Devulcanization - A Solution For Scrap Rubber
Devulcanization - A Solution For Scrap Rubber
Devulcanization - A Solution For Scrap Rubber
by Ben Chouchaoui, Windsor Industrial Development Current waste rubber disposal pathways
Laboratory Landfilling
Disposals at tire mono-filling (i.e., deposits in certified sites
Rubber includes elastomers and thermosets characterized by accepting only waste tires) were among the earliest rubber and
large deformability and the capability to recover their shape upon tire discharge avenues, due to the availability of large land
removal of applied loads. Industrial rubbers divide into natural surfaces and economic feasibility, but with severe drawbacks.
rubber (NR) and synthetic rubbers. The former derives from For example, landfilled tires can release metals and toxic
natural rubber latex mainly constituted by poly(cis-1,4-isoprene), chemicals such as stabilizers, plasticizers, flame retardants and
an unsaturated hydrocarbon produced by over 2,000 plant spe- other low molecular weight additives, which pollute the soil
cies of the Compositae, Moraceae and Apocynaceae families; and decrease its fertility. Moreover, rubber waste acts as a
but the commercially utilized latex is made almost entirely from breeding ground for mosquitoes, rodents and snakes, sources
Hevea brasiliensis. for various deadly diseases. Piles of tires in open dumpsites or
Synthetic rubbers are synthesized monomers from petroleum landfills risk flammability, and tire fires can burn for several
based hydrocarbons, and the most commonly produced are eth- weeks, as they are very difficult to extinguish. Most impor-
ylene propylene diene monomer and styrene butadiene rubber, tantly, landfilling fails in recovering useful materials to be rein-
chloroprene and isobutylene (EPDM, SBR, CR and IS) (refs. 1 troduced in the rubber industry as second generation feedstock,
and 2). and should therefore be used only in the very few cases in
The demand for rubber products has grown steadily over which all other waste management technologies (reducing, re-
recent years. Global NR production in 2018 amounted to al- using, recycling, energy recovery) cannot be put in place. For
most 13.9 million metric tons, the vast majority of which (91%) all such reasons, landfilling end-of-life tires (ELT) became
was produced in the Asia Pacific region; while Europe, the forbidden by the European Commission as early as 1999, and
Middle East and Africa (EMEA) contributed approximately this has boosted the research for alternative options for rubber
6.5%. Natural rubber is largely used to manufacture tires and waste management (ref. 6).
also single use gloves, the production of which has tremen-
dously grown to meet the rising healthcare demands linked to Energy recovery
the recent pandemic. Synthetic rubbers are used primarily in Another rubber waste management is represented by the use of
the transportation industry to produce tires, with overall de- scrap rubber as fuel. Tires are over 90% organic and have a
mand reaching 3.9 billion units last year. This conspicuous and calorific value of 32.6 MJ/kg compared to 18.6 to 27.9 MJ/kg
ever-increasing rubber production demonstrates the versatility for coal, for example. Approximately 45% and 38% of post-
and the widespread application of this class of materials; but it consumer tires and industrial waste in the United States and in
also poses the challenge of how to manage the growing amount the European Union (EU), respectively, are used as supplemen-
of rubber waste. tary non-fossil fuel forms of energy recovery, including incin-
Rubber scrap is a sizeable component of the total solid eration, pyrolysis and gasification (ref. 7).
waste. The majority of such scrap derives from the transporta- Incineration is the oxidation of combustible material to give
tion industry (tires of automobiles, trucks, off-road vehicles and inert waste. It is a highly exothermic process, initiated at con-
motorcycles); but other sources of rubber waste include cloth- trolled high temperatures (in the 1,000°C range) to quickly
ing, footwear, gaskets and furniture. In 2020, the United States become self-sustaining. If the temperature is kept high enough,
generated 9.7 million metric tons (mmt) of rubber waste, out of this process only yields H2O, O2 and CO2; while too low of a
which 5.5 mmt were landfilled (55%), 2.9 mmt were com- processing temperature leads to the emission of several toxic
busted for energy recovery (27%), and only 2.1 mmt were re- gases, such as dioxins or persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
cycled (17%). Recycling rubber waste is challenging, and ef- Incineration is often carried out by the tire industry to dispose
forts in improving related policies and technologies continue to of production waste and rejects, and to produce plants’ own
evolve to increase sustainability and the circularity of the rub- energy. It is also a common process in cement kilns, steel mills,
ber industry (ref. 3). thermal power plants, pulp and paper mills, industrial boilers
As most rubber is used in tires, all of the research on devul- and sewage treatment installations. In the case of cement
canization targets waste tires made of NR and SBR, and with manufacturing, the use of very high temperatures (in the range
the most common being sulfur vulcanized (refs. 4 and 5). The of 2,000°C) ensures the complete combustion of all tire com-
following article provides a concise technical overview of the ponents, converting steel to iron oxide and sulfur to sulfates,
most important devulcanization technologies of sulfur vulca- which are useful ingredients in the final cement product.
nized rubbers such as NR and SBR. Considering the impor- Pyrolysis is the process in which the organic fraction of waste
tance of adopting a circular economy, rubber devulcanizate tires is thermally decomposed at high temperatures (400°C to
applications concentrate on how devulcanized rubber can be 1,200°C) under reducing or inert atmospheres, generating useful
compounded with different polymeric matrices to develop eco- solid, liquid and gaseous products (refs. 8 and 9). The solid resi-
sustainable polymer blends with suitable physical properties. due can be purified from steel, fiberglass and other contaminants,
Mechanical/thermo-mechanical devulcanization screw speed and barrel temperature for proper devulcanization
Thermo-mechanical devulcanization is the most widely used in is highlighted in many research works correlating processing
industry. Rubber crumb is subjected to mechanical shearing parameters with devulcanization quality and yield, and the re-
and high temperature (approximatively 200°C) brought by in- sponse surface methodology (RSM). It has generally been ob-
ternal friction and from outside sources. Solvents like water, served that the selectivity of crosslink scission decreases as
oils, hexane or supercritical fluids can be added before or dur- temperature increases, with a consequent increase in the C-C
ing grinding to facilitate the process, solubilize the small chains bond cleavage and a reduction in the mechanical performance
and swell the rubber. of the revulcanizate. So the quality of the devulcanization in-
Thermo-mechanical devulcanization has been largely stud- creases at moderate operating conditions.
ied during recent decades because it generally yields high Researchers devulcanized ground rubber from tires in a
devulcanization throughputs. The most common mechanical unique metallic cone-like high shear mixer. In this setup,
and thermomechanical devulcanization technologies can be cooled by a stream of cold water, one cone is static, while the
divided into batch mixers or continuous extruders, but other other rotates and pressurizes the system. The instrument is fed
equipment has also been tried. with large chunks of GTR for size reduction and a decrease in
Devulcanization based on batch mixers is relatively simple, crosslink density. However, such reactions mainly occur at the
low cost and environmentally friendly, generally performed rubber particle surface, classifying this technique as a rubber
without external heating or chemicals. Batch mixers divide into surface activation phenomenon, rather than a proper bulk
(i) open, two-roll mills or Brabender mixers, and (ii) closed, devulcanization.
Lancaster-Banbury or internal batch mixers. Crumb rubber is Another devulcanization technology is high pressure, high
devulcanized through intense mechanical shearing for minutes, temperature sintering (HPHTS), which allows one to recycle
in which the temperature can reach 250°C. To prevent exces- vulcanized rubber powder by applying heat and pressure. The
sive heating and degradation of the polymer chains, a technique applied pressure compresses the particles and increases the in-
has recently been proposed that involves a water cooled two- terparticle contact, while temperatures between 80°C and
roll mixing mill to devulcanize CB filled NR. Still, the resultant 240°C promote cleavage of crosslink bonds. This in turn allows
degree of devulcanization is quite low: between 20% and for the formation of new covalent bonds at the particle inter-
37.8%. face, thereby sintering the particles into a single piece. Re-
The most common mechanical devulcanization is Ficker՚s, searchers found that the mechanical properties of the sintered
or the single/twin-screw extruder method. The technology is rubber compare with those of conventionally manufactured
widely used, as extruders are commonly and readily available rubbers.
in rubber manufacturing and allow for continuous high yield Thermo-mechanical devulcanization can be implemented
devulcanization. The fundamental importance of optimizing with different devulcanizing agents to further promote scission