Article - 1690795788 2
Article - 1690795788 2
Article - 1690795788 2
Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
ISSN 2455-3301
Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyaka, Rjs Ayurved Medical College, Kopargaon
Snakebite is a major problem worldwide, and a common medical emergency. Snake bite remains an
underestimated cause of accidental death in India. Snake bite is a significant health concern, especially in rural
populations of tropical and subtropical countries. Ayurveda has its own unique way of approach towards the
management of visha, and is discussed with the concepts of current science. India is reported to have the highest
number of snake bites (81,000) and deaths (11,000) per year. Considering this, World Health Organization added
snake bite to their list of neglected hot diseases and designed an exclusive protocol for its management. High
mortality is due to poor health services in rural areas and delay in getting the victim to a well-equipped health care
facility, where anti snake venom can be administered. Ayurveda has various treatment modalities and herbs those
were mentioned for venomous bite treatment. There are many treatment modalities available for snake bites,
among them Chaturvimsati Vishachikitsopakrama are Ayurveda treatment modality mentioned in Charaka
Samhita. The concept and procedures of few Upakramashas also been clearly defined in other Samhitas like
Sushruta, Astangasamgraha, Astangahrdaya. Acharya Charaka has given 24 Upakramas to counter the cases of
poisoning, including Mantras.
Nirvisha - Non-poisonous bite. May be a dry bite. prohibited but some study shows best intervention
Signs of inflammation cannot be observed. method to prevent from spreading of venom, into the
Sarpangabhihata - Actual bite will not take place in this systemic circulation by constricting the lymphatic
type. vessels, blood vessels where they used Torniquet or any
pressure immobilization bandage as ligation.
According to Modern
Most of the snakes have been classified into two main Agni
groups: When the bite is on a part of the body that cannot be
(A) Venomous subjected to arishtaa bandhana such as the trunk or face,
(B) Non-venomous suction, excision and burning the site are indicated by
Poisonous snake has been further classified into three Charaka. The bite spot should be burned with red-hot
types. gold or iron. Except in the cases of viper bite, because in
this case pitta is increased and their burning is
Causes for Snakebite contraindicated as toxic manifestations may aggravate.
Acharyashaveexplained8reasonsforSarpaDamsha. They
areBhaya, Krodha, Aaharartha, Padasparsha, Ativishat, Utkartana, Nishpidana and Chushana
Vairadhya, Papakarma, Deva-rishi-yamakopa. As the root cutting trees stops its growing up, like the
same way, Doing Utkartan (incision) at bite site prevents
Symptoms of snake bite from further spreading of venom. After incision,
Accidental contact with snake will lead to the suggested for Achushana (sucking) of venom with proper
manifestation of symptoms like local inflammation care, which helps to flow out of venom containing blood.
(daah) etc. This kind of manifestation has been explained In Allopathic science, they avoid incision, because it can
by Charaka as ‘Shankavisha’ (suspicious poisoning), lead difficult in diagnosing the type of snake bite and
causes fever, vomiting, fainting and even feeling of also brings further complication. Similarly, Nishpidana
burning sensation or exhaustion, delusion and diarrhea, (Squeezing) should performed from all around the bite
manifests because of fearful complex. site, that is usually applied on vital points or Joint area,
where ligation cannot apply. After incision,
Management of Snake Bite Chushan(sucking) Karma is applied to eliminate
Mantra venomous blood out, where mouth should fill with
Chakrapani prefers Mantra as foremost and par clothes or clay, ash, Agad or stool of cow or coating of
excellence upakrama among others, which nullifies the mouth with oil, Ghee during Chushana Karma.
poison without fail. Charaka further said that, Mantra
occludes the blood vessels, prevents the entry of poison Raktamokshana and Prashamana
in to the systemic circulation and protects from further When the poison is spread to the entire body,
infections. Chanting of Mantras is a specific rhythm bloodletting is most potent treatment. Sushruta said that,
which is supposed to build confidence in victim and help siravedha at the site of bite or bloodletting by cutting the
in relieving anxiety. They may stimulate sympathetic veins at extremities and forehead is effective in removing
nervous system and strengthen the peripheral blood the toxic blood from the system. After bloodletting the
vessels, which helps in maintaining the normal blood residual blood deranged by the heat of poison, should be
flow to the vital organs. Thus Mantra may have a vital suppressed or stabilized by external applications of
role in reassuring the victim. medicinal pastes or by irrigation with water or fluids
medicated with cold potency drugs.
All the proper measures should be taken within 100 Parisheka, and Avagaha
Matrakala, because venom will be stay at bite site till that When Visha enters into the body then advised for
time, then it will spread to the whole body through Parisheka (cold therapies) around the bite site with the
circulation.[18] Before spreading of poison, Venika (Rope extraction of herbs having cooling effect till
or torniquet like)should be applied just above the bite horripilation, which arrest the spreading of poison by
site, and then forcefully squeezed to bite site. coagulation, also alleviates from further complications
Aristabandhan is more effective when applied with like fainting, toxicity, increased heart rate etc. Sushruta
chantin Philip E. Snakebite and scorpion sting. In: has advised for the application of Lepa (paste) formed
Srivatava RN editor. Pediatric and Neonatal Emergency with different kinds of herbs around the bite site and
Care. Jaypee Brothers; New Delhi, p. 227-34. but Parisheka (irrigate) this site with the water mixed with
ligation should be neither too tight nor too loose because Chandan and Khas. In contemporary Science, it is one of
complications like swelling, necrosis will be seen, when the important means that prevents from spreading of
ligation is too tight. The speed of flow of venom will infection by the process of Washing or irrigation with
stop like dam(Bandh) obstructs the flow of water. clean water, isotonic solution or antiseptic agent, around
Sushruta emphasized to apply it about four inch above the bite site. Similarly, Avagahan (sudation by sitting in
the bite site, made from either bark of plant or anything tub) is the process of immersion or dipping of the
soft things. In contemporary science, ligation is affected part into the medicated decoction or lukewarm
oil. Here the bite site is dropped(sink) into the decoction Hridayavarana
made from different herbs having Vishaghna properties. When a person has bitten by poisonous snake or any
From contemporary view, this process can be compared insects, at that case, primary aim is to protect heart by
with Hot water immersion (HWI). This procedure is taking different medicines. For this purpose, honey,
generally applied for marine and freshwater cow’s ghee, cow’s milk, Majja (bone marrow), juice of
envenomation, that helps to inactivate the venom sugarcane, blood of goat etc., should give him
component in some amount. Even, it will reduce immediately for protecting heart, that makes Avarana
inflammation by inactivating inflammatory receptors and (covering) of heart. Poison mostly having TikshnaGuna,
improve metabolic health. that weakens the heart, so in order to protect it, the
patient should be made to drink pure ghee, ghee mixed
Pratisaranam and Prativisham with honey or antipoisonous drugs added with more ghee
If blood is not coming out from the bite area by incision and then advised for Vamana Karma.
or any procedure then it is dangerous for patient because
blood being affected by poison, the constitution is Anjanam and Dhumam
deranged and thus the patient expires. So it should be Anjanam means collyrium, should be applied in a case of
impelled by application of rubbing powders such as poisoning that develops swelling around the eyeball,
Curcuma longa (Rajani), Rock salt (Saindhava), Piper somnolence, discoloration and turbidity of the eyes and
longum (Pippalee), Piper nigrum (Maricha), dry Zinger where the victim visualizes all objects as discolored. It is
officinale (Shunt’hee) etc. So due to application of these said that after a bite of sarpita type of snake, Anjanam is
powder formed drugs, enhances the flow of blood or given in 3rd and 7th stage (vega) of poisoning. Smoke or
body fluids. Charaka says that animate poison is the fumes arising from antitoxic materials are given for
antidote to inanimate poison and viceversa because of predominant conditions of upper body part
their reverse action so the treatment is given accordingly. (urdhwajathru) vitiation due to poison.
The Upakramas have their own significance in
neutralizing the poison in different ways. Though there is
certain ambiguity in the approach as compared to the
Modern medical science; the treatment modalities
emphasized in Ayurveda have a Great significance and
are valuable particularly in remote areas, where medical
Facilities are inadequate.
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