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Bluetooth Control Car with Arduino

Technical Report ·June 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33675.05926


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2 authors:

K.M.Tousif bin Parves Alimul Rajee

Comilla University Comilla University



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Bluetooth Controlled Car with Arduino

Under the Supervision of

Alimul Rajee
Lecturer, Dept of ICT
Comilla University

Submitted By
Name Id
K.M. Tousif Bin Parves 12009004
Mohiuddin Khan Mahin 12009019
Kazi Tanvir Ahmed 12009038
Palash Mia 12009040
Md. Mahmudur Rahman Sarkar 12009041

Submission Date: 06/06/2022

Department of
Information and Communication Technology

Comilla University 1
This project was completed for the coursework of ICT-305, directed by the Department of
Information and Communication Technology, Comilla University. Our sincere efforts have made
us accomplish the task of completing the project. Most importantly, we would like to express our
gratitude to our honorable teacher, Alimul Rajee (Lecturer, Dept. of ICT) for his advice and
valuable comments regarding our project, which led us to the completion of the project. Our
thanks and appreciation also goes to our classmates, who encouraged us to complete our project.

A remote-controlled vehicle is any mobile machine controlled by means that are physically not
connected with the origin external to the machine.

In this project, we make use of Bluetooth technology to control our machine car. We do not call
this a robot as this device does not have any sensors. Thereby, senseless robots are machines.
The project aims are to design a Bluetooth control Arduino car and write a program into the
Arduino microprocessor. Arduino car contains an Arduino microcontroller with basic mobility
features. In this project, we make use of Bluetooth technology to control our machine car.

After doing this only we can say that we have been able to create as per our goal described. The
device can be controlled by any smart device with android. The major reason for using a
Bluetooth-based tech is that we can change the remote anytime – mobile phones, tablets, and
laptops and physical barriers like walls or doors do not affect the car controls.

Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page

Acknowledgment 1
Abstract 2
List of Figures 4
List of Abbreviation 5
1 Introduction
1. Background 6
2. Problem Statement 7
3. Project Overview 7
2 Literature Review 8
3 Methodology
1. Tools 10
2. Pin Diagram and Connection 14
3. Source Code 15
4. Flow Chart of Implementation 16
4 Result and Discussion 17
5 Conclusion 18

List of Figures

No. Figure Name Page

1 Chassis of Car 8
2 Arduino UNO 9
3 L293D Motor Driver 9
4 Jumper wire 10
5 Battery 10
6 Switch 11
7 Bluetooth Module 11
8 LCD Display 12
9 Pin Diagram and Connection 12

List of Abbreviation

ROSCOSMOS: Russian Federal Space Agency Technology, Space, Astronomy

RC: Radio/Remote Control

LCD: Liquid-crystal display

LI-ON Battery: Lithium-Ion Battery

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

USB: Universal Serial Bus


1.1 Background:

Wireless or Bluetooth control cars are developed to make our day-to-day life easy and simpler.
Today for striving in this modern era it is necessary to use modern technology to simplify our
day-to-day activities. Thousands of people die because of driving vehicles. If it can be remote-
controlled, we will be able to save thousands of lives. The drone started a revolution in this
regard. Bluetooth-controlled cars can be a revolutionary project for our upcoming future. It can
be used for low-range mobile surveillance devices, (military Applications where no human
intervention will be needed), Assistive devices (like wheelchairs), home automation, etc. It is
aimed to bring a huge groundbreaking change in society by overcoming the hurdles we are
facing today. Driverless cars are providing mobility to many people who cannot drive which is
an added advantage to commuters who wish to use cars on daily basis. Bluetooth control cars are
the gadget of the future. [1]

1.2 Problem statement:

Bluetooth Control cars can be a helping hand for the cripples, or for the ones who want to drive
but are unable due to many physical inabilities, where human life is at risk, we can use it from a
very distance as it is fully wireless.

1.3 Project Overview:

The main processing unit consists of Arduino UNO to perform specified operations. Arduino
UNO board is used as the main microprocessor of the device. It will run and will control the
movement of the vehicle through the use of the motor driver who will control the wheels. The
Programs are compiled using Arduino IDE and then the sketch is uploaded to the board using a
pc and a USB cable. Speed variations can be achieved by making slight changes to the sketch. It

is based on a 4-wheel drive platform integrated with an ultra-sonic sensor to avoid obstacles and
line tracer sensors. It also has an infra-red remote controller for the manual steering of the
vehicle. The car is upgradable and can replace, upgrade and expand the input sensors and add
other functionality by adding other modules. [2]


Literature Review

Wireless control is one of the most important basic needs for all people all over the world.
Bluetooth is one of the most used wireless technologies. A Bluetooth control car is such a car
that can be controlled wirelessly using a Bluetooth control system and Arduino. With the
combination of Arduino, and Bluetooth we can control many other things, like home Lighting,
air conditioners, and many more through our cell phones. The Arduino can also contribute at
large to the Smart Home system. Nowadays it has made us easier to convert digital signals into
physical movements with such microcontrollers.

Today people are using autonomation in every sector. There are many benefits, for example, it
reduces the risk of injury, it is fast, it can work day long, it is reliable, etc. This Bluetooth control
car is just an example of autonomation. This type of car is used in law enforcement and military
engagements for some the reasons like Hazard exposure which is controlled from a location of
relative safety. Such vehicles are used by many police department bomb squads to defuse or
detonate explosives.

These vehicles are also used in space exploration, by using such vehicle NASA. ESA and
ROSCOSMOS have explored and collected many data from space, the moon, and mars. In recent
days giant companies are using remote control vehicles to deliver their products. And Many of
the giant factories have their transportation which is remotely controlled.

Here we have connected this 4-wheeler with Arduino and Bluetooth Module/ There is an
Android application that is already installed in the remote device. We send our instruction to the
vehicle with that application, that application is connected with the module in the vehicle.
Bluetooth module transfer that instruction as a signal to the Arduino, and Arduino works with
that signal. In the Arduino, we have installed the code which can work with the signals and
convert those instructions to the pre-defined signals. Signals were transferred to the motors, and
the car started running.

This car does not have advanced features but we can attach any kind of features like line
detecting, or obstacle detecting, even though we can attach the camera to the vehicle and watch it
with the remote. This one is just a basic prototype of a remote-control car, we can add a lot of
advanced features and get an armed/especially capable RC Car.

This project aimed to design an automated vehicle prototype built with Arduino and controlled
with software developed on Android that can perform manual or automatic paths. Until now
research and analyzing the simulation of experiments shown, it is believed that it is feasible to
use the prototype designed for cognitive development, for future users can learn to insert custom
paths that can process logic issues and more complex mathematics allowing the prototype to
perform the desired movements. Analyzing the financial costs of design, it is believed that it is
feasible to construct this type of prototype because it presents a low cost of the components used,
particularly if they are chosen in a largescale production. It is worth noting that both the Arduino
programming language and the language for Arduino in development are free, not burdening
additional costs for the development of the project, pointing out that this applies also to the tools
used for development. [3] [12] [14]


1. Tools:

● Chassis (Including motors and wheels):

The main body of the car consists of the chassis. Alongside there will be four motors for
the four wheels which will lead down the car. [4]

Figure-01: Chassis (Including motors and wheels)

● Arduino Uno:
The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip
ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by Arduino. cc. The board is equipped with
sets of digital and analog input/output pins that may be interfaced with various expansion
boards and other
circuits. [5]

Figure-02: Arduino Uno

● L293D Motor Drive H-Shield:

The Motor Driver is a module for motors that allows you to control the working speed
and direction of two motors simultaneously. This Motor Driver is designed and
developed based on L293D IC. L293D is a 16 Pin Motor Driver IC. This is designed to
provide bidirectional drive currents at voltages from 5 V to 36 V. Rotation of a motor
depends on the enabled pins. [6]

Figure-03: L293D Motor Drive H-Shield

● Jumper Wires:
A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, DuPont wire) is an electrical wire, or
group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them
– simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a
breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or
components, without soldering. [7]

Figure-04: Jumper Wires

● Battery:
A battery is an energy source consisting of one or more electrochemical cells and
terminals on both ends called an anode (-) and a cathode (+). Here for the project, a 9V
battery has been used. (In figure 5)

Figure-05: Battery

● Switch:
In figure 06, A switch is used for turning on the power of the vehicle. It controls the
battery connection of the vehicle.

Figure-06: Switch

● Bluetooth Module:
In figure 7 HC-05 6 Pin Wireless Serial Bluetooth Module is a Bluetooth module for use
with any microcontroller. It uses the UART protocol to make it easy to send and receive
data wirelessly. The HC-06 module is a slave-only device. This means that it can
connect to most phones and computers using Bluetooth technology. [8]

Figure-07: Bluetooth Module

● LCD Display:
I2C LCD is an easy-to-use display module, It can make the display easier. Using it can
reduce the difficulty of making so that makers can focus on the core of the work. A few
lines of code can achieve complex graphics and text display features. [9]

Figure-08: LCD Display

3.2 Pin Diagram & Connection:

Figure-09: Pin Diagram & Connection

3.3 Source Code:
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
int LF = 4;
int LB = 5;
int RF = 6;
int RB = 7;

void setup()
Serial.println("Car is Ready");
pinMode(LF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RB, OUTPUT);

void loop()
for (byte i =1; 1<15; i++)
lcd.setCursor (2,0);
lcd.print ("ICT 11 Group E");
lcd.setCursor(15 - i, 1);
lcd.print("Tousif Mahin Mahmud Palash Tanvir ");
delay (700);

if (Serial.available())
char a =;
Serial.print("The command is ");
if (a == 'F')
if (a == 'B')
if (a == 'R')
if (a == 'L')

if (a == 'S')
void Forward()
Serial.println("Go forward");
digitalWrite(LF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RB, LOW);
digitalWrite(LB, LOW);
void Backward()
Serial.println("go back");
digitalWrite(LB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RF, LOW);
digitalWrite(LF, LOW);
void Right()
digitalWrite(LF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RF, LOW);
digitalWrite(RB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LB, LOW);
void Left()
digitalWrite(LF, LOW);
digitalWrite(RF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RB, LOW);
digitalWrite(LB, HIGH);
void Stop()
digitalWrite(LF, LOW);
digitalWrite(RF, LOW);
digitalWrite(RB, LOW);
digitalWrite(LB, LOW);

[10] [11] [13]

3.4 flow chart of Implementation:

Give command using app or remote and send it

through wireless or blutooth system.

Recieve data from the app using blutooth module.

Recognize data commands by the


Execute the instructions by controlling the motor


Result and Discussion
The prototype is created using 4 DC motors driven by an H-bridge with dual output, connecting
the two left wheels and the two right ones to its outputs. The car is remotely controlled either by
Bluetooth an app or by infrared. Some extra functionalities can be added to the software.

Better line tracking mode: When the robot finds an object in front placed on the line, it will try
to go around it until it finds the line again, continuing afterward. This function can be added
using an ultrasonic sensor.

Custom mode: The ability to program the prototype from the app has not been implemented, as
it is relatively easy to use the custom mode by modifying the code.


This project consists of a basic prototype of a Bluetooth control car above stated. The prototype
car can recognize commands from users and can turn the car left, right, and stop with great
accuracy. It can be further improved by using different sensors like ultrasonic or infrared and
with various levels of coding.

Our Bluetooth control car has a range of 10-20 meter with the mobile Bluetooth controlling
system. The range mostly depends on the receivers transmission level.

In the future, we could use rechargeable batteries like Ni-Cd Battery or Li-ion batteries that
could avoid the present disadvantage. Also, we could make use of this RC Motor Car as a
surveillance system or rovers by adding a few more sensors and updating the code. This would
make them into robots. These robots could self-monitor under any human supervision, thereby
reducing manpower. These are just the alternatives, on which this project could be improvised
and updated.

IoT or the internet of things is a very important part of both computers and our daily lives. The
above model describes how the Arduino programs the car motor module and by IoT, we rotate
the wheels and give direction to the car. IoT allows us to work with different platforms and it
helps us to create various interesting modules to work on.

With the ever-increasing problems, our knowledge has to expand to adapt better to the changes
all around us. In the same way, it is hoped that this activity is a small step that would lead us to
further enhancements and goals.


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Datasheet (

Access Date: 21st May, 2022
9. Website:
LCD 16X2 : Pin Configuration, Commands, Interfacing & Its Applications

Access Date: 27st May, 2022

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Access Date: 27st May, 2022

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(4) Bluetooth Remote Controlled Car using Arduino | International Journal of Scientific
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology IJSRSET -

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Access Date: 27st May, 2022

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