Six Reasons To Move From Oracle To IBM

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Six reasons to move from Oracle to IBM

Learn how companies around the world are boosting performance, cutting costs and managing growth


Performance Specialist engineering and manufacturing company Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen


Cost savings Agriculture and chemical holding group Agrofert

Usability Consumer products company Newell Rubbermaid

Scalability Automotive bearings and components supplier Schaeffler KG

Flexibility Imaging technology provider Epson America

Flexibility Reliability

Reliability Clothing and accessories e-commerce retailer Faith Industry


Cost savings




3 What can IBM do for you?
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and intelligent, many organizations are looking to become smarter about their use of IT. They need to seamlessly deal with growing volumes of data traveling at ever-greater velocity, get actionable business insight from their information faster and gain greater data center efficiencies from their operations. Those needs create a daunting array of workload challenges and place tremendous demands on IT systems. Thats why IBM has integrated and optimized its software and hardware to meet the new workload requirements of todays global business environment. And thats why moving to IBM is one of the smartest moves you can make.



Cost savings






Six case studiesone for each reason to switch Here are six companies like yours that tackled important challenges by moving from Oracle to IBM: 1. Faster response time improved total business productivity for Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen compared to a previous Oracle database. 2. The IT group at Agrofert delivered impressive savings by reducing administration, support and licensing costs. 3. Replacing its legacy databases enabled Newell Rubbermaid to reduce average storage volumes by 58 percent and cut total storage costs by US$300,000 during the first year. 4. By deploying its existing infrastructure more effectively, Schaeffler KG was able to keep up with rapid growth and avoid the need to expand capacity. 5. Rapid analysis and reporting of business data helped Epson America make decisions faster and plan for the future more effectively. 6. Efficient portability allowed Faith Industry to reuse applications that had been written for a previous Oracle databasewithout costly rewriting and testing. Click on a company name for a quick synopsis. Download a PDF for the full story of any case that interests you.



Cost savings






Moving from Oracle to IBM DB2 has made a very significant contribution to our ongoing performance improvement strategywithout requiring expensive hardware upgrades or complex database optimization work.
Franz Moser Chief Information Officer Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
With the growth of its international business, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen was introducing more data, new applications and additional users into its SAP ERP environment. Support for additional languages also required the introduction of Unicode, which increased data volumes further. As a result, Oracle database performance was suffering, which impacted user productivity and business efficiency. Working with IBM Global Technology Services, the company migrated data from Oracle to IBM DB2, utilizing the IBM DB2 Deep Compression feature to reduce data volumes and boost performance for the companys SAP ERP and SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse environments. Results IBM DB2 Deep Compression has reduced total database sizes by around 40 percent, and delivered significant performance improvements Query response times have been reduced by 25 percent, batch processes by 44 percent and backups by 71 percent Faster database response has improved total business productivity, with reports available more quickly and higher transaction throughput Download the PDF Of course, performance is only one of the potential benefits of moving to IBM. Read on for more.



Cost savings






Cost savings
We selected IBM DB2 as it offered the best combination of low license fees for SAP applications and low operational costs. With IBM DB2, we see savings in disk array capacity of an average of 20 percent, and system response speeds are about 15 percent faster.
Lubo Pajer IT Manager Agrofert

Agriculture, foods and chemicals group Agrofert found that rapid growth had resulted in more than 160 different systems operating in subsidiary companies. It was difficult to provide unified reporting, and support and license costs were rising. Adding yet more infrastructure with each new acquisition was not a scalable strategy. Agrofert implemented SAP ERP applications as a shared service for some of its subsidiaries, aiming to make these available subsequently throughout the enterprise, hosted at two locations on IBM Power Systems servers. The company migrated from a mixed database environment, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, to IBM DB2 as its standard database and deployed centralized storage systems for critical business data. Results Eliminating local systems greatly reduced administration, support and license costs Consolidated storage helps to reduce costs, and IBM DB2 Deep Compression will reduce total storage requirements Total cost reductions are estimated at 20 percent Download the PDF Moving to IBM can also help you save money through reduced administration, as the next company can attest.



Cost savings






By using DB2 Deep Compression, Newell Rubbermaid has achieved average database compression ratios of 58 percent... Additionally, database administration workload has been reduced by around 25 percent, with the integrated DBA Cockpit making a significant contribution to our cost-saving objectives.
Creighton Kelly Director of IT for the SAP Infrastructure Newell Rubbermaid

Newell Rubbermaid
Rubbermaid deployed the new solution on IBM Power Systems servers. Results

With several independent databases supporting SAP ERP and other business solutions, Newell Rubbermaid found it difficult to report across the different operating units. Opportunities to rationalize procurement, supply chains and production were being missed, and without global sales order processing, it was hard to be certain of business forecasts. Supporting the concept of the integrated enterprise, Newell Rubbermaid replaced its legacy databases, Oracle and Adabas, with IBM DB2 as its global standard for all SAP applications. To ensure performance, reliability and availability, Newell

The IBM Systems solution for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator enables Newell Rubbermaid to process business intelligence queries on average 30 to 50 times faster, and in some cases, as much as twice as fast as before, even without specific optimization of aggregated data IBM DB2 Deep Compression has reduced average storage volumes by 58 percent, cutting total storage costs by US$300,000 in year one IBM DB2 integrated data cockpit has reduced administrative workload by 25 percent, so just one database administrator can now manage the entire landscape Download the PDF Consolidation has its benefits, as this case shows. But what happens when data growth explodes?



Cost savings






Schaeffler KG

its SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) environment to IBM DB2. Results infrastructure more effectively and avoid the need for capacity expansion

IBM DB2 has achieved excellent performance and capacity savings for the SAP NetWeaver BI database, contributing directly to the effective use of business analysis within Schaeffler KG.
Harald Gieer Chief Information Officer Schaeffler KG

Automotive bearings manufacturer Schaeffler KG found that increasing use of business analysis was driving rapid growth in data storage needs. As volumes grew, application performance tended to decline, frustrating the users in their search for information. Schaeffler KG migrated the databases for

The immediate impact was to reduce the SAP NetWeaver BI database volume by 43 percent, from 8 TB to 4.5 TB, and other databases also benefited from significant reductions With reduced total storage requirements, Schaeffler KG is able to deploy its existing

The migration to IBM DB2 has improved system performance, which allows Schaeffler KG to exploit its existing infrastructure without upgrade Download the PDF Moving to IBM hardware is another way to maximize an SAP environmentjust see the next success story.



Cost savings







Epson America
running under IBM AIX on an IBM Power 550 server. Results faster and plan for the future more effectively

Epson America wanted to move to support its ultimate objective of creating a single business

The IBM BladeCenter architecture offers excellent performance for our SAP applications, and using it for the accelerator solution is a neat way to provide our business users with faster access to information.
Russell Link Manager of Technical Services Epson America

platform for all subsidiaries in the Americas. This would enable faster financial reporting and improve the data quality for better business planning and decision making. With legacy business systems and hardware infrastructure reaching end-of-lifeand Oracle Financials applications requiring an expensive upgradeEpson America was unable to make the desired changes. Epson America migrated from Oracle Financials and other applications to a single SAP ERP Financials solution,

Rapid analysis and reporting of business data help the companys end users take decisions IBM Power 550 platform delivers excellent performance, with IBM PowerVM virtualization enhancing flexibility and optimizing utilization of resources SAP applications provide a low-risk, integrated and highly expandable solution that will ultimately form the backbone of Epsons operations in the Americas Download the PDF IBM delivers big advantages not only with SAP but also with other applications, as the next company discovered.



Cost savings






Faith Industry

technology to IBM technology. Results Up to 75 percent reduction of space needed to archive data from previous Oracle database installation Provided an average code portability of 95 percent Download the PDF


With its launch of, Faith Industry has created an e-commerce site for important brand

Reliability, decreased execution times and optimization of space are the three successes that have been indicated by IBM DB2 9.7 and OneCube Brick.
Arianna Perna Owner Faith Industry

names of clothing and accessories and for trademark names such as Rero Design, Johnny Faith and Alta Sartoria Molisana. In building the new e-commerce website, the company turned to IBM and IBM Business Partner OneCube, after an initial Oracle-based pilot project, to deliver a platform that would use an integrated relational database with the companys existing legacy systems. As part of the project, one of the first significant evolutions has been the companys migration from Oracle

Delivered reliable and manageable platform to support expansion of e-commerce site



Cost savings







7 Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen Agrofert Newell Rubbermaid Schaeffler KG Epson America Faith Industry


Become a smart database organization

IBM is ready to help you expand to support business growth, optimize resources, improve business agility and get more value from your software investment. It has already helped companies around the world reach their goals. Lets tackle yours next. IBM hardware and software delivers the capabilities you need to reduce complexity and free up time to put more focus on innovation. They enable you to lower costs the smart way, without adding more complexity. And they enable insights and decision making fast enough for a business thats changing in real timea business like yours. Download the PDFs of these case studies and learn more about moving from Oracle to IBM: To learn more about IBM solutions, visit:



Cost savings






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