Imteaj 2016
Imteaj 2016
Imteaj 2016
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Imteaj on 26 September 2017.
(a) (b)
Select a hospital Fig. 3: Displaying details information with number of available cabins of a
No Have
Yes Update
No Save
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) User input form for transaction (b) Displaying details information
Yes of a payee to authority
Transaction info.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5: (a) Choice options (b) List of hospitals according to quality (c) List of
hospitals according to cost
Submit all
In this application there is a unique feature called hospital
suggestion. Here a comprehensive suggestion of hospitals can
No be obtained. It presents two categories of suggestion to the
Valid user. First is quality based, and second is cost based. The first
Input? option sorts the hospitals by the facilities they provide for
example, the number of full time doctors, number of specialist
doctors, number of operation theaters, number of cabins and
user rating from online sites, such as In case of
Fig. 2: Logic diagram of online cabin booking system
cost based suggestion, the application sorts the hospital based There is an option for the users to save their prescriptions
on their cabin fee per day. This is demonstrated in Fig 5. provided by doctors. They can save in text format or can take
photo and save them. This will help people keep record of
To help find hospital location, the app provides an option their past illness and medication. Besides, it will prevent the
for getting hospital location. Users can easily find location of prescription from being lost. (Fig. 7, 8).
hospital with a single tap. The system will open up the google
map application and mark the hospital’s location. (Fig. 6). In case of emergency when an ambulance or doctor is not
at hand, this application can help by providing quick links for
calling a doctor or an ambulance. There is an option for
emergency calling in this app which takes just a tap to make a
call to the desires service as shown in Fig. 9.
Moreover, using this application a user can find his body
mass index (BMI) which is an indicator for obesity which is
shown in (Fig. 10).
(a) (b)
Fig. 7: (a) Details of a doctor and (b) setting an appointment Fig. 9: Emergency calling section
After implementing the application, we did a survey of 150
A. Experimental Data different level of users to attain their opinion in online and
We have collected data from ten renowned hospitals of offline. We asked them several questions about problems they
Chittagong city. To provide the user about the correct are facing and possible best solution according to their
information of those hospitals, we went there and retrieve opinion. We recorded each of the answers, analyzed them and
different information for the benefit of the users. We asked proclaimed our desired result. The list of questions is accorded
them about the information by which user can make a decision in table 2 and user response is graphically shown in Fig. 11.
before choosing a hospital. That means, the application
contains the data by which user can understand whether a Question 1: Do you think the problems would be diminished
hospital cabin is available or it is according to his budget, through the application?
class, etc. or not. Using the information, we have given the Question 2: Do you wish to have online cabin booking and
user intelligent suggestion based on- quality and cost. We payment system?
have considered the following criteria as input: Name of the Question 3: What do you think about the usefulness of the
hospital, Total cabin, bKash number, Unique password, application?
Number of doctor, Number of specialist doctor, Operation TABLE II. A LIST OF SURVEY QUESTIONS WITH OPTIONS
theater, Cabin fee per day and Location.
Questions Options
B. Measurement of Quality
We have rated each input out of 10 except map rating Emergency Lack of Unawareness Forget to
Situation but knowledge about health take
point. The Google map rating is rated out of 5. If the number
Question 1 no Available about related issues medicine
of cabin, doctor and specialist doctor of a hospital is 100 or cabin(a) hospitals (b) (c) (d)
above, then they rated as 10 out of 10 in the input of their
individual plot. We have used the following approach to
68% 12% 3% 17%
generate the total rating point of different hospitals. Percentage
of total
If No. of cabin, Doctor, specialist doctor >= 100
Then point = 10;
Else point= No. of cabin, doctor, specialist doctor/ 10;
If OT >= 10 then point (OT) =10;
Else point (OT) = OT;
Total point= Point (Cabin) + Point (No. of Doctor) + Point
Question 2 Yes (a) No (b) May be (c) Not sure
(Specialist Doctor) + Point (OT) + Map Rating Point (d)
80 a quick and effective way to reach the solution with the help
of this app. In future, we hope to work extensively on this to
develop it to a new level for the betterment of people,
60 especially the poor. We are also looking forward to use
50 artificial intelligence in helping people detecting disease based
Question (a) on symptoms. This way, it is hoped that mobile based health
Question (b) care system will be a useful part and parcel of everyday life.
Question (c)
[1] bKash- a BRAC BANK company
0 []
Option (a) Option(b) Option (c) Option (d) [2] A.Carpio, J. Kim, R. Hoda, “MedTouch: Towards the Development of
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Very Useful
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20 Based Telehealthcare System with Mobile Application and Data
Analysis for Diet People,” in Proceedings of 15th International
Not sure 0 Helpful
Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, 2013.
[6] H.Jiang, W. Xu, “How to find your appropriate doctor,” in Proceedings
of Computational Intelligence in Healthcare and e-health (CICARE), pp.
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[7] K. Hung, Y.T. Zhang, “Implementation of a WAP-Based Telemedicine
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of user “Careggi Smart Hospital: a mobile app for patients, citizens and
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Fig. 12. User opinions about our system
[9] R.A.Nimbalkar, R.A. Fadnavis, “Domain Specific Search Of Nearest
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V. CONCLUSION Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences
In this age of science and technology people are getting (RACECS), pp. 1-5, 06-08 March,2014.
easier and convenient ways to solve their everyday problems. [10] B. Priya, S. Rajendran, R. Bala and Gobbi. R, “Remote Wireless Health
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Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications
researchers, and they are developing a helpful system to save (CITISIA), 2009.
life and care for life. This paper demonstrates a mobile [11] B.Sekar, J. B. Liu, “Location Based Mobile Apps Development On
application based health care tool that can be a friend like Android Platform,” in Proceedings of 9th Conference on Industrial
company for the masses. Using the app they can find many Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2014.
conveniences that can change the way people react in [12] C.Song, W.WU, “Petri Net Modeling of Information Flow in the Online
emergency situations. Instead of being panic, people may find Train Ticket Booking System,” in Proceeding of International
Conference on Automation and Logistics, China, August 2012.