Durapipe PVC - Specification Guide
Durapipe PVC - Specification Guide
Durapipe PVC - Specification Guide
Specification guide
First In PVC
Typical Applications
• Acids and alkalis
• Effluents
• Potable water
• Chemical processing
• Effluent treatment
First In PVC
page page
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................4-7 VKR metering ball valves .....................................................................53
Set of transparent service plugs and white PVC tag holders .....................53
TECHNICAL INFORMATION ..........................................................8 Die cut labels plus software .................................................................53
Maximum pressure/temperature relationship ............................................8 Accessories
Flow calculations ..................................................................................8 One-step solvent cement......................................................................54
Fittings ................................................................................................9 Eco-cleaner ........................................................................................54
Flow nomogram ..................................................................................10 HCR-36 Chemically resistant PVC cement .............................................54
Pipe routing .......................................................................................11 Cleaner for use with HCR-36 Chemically resistant PVC cement ...............54
Calculating expansion and contraction ...................................................11 Cobra pipe clips ..................................................................................54
Additional Important Information ........................................................15 Saddle clips .......................................................................................55
Chamfering and de-burring tools ...........................................................55
Durapipe PVC-U Jointing Guide .....................................................16-19
Pipe cutters ........................................................................................55
Branch connections - Reduced bore ......................................................17
Drying times .......................................................................................18 METRIC FITTINGS .................................................................56-78
HCR-36 Chemically Resistant PVC-U Cement/Jointing Guide ............. 18-19
Optima pipe .......................................................................................58
The use of bushes and reducers ...........................................................20
PVC-U Pipe ........................................................................................58
Threaded connections.................................................................... 20-21
Sockets plain .....................................................................................59
Tightening torques for flange bolts in PVC-U piping systems ....................21
Reducing bushes plain ........................................................................59
Comparison of PVC-U Imperial and Metric Sized Pipe ..........................22 Reducing sockets plain........................................................................60
General Information ...........................................................................23 Elbows 45° plain ................................................................................60
Approvals and Quality Marks .............................................................24 Elbows 90° plain ................................................................................61
Tees 45° plain....................................................................................61
Product Specification (Imperial) ..........................................................26 Tees 90° equal ..................................................................................61
Product Specification (Metric) .............................................................27 Tees 90° reducing plain ......................................................................62
Cross .................................................................................................62
IMPERIAL FITTINGS ..............................................................28-55
Bends 90°..........................................................................................62
Optima pipe .......................................................................................30 End Caps plain ...................................................................................62
PVC-U Pipe ........................................................................................31 Socket unions ....................................................................................63
PVC-U Clear pipe ................................................................................31 Imperial/metric socket adaptors ............................................................63
Sockets plain .....................................................................................32 Sockets ..............................................................................................64
Reducing bushes plain ........................................................................32 Reducers...................................................................................... 64-65
Elbows 45° plain ................................................................................32 Elbows 90° ........................................................................................65
Elbows 90° plain ................................................................................33 Tees 90° ............................................................................................66
Tees 90° equal plain...........................................................................33 Male threaded adaptors BSP male thread .............................................66
Bends 221⁄2° long radius......................................................................34 Female threaded adaptors BSP female thread reinforced........................67
Bends 45° long radius plain ................................................................34 Hose adaptors BSP male thread...........................................................67
Bends 90° long radius plain ................................................................34 Hose adaptors BSP female thread ........................................................67
Bends 90° short radius plain ...............................................................34 Hose adaptors spigot end ....................................................................67
End caps plain ...................................................................................35 Saddle clamps ....................................................................................68
Socket unions plain.............................................................................35 Tank connectors .................................................................................68
Imperial/metric socket adaptors ............................................................35 Male composite unions ........................................................................69
Sockets plain/BSP threaded.................................................................36 Female composite unions ....................................................................69
Elbows 90° plain/BSP threaded ...........................................................36 Flanges stub serrated ..........................................................................69
Tee plain/threaded branch...................................................................36 Flanges full face..................................................................................70
Reducing bushes plain/BSP threaded ...................................................37 Flanges blanking .................................................................................70
Male threaded adaptors plain/male BSP threaded ..................................37 Backing rings ............................................................................... 70-71
Female threaded adaptors plain/female BSP threaded............................37 Gaskets flat stub fl ange .......................................................................72
Barrel nipples plain/BSP threaded ........................................................38 Valve support plates ............................................................................72
Threaded barrel nipples plain/BSP threaded ..........................................38 Flange assemblies ...............................................................................73
Hose adaptors male/BSP threaded - short/long pattern ..........................38
Hose adaptors female BSP threaded ....................................................39 Valves
Tank connectors plain/BSP threaded ....................................................39 VKD Double union ball valves ..............................................................74
Composite unions plain/BSP threaded male brass..................................39 TKD 3-way valves ...............................................................................74
Composite unions plain/BSP threaded female brass ...............................39 VXE Easyfit ball valves.........................................................................75
Socket unions plain/BSP threaded ........................................................40 SXE Easyfit ball check valves ...............................................................75
Sockets BSP threaded .........................................................................40 SXA Easyfit air release valves ...............................................................75
Reducing bushes BSP threaded ...........................................................40 RV Y-Type strainers.............................................................................76
Reducers BSP threaded, reduced spigot/socket ............................... 40-41 VM Diaphragm valves..........................................................................76
Elbows 45° BSP threaded ...................................................................41 VKR Metering ball valve ......................................................................76
Elbows 90° BSP threaded ...................................................................41 FK Butterfly valves ..............................................................................77
Tees 90° equal BSP threaded ..............................................................42 Set of transparent service plugs and white PVC tag holders .....................77
End caps BSP threaded.......................................................................42 Die cut labels plus software .................................................................77
Plugs BSP threaded ............................................................................42 Accessories
Hexagon nipples BSP threaded ............................................................42 One-step solvent cement......................................................................78
Back nuts BSP threaded .....................................................................43 Eco-cleaner ........................................................................................78
Socket unions BSP threaded/EPDM seals ..............................................43 HCR-36 Chemically resistant PVC cement .............................................78
Flanges stub serrated ..........................................................................43 Cleaner for use with HCR-36 Chemically resistant PVC cement ...............78
Flanges full face plain/drilled ...............................................................44 Cobra pipe clips ..................................................................................78
Flanges blanking plain/drilled ..............................................................45 Chamfering and de-burring tools ...........................................................78
Backing rings galvanised mild steel drilled ...................................... 45-46 Pipe cutters ........................................................................................78
Backing rings pre-drilled .....................................................................47
Gaskets flat stub flange EPDM .............................................................47 GUARDIAN .................................................................................79
Gaskets full face drilled EPDM .............................................................48 Guardian Introduction .................................................................... 80-82
Valve support plates galvanised mild steel drilled ..................................48 Guardian Installation ..................................................................... 83-84
Flange assemblies ...............................................................................49 Termination Fittings ............................................................................85
Valves Cleaning and Installation/External Support .............................................86
VKD Double union ball valves ..............................................................50 Pressure Testing Guardian PVC-U Dual Contained Pipework ....................87
TKD 3-way valves ...............................................................................50 Expansion Loop and Elbows .................................................................88
VXE Double union ball valves ...............................................................51 Expansion Joints .................................................................................89
SXE Easyfit ball check valves ...............................................................51 Guardian Dimensional Information .................................................. 90-92
SXA Easyfit air release valves ...............................................................51 Guardian Leak Detection......................................................................93
RV Y-Type strainers.............................................................................52 Accessories ........................................................................................93
VM Diaphragm valves..........................................................................52 Durapipe UK Pipework Systems..........................................................94
FK Butterfly valves ..............................................................................52 Conditions of Sale..............................................................................95
Specialist pipework system for process chemicals and industrial fl uid handling
What is PVC-U?
PVC-U (Polyvinyl chloride unplasticised) is a highly reliable
resin with high performance properties in terms of thermal
stability, chemical resistance and mechanical operation which is
obtained by the presence of chlorine in the molecular structure.
Durapipe PVC-U has been used for the conveyance of water, effluents, acids
and chemical concentrates within different industrial applications for many years.
Water Treatment
Wessex Water, Dorset South West Water
Waste Treatment Water Treatment
“The team at Durapipe “We wanted to standardise
provided excellent service our pipework specification
from the initial enquiry, to a single manufacturer
continuing throughout the which has all the
installation process.” required compliances
Mike Back, Damar Group and approvals to
support our industry.”
Graham Cookson,
South West Water
Durapipe FIP
Case Study
Process Industry Examples Industrial General
Wedge Group BB Battery Plant, China
Contaminated Water Lead Oxide Slurry Distribution
“Durapipe PVC-U was the “We needed to ensure the pipework system could cater
obvious choice to carry our for the substances that would be passing through it and
contaminated water, the the technical advice and
product is reliable and support offered by Durapipe
hard-wearing.” UK during the specification
Andrew MacLean, stage of the project was
Newport Galvanisers exceptional.”
Mike Dunn, Chloride
Technical & Trading
Chemical Cost-effective
Resistance Pipework
PVC-U has excellent PVC-U pipe and
chemical resistance fittings are extremely
properties which cost-effective, both
allows the safe in terms of material
cost and even further when considering
transportation of a range of industrial fluids
installed costs. A PVC-U system can offer
and aggressive chemicals without fear of
economic benefits over many years due
corrosion and environmental pollution.
to its high performance qualities as well
For a full details of the chemical resistance as low maintenance properties especially
of Durapipe PVC-U please refer to the when compared to alternative materials.
Durapipe website (www.durapipe.co.uk/ No expensive tooling, equipment or
Technical/Chemical-resistance) hot works are required for installation
or contact our Technical Support Team which makes the system extremely
on 01543 272445. cost-effective.
Valves and Flow Control
A comprehensive range of valves is available to support the
Durapipe FIP PVC-U system. These include ball, butterfly,
diaphragm, non-return, metering ball valve, solenoid and air
release valve types which can all be either pneumatically or
electrically actuated.
Similarly, we also offer a wide selection of flow control
products such as flowmeters and sophisticated measuring
devices which can be easily incorporated into a matched
Durapipe FIP PVC-U pipeline.
Our in-house Valve department, dedicated to our valves and
flow control products, provides expert advice about product Technical Support
selection and system design. We offer an unrivalled level of
technical support where our
Various tools including valve code
experienced team can provide
builders can be found on the
product training and installation
Durapipe UK advice on any given project.
website, or We will also provide material
alternatively take-off advice if architects’
contact our drawings are supplied.
Valve and
Flow Control
department. Quality Manufacturing
Quality is central to the operation
with BS EN ISO9001 certification
and within an environmental
Unrivalled Third Party Standards and Approvals
management system which
Durapipe FIP PVC can boast the highest levels of international operates in accordance with the
standards and approvals in the industry. requirements of ISO14001.
The system is both fully WRAS approved and is also listed
in the ‘List of Approved Products’ published by the DWI.
Global Distribution Network
This unrivalled level of third party approval offers total
Durapipe FIP PVC-U is available from
assurance to the designer, installer and end user that Durapipe
an extensive international network of
PVC-U is a consistent and reliable pipework system.
distributors and stockists.
Furthermore, Durapipe FIP PVC-U is manufactured to the Please contact us for details of your
highest level of quality and meets with the requirements of nearest outlet.
many international standards and approvals.
Durapipe FIP PVC-U has a 50 year design life on pipe &
fittings (25 years on valves) with a residual safety factor of 2:1. Company Chemist
Our internal company chemist is at
your disposal. If you have concerns
regarding the chemical combination
that a pipework system needs to
convey, we can evaluate suitability
Approved for use within public water of the chemical you wish to convey
supplies and by the Secretary of State.
Durapipe PVC-U is listed in the “List of
and advise on the best material to
Approved Products” published by the DWI. use for the system.
Technical Information
Clas 10
20 30 40 50 60
Temperature °C
The calculation of pressure drop in fittings is more complex but Fittings constant
calculations can be made for equivalent lengths of straight pipe 90° Elbow 0.03
using the Formula E = F x D where: 45° Elbow 0.01
E = the equivalent pipe length (metres) 90° Tee – straight through 0.01
F = the fittings constant (see table) 90° Tee – side branch 0.06
D = the fitting internal diameter in mm. 90° Bend 0.01
45° Bend 0.01
To calculate the total pressure drop in the system, the equivalent
Reducing Bush (per size reduction) 0.015
straight pipe lengths for fittings is then added to the total straight
Technical Information
Butterfly Valves 0.13
pipe length to obtain the total drop.
Diaphragm Valves 0.23
Check Valves 0.05
These values are included as a guide to facilitate calculation of
overall system performance and should not be used in isolation.
Flow nomogram
Internal Diameter Flow Rate Flow Velocity Pressure Drop
(mm) L/sec L/min (m/s) (m/100m)
0.01 0.01
25 1
2 0.02
30 0.05
0.05 3 0.03
35 4
5 0.04
40 0.1 0.05
50 0.3 0.15
0.4 0.1
0.5 30 0.2
70 1 0.3
80 2 0.4
90 3 200 0.5
4 0.4
100 5 300
400 0.5
1000 1
30 1.5
50 3000 2
4000 2
100 3 3
250 200 4 4
300 5
20000 5
300 400
500 30000
350 40000
50000 10
400 m3/min. 10
3000 20
500 200 15
5000 300 20
Pipe routing
Systems installed above ground should be designed such that there Catering for pipe movement
are sufficient changes in direction to accommodate expansion or Systems installed above ground should be designed to ensure that
contraction. The support method described earlier will ensure that there are sufficient changes in direction to accommodate expansion
the pipework can move axially, without snaking. Utilise all available and contraction. The support method described later will ensure
pipe flexibility. Do not place clips too close to changes in direction. that the pipework can move axially without snaking.
If sufficient changes in direction are not available within the design
Calculating expansion and contraction of the system, alternative methods of catering for pipe movement
Temperature variations in a pipework system will increase or can be considered such as expansion loops or flexible rubber
decrease the length of each pipe. This is the result of temperature bellows.
changes in the fluid carried and also from ambient temperature
variations. Expansion loops
The rate of expansion or contraction of pipework is dependent The length of unrestrained pipe (free leg length) required to
Technical Information
on its length, its coefficient of expansion and the temperature accommodate expansion can be calculated from the graph overleaf.
Increase/ decrease in pipe length is given by the formula:
Expansion = L x ∝ x ΔT movement
Pipe free
where: L = length of pipe (mm)
to flex
∝ = coefficient of linear expansion
ΔT = temperature difference of the pipe (°C)
L = 30,000 mm
∝ = 7 x 10-5
ΔT = 15 - 5 = 10°C
3⁄8! 16mm
2 1⁄2! 20mm
3⁄4! 25mm
1! 32mm
300 11⁄4! 40mm
H⁄ max
2 1 1⁄2! 50mm
2! 63mm
H 3! 90mm
100 4! 110mm
90 L L
80 2 2
70 6! 160mm
50 8! 225mm
L (mm)
30 10! 250mm
12! 315mm
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
H (m)
Calculate the size of expansion loop required for a 90mm diameter pipe expanding 42mm
and contracting 21mm:
Based on the worst case ie. 42mm expansion, ΔL = 21mm
Draw a horizontal line from the vertical section to meet the 90mm pipe gradient line.
Drop a perpendicular from the intersection point to the horizontal scale. The figure obtained
is the free leg length of the loop required.
Hence, in this instance a loop measuring 1200mm long x 600mm wide will cater for ±21mm
movement i.e. the loop will cater for both the expansion and contraction of the pipe.
Technical Information
Support centres
The recommended distance between supports for pipes filled with
water is given in the table below. Where the contents have a
specific gravity greater than 1 the distance must be decreased by
dividing the recommended centre distance by the specific gravity.
For vertical pipes, support centres may be increased by 50%.
Support distances
mm Inch 20ºC 30ºC 40ºC 50ºC
20 ½ 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.80
Anchor points 25 ¾ 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.90
The direction of pipe movement can be controlled by the use of
32 1 1.10 1.05 1.00 1.00
anchor points at strategic positions. There are a number of methods
of securely anchoring plastic pipes, some of which are detailed 40 1¼ 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15
below. However it should be noted that tight fitting pipe supports or 50 1½ 1.50 1.45 1.40 1.35
U bolts should not be used since damage to the pipe could occur.
63 2 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45
Construction of typical anchor points 75 2½ 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.60
90 3 2.10 2.05 1.95 1.90
110 4 2.40 2.30 2.25 2.10
125 2.50 2.40 2.35 2.20
140 5 2.70 2.60 2.55 2.40
160 6 2.90 2.80 2.70 2.60
200 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.90
225 8 3.45 3.30 3.25 3.10
250 3.60 3.45 3.40 3.25
280 10 3.80 3.65 3.55 3.40
1. Small Bore (up to 4" Pipework)
315 12 4.10 3.95 3.85 3.70
Buried pipes
Recommendations covering essential requirements for installations
below ground may be summarised as follows:
In general, trenches should not be less than a metre deep.
Trenches should be straight sided, approximately 300mm wider
than the pipe diameter to allow proper consolidation of packing
materials. Trench bottoms should be as level as is practical.
Large pieces of rock, debris and sharp objects should be removed.
Alternatively gravel can be laid approximately 100mm deep on the
floor of the trench. (Sand may be used but subterranean water is
liable to wash sand away and leave the pipe unsupported.)
If pipes are jointed above ground, they should remain undisturbed
for 2 hours before being lowered into the trench.
After laying, pipes should be covered with gravel or similar material
to a depth of 100mm above the crown of the pipe. The gravel
should be extended sideways to both trench walls and compacted.
This should be done prior to testing, with joints left exposed.
Care should be taken to ensure that sharp objects, stones, etc,
are prevented from falling into the trench before covering the pipe.
After pressure testing, joints should be covered with gravel or
similar material, and back filling completed.
A section of pipe installed below ground to the above
recommendations is shown in the illustration.
Technical Information
Technical Support Department on 01543 272446 if further particularly during storage. This will cause discoloration and
assistance is required. deterioration of the PVC-U material. Whilst this is a surface effect
Certain foam rubbers and adhesives used in conjunction with only, it is recommended that precautions be taken to prevent this
foam rubber insulation may be detrimental. We do not, therefore, happening. If stored outdoors pipe should be covered with opaque
recommend that insulation be bonded to the pipework. Adhesives sheeting. If installed outdoors it can be protected from the effects
should only be used to bond adjacent edges together. of UV by insulating or painting.
Freezing conditions
Precautions should be taken to prevent contents freezing, as this
can cause pipework to split.
Technical Information
9. Do not disturb the joint for at least 15 minutes after assembly.
Note: Before commencing the solvent weld procedure, please Allow sufficient drying time prior to pressurisation of the
check the expiry date of the solvent cement being used. Cement system (see page 18).
should be used within 24 months from the date on the base of 10. Replace lids on containers.
the tin.
6. Immediately after applications of cement, push pipe fully home
into the fitting, as far as the internal stop, without rotation. CAUTION
After this operation, the fitting may be rotated if necessary for • DO NOT use near naked flames
alignment (max. 1/4 turn). Hold the pipe and the fitting for • DO NOT smoke in the working area
times varying from a few seconds on sizes 1/2" or 20mm up to
• DO NOT use in confined spaces
1 minute on sizes 8" or 225mm and above. The slight taper
• DO NOT joint in the rain or wet conditions
moulded into the fitting may otherwise cause it to slide off the
pipe with consequent loss of joint strength. Application of the • DO NOT use dirty brushes
correct amount of cement will result in a neat bead of cement • DO NOT use dirty or oily cleaning cloths
at the edge of the fitting and at the edge of the pipe. Excessive • DO NOT use the same brushes for different cements
deposits inside the fittings must be avoided as these can weaken • Follow safety instructions on Durapipe solvent
the wall, particularly on smaller sizes. When working under cold
cement and Eco-cleaner containers
conditions make sure the joints are free from frost and moisture.
• Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment
1. The integrity of Durapipe PVC-U systems may be affected
if Durapipe PVC-U solvent cement or HCR-36 chemically
resistant cement is not used. Durapipe UK disclaims
responsibility for any Durapipe PVC-U system constructed with
any other cements or not fabricated in accordance with the
instructions contained herein.
2. On sizes 6" or 160mm and above use 3" wide brushes.
3. To achieve the correct speed of application on sizes 4" or
110mm and above, cement should be applied simultaneously
7. Wipe off excess cement from the outside of the joint. to pipe and fitting, by two people.
4. Application of the correct amount of cement will result in a
neat ring of cement at both ends of the joint.
5. Where PVC-U pipework is to be used to convey concentrated
chemicals please refer to page 18 for details on HCR-36
chemically resistant cement.
6. Durapipe have produced a series of videos demonstrating the
correct jointing procedures for the various pipework systems.
Please visit www.durapipe.co.uk/Technical/Video/Index.asp
5" & 6"/140mm & 160mm 1.5 hours/bar Maximum gap 0.3mm Maximum pressure
8"/200mm & 225mm 2.0 hours/bar 20°C 12 bar
10 & 12"/250mm & 315mm 30 hours minimum 50°C 6 bar
60°C 4.5 bar
Note: Minimum drying period should never be less than 1 hour.
80°C 1.5 bar
The consumption of solvent cement for carrying out the jointing Maximum pressure depends also on the pipe system used
depends on different elements (ambient conditions, pipe and PN class.
dimensions, viscosity of the cement, workers’ experience etc).
Technical Information
the solvent cement to be scraped away from the internal
Jointing properties surface of the fitting, resulting in a poor joint.
The welded joint is resistant to temperatures up to 80°C, the
solvent cement joint is waterproof, and the chemical resistance 3. Clean the mating surface of the pipe and fitting to be jointed
against aggressive chemicals such as inorganic acids and bases is with HCR-36 Cleaner (Product Code: 03 467 395) to remove
high compared with standard PVC-U one step solvent cement. any dirt, grease or moisture.
HCR 36 is not suitable for jointing in temperatures below 5°C
4. Measure the insertion depth of the socket and mark this onto
Shelf life the pipe after adding a known measurement (so insertion depth
HCR-36 Solvent Cement has a shelf life of 9 months from the date can be checked after installation).
of manufacture.
HCR-36 Cleaner has a shelf life of 24 months from the date of 5. Check the dry fit of the pipe and fitting, the pipe should enter
manufacture. the fitting easily into the socket, approximately ¼ to ¾ of its
initial depth.
Note: Before applying the HCR-36 Cleaner or HCR-36 Solvent
Recommended Brush Size Cement, please check the expiry dates.
Pipe size Brush size
6. Apply the solvent cement to the surface of the inner fitting with
16mm - 32mm (3⁄8" - 1") 8mm Round Brush a thin even coating and apply a thicker coat to the pipe end,
40mm - 110mm (1¼" - 4") 25 x 3mm Flat Brush stroking the cement along and not around the surface. The
cement should be applied using an appropriate sized brush, the
size of the brush should be approximately half the size of the
pipe that is being joined (Please refer to the brush sizing table).
Dates of manufacture can be located on the base of the tin.
10. Do not disturb the joint for at least 15 minutes after the
initial assembly, allow 48 hours drying time at a consistent
temperature prior to pressurisation or testing of the system see
page 18.
20mm pipe
16mm pipe
25mm socket
25 x 20 x 16 reducer
16mm pipe
Technical Information
32 15
Such connections, if correctly drilled and tapped with a full thread
form, will be limited to Class C pressures. 40 20
50 30
63 35
Instrument connection
75 40
90 40
110 40
125 50
140 50
160 60
200 70
225 70
250 80
315 100
Flanged joints
Full face flanges are available from 1⁄2" to 4" and 25mm to 110mm. The tolerance on torque is +/- 10%
Stub flanges are available from 2" to 12" and in metric sizes from
20mm to 315mm.
The correct galvanised mild steel backing ring and rubber gasket Tightening sequence
must be used with stub flanges (backing rings not required on
moulded full face flanges).
1 1 1
5 7
5 8
12 9
Flange bolting procedure
3 4 3 4 3 4
The following procedure is recommended for installing Durapipe
10 11
PVC-U flanges: 7 6
8 6
2 2 2
1. Inspect flange faces and ensure that they are clean and
2. Check that the correct backing ring and rubber gaskets have
been supplied. Durapipe UK supplies a matched system of
flanges and backing rings - do not interchange Metric and
Imperial components.
3. Loosely assemble flanges. Ensure that flanges and bolt holes
align and that the flange faces are parallel. Ensure that the
gasket is correctly positioned between the flanges.
4. Ensure that the appropriate sized washer are placed under both
bolt heads and nuts.
5. Tighten the nuts and bolts in a diagonally opposite sequence
(see right) to ensure even loading around the flange to avoid
distortion. It is recommended that the nuts and bolts be
tightened as uniformly as possible progressively from a finger
tight start.
6. Repeat as necessary until recommended torque value at all
bolts is achieved.
Tabulated below is a comparison of imperial sized PVC-U pipe Please refer to the pipe section in this brochure for pipe sizes
to BS3505 and metric sized pipe to EN 1452-2. They are available from Durapipe UK.
produced to different standards, but can be joined together
using flanges or adaptors. Threaded systems
The systems are also designated differently; the imperial system Imperial systems Class 7 pipe can be machined to BSP parallel
refers to the nominal bore size; the metric system relates to the or BSP taper thread forms. Metric pipe is not produced with an
outside diameter. outside diameter suitable for threading.
Both systems are produced with the outside diameter as
the controlled dimension. This enables the same fitting of a
particular size to be joined to all classes of pipe in that size.
Properties guide
Note: Temperatures given are for guidance only, please check before specifying.
General Information
Handling and storage Health and Safety at Work Act and COSHH Regulations
The high impact strength of Durapipe PVC-U systems provides Attention is drawn to the requirements in the UK of this Act
some protection against damage but care should be taken at all and to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
stages of handling, transportation and storage. Regulations. Durapipe UK cannot accept responsibility for accidents
arising from the misuse of its products because of bad installation
Pipe must be transported by a suitable vehicle and properly or incorrect application.
loaded and unloaded, eg., wherever possible moved by hand or
mechanical lifting equipment. It must not be dragged across the Material safety data
ground. Material Safety Data sheets are available on our website.
The storage should be flat, level and free from sharp stones.
Filling and flushing
When purchasing chemicals for either flushing or long-term system
Technical Information
use, suppliers should be advised that this is for PVC-U material.
Pipe lengths stored individually should be stacked in a pyramid not
Guidance on the suitability of various system flushing or filling fluids
more than one metre high, with the bottom layer fully restrained by with PVC-U can be found in the Durapipe Chemical Resistance
wedges. Where possible, the bottom layer of pipes should be laid brochure, 04900004 for further details.
on timber battens at one-metre centres. On site, pipes may be laid
out individually in strings. (Where appropriate, protective barriers Testing
should be placed with adequate warning signs and lamps.) It is suggested that the following test procedure be followed, after
joints have been allowed to dry for the appropriate minimum
time (at least 24 hours up to 8"/225mm, sizes 10"/250mm and
12"/315mm require a minimum of 48 hours at 20°C).
The system should be divided conveniently into test sections.
Fill section with cold water making sure that no air pockets remain.
Do not pressurise at this stage.
Check system for leaks. If none are apparent, check for and remove
any remaining air. Increase pressure up to 3 bar. Do not pressurise
further at this stage.
Leave section pressurised for 10 minutes. If pressure decays,
inspect for leaks and rectify as necessary. If pressure remains
constant, slowly increase the hydrostatic pressure to 11/2 times
nominal operating pressure.
Leave section pressurised for a period not exceeding 1 hour.
During this time pressure should not change.
Bundled packs of pipe should be stored on clear, level ground with Caution
the battens supported from the outside by timbers or concrete Personnel must stand well clear when pressure testing systems.
blocks. For safety, bundled packs should not be stacked more than Similarly, under no circumstances should pressure tests be carried
three metres high. out using pressurised gases. Such a test could be extremely
dangerous and serves no useful purpose.
Smaller pipes may be nested inside larger pipes. Side bracing
should be provided to prevent stack collapse. Note: If extended times are required to achieve hydrostatic
pressure, either leakage has occurred or air remains in the line.
Similar precautions should be taken with fittings and these should Inspect for leakage and if none is apparent, reduce pressure
be kept in protective wrappings until required for use. and check for trapped air. This must be removed before further
pressurisation commences.
Durapipe PVC-U products are a grey colour, generally in
accordance with BS5252, colour ref. RAL 7011.
• ISO 727 - Pipes and fittings in PVC-U. Dimensions and PVC-U Tee 3"
tolerances metric series.
02 122 109
• ISO 4422 - Characteristics of PVC-U fittings of piping systems
for water supply. Code
• DIN 8063 - PVC-U fittings, dimensions.
Range Shape Size
• KIWA (Keurings Institut Voor Waterleiding Artikelen Holland)
Technical Information
KIWA BRL – K504 e KIWA BRL502 Characteristics of PVC-U PVC-U Tee 90mm
fittings and pipes of piping systems for water supply.
33 122 313
• BSI (British Standard Institution UK) BS 4346-1 -
Characteristics of PVC-U fittings of piping systems for fluids Code
under pressure.
• BS 3505-3506 - Characteristics of PVC-U pipes for industrial Abbreviations
fluids and cold water. The following list of abbreviations is used in this catalogue:
• UNI ISO 228/1:1983 - PVC-U fittings with threaded ABS – Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
connections. ANSI – American National Standards Institute
BS – British Standards
• DIN 2999 - PVC-U fittings with threaded connections.
BSP – British Standard Pipe Thread
• BS 21 - PVC-U fittings with threaded connections. DIN – Deutsche Industrie Normen
• ISO R7:1984 - PVC-U fittings with threaded connections (German Industrial Standards)
sealing tight. EPDM – Ethylene Propylene Rubber
• ISO 161/1 - PVC-U pipes and fittings dimensions, metric series. FPM – Fluorine Rubber (eg. Viton®)
ISO – International Standards Organisation
• DIN 8062 - PVC-U pipes dimensions.
MEK – Methyl Ethyl Ketone
• ASTM D696 e DIN 53752 - Coefficient of linear thermal PN – Nominal Pressure
expansion, test and method. PTFE – Polytetrafluoroethylene (eg. Teflon®)
• DVS 2204-1 - Solvent welding of thermoplastic materials PVC-U. PVC-C – Corzan, Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
• UNI 11242 Solvent welding of PVC-U pipes, fittings and valves. PVC-U – Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride
® Dupont registered trade name.
Specific gravity 1.41
Softening point (ISO 306: 1994 method B120) 77°C
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion 0.6mm/m/10°C
Heat distortion point 74°C
ASTM D648 – 4.5 MN/m
Thermal Conductivity 0.147 W/m °C
Specific heat 0.84-2.1 J/g
Dielectric constant 3.0 at 106Hz
Volume resistivity 1016 ohm/cm
Product Specification
True union design, end load resistant with full pressure and shock
DURAPIPE PVC-U PIPES resistant anti blow out device which conforms to design and endurance
In accordance with the dimensional and testing requirements of testing requirements of DIN 3441 Part 1, and DIN 3230 Part 3 Leak
BS EN 1452, Third Party Approved with British Standard Kitemark Rate One (Water and Air).
Licence. Drop Tight and Bubble Tight testing have been satisfactorily completed.
DURAPIPE PVC-U FITTINGS In addition, the following testing has been successfully conducted:
In accordance with the dimensional and testing requirements of Hydrostatic Shell Test 1.5 x Maximum Working Pressure.
BS 4346 Part 1, Third Party Approved with British Standard Kitemark Seat Test 1.1 x Maximum Working Pressure.
PN16 at 20°C
The PVC-U products are designed to ensure complete integrity, quality SEATS AND SEALS
and compatibility between pipes, fittings and valves. Manufacturers Seats: PTFE material fitted with O-Ring compensators.
warranties may be compromised if a system is installed with materials Seals: Standard size O-Ring type for ease of replacement,
from various manufacturers. Where this is not possible then any in EPDM or FPM material.
alternative products should be confirmed as being at least equivalent to END CONNECTIONS
that which is normally supplied. Plain socket ends, or BSP threaded.
Pipes, fittings and valves shall be manufactured in an environment, Options: Electric or pneumatic.
which operates a Quality Assurance System assessed to ISO 9001. DURAPIPE PVC-U TKD 3-WAY BALL VALVES
ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM True union design. Options of ‘L’ or ‘T’ port configuration.
The manufacturer of pipes, fittings and valves shall be able to The following testing will have been successfully completed:
demonstrate compliance with applicable environmental legislation and Drop Tight and Bubble Tight Test.
products shall be manufactured in an environment where documented Hydrostatic Shell Test 1.5 x maximum recommended pressure.
performance reviews are undertaken and an Environmental Management Seat Test 1.1 x maximum working pressure.
System is successfully assessed to ISO 14001. PRESSURE RATING
to 2" – PN16 at 20°C.
Within private property boundaries all PVC-U pipes, fittings and solvent SEATS AND SEALS
cement shall be listed in the Water Fittings and Materials Directory to Seats: PTFE material fitted with O-Ring compensators.
show compliance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Water Seals: Standard size O-Ring type for ease of replacement,
Regulations Advisory Service. in EPDM or FPM material.
In any situation which could result in the PVC-U pipes, fittings and END CONNECTIONS
solvent cement coming into contact with water which is intended for Plain socket ends or BSP threaded.
human consumption these shall be in accordance with the requirements DURAPIPE PVC-U DIAPHRAGM VALVES
of BS 6920 Part 1. Will be equipped with a maintenance free hand wheel actuator with
Copies of certification of compliance with these approvals are available spindle extension to indicate the position of the valve open or closed.
for inspection. The body retaining bolts will be fixed from the underside, to provide a
Approved for use within public water supplies and by the Secretary crevice free outer surface to prevent accumulation of debris or risk of
of State. Durapipe UK PVC-U pipe is listed in the ‘List of Approved corrosion of exposed steel bolts from chemical spillage.
Products’ published by the DWI. Valves will have been hydrostatically pressure tested to the requirements
BS 4346 Part 1, BS 5156, ISO 7508 and DIN 3230 Part 3 Leak
Rate One.
The manufacturer shall have the following Third Party Approvals:
KM06218 for solvent cement to BS 4346 Part 3
Choice of EPDM, FPM or PTFE will be available.
0112065 for Imperial fittings
0610503 for Durapipe solvent cement (5560) END CONNECTION
Socket union ended 1/2" to 2". Spigot ended 21/2" to 4".
DWI 56.4.937 Durapipe grey ACTUATION
PVC-U pipe NGS Options – Pneumatic
Technical Information
should be confirmed as being at least equivalent to that which is FPM material.
normally supplied. END CONNECTIONS
QUALITY SYSTEM Plain socket ends, BSP threaded or flanged.
Pipes, fittings and valves shall be manufactured in an environment ACTUATION
which operates a Quality Assurance System assessed to ISO 9001. Options: Electric or Pneumatic.
The manufacturer of pipes, fittings, and valves shall be able to True union design. Options of ‘L’ or ‘T’ port configuration.
demonstrate compliance with applicable environmental legislation The following testing will have been successfully completed:
and products shall be manufactured in an environment where Drop Tight and Bubble Tight Test.
documented performance reviews are undertaken and an Environmental Hydrostatic Shell Test 1.5 x maximum recommended pressure.
Management System is successfully assessed to ISO 14001. Seat Test 1.1 x maximum working pressure.
Within private property boundaries all PVC-U pipes, fittings and solvent 16mm to 63mm – PN16 at 20°C.
cement shall be listed in the Water Fittings and Materials Directory to SEATS AND SEALS
show compliance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Water Seats: PTFE material fitted with O-Ring compensators.
Regulations Advisory Service. Seals: Standard size O-Ring type in EPDM or FPM material.
In any situation which could result in the PVC-U pipes, fittings and END CONNECTIONS
solvent cement coming into contact with water which is intended for Plain socket ends or BSP threaded.
human consumption these shall be in accordance with the requirements
Copies of certification of compliance with these approvals are available These are equipped with a maintenance free hand wheel actuator with
for inspection. spindle extension to indicate the position of the valve open or closed.
The body retaining bolts are fixed from the underside to provide a
Approved for use within public water supplies and by the Secretary
crevice free outer surface to prevent accumulation of debris or risk of
of State. Durapipe UK PVC-U pipe is listed in the ‘List of Approved
corrosion of exposed steel bolts from chemical spillage.
Products’ published by the DWI.
Valves have been hydrostatically pressure tested to the requirements of
THIRD PARTY APPROVALS DIN 8063, ISO 5208, ISO 7508 and DIN 3230 Part 3 Leak Rate One.
The manufacturer shall have the following Third Party Approvals: PRESSURE RATING
0402050 for Metric size pipe and fittings DIAPHRAGM TYPE
0610503 for Durapipe solvent cement (5560) Choice of EPDM, FPM or PTFE will be available.
DWI 56.4.937 Durapipe grey Socket union ended 20mm to 63mm. Spigot ended 75mm to 110mm.
PVC-U pipe NGS
DESIGN LIFE Options: Pneumatic
Durapipe pipes and fittings are designed to operate continuously
for 50 years at their maximum rated pressure at a working temperature DURAPIPE PVC-U BALL CHECK VALVES
of 20°C (valves have a design life of 25 years). These shall be double union with plain socket or BSP threaded end.
CHEMICAL SUITABILITY 20mm to 63mm – PN16 at 20°C.
The manufacturer shall publish detailed chemical resistance data to
enable the suitability of the PVC-U material, seals and gaskets to be SEALS
determined by designers and specifiers. Seals: Will be EPDM or FPM material.
The manufacturer shall also employ a qualified and experienced DURAPIPE BUTTERFLY VALVES
Chemist and provide a free-of-charge advisory service for assessing the Reinforced Polypropylene body, fully lined, with PVC disc.
suitability of its PVC-U material, seals and gaskets.
Full flanged design, with oval holes/inserts to suit various standard
The installation must be carried out by competent persons. Lever operated, with 10 x 10° position stops, and locking device
The contractor shall be required to provide technical documentation PRESSURE RATING
relating to the manufacturers recommended Installation procedures. 50mm to 63mm – PN16
The manufacturer shall publish Installation recommendations, and shall 75mm to 250mm – PN10 at 20°C
also provide a free-of-charge training service for designers and installers, 315mm – PN8 at 20 °C
with appropriate written confirmation of attendance. Temperature range PRIMARY LINER
+5ºC to +60ºC (see page 8 for more details). Available in EPDM or FPM
Electric, Pneumatic, or Gearbox (standard on sizes over 225mm).
Optima Pipe Pipe PVC-U Clear Pipe Sockets (plain) Reducing bushes (plain) Elbows 45° (plain)
page 30 page 31 (plain) page 32 page 32 page 32
page 31
Elbows 90° (plain) Tees 90° equal (plain) Bends 221⁄2° Bends 45° Bends 90° Bends 90°
page 33 page 33 long radius long radius (plain) long radius (plain) short radius (plain)
page 34 page 34 page 34 page 34
End caps (plain) Socket unions (plain) Imperial/Metric socket Sockets Elbows 90° Tee (plain/threaded)
page 35 page 35 adaptors (plain) (plain/threaded) (plain/threaded) page 36
page 35 page 36 page 36
Reducing bushes Male threaded adaptors Female threaded adaptors Barrel nipples Hose adaptors Hose adaptors
(plain/threaded) (plain/threaded) (plain/threaded) page 38 (male threaded - (male threaded -
page 37 page 37 page 37 short pattern) long pattern)
page 39 page 38
Hose adaptors Tank connectors Composite unions Composite unions Socket unions Sockets (threaded)
(female threaded) (plain/threaded) (plain/threaded male (plain/threaded female (plain/threaded) page 40
page 39 page 39 brass) brass) page 40
page 39 page 39
Reducing bushes Reducers Reducers (threaded) Elbows 45° (threaded) Elbows 90° (threaded) Tees 90° equal
(threaded) (threaded) page 41 page 41 page 41 (threaded)
page 40 page 40 page 42
End caps (threaded) Plugs (threaded) Hexagon nipples Back nuts (threaded) Socket unions (threaded) Flanges stub serrated
page 42 page 42 (threaded) page 43 page 43 page 43
page 42
Imperial Fittings
Flange assemblies VKD Double union ball valves (manual) TKD 3-way valves VXE Double union ball valves (manual)
page 49 page 50 page 50 page 51
SXE Easyfit ball SXA Easyfit air RV Y-Type Strainers VM Diaphragm valves FK Butterfly valves VKR Metering ball valve
check valves release valves page 52 page 52 page 52 page 53
page 51 page 51
Transparent service plugs Die cut labels One-step solvent cement Eco-cleaner HCR-36 Chemically Cleaner for use with
page 53 page 53 page 54 page 54 resistant PVC cement HCR-36 Chemically
page 54 resistant PVC cement
page 54
t mean
Class E 15 bar @ 20°C
Size d1 t SL kg/m Code
1⁄2 21.4 1.9 6 0.16 06 516 102
3⁄4 26.7 2.2 6 0.23 06 516 103
1 33.6 2.5 6 0.32 06 516 104
11⁄4 42.2 3.0 6 0.52 06 516 105
11⁄2 48.3 3.4 6 0.67 06 516 106
2 60.3 4.2 6 1.00 06 516 107
3 88.9 6.2 6 2.13 06 516 109
4 114.3 7.9 6 3.73 06 516 110
6 168.3 11.7 6 8.02 06 516 112
Imperial Fittings
1 33.6 2.5 6 0.32 06 513 104
11⁄4 42.2 3.0 6 0.52 06 513 105
11⁄2 48.3 3.4 6 0.67 06 513 106
2 60.3 4.2 6 1.00 06 513 107
3 88.9 6.2 6 2.13 06 513 109
4 114.3 7.9 6 3.73 06 513 110
6 168.3 11.7 6 8.02 06 513 112
Imperial Fittings
1 15 23 17 41 55 02 122 104
*11⁄4 12 26 22 50 90 02 122 105
11⁄2 15 31 27 61 257 02 122 106
2 15 38 34 76 495 02 122 107
*21⁄2 12 44 41 90 560 33 122 312
3 15 51 48 108 570 02 122 109
4 15 63 59 131 1260 02 122 110
5 15 76 77 174 4150 33 122 316
*6 12 90 90 195 4400 02 122 112
*8 12 116 116 257 10500 02 122 113
**10 9 159 150 306 18600 02 122 114
**12 9 176 175 361 27200 02 122 115
* Class D
** Class C
Imperial Fittings
4 9 159 86 61 5" 25 1300 02 205 110
EPDM seal as standard.
For FPM seal order by type 204.
Imperial Fittings
Female threaded adaptors Plain/female BSP threaded
Size PN L L1 Z H K gms Code
x 1⁄2 12 16 15 4 27 24 15 02 153 102
3⁄4 x 3⁄4 12 20 16 5 33 29 25 02 153 103
1x 1 12 23 19 5 41 35 45 02 153 104
11⁄4 x 11⁄4 12 27 21 4 50 43 65 02 153 105
11⁄2 x 11⁄2 12 30 21 8 61 50 100 02 153 106
2x 2 12 36 26 9 76 61 160 02 153 107
Hose adaptors Female BSP threaded – loose nut with EPDM gasket ADV
Size PN L H gms Code A B Sp.
R x P 1 x P2
*1⁄2 x 12 x 14 16 14 56 15 02 156 601 11 18 2
*3⁄4 x 16 x 18 16 12 60 24 02 156 603 17 24 2
*1 x 20 x 22 16 11 67 35 02 156 606 19 30 2
*11⁄4 x 25 x 27 16 14 81 55 02 156 609 24 39 2
*11⁄2 x 30 x 32 16 16 97 80 02 156 613 32 44 3
*2 x 40 x 42 16 18 104 140 02 156 616 42 55 3
*21⁄4 x 50 x 52 16 18 111 200 02 156 623 46 62 3
*21⁄2 x 60 x 64 16 19 123 290 02 156 312 50 61 2
*23⁄4 x 60 x 64 16 20 123 300 02 156 630 60 78 3
* Thread size designation.
Imperial Fittings
4 12 135 230 130 1345 02 235 110
Imperial Fittings
4 x3 16 79 33 39 - 118 B 500 02 173 141
Imperial Fittings
C dia T
3062 15.54 2.62
4081 20.22 3.53
4112 28.17 3.53
4131 32.93 3.53
6162 40.65 5.34
6187 47.00 5.34
6237 59.69 5.34
Galvanised Backing Rings are not required on FIP moulded full face fl anges.
Imperial Fittings
Size PN A B gms Code
1⁄2 15 95 13 120 02 131 102
3⁄4 15 105 13 145 02 131 103
1 15 116 13 160 02 131 104
11⁄2 15 150 13 250 02 131 106
2 15 165 13 300 02 131 107
3 15 197 20 690 02 131 109
4 15 214 19 950 02 131 110
6 15 286 26 2100 02 131 112
8 12 337 26 3020 02 131 113
*4" BS10 Table D has 4 holes and should be ordered as 13 415 110. The bore of the 10"
backing rings is machined to mate with the taper of the stub flanges.
Continued >>
d PN E d1 a Sp f U b gms Code
20 10 96 28 65 11 14 4 M12x70 60 33 180 306
25 10 107 34 75 12 14 4 M12x70 85 33 180 307
32 10 117 42 85 14 14 4 M12x70 120 33 180 308
40 10 143 51 100 15 18 4 M16x85 190 33 180 309
50 10 153 62 110 16 18 4 M16x85 225 33 180 310
63 10 168 78 125 18 18 4 M16x95 280 33 180 311
75 10 188 92 145 19 18 4 M16x95 390 33 180 312
90 10 203 109 160 20 18 8 M16x105 460 33 180 313
110 10 222 132 180 22 18 8 M16x105 515 33 180 314
125 10 230 149 190 24 18 8 M16x115 530 33 180 315
140 10 251 166 210 26 18 8 M16x120 715 33 180 316
200 10 340 235 295 30 22 8 M20x140 1210 33 180 317
225 10 340 252 295 30 22 8 M20x140 1090 33 180 318
280 10 396 309 350 35 22 12 M20x160 1880 33 180 320
Imperial Fittings
3⁄4 39 2 3 02 431 103
1 48 2 4 02 431 104
11⁄2 71 2 5 02 431 106
A 2 97 3 21 03 431 107
21⁄2 106 3 22 13 411 312
3 128 3 23 03 431 109
4 160 4 36 03 431 110
5 180 4 60 13 411 316
6 214 4 74 03 431 112
8 269 4 92 03 431 113
B 10 327 4 186 03 411 114
12 378 4 218 03 411 115
Flange assemblies
PVC Full Face Flange – PN16 Drilling
Size Description Code
1⁄2 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 1⁄2 02 359 102
3⁄4 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 3⁄4 02 359 103
1 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 1 02 359 104
11⁄4 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 11⁄4 02 359 105
11⁄2 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 11⁄2 02 359 106
2 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 2 02 359 107
3 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 3 02 359 109
4 PVC F/F FLG 16/3 KIT 4 02 359 110
Imperial Fittings
Size Description Code
2 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 2 02 364 107
21⁄2 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 75 33 364 312
3 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 3 02 364 109
4 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 4 02 364 110
5 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 140 33 364 316
6 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 6 02 364 112
8 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 8 02 364 113
Pre-packed flange assemblies are also available and consist of a PVC fl ange, galvanised
mild steel backing ring and gasket on one code. Ordering these products guaranties a
correct fit between the components.
Valves Premium
Premium Quality
Valve for
for Demanding
VKD Double union ball valves Manual – EPDM seals
with BS series plain female ends for solvent welding
d DN PN L Z H H1 E B B1 C C1 gms Code
1⁄2 15 16 16 70 103 65 54 54 29 67 40 205 H0 DKE 102
3⁄4 20 16 19 77 115 70 65 65 35 85 49 335 H0 DKE 103
1 25 16 22 83 128 78 73 70 39 85 49 433 H0 DKE 104
11⁄4 32 16 26 94 146 88 86 83 46 108 64 703 H0 DKE 105
11⁄2 40 16 30 106 164 91 98 89 52 108 64 925 H0 DKE 106
2 50 16 36 127 199 111 122 108 62 134 76 1577 H0 DKE 107
d DN PN Z L H H1 E B B1 C C1 gms Code
21⁄2 65 16 147 44 235 133 164 164 87 225 175 4380 H0 DKE 312
3 80 16 168 51 270 149 203 177 105 327 272 7200 H0 DKE 109
4 100 16 186 61 308 167 238 195 129 385 330 11141 H0 DKE 110
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 DKE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 DKF ***
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 DKF B**
Premium Quality
Valve for
for Demanding
TKD 3-way ball valves Plain EPDM
T-Port design
d DN PN H H1 Z C C1 B B1 L gms Code
1 ⁄2 15 16 118 80 85 67 40 54 29 17 310 HO TTE 102
3 ⁄4 20 16 145 100 107 85 49 65 35 19 535 HO TTE 103
1 25 16 160 110 115 85 49 69 39 22 725 HO TTE 104
11⁄4 32 16 189 131 137 108 64 83 46 26 1170 HO TTE 105
11⁄2 40 16 219 148 159 108 64 89 52 31 1600 HO TTE 106
2 50 16 267 179 194 134 76 108 62 37 2845 HO TTE 107
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 TTE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 TTF ***
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 TTF B**
Manual valves can be supplied with locking kits - further information is available from our
Valve Department.
L-Port design
d DN PN H H1 Z C C1 B B1 L gms Code
1⁄2 15 16 118 80 85 67 40 54 29 17 310 HO LTE 102
3⁄4 20 16 145 100 107 85 49 65 35 19 535 HO LTE 103
1 25 16 160 110 115 85 49 69 39 22 725 HO LTE 104
11⁄4 32 16 189 131 137 108 64 83 46 26 1170 HO LTE 105
11⁄2 40 16 219 148 159 108 64 89 52 31 1600 HO LTE 106
2 50 16 267 179 194 134 76 108 62 37 2845 HO LTE 107
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 LTE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 LTB ***
FDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 LTF B**
VKD and TKD ball valves can be supplied electrically or pneumatically actuated.
d DN PN L Z H E B C C1 gms Code
21/2 65 10 44 128 216 154 133 222 - 2600 H0 XEE 312
3 80 10 51 142 244 189 154 270 - 4330 H0 XEE 109
4 100 6 63 183 309 221 175 270 - 7450 H0 XEE 110
SXE Easyfit ball check valves Plain ends – EPDM seals (other options available)
d DN PN L Z H E gms Code
Imperial Fittings
1/2 15 16 16.5 49 82 54 148 H0 SXE 102
3/4 20 16 19 53 91 63 190 H0 SXE 103
1 25 16 22.5 58 103 72 300 H0 SXE 104
11/4 32 16 26 68 120 85 460 H0 SXE 105
11/2 40 16 30 79 139 100 675 H0 SXE 106
2 50 16 36 102 174 118 1080 H0 SXE 107
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 SXE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 SXF ***
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 SXF B**
SXA Easyfit air release valves Plain ends – EPDM seals (other options available)
d DN PN L Z H E gms Code
1⁄2 15 16 16.5 50 82 54 148 H0 SAE 102
3⁄4 20 16 19 53 91 63 190 H0 SAE 103
1 25 16 22.5 59 103 72 300 H0 SAE 104
11⁄4 32 16 26 68 120 85 460 H0 SAE 105
11⁄2 40 16 30 77 139 100 675 H0 SAE 106
2 50 16 36 98 174 118 1080 H0 SAE 107
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 SAE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 SAF ***
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 SAF B**
Note: this valve must be installed at a minimum distance of 10 x nominal diameter (eg. 20" for size 2") from pump flange.
d DN PN A B E L Z H K gms Code
Grey Trans. max (Grey)
1⁄2 15 15 15 125 72 55 16 103 135 - 211 H0 UVE 102
3⁄4 20 15 15 145 84 66 19 120 158 - 358 H0 UVE 103
1 25 15 15 165 95 75 22 132 176 - 526 H0 UVE 104
11⁄4 32 15 10 190 111 87 26 155 207 - 733 H0 UVE 105
11⁄2 40 15 10 210 120 100 31 181 243 - 1095 H0 UVE 106
2 50 15 10 240 139 120 38 222 298 - 1843 H0 UVE 107
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 UVE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 UVF ***
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 UVF B**
d DN PN B B1 H h H1 LA J E R1 gms Code
1⁄2 15 10 95 20 146 12 90 108 M6 41 1 830 H0 UME 102
3⁄4 20 10 95 20 152 12 90 108 M6 50 11⁄4 860 H0 UME 103
1 25 10 95 26 166 12 90 116 M6 122 11⁄2 895 H0 UME 104
11⁄4 32 10 126 36 192 16 115 134 M8 140 2 1650 H0 UME 105
11⁄2 40 10 126 40 222 16 115 154 M8 160 21⁄4 1730 H0 UME 106
2 50 10 148 49 266 16 140 184 M8 190 23⁄4 2800 H0 UME 107
21⁄2 65 10** 225 55 284 23 200 - M12 - - 7000 H0 VME 412
3 80 10** 225 55 300 23 200 - M12 - - 7000 H0 VME 209
4 100 10** 295 69 300 23 200 - M12 - - 10500 H0 VME 210
d DN PN B2 B3 C C1 gms U Code
11⁄2 40 16 60 137 175 100 900 4 H0 FKE 106
2 50 16 70 143 175 100 1080 4 H0 FKE 107
21⁄2 65 10 80 164 272 110 1470 4 H0 FKE 108
3 80 10 93 178 272 110 1870 8 H0 FKE 109
4 100 10 107 192 272 110 2220 8 H0 FKE 110
5 125 10 120 212 330 110 3100 8 H0 FKE 111
6 150 10 134 225 330 110 3850 8 H0 FKE 112
8 200 10 161 272 420 122 6750 8 H0 FKE 113
Die cut labels plus software White waterproof A4 sheets and freeware editing software to be used with inkjet
Imperial Fittings
printers for easyfit valve customisation.
For further information on any of these products, please do not hesitate to contact your local Area
Sales Manager or our Valves and Flow Control Department on 01543 272424.
Clips 11⁄4" and above are fitted with a pipe retaining strap.
Bolts/screws not supplied.
Backing plate shown dotted supplied with 3" and 4" only. Bolts/screws not
supplied. Bolt holes in 3" and 4" clips are not countersunk.
Imperial Fittings
Durapipe PVC-U solvent cement must be used for jointing of Durapipe PVC-U
pipework systems.
Pipe cutters
Description Code
16-63mm pipe cutter FT 80 00 01
50-125mm pipe cutter FT 80 00 03
16-63mm spare cutter wheel FT 80 00 02
50-125mm spare cutter wheel FT 80 00 04
Optima Pipe Pipe (plain) Sockets Reducing bushes Reducing sockets Elbows 45°
page 58 page 58 page 59 page 59 page 60 page 60
Elbows 90° Tees 45° (plain) Tees 90° (equal) Tees 90° (reducing) Cross Bends 90°
page 61 page 61 page 61 page 62 page 62 page 62
End caps (plain) Socket unions Imperial/metric Sockets Reducers Elbows 90°
page 62 page 63 socket adaptors page 64 page 64/65 page 65
page 63
Elbows 90° Tees 90° Tees 90° equal Male threaded adaptors Female threaded adaptors Hose adaptors
page 65 page 66 page 66 page 66 page 67 BSP male thread
page 67
Hose adaptors Hose adaptors Saddle clamps Tank connectors Male composite unions Female composite
BSP female thread spigot end page 68 page 68 page 69 unions
page 67 page 67 page 69
Flanges stub serrated Flanges full face Backing rings Gaskets flat Valve support plates Flange assemblies
page 69 page 70 page 70-71 page 72 page 72 page 73
VKD Double union ball valves (manual) TKD 3-way valves VXE Easyfit ball valves (manual) SXE Easyfit ball
page 74 page 74 page 75 check valves
page 75
SXA Easyfit air RV Y-Type strainers VM Diaphragm valves VKR Metering ball valve FK Butterfly valves
release valves page 76 page 76 page 76 page 77
page 75
Metric Fittings
One-step solvent cement Eco-cleaner HCR-36 Chemically Cleaner for use with Cobra pipe clips Chamfering and
page 78 page 78 resistant PVC cement HCR-36 Chemically page 78 de-burring tools
page 78 resistant PVC cement page 78
page 78
Pipe cutters
page 78
d1 t min kg/m length m Code
20 1.5 0.13 5 33 557 306
25 1.9 0.20 5 33 557 307
32 2.4 0.34 5 33 557 308
40 3.0 0.51 5 33 557 309
50 3.7 0.79 5 33 557 310
63 4.7 1.25 5 33 557 311
75 5.6 1.50 5 33 557 312
90 6.7 2.15 5 33 557 313
110 6.6 3.20 5 33 557 314
d1 t min kg/m length m Code
20 1.5 0.13 5 33 560 306
25 1.9 0.20 5 33 560 307
32 2.4 0.34 5 33 560 308
40 3.0 0.51 5 33 560 309
50 3.7 0.79 5 33 560 310
63 4.7 1.25 5 33 560 311
75 5.6 1.50 5 33 560 312
90 6.7 2.15 5 33 560 313
110 6.6 3.20 5 33 560 314
Metric Fittings
75 x 63 16 44 6 A 85 33 109 438
90 x 50 16 51 20 B 200 33 109 442
90 x 63 16 51 13 B 210 33 109 443
90 x 75 16 51 7 A 150 33 109 444
110 x 63 16 61 23 B 340 33 109 449
110 x 75 16 61 17 B 360 33 109 450
110 x 90 16 61 9 A 270 33 109 451
125 x 110 16 69 8 A 285 33 109 459
140 x 90 16 76 25 B 730 33 109 465
140 x 110 16 76 17 A 645 33 109 466
140 x 125 16 76 10 A 350 33 109 467
160 x 90 16 86 35 B 1040 33 109 473
160 x 110 16 86 24 B 945 33 109 474
160 x 140 16 86 10 A 565 33 109 476
200 x 160 16 110 21 B 109 33 109 487
225 x 160 16 119 33 B 1840 33 109 495
225 x 200 16 119 13 A 1380 33 109 496
250 x 160 10 132 45 B 4250 33 109 497
250 x 200 10 132 25 A 3820 33 109 498
250 x 225 10 132 12 A 2230 33 109 499
315 x 200 10 165 58 B 8650 33 109 501
315 x 225 10 165 45 B 8100 33 109 502
315 x 250 10 165 33 B 5080 33 109 503
Metric Fittings
Tees 90° Equal TIV
Size PN A B C Z1 gms Code
16 16 22 46 23 9 15 33 122 305
20 16 27 54 27 11 25 33 122 306
A B 25 16 33 66 33 14 40 33 122 307
Z1 32 16 40 80 40 18 65 33 122 308
40 16 50 96 48 22 114 33 122 309
50 16 61 116 58 27 185 33 122 310
63 16 76 144 72 34 380 33 122 311
Z1 75 16 91 169 85 41 605 33 122 312
90 16 109 199 100 49 985 33 122 313
110 16 133 244 122 61 1760 33 122 314
125 16 151 266 133 64 2430 33 122 315
140 16 174 306 153 77 4150 33 122 316
160 16 193 348 174 88 5250 33 122 317
200 16 228 414 207 101 6810 33 122 318
225 16 258 466 233 114 12680 33 122 319
250 10 286 518 259 128 13250 33 122 320
280 10 319 580 290 144 17840 33 122 321
315 10 360 652 326 162 25300 33 122 323
Cross XIV
Size PN E L Z1 gms Code
25 16 35 19 14 60 33 108 307
32 16 43 22 18 105 33 108 308
E 40 16 52 26 23 75 33 108 309
50 16 64 31 27 265 33 108 310
63 16 79 38 34 505 33 108 311
Z1 L
Metric Fittings
110 x 4 10 5 61 39 138 38 165 1240 33 202 314
Reducers Plain spigot/female BSP thread with metal reinforcing ring DIMV
FIG A dm x R PN H Lm Lf L1 E K Fig gms Code
20 x 3/8 16 37 16 14 11 28 24 A 11 33 170 101
20 x 1/2 16 40 16 14 15 34 29 A 17 33 170 333
25 x 1/2 16 43 19 16 15 40 35 A 26 33 170 102
25 x 3/4 16 46 19 16 16 52 44 A 49 33 170 335
32 x 3/4 16 50 22 19 16 59 54 A 66 33 170 103
32 x 1 16 52 22 19 19 70 64 A 129 33 170 337
40 x 1 16 58 26 22 19 70 64 A 129 33 170 104
40 x 11/4 16 63 26 22 21 - 95 B 300 33 170 339
FIG B 50 x 11/4 16 68 31 26 21 - 95 B 300 33 170 105
50 x 11/2 16 73 31 26 21 - 95 B 300 33 170 341
63 x 11/2 16 78 38 31 21 - 95 B 300 33 170 106
63 x 2 16 87 38 31 26 70 64 A 129 33 170 343
75 x 2 16 77 44 38 26 - 110 B 450 33 170 345
Elbows 90° Plain socket/female BSP thread with metal reinforcing ring GIMV Metric Fittings
Tees 90° equal Plain sockets/female BSP threaded with metal reinforcing ring TIMV
dxR PN L L1 Z Z1 E E1 gms Code
16 x 3⁄8 16 14 11 9 11 24 25 24 33 123 101
20 x 1⁄2 16 16 15 12 13 29 29 38 33 123 605
25 x 3⁄4 16 19 16 15 17 35 36 60 33 123 608
32 x 1 16 22 19 18 21 43 44 105 33 123 612
40 x 11⁄4 16 26 21 22 27 50 51 125 33 123 616
50 x 11⁄2 16 31 21 27 37 61 62 210 33 123 622
63 x 2 16 38 26 34 46 76 77 415 33 123 629
Hose adaptors BSP female thread – loose nut with EPDM gasket ADV
Size PN L H gms Code
*1⁄2 x 12 x 14 16 14 56 15 02 156 601
*3⁄4 x 16 x 18 16 12 60 24 02 156 603
*1 x 20 x 22 16 11 67 35 02 156 606
Metric Fittings
*11⁄4 x 25 x 27 16 14 81 55 02 156 609
*11⁄2 x 30 x 32 16 16 97 80 02 156 613
*2 x 40 x 42 16 18 104 140 02 156 616
*21⁄4 x 50 x 52 16 18 111 200 02 156 623
*21⁄2 x 60 x 64 16 19 123 290 02 156 312
*23⁄4 x 60 x 64 16 20 123 300 02 156 630
*Thread size designation.
Saddle clamps BSP female threaded branch with metal reinforcing ring UIFV
d (mm) PN d1 L E H Z Weight Code
x R (inch) gms
32 x 1⁄2 16 18 18 82 68 28 228 33 436 201
32 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 82 68 28 242 33 436 202
40 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 94 78 33 339 33 436 204
40 x 1 16 25 22 94 78 33 348 33 436 205
50 x 1⁄2 16 18 18 104 80 38 328 33 436 206
50 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 104 80 38 342 33 436 207
50 x 1 16 28 22 104 80 38 379 33 436 208
63 x 1⁄2 16 18 18 116 105 48 562 33 436 209
63 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 116 105 48 571 33 436 210
63 x 1 16 28 22 116 105 48 582 33 436 211
63 x 11⁄2 16 30 25 116 105 48 615 33 436 212
75 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 134 105 54 683 33 436 213
75 x 1 16 30 22 134 105 54 692 33 436 214
90 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 152 105 61 764 33 436 216
90 x 1 16 28 22 152 105 61 778 33 436 217
90 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 152 105 61 805 33 436 219
90 x 2 16 40 30 152 105 61 877 33 436 220
110 x 3⁄4 16 22 19 176 105 72 982 33 436 221
110 x 1 16 28 22 176 105 72 993 33 436 222
110 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 176 105 72 1017 33 436 224
110 x 2 16 40 30 176 105 72 1081 33 436 225
125 x 1 16 25 22 190 112 80 1260 33 436 226
125 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 190 112 80 1319 33 436 228
125 x 2 16 50 30 190 112 80 1412 33 436 229
140 x 1 16 25 22 214 114 87 1471 33 436 230
140 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 214 114 87 1526 33 436 232
140 x 2 16 50 30 214 114 87 1607 33 436 233
160 x 1 16 28 22 238 120 98 1453 33 436 234
160 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 238 120 98 1481 33 436 236
160 x 2 16 50 30 238 120 98 1523 33 436 237
200 x 2 16 52 30 300 133 118 2119 33 436 238
225 x 11⁄2 16 40 25 333 125 132 2610 33 436 239
Note: Saddle clamps are fitted with NBR gaskets so are only
suitable for water applications. For more information contact our 225 x 2 16 50 30 333 125 132 2650 33 436 240
technical support team. 225 x 3 16 74 36 333 125 132 2735 33 436 241
Metric Fittings
40 16 26 3 8 50 61 40 33 135 309
50 16 31 3 8 61 73 62 33 135 310
63 16 38 3 9 76 90 105 33 135 311
75 16 44 3 10 90 105 160 33 135 312
90 16 51 5 10 108 125 275 33 135 313
110 16 61 4 12 131 150 445 33 135 314
125 16 69 5 13 147 168 750 33 135 315
140 16 76 5 14 165 188 790 33 135 316
160 16 86 4.5 16 188 212 1140 33 135 317
200 16 106 5.5 18 230 254 1840 33 135 318
225 16 109 5.5 25 245 273 1750 33 135 319
250 16 131 8.5 20 270 306 2140 33 135 320
280 10 147 14.5 32 307 327 3650 33 135 321
315 10 165 16 32 346 377 4950 33 135 323
*Flat Faced
Continued >>
Drilled to ANSI Class 150
Size A B C P L No. Weight
Holes gms Code
1⁄2" - 20mm 90 8 28 61 16 4 350 13 448 306
3⁄4" - 25mm 100 8 34 70 16 4 390 13 448 307
1" - 32mm 110 9 42 79 16 4 470 13 448 308
11⁄4" - 40mm 118 8 51 90 16 4 590 13 448 309
11⁄2" - 50mm 129 8 62 99 16 4 650 13 448 310
2" - 63mm 154 10 78 121 19 4 1133 13 448 311
3" - 90mm 192 11 110 153 19 4 1570 13 448 313
4" - 110mm 230 11 133 190 19 8 2310 13 448 314
Metric Fittings
50 10 153 62 110 16 18 4 M16x85 225 33 180 310
63 10 168 78 125 18 18 4 M16x95 280 33 180 311
75 10 188 92 145 19 18 8 M16x95 390 33 180 312
90 10 203 109 160 20 18 8 M16x105 460 33 180 313
110 10 222 132 180 22 18 8 M16x105 515 33 180 314
125 10 230 149 190 24 18 8 M16x115 530 33 180 315
140 10 251 166 210 26 18 8 M16x120 715 33 180 316
160 10 290 189 240 29 22 8 M20x135 915 33 180 317
200 10 340 235 295 30 22 8 M20x140 1210 33 180 318
225 10 340 252 295 30 22 8 M20x140 1090 33 180 319
250 10 396 278 350 34 22 12 M20x150 1790 33 180 320
280 10 396 309 350 35 22 12 M20x160 1880 33 180 321
315 10 465 349 400 40 22 12 M20x180 3050 33 180 322
Flange assemblies
PVC Stub Flange – PN16 Drilling
Size Description Code
20 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 20 33 364 306
25 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 25 33 364 307
32 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 32 33 364 308
40 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 40 33 364 309
50 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 50 33 364 310
63 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 63 33 364 311
75 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 75 33 364 312
90 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 90 33 364 313
110 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 110 33 364 314
125 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 125 33 364 315
140 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 140 33 364 316
160 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 160 33 364 317
200 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 200 33 364 318
225 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 225 33 364 319
250 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 250 33 364 320
315 PVC S FLG 16/3 KIT 315 33 364 323
Metric Fittings
75 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 75 33 366 312
90 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 90 33 366 313
110 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 110 33 366 314
125 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 125 33 366 315
140 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 140 33 366 316
160 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 160 33 366 317
200 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 200 33 366 318
225 PVC S FLG ASA 150 KIT 225 33 366 319
Pre-packed flange assemblies are also available and consist of a PVC fl ange, galvanised
mild steel backing ring and gasket on one code. Ordering these products guaranties a
correct fit between the components.
Valves Premium
Premium Quality
Valve for
for Demanding
VKD Double union ball valves Manual – EPDM seals
d DN PN L Z H H1 E B B1 C C1 gms Code
16 10 16 14 75 103 65 54 54 29 67 40 195 H0 DKE 305
20 15 16 16 71 103 65 54 54 29 67 40 205 H0 DKE 306
25 20 16 19 77 115 70 65 65 35 85 49 315 H0 DKE 307
32 25 16 22 84 128 78 73 70 39 85 49 435 H0 DKE 308
40 32 16 26 94 146 88 86 83 46 108 64 655 H0 DKE 309
50 40 16 31 102 164 91 98 89 52 108 64 880 H0 DKE 310
63 50 16 38 123 199 111 122 108 62 134 76 1560 H0 DKE 311
d DN PN Z L H H1 E B B1 C C1 gms Code
75 65 16 147 44 235 133 164 164 87 225 175 4380 H0 DKE 312
90 80 16 168 51 270 149 203 177 105 327 272 7260 H0 DKE 313
110 100 16 182 61 308 167 238 195 129 385 330 11300 H0 DKE 314
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 DKF ***
Premium Quality
Valve for
for Demanding
TKD 3-way ball valves Plain EPDM T-Port
T-Port design
d DN PN H H1 Z C C1 B B1 L gms Code
20 15 16 144 80 86 67 40 54 35 16 305 HO TTE 306
25 20 16 145 100 107 85 49 65 35 19 535 HO TTE 307
32 25 16 160 110 116 85 49 70 39 22 725 HO TTE 308
40 32 16 189 131 137 108 64 83 46 26 1170 HO TTE 309
50 40 16 219 148 157 108 64 89 52 31 1600 HO TTE 310
63 50 16 267 179 191 134 76 108 62 38 2845 HO TTE 311
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 TTE B** Manual valves can be supplied with
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 TTF *** locking kits - further information is
FPM seals (threaded ends) order H0 TTF B** available from our Valve Department.
L-Port design
d DN PN H H1 Z C C1 B B1 L gms Code
20 15 16 144 80 86 67 40 54 35 16 305 HO LTE 306
25 20 16 145 100 107 85 49 65 35 19 535 HO LTE 307
32 25 16 160 110 116 85 49 66 39 22 725 HO LTE 308
40 32 16 189 131 137 108 64 83 46 26 1170 HO LTE 309
50 40 16 219 148 157 108 64 89 52 31 1600 HO LTE 310
63 50 16 267 179 191 134 76 108 62 38 2845 HO LTE 311
EPDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 LTE B**
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 LTB ***
FDM seals (threaded ends) order H0 LTF B**
VKD and TKD ball valves can be supplied electrically or pneumatically actuated.
d DN PN L Z H E B C C1 gms Code
16 10 16 14 54 82 54 49 64 20 180 H0 XEE 305
20 15 16 16 50 82 54 49 64 20 175 H0 XEE 306
25 20 16 19 53 91 63 62 78 23 260 H0 XEE 307
32 25 16 22 59 103 72 71 87 27 365 H0 XEE 308
40 32 16 26 68 120 85 82 102 30 565 H0 XEE 309
50 40 16 31 77 139 100 92 109 33 795 H0 XEE 310
63 50 16 38 98 174 118 110 133 39 1325 H0 XEE 311
d DN PN L Z H E B C C1 gms Code
75 65 16 44 123 211 157 142 214 115 2750 H0 XEE 312
90 80 16 51 146 248 174 151 239 125 3432 H0 XEE 313
110 100 16 63 161 283 212 174.5 270 145 5814 H0 XEE 314
Metric Fittings
d DN PN L Z H E gms EPDM Code
75 65 16 44 123 211 157 2605 H0 SXE 312
90 80 16 51 146 248 174 3300 H0 SXE 313
110 100 16 63 157 283 212 5570 H0 SXE 314
d DN PN L Z H E gms Code
20 15 16 16 50 82 54 133 H0 SAE 306
25 20 16 19 53 91 63 171 H0 SAE 307
32 25 16 22 59 103 72 270 H0 SAE 308
40 32 16 26 68 120 85 414 H0 SAE 309
50 40 16 31 77 139 100 608 H0 SAE 310
63 50 16 38 98 174 118 972 H0 SAE 311
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 SAF ***
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 UVF ***
d DN PN B B1 H h H1 I J L gms Code
20 15 10 95 26 147 12 90 25 M6 16 830 H0 UME 406
25 20 10 95 26 154 12 90 25 M6 19 860 H0 UME 407
32 25 10 95 26 168 12 90 25 M6 23 895 H0 UME 408
40 32 10 126 40 192 18 115 45 M8 27 1650 H0 UME 409
50 40 10 126 40 222 18 115 45 M8 32 1730 H0 UME 410
63 50 10 148 40 266 18 140 45 M8 39 2800 H0 UME 411
75* 65 10** 225 55 284 23 215 100 M12 44 7000 H0 VME 412
90* 80 10** 225 55 300 23 215 100 M12 51 7000 H0 VME 413
110* 100 10** 295 69 350 23 250 120 M12 - 10500 H0 VME 414
with metric series plain female ends for solvent welding
FPM diaphragm (plain ends) order H0 UMF ***
PTFE diaphragm (plain ends) order H0 UMG ***
FPM seals (plain ends) order H0 MBF ***
lever operated
d DN PN B2 B3 C C1 gms U Code
50 40 16 60 137 175 100 900 4 H0 FKE 106
63 50 16 70 143 175 100 1080 4 H0 FKE 107
75 65 10 80 164 272 110 1470 4 H0 FKE 108
90 80 10 93 178 272 110 1870 8 H0 FKE 109
110 100 10 107 192 272 110 2220 8 H0 FKE 110
140 125 10 120 212 330 110 3100 8 H0 FKE 111
160 150 10 134 225 330 110 3850 8 H0 FKE 112
225 200 10 161 272 420 122 6750 8 H0 FKE 113
FPM seals order H0 FKF ***
with gearbox
d DN PN B2 B5 B6 G G1 G2 G3 gms U Code
250 250 10 210 317 281 88 236 76 250 18600 12 H0 FKE 114
315 300 8 245 374 338 88 236 76 250 25600 12 H0 FKE 115
250 & 315mm FK Butterfly valves come with gearbox as standard.
Sizes 160mm to 225mm are available with gearbox operation on request.
Product is supplied with DIN 8063 PN10 drillings but ANSI drillings are available on request.
Metric Fittings
For insertion in handle for (VXE) Easyfit valve customisation
Die cut labels plus software White waterproof A4 sheets and freeware editing software to be used with inkjet
printers for easyfit valve customisation.
Durapipe PVC-U solvent cement must be used for Durapipe ECO cleaner must be used for jointing of
jointing of Durapipe PVC-U pipework systems. Durapipe PVC-U pipework systems.
*Clips 32mm and above are fitted with a pipe retaining strap. Bolts/screws not
supplied. When using 32mm clip on 1” pipe strap is not needed.
Durapipe PVC-U solvent cement must be used for jointing of Durapipe PVC-U
pipework systems.
Pipe cutters
Description Code
16-63mm pipe cutter FT 80 00 01
50-125mm pipe cutter FT 80 00 03
16-63mm spare cutter wheel FT 80 00 02
50-125mm spare cutter wheel FT 80 00 04
Guardian Dual
Contained Pipework
Technical Data
Durapipe Guardian is a completely new Dual Contained pipework system made
from PVC-U material.
Guardian is a unique system that incorporates a patented Centra-Lok™ system,
which provides a solid fixed fitting, offering a true point of difference from other
dual contained systems on the market.
Manufactured in PVC-U material, Durapipe Guardian is ideal for water
and waste treatment applications as it allows the safe transportation of
different fluids and some chemical concentrates without fear of corrosion and
environmental pollution.
Typical Applications
• Water and waste water treatment
• Chemical process
• Pharmaceutical
• Industrial process
• Food and beverage
• Marine
• Potable water
Guardian Introduction
Dual contained pipework for when leaks are not an option…
Durapipe Guardian – Your dual contained specialist
Creating a safe working environment, offering strong environmental control
is imperative in many industrial applications, particularly within the water
treatment, chemical processing and process application sectors. Pressures are
increasing for businesses to provide extra reliability not only to their workforce,
but also to the environment they are operating within, driving demand for extra
reliability provided with a dual contained pipework system.
Durapipe Guardian dual contained pipework system utilises state-of-the-art
technology, using pre-assembled components that guarantee reliability, ease of
installation and fewer joints than many other competitor systems on the market,
providing a perfect solution to applications when leaks are NOT an option!
What is Guardian?
• Dual contained pipework system
• Full range of pipe, fittings,
valves and terminations
• Easy to install
• Fully imperial sized system Leak Detection
As part of the Durapipe Guardian range,
Material Selection we can also offer a range of leak detection
Durapipe Guardian is manufactured from systems, both physical and optical.
PVC-U material which makes the system ideal See Page 93 for more information.
for conveying industrial fluids in demanding
Case Study
Factory Installation Chemical Transportation
4. Without delay assemble while cement is still wet, push the pipe
fully home into the fitting using sufficient force to ensure that
pipe bottoms in socket. Hold together for about thirty seconds
to make sure joint does not separate. With a rag, wipe off
excess cement. Avoid disturbing the joint.
Bevel Containment
All C-style termination fittings (for carrier pipe larger than 4") are
shipped completely assembled and ready for field installation.
Slide the termination fitting over the carrier pipe and into the end of
the containment pipe, recessing it approximately one inch from the
containment pipe end. As the bolts are tightened, the end plates
compress the elastomeric material creating a seal between the
carrier and containment pipe. Tighten all bolts following the torque
sequence (as below).
0.5 bar, at the source and an air relief device, set to 0.5 bar, at
the end of the system.
• Use a spray bottle containing soap and water solution to examine
for leaks in the containment pipework.
• If any leaks are discovered, the system must be depressurised
before components are cut out and replaced.
Field install
Carrier/ A B C D E Code
CAUTION: Do not use or test the products in this manual with compressed air or other gases.
1⁄2”#2” 61.2 38.1 21.3 60.5 08 144 102
3⁄4”#3” 100.8 47.8 26.7 88.9 08 144 103
1”#3” 100.8 47.8 33.5 88.9 08 144 104
OD 1 ID 1 11⁄2”#4” 119.1 57.2 48.3 114.3 08 144 106
2”#4” 119.1 57.2 60.2 114.3 08 144 107
3”#6” 158.8 76.2 88.9 168.4 08 144 109
Containment Pipe 1/2 FPT Tap
4”#8” 215.9 101.6 114.3 219.2 08 144 110
Carrier Pipe
CAUTION: Do not use or test the products in this manual with compressed air or other gases.
Description Code
Leak detection tee kit to fit 2” OD containment pipe 08 191 107
Leak detection tee kit to fit 3” OD containment pipe 08 191 109
Leak detection tee kit to fit 4” OD containment pipe 08 191 110
Leak detection tee kit to fit 6” OD containment pipe 08 191 112
Leak detection tee kit to fit 8” OD containment pipe 08 191 113
Description Code
Leak detection saddle kit to fit 2” OD containment pipe 08 192 107
Leak detection saddle kit to fit 3” OD containment pipe 08 192 109
Leak detection saddle kit to fit 4” OD containment pipe 08 192 110
Leak detection saddle kit to fit 6” OD containment pipe 08 192 112
Leak detection saddle kit to fit 8” OD containment pipe 08 192 113
Air-Line Xtra
• High performance thermoplastic pipework system for compressed air
• Solvent weld thermoplastic pipe system for aggressive substances
• Designed specifically for use in highly corrosive conditions at temperatures up to 95ºC
• Valves range available
• Purpose designed for safe fuel transfer
• Suitable for pressure and vacuum applications
• Resists fuel permeation
• Conveys chemicals at temperatures up to 100ºC
• Excellent resistance to a wide range of substances
• Available in larger diameters up to 500mm
• Full range of valves
• Versatile, multi-purpose solvent weld pipework system with an extensive range of valves and fittings
• The established system for process and industrial handling of chemicals and water up to 60ºC
• Guardian dual contained PVC-U pipework system
• Safe chemical drainage
• Two easy jointing methods - Mechanical or Enfusion
• Ideal for schools, universities and colleges, hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical and research organisations
1 Swaffield Park
Hyssop Close
WS11 7FU
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1543 471680