Human Behavior
Human Behavior
Human Behavior
3.) Super Ego – depends on the morals of the 2. Anal Stage (18 Months-3 Years)
society, resulted from incorporating within the
When parents decide to toilet train their
personality the moral standards and values of
children during anal stage, the children learn how
parents, community, and significant others, tells
much control they can exert over others with anal
what is right from wrong: “the Conscience”.
sphincter muscles. Children can have the
immediate pleasure of expelling feces, but that
Levels of Awareness (Topographical Model by
may cause their parents to punish them.
Sigmund Freud)
This represents the conflict between the
1. The Conscious Level - It consists of whatever
id, which derives pleasure from the expulsion of
sensations and experiences you are aware of at a
bodily wastes, and the super-ego which represents
given moment of time.
external pressure to control bodily functions. If the
2. The Preconscious Level - This domain is parents are too lenient in this conflict, it will result
sometimes called "available memory" that in the formation of an anal expulsive character of
encompasses all experiences that are not conscious the child who is disorganized, reckless and defiant.
at the moment but which can easily that arieved Conversely, a child may opt to retain feces, thereby
into awareness either spontaneously or with a spiting his parents, and may develop an anal
minimum of effort. Examples might include retentive character which is neat, stingy and
memories of everything you did last Saturday night, obstinate.
all the towns you ever lived in, your favorite books,
3. Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
or an argument you had with a friend yesterday.
Genitals become the primary source of
3. The Unconscious Level - It is the deepest and
pleasure. The child's erotic pleasure focuses on
major stratum of the human mind. It is the
masturbation, that is, on self-manipulation of the
storehouse for primitive instinctual drives plus
genitals. He develops a sexual- attraction to the
emotion and memories that are so threatening to
parent of the opposite sex; boys develop
unconscious desires for their mother and become 1. Eros - This is named after the Greek god for love,
rivals with their father for her affection. Eros includes the sex drives and drives such as
hunger and thirst.
This reminiscent with Little Hans' case study.
So, the boys develop a fear that their father will 2. Thanatos - This is named after Greek god for
punish them for these feelings (castration anxiety) death. This includes not only striving for death but
so decide to identify with him rather than fight also destructive motives such as hostility and
him. As a result, the boy develops masculine aggression. These drives highly influence the
characteristics and represses his sexual feelings personality of a person.
towards his mother. This is known as:
This refers to the start of puberty and 3. Cardinal Traits - These are personality traits that
genital stage: there is renewed interest in obtaining are so basic that all person's activities relate to it. It
sexual pleasure through the genitals. Masturbation is a powerful and dominating behavioral
often becomes frequent and leads to orgasm for predisposition that provides the pivotal point in a
the first time. Sexual and romantic interests in person's entire life. Allport said that only few
others also become a central motive. people have cardinal traits.
Interest now turns to heterosexual 4. Central Traits - These are the core traits that
relationships. The lesser fixation the child has in characterize an individual's personality. Central
earlier stages, the more chances of developing a traits are the major characteristics of our
"normal" personality, and thus develops healthy personalities that are quite generalized and
meaningful relationships with those of the opposite enduring. They form the building blocks of our
sex. personalities.
natured, warm, sympathetic, and cooperative. Abnormal Behavior – is something deviating from the
normal or differing from typical, is a subjectively defined
5. Openness to Experience - This factor contrasts behavioral characteristic, assigned to those with rare or
individuals who are imaginative, curious, broad- dysfunctional conditions. It may be abnormal when it is
minded, and cultured with those who are concrete- unusual, socially unacceptablem self-defeating,
minded and practical, and whose interests are dangerous, or suggestive of faulty interpretation of reality
or of personal distress.
withdrawn, quiet, and introspective. as deviant or abnormal when his or her behavior
is deemed unacceptable by the culture he or she
3. Emotionally Unstable - It is a trait that is being belongs to.
anxious. excitable, and easily disturbed. b. Distress – this term accounts for negative
feelings by the individual with the disorder. He or
Eysenck theorized that criminality and
she may feel deeply troubled and affected by
antisocial behavior are both positively and causally
related to high levels of psychoticism, extroversion their illness.
and neuroticism. [12.13.14] The theory says that in c. Dysfunction – this term involves maladaptive
extroverts, and possibly also in people high on the behavior that impairs the individual’s ability to
psychoticism scale, biologically determined low perform normal daily functions, such as getting
degrees of arousal and arousability lead to ready for work in the morning, or driving a car.
impulsive, risk-taking and sensation-seeking Such maladaptive behaviors prevent the
individual from living a normal, healthy lifestyle. process, in other words we do not really
However, dysfunctional behavior is not always think about it.
caused by a disorderl it may be voluntary, such 3. Medical/Biological
as engaging in a hunger strike. The medical model of psychopathology believes
d. Danger – this term involves dangerous or violent that disorders have an organic or physical
behavior directed at the individual, or others in cause. The focus of this approach is on
the environment. An example of dangerous genetics, neurotransmitters, neurophysiology,
behavior that may suggest a psychological neuroanatomy, biochemistry, etc. For example,
disorder is engaging in suicidal activity. in terms of biochemistry – dopamine are related
MODELS OF ABNORMALITY to symptoms of schizophrenia. The approach
1. Behavioral argues that mental disorders are related to the
Behaviorists believe that our actions are physical structure and functioning of the brain.
determined largely by the experiences we have 4. Psychodynamic
in life, rather than by underlying pathology of The main assumptions include Freud’s belief
unconscious forces. Abnormality is therefore that abnormality came from the psychological
seen as the development of behavior patterns causes rather than the physical causes that
that therefore seen as the development of unresolved conflicts between id, ego and
behavior patterns that are considered superego can all contribute to abnormality, for
maladaptive (i.e. harmful) for the individual. example:
Behaviorism states that all behavior (including o Weak Ego – well-adjusted people have
abnormal) are learned from the environment a strong ego that is able to cope with the
(nurture) and that all behavior learned can also demands of both the id and the
be “unlearned” (which is how abnormal behavior superego by allowing each to express
is treated). The emphasis of the behavioral itself at appropriate times. If, however,
approach is on the environment and how the ego is weakened, then either the id
abnormal behavior is acquired, through classical or the superego, whichever is stronger,
conditioning, operant conditioning and social may dominate the personality.
learning. o Unchecked Id Impulses – if id impulses
2. Cognitive are unchecked, they may be expressed
The cognitive approach assumes that a person’s in self-destructive and immoral behavior.
thoughts are responsible for their behavior. The This may lead to disorders such as
model deals with how information is processed conduct disorders in childhood and
in the brain and the impact of this on behavior. psychopathic behavior in adulthood.
The basic assumptions are: o Too Powerful Superego – is too
o Maladaptive behavior is caused by faulty powerful, and therefore too harsh and
and irrational cognitions. inflexible in its moral values, will restrict
o It is the way you think about a problem, the id to such an extent that the person
rather than the problem itself that will be deprived of even socially
causes mental disorders. acceptable pleasures. According to
o Individuals can overcome mental Freud, this would create neurosis which
disorders by learning to use more could be expressed in the symptoms of
appropriate cognitions. anxiety disorders such as phobias and
o The individual is an active processor of obssessions.
information. How a person perceives, IDENTIFICATION OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR
anticipates and evaluates events rather 1. Deviation from Statistical Norm
than the events themselves, which will Population facts are measured such as height,
have an impact on behavior. This weight and intelligence. Most of the people fall
generally believed to be an automatic within the middle range of intelligence, but a few
are abnormally stupid. But according to this o Suffering;
definition, a person who is extremely intelligent o Maladaptiveness (danger to self);
should be classified as abnormal. Examples are: o Vividness and unconventionality;
o Intelligence – it is statistically normal for o Unpredictability and loss of control;
a person to geth a score of about 145 on o Irrationality/Incomprehensibility;
an IQ test or to get a score below 55,
o Causes observer discomfort; and
but only the lowest score is considered
o Violates moral/social standards
6. Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
o Anxiety – a person who is anxious all
Under this defintion, rather than defining what is
the time or has a high level of anxiety
abnormal, we define what normal/ideal is and
and someone who almost never feels
anything that deviates from this is regarded as
anxiety are all considered abnormal.
abnormal. This requires us to decide on the
2. Deviation from Social Norm
characteristics we consider necessary to mental
Every culture has certain standards for
health. This six criteria by which mental health
acceptable behavior; behavior that deviates from
could be measured are as follows:
that standard is considered to be abnormal
o Positive view of the self;
behavior. But those standards can change with
o Capability for growth and development;
time and vary from one society to another.
o Autonomy and independence;
3. Maladaptive Behavior
o Accurate perception of reality;
The third criterion is how the behavior affects the
well-being of the individual and/or social group. o Positive friendships and relationships;
leaders are illustrations under this criterion. The the varying demands of day-to-day
two aspects of maladaptive behavior are: situations).
o Maladaptive to One’s Self – it refers to Symptoms of Abnormal behavior
the inability of a person to reach goals or 1. Long periods of Discomfort- This could be
to adapt the demands of life. anything as simples as worrying about a
o Maladaptive to Society – it refers to the calculus test or grieving the death of love
person’s obstruction or disruption to one. This distress is related to a real,
social group functioning. related, or threatened event and passes
4. Personal Distress with time. When such distressing feelings,
The fourth criterion considers abnormality in however, persist for an extended period of
terms of the individual’s subjective feelings,
time and seem to be related to events
personal distress, rather than his behavior. Most
surrounding the person, they would be
considered abnormal and could suggest a
people commonly diagnosed as “mentally ill” feel
psychological disorder.
miserable, anxious, depressed and may suffer
2. Impaired Functioning – Here, a distinction
from insomnia.
must be made between simply a passing
5. Failure to Function Adequately
period of inefficiency and prolonged
Under this defintion, a person is considered
inefficiency which seems unexplainable. For
abnormal if they are unable to cope with
instance, a very brilliant person consistently
demands of everyday life. They may be unable
fails in his classes or someone who
to perform the behaviors necessary for day-to-
constantly changes his jobs for no apparent
day living e.g. self-care, hold down a job, interact
meaningfully with others, make themselves
3. Bizarre behavior – Bizarre behavior that has
understood etc.
no rational basis seems to indicate that the
The following characteristics that define failure to
individual is confused. The psychoses
function adequately:
frequently result in hallucinations (baseless The discordant or disturbed family –
false yet held as true by the individual). Characterized by non-satisfaction of one or
4. Disruptive Behavior – Disruptive behavior both parent from the relationship that may
means impulsive, apparently uncontrollable express feeling of frustration. This is usually
behavior that disrupts the lives of other or due to value differences as common
deprives them of their human rights on a sources of conflict and dissatisfaction.
The disrupted family – Characterized by
regular basis. This type of behavior is
incompleteness whether as a result of
characteristic of a severe psychological
death, divorce, separation or some other
disorder. An example of this is the antisocial
personality disorder.
2. Childhood trauma – The experiences, which
CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR affect the feeling of security of a child undergoing
Actions that is prohibited by the state and developmental processes. The developmental
punishable by law. (legal) processes sometimes being blocked by parental
Action that may be rewarding to the actor deprivation as a consequence of parents or lack of
but inflicts pain or loss to others. That is inadequate maturing at home because of parental
why criminal behavior is an anti-social rejection, overprotection, restrictiveness, over
behavior. (moral) permissiveness, and faulty discipline.
The Criminal - Is any person who has been found Other Factors:
to have committed a wrongful act in a course of
judicial process. Mental Disorder - refers to the significant
impairment in psychological functioning.
BEHAVIOR Mental Disorder- also called a mental illness or
psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental
1. ENVIRONMENT - the surroundings that influence pattern that causes significant distress or
human actions. impairment of personal functioning.
2. LEARNING - education, experience or practice
3. HEREDITY – passing of traits from parents to
Another is the dilemma of the student who is a. Think and speak more slowly than normal.
offered a stolen copy of an important final exam. b. Have trouble concentrating, remembering, and
making decisions.
Cheating will bring guilt and reduced self-esteem,
c. Have changes in their eating and sleeping habits.
but also a good grade.
d. Lose interest in things they enjoyed before they
were depressed.
d. Multiple-Approach-Avoidance Conflict - This
e. Have feelings of guilt and hopelessness,
refers to conflict with complex combinations of
wondering if life is worth living.
approach and avoidance conflicts. It requires f. Think a lot about death or suicide.
individual to choose between alternatives that g. Complain about problems that don't have a
contain both positive and negative consequences. physical cause, such as headache and
Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict
Types of Exposure
a. Flashing - It is the display of bare breasts and/or d. Wet and Messy Fetish (WAM) - A form of sexual
buttocks by a woman with an up-and-down lifting fetishism that has a person getting aroused by
of the shirt and/or bra or a person exposing and/or substances applied on the body like mud, shaving
stroking his or her genitals. foam, custard pudding, chocolate sauce, etc. It
b. Mooning - It refers to the displaying of the bare could also involve wet clothes, or any combination
buttocks while bending down by the pulling-down of the above.
of trousers and underwear. This act is more often
done for the sake of humor and/or mockery than Gender Identity Disorder (Transsexualism)
for sexual excitement.
c. Anasyrma - It refers to the lifting up of the skirt Gender Identity Disorder or Gender
when not wearing underwear, to expose genitals. Dysphoria refers to a disturbance of gender
d. Martymachlia - Is a paraphilia which involves identification in which the affected person has an
sexual attraction to having others watch the overwhelming desire to change their anatomic sex
execution of a sexual act. or insists that they are of the opposite sex, with
persistent discomfort about their assigned sex or
2. Fetishism about filling its usual gender role; the disorder may
become apparent in childhood or not appear until
People with a fetish experience sexual urges and adolescence or adulthood. Individuals may attempt
behavior which are associated with non-living to live as members of the opposite sex and may
objects. For example, the object of the fetish could seek hormonal and surgical treatment to bring
be an article of female clothing, like female their anatomy into conformity with their belief.
underwear, Usually the fetish begins in
adolescence and tends to be quite chronic into Category of Sexual Abnormalities
adult life Sexual fetishism, first described as such by A. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Choice of Sexual
Sigmund Freud Partner:
b. Foot Fetishism - It is a pronounced fetishistic a. Overt - Persons who are conscious of their
sexual interest in human feet. It is also one of the homosexual cravings, and who make no attempts
most common fetishistic interests among humans to disguise their intention. They make advances
A foot fetishist can be sexually aroused by viewing, towards members of their own gender.
handling, licking, tickling, sniffing or kissing the feet b. Latent - Persons who may or may not be aware
and toes of another person, or by having another of the tendency in that direction but are inclined to
person doing the same to his/her own feet. repress the urge to give way to their homosexual
c. Tickling Fetishism - A sexual fetish related to 3. Infantosexual - This refers to a sexual desire
gaining a specific sexual thrill from either tickling a towards an immature person such as pedophilia.
sex partner or being subjected to tickling
themselves, usually to the point of helpless 4. Bestosexual - This refers to a sexual gratification
laughter. Often this involves some form of restraint towards animals. This is similar to bestiality and
to prevent escape and/or accidentally hurting the zoophilia.
5. Autosexual (Self Gratification or Masturbation) a. Sexual Anesthesia - This refers to the absence of
- It is a form of "self-abuse" or "solitary vice" sexual desire or arousal during sexual act in
carried without the cooperation of another person women.
or the induction of a state of erection of the genital b. Dyspareunia - It refers to the painful sexual act
organs and the achievement of orgasm by manual in women.
or mechanical stimulation. c. Vaginismus - It refers to the painful spasm of the
vagina during sexual act.
Types of Masturbation
C. Sexual Abnormalities as to Mode of Sexual
Expression or Sexual Satisfaction:
a. Conscious Type - The person deliberately
resorts to some mechanical means of producing 1. Oralism - This refers to the use of the mouth as a
sexual excitement with or without orgasm. In male, way of sexual gratification. This includes any of the
masturbation is made through: manual following:
manipulation to the point of emission, and a. Fellatio (Irrumation) - The female agent receives
ejaculation produced by rubbing his sex organ the penis of a man into her mouth and by friction
against some part of the female body without the with the lips and tongue coupled with the act
use of the hand (frottage). In female, masturbation sucking the sexual organ.
is made by manual manipulation of clitoris, and b. Cunnilingus - The sexual gratification is attained
by licking or sucking the external female genitalia.
introduction of penis-substitute.
c. Anilism (Anilingus) - It is a form of sexual
perversion wherein a person derives excitement by
b. Unconscious Type - The release of sexual tension
licking the anus of another person of either sex.
may come about via the mechanism of nocturnal
stimulation with or without emission, which may 2. Sado-masochism (Algolagnia) - This refers to a
also be as "masturbation equivalent". painful or cruel act as a factor for gratification. The
example of this is flagellation, it is a sexual
6. Gerontophilia - This refers to a sexual desire deviation associated specifically with the act of
with elder person. whipping or being whipped.
a. Sadism (Active Algolagnia) - This refers to a form
7. Necrophilia - This refers to a sexual perversion of sexual perversion in which the infliction of pain
characterized by erotic desire or actual sexual on another is necessary or sometimes the sole
intercourse with a corpse. factor in sexual enjoyment.
b. Masochism (Passive Algolagnia) - This refers to
the attainment of pain and humiliation from the
8. Incest- This refers to sexual relations between
opposite sex as the primary factor for sexual
persons who, by reason of blood relationship gratification.
cannot legally marry.
3. Fetishism - It is a form of sexual perversion
B. Sexual Abnormalities as to Instinctual Strength wherein the real or fantasized presence of an
of Sexual Urge: object or bodily part is necessary for sexual
stimulation and/or gratification.
1. Over Sex:
D. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Part of the
a. Satyriasis - This refers to an excessive sexual Body:
desire of men to intercourse. The person is called
Satyr. 1. Sodomy - This refers to a sexual act through
b. Nymphomania - This refers to the strong sexual anus of another human being.
feeling of women. The person is called Nymph but 2. Uranism - This refers to the attainment of sexual
is commonly called hot or fighter. gratification by fingering, fondling with the breast,
Both satyriasis and nymphomania are general licking parts of the body, etc.
expression of compulsive neurosis. 3. Frottage (Frotteurism) - It is a form of sexual
gratification characterized by the compulsive desire
2. Under Sex: of a person to rub his sex organ against some parts
of the body of another.
4. Partialism - It is a form of sexual deviation 3. Intersexuality - It is a genetic defect wherein an
wherein a person has special affinity to certain individual show intermingling, in varying degrees,
parts sof the female body. Sexual libido may of the characteristics of both sexes including
develop in the breast, buttock, foot, legs, etc. of physical form, reproductive organs and sexual
women. behavior.