RP 2007093 Mal
RP 2007093 Mal
RP 2007093 Mal
Bending-Moment Diagrams
Gustavo O. Maldonado1, Gustavo J. Molina2
Abstract – This work presents an old, but not widely known, educational tool that allows students to use a simple
analogy to quickly visualize the shape of bending-moment diagrams for simple beams. The analogy possesses a
mathematical base. Two similar ordinary differential equations govern two different equilibrium-based problems in
Statics. One involves bending moments in beams, and may present some learning difficulties to students. The other
involves the displaced equilibrium configuration of a loaded chain, and may be intuitively visualized. This article
compares the two governing equations and indicates the conditions under which both equations become numerically
equivalent. It presents the proper use of the analogy to visualize solutions in chains that can be used to generate the
corresponding bending moments in beams. For this purpose, five examples, involving beams with different types of
supports and load conditions, are presented and analyzed.
This work focuses on the use of an analogy that facilitates the visualization of bending-moment diagrams for the
analysis of simple beams. Undergraduate students, attending engineering programs in structural, construction,
mechanical, and architectural disciplines, learn to analyze the effect of loads on structural elements. For this
purpose, they take one or more courses on structural analysis, starting with Statics or Introduction to Structures.
These fundamental courses present the analysis of simply-supported beams and include the generation of shear-
force and bending-moment diagrams. The determination of shear diagrams is, usually, a straightforward task. On
the other hand, the generation of moment diagrams requires more effort and may present some challenges for the
students. Not all students may have the same mathematical background. Some construction and/or architectural
programs are non-calculus based and students may not have the calculus tools that facilitate the generation of
moment diagrams. The objective of this article is to present an old, but not widely known or used, educational tool
that allows students to use a simple analogy to visualize the shape of moment diagrams. This a-priori visualization
helps to minimize errors during a more rigorous determination of the diagrams, or it can be used to check the
general shape of already determined diagrams.
The analogy is not new. However, it is not widely used in American educational institutions. The first author, as a
student, learned and used it in class while taking his course on Statics in 1977. Today, many excellent and well-
known textbooks on Statics [Beer, 1] [Hibbeler, 3] [Meriam, 6] do not include it. They do use the analogous
differential equations in separate sections to cover topics on bending moments and on the analysis of cables, but do
not present the analogy. An educational software package, prepared at the University of Washington, does mention
the analogy in its worksheets [Miller, 7], but it is used only for simply-supported beams. Also, a website [Farhey,
2] presents several pictures showing the resemblance between the shape of loaded strings and bending-moment
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Const. Mgmt. & Civil Engineering Tech., Georgia Southern
Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Tech., Georgia Southern
Certainly, the differential equations used in the analogy are not new. They are, probably, one of the oldest
equations used for engineering purposes. Both are presented in the following paragraphs to analyze its similarities
and differences. This analysis leads to the proper use of the analogy.
Satisfaction of equilibrium conditions produces the load-shear-moment relations. They are differential equations
involving the distributed load q(x), the shear force function V(x) and the bending moment
function M(x). They are described in most Statics textbooks using the following notation:
d M ( x) (1)
= V ( x)
dV ( x) (2)
= −q( x)
Where the longitudinal direction of the beam is horizontal, along the x-axis, and q(x) is
Figure 1: Positive vertical, but distributed horizontally along the longitudinal x-axis of the beam. In these
Shear and Positive equations, q(x) is considered positive if it acts downward. The effects of positive shear
Moment Effects. and positive bending-moment, on a small segment of the beam, are presented in Figure 1.
d 2 M ( x) (3)
= −q( x)
d x2
It involves the second derivative of the bending-moment function and the distributed loading function.
Consider a weightless, inextensible chain, of length Γ > L. This chain has total flexural flexibility, but it is axially
rigid. Oftentimes, it is referred to as a flexible, inextensible chain (or cable). Also, consider that its first and last
links are attached to fixed supports A and B, which are at the same level, as shown in Figure 2. The end links can
freely rotate about supports A and B. The horizontal distance between supports is L. The chain is subjected to a
vertical load, q(x), distributed along the horizontal x-axis (not along the length of the chain). The attained
equilibrium configuration is sketched in Figure 2. An arbitrary point P, of the chain, is shown in the equilibrium
configuration. It is located at coordinates (x, z).
Figure 2 shows the free-body diagram of an incremental element of chain, from P to Q. It has tangential tensional
forces, T and T+ΔT, acting at P and at Q, respectively. Only the horizontal and vertical components of those
tangential forces are indicated. The external force
acting on the element is represented by a single
vertical force at a distance (e Δx) from point Q, with
0<e<1. The magnitude of this force is
q(x)Δx+O(Δx2). Where O(Δx2) represents a term of
order Δx2.
H = T cos θ (5)
(T + ΔT )sin(θ + Δθ )
− T sin θ + q( x)Δx + O(Δx 2 ) = 0
d T sin θ (7)
= − q ( x)
( H tan θ ) = −q( x) (8)
Figure 2: Weightless and Inextensible Chain
In this last expression, substitution of tan θ by
d 2z
H = −q( x) (9)
dx 2
Equation 9 is the differential equation governing the vertical profile, z(x), of a weightless, inextensible chain at
equilibrium under a vertical load q(x) distributed along the horizontal x-axis.
Constant H is the horizontal component of the internal tensional force existing at any point of the chain at equilib-
rium. The value of T may change from point to point, but H remains constant. The value of H depends on the load
function q(x), on the length between supports L, and on the total length of the chain Γ (with Γ>L) [Irvine, 4, 5].
d 2 [ M ( x)]
= −q( x) (10)
d x2
d 2 [ H z ( x) ]
= −q( x) (11)
dx 2
Both expressions are linear, non-homogeneous, second order, ordinary differential equations. They both contain
one second derivative term and the same forcing term. Both were derived by satisfying equilibrium conditions.
They involve different quantities within the square brackets, but those quantities, M(x) and H z(x), are dimensionally
By using the same dimensional units in both equations, and by selecting an appropriate length Γ>L for the chain,
the horizontal component H of the tensional force may become equal to a unit force. In that case, the numerical
values of the vertical ordinates z(x) of the chain will coincide with the numerical values of the bending moments
M(x) of the beam. Even if the constant H were not equal to 1, the vertical profile of the chain will still be similar to
the corresponding bending-moment diagram, but numerically different.
Example 1 (Figure 3)
In order to introduce the use of the Chain Analogy, we first consider a simply-supported beam with end supports at
points A and B. Its total length is L and its uniformly distributed load is q(x) = q. The left-hand side of Figure 3
shows the reactions for this beam, its diagrams for shear force and bending moment. Assume that the bending-
moment diagram is not known yet. We will use the analogy to visualize and qualitatively estimate its shape.
The weightless, inextensible chain to be used in the analogy is shown on the right-hand side of Figure 3. Supports
A and B are at the same level and must be separated by a distance equal to the total length L of the beam. The loads
on the chain must be the same as those on the beam. The length of the chain may be any length Γ > L.
After visualizing the chain attached to its supports, students may also visualize the acquired shape of the loaded
chain at equilibrium. The symmetric image of that shape, with respect to the x-axis, should be similar to the shape
of the bending-moment diagram. The need to obtain that symmetric image arises from the fact that positive values
of the profile are plotted below the x-axis, and positive bending moments are plotted above the x-axis.
By using an appropriate length of chain, its profile at equilibrium should be the same as the bending-moment
diagram. However, that length is not known a priori and requires some calculation effort to determine it. Since the
main purpose of using the chain analogy is to visualize the moment diagram, preferably without performing
calculations, the need to determine the proper length of chain will be circumvented by calculating just one value of
the bending moment at a selected point of the beam. For this purpose, in this example, we choose the point at the
mid-span of the beam. The bending moment at this point can be obtained from the available shear-force function
(diagram). It may be integrated, from its origin to the selected point, or we may just calculate the area under its
curve between those two points. That calculation produces qL2/8. Hence, the lowest point of the profile must have
an ordinate equal to qL2/8 to be the same as the bending-moment diagram. After this calculation, we know the
approximate shape of the profile and the position of three of its points: A, B and the selected mid-span point.
Adjustments can now be made to produce the second profile shown in Figure 3. This one has the appropriate
length of chain and its symmetric image (with respect to the x-axis) should be similar to the actual shape of the
bending-moment diagram.
Consider the chain with the proper length. By solving the equilibrium equations corresponding to one full half of
this chain, it can be shown that H=1. Also, those solutions show that the vertical components of the reactions for
the chain coincide with the vertical reactions for the beam and, as expected, the horizontal components of the
reactions for the chain are H=1. The beam has no horizontal reactions.
If a mathematical expression for M(x) is needed, it can be obtained by satisfying the equilibrium of moments at an
arbitrary point P located at coordinate x on the beam. This is the approach presented in most textbooks. The
resulting expression is: M(x) = (qL2/2)[(x/L)-(x/L)2]. Alternatively, the same expression is obtained by integrating
Equation 10 twice and using M(0)=0 and M(L)=0 as boundary conditions. Similarly, two successive integrations of
Equation of 11, with z(0)=0 and z(L)=0, produces the analogous expression: Hz(x) = (qL2/2)[(x/L)-(x/L)2]. For
Example 2 (Figure 4)
This example considers a simply-supported beam with a concentrated load P at a distance a from the left support.
Even though the governing differential equations, 10 and 11, have been derived for a continuous forcing function
q(x), the chain analogy is still applicable for concentrated loads. The left-hand side of Figure 4 shows the beam
with its support reactions, shear, and moment diagrams. Assume that the moment diagram is not known yet.
The right-hand side of Figure 4 shows a weightless, inextensible chain supported by hinges A and C at a distance L
from each other. Consider that this chain has an arbitrary length Γ > L. The same load P acting on the beam is
applied on the chain. It acts along a vertical line at a distance a from the left support.
Since most students are knowledgeable on chain behavior, they will have no difficulties in visualizing the chain
profile at equilibrium. The shape of the symmetric image of this profile should be similar to the shape of the
bending moment diagram. However, since the length of the chain was arbitrarily selected, the vertical distances
measured along the profile, may not coincide with the values of the bending moment. This coincidence is attained
only when an appropriate length of chain is used. Such length makes the horizontal component of the internal
tensional force to be equal to 1 (H =1). The appropriate length can be determined by using equilibrium equations.
However, for quick visualization purposes, the approach described in the following paragraph is preferred.
We will determine the value of the bending moment at a selected point (location) of the beam. In this example, the
chosen point is B. The area under the shear diagram, calculated from its origin to the location of point B, gives the
following value for the moment at B: P a b / L. This value is used to adjust the initial chain profile. The adjusted
profile corresponds to the appropriate length of chain. Then, the symmetric image of the adjusted profile should be
similar, in shape and magnitude, to the corresponding bending moment.
An equilibrium analysis of the last chain (the chain with the appropriate length) shows that H =1. Also, for this
chain, the vertical components of the support reactions coincide with the reactive forces of the beam. As expected,
the horizontal components of the reactions for the chain are equal to H =1. The beam has no horizontal reactions.
Example 3 (Figure 5)
This example presents a simply-supported beam with a concentrated moment M. A concentrated moment causes a
step in the bending moment diagram. The vertical length of the step is equal to the magnitude of the moment. This
example shows how the chain analogy can be used to properly visualize the effect of concentrated moments. Figure
5, shows the beam on its left-hand side. Its span is L and the concentrated moment is acting at a distance (0.6)L
from the left support.
The corresponding weightless, inextensible chain is shown on the right-hand side of Figure 5. Supports A and C are
at the same level and separated by a distance L. Moment M is applied at the same location that it acts on the beam.
Since a concentrated moment causes a step in the bending-moment diagram, the equilibrium profile of the loaded
chain should be able to show this effect. For this purpose, the chain has to be slightly modified. It must contain a
long rigid link at the location of moment M. The length of this link should be equal to the magnitude of moment M.
Initially, the long link should be accommodated horizontally in the unloaded, loose chain. Once the chain is
attached to its supports, moment M is applied to the long link. If the chain were of the proper length, moment M
should cause the long rigid link to rotate (in the direction indicated by the applied moment) and attain a vertical
position at equilibrium.
As it was the case in the previous examples, the proper length of the chain is not known a priori. However, the
proper magnitude of the profile can still be obtained by calculating the bending moment at a single selected point of
the beam. To perform this calculation, we may integrate the shear diagram (i.e., consider the area under its curve).
However, concentrated moments are not accounted for by integration of shear-force functions. If concentrated
moments are located on the left of the selected point, they should be appropriately added, or subtracted, from the
calculation obtained via the shear diagram.
An equilibrium analysis of the long, vertical link, in the chain with the proper length, shows that the horizontal
component of the internal tension in the chain is equal to N=1. The vertical components of the support reactions of
the chain are equal to the support reactions of the beam. As expected, the horizontal component of the reactions are
equal to H=1. The beam has no horizontal reactions.
Example 4 (Figure 6)
This example shows a simply-supported beam with overhang. The total length of the beam is L. Even though the
distance between the beam supports, points A and C, is (2/3)L, the supports for the chain, points A and D, must still
be separated by the total length L of the beam.
The loads applied on the chain are the same as those acting on the beam. However, in this case, an additional force
has to be applied on the chain. That force is the beam reaction at support C. Since the chain has no support at C,
the beam reaction at C must be considered as a load on the chain at point C.
A qualitative visualization of the bending-moment diagram is attained in the same fashion as described in the
previous examples. The visualization of the shape with the proper dimensions can be assisted by calculating the
bending moments at points B and C of the beam.
Example 5 (Figure 7)
A Cantilever beam with a uniformly distributed load is presented in this example. The total length of the beam is L.
Even though this beam is supported only at point B, the chain, as required by the analogy, will be supported at both
end points, A and B. They are separated by a distance equal to the total length of the beam L.
The beam has a reactive moment at point B. Its value is M = qL2/2. This moment should be considered in the chain
as a concentrated moment applied at point B. As it was the case in Example 3, a long rigid link must be
incorporated in the chain to properly model this concentrated moment. In this case, the long link will be the end
link of the chain and should be attached to support B. The proper length of this link should be equal to the
magnitude of the moment M = qL2/2.
For visualization purposes, initially, the loose chain should contain the long link in the horizontal position. After
attaching the ends to supports A and B, the visualized chain should look as indicated on top of Figure 7. Before
loading it with the distributed load, the concentrated moment M should be considered. The long link should be
rotated in the direction indicated by moment M and should attain a vertical position. Then, the distributed load
should be applied to the chain. If the proper length of chain is used, the equilibrium configuration will correspond
to the vertical position of the long link. The symmetric image of that chain profile should coincide with the bending
moment of the beam.
If the chain has the proper length, an equilibrium analysis of the vertical link of length M=qL2/2 will show that the
horizontal component of the tensional force in the chain is equal to H=1.
This work presented the use of an analogy that assists in the generation of bending-moment diagrams in beams.
This Chain Analogy is based on two similar differential equations describing two different equilibrium problems in
Statics. One of them can be easily visualized and is used to assist in the solution of the other. The shape of
bending-moment diagrams, in transversally loaded beams, is analogous to the shape of the vertical profile, at
equilibrium, of a weightless, inextensible chain with the same loadings that affect the beam. Several examples were
presented to illustrate the proper use of details that need to be considered in the chain so its visualized profile is
similar to the moment diagram of the corresponding beam. Also, it is shown that the profiles of chains with proper
lengths are exactly the same as the moment diagrams of the corresponding beams. Chains with that appropriate
length have the horizontal component of their tensional forces equal to a unit force. The presented cases indicate
that the analogy is not restricted to certain support or loading conditions. Five examples show how to properly use
it in simply-supported beams, cantilevered beams, and in beams with overhangs. They included distributed loads
and concentrated moments and loads. Students who used the analogy indicated that it is a useful tool.
[1] Beer, Ferdinand, Russell Johnston and Elliot Eisenberg, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 2004.
[2] Farhey, Daniel, Conceptual Visualization of Moment Diagrams for a Simply Supported Beam, Webpage:
http://academic.udayton.edu/DanielFarhey/mconcept.htm, 2002.
[3] Hibbeler, R.C., Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Prentice Hall, New York, 2001.
[4] Irvine, H. Max, Studies in the Statics and Dynamics of Simple Cable Systems, Thesis, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California, 1974.
[5] Irvine, Max, Cable Structures, Dover Publications, New York, 1992.
[6] Meriam, James and Glenn Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, Statics, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
[7] Miller, Gregory and Stephen Cooper, Visual Mechanics: Beams and Stress States, Software Package,
Wadsworth/ITP, 1998.
[8] Truesdell, Clifford, III, The Rational Mechanics of Flexible or Elastic Bodies 1638-1788, L. Euleri Opera
Omnia, series II, vol. II, part 2. Zurich: Fussli, 1960.
Gustavo O. Maldonado
Dr. Maldonado obtained a Diploma in Civil Engineering from National University of Cordoba, Argentina in 1981.
He first worked in consulting firms and later obtained his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Mechanics
form Virginia Tech. He worked as an Earthquake Engineer in California and was an Associate Professor of Civil
Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico. Later, he was the Chairperson of Engineering at Miami Dade
College. He has already taught 24 different college-level courses. Today, Dr. Maldonado is a licensed professional
engineer and a faculty member at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include structural dynamics,
earthquake engineering, random vibrations, and engineering education.
Gustavo J. Molina
Dr. Molina obtained a Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from National University of Cordoba,
Argentina in 1986. Until 1992 he acquired expertise in standard testing, PVD coatings, vacuum techniques and the
design of experimental equipment. In 1994 he received a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Ottawa, Canada, where he conducted research on the nondestructive characterization of low-energy
impact properties of polymers and composites. In 2000 Dr. Molina obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from
Virginia Tech for his work on the characterization of electron triboemission from ceramic surfaces. Dr. Molina is
currently an Associate Professor of Engineering Studies in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering Technology, Georgia Southern University.