The Development of The Filipino Coping Strategies Scale
The Development of The Filipino Coping Strategies Scale
The Development of The Filipino Coping Strategies Scale
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All content following this page was uploaded by John Robert Rilveria on 20 September 2022.
Abstract: The development of the Filipino Coping Strategies scale was based on the qualitative data on the resilience of
Filipinos and the ways by which they cope with stressful life experiences and the quantitative data on foreign measures of
coping. Integration of both data led to the formulation of nine coping strategies: cognitive reappraisal (pagsusuri), social
support (paghingi ng tulong), problem-solving (pagtugon), religiosity (pagkarelihiyoso), tolerance (pagtitiis), emotional release
(paglabas ng saloobin), overactivity (pagmamalabis), relaxation/recreation (paglilibang), and substance use (pagbibisyo).
Initially, the scale was composed of 45 items with five items under each domain. This was pilot tested to 627 male and female
Filipinos aged 18 above. Reliability analysis revealed items that are internally consistent with each other resulting in the
reduction of items to 37. Furthermore, construct validity was established via a) factor analysis through principal components
analysis extraction method and varimax rotation method and b) test for convergent validity by correlating each domain of
the Filipino Coping Strategies scale with the corresponding domains of Ways of Coping by Folkman and Lazarus and the
COPE Inventory by Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub. Independent samples t-test revealed significant differences among
males and females in each coping strategy which served as the basis for norm groups. The Filipino Coping Strategies scale
is a four-point Likert scale which aims to measure the coping strategies of Filipinos towards stress and generates a coping
dispositional profile which can be used to aid in the assessment of coping behaviors.
Keywords: coping strategies, reliability analysis, construct validity, factor analysis, coping dispositional profile
People experience stress throughout their lifespan. some are preferred because these are what worked for
At home, in school, at work, or in any situation them. These preferred coping strategies vary from one
when dealing with people and with life in general, cultural group to another. Up to this date, there are still
everyone has an everyday stressful encounter. Such ongoing researches exploring and identifying ways of
experiences of stress can be physical or mental ranging coping in different specific cultural settings.
from mundane to life-threatening effects on the body In the Philippine context, Filipinos keep on
(immune-related diseases) and the mind (mental receiving compliments about how resilient they are
disorders). It is only through the process of “coping” because they are all able to cope with very stressful
that people can overcome the stress and prevent it from situations such as calamity and poverty (Tan, 2006).
becoming worse. Different coping strategies are used; The country was even ranked as the 20th happiest
country in the world according to the Happy Planet defined as the external or internal demand that causes
Index (Jeffrey, Wheatley, & Abdallah, 2016) despite the said stress. As a response to the stressor, the person
socio-economic difficulties. With this in mind, it is experiences stress and “cope” with it. Coping refers
very interesting to look at how third-world country
Filipinos cope with to the conscious effort to minimize, tolerate, or master
stress andlike Filipinos
identify whichcope withstrategies
coping stress and
domin- the stress (Krohne, 2002).
antly coping
whenstrategies are and
dealing with dominantly
managingused when
stressful Folkman and Lazarus (1984) categorized all coping
life with and managing stressful life experiences.
experiences. strategies into two general domains: problem-focused
The development of this scale revolved around the and emotion-focused coping. Problem-focused coping
Filipinos’ general ways of coping and specific coping refers to a coping style that directly aims to change the
behaviors. This research endeavor seeks to: 1) create a source of stress (stressor). This can be done through
scale that would measure coping strategies of Filipinos planning, confrontation, and consequent problem-
toward stress and 2) generate a coping dispositional solving. Emotion-focused coping refers to change in
profile of Filipinos (relatively stable pattern of coping). the emotional load of stress through seeking support,
There is not much quantitative research on coping venting out of emotions, or positive reappraisal of
strategies in the local context. Most, if not all, written stressor.
accounts are qualitative in nature (phenomenological Weiten et al. (2008) further divided the emotion-
approach) focusing on lived experiences of selected focused coping into two. Thinking that the new
groups of Filipinos who were confronted with a divisions are distinct from each other, they added a
particular stressful life event and research outputs third and fourth type of coping: cognitive-focused
would reveal themes on recovery, redemption, and and occupation-focused. Cognitive-focused coping
coping. The quantitative study aimed to develop a refers to changing one’s personal assumptions and
scale which will identify prominent coping behaviors perceptions toward the stressor. Cognitive-focused
reflecting Filipino coping dispositions extracted from coping is done through optimistic thinking, goals, and
statistical and more empirical methods of analysis. values restructuring and meaning-making while the
Moreover, previous attempts to measure coping occupation-focused coping refers to changing one’s
strategies of Filipinos were just mere adaptations activities or daily routine to avoid or distance oneself
and translations of Western scales and concepts. from the stressor.
There is not yet a scale for the coping dispositions
of the Filipinos developed from the local population. Widely Used Coping Scales
The scale would not only be a locally-made test but There are a lot of measures of coping strategies,
would also incorporate identified coping behaviors most of which are Western-made tests. However, such
from existing qualitative research that are unique to tests did not make use of the four broad types of coping
Filipinos. The respondents were given the freedom mentioned above. The scales become more statistically
to list down and rate other coping strategies they and practically significant when they include more
specifically use that are not found on the scale so as to specific coping strategies as domains of the scale.
provide opportunity for added variables for analysis. The Ways of Coping Questionnaire (Folkman &
Lastly, this scale can serve as an assessment tool Lazarus, 1988) is a 66-item, 4-point scale that measures
that would determine how an individual generally the extent to which the individual used a particular
copes when facing a stressful or difficult situation. This coping strategy in a stressful situation. It is composed
can aid clinicians in finding out possible strengths and of eight sub-scales namely, confrontative coping,
getting insights about behavioral tendencies and coping distancing, self-controlling, seeking social support,
behaviors of the person. accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance, planful
problem-solving, and positive reappraisal.
Stress and Coping Another popular measure of coping is the Jalowiec
Stress is defined as the physical or psychological Coping Scale (Jalowiec, 1987). It seeks to assess
effect of the stressor. Stressor, on the other hand, is situation-specific coping behaviors by measuring the
The Development of the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale 113
degree of use and the perceived effectiveness of 60 266 selected Filipino college students from a high
cognitive and behavioral coping strategies in a stressful educational institution in the Philippines (De Leon
situation selected by the researcher or clinician. The & Balila, 2014). The results showed four dominant
two parts, use (Part A) and effectiveness (Part B), are factors: utilization of instrumental and emotional
measured on a 4-point rating scale (scored from 0–3). support, use of substance, planning and action-taking,
The degree of use of each coping strategy is rated as: and use of humor. The other domains of the COPE
never used, seldom used, sometimes used, or often Inventory did not yield any significant factor result.
used. The perceived effectiveness of each coping This goes to show that there are highlighted distinction
strategy (that has been used) is rated as: not helpful between Filipino and foreign populations in terms of
(in coping with the designated stressor), slightly preferred ways of coping with stress.
helpful, fairly helpful, or very helpful. It also yields There were also qualitative research studies done
eight sub-scales: confrontative, evasive, optimistic, to explore the Filipino psyche of coping. The 2009
fatalistic, emotive, palliative, supportant, and self- Philippine Star news article written by Dr. Nina Halili-
reliant. This American scale of coping has been Jao entitled, “Coping mechanisms of Pinoys” cited the
used cross-culturally especially in Asia and has been book, From Victims to Survivors of Lourdes Ladrido-
translated in various languages like Arabic, Chinese, Ignacio and Antonio Perlas (1995) which identified
Taiwanese, Korean, Kanda/Tamil (Indian), and even some coping mechanisms that Filipinos engaged in
Tagalog. when they experienced extreme difficulties. It is a
Another highly reliable and empirically validated combination of both healthy and unhealthy ways of
scale is the COPE Inventory developed by Carver, adjusting. Spirituality is the most frequently observed
Scheier, and Weintraub (1989). This scale has three coping style. Filipinos turn to religion and accept the
known formats: a “dispositional” or trait-like version reality. There are some utterances of bahala na or
from which the respondents report the frequency behaviors like ipinapasa-Diyos while there are other
of doing the things listed, when they are stressed; a who stay positive that God will never leave them in
time-limited version in which respondents indicate the these times of crisis. The bayanihan or pakikipag-
degree to which they already used the list of coping kapwa is also a well-observed coping behavior by
strategies during a particular period in the past; and which Filipinos empathize and help each other.
another time-limited version in which respondents Seeking emotional, physical, and financial support
indicate the degree to which they have been using the from family is also evident. There are also ways by
coping strategies in the past up to the present. It has 15 which Filipinos lessen the emotional burden of their
domains: positive reinterpretation and growth, mental problems by engaging in activities that would relax
disengagement, focus on and venting of emotions, use them, make them happy, and feel at ease even if it is
of instrumental social support, active coping, denial, just temporary. Creativity and humor are said to be the
religious coping, humor, behavioral disengagement, strengths of Filipinos that facilitate life improvement
restraint, use of emotional social support, substance after a stressful life event.
use, acceptance, suppression of competing activities, Dr. Michael Tan of the University of the Philippines–
and planning. Diliman also wrote an article regarding his observations
on how Filipinos cope with stress (2006). He agreed on
Local Literature on Coping the resilience of Filipinos but emphasized that the saya
The generalizability of these coping scales was that Filipinos are doing when stressed is actually a form
tested in different cultural groups. For one, the COPE of externalized merriment—trying to be happy. People
Inventory of Carver et al. (1989) was applied to the tend to smile, laugh, sing, dance or drink their problems
Philippine context to test the factorial validity of the away. Moreover, Filipinos would go on with their lives
scale. The “Filipino Adolescents’ Coping Strategies: through tiis (tolerance) and kimkim (suppression) of
A Confirmatory Factor Analysis” is a research the stress they are experiencing. Despite these, the
study designed to examine the coping strategies of camaraderie spirit of the Filipinos allows them to
114 J.R. Rilveria
self-control, restraint, acceptance, fatalistic, passivity/ were reclassified into three discrete coping strategies:
dependency, and kimkim were combined into tolerance overactivity (pagmamalabis), relaxation-recreation
(pagtitiis); venting of emotions such as humor and (paglilibang), and substance use (pagbibisyo)—all of
anger were grouped under emotional release (paglabas which pertain to behaviors that temporarily detaches
ng saloobin); forms of distancing, avoiding, evading, oneself from the problem and possibly reflect the
denial, and mental and behavioral disengagement weight of the problem.
Table 1
Comparison of Identified Coping Strategies Across Foreign Scales and Local Literature
Conceptually, the nine domains serve as the taking medicines to relieve some physical and mental
components of the coping dispositional profile of the manifestations of stress.
respondents. Cognitive reappraisal (pagsusuri) refers
to changing one’s view or assumptions about the Items and Scoring
problem. This includes optimistic and hopeful thinking, The Filipino Coping Strategies Scale was originally
alterations of goals and values, and meaning-making. composed of 45 items but eight items were excluded
Social support (paghingi ng tulong) refers to help- from the item analysis, making it a 37-item scale. It
seeking behaviors, receiving advice or professional is in a 4-point Likert format with 1 indicating Never
care, support from friends and family, and sharing of or Hindi to 4 indicating Often or Madalas. Items #1,
one’s problems. Problem-solving (pagtugon) involves 8, 17, 23, and 30 comprise the cognitive reappraisal
planning, taking action to confront the source of (pagsusuri) domain; items #9, 24, and 31 comprise
stress, and aims to eliminate the stressor. Religiosity the social support (paghingi ng tulong) domain;
(pagkarelihiyoso) has its distinct domain because it items #2, 10, 18, and 32 comprise the problem-
involves some religious behaviors such as praying, solving (pagtugon) domain; items #3, 11, 19, and 33
leaving everything to God, believing in destiny and comprise the religiosity (pagkarelihiyoso) domain;
will of God. Tolerance (pagtitiis) would involve items #12 and 25 comprise the tolerance (pagtitiis)
enduring the difficulty and stress without constant domain; items #4, 13, 26, and 34 comprise the
effort in confronting it. Emotional release (paglabas ng emotional release (paglabas ng saloobin) domain;
saloobin) would refer to venting out of emotions may it items #5, 14, 20, 27, and 35 comprise the overactivity
be through anger, humor, cry, and so forth. Overactivity (pagmamalabis) domain; items #6, 15, 21, 28, and
(pagmamalabis) means overextension of work or over- 36 comprise the relaxation/recreation (paglilibang)
exertion of one’s activity to distance oneself from the domain; and items #7, 16, 22, 37, and 39 comprise
stress. Relaxation/recreation (paglilibang) involves the substance use (pagbibisyo) domain (see Appendix
engaging in activities that would make the person A). The composite scores for each of the domains are
feel at ease and lessen the cognitive and emotional computed by averaging the sum of the scores across
load of the stress. Substance use (pagbibisyo) would the items of each domain (dividing the total raw score
entail using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, or even by the number of items in each domain). Therefore,
The Development of the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale 117
the minimum composite score for each domain is 1 instructors, and so forth (n = 66). Other fields of
and the maximum is 4. work were also represented like in the field of arts
and media, building and construction, hospitality and
Analysis tourism, human services and social work, legal services
Through a statistical software (SPSS v 20), and consultation, research and fieldwork, sales and
descriptive and inferential statistics were established. marketing, science and engineering, and software and
Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants technology.
were briefly identified in terms of frequency and Furthermore, an overall descriptive statistics for
percentage relative to the sample. To check for each of the domains of the Filipino Coping Strategies
reliability, inter-item consistency of the variables Scale was established (see Table 2). Ninety-six to
was analyzed to see whether items designated for a ninety-nine percent of the respondents completed the
specific domain correlate highly with one another and questionnaire. They generally scored high on most of
measure the same construct. To check for construct the domains in the scale except on the substance use
validity, confirmatory factor analysis through principal domain. This means that the participants are not more
components analysis extraction method and varimax likely to engage in smoking, drinking alcohol, and
rotation method was conducted. Furthermore, drug-related activities in order to cope with stressful
convergent validity was established through correlation life experiences. The top four domains that the
of each coping strategy/domain of the Filipino Coping participants scored highly would be on the problem-
Strategies Scale with corresponding domains of Ways solving, cognitive reappraisal, relaxation/recreation,
of Coping by Folkman and Lazarus (1988) and the and religiosity domains. The standard deviation of
COPE Inventory by Carver et al. (1989). each domain ranges from .37 to 1.0, indicating low
variability across the participants (most scores are
Results clustered around the mean). Interestingly, most of
the answers of the participants who responded to the
The age of the participants in the sample ranges free item of the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale were
from 18 to 58 years old (M = 27.13). There are more categorized under the relaxation/recreation domain.
females (n = 366) than males (n = 261), mostly with Examples of the responses they provided include:
average socioeconomic status (n = 356) followed listening to music, watching movies, shopping, writing,
by those with high socioeconomic status (n = 224) reading books, dancing, playing sports or computer
and those with low socioeconomic status (n = 47). games, and so forth which were rated either “most of
Majority of the participants are educated—bachelor’s the time” (3) or “always” (4).
degree holders (n = 322)—although the entire range
of educational attainment was represented such as: Reliability
those who are at least high school graduates, those Inter-item consistency refers to the degree of
who are still taking their bachelor’s degree, those interrelatedness or homogeneity of items in a scale,
who are still taking their master’s degree, those who thus, a high inter-item consistency presupposes high
are still taking their doctorate degree, and those who reliability because items in each domain represent the
have already obtained their doctorate degree. In terms same coping strategy construct. This was established
of occupation, majority of the participants are working through reliability analysis using SPSS (see Table
in the administration and management field—human 3). The number of items retained for each domain
resource officers, managers, supervisors, and so forth was determined based on the highest possible
(n = 144). Next are group of unemployed—students or internal consistency reliabilities for groups of items
job-seekers (n = 122); followed by medical and allied representing the domains. The coefficient alpha for
health professionals—doctors, nurses, occupational each domain after item deletion ranges from .60 to
therapists, speech therapists, and so forth (n = 121); .95 and the overall coefficient alpha for the Filipino
and those in the education and training field—teachers, Coping Strategies Scale is .716.
118 J.R.
J.R. Rilveria
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Scores on Filipino Coping Strategies Scale Domains
Table 3
Item Analysis with Internal Consistency Reliability (Coefficient Alpha) of the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale
Table 4
items of the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale
Rotated Component Loadings for 45 Items
Factor 6 &7
Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 8 Factor 9
Factor 1 Overactivity
Substance Problem- Special Tolerancer
Tolerance Cognitive Tolerance & Community
Religiosity & Relaxation/
Use Solving Support & Emotion Reappraisal Relaxation
#22 .902 .911
#4 .889 .850
#13 .886 .888
#40 .867 .826
#31 .829 .739
#27 .829 .772
#36 .786 .750
#45 .752 .727
#9 .737 .673
#18 .732 .637
#21 .744 .612
#39 .729 .657
#3 .725 .685
#37 .688 .520
#12 .558 .554
#19 .507 .504
#30 .470 .585
#35 .630
#11 .724 .628
#29 .711 .661
#33 .676 .628
#38 .666 .643
#2 590 569
#20 .449
#6 .475
#23 .683 .571
#41 .639 .521
#5 .609 .433
#15 .548 .494
#42 .536 .433
#26 .656 .635
#25 .655 .555
#7 .592 .578
#16 .567
#8 .638 .467
#34 .572 .590
#43 .561 .564
#44 .476 .535
#28 .730 .699
#1 .599 .604
#24 .504 .470
#10 .476 .468
#14 .751 .650
#32 .616 .670
#17 .484 .471
120 J.R. Rilveria
120 J.R. Rilveria
Table 6
Independent Samples t-test of Each Domain Score Between Males (n = 261) and Females (n = 366
Males Females
M SD M SD t-test
Cognitive Reappraisal
3.600 0.467 3.469 0.518 3.345**
Social Support
2.621 0.654 3.044 0.583 8.493**
(Paghingi ng Tulong)
3.752 0.361 3.690 0.401 2.017*
2.761 0.990 3.327 0.913 7.378**
3.076 0.546 2.923 0.475 3.724**
Emotional Release
2.454 0.562 2.955 0.552 11.089**
(Paglabas ng Saloobin)
3.303 0.641 3.016 0.591 5.788**
3.718 0.353 3.638 0.390 2.694**
Substance Use
2.152 1.043 1.374 0.522 12.271**
*p *p < .05
< .05
**p < .01
122 J.R. Rilveria
122 J.R. Rilveria
Figure 2. Coping dispositional profiles of male (n = 107) and female (n = 113) norm groups based on average.
composite scores.
dominant coping strategies that can be grouped into resilience, anxiety, personality traits, and so forth and
broader types of coping. establish discriminant validity through associations
The significant differences between Filipino men with socio-demographic variables such as sex, age,
and women in their coping dispositional profiles socio-economic status, educational background,
supported the foreign researches on sex differences religion, and so forth.
regarding coping (Matud, 2004; Lawrence et al., 2006;
Ptacek et al., 1994) wherein women are more likely to References
engage in emotion-focused (tolerance and emotional
release domains) and social support coping while men Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., & Weintraub, J. K.
are more into problem-based or cognitive-focused (1989). Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically
coping (cognitive reappraisal and problem-solving based approach. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 56, 267–283.
domains). This implies that sex differences on how De Leon, J., & Balila, E. (2014). Filipino adolescents’ coping
Filipino men and women generally deal with stress strategies: A confirmatory factor analysis. Adventist
should not be neglected. Sex becomes an important University of the Philippines Research Journal, 18(2),
variable to consider when studying coping strategies 73–81. Retrieved from
and how they relate to other psychological measures wp-content/uploads/R7.pdf
associated with sex. Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1984). Stress, appraisal, and
coping. New York: Springer Pub. Co.
Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1988). Manual for the Ways
Conclusion of Coping Scale. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychology
The development of Filipino Coping Strategies Halili-Jao, N. (2009, April 5). Coping mechanisms of Pinoys.
Scale laid the foundations to extract dominant Philippine Star. Retrieved from
coping strategies unique to Filipinos and assess the
Jalowiec, A. (1987). Jalowiec Coping Scale (revised).
frequency of each coping strategy to generate a coping Unpublished manuscript, School of General Nursing,
dispositional profile. Coping strategies or dispositions Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
unique to Filipinos are interesting to look at not only to Jeffrey, K., Wheatley, H. & Abdallah, S. (2016). The Happy
provide a better understanding of how Filipinos respond Planet Index: 2016. A global index
to stress but also to be able to capture a general picture of sustainable well-being. London: New Economics
of their strengths in overcoming stress. Furthermore,
Krohne, H. W. (2002). Stress and coping theories.
at the quantitative level, a coping dispositional profile International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral
generated by the Filipino Coping Strategies Scale can Sciences, 22, 15163–15170. doi: 10.1016/B0-08-
be relevant to both counseling and research fields. In 043076-7/03817-1
counseling/psychotherapy, being able to identify the Ladrido-Ignacio, L., & Perlas, A. (1995). From victims
dominant coping strategies of a client can aid in the to survivors: Psychosocial intervention in disaster
management in the Philippines. International Journal
formulation of a more comprehensive personality
of Mental Health, 24(4), 3–51.
profile of the client and relate such results with Lawrence, J., Ashford, K., & Dent, P. (2006). Gender
client’s strengths and weaknesses and distinguish differences in coping strategies of undergraduate students
between adaptive or maladaptive coping strategies. In and their impact on self-esteem and attainment. Active
research, the dispositional implication inherent to the Learning in Higher Education, 7(3), 273–281 doi:
scale minimizes the complexity of coping assessment. 10.1177/1469787406069058
Matud, M. P. (2004). Gender differences in stress and coping
Nonetheless, future studies are recommended to
styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 37(7),
further validate the existence of the nine domains, 1401–1415, doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2004.01.010
prove the stability of coping dispositions, measure Ptacek, J. T., Smith, R., & Dodge, K. (1994). Gender
effectiveness of coping through correlations with other differences in coping with stress: When stressor
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Psychology Bulletin, 20(4), 421–430.
124 J.R. Rilveria
Appendix A
Filipino Coping Strategies Scale (After Item Analysis)
(If there are other ways you cope with a stressful event which were not mentioned in the 37-item scale, you may write them down
and rate them accordingly)
1 2 3 4
Hindi Minsan Madalas Palagi
(Never) (Sometimes) (Most of (Always)
the time)