The Use of Flashcards and Its Effectiveness in Elt

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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keguruan

Vol. 2 No. 7, Juli 2024, Hal. 884-897 e-ISSN: 2986-3295



Siska Sari *1
UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Ika Intan Nurul Wahidah

UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Sintia Wati
UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Della Fadiana
UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Naf’an Tarihoran
UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Flashcards are one of the tools used as a learning medium. Many school teachers
have used flashcards as a medium for learning English. This article aims to
conduct a systematic review of using flashcard to enhance proficiency in English
Language Teaching (ELT). Using the PRISMA method, this article analyzed
various previous studies relevant to the topic. The search strategy is based on the
following keywords: "flashcard" "English" "elementary school" and "primary
school" with 3 data from Mendeley, Eric, and Google Scholar. Based on the
results of this article, 2315 articles were found, which later 14 articles used in
the final analysis became. The use of flashcards in English learning in elementary
schools shows that flashcard help students learn words more effectively. Various
studies show that the use of traditional and digital flashcards significantly
increases students' understanding and motivation to learn. The integration of
technologies such as digital flashcards and augmented reality also increases the
effectiveness of flashcard learning. Thus, the use of flashcards can be considered
an innovative and effective learning strategy to improve students' English skills
at the elementary school level.
Keywords: Flashcard, Effectiveness, English, Elementary school

Korespondensi Penulis.

Flashcard merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan sebagai media
pembelajaran. Banyak guru sekolah telah menggunakan flashcard sebagai
media untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan
tinjauan sistematis penggunaan flashcard untuk meningkatkan kemahiran
dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (ELT). Dengan menggunakan metode PRISMA,
artikel ini menganalisis berbagai penelitian sebelumnya yang relevan dengan
topik tersebut. Strategi pencarian didasarkan pada kata kunci berikut:
"flashcard", "English", "elementary school", and "primary school" dengan 3 data
dari Mendeley, Eric, and Google Scholar. Berdasarkan hasil artikel ini, 2315
artikel ditemukan, yang kemudian menjadi 14 artikel yang digunakan dalam
analisis akhir. Penggunaan flashcard dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
sekolah dasar menunjukkan bahwa flashcard membantu siswa mempelajari
kata-kata dengan lebih efektif. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
penggunaan flashcard tradisional and digital secara signifikan meningkatkan
pemahaman and motivasi belajar siswa. Integrasi teknologi seperti kartu flash
digital and augmented reality juga meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran
kartu flash. Dengan demikian, penggunaan flashcard dapat dianggap sebagai
strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif and efektif untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa di tingkat sekolah dasar.
Kata Kunci : Flashcard, Efektivitas, Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Dasar

Language has a central role in students' intellectual, social, and emotional
development as well as supporting learning success in all subject areas (Alam &
Lestari, 2019). One of the languages that are widely used today is English which one
of the languages used internationally to communicate is. At the elementary school
level, English lessons are limited to vocabulary recognition. learning vocabulary is an
important prerequisite for speaking English As stated by Anggraeni spoken and
written vocabulary is a great asset for learning other English skills (Anggraeni et al.,
English Language Teaching (ELT) is becoming increasingly important in the
globalization era. Process the ability to speak English opens up opportunities to
communicate with people from different countries, gain wider access to information,
and increase job opportunities. According to Richards and Rodgers, ELT is an English
teaching and learning process that includes teaching speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills, as well as cultural understanding and language structure (Richards &
Rodgers, 2001). According Nunan revealed that ELT is an activity consisting of a
series of activities aimed at helping learners acquires communicative competence in
English (Nunan, 1991). Brown defines ELT as an integrated method for teaching
English to foreign language speakers in planning, teaching, and evaluation. Learning
activities require motivation (Brown, 2014). Therefore, students need to get
encouragement to adopt a positive attitude from both them and others changes in an

integrated and comprehensive manner through knowledge and skills (Ella Yuliarti
Agustini, Naf’an Tarihoran, 2023).
One method that is often used to improve ELT capabilities is the use of
flashcards. The learner then tries to remember the translation by looking at the
foreign word (Yowaboot & Sukying, 2022). The use of flashcards can help create a
more active, interactive, and fun learning environment for both learners and teachers
(Nugroho, Y.S., Nurkamto, J. & Sulistyowati, 2012). Flashcards are a learning tool to
help learners remember foreign language vocabulary.
Flashcards have been used in education as a teaching tool, especially in
English language teaching (ELT). The development of the times has become a
challenge in English language teaching (ELT) several obstacles such as changes in
methodology, limited resources, lack of classroom management, and lack of student
activity in learning and in practical media (Baesa-Alfelor & Ocampo, 2023).
Flashcards are very helpful in teaching students in visual approach media,
flashcards also help students in memorizing vocabulary and flashcards are an
interesting and very interactive medium. By showing pictures according to the words
learned, students can find meaning visually and can increase student understanding.
In addition, flashcard media is a varied medium in teaching, helping teachers in the
learning process listen to different methods, such as playing memory or other more
competitive games that can increase student involvement in learning process
This article will discuss the use and efficacy of flashcards in English language
teaching (ELT). Considering the above background, this article raises questions in
relation to the research that will be examined by researchers: 1) How effective are
flashcards in improving English language teaching (ELT) skills? 2) How to use
flashcards most effectively? This article’s goal is to present empirical data through a
thorough literature analysis of relevant research on how using flashcard affects
students’ comprehension and usage of English. Previous research has mentioned
various benefits of using flashcards in learning such as increasing vocabulary,
understanding grammar, and improving students' speaking and listening skills. In
addition, this literature review is also to identify what factors can influence the
effectiveness of using flashcards in English language teaching (ELT). Therefore,
researchers hope this article can provide insight for educators who want to use
flashcard media in teaching strategies to improve students' English skills.

Literature Review
The use of flashcards is one type of learning aid that has a significant part in
supporting the teacher's learning process and practicing a variety of effective
teaching methods. Card sets are available in various types and offer a variety of
resources to support various aspects of learning, including picture cards, letter cards,
word cards, and sentence cards. As revealed by Sadiman, Flashcards are not just a

tool, they also help students improve their reading comprehension quickly and
efficiently by displaying words on each card in a short period, about 1 second per
word (Sadiman, 2012). It is also an effective way to improve your performance. This
shows that utilizing flashcards not only improves u but also facilitates the ability to
read at optimal speed.
In addition, Kumullah states that use of card media, including flashcards, is
very beneficial for the child's learning process (Kumullah et al., 2019). Card media
not only provides an interesting learning tool, but also provides opportunities for
children to play, explore, and manipulate letters while learning. This means that
flashcards are not only an effective learning tool but also provide a fun and
interactive learning experience for students, especially children. In general,
flashcards are beneficial for learning and can facilitate the acquisition of diverse
skills, such as Reading comprehension, vocabulary comprehension, and creative
discovery in the learning process. Therefore, flashcards can be considered one of the
essential tools for diverse and innovative learning approaches.
Sulaiman and Akidah Explains that the use of flashcards is not only an
alternative tool, but also an effective learning tool to improve various aspects of
language skills, including vocabulary expansion, listening skills, and speaking skills
(Sulaiman & Akidah, 2021). With flashcards as learning tools, teachers can create an
interactive and engaging learning environment where students can actively
participate in the process of instructing and learning. With flashcards, students have
the opportunity to visually understand new vocabulary, expand vocabulary, and
improve their ability to express ideas in English. In addition, by presenting the course
material through flashcards, additionally students can enhance their listening skills
with listening and reacting to the information presented more dynamically and
The article Alam and Lestari shows that the application of flashcards in the
learning process plays a very important role in the development of receptive
language in early childhood (Alam & Lestari, 2019). In the process of learning
activities using flashcards, teachers have the opportunity to improve listening skills
by presenting flashcards and reading comprehension skills by being asked to say the
vocabulary displayed on flashcards given to children. The vocabulary presented in
this context helps children enrich their vocabulary and improve their understanding
of the language.
In addition, the role of productive vocabulary is also very important in terms
of developing language skills. Productive vocabulary refers to phrases that are
actively utilized when speaking and writing, such as when constructing sentences
and essays. Related research Susanto shows that vocabulary acquisition can be a
good predictor of speaking and writing variables (Susanto, 2017). The use of
flashcards not only helps develop receptive language skills but also contributes to the
development of productive language skills such as speaking and writing. Therefore,

the application of flashcards to language learning can provide significant benefits in
the development of comprehensive language skills in early childhood.
Several studies have consistently shown that the use of flashcards has a
positive effect on improving the vocabulary mastery of English learners. For example,
research Nation (2001) found that structured and consistent use of flashcards
significantly improved students' ability to learn and memorize new vocabulary
(Nation & Nation, 2001). Similar research Webb also affirms that the use of flashcards
in English language learning has a positive contribution that cannot be ignored in
improving students' comprehension and vocabulary retention (Webb, 2007).
Therefore, we can conclude that the use of flashcards is not just an additional
technique, but an effective tool to support the learning of English vocabulary, offering
real benefits in expanding vocabulary and improving your language skills.
The use of flashcards when learning English is not just about presenting
information, but it also inspires students to play a proactive part in the educational
process. As reported Jones demonstrates the interactive nature of flashcards allows
learners to actively create, repeat, and memorize vocabulary in addition to engaging
with the subject matter (Jones et al., 2013). This active engagement allows students
to adopt an active role when learning a language, encouraging deeper engagement
and engagement. That is, there is not only a transfer of knowledge but also a deeper
process of internalization of linguistic concepts. This is according to research
Richards and Schmidt, which confirms that active involvement in learning increases
understanding and retention of language concepts in the long run (Richards &
Schmidt, 2013). Therefore, the use of flashcards is not only a passive tool in the
classroom but also encourages students to actively contribute to developing their
English comprehension.

Description of the sample
In the search strategy, this article used a set of keywords selected by the
authors according to the title theme of the systematic literature. This article also
follows the rules of the Preferred Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(PRISMA) (Moher et al., 2009). In its search strategy and used a set of keywords
determined by the author according to the theme of the systematic literature title.
The keywords searched include Flashcards, English Language Teaching,
Effectiveness, and Elementary school. The search was conducted in several journal
databases including ERIC, Google Scholar, and Mandeley. It consists of research
published between the 2019 and 2023 school years that meet the criteria to be part
of this article.
A reviewer (A.R.) uses the researcher list of keywords to conduct a
preliminary search. To ascertain whether the articles discovered during the initial

search are pertinent to the article, a selection process is conducted: a) Read the title:
If the title is deemed relevant, the citation is Read with special software (Mendeley
Desktop 1.19.8), Then use the Mendeley tool to view and remove duplicates so that
you only have one copy. b) Reading the abstract: If the abstract does not provide
enough information according to the inclusion criteria, then the paper will be
excluded from the article. c) Read the full text of the article: determine which article
will be the final one included in the systematic review by assessing and reviewing the
chosen article. The research is excluded if it does not satisfy the exclusion criteria.
Article selection criteria
This article examines recent research according to the following inclusion
criteria: a) Articles published from ERIC, Google Scholar, and Mandeley, b) Last 5
years, i.e. articles published from 2019 to 2023, c) Flashcard discussions while
learning English in elementary school, d) Articles that are original and available in
full-text form. Current exclusion criteria are a) Research discussing students from
Senior High School, b) Research discussing students from Junior High Schools c)
Research discussing English Courses d) Research that does not discuss variable
flashcards of Elementary School Students, and c) Article review or meta-analysis.


Article selection Based on the results of systematic searches on three online
research platforms, only articles related to flashcard topics in English learning were
selected. A search across online research platforms yielded 2315 articles that were
identified and combined. After removing duplicate articles, titles, and abstracts, the
authors had 93 studies ready for further review. From there, the authors obtained 34
qualified full-text articles, and 14 of them were selected for further analysis.
The purpose of this article is to summarize previous study on flashcards in
English language training in elementary school students. This Article uses 14 studies
on flashcards in English learning published from 2019 to 2023 over the past 5 years

Figure 1. PRISMA Flowchart of the selection process.
After going through the selection process, 14 articles relevant to this research
topic have been identified. The articles involved in this article are those related to the
discussion of the use of flashcards in elementary school students. Information on
article characteristics, research design, and related key findings are presented in
Table 1. Summary and Characteristics of the Selected Final Article.
Of the 14 studies reviewed, all studies found that using flashcards is a highly
successful method and interesting in learning and provides convenience for students
in memorizing English vocabulary. In addition, flashcard media also helps students
increase motivation in learning English (Hamidah et al., 2023). Flashcards are an
interesting strategy for helping students understands English vocabulary, especially
in elementary school.

Tabel 1. Summary and Characteristics of the Selected Final Article.

No Authors Main Research Findings

Characteristic design
1 (Puspitasari Students of SD Observation Students’ vocabulary in
et al., 2022) Negeri 016 and post-test English can be increased by
Sungai Perak using flashcards.
Village Flashcards can motivate in
making students involved
in the learning process. The
use of flashcards helps
students practice listening
and speaking skills.
2 (Christijanto, Grade 3 Non- There is a significant
2021) students at SD randomized difference in the increase in
Negeri pretest- English vocabulary before
Muktiharjo posttest and after the cluster theme
Kidul 01 control flashcard approach is
Semarang group design applied, there is a
noticeable difference on
increasing English
vocabulary, on increasing
vocabulary in the school
subject area and the food
field. The outcomes of data
analysis employing
statistical test like the

Mann-Whitney and
Wilcoxon test corroborate
this conclusion.
3 (Zulaini et Grade 2 Classroom Shows that the application
al., 2023) students of SDN action of flashcard using
Karawaci 5 research educational materials to
enhance vocabulary in
English beneficial for
second-graders students of
SDN Karawaci 5.
4 (Ramadhanti Grade III Experimental Using flashcard has
et al., 2022) students of SD research advantages influence on the
Inpres 109 design mastery of English
Perumnas vocabulary of grade III
Sorong City students of SD Inpres 109
Perumnas Sorong City.
5 (Mariana Third-grade Pre- Students’ English
Hesti & elementary experimental proficiency can be
Nuryanti, school students design enhanced by using
2022) flashcards vocabulary and
writing skills in elementary
6 (Hamidah et State Descriptive The findings in this article
al., 2023) Elementary qualitative further emphasize the
School 3 article importance of using
Banjarwangi, flashcards in learning
Garut, West English vocabulary to
Java increase student
motivation and
understanding and these
flashcards need to be
combined with interesting
learning strategies.
7 (Tsai, 2018) Third-grade Experimental With the exception of the
students in an methods high and medium levels,
elementary there are notable variations
school in in the English flashcard
Taiwan learning approach between
the middle and low level
groupings, in addition to
the high and low categories.
8 (Alvita & Students in Research and The findings in this article
Airlanda, grade 1 of Development show that the creation of
2021) elementary (R&D) flashcard learning has been
school successful in enhancing
writing skills in beginner
grade 1 students in English

language learning.
9 (Nur Ulil Students and A This research highlights the
Absoriah, instructors in collaborative effectiveness of using
Ngatman, the fourth classroom flashcards as a media tool
2023) grade at SDN 1 action to enhance language
Kebumen research learning and improve
during the design students' speaking skills in
2022-2023 English
school year
10 (Safira, SDN tamansari A quasi- These results imply that
2021) II pulomerak. experimental using flashcard media to
design help students acquire
method, vocabulary in English can
have a good effect on their
vocabulary mastery.
11 (Pradana et The fifth grade Classroom This article provides
al., 2023) of SDN action evidence that the use of
Kendung which research flashcard media can have a
is addressed to positive impact in
Kendung improving the description
Village, writing skills of fifth
Kwadungan graders
District, Ngawi
Regency, East
Java Province
12 (Lisa, 2019) Elementary Experimental These findings suggest that
school fourth-methods incorporating flashcards
grade students into English language
teaching can enhance
students' motivation and
vocabulary acquisition,
leading to more effective
language learning
13 (Kurniati et 5th-grade SDN A descriptive From the results of
al., 2023) 205/IV Jambi qualitative research at SDN 205/IV
method. Jambi, it’s critical that you
understand terminology in
English. Additionally, it
must be given priority in
order to make speaking
English simpler and
quicker. This can be
achieved by teaching
students using engaging
media, such flashcards, to
help them become more

proficient in vocabulary in
elementary school.
14 (Yowaboot & The The The analysis of the current
Sukying, participants experimental discoveries uncovered the
2022) were 120 Thai design significant impacts of
Primary School vocabulary information on
students. digital flashcards for Thai
Primary school students.

This article’s goal was to identify the relationship between the effectiveness of
using flashcards as a means of English language teaching from previous studies. This
article received 14 articles on the use of flashcards in elementary school students
published between 2019 and 2023 over the past 5 years.
Teachers find it easier when students use flashcard media for English learning,
especially in vocabulary learning for elementary school students. The utilizing
flashcard as a teaching tool is proven to provide a positive stimulus for students to
enrich their English vocabulary (Puspitasari et al., 2022). The outcomes of this
research review with research that focuses on research studied in elementary schools
have proven that all previous studies have shown the effectiveness of employing
flashcard materials to aid in students’ learning.

Effectiveness and Use of Flashcards in English Language Teaching (ELT)

Flashcard in Teaching and Motivation Learning Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the word that makes up a language, so to learn a language you
have to start by learning vocabulary. Students need being instructed to acquire
language used written and spoken language. The existence of the media is very
important in defining vocabulary, especially for those who are acquiring a language in
a strange country. The medium that teachers most often use in English subjects in
schools is pictures or flashcards. Teachers need to support English subjects with
Indonesian-language media. Several researchers who discuss flashcards in learning
media say that when learning vocabulary, using flashcard is very effective as the
results of research Christijanto show a significant influence of the application of the
use of cluster theme flashcards to help third-grade elementary school students’
vocabulary in English grow (Christijanto, 2021).
Research Zulaini also showed the same thing even though in the first findings
the results achieved were not optimal with students still having difficulty in
pronouncing and understanding English vocabulary, in the kedu cycle there was an
increase and achieved 100% learning completeness (Zulaini et al., 2023).
According Ramadhanti the data analysis’s conclusions, showed that the typical
pretest result he did was 60.00 while the average posttest score was 82.50. In the t-
test in the sample test, it was found that the significance of t-count (17.524) was
greater than t-table (2.262), and the result of sig (2-tailed)(0.000) was smaller than t-

table (0.05). This shows that the utilization of flashcard has a big impact on students'
understanding of English vocabulary (Ramadhanti et al., 2022).
According to Hamidah in his research resulted while using flashcards to study
can improve learning motivation and increase knowledge of terminology, including
technical vocabulary. These flashcards can be given to students with appropriate
strategies to create authorizing and effective learning (Hamidah et al., 2023).
(Lisa, 2019) In his research, research was found that showed a notable variation in
the desire of students to acquire vocabulary in English after the implementation of
flashcard media. After implementation, there was an increase in motivating students
by 76.6 % of the sample there was a difference in the fourth grade students’
comprehension of English vocabulary between those who learned it with and without
flashcards(t=7.74). But overall flashcards can help students in improving students'
vocabulary mastery.
Research results Kurniati Reveal that using flashcard can be crucial to creating
a fun and efficient learning method for improving the memory of English vocabulary
(Kurniati et al., 2023). According to Sukying research with a sample of Thai
elementary school students also shows that flashcards are very effective in learning
media mastery of English vocabulary (Yowaboot & Sukying, 2022).

Flashcard in reading and writing skills

One way to characterize reading is as an individual’s interaction with symbolic
information. Reading is a mental process rather than a lazy way of moving the eyes
because it’s a communication process that calls for a number of talents (Tarihoran &
Rachmat, 2019).
Flashcards have shown to be among the most effective instructional strategies
now in use. Flashcards are unique and exciting, which is why they are so important in
reading and writing instruction. From the results of a review of research researchers
show flashcards are a very useful tool for developing writing and reading skills, for
example, research Mariana Hesti and Nuryanti, this article showed an increase in
scores and a decrease in English vocabulary writing errors (Mariana Hesti &
Nuryanti, 2022).
Then research Alvita validation by material experts and media experts shows
a high level of validity, thus showing that the product developed is of good quality
and appropriate for improving English writing skills (Alvita & Airlanda, 2021). In
addition, research Pradana shows the same thing the average student score from pre-
action has increased, first cycle, and second cycle so this flashcards material is a
highly useful tool for enhancing students’ comprehension of writing decryption in
English (Pradana et al., 2023).

Flashcard in speaking and listening skills
Speaking has become an important skill in English language teaching. The role
of a proxy for interaction highlights the importance of this. Individuals can
communicate with people all over the English-speaking world. Several elements
contribute to students' communication skills. One factor is the application of
instruction methods or strategies as outside factors. From the results of Puspitasari's
research, the researcher's fist research can help students practice students' listening
and speaking skills (Puspitasari et al., 2022).
According Nur Ulil Absoriah his research using collaborative classroom action
research, demonstrates how using flashcards can help students become more
proficient speakers, this is demonstrated by the percentage of completeness that
rises with each cycle (Nur Ulil Absoriah, Ngatman, 2023).

Based on the research overview of employing flashcards when studying the
English language in elementary school, several important things can be concluded:
The use of flashcards increases the English vocabulary of elementary school students
Proven effectiveness in Various studies shows that consistent use of flashcards
significantly improves students' comprehension and proficiency with language,
Flashcard learning methods such as the topic cluster method and employing
flashcards when employing flashcard as an educational tool, students tend to show
more interest and motivation in learning, Using flashcards will not only improve your
vocabulary comprehension, but also speaking, writing, and listening skills in English,
This shows that flashcards have the potential to improve various aspects of students'
language skills. Integrating technologies such as digital flashcards and augmented
reality can increase the effectiveness of flashcards in English language learning,
Digital flashcards can be an interesting and effective tool to increase student
motivation and vocabulary acquisition.
The importance of developing innovative and engaging learning strategies,
including the using of flashcards, to enhance one’s English language learning at the
elementary school level. Educators should consider using flashcards as a useful
teaching tool to improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, the efficient learning
method of using flashcards has shown positive results and can be an effective
strategy to improve students' English skills.

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