Monoecious or dioecious
40 genera.
1140 species.
A dietary supplement, general tonic, and
used to enhance heath. The plant is used as
Milky or watery latex
Aerial, prop, and buttress roots a potent anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, anti-
Alternate, simple, entire, hypertensive and antimicrobial.
pinnately veined, green-colored leaves
Woody with secondary growth, cylindrical
or slightly flattened stems up to 5-15 m long
and 10-15 cm wide.
Flowers are unisexual, small, and vary in
structure, as do inflorescences. Moraceae has a global distribution,
Aggregate or drupaceous fruits are lodged
in a fleshy receptacle known as a syncarp. It
from tropical to temperate regions
can also be a multiple of achenes, with each
unit achene often covered by an accrescent,
especially in Asia.
fleshy perianth that resembles a drupe or
carried on a fleshy compound receptacle. I am a plant, a tree, or a shrub.
This is a Burgundy, a dark leaf selection of India rubber tree that features very
dark green, nearly black leaves with red mid-veins. Its leaves can reach up to
12" long and 4" wide and their new foliage emerges red before maturing
which can reach up to 40' tall with a similar spread.
I am native to India
and Southeast Asia
I am Endemic in
the Philippines
This is a widely spreading tree that can reach a height of 15 meters or more. The
branchlets are long and setosely hairy. Its leaves are papery, flat, covered with
long reddish-brown hairs, especially beneath, oval, 10 to 20 centimeters long,
with entire or toothed margins, upon 3- to 5-cm long, very thick, and long-
haired petioles. Their fruit is stalkless, small, and angularly obovoid, and it
grows in small, nearly spherical heads about long.
I am Endemic in
the Philippines
This plant has a naked, unbranched stem capped with a cluster of leaves like a
palm. This shrub can reach a height of 5m. Its leaves are crowded at the ends of
the stems, spreading and short-petioled, oblongate in shape with a cordate
base and an acute apex. Its blade is leathery and dark green, coarsely toothed
that can grow to be more than 25 cm long. Their fruit is ovoid, angular, up to 4
centimeters long, on short peduncles, and bound in the leaf axils.
If yes, I am pseudopalma
I am Endemic in
the Philippines
This has a short and strong buttresses stem. Its outer bark is grayish-black, while
the inner bark produces white latex. Its leaves are simple and spirally structured,
with one to three pairs of lobes. The hairy petioles are 8 cm long, and the long
hairy stipules are about 10 cm long. The flowers are small and grow in separate
male and female axillary inflorescences. Their fruit measures approximately 6.5
cm in diameter, has a spine-like structure, and ripens to yellow and orange-
brown. The seeds are inserted in the fleshy part of the fruit.
I am Endemic in
the Philippines