Dallas: Using The Serial Port
Dallas: Using The Serial Port
Dallas: Using The Serial Port
1. Demonstration kit
2. Serial port interface with or without a DS2480
3. Parallel port interface using a DS1481 bus-master
4. Standalone micro-controller
5. Custom pre-programmed part from Dallas
This source code enables a 1-wire bit stream and covers all
fundamental six states of the 1-wire data line:
1. Reset
2. Presence
3. Write_0
4. Write_1
5. Read_0
6. Read_1
Using the addressable switches to program 20, 30, or even 50 The DS2480 supports 1-wire communication through the
battery instrumentation IC’s is most simple because all PIO-B serial port - at any baud rate. Its design incorporates a
switches can be turned on at the same time. The verification “SEARCH Accelerator”,. This feature increases the speed to
process, however, requires that only one PIO-B switch is find all participating 1-wire devices on the bus from about 40
turned on at a time. This will prevent data collision when the to about 180 devices per second. Since all participating
battery instrumentation IC is talking back to the 1-wire bus devices are of the same family, a significant amount of this
master. First of all, before any devices can be programmed, address remains constant and helps finding the remaining
each DS2407 has to be polled for their unique address code addresses more quickly:
with the SEARCH_ROM command. Note, that at this time all On command, the DS2480 receives and retrieves 16 nibbles
DS243x devices are disconnected from the bus. The LSB first of actual ROM address and sixteen nibbles of a verifier called
protocol then executes three read time slots to retrieve one bit “discrepancy bit” - here: D-bit. These 16 bytes make up two
at a time , with the following syntax: sets of eight bytes, which then have the following structure: