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Dust Tactics Rules Summary v2

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These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.

Game: Pub:

DUST TACTICS Fantasy Flight Games (2010)

Page 1: Rules summary Basic rules front Page 2: Rules summary Basic rules back Page 3: Rules summary + Expansions front Page 4: Rules summary + Expansions back Page 5: Rules summary + Expansions Weaponry sheet x2

Aug 2011

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

Choose a scenario: printed scenarios have fixed AP values; you may modify them and/or create your own scenarios or victory conditions. Each type of unit has an Army Point (AP) value. Ensure both sides have the same total number of APs. Each of the forces in the core set is worth 16AP. Set up the battlefield by following the scenario instructions, or create the battlefield by setting up 9 indoor or outdoor tiles. Each player rolls 3 dice. The player who rolls the most decides the terrain density and places the first terrain square, and then he and his opponent take turns placing them. Light terrain: place 8 terrain squares on the 9 tiles. Medium terrain: place 12 terrain squares. Heavy terrain: place 18 terrain squares. If you create scenarios with more or fewer than 9 tiles, adapt the number of tiles to suit the terrain density you require. Each player rolls 3 dice. The player who rolls the most chooses and places the first cover piece, and then he and his opponent take turns placing them. Cover can only be placed in the central zone of the board (usually the 3 tiles in the middle). 9 tile battlefields are generally played with 4 pieces of cover: 2 tank-traps and 2 ammo crates. In the printed scenarios, you may not place tank-traps inside a base (dark grey tiles).

Units may perform 2 actions per round. MOVE + SHOOT: The unit may move up to its Movement value then use all its weapons to attack. SHOOT + MOVE: The unit performs its attacks first, and may then move up to its Movement value. MOVE + MOVE: The unit may double its Movement value. SHOOT + SHOOT: Sustained attack. The unit does not move at all, but each miss on the attack roll may be re-rolled once. Some units have special actions; these count towards the 2 actions a unit is allowed per round.

When your unit is behind a corner (a wall, a square without a dot, or a vehicle etc), the corner blocks LOS if your target is behind an opposite corner. When your target is behind a corner on the same side as your corner, LOS is not blocked. Ammo crates do not block LOS. Tank-traps block LOS when soldiers (squads or heroes) are targeting other soldiers, but do not block LOS for vehicles, or when soldiers shoot at vehicles.

When a unit attacks with a close combat weapon (Range C only), each player simultaneously removes casualties from his squad.

Cover Cover may protect some squads from attacks. Check if your unit is behind cover, and then whether it is soft cover or hard cover.
To be behind cover, a squad need only be anywhere in its squareammo crates (soft cover) or tank traps (hard cover). A squad receives corner cover when the attacking units LOS passes through the corner of a space that blocks its LOS. The targeted squad must be adjacent to the terrain feature or vehicle that blocks the attacking units LOS. Corner cover only applies if the attack is at a 45 degree angle from the attacker to the target. Multiple sources of soft cover create hard cover; eg, a squad in next to an ammo crate and behind a corner at the same time. Check the unit card of the unit in cover: HIT SAVE: you may roll a number of dice equal to the number of the unit suffered; each you get on this roll cancels a suffered. The shot is blocked by the cover. MISS SAVE: you may roll a number of dice equal to the number the unit suffered; each you get on this roll cancels a of suffered. The shot is blocked by the cover. NO SAVE: the unit gets no protection from this type of cover and you get no cover roll. Close-combat weapons (Range C) ignore all types of cover. If you are attacking a piece of cover and a unit that share the same square, announce which of the targets each weapon is shooting at. When the same unit, using different weapons, shoots at both the unit and the cover at the same time, the shots aimed at the cover are resolved last. Heroes have no cover value when alone, however when a hero joins a squad, he benefits from the squads cover value.

Units move from square to square in any direction, up to the Movement value on their card. When moving diagonally, enter the first square normally. Any additional diagonal movement costs 2 per square. Once a unit stops, it may not move again until next round. Units can change direction as often as they wish during movement, and do not face any particular direction. You can never enter a square occupied by an enemy. A vehicle can never pass through a friendly soldier or vehicle. A squad or a hero may pass through any friendly unit, but cannot end its move in the same square as another unit. Squads and heroes may always move diagonally, unless both corners are blocked (ie, squares they cannot enter). Vehicles cannot move diagonally if even one of the corners is blocked. Terrain pieces that hide the center dot make those squares impassable; units can never such enter a square and no LOS can be traced through them.

Weapons Check to see if your target is within range. Counting squares is done in the same way as movement (diagonal rules apply).
Each weapon on the unit card has a weapon line, showing how many dice to roll (first number) depending on the targets Armor, and the amount of damage (second number) that each hit inflicts. For a squad, the number of dice listed on the weapon line is multiplied by the number of soldiers so equipped. If a unit has multiple weapons, each specific weapon has its own weapon line. Each weapon line can be assigned to one target, or all can be assigned to the same target. The player chooses the order in which weapon lines fire. The first weapon line on the unit card matches the weapon most of the miniatures carry. The second is always the special weapon. The third is usually explosives. Close combat weapons are last. All squads come with at least one special weapon. The number in brackets after the special weapon is a reminder of how many of that weapon are in the squad: refer to picture on the card to see the weapons the miniatures are carrying. Each inflicted by an attack causes damage points depending on the weapon. Each damage point causes vehicles and heroes to lose one health point ( ), or squads to lose one miniature. may sometimes be required Some rules modify attack rolls. A for an action to succeed: at those times it is each that causes damage points. A unit must announce all of its attacks before engaging in combat. Choose targets from among those in range, but you must specify which weapon will be used against which target before rolling any dice. You are never forced to use all of your weapons. All attacks are simultaneous. Hits cannot be saved and redirected against other targets. If you forget to announce the use of one of your weapons, it does not shoot this round.

Definitions A unit consists of vehicles, soldiers, and heroes, and includes all the miniatures represented on its unit card. A squad is a group of soldiers, never a vehicle or a hero. A vehicle, tank, or robot is never a soldier or hero. A miniature represents a single vehicle, soldier, or hero.
The game tiles are divided into 9 squares, in which units stand. Distances and LOS are measured from the dot in the center. An entire squad or a vehicle must stand within the square it occupies. Very large vehicles that dont fit in one square are placed in the middle of a tile.

BaSic RuleS
The game is divided into rounds. During each round, all the units on both sides act one after the other. Roll for initiative each round using 3 dice. The player who rolls the most decides which side plays first that round (re-roll ties). During the first round, units must enter the gameboard: their first action on the battlefield is always a 1 square move. All options are not immediately available (since the unit already moved once), but if there is a target in range, you may attack it immediately. At the start of the round, the player going first chooses one of his units and activates it. Move the unit card to a separate pile to keep track of which units have been activated. An activated unit may perform a combination of 2 actions. Once it has resolved all its actions, the unit is deactivated and may not do anything else until the next game round. The players opponents then activates one of his units, and so on, until all the units on both sides have been activated. The round then ends and a new one begins. If it is your turn to activate a unit, but all of your units have already acted this round, your turn is skipped. Your opponent continues activating units until all of his units have had a chance to act.

Cover & Movement A square with an ammo crate can be entered by any unit. Vehicles entering the square may choose to crush the crate. To destroy an ammo crate from range, or with a squad, you can attack it normally: it has 3 and 2 .
A square containing tank traps can be entered by squads and heroes, but the square is impassable to vehicles. Tank-traps may also be destroyed (unless a weapon specifies that it does not work versus tank traps). They are 5 and 4 .

Heroes can be activated alone like any other unit, and are the only units that can share a square with a friendly unit or vehicle. Heroes can command troops; before a battle a hero may join a squad, if they share the same type of armor. Place both unit cards together. There can never be more than one hero attached to the same squad and a hero cannot join a squad during a game. The hero and the squad are activated at the same time and his attacks are added to those of the squad. Some of his abilities affect the squad, and the squads abilities affect the hero. The units movement value is the fastest value of the two units. When the combined unit suffers a damage point, choose who loses one : either remove one of the squads miniatures (as usual), or mark off a cross from the heros unit card. Once the hero loses his last he is eliminated. A hero and his squad may decide to separate during the game; from then on, the hero operates alone as a separate unit and cannot rejoin that squad or any other. Separate both unit cards to indicate they are acting independently. The two units can still share the same square (since heroes are allowed to share a square with any friendly unit).

Shooting & cloSe coMBat

All actions, targets, and attacks (including close combat weapons) must be declared before any dice are rolled.

Damage After a successful attack, the target unit suffers damage points.
If the target was a vehicle or a hero, mark off the corresponding number of crosses on the unit card. When all the crosses have been marked, the vehicle or the hero is eliminated and removed from the game. In the target was a squad, remove the casualties directly: one miniature for each lost, chosen by the player who controls the squad. As a unit suffers casualties, the number of dice rolled for its attacks will change. When a unit attacks with a ranged weapon, the defender removes casualties immediately after the attacker resolves each attack.

Line of Sight (LOS) Check that you can see your target: LOS between the shooter and the target must be clear. Trace an imaginary line from the dot in the shooters square to the dot in the targets square. If the line crosses a square with no dot, the shot is impossible (LOS is blocked). All squares without a dot block LOS.
Squads block LOS for other squads, but do not block LOS for squads shooting at vehicles or vehicles shooting at squads. Vehicles block LOS for all squads and vehicles. When shooting, treat squares occupied by vehicles as squares without a dot.

aBilitieS and Special unitS

Whenever a special rule for a weapon or ability contradicts the general rules, the special rule prevails.

Self Repair the vehicle At the end of each round, roll a die for each has lost. For each rolled, your vehicle recovers one .
You cannot recover more than your vehicles maximum . Self Repair does not work when the vehicle is totally destroyed.

Agile When the unit moves, all diagonals cost 1 (instead of 1 for the first diagonal and 2 for the following ones). The unit considers diagonals as normal squares when it moves.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

The radiomans ability always works as long as he is on the board; so when the officer seeks to issue an order to a distant unit, you only need to roll the die once (for the officer). This is the only case where both the officer and the radioman use their abilities in the same round. Artillery Strike (1 Action). When the radioman is eliminated, the squad also loses the use of this ability.

Special Weapons
Flamethrowers All flamethrower shots ignore cover, but they are useless against tank-traps.
When the flamethrower shoots further than one square, all squares between your unit and the target are affected (even if the squares are occupied by friendly units). The fire of the flamethrower does not continue beyond a square blocking LOS. When the flamethrower has more than one square of range, choose the squares where the flames spread (you still need to be able to target each square independently).

Sniper The Sniper chooses which miniatures are hit when he damages a squad; if it is the carrier of a special weapon, he destroys both the carrier and the weapon.
The Sniper can also target a hero. In this case, it is always the hero who loses and not the squad. When the Sniper is part of a squad, the squads other attacks are resolved normally.

All In One Once per game a unit may call All In One. It then rolls twice the normal number of attack dice for all its weapons for that round, no matter which actions are taken. Assault value, no matter which Once per game the unit doubles its actions are taken for the round. This can even be used when the unit chooses to move twice.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

Mechanic Makeshift Repair (1 Action). The mechanic restores 1 to a vehicle in an adjacent square that is not destroyed. You do not need to roll dice to activate this ability.
Field Repair (1 Action). The mechanic brings a destroyed on the die, the vehicle back into the game. If you roll a vehicle re-enters the battle as it did at the start of the game. It is activated immediately, just after the command squad. You may only bring a single vehicle back for the whole game.

Sniper Team The shooter has the Sniper ability while the leader has Spotter. Whenever one of the squads members is eliminated, you lose the related ability. If the unit has other abilities, the surviving miniature keeps them. Spotter This unit reverses its attack rolls:
as , and as .

Knife / Knife & Grenades All the soldiers in the unit have a knife / knife & grenades. Roll 1 die for each member of the unit when you use this weapon.
When you use knife / knife & grenade weapons against a squad, your target is allowed to retaliate if it is equipped with these weapons. First resolve all other types of attacks. If your opponent suffers casualties, they are immediately removed from the game. Then roll your knife / knife & grenade dice. Your opponent also rolls the dice for the same weapons with any survivors. Casualties on either side are then simultaneous. The sustained attack option also applies to these weapons, but cover does not.

Berserk This ability Berserk must be declared before rolling dice for the attack.
Once per game the hero may re-roll all of his failed attacks for the round once. Berserk works with the sustained attack option: re-roll failures for sustained attack once and re-roll any further failures once with the Berserk ability. A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

A Spotter is always with a Sniper or a heavy weapons squad. results when A unit including a Spotter will therefore re-roll it performs a sustained attack, instead of results.

Medic Get Up, It Aint That Bad (1 Action). The medic brings 1 miniature back into a squad, or restores 1 to a hero. The squad or hero must be in an adjacent square. A miniature returns to its squad with all its equipment (and its special weapons and ammo for limited ammo weapons). You do not need to roll the dice to activate this ability, but it only works if there are soldiers left in the squad.
Come On Guys; Were Going Back Out There (1 Action). The medic brings a whole previously eliminated squad back into the game. If you roll a on the die, the squad re-enters the battle as it did at the beginning of the game, with all its equipment, and is activated immediately, right after the command squad. You may only bring a single squad back for the whole game. An eliminated hero cannot be brought back into the game by the medic. If the radioman is eliminated, this ability does not work.

Black Ops When this hero is in your army, roll an extra die to determine who wins the initiative. If the hero is eliminated during the game, you lose this bonus. The bonus does not stack with multiple heroes. Charge The unit can attack with all of its weapons that have range 1 or C, even if it just moved twice this turn. The unit must perform its actions in this order. It cannot attack and then make a double movement, and it cannot move, attack, and then move again.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins. Using Charge expends both of a units actions for the round.

Tank Head points to a Once per game the hero can restore all lost friendly vehicle. This happens on the heros activation (or that of the squad he is assigned to). The vehicle must be in an adjacent square, and the hero must spend an action to repair it (when the hero is part of a squad the whole squad spends an action).
The repair does not work when the vehicle is totally destroyed.

Laser with a laser, you may reroll the die that Whenever you roll a caused it. As long as you keep rolling , keep on rerolling and to your damage total (you may not change targets). adding any The laser stops once the target unit or vehicle is destroyed. Panzerfaust This can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a squad so equipped, you may only shoot 3 Panzerfaust with them for the whole game (at different times if you wish).
Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If a unit has no boxes beside its Panzerfaust, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game.

coMMand SquadS
A command squad is a special squad composed of an officer, a radioman, a mechanic, a medic, and a weapon specialist, each with a different special ability. When a miniature is eliminated, the squad loses its associated ability. You cannot have more than one command squad in your army at the same time (unless they have different types of armor). Whenever you activate a command squad, you must announce which ability you are going to use. Some abilities do not require any die roll, but if you must roll, you need a for the ability to work. Even though the command squads special ability counts as only one action, you can attempt to use only one per round. Otherwise, the squad can use any other basic action in combination. The weapons specialist does not have any special ability. The command squads orders do not work on the command squad itself. A hero may join a command squad only if he has the Commander ability.

Bring Units Back Into the Game If you bring a unit back into the game using the mechanic or the medic, and it is eliminated again, it counts as further casualties when counting VPs.
Units that come back into the game thanks to these abilities are activated normally during the round, and re-enter the battlefield through your troops initial deployment zone.

UGL (Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher) These weapons can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a sqaud so equipped, you will be able to fire only 3 UGL in the whole game (at different times if you wish).
Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If a unit has no boxes beside its UGL, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game. UGL grenades always ignore cover. Grenade Launcher and Grenade Pistol work the same as UGL, but are never limited; you can use them during the whole game.

Damage Resilient Each time this unit suffers a point of damage, roll 1 die: if you roll a , the damage is ignored. Damage Resilient protection is independent from cover. A miniature that has this ability and is behind cover benefits from both.
A hero with this ability does not share it with any squad he joins.

Special WeaponS and aRMaMent

The use of special weapons does not cost any actions.

Special Damage Types

1/ 2/ 1/ 2/ Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each means a target loses all its remaining . Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; each means a target loses all its remaining .

Fast When this unit moves, add 1 to all its movement. This extra is not doubled when the unit chooses to move twice, and there is no free movement when choosing sustained attack. Fighting Spirit as when attacking with all of his This hero treats all weapons, as long as he also moved once this round. In order to gain this bonus, he must use his move action before attacking.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

Range U (Unlimited) Range U weapons can shoot anywhere on the battlefield, but they still need LOS.

end of the gaMe

The final round is triggered when one of the following happens: - All of one players units have been eliminated. - One of the two players has fulfilled his scenario objective. - The time limit (number of rounds) ends. Calculate each sides VPs to determine the winner. - Neither player can fulfill their objective any longer (eg, all objectives were destroyed). Either count VPs to find a winner, or continue fighting until only one side is left standing. The game always ends at the end of a round, never during a game round. To determine VP totals, calculate the total AP value of all enemy units each player destroyed during the scenario. If the scenario specified bonus VPs and a player successfully fulfilled the condition, add the number of VPs specified in the scenario to that players total. The player who earned the most VPs wins.

Jump During movement, this unit can ignore an obstacle by jumping over it, but can only land in an empty square. The jump is subjected to all other movement rules that affect movement.
Jump allows you to travel over cover, a low wall, a pit, an obstacle, or a friendly or enemy unit or vehicle, but not over a building wall or a roof (ie, you cannot jump over a square with no dot). The jump can be made diagonally. In terms of actions, Jump replaces a . A hero with this ability does not share it with any squad he joins.

Officer Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys! (1 Action). When the roll is successful, choose a unit to be reactivated this round. It can move again and use all its weapons. This new activation takes place right after that of the command squad.
This order can only be given to a unit in a square adjacent to the command squad (unless there is a Radio).

Limited Ammo Weapons These weapons have a limited amount of ammo, the use of which is recorded in small boxes next to the weapons name.
Whenever a squad member equipped with such a weapon is eliminated, his comrades pick up the weapon automatically and will be able to use it later. Limited ammo weapons can be used in addition to any other weapon, so they may be used to shoot at a separate target. However, you may not use more limited ammo weapons per round than the number of miniatures in your squad. If you use a limited ammo weapon during a sustained attack, reroll dice as usual.

Radioman The radioman can relay any order issued by the command squad anywhere on the board. This ability is automatically successful.
If the radioman is eliminated, the officer will only be able to give orders to units around him, and the mechanic and the medic wont be able to call reinforcements.

Units may perform 2 actions per round. MOVE + SHOOT: The unit may move up to its Movement value then use all its weapons to attack. SHOOT + MOVE: The unit performs its attacks first, and may then move up to its Movement value. MOVE + MOVE: The unit may double its Movement value. SHOOT + SHOOT: Sustained attack. The unit does not move at all, but each miss on the attack roll may be re-rolled once.

Weapons Check to see if your target is within range. Counting squares is done in the same way as movement (diagonal rules apply).
Each weapon on the unit card has a weapon line, showing how many dice to roll (first number) depending on the targets Armor, and the amount of damage (second number) that each hit inflicts. For a squad, the number of dice listed on the weapon line is multiplied by the number of soldiers so equipped. If a unit has multiple weapons, each specific weapon has its own weapon line. Each weapon line can be assigned to one target, or all can be assigned to the same target. The player chooses the order in which weapon lines fire. The first weapon line on the unit card matches the weapon most of the miniatures carry. The second is always the special weapon. The third is usually explosives. Close combat weapons are last. All squads come with at least one special weapon. The number in brackets after the special weapon is a reminder of how many of that weapon are in the squad: refer to picture on the card to see the weapons the miniatures are carrying. Each inflicted by an attack causes damage points depending on the weapon. Each damage point causes vehicles and heroes to lose one health point ( ), or squads to lose one miniature. may sometimes be required Some rules modify attack rolls. A for an action to succeed: at those times it is each that causes damage points. A unit must announce all of its attacks before engaging in combat. Choose targets from among those in range, but you must specify which weapon will be used against which target before rolling any dice. You are never forced to use all of your weapons. All attacks are simultaneous. Hits cannot be saved and redirected against other targets. If you forget to announce the use of one of your weapons, it does not shoot this round.

Close-combat weapons (Range C) ignore all types of cover. If you are attacking a piece of cover and a unit that share the same square, announce which of the targets each weapon is shooting at. When the same unit, using different weapons, shoots at both the unit and the cover at the same time, the shots aimed at the cover are resolved last. Heroes have no cover value when alone, however when a hero joins a squad, he benefits from the squads cover value.

Choose a scenario: printed scenarios have fixed AP values; you may modify them and/or create your own scenarios or victory conditions. Each type of unit has an Army Point (AP) value. Ensure both sides have the same total number of APs. Each of the forces in the core set is worth 16AP. Set up the battlefield by following the scenario instructions, or create the battlefield by setting up 9 indoor or outdoor tiles. Each player rolls 3 dice. The player who rolls the most decides the terrain density and places the first terrain square, and then he and his opponent take turns placing them. Light terrain: place 8 terrain squares on the 9 tiles. Medium terrain: place 12 terrain squares. Heavy terrain: place 18 terrain squares. If you create scenarios with more or fewer than 9 tiles, adapt the number of tiles to suit the terrain density you require. Each player rolls 3 dice. The player who rolls the most chooses and places the first cover piece, and then he and his opponent take turns placing them. Cover can only be placed in the central zone of the board (usually the 3 tiles in the middle). 9 tile battlefields are generally played with 4 pieces of cover: 2 tank-traps and 2 ammo crates. In the printed scenarios, you may not place tank-traps inside a base (dark grey tiles).

Some units have special actions; these count towards the 2 actions a unit is allowed per round.

Reactive fiRe
Reactive Fire temporarily interrupts the action of an enemy unit, allowing one of your units to shoot at it when it moves within LOS and range of your weapons. If an enemy unit performs the actions MOVE + SHOOT, Reactive Fire must occur immediately after the MOVE action. If an enemy unit performs the actions SHOOT + MOVE, Reactive Fire must occur immediately after the SHOOT action. If an enemy unit performs the actions MOVE + MOVE, Reactive Fire must occur immediately after the first MOVE action. If an enemy unit uses the Charge ability (the action sequence MOVE + MOVE + Close Combat Attack), Reactive Fire must occur immediately after the second MOVE, but before the Close Combat Attack. If the enemy unit performs the actions SHOOT + SHOOT, none of your units can use Reactive Fire against that enemy unit.

Units move from square to square in any direction, up to the Movement value on their card. When moving diagonally, enter the first square normally. Any additional diagonal movement costs 2 per square. Once a unit stops, it may not move again until next round. Units can change direction as often as they wish during movement, and do not face any particular direction. You can never enter a square occupied by an enemy. A vehicle can never pass through a friendly soldier or vehicle. A squad or a hero may pass through any friendly unit, but cannot end its move in the same square as another unit. Squads and heroes may always move diagonally, unless both corners are blocked (ie, squares they cannot enter). Vehicles cannot move diagonally if even one of the corners is blocked. Terrain pieces that hide the center dot make those squares impassable; units can never such enter a square and no LOS can be traced through them.

Resolving Reactive Fire Select one of your unactivated units and roll 1 die. If you roll a , your unit may not fire.
your unit immediately activates and performs a If you roll a single SHOOT action with all weapon lines that have sufficient range to target the opposing unit. You can also activate an ability that does not require an action. If a unit uses a close combat weapon as part of a Reactive Fire attack, all other weapon lines are resolved first, then both units attack simultaneously with their close combat weapons. Once youre done, the enemy unit continues with its action. Whether you succeed or not, attempting Reactive Fire activates your unit for the round. It cant perform any other actions for the rest of the round (unless a Command Squad reactivates it). To attempt Reactive Fire, the unit must have a weapon with the range to attack and damage the target unit. Reactive Fire can only target the unit your opponent activated, and no other units.

Definitions A unit consists of vehicles, soldiers, and heroes, and includes all the miniatures represented on its unit card. A squad is a group of soldiers, never a vehicle or a hero. A vehicle, tank, or robot is never a soldier or hero. A miniature represents a single vehicle, soldier, or hero.
The game tiles are divided into 9 squares, in which units stand. Distances and LOS are measured from the dot in the center. An entire squad or a vehicle must stand within the square it occupies. Very large vehicles that dont fit in one square are placed in the middle of a tile.

Cover & Movement A square with an ammo crate can be entered by any unit. Vehicles entering the square may choose to crush the crate. To destroy an ammo crate from range, or with a squad, you can attack it normally: it has 3 and 2 .
A square containing tank traps can be entered by squads and heroes, but the square is impassable to vehicles. Tank-traps may also be destroyed (unless a weapon specifies that it does not work versus tank traps). They are 5 and 4 .

Damage After a successful attack, the target unit suffers damage points. If the target was a vehicle or a hero, mark off crosses on the unit card. When all have been marked, the vehicle or the hero is eliminated and removed from the game.
In the target was a squad, remove one miniature for each lost, chosen by the player who controls the squad. As a unit suffers casualties, the number of dice rolled for its attacks will change. When a unit attacks with a ranged weapon, the defender removes casualties immediately after the attacker resolves each attack. When a unit attacks with a close combat weapon (Range C only), each player simultaneously removes casualties from his squad.

Shooting & cloSe coMBat

All actions, targets, and attacks (including close combat weapons) must be declared before any dice are rolled.

BaSic RuleS
The game is divided into rounds. During each round, all the units on both sides act one after the other. Roll for initiative each round using 3 dice. The player who rolls the most decides which side plays first that round (re-roll ties). During the first round, units must enter the gameboard: their first action on the battlefield is always a 1 square move. All options are not immediately available (since the unit already moved once), but if there is a target in range, you may attack it immediately. At the start of the round, the player going first chooses one of his units and activates it. Move the unit card to a separate pile to keep track of which units have been activated. An activated unit may perform a combination of 2 actions. Once it has resolved all its actions, the unit is deactivated and may not do anything else until the next game round. The players opponents then activates one of his units, and so on, until all the units on both sides have been activated. The round then ends and a new one begins. If it is your turn to activate a unit, but all of your units have already acted this round, your turn is skipped. Your opponent continues activating units until all of his units have had a chance to act.

Heroes can be activated alone like any other unit, and are the only units that can share a square with a friendly unit or vehicle. Heroes can command troops; before a battle a hero may join a squad, if they share the same type of armor. Place both unit cards together. There can never be more than one hero attached to the same squad and a hero cannot join a squad during a game. The hero and the squad are activated at the same time and his attacks are added to those of the squad. Some of his abilities affect the squad, and the squads abilities affect the hero. The units movement value is the fastest value of the two units. When the combined unit suffers a damage point, choose who loses one : either remove one of the squads miniatures (as usual), or mark off a cross from the heros unit card. Once the hero loses his last he is eliminated. A hero and his squad may decide to separate during the game; from then on, the hero operates alone as a separate unit and cannot rejoin that squad or any other. Separate both unit cards to indicate they are acting independently. The two units can still share the same square (since heroes are allowed to share a square with any friendly unit).

Line of Sight (LOS) Check that you can see your target: LOS between the shooter and the target must be clear. Trace an imaginary line from the dot in the shooters square to the dot in the targets square. If the line crosses a square with no dot, the shot is impossible (LOS is blocked). All squares without a dot block LOS.
Squads block LOS for other squads, but do not block LOS for squads shooting at vehicles or vehicles shooting at squads. Vehicles block LOS for all squads and vehicles. When shooting, treat squares occupied by vehicles as squares without a dot. When your unit is behind a corner (a wall, a square without a dot, or a vehicle etc), the corner blocks LOS if your target is behind an opposite corner. When your target is behind a corner on the same side as your corner, LOS is not blocked. Ammo crates do not block LOS. Tank-traps block LOS when soldiers (squads or heroes) are targeting other soldiers, but do not block LOS for vehicles, or when soldiers shoot at vehicles.

Cover Cover may protect some squads from attacks. Check if your unit is behind cover, and then whether it is soft cover or hard cover.
To be behind cover, a squad need only be anywhere in its squareammo crates (soft cover) or tank traps (hard cover). A squad receives corner cover when the attacking units LOS passes through the corner of a space that blocks its LOS. The targeted squad must be adjacent to the terrain feature or vehicle that blocks the attacking units LOS. Corner cover only applies if the attack is at a 45 degree angle from the attacker to the target. Multiple sources of soft cover create hard cover; eg, a squad in next to an ammo crate and behind a corner at the same time. Check the unit card of the unit in cover: HIT SAVE: roll dice equal to the number of each you get cancels a . MISS SAVE: roll dice equal to the number of suffered; each you get cancels a . the unit suffered; the unit

NO SAVE: the unit gets no protection from this type of cover and you get no cover roll.

aBilitieS and Special unitS

Whenever a special rule for a weapon or ability contradicts the general rules, the special rule prevails.

Fighting Spirit as when attacking with all of his This hero treats all weapons, as long as he also moved once this round. In order to gain this bonus, he must use his move action before attacking.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

coMMand SquadS
A command squad is a special squad composed of 5 specialists. When a figure is eliminated, the squad loses its associated ability. You cannot have more than 1 command squad in your army at the same time (unless they have different types of armor). Whenever you activate a command squad, announce which ability you are going to use. Some abilities do not require any die roll, but if you must roll, you need a for the ability to work. Even though the command squads special ability counts as only one action, you can attempt to use only one per round. Otherwise, the squad can use any other basic action in combination. A command squads orders do not work on the squad itself. A hero may join a command squad only if he has the Commander ability. If you bring a unit back into the game using the mechanic or the medic, and it is eliminated again, it counts as further casualties when counting VPs. Units that come back into the game thanks to these abilities are activated normally during the round, and reenter the battlefield through your troops initial deployment zone. The weapons specialist does not have any special ability.

Unless a scenario dictates otherwise, the following rules apply to all structures: Hangars cover the same area as one full terrain tile (9 squares). Buildings are terrain features whose size is smaller than one full terrain tile; they come in several different shapes and sizes. All structures block LOS. A structures walls cannot be destroyed. Soldiers and heroes with the Jump ability can jump over any type of structure. Tanks with the Jump ability cannot jump over any type of structure. Units cannot land on top of structures. Soldiers and heroes can enter any type of structure. Tanks cannot enter buildings, but they can enter hangars. Aircraft cannot enter builidngs or hangars. Soldiers are in soft cover when they are inside a building and it is targeted by an enemy unit also inside the building. Soldiers are in hard cover when they are inside a building and it is targeted by an enemy unit outside the building. The only way a Hero can benefit from cover inside a structure is if that Hero has joined a squad. In order for a unit inside a structure to attack an enemy unit outside a structure, the attacking unit must be on a square that shows an exit in the direction it wants to attack. In order for a unit outside a structure to attack an enemy unit inside a structure, the enemy unit must be on a square that shows an exit. When a unit is inside a structure, it follows the standard rules for shooting and moving. Inside a structure, cover combines in the normal way (eg a squad inside a hangar and on a square with an ammo crate is in hard cover against attacks from inside the hangar). Tank traps cannot be placed inside buildings.

Advanced Reactive Fire When this unit attempts to use Reactive Fire, roll 2 dice instead of one. If you roll at least one , you may perform the attack. A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins. Agile When the unit moves, all diagonals cost 1 (instead of 1 for the first diagonal and 2 for the following ones). The unit considers diagonals as normal squares when it moves.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

Heroic Attack Once per game, this hero can use Heroic Attack. This doesnt count as performing an action, but you must activate the hero. The hero is invulnerable to all attacks against him (including artillery fire, close combat, etc.) until the end of the round. While invulnerable, he can move, attack, and act normally.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

All In One Once per game a unit may call All In One. It then rolls twice the normal number of attack dice for all its weapons for that round, no matter which actions are taken. Artillery Strike This unit can call for an artillery attack at a cost of 1 action. The unit is deactivated, while the artillery unit is immediately activated and performs an indirect shot. Once the artillery unit has performed its indirect shot, it is immediately deactivated.
The unit with the Artillery Strike ability must have a clear LOS on an enemy unit. Always check range from the artillery unit.

Jump During movement, this unit can ignore an obstacle by jumping over it, but can only land in an empty square. The jump is subjected to all other movement rules that affect movement. Jump allows you to travel over cover, a low wall, a pit, an obstacle, or a friendly or enemy unit or vehicle, but not over a building wall or a roof (ie, you cannot jump over a square with no dot). The jump can be made diagonally.
In terms of actions, Jump replaces a . A hero with this ability does not share it with any squad he joins.

Assault value, no matter which Once per game the unit doubles its actions are taken for the round. This can even be used when the unit chooses to move twice.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

Scout Vehicle During the first game round (and only that round), a unit with this ability can move 2 extra squares. A vehicle with this ability that enters the game after the first round cannot use this ability. Self Repair the vehicle At the end of each round, roll a die for each has lost. For each rolled, your vehicle recovers one .
You cannot recover more than your vehicles maximum . Self Repair does not work when the vehicle is totally destroyed.

Officer Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys! (1 Action). When the roll is successful, choose a unit to be reactivated this round. It can move again and use all its weapons. This new activation takes place right after that of the command squad.
This order can only be given to a unit in a square adjacent to the command squad (unless there is a Radio).

Berserk This ability Berserk must be declared before rolling dice for the attack. Once per game the hero may re-roll all of his failed attacks for the round once. Berserk works with the sustained attack option: re-roll failures for sustained attack once and re-roll any further failures once with the Berserk ability.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins.

Sniper The Sniper chooses which miniatures are hit when he damages a squad; if it is the carrier of a special weapon, he destroys both the carrier and the weapon. The Sniper can also target a hero. In this case, it is always the hero who loses and not the squad.
When the Sniper is part of a squad, the squads other attacks are resolved normally.

Radioman The radioman can relay any order issued by the command squad anywhere on the board. This ability is automatically successful. If the radioman is eliminated, the officer will only be able to give orders to units around him, and the mechanic and the medic wont be able to call reinforcements.
The radiomans ability always works as long as he is on the board; so when the officer seeks to issue an order to a distant unit, you only need to roll the die once (for the officer). This is the only case where both the officer and the radioman use their abilities in the same round. Artillery Strike (1 Action). When the radioman is eliminated, the squad also loses the use of this ability.

neW teRRain typeS

Squares with a triangle (eg deep water) in the center forbid any movement on them, but dont block LOS. They do not block the movement of flying units or units with the Jump ability. Squares with a cross in the center (eg piles of rubble) can be entered by infantry, but not vehicles. These squares dont block the shots of any units. But, they always grant soft cover to squads on them. They do not block the movement of flying units or units with the Jump ability. Squares with a diamond in the center (eg where a smoke grenade has exploded) can be entered by any unit, but they block all LOS. Any units on this square cant be targeted by attacks and cannot perform any attack.

Black Ops When this hero is in your army, roll an extra die to determine who wins the initiative. If the hero is eliminated during the game, you lose this bonus. The bonus does not stack with multiple heroes. Blutkreuz Ape A hero with this ability can only join a squad that has this ability, and only a hero with this ability can join a squad with this ability. Blutkreuz Zombie A hero with this ability can only join a squad that has this ability, and only a hero with this ability can join a squad with this ability. Charge The unit can attack with all of its weapons that have range 1 or C, even if it just moved twice this turn. The unit must perform its actions in this order. It cannot attack and then make a double movement, and it cannot move, attack, and then move again.
A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins. Using Charge expends both of a units actions for the round.

Sniper Team The shooter has the Sniper ability while the leader has Spotter. Whenever one of the squads members is eliminated, you lose the related ability. If the unit has other abilities, the surviving miniature keeps them. Spotter as , and as . This unit reverses its attack rolls: A Spotter is always with a Sniper or a heavy weapons squad. A unit including a Spotter will therefore re-roll results when it performs a sustained attack, instead of results. Superior Reactive Fire When this unit attempts to use Reactive Fire, roll 3 dice instead of one. If you roll at least one , you may perform the attack. A hero with this ability shares it with any squad he joins. Tank Head points to a Once per game the hero can restore all lost friendly vehicle. This happens on the heros activation (or that of the squad he is assigned to). The vehicle must be in an adjacent square, and the hero must spend an action to repair it (when the hero is part of a squad the whole squad spends an action).
The repair does not work when the vehicle is totally destroyed.

Mechanic Makeshift Repair (1 Action). The mechanic restores 1 to a vehicle in an adjacent square that is not destroyed. You do not need to roll dice to activate this ability.
Field Repair (1 Action). The mechanic brings a destroyed on the die, the vehicle back into the game. If you roll a vehicle re-enters the battle as it did at the start of the game. It is activated immediately, just after the command squad. You may only bring a single vehicle back for the whole game.

end of the gaMe

The final round is triggered when one of the following happens: - All of one players units have been eliminated. - One of the two players has fulfilled his scenario objective. - The time limit (number of rounds) ends. Calculate each sides VPs to determine the winner. - Neither player can fulfill their objective any longer (eg, all objectives were destroyed). Either count VPs to find a winner, or continue fighting until only one side is left standing. The game always ends at the end of a round, never during a game round. To determine VP totals, calculate the total AP value of all enemy units each player destroyed during the scenario. If the scenario specified bonus VPs and a player successfully fulfilled the condition, add the number of VPs specified in the scenario to that players total. The player who earned the most VPs wins.

Damage Resilient Each time this unit suffers a point of damage, roll 1 die: if you roll a , the damage is ignored. Damage Resilient protection is independent from cover. A miniature that has this ability and is behind cover benefits from both.
A hero with this ability does not share it with any squad he joins.

Medic Get Up, It Aint That Bad (1 Action). The medic brings 1 miniature back into a squad, or restores 1 to a hero. The squad or hero must be in an adjacent square. A miniature returns to its squad with all its equipment (and its special weapons and ammo for limited ammo weapons). You do not need to roll the dice to activate this ability, but it only works if there are soldiers left in the squad.
Come On Guys; Were Going Back Out There (1 Action). The medic brings a whole previously eliminated squad back into the game. If you roll a on the die, the squad re-enters the battle as it did at the beginning of the game, with all its equipment, and is activated immediately, right after the command squad. You may only bring a single squad back for the whole game. An eliminated hero cannot be brought back. If the radioman is eliminated, this ability does not work.

Fast When this unit moves, add 1 to all its movement. This extra is not doubled when the unit chooses to move twice, and there is no free movement when choosing sustained attack.

Wiederbelebungsserum When this hero inflicts a casualty to a squad or removes a health point from an enemy hero, he recovers one . There is no limit to the the hero can recover, but he can never exceed his maximum . The regeneration does not happen until after all close combat hits have been resolved.

WeaponRy Special Weapon typeS

The use of special weapons does not cost any actions.

WeaponRy Special Weapon typeS

The use of special weapons does not cost any actions.

Special Damage Types

1/ 2/ 1/ 2/ Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each means a target loses all its remaining . Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; means a target loses all its remaining . each

Panzerfaust This can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a squad so equipped, you may only shoot 3 Panzerfaust with them for the whole game (at different times if you wish).
Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If a unit has no boxes beside its Panzerfaust, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game.

Special Damage Types

1/ 2/ 1/ 2/ Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; each causes 1 damage point. Roll 1 die per miniature targeted by the attack; each means a target loses all its remaining . Roll 2 dice per miniature targeted by the attack; means a target loses all its remaining . each

Panzerfaust This can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a squad so equipped, you may only shoot 3 Panzerfaust with them for the whole game (at different times if you wish).
Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If a unit has no boxes beside its Panzerfaust, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game.

Phaser Weapons The damage a Phaser produces is represented X Y, where X is the number of dice you roll to aim at the enemy, and Y is how powerful the explosion is.
Roll a number of dice equal to the X value. For each you roll, you roll Y dice to calculate the damage. For each you obtain during the Y roll, you inflict 1 hit on the target. If you perform a sustained attack, only reroll the X dice. If you use the Berserk skill, or any skill that modifies your chance to hit, only reroll the X dice. Phaser weapons ignore all cover.

Phaser Weapons The damage a Phaser produces is represented X Y, where X is the number of dice you roll to aim at the enemy, and Y is how powerful the explosion is.
Roll a number of dice equal to the X value. For each you roll, you roll Y dice to calculate the damage. For each you obtain during the Y roll, you inflict 1 hit on the target. If you perform a sustained attack, only reroll the X dice. If you use the Berserk skill, or any skill that modifies your chance to hit, only reroll the X dice. Phaser weapons ignore all cover.

Burst Weapons When firing a burst weapon at a target that has not performed a move action during this round, double the number of dice rolled. Limited Ammo Weapons Use of these weapons is recorded in boxes next to the weapons name. Whenever a squad member so equipped is eliminated, his comrades pick up the weapon and will be able to use it later.
Limited ammo weapons can be used in addition to any other weapon, so they may be used to shoot at a separate target. However, you may not use more limited ammo weapons per round than the number of miniatures in your squad. If you use a limited ammo weapon during a sustained attack, reroll dice as usual.

Burst Weapons When firing a burst weapon at a target that has not performed a move action during this round, double the number of dice rolled. Limited Ammo Weapons Use of these weapons is recorded in boxes next to the weapons name. Whenever a squad member so equipped is eliminated, his comrades pick up the weapon and will be able to use it later.
Limited ammo weapons can be used in addition to any other weapon, so they may be used to shoot at a separate target. However, you may not use more limited ammo weapons per round than the number of miniatures in your squad. If you use a limited ammo weapon during a sustained attack, reroll dice as usual.

Range U (Unlimited) Range U weapons can shoot anywhere on the battlefield, but they still need LOS. UGL (Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher) These weapons can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a sqaud so equipped, you will be able to fire only 3 UGL in the whole game (at different times if you wish). Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If no boxes are listed, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game.
UGL grenades always ignore cover. Grenade Launcher and Grenade Pistol work the same as UGL, but are never limited; you can use them during the whole game.

Range U (Unlimited) Range U weapons can shoot anywhere on the battlefield, but they still need LOS. UGL (Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher) These weapons can only be used once per game. If you have 3 soldiers in a sqaud so equipped, you will be able to fire only 3 UGL in the whole game (at different times if you wish). Each time you use this weapon, mark the box. If no boxes are listed, it carries enough ammo to use this weapon during the whole game.
UGL grenades always ignore cover. Grenade Launcher and Grenade Pistol work the same as UGL, but are never limited; you can use them during the whole game.

Multiple Shots Weapons Multiple shots weapons do more damage if you fire several rounds at the same time.
Each damage value means the use of one round only and not one use of the weapon itself. Choose how many rounds you shoot, marking how many you fired. Once all boxes have been marked, you cannot reload these weapons during the game.

Multiple Shots Weapons Multiple shots weapons do more damage if you fire several rounds at the same time.
Each damage value means the use of one round only and not one use of the weapon itself. Choose how many rounds you shoot, marking how many you fired. Once all boxes have been marked, you cannot reload these weapons during the game.

All weapons with range A are artillery. Unless specified, all rules that apply to regular units also affect artillery units. Artillery weapons always have a minimum range of 4 squares and can therefore never hit a target less than 4 squares away. Their maximum range is always unlimited. Artillery weapons ignore all types of cover, including corner cover. They can never be used inside buildings.

All weapons with range A are artillery. Unless specified, all rules that apply to regular units also affect artillery units. Artillery weapons always have a minimum range of 4 squares and can therefore never hit a target less than 4 squares away. Their maximum range is always unlimited. Artillery weapons ignore all types of cover, including corner cover. They can never be used inside buildings.

Weapons With Special Ranges Weapons that shoot on a parabolic trajectory but dont have a very long maximum range show 2 numbers for their range, separated by a dash. The first number is the minimum range of the weapon, and the second is the maximum range.

Weapons With Special Ranges Weapons that shoot on a parabolic trajectory but dont have a very long maximum range show 2 numbers for their range, separated by a dash. The first number is the minimum range of the weapon, and the second is the maximum range.

Special WeaponS
Flamethrowers All flamethrower shots ignore cover, but are useless against tank-traps.
When the flamethrower shoots further than one square, all squares between your unit and the target are affected (even if the squares are occupied by friendly units). The fire of the flamethrower does not continue beyond a square blocking LOS. When the flamethrower has more than one square of range, choose the squares where the flames spread (you still need to be able to target each square independently).

Special WeaponS
Flamethrowers All flamethrower shots ignore cover, but are useless against tank-traps.
When the flamethrower shoots further than one square, all squares between your unit and the target are affected (even if the squares are occupied by friendly units). The fire of the flamethrower does not continue beyond a square blocking LOS. When the flamethrower has more than one square of range, choose the squares where the flames spread (you still need to be able to target each square independently).

Direct Fire If the artillery unit has a clear LOS to its target (and the target is beyond minimum range), it may take a direct shot and uses the same rules as a normal shooting attack.
The shot succeeds if a is rolled, and the unit can choose to make a sustained attack (SHOOT + SHOOT actions). The unit may use its other weapons.

Direct Fire If the artillery unit has a clear LOS to its target (and the target is beyond minimum range), it may take a direct shot and uses the same rules as a normal shooting attack.
The shot succeeds if a is rolled, and the unit can choose to make a sustained attack (SHOOT + SHOOT actions). The unit may use its other weapons.

Knife / Knife & Grenades All the soldiers in the unit have a knife / knife & grenades. Roll 1 die for each member of the unit when you use this weapon.
When you use knife / knife & grenade weapons against a squad, your target is allowed to retaliate if it is equipped with these weapons. First resolve all other types of attacks. If your opponent suffers casualties, they are immediately removed from the game. Then roll your knife / knife & grenade dice. Your opponent also rolls the dice for the same weapons with any survivors. Casualties on either side are then simultaneous. The sustained attack option also applies to these weapons, but cover does not.

Indirect Fire If a unit with the Artillery Strike ability (an observer) and a clear LOS to the target is activated and takes 1 action as an artillery strike, the artillery unit may take an indirect shot.
If the artillery unit has already been activated during the round it cannot fire again until next round. The observer unit is immediately deactivated and the artillery may then fire the indirect shot, which succeeds if a is rolled. An indirect shot costs the artillery unit both actions, so it cannot make a sustained attack, though it may use its other weapons.

Knife / Knife & Grenades All the soldiers in the unit have a knife / knife & grenades. Roll 1 die for each member of the unit when you use this weapon.
When you use knife / knife & grenade weapons against a squad, your target is allowed to retaliate if it is equipped with these weapons. First resolve all other types of attacks. If your opponent suffers casualties, they are immediately removed from the game. Then roll your knife / knife & grenade dice. Your opponent also rolls the dice for the same weapons with any survivors. Casualties on either side are then simultaneous. The sustained attack option also applies to these weapons, but cover does not.

Indirect Fire If a unit with the Artillery Strike ability (an observer) and a clear LOS to the target is activated and takes 1 action as an artillery strike, the artillery unit may take an indirect shot.
If the artillery unit has already been activated during the round it cannot fire again until next round. The observer unit is immediately deactivated and the artillery may then fire the indirect shot, which succeeds if a is rolled. An indirect shot costs the artillery unit both actions, so it cannot make a sustained attack, though it may use its other weapons.

Laser with a laser, you may reroll the die that Whenever you roll a caused it. As long as you keep rolling , keep on rerolling and adding any to your damage total (you may not change targets). The laser stops once the target unit or vehicle is destroyed.

Reloading Weapons Artillery weapons (and some other weapons) may need to be reloaded after firing before they can be used again. This costs 1 RELOAD action. Use the LOADED tokens to mark which artillery units are ready to fire. When that unit shoots, remove the token, and place it back again when you spend one action to RELOAD.
A unit can shoot (SHOOT) and reload (RELOAD) its artillery weapon in the same round.

Laser with a laser, you may reroll the die that Whenever you roll a caused it. As long as you keep rolling , keep on rerolling and adding any to your damage total (you may not change targets). The laser stops once the target unit or vehicle is destroyed.

Reloading Weapons Artillery weapons (and some other weapons) may need to be reloaded after firing before they can be used again. This costs 1 RELOAD action. Use the LOADED tokens to mark which artillery units are ready to fire. When that unit shoots, remove the token, and place it back again when you spend one action to RELOAD.
A unit can shoot (SHOOT) and reload (RELOAD) its artillery weapon in the same round.

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