20 DomainofLearning
20 DomainofLearning
20 DomainofLearning
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The different domains of learning and academic performance of students can be designed in different
activities where students explore their knowledge and participate in all activities in their subject and in-
depth of learning. It helps to provide teachers to work in their style and ways based on the needs of the
The study examines the different domains of learning and the academic performance of the respondents
along the area of cognitive learning, affective learning, and psychomotor learning and to identify the
extent of the domains of learning and the academic performance of the students in terms of skills in
learning, attitude toward studies, and academic achievements. The correlation quantitative descriptive
approach and method of design is used because it aims systematically and accurately describes the
population of the study. The study comprised Twenty Two (22) respondents. Purposive sampling technique
is utilized in the study.
It reveals that students have the ability to carry out lesson through execution and implementation in
cognitive learning, students have the active attention and proper motivation to learn, willing to respond,
feel satisfied and have the attitude of worth , beliefs, acceptance, preference and commitment of values in
the affective learning, and students can relate to body movement, visuals, auditory, touch or coordination
and the ability to take information from the environment in the psychomotor learning. The extent of the
domain of learning in the academic performance shows that students can acquire skills and knowledge for
various situations in skills of learning, students can participate in various activities inside the classroom in
the attitude towards their studies, and students focus on the lessons and provide better output in the
learning process in their academic performance. On the other hand, there is no significant relationship on
the different domains of learning and the extent of the different domains of learning in the academic
performance of the students.
Keywords: Domains of Learning, Academic Performance of Students, Cognitive Learning, Affective
Learning, Psychomotor Learning, Skills in Learning, Attitude towards Studies, and Academic achievements
design of domain of learning, Zhao, Combes, is no impossible to achieve the goals because
Zhang, & Gordon, (2019). Similarly, motivation better is expected among them. According to
is important in the implementation of the Berlin, (2019) freedom thinkers require a sense
different domains of learning in a multi-tasks of responsibility with no alternative direction
program, where it displays domain approach of predicted to final end which means that attitude
learning, Schoenauer-Sebag, et.al.,(2019). toward learning is also a sense of responsibility
Transfer of learning is significant to students in among the students because they will benefit
providing bridges and adaptation in the different from their learning process which is notable in
domain of learning that can be distinguished in their studies of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
the academic performance of the students. It Therefore, the expectation of lecturers to their
may align to the methods and existing domains students express directly on the formulation of
of learning on sources of information at the setting a goal to be achieved by them. This has
level of skills of students’ enhancement, Wang, been formulated in the content of student
Li, Ye, Long, & Wang, (2019, July). Transfer of curriculum based on their needs in classroom
learning adapts or deals with the system to style, classroom management and practices
different situations in an activity environment which is evitable among the lecturers. Lecturers
and tasks. It helps improve the knowledge of are the agents in the failure and success of
learning system, Yang, Zhang, Dai, & Pan, (2020). students despite of the problem and attention
Transfer of learning reinforcement is an idea and encountered by them, Leacock, (2019).
gain knowledge of application in solving task and
Moreover, academic performance can be
learning process. It is a universal learning value
measured on how the domain of learning be
and function that deals on objectives in the
transmitted to students in terms of cognitive,
delivery of learning outcome. This can be done
affective, and psychomotor which is important
through the success features of learning among
in their learning knowledge and process.
the students, capture the dynamics of teaching
Academic achievement is based on how the
and learning in an environment setting, flexible
domain is being carried out among the students.
model in the interaction of the environment of
Different learning is explored in different and
learning compatible to the needs of the students
unique personality, different style of learning,
multiple training learning tasks which can be
different concept of learning, and different
effective knowledge of transfer, Ashley, Wen,
strategies. Profile of students exhibits learning
&Bengio, (2020).
knowledge and style in the academic performance
Nevertheless, the extent of the domain of and achievement. Academic performance and
learning on the academic performance of the achievement is based on the manner and style
students in terms of their skills vary depends on learning model of students. When the students
their motive in the learning process. Skills in have the desire to excel in the academic
learning can be adopted provided the design performance learning techniques must be given
program encourages lecturers to apply what is emphasis to achieve the desired goal of learning
learned and gained in improving the skills of the because of their study habits which affect their
students in improve classroom setting target for performance in the academe, Awang, Samad,
learning skills, Papay, Taylor, Tyler,& Laski, Faiz, Roddin, &Kankia, (2017, August).
(2020). Lecturers acquire skills in a complex Motivate intrinsically the students to achieve
situation in adjusting their techniques in their academic performance with a flying color
teaching exploiting their skills learned in the and engage them to ascertain their activities in
transition making process. This is to empower school. The application of the different knowledge
their ability effectively in connection with the in domain of learning and engagement in their
skills primitively in the task and motivation motivation level of learning recognizes their
performance. Gauging efficiently in the academic performance, Dunn, &Kennedy, (2019).
transitions proximity initiates suitable skills on On the other hand, academic achievement predicts
both ends between the lecturers and students, the motivation of students based on the different
using the predictability in the proximity improved domain of learning. It is an approach to
system in the domain further provides dense academic achievement and success. It is
knowledge in the environment of learning, Lee, detrimental with high value of expectation in
learning. Analyzing the structure in the domain
Sun, Somasundaram, Hu, & Lim, (2019).
provides framework to study learning of
Subsequently, to the attitude towards studies, students in their success and failure in their
when they are motivated properly to learn, there academic achievement and performance in
school and applies to their educational setting, because it aims systematically and accurately
Meyer, Fleckenstein, &Köller, (2019). describes the population of the study. It is used
widely to quantify the variables under study on
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM the different domains of learning as to cognitive,
What are the different domains of learning affective and psychomotor learning to include
and the academic performance of the the extent of learning in terms of skills in
respondents along the area of learning, attitude toward studies, and academic
o cognitive learning, achievement. It controls and manipulates the
o affective learning, and variables and measures the observe data for
analysis. It describes and translates the different
o psychomotor learning? methods, theories, and reflections covered in the
To what extent do the aforementioned study, Hermans, T. (2019).
domains of learning and the academic
performance of the students in terms of RESEARCH SUBJECT
o skills in learning, The respondents of the study are the selected
o attitude towards studies, and professionals and lecturers of the different
o academic achievements? universities and colleges who are educators and
have experiences in teaching students based on the
Is there a significant relationship on the
different learning of domains in reaching students
different domains of learning and the extent
as a measure to their academic performance. The
of the different domains of learning in the
study comprised Twenty Two (22) respondents.
academic performance of the students?
Purposive sampling technique is utilized in the
HO: There is no significant relationship on the
study. It provides the weakness and strength of the
different domains of learning and the extent of
samples and approaches obtaining in gathering the
the different domains of learning in the
different data in an empirical viability and
academic performance of the students.
evidence for providing the samples in the study.
HA: There is a significant relationship on the Purposive sampling is a convenient sampling
different domains of learning and the extent of subset in choosing the subject under study through
the different domains of learning in the a define criteria. It relies on the assumption and
academic performance of the students. necessary sampling method in a base of
probability which is appropriate on the observation
of the research problem. It is fit because of the
The study employed the correlation quantitative samples needed in obtaining the number of
descriptive approach and method of design samples or representation, Klar, &Leeper, (2019).
Domain in the Academic Performance of Students along the Area of Cognitive Learning
Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
4.20-5:00 Highly Observed Cognitive learning of students is far above standards
3.40-4.19 Observed Cognitive learning of students is above standards
2.60-3.39 Moderately Observed Cognitive learning of students is meets standards
1.80-2.59 Not Observed Cognitive learning of students is below standards
1.00-1.79 Never Observed at All Cognitive learning of students is far below standards
Domain in the Academic Performance of Students along the Area of Affective Learning
Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
4.20-5:00 Highly Observed Affective learning of students is far above standards
3.40-4.19 Observed Affective learning of students is above standards
2.60-3.39 Moderately Observed Affective learning of students is meets standards
1.80-2.59 Not Observed Affective learning of students is below standards
1.00-1.79 Never Observed at All Affective learning of students is far below standards
Domain in the Academic Performance of Students along the Area of Psychomotor Learning
Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
4.20-5:00 Highly Observed Psychomotor learning of students is far above standards
Table 3 presents the weighted mean and the to complex action like walking, running,
corresponding interpretation on the domain in jumping, pulling, pushing and manipulation”
the academic performance of students along the (WM=3.64) Observed, “Students can relate to
area of psychomotor learning. endurance, flexibility, agility, strength, reaction-
response time” (WM=3.59) Observed, “Students
It shows that, “Students can encode information can relate to body movement, visuals, auditory,
and activities in expressing and interpreting touch or coordination and the ability to take
information or concepts” (WM=3.41) Observed, information from the environment and react”
“Students can express their learning through (WM=3.68) Observed, and the overall (AWM=
gesture, posture, facial expression and/or creative 3.59) Observed, which means that psycho-
movement” and “Students have the skills related motor learning of students is above standards.
Table4. Extent of Domain in the Academic Performance of Students in Terms of Skills in Learning
Indicators WM Interpretation Ranking
Students are innovative, creative, competitive, and have the
3.59 Observed
ability to present concept in their lesson. 3.5
Students have the skills in creative thinking, can learn, and
can communicate with passion and ideas. Observed 3.5
Students possess skills to define problems and design
proper solutions in an effective way. Observed 5
Table 4 presents the weighted mean and the define problems and design proper solutions in
corresponding interpretation on the extent of an effective way” (WM=3.50) Observed,
domain in the academic performance of students “Students inspire, motivate and empower to
in terms of skills in learning. learn and expand mind of their classmates”
(WM=3.68) Observed, “Students acquire skills
It reveals that, “Students are innovative, creative,
and knowledge for various situations in the
competitive, and have the ability to present
classroom” (WM=3.73) Observed, and the overall
concept in their lesson” and “Students have the
(AWM=3.62) Observed, which means that
skills in creative thinking, can learn, and can
extent of skills in learning of students is above
communicate with passion and ideas” (WM=
3.59) Observed, “Students possess skills to
Table5. Extent of Domain in the Academic Performance of Students in Terms of Attitude towards Studies
Indicators WM Interpretation Ranking
Students show enthusiasm in the subject taught. 3.45 Observed 3
Students display a strict attitude toward classroom control. 3.18 Moderately Observed 5
Students participate in various activities inside the classroom. 3.59 Observed 1
Students attend class regularly and never come to class late. 3.23 Moderately Observed 4
Students express freely his/her opinion during class discussion. 3.48 Observed 2
Average Weighted Mean 3.39 Moderately Observed
Standard Deviation 0.100
Table 5 presents the weighted mean and the participate in various activities inside the
corresponding interpretation on the extent of classroom” (WM=3.59) Observed, “Students
domain in the academic performance of students attend class regularly and never come to class
in terms of attitude towards studies. late” (WM=3.23) Moderately Agree, “Students
express freely his/her opinion during class
It shows that, “Students show enthusiasm in the discussion” (WM=3.48) Moderately Agree, and
subject taught” (WM=3.45) Observed, “Students the overall (AWM=3.39) Moderately Agree,
display a strict attitude toward classroom control” which means that extent of attitude towards
(WM=3.18) Moderately Agree, “Students studies of students is meets standards.
Table6. Extent of Domain in the Academic Performance of Students in Terms of Academic Achievement
Indicators WM Interpretation Ranking
Students are active in class participation and discussion. 3.45 Observed 2.5
Students focus on the lessons and provide output in the learning
3.50 Observed 1
Students pay close attention to direction both in oral and in written. 3.45 Observed 2.5
Students develop time management in studies and attend class Moderately
3.36 5
regularly. Observed
Students establish academic goals to accomplish the task
3.41 Observed 4
required in the subject.
Average Weighted Mean 3.44 Observed
Standard Deviation 0.103
Table 6 presents the weighted mean and the Observed, “Students focus on the lessons and
corresponding interpretation on the extent of provide output in the learning process” (WM=3.50)
domain in the academic performance of students Observed, “Students pay close attention to
in terms of academic achievement. direction both in oral and in written”
It shows that, “Students are active in class (WM=3.45) Observed, “Students develop time
participation and discussion” (WM=3.45) management in studies and attend class regularly”
(WM=3.36) Moderately Observed, “Students the overall (AWM=3.44) Observed, which means
establish academic goals to accomplish the task that that extent of academic achievement of
required in the subject”, (WM=3.41) Observed, students is above standards.
Table7. Significant relationship on the different domains of learning and the extent of the different domains of
learning in the academic performance of the students
Relationships Hypotheses
Variable *significant *accepted
* not significant *rejected
Cognitive Learning
Skills in learning 0.058 not significant accepted
Attitude towards studies 0.060 not significant accepted
Academic achievement 0.059 not significant accepted
Affective Learning
Skills in learning 0.060 not significant accepted
Attitude towards studies 0.062 not significant accepted
Academic achievement 0.061 not significant accepted
Psychomotor Learning
Skills in learning 0.059 not significant accepted
Attitude towards studies 0.061 not significant accepted
Academic achievement 0.060 not significant accepted
Significant at 0.05 level, one-tailed test, df at 20 with critical r-value of 0.423
Table 7 shows the significant relationship on the setting in the concept of intelligence toward
different domains of learning and the extent of students in the development of their soft skills
the different domains of learning in the and academic performance and achievement,
academic performance of the students. It reveals Apiola, & Laakso, (2019, July).
that when the domains of learning is tested The cognitive in the domain of learning in the
against the extent of the different domains in the academic performance of the students shows
academic performance of the students, it shows that students are determined and have the ability
that the computed r value is lower than the to explain the structure concept and purpose of
critical value of 0.423 which means that the their lesson since they can recognize and recall
relationship is not significant, therefore; the null their pass lesson based on their memory which
hypothesis is accepted and the alternative is important in their learning process. They have
hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there is no the power of retentiveness. They can participate
relationship on the different domains in learning in the lesson and function effectively in the
and the extent of the different domains of learning activities inside the classroom. They are
in the academic performance of the students. determined and can execute the lesson and
implementation. They can easily adapt to
DISCUSSION situation of learning. Cognitive domain of learning
processes the environment system of learning
The different domains of learning really help in
coupled with inference of learning insights in a
the academic performance and achievement of
destine process and knowledge, Sanchez,
the students. The theory and the achievement
Saxena, &Sabhikhi, (2019). It is a tool essential
goals emerge in the motivation prominent
to knowledge of learning. It is also popular in
achievement. It is an achievement goal and
opinion knowledge. It is a method of learning
examines the framework in the classroom
compared to machine with analysis on
influences in students’ environment in the
interpretation and insights. It reflects the usage
academe. Students show a drive to study and a
and characteristics of the domains in learning.
drive to be motivated in a positive learning
The approach improves the quality of learning
pattern in the different domains of learning in
in the discovery of the cognitive learning in the
the setting of the school emphasizing the
academic performance of the students, Xing,
understanding mastery, knowledge and skills of
Pallucchini, & Cambria, (2019).
improvement of students. It is focused on the
proper demonstration of the learning achievement Moreover, the affective domain of learning
and academic performance of the learners. There is provides the sense of learning and existence in
an impact on the academic performance base on the willingness and awareness of students in
the self-theories on behavior and achievement of their learning process since they have the active
the different domains of learning in educational attention and active motivation to learn, willing
to participate and feels satisfied when the control, movement specification, perception,
domain is introduced. Students have the attitude originality, and settlement. The application of
of worth where they can learn, worth of belief, the domain in psychomotor discusses the
worth of acceptance, worth of preference, worth strategies in practical techniques in teaching
of commitment, and worth of values. They among the students. It involves an observation
internalized the values and beliefs with priority on the practical expert in teaching. It provides
knowing the importance of the learning process ideas to lecturers’ skills development in the
on their part. They can relate and reflect the set application of psychomotor domain in the
values in life, where they can practice and apply methods of teaching and demonstration, Ahmad,
to life situation. It provides practical examples Kamin, & Nasir, (2018, July). The domains in
to teachers where they can promote students’ the taxonomy blooms are important information
development in the affective domain of learning for the development of teaching knowledge. It
through assessment and classroom setting. It addresses issues in the objectives of the lesson
examines to aid teachers and asses the values of particularly in the psychomotor domain capable
learning in the affective domain. It explores the of providing evidence in the performance of the
lecturers to a serious commitment to provide students in their academics. It is a framework
access students in the domain of learning on the that provides capabilities for students to express
different approaches to pedagogies in teaching. their skills in the lesson. It indicates that
It is appropriate approach to teaching psychomotor domains contribute to knowledge
development and capable in the learning of and ability on the skills and information for
affective domain, Casey, & Fernandez-Rio, students to organize a system that is relevant to
(2019). On the other hand, the inability of
achieve capable learning, Begam, &Tholappan,
individual to get along on the insight due to lack
of experiences would grapple in the dark and
failure in life. Emotionally stability on the Furthermore, the extent of the domain in the
learning experiences provides students’ knowledge academic performance of students in terms of
to enhance their skills and develop a change of skills in learning shows that students are
attitude. It plays a role in the true essence of innovative, competitive, effective, and have the
teaching catalyst to educational effectiveness in ability to present concept in their lesson. They
learning. It is an effective method in enhancing are guided on the principle of skills in creative
students learning attitude in reflecting the most thinking, communication, ideas, and passion.
suitable method of learning activity in the They possess skills to define problems and
affective domain, Green, &Batool, (2017). design proper solution in an effective way.
Nevertheless, on the domain in the academic Students are inspired, motivated, and empower
performance of students along the area of to learn and expand their mind in the classroom.
psychomotor learning provides to encode Students can acquire skills and knowledge for
information and activity in expressing and various situations in the classroom. Achievement of
interpreting lessons and concept. Students can student in their academics is an indicator on the
express their learning through gesture, posture, skills of learning they attain because of the
facial expression, and creative a movement on effect of the different domains strategy and
their learning enhancement and knowledge. technique. It provides an indicator on their
They can relate endurance, flexibility, agility, critical thinking learning styles and skills in
strength, and reaction response time to express their academic achievement. It is important to
their initiative in learning. They can use their improve the critical thinking on their academics
body movement or relate to visual, auditory, essential to their learning process and attention
touch or coordination and their ability to take because lecturers consider the style dominant in
information from the environment and the classroom on their academic achievement,
classroom setting. They have the skills related to Shirazi, &Heidari, (2019). Hence, thinking
complex action like walking, running, jumping, critically on the skills of students examines the
pulling and pushing manipulation depend on the effect of learning in their reflection activities
lessons that need a movement. Teaching learning supported during their learning process which is
activity among the students and lecturer require the best method applicable in the skills of
attention to the application and techniques in learning in carrying out objective of the lesson.
teaching in the domain of psychomotor. It needs The implication of the different skills in learning
to be emphasized in the process of learning in examines the pros and the cons of the learners in
teaching students on their set-up, movement their academic performance, Erdogan, (2019).
Similarly, the extent of the domain in the in the measure of their knowledge to the outcome
academic performance of students in terms of of their academics, Costa, &Faria, (2018).
attitude towards their studies show enthusiasm
in the subject taught which is helpful in their CONCLUSIONS
learning enhancement. They display a strict The different domains of learning in the
attitude toward classroom control where it helps academic performance shows that students
them to achieve their goals. They attend class have the ability to carry out lesson through
regularly and never attend to class late because execution and implementation in cognitive
they value their studies and know the learning, students have the active attention
importance of education in their life. They are and proper motivation to learn, willing to
free to express their insights and opinions during respond, feel satisfied and have the attitude
the class discussion. The development model in of worth , beliefs, acceptance, preference and
the result design of learning is based on the commitment of values in the affective learning,
needs of the students. The design of learning is and students can relate to body movement,
based on the curriculum set-up and needs of the visuals, auditory, touch or coordination and the
students in the community where learning ability to take information from the environment
achievement can be attained through evaluation in the psychomotor learning.
and assessment to be implemented in the school
to where they belong as a product of their model The extent of the domain of learning in the
development learning in accordance to their academic performance shows that students
needs and effectiveness. It can improve the can acquire skills and knowledge for various
knowledge and attitude of students’ character situations in skills of learning, students can
and nobility, Uge, Neolaka, &Yasin, (2019). participate in various activities inside the
Therefore, the learning attitude of the students classroom in the attitude towards their
towards their studies analyses their performance studies, and students focus on the lessons and
in their academic achievement. It provides provide better output in the learning process
factors that resulted to their positivity towards in their academic performance.
their studies and attitude. This will help students RECOMMENDATIONS
to explore and improve their knowledge towards
their subject, Mensah, (2019). Conversely, Students should focus on the ability to judge
attitude of students toward their learning process the lesson based on the criteria and standard
and behavior strengthen their domain in their of the cognitive learning, internalize the
academic performance. It analyses the different values and beliefs according to their priority
domains to determine the positive attitude of in the affective learning, and focus on the
their learning that can affect their academic encoding of information and activities to
performance, Abun,et. al., (2019). express and interpret the concept of the
In addition, the extent of domain in the
academic performance of students in terms of Students should also develop their skills to
academic achievement shows that students are define problems inside the classroom and
active inside the classroom during the class possess, design properly the lessons in an
activity and presentation. They are focused on effective way in their skills of learning. They
the lesson provided for them as a result of the should display strict attitude toward classroom
output and the learning process. Students also control in the attitude toward their studies.
pay close attention to the directions for both oral They should develop time management in
and written. They even develop their time their studies and attend to their classes
management in studies and attend classes regularly to attain a better output in their
regularly as an indication of their academic academic performance.
achievement. They establish academic goals to REFERENCES
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Citation: Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin, “Different Domains in Learning and the Academic Performance of
the Students”, Journal of Educational System, 4(1), 2020, pp. 1-11
Copyright: © 2020 Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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