Instructions 1

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Game: Assassin's Creed:Valhalla

Version: 1.7.0
Store: Ubisoft Connect


I would like you to understand up-front that creating this table took a lot
of time and research. Since you can't find it anywhere, I please ask of you
to keep it that way and use it solely for your personal interest. Should you
want to share it with a close friend or someone you trust, go ahead, I don't
have anything against it. But please respect my authorship by not making it
public or reselling it in private Discord servers/sites. If you think
the table is something an AC:Valhalla player can't live without, then I
welcome you to advertise my Ko-Fi page :)

Thank you!


1) Navigate to your Assassin's Creed Valhalla install folder (e.g.: G:\

Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed Valhalla\).

2) Extract dxgi.dll here. This DLL is mandatory, as the cheat table needs

NOTE #1: If you use ReShade, which comes in the form of a dxgi.dll file
as well, then you can rename my DLL to XInput9_1_0.dll and it will still work.

NOTE #2: The DLL is packed to reduce its size. Some anti-virus software
-the cheap and not maintained kind- might consider it malicious. Please know
the file is not dangerous, it just might be flagged as a false
positive. As a step ahead to show good faith, please see the enclosed report
from VirusTotal. Of course, you are welcome to scan it
yourselves as well.

3) Run the game till the main menu.

NOTE: If the game is already running, you will have to save your game
and exit it completely.

4) Making sure you have installed Cheat Engine (short: CE) version 7.4+,
double-click the ACValhalla.CT file and it should open up.

NOTE: If not, then please get it from -OR-

use my portable 7.4 package:
5) Activate the [ Initialize ] script and click Yes, so the game process is
opened in CE. You're now ready to work with the sections and scripts in the

A description of the options is provided below:

-> [ Player ] section:

God Mode
Will make your PLAYER invulnerable to all types of damage. This also kills
the processing of rendering the GUI damage FX (no “blood splash” effects
or GUI turning red when being hit).

Infinite Stamina
Stamina consumption for physical actions (dodge, melee) and special abilities
is disabled.

Quiver: Max & Unlimited

Will activate a flag in the InventoryItemSettings instance of the item being
consumed, thus making it subtract, then add back the amount lost. Zero
consumption, in a nutshell. At the same time, it will increase quantity to
that item's maximum. This is mainly for Arrows consumption.

Will turn your PLAYER invisible. Note that world events still occur, as in an
entity spooking another entity; so, if you go near some animal and you
see it run, know that it wasn’t you who spooked it and complain invisibility
doesn’t work. If someone already saw you and activated this in-between,
they might still be able to see you, approach and perhaps quit chasing you.

Infinite Oxygen
Disables oxygen consumption while swimming underwater.

Adrenaline: Instant Refill & Infinite

Refills the Adrenaline bar to maximum and does not let it deplete on

Disable Ability Cooldown

Using an ability will not trigger cooldowns.

Movement Speed Multiplier

Allows you to move faster. Default value is 2.

Underwater Speed Multiplier

Allows you to move faster underwater. Default value is 2.

Set XP Multiplier
Allows you to adjust the XP multplier so that when a kill is performed, you
gain more experience (experience from kill -times- the multiplier).

Add 1 Ability Point

Adds 1 ability point using the game's internal function. If you want to add
more, then right-click the script > Change script > and the value on line
12 (local numAbilityPoints = 1 <<- this).

-> [ Inventory ] section:

I have enclosed in the archive an ItemDump list & ItemHashNames till 1.6.2 so
you can use them to obtain items in-game. Column "C" called "hash" in the Excel
file contains the values you need to copy and paste in the "+Single AddItem"
feature of the table explained below. Please note that the purpose of this table
is to provide a set of options for you to cheat in the game, therefore you
should NOT see it as an Inventory Editor. While it may provide the means to obtain

-> ItemDump.xlsx
-> ItemHashName_1.6.2.txt

If you're in need for specific content, you can browse:

NOTE: Just so there are no comments or complaints about this subject --> the
list was consolidated from all of the .index files dumped by ACViewer from
the game's .forge files. NO FORM OF HACKING OR ABUSING
in the game's physical files residing on the user's disk, in the
game's install folder. The data is NOT acquired from online transactions or shops.

The tool can be found here:


You are invited to test if for your yourselves. You can even inspect
the various ITM_ settings directly in the tool: Windows > Data browser.

+Single AddItem
Allows you to set a Quantity (for single items, that's 1; for resources, you
can change it to more than 1) and specify the HashId from one of the lists
mentioned above.
Activate the script and wait for 1-2s so the ?? Values to be shown as valid
in the table. Double-click the 0000000000000000 Value of HashId and (paste) Ctrl+V
the hash you copied from the list mentioned above (ItemDump.xlsx -> C
column). To obtain said item, simply click the [ ] checkbox in front of '<- Click
to Add Item'
script. To get another item, copy another hash from the list above, double-
click teh value of HashId, paste it in the input field > OK, change Quantity if
then re-run '[ ] <- Click to Add Item' script (click once to disable it and
click again to enable it). You will see the effect on-screen in-game.

+AddItem: Resources
This section contains predefined scripts to speed up resources acquiry.

+AddItem: Crafting Materials

This section contains predefined scripts to speed up crafting materials

-> [ Teleport ] section:

Teleport To Waypoint
Activate script, open map with M key and click on a spot on the ground or
already existing beacon/marker. Press Numpad 9 and close the map. You will have
teleported there. If you want to change the hotkey, then right-click the
'Teleport (Hotkey: Numpad 9)' entry > Set/Change Hotkeys > set your own.


- you can teleport to quest people (just click on the <!> and you’ll spawn
right near the NPC)
- looking at the terrain, if you set a waypoint above the ground level you’re
at, teleporting will work nicely
- looking at the terrain, if you set a waypoint below the ground level you’re
at, teleporting might land you under the map or stuck in some object
- if you fall off map, quickly press M and try to set another waypoint;
teleport there; if still not working, choose WATER to set a waypoint to; teleport
and you’ll be just fine; then set again the waypoint to where you wanted to
get OR near that spot, if you see it still causes issues
- teleporting to viewpoints for sync works fine
- if when teleporting you hit some solid wall, thus not landing where you set
the waypoint (but stuck in mid-distance), make sure you’re above the ground level
of your destination; that’s the only situation I’ve seen this happening

Free Cam + Teleport

Set yourself in crouched state by pressing C key. This will make it so your
eagle doesn't land on your arm, thus no wobbly camera effect. Then activate the
and toggle On/Off status using the hotkey mentioned in 'Toggle On/Off
(Hotkey: Tilde [`~])'. If you want to change the key, then right-click it >
Set/Change Hotkey
and set your own.

While Free Cam is active (you can turn it off with the same hotkey), you will
notice your player cannot move.

Use the hotkeys below to move the camera:

- W - forward
- A - left
- S - backward
- D - right

If you want to move up or down:

- SPACE - up
- F - down

And if you want to get some speed while moving around:

- SHIFT - increase movement speed (keep it pressed; if released, speed
becomes 1.0 again)

Now, if you want to teleport your player to the center of your screen
(camera’s position):
- Q - teleport player to camera coordinates


- make sure Sýnin has not landed on your arm when you enable this; similarly,
if you enable it while you’re swimming, the camera will have the
wobbly moving effect (don’t say I didn’t warn you)
- player input is disabled while free camera is on
- sometimes some objects may not be rendered fully (you’ll see them
transparent); they get rendered fully when you teleport your player nearby
- I suggest using Tilde (~) key to toggle this on/off, as it’s closer to WASD

-> [ Miscellaneous ] section:

Disable Horse Speed Limiter

Kills rideable animal speed decrease in areas with population, towns, etc.

Infinite Rideable Animal Stamina

Disables rideable animal stamina consumption.

Kill desync in "Area not available. Desynchronization imminent" zones

You will be able to pass through those walls that shroud areas that are out
of bounds and won't die or be desynchronized. Just a warning, though, once you
pass through the walls, screen will blur out and you will hear an increased
sound of a sand storm. So not much to do out of bounds.
[ Time Of Day ]
The script will expand a subsection in which you can control the time value:
between 0 and 24 values [float type]. Just double-click the value and change it


[ Last Update: 15-Oct-23 ]

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