ESR Spectros
ESR Spectros
ESR Spectros
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)
Deptt of Physics, Chaudhary Charan
Singh University, Meerut
The study content presented in these slides is purely for academic use
and author claims no commercial benefit.
The presentation is made referring content from books and open source
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Dr. Anuj Kumar would like to acknowledge the contribution by all the
authors and Institutions for making available this open source material.
To name a few I give special thanks to Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, NPTEL, Slideshare (, UCLA University
( websites for open source.
Circulator or Magic -T
Sample Cavity
Magnet System
Crystal Detector
Auto amplifier and Phase sensitive Detector
Oscilloscope and Pen Recorder
•Microwave radiations
finally enter to the
circulator through a
wave guide by a loop
wire which couples
with oscillating
magnetic field and
setting a corresponding
Sample Cavity:
This resonant cavity which contains the sample is
called the heart of ESR.
It is constructed in such a way to maximize the
applied magnetic filed along the sample dimension.
In most ESR spectrometer dual sample cavities are
used for simultaneous observation of sample and
reference materials.
Magnet System:
Magnetic field
Derivative signal
Magnetic field
Presentation of ESR Spectrum:
The ESR spectrum is obtained by plotting intensity against
the strength of a magnetic field.
The better way is to represent ESR spectrum as a derivative
curve in which the first derivative(slope) of the absorption
curve is plotted against the strength of the magnetic field
The total area covered by either the absorption or
derivative curve is proportional to the number of unpaired
electrons in the sample.
In order to find out the number of electrons in an
unknown sample, comparison is made with a standard
sample having a known number of unpaired electrons and
possessing the same line shape as the unknown.
The most widely used standard is 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl free radical(DPPH)
Determination of g value:
The best method of measurement of g value is to
measure the field separation between the center of the
unknown spectrum and that of reference substance
whose g value is already known.
DPPH is generally used a standard whose g value is
In the spectrometer standard sample is placed along with
the unknown sample in the same chamber of dual cavity
The spectrum will show signals with a filed separation of
The g value of unknown sample is given
g = gs [ ∆H/H ]
Hyperfine Interactions
EPR signal is ‘split’ by neighboring nuclei
Called hyperfine interactions
Can be used to provide information
Number and identity of nuclei
Distance from unpaired electron
Interactions with neighboring nuclei
E = gmBB0MS + aMsmI
a = hyperfine coupling constant
mI = nuclear spin quantum number
A is measured as the distance between the
centers of two signals
Which nuclei will interact?
Selection rules same as for NMR
Every isotope of every element has a ground state nuclear spin
quantum number, I
has value of n/2, n is an integer
Isotopes with even atomic number and even mass number have I
= 0, and have no EPR spectra
12C, 28Si, 56Fe, …
Isotopes with odd atomic number and even mass number have n
2H, 10B, 14N, …
Isotopes with odd mass number have n odd
1H, 13C, 19F, 55Mn, …
Hyperfine Interactions