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Candidate Examination Number: …………….


1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C.
2. Answer all questions in section A, B, and three questions in section C. Section “A” carries 20
marks, “B” carries 35 marks and section “C” carries 45 marks.
3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet.

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i) – (xv), choose the most correct answer from among the given
alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
i. Mr. Grogan is retired in Tanzania People’s Defense Force (TPDF). One day after taking
dinner with his grandchildren started to narrate about the Uganda-Tanzania War of
1978-1979. He said to them that Uganda-Tanzania war is unforgettable war in the
history of Tanzania because J.K.Nyerere spent a lot of money to conduct that war. The
method used by Mr. Grogan to narrates Tanzania-Uganda war to his grandchildren is
A. Archaeological site D. Written record
B. Museum
C. Oral tradition E. Linguistics
ii. African societies had attained high level of technology particularly in agriculture. This can be
evidenced by form of irrigation scheme carried out along Nile Valley in Egypt. This form of
irrigation system was called:-
A. Shadoof Irrigation D. Egyptian Irrigation scheme
B. Drop Irrigation
C. Tennessee irrigation scheme E. RUBADA irrigation scheme

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Candidate Examination Number: …………….…………………

iii. Which one of the following African societies developed Ntemiship system in Africa by
fifteenth century?
A. Nyamwezi and Dorobo D. Nyamwezi and Chagga
B. Nyamwezi and Sandawe E. Nyamwezi and Hadzabe
C. Nyamwezi and Sukuma
iv. Archaeologists help us to know when and how men lived through the study of :
A. bones and tools D. riddles and bones
B. tools and riddles E. bones and music.
C. stories and riddles
v. The colonial Imperial chartered companies failed in their mission to rule African colonies
A. Other European companies were against them.
B. African chiefs refused to work with the company administrators.
C. Imperialist states were too far to support them during resistance
D. The colonies were producing less and therefore were not profitable.
E. They had little capital and skilled man power to run colonial administration.

vi. In Tanzania the Maseko Ngoni group first settled in…

A. Morogoro B. Kahama C. Songea D. Tabora E. Rukwa.

vii. Traders from the Middle, East and Far East came to East Africa through the Indian Ocean
with help of.
A. Ocean currents B. Monsoon winds C. Mozambiquean currents D. local winds E. Suez

viii. Who migrated into East Africa from South Africa in the second half of the nineteenth century
due to the Mfecane war?
A. Arabs B. Boers C. Portuguese D. Ngoni E. Nilotes.

ix. The country that dominated the industrial production in the world before the nineteenth
century was…
A. Netherland B. China C. Britain D. Germany E. United States of America.

x. Which one of the following represents exploitative modes of production in pre- colonial
A. capitalism and slavery B. socialism and feudalism C. slavery and communalism D.
slavery and feudalism
E. communalism and socialism.

xi. Which of the following were the countries which used constitutional means gain their

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Candidate Examination Number: …………….…………………

A. Mozambique and Nigeria B. Tanganyika and Kenya C. Ghana and Mozambique

D. Ghana and Tanganyika E. Tanganyika and Zimbabwe.

xii. TANU was formed after the transformation of which social and welfare association?

xiii. The best form of spreading the European culture was through.
A. indirect policy B. assimilation policy C. direct policy D. association policy E. divide
and rule policy.

xiv. Farmers joined the struggle for independence because………

A. They were beaten by the colonialist B. They were abused by the colonialists
C. They were exploited by the colonialists D. They were favored by the colonialists
E. They were betrayed by the colonialists.
xv. Kenya achieved her independence in ……………
A. 1961 C. 1963 E. 1964.
B. 1962 D. 1960
2. Match the items in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.
List A List B
i. A name given to the process of exchanging goods A. Trans – Atlantic
ii. A name given to the process of exchanging goods B. Legitimate trade
between people living in the same village or town C. Trans – Saharan trade
iii. A process that involved the exchange of goods D. Slave trade
between two different geographical regions E. Long distance trade
iv. A name of that involve the exchange of goods F. Local trade
between the people of Northern Africa and western G. Barter trade
Africa H. Early trade contact
v. A name of trade that used man as a commodity

SECTION B (35 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.
3. Answer the following questions briefly
i. How assimilation policy was implemented in Africa.
ii. Why do you think, slave trade in Indian Ocean expanded from the 15 thc.
iii. How the discovery of iron, brings the remarkable changes in the history of Africa.
iv. How the First World War led to the great depression.
v. Why the Second World War was the turning point for the rise of mass nationalism in Africa.
vi. How man originated according to the theory of evolution.

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Candidate Examination Number: …………….…………………

4. Arrange the following sentences in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item
number in the answer sheet provided.
i. Important political parties which took active participation were, the United Gold Coast
Convention (UGCC) in 1947 formed by J.B Danguar and Convention People Party (CPP) in
1949 formed by Kwame Nkrumah after differing with Danguar.
ii. By 1957 the country gained its political independence.
iii. The UGCC and CPP exerted pressure to the colonial government urging it to introduce
constitutional talks which could enable Ghana attain its political independence.
iv. The independence was gained through constitutional talk.
v. The third was the Northern People’s Party in 1954.
vi. The struggle for political independence in Ghana started mainly after 1945.

5. Draw the sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman number
i. Mau Mau war
ii. Majimaji uprising
iii. Samori Toure
iv. Nama and Herero uprising
v. Shona and Ndebele uprising
SECTION C (45 Marks)
Answer only three (03) questions from this section
6. With vivid examples explain six features of the second exploitative mode of production.
7. Explain why settler economy in Kenya? (six points)
8. Elaborate why decolonization through armed struggle occurred in Africa? (six points)
9. Explain six factors that led to the growth of the Trans-Saharan Trade.

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