Noun (2019-2022) 20240321085958

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1. A large amount of money he invested spectacular cultural performings.
were wasted. (1) a grand opening
(1) A large amount (2) cultural performings.
(2) of money (3) with spectacular
(3) he invested (4) The Commonwealth Games had
(4) were wasted Held On: 15 Oct 2020 Shift 2
Exam Date:- 15, 16, & 18/11/2020 7. The park was well lighted at night but
2. The man played the flute and led all it was deserted, so it was a bit scared.
the mouse out of the town. (1) The park was well lighted
(1) all the mouse (2) but it was deserted
(2) the flute and led (3) at night
(3) out of the town (4) so it was a bit scared
(4) The man played Held On: 15 Oct 2020 Shift 3
Exam Date:- 15, 16, & 18/11/2020 8. They had to wait for the luggages to
3. He loses his tempers on the slightest be put into the cab before they
provocation. themselves got into it.
(1) He loses (1) before they themselves got into it
(2) provocation (2) They had to wait
(3) the slightest (3) for the luggages
(4) his tempers on (4) to be put into the cab
SSC MAINS 2019 CHSL-2019
Exam Date:- 15, 16, & 18/11/2020 Held On: 17 March 2020 Shift 1
4. His son-in-laws / have enhanced / 9. This furnitures has been taken on
his business / within a short period. hire for the function in the college.
(1) have enhanced (1) in the college
(2) his business (2) on hire for the function
(3) His son-in-laws (3) been taken
(4) within a short period (4) This furnitures has
CGL TIER-2, 2020 CHSL-2019
Exam Held on : 29th Jan. & 3rd Feb., 2022 Held On: 17 March 2020 Shift 2
5. The crowd of the migrant worker at 10. The publics are not satisfied with the
the station for the Shramik Special new act.
is unforgettable. (1) not satisfied
(1) at the station (2) The publics are
(2) of the migrant worker (3) new act
(4) with the

(3) The crowd

(4) is unforgettable Held On: 20 Oct 2020 Shift 1
CGL TIER-2, 2020
Exam Held on : 29th Jan. & 3rd Feb., 2022 11. All our / furnitures were / spoiled in
6. The Commonwealth Games had a the recent / rams and floods.
grand opening ceremony with (1) furnitures were


(2) rains and floods (1) suspect
(3) spoiled in the recent (2) and honesty
(4) All our (3) His loyalty
CHSL-2020 (4) are above
Held On: 4 Aug 2021 Shift 2 SSC CPO 2019 Tier II
12. Doctors say that home isolation is far Held On: 26 July 2021
more effective than hospitalise in 18. Last month, / we purchased /
cases of mild infection. electronic equipments from / a
(1) far more effective European country.
(2) than hospitalise (1) we purchased
(3) isolation is (2) a European country
(4) Doctors say that (3) electronic equipments from
CHSL-2020 (4) Last month
Held on: 9 Aug 2021 Shift 1 SSC GD Constable-2021
13. We’ve decided to spend our time play Exam Date: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2021
online games as we will not go out 19. When Nancy saw the mess / the
on a vacation this year. burglar was made, / she broke down
(1) not go out / in tears.
(2) play online games (1) she broke down
(3) to spend our time (2) the burglar was made
(3) we’ve decided (3) in tears
CHSL-2020 (4) When Nancy saw the mess
Held on: 9 Aug 2021 Shift 3 SSC GD Constable-2021
14. The prices of tomatoes has soared up Exam Date: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2021
to Rs. 65-70 per kg in many parts of 20. The examinations / will be pushed
the country back / so that candidates get
(1) in many parts of the country additional time / for prepare.
(2) soared up (1) The examinations
(3) The prices of tomatoes has (2) will be pushed back
(4) No error (3) for prepare
CPO-2019 (TIER-I) (4) so that candidates get additional
Held On: 9 Dec 2019 Shift 2
15. Anita enjoyed to swim in the sea. SSC GD Constable-2021
(1) No error Exam Date: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2021
(2) Anita enjoyed 21. We bought / good quality / furnitures
(3) to swim / for our new house.
(4) in the sea (1) for our new house
CPO-2019 (TIER-I) (2) furnitures
Held On: 11 Dec 2019 Shift 1
16. She speaks / very highly / of both (3) good quality
(4) We bought
her / daughter in-laws. SSC GD Constable-2021
(1) She speaks Exam Date: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2021
(2) daughter-in-laws 22. My visiting to my family are few and

(3) very highly far between. /No error

(4) of both her (1) No error
SSC CPO 2019 Tier II (2) few and far between
Held On: 26 July 2021
17. His loyalty / and honesty / are above (3) My visiting to
(4) my family are
/ suspect.
MTS 2019 fast that he soon had / enough
Exam Date: 02/08/2019– 22/08/2019
23. I have no inform about today’s money to buy a house.
meeting with the managing director. (1) No error
(2) grew so fast that he soon had
(1) with the
(3) enough money to buy a house
(2) about today’s meeting
(4) His successful as a lawyer
(3) no inform MTS 2021
(4) I have Exam Date: 05/07/2022 – 26/07/2022
MTS 2020 26. In many places, restoring mangrove
Exam Date: 11/10/2021 – 27/10/2021
24. Asking for and giving informations is forests can be an extreme effective
an important feature of conversations. strategy.
(1) feature of conversations (1) forests can be an
(2) is an important (2) No error
(3) Asking for and (3) In many places, restoring
(4) giving informations mangrove
MTS 2020 (4) extreme effective strategy
Exam Date: 11/10/2021 – 27/10/2021 MTS 2021
Exam Date: 05/07/2022 – 26/07/2022
25. His successful as a lawyer / grew so

Answer Key with Explanations

1. (4) Replace ‘were’ with ‘was’. 7. (4) Replace ‘scared’ with ‘scary’.
‘Money’ is an uncountable Noun, ‘Scary’ = Mjkouk]
Scared = Mjk gqvk
so it takes a singular verb. 8. (3) Replace ‘luggages’ with
2. (1) Replace ‘mouse’ with ‘mice’. ‘luggage’. There is no Plural
‘all the’ will take a plural noun word for ‘luggage’.
here. 9. (4) Replace ‘furnitures’ with
3. (4) Replace ‘tempers’ with ‘temper’. ‘furniture’. Furniture is used in
plural sense also.
‘Temper (a State of mind)’ is an
uncountable noun, hence it 10. (2) Replace ‘publics’ with ‘public’.
can’t be in plural form. Here ‘public’ is used in plural
sense. ‘Public’ can be used in
4. (3) Replace ‘son-in-laws’ with ‘sons-
both Singular or Plural sense.
11. (1) Replace ‘furnitures were’ with
In compound Nouns, we add ‘s/
‘furniture was’. Furniture
es’ to the main word to make a
(uncountable noun) can’t be in
correct plural form.
plural form, so ‘was’ is the
5. (2) Change ‘worker’ into ‘workers’. correct helping verb.
A ‘crowd’ is formed with many 12. (2) Replace ‘hospitalise’ with
people, hence to refer them ‘hospitalising’. We need a Noun
plural noun/pronoun is used.

6. (2) Replace ‘performing’ with 13. (2) Replace ‘play’ with ‘playing’. A
‘performance’. ‘Performance’ Gerund (verbs with ‘ing’) is
means ^ns[kus yk;d* is a correct required here.


14. (3) Replace ‘prices’ with ‘price’. We need a noun here.
Here only one item i.e ‘tomatoes’ 21. (2) Replace ‘Furnitures’ with
is mentioned. ‘Furniture’.
15. (3) Replace ‘to swim’ with Furniture is an uncountable
‘swimming’. We need Gerund noun so it take singular verb.
(V1 + ing) after ‘enjoy’. 22. (3) Replace ‘visiting’ with ‘visits’.
16. (2) Replace ‘daughter-in-laws’ with Visits (Noun form) is required.
‘daughters-in-law’. In
23. (3) Replace ‘inform’ with
hyphenated words (noun) ‘s/es’
‘information’. ‘No + Noun’ is
is added to the principle word to
correct formation.
make it plural.
24. (4) Replace ‘informations’ with
17. (1) Replace ‘suspect’ with
‘information’. ‘Informations’ is
‘suspicion’. We need a noun
an Uncountable Noun so it can’t
here to get a meaningful
take plural form.
sentence. ‘Above’ (a preposition)
is followed by a Noun/ Pronoun 25. (4) Replace ‘successful’ with
or Gerund. ‘success’.
18. (3) Replace ‘equipments’ with We need a Noun (success) after
‘equipment’. (equipment) is ‘his’. Successful is an adjective -
uncountable noun, So it can’t it means having achieved what
be in plural form. you wanted.
19. (2) Replace ‘Burglar’ with 26. (4) Replace ‘extremely’ with
‘Burglary’. ‘extreme’.
Verb ‘Burglary’ as a noun is We need a Noun (Extreme) after
required. article ‘an’.
20. (3) Replace ‘Prepare’ with


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