Sop Fumigation in Sterile Area
Sop Fumigation in Sterile Area
Sop Fumigation in Sterile Area
The SOP describes the procedure for fumigation in aseptic area.
Production Officer / Executive shall be responsible for follow the procedure
mentioned in this SOP.
Production Head and QA head shall be accountable for compliance of SOP.
QA: Quality Assurance
PD: Production Department
Check that no activity is taking place in aseptic area.
Put the status label “Area under fumigation” at the entry door to aseptic area.
Remove any semi finished or finished material from the area.
Clean the area as per SOP on cleaning and sanitization of aseptic area.
Switch off the all the AHU’s before fumigation.
Close all the fresh air supply and exhaust dampers and ensure that relative
humidity is between 40 to 50 % before fumigation.
Fumigation operation.