Lockdown Contingency Plan Template

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:

Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:

Approved by: Policy #

The Lockdown Emergency Response Plan details the actions to be taken by staff to ensure the safety and security
of themselves, patients and visitors in the event of a lockdown. The Goal is to reduce or restrict the movement of
people within, or into a facility.

This Emergency Response Plan forms a general template, as a guide for each site to utilize. It is essential that the
Emergency Response Plan be site specific. Individual work sites may need to add (or delete) items that are
specific to their operation.1

[Organization name] is committed to preparing for all types of foreseeable emergencies.

 Lockdown: A state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure.


Compliance with this Emergency Response Plan is required by all [Organization Name] employees, students,
volunteers, and other persons acting on behalf of [Organization Name] (including contracted service providers
as necessary). This Emergency Response Plan does not limit any legal rights to which you may otherwise be



The Lockdown Emergency Response Plan can be initiated by any member of staff who becomes aware of
a potential threat or actual situation requiring immediate response by following the preceding algorithm.

Lockdown may be accomplished by various means, including but not limited to the following:
 Card access modifications / restrictions
 Manual key lock
 Staffing of access points
 Site perimeter control / restriction
 Temporary barricades
 Any combination of the above depending upon site resources, nature of the incident, and time of


For a facility impacted by a Lockdown incident, Site Administration or Designate is to:

 Assess for injuries and facility damage
 Implement subsequent emergency response plans as appropriate
 If the incident impacts residents, complete incident documentation and reporting
OHS Code Explanation Guide, published by Alberta Queen’s Printer for the Alberta Government
Section 31 of the Alberta OH&S Act states that:
31(1) a worker may refuse to work or to do particular work at a work site if the worker believes on
reasonable grounds that there is a dangerous condition at the work site or that the work constitutes a danger to
the worker’s health and safety or to the health and safety of another worker or another person.

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #

 In consideration of Staff impacted by the incident, ensure the following are completed:
o Notification of Incident
o Arrange for staff support as needed (e.g. Employee and Family Assistance Program [EFAP]),
in consultation with Site Leadership
 Complete incident documentation as follows:
o Reportable Incident Form (Seniors Health / Continuing Care sites).
o Urgent Notification of an Emerging Issue (all other sites).
o Other site or zone-specific documentation as appropriate.
 Report incident to relevant external organizations

Advice on document completion may be sought from Zone Emergency / Disaster Management staff or
from the Local Administrator On-Call (during evenings and weekends).


Cross Reference:
Violence/Aggression; Hostage; Missing Person; Shelter in Place/Air Exclusion; Evacuation and Active
Assailant Emergency Response Plans

Create Posters to indicate Lockdown in Progress and who to contact

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #

ERP Lockdown may be initiated in response to incidents originating within the facility,
or incidents occurring in the community that have the potential to affect the facility.


From Emergency Personnel
Staff Member Receiving

 Community-based Emergency Personnel (e.g.

Police, Fire Dept.) have contacted the facility to Notify your immediate Supervisor
advise of an incident occurring in the community / Person In Charge
recommending / requesting Lockdown of the site Administration / Administrator

On-Call (Site Specific)

 An Emergency Response Code has been activated
requiring restricted access / Lockdown of the Activate ALGORITHM 1: SITE
Staff Member Upon Discovering an

An incident has occurred that requires the internal

Lockdown of a Unit / Department / or the entire If the incident requires restricting
facility. access or movement within the
If the incident is in response to an Emergency, refer to  Notify your immediate
the specific actions within the individual Response Supervisor / Person In

Plan: Charge / Site

 Violence/Aggression ERP Administration /
Administrator On-Call (Site
 Hostage - ERP
 Active Assailant - ERP
 Initiate Unit / Department
 Missing Person - ERP
Lockdown procedures
 Suspicious Item - ERP
 Shelter in Place – ERP Activate ALGORITHM 2: SITE

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


If advised of an incident where there is a recommendation to / request for / or requirement to

restrict access / Shelter in Place / Lockdown of the facility received from Emergency Personnel
(e. g. Police, Fire Dept.):
 Ensure notification of Site Administration / Administrator On-Call (Site Specific)
Supervisors / Person In Charge

If the incident involves Sheltering in Place for an air quality concern:

 See Shleter in Place (Code Grey if applicable for your site) Response Plan

Upon receiving notification of a Site Access Lockdown, in consultation with Site Administration /
Administrator On-Call:
 Direct staff to advise patients and visitors to remain inside the building until advised that is
safe to go outside
 Identify staff to assist with Lockdown if requested
 Remain engaged with Site Administration / Administrator On-Call for updates on the
situation, and whether further actions might be required

When the “All Clear” is received, advise staff, patients, and visitors that the situation has been

Upon receiving notification of a Site Access Lockdown:

 If away from you work area, return to assist other staff, if it is safe to do so
 Advise patients and visitors to remain inside the building until advised that it is safe to go
outside, reassuring them of the situation* (see suggested script, below)
 Show a calm and reassuring manner
 Stay away from exterior facing windows and external doors
Staff On-Duty

 Do not phone Switchboard (updates will be provided)

 Remain engaged with your Supervisor / Designate for updates on the situation, and
whether further actions might be required
 Report any violations of Lockdown procedures to your Supervisor and Protective Services

When the “All Clear” is received, advise patients and visitors that the situation has been

*Script for Patients / Visitors: “For your safety, we have been advised to keep everyone inside
the building until further notice. We are continuing to provide services as usual. Your safety is
our top priority and we will advise you immediately if there are further actions we need to take.”

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


If the incident is related to an  Determine the need to establish a Site Command

Emergency Response Code, follow the Post to coordinate actions and communications to
actions outlined in that Plan i.e. Code staff / site
Code Grey  Ensure notification to the Continuing Care
Manager On –Call (Insert Zone Specific
Otherwise, dependent upon the nature Contact)
of the incident, initial engagement  Begin to plan for future staffing needs, if staff on-
should include: duty cannot leave and replacement staff cannot
 Consult with External Emergency report for duty
Personnel, Facilities, Police or Fire
Department (if engaged) to
determine actions, based on risk
(Site Specific) considering:
o Measures to address access
Site Specific Leadership Role

into the site In consultation with engaged parties determine when

o Should recommended the event has concluded:
Site Administration /

measures include taking  Advise Switchboard / Designate to announce

actions to restrict or prevent “Lockdown Procedures, All Clear” (three
access into the site, contact times)
the  Site specific variations to overhead
o Issues to be addressed may announcements and internal activations
include direction to be given to
arriving staff, also persons
arriving from the community
seeking shelter or care.
o Preparation for potential
Evacuation (Code Green if Ensure completion of incident documentation,
applicable at your site) including Site-Specific Reportable Incident Form
 Announce “Initiate Site Access
Lockdown Procedures” (Site

* Site Access Lockdown may be initiated by the (Insert Site Specific Leadership Role) if a site is in a
time sensitive situation where a Site Access Lockdown needs to be activated. (Insert Site Specific
Leadership Role)l is to continue to attempt to speak with the Manager

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


*If Switchboard / Designate is not on-site, these duties are to be reassigned (Site Specific)
Switchboard / Designate*

Upon receiving notification of Lockdown,

advise all staff:
 “Initiate Site Access Lockdown” When directed by Site Admin / Admin On-
(three times) Call, announce:
 Site specific variations to overhead  “Lockdown Procedures, All Clear”
announcements and internal activations (three times)
(Site Specific)  Site specific variations to overhead
 Provide updates as directed by Site announcements and internal activations
Admin / Admin On-Call

Upon receiving notification of a Site Access Lockdown, in consultation with Site Administration
/ Administrator On-Call:
Supervisor / Person In Charge

 Respond to, and assist in securing, access points leading into the facility, as required.
 Enable / Disable card access points of control as required
 Assist Emergency Responders (e.g. Police, Fire Department), as requested.
 Assist with the movement of patients, visitors and staff from outside of the facility / into
the facility, as required.
 Post signage on the exterior access points indicating that a lockdown is in effect, as time
and resources permit (see APPENDIX 1).
Consult with Site Administration or Administrator On-Call to determine when the incident is

If specifically instructed by Site Administration / Administrator On-Call: post available staff

at building access locations to restrict or prevent access into the site, direct arriving staff,
patients and others as instructed by the Site Administration / Administrator On-Call.

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


If the incident requires the activation of an Emergency Response Code or Plan:

 See the relevant Response Plan activation, ensuring notification of Site Administration /
Administrator On-Call (Site Specific)

If the incident requires a Lockdown of your specific Unit / Department:

Supervisor / Person In Charge

 Assist and direct staff to move those near the threat, to a safe area, if it is safe for staff to do
 Once in a safe area, direct staff to advise patients and visitors to remain where they are until
advised otherwise
 Notify Switchboard / Designate to announce “Initiate Lockdown / specific Location ” (to be
announced three times)
 Notify Site Administration / Administrator On-Call (Site Specific)
 Continue to assess the situation, as to the possible escalation of the incident beyond the initial
Unit / Department, and determine whether further response is required

If the incident does not directly impact your Unit / Department, in consultation with Site
Administration / Administrator On-Call:
 Direct staff to advise patients and visitors to remain where they are until advised otherwise
 Identify staff to assist with Lockdown if requested
 Remain engaged with Site Administration / Administrator On-Call for updates on the situation,
and whether further actions might be required
When the “All Clear” is received, advise staff, patients, and others the situation has been resolved

Upon receiving notification of an Internal Lockdown involving your work area:

 If away from your work area, DO NOT RETURN to your work area, unless it is safe for you to
do so
 If unable to return to your work area, report to a specified alternate location (Site Specific)
 If already in your work area, upon receiving notification of an incident involving your work
 Ensure your own safety
 If appropriate, confer with your Supervisor / Designate in your work area to determine the
nature of the threat
Staff Members of

 Secure, your work area as best you can, and if it is safe to do so

Affected Area

 Move patients and visitors to an area that can be secured, away from the threat or area
 Advise patients and visitors to remain where they are until advised otherwise, reassuring them
of the situation* (see suggested script, below)
 Show a calm and reassuring manner
 Do not allow entry to unauthorized persons
 Stay away from windows and doors
 Do not phone Switchboard (updates will be provided)
 Identify staff to assist with Lockdown if requested

*Script for Patients / Visitors: “For your safety, we have been advised of an incident. We are
asking that you remain where you are, until further notice. We are continuing to provide services as
usual. Your safety is our top priority and we will advise you immediately if there are further actions
we need to take.”

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


If the Lockdown is specific to one Unit / Department:

 If away from your work area, return to assist other staff, if it is safe to do so
 Advise patients and others to remain where they are until advised otherwise, reassuring them
of the situation* (see suggested script, below)
 Show a calm and reassuring manner
All Other Staff On-Duty

 Stay away from the Unit / Department identified in the notification, unless assigned to assist
 Do not phone Switchboard (updates will be provided)
 Remain engaged with your Supervisor / Designate for updates on the situation, and whether
further actions might be required

If the Lockdown involves more than one Unit / Department or involves the entire facility, refer to
actions of Staff Members of Affected Area, (see algorithm above)

When the “All Clear” is received, advise patients and others the situation has been resolved

*Script for Patients / Visitors: “For your safety, we have been advised of an incident. We are
asking that you remain where you are, until further notice. We are continuing to provide services as
usual. Your safety is our top priority and we will advise you immediately if there are further actions
we need to take.”

*If Switchboard / Designate is not on-site, these duties are to be reassigned (Site Specific)

Upon receiving notification of Internal Lockdown

involving a specific Unit / Department or involving an
Switchboard / Designate*

Internal Lockdown of the entire facility, clarify the

areas involved in the Lockdown with the caller.
When directed by Site Admin / Admin
On-Call, announce:
Once the scope of the Lockdown is clarified, advise
all staff with the appropriate notification:  “Lockdown Procedures, All
Clear” (three times)
 “Initiate Lockdown / specific Location ”
Or  Site specific variations to
overhead announcements and
 “Initiate Site Internal Lockdown” (three times)
internal activations (Site
 Site specific variations to overhead
announcements and internal activations (Site
 Provide updates as directed by Site Admin /
Admin On-Call

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Section: Health and Safety Date of Issue:
Title: Lockdown Emergency Response Plan Revised Date:
Approved by: Policy #


Upon receiving notification of a specifically located internal Lockdown, or a full Site Internal
Supervisor / Person In Charge

Lockdown, in consultation with Site Administration / Administrator On-Call:

 Respond to, and assist in securing, access points leading into the facility, as required.
 Enable / Disable card access points of control as required
 Assist Emergency Responders (e.g. Police, Fire Department), as requested.
 Assist with the movement of patients, visitors and staff to safe locations, as required.
 Post signage on the interior access points indicating that a lockdown is in effect, as time and
resources permit (see APPENDIX 1 and/or APPENDIX 2).
 Consult with Site Admin / Admin On-Call to determine when the incident is resolved.
If specifically instructed by Site Administration / Administrator On-Call: post available staff at
building access locations to restrict or prevent access into the site, direct arriving staff and others as
instructed by the Site Administration / Administrator On-Call.

If the incident is related to an

Emergency Response Code, follow
the actions outlined in that Plan
 Notify Switchboard / Designate to announce
“Initiate Site Internal Lockdown Procedures”
Otherwise, dependent on the events:
(Site Specific)
 Consult with External Emergency
 Establish a Site Command Post to coordinate
Personnel, Facilities), Police or
actions and communications to staff / site
Fire Dept. (if engaged) to
 Ensure notification Ensure notification to
determine actions, based on risk
Continuing Care Manager On –Call (Insert Zone
(Site Specific):
Specific Contact)
Site-Specific Leadership Role

 Measures to address internal

 Plan for future staffing needs, if staff on-duty
movement of persons or access
cannot leave and replacement staff cannot report
Site Administration /

into the site

 Should measures include taking
actions to restrict or prevent
access into the site, Zone Senior
Leader is also to be consulted.
Issues to be addressed may In consultation with engaged parties determine when
include direction to be given to the event is resolved:
arriving staff, also persons  Advise Switchboard / Designate to announce
seeking shelter or care. “Lockdown Procedures, All Clear”
o Preparations for potential  Site specific variations to overhead
Evacuation (Code Green if announcements and internal activations (Site
applicable at your site) Specific)

Ensure completion of incident documentation, including

Alberta Health Reportable Incident Form and the
scheduling of an incident debriefing

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