009-3253-195 (5400 R4.0 NM Fundamentals) RevA
009-3253-195 (5400 R4.0 NM Fundamentals) RevA
009-3253-195 (5400 R4.0 NM Fundamentals) RevA
What’s inside...
New in this release and documentation roadmap
Getting started
Node Manager Installation
Contents 0
Troubleshooting 3-1
Publication history 0
August 2015
Revision A
This is the first release of this document for software release 4.0.0.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Ciena® is a registered trademark of Ciena Corporation.
Sun, Sun Microsystems, JAVA, Java Secure Socket Extension, and JAVAX
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S.
or other countries. This product includes code licensed from RSA Data
Intended Audience
This document is intended for certified system installation technicians, test
engineers, network operations center, and technical support personnel
responsible for configuration. All personnel are required to read, understand,
and observe the safety precautions described in the appropriate product
The latest online version of this document and all release notes can be
accessed on the Ciena web site at http://www.ciena.com.
Related Documentation
Additional supporting documentation is available through the Ciena web site
at http://www.ciena.com.
The following list contains the names of the related documents in the suite:
• System Description (009-3253-100)
• 5430 Hardware Installation (009-3253-201.1)
• 5410 Hardware Installation (009-3253-201.2)
• 5430 15Tb Upgrade (009-3253-201.3)
• 5430 PDU Upgrade (009-3253-201.4)
• 5410 5Tb Upgrade (009-3253-201.5)
• Commissioning and Testing (009-3253-221)
• TL-1 Description (009-3253-190)
• Node Manager Fundamentals (009-3253-195)
• Administration and Security (009-3253-301)
• Configuration - Provisioning and Operating (009-3253-310)
• Configuration - Protection Services (009-3253-320)
• Configuration - Control Plane (009-3253-330)
• Fault Management - Performance Monitoring (009-3253-520)
• Fault Management - Alarm Clearing (009-3253-543)
• Fault Management - Module Replacement (009-3253-545)
• SAOS Command Reference (009-3253-610)
• SAOS Configuration (009-3253-630)
• SAOS Event Reference (009-3253-650)
• SAOS MPLS Configuration (009-3253-670)
• SAOS MIB Reference (009-3253-690)
Document Comments
Ciena appreciates all comments that help us to improve our documentation
quality. The user can submit comments through the Ciena web site at http://
Getting started 1-
The 5400 Packet-Optical Platform Node Manager software provides a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for performing operations on the 5430 Switch
and 5410 Switch. This 5400 Switch Node Manager Fundamentals manual
provides an overview of Node Manager and provides references
screen descriptions and procedures to operate and configure the 5430 Switch
and 5410 Switch.
Refer to the CoreDirector Node Manager User Guide to perform operations
on the CoreDirector® Family of Multiservice Optical Switches.
Table 1-1
Windows platform requirements
Computer Platform Laptop, Personal Computer (PC), Laptop, PC, or Workstation and
or Workstation monitor
Random Access Memory 512 MB per instance of Node 1 GB per instance of Node Manager
(RAM) Manager
Monitor (if desktop) Color Video Graphics Array (VGA) Color Super VGA (SVGA)
Figure 1-1
Screen elements (typical)
Menu bar
The menu bar is located at the top of the main window beneath the title bar.
The menu bar consists of five functions described in Table 1-2. Items that can
be accessed from the keyboard show the keystrokes in parentheses.
Table 1-2
Node Manager menu bar
Go > Inventory Inventory displays the current hardware status for the node, bay, shelf, or
(Ctrl-N) module. Expand the equipment tree and select the hardware to observe Basic,
(Refer to Alarm Details, and Power data for the selected bay, shelf, or module. Pressing
Configuration - Ctrl-N returns to the last Inventory screen accessed or to the Node view if no
Provisioning and Inventory screens were accessed during the session.
Table 1-2
Node Manager menu bar (continued)
Table 1-2
Node Manager menu bar (continued)
Table 1-2
Node Manager menu bar (continued)
Help Provides access to on-line help (Help Topics...) and Node Manager version
(Alt L) information (About Node Manager).
Tool bar
The tool bar provides icons (Table 1-3) for navigating quickly to the Node
Manager screens.
Table 1-3
Node Manager tool bar
System configuration Opens the Go > Administration > System configuration screen
to provide access to the Basic configuration screen and NE
Defaults screen
Timing Reference Opens the Go > Administration > Timing Reference > Station
Clock Input screen to provide access to the Station Clock Input,
Station Clock Output, and Sync PG/PU
Table 1-3
Node Manager tool bar (continued)
(Refer to Configuration - Provisioning and Operating)
Alarms & Events Opens the Go > Monitoring > Alarms & Events screen
Historical Alarms & Events Opens the Go > Monitoring > Historical Alarms & Events
Real time statistics Opens the Go > Monitoring > Statistics > Real time statistics
Historical statistics Opens the Go > Monitoring > Statistics > Historical statistics
Physical termination points Opens the Go > Configuring > PTPs screen
SONET/SDH TTPs Opens the Go > Configuring > Trail TPs > SONET/SDH TTPs
Group TPs (GTPs) Opens the Go > Configuring > Group TPs screen
Connection TPs (CTPs) Opens the Go > Configuring > Connection TPs screen
Virtual connection point Opens the Go > Configuring > Vcp screen
Configuring Ethernet Opens the Go > Configuring > Ethernet Objects screen
Table 1-3
Node Manager tool bar (continued)
Ethernet VCG Opens the Go > Configuring > Ethernet VCG screen
GFP Adaptation Opens the Go > Configuring > GFP Adaptation screen
APS/MSP Opens the Go > Protection > Line Level > APS/MSP screen
BLSR/MS-SP Opens the Go > Protection > Line Level > APS/MSP screen
UPSR Opens the Go > Protection > Path Level > UPSR Screen
SNCP Opens the Go > Protection > Path Level > SNCP screen
OSRP Opens the Go > Provisioning > OSRP > OSRP screen to
provide access to OSRP Nodes, OSRP Links, and OSRP Lines
Routing Profiles Opens the Go > Provisioning > Routing Profiles > Routing Lists
TODR Profiles Opens the Go > Provisioning > TODR Profiles screen
Co-Routed OTN SNCs Opens the Go > Provisioning > Co-Routed SNC screen
Table 1-3
Node Manager tool bar (continued)
Cross Connects Opens the Go > Provisioning > Cross Connect screen
Flexible Cross Connects Opens the Go > Provisioning > Flexible Cross Connect screen
Simplified FCC Opens the Go > Provisioning > Simplified FCC screen
Arbitrary SNCP Opens the Go > Provisioning > Arbitrary SNCP screen
Status bar
The status bar is located below the menu bar. The status bar consists of Alarm
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Alarm Data bar, the Screen Name box, and
Active and Standby flags.
Alarm LEDs
The Alarm LED icons identify equipment alarm severity for the node. Refer to
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating 009-3253-310 “Resource
naming”) provides shelf and equipment definitions. The 5430 Switch has six
equipment shelves (Power Distribution Unit, Cooling Fan A, Equipment
Shelves A and C, Switching Shelf B, and Cooling Fan B), and the Node
Manager application displays six status LEDs (P, F, A, B, C, F). The 5410
Switch has four equipment shelves (Cooling Fan, Equipment Shelf A, Power
Distribution Unit, and IO Panel), and the Node Manager application displays
three LEDs (P, F, A ).
Table 1-4
Active and standby LED colors
Color Meaning
As the active CTM switches from A-CTM to C-CTM, the LED under the Active
label should always correspond to the state of the primary CTM.
PTP bar
The PTP bar displays the following information about the selected PTP
independent of the Smart Filter (“Smart Filter” on page 1-15) setting:
Equipment tree
The equipment tree is located on the left side panel of the Node Manager
window beneath the status bar. The equipment tree identifies the node
hardware, such as the bay, shelf, and line modules. When an object is
selected on the equipment tree, its corresponding information is displayed in
the list frame.
List frame
The list frame provides summary information about the item selected in the
equipment tree. All list frame elements are read-only. To view detailed
information about an object in the list frame, the user selects the object;
information about that object is displayed in the details frame (to deselect an
item, the user presses CTRL and left-clicks the mouse).
To sort objects in the list frame, the user left clicks the column heading. This
sorts the column in ascending order (indicated by a black up arrow in the
column heading). To sort the column in descending order (indicated by a black
down arrow in the column heading), the user left clicks the column heading
again. To unsort objects, the user right-clicks on the column heading.
Figure 1-2
Set Filter Conditions dialog box
Table 1-5
Set Filter Conditions dialog box attributes
Attribute Definition
Match Radio Selects the parameters for the filter. Values are:
Buttons • Match any of the following
• Match all of the following
Operator Provides a drop-down menu to select filter criteria for the selected
attribute. Values depend on the attribute selected.
• Possible values are: Equals, Not Equals, Starting With, Not
Starting With, or Containing.
Value Provides a drop-down menu to enter or select filter criteria for the
selected attribute. Values depend on the attribute selected.
Apply Generates the specified filter criteria, which appear in the list frame.
This Set Filter Conditions dialog box is one example of the possible criteria
available for selection. The filter criteria varies depending upon the list frame
screen being filtered.
The User Preference Setting dialog box is accessed by selecting the Options
item from the Tools menu, or by entering Ctrl-6. The User Preference Setting
dialog box (Figure 1-3) allows the user to change the Node Manager
environment variables located in the env.txt file. (provides more information.)
The environmental variables (such as login timeout, time zone, default login
user name, and warning level) can be changed through the Node Manager
software while the Node Manager session is open. Environmental variables
are classified in two categories:
• HOT variables - changes take effect immediately in the same Node
Manager session.
• COLD variables - changes are saved and can take effect only when a new
session is started.
Table 1-6 describes the User Preference Setting dialog attributes and the
environmental variables that are editable.
Figure 1-3
User Preference Setting dialog box
Table 1-6
User Preference Setting dialog box attributes
Attribute Definition
Hot Variables
Name Displays the name of the environmental variable. The current supported values
• LOGIN_TIMEOUT - Changes the login timeout parameter
• TIME_ZONE - sets the time zone setting for the Node Manager software
• DATE_FORMAT - establishes the date format to meet local requirements
Current Value Displays the current value for the environmental variable. To edit the value,
click on the field and select the desired value.
Old Value Displays the previous setting for the environmental variable.
Cold Variables
Current Value Displays the current value for the environmental variable. To edit the value,
click on the field and enter the desired value.
Old Value Displays the previous setting for the environmental variable.
Smart Filter
When user selects a PTP level object in the Equipment tree, the right hand
side list panel displays, only those items related to it. For example, Node
Manager only displays the CTPs that belong to a selected PTP or only the
cross connects that have one end point on the selected PTP.
The User is able to turn on/off this feature globally (Tools - Smart Filter Check
box) Figure 1-4. When this option is checked/turned on, the user can use this
feature by checking the Filter check box in any supported screen.
Figure 1-4
Smart Filter check box
The Filter button can be used as described in “Filtering the list frame” on page
1-12 and can add filter conditions in addition to the tree filter check box in
Smart Filter Conditions section. The smart filter feature is implemented for the
following configuration screens:
• Simplified FCC
Step Action
Figure 1-5
Smart filter - CTP example-01
Tool bar
List frame
Equipment tree
4 In the tool bar, click Tools - Smart filter check box (Figure 1-4 on page
5 In the list frame, check the Filtered check box.
6 Only the CTPs associated with 1-A-1-1 are displayed in the list frame.
Note: To add additional layers of filtering, in the list frame click Filter and
refer to “Filtering the list frame” on page 1-12.
Details frame
The details frame displays information about the object selected in the list
frame. In the details frame, a field with a yellow background indicates a read-
only field, and a field with a white background indicates a read/write field. The
details frame can also contain blue hypertext links to other screens associated
with the current screen. For example, clicking the blue text
1-A-2-6 in the Supporting Circuit Pack field in Figure 1-1 on page 1-3 switches
the screen to the inventory screen for circuit pack 1-A-2-6.
Table 1-7
Database synchronization status
Figure 1-6
DB sync status dialog box
Additional icons
In addition to the tool bar icons (Table 1-3), the Node Manager application
uses the icons listed in Table 1-8 to convey additional information about optical
modules, line modules, and nodes.
Table 1-8
Colored icons
Node icon Indicates the local node (the node into which
the user is currently logged)
Bright blue power outlet plug Control Timing Module (CTM)—two per
Table 1-8
Colored icons (continued)
Bright blue oval with two rows of white dots In/Out (I/O) Panel or Module
Lime green module with one vertical dots LM-1 Line Module (one 100G port)
Lime green module with two vertical dots LM-2 Line Module (up to two 40G ports or two
100G/200G ports)
Lime green module with three vertical dots LM-3 Line Module (up to three 40G ports)
Lime green module with five dots LM-5 Line Module (up to five 100G ports)
Lime green module with two vertical dotted LM-12 Line Module (up to 12 10G ports)
Lime green module with three vertical dotted LM-48 Line Module (up to 48 2.5G ports)
Lime green module with three vertical dotted LM-50 Line Module (up to 50 10G SFP+s)
Light blue icon with “< : >” symbol Optical ports- SFP (<2.7G), SFP+ (10G),
XFP (10G), CFP (40G/100G), CFP2 (100G),
QSFP (40G).
Table 1-8
Colored icons (continued)
Alarm LEDs
Blue Warning
Green No alarm
Blue forward (next) arrow Display next screen (only functions after the
back arrow is pressed)
Table 1-8
Colored icons (continued)
Tool tips
Tool tips appear in a text box when the cursor pauses on screen objects (text
box, display field, check box, drop-down box, and so forth). The tool tip
provides additional information about the object.
Online help
Node Manager uses Sun Microsystems JavaHelp to provide procedures and
context-sensitive information on windows and dialog boxes.
To activate the Node Manager online help, the user does one of the following:
• From the menu, selects Help.
• Selects a screen and presses F1 on the keyboard.
• Clicks the Help button in the active Node Manager screen.
To search the online help, the user clicks the magnifying glass icon on the
search tab. The user then enters a natural language query in the Find text box
(for example, Warning), and the Online Help system reports the search
results. To view the desired Online Help result, the user double-clicks the
chapter title.
The online help has a toolbar and two areas (see Figure 1-7 on page 1-23).
Table 1-9 on page 1-24 describes the areas in the help window.
Figure 1-7
Online help
Previous button
Next button
Table of Contents
Index tab
Search tab
Navigation area
displaying Table of
Table 1-9
Online help window
Navigation area Select a tab to switch between the table of contents, index, and
full text search displays.
Full text search Select the right tab to search for a specific
word or part of a word contained in the
help topic.
Table 1-10
Online help terminology
Term Description
Dialog box A dialog box allows you to adjust operating variables and
appears in a window separate from the main screen. A
dialog box does not contain menus. You cannot change the
size of a dialog box.
Drop-down list A drop-down list is a list that appears when you click the
arrow button on the right side of a field.
Table 1-10
Online help terminology
Pop-up menu A pop-up menu is a menu that appears when you right-click
on a window or a dialog box.
Scroll bar A scroll bar appears at the right or bottom edge of a dialog
box when the contents are not completely visible. Each
scroll bar contains two scroll arrows and a scroll box. Use
the scroll arrows and the scroll box to scroll through the
contents of the dialog box or area.
Invalid Characters
The 5400 supports and accepts all characters in the ISO 8859-1 character set
in object names with the exception of characters listed in Table 1-11.
Supported characters can be used for provisioning passwords, account
names, APS groups, SNCs, CTPs, GTPs, cross connects, routes, routing lists,
TAPs, and so forth.
OSRP Node Names can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and - (dash).
The # (hash), $ (dollar), * (asterisk), and @ (at sign) characters do not satisfy
password special character requirements but are treated as alphanumeric
characters. Carriage returns which can occur when cutting and pasting are
not supported.
Table 1-11
Invalid special characters/characters to avoid
; (semi-colon) N N/A
: (colon) N N/A
, (comma) N N/A
. (period) Y N
| (pipe) Y N
* (asterisk) Y N
Allowable characters
ASCII representations of printable characters (32 to 127) except for those
listed in Table 1-11 are supported and recommended to use for provisioning
passwords, account names, LM 1+1 groups, APS groups, SNCs, CTPs,
GTPs, cross connects, Routes, Routing lists, TAPs, and so forth. Leading and
trailing spaces/tabs are stripped off and ignored; in-between spaces/tabs are
admitted as legal characters. CR (Carriage Return) and LF (Line Feed) are
stripped off and ignored.
Unicode and the same MO is being viewed in a terminal that uses ISO 8859-
2 (Table 1-13), these characters may be displayed differently on the two
display terminals.
Table 1-12
Special characters to avoid
/ (forward slash) N NA
& (ampersand) N NA
“ (double quote) N NA
‘ (single quote) N NA
\ (back slash) Y N
. (period) Y N
, (comma) Y N
| (pipe) Y N
(spaces) Y N
* (asterisk) Y N
? (question mark) Y N
: (colon) Y N
# (hash) Y N
$ (dollar) Y N
@ (at sign) Y N
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2
32 - Normal space
(supported - not
33 - Exclamation
35 - Hash
36 - Dollar
37 - Percent
39 - Apostrophe – not
supported (same as
single quote)
40 - Open bracket
41 - Close bracket
42 - Asterisk (supported-
not recommended)
43 - Plus sign
44 - Comma – not
45 - Minus sign
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
; 59 - Semicolon – not
61 - Equals
63 - Question mark
(supported- not
64 - At sign
65 - A
66 - B
67 - C
68 - D
69 - E
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
70 - F
71 - G
72 - H
73 - I
74 - J
75 - K
76 - L
77 - M
78 - N
79 - O
80 - P
81 - Q
82 - R
83 - S
84 - T
85 - U
86 - V
87 - W
88 - X
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
89 - Y
90 - Z
^ 94 - Caret
_ 95 - Underscore
96 - Grave accent
97 - a
98 - b
99 - c
100 - d
101 - e
102 - f
103 - g
104 - h
105 - i
106 - j
107 - k
108 - l
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
109 - m
110 - n
111 - o
112 - p
113 - q
114 - r
115 - s
116 - t
117 - u
118 - v
119 - w
120 - x
121 - y
122 - z
126 - Tilde
127 - (Unused
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
Table 1-13
ISO 8859-2 (continued)
TL1 protection group creation commands only specify protection units (groups
are identified by their constituent units and do not have a separate group
name attribute) thus group names are auto-generated.
• Auto-generated APS protection group name: < wrk_port >-FFP-<
prot_port >
• Auto-generated UPSR protection group name: <east_port>-URPG-
• Auto-generated BLSR protection group name:
• Auto-generated A-SNCP protection group name:
(Note: Client drop ports assigned to A-SNCP groups must be provisioned
as the A side)
• APS protection group: working slot = X, protect slot = X+1, slots must be
within the same shelf; working port = Y, protect port = Y, same port on
adjacent slots must be used.
Figure 1-8
5410 Switch equipment example
Figure 1-9
5430 Switch equipment example
APS 1+1 Work and Protect in same shelf and in adjacent slots
(Work=slot, Protect=slot+1), same port number used in both slots
A Shelf
APS 1+1 Name:1-C-14-1- FFP-1-C-15-1
Equipment: WorkLine 1-C-14-1 ProtectLine 1-C-15-1
- - -
C Shelf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Example: 1-C-5-1_1-A-12-9-VRPG-1-A-2-5_1-C-3-11
WestLineAID EastLineAID
1-A-1-12 1-C-2-1
EastLineAID WestLineAID
1-C-2-1 1-A-1-12
Example: 1-C-2-1-URPG-1-A-1-12
5400 APS 1+1 – equipment rules & naming (SONET/SDH and OTN)
APS 1+1 wquipment AIDs - Ericsson requirement
Two separate xSLM Line Modules on the same shelf in consecutive order with
Work in the first slot and Protect in the adjacent slot (Work Line Module slot
AID+1). Each APS uses the same ports on each slot (1-A-1-1, 1-A-2-1)
supporting the following APS 1+1 PUs (Protection Unit based Work - Protect):
WorkLineAID ProtectLineAID
1-A-1-1 1-A-2-1
WorkLineAID ProtectLineAID
1-A-12-1 1-A-13-1
Example: 1-A-12-1-FFP-1-A-13-1
SONET/SDH: 1-A-1-12-34-ASNCP-1-A-5-3-44
OTN: 1-C-2-3-2P1-ASNCP-1-A-14-9-1P1
OTN Wrapped SONET/SDH is supported for the Line Side Termination Point.
The parent ODU2 TTP created to support the Wrapped SONET/SDH is used
as the OC192/STM-64 Port AID (1-C-12-1-2P1) plus the OC192/STM-64
Head Time Slot.
SONET/SDH: 1-C-1-1-25-CRS-1-A-2-1-25
OTN: 1-A-15-5-2P1-CRS-1-C-1-1-4P1-2P1
SONET/SDH: 1-C-1-1-25
OTN: 1-C-12-1-2P1
SONET/SDH: 1-C-11-1_1-A-5-3_s
— End of chapter —
This chapter describes how to install Node Manager. You can install Node
Manager on a personal computer (PC) running a version of Microsoft
Windows or a Linux workstation. The procedures listed below install, setup,
and remove 5400 Node Manager.
Task Page
Procedure 2-1
Installing Node Manager
The following procedures install Node Manager in either a Windows or Linux
To install Node Manager software on a Windows NT, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows 7 workstation, the user inserts the Node Manager
disk into the appropriate drive and follows the installation Wizard
Step Action
1 Open My Computer.
2 Double-click the appropriate drive icon.
3 Double-click the NM-5400 Setup icon.
4 Follow the installation Wizard instructions.
Node Manager Linux installation
To install Node Manager software on a Linux workstation, the user performs
the following steps.
Step Action
Procedure 2-2
Configuring the env.txt file
Refer to the “Options” on page 1-14 for information about updating
environmental variables directly from the Node Manager graphical user
The env.txt file is located in the install folder on the installation drive. (The
factory default folder is Ciena\Node Managerx.y.z.) The env.txt file configures
the Node Manager application environment and customizes settings as
Task Page
Using European date and time formats - Configures the date 2-6
and time format.
The existing env.txt file is overwritten when Node Manager is installed in the
existing directory. To save the settings in the existing env.txt file, save it to
another name before installing Node Manager. When the installation is
complete, paste the customized settings into the new env.txt file.
Do not use the entire env.txt file from an older version of Node Manager
because some env.txt attributes are release-specific and are needed for
proper functioning.
Step Action
1 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
2 Under the Property: EVENT_CHANNEL_IPADDRESS heading, ensure that
no pound signs (#) precede the EVENT_CHANNEL_IPADDRESS= line.
3 Add the event IP Address to INTERFACE_TYPE= .
Using special settings-Event channel ports
Event channel ports are recommended when Node Manager is running in a
subnet that is separated by a firewall from the subnet in which 5400 Switch is
installed. The Event Channel Ports property is a comma (,) separated list of
integers or range of integers that are used as port numbers on the host
machine running Node Manager listening for events from 5400 Switch.
Ensure there are many ports available as each running Node Manager
instance requires one port exclusively.
To set the event channel ports, the following steps are performed.
4 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
5 Under the Property: EVENT_CHANNEL_PORTS heading, ensure that no
pound signs (#) precede the EVENT_CHANNEL_PORTS= line.
Step Action
An incorrect configuration will cause Node Manager to use any available port
on the host machine which may result in event channel failure (due to firewall
issues) and subsequent loss of connection to the 5400 Switch.
7 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
8 Under Property: HOSTS:, enter a comma-delimited list of up to 20 hosts in
any combination of the following formats:
– Domain Name (for example, venus.tx.dept.xyz.com)
– Node Name:IPAddress (for example,
Using SDH screens and attributes
To configure the Node Manager application to use SDH settings for initial
screens and attributes, the following steps are performed.
9 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
10 Under the Property: INTERFACE_TYPE heading, ensure that no double
pound signs (##) precede the INTERFACE_TYPE= 1 line.
11 Change the entry to INTERFACE_TYPE= 0.
To reset the interface to the factory default SONET, restore the interface type
Step Action
12 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open for edit.
13 Under the PROPERTY: DATE_FORMAT heading, ensure that no double
pound signs (##) precede the DATE_FORMAT=H:mm:ss:S MM/dd/yyyy
14 Change the entry to H:mm:ss:S yy/MM/dd.
To reset the interface to the factory default value, restore the date format to:
DATE_FORMAT=H:mm:ss:S MM/dd/yyyy
To change the Node Manager Login timeout value, the following steps are
15 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
16 Under the LOGIN_TIMEOUT heading, ensure that no double pound signs
(##) precede the line.
Step Action
When External authentication is enabled, the node will try to authenticate the
user with an external server and it can do so by trying several times (RETRY
COUNT) and waiting several seconds (RETRY INTERVAL) between
successive attempts to authenticate as configured in Administration and
Security. When all authentication servers are configured, the node can take
several minutes to authenticate a user. LOGIN_TIMEOUT determines how
much time in whole minutes the node waits for a response before timing out.
An example value for LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= Number of Authentication
servers x RETRY COUNT x RETRY INTERVAL (in minutes) + 2. When all four
servers are configured LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= 10 (i.e. 4 x 4 x 1/2 + 2).
18 Open the Node Manager application install folder (the factory default is
Ciena\NodeManager), and double-click the env.txt file to open it for editing.
19 Under the Property: CONFIRM_DELETION heading, ensure that no double
pound signs (##) precede the CONFIRM_DELETION=false line.
20 Change the entry to CONFIRM_DELETION=true.
To reset the to the factory default, restore the confirm deletion to
Procedure 2-3
Logging on to the Node Manager application
To connect to the node from a Windows workstation, the following steps are
The node is preconfigured with three user accounts: administrator (factory
default password is admin1!), superuser (factory default password is
superuser1!), and EMSUser (factory default password is EMSUser1!).
Step Action
1 At the Windows desktop, select Start > All Programs > Node Manager for
5400 > Node Manager 5400.
The Node Manager command window opens and is minimized. After the
connection is established, the Node Manager - New Node Login dialog box
opens. The Node URL and User Name fields may appear with default
2 In the Node Manager - New Node Login dialog box, enter the name of the
node in the Node Url field, or click the Node Url drop-down menu to view a
list of the nodes entered in the Host property line of the env.txt file.
To enter a node name, use one of the following formats:
Domain Name (for example, venus.lab.dept.xyz.com)
Node Name:IPAddress (for example, venus:
All node names are case-sensitive.
3 Enter the user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.
4 Select the Remember Node Name check box to have Node Manager
automatically log on to the node entered in step 2.
5 Select Use SFTP to use a secure FTP connection to the node.
6 Click OK.
The Login Successful screen is displayed.
7 Click OK.
The Administration > System Configuration screen is displayed.
Procedure 2-4
Uninstalling Node Manager from a PC
Use this procedure to uninstall Node Manager from a personal computer (PC).
This procedure provides instructions for uninstalling Node Manager using the
Uninstall option in the Node Manager program folder. You can also uninstall
Node Manager using Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.
Before you uninstall the software, you must:
• close the Node Manager application
• copy the files you want to keep from the Node Manager folder before they
are deleted during the uninstall procedure
Step Action
Procedure 2-5
Uninstalling Node Manager from a Linux workstation
Use this procedure to uninstall Node Manager from a Linux workstation.
Before you uninstall the software, you must:
• close the Node Manager application
• be authorized to log in to the workstation as the UNIX root user
• copy files you must keep that are resident in the Node Manager directory
This procedure removes all files from the Node Manager directory.
Step Action
1 Log in to the workstation as the root user by entering the root userID and the
password in the login dialog box.
2 Open a console window.
3 Change to the applications directory for example:
cd /opt/ciena/applications↵
4 Change to the Node Manager directory.
5 Launch the Uninstall Node Manager Wizard by entering
6 In the Uninstall Node Manager Wizard, click Next.
7 Follow the instructions.
8 When the uninstallation is complete, click Done to close the Uninstall Node
Manager Wizard.
The uninstaller will indicate if it was unable to remove any files or folders. It is
recommended that you manually remove these files/folders.
These files include Logs that can be preserved for historical reasons.
Procedure 2-6
Determining the Node Manager application software
To view the Node Manager for 5400 Switch software version currently
installed, the following steps are performed.
Step Action
1 Select Help > About Node Manager, or click Ciena Node Manager on the
Status bar.
The About Node Manager dialog box opens, displaying Ciena corporate
information and the version number of the currently installed software
2 Click OK to close the dialog box.
Procedure 2-7
Upgrading the Node Manager application
Node Manager must be shut down before performing a Node Manager
software upgrade or downgrade on the node.
To upgrade the Node Manager software, the following steps are performed.
Step Action
1 To use the existing env.txt configuration in the upgraded version of the Node
Manager application, save the env.txt file to another name or location.
2 From the Windows Start menu, select Start>Programs>Node Manager for
5400> Uninstall Node Manager 5400, and follow the Uninstall Wizard
3 Insert the Node Manager Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) into
the CD-ROM drive, and follow the Installation Wizard instructions.
4 Configure the env.txt file as described in Chapter 1.
The Node Manager release version (Release x.y) must be the same as the
release version on the node; otherwise, an Interface Definition Language
(IDL) mismatch error occurs during log on and the operator is informed of the
— End of chapter —
Troubleshooting 3-
This chapter provides solutions to situations you may encounter when using
Node Manager.
Node Manager for 5400 Switch uses message dialog boxes to communicate
important information such as invalid or incomplete text field entries, improper
or failed operations, changes in equipment or connection status, confirmation
of successfully executed tasks, or warning that a requested operation may
affect service or traffic.
Table 3-1 defines the non-module specific error messages within the Node
Manager application.
Some user messages contain additional information to qualify the message,
such as the field name in which an error occurred or the name and IP
address of an effected node. In Table 3-1, the presence of a variable in the
message string is indicated by ( [ ] ) in the Message field, and the Description
field includes an explanation of the variable type in italics.
Table 3-1
User messages
Message Description
Accepting these changes could affect This message is returned after clicking Accept when a value
service to your customers. Do you wish has been changed in a service-affecting field.
to continue with these changes? To correct: To accept the changes, click Yes; otherwise, click
5400/Node Manager Version Mismatch This message is returned when the IDL version on the NE is
5400 Switch IDL version = [ ] not compatible with the currently installed version of Node
Node Manager IDL version = [ ] Manager. The message displays the 5400 Switch version
You have attempted to log in to a node number and the Node Manager version number.
that is running an IDL version that is To correct: Click OK to close this message box. Select
incompatible with this version of Node another 5400 Switch to log on to or exit the Node Manager
Manager. Please select another node software, reinstall a compatible Node Manager version, and
Switch or exit Node Manager and try retry logging on to Node Manager.
again with a compatible version of
Node Manager.
Select OK to continue.
Couldn’t log-off the user from [ ]. This message is returned when attempting to exit the Node
Manager application after communication has been lost.
Message displays the name of the 5400 Switch.
To correct: Exit Node Manager for 5400. Proper logoff cannot
be completed at this time.
Couldn't refresh from switch[] This is a warning message. No user error has occurred. The
message displays the refresh operation from which the 5400
Switch failed.
Do you really want to quit? This message is returned when attempting to exit the Node
Manager application.
To correct: To exit Node Manager for 5400 Switch, click Yes;
otherwise, click No.
Login has not comeback in [] minutes This message is shown when login failed to return in required
To correct: Click Ok to close the dialog. Retry logging on to
Login update false, Select 'OK' to This message is shown when login failed.
continue To correct: Click Ok to close the dialog and retry logging on to
Logon Cancelled. The message is displayed in logon dialog box after clicking
Cancel during a logon.
To correct: Enter password, then click OK.
Table 3-1
User messages (continued)
Message Description
Management connectivity to [] has This is a information message. No user error has occurred.
been restored! Message displays the connection to which CTM is restored.
The user must log on again to the node.
Management connectivity to both This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
primary and secondary CTMs of [] has Message displays the 5400 Switch name.
been lost. Please verify DCN network To correct: Wait for notification that communication is
connectivity and wait for restored or exit Node Manager for 5400 Switch. Proper log-off
communication to be restored or exit may be disabled at this time.
the application and try again later.
Management connectivity to the This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
primary CTM of [] as been lost! You Message displays that the primary CTM is down.
may manually switch to the secondary
CTM or wait for connection restoration.
Management connectivity to the This is a information message. No user error has occurred.
primary CTM of [] has been restored! Message displays that the connection to the primary CTM is
restored. The user must log on again to the node.
Management connectivity to the This is a information message. No user error has occurred.
secondary CTM of [] has been Message displays that the connection to the secondary CTM
restored! is restored.
Management connectivity to the This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
secondary CTM of [] has been lost! Message displays that the secondary CTM is down.
Please verify DCN network connectivity
to the secondary CTM.
Both main and auxiliary network This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
connections to [ ] are down. Please Message displays the node name.
wait for communication to be restored To correct: Wait for notification that communication is
or exit the application and try again restored or exit Node Manager for 5400 Switch. Proper log-off
later. may be disabled at this time.
NE to NodeManager EventChannel The event channel for autonomous notification from the NE
has failed, Relogin is required has failed. The user must log on again to resynchronize the
objects from NE and start receiving events once again.
Password has expired. Select OK to This message is shown when password has expired.
modify your password. To correct: Modify the password.
Refresh Failed for[], Please try again. This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
Message displays which object type's refresh operation failed.
Selected Object has already been The message is returned when attempting to edit a selected
deleted by Network Element object; the 5400 Switch returned an event that this object has
been deleted.
Table 3-1
User messages (continued)
Message Description
String Length must be less than 64. This message is returned when a string of text longer than 64
Please Enter a Shorter Value. characters is entered in a size-limited field.
To correct: Enter the string of text using less than 64
The following parameters are The message is returned when a mandatory field in the details
mandatory for object creation. Please frame is left empty.
review your entries and provide values To correct: Verify that information is entered in all mandatory
as needed. [ ] fields.
The following parameters are The message is returned when any mandatory field has been
mandatory for object creation. Please left empty. Message displays the mandatory field name.
review your entries and provide values To correct: Verify that information is entered in all mandatory
as needed. [ ] fields displayed in the message.
The Object you are editing has The message is returned when attempting to edit a selected
changed. Do you want to reload it? object; the 5400 Switch returned an event that this object has
(Choosing 'Yes' may close any open been modified.
Dialogs) To correct: Click Yes to reload and observe the changed
object before continuing with changes.
Unable to logon to the Network This message is returned when any of the possible reasons
Element. The possible reasons could listed have occurred.
be: To correct: Click OK to close this message box. If the Network
(1) Invalid login ID or password, Element (NE) is down, the system attempts to connect every
(2) Improper URL of Node Manager, 30 seconds. If the NE is not down, retry logging in to Node
Manager; type the correct login ID and password using the
(3) The entries are in the wrong case correct case for each letter. Enter the correct Universal
(All entries are case sensitive), Resource Locator (URL) format for the NE. In the case of an
(4) Network Element is down, or Interface Definition Language (IDL) version mismatch, this
(5) Network Element / Node Manager message is followed by another message: Login Failed -
version mismatch. 5400 / Node Manager Version Mismatch (described below).
User access service is not enabled on This is a warning message. No user error has occurred.
the server Message displays that user access service is not enabled on
this node.
Common messages for each Node Manager task screen are listed at the end
of the chapter describing that task.
— End of chapter —
Release 4.0
Publication: 009-3253-195
Document status: Standard
Revision A
Document release date: August 2015
For additional information, office locations, and phone numbers, please visit the Ciena
web site at www.ciena.com