Meeting 10

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A. Pengertian
Gerund adalah penggunaan kata kerja dalam bentuk ‘ing’ yang berfungsi sebagai kata
benda atau kata sifat. Letak gerund dalam kalimat bisa sebagai subjek, objek,
pelengkap dan penjelas kata benda lain.

Bentuk Gerund :
 V-ing , untuk kalimat aktif
 Being + V3 , untuk kalimat pasif
 Being + Kata Sifat , untuk keterangan (state)

B. Letak Gerund Dalam Kalimat

1. Sebagai Subjek, terletak diawal kalimat.

Contoh :
Walking too long makes us tired

Contoh soal :
_____ clothes can often be very time consuming
a. They buy
b. To be buying
c. In buying
d. Man buys
e. Buying
Jawaban : E
Pembahasan :
Kedudukan Subjek bisa menggunakan gerund

2. Sebagai Objek
a) Setelah Kata Kerja Khusus

Deny (meingkari) Postpone (menunda)

Delay (menunda) Pardon (memaafkan)
Detest (membenci) Prevent (mencegah)
Enjoy (menikmati) Resist (menahan)
Excuse (menolak) Risk (mengambil resiko)
Finish (menyelesaikan) Understand (memahami)
Admit (mengakui) Fancy (menghayalkan)
Appreciate (menghargai) Forgive (memaafkan)
Avoid (menghindari) Keep (terus menerus)
Anticipate (mengantisipasi) Mind (berkeberatan)
Consider (mempertimbangkan) Neglect (meremehkan)
Continue (meneruskan) Practice (mempraktekkan)
tidak semua dari kata kerja tersebut ditanyakan dalam soal. Adapun kata kerja khusus
yang sering ditanyakan dalam soal ujian nasional dan soal seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa
baru adalah :

Practice Suggest Deny Finish

Avoid Enjoy Appreciate Fancy
Postpone Risk Delay Consider
Admit Anticipate
Mind Keep

Tirk Praktis Mengingat :


Contoh :
His son has finished reading the newspaper

Contoh soal :

We always try to avoid ______ preserved foof

a. consuming
b. to consuming
c. consumed
d. we consume
e. being consumed

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Avoid wajib gerund , ingat PAP SERAM DADAKU FIFACO

b) Setelah Preposisi To

Take to (menyukai) to be used to (terbiasa)

Object to (berkeberatan) to be accustomed to (terbiasa)
Get used to (terbiasa) to be averse to (terbiasa)
Look Forward to (menanti-nanti)

Trik Praktis Mengingat : T O GE L 3 BE + V-ing

Contoh :
He is used to eating fried rice
They objected to giving donation to the man
She was looking forward to studying abroad
Contoh soal :
I am looking forward to _____ a salary raise next month.
a. get
b. be getting
c. getting
d. have got
e. got

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Look forward to wajib diikuti gerund. Ingat TOGEL 3 BE

c) Setelah Preposisi
Yaitu : at, after, before, from, in, on, of, under, up, about, without, for, dan to.

Contoh :
Before waving his hand, he smiled at her
The students gave up making a noise
The students go on speaking in the classroom
Most children are afraid of being left by their mother (pasif)

Contoh soal :
“What are the horns of a buffalo used for ?”
“Well, mostly for _____ handicrafts.”
a. make
b. to make
c. being made
d. they made
e. making

3. Sebagai Komplemen

Sebagai komplemen, gerund diletakkan setelah to be (is, am, are, was, were)
Contoh :
Her favourite sport is motor cycle riding
Their hobby is jogging

4. Sebagai penjelas kata benda

Contoh :
The waiting room must be arranged neatly
We have taken too many boiling water

5. Menyatakan larangan
Contoh :
No spitting
No parking
No smoking
6. Gerund Setelah Possesive Adjective
Gerund _ias terletak setelah kata ganti milik.

Possesive Adjective + V-ing

(My, your, our, their, his,her,its)

Contoh :
His smiling attracts every young girl

Contoh soal :
“What don’t you like about Irwan ?”
“______. “
a. why he wears earrings
b. to wear earrings
c. his wearing earrings
d. for wearing earrings
e. wearing earrings

Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Pertanyaan “what” menanyakan subjek. Subjek bias dibentuk menggunakan gerund
dalam bentuk milik.

C. Perbedaan Gerund dan Active Participle

Bentuk gerund dan active participle sama, yaitu menggunakan V-ing, namun fungsi
keduanya berbeda. Active participle mengandung arti :”peristiwa yang sedang

Contoh :
The old woman needs a walking stick. (gerund)
(wanita tua itu memerlukan tongkat untuk berjalan)

Walking stick = stick for walking

The walking man wants to meet us (active participle)

(pria yang sedang berjalan itu ingin menemui kita.

Walking man = the man who is walking

D. Perbedaan Gerund dan To – Infinitive

Kata kerja khusus yang menggunakan gerund dan to-infinitive yaitu :

Advise (menasehati) Intend (bermaksud)

Allow (mengizinkan) Love (mencintai)
Attempt (mencoba) Prefer (lebih suka)
Begin (memulai) Regret (menyesali)
Continue (melanjutkan) Remember (mengingat)
Forget (melupakan) Start (memulai)
Hate (membenci) Stop (menghentikan)
Like (menyukai) Try (mencoba)
Recall (mengingat)

Perbedaan yang sangat kontras terdapat pada kata kerja :

Regret Stop Forget Remember

Trik Praktis Mengingat :

+ V-ing (gerund), makna : kegiatan sudah dilakukan

+ to V1 (to-infinitive), kegiatan akan dilakukan

Contoh :
I stop smoking on my doctor’s advice = I didn’t smoke any more
I stop to smoke a cigarette = I stop from one activity in order to smoke

Contoh soal :
“Where is Budi ?”
“Oh I completely forget ____ him.”
a. to invite
b. not inviting
c. invite
d. not to invite
e. inviting

Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Kata completely forget (benar-benar lupa) menunjukkan bahwa suatu perbuatan yang
belum dilakukan dan akan dilakukan, maka harus menggunakan to-infinitive.

Catatan Khusus : Kata Kerja Need, Want, Require yang menggunakan gerund (V-ing)
memiliki makna pasif.
Contoh :
The old bus needs printing = the old bus needs to be printed


1) “What were your mother’s hobbies ?”

“Growing orchids and _____ antique jewelry.”
a. collect
b. she collects
c. collecting
d. to collect
e. is collecting

2) We always avoid _____ to the zoo on Sunday because it is too crowded.

a. going
b. go
c. we go
d. to go
e. to be going

3) My brother, who was not used to ______ a room with someone else, was quite
unhappy when he couldn’t have his own room in the dormitory.
a. sharing
b. share
c. be sharing
d. be shared
e. being shared

4) Little children are usually afraid of _____ by their mothers

a. left
b. to leave
c. being left
d. leaving
e. been left

5) We were astonished at _____ a good score for TOEFL in spite of his poor English
a. her could get
b. his being able to get
c. to be able to get
d. being able to get
e. be able to get

6) “Let’s go and have lunch.”

“I’ll join you later. I had better not stop _____ on this report now.”
a. work
b. to work
c. I’ll work
d. working
e. am working

7) ‘I need to do some exercise to stay fit.’

‘Have you considered ____ for an hour every day ?’
a. walking
b. you walk
c. to walk
d. to be walking
e. walk

8) ‘What do you enjoy most during your weekends at Puncak ?

‘____ for a walk in the early morning.’
a. I go
b. Go
c. To be going
d. Going
e. Be going

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