Outline Sindh Uni Preparation

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Outlines For Entry Test Preparation

Total MCQs = 100
Total Test time = 90 minutes
Total Subject = 5
English, General Knowledge , General Science, Math, IQ

Sr. No. Subject MCQs

1 English 30
2 General Knowledge 20
3 General Science 20
4 Math ( Simple Arithmetic) 20
5 IQ 10

Total MCQs 30
1. Synonyms.
2. Antonyms.
3. Correctly Spelled of the given words.
4. Direct and Indirect Narrations of the given sentence.
5. Choose the Active and Passive Voices of the following.
6. Prepositions
7. Choose the Correct Answers of the given underline words
(Basically, Detection of grammatical mistakes)
8. Choose the incorrect underline segment.
9. Parts of Speech
Note (7,8 ,9 numbers outlines are not possible every year, these are optional)

SMART TESTING SERVICE WhatsApp Group: 03273136139 Composed By: Nawab Ramani

For Sindh University Preparation Join Our WhatsApp Group (Message me on WhatsApp 03273136139 )

SECTION II (General Knowledge)

Total MCQ's 20
1. Largest/Smallest River in Pakistan/World.
(Also, World Largest and Smallest Rivers, Largest and Smallest Seas Oceans and Bays)
2. Currencies and Capital
3. Events in Subcontinent.
4. Official languages of the countries.
(only one MCQ)
5. Geographical Direction/Position (i.e. which Country/ city or District are situated (North,
East, South and West one MCQ only).
6. Current Affairs (President/PM/Senate/Assembly/Ministers Names)
7. Islamiat (Related to Prophets Age, Ghazwat and Important main events of the Islam)
8. Desert/Island/Lake/Ocean/Sea in the world.
9. Valleys and River in Pakistan
10. Books and their authors (only one MCQ)
11. Shrines/tombs/grave location.
12. Landlocked countries.
13. Birth and death dates of great personality.
14. Abbreviations (General/Important Terms)

SECTION III (General Science)

Total MCQs=20
1. Universal/Planets Info
2. Units
3. Chemical symbol/formulas.
4. Human body facts/Temperatures etc.
5. True or False Statement (Reasoning related to Basics Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
6. Some Basic knowledge of Animals (i.e. General Animals Facts and Figers,2- 3 MCQ's)
7. Scientific Instruments (Not every year optional)
8. Invention/discoveries (Not every year optional)
9. Basic Computer (Not every year optional)
10. Measurements Units
11. Vitamins

SMART TESTING SERVICE WhatsApp Group: 03273136139 Composed By: Nawab Ramani

For Sindh University Preparation Join Our WhatsApp Group (Message me on WhatsApp 03273136139 )

SECTION IV (Simple Arithmetic)

Total MCQs= 20
1. Basic Arithmetic

All the Problems( Related to Speed, Measurement ,Time, Profits and Loss, Average ,Ratio
,Time Intervals etc.)

2. Irrational and Natural Numbers (Not every year optional)

3. Cos@ and Sin@ All Equations (Reasoning)

4. LCM and HCF Also Important.

5. Fractions (Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions)

6. Under root and square roots

7. Algebraic Equations (General Points)

8. Percentages very important.

9. Laws and Properties of Sets Intersections and Unions (Not Possible Every Year It is optional)

Total MCQs= 10
➢ words Series,
➢ Numbers Series,
➢ Diagrams and Pictures,
➢ Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning
➢ And Also Practice from past papers.
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➢ Online Mock Test
➢ Topics wise notes
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➢ Sindh University updates

SMART TESTING SERVICE WhatsApp Group: 03273136139 Composed By: Nawab Ramani

For Sindh University Preparation Join Our WhatsApp Group (Message me on WhatsApp 03273136139 )

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SMART TESTING SERVICE WhatsApp Group: 03273136139 Composed By: Nawab Ramani

For Sindh University Preparation Join Our WhatsApp Group (Message me on WhatsApp 03273136139 )

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