IGES Climate Change Information Package 2013

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Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Low Carbon Development and Climate Policy in Asia

1. IGES all
IGES brochure

2. International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) & Low Carbon Asia Research Network
LCS-Rnet Synthesis Report
1. 2009_1st Annual Meeting of LCS-RNet in Bologna
2. 2010_2nd Annual Meeting of LCS-RNet in Berlin
3. 2011_3rd_Annual_Meeting_of_LCS-RNet_in_Paris (October 2011)
4. 2012_4th_Annual_Meeting_of_LCS-RNet_in_Oxford (September 2012)
5. 2013_5th_Annual_Meeting of LCS-RNet_in_Yokohama (July 2013)- New

LCS-RNet Asia Dialogue

1. 2010_Indonesia_Daialogue
2. 2011_Cambodia_Dialogue
3. 2011_Thailand_Dialogue
4. 2012_Malaysia_Dialogue
5. 2012_Cambodia_Dialogue

LCS-Rnet Newsletter
1. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume1 (2009)
2. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 2 (June 2010)
3. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 3 (November 2010)
4. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 4 (July 2011)
5. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 5 (November 2011)
6. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 6 Special Edition (November 2011)
7. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 7 (January 2012)
8. LCS-RNet – Newsletter, Volume 8 (August 2012)
9. LCS-RNet – Newsletter, Volume 9 (November 2012)
10. CS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 10 (December 2012)
11. LCS-RNet - Newsletter, Volume 11 (October 2013) New

Low Carbon Asia Research Network(LoCARNet)

1. 2012_1st Annual Meeting of LoCARNet in Bangkok
2. 2013_LoCARNet Synthesis Report_in_Yokohama New
3. LoCARNet Newsletter April 2013
4. LoCARNet – Newsletter, Volume 1 (November 2012)

3. Climate and Energy

1.   Sino-Japan Collaboration for Air-pollution
2.   A Report on the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS)
3. What is the likely outcome of the Durban Platform prcess ? :Results of an online questionnaire survey
4. IGES Market mechanisms Country Fact Sheet
5. AD Hoc Working Group On the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

1.   Balancing Japan’s Energy and Climate Goals: Exploring Post-Fukushima Energy Supply Options
2.   From NAMAs to Low carbon Development in Southeast Asia: Technical, Mainstreaming, Institutional Dimensions
3.   Future Climate Regime and Climate Unilateralism
4.   MRV Challenges of Integrating National Initiatives into International Mechanisms
5.   Designing Adaptation Finance for the Green Climate Fund

1.   Operationalising MRV of Support Analysis of Finance, Technology and Capacity Building Support
2.  Hayama Proposal:Post2013 International Framework on Climate Change
3.   Financial Support to the Implementation of Adaptation Measures
4.   Biofuels – from CDM to NAMAs
5.   Why the United States Lacks a Federal Climate Policy: Collective Action Problems, Tea Parties, and Blue Dogs
6.   The Politics of Climate Policy in China: Interests, Institutions and ideas
7.   Designing Climate Finance to Enhance Low-Carbon Investment through Local Intermediaries
8.   Transition to Energy Secure Future: Policies Enabling Energy Transition in India
9.   NAMAs, CDM and MRV: the case of transport sector
4. Co-Benefit (Integrated Policies for Sustainable Societies (IPSS)
1. Harnessing Climate Finance for Women in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam: A Survey of the Policy Landscape
2. Bridging Research and Policy on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) in Asia
3. Environmental Governance and Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs): The Case of Open Burning in Thailand
4. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Brochure: Bringing Climate and Development Together in Asia
5. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Newsletter Vol.1
6. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Newsletter Vol.2
7. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Newsletter Vol.3
8. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Factsheet 1: What are co-benefits?
9. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Factsheet 2: COP16 and Co-benefits
10. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Factsheet 3: Make Co-benefits Work: China Case
11. Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Factsheet 4: Mitigating "Black Carbon" in Asia: An Opportunity for Co-benefits

5. Forest Conservation - Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services

1. REDD+ Project
2. Papua New Guinea REDD+ Readiness
3. Indonesia REDD+ Readiness
4. Laos REDD+ Readiness
5. Policy Brief (Oct 2012) Community-based Forest Monitoring for REDD+
6. Quality-of-governance standards for carbon emissions trading

6. Sustainable Consumption and Production

1. GHG calculator for solid waste
2. Towards Climate-Friendly Waste Management: The Potential of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
3. Sustainable Management of Organic Waste: The need for coordinated action at national and local levels
4. Pilot Project to Promote Organic Waste Utilization for Climate Change Mitigation in Battambang City, Cambodia:
promoting organic waste separation at source for composting
5. Promoting sustainable use of waste biomass in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand: Combining food security, bio-energy
and climate protection benefits
6. A guide for sustainable urban organic waste management in Thailand: Combining food, energy, and climate co-benefits
7. A guide for technology selection and implementation of urban organic waste utilisation projects in Cambodia
8. Practical guide for improved organic waste management: climate benefits through the 3Rs in developing Asian
9. A guide for improving municipal solid waste management and promoting urban organic waste utilization in lao PDR
10. Mechanical Biological Treatment as a Solution for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills in Thailand
11. Climate Co-benefits of Energy Recovery from Landfill Gas in Developing Asian Cities: A Case Study in Bangkok
12. Integrated Solid Waste Management: An Approach for Enhancing Climate Co-benefits through Resource Recovery

7. Green Economy
1. Proposal for a national inventory adjustment for trade in the presence of border carbon adjustment: Assessing carbon
tax policy in Japan
2. Direct versus embodied emissions: criteria for determining the carbon coverage for border carbon adjustment

8. Adaptation
1. Training modules for climate change adaptation in agriculture: sub-district and district level agriculture officers of
2. Training modules for climate change adaptation in agriculture: province and sub-province level agriculture officers of
3. Promoting risk financing in the Asia Pacific region: lessons from agriculture insurance in Malaysia, Philippines and
4. Strengthening capacity for policy research on mainstreaming adaptation to climate change in agriculture and water
5. How adaptive policies are in Japan and can adaptive policies mean effective policies?
6. Scientific Capacity Development of the Trainers and Policy Makers for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Asia and
the Pacific
7. Promoting Risk Insurance in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Convergence Approach for the Future Climate Regime
8. Climate change implications for disaster risk management in Japan: A case study on perceptions of risk management
personnel and communities in Saijo city
9. Lessons Learnt from the Triple Disaster in East Japan
10. Financial innovations for building resilience to climate change-related and other natural disasters
11. Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study of Agricultural Initiatives in Japan
12. Monitoring Progress of Adaptation to Climate Change: The Use of Adaptation Metrics
13. Adaptation effectiveness indicators for agriculture in the Gangetic basin
14. Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture and Water Sectors in India: Current Status, Issues and
15. Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Water Sectors in the Asia-Pacific Region: Current Status,
Issues, and Way Forward
16. Metrics For Mainstreaming Adaptation In Agriculture Sector
17. Promoting risk insurance in the Asia-pacific region: lessons from the ground for the future climate regime under
9. IGES Regional Centre
1. IGES Regional Centre Brochure
2. ADAPT Asia-Pacific program factsheet
3. ADAPT Asia-Pacific 1st Annual Forum Proceedings
4. ADAPT Asia-Pacific 2nd Annual Forum Proceedings
5. ADAPT Asia-Pacific Briefing Note: Capacity Building Program on Economics of Climate Change Adaptation
6. ADAPT Asia-Pacific Briefing Note: Building a Foundation for Evidence-based Climate Research Action in Thailand
7. ADAPT Asia-Pacific Briefing Note: Support to ONEP/Thailand as Chair of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change
8. Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (AECEN) Brochure
9. Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) Brochure
10. Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum Proceedings - 2010
11. Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum Proceedings - 2012
12. APAN Policy Brief: Improving sub-national capacity to adapt to climate change in agriculture
13. APAN Policy Brief: Addressing climate change adaptation needs in the Hindu Kush Himalayas
14. APAN Policy Brief: Improving adaptation capacity of communities to face the climate-induced challenges in water
management: The way forward
15. APAN Policy Brief: Adapting to climate change in most vulnerable sectors of Central Asia: Water and Agriculture
16. APAN Policy Brief: Risk transfer mechanisms for climate adaptation financing: Policy trends and options
17. APAN Activity Brief: 3rd Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
18. APAN Activity Brief: Regional Workshop on Options for an Innovative Climate Finance Regime for South Asia
19. APAN Activity Brief: 6th International Workshop on Remote Sensing and Environmental Innovations in Mongolia
20. APAN Activity Brief: Regional Training Workshop on Strengthening Capacity on M&E of Climate Change Adaptation
Initiatives in Southeast Asia
21. APAN E-communique Newsletter - September 2013
22. Network for Integrated Planning and Sustainable Development Strategies-Asia & Pacific (SDplanNet-AP) Brochure

Although every effort is made to ensure objectivity and balance, the printing of a book or translation does not imply IGES
endorsement or acquiescence with its conclusions or the endorsement of IGES financers. IGES maintains a position of neutrality at
all times on issues concerning public policy. Hence conclusions that are reached in IGES publications should be understood to be
those of authors and not attributed to staff-members, officers, directors, trustees, funders, or to IGES itself.

Copyright © 2013 by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan

Climate and Energy Area

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama
Kanagawa 240-0115, Japan
Phone: +81-46-855-3860 Fax: +81-46-855-3809
E-mail: ce-info@iges.or.jp
URL: http://www.iges.or.jp

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