simple random sampling Standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance
technique. The instrument for the study was a self- (ANCOVA) were the statistical tools used for analyses
designed Biology Achievement Test (BAT). The BAT of the data collected. The decision rule was that the
made up of 30 multiple choice questions, based on the null hypotheses to be rejected when P- value is less
secondary school biology syllabus on pollination. The than 0.05, otherwise the hypothesis was not rejected.
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation scores on students’ achievement in Biology
Group N Pre-test Post-test Gain Score
Mean SD Mean SD
Graphics 112 14.66 6.91 24.68 2.70 10.02
Model 98 11.56 3.44 14.66 2.98 3.1
The data in Table 1 revealed that students taught models instructional media had mean achievement
Biology using graphics instructional media had mean score of 14.66, standard deviation of 2.98 and gain
achievement score of 24.68, standard deviation of 2.70 score of 3.1.
and a gain score of 10.02, while students taught using
Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation score on influence of gender on students’ achievement in Biology
Gender N Pre-test Post-test Mean Gain
Mean SD Mean SD Gain diff
Male 98 13.53 6.05 21.03 5.59 7.50
Female 112 11.75 3.57 18.26 3.40 6.51 0.99
Table 2 showed that male student had a mean 11.75 and standard deviation of 3.57 in pretest and
achievement score of 13.53 with standard deviation of 18.26 with standard deviation of 3.40 in post test.
6.05 in pre test and a mean achievement score of 21.03 Male students had mean gain score of 7.50 while their
with standard deviation of 5.59 in post-test, while their female counterparts had mean gain score of 6.51.
female counterparts had mean achievement score of
Table 3: Mean and Standard Deviation on interaction effect of media and gender on the mean
achievement score of students in Biology?
Method Graphics Models
N Mean SD N Mean SD
Male 62 14.66 6.91 52 11.56 3.44
Female 50 11.78 3.71 46 11.73 3.48
Male 62 24.69(10.03) 2.70 52 14.65(3.09) 2.98
Female 50 23.96(12.18) 2.75 46 13.59(1.86) 3.58
Note: Gain scores are in parentheses students taught biology using model instructional
The result in Table 3 revealed that male students media male student had higher mean achievement
taught biology using graphics had higher mean score of 11.56 in pretest and posttest of 14.65 while
achievement score in pre test and post test of 14.66 the female counterpart had a higher achievement score
and 24.69 respectively while the female counterpart pretest of 11.73 and posttest of 13.59.
had a pretest and post test of 11.78 and 23.96. For
Table 4: Analysis of covariance of student’s mean achievement scores in Biology.
Sources of Sum of DF Mean Square F SIG
Variation Squares
Corrected model 5218.382 4 1304.595 148.369 .000
Intercept 7224.426 1 7224.426 821.618 .000
Pretest 96.208 1 96.208 10.941 .001
Gender 21.148 1 21.148 2.405 .123
Media 4358.320 1 4358.320 495.662 .000
Media× Gender 7.078 1 7.078 .805 .371
Error 1626.692 205 7.935
Total 79444.000 210
Corrected total 6845.074 209
Results in Table 4 showed that there is a significant successful learning activity through moving symbols
main effect of the instructional media (Models and or characters. Another reason is that engaging the
Graphics) on students achievement in Biology learners in the actual production of graphics visuals
f(1,209)495.662 p<.000. Therefore, the null offers to students the opportunities for hands- on
hypothesis was not accepted. Showing that there was experience, which is one of the best ways to learn.
significant difference in the mean achievement scores This also has a way of improving retention of
of students taught biology using graphic and those information due to the link between static and dynamic
taught using models. visuals. The findings of the study are in line with the
findings of Mayer (2011), Roberson (2012), Adalikwu
The result also revealed that there is no significant
and Iorkpilyh (2013) and Inuwa (2016).
main effect of gender on students’ achievement in
Results of this study also showed that the male
Biology f (1.209) 2.405, p> .123. Therefore, the null
students performed slightly better than their female
hypothesis was not rejected it was accepted. Showing
counterparts in Biology. This is in line with the
that there is no significant difference in the mean
findings of Ezeudu and Obi (2013) who opined that
achievement scores of male and female students taught
male performs better than the female. The study did
biology using graphics and those taught using model.
not support Voyer and Voyer (2014) who opined that
female students perform better than the male students.
This could be as a result of the instructional media
Students taught using Graphics performed better than
used. The results do not suggest ordinal interaction
their counterparts taught biology using Model
effect on the mode of method and gender on students’
instructional media. The observed results could be
achievement in biology. This was because at all the
attributed to the fact that graphics provide the needed
levels of gender, the mean scores were higher for
structure that allows learners to effectively select,
students with models and graphics. This finding is in
organize and integrate new information or it may be
line with the findings of Agomuoh (2010), and
that graphics helps in focusing attention and
Miriogu (2012) who found no interaction effect of
motivating learners which are key factors for any
gender and instructional media. This finding did not Akoja, I.E & Ali, F.A. (2012). The impact of
support the study of Baser (2006) who noted that instructional materials on the academic
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media. Makurdi LGA of Benue State. In P.A Eniayeju
and P.T. Ortese (Eds). Contemporary Issues in
Conclusion Education”. Makurdi: Destiny ventures.
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more effective than model in facilitating students materials and improvisation. In M.O.
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performed better than their female counterparts in instructional effectiveness on students/ interest
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schools in Udenu Local Government Area of
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