JUNE 10-JULY 7, 2024: Study Articles For
JUNE 10-JULY 7, 2024: Study Articles For
JUNE 10-JULY 7, 2024: Study Articles For
“Press On to Maturity”
Make the Truth Your Own “Let us press on to maturity.”—HEB. 6:1.
FOCUS FEW events bring more joy to a married couple than the
Learn how a mature Chris- birth of a healthy baby. Yet, even though parents love
tian thinks and acts in har- their precious newborn, they do not want him to remain
mony with God’s will and an infant permanently. In fact, they would be seriously
makes wise decisions. concerned if he did not grow. Similarly, Jehovah is hap-
py when we take our first steps as followers of Jesus, but
He does not want us to remain spiritual toddlers. (1 Cor.
3:1) Instead, he asks us to “become full-grown” Chris-
tians.—1 Cor. 14:20.
2 What does it mean to become a full-grown Christian?
Immature Christians need to learn how to make
wise decisions by applying Bible principles
(See paragraph 6)
indicates that a Christian has grown to and apostates.1 (Read Ephesians 4:14,
maturity? 15.) He may be prone to being jealous,
4 A mature Christian is someone who creating strife, taking offense, or yield-
lives by all of God’s requirements, not ing to temptation.—1 Cor. 3:3.
picking and choosing the ones he wants 6 As mentioned earlier, the Scriptures
APRIL 2024 3
to make wise decisions. By contrast, inth accepted the good news, got bap-
when mature Christians have to make a tized, received holy spirit, and benefit-
decision, they reason on Bible principles ed from the personal instruction of the
to get Jehovah’s thinking on the matter apostle Paul. (Acts 18:8-11) Yet, some
and then follow through accordingly. years after their baptism, many were
7 Does this mean that a mature Chris- still immature. (1 Cor. 3:2) How can
tian never needs help from anyone? No. we avoid slowing down in our spiritual
Mature ones also need to ask for help at growth?
times. But someone who is immature 10 To reach maturity, we must first cul-
may expect others to tell him what to do tivate the desire to become mature.
or to make a decision that he himself Those who “love inexperience,” prefer-
should make. A mature Christian, on the ring to remain as spiritual infants, will
other hand, will draw on the wisdom and fail to make progress. (Prov. 1:22) We
the experience of others while recogniz- do not want to be like those who are
ing that Jehovah expects him to “carry fully grown physically but continue de-
his own load.”—Gal. 6:5. pending on their parents to make de-
8 Just as adults differ in physical ap- cisions for them. Instead, we want to
pearance, mature Christians differ in take responsibility for our own spiritual
spiritual qualities, such as wisdom, cour- growth. (Read Jude 20.) If you are still
age, generosity, and empathy. Further, working to reach maturity, pray that Je-
when two mature Christians face a simi- hovah will give you “both the desire and
lar situation, they might come to differ- the power to act.”—Phil. 2:13.
ent conclusions that are both Scriptur- 11 Jehovah does not expect us to grow
ally acceptable. That is especially true to maturity on our own. Those who
in matters of conscience. Recognizing serve as shepherds and teachers in the
this, they avoid judging each other over Christian congregation are prepared to
such differences. Instead, they focus on help us in becoming “full-grown” in a
remaining united.—Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. spiritual sense, “attaining the measure
1:10. of stature that belongs to the fullness
HOW DO WE GROW of the Christ.” (Read Ephesians 4:11-
TO CHRISTIAN MATURITY? 13.) Jehovah also provides his holy spir-
9We may grow to physical adulthood it to help us have “the mind of Christ.”
naturally over time, but no one grows to (1 Cor. 2:14-16) Further, God inspired
spiritual maturity automatically. For in- the writing of the four Gospels to show
stance, the brothers and sisters in Cor- us how Jesus thought, spoke, and acted
during his earthly ministry. By imitat-
7. Do mature Christians need the help of others? ing Jesus’ way of thinking and acting,
8. In what ways do mature ones differ from one
another? 10. What must we do to reach maturity? (Jude 20)
9. Do we grow to spiritual maturity automatically? 11. What help is provided for us to progress to ma-
Explain. turity? (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Solid spiritual food teaches us how to make
decisions that please Jehovah
(See paragraph 13)
you can reach your goal of Christian ma- 13 In contrast to the primary doctrine,
turity. solid spiritual food includes not only
Jehovah’s laws but also his principles,
SPIRITUAL FOOD which help us to understand his think-
ing. To benefit from such food, we must
12 In order to advance to maturity,
study, meditate on, and carefully apply
we must also move “beyond the pri-
God’s Word. As we do so, we train our-
mary doctrine about the Christ,” that selves to make decisions that please Je-
is, basic Christian teachings. Examples hovah.1—Read Hebrews 5:14.
of such basic teachings include repen- 14 Immature Christians often struggle
tance, faith, baptism, and the resurrec-
when faced with situations that call for
tion. (Heb. 6:1, 2) Such teachings form reasoning on Bible principles and apply-
the foundation of Christianity. For this ing them. If no Bible law exists, some
reason, the apostle Peter spoke of them might feel that they can do whatever
when preaching to the crowd at Pente- they want. Others might ask for a rule
cost. (Acts 2:32-35, 38) We must ac- when no rule is required. For instance,
cept these primary teachings to become Christians in Corinth apparently asked
disciples of Christ. For example, Paul Paul for a rule about whether they could
warned that any who deny the teach- eat food that had been offered to an
ing of the resurrection reject the entire
Christian faith. (1 Cor. 15:12-14) How- 1 See the feature “Study Project” in this issue.
ever, we must not be satisfied with just a 13. What must we do to benefit from the solid spir-
basic knowledge of the truth. itual food mentioned at Hebrews 5:14? (See also
12. What is “the primary doctrine about the 14. How did Paul help the Corinthians grow to ma-
Christ”? turity?
APRIL 2024 5
Jehovah provides help to
those who need to regain
spiritual strength
(See paragraph 18)
idol. Rather than tell them what to do, some 30 years earlier the Law had been
Paul acknowledged the role of the con- done away with on the basis of Christ’s
science and the fact that each person sacrifice. (Rom. 10:4; Titus 1:10) Surely
has a “right to choose.” He reasoned on it was not too much to ask Jewish Chris-
principles that would allow each individ- tians to adjust their thinking over a peri-
ual to be at peace with his conscience od of 30 years! Anyone who has read
while not stumbling others. (1 Cor. 8:4, Paul’s inspired letter to the Hebrews can
7-9) Paul was thus helping the Corinthi- confirm that this book contains solid
ans to grow up spiritually so that they spiritual food. It was just what those
could use their own powers of discern- Christians needed to strengthen their
ment instead of depending on someone faith in the superiority of the Chris-
else or simply looking for rules. tian arrangement for worship and to
15 We learn a valuable lesson from give them the courage to keep preaching
what Paul wrote to the Hebrew Chris- in spite of opposition from the Jews.
tians. Some had not continued to grow —Heb. 10:19-23.
spiritually; they had actually “gone back AVOID BEING OVERCONFIDENT
to needing milk, not solid [spiritual] 16 We must exert ourselves not only to
food.” (Heb. 5:12) They had failed to reach maturity but also to maintain it.
keep up with the truth, which was be- This requires that we avoid overconfi-
ing progressively revealed through the dence. (1 Cor. 10:12) We should “keep
congregation. (Prov. 4:18) For example, testing” ourselves to make sure that
many Jewish believers were still pro- we are continuing to make progress.
moting the Mosaic Law even though —2 Cor. 13:5.
15. How did Paul help Hebrew Christians make 16. In addition to progressing to maturity, what
spiritual progress? must we do?
17 In his letter to the Colossians, Paul forgiveness. Thankfully, the Hebrews
again highlights the need to remain ma- had not fallen away to that extent. (Heb.
ture. Even though they had become full- 6:4-9) What about those today who be-
grown Christians, Paul warned them come inactive or are disfellowshipped
against being ensnared by worldly think- but later repent? Their humble repen-
ing. (Col. 2:6-10) And Epaphras, who tance shows that they are different from
evidently knew those in the congrega- those whom Paul wrote about. However,
tion well, prayed constantly that they when they return to Jehovah, they need
might “finally stand complete,” or ma- the help that he provides. (Ezek. 34:15,
ture. (Col. 4:12) The point? Both Paul 16) The elders may arrange for an ex-
and Epaphras understood that main- perienced Witness to help them regain
taining maturity requires personal ef- their spiritual strength.
fort and God’s support. They wanted 19 If you are pressing on to Christian
the Colossians to remain mature, or full- maturity, you can reach your goal! Con-
grown, Christians despite any challenges tinue to take in solid spiritual food and
they were facing. align your thinking ever closer with that
18 Paul warned the Hebrews that a ma-
of Jehovah. And if you have already be-
ture Christian could permanently lose come mature, remain steadfast as a full-
God’s approval. A Christian’s heart grown Christian.
could become so hardened that he is no
longer able to repent and receive God’s 19. What goal should we have?
˛ What does it mean to be- ˛ How can we grow to ˛ Why should we avoid
come a mature Christian? Christian maturity? being overconfident?
Move Ahead!
Strengthen Your
Appreciation for
Jehovah’s Organization
SONG 124 “Remember those who are taking the lead among you,
Ever Loyal who have spoken the word of God to you.”—HEB. 13:7.
3 If we were not organized, we would zation. When we see that the guidance
not be able to accomplish the work Je- we receive is based on the Scriptures,
sus has assigned us to do. (Matt. 28: our confidence in Jehovah’s organiza-
19, 20) Suppose, for example, that there tion grows.—Rom. 12:2.
were no territory assignments; every- 7 Jesus preached “the good news of
one could preach wherever he wanted. the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 4:43, 44)
Some territories might be worked over Also, Jesus commanded his disciples to
and over by a number of different pub- preach about the Kingdom. (Luke 9:1, 2;
lishers, while other territories might be 10:8, 9) Today all who are associated
neglected entirely. Can you think of oth- with Jehovah’s organization preach the
er ways we benefit by being organized? Kingdom message no matter where they
4 What Jesus did on earth set the pat- live or how much responsibility they
tern for how he keeps us organized to- have.
day. In this article, we will consider the 8 We count it a privilege to share the
example Jesus set and how our organi- truth about God’s Kingdom with oth-
zation follows that example. We will also ers! That privilege is not open to just
discuss how we can show that we appre- anyone. For instance, when Jesus was
ciate Jehovah’s organization. on earth, he did not allow the wicked
OUR ORGANIZATION FOLLOWS spirits to witness about him. (Luke 4:
JESUS’ EXAMPLE 41) Today, before a person shares in the
5 Jesus learned from his heavenly Fa- ministry with Jehovah’s people, he must
ther what to do and what to say. Fol- qualify for the privilege. We show how
lowing the example of Jesus, Jehovah’s much we appreciate the honor to preach
organization bases its moral teachings by giving a witness wherever and when-
and its direction on God’s Word. (Read ever we can. Like Jesus, our goal is to
John 8:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) We regular- plant and water seeds of Kingdom truth
ly receive reminders to read and apply in the hearts of people.—Matt. 13:3, 23;
God’s Word. How do we benefit from 1 Cor. 3:6.
9 Jesus made God’s name known. In
following this counsel?
6 We benefit greatly when we study prayer to his heavenly Father, Jesus said:
the Bible with the help of our Chris- “I have made your name known.” (John
tian publications. For instance, we are 17:26) In line with Jesus’ example, Jeho-
able to compare Bible teachings with the vah’s organization does everything possi-
direction we receive from the organi- ble to help others come to know God’s
name. The New World Translation of the
3-4. (a) Illustrate how we benefit by being orga-
nized. (b) What will we consider in this article? 7. What message did Jesus preach, and how does
5. What is one way that we follow Jesus’ example? Jehovah’s organization follow his example?
(John 8:28) 8. What honor have we been given?
6. What is one important way in which we benefit 9. How does the organization make known God’s
from studying the Bible? name?
APRIL 2024 9
Holy Scriptures has played a significant direction help those under their care to
role in this by restoring God’s name to feel secure and loved.
its rightful place. This Bible translation 12 When we receive direction from the
Elders help us to appreciate the direction provided by Jehovah’s organization
(See paragraph 11)
14 Recognize the source of attacks. Sa- ers accused him of blasphemy and in-
tan the Devil is behind false stories. cited the crowds to call for his death.
He is “the father of the lie.” (John 8: (Matt. 27:20) Later, as Christ’s follow-
44; Gen. 3:1-5) So we should expect ers preached the good news, those who
that Satan will use his supporters to pro- opposed them “stirred up and wrong-
mote false stories about Jehovah’s orga- ly influenced the people” to persecute
nization. This was evident in the first those Christians. (Acts 14:2, 19) Regard-
century. ing Acts 14:2, The Watchtower of De-
15 In the first century, Satan’s support- cember 1, 1998, explained: “Not content
ers told one lie after another about the with rejecting the message themselves,
perfect, miracle-working Son of God. Jewish opposers embarked on a smear
For example, the religious leaders told campaign, trying to prejudice the Gen-
people that Jesus’ power to expel de- tile population against Christians.”
16 Satan did not stop lying in the first
mons was given to him by “the rul-
er of the demons.” (Mark 3:22) When century. Today, he is still “misleading
Jesus was on trial, the religious lead- the entire inhabited earth.” (Rev.
12:9) If you hear negative stories re-
14. Who is the source of false stories about the or- garding the organization or the brothers
15. What did religious leaders do to Jesus and his 16. What should we remember if we hear false sto-
followers? ries?
APRIL 2024 11
How to React
to False Stories
False stories can come from well-meaning
friends who unwisely pass along reports
that are not verified. They can also come
from unsolicited emails. Or they can come
from apostates whom we might meet in
the ministry but who may try to hide their
true intentions.
1. Stories that come from well-meaning
Ask your friend how he verified that the
story came from a reliable source. If he has
not verified it, reject the message and do
not pass it on.—Prov. 14:15.
2. Unsolicited emails containing
spectacular stories about Jehovah’s
Sometimes these emails may appear to
come from a friend’s email address. Check
with your friend to make sure that he sent
it and that he has verified the source. If he
did not send it or has not verified it, delete it.
—Prov. 27:12.
3. Apostates who disguise their identity
by pretending to be interested in our
If their comments become increasingly de-
rogatory about the organization or if they
try to give you information from apostate
sources, respectfully end the conversation.
—2 John 10.
who are taking the lead, remember how some words” of truth.—Read 2 Timothy
God’s enemies treated Jesus and the 1:13.
first-century disciples. Today, Jehovah’s 18 We have considered just three of
people are being persecuted and ma- the many ways that God’s organization
ligned exactly as the Bible foretold. imitates Jesus. As you study the Bi-
(Matt. 5:11, 12) False stories will not ble, take note of additional ways that
mislead us if we recognize their source the organization follows Jesus’ exam-
and take immediate action. What action ple. Help others in your congregation
should we take? to build their appreciation for the orga-
17 Reject false stories. The apostle Paul nization. And continue to demonstrate
gave clear instructions on what to do if your appreciation by serving Jehovah
we are exposed to false stories. He told loyally and sticking closely to the orga-
Timothy to “command certain ones not nization that he is using to accomplish
to . . . pay attention to false stories” his will. (Ps. 37:28) May we continue
and to “reject irreverent false stories.” to treasure the privilege we have of be-
(1 Tim. 1:3, 4; 4:7) Although a toddler ing associated with Jehovah’s loving and
might innocently pick up an object from loyal people.
the floor and put it in his mouth, a ma-
18. How can we show that we appreciate Jeho-
ture person who understands the danger vah’s organization?
would never do that. We reject false sto-
ries because we recognize the source of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
the information. We hold to the “whole- PICTURE DESCRIPTION Page 11: After the elders
discuss arrangements for public witnessing,
17. How can we avoid being harmed by false sto- a group overseer passes on the direction to the
ries? (2 Timothy 1:13) (See also the box “How to publishers to stand with their back next to
React to False Stories.”) the wall.
SONG 103
Shepherds—Gifts in Men
Do you enjoy the
preaching work?
(See paragraph 1)
fidence? He drew strength from God’s we should avoid rushing through our
word. He said: “It became like a burn- reading, study, and meditation. Take
ing fire shut up in my bones, and I was your time. If you come across a scrip-
tired of holding it in.” (Jer. 20:8, 9) Al- ture that you have trouble understand-
though Jeremiah had a difficult territo- ing, do not skip over it. Instead, use the
ry, the message he was assigned to pro- Watch Tower Publications Index or the Re-
claim gave him the strength he needed search Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses to
to do the work. find an explanation about the verse. If
4 Christians draw strength from the you take your time when studying, you
message in God’s Word. When writing will strengthen your confidence in the
to the congregation in Colossae, the truthfulness of God’s Word. (1 Thess. 5:
apostle Paul said that taking in accurate 21) The more convinced you are, the
more you will enjoy sharing what you
3. What helped the prophet Jeremiah to preach to have learned with others.
4. What happens when we read God’s Word and 5. How can we get the most out of our Bible read-
meditate on it? (Colossians 1:9, 10) ing and study?
APRIL 2024 15
PREPARE WELL in the preaching work when he said:
FOR THE MINISTRY “We have this treasure in earthen ves-
6 If you prepare well for the minis- sels.” (2 Cor. 4:7) What is this trea-
try, you are likely to feel more comfort- sure? It is the lifesaving work of preach-
able when speaking with others. Jesus ing the Kingdom message. (2 Cor. 4:1)
helped his disciples to prepare before What are the earthen vessels? They
he sent them out into the ministry. represent God’s servants, who take the
(Luke 10:1-11) Because they put into good news to others. In Paul’s day, mer-
practice what Jesus had taught them, chants used clay jars to transport valu-
the disciples felt a deep sense of joy able goods, such as food, wine, and
in what they were able to accomplish. money. Similarly, Jehovah entrusts us
—Luke 10:17. with the valuable message of the good
7 How might we prepare for the minis- news. With Jehovah’s backing, we can
try? We need to give thought to how we have the strength needed to deliver our
can express the truth effectively in our message faithfully.
own words. It is also helpful to antic-
ipate two or three common reactions
from those in the territory and have in
9 At times, we may experience fear
mind how we will respond in each case. of man or fear of rejection. How can
Then when we approach people, we can we overcome that challenge? Consider
try to relax, smile, and be friendly. the prayer of the apostles when they
8 The apostle Paul illustrated our role were ordered not to preach. Rather
than give in to fear, they asked Jehovah
6. Why should we prepare well for the ministry? to help them “to keep speaking [his]
7. How might we prepare for the ministry? (See word with all boldness.” Jehovah im-
also picture.)
8. In what way are Christians like the earthen ves- 9. How can we overcome fear of man or fear of re-
sels mentioned in the apostle Paul’s illustration? jection? (See also picture.)
Pray for courage
(See paragraph 9)
APRIL 2024 17
Adjust your routine
(See paragraph 11)
For example, using the tract How Do You When the child is found, everyone
View the Bible? they say: “Some people —not just the individual who found
view the Bible as a book from God, oth- him—has reason to rejoice. Similarly,
ers not so much. What is your opinion?” the disciple-making work is a team ef-
This often leads to a conversation. fort. All are needed to cover the territo-
13 Our success in the ministry does ry, and all rejoice when a new one starts
not depend on the results we obtain. attending meetings.
Why? Because we have done what Je- FOCUS ON YOUR LOVE FOR JEHOVAH
hovah and his Son want us to do—we AND FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR
have given a witness. (Acts 10:42) Even 15 We can increase our enthusiasm for
when we do not find anyone to speak the preaching work by focusing on our
with or when our message is rejected, we love for Jehovah and for our neighbor.
can have joy because we know that we (Read Matthew 22:37-39.) Just imag-
are pleasing our heavenly Father.—Read ine how happy Jehovah is when he sees
Proverbs 27:11. us do the work and how happy people
14 We can also rejoice when anoth-
will be when they start studying the Bi-
er publisher finds an interested person ble! Think, too, about the salvation that
in the territory. The Watchtower has lik- awaits those who respond to our mes-
ened our work to searching for a lost sage.—John 6:40; 1 Tim. 4:16.
child. Many are involved in looking for 16 Are you confined to your home for
him, covering one area after another. some reason? If so, focus on what you
13. Why can we view the ministry as a success 15. How can applying Matthew 22:37-39 help us
even when people do not respond? (Proverbs increase our enthusiasm for the ministry? (See
27:11) also cover picture.)
14. Why can we rejoice when another publisher 16. How can we find joy in our ministry when we
finds an interested person in the territory? are confined to our home? Give examples.
can do to show love for Jehovah and for cal firm.” Samuel and Dania’s circum-
your neighbor. During the COVID-19 stances limited their activity, but they
pandemic, Samuel and Dania were con- did what they could and found joy in do-
fined to their home. Throughout that ing so.
difficult time, they regularly did tele- 17 The suggestions provided in this ar-
phone witnessing, wrote letters, and ticle work best when they are used to-
conducted Bible studies over Zoom. gether. Each suggestion is like an in-
Samuel witnessed to those he met at gredient used in a recipe. When all the
the clinic where he was receiving treat- ingredients in the recipe are combined,
ments for cancer. He states: “Hardships you will have tasty results. By apply-
wear us down mentally, physically, and ing all the suggestions, we will be better
spiritually. We need to find joy in our equipped to deal with negative feelings
service to Jehovah.” In the midst of and find more joy in the ministry.
this, Dania fell and was confined to bed
17. How can you get the most benefit from the
for three months. Then she needed a suggestions in this article?
wheelchair for six months. She says: “I
tried to do all that my circumstances al-
lowed. I was able to preach to a nurse
who visited, and I spoke to those who
delivered things to the house. I also
PICTURE DESCRIPTION Cover: Focusing on our
had good conversations on the tele- love for Jehovah and for neighbor will increase
phone with a representative of a medi- our joy in the ministry.
˛ Taking time to prepare well ˛ Praying for courage ˛ Focusing on your love
for Jehovah and for your
“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”
homeland. Jehovah blessed his people elation 22:17.) In sharp contrast, those
and helped them to make the devastated who are outside the spiritual paradise
city of Jerusalem beautiful again and to “go hungry . . . , go thirsty . . . , [and] suf-
restore its temple as the center of true fer shame.” Their spiritual needs are not
worship in Israel.—Isa. 51:11; Zech. 8:3. being satisfied.—Amos 8:11.
4 A second fulfillment of Isaiah’s 6 In his prophecy, Joel used such sta-
prophecy began in 1919 C.E. when Je- ples of life as grain, wine, and olive oil
hovah’s modern-day worshippers were to show that Jehovah generously sup-
set free from captivity to Babylon the plies His people with what they need,
Great. Then the spiritual paradise start- including spiritual food. (Joel 2:21-24)
ed to take shape throughout the earth. He does so through the Bible and our
Zealous Kingdom proclaimers formed Bible-based publications, our website,
many congregations and produced spir- as well as our meetings, assemblies, and
itual fruitage. Men and women who once conventions. We can partake of spiritual
exhibited violent, animalistic tendencies provisions every day, and as a result, we
“put on the new personality that was feel healthier and more refreshed.
created according to God’s will.” (Eph. 7 Happy and content. God’s people can
4:24) Of course, many of the blessings “shout joyfully” because their heart
that Isaiah described will be fulfilled lit- overflows with appreciation. (Read Isa-
erally in the future new world. But even iah 65:14.) The upbuilding truths and
now there are rich benefits that we are comforting promises in God’s Word and
enjoying. Let us see how this spiritual our solid hope based on Christ’s ransom
paradise affects us and why we should sacrifice give us a “good condition of the
never leave it. heart.” Talking about these things with
our spiritual brothers and sisters makes
us truly happy!—Ps. 34:8; 133:1-3.
8 The love and the unity among Je-
5 Healthy and refreshed. Isaiah’s
hovah’s people are two major charac-
prophecy draws a vivid contrast be-
teristics of the spiritual paradise. This
tween what life is like for those inside
“bond of union” gives us an idea of what
the spiritual paradise and what life is like
life will be like in the new world, where
for those outside. (Read Isaiah 65:13.)
Jehovah’s servants will enjoy even great-
Jehovah abundantly satisfies the spiri- er love and unity than they do to-
tual needs of his worshippers. We have day. (Col. 3:14) A Christian sister re-
his holy spirit, his written Word, and am- lates what she noticed about Jehovah’s
ple spiritual food so that we can “eat, . . .
drink, . . . [and] rejoice.” (Compare Rev- 6. How does Joel 2:21-24 describe our spiritual
provisions, and how can they benefit us?
4. What is the modern-day fulfillment of Isaiah 7. What gives us a “good condition of the heart”?
chapter 65? (Isaiah 65:14)
5. As promised at Isaiah 65:13, what do we enjoy 8. What are two major characteristics of the spiri-
within the spiritual paradise? tual paradise?
APRIL 2024 21
It is a blessing to enjoy the
spiritual paradise as part of
God’s family
(See paragraph 10)
people when she first met them: “I did where we can relax and put behind us
not know how to be happy, not even in the stresses of this wicked world. We
my family. The first time I saw love in ac- contribute to the calmness of our spiri-
tion was among Jehovah’s Witnesses.” tual environment when we manifest the
Anyone who wants to be truly happy and love, joy, peace, kindness, and mildness
content needs to experience our spiritu- that are included in the fruitage of God’s
al paradise. No matter what this world spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) What a blessing it
thinks of Jehovah’s servants, they have is for us to be associated with God’s
an honorable name, or reputation, with organization! Those who remain in the
his universal family.—Isa. 65:15. spiritual paradise will see the complete
9 Relaxed and calm. Isaiah 65:14 says
fulfillment of God’s promise of “new
that those who choose to remain outside heavens and a new earth.”
the spiritual paradise “cry out because 11 Grateful and excited. Isaiah goes on
of the pain of heart [and] wail because to reveal why we have every reason to
of a broken spirit.” But what about all “exult and be joyful” in the spiritual par-
the things that have caused God’s peo- adise. This environment is a creation of
ple pain and distress? Eventually, those
Jehovah. (Read Isaiah 65:18, 19.) No
things “will be forgotten [and] con-
wonder he is using us to direct people
cealed from [God’s] eyes.” (Read Isaiah
away from the spiritually parched orga-
65:16, 17.) Jehovah will make our trou-
nizations of this old world and into our
bles go away, and in time the pain of
beautiful spiritual environment! We are
such memories will vanish completely.
10 Even now, it is soothing to our
excited about the blessings we enjoy be-
cause of being in the truth, and we are
nerves to be at our Christian meetings,
moved to tell others about them.—Jer.
9. What does Isaiah 65:16, 17 promise about life’s 31:12.
10. Why do you feel that it is a blessing to asso- 11. According to Isaiah 65:18, 19, how should the
ciate with Christian brothers and sisters? (See also spiritual paradise that Jehovah has created af-
picture.) fect us?
12 We are also grateful for and excited volved in immoral and violent behav-
about the hope we have as residents of ior. He had been jailed for car theft,
the spiritual paradise. Just think of all burglary, and other serious crimes. He
that we will see and do in God’s new was ready to fight with anyone. When
world! The Bible promises: “No more he first heard the truth from the Bi-
will there be an infant . . . who lives but ble and began attending meetings of
a few days, nor an old man who fails to Jehovah’s Witnesses, he was convinced
live out his days.” We will “build houses that he had found something to live for
and live in them [and] plant vineyards —the spiritual paradise. After becoming
and eat their fruitage.” We will “not toil a baptized Witness, he often thought of
for nothing” because we will be “blessed how Isaiah 65:25 applied to him. He
by Jehovah.” He promises us a secure, had changed from being a lionlike, vio-
satisfying life with a real purpose. “Even lent person to being a lamblike, peace-
before they call out,” he will know each ful person.
one’s needs and “satisfy the desire of 15 Isaiah 65:13 begins with the dec-
every living thing.”—Isa. 65:20-24; Ps. laration: “This is what the Sovereign
145:16. Lord Jehovah says.” Verse 25 ends with
13 Peaceful and safe. With the help of the words “says Jehovah.” His words al-
God’s spirit, many who formerly had ways come true. (Isa. 55:10, 11) The
beastly personalities have made remark- spiritual paradise is already a reali-
able changes in their life. (Read Isaiah ty. Jehovah has created a brotherhood
65:25.) They have tamed their former that is truly unique. Among his people,
undesirable traits. (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4: we can find relative peace and enjoy a
22-24) Granted, God’s people are still safe oasis in a violent world. (Ps. 72:7)
imperfect, so we will continue to make For these reasons, we want to help as
mistakes. However, Jehovah has unit- many as possible to join us in our Chris-
ed “all sorts of people” in an unbreak- tian brotherhood. We can do this by fo-
able bond of love and peace. (Titus 2:11) cusing on making disciples.—Matt. 28:
This is a miracle that only the almighty 19, 20.
God could perform!
14 Can people really change their per-
sonality? Consider this experience. A 16 Each of us has an important role to
young man who had been in and out of play in making the spiritual paradise at-
prison by the age of 20 was deeply in- tractive to others. We can fulfill this role
12. How do the promises described at Isaiah if we imitate Jehovah. He does not drag
65:20-24 make you feel, and why? people into his organization against
13. How does Isaiah 65:25 describe the changes
that people make in their life when they begin serv- 15. Why do we want to invite others to join us in
ing Jehovah? the spiritual paradise, and how can we do so?
14. How has Isaiah 65:25 proved to be true in one 16. How are people drawn to the spiritual para-
brother’s case? dise?
APRIL 2024 23
their will. Instead, he gently “draws” They Left and
people to himself. (John 6:44; Jer. 31:3) Came Back
Good-hearted people who learn about
Jehovah’s loving qualities and appealing
˙ June, who stopped attending congregation
personality are irresistibly drawn to him. meetings and became inactive, finally re-
How can we, by our good qualities and turned to the spiritual paradise. She says:
fine conduct, attract people to the spiri- “What a wonderful feeling it was to be back
tual paradise? with Jehovah’s people! . . . More than ever,
17 One way we can attract others to I know that I cannot isolate myself or go it
the spiritual paradise is by treating our alone. I am thankful that there was still time
fellow worshippers with love and kind- for me to come back.”
ness. When new ones attend our con- ˙ Kimberly was disfellowshipped for nearly 40
gregation meetings, we want them to years. “I had no friends who served Jehovah
come to the same conclusion as did and no spiritual food,” she relates. “I felt de-
the unbelievers who likely attended pressed and lonely.” But Kimberly repented
the meetings in ancient Corinth. They and was reinstated in 2021. “Now I know
declared: “God is really among you.” that Jehovah hears and answers my
(1 Cor. 14:24, 25; Zech. 8:23) Thus, prayers,” she says. “And once again, I am
we must continue to heed the coun- surrounded by people I can trust.” By de-
pending on God’s spirit and by regularly
sel to “be peaceable with one another.”
feeding on God’s Word, she is feeling stron-
—1 Thess. 5:13.
ger mentally and spiritually.
18 We should always try to see our
Christian brothers and sisters as Jeho- ˙ John returned to the spiritual paradise after
being disfellowshipped for over 20 years. He
vah sees them. We do so by focusing
says, “I had blocked the truth out of my mind
on their positive qualities and not on
along with the benefits of being with God’s
their imperfections, which will eventu- people.” Now that he is reunited with his
ally disappear. We can resolve any dif- spiritual brothers and sisters and eating
ferences between us in a spirit of love again from Jehovah’s table, he says, “There
by always being “kind to one anoth- is no better life than one spent living among
er, tenderly compassionate, freely for- Jehovah’s family in the spiritual paradise!”
giving one another.” (Eph. 4:32) Then
the spiritual paradise will attract peo-
ple who want to be treated in a similar
1 Watch on jw.org the video Where Are They Now? Alena
Žitn íková: How My Dream Was Fulfilled, and see the
blessings one sister received from being in the spiritual
Those who remain in
the spiritual paradise
will also enjoy the future
physical paradise
(See paragraph 19)
SONG 144
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!
My Weaknesses
Have Magnified
God’s Strength
baptized at the age of 14, on August 8, in the congregation’s vast territory, we
1969. needed an automobile. But we did not have
Soon after I finished my secular school- the money to buy one.
ing, I started regular pioneering. Within a Unexpectedly, my older brother came to
few weeks, I moved to serve where the need visit us. He kindly offered us his car. The in-
was greater, in Pielavesi, near the center of surance had been paid. We only had to buy
Finland. fuel. After that, we had the vehicle we
In Pielavesi, I met the girl who would needed.
become my dear wife, Sirkka. I felt drawn to Jehovah showed us that he had taken
her modest personality and deep spirituali- on the responsibility to care for our materi-
ty. She did not seek prominence or materi- al needs. Our job was to put Kingdom inter-
al comforts. Both of us longed to serve Je- ests first.
hovah as fully as possible, regardless of any
privileges of service. We married on
March 23, 1974. Instead of going on a hon- While we were attending Pioneer Service
eymoon, we left to serve in Karttula, where School in 1978, Raimo Kuokkanen, one of
there was an even greater need for King- our instructors, encouraged us to apply
dom preachers. for Gilead School. So we started studying
English with the goal of qualifying to at-
JEHOVAH CARED FOR US tend. However, in 1980, before we could
From the start of our marriage, Jehovah apply, we were invited to serve at the
has shown us that he will care for our ma- branch office in Finland. At that time, Beth-
terial needs if we seek his Kingdom first. elites could not apply for Gilead. But we
(Matt. 6:33) For example, in Karttula, we did wanted to serve where Jehovah thought
not have a car. At first, we traveled by bicy-
Raimo Kuokkanen’s life story, “Determined to Serve Je-
cle. However, in winter the temperatures hovah,” was published in the April 1, 2006, issue of The
there would drop below freezing. To preach Watchtower.
APRIL 2024 27
best, not where we thought best. So we ac-
cepted the invitation. Nonetheless, we kept
studying English just in case we ever had
the opportunity to apply for Gilead.
A few years later, the Governing Body ex-
tended to Bethelites the opportunity to ap-
ply for Gilead. We filled out applications
immediately but not because we were un-
happy at Bethel. Quite the contrary! We just
wanted to make ourselves available to
serve where there was a greater need if we
qualified. We were accepted to Gilead and
graduated from the 79th class in Septem-
Our Pioneer Service School
ber 1985. Our assignment was Colombia.
class in 1978
In Colombia, we were first assigned to guerrilla warfare, these areas were not safe
the branch office. I tried to do my best in for nonlocals. So I prayed that someone
my assignment, but after a year at the in one of these towns would become a Wit-
branch, I felt that we needed a change. For ness. I thought that such a person would
the first and only time in my life, I asked for have to live in Neiva to learn the truth.
a different assignment. Thereafter, we were Therefore, I also prayed that after baptism
assigned as field missionaries to the city of he would mature spiritually and return to
Neiva, in the department of Huila. his hometown to preach. I should have
I have always enjoyed the field ministry. known that Jehovah had a far better solu-
As a single pioneer in Finland, I would at tion than I did.
times preach from early in the morning to
Soon thereafter, I started a Bible study
late in the evening. As a newly married cou-
with a young man named Fernando Gonzá-
ple, Sirkka and I would also spend full days
lez. He lived in Algeciras, one of the towns
preaching. When working in distant territo-
where there were no Witnesses. Fernando
ries, we would sometimes sleep in our car.
would travel over 50 kilometers (30 mi) to
This cut down on travel time and allowed us
Neiva to work. He prepared very well for
to get an early start the next day.
each study and immediately started attend-
As field missionaries, we once again
ing all the meetings. From the first week of
felt the same enthusiasm we had earlier for
his study, Fernando would gather others in
the ministry. Our congregation grew, and
his hometown and teach them what he had
the Colombian brothers and sisters were re-
learned from his Bible study.
spectful, loving, and appreciative.
Fernando got baptized in January 1990,
THE POWER OF PRAYER six months after he started studying. There-
Not too far from our assignment in Neiva after, he became a regular pioneer. With
were towns with no Witnesses. I was very one local Witness in Algeciras, it was now
concerned about how the good news would safe enough for the branch office to as-
reach those areas. However, because of sign special pioneers to the area. In Febru-
ary 1992, a congregation was formed in We had other close calls. On one oc-
that town. casion while we were in the door-to-door
Did Fernando limit his preaching to his work, my wife came running toward me,
hometown? No! After he married, he and looking somewhat pale. She said that
his wife moved to San Vicente del Caguán, someone had shot at her. That startled me.
another town where there were no Witness- However, we later realized that the gun-
es. There they helped establish a congrega- man was not aiming at Sirkka; he was
tion. In 2002, Fernando was appointed shooting at a man who was passing right
as a circuit overseer, and he and his wife, next to her.
Olga, continue in the traveling work to this In time, we learned to cope with street vi-
day. olence. We were encouraged by the resil-
From this experience, I learned how ience of the local Witnesses who faced situ-
important it is to pray about specific mat- ations like these and worse. We concluded
ters relating to our theocratic assignments. that if Jehovah was helping them, he would
Jehovah does what we cannot do. After all, help us too. We always heeded the advice of
this is his harvest, not ours.—Matt. 9:38. local elders, took precautions, and left the
rest in Jehovah’s hands.
JEHOVAH GIVES US Of course, some situations were not as
“THE DESIRE AND THE dangerous as we suspected. Once, I heard
what sounded like two women screaming
In 1990 we were assigned to the travel- insults at each other outside the house I
ing work. Our first circuit was in the capital was visiting. I was not interested in watch-
city, Bogotá. The assignment intimidated ing an argument, but the householder
us. My wife and I are ordinary people with- coaxed me over to the patio. As things
out any special talents. And we were not turned out, the “argument” was actually
used to living in a bustling metropolis. How-
ever, Jehovah fulfilled his promise found
at Philippians 2:13: “God is the one who
With Fernando in 1993
for the sake of his good pleasure energizes
you, giving you both the desire and the
power to act.”
Later, we were assigned to a circuit in the
area of Medellín, the city I mentioned at the
outset. People there had grown so accus-
tomed to street violence that it no longer
alarmed them. For example, one time while
I was conducting a Bible study, a shoot-
out began outside the house I was visiting.
I was about to drop to the floor, but the Bi-
ble student continued reading the para-
graph, unfazed. When he finished reading,
he excused himself and went outside. Af-
ter a while, he came back with two little
children and calmly said, “My apologies, but
I had to get my kids.”
APRIL 2024 29
Because of my failings, I have some-
times felt very discouraged. (Rom. 7:24)
At one point, I told Jehovah in prayer that
it would be best for me to leave missionary
service and return to Finland. That evening,
I attended a congregation meeting. The en-
couragement I received there convinced me
that I should stay in my assignment and
keep working on my imperfections. To this
day, I am touched by how clearly Jehovah
answered that prayer. Additionally, I deeply
appreciate how he has kindly helped me to
overcome my weaknesses.
between two parrots that were mimicking Sirkka and I feel profoundly indebted
the neighbors. to Jehovah for the privilege of having spent
ADDITIONAL PRIVILEGES most of our life in full-time service. I am
AND STRUGGLES also very grateful to Jehovah for giving me
such a loving and faithful wife all these
In 1997, I was appointed as an instructor
of the Ministerial Training School. I always
appreciated attending theocratic schools, Soon I will turn 70 years of age and
but I never imagined having the delightful will relinquish my privileges as a field in-
privilege of teaching one. structor and a traveling overseer. However,
this does not dishearten me. Why not? Be-
Later, I served as a district overseer.
cause I firmly believe that what honors Je-
When that arrangement was discontinued,
hovah most is that we serve him with mod-
I returned to the circuit work. So for over
esty and that we praise him from a heart
30 years, I have enjoyed serving as an in-
overflowing with love and gratitude. (Mic. 6:
structor and a traveling overseer. These as-
8; Mark 12:32-34) To honor Jehovah, we do
signments have been a source of many not need to be in the limelight.
blessings. However, it has not all been a
As I look back on the assignments that
bed of roses. Let me explain.
I have enjoyed, I realize that I did not re-
I have a strong personality. This has ceive them because I was more worthy
helped me face difficult circumstances. than others; nor did I have these privileges
However, I have at times been overly zeal- because of any outstanding ability. Far
ous in trying to correct matters in congre- from it! Rather, Jehovah extended these as-
gations. On occasion, I have energetically signments to me because of his un-
exhorted some to be loving and reason- deserved kindness. He granted me these
able with others. Ironically, though, it was in privileges despite my weaknesses. I know
those moments that I lacked the same that I have been able to fulfill these assign-
qualities.—Rom. 7:21-23. ments only with Jehovah’s help. In this way,
This school has been replaced by the School for King-
my weaknesses have magnified God’s
dom Evangelizers. strength.—2 Cor. 12:9.
APRIL 2024 31
34567 ˙
Study Article 16: June 24-30 14 Identify the lessons and apply them. Why did
Jacob attribute a different value to the birth-
How to Have More Joy in the Ministry
right than Esau did? (Heb. 12:16, 17;
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ w03 10/15 28-29) How did Jehovah feel
Study Article 17: July 1-7 20 about the two brothers, and why? (Mal. 1:
2, 3) What could Esau have done differently
Never Leave the Spiritual Paradise to make better decisions?
˙ Ask yourself, ‘How can I show appreciation
LIFE STORY 26 for spiritual things in my weekly routine,
My Weaknesses Have Magnified such as when scheduling family worship?’
God’s Strength
The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) April 2024 is published by Watch-
tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; Harold L. Corkern, Pres-
ident; Mark L. Questell, Secretary-Treasurer; 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill,
NY 12589-3299, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada,
PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y4. ˘ 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in Canada.