Alpha LTD Question
Alpha LTD Question
Alpha LTD Question
Revenue 1 000 000
Factory (workers)1 58 000
Factory (management)2 38 000
Sales3 50 000
Human resources and payroll4 9 000
Accounting 11 000
Internal audit5 4 000
Security6 3 000
Engineers7 2 500
Factory equipment 12 000
Warehouse fixtures 5 000
Office fixtures and fittings 2 500
Forklifts 2 500
Delivery vehicles 3 000
Buildings 5 000
Raw Material 75 000
Spare parts for factory equipment9 8 000
Grease and lubricants for factory machinery9 5 500
Stationery for administrative use 200
Factory 32 000
Warehouse 3 500
Office 4 500
Royalty11 20 000
Telephone (office) (fixed charges of R0.6m included) 3 400
Cleaning (office) (‘flat rate’ as per contract) 1 700
Entertainment (this amount is spent in every period) 400
Speeding fines 190
Repairs (delivery)12 250
Repairs (factory equipment)12 380
External audit fee (as agreed per contract) 2 000
Advertising and marketing (this amount is spent in every period) 42 000
Profit 595 480
1. Factory workers are paid on the basis of hours worked, in order to match labour hours to
production requirements.
2. Factory management are permanent employees who are paid fixed salaries regardless of hours
3. Sales staff remuneration includes commission of 5 per cent of revenue.
4. 60% of human resources and payroll time is spent on factory staff salaries and labour issues.
6. Security guards are on the premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Part of their responsibilities
include checking all goods that leave the premises are accompanied by an authorised despatch
7. An engineering team is permanently employed to monitor the factory equipment and perform
routine maintenance on a regular basis.
8. All assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their useful lives expressed in years, except
for delivery vehicles which are depreciated based on the number of kilometres travelled. The
number of kilometres travelled is roughly proportional to production volumes. 3 buildings exist on
the premises –the factory building (depreciation of R2 500), the warehouse, in which raw
materials are stored (R1 250), and the administrative building (R1 250).
9. The amount of part replacements and lubrication that machines require is directly proportional to
number of operating hours. Operating hours are dependant on production volumes.
10. The water and electricity costs for the warehouse and office remain constant month to month,
regardless of sales and production volume changes. R3 million of the water and electricity
requirements of the factory are unaffected by production requirements. The remaining amount
and majority of the cost is directly affected by production volumes.
11. A royalty of 2% of revenue is payable to the manufacturer’s parent organisation for the use of
patents and other copyright or protected material.
Analyse each of these costs from an extract of the trial balance of Alpha Ltd using the following
categories :
(i) Manufacturing (state whether it constitutes direct material, direct labour or overheads) or
non manufacturing
(ii) Fixed or variable, with regards to production vol