Making A Valid Will in Tanzania Part II S
Making A Valid Will in Tanzania Part II S
Making A Valid Will in Tanzania Part II S
Part II
table of content
An Estate 03
Validity of a will 03
The Principle 08
Conclusion 10
Contacts 11
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The Black Law Dictionary defines an Estate as, the amount,
degree, nature, and quality of a person’s interest in land or
other property, especially, a real estate interest that may
become possessory, the ownership being measured in terms
of duration.
An estate is a key part of succession. The term estate refers to
aggregate of a person’s property instantaneously owned
preceding their death. In determining a person’s estate all
his liabilities should be included. The fact that money is
payable only after a person’s death is not in itself sufficient to
exclude it from his estate immediately before his death.
The making of a will is a vitally important act, with extensive
legal consequences. As a matter of common sense and
practical impossibility, when a person dies, they cannot go
with their properties. So, having a valid will is one of the few
ways in which one can bequeath his Estate to his chosen
successors. Usually, a Will is valid if it fulfils the following
key requirements:
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I. Oral Will
An oral will is also called nuncupative will is a kind of a will where
the wishes of the one making the will (the testator) are not in a
written form, the testator only express his wishes verbally to the avail-
able witnesses on how his properties shall be distributed upon
his/her death. Oral wills are typically used in emergency situations
when a written will is not feasible, such as on a battlefield or during a
serious illness and they are generally subject to strict legal
requirements including four witnesses. Oral will have customarily
been practically used to accommodate Illiterate people who are
unable to read and write.
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Testamentary Capacity
2 By the time a person embarks on making a will
he/she must be capable of understanding and
forming a rational judgement over the act so
done. To have mental capacity, the testator
must have the ability to know the nature/extent
of property, the physical description of the
property, the disposition being made by her
will and have the ability to connect all of these
elements together to form a coherent plan. This
being the case, a will is invalidated if a testator
is of unsound mind, illness, and is under the
influence of alcohol when making the will or
suffers from a sudden angry animus.
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This is a cardinal principle that is applied in the course of
preparing a Will. The principle should be at the back of the
mind of the testator while listing the properties that should
be included in the Will.
The principle requires that, one should not put anything in a
Will which does not belong to him exclusively. As a general
rule some of the properties that should not be included in the
Will are properties that are owned jointly (joint tenancy) or
properties that are owned by another person. That being the
case, if for instance the property is owned in common (tenancy
in common), the testator must only bequeath their shares of
the property and not the entire property.
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Why should you have a Lawyer to prepare your Will?
The main reason that most people should consider hiring an
Advocate or Law Firm to create their last will and testament is
that this is a crucial step to take, and even a small mistake can
create massive headaches for your loved ones in probate
Court. To make sure that a Will is well drafted so as to avoid
unnecessary objections in Court, it is advisable for Advocates
to be involved in the process of drafting the Will.
Customary law is equally worthy of mentioning at this point
with some curious observations, because for instance
extraneous circumstances may exist allowing a testator to
disinherit a heir among the circumstances which are also not
homogenous across all communities are where the presumed
heir commits adultery with the wife of the testator or where
the same presumed heir attempts to kill the testator among
other reasons.
A concept known as conflict of laws will normally handle the
choice of law debate/question depending on the ethnic origin
of the deceased, their wishes as expressed when still alive,
customs, and way of life, religion professed during their
lifetime among other key considerations which is best left to a
lawyer to handle in detail and with precision.
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